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/libraries/vendor/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/DataFormatter/ -> DebugBarVarDumper.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  namespace DebugBar\DataFormatter;
   5  use DebugBar\DataCollector\AssetProvider;
   6  use DebugBar\DataFormatter\VarDumper\DebugBarHtmlDumper;
   7  use DebugBar\DataFormatter\VarDumper\SeekingData;
   8  use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\Data;
   9  use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\VarCloner;
  11  /**
  12   * Clones and renders variables in HTML format using the Symfony VarDumper component.
  13   *
  14   * Cloning is decoupled from rendering, so that dumper users can have the fastest possible cloning
  15   * performance, while delaying rendering until it is actually needed.
  16   */
  17  class DebugBarVarDumper implements AssetProvider
  18  {
  19      protected static $defaultClonerOptions = array();
  21      protected static $defaultDumperOptions = array(
  22          'expanded_depth' => 0,
  23          'styles' => array(
  24              // NOTE:  'default' CSS is also specified in debugbar.css
  25              'default' => 'word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap; word-break: normal',
  26              'num' => 'font-weight:bold; color:#1299DA',
  27              'const' => 'font-weight:bold',
  28              'str' => 'font-weight:bold; color:#3A9B26',
  29              'note' => 'color:#1299DA',
  30              'ref' => 'color:#7B7B7B',
  31              'public' => 'color:#000000',
  32              'protected' => 'color:#000000',
  33              'private' => 'color:#000000',
  34              'meta' => 'color:#B729D9',
  35              'key' => 'color:#3A9B26',
  36              'index' => 'color:#1299DA',
  37              'ellipsis' => 'color:#A0A000',
  38          ),
  39      );
  41      protected $clonerOptions;
  43      protected $dumperOptions;
  45      /** @var VarCloner */
  46      protected $cloner;
  48      /** @var DebugBarHtmlDumper */
  49      protected $dumper;
  51      /**
  52       * Gets the VarCloner instance with configuration options set.
  53       *
  54       * @return VarCloner
  55       */
  56      protected function getCloner()
  57      {
  58          if (!$this->cloner) {
  59              $clonerOptions = $this->getClonerOptions();
  60              if (isset($clonerOptions['casters'])) {
  61                  $this->cloner = new VarCloner($clonerOptions['casters']);
  62              } else {
  63                  $this->cloner = new VarCloner();
  64              }
  65              if (isset($clonerOptions['additional_casters'])) {
  66                  $this->cloner->addCasters($clonerOptions['additional_casters']);
  67              }
  68              if (isset($clonerOptions['max_items'])) {
  69                  $this->cloner->setMaxItems($clonerOptions['max_items']);
  70              }
  71              if (isset($clonerOptions['max_string'])) {
  72                  $this->cloner->setMaxString($clonerOptions['max_string']);
  73              }
  74              // setMinDepth was added to Symfony 3.4:
  75              if (isset($clonerOptions['min_depth']) && method_exists($this->cloner, 'setMinDepth')) {
  76                  $this->cloner->setMinDepth($clonerOptions['min_depth']);
  77              }
  78          }
  79          return $this->cloner;
  80      }
  82      /**
  83       * Gets the DebugBarHtmlDumper instance with configuration options set.
  84       *
  85       * @return DebugBarHtmlDumper
  86       */
  87      protected function getDumper()
  88      {
  89          if (!$this->dumper) {
  90              $this->dumper = new DebugBarHtmlDumper();
  91              $dumperOptions = $this->getDumperOptions();
  92              if (isset($dumperOptions['styles'])) {
  93                  $this->dumper->setStyles($dumperOptions['styles']);
  94              }
  95          }
  96          return $this->dumper;
  97      }
  99      /**
 100       * Gets the array of non-default VarCloner configuration options.
 101       *
 102       * @return array
 103       */
 104      public function getClonerOptions()
 105      {
 106          if ($this->clonerOptions === null) {
 107              $this->clonerOptions = self::$defaultClonerOptions;
 108          }
 109          return $this->clonerOptions;
 110      }
 112      /**
 113       * Merges an array of non-default VarCloner configuration options with the existing non-default
 114       * options.
 115       *
 116       * Configuration options are:
 117       *  - casters: a map of VarDumper Caster objects to use instead of the default casters.
 118       *  - additional_casters: a map of VarDumper Caster objects to use in addition to the default
 119       *    casters.
 120       *  - max_items: maximum number of items to clone beyond the minimum depth.
 121       *  - max_string: maximum string size
 122       *  - min_depth: minimum tree depth to clone before counting items against the max_items limit.
 123       *    (Requires Symfony 3.4; ignored on older versions.)
 124       *
 125       * @param array $options
 126       */
 127      public function mergeClonerOptions($options)
 128      {
 129          $this->clonerOptions = $options + $this->getClonerOptions();
 130          $this->cloner = null;
 131      }
 133      /**
 134       * Resets the array of non-default VarCloner configuration options without retaining any of the
 135       * existing non-default options.
 136       *
 137       * Configuration options are:
 138       *  - casters: a map of VarDumper Caster objects to use instead of the default casters.
 139       *  - additional_casters: a map of VarDumper Caster objects to use in addition to the default
 140       *    casters.
 141       *  - max_items: maximum number of items to clone beyond the minimum depth.
 142       *  - max_string: maximum string size
 143       *  - min_depth: minimum tree depth to clone before counting items against the max_items limit.
 144       *    (Requires Symfony 3.4; ignored on older versions.)
 145       *
 146       * @param array $options
 147       */
 148      public function resetClonerOptions($options = null)
 149      {
 150          $this->clonerOptions = ($options ?: array()) + self::$defaultClonerOptions;
 151          $this->cloner = null;
 152      }
 154      /**
 155       * Gets the array of non-default HtmlDumper configuration options.
 156       *
 157       * @return array
 158       */
 159      public function getDumperOptions()
 160      {
 161          if ($this->dumperOptions === null) {
 162              $this->dumperOptions = self::$defaultDumperOptions;
 163          }
 164          return $this->dumperOptions;
 165      }
 167      /**
 168       * Merges an array of non-default HtmlDumper configuration options with the existing non-default
 169       * options.
 170       *
 171       * Configuration options are:
 172       *  - styles: a map of CSS styles to include in the assets, as documented in
 173       *    HtmlDumper::setStyles.
 174       *  - expanded_depth: the tree depth to initially expand.
 175       *    (Requires Symfony 3.2; ignored on older versions.)
 176       *  - max_string: maximum string size.
 177       *    (Requires Symfony 3.2; ignored on older versions.)
 178       *  - file_link_format: link format for files; %f expanded to file and %l expanded to line
 179       *    (Requires Symfony 3.2; ignored on older versions.)
 180       *
 181       * @param array $options
 182       */
 183      public function mergeDumperOptions($options)
 184      {
 185          $this->dumperOptions = $options + $this->getDumperOptions();
 186          $this->dumper = null;
 187      }
 189      /**
 190       * Resets the array of non-default HtmlDumper configuration options without retaining any of the
 191       * existing non-default options.
 192       *
 193       * Configuration options are:
 194       *  - styles: a map of CSS styles to include in the assets, as documented in
 195       *    HtmlDumper::setStyles.
 196       *  - expanded_depth: the tree depth to initially expand.
 197       *    (Requires Symfony 3.2; ignored on older versions.)
 198       *  - max_string: maximum string size.
 199       *    (Requires Symfony 3.2; ignored on older versions.)
 200       *  - file_link_format: link format for files; %f expanded to file and %l expanded to line
 201       *    (Requires Symfony 3.2; ignored on older versions.)
 202       *
 203       * @param array $options
 204       */
 205      public function resetDumperOptions($options = null)
 206      {
 207          $this->dumperOptions = ($options ?: array()) + self::$defaultDumperOptions;
 208          $this->dumper = null;
 209      }
 211      /**
 212       * Captures the data from a variable and serializes it for later rendering.
 213       *
 214       * @param mixed $data The variable to capture.
 215       * @return string Serialized variable data.
 216       */
 217      public function captureVar($data)
 218      {
 219          return serialize($this->getCloner()->cloneVar($data));
 220      }
 222      /**
 223       * Gets the display options for the HTML dumper.
 224       *
 225       * @return array
 226       */
 227      protected function getDisplayOptions()
 228      {
 229          $displayOptions = array();
 230          $dumperOptions = $this->getDumperOptions();
 231          // Only used by Symfony 3.2 and newer:
 232          if (isset($dumperOptions['expanded_depth'])) {
 233              $displayOptions['maxDepth'] = $dumperOptions['expanded_depth'];
 234          }
 235          // Only used by Symfony 3.2 and newer:
 236          if (isset($dumperOptions['max_string'])) {
 237              $displayOptions['maxStringLength'] = $dumperOptions['max_string'];
 238          }
 239          // Only used by Symfony 3.2 and newer:
 240          if (isset($dumperOptions['file_link_format'])) {
 241              $displayOptions['fileLinkFormat'] = $dumperOptions['file_link_format'];
 242          }
 243          return $displayOptions;
 244      }
 246      /**
 247       * Renders previously-captured data from captureVar to HTML and returns it as a string.
 248       *
 249       * @param string $capturedData Captured data from captureVar.
 250       * @param array $seekPath Pass an array of keys to traverse if you only want to render a subset
 251       *                        of the data.
 252       * @return string HTML rendering of the variable.
 253       */
 254      public function renderCapturedVar($capturedData, $seekPath = array())
 255      {
 256          $data = unserialize($capturedData);
 257          // The seek method was added in Symfony 3.2; emulate the behavior via SeekingData for older
 258          // Symfony versions.
 259          if (!method_exists($data, 'seek')) {
 260              $data = new SeekingData($data->getRawData());
 261          }
 263          foreach ($seekPath as $key) {
 264              $data = $data->seek($key);
 265          }
 267          return $this->dump($data);
 268      }
 270      /**
 271       * Captures and renders the data from a variable to HTML and returns it as a string.
 272       *
 273       * @param mixed $data The variable to capture and render.
 274       * @return string HTML rendering of the variable.
 275       */
 276      public function renderVar($data)
 277      {
 278          return $this->dump($this->getCloner()->cloneVar($data));
 279      }
 281      /**
 282       * Returns assets required for rendering variables.
 283       *
 284       * @return array
 285       */
 286      public function getAssets() {
 287          $dumper = $this->getDumper();
 288          $dumper->resetDumpHeader(); // this will cause the default dump header to regenerate
 289          return array(
 290              'inline_head' => array(
 291                  'html_var_dumper' => $dumper->getDumpHeaderByDebugBar(),
 292              ),
 293          );
 294      }
 296      /**
 297       * Helper function to dump a Data object to HTML.
 298       *
 299       * @param Data $data
 300       * @return string
 301       */
 302      protected function dump(Data $data)
 303      {
 304          $dumper = $this->getDumper();
 305          $output = fopen('php://memory', 'r+b');
 306          $dumper->setOutput($output);
 307          $dumper->setDumpHeader(''); // we don't actually want a dump header
 308          // NOTE:  Symfony 3.2 added the third $extraDisplayOptions parameter.  Older versions will
 309          // safely ignore it.
 310          $dumper->dump($data, null, $this->getDisplayOptions());
 311          $result = stream_get_contents($output, -1, 0);
 312          fclose($output);
 313          return $result;
 314      }
 315  }

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