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/libraries/vendor/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/DataFormatter/ -> DebugBarVarDumper.php (summary)

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DebugBarVarDumper:: (14 methods):

Class: DebugBarVarDumper  - X-Ref

Clones and renders variables in HTML format using the Symfony VarDumper component.

Cloning is decoupled from rendering, so that dumper users can have the fastest possible cloning
performance, while delaying rendering until it is actually needed.
getCloner()   X-Ref
Gets the VarCloner instance with configuration options set.

return: VarCloner

getDumper()   X-Ref
Gets the DebugBarHtmlDumper instance with configuration options set.

return: DebugBarHtmlDumper

getClonerOptions()   X-Ref
Gets the array of non-default VarCloner configuration options.

return: array

mergeClonerOptions($options)   X-Ref
Merges an array of non-default VarCloner configuration options with the existing non-default

Configuration options are:
- casters: a map of VarDumper Caster objects to use instead of the default casters.
- additional_casters: a map of VarDumper Caster objects to use in addition to the default
- max_items: maximum number of items to clone beyond the minimum depth.
- max_string: maximum string size
- min_depth: minimum tree depth to clone before counting items against the max_items limit.
(Requires Symfony 3.4; ignored on older versions.)

param: array $options

resetClonerOptions($options = null)   X-Ref
Resets the array of non-default VarCloner configuration options without retaining any of the
existing non-default options.

Configuration options are:
- casters: a map of VarDumper Caster objects to use instead of the default casters.
- additional_casters: a map of VarDumper Caster objects to use in addition to the default
- max_items: maximum number of items to clone beyond the minimum depth.
- max_string: maximum string size
- min_depth: minimum tree depth to clone before counting items against the max_items limit.
(Requires Symfony 3.4; ignored on older versions.)

param: array $options

getDumperOptions()   X-Ref
Gets the array of non-default HtmlDumper configuration options.

return: array

mergeDumperOptions($options)   X-Ref
Merges an array of non-default HtmlDumper configuration options with the existing non-default

Configuration options are:
- styles: a map of CSS styles to include in the assets, as documented in
- expanded_depth: the tree depth to initially expand.
(Requires Symfony 3.2; ignored on older versions.)
- max_string: maximum string size.
(Requires Symfony 3.2; ignored on older versions.)
- file_link_format: link format for files; %f expanded to file and %l expanded to line
(Requires Symfony 3.2; ignored on older versions.)

param: array $options

resetDumperOptions($options = null)   X-Ref
Resets the array of non-default HtmlDumper configuration options without retaining any of the
existing non-default options.

Configuration options are:
- styles: a map of CSS styles to include in the assets, as documented in
- expanded_depth: the tree depth to initially expand.
(Requires Symfony 3.2; ignored on older versions.)
- max_string: maximum string size.
(Requires Symfony 3.2; ignored on older versions.)
- file_link_format: link format for files; %f expanded to file and %l expanded to line
(Requires Symfony 3.2; ignored on older versions.)

param: array $options

captureVar($data)   X-Ref
Captures the data from a variable and serializes it for later rendering.

param: mixed $data The variable to capture.
return: string Serialized variable data.

getDisplayOptions()   X-Ref
Gets the display options for the HTML dumper.

return: array

renderCapturedVar($capturedData, $seekPath = array()   X-Ref
Renders previously-captured data from captureVar to HTML and returns it as a string.

param: string $capturedData Captured data from captureVar.
param: array $seekPath Pass an array of keys to traverse if you only want to render a subset
return: string HTML rendering of the variable.

renderVar($data)   X-Ref
Captures and renders the data from a variable to HTML and returns it as a string.

param: mixed $data The variable to capture and render.
return: string HTML rendering of the variable.

getAssets()   X-Ref
Returns assets required for rendering variables.

return: array

dump(Data $data)   X-Ref
Helper function to dump a Data object to HTML.

param: Data $data
return: string

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