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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/templates/cassiopeia/ -> joomla.asset.json (source)

   1  {
   2    "$schema": "https://developer.joomla.org/schemas/json-schema/web_assets.json",
   3    "name": "cassiopeia",
   4    "version": "4.0.0",
   5    "description": "This file contains details of the assets used by Cassiopeia, the default Joomla 4 site template.",
   6    "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later",
   7    "assets": [
   8      {
   9        "name": "template.cassiopeia.ltr",
  10        "description": "The css file to be used when the site is left to right (LTR).",
  11        "type": "style",
  12        "uri": "template.min.css",
  13        "dependencies": [
  14          "fontawesome"
  15        ]
  16      },
  17      {
  18        "name": "template.cassiopeia.rtl",
  19        "description": "The css file to be used when the site is right to left (RTL).",
  20        "type": "style",
  21        "uri": "template-rtl.min.css",
  22        "dependencies": [
  23          "fontawesome"
  24        ]
  25      },
  26      {
  27        "name": "template.offline",
  28        "description": "The css file to be used when the site is offline and offline.php is being used.",
  29        "type": "style",
  30        "uri": "offline.css"
  31      },
  32      {
  33        "name": "template.active.language",
  34        "description": "An asset to allow language specific css, eg 'language/[lang-CODE]/[lang-CODE].css', to use it as a dependency to the active template",
  35        "type": "style",
  36        "uri": "",
  37        "class": "LangActiveAssetItem",
  38        "dependencies": [
  39          "template.active"
  40        ]
  41      },
  42      {
  43        "name": "template.user",
  44        "description": "A file where a user can add their own css.",
  45        "type": "style",
  46        "uri": "user.css",
  47        "dependencies": [
  48          "template.active",
  49          "template.active.language"
  50        ]
  51      },
  52      {
  53        "name": "template.cassiopeia",
  54        "description": "The file containing the javascript for this template.",
  55        "type": "script",
  56        "uri": "template.js",
  57        "attributes" : {
  58          "defer": true
  59        },
  60        "dependencies": [
  61          "core"
  62        ]
  63      },
  64      {
  65        "name": "template.active",
  66        "description": "A dummy asset to allow extensions to use it as a dependency to the active template.",
  67        "type": "script",
  68        "uri": "",
  69        "dependencies": [
  70          "template.cassiopeia"
  71        ]
  72      },
  73      {
  74        "name": "template.user",
  75        "description": "The name of a file where a user can add their own javascript",
  76        "type": "script",
  77        "uri":  "user.js",
  78        "dependencies": [
  79          "template.active"
  80        ]
  81      },
  82      {
  83        "name": "template.cassiopeia.ltr",
  84        "type": "preset",
  85        "dependencies": [
  86          "template.cassiopeia.ltr#style",
  87          "template.cassiopeia#script"
  88        ]
  89      },
  90      {
  91        "name": "template.cassiopeia.rtl",
  92        "type": "preset",
  93        "dependencies": [
  94          "template.cassiopeia.rtl#style",
  95          "template.cassiopeia#script"
  96        ]
  97      },
  98      {
  99        "name": "searchtools",
 100        "type": "style",
 101        "uri": "system/searchtools/searchtools.min.css"
 102      },
 103      {
 104        "name": "fontawesome",
 105        "type": "style",
 106        "uri": "system/joomla-fontawesome.min.css"
 107      }
 108    ]
 109  }

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer