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/plugins/workflow/publishing/ -> publishing.php (summary)

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Copyright: (C) 2020 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 565 lines (16 kb)
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Defines 1 class

PlgWorkflowPublishing:: (13 methods):

Class: PlgWorkflowPublishing  - X-Ref

Workflow Publishing Plugin

getSubscribedEvents()   X-Ref
Returns an array of events this subscriber will listen to.

return: array

onContentPrepareForm(EventInterface $event)   X-Ref
The form event.

param: EventInterface  $event  The event

enhanceTransitionForm(Form $form, $data)   X-Ref
Add different parameter options to the transition view, we need when executing the transition

param: Form      $form The form
param: stdClass  $data The data
return: boolean

enhanceItemForm(Form $form, $data)   X-Ref
Disable certain fields in the item  form view, when we want to take over this function in the transition
Check also for the workflow implementation and if the field exists

param: Form      $form  The form
param: stdClass  $data  The data
return: boolean

onAfterDisplay(DisplayEvent $event)   X-Ref
Manipulate the generic list view

param: DisplayEvent    $event

onWorkflowBeforeTransition(WorkflowTransitionEvent $event)   X-Ref
Check if we can execute the transition

param: WorkflowTransitionEvent  $event
return: boolean

onWorkflowAfterTransition(WorkflowTransitionEvent $event)   X-Ref
Change State of an item. Used to disable state change

param: WorkflowTransitionEvent  $event
return: boolean

onContentBeforeChangeState(EventInterface $event)   X-Ref
Change State of an item. Used to disable state change

param: EventInterface  $event
return: boolean

onContentBeforeSave(EventInterface $event)   X-Ref
The save event.

param: EventInterface  $event
return: boolean

onContentVersioningPrepareTable(EventInterface $event)   X-Ref
We remove the publishing field from the versioning

param: EventInterface  $event
return: boolean

onTableBeforeStore(BeforeStoreEvent $event)   X-Ref
Pre-processor for $table->store($updateNulls)

param: BeforeStoreEvent  $event  The event to handle
return: void

isSupported($context)   X-Ref
Check if the current plugin should execute workflow related activities

param: string  $context
return: boolean

onWorkflowFunctionalityUsed(WorkflowFunctionalityUsedEvent $event)   X-Ref
If plugin supports the functionality we set the used variable

param: WorkflowFunctionalityUsedEvent  $event

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