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/plugins/privacy/user/ -> user.php (summary)

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Copyright: (C) 2018 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 244 lines (7 kb)
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Defines 1 class

PlgPrivacyUser:: (7 methods):

Class: PlgPrivacyUser  - X-Ref

Privacy plugin managing Joomla user data

onPrivacyCanRemoveData(RequestTable $request, User $user = null)   X-Ref
Performs validation to determine if the data associated with a remove information request can be processed

This event will not allow a super user account to be removed

param: RequestTable  $request  The request record being processed
param: User          $user     The user account associated with this request if available
return: Status

onPrivacyExportRequest(RequestTable $request, User $user = null)   X-Ref
Processes an export request for Joomla core user data

This event will collect data for the following core tables:

- #__users (excluding the password, otpKey, and otep columns)
- #__user_notes
- #__user_profiles
- User custom fields

param: RequestTable  $request  The request record being processed
param: User          $user     The user account associated with this request if available
return: \Joomla\Component\Privacy\Administrator\Export\Domain[]

onPrivacyRemoveData(RequestTable $request, User $user = null)   X-Ref
Removes the data associated with a remove information request

This event will pseudoanonymise the user account

param: RequestTable  $request  The request record being processed
param: User          $user     The user account associated with this request if available
return: void

createNotesDomain(TableUser $user)   X-Ref
Create the domain for the user notes data

param: TableUser  $user  The TableUser object to process
return: \Joomla\Component\Privacy\Administrator\Export\Domain

createProfileDomain(TableUser $user)   X-Ref
Create the domain for the user profile data

param: TableUser  $user  The TableUser object to process
return: \Joomla\Component\Privacy\Administrator\Export\Domain

createUserDomain(TableUser $user)   X-Ref
Create the domain for the user record

param: TableUser  $user  The TableUser object to process
return: \Joomla\Component\Privacy\Administrator\Export\Domain

createItemForUserTable(TableUser $user)   X-Ref
Create an item object for a TableUser object

param: TableUser  $user  The TableUser object to convert
return: \Joomla\Component\Privacy\Administrator\Export\Item

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer