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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/plugins/fields/subform/ -> subform.php (summary)

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Copyright: (C) 2019 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 407 lines (14 kb)
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Defines 1 class

PlgFieldsSubform:: (7 methods):

Class: PlgFieldsSubform  - X-Ref

Fields subform Plugin

onContentPrepareForm(Form $form, $data)   X-Ref
Handles the onContentPrepareForm event. Adds form definitions to relevant forms.

param: Form          $form  The form to manipulate
param: array|object  $data  The data of the form
return: void

onCustomFieldsBeforePrepareField($context, $item, $field)   X-Ref
Manipulates the $field->value before the field is being passed to

param: string     $context  The context
param: object     $item     The item
param: \stdClass  $field    The field
return: void

onCustomFieldsPrepareField($context, $item, $field)   X-Ref
Renders this fields value by rendering all sub fields and joining all those rendered sub fields together.

param: string     $context  The context
param: object     $item     The item
param: \stdClass  $field    The field
return: string

onCustomFieldsPrepareDom($field, DOMElement $parent, Form $form)   X-Ref
Returns a DOMElement which is the child of $parent and represents
the form XML definition for this field.

param: \stdClass   $field   The field
param: DOMElement  $parent  The original parent element
param: Form        $form    The form
return: \DOMElement

getOptionsFromField(\stdClass $field)   X-Ref
Returns an array of all options configured for this field.

param: \stdClass  $field  The field
return: \stdClass[]

getParamsFromField(\stdClass $field)   X-Ref
Returns the configured params for a given field.

param: \stdClass  $field  The field
return: \Joomla\Registry\Registry

getSubfieldsFromField(\stdClass $field)   X-Ref
Returns an array of all subfields for a given field. This will always return a bare clone
of a sub field, so manipulating it is safe.

param: \stdClass  $field  The field
return: \stdClass[]

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer