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/plugins/editors/tinymce/src/PluginTraits/ -> GlobalFilters.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   * @package     Joomla.Plugin
   5   * @subpackage  Editors.tinymce
   6   *
   7   * @copyright   (C) 2021 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org>
   8   * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
   9   */
  11  namespace Joomla\Plugin\Editors\TinyMCE\PluginTraits;
  13  use Joomla\CMS\Access\Access;
  14  use Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper;
  15  use Joomla\CMS\Filter\InputFilter;
  17  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Files.SideEffects
  18  \defined('_JEXEC') or die;
  19  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Files.SideEffects
  21  /**
  22   * Handles the Joomla filters for the TinyMCE editor.
  23   *
  24   * @since  4.1.0
  25   */
  26  trait GlobalFilters
  27  {
  28      /**
  29       * Get the global text filters to arbitrary text as per settings for current user groups
  30       * @param   User  $user  The user object
  31       *
  32       * @return  InputFilter
  33       *
  34       * @since   4.1.0
  35       */
  36      protected static function getGlobalFilters($user)
  37      {
  38          // Filter settings
  39          $config     = ComponentHelper::getParams('com_config');
  40          $userGroups = Access::getGroupsByUser($user->get('id'));
  41          $filters    = $config->get('filters');
  43          $forbiddenListTags       = [];
  44          $forbiddenListAttributes = [];
  45          $customListTags          = [];
  46          $customListAttributes    = [];
  47          $allowedListTags         = [];
  48          $allowedListAttributes   = [];
  50          $allowedList   = false;
  51          $forbiddenList = false;
  52          $customList    = false;
  53          $unfiltered    = false;
  55          /**
  56           * Cycle through each of the user groups the user is in.
  57           * Remember they are included in the public group as well.
  58           */
  59          foreach ($userGroups as $groupId) {
  60              // May have added a group but not saved the filters.
  61              if (!isset($filters->$groupId)) {
  62                  continue;
  63              }
  65              // Each group the user is in could have different filtering properties.
  66              $filterData = $filters->$groupId;
  67              $filterType = strtoupper($filterData->filter_type);
  69              if ($filterType === 'NH') {
  70                  // Maximum HTML filtering.
  71              } elseif ($filterType === 'NONE') {
  72                  // No HTML filtering.
  73                  $unfiltered = true;
  74              } else {
  75                  /**
  76                   * Forbidden or allowed lists.
  77                   * Preprocess the tags and attributes.
  78                   */
  79                  $tags           = explode(',', $filterData->filter_tags);
  80                  $attributes     = explode(',', $filterData->filter_attributes);
  81                  $tempTags       = [];
  82                  $tempAttributes = [];
  84                  foreach ($tags as $tag) {
  85                      $tag = trim($tag);
  87                      if ($tag) {
  88                          $tempTags[] = $tag;
  89                      }
  90                  }
  92                  foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
  93                      $attribute = trim($attribute);
  95                      if ($attribute) {
  96                          $tempAttributes[] = $attribute;
  97                      }
  98                  }
 100                  /**
 101                   * Collect the list of forbidden or allowed tags and attributes.
 102                   * Each list is cumulative.
 103                   * "BL" is deprecated in Joomla! 4, will be removed in Joomla! 5
 104                   */
 105                  if (in_array($filterType, ['BL', 'FL'])) {
 106                      $forbiddenList           = true;
 107                      $forbiddenListTags       = array_merge($forbiddenListTags, $tempTags);
 108                      $forbiddenListAttributes = array_merge($forbiddenListAttributes, $tempAttributes);
 109                  } elseif (in_array($filterType, ['CBL', 'CFL'])) {
 110                      // "CBL" is deprecated in Joomla! 4, will be removed in Joomla! 5
 111                      // Only set to true if Tags or Attributes were added
 112                      if ($tempTags || $tempAttributes) {
 113                          $customList           = true;
 114                          $customListTags       = array_merge($customListTags, $tempTags);
 115                          $customListAttributes = array_merge($customListAttributes, $tempAttributes);
 116                      }
 117                  } elseif (in_array($filterType, ['WL', 'AL'])) {
 118                      // "WL" is deprecated in Joomla! 4, will be removed in Joomla! 5
 119                      $allowedList           = true;
 120                      $allowedListTags       = array_merge($allowedListTags, $tempTags);
 121                      $allowedListAttributes = array_merge($allowedListAttributes, $tempAttributes);
 122                  }
 123              }
 124          }
 126          // Remove duplicates before processing (because the forbidden list uses both sets of arrays).
 127          $forbiddenListTags       = array_unique($forbiddenListTags);
 128          $forbiddenListAttributes = array_unique($forbiddenListAttributes);
 129          $customListTags          = array_unique($customListTags);
 130          $customListAttributes    = array_unique($customListAttributes);
 131          $allowedListTags         = array_unique($allowedListTags);
 132          $allowedListAttributes   = array_unique($allowedListAttributes);
 134          // Unfiltered assumes first priority.
 135          if ($unfiltered) {
 136              // Dont apply filtering.
 137              return false;
 138          } else {
 139              // Custom forbidden list precedes Default forbidden list.
 140              if ($customList) {
 141                  $filter = InputFilter::getInstance([], [], 1, 1);
 143                  // Override filter's default forbidden tags and attributes
 144                  if ($customListTags) {
 145                      $filter->blockedTags = $customListTags;
 146                  }
 148                  if ($customListAttributes) {
 149                      $filter->blockedAttributes = $customListAttributes;
 150                  }
 151              } elseif ($forbiddenList) {
 152                  // Forbidden list takes second precedence.
 153                  // Remove the allowed tags and attributes from the forbidden list.
 154                  $forbiddenListTags       = array_diff($forbiddenListTags, $allowedListTags);
 155                  $forbiddenListAttributes = array_diff($forbiddenListAttributes, $allowedListAttributes);
 157                  $filter = InputFilter::getInstance($forbiddenListTags, $forbiddenListAttributes, 1, 1);
 159                  // Remove allowed tags from filter's default forbidden list
 160                  if ($allowedListTags) {
 161                      $filter->blockedTags = array_diff($filter->blockedTags, $allowedListTags);
 162                  }
 164                  // Remove allowed attributes from filter's default forbidden list
 165                  if ($allowedListAttributes) {
 166                      $filter->blockedAttributes = array_diff($filter->blockedAttributes, $allowedListAttributes);
 167                  }
 168              } elseif ($allowedList) {
 169                  // Allowed list take third precedence.
 170                  // Turn off XSS auto clean
 171                  $filter = InputFilter::getInstance($allowedListTags, $allowedListAttributes, 0, 0, 0);
 172              } else {
 173                  // No HTML takes last place.
 174                  $filter = InputFilter::getInstance();
 175              }
 177              return $filter;
 178          }
 179      }
 180  }

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer