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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/plugins/editors/codemirror/layouts/editors/codemirror/ -> element.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   * @package     Joomla.Plugin
   5   * @subpackage  Editors.codemirror
   6   *
   7   * @copyright   (C) 2015 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org>
   8   * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
   9   */
  11  // No direct access
  12  defined('_JEXEC') or die;
  14  use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
  15  use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper;
  16  use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
  17  use Joomla\CMS\Uri\Uri;
  19  $options         = $displayData->options;
  20  $params          = $displayData->params;
  21  $name            = $displayData->name;
  22  $id              = $displayData->id;
  23  $cols            = $displayData->cols;
  24  $rows            = $displayData->rows;
  25  $content         = $displayData->content;
  26  $extJS           = JDEBUG ? '.js' : '.min.js';
  27  $modifier        = $params->get('fullScreenMod', array()) ? implode(' + ', $params->get('fullScreenMod', array())) . ' + ' : '';
  28  $basePath        = $displayData->basePath;
  29  $modePath        = $displayData->modePath;
  30  $modPath         = 'mod-path="' . Uri::root() . $modePath . $extJS . '"';
  31  $fskeys          = $params->get('fullScreenMod', array());
  32  $fskeys[]        = $params->get('fullScreen', 'F10');
  33  $fullScreenCombo = implode('-', $fskeys);
  34  $fsCombo         = 'fs-combo=' . json_encode($fullScreenCombo);
  35  $option          = 'options=\'' . json_encode($options) . '\'';
  36  $mediaVersion    = Factory::getDocument()->getMediaVersion();
  37  $editor          = 'editor="' . ltrim(HTMLHelper::_('script', $basePath . 'lib/codemirror' . $extJS, ['version' => 'auto', 'pathOnly' => true]), '/') . '?' . $mediaVersion . '"';
  38  $addons          = 'addons="' . ltrim(HTMLHelper::_('script', $basePath . 'lib/addons' . $extJS, ['version' => 'auto', 'pathOnly' => true]), '/') . '?' . $mediaVersion . '"';
  40  Factory::getDocument()->getWebAssetManager()
  41      ->registerAndUseStyle('codemirror.lib.main', $basePath . 'lib/codemirror.css')
  42      ->registerAndUseStyle('codemirror.lib.addons', $basePath . 'lib/addons.css', [], [], ['codemirror.lib.main'])
  43      ->registerScript(
  44          'webcomponent.editor-codemirror-es5',
  45          'plg_editors_codemirror/joomla-editor-codemirror-es5.min.js',
  46          ['dependencies' => ['wcpolyfill']],
  47          ['defer' => true, 'nomodule' => true],
  48          ['wcpolyfill']
  49      )
  50      ->registerAndUseScript(
  51          'webcomponent.editor-codemirror',
  52          'plg_editors_codemirror/joomla-editor-codemirror.min.js',
  53          [],
  54          ['type' => 'module'],
  55          ['webcomponent.editor-codemirror-es5']
  56      );
  57  ?>
  58  <joomla-editor-codemirror <?php echo $editor . ' ' . $addons . ' ' . $modPath . ' ' . $fsCombo . ' ' . $option; ?>>
  59  <?php echo '<textarea name="', $name, '" id="', $id, '" cols="', $cols, '" rows="', $rows, '">', $content, '</textarea>'; ?>
  60  <p class="small float-end">
  61      <?php echo Text::sprintf('PLG_CODEMIRROR_TOGGLE_FULL_SCREEN', $fullScreenCombo); ?>
  62  </p>
  63  </joomla-editor-codemirror>
  64  <?php echo $displayData->buttons; ?>

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