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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/plugins/actionlog/joomla/src/Extension/ -> Joomla.php (summary)

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Copyright: (C) 2018 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 1130 lines (37 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 26 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

__construct(DispatcherInterface $dispatcher, array $config)   X-Ref

param: DispatcherInterface  $dispatcher  The dispatcher
param: array                $config      An optional associative array of configuration settings

onContentAfterSave($context, $article, $isNew)   X-Ref
After save content logging method
This method adds a record to #__action_logs contains (message, date, context, user)
Method is called right after the content is saved

param: string   $context  The context of the content passed to the plugin
param: object   $article  A JTableContent object
param: boolean  $isNew    If the content is just about to be created
return: void

onContentAfterDelete($context, $article)   X-Ref
After delete content logging method
This method adds a record to #__action_logs contains (message, date, context, user)
Method is called right after the content is deleted

param: string  $context  The context of the content passed to the plugin
param: object  $article  A JTableContent object
return: void

onContentChangeState($context, $pks, $value)   X-Ref
On content change status logging method
This method adds a record to #__action_logs contains (message, date, context, user)
Method is called when the status of the article is changed

param: string   $context  The context of the content passed to the plugin
param: array    $pks      An array of primary key ids of the content that has changed state.
param: integer  $value    The value of the state that the content has been changed to.
return: void

onApplicationAfterSave($config)   X-Ref
On Saving application configuration logging method
Method is called when the application config is being saved

param: \Joomla\Registry\Registry  $config  Registry object with the new config
return: void

onExtensionAfterInstall($installer, $eid)   X-Ref
On installing extensions logging method
This method adds a record to #__action_logs contains (message, date, context, user)
Method is called when an extension is installed

param: Installer   $installer  Installer object
param: integer     $eid        Extension Identifier
return: void

onExtensionAfterUninstall($installer, $eid, $result)   X-Ref
On uninstalling extensions logging method
This method adds a record to #__action_logs contains (message, date, context, user)
Method is called when an extension is uninstalled

param: Installer  $installer  Installer instance
param: integer    $eid        Extension id
param: integer    $result     Installation result
return: void

onExtensionAfterUpdate($installer, $eid)   X-Ref
On updating extensions logging method
This method adds a record to #__action_logs contains (message, date, context, user)
Method is called when an extension is updated

param: Installer  $installer  Installer instance
param: integer    $eid        Extension id
return: void

onExtensionAfterSave($context, $table, $isNew)   X-Ref
On Saving extensions logging method
Method is called when an extension is being saved

param: string   $context  The extension
param: Table    $table    DataBase Table object
param: boolean  $isNew    If the extension is new or not
return: void

onExtensionAfterDelete($context, $table)   X-Ref
On Deleting extensions logging method
Method is called when an extension is being deleted

param: string  $context  The extension
param: Table   $table    DataBase Table object
return: void

onUserAfterSave($user, $isnew, $success, $msg)   X-Ref
On saving user data logging method

Method is called after user data is stored in the database.
This method logs who created/edited any user's data

param: array    $user     Holds the new user data.
param: boolean  $isnew    True if a new user is stored.
param: boolean  $success  True if user was successfully stored in the database.
param: string   $msg      Message.
return: void

onUserAfterDelete($user, $success, $msg)   X-Ref
On deleting user data logging method

Method is called after user data is deleted from the database

param: array    $user     Holds the user data
param: boolean  $success  True if user was successfully stored in the database
param: string   $msg      Message
return: void

onUserAfterSaveGroup($context, $table, $isNew)   X-Ref
On after save user group data logging method

Method is called after user group is stored into the database

param: string   $context  The context
param: Table    $table    DataBase Table object
param: boolean  $isNew    Is new or not
return: void

onUserAfterDeleteGroup($group, $success, $msg)   X-Ref
On deleting user group data logging method

Method is called after user group is deleted from the database

param: array    $group    Holds the group data
param: boolean  $success  True if user was successfully stored in the database
param: string   $msg      Message
return: void

onUserAfterLogin($options)   X-Ref
Method to log user login success action

param: array  $options  Array holding options (user, responseType)
return: void

onUserLoginFailure($response)   X-Ref
Method to log user login failed action

param: array  $response  Array of response data.
return: void

onUserLogout($user, $options = array()   X-Ref
Method to log user's logout action

param: array  $user     Holds the user data
param: array  $options  Array holding options (remember, autoregister, group)
return: void

checkLoggable($extension)   X-Ref
Function to check if a component is loggable or not

param: string  $extension  The extension that triggered the event
return: boolean

onUserAfterRemind($user)   X-Ref
On after Remind username request

Method is called after user request to remind their username.

param: array  $user  Holds the user data.
return: void

onAfterCheckin($table)   X-Ref
On after Check-in request

Method is called after user request to check-in items.

param: array  $table  Holds the table name.
return: void

onAfterLogPurge($group = '')   X-Ref
On after log action purge

Method is called after user request to clean action log items.

param: array  $group  Holds the group name.
return: void

onAfterLogExport($group = '')   X-Ref
On after log export

Method is called after user request to export action log items.

param: array  $group  Holds the group name.
return: void

onAfterPurge($group = 'all')   X-Ref
On after Cache purge

Method is called after user request to clean cached items.

param: string  $group  Holds the group name.
return: void

onAfterDispatch()   X-Ref
On after Api dispatched

Method is called after user perform an API request better on onAfterDispatch.

return: void

onJoomlaAfterUpdate($oldVersion = null)   X-Ref
On after CMS Update

Method is called after user update the CMS.

param: string  $oldVersion  The Joomla version before the update
return: void

getActionLogParams($context)   X-Ref
Returns the action log params for the given context.

param: string  $context  The context of the action log
return: stdClass  The params

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer