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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/media/vendor/tinymce/ -> tinymce.js (source)

   1  /**
   2   * Copyright (c) Tiny Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
   3   * Licensed under the LGPL or a commercial license.
   4   * For LGPL see License.txt in the project root for license information.
   5   * For commercial licenses see https://www.tiny.cloud/
   6   *
   7   * Version: 5.10.5 (2022-05-25)
   8   */
   9  (function () {
  10      'use strict';
  12      var typeOf$1 = function (x) {
  13        if (x === null) {
  14          return 'null';
  15        }
  16        if (x === undefined) {
  17          return 'undefined';
  18        }
  19        var t = typeof x;
  20        if (t === 'object' && (Array.prototype.isPrototypeOf(x) || x.constructor && x.constructor.name === 'Array')) {
  21          return 'array';
  22        }
  23        if (t === 'object' && (String.prototype.isPrototypeOf(x) || x.constructor && x.constructor.name === 'String')) {
  24          return 'string';
  25        }
  26        return t;
  27      };
  28      var isEquatableType = function (x) {
  29        return [
  30          'undefined',
  31          'boolean',
  32          'number',
  33          'string',
  34          'function',
  35          'xml',
  36          'null'
  37        ].indexOf(x) !== -1;
  38      };
  40      var sort$1 = function (xs, compareFn) {
  41        var clone = Array.prototype.slice.call(xs);
  42        return clone.sort(compareFn);
  43      };
  45      var contramap = function (eqa, f) {
  46        return eq$2(function (x, y) {
  47          return eqa.eq(f(x), f(y));
  48        });
  49      };
  50      var eq$2 = function (f) {
  51        return { eq: f };
  52      };
  53      var tripleEq = eq$2(function (x, y) {
  54        return x === y;
  55      });
  56      var eqString = tripleEq;
  57      var eqArray = function (eqa) {
  58        return eq$2(function (x, y) {
  59          if (x.length !== y.length) {
  60            return false;
  61          }
  62          var len = x.length;
  63          for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
  64            if (!eqa.eq(x[i], y[i])) {
  65              return false;
  66            }
  67          }
  68          return true;
  69        });
  70      };
  71      var eqSortedArray = function (eqa, compareFn) {
  72        return contramap(eqArray(eqa), function (xs) {
  73          return sort$1(xs, compareFn);
  74        });
  75      };
  76      var eqRecord = function (eqa) {
  77        return eq$2(function (x, y) {
  78          var kx = Object.keys(x);
  79          var ky = Object.keys(y);
  80          if (!eqSortedArray(eqString).eq(kx, ky)) {
  81            return false;
  82          }
  83          var len = kx.length;
  84          for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
  85            var q = kx[i];
  86            if (!eqa.eq(x[q], y[q])) {
  87              return false;
  88            }
  89          }
  90          return true;
  91        });
  92      };
  93      var eqAny = eq$2(function (x, y) {
  94        if (x === y) {
  95          return true;
  96        }
  97        var tx = typeOf$1(x);
  98        var ty = typeOf$1(y);
  99        if (tx !== ty) {
 100          return false;
 101        }
 102        if (isEquatableType(tx)) {
 103          return x === y;
 104        } else if (tx === 'array') {
 105          return eqArray(eqAny).eq(x, y);
 106        } else if (tx === 'object') {
 107          return eqRecord(eqAny).eq(x, y);
 108        }
 109        return false;
 110      });
 112      var typeOf = function (x) {
 113        var t = typeof x;
 114        if (x === null) {
 115          return 'null';
 116        } else if (t === 'object' && (Array.prototype.isPrototypeOf(x) || x.constructor && x.constructor.name === 'Array')) {
 117          return 'array';
 118        } else if (t === 'object' && (String.prototype.isPrototypeOf(x) || x.constructor && x.constructor.name === 'String')) {
 119          return 'string';
 120        } else {
 121          return t;
 122        }
 123      };
 124      var isType$1 = function (type) {
 125        return function (value) {
 126          return typeOf(value) === type;
 127        };
 128      };
 129      var isSimpleType = function (type) {
 130        return function (value) {
 131          return typeof value === type;
 132        };
 133      };
 134      var eq$1 = function (t) {
 135        return function (a) {
 136          return t === a;
 137        };
 138      };
 139      var isString$1 = isType$1('string');
 140      var isObject = isType$1('object');
 141      var isArray$1 = isType$1('array');
 142      var isNull = eq$1(null);
 143      var isBoolean = isSimpleType('boolean');
 144      var isUndefined = eq$1(undefined);
 145      var isNullable = function (a) {
 146        return a === null || a === undefined;
 147      };
 148      var isNonNullable = function (a) {
 149        return !isNullable(a);
 150      };
 151      var isFunction = isSimpleType('function');
 152      var isNumber = isSimpleType('number');
 154      var noop = function () {
 155      };
 156      var compose = function (fa, fb) {
 157        return function () {
 158          var args = [];
 159          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
 160            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
 161          }
 162          return fa(fb.apply(null, args));
 163        };
 164      };
 165      var compose1 = function (fbc, fab) {
 166        return function (a) {
 167          return fbc(fab(a));
 168        };
 169      };
 170      var constant = function (value) {
 171        return function () {
 172          return value;
 173        };
 174      };
 175      var identity = function (x) {
 176        return x;
 177      };
 178      var tripleEquals = function (a, b) {
 179        return a === b;
 180      };
 181      function curry(fn) {
 182        var initialArgs = [];
 183        for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
 184          initialArgs[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
 185        }
 186        return function () {
 187          var restArgs = [];
 188          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
 189            restArgs[_i] = arguments[_i];
 190          }
 191          var all = initialArgs.concat(restArgs);
 192          return fn.apply(null, all);
 193        };
 194      }
 195      var not = function (f) {
 196        return function (t) {
 197          return !f(t);
 198        };
 199      };
 200      var die = function (msg) {
 201        return function () {
 202          throw new Error(msg);
 203        };
 204      };
 205      var apply = function (f) {
 206        return f();
 207      };
 208      var call = function (f) {
 209        f();
 210      };
 211      var never = constant(false);
 212      var always = constant(true);
 214      var none = function () {
 215        return NONE;
 216      };
 217      var NONE = function () {
 218        var call = function (thunk) {
 219          return thunk();
 220        };
 221        var id = identity;
 222        var me = {
 223          fold: function (n, _s) {
 224            return n();
 225          },
 226          isSome: never,
 227          isNone: always,
 228          getOr: id,
 229          getOrThunk: call,
 230          getOrDie: function (msg) {
 231            throw new Error(msg || 'error: getOrDie called on none.');
 232          },
 233          getOrNull: constant(null),
 234          getOrUndefined: constant(undefined),
 235          or: id,
 236          orThunk: call,
 237          map: none,
 238          each: noop,
 239          bind: none,
 240          exists: never,
 241          forall: always,
 242          filter: function () {
 243            return none();
 244          },
 245          toArray: function () {
 246            return [];
 247          },
 248          toString: constant('none()')
 249        };
 250        return me;
 251      }();
 252      var some = function (a) {
 253        var constant_a = constant(a);
 254        var self = function () {
 255          return me;
 256        };
 257        var bind = function (f) {
 258          return f(a);
 259        };
 260        var me = {
 261          fold: function (n, s) {
 262            return s(a);
 263          },
 264          isSome: always,
 265          isNone: never,
 266          getOr: constant_a,
 267          getOrThunk: constant_a,
 268          getOrDie: constant_a,
 269          getOrNull: constant_a,
 270          getOrUndefined: constant_a,
 271          or: self,
 272          orThunk: self,
 273          map: function (f) {
 274            return some(f(a));
 275          },
 276          each: function (f) {
 277            f(a);
 278          },
 279          bind: bind,
 280          exists: bind,
 281          forall: bind,
 282          filter: function (f) {
 283            return f(a) ? me : NONE;
 284          },
 285          toArray: function () {
 286            return [a];
 287          },
 288          toString: function () {
 289            return 'some(' + a + ')';
 290          }
 291        };
 292        return me;
 293      };
 294      var from$1 = function (value) {
 295        return value === null || value === undefined ? NONE : some(value);
 296      };
 297      var Optional = {
 298        some: some,
 299        none: none,
 300        from: from$1
 301      };
 303      var nativeSlice = Array.prototype.slice;
 304      var nativeIndexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;
 305      var nativePush = Array.prototype.push;
 306      var rawIndexOf = function (ts, t) {
 307        return nativeIndexOf.call(ts, t);
 308      };
 309      var indexOf$2 = function (xs, x) {
 310        var r = rawIndexOf(xs, x);
 311        return r === -1 ? Optional.none() : Optional.some(r);
 312      };
 313      var contains$3 = function (xs, x) {
 314        return rawIndexOf(xs, x) > -1;
 315      };
 316      var exists = function (xs, pred) {
 317        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
 318          var x = xs[i];
 319          if (pred(x, i)) {
 320            return true;
 321          }
 322        }
 323        return false;
 324      };
 325      var map$3 = function (xs, f) {
 326        var len = xs.length;
 327        var r = new Array(len);
 328        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 329          var x = xs[i];
 330          r[i] = f(x, i);
 331        }
 332        return r;
 333      };
 334      var each$k = function (xs, f) {
 335        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
 336          var x = xs[i];
 337          f(x, i);
 338        }
 339      };
 340      var eachr = function (xs, f) {
 341        for (var i = xs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 342          var x = xs[i];
 343          f(x, i);
 344        }
 345      };
 346      var partition = function (xs, pred) {
 347        var pass = [];
 348        var fail = [];
 349        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
 350          var x = xs[i];
 351          var arr = pred(x, i) ? pass : fail;
 352          arr.push(x);
 353        }
 354        return {
 355          pass: pass,
 356          fail: fail
 357        };
 358      };
 359      var filter$4 = function (xs, pred) {
 360        var r = [];
 361        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
 362          var x = xs[i];
 363          if (pred(x, i)) {
 364            r.push(x);
 365          }
 366        }
 367        return r;
 368      };
 369      var foldr = function (xs, f, acc) {
 370        eachr(xs, function (x, i) {
 371          acc = f(acc, x, i);
 372        });
 373        return acc;
 374      };
 375      var foldl = function (xs, f, acc) {
 376        each$k(xs, function (x, i) {
 377          acc = f(acc, x, i);
 378        });
 379        return acc;
 380      };
 381      var findUntil$1 = function (xs, pred, until) {
 382        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
 383          var x = xs[i];
 384          if (pred(x, i)) {
 385            return Optional.some(x);
 386          } else if (until(x, i)) {
 387            break;
 388          }
 389        }
 390        return Optional.none();
 391      };
 392      var find$3 = function (xs, pred) {
 393        return findUntil$1(xs, pred, never);
 394      };
 395      var findIndex$2 = function (xs, pred) {
 396        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
 397          var x = xs[i];
 398          if (pred(x, i)) {
 399            return Optional.some(i);
 400          }
 401        }
 402        return Optional.none();
 403      };
 404      var flatten = function (xs) {
 405        var r = [];
 406        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; ++i) {
 407          if (!isArray$1(xs[i])) {
 408            throw new Error('Arr.flatten item ' + i + ' was not an array, input: ' + xs);
 409          }
 410          nativePush.apply(r, xs[i]);
 411        }
 412        return r;
 413      };
 414      var bind = function (xs, f) {
 415        return flatten(map$3(xs, f));
 416      };
 417      var forall = function (xs, pred) {
 418        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; ++i) {
 419          var x = xs[i];
 420          if (pred(x, i) !== true) {
 421            return false;
 422          }
 423        }
 424        return true;
 425      };
 426      var reverse = function (xs) {
 427        var r = nativeSlice.call(xs, 0);
 428        r.reverse();
 429        return r;
 430      };
 431      var difference = function (a1, a2) {
 432        return filter$4(a1, function (x) {
 433          return !contains$3(a2, x);
 434        });
 435      };
 436      var mapToObject = function (xs, f) {
 437        var r = {};
 438        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
 439          var x = xs[i];
 440          r[String(x)] = f(x, i);
 441        }
 442        return r;
 443      };
 444      var sort = function (xs, comparator) {
 445        var copy = nativeSlice.call(xs, 0);
 446        copy.sort(comparator);
 447        return copy;
 448      };
 449      var get$a = function (xs, i) {
 450        return i >= 0 && i < xs.length ? Optional.some(xs[i]) : Optional.none();
 451      };
 452      var head = function (xs) {
 453        return get$a(xs, 0);
 454      };
 455      var last$2 = function (xs) {
 456        return get$a(xs, xs.length - 1);
 457      };
 458      var from = isFunction(Array.from) ? Array.from : function (x) {
 459        return nativeSlice.call(x);
 460      };
 461      var findMap = function (arr, f) {
 462        for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
 463          var r = f(arr[i], i);
 464          if (r.isSome()) {
 465            return r;
 466          }
 467        }
 468        return Optional.none();
 469      };
 471      var keys = Object.keys;
 472      var hasOwnProperty$1 = Object.hasOwnProperty;
 473      var each$j = function (obj, f) {
 474        var props = keys(obj);
 475        for (var k = 0, len = props.length; k < len; k++) {
 476          var i = props[k];
 477          var x = obj[i];
 478          f(x, i);
 479        }
 480      };
 481      var map$2 = function (obj, f) {
 482        return tupleMap(obj, function (x, i) {
 483          return {
 484            k: i,
 485            v: f(x, i)
 486          };
 487        });
 488      };
 489      var tupleMap = function (obj, f) {
 490        var r = {};
 491        each$j(obj, function (x, i) {
 492          var tuple = f(x, i);
 493          r[tuple.k] = tuple.v;
 494        });
 495        return r;
 496      };
 497      var objAcc = function (r) {
 498        return function (x, i) {
 499          r[i] = x;
 500        };
 501      };
 502      var internalFilter = function (obj, pred, onTrue, onFalse) {
 503        var r = {};
 504        each$j(obj, function (x, i) {
 505          (pred(x, i) ? onTrue : onFalse)(x, i);
 506        });
 507        return r;
 508      };
 509      var bifilter = function (obj, pred) {
 510        var t = {};
 511        var f = {};
 512        internalFilter(obj, pred, objAcc(t), objAcc(f));
 513        return {
 514          t: t,
 515          f: f
 516        };
 517      };
 518      var filter$3 = function (obj, pred) {
 519        var t = {};
 520        internalFilter(obj, pred, objAcc(t), noop);
 521        return t;
 522      };
 523      var mapToArray = function (obj, f) {
 524        var r = [];
 525        each$j(obj, function (value, name) {
 526          r.push(f(value, name));
 527        });
 528        return r;
 529      };
 530      var values = function (obj) {
 531        return mapToArray(obj, identity);
 532      };
 533      var get$9 = function (obj, key) {
 534        return has$2(obj, key) ? Optional.from(obj[key]) : Optional.none();
 535      };
 536      var has$2 = function (obj, key) {
 537        return hasOwnProperty$1.call(obj, key);
 538      };
 539      var hasNonNullableKey = function (obj, key) {
 540        return has$2(obj, key) && obj[key] !== undefined && obj[key] !== null;
 541      };
 542      var equal$1 = function (a1, a2, eq) {
 543        if (eq === void 0) {
 544          eq = eqAny;
 545        }
 546        return eqRecord(eq).eq(a1, a2);
 547      };
 549      var isArray = Array.isArray;
 550      var toArray$1 = function (obj) {
 551        if (!isArray(obj)) {
 552          var array = [];
 553          for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
 554            array[i] = obj[i];
 555          }
 556          return array;
 557        } else {
 558          return obj;
 559        }
 560      };
 561      var each$i = function (o, cb, s) {
 562        var n, l;
 563        if (!o) {
 564          return false;
 565        }
 566        s = s || o;
 567        if (o.length !== undefined) {
 568          for (n = 0, l = o.length; n < l; n++) {
 569            if (cb.call(s, o[n], n, o) === false) {
 570              return false;
 571            }
 572          }
 573        } else {
 574          for (n in o) {
 575            if (has$2(o, n)) {
 576              if (cb.call(s, o[n], n, o) === false) {
 577                return false;
 578              }
 579            }
 580          }
 581        }
 582        return true;
 583      };
 584      var map$1 = function (array, callback) {
 585        var out = [];
 586        each$i(array, function (item, index) {
 587          out.push(callback(item, index, array));
 588        });
 589        return out;
 590      };
 591      var filter$2 = function (a, f) {
 592        var o = [];
 593        each$i(a, function (v, index) {
 594          if (!f || f(v, index, a)) {
 595            o.push(v);
 596          }
 597        });
 598        return o;
 599      };
 600      var indexOf$1 = function (a, v) {
 601        if (a) {
 602          for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) {
 603            if (a[i] === v) {
 604              return i;
 605            }
 606          }
 607        }
 608        return -1;
 609      };
 610      var reduce = function (collection, iteratee, accumulator, thisArg) {
 611        var acc = isUndefined(accumulator) ? collection[0] : accumulator;
 612        for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
 613          acc = iteratee.call(thisArg, acc, collection[i], i);
 614        }
 615        return acc;
 616      };
 617      var findIndex$1 = function (array, predicate, thisArg) {
 618        var i, l;
 619        for (i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) {
 620          if (predicate.call(thisArg, array[i], i, array)) {
 621            return i;
 622          }
 623        }
 624        return -1;
 625      };
 626      var last$1 = function (collection) {
 627        return collection[collection.length - 1];
 628      };
 630      var __assign = function () {
 631        __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
 632          for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
 633            s = arguments[i];
 634            for (var p in s)
 635              if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
 636                t[p] = s[p];
 637          }
 638          return t;
 639        };
 640        return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
 641      };
 642      function __rest(s, e) {
 643        var t = {};
 644        for (var p in s)
 645          if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
 646            t[p] = s[p];
 647        if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === 'function')
 648          for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
 649            if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))
 650              t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
 651          }
 652        return t;
 653      }
 654      function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {
 655        if (pack || arguments.length === 2)
 656          for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
 657            if (ar || !(i in from)) {
 658              if (!ar)
 659                ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);
 660              ar[i] = from[i];
 661            }
 662          }
 663        return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));
 664      }
 666      var cached = function (f) {
 667        var called = false;
 668        var r;
 669        return function () {
 670          var args = [];
 671          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
 672            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
 673          }
 674          if (!called) {
 675            called = true;
 676            r = f.apply(null, args);
 677          }
 678          return r;
 679        };
 680      };
 682      var DeviceType = function (os, browser, userAgent, mediaMatch) {
 683        var isiPad = os.isiOS() && /ipad/i.test(userAgent) === true;
 684        var isiPhone = os.isiOS() && !isiPad;
 685        var isMobile = os.isiOS() || os.isAndroid();
 686        var isTouch = isMobile || mediaMatch('(pointer:coarse)');
 687        var isTablet = isiPad || !isiPhone && isMobile && mediaMatch('(min-device-width:768px)');
 688        var isPhone = isiPhone || isMobile && !isTablet;
 689        var iOSwebview = browser.isSafari() && os.isiOS() && /safari/i.test(userAgent) === false;
 690        var isDesktop = !isPhone && !isTablet && !iOSwebview;
 691        return {
 692          isiPad: constant(isiPad),
 693          isiPhone: constant(isiPhone),
 694          isTablet: constant(isTablet),
 695          isPhone: constant(isPhone),
 696          isTouch: constant(isTouch),
 697          isAndroid: os.isAndroid,
 698          isiOS: os.isiOS,
 699          isWebView: constant(iOSwebview),
 700          isDesktop: constant(isDesktop)
 701        };
 702      };
 704      var firstMatch = function (regexes, s) {
 705        for (var i = 0; i < regexes.length; i++) {
 706          var x = regexes[i];
 707          if (x.test(s)) {
 708            return x;
 709          }
 710        }
 711        return undefined;
 712      };
 713      var find$2 = function (regexes, agent) {
 714        var r = firstMatch(regexes, agent);
 715        if (!r) {
 716          return {
 717            major: 0,
 718            minor: 0
 719          };
 720        }
 721        var group = function (i) {
 722          return Number(agent.replace(r, '$' + i));
 723        };
 724        return nu$4(group(1), group(2));
 725      };
 726      var detect$3 = function (versionRegexes, agent) {
 727        var cleanedAgent = String(agent).toLowerCase();
 728        if (versionRegexes.length === 0) {
 729          return unknown$2();
 730        }
 731        return find$2(versionRegexes, cleanedAgent);
 732      };
 733      var unknown$2 = function () {
 734        return nu$4(0, 0);
 735      };
 736      var nu$4 = function (major, minor) {
 737        return {
 738          major: major,
 739          minor: minor
 740        };
 741      };
 742      var Version = {
 743        nu: nu$4,
 744        detect: detect$3,
 745        unknown: unknown$2
 746      };
 748      var detectBrowser$1 = function (browsers, userAgentData) {
 749        return findMap(userAgentData.brands, function (uaBrand) {
 750          var lcBrand = uaBrand.brand.toLowerCase();
 751          return find$3(browsers, function (browser) {
 752            var _a;
 753            return lcBrand === ((_a = browser.brand) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toLowerCase());
 754          }).map(function (info) {
 755            return {
 756              current: info.name,
 757              version: Version.nu(parseInt(uaBrand.version, 10), 0)
 758            };
 759          });
 760        });
 761      };
 763      var detect$2 = function (candidates, userAgent) {
 764        var agent = String(userAgent).toLowerCase();
 765        return find$3(candidates, function (candidate) {
 766          return candidate.search(agent);
 767        });
 768      };
 769      var detectBrowser = function (browsers, userAgent) {
 770        return detect$2(browsers, userAgent).map(function (browser) {
 771          var version = Version.detect(browser.versionRegexes, userAgent);
 772          return {
 773            current: browser.name,
 774            version: version
 775          };
 776        });
 777      };
 778      var detectOs = function (oses, userAgent) {
 779        return detect$2(oses, userAgent).map(function (os) {
 780          var version = Version.detect(os.versionRegexes, userAgent);
 781          return {
 782            current: os.name,
 783            version: version
 784          };
 785        });
 786      };
 788      var removeFromStart = function (str, numChars) {
 789        return str.substring(numChars);
 790      };
 792      var checkRange = function (str, substr, start) {
 793        return substr === '' || str.length >= substr.length && str.substr(start, start + substr.length) === substr;
 794      };
 795      var removeLeading = function (str, prefix) {
 796        return startsWith(str, prefix) ? removeFromStart(str, prefix.length) : str;
 797      };
 798      var contains$2 = function (str, substr) {
 799        return str.indexOf(substr) !== -1;
 800      };
 801      var startsWith = function (str, prefix) {
 802        return checkRange(str, prefix, 0);
 803      };
 804      var blank = function (r) {
 805        return function (s) {
 806          return s.replace(r, '');
 807        };
 808      };
 809      var trim$4 = blank(/^\s+|\s+$/g);
 810      var lTrim = blank(/^\s+/g);
 811      var rTrim = blank(/\s+$/g);
 812      var isNotEmpty = function (s) {
 813        return s.length > 0;
 814      };
 815      var isEmpty$3 = function (s) {
 816        return !isNotEmpty(s);
 817      };
 819      var normalVersionRegex = /.*?version\/\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/;
 820      var checkContains = function (target) {
 821        return function (uastring) {
 822          return contains$2(uastring, target);
 823        };
 824      };
 825      var browsers = [
 826        {
 827          name: 'Edge',
 828          versionRegexes: [/.*?edge\/ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/],
 829          search: function (uastring) {
 830            return contains$2(uastring, 'edge/') && contains$2(uastring, 'chrome') && contains$2(uastring, 'safari') && contains$2(uastring, 'applewebkit');
 831          }
 832        },
 833        {
 834          name: 'Chrome',
 835          brand: 'Chromium',
 836          versionRegexes: [
 837            /.*?chrome\/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/,
 838            normalVersionRegex
 839          ],
 840          search: function (uastring) {
 841            return contains$2(uastring, 'chrome') && !contains$2(uastring, 'chromeframe');
 842          }
 843        },
 844        {
 845          name: 'IE',
 846          versionRegexes: [
 847            /.*?msie\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/,
 848            /.*?rv:([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/
 849          ],
 850          search: function (uastring) {
 851            return contains$2(uastring, 'msie') || contains$2(uastring, 'trident');
 852          }
 853        },
 854        {
 855          name: 'Opera',
 856          versionRegexes: [
 857            normalVersionRegex,
 858            /.*?opera\/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/
 859          ],
 860          search: checkContains('opera')
 861        },
 862        {
 863          name: 'Firefox',
 864          versionRegexes: [/.*?firefox\/\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/],
 865          search: checkContains('firefox')
 866        },
 867        {
 868          name: 'Safari',
 869          versionRegexes: [
 870            normalVersionRegex,
 871            /.*?cpu os ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/
 872          ],
 873          search: function (uastring) {
 874            return (contains$2(uastring, 'safari') || contains$2(uastring, 'mobile/')) && contains$2(uastring, 'applewebkit');
 875          }
 876        }
 877      ];
 878      var oses = [
 879        {
 880          name: 'Windows',
 881          search: checkContains('win'),
 882          versionRegexes: [/.*?windows\ nt\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/]
 883        },
 884        {
 885          name: 'iOS',
 886          search: function (uastring) {
 887            return contains$2(uastring, 'iphone') || contains$2(uastring, 'ipad');
 888          },
 889          versionRegexes: [
 890            /.*?version\/\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/,
 891            /.*cpu os ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/,
 892            /.*cpu iphone os ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/
 893          ]
 894        },
 895        {
 896          name: 'Android',
 897          search: checkContains('android'),
 898          versionRegexes: [/.*?android\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/]
 899        },
 900        {
 901          name: 'OSX',
 902          search: checkContains('mac os x'),
 903          versionRegexes: [/.*?mac\ os\ x\ ?([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/]
 904        },
 905        {
 906          name: 'Linux',
 907          search: checkContains('linux'),
 908          versionRegexes: []
 909        },
 910        {
 911          name: 'Solaris',
 912          search: checkContains('sunos'),
 913          versionRegexes: []
 914        },
 915        {
 916          name: 'FreeBSD',
 917          search: checkContains('freebsd'),
 918          versionRegexes: []
 919        },
 920        {
 921          name: 'ChromeOS',
 922          search: checkContains('cros'),
 923          versionRegexes: [/.*?chrome\/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/]
 924        }
 925      ];
 926      var PlatformInfo = {
 927        browsers: constant(browsers),
 928        oses: constant(oses)
 929      };
 931      var edge = 'Edge';
 932      var chrome = 'Chrome';
 933      var ie$1 = 'IE';
 934      var opera = 'Opera';
 935      var firefox = 'Firefox';
 936      var safari = 'Safari';
 937      var unknown$1 = function () {
 938        return nu$3({
 939          current: undefined,
 940          version: Version.unknown()
 941        });
 942      };
 943      var nu$3 = function (info) {
 944        var current = info.current;
 945        var version = info.version;
 946        var isBrowser = function (name) {
 947          return function () {
 948            return current === name;
 949          };
 950        };
 951        return {
 952          current: current,
 953          version: version,
 954          isEdge: isBrowser(edge),
 955          isChrome: isBrowser(chrome),
 956          isIE: isBrowser(ie$1),
 957          isOpera: isBrowser(opera),
 958          isFirefox: isBrowser(firefox),
 959          isSafari: isBrowser(safari)
 960        };
 961      };
 962      var Browser = {
 963        unknown: unknown$1,
 964        nu: nu$3,
 965        edge: constant(edge),
 966        chrome: constant(chrome),
 967        ie: constant(ie$1),
 968        opera: constant(opera),
 969        firefox: constant(firefox),
 970        safari: constant(safari)
 971      };
 973      var windows = 'Windows';
 974      var ios = 'iOS';
 975      var android = 'Android';
 976      var linux = 'Linux';
 977      var osx = 'OSX';
 978      var solaris = 'Solaris';
 979      var freebsd = 'FreeBSD';
 980      var chromeos = 'ChromeOS';
 981      var unknown = function () {
 982        return nu$2({
 983          current: undefined,
 984          version: Version.unknown()
 985        });
 986      };
 987      var nu$2 = function (info) {
 988        var current = info.current;
 989        var version = info.version;
 990        var isOS = function (name) {
 991          return function () {
 992            return current === name;
 993          };
 994        };
 995        return {
 996          current: current,
 997          version: version,
 998          isWindows: isOS(windows),
 999          isiOS: isOS(ios),
1000          isAndroid: isOS(android),
1001          isOSX: isOS(osx),
1002          isLinux: isOS(linux),
1003          isSolaris: isOS(solaris),
1004          isFreeBSD: isOS(freebsd),
1005          isChromeOS: isOS(chromeos)
1006        };
1007      };
1008      var OperatingSystem = {
1009        unknown: unknown,
1010        nu: nu$2,
1011        windows: constant(windows),
1012        ios: constant(ios),
1013        android: constant(android),
1014        linux: constant(linux),
1015        osx: constant(osx),
1016        solaris: constant(solaris),
1017        freebsd: constant(freebsd),
1018        chromeos: constant(chromeos)
1019      };
1021      var detect$1 = function (userAgent, userAgentDataOpt, mediaMatch) {
1022        var browsers = PlatformInfo.browsers();
1023        var oses = PlatformInfo.oses();
1024        var browser = userAgentDataOpt.bind(function (userAgentData) {
1025          return detectBrowser$1(browsers, userAgentData);
1026        }).orThunk(function () {
1027          return detectBrowser(browsers, userAgent);
1028        }).fold(Browser.unknown, Browser.nu);
1029        var os = detectOs(oses, userAgent).fold(OperatingSystem.unknown, OperatingSystem.nu);
1030        var deviceType = DeviceType(os, browser, userAgent, mediaMatch);
1031        return {
1032          browser: browser,
1033          os: os,
1034          deviceType: deviceType
1035        };
1036      };
1037      var PlatformDetection = { detect: detect$1 };
1039      var mediaMatch = function (query) {
1040        return window.matchMedia(query).matches;
1041      };
1042      var platform$2 = cached(function () {
1043        return PlatformDetection.detect(navigator.userAgent, Optional.from(navigator.userAgentData), mediaMatch);
1044      });
1045      var detect = function () {
1046        return platform$2();
1047      };
1049      var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
1050      var platform$1 = detect();
1051      var browser$4 = platform$1.browser;
1052      var os = platform$1.os;
1053      var deviceType = platform$1.deviceType;
1054      var webkit = /WebKit/.test(userAgent) && !browser$4.isEdge();
1055      var fileApi = 'FormData' in window && 'FileReader' in window && 'URL' in window && !!URL.createObjectURL;
1056      var windowsPhone = userAgent.indexOf('Windows Phone') !== -1;
1057      var Env = {
1058        opera: browser$4.isOpera(),
1059        webkit: webkit,
1060        ie: browser$4.isIE() || browser$4.isEdge() ? browser$4.version.major : false,
1061        gecko: browser$4.isFirefox(),
1062        mac: os.isOSX() || os.isiOS(),
1063        iOS: deviceType.isiPad() || deviceType.isiPhone(),
1064        android: os.isAndroid(),
1065        contentEditable: true,
1066        transparentSrc: '',
1067        caretAfter: true,
1068        range: window.getSelection && 'Range' in window,
1069        documentMode: browser$4.isIE() ? document.documentMode || 7 : 10,
1070        fileApi: fileApi,
1071        ceFalse: true,
1072        cacheSuffix: null,
1073        container: null,
1074        experimentalShadowDom: false,
1075        canHaveCSP: !browser$4.isIE(),
1076        desktop: deviceType.isDesktop(),
1077        windowsPhone: windowsPhone,
1078        browser: {
1079          current: browser$4.current,
1080          version: browser$4.version,
1081          isChrome: browser$4.isChrome,
1082          isEdge: browser$4.isEdge,
1083          isFirefox: browser$4.isFirefox,
1084          isIE: browser$4.isIE,
1085          isOpera: browser$4.isOpera,
1086          isSafari: browser$4.isSafari
1087        },
1088        os: {
1089          current: os.current,
1090          version: os.version,
1091          isAndroid: os.isAndroid,
1092          isChromeOS: os.isChromeOS,
1093          isFreeBSD: os.isFreeBSD,
1094          isiOS: os.isiOS,
1095          isLinux: os.isLinux,
1096          isOSX: os.isOSX,
1097          isSolaris: os.isSolaris,
1098          isWindows: os.isWindows
1099        },
1100        deviceType: {
1101          isDesktop: deviceType.isDesktop,
1102          isiPad: deviceType.isiPad,
1103          isiPhone: deviceType.isiPhone,
1104          isPhone: deviceType.isPhone,
1105          isTablet: deviceType.isTablet,
1106          isTouch: deviceType.isTouch,
1107          isWebView: deviceType.isWebView
1108        }
1109      };
1111      var whiteSpaceRegExp$2 = /^\s*|\s*$/g;
1112      var trim$3 = function (str) {
1113        return str === null || str === undefined ? '' : ('' + str).replace(whiteSpaceRegExp$2, '');
1114      };
1115      var is$3 = function (obj, type) {
1116        if (!type) {
1117          return obj !== undefined;
1118        }
1119        if (type === 'array' && isArray(obj)) {
1120          return true;
1121        }
1122        return typeof obj === type;
1123      };
1124      var makeMap$4 = function (items, delim, map) {
1125        var i;
1126        items = items || [];
1127        delim = delim || ',';
1128        if (typeof items === 'string') {
1129          items = items.split(delim);
1130        }
1131        map = map || {};
1132        i = items.length;
1133        while (i--) {
1134          map[items[i]] = {};
1135        }
1136        return map;
1137      };
1138      var hasOwnProperty = has$2;
1139      var create$9 = function (s, p, root) {
1140        var self = this;
1141        var sp, scn, c, de = 0;
1142        s = /^((static) )?([\w.]+)(:([\w.]+))?/.exec(s);
1143        var cn = s[3].match(/(^|\.)(\w+)$/i)[2];
1144        var ns = self.createNS(s[3].replace(/\.\w+$/, ''), root);
1145        if (ns[cn]) {
1146          return;
1147        }
1148        if (s[2] === 'static') {
1149          ns[cn] = p;
1150          if (this.onCreate) {
1151            this.onCreate(s[2], s[3], ns[cn]);
1152          }
1153          return;
1154        }
1155        if (!p[cn]) {
1156          p[cn] = function () {
1157          };
1158          de = 1;
1159        }
1160        ns[cn] = p[cn];
1161        self.extend(ns[cn].prototype, p);
1162        if (s[5]) {
1163          sp = self.resolve(s[5]).prototype;
1164          scn = s[5].match(/\.(\w+)$/i)[1];
1165          c = ns[cn];
1166          if (de) {
1167            ns[cn] = function () {
1168              return sp[scn].apply(this, arguments);
1169            };
1170          } else {
1171            ns[cn] = function () {
1172              this.parent = sp[scn];
1173              return c.apply(this, arguments);
1174            };
1175          }
1176          ns[cn].prototype[cn] = ns[cn];
1177          self.each(sp, function (f, n) {
1178            ns[cn].prototype[n] = sp[n];
1179          });
1180          self.each(p, function (f, n) {
1181            if (sp[n]) {
1182              ns[cn].prototype[n] = function () {
1183                this.parent = sp[n];
1184                return f.apply(this, arguments);
1185              };
1186            } else {
1187              if (n !== cn) {
1188                ns[cn].prototype[n] = f;
1189              }
1190            }
1191          });
1192        }
1193        self.each(p.static, function (f, n) {
1194          ns[cn][n] = f;
1195        });
1196      };
1197      var extend$6 = function (obj) {
1198        var exts = [];
1199        for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
1200          exts[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
1201        }
1202        for (var i = 0; i < exts.length; i++) {
1203          var ext = exts[i];
1204          for (var name_1 in ext) {
1205            if (has$2(ext, name_1)) {
1206              var value = ext[name_1];
1207              if (value !== undefined) {
1208                obj[name_1] = value;
1209              }
1210            }
1211          }
1212        }
1213        return obj;
1214      };
1215      var walk$3 = function (o, f, n, s) {
1216        s = s || this;
1217        if (o) {
1218          if (n) {
1219            o = o[n];
1220          }
1221          each$i(o, function (o, i) {
1222            if (f.call(s, o, i, n) === false) {
1223              return false;
1224            }
1225            walk$3(o, f, n, s);
1226          });
1227        }
1228      };
1229      var createNS = function (n, o) {
1230        var i, v;
1231        o = o || window;
1232        n = n.split('.');
1233        for (i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
1234          v = n[i];
1235          if (!o[v]) {
1236            o[v] = {};
1237          }
1238          o = o[v];
1239        }
1240        return o;
1241      };
1242      var resolve$3 = function (n, o) {
1243        var i, l;
1244        o = o || window;
1245        n = n.split('.');
1246        for (i = 0, l = n.length; i < l; i++) {
1247          o = o[n[i]];
1248          if (!o) {
1249            break;
1250          }
1251        }
1252        return o;
1253      };
1254      var explode$4 = function (s, d) {
1255        if (!s || is$3(s, 'array')) {
1256          return s;
1257        }
1258        return map$1(s.split(d || ','), trim$3);
1259      };
1260      var _addCacheSuffix = function (url) {
1261        var cacheSuffix = Env.cacheSuffix;
1262        if (cacheSuffix) {
1263          url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + cacheSuffix;
1264        }
1265        return url;
1266      };
1267      var Tools = {
1268        trim: trim$3,
1269        isArray: isArray,
1270        is: is$3,
1271        toArray: toArray$1,
1272        makeMap: makeMap$4,
1273        each: each$i,
1274        map: map$1,
1275        grep: filter$2,
1276        inArray: indexOf$1,
1277        hasOwn: hasOwnProperty,
1278        extend: extend$6,
1279        create: create$9,
1280        walk: walk$3,
1281        createNS: createNS,
1282        resolve: resolve$3,
1283        explode: explode$4,
1284        _addCacheSuffix: _addCacheSuffix
1285      };
1287      var fromHtml$1 = function (html, scope) {
1288        var doc = scope || document;
1289        var div = doc.createElement('div');
1290        div.innerHTML = html;
1291        if (!div.hasChildNodes() || div.childNodes.length > 1) {
1292          console.error('HTML does not have a single root node', html);
1293          throw new Error('HTML must have a single root node');
1294        }
1295        return fromDom$2(div.childNodes[0]);
1296      };
1297      var fromTag = function (tag, scope) {
1298        var doc = scope || document;
1299        var node = doc.createElement(tag);
1300        return fromDom$2(node);
1301      };
1302      var fromText = function (text, scope) {
1303        var doc = scope || document;
1304        var node = doc.createTextNode(text);
1305        return fromDom$2(node);
1306      };
1307      var fromDom$2 = function (node) {
1308        if (node === null || node === undefined) {
1309          throw new Error('Node cannot be null or undefined');
1310        }
1311        return { dom: node };
1312      };
1313      var fromPoint$1 = function (docElm, x, y) {
1314        return Optional.from(docElm.dom.elementFromPoint(x, y)).map(fromDom$2);
1315      };
1316      var SugarElement = {
1317        fromHtml: fromHtml$1,
1318        fromTag: fromTag,
1319        fromText: fromText,
1320        fromDom: fromDom$2,
1321        fromPoint: fromPoint$1
1322      };
1324      var toArray = function (target, f) {
1325        var r = [];
1326        var recurse = function (e) {
1327          r.push(e);
1328          return f(e);
1329        };
1330        var cur = f(target);
1331        do {
1332          cur = cur.bind(recurse);
1333        } while (cur.isSome());
1334        return r;
1335      };
1337      var compareDocumentPosition = function (a, b, match) {
1338        return (a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & match) !== 0;
1339      };
1340      var documentPositionContainedBy = function (a, b) {
1341        return compareDocumentPosition(a, b, Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY);
1342      };
1344      var COMMENT = 8;
1345      var DOCUMENT = 9;
1346      var DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = 11;
1347      var ELEMENT = 1;
1348      var TEXT = 3;
1350      var is$2 = function (element, selector) {
1351        var dom = element.dom;
1352        if (dom.nodeType !== ELEMENT) {
1353          return false;
1354        } else {
1355          var elem = dom;
1356          if (elem.matches !== undefined) {
1357            return elem.matches(selector);
1358          } else if (elem.msMatchesSelector !== undefined) {
1359            return elem.msMatchesSelector(selector);
1360          } else if (elem.webkitMatchesSelector !== undefined) {
1361            return elem.webkitMatchesSelector(selector);
1362          } else if (elem.mozMatchesSelector !== undefined) {
1363            return elem.mozMatchesSelector(selector);
1364          } else {
1365            throw new Error('Browser lacks native selectors');
1366          }
1367        }
1368      };
1369      var bypassSelector = function (dom) {
1370        return dom.nodeType !== ELEMENT && dom.nodeType !== DOCUMENT && dom.nodeType !== DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT || dom.childElementCount === 0;
1371      };
1372      var all = function (selector, scope) {
1373        var base = scope === undefined ? document : scope.dom;
1374        return bypassSelector(base) ? [] : map$3(base.querySelectorAll(selector), SugarElement.fromDom);
1375      };
1376      var one = function (selector, scope) {
1377        var base = scope === undefined ? document : scope.dom;
1378        return bypassSelector(base) ? Optional.none() : Optional.from(base.querySelector(selector)).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
1379      };
1381      var eq = function (e1, e2) {
1382        return e1.dom === e2.dom;
1383      };
1384      var regularContains = function (e1, e2) {
1385        var d1 = e1.dom;
1386        var d2 = e2.dom;
1387        return d1 === d2 ? false : d1.contains(d2);
1388      };
1389      var ieContains = function (e1, e2) {
1390        return documentPositionContainedBy(e1.dom, e2.dom);
1391      };
1392      var contains$1 = function (e1, e2) {
1393        return detect().browser.isIE() ? ieContains(e1, e2) : regularContains(e1, e2);
1394      };
1396      typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : Function('return this;')();
1398      var name = function (element) {
1399        var r = element.dom.nodeName;
1400        return r.toLowerCase();
1401      };
1402      var type = function (element) {
1403        return element.dom.nodeType;
1404      };
1405      var isType = function (t) {
1406        return function (element) {
1407          return type(element) === t;
1408        };
1409      };
1410      var isComment$1 = function (element) {
1411        return type(element) === COMMENT || name(element) === '#comment';
1412      };
1413      var isElement$6 = isType(ELEMENT);
1414      var isText$8 = isType(TEXT);
1415      var isDocument$2 = isType(DOCUMENT);
1416      var isDocumentFragment$1 = isType(DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT);
1417      var isTag = function (tag) {
1418        return function (e) {
1419          return isElement$6(e) && name(e) === tag;
1420        };
1421      };
1423      var owner$1 = function (element) {
1424        return SugarElement.fromDom(element.dom.ownerDocument);
1425      };
1426      var documentOrOwner = function (dos) {
1427        return isDocument$2(dos) ? dos : owner$1(dos);
1428      };
1429      var documentElement = function (element) {
1430        return SugarElement.fromDom(documentOrOwner(element).dom.documentElement);
1431      };
1432      var defaultView = function (element) {
1433        return SugarElement.fromDom(documentOrOwner(element).dom.defaultView);
1434      };
1435      var parent = function (element) {
1436        return Optional.from(element.dom.parentNode).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
1437      };
1438      var parents$1 = function (element, isRoot) {
1439        var stop = isFunction(isRoot) ? isRoot : never;
1440        var dom = element.dom;
1441        var ret = [];
1442        while (dom.parentNode !== null && dom.parentNode !== undefined) {
1443          var rawParent = dom.parentNode;
1444          var p = SugarElement.fromDom(rawParent);
1445          ret.push(p);
1446          if (stop(p) === true) {
1447            break;
1448          } else {
1449            dom = rawParent;
1450          }
1451        }
1452        return ret;
1453      };
1454      var siblings = function (element) {
1455        var filterSelf = function (elements) {
1456          return filter$4(elements, function (x) {
1457            return !eq(element, x);
1458          });
1459        };
1460        return parent(element).map(children).map(filterSelf).getOr([]);
1461      };
1462      var prevSibling = function (element) {
1463        return Optional.from(element.dom.previousSibling).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
1464      };
1465      var nextSibling = function (element) {
1466        return Optional.from(element.dom.nextSibling).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
1467      };
1468      var prevSiblings = function (element) {
1469        return reverse(toArray(element, prevSibling));
1470      };
1471      var nextSiblings = function (element) {
1472        return toArray(element, nextSibling);
1473      };
1474      var children = function (element) {
1475        return map$3(element.dom.childNodes, SugarElement.fromDom);
1476      };
1477      var child$1 = function (element, index) {
1478        var cs = element.dom.childNodes;
1479        return Optional.from(cs[index]).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
1480      };
1481      var firstChild = function (element) {
1482        return child$1(element, 0);
1483      };
1484      var lastChild = function (element) {
1485        return child$1(element, element.dom.childNodes.length - 1);
1486      };
1487      var childNodesCount = function (element) {
1488        return element.dom.childNodes.length;
1489      };
1491      var getHead = function (doc) {
1492        var b = doc.dom.head;
1493        if (b === null || b === undefined) {
1494          throw new Error('Head is not available yet');
1495        }
1496        return SugarElement.fromDom(b);
1497      };
1499      var isShadowRoot = function (dos) {
1500        return isDocumentFragment$1(dos) && isNonNullable(dos.dom.host);
1501      };
1502      var supported = isFunction(Element.prototype.attachShadow) && isFunction(Node.prototype.getRootNode);
1503      var isSupported$1 = constant(supported);
1504      var getRootNode = supported ? function (e) {
1505        return SugarElement.fromDom(e.dom.getRootNode());
1506      } : documentOrOwner;
1507      var getStyleContainer = function (dos) {
1508        return isShadowRoot(dos) ? dos : getHead(documentOrOwner(dos));
1509      };
1510      var getShadowRoot = function (e) {
1511        var r = getRootNode(e);
1512        return isShadowRoot(r) ? Optional.some(r) : Optional.none();
1513      };
1514      var getShadowHost = function (e) {
1515        return SugarElement.fromDom(e.dom.host);
1516      };
1517      var getOriginalEventTarget = function (event) {
1518        if (isSupported$1() && isNonNullable(event.target)) {
1519          var el = SugarElement.fromDom(event.target);
1520          if (isElement$6(el) && isOpenShadowHost(el)) {
1521            if (event.composed && event.composedPath) {
1522              var composedPath = event.composedPath();
1523              if (composedPath) {
1524                return head(composedPath);
1525              }
1526            }
1527          }
1528        }
1529        return Optional.from(event.target);
1530      };
1531      var isOpenShadowHost = function (element) {
1532        return isNonNullable(element.dom.shadowRoot);
1533      };
1535      var before$4 = function (marker, element) {
1536        var parent$1 = parent(marker);
1537        parent$1.each(function (v) {
1538          v.dom.insertBefore(element.dom, marker.dom);
1539        });
1540      };
1541      var after$3 = function (marker, element) {
1542        var sibling = nextSibling(marker);
1543        sibling.fold(function () {
1544          var parent$1 = parent(marker);
1545          parent$1.each(function (v) {
1546            append$1(v, element);
1547          });
1548        }, function (v) {
1549          before$4(v, element);
1550        });
1551      };
1552      var prepend = function (parent, element) {
1553        var firstChild$1 = firstChild(parent);
1554        firstChild$1.fold(function () {
1555          append$1(parent, element);
1556        }, function (v) {
1557          parent.dom.insertBefore(element.dom, v.dom);
1558        });
1559      };
1560      var append$1 = function (parent, element) {
1561        parent.dom.appendChild(element.dom);
1562      };
1563      var wrap$3 = function (element, wrapper) {
1564        before$4(element, wrapper);
1565        append$1(wrapper, element);
1566      };
1568      var before$3 = function (marker, elements) {
1569        each$k(elements, function (x) {
1570          before$4(marker, x);
1571        });
1572      };
1573      var append = function (parent, elements) {
1574        each$k(elements, function (x) {
1575          append$1(parent, x);
1576        });
1577      };
1579      var empty = function (element) {
1580        element.dom.textContent = '';
1581        each$k(children(element), function (rogue) {
1582          remove$7(rogue);
1583        });
1584      };
1585      var remove$7 = function (element) {
1586        var dom = element.dom;
1587        if (dom.parentNode !== null) {
1588          dom.parentNode.removeChild(dom);
1589        }
1590      };
1591      var unwrap = function (wrapper) {
1592        var children$1 = children(wrapper);
1593        if (children$1.length > 0) {
1594          before$3(wrapper, children$1);
1595        }
1596        remove$7(wrapper);
1597      };
1599      var inBody = function (element) {
1600        var dom = isText$8(element) ? element.dom.parentNode : element.dom;
1601        if (dom === undefined || dom === null || dom.ownerDocument === null) {
1602          return false;
1603        }
1604        var doc = dom.ownerDocument;
1605        return getShadowRoot(SugarElement.fromDom(dom)).fold(function () {
1606          return doc.body.contains(dom);
1607        }, compose1(inBody, getShadowHost));
1608      };
1610      var r = function (left, top) {
1611        var translate = function (x, y) {
1612          return r(left + x, top + y);
1613        };
1614        return {
1615          left: left,
1616          top: top,
1617          translate: translate
1618        };
1619      };
1620      var SugarPosition = r;
1622      var boxPosition = function (dom) {
1623        var box = dom.getBoundingClientRect();
1624        return SugarPosition(box.left, box.top);
1625      };
1626      var firstDefinedOrZero = function (a, b) {
1627        if (a !== undefined) {
1628          return a;
1629        } else {
1630          return b !== undefined ? b : 0;
1631        }
1632      };
1633      var absolute = function (element) {
1634        var doc = element.dom.ownerDocument;
1635        var body = doc.body;
1636        var win = doc.defaultView;
1637        var html = doc.documentElement;
1638        if (body === element.dom) {
1639          return SugarPosition(body.offsetLeft, body.offsetTop);
1640        }
1641        var scrollTop = firstDefinedOrZero(win === null || win === void 0 ? void 0 : win.pageYOffset, html.scrollTop);
1642        var scrollLeft = firstDefinedOrZero(win === null || win === void 0 ? void 0 : win.pageXOffset, html.scrollLeft);
1643        var clientTop = firstDefinedOrZero(html.clientTop, body.clientTop);
1644        var clientLeft = firstDefinedOrZero(html.clientLeft, body.clientLeft);
1645        return viewport(element).translate(scrollLeft - clientLeft, scrollTop - clientTop);
1646      };
1647      var viewport = function (element) {
1648        var dom = element.dom;
1649        var doc = dom.ownerDocument;
1650        var body = doc.body;
1651        if (body === dom) {
1652          return SugarPosition(body.offsetLeft, body.offsetTop);
1653        }
1654        if (!inBody(element)) {
1655          return SugarPosition(0, 0);
1656        }
1657        return boxPosition(dom);
1658      };
1660      var get$8 = function (_DOC) {
1661        var doc = _DOC !== undefined ? _DOC.dom : document;
1662        var x = doc.body.scrollLeft || doc.documentElement.scrollLeft;
1663        var y = doc.body.scrollTop || doc.documentElement.scrollTop;
1664        return SugarPosition(x, y);
1665      };
1666      var to = function (x, y, _DOC) {
1667        var doc = _DOC !== undefined ? _DOC.dom : document;
1668        var win = doc.defaultView;
1669        if (win) {
1670          win.scrollTo(x, y);
1671        }
1672      };
1673      var intoView = function (element, alignToTop) {
1674        var isSafari = detect().browser.isSafari();
1675        if (isSafari && isFunction(element.dom.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded)) {
1676          element.dom.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(false);
1677        } else {
1678          element.dom.scrollIntoView(alignToTop);
1679        }
1680      };
1682      var get$7 = function (_win) {
1683        var win = _win === undefined ? window : _win;
1684        if (detect().browser.isFirefox()) {
1685          return Optional.none();
1686        } else {
1687          return Optional.from(win['visualViewport']);
1688        }
1689      };
1690      var bounds = function (x, y, width, height) {
1691        return {
1692          x: x,
1693          y: y,
1694          width: width,
1695          height: height,
1696          right: x + width,
1697          bottom: y + height
1698        };
1699      };
1700      var getBounds = function (_win) {
1701        var win = _win === undefined ? window : _win;
1702        var doc = win.document;
1703        var scroll = get$8(SugarElement.fromDom(doc));
1704        return get$7(win).fold(function () {
1705          var html = win.document.documentElement;
1706          var width = html.clientWidth;
1707          var height = html.clientHeight;
1708          return bounds(scroll.left, scroll.top, width, height);
1709        }, function (visualViewport) {
1710          return bounds(Math.max(visualViewport.pageLeft, scroll.left), Math.max(visualViewport.pageTop, scroll.top), visualViewport.width, visualViewport.height);
1711        });
1712      };
1714      var isNodeType = function (type) {
1715        return function (node) {
1716          return !!node && node.nodeType === type;
1717        };
1718      };
1719      var isRestrictedNode = function (node) {
1720        return !!node && !Object.getPrototypeOf(node);
1721      };
1722      var isElement$5 = isNodeType(1);
1723      var matchNodeNames = function (names) {
1724        var lowercasedNames = names.map(function (s) {
1725          return s.toLowerCase();
1726        });
1727        return function (node) {
1728          if (node && node.nodeName) {
1729            var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
1730            return contains$3(lowercasedNames, nodeName);
1731          }
1732          return false;
1733        };
1734      };
1735      var matchStyleValues = function (name, values) {
1736        var items = values.toLowerCase().split(' ');
1737        return function (node) {
1738          if (isElement$5(node)) {
1739            for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
1740              var computed = node.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node, null);
1741              var cssValue = computed ? computed.getPropertyValue(name) : null;
1742              if (cssValue === items[i]) {
1743                return true;
1744              }
1745            }
1746          }
1747          return false;
1748        };
1749      };
1750      var hasAttribute = function (attrName) {
1751        return function (node) {
1752          return isElement$5(node) && node.hasAttribute(attrName);
1753        };
1754      };
1755      var hasAttributeValue = function (attrName, attrValue) {
1756        return function (node) {
1757          return isElement$5(node) && node.getAttribute(attrName) === attrValue;
1758        };
1759      };
1760      var isBogus$2 = function (node) {
1761        return isElement$5(node) && node.hasAttribute('data-mce-bogus');
1762      };
1763      var isBogusAll$1 = function (node) {
1764        return isElement$5(node) && node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus') === 'all';
1765      };
1766      var isTable$3 = function (node) {
1767        return isElement$5(node) && node.tagName === 'TABLE';
1768      };
1769      var hasContentEditableState = function (value) {
1770        return function (node) {
1771          if (isElement$5(node)) {
1772            if (node.contentEditable === value) {
1773              return true;
1774            }
1775            if (node.getAttribute('data-mce-contenteditable') === value) {
1776              return true;
1777            }
1778          }
1779          return false;
1780        };
1781      };
1782      var isTextareaOrInput = matchNodeNames([
1783        'textarea',
1784        'input'
1785      ]);
1786      var isText$7 = isNodeType(3);
1787      var isComment = isNodeType(8);
1788      var isDocument$1 = isNodeType(9);
1789      var isDocumentFragment = isNodeType(11);
1790      var isBr$5 = matchNodeNames(['br']);
1791      var isImg = matchNodeNames(['img']);
1792      var isContentEditableTrue$4 = hasContentEditableState('true');
1793      var isContentEditableFalse$b = hasContentEditableState('false');
1794      var isTableCell$5 = matchNodeNames([
1795        'td',
1796        'th'
1797      ]);
1798      var isMedia$2 = matchNodeNames([
1799        'video',
1800        'audio',
1801        'object',
1802        'embed'
1803      ]);
1805      var is$1 = function (lhs, rhs, comparator) {
1806        if (comparator === void 0) {
1807          comparator = tripleEquals;
1808        }
1809        return lhs.exists(function (left) {
1810          return comparator(left, rhs);
1811        });
1812      };
1813      var cat = function (arr) {
1814        var r = [];
1815        var push = function (x) {
1816          r.push(x);
1817        };
1818        for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
1819          arr[i].each(push);
1820        }
1821        return r;
1822      };
1823      var lift2 = function (oa, ob, f) {
1824        return oa.isSome() && ob.isSome() ? Optional.some(f(oa.getOrDie(), ob.getOrDie())) : Optional.none();
1825      };
1826      var lift3 = function (oa, ob, oc, f) {
1827        return oa.isSome() && ob.isSome() && oc.isSome() ? Optional.some(f(oa.getOrDie(), ob.getOrDie(), oc.getOrDie())) : Optional.none();
1828      };
1829      var someIf = function (b, a) {
1830        return b ? Optional.some(a) : Optional.none();
1831      };
1833      var isSupported = function (dom) {
1834        return dom.style !== undefined && isFunction(dom.style.getPropertyValue);
1835      };
1837      var rawSet = function (dom, key, value) {
1838        if (isString$1(value) || isBoolean(value) || isNumber(value)) {
1839          dom.setAttribute(key, value + '');
1840        } else {
1841          console.error('Invalid call to Attribute.set. Key ', key, ':: Value ', value, ':: Element ', dom);
1842          throw new Error('Attribute value was not simple');
1843        }
1844      };
1845      var set$1 = function (element, key, value) {
1846        rawSet(element.dom, key, value);
1847      };
1848      var setAll$1 = function (element, attrs) {
1849        var dom = element.dom;
1850        each$j(attrs, function (v, k) {
1851          rawSet(dom, k, v);
1852        });
1853      };
1854      var get$6 = function (element, key) {
1855        var v = element.dom.getAttribute(key);
1856        return v === null ? undefined : v;
1857      };
1858      var getOpt = function (element, key) {
1859        return Optional.from(get$6(element, key));
1860      };
1861      var has$1 = function (element, key) {
1862        var dom = element.dom;
1863        return dom && dom.hasAttribute ? dom.hasAttribute(key) : false;
1864      };
1865      var remove$6 = function (element, key) {
1866        element.dom.removeAttribute(key);
1867      };
1868      var clone$3 = function (element) {
1869        return foldl(element.dom.attributes, function (acc, attr) {
1870          acc[attr.name] = attr.value;
1871          return acc;
1872        }, {});
1873      };
1875      var internalSet = function (dom, property, value) {
1876        if (!isString$1(value)) {
1877          console.error('Invalid call to CSS.set. Property ', property, ':: Value ', value, ':: Element ', dom);
1878          throw new Error('CSS value must be a string: ' + value);
1879        }
1880        if (isSupported(dom)) {
1881          dom.style.setProperty(property, value);
1882        }
1883      };
1884      var setAll = function (element, css) {
1885        var dom = element.dom;
1886        each$j(css, function (v, k) {
1887          internalSet(dom, k, v);
1888        });
1889      };
1890      var get$5 = function (element, property) {
1891        var dom = element.dom;
1892        var styles = window.getComputedStyle(dom);
1893        var r = styles.getPropertyValue(property);
1894        return r === '' && !inBody(element) ? getUnsafeProperty(dom, property) : r;
1895      };
1896      var getUnsafeProperty = function (dom, property) {
1897        return isSupported(dom) ? dom.style.getPropertyValue(property) : '';
1898      };
1899      var getRaw = function (element, property) {
1900        var dom = element.dom;
1901        var raw = getUnsafeProperty(dom, property);
1902        return Optional.from(raw).filter(function (r) {
1903          return r.length > 0;
1904        });
1905      };
1906      var getAllRaw = function (element) {
1907        var css = {};
1908        var dom = element.dom;
1909        if (isSupported(dom)) {
1910          for (var i = 0; i < dom.style.length; i++) {
1911            var ruleName = dom.style.item(i);
1912            css[ruleName] = dom.style[ruleName];
1913          }
1914        }
1915        return css;
1916      };
1917      var reflow = function (e) {
1918        return e.dom.offsetWidth;
1919      };
1921      var browser$3 = detect().browser;
1922      var firstElement = function (nodes) {
1923        return find$3(nodes, isElement$6);
1924      };
1925      var getTableCaptionDeltaY = function (elm) {
1926        if (browser$3.isFirefox() && name(elm) === 'table') {
1927          return firstElement(children(elm)).filter(function (elm) {
1928            return name(elm) === 'caption';
1929          }).bind(function (caption) {
1930            return firstElement(nextSiblings(caption)).map(function (body) {
1931              var bodyTop = body.dom.offsetTop;
1932              var captionTop = caption.dom.offsetTop;
1933              var captionHeight = caption.dom.offsetHeight;
1934              return bodyTop <= captionTop ? -captionHeight : 0;
1935            });
1936          }).getOr(0);
1937        } else {
1938          return 0;
1939        }
1940      };
1941      var hasChild = function (elm, child) {
1942        return elm.children && contains$3(elm.children, child);
1943      };
1944      var getPos = function (body, elm, rootElm) {
1945        var x = 0, y = 0;
1946        var doc = body.ownerDocument;
1947        rootElm = rootElm ? rootElm : body;
1948        if (elm) {
1949          if (rootElm === body && elm.getBoundingClientRect && get$5(SugarElement.fromDom(body), 'position') === 'static') {
1950            var pos = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
1951            x = pos.left + (doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft) - doc.documentElement.clientLeft;
1952            y = pos.top + (doc.documentElement.scrollTop || body.scrollTop) - doc.documentElement.clientTop;
1953            return {
1954              x: x,
1955              y: y
1956            };
1957          }
1958          var offsetParent = elm;
1959          while (offsetParent && offsetParent !== rootElm && offsetParent.nodeType && !hasChild(offsetParent, rootElm)) {
1960            var castOffsetParent = offsetParent;
1961            x += castOffsetParent.offsetLeft || 0;
1962            y += castOffsetParent.offsetTop || 0;
1963            offsetParent = castOffsetParent.offsetParent;
1964          }
1965          offsetParent = elm.parentNode;
1966          while (offsetParent && offsetParent !== rootElm && offsetParent.nodeType && !hasChild(offsetParent, rootElm)) {
1967            x -= offsetParent.scrollLeft || 0;
1968            y -= offsetParent.scrollTop || 0;
1969            offsetParent = offsetParent.parentNode;
1970          }
1971          y += getTableCaptionDeltaY(SugarElement.fromDom(elm));
1972        }
1973        return {
1974          x: x,
1975          y: y
1976        };
1977      };
1979      var exports$1 = {}, module$1 = { exports: exports$1 };
1980      (function (define, exports, module, require) {
1981        (function (global, factory) {
1982          typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.EphoxContactWrapper = factory());
1983        }(this, function () {
1984          var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {};
1985          var promise = { exports: {} };
1986          (function (module) {
1987            (function (root) {
1988              var setTimeoutFunc = setTimeout;
1989              function noop() {
1990              }
1991              function bind(fn, thisArg) {
1992                return function () {
1993                  fn.apply(thisArg, arguments);
1994                };
1995              }
1996              function Promise(fn) {
1997                if (typeof this !== 'object')
1998                  throw new TypeError('Promises must be constructed via new');
1999                if (typeof fn !== 'function')
2000                  throw new TypeError('not a function');
2001                this._state = 0;
2002                this._handled = false;
2003                this._value = undefined;
2004                this._deferreds = [];
2005                doResolve(fn, this);
2006              }
2007              function handle(self, deferred) {
2008                while (self._state === 3) {
2009                  self = self._value;
2010                }
2011                if (self._state === 0) {
2012                  self._deferreds.push(deferred);
2013                  return;
2014                }
2015                self._handled = true;
2016                Promise._immediateFn(function () {
2017                  var cb = self._state === 1 ? deferred.onFulfilled : deferred.onRejected;
2018                  if (cb === null) {
2019                    (self._state === 1 ? resolve : reject)(deferred.promise, self._value);
2020                    return;
2021                  }
2022                  var ret;
2023                  try {
2024                    ret = cb(self._value);
2025                  } catch (e) {
2026                    reject(deferred.promise, e);
2027                    return;
2028                  }
2029                  resolve(deferred.promise, ret);
2030                });
2031              }
2032              function resolve(self, newValue) {
2033                try {
2034                  if (newValue === self)
2035                    throw new TypeError('A promise cannot be resolved with itself.');
2036                  if (newValue && (typeof newValue === 'object' || typeof newValue === 'function')) {
2037                    var then = newValue.then;
2038                    if (newValue instanceof Promise) {
2039                      self._state = 3;
2040                      self._value = newValue;
2041                      finale(self);
2042                      return;
2043                    } else if (typeof then === 'function') {
2044                      doResolve(bind(then, newValue), self);
2045                      return;
2046                    }
2047                  }
2048                  self._state = 1;
2049                  self._value = newValue;
2050                  finale(self);
2051                } catch (e) {
2052                  reject(self, e);
2053                }
2054              }
2055              function reject(self, newValue) {
2056                self._state = 2;
2057                self._value = newValue;
2058                finale(self);
2059              }
2060              function finale(self) {
2061                if (self._state === 2 && self._deferreds.length === 0) {
2062                  Promise._immediateFn(function () {
2063                    if (!self._handled) {
2064                      Promise._unhandledRejectionFn(self._value);
2065                    }
2066                  });
2067                }
2068                for (var i = 0, len = self._deferreds.length; i < len; i++) {
2069                  handle(self, self._deferreds[i]);
2070                }
2071                self._deferreds = null;
2072              }
2073              function Handler(onFulfilled, onRejected, promise) {
2074                this.onFulfilled = typeof onFulfilled === 'function' ? onFulfilled : null;
2075                this.onRejected = typeof onRejected === 'function' ? onRejected : null;
2076                this.promise = promise;
2077              }
2078              function doResolve(fn, self) {
2079                var done = false;
2080                try {
2081                  fn(function (value) {
2082                    if (done)
2083                      return;
2084                    done = true;
2085                    resolve(self, value);
2086                  }, function (reason) {
2087                    if (done)
2088                      return;
2089                    done = true;
2090                    reject(self, reason);
2091                  });
2092                } catch (ex) {
2093                  if (done)
2094                    return;
2095                  done = true;
2096                  reject(self, ex);
2097                }
2098              }
2099              Promise.prototype['catch'] = function (onRejected) {
2100                return this.then(null, onRejected);
2101              };
2102              Promise.prototype.then = function (onFulfilled, onRejected) {
2103                var prom = new this.constructor(noop);
2104                handle(this, new Handler(onFulfilled, onRejected, prom));
2105                return prom;
2106              };
2107              Promise.all = function (arr) {
2108                var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arr);
2109                return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
2110                  if (args.length === 0)
2111                    return resolve([]);
2112                  var remaining = args.length;
2113                  function res(i, val) {
2114                    try {
2115                      if (val && (typeof val === 'object' || typeof val === 'function')) {
2116                        var then = val.then;
2117                        if (typeof then === 'function') {
2118                          then.call(val, function (val) {
2119                            res(i, val);
2120                          }, reject);
2121                          return;
2122                        }
2123                      }
2124                      args[i] = val;
2125                      if (--remaining === 0) {
2126                        resolve(args);
2127                      }
2128                    } catch (ex) {
2129                      reject(ex);
2130                    }
2131                  }
2132                  for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
2133                    res(i, args[i]);
2134                  }
2135                });
2136              };
2137              Promise.resolve = function (value) {
2138                if (value && typeof value === 'object' && value.constructor === Promise) {
2139                  return value;
2140                }
2141                return new Promise(function (resolve) {
2142                  resolve(value);
2143                });
2144              };
2145              Promise.reject = function (value) {
2146                return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
2147                  reject(value);
2148                });
2149              };
2150              Promise.race = function (values) {
2151                return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
2152                  for (var i = 0, len = values.length; i < len; i++) {
2153                    values[i].then(resolve, reject);
2154                  }
2155                });
2156              };
2157              Promise._immediateFn = typeof setImmediate === 'function' ? function (fn) {
2158                setImmediate(fn);
2159              } : function (fn) {
2160                setTimeoutFunc(fn, 0);
2161              };
2162              Promise._unhandledRejectionFn = function _unhandledRejectionFn(err) {
2163                if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console) {
2164                  console.warn('Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection:', err);
2165                }
2166              };
2167              Promise._setImmediateFn = function _setImmediateFn(fn) {
2168                Promise._immediateFn = fn;
2169              };
2170              Promise._setUnhandledRejectionFn = function _setUnhandledRejectionFn(fn) {
2171                Promise._unhandledRejectionFn = fn;
2172              };
2173              if (module.exports) {
2174                module.exports = Promise;
2175              } else if (!root.Promise) {
2176                root.Promise = Promise;
2177              }
2178            }(commonjsGlobal));
2179          }(promise));
2180          var promisePolyfill = promise.exports;
2181          var Global = function () {
2182            if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
2183              return window;
2184            } else {
2185              return Function('return this;')();
2186            }
2187          }();
2188          var promisePolyfill_1 = { boltExport: Global.Promise || promisePolyfill };
2189          return promisePolyfill_1;
2190        }));
2191      }(undefined, exports$1, module$1));
2192      var Promise$1 = module$1.exports.boltExport;
2194      var nu$1 = function (baseFn) {
2195        var data = Optional.none();
2196        var callbacks = [];
2197        var map = function (f) {
2198          return nu$1(function (nCallback) {
2199            get(function (data) {
2200              nCallback(f(data));
2201            });
2202          });
2203        };
2204        var get = function (nCallback) {
2205          if (isReady()) {
2206            call(nCallback);
2207          } else {
2208            callbacks.push(nCallback);
2209          }
2210        };
2211        var set = function (x) {
2212          if (!isReady()) {
2213            data = Optional.some(x);
2214            run(callbacks);
2215            callbacks = [];
2216          }
2217        };
2218        var isReady = function () {
2219          return data.isSome();
2220        };
2221        var run = function (cbs) {
2222          each$k(cbs, call);
2223        };
2224        var call = function (cb) {
2225          data.each(function (x) {
2226            setTimeout(function () {
2227              cb(x);
2228            }, 0);
2229          });
2230        };
2231        baseFn(set);
2232        return {
2233          get: get,
2234          map: map,
2235          isReady: isReady
2236        };
2237      };
2238      var pure$1 = function (a) {
2239        return nu$1(function (callback) {
2240          callback(a);
2241        });
2242      };
2243      var LazyValue = {
2244        nu: nu$1,
2245        pure: pure$1
2246      };
2248      var errorReporter = function (err) {
2249        setTimeout(function () {
2250          throw err;
2251        }, 0);
2252      };
2253      var make = function (run) {
2254        var get = function (callback) {
2255          run().then(callback, errorReporter);
2256        };
2257        var map = function (fab) {
2258          return make(function () {
2259            return run().then(fab);
2260          });
2261        };
2262        var bind = function (aFutureB) {
2263          return make(function () {
2264            return run().then(function (v) {
2265              return aFutureB(v).toPromise();
2266            });
2267          });
2268        };
2269        var anonBind = function (futureB) {
2270          return make(function () {
2271            return run().then(function () {
2272              return futureB.toPromise();
2273            });
2274          });
2275        };
2276        var toLazy = function () {
2277          return LazyValue.nu(get);
2278        };
2279        var toCached = function () {
2280          var cache = null;
2281          return make(function () {
2282            if (cache === null) {
2283              cache = run();
2284            }
2285            return cache;
2286          });
2287        };
2288        var toPromise = run;
2289        return {
2290          map: map,
2291          bind: bind,
2292          anonBind: anonBind,
2293          toLazy: toLazy,
2294          toCached: toCached,
2295          toPromise: toPromise,
2296          get: get
2297        };
2298      };
2299      var nu = function (baseFn) {
2300        return make(function () {
2301          return new Promise$1(baseFn);
2302        });
2303      };
2304      var pure = function (a) {
2305        return make(function () {
2306          return Promise$1.resolve(a);
2307        });
2308      };
2309      var Future = {
2310        nu: nu,
2311        pure: pure
2312      };
2314      var par$1 = function (asyncValues, nu) {
2315        return nu(function (callback) {
2316          var r = [];
2317          var count = 0;
2318          var cb = function (i) {
2319            return function (value) {
2320              r[i] = value;
2321              count++;
2322              if (count >= asyncValues.length) {
2323                callback(r);
2324              }
2325            };
2326          };
2327          if (asyncValues.length === 0) {
2328            callback([]);
2329          } else {
2330            each$k(asyncValues, function (asyncValue, i) {
2331              asyncValue.get(cb(i));
2332            });
2333          }
2334        });
2335      };
2337      var par = function (futures) {
2338        return par$1(futures, Future.nu);
2339      };
2341      var value$1 = function (o) {
2342        var or = function (_opt) {
2343          return value$1(o);
2344        };
2345        var orThunk = function (_f) {
2346          return value$1(o);
2347        };
2348        var map = function (f) {
2349          return value$1(f(o));
2350        };
2351        var mapError = function (_f) {
2352          return value$1(o);
2353        };
2354        var each = function (f) {
2355          f(o);
2356        };
2357        var bind = function (f) {
2358          return f(o);
2359        };
2360        var fold = function (_, onValue) {
2361          return onValue(o);
2362        };
2363        var exists = function (f) {
2364          return f(o);
2365        };
2366        var forall = function (f) {
2367          return f(o);
2368        };
2369        var toOptional = function () {
2370          return Optional.some(o);
2371        };
2372        return {
2373          isValue: always,
2374          isError: never,
2375          getOr: constant(o),
2376          getOrThunk: constant(o),
2377          getOrDie: constant(o),
2378          or: or,
2379          orThunk: orThunk,
2380          fold: fold,
2381          map: map,
2382          mapError: mapError,
2383          each: each,
2384          bind: bind,
2385          exists: exists,
2386          forall: forall,
2387          toOptional: toOptional
2388        };
2389      };
2390      var error = function (message) {
2391        var getOrThunk = function (f) {
2392          return f();
2393        };
2394        var getOrDie = function () {
2395          return die(String(message))();
2396        };
2397        var or = identity;
2398        var orThunk = function (f) {
2399          return f();
2400        };
2401        var map = function (_f) {
2402          return error(message);
2403        };
2404        var mapError = function (f) {
2405          return error(f(message));
2406        };
2407        var bind = function (_f) {
2408          return error(message);
2409        };
2410        var fold = function (onError, _) {
2411          return onError(message);
2412        };
2413        return {
2414          isValue: never,
2415          isError: always,
2416          getOr: identity,
2417          getOrThunk: getOrThunk,
2418          getOrDie: getOrDie,
2419          or: or,
2420          orThunk: orThunk,
2421          fold: fold,
2422          map: map,
2423          mapError: mapError,
2424          each: noop,
2425          bind: bind,
2426          exists: never,
2427          forall: always,
2428          toOptional: Optional.none
2429        };
2430      };
2431      var fromOption = function (opt, err) {
2432        return opt.fold(function () {
2433          return error(err);
2434        }, value$1);
2435      };
2436      var Result = {
2437        value: value$1,
2438        error: error,
2439        fromOption: fromOption
2440      };
2442      var generate$1 = function (cases) {
2443        if (!isArray$1(cases)) {
2444          throw new Error('cases must be an array');
2445        }
2446        if (cases.length === 0) {
2447          throw new Error('there must be at least one case');
2448        }
2449        var constructors = [];
2450        var adt = {};
2451        each$k(cases, function (acase, count) {
2452          var keys$1 = keys(acase);
2453          if (keys$1.length !== 1) {
2454            throw new Error('one and only one name per case');
2455          }
2456          var key = keys$1[0];
2457          var value = acase[key];
2458          if (adt[key] !== undefined) {
2459            throw new Error('duplicate key detected:' + key);
2460          } else if (key === 'cata') {
2461            throw new Error('cannot have a case named cata (sorry)');
2462          } else if (!isArray$1(value)) {
2463            throw new Error('case arguments must be an array');
2464          }
2465          constructors.push(key);
2466          adt[key] = function () {
2467            var args = [];
2468            for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2469              args[_i] = arguments[_i];
2470            }
2471            var argLength = args.length;
2472            if (argLength !== value.length) {
2473              throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to case ' + key + '. Expected ' + value.length + ' (' + value + '), got ' + argLength);
2474            }
2475            var match = function (branches) {
2476              var branchKeys = keys(branches);
2477              if (constructors.length !== branchKeys.length) {
2478                throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to match. Expected: ' + constructors.join(',') + '\nActual: ' + branchKeys.join(','));
2479              }
2480              var allReqd = forall(constructors, function (reqKey) {
2481                return contains$3(branchKeys, reqKey);
2482              });
2483              if (!allReqd) {
2484                throw new Error('Not all branches were specified when using match. Specified: ' + branchKeys.join(', ') + '\nRequired: ' + constructors.join(', '));
2485              }
2486              return branches[key].apply(null, args);
2487            };
2488            return {
2489              fold: function () {
2490                var foldArgs = [];
2491                for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2492                  foldArgs[_i] = arguments[_i];
2493                }
2494                if (foldArgs.length !== cases.length) {
2495                  throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to fold. Expected ' + cases.length + ', got ' + foldArgs.length);
2496                }
2497                var target = foldArgs[count];
2498                return target.apply(null, args);
2499              },
2500              match: match,
2501              log: function (label) {
2502                console.log(label, {
2503                  constructors: constructors,
2504                  constructor: key,
2505                  params: args
2506                });
2507              }
2508            };
2509          };
2510        });
2511        return adt;
2512      };
2513      var Adt = { generate: generate$1 };
2515      Adt.generate([
2516        {
2517          bothErrors: [
2518            'error1',
2519            'error2'
2520          ]
2521        },
2522        {
2523          firstError: [
2524            'error1',
2525            'value2'
2526          ]
2527        },
2528        {
2529          secondError: [
2530            'value1',
2531            'error2'
2532          ]
2533        },
2534        {
2535          bothValues: [
2536            'value1',
2537            'value2'
2538          ]
2539        }
2540      ]);
2541      var unite = function (result) {
2542        return result.fold(identity, identity);
2543      };
2545      function ClosestOrAncestor (is, ancestor, scope, a, isRoot) {
2546        if (is(scope, a)) {
2547          return Optional.some(scope);
2548        } else if (isFunction(isRoot) && isRoot(scope)) {
2549          return Optional.none();
2550        } else {
2551          return ancestor(scope, a, isRoot);
2552        }
2553      }
2555      var ancestor$3 = function (scope, predicate, isRoot) {
2556        var element = scope.dom;
2557        var stop = isFunction(isRoot) ? isRoot : never;
2558        while (element.parentNode) {
2559          element = element.parentNode;
2560          var el = SugarElement.fromDom(element);
2561          if (predicate(el)) {
2562            return Optional.some(el);
2563          } else if (stop(el)) {
2564            break;
2565          }
2566        }
2567        return Optional.none();
2568      };
2569      var closest$3 = function (scope, predicate, isRoot) {
2570        var is = function (s, test) {
2571          return test(s);
2572        };
2573        return ClosestOrAncestor(is, ancestor$3, scope, predicate, isRoot);
2574      };
2575      var sibling$2 = function (scope, predicate) {
2576        var element = scope.dom;
2577        if (!element.parentNode) {
2578          return Optional.none();
2579        }
2580        return child(SugarElement.fromDom(element.parentNode), function (x) {
2581          return !eq(scope, x) && predicate(x);
2582        });
2583      };
2584      var child = function (scope, predicate) {
2585        var pred = function (node) {
2586          return predicate(SugarElement.fromDom(node));
2587        };
2588        var result = find$3(scope.dom.childNodes, pred);
2589        return result.map(SugarElement.fromDom);
2590      };
2592      var ancestor$2 = function (scope, selector, isRoot) {
2593        return ancestor$3(scope, function (e) {
2594          return is$2(e, selector);
2595        }, isRoot);
2596      };
2597      var descendant = function (scope, selector) {
2598        return one(selector, scope);
2599      };
2600      var closest$2 = function (scope, selector, isRoot) {
2601        var is = function (element, selector) {
2602          return is$2(element, selector);
2603        };
2604        return ClosestOrAncestor(is, ancestor$2, scope, selector, isRoot);
2605      };
2607      var promiseObj = window.Promise ? window.Promise : Promise$1;
2609      var requestAnimationFramePromise;
2610      var requestAnimationFrame = function (callback, element) {
2611        var requestAnimationFrameFunc = window.requestAnimationFrame;
2612        var vendors = [
2613          'ms',
2614          'moz',
2615          'webkit'
2616        ];
2617        var featurefill = function (cb) {
2618          window.setTimeout(cb, 0);
2619        };
2620        for (var i = 0; i < vendors.length && !requestAnimationFrameFunc; i++) {
2621          requestAnimationFrameFunc = window[vendors[i] + 'RequestAnimationFrame'];
2622        }
2623        if (!requestAnimationFrameFunc) {
2624          requestAnimationFrameFunc = featurefill;
2625        }
2626        requestAnimationFrameFunc(callback, element);
2627      };
2628      var wrappedSetTimeout = function (callback, time) {
2629        if (typeof time !== 'number') {
2630          time = 0;
2631        }
2632        return setTimeout(callback, time);
2633      };
2634      var wrappedSetInterval = function (callback, time) {
2635        if (typeof time !== 'number') {
2636          time = 1;
2637        }
2638        return setInterval(callback, time);
2639      };
2640      var wrappedClearTimeout = function (id) {
2641        return clearTimeout(id);
2642      };
2643      var wrappedClearInterval = function (id) {
2644        return clearInterval(id);
2645      };
2646      var debounce = function (callback, time) {
2647        var timer;
2648        var func = function () {
2649          var args = [];
2650          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2651            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
2652          }
2653          clearTimeout(timer);
2654          timer = wrappedSetTimeout(function () {
2655            callback.apply(this, args);
2656          }, time);
2657        };
2658        func.stop = function () {
2659          clearTimeout(timer);
2660        };
2661        return func;
2662      };
2663      var Delay = {
2664        requestAnimationFrame: function (callback, element) {
2665          if (requestAnimationFramePromise) {
2666            requestAnimationFramePromise.then(callback);
2667            return;
2668          }
2669          requestAnimationFramePromise = new promiseObj(function (resolve) {
2670            if (!element) {
2671              element = document.body;
2672            }
2673            requestAnimationFrame(resolve, element);
2674          }).then(callback);
2675        },
2676        setTimeout: wrappedSetTimeout,
2677        setInterval: wrappedSetInterval,
2678        setEditorTimeout: function (editor, callback, time) {
2679          return wrappedSetTimeout(function () {
2680            if (!editor.removed) {
2681              callback();
2682            }
2683          }, time);
2684        },
2685        setEditorInterval: function (editor, callback, time) {
2686          var timer = wrappedSetInterval(function () {
2687            if (!editor.removed) {
2688              callback();
2689            } else {
2690              clearInterval(timer);
2691            }
2692          }, time);
2693          return timer;
2694        },
2695        debounce: debounce,
2696        throttle: debounce,
2697        clearInterval: wrappedClearInterval,
2698        clearTimeout: wrappedClearTimeout
2699      };
2701      var StyleSheetLoader = function (documentOrShadowRoot, settings) {
2702        if (settings === void 0) {
2703          settings = {};
2704        }
2705        var idCount = 0;
2706        var loadedStates = {};
2707        var edos = SugarElement.fromDom(documentOrShadowRoot);
2708        var doc = documentOrOwner(edos);
2709        var maxLoadTime = settings.maxLoadTime || 5000;
2710        var _setReferrerPolicy = function (referrerPolicy) {
2711          settings.referrerPolicy = referrerPolicy;
2712        };
2713        var addStyle = function (element) {
2714          append$1(getStyleContainer(edos), element);
2715        };
2716        var removeStyle = function (id) {
2717          var styleContainer = getStyleContainer(edos);
2718          descendant(styleContainer, '#' + id).each(remove$7);
2719        };
2720        var getOrCreateState = function (url) {
2721          return get$9(loadedStates, url).getOrThunk(function () {
2722            return {
2723              id: 'mce-u' + idCount++,
2724              passed: [],
2725              failed: [],
2726              count: 0
2727            };
2728          });
2729        };
2730        var load = function (url, success, failure) {
2731          var link;
2732          var urlWithSuffix = Tools._addCacheSuffix(url);
2733          var state = getOrCreateState(urlWithSuffix);
2734          loadedStates[urlWithSuffix] = state;
2735          state.count++;
2736          var resolve = function (callbacks, status) {
2737            var i = callbacks.length;
2738            while (i--) {
2739              callbacks[i]();
2740            }
2741            state.status = status;
2742            state.passed = [];
2743            state.failed = [];
2744            if (link) {
2745              link.onload = null;
2746              link.onerror = null;
2747              link = null;
2748            }
2749          };
2750          var passed = function () {
2751            return resolve(state.passed, 2);
2752          };
2753          var failed = function () {
2754            return resolve(state.failed, 3);
2755          };
2756          var wait = function (testCallback, waitCallback) {
2757            if (!testCallback()) {
2758              if (Date.now() - startTime < maxLoadTime) {
2759                Delay.setTimeout(waitCallback);
2760              } else {
2761                failed();
2762              }
2763            }
2764          };
2765          var waitForWebKitLinkLoaded = function () {
2766            wait(function () {
2767              var styleSheets = documentOrShadowRoot.styleSheets;
2768              var i = styleSheets.length;
2769              while (i--) {
2770                var styleSheet = styleSheets[i];
2771                var owner = styleSheet.ownerNode;
2772                if (owner && owner.id === link.id) {
2773                  passed();
2774                  return true;
2775                }
2776              }
2777              return false;
2778            }, waitForWebKitLinkLoaded);
2779          };
2780          if (success) {
2781            state.passed.push(success);
2782          }
2783          if (failure) {
2784            state.failed.push(failure);
2785          }
2786          if (state.status === 1) {
2787            return;
2788          }
2789          if (state.status === 2) {
2790            passed();
2791            return;
2792          }
2793          if (state.status === 3) {
2794            failed();
2795            return;
2796          }
2797          state.status = 1;
2798          var linkElem = SugarElement.fromTag('link', doc.dom);
2799          setAll$1(linkElem, {
2800            rel: 'stylesheet',
2801            type: 'text/css',
2802            id: state.id
2803          });
2804          var startTime = Date.now();
2805          if (settings.contentCssCors) {
2806            set$1(linkElem, 'crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
2807          }
2808          if (settings.referrerPolicy) {
2809            set$1(linkElem, 'referrerpolicy', settings.referrerPolicy);
2810          }
2811          link = linkElem.dom;
2812          link.onload = waitForWebKitLinkLoaded;
2813          link.onerror = failed;
2814          addStyle(linkElem);
2815          set$1(linkElem, 'href', urlWithSuffix);
2816        };
2817        var loadF = function (url) {
2818          return Future.nu(function (resolve) {
2819            load(url, compose(resolve, constant(Result.value(url))), compose(resolve, constant(Result.error(url))));
2820          });
2821        };
2822        var loadAll = function (urls, success, failure) {
2823          par(map$3(urls, loadF)).get(function (result) {
2824            var parts = partition(result, function (r) {
2825              return r.isValue();
2826            });
2827            if (parts.fail.length > 0) {
2828              failure(parts.fail.map(unite));
2829            } else {
2830              success(parts.pass.map(unite));
2831            }
2832          });
2833        };
2834        var unload = function (url) {
2835          var urlWithSuffix = Tools._addCacheSuffix(url);
2836          get$9(loadedStates, urlWithSuffix).each(function (state) {
2837            var count = --state.count;
2838            if (count === 0) {
2839              delete loadedStates[urlWithSuffix];
2840              removeStyle(state.id);
2841            }
2842          });
2843        };
2844        var unloadAll = function (urls) {
2845          each$k(urls, function (url) {
2846            unload(url);
2847          });
2848        };
2849        return {
2850          load: load,
2851          loadAll: loadAll,
2852          unload: unload,
2853          unloadAll: unloadAll,
2854          _setReferrerPolicy: _setReferrerPolicy
2855        };
2856      };
2858      var create$8 = function () {
2859        var map = new WeakMap();
2860        var forElement = function (referenceElement, settings) {
2861          var root = getRootNode(referenceElement);
2862          var rootDom = root.dom;
2863          return Optional.from(map.get(rootDom)).getOrThunk(function () {
2864            var sl = StyleSheetLoader(rootDom, settings);
2865            map.set(rootDom, sl);
2866            return sl;
2867          });
2868        };
2869        return { forElement: forElement };
2870      };
2871      var instance = create$8();
2873      var DomTreeWalker = function () {
2874        function DomTreeWalker(startNode, rootNode) {
2875          this.node = startNode;
2876          this.rootNode = rootNode;
2877          this.current = this.current.bind(this);
2878          this.next = this.next.bind(this);
2879          this.prev = this.prev.bind(this);
2880          this.prev2 = this.prev2.bind(this);
2881        }
2882        DomTreeWalker.prototype.current = function () {
2883          return this.node;
2884        };
2885        DomTreeWalker.prototype.next = function (shallow) {
2886          this.node = this.findSibling(this.node, 'firstChild', 'nextSibling', shallow);
2887          return this.node;
2888        };
2889        DomTreeWalker.prototype.prev = function (shallow) {
2890          this.node = this.findSibling(this.node, 'lastChild', 'previousSibling', shallow);
2891          return this.node;
2892        };
2893        DomTreeWalker.prototype.prev2 = function (shallow) {
2894          this.node = this.findPreviousNode(this.node, 'lastChild', 'previousSibling', shallow);
2895          return this.node;
2896        };
2897        DomTreeWalker.prototype.findSibling = function (node, startName, siblingName, shallow) {
2898          var sibling, parent;
2899          if (node) {
2900            if (!shallow && node[startName]) {
2901              return node[startName];
2902            }
2903            if (node !== this.rootNode) {
2904              sibling = node[siblingName];
2905              if (sibling) {
2906                return sibling;
2907              }
2908              for (parent = node.parentNode; parent && parent !== this.rootNode; parent = parent.parentNode) {
2909                sibling = parent[siblingName];
2910                if (sibling) {
2911                  return sibling;
2912                }
2913              }
2914            }
2915          }
2916        };
2917        DomTreeWalker.prototype.findPreviousNode = function (node, startName, siblingName, shallow) {
2918          var sibling, parent, child;
2919          if (node) {
2920            sibling = node[siblingName];
2921            if (this.rootNode && sibling === this.rootNode) {
2922              return;
2923            }
2924            if (sibling) {
2925              if (!shallow) {
2926                for (child = sibling[startName]; child; child = child[startName]) {
2927                  if (!child[startName]) {
2928                    return child;
2929                  }
2930                }
2931              }
2932              return sibling;
2933            }
2934            parent = node.parentNode;
2935            if (parent && parent !== this.rootNode) {
2936              return parent;
2937            }
2938          }
2939        };
2940        return DomTreeWalker;
2941      }();
2943      var blocks = [
2944        'article',
2945        'aside',
2946        'details',
2947        'div',
2948        'dt',
2949        'figcaption',
2950        'footer',
2951        'form',
2952        'fieldset',
2953        'header',
2954        'hgroup',
2955        'html',
2956        'main',
2957        'nav',
2958        'section',
2959        'summary',
2960        'body',
2961        'p',
2962        'dl',
2963        'multicol',
2964        'dd',
2965        'figure',
2966        'address',
2967        'center',
2968        'blockquote',
2969        'h1',
2970        'h2',
2971        'h3',
2972        'h4',
2973        'h5',
2974        'h6',
2975        'listing',
2976        'xmp',
2977        'pre',
2978        'plaintext',
2979        'menu',
2980        'dir',
2981        'ul',
2982        'ol',
2983        'li',
2984        'hr',
2985        'table',
2986        'tbody',
2987        'thead',
2988        'tfoot',
2989        'th',
2990        'tr',
2991        'td',
2992        'caption'
2993      ];
2994      var tableCells = [
2995        'td',
2996        'th'
2997      ];
2998      var tableSections = [
2999        'thead',
3000        'tbody',
3001        'tfoot'
3002      ];
3003      var textBlocks = [
3004        'h1',
3005        'h2',
3006        'h3',
3007        'h4',
3008        'h5',
3009        'h6',
3010        'p',
3011        'div',
3012        'address',
3013        'pre',
3014        'form',
3015        'blockquote',
3016        'center',
3017        'dir',
3018        'fieldset',
3019        'header',
3020        'footer',
3021        'article',
3022        'section',
3023        'hgroup',
3024        'aside',
3025        'nav',
3026        'figure'
3027      ];
3028      var headings = [
3029        'h1',
3030        'h2',
3031        'h3',
3032        'h4',
3033        'h5',
3034        'h6'
3035      ];
3036      var listItems$1 = [
3037        'li',
3038        'dd',
3039        'dt'
3040      ];
3041      var lists = [
3042        'ul',
3043        'ol',
3044        'dl'
3045      ];
3046      var wsElements = [
3047        'pre',
3048        'script',
3049        'textarea',
3050        'style'
3051      ];
3052      var lazyLookup = function (items) {
3053        var lookup;
3054        return function (node) {
3055          lookup = lookup ? lookup : mapToObject(items, always);
3056          return has$2(lookup, name(node));
3057        };
3058      };
3059      var isHeading = lazyLookup(headings);
3060      var isBlock$2 = lazyLookup(blocks);
3061      var isTable$2 = function (node) {
3062        return name(node) === 'table';
3063      };
3064      var isInline$1 = function (node) {
3065        return isElement$6(node) && !isBlock$2(node);
3066      };
3067      var isBr$4 = function (node) {
3068        return isElement$6(node) && name(node) === 'br';
3069      };
3070      var isTextBlock$2 = lazyLookup(textBlocks);
3071      var isList = lazyLookup(lists);
3072      var isListItem = lazyLookup(listItems$1);
3073      var isTableSection = lazyLookup(tableSections);
3074      var isTableCell$4 = lazyLookup(tableCells);
3075      var isWsPreserveElement = lazyLookup(wsElements);
3077      var ancestor$1 = function (scope, selector, isRoot) {
3078        return ancestor$2(scope, selector, isRoot).isSome();
3079      };
3081      var zeroWidth = '\uFEFF';
3082      var nbsp = '\xA0';
3083      var isZwsp$1 = function (char) {
3084        return char === zeroWidth;
3085      };
3086      var removeZwsp = function (s) {
3087        return s.replace(/\uFEFF/g, '');
3088      };
3090      var ZWSP$1 = zeroWidth;
3091      var isZwsp = isZwsp$1;
3092      var trim$2 = removeZwsp;
3094      var isElement$4 = isElement$5;
3095      var isText$6 = isText$7;
3096      var isCaretContainerBlock$1 = function (node) {
3097        if (isText$6(node)) {
3098          node = node.parentNode;
3099        }
3100        return isElement$4(node) && node.hasAttribute('data-mce-caret');
3101      };
3102      var isCaretContainerInline = function (node) {
3103        return isText$6(node) && isZwsp(node.data);
3104      };
3105      var isCaretContainer$2 = function (node) {
3106        return isCaretContainerBlock$1(node) || isCaretContainerInline(node);
3107      };
3108      var hasContent = function (node) {
3109        return node.firstChild !== node.lastChild || !isBr$5(node.firstChild);
3110      };
3111      var insertInline$1 = function (node, before) {
3112        var doc = node.ownerDocument;
3113        var textNode = doc.createTextNode(ZWSP$1);
3114        var parentNode = node.parentNode;
3115        if (!before) {
3116          var sibling = node.nextSibling;
3117          if (isText$6(sibling)) {
3118            if (isCaretContainer$2(sibling)) {
3119              return sibling;
3120            }
3121            if (startsWithCaretContainer$1(sibling)) {
3122              sibling.splitText(1);
3123              return sibling;
3124            }
3125          }
3126          if (node.nextSibling) {
3127            parentNode.insertBefore(textNode, node.nextSibling);
3128          } else {
3129            parentNode.appendChild(textNode);
3130          }
3131        } else {
3132          var sibling = node.previousSibling;
3133          if (isText$6(sibling)) {
3134            if (isCaretContainer$2(sibling)) {
3135              return sibling;
3136            }
3137            if (endsWithCaretContainer$1(sibling)) {
3138              return sibling.splitText(sibling.data.length - 1);
3139            }
3140          }
3141          parentNode.insertBefore(textNode, node);
3142        }
3143        return textNode;
3144      };
3145      var isBeforeInline = function (pos) {
3146        var container = pos.container();
3147        if (!isText$7(container)) {
3148          return false;
3149        }
3150        return container.data.charAt(pos.offset()) === ZWSP$1 || pos.isAtStart() && isCaretContainerInline(container.previousSibling);
3151      };
3152      var isAfterInline = function (pos) {
3153        var container = pos.container();
3154        if (!isText$7(container)) {
3155          return false;
3156        }
3157        return container.data.charAt(pos.offset() - 1) === ZWSP$1 || pos.isAtEnd() && isCaretContainerInline(container.nextSibling);
3158      };
3159      var createBogusBr = function () {
3160        var br = document.createElement('br');
3161        br.setAttribute('data-mce-bogus', '1');
3162        return br;
3163      };
3164      var insertBlock$1 = function (blockName, node, before) {
3165        var doc = node.ownerDocument;
3166        var blockNode = doc.createElement(blockName);
3167        blockNode.setAttribute('data-mce-caret', before ? 'before' : 'after');
3168        blockNode.setAttribute('data-mce-bogus', 'all');
3169        blockNode.appendChild(createBogusBr());
3170        var parentNode = node.parentNode;
3171        if (!before) {
3172          if (node.nextSibling) {
3173            parentNode.insertBefore(blockNode, node.nextSibling);
3174          } else {
3175            parentNode.appendChild(blockNode);
3176          }
3177        } else {
3178          parentNode.insertBefore(blockNode, node);
3179        }
3180        return blockNode;
3181      };
3182      var startsWithCaretContainer$1 = function (node) {
3183        return isText$6(node) && node.data[0] === ZWSP$1;
3184      };
3185      var endsWithCaretContainer$1 = function (node) {
3186        return isText$6(node) && node.data[node.data.length - 1] === ZWSP$1;
3187      };
3188      var trimBogusBr = function (elm) {
3189        var brs = elm.getElementsByTagName('br');
3190        var lastBr = brs[brs.length - 1];
3191        if (isBogus$2(lastBr)) {
3192          lastBr.parentNode.removeChild(lastBr);
3193        }
3194      };
3195      var showCaretContainerBlock = function (caretContainer) {
3196        if (caretContainer && caretContainer.hasAttribute('data-mce-caret')) {
3197          trimBogusBr(caretContainer);
3198          caretContainer.removeAttribute('data-mce-caret');
3199          caretContainer.removeAttribute('data-mce-bogus');
3200          caretContainer.removeAttribute('style');
3201          caretContainer.removeAttribute('_moz_abspos');
3202          return caretContainer;
3203        }
3204        return null;
3205      };
3206      var isRangeInCaretContainerBlock = function (range) {
3207        return isCaretContainerBlock$1(range.startContainer);
3208      };
3210      var isContentEditableTrue$3 = isContentEditableTrue$4;
3211      var isContentEditableFalse$a = isContentEditableFalse$b;
3212      var isBr$3 = isBr$5;
3213      var isText$5 = isText$7;
3214      var isInvalidTextElement = matchNodeNames([
3215        'script',
3216        'style',
3217        'textarea'
3218      ]);
3219      var isAtomicInline = matchNodeNames([
3220        'img',
3221        'input',
3222        'textarea',
3223        'hr',
3224        'iframe',
3225        'video',
3226        'audio',
3227        'object',
3228        'embed'
3229      ]);
3230      var isTable$1 = matchNodeNames(['table']);
3231      var isCaretContainer$1 = isCaretContainer$2;
3232      var isCaretCandidate$3 = function (node) {
3233        if (isCaretContainer$1(node)) {
3234          return false;
3235        }
3236        if (isText$5(node)) {
3237          return !isInvalidTextElement(node.parentNode);
3238        }
3239        return isAtomicInline(node) || isBr$3(node) || isTable$1(node) || isNonUiContentEditableFalse(node);
3240      };
3241      var isUnselectable = function (node) {
3242        return isElement$5(node) && node.getAttribute('unselectable') === 'true';
3243      };
3244      var isNonUiContentEditableFalse = function (node) {
3245        return isUnselectable(node) === false && isContentEditableFalse$a(node);
3246      };
3247      var isInEditable = function (node, root) {
3248        for (node = node.parentNode; node && node !== root; node = node.parentNode) {
3249          if (isNonUiContentEditableFalse(node)) {
3250            return false;
3251          }
3252          if (isContentEditableTrue$3(node)) {
3253            return true;
3254          }
3255        }
3256        return true;
3257      };
3258      var isAtomicContentEditableFalse = function (node) {
3259        if (!isNonUiContentEditableFalse(node)) {
3260          return false;
3261        }
3262        return foldl(from(node.getElementsByTagName('*')), function (result, elm) {
3263          return result || isContentEditableTrue$3(elm);
3264        }, false) !== true;
3265      };
3266      var isAtomic$1 = function (node) {
3267        return isAtomicInline(node) || isAtomicContentEditableFalse(node);
3268      };
3269      var isEditableCaretCandidate$1 = function (node, root) {
3270        return isCaretCandidate$3(node) && isInEditable(node, root);
3271      };
3273      var whiteSpaceRegExp$1 = /^[ \t\r\n]*$/;
3274      var isWhitespaceText = function (text) {
3275        return whiteSpaceRegExp$1.test(text);
3276      };
3278      var hasWhitespacePreserveParent = function (node, rootNode) {
3279        var rootElement = SugarElement.fromDom(rootNode);
3280        var startNode = SugarElement.fromDom(node);
3281        return ancestor$1(startNode, 'pre,code', curry(eq, rootElement));
3282      };
3283      var isWhitespace = function (node, rootNode) {
3284        return isText$7(node) && isWhitespaceText(node.data) && hasWhitespacePreserveParent(node, rootNode) === false;
3285      };
3286      var isNamedAnchor = function (node) {
3287        return isElement$5(node) && node.nodeName === 'A' && !node.hasAttribute('href') && (node.hasAttribute('name') || node.hasAttribute('id'));
3288      };
3289      var isContent$1 = function (node, rootNode) {
3290        return isCaretCandidate$3(node) && isWhitespace(node, rootNode) === false || isNamedAnchor(node) || isBookmark(node);
3291      };
3292      var isBookmark = hasAttribute('data-mce-bookmark');
3293      var isBogus$1 = hasAttribute('data-mce-bogus');
3294      var isBogusAll = hasAttributeValue('data-mce-bogus', 'all');
3295      var isEmptyNode = function (targetNode, skipBogus) {
3296        var brCount = 0;
3297        if (isContent$1(targetNode, targetNode)) {
3298          return false;
3299        } else {
3300          var node = targetNode.firstChild;
3301          if (!node) {
3302            return true;
3303          }
3304          var walker = new DomTreeWalker(node, targetNode);
3305          do {
3306            if (skipBogus) {
3307              if (isBogusAll(node)) {
3308                node = walker.next(true);
3309                continue;
3310              }
3311              if (isBogus$1(node)) {
3312                node = walker.next();
3313                continue;
3314              }
3315            }
3316            if (isBr$5(node)) {
3317              brCount++;
3318              node = walker.next();
3319              continue;
3320            }
3321            if (isContent$1(node, targetNode)) {
3322              return false;
3323            }
3324            node = walker.next();
3325          } while (node);
3326          return brCount <= 1;
3327        }
3328      };
3329      var isEmpty$2 = function (elm, skipBogus) {
3330        if (skipBogus === void 0) {
3331          skipBogus = true;
3332        }
3333        return isEmptyNode(elm.dom, skipBogus);
3334      };
3336      var isSpan = function (node) {
3337        return node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'span';
3338      };
3339      var isInlineContent = function (node, root) {
3340        return isNonNullable(node) && (isContent$1(node, root) || isInline$1(SugarElement.fromDom(node)));
3341      };
3342      var surroundedByInlineContent = function (node, root) {
3343        var prev = new DomTreeWalker(node, root).prev(false);
3344        var next = new DomTreeWalker(node, root).next(false);
3345        var prevIsInline = isUndefined(prev) || isInlineContent(prev, root);
3346        var nextIsInline = isUndefined(next) || isInlineContent(next, root);
3347        return prevIsInline && nextIsInline;
3348      };
3349      var isBookmarkNode$2 = function (node) {
3350        return isSpan(node) && node.getAttribute('data-mce-type') === 'bookmark';
3351      };
3352      var isKeepTextNode = function (node, root) {
3353        return isText$7(node) && node.data.length > 0 && surroundedByInlineContent(node, root);
3354      };
3355      var isKeepElement = function (node) {
3356        return isElement$5(node) ? node.childNodes.length > 0 : false;
3357      };
3358      var isDocument = function (node) {
3359        return isDocumentFragment(node) || isDocument$1(node);
3360      };
3361      var trimNode = function (dom, node, root) {
3362        var rootNode = root || node;
3363        if (isElement$5(node) && isBookmarkNode$2(node)) {
3364          return node;
3365        }
3366        var children = node.childNodes;
3367        for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
3368          trimNode(dom, children[i], rootNode);
3369        }
3370        if (isElement$5(node)) {
3371          var currentChildren = node.childNodes;
3372          if (currentChildren.length === 1 && isBookmarkNode$2(currentChildren[0])) {
3373            node.parentNode.insertBefore(currentChildren[0], node);
3374          }
3375        }
3376        if (!isDocument(node) && !isContent$1(node, rootNode) && !isKeepElement(node) && !isKeepTextNode(node, rootNode)) {
3377          dom.remove(node);
3378        }
3379        return node;
3380      };
3382      var makeMap$3 = Tools.makeMap;
3383      var attrsCharsRegExp = /[&<>\"\u0060\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g;
3384      var textCharsRegExp = /[<>&\u007E-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFEF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g;
3385      var rawCharsRegExp = /[<>&\"\']/g;
3386      var entityRegExp = /&#([a-z0-9]+);?|&([a-z0-9]+);/gi;
3387      var asciiMap = {
3388        128: '\u20AC',
3389        130: '\u201A',
3390        131: '\u0192',
3391        132: '\u201E',
3392        133: '\u2026',
3393        134: '\u2020',
3394        135: '\u2021',
3395        136: '\u02c6',
3396        137: '\u2030',
3397        138: '\u0160',
3398        139: '\u2039',
3399        140: '\u0152',
3400        142: '\u017d',
3401        145: '\u2018',
3402        146: '\u2019',
3403        147: '\u201C',
3404        148: '\u201D',
3405        149: '\u2022',
3406        150: '\u2013',
3407        151: '\u2014',
3408        152: '\u02DC',
3409        153: '\u2122',
3410        154: '\u0161',
3411        155: '\u203A',
3412        156: '\u0153',
3413        158: '\u017e',
3414        159: '\u0178'
3415      };
3416      var baseEntities = {
3417        '"': '&quot;',
3418        '\'': '&#39;',
3419        '<': '&lt;',
3420        '>': '&gt;',
3421        '&': '&amp;',
3422        '`': '&#96;'
3423      };
3424      var reverseEntities = {
3425        '&lt;': '<',
3426        '&gt;': '>',
3427        '&amp;': '&',
3428        '&quot;': '"',
3429        '&apos;': '\''
3430      };
3431      var nativeDecode = function (text) {
3432        var elm = SugarElement.fromTag('div').dom;
3433        elm.innerHTML = text;
3434        return elm.textContent || elm.innerText || text;
3435      };
3436      var buildEntitiesLookup = function (items, radix) {
3437        var i, chr, entity;
3438        var lookup = {};
3439        if (items) {
3440          items = items.split(',');
3441          radix = radix || 10;
3442          for (i = 0; i < items.length; i += 2) {
3443            chr = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(items[i], radix));
3444            if (!baseEntities[chr]) {
3445              entity = '&' + items[i + 1] + ';';
3446              lookup[chr] = entity;
3447              lookup[entity] = chr;
3448            }
3449          }
3450          return lookup;
3451        }
3452      };
3453      var namedEntities = buildEntitiesLookup('50,nbsp,51,iexcl,52,cent,53,pound,54,curren,55,yen,56,brvbar,57,sect,58,uml,59,copy,' + '5a,ordf,5b,laquo,5c,not,5d,shy,5e,reg,5f,macr,5g,deg,5h,plusmn,5i,sup2,5j,sup3,5k,acute,' + '5l,micro,5m,para,5n,middot,5o,cedil,5p,sup1,5q,ordm,5r,raquo,5s,frac14,5t,frac12,5u,frac34,' + '5v,iquest,60,Agrave,61,Aacute,62,Acirc,63,Atilde,64,Auml,65,Aring,66,AElig,67,Ccedil,' + '68,Egrave,69,Eacute,6a,Ecirc,6b,Euml,6c,Igrave,6d,Iacute,6e,Icirc,6f,Iuml,6g,ETH,6h,Ntilde,' + '6i,Ograve,6j,Oacute,6k,Ocirc,6l,Otilde,6m,Ouml,6n,times,6o,Oslash,6p,Ugrave,6q,Uacute,' + '6r,Ucirc,6s,Uuml,6t,Yacute,6u,THORN,6v,szlig,70,agrave,71,aacute,72,acirc,73,atilde,74,auml,' + '75,aring,76,aelig,77,ccedil,78,egrave,79,eacute,7a,ecirc,7b,euml,7c,igrave,7d,iacute,7e,icirc,' + '7f,iuml,7g,eth,7h,ntilde,7i,ograve,7j,oacute,7k,ocirc,7l,otilde,7m,ouml,7n,divide,7o,oslash,' + '7p,ugrave,7q,uacute,7r,ucirc,7s,uuml,7t,yacute,7u,thorn,7v,yuml,ci,fnof,sh,Alpha,si,Beta,' + 'sj,Gamma,sk,Delta,sl,Epsilon,sm,Zeta,sn,Eta,so,Theta,sp,Iota,sq,Kappa,sr,Lambda,ss,Mu,' + 'st,Nu,su,Xi,sv,Omicron,t0,Pi,t1,Rho,t3,Sigma,t4,Tau,t5,Upsilon,t6,Phi,t7,Chi,t8,Psi,' + 't9,Omega,th,alpha,ti,beta,tj,gamma,tk,delta,tl,epsilon,tm,zeta,tn,eta,to,theta,tp,iota,' + 'tq,kappa,tr,lambda,ts,mu,tt,nu,tu,xi,tv,omicron,u0,pi,u1,rho,u2,sigmaf,u3,sigma,u4,tau,' + 'u5,upsilon,u6,phi,u7,chi,u8,psi,u9,omega,uh,thetasym,ui,upsih,um,piv,812,bull,816,hellip,' + '81i,prime,81j,Prime,81u,oline,824,frasl,88o,weierp,88h,image,88s,real,892,trade,89l,alefsym,' + '8cg,larr,8ch,uarr,8ci,rarr,8cj,darr,8ck,harr,8dl,crarr,8eg,lArr,8eh,uArr,8ei,rArr,8ej,dArr,' + '8ek,hArr,8g0,forall,8g2,part,8g3,exist,8g5,empty,8g7,nabla,8g8,isin,8g9,notin,8gb,ni,8gf,prod,' + '8gh,sum,8gi,minus,8gn,lowast,8gq,radic,8gt,prop,8gu,infin,8h0,ang,8h7,and,8h8,or,8h9,cap,8ha,cup,' + '8hb,int,8hk,there4,8hs,sim,8i5,cong,8i8,asymp,8j0,ne,8j1,equiv,8j4,le,8j5,ge,8k2,sub,8k3,sup,8k4,' + 'nsub,8k6,sube,8k7,supe,8kl,oplus,8kn,otimes,8l5,perp,8m5,sdot,8o8,lceil,8o9,rceil,8oa,lfloor,8ob,' + 'rfloor,8p9,lang,8pa,rang,9ea,loz,9j0,spades,9j3,clubs,9j5,hearts,9j6,diams,ai,OElig,aj,oelig,b0,' + 'Scaron,b1,scaron,bo,Yuml,m6,circ,ms,tilde,802,ensp,803,emsp,809,thinsp,80c,zwnj,80d,zwj,80e,lrm,' + '80f,rlm,80j,ndash,80k,mdash,80o,lsquo,80p,rsquo,80q,sbquo,80s,ldquo,80t,rdquo,80u,bdquo,810,dagger,' + '811,Dagger,81g,permil,81p,lsaquo,81q,rsaquo,85c,euro', 32);
3454      var encodeRaw = function (text, attr) {
3455        return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function (chr) {
3456          return baseEntities[chr] || chr;
3457        });
3458      };
3459      var encodeAllRaw = function (text) {
3460        return ('' + text).replace(rawCharsRegExp, function (chr) {
3461          return baseEntities[chr] || chr;
3462        });
3463      };
3464      var encodeNumeric = function (text, attr) {
3465        return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function (chr) {
3466          if (chr.length > 1) {
3467            return '&#' + ((chr.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) * 1024 + (chr.charCodeAt(1) - 56320) + 65536) + ';';
3468          }
3469          return baseEntities[chr] || '&#' + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
3470        });
3471      };
3472      var encodeNamed = function (text, attr, entities) {
3473        entities = entities || namedEntities;
3474        return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function (chr) {
3475          return baseEntities[chr] || entities[chr] || chr;
3476        });
3477      };
3478      var getEncodeFunc = function (name, entities) {
3479        var entitiesMap = buildEntitiesLookup(entities) || namedEntities;
3480        var encodeNamedAndNumeric = function (text, attr) {
3481          return text.replace(attr ? attrsCharsRegExp : textCharsRegExp, function (chr) {
3482            if (baseEntities[chr] !== undefined) {
3483              return baseEntities[chr];
3484            }
3485            if (entitiesMap[chr] !== undefined) {
3486              return entitiesMap[chr];
3487            }
3488            if (chr.length > 1) {
3489              return '&#' + ((chr.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) * 1024 + (chr.charCodeAt(1) - 56320) + 65536) + ';';
3490            }
3491            return '&#' + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
3492          });
3493        };
3494        var encodeCustomNamed = function (text, attr) {
3495          return encodeNamed(text, attr, entitiesMap);
3496        };
3497        var nameMap = makeMap$3(name.replace(/\+/g, ','));
3498        if (nameMap.named && nameMap.numeric) {
3499          return encodeNamedAndNumeric;
3500        }
3501        if (nameMap.named) {
3502          if (entities) {
3503            return encodeCustomNamed;
3504          }
3505          return encodeNamed;
3506        }
3507        if (nameMap.numeric) {
3508          return encodeNumeric;
3509        }
3510        return encodeRaw;
3511      };
3512      var decode = function (text) {
3513        return text.replace(entityRegExp, function (all, numeric) {
3514          if (numeric) {
3515            if (numeric.charAt(0).toLowerCase() === 'x') {
3516              numeric = parseInt(numeric.substr(1), 16);
3517            } else {
3518              numeric = parseInt(numeric, 10);
3519            }
3520            if (numeric > 65535) {
3521              numeric -= 65536;
3522              return String.fromCharCode(55296 + (numeric >> 10), 56320 + (numeric & 1023));
3523            }
3524            return asciiMap[numeric] || String.fromCharCode(numeric);
3525          }
3526          return reverseEntities[all] || namedEntities[all] || nativeDecode(all);
3527        });
3528      };
3529      var Entities = {
3530        encodeRaw: encodeRaw,
3531        encodeAllRaw: encodeAllRaw,
3532        encodeNumeric: encodeNumeric,
3533        encodeNamed: encodeNamed,
3534        getEncodeFunc: getEncodeFunc,
3535        decode: decode
3536      };
3538      var mapCache = {}, dummyObj = {};
3539      var makeMap$2 = Tools.makeMap, each$h = Tools.each, extend$5 = Tools.extend, explode$3 = Tools.explode, inArray$2 = Tools.inArray;
3540      var split$1 = function (items, delim) {
3541        items = Tools.trim(items);
3542        return items ? items.split(delim || ' ') : [];
3543      };
3544      var createMap = function (defaultValue, extendWith) {
3545        var value = makeMap$2(defaultValue, ' ', makeMap$2(defaultValue.toUpperCase(), ' '));
3546        return extend$5(value, extendWith);
3547      };
3548      var getTextRootBlockElements = function (schema) {
3549        return createMap('td th li dt dd figcaption caption details summary', schema.getTextBlockElements());
3550      };
3551      var compileSchema = function (type) {
3552        var schema = {};
3553        var globalAttributes, blockContent;
3554        var phrasingContent, flowContent, html4BlockContent, html4PhrasingContent;
3555        var add = function (name, attributes, children) {
3556          var ni, attributesOrder, element;
3557          var arrayToMap = function (array, obj) {
3558            var map = {};
3559            var i, l;
3560            for (i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) {
3561              map[array[i]] = obj || {};
3562            }
3563            return map;
3564          };
3565          children = children || [];
3566          attributes = attributes || '';
3567          if (typeof children === 'string') {
3568            children = split$1(children);
3569          }
3570          var names = split$1(name);
3571          ni = names.length;
3572          while (ni--) {
3573            attributesOrder = split$1([
3574              globalAttributes,
3575              attributes
3576            ].join(' '));
3577            element = {
3578              attributes: arrayToMap(attributesOrder),
3579              attributesOrder: attributesOrder,
3580              children: arrayToMap(children, dummyObj)
3581            };
3582            schema[names[ni]] = element;
3583          }
3584        };
3585        var addAttrs = function (name, attributes) {
3586          var ni, schemaItem, i, l;
3587          var names = split$1(name);
3588          ni = names.length;
3589          var attrs = split$1(attributes);
3590          while (ni--) {
3591            schemaItem = schema[names[ni]];
3592            for (i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {
3593              schemaItem.attributes[attrs[i]] = {};
3594              schemaItem.attributesOrder.push(attrs[i]);
3595            }
3596          }
3597        };
3598        if (mapCache[type]) {
3599          return mapCache[type];
3600        }
3601        globalAttributes = 'id accesskey class dir lang style tabindex title role';
3602        blockContent = 'address blockquote div dl fieldset form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 hr menu ol p pre table ul';
3603        phrasingContent = 'a abbr b bdo br button cite code del dfn em embed i iframe img input ins kbd ' + 'label map noscript object q s samp script select small span strong sub sup ' + 'textarea u var #text #comment';
3604        if (type !== 'html4') {
3605          globalAttributes += ' contenteditable contextmenu draggable dropzone ' + 'hidden spellcheck translate';
3606          blockContent += ' article aside details dialog figure main header footer hgroup section nav';
3607          phrasingContent += ' audio canvas command datalist mark meter output picture ' + 'progress time wbr video ruby bdi keygen';
3608        }
3609        if (type !== 'html5-strict') {
3610          globalAttributes += ' xml:lang';
3611          html4PhrasingContent = 'acronym applet basefont big font strike tt';
3612          phrasingContent = [
3613            phrasingContent,
3614            html4PhrasingContent
3615          ].join(' ');
3616          each$h(split$1(html4PhrasingContent), function (name) {
3617            add(name, '', phrasingContent);
3618          });
3619          html4BlockContent = 'center dir isindex noframes';
3620          blockContent = [
3621            blockContent,
3622            html4BlockContent
3623          ].join(' ');
3624          flowContent = [
3625            blockContent,
3626            phrasingContent
3627          ].join(' ');
3628          each$h(split$1(html4BlockContent), function (name) {
3629            add(name, '', flowContent);
3630          });
3631        }
3632        flowContent = flowContent || [
3633          blockContent,
3634          phrasingContent
3635        ].join(' ');
3636        add('html', 'manifest', 'head body');
3637        add('head', '', 'base command link meta noscript script style title');
3638        add('title hr noscript br');
3639        add('base', 'href target');
3640        add('link', 'href rel media hreflang type sizes hreflang');
3641        add('meta', 'name http-equiv content charset');
3642        add('style', 'media type scoped');
3643        add('script', 'src async defer type charset');
3644        add('body', 'onafterprint onbeforeprint onbeforeunload onblur onerror onfocus ' + 'onhashchange onload onmessage onoffline ononline onpagehide onpageshow ' + 'onpopstate onresize onscroll onstorage onunload', flowContent);
3645        add('address dt dd div caption', '', flowContent);
3646        add('h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 pre p abbr code var samp kbd sub sup i b u bdo span legend em strong small s cite dfn', '', phrasingContent);
3647        add('blockquote', 'cite', flowContent);
3648        add('ol', 'reversed start type', 'li');
3649        add('ul', '', 'li');
3650        add('li', 'value', flowContent);
3651        add('dl', '', 'dt dd');
3652        add('a', 'href target rel media hreflang type', phrasingContent);
3653        add('q', 'cite', phrasingContent);
3654        add('ins del', 'cite datetime', flowContent);
3655        add('img', 'src sizes srcset alt usemap ismap width height');
3656        add('iframe', 'src name width height', flowContent);
3657        add('embed', 'src type width height');
3658        add('object', 'data type typemustmatch name usemap form width height', [
3659          flowContent,
3660          'param'
3661        ].join(' '));
3662        add('param', 'name value');
3663        add('map', 'name', [
3664          flowContent,
3665          'area'
3666        ].join(' '));
3667        add('area', 'alt coords shape href target rel media hreflang type');
3668        add('table', 'border', 'caption colgroup thead tfoot tbody tr' + (type === 'html4' ? ' col' : ''));
3669        add('colgroup', 'span', 'col');
3670        add('col', 'span');
3671        add('tbody thead tfoot', '', 'tr');
3672        add('tr', '', 'td th');
3673        add('td', 'colspan rowspan headers', flowContent);
3674        add('th', 'colspan rowspan headers scope abbr', flowContent);
3675        add('form', 'accept-charset action autocomplete enctype method name novalidate target', flowContent);
3676        add('fieldset', 'disabled form name', [
3677          flowContent,
3678          'legend'
3679        ].join(' '));
3680        add('label', 'form for', phrasingContent);
3681        add('input', 'accept alt autocomplete checked dirname disabled form formaction formenctype formmethod formnovalidate ' + 'formtarget height list max maxlength min multiple name pattern readonly required size src step type value width');
3682        add('button', 'disabled form formaction formenctype formmethod formnovalidate formtarget name type value', type === 'html4' ? flowContent : phrasingContent);
3683        add('select', 'disabled form multiple name required size', 'option optgroup');
3684        add('optgroup', 'disabled label', 'option');
3685        add('option', 'disabled label selected value');
3686        add('textarea', 'cols dirname disabled form maxlength name readonly required rows wrap');
3687        add('menu', 'type label', [
3688          flowContent,
3689          'li'
3690        ].join(' '));
3691        add('noscript', '', flowContent);
3692        if (type !== 'html4') {
3693          add('wbr');
3694          add('ruby', '', [
3695            phrasingContent,
3696            'rt rp'
3697          ].join(' '));
3698          add('figcaption', '', flowContent);
3699          add('mark rt rp summary bdi', '', phrasingContent);
3700          add('canvas', 'width height', flowContent);
3701          add('video', 'src crossorigin poster preload autoplay mediagroup loop ' + 'muted controls width height buffered', [
3702            flowContent,
3703            'track source'
3704          ].join(' '));
3705          add('audio', 'src crossorigin preload autoplay mediagroup loop muted controls ' + 'buffered volume', [
3706            flowContent,
3707            'track source'
3708          ].join(' '));
3709          add('picture', '', 'img source');
3710          add('source', 'src srcset type media sizes');
3711          add('track', 'kind src srclang label default');
3712          add('datalist', '', [
3713            phrasingContent,
3714            'option'
3715          ].join(' '));
3716          add('article section nav aside main header footer', '', flowContent);
3717          add('hgroup', '', 'h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6');
3718          add('figure', '', [
3719            flowContent,
3720            'figcaption'
3721          ].join(' '));
3722          add('time', 'datetime', phrasingContent);
3723          add('dialog', 'open', flowContent);
3724          add('command', 'type label icon disabled checked radiogroup command');
3725          add('output', 'for form name', phrasingContent);
3726          add('progress', 'value max', phrasingContent);
3727          add('meter', 'value min max low high optimum', phrasingContent);
3728          add('details', 'open', [
3729            flowContent,
3730            'summary'
3731          ].join(' '));
3732          add('keygen', 'autofocus challenge disabled form keytype name');
3733        }
3734        if (type !== 'html5-strict') {
3735          addAttrs('script', 'language xml:space');
3736          addAttrs('style', 'xml:space');
3737          addAttrs('object', 'declare classid code codebase codetype archive standby align border hspace vspace');
3738          addAttrs('embed', 'align name hspace vspace');
3739          addAttrs('param', 'valuetype type');
3740          addAttrs('a', 'charset name rev shape coords');
3741          addAttrs('br', 'clear');
3742          addAttrs('applet', 'codebase archive code object alt name width height align hspace vspace');
3743          addAttrs('img', 'name longdesc align border hspace vspace');
3744          addAttrs('iframe', 'longdesc frameborder marginwidth marginheight scrolling align');
3745          addAttrs('font basefont', 'size color face');
3746          addAttrs('input', 'usemap align');
3747          addAttrs('select');
3748          addAttrs('textarea');
3749          addAttrs('h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div p legend caption', 'align');
3750          addAttrs('ul', 'type compact');
3751          addAttrs('li', 'type');
3752          addAttrs('ol dl menu dir', 'compact');
3753          addAttrs('pre', 'width xml:space');
3754          addAttrs('hr', 'align noshade size width');
3755          addAttrs('isindex', 'prompt');
3756          addAttrs('table', 'summary width frame rules cellspacing cellpadding align bgcolor');
3757          addAttrs('col', 'width align char charoff valign');
3758          addAttrs('colgroup', 'width align char charoff valign');
3759          addAttrs('thead', 'align char charoff valign');
3760          addAttrs('tr', 'align char charoff valign bgcolor');
3761          addAttrs('th', 'axis align char charoff valign nowrap bgcolor width height');
3762          addAttrs('form', 'accept');
3763          addAttrs('td', 'abbr axis scope align char charoff valign nowrap bgcolor width height');
3764          addAttrs('tfoot', 'align char charoff valign');
3765          addAttrs('tbody', 'align char charoff valign');
3766          addAttrs('area', 'nohref');
3767          addAttrs('body', 'background bgcolor text link vlink alink');
3768        }
3769        if (type !== 'html4') {
3770          addAttrs('input button select textarea', 'autofocus');
3771          addAttrs('input textarea', 'placeholder');
3772          addAttrs('a', 'download');
3773          addAttrs('link script img', 'crossorigin');
3774          addAttrs('img', 'loading');
3775          addAttrs('iframe', 'sandbox seamless allowfullscreen loading');
3776        }
3777        each$h(split$1('a form meter progress dfn'), function (name) {
3778          if (schema[name]) {
3779            delete schema[name].children[name];
3780          }
3781        });
3782        delete schema.caption.children.table;
3783        delete schema.script;
3784        mapCache[type] = schema;
3785        return schema;
3786      };
3787      var compileElementMap = function (value, mode) {
3788        var styles;
3789        if (value) {
3790          styles = {};
3791          if (typeof value === 'string') {
3792            value = { '*': value };
3793          }
3794          each$h(value, function (value, key) {
3795            styles[key] = styles[key.toUpperCase()] = mode === 'map' ? makeMap$2(value, /[, ]/) : explode$3(value, /[, ]/);
3796          });
3797        }
3798        return styles;
3799      };
3800      var Schema = function (settings) {
3801        var elements = {};
3802        var children = {};
3803        var patternElements = [];
3804        var customElementsMap = {}, specialElements = {};
3805        var createLookupTable = function (option, defaultValue, extendWith) {
3806          var value = settings[option];
3807          if (!value) {
3808            value = mapCache[option];
3809            if (!value) {
3810              value = createMap(defaultValue, extendWith);
3811              mapCache[option] = value;
3812            }
3813          } else {
3814            value = makeMap$2(value, /[, ]/, makeMap$2(value.toUpperCase(), /[, ]/));
3815          }
3816          return value;
3817        };
3818        settings = settings || {};
3819        var schemaItems = compileSchema(settings.schema);
3820        if (settings.verify_html === false) {
3821          settings.valid_elements = '*[*]';
3822        }
3823        var validStyles = compileElementMap(settings.valid_styles);
3824        var invalidStyles = compileElementMap(settings.invalid_styles, 'map');
3825        var validClasses = compileElementMap(settings.valid_classes, 'map');
3826        var whiteSpaceElementsMap = createLookupTable('whitespace_elements', 'pre script noscript style textarea video audio iframe object code');
3827        var selfClosingElementsMap = createLookupTable('self_closing_elements', 'colgroup dd dt li option p td tfoot th thead tr');
3828        var shortEndedElementsMap = createLookupTable('short_ended_elements', 'area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link ' + 'meta param embed source wbr track');
3829        var boolAttrMap = createLookupTable('boolean_attributes', 'checked compact declare defer disabled ismap multiple nohref noresize ' + 'noshade nowrap readonly selected autoplay loop controls');
3830        var nonEmptyOrMoveCaretBeforeOnEnter = 'td th iframe video audio object script code';
3831        var nonEmptyElementsMap = createLookupTable('non_empty_elements', nonEmptyOrMoveCaretBeforeOnEnter + ' pre', shortEndedElementsMap);
3832        var moveCaretBeforeOnEnterElementsMap = createLookupTable('move_caret_before_on_enter_elements', nonEmptyOrMoveCaretBeforeOnEnter + ' table', shortEndedElementsMap);
3833        var textBlockElementsMap = createLookupTable('text_block_elements', 'h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p div address pre form ' + 'blockquote center dir fieldset header footer article section hgroup aside main nav figure');
3834        var blockElementsMap = createLookupTable('block_elements', 'hr table tbody thead tfoot ' + 'th tr td li ol ul caption dl dt dd noscript menu isindex option ' + 'datalist select optgroup figcaption details summary', textBlockElementsMap);
3835        var textInlineElementsMap = createLookupTable('text_inline_elements', 'span strong b em i font s strike u var cite ' + 'dfn code mark q sup sub samp');
3836        each$h((settings.special || 'script noscript iframe noframes noembed title style textarea xmp').split(' '), function (name) {
3837          specialElements[name] = new RegExp('</' + name + '[^>]*>', 'gi');
3838        });
3839        var patternToRegExp = function (str) {
3840          return new RegExp('^' + str.replace(/([?+*])/g, '.$1') + '$');
3841        };
3842        var addValidElements = function (validElements) {
3843          var ei, el, ai, al, matches, element, attr, attrData, elementName, attrName, attrType, attributes, attributesOrder, prefix, outputName, globalAttributes, globalAttributesOrder, value;
3844          var elementRuleRegExp = /^([#+\-])?([^\[!\/]+)(?:\/([^\[!]+))?(?:(!?)\[([^\]]+)])?$/, attrRuleRegExp = /^([!\-])?(\w+[\\:]:\w+|[^=:<]+)?(?:([=:<])(.*))?$/, hasPatternsRegExp = /[*?+]/;
3845          if (validElements) {
3846            var validElementsArr = split$1(validElements, ',');
3847            if (elements['@']) {
3848              globalAttributes = elements['@'].attributes;
3849              globalAttributesOrder = elements['@'].attributesOrder;
3850            }
3851            for (ei = 0, el = validElementsArr.length; ei < el; ei++) {
3852              matches = elementRuleRegExp.exec(validElementsArr[ei]);
3853              if (matches) {
3854                prefix = matches[1];
3855                elementName = matches[2];
3856                outputName = matches[3];
3857                attrData = matches[5];
3858                attributes = {};
3859                attributesOrder = [];
3860                element = {
3861                  attributes: attributes,
3862                  attributesOrder: attributesOrder
3863                };
3864                if (prefix === '#') {
3865                  element.paddEmpty = true;
3866                }
3867                if (prefix === '-') {
3868                  element.removeEmpty = true;
3869                }
3870                if (matches[4] === '!') {
3871                  element.removeEmptyAttrs = true;
3872                }
3873                if (globalAttributes) {
3874                  each$j(globalAttributes, function (value, key) {
3875                    attributes[key] = value;
3876                  });
3877                  attributesOrder.push.apply(attributesOrder, globalAttributesOrder);
3878                }
3879                if (attrData) {
3880                  attrData = split$1(attrData, '|');
3881                  for (ai = 0, al = attrData.length; ai < al; ai++) {
3882                    matches = attrRuleRegExp.exec(attrData[ai]);
3883                    if (matches) {
3884                      attr = {};
3885                      attrType = matches[1];
3886                      attrName = matches[2].replace(/[\\:]:/g, ':');
3887                      prefix = matches[3];
3888                      value = matches[4];
3889                      if (attrType === '!') {
3890                        element.attributesRequired = element.attributesRequired || [];
3891                        element.attributesRequired.push(attrName);
3892                        attr.required = true;
3893                      }
3894                      if (attrType === '-') {
3895                        delete attributes[attrName];
3896                        attributesOrder.splice(inArray$2(attributesOrder, attrName), 1);
3897                        continue;
3898                      }
3899                      if (prefix) {
3900                        if (prefix === '=') {
3901                          element.attributesDefault = element.attributesDefault || [];
3902                          element.attributesDefault.push({
3903                            name: attrName,
3904                            value: value
3905                          });
3906                          attr.defaultValue = value;
3907                        }
3908                        if (prefix === ':') {
3909                          element.attributesForced = element.attributesForced || [];
3910                          element.attributesForced.push({
3911                            name: attrName,
3912                            value: value
3913                          });
3914                          attr.forcedValue = value;
3915                        }
3916                        if (prefix === '<') {
3917                          attr.validValues = makeMap$2(value, '?');
3918                        }
3919                      }
3920                      if (hasPatternsRegExp.test(attrName)) {
3921                        element.attributePatterns = element.attributePatterns || [];
3922                        attr.pattern = patternToRegExp(attrName);
3923                        element.attributePatterns.push(attr);
3924                      } else {
3925                        if (!attributes[attrName]) {
3926                          attributesOrder.push(attrName);
3927                        }
3928                        attributes[attrName] = attr;
3929                      }
3930                    }
3931                  }
3932                }
3933                if (!globalAttributes && elementName === '@') {
3934                  globalAttributes = attributes;
3935                  globalAttributesOrder = attributesOrder;
3936                }
3937                if (outputName) {
3938                  element.outputName = elementName;
3939                  elements[outputName] = element;
3940                }
3941                if (hasPatternsRegExp.test(elementName)) {
3942                  element.pattern = patternToRegExp(elementName);
3943                  patternElements.push(element);
3944                } else {
3945                  elements[elementName] = element;
3946                }
3947              }
3948            }
3949          }
3950        };
3951        var setValidElements = function (validElements) {
3952          elements = {};
3953          patternElements = [];
3954          addValidElements(validElements);
3955          each$h(schemaItems, function (element, name) {
3956            children[name] = element.children;
3957          });
3958        };
3959        var addCustomElements = function (customElements) {
3960          var customElementRegExp = /^(~)?(.+)$/;
3961          if (customElements) {
3962            mapCache.text_block_elements = mapCache.block_elements = null;
3963            each$h(split$1(customElements, ','), function (rule) {
3964              var matches = customElementRegExp.exec(rule), inline = matches[1] === '~', cloneName = inline ? 'span' : 'div', name = matches[2];
3965              children[name] = children[cloneName];
3966              customElementsMap[name] = cloneName;
3967              if (!inline) {
3968                blockElementsMap[name.toUpperCase()] = {};
3969                blockElementsMap[name] = {};
3970              }
3971              if (!elements[name]) {
3972                var customRule = elements[cloneName];
3973                customRule = extend$5({}, customRule);
3974                delete customRule.removeEmptyAttrs;
3975                delete customRule.removeEmpty;
3976                elements[name] = customRule;
3977              }
3978              each$h(children, function (element, elmName) {
3979                if (element[cloneName]) {
3980                  children[elmName] = element = extend$5({}, children[elmName]);
3981                  element[name] = element[cloneName];
3982                }
3983              });
3984            });
3985          }
3986        };
3987        var addValidChildren = function (validChildren) {
3988          var childRuleRegExp = /^([+\-]?)([A-Za-z0-9_\-.\u00b7\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u037d\u037f-\u1fff\u200c-\u200d\u203f-\u2040\u2070-\u218f\u2c00-\u2fef\u3001-\ud7ff\uf900-\ufdcf\ufdf0-\ufffd]+)\[([^\]]+)]$/;
3989          mapCache[settings.schema] = null;
3990          if (validChildren) {
3991            each$h(split$1(validChildren, ','), function (rule) {
3992              var matches = childRuleRegExp.exec(rule);
3993              var parent, prefix;
3994              if (matches) {
3995                prefix = matches[1];
3996                if (prefix) {
3997                  parent = children[matches[2]];
3998                } else {
3999                  parent = children[matches[2]] = { '#comment': {} };
4000                }
4001                parent = children[matches[2]];
4002                each$h(split$1(matches[3], '|'), function (child) {
4003                  if (prefix === '-') {
4004                    delete parent[child];
4005                  } else {
4006                    parent[child] = {};
4007                  }
4008                });
4009              }
4010            });
4011          }
4012        };
4013        var getElementRule = function (name) {
4014          var element = elements[name], i;
4015          if (element) {
4016            return element;
4017          }
4018          i = patternElements.length;
4019          while (i--) {
4020            element = patternElements[i];
4021            if (element.pattern.test(name)) {
4022              return element;
4023            }
4024          }
4025        };
4026        if (!settings.valid_elements) {
4027          each$h(schemaItems, function (element, name) {
4028            elements[name] = {
4029              attributes: element.attributes,
4030              attributesOrder: element.attributesOrder
4031            };
4032            children[name] = element.children;
4033          });
4034          if (settings.schema !== 'html5') {
4035            each$h(split$1('strong/b em/i'), function (item) {
4036              var items = split$1(item, '/');
4037              elements[items[1]].outputName = items[0];
4038            });
4039          }
4040          each$h(textInlineElementsMap, function (_val, name) {
4041            if (elements[name]) {
4042              if (settings.padd_empty_block_inline_children) {
4043                elements[name].paddInEmptyBlock = true;
4044              }
4045              elements[name].removeEmpty = true;
4046            }
4047          });
4048          each$h(split$1('ol ul blockquote a table tbody'), function (name) {
4049            if (elements[name]) {
4050              elements[name].removeEmpty = true;
4051            }
4052          });
4053          each$h(split$1('p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 th td pre div address caption li'), function (name) {
4054            elements[name].paddEmpty = true;
4055          });
4056          each$h(split$1('span'), function (name) {
4057            elements[name].removeEmptyAttrs = true;
4058          });
4059        } else {
4060          setValidElements(settings.valid_elements);
4061        }
4062        addCustomElements(settings.custom_elements);
4063        addValidChildren(settings.valid_children);
4064        addValidElements(settings.extended_valid_elements);
4065        addValidChildren('+ol[ul|ol],+ul[ul|ol]');
4066        each$h({
4067          dd: 'dl',
4068          dt: 'dl',
4069          li: 'ul ol',
4070          td: 'tr',
4071          th: 'tr',
4072          tr: 'tbody thead tfoot',
4073          tbody: 'table',
4074          thead: 'table',
4075          tfoot: 'table',
4076          legend: 'fieldset',
4077          area: 'map',
4078          param: 'video audio object'
4079        }, function (parents, item) {
4080          if (elements[item]) {
4081            elements[item].parentsRequired = split$1(parents);
4082          }
4083        });
4084        if (settings.invalid_elements) {
4085          each$h(explode$3(settings.invalid_elements), function (item) {
4086            if (elements[item]) {
4087              delete elements[item];
4088            }
4089          });
4090        }
4091        if (!getElementRule('span')) {
4092          addValidElements('span[!data-mce-type|*]');
4093        }
4094        var getValidStyles = constant(validStyles);
4095        var getInvalidStyles = constant(invalidStyles);
4096        var getValidClasses = constant(validClasses);
4097        var getBoolAttrs = constant(boolAttrMap);
4098        var getBlockElements = constant(blockElementsMap);
4099        var getTextBlockElements = constant(textBlockElementsMap);
4100        var getTextInlineElements = constant(textInlineElementsMap);
4101        var getShortEndedElements = constant(shortEndedElementsMap);
4102        var getSelfClosingElements = constant(selfClosingElementsMap);
4103        var getNonEmptyElements = constant(nonEmptyElementsMap);
4104        var getMoveCaretBeforeOnEnterElements = constant(moveCaretBeforeOnEnterElementsMap);
4105        var getWhiteSpaceElements = constant(whiteSpaceElementsMap);
4106        var getSpecialElements = constant(specialElements);
4107        var isValidChild = function (name, child) {
4108          var parent = children[name.toLowerCase()];
4109          return !!(parent && parent[child.toLowerCase()]);
4110        };
4111        var isValid = function (name, attr) {
4112          var attrPatterns, i;
4113          var rule = getElementRule(name);
4114          if (rule) {
4115            if (attr) {
4116              if (rule.attributes[attr]) {
4117                return true;
4118              }
4119              attrPatterns = rule.attributePatterns;
4120              if (attrPatterns) {
4121                i = attrPatterns.length;
4122                while (i--) {
4123                  if (attrPatterns[i].pattern.test(name)) {
4124                    return true;
4125                  }
4126                }
4127              }
4128            } else {
4129              return true;
4130            }
4131          }
4132          return false;
4133        };
4134        var getCustomElements = constant(customElementsMap);
4135        return {
4136          children: children,
4137          elements: elements,
4138          getValidStyles: getValidStyles,
4139          getValidClasses: getValidClasses,
4140          getBlockElements: getBlockElements,
4141          getInvalidStyles: getInvalidStyles,
4142          getShortEndedElements: getShortEndedElements,
4143          getTextBlockElements: getTextBlockElements,
4144          getTextInlineElements: getTextInlineElements,
4145          getBoolAttrs: getBoolAttrs,
4146          getElementRule: getElementRule,
4147          getSelfClosingElements: getSelfClosingElements,
4148          getNonEmptyElements: getNonEmptyElements,
4149          getMoveCaretBeforeOnEnterElements: getMoveCaretBeforeOnEnterElements,
4150          getWhiteSpaceElements: getWhiteSpaceElements,
4151          getSpecialElements: getSpecialElements,
4152          isValidChild: isValidChild,
4153          isValid: isValid,
4154          getCustomElements: getCustomElements,
4155          addValidElements: addValidElements,
4156          setValidElements: setValidElements,
4157          addCustomElements: addCustomElements,
4158          addValidChildren: addValidChildren
4159        };
4160      };
4162      var toHex = function (match, r, g, b) {
4163        var hex = function (val) {
4164          val = parseInt(val, 10).toString(16);
4165          return val.length > 1 ? val : '0' + val;
4166        };
4167        return '#' + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b);
4168      };
4169      var Styles = function (settings, schema) {
4170        var _this = this;
4171        var rgbRegExp = /rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)/gi;
4172        var urlOrStrRegExp = /(?:url(?:(?:\(\s*\"([^\"]+)\"\s*\))|(?:\(\s*\'([^\']+)\'\s*\))|(?:\(\s*([^)\s]+)\s*\))))|(?:\'([^\']+)\')|(?:\"([^\"]+)\")/gi;
4173        var styleRegExp = /\s*([^:]+):\s*([^;]+);?/g;
4174        var trimRightRegExp = /\s+$/;
4175        var i;
4176        var encodingLookup = {};
4177        var validStyles;
4178        var invalidStyles;
4179        var invisibleChar = zeroWidth;
4180        settings = settings || {};
4181        if (schema) {
4182          validStyles = schema.getValidStyles();
4183          invalidStyles = schema.getInvalidStyles();
4184        }
4185        var encodingItems = ('\\" \\\' \\; \\: ; : ' + invisibleChar).split(' ');
4186        for (i = 0; i < encodingItems.length; i++) {
4187          encodingLookup[encodingItems[i]] = invisibleChar + i;
4188          encodingLookup[invisibleChar + i] = encodingItems[i];
4189        }
4190        return {
4191          toHex: function (color) {
4192            return color.replace(rgbRegExp, toHex);
4193          },
4194          parse: function (css) {
4195            var styles = {};
4196            var matches, name, value, isEncoded;
4197            var urlConverter = settings.url_converter;
4198            var urlConverterScope = settings.url_converter_scope || _this;
4199            var compress = function (prefix, suffix, noJoin) {
4200              var top = styles[prefix + '-top' + suffix];
4201              if (!top) {
4202                return;
4203              }
4204              var right = styles[prefix + '-right' + suffix];
4205              if (!right) {
4206                return;
4207              }
4208              var bottom = styles[prefix + '-bottom' + suffix];
4209              if (!bottom) {
4210                return;
4211              }
4212              var left = styles[prefix + '-left' + suffix];
4213              if (!left) {
4214                return;
4215              }
4216              var box = [
4217                top,
4218                right,
4219                bottom,
4220                left
4221              ];
4222              i = box.length - 1;
4223              while (i--) {
4224                if (box[i] !== box[i + 1]) {
4225                  break;
4226                }
4227              }
4228              if (i > -1 && noJoin) {
4229                return;
4230              }
4231              styles[prefix + suffix] = i === -1 ? box[0] : box.join(' ');
4232              delete styles[prefix + '-top' + suffix];
4233              delete styles[prefix + '-right' + suffix];
4234              delete styles[prefix + '-bottom' + suffix];
4235              delete styles[prefix + '-left' + suffix];
4236            };
4237            var canCompress = function (key) {
4238              var value = styles[key], i;
4239              if (!value) {
4240                return;
4241              }
4242              value = value.split(' ');
4243              i = value.length;
4244              while (i--) {
4245                if (value[i] !== value[0]) {
4246                  return false;
4247                }
4248              }
4249              styles[key] = value[0];
4250              return true;
4251            };
4252            var compress2 = function (target, a, b, c) {
4253              if (!canCompress(a)) {
4254                return;
4255              }
4256              if (!canCompress(b)) {
4257                return;
4258              }
4259              if (!canCompress(c)) {
4260                return;
4261              }
4262              styles[target] = styles[a] + ' ' + styles[b] + ' ' + styles[c];
4263              delete styles[a];
4264              delete styles[b];
4265              delete styles[c];
4266            };
4267            var encode = function (str) {
4268              isEncoded = true;
4269              return encodingLookup[str];
4270            };
4271            var decode = function (str, keepSlashes) {
4272              if (isEncoded) {
4273                str = str.replace(/\uFEFF[0-9]/g, function (str) {
4274                  return encodingLookup[str];
4275                });
4276              }
4277              if (!keepSlashes) {
4278                str = str.replace(/\\([\'\";:])/g, '$1');
4279              }
4280              return str;
4281            };
4282            var decodeSingleHexSequence = function (escSeq) {
4283              return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(escSeq.slice(1), 16));
4284            };
4285            var decodeHexSequences = function (value) {
4286              return value.replace(/\\[0-9a-f]+/gi, decodeSingleHexSequence);
4287            };
4288            var processUrl = function (match, url, url2, url3, str, str2) {
4289              str = str || str2;
4290              if (str) {
4291                str = decode(str);
4292                return '\'' + str.replace(/\'/g, '\\\'') + '\'';
4293              }
4294              url = decode(url || url2 || url3);
4295              if (!settings.allow_script_urls) {
4296                var scriptUrl = url.replace(/[\s\r\n]+/g, '');
4297                if (/(java|vb)script:/i.test(scriptUrl)) {
4298                  return '';
4299                }
4300                if (!settings.allow_svg_data_urls && /^data:image\/svg/i.test(scriptUrl)) {
4301                  return '';
4302                }
4303              }
4304              if (urlConverter) {
4305                url = urlConverter.call(urlConverterScope, url, 'style');
4306              }
4307              return 'url(\'' + url.replace(/\'/g, '\\\'') + '\')';
4308            };
4309            if (css) {
4310              css = css.replace(/[\u0000-\u001F]/g, '');
4311              css = css.replace(/\\[\"\';:\uFEFF]/g, encode).replace(/\"[^\"]+\"|\'[^\']+\'/g, function (str) {
4312                return str.replace(/[;:]/g, encode);
4313              });
4314              while (matches = styleRegExp.exec(css)) {
4315                styleRegExp.lastIndex = matches.index + matches[0].length;
4316                name = matches[1].replace(trimRightRegExp, '').toLowerCase();
4317                value = matches[2].replace(trimRightRegExp, '');
4318                if (name && value) {
4319                  name = decodeHexSequences(name);
4320                  value = decodeHexSequences(value);
4321                  if (name.indexOf(invisibleChar) !== -1 || name.indexOf('"') !== -1) {
4322                    continue;
4323                  }
4324                  if (!settings.allow_script_urls && (name === 'behavior' || /expression\s*\(|\/\*|\*\//.test(value))) {
4325                    continue;
4326                  }
4327                  if (name === 'font-weight' && value === '700') {
4328                    value = 'bold';
4329                  } else if (name === 'color' || name === 'background-color') {
4330                    value = value.toLowerCase();
4331                  }
4332                  value = value.replace(rgbRegExp, toHex);
4333                  value = value.replace(urlOrStrRegExp, processUrl);
4334                  styles[name] = isEncoded ? decode(value, true) : value;
4335                }
4336              }
4337              compress('border', '', true);
4338              compress('border', '-width');
4339              compress('border', '-color');
4340              compress('border', '-style');
4341              compress('padding', '');
4342              compress('margin', '');
4343              compress2('border', 'border-width', 'border-style', 'border-color');
4344              if (styles.border === 'medium none') {
4345                delete styles.border;
4346              }
4347              if (styles['border-image'] === 'none') {
4348                delete styles['border-image'];
4349              }
4350            }
4351            return styles;
4352          },
4353          serialize: function (styles, elementName) {
4354            var css = '';
4355            var serializeStyles = function (name) {
4356              var value;
4357              var styleList = validStyles[name];
4358              if (styleList) {
4359                for (var i_1 = 0, l = styleList.length; i_1 < l; i_1++) {
4360                  name = styleList[i_1];
4361                  value = styles[name];
4362                  if (value) {
4363                    css += (css.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + name + ': ' + value + ';';
4364                  }
4365                }
4366              }
4367            };
4368            var isValid = function (name, elementName) {
4369              var styleMap = invalidStyles['*'];
4370              if (styleMap && styleMap[name]) {
4371                return false;
4372              }
4373              styleMap = invalidStyles[elementName];
4374              return !(styleMap && styleMap[name]);
4375            };
4376            if (elementName && validStyles) {
4377              serializeStyles('*');
4378              serializeStyles(elementName);
4379            } else {
4380              each$j(styles, function (value, name) {
4381                if (value && (!invalidStyles || isValid(name, elementName))) {
4382                  css += (css.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + name + ': ' + value + ';';
4383                }
4384              });
4385            }
4386            return css;
4387          }
4388        };
4389      };
4391      var deprecated = {
4392        keyLocation: true,
4393        layerX: true,
4394        layerY: true,
4395        returnValue: true,
4396        webkitMovementX: true,
4397        webkitMovementY: true,
4398        keyIdentifier: true,
4399        mozPressure: true
4400      };
4401      var isNativeEvent = function (event) {
4402        return event instanceof Event || isFunction(event.initEvent);
4403      };
4404      var hasIsDefaultPrevented = function (event) {
4405        return event.isDefaultPrevented === always || event.isDefaultPrevented === never;
4406      };
4407      var needsNormalizing = function (event) {
4408        return isNullable(event.preventDefault) || isNativeEvent(event);
4409      };
4410      var clone$2 = function (originalEvent, data) {
4411        var event = data !== null && data !== void 0 ? data : {};
4412        for (var name_1 in originalEvent) {
4413          if (!has$2(deprecated, name_1)) {
4414            event[name_1] = originalEvent[name_1];
4415          }
4416        }
4417        if (isNonNullable(event.composedPath)) {
4418          event.composedPath = function () {
4419            return originalEvent.composedPath();
4420          };
4421        }
4422        return event;
4423      };
4424      var normalize$3 = function (type, originalEvent, fallbackTarget, data) {
4425        var _a;
4426        var event = clone$2(originalEvent, data);
4427        event.type = type;
4428        if (isNullable(event.target)) {
4429          event.target = (_a = event.srcElement) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : fallbackTarget;
4430        }
4431        if (needsNormalizing(originalEvent)) {
4432          event.preventDefault = function () {
4433            event.defaultPrevented = true;
4434            event.isDefaultPrevented = always;
4435            if (isFunction(originalEvent.preventDefault)) {
4436              originalEvent.preventDefault();
4437            } else if (isNativeEvent(originalEvent)) {
4438              originalEvent.returnValue = false;
4439            }
4440          };
4441          event.stopPropagation = function () {
4442            event.cancelBubble = true;
4443            event.isPropagationStopped = always;
4444            if (isFunction(originalEvent.stopPropagation)) {
4445              originalEvent.stopPropagation();
4446            } else if (isNativeEvent(originalEvent)) {
4447              originalEvent.cancelBubble = true;
4448            }
4449          };
4450          event.stopImmediatePropagation = function () {
4451            event.isImmediatePropagationStopped = always;
4452            event.stopPropagation();
4453          };
4454          if (!hasIsDefaultPrevented(event)) {
4455            event.isDefaultPrevented = event.defaultPrevented === true ? always : never;
4456            event.isPropagationStopped = event.cancelBubble === true ? always : never;
4457            event.isImmediatePropagationStopped = never;
4458          }
4459        }
4460        return event;
4461      };
4463      var eventExpandoPrefix = 'mce-data-';
4464      var mouseEventRe = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/;
4465      var addEvent = function (target, name, callback, capture) {
4466        if (target.addEventListener) {
4467          target.addEventListener(name, callback, capture || false);
4468        } else if (target.attachEvent) {
4469          target.attachEvent('on' + name, callback);
4470        }
4471      };
4472      var removeEvent = function (target, name, callback, capture) {
4473        if (target.removeEventListener) {
4474          target.removeEventListener(name, callback, capture || false);
4475        } else if (target.detachEvent) {
4476          target.detachEvent('on' + name, callback);
4477        }
4478      };
4479      var isMouseEvent = function (event) {
4480        return isNonNullable(event) && mouseEventRe.test(event.type);
4481      };
4482      var fix = function (originalEvent, data) {
4483        var event = normalize$3(originalEvent.type, originalEvent, document, data);
4484        if (isMouseEvent(originalEvent) && isUndefined(originalEvent.pageX) && !isUndefined(originalEvent.clientX)) {
4485          var eventDoc = event.target.ownerDocument || document;
4486          var doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
4487          var body = eventDoc.body;
4488          var mouseEvent = event;
4489          mouseEvent.pageX = originalEvent.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
4490          mouseEvent.pageY = originalEvent.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0);
4491        }
4492        if (isUndefined(event.metaKey)) {
4493          event.metaKey = false;
4494        }
4495        return event;
4496      };
4497      var bindOnReady = function (win, callback, eventUtils) {
4498        var doc = win.document, event = { type: 'ready' };
4499        if (eventUtils.domLoaded) {
4500          callback(event);
4501          return;
4502        }
4503        var isDocReady = function () {
4504          return doc.readyState === 'complete' || doc.readyState === 'interactive' && doc.body;
4505        };
4506        var readyHandler = function () {
4507          removeEvent(win, 'DOMContentLoaded', readyHandler);
4508          removeEvent(win, 'load', readyHandler);
4509          if (!eventUtils.domLoaded) {
4510            eventUtils.domLoaded = true;
4511            callback(event);
4512          }
4513          win = null;
4514        };
4515        if (isDocReady()) {
4516          readyHandler();
4517        } else {
4518          addEvent(win, 'DOMContentLoaded', readyHandler);
4519        }
4520        if (!eventUtils.domLoaded) {
4521          addEvent(win, 'load', readyHandler);
4522        }
4523      };
4524      var EventUtils = function () {
4525        function EventUtils() {
4526          this.domLoaded = false;
4527          this.events = {};
4528          this.count = 1;
4529          this.expando = eventExpandoPrefix + (+new Date()).toString(32);
4530          this.hasMouseEnterLeave = 'onmouseenter' in document.documentElement;
4531          this.hasFocusIn = 'onfocusin' in document.documentElement;
4532          this.count = 1;
4533        }
4534        EventUtils.prototype.bind = function (target, names, callback, scope) {
4535          var self = this;
4536          var id, callbackList, i, name, fakeName, nativeHandler, capture;
4537          var win = window;
4538          var defaultNativeHandler = function (evt) {
4539            self.executeHandlers(fix(evt || win.event), id);
4540          };
4541          if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
4542            return;
4543          }
4544          if (!target[self.expando]) {
4545            id = self.count++;
4546            target[self.expando] = id;
4547            self.events[id] = {};
4548          } else {
4549            id = target[self.expando];
4550          }
4551          scope = scope || target;
4552          var namesList = names.split(' ');
4553          i = namesList.length;
4554          while (i--) {
4555            name = namesList[i];
4556            nativeHandler = defaultNativeHandler;
4557            fakeName = capture = false;
4558            if (name === 'DOMContentLoaded') {
4559              name = 'ready';
4560            }
4561            if (self.domLoaded && name === 'ready' && target.readyState === 'complete') {
4562              callback.call(scope, fix({ type: name }));
4563              continue;
4564            }
4565            if (!self.hasMouseEnterLeave) {
4566              fakeName = self.mouseEnterLeave[name];
4567              if (fakeName) {
4568                nativeHandler = function (evt) {
4569                  var current = evt.currentTarget;
4570                  var related = evt.relatedTarget;
4571                  if (related && current.contains) {
4572                    related = current.contains(related);
4573                  } else {
4574                    while (related && related !== current) {
4575                      related = related.parentNode;
4576                    }
4577                  }
4578                  if (!related) {
4579                    evt = fix(evt || win.event);
4580                    evt.type = evt.type === 'mouseout' ? 'mouseleave' : 'mouseenter';
4581                    evt.target = current;
4582                    self.executeHandlers(evt, id);
4583                  }
4584                };
4585              }
4586            }
4587            if (!self.hasFocusIn && (name === 'focusin' || name === 'focusout')) {
4588              capture = true;
4589              fakeName = name === 'focusin' ? 'focus' : 'blur';
4590              nativeHandler = function (evt) {
4591                evt = fix(evt || win.event);
4592                evt.type = evt.type === 'focus' ? 'focusin' : 'focusout';
4593                self.executeHandlers(evt, id);
4594              };
4595            }
4596            callbackList = self.events[id][name];
4597            if (!callbackList) {
4598              self.events[id][name] = callbackList = [{
4599                  func: callback,
4600                  scope: scope
4601                }];
4602              callbackList.fakeName = fakeName;
4603              callbackList.capture = capture;
4604              callbackList.nativeHandler = nativeHandler;
4605              if (name === 'ready') {
4606                bindOnReady(target, nativeHandler, self);
4607              } else {
4608                addEvent(target, fakeName || name, nativeHandler, capture);
4609              }
4610            } else {
4611              if (name === 'ready' && self.domLoaded) {
4612                callback(fix({ type: name }));
4613              } else {
4614                callbackList.push({
4615                  func: callback,
4616                  scope: scope
4617                });
4618              }
4619            }
4620          }
4621          target = callbackList = null;
4622          return callback;
4623        };
4624        EventUtils.prototype.unbind = function (target, names, callback) {
4625          var callbackList, i, ci, name, eventMap;
4626          if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
4627            return this;
4628          }
4629          var id = target[this.expando];
4630          if (id) {
4631            eventMap = this.events[id];
4632            if (names) {
4633              var namesList = names.split(' ');
4634              i = namesList.length;
4635              while (i--) {
4636                name = namesList[i];
4637                callbackList = eventMap[name];
4638                if (callbackList) {
4639                  if (callback) {
4640                    ci = callbackList.length;
4641                    while (ci--) {
4642                      if (callbackList[ci].func === callback) {
4643                        var nativeHandler = callbackList.nativeHandler;
4644                        var fakeName = callbackList.fakeName, capture = callbackList.capture;
4645                        callbackList = callbackList.slice(0, ci).concat(callbackList.slice(ci + 1));
4646                        callbackList.nativeHandler = nativeHandler;
4647                        callbackList.fakeName = fakeName;
4648                        callbackList.capture = capture;
4649                        eventMap[name] = callbackList;
4650                      }
4651                    }
4652                  }
4653                  if (!callback || callbackList.length === 0) {
4654                    delete eventMap[name];
4655                    removeEvent(target, callbackList.fakeName || name, callbackList.nativeHandler, callbackList.capture);
4656                  }
4657                }
4658              }
4659            } else {
4660              each$j(eventMap, function (callbackList, name) {
4661                removeEvent(target, callbackList.fakeName || name, callbackList.nativeHandler, callbackList.capture);
4662              });
4663              eventMap = {};
4664            }
4665            for (name in eventMap) {
4666              if (has$2(eventMap, name)) {
4667                return this;
4668              }
4669            }
4670            delete this.events[id];
4671            try {
4672              delete target[this.expando];
4673            } catch (ex) {
4674              target[this.expando] = null;
4675            }
4676          }
4677          return this;
4678        };
4679        EventUtils.prototype.fire = function (target, name, args) {
4680          var id;
4681          if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
4682            return this;
4683          }
4684          var event = fix({
4685            type: name,
4686            target: target
4687          }, args);
4688          do {
4689            id = target[this.expando];
4690            if (id) {
4691              this.executeHandlers(event, id);
4692            }
4693            target = target.parentNode || target.ownerDocument || target.defaultView || target.parentWindow;
4694          } while (target && !event.isPropagationStopped());
4695          return this;
4696        };
4697        EventUtils.prototype.clean = function (target) {
4698          var i, children;
4699          if (!target || target.nodeType === 3 || target.nodeType === 8) {
4700            return this;
4701          }
4702          if (target[this.expando]) {
4703            this.unbind(target);
4704          }
4705          if (!target.getElementsByTagName) {
4706            target = target.document;
4707          }
4708          if (target && target.getElementsByTagName) {
4709            this.unbind(target);
4710            children = target.getElementsByTagName('*');
4711            i = children.length;
4712            while (i--) {
4713              target = children[i];
4714              if (target[this.expando]) {
4715                this.unbind(target);
4716              }
4717            }
4718          }
4719          return this;
4720        };
4721        EventUtils.prototype.destroy = function () {
4722          this.events = {};
4723        };
4724        EventUtils.prototype.cancel = function (e) {
4725          if (e) {
4726            e.preventDefault();
4727            e.stopImmediatePropagation();
4728          }
4729          return false;
4730        };
4731        EventUtils.prototype.executeHandlers = function (evt, id) {
4732          var container = this.events[id];
4733          var callbackList = container && container[evt.type];
4734          if (callbackList) {
4735            for (var i = 0, l = callbackList.length; i < l; i++) {
4736              var callback = callbackList[i];
4737              if (callback && callback.func.call(callback.scope, evt) === false) {
4738                evt.preventDefault();
4739              }
4740              if (evt.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) {
4741                return;
4742              }
4743            }
4744          }
4745        };
4746        EventUtils.Event = new EventUtils();
4747        return EventUtils;
4748      }();
4750      var support, Expr, getText, isXML, tokenize, compile, select$1, outermostContext, sortInput, hasDuplicate, setDocument, document$1, docElem, documentIsHTML, rbuggyQSA, rbuggyMatches, matches, contains, expando = 'sizzle' + -new Date(), preferredDoc = window.document, dirruns = 0, done = 0, classCache = createCache(), tokenCache = createCache(), compilerCache = createCache(), sortOrder = function (a, b) {
4751          if (a === b) {
4752            hasDuplicate = true;
4753          }
4754          return 0;
4755        }, strundefined = typeof undefined, MAX_NEGATIVE = 1 << 31, hasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty, arr = [], pop = arr.pop, push_native = arr.push, push$1 = arr.push, slice$1 = arr.slice, indexOf = arr.indexOf || function (elem) {
4756          var i = 0, len = this.length;
4757          for (; i < len; i++) {
4758            if (this[i] === elem) {
4759              return i;
4760            }
4761          }
4762          return -1;
4763        }, booleans = 'checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped', whitespace = '[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]', identifier = '(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+', attributes = '\\[' + whitespace + '*(' + identifier + ')(?:' + whitespace + '*([*^$|!~]?=)' + whitespace + '*(?:\'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\'])*)\'|"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\"])*)"|(' + identifier + '))|)' + whitespace + '*\\]', pseudos = ':(' + identifier + ')(?:\\((' + '(\'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\'])*)\'|"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\"])*)")|' + '((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|' + attributes + ')*)|' + '.*' + ')\\)|)', rtrim = new RegExp('^' + whitespace + '+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)' + whitespace + '+$', 'g'), rcomma = new RegExp('^' + whitespace + '*,' + whitespace + '*'), rcombinators = new RegExp('^' + whitespace + '*([>+~]|' + whitespace + ')' + whitespace + '*'), rattributeQuotes = new RegExp('=' + whitespace + '*([^\\]\'"]*?)' + whitespace + '*\\]', 'g'), rpseudo = new RegExp(pseudos), ridentifier = new RegExp('^' + identifier + '$'), matchExpr = {
4764          ID: new RegExp('^#(' + identifier + ')'),
4765          CLASS: new RegExp('^\\.(' + identifier + ')'),
4766          TAG: new RegExp('^(' + identifier + '|[*])'),
4767          ATTR: new RegExp('^' + attributes),
4768          PSEUDO: new RegExp('^' + pseudos),
4769          CHILD: new RegExp('^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(' + whitespace + '*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)' + whitespace + '*(?:([+-]|)' + whitespace + '*(\\d+)|))' + whitespace + '*\\)|)', 'i'),
4770          bool: new RegExp('^(?:' + booleans + ')$', 'i'),
4771          needsContext: new RegExp('^' + whitespace + '*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(' + whitespace + '*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)' + whitespace + '*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)', 'i')
4772        }, rinputs = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i, rheader = /^h\d$/i, rnative = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/, rquickExpr$1 = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/, rsibling = /[+~]/, rescape = /'|\\/g, runescape = new RegExp('\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}' + whitespace + '?|(' + whitespace + ')|.)', 'ig'), funescape = function (_, escaped, escapedWhitespace) {
4773          var high = '0x' + escaped - 65536;
4774          return high !== high || escapedWhitespace ? escaped : high < 0 ? String.fromCharCode(high + 65536) : String.fromCharCode(high >> 10 | 55296, high & 1023 | 56320);
4775        };
4776      try {
4777        push$1.apply(arr = slice$1.call(preferredDoc.childNodes), preferredDoc.childNodes);
4778        arr[preferredDoc.childNodes.length].nodeType;
4779      } catch (e) {
4780        push$1 = {
4781          apply: arr.length ? function (target, els) {
4782            push_native.apply(target, slice$1.call(els));
4783          } : function (target, els) {
4784            var j = target.length, i = 0;
4785            while (target[j++] = els[i++]) {
4786            }
4787            target.length = j - 1;
4788          }
4789        };
4790      }
4791      var Sizzle = function (selector, context, results, seed) {
4792        var match, elem, m, nodeType, i, groups, old, nid, newContext, newSelector;
4793        if ((context ? context.ownerDocument || context : preferredDoc) !== document$1) {
4794          setDocument(context);
4795        }
4796        context = context || document$1;
4797        results = results || [];
4798        if (!selector || typeof selector !== 'string') {
4799          return results;
4800        }
4801        if ((nodeType = context.nodeType) !== 1 && nodeType !== 9) {
4802          return [];
4803        }
4804        if (documentIsHTML && !seed) {
4805          if (match = rquickExpr$1.exec(selector)) {
4806            if (m = match[1]) {
4807              if (nodeType === 9) {
4808                elem = context.getElementById(m);
4809                if (elem && elem.parentNode) {
4810                  if (elem.id === m) {
4811                    results.push(elem);
4812                    return results;
4813                  }
4814                } else {
4815                  return results;
4816                }
4817              } else {
4818                if (context.ownerDocument && (elem = context.ownerDocument.getElementById(m)) && contains(context, elem) && elem.id === m) {
4819                  results.push(elem);
4820                  return results;
4821                }
4822              }
4823            } else if (match[2]) {
4824              push$1.apply(results, context.getElementsByTagName(selector));
4825              return results;
4826            } else if ((m = match[3]) && support.getElementsByClassName) {
4827              push$1.apply(results, context.getElementsByClassName(m));
4828              return results;
4829            }
4830          }
4831          if (support.qsa && (!rbuggyQSA || !rbuggyQSA.test(selector))) {
4832            nid = old = expando;
4833            newContext = context;
4834            newSelector = nodeType === 9 && selector;
4835            if (nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'object') {
4836              groups = tokenize(selector);
4837              if (old = context.getAttribute('id')) {
4838                nid = old.replace(rescape, '\\$&');
4839              } else {
4840                context.setAttribute('id', nid);
4841              }
4842              nid = '[id=\'' + nid + '\'] ';
4843              i = groups.length;
4844              while (i--) {
4845                groups[i] = nid + toSelector(groups[i]);
4846              }
4847              newContext = rsibling.test(selector) && testContext(context.parentNode) || context;
4848              newSelector = groups.join(',');
4849            }
4850            if (newSelector) {
4851              try {
4852                push$1.apply(results, newContext.querySelectorAll(newSelector));
4853                return results;
4854              } catch (qsaError) {
4855              } finally {
4856                if (!old) {
4857                  context.removeAttribute('id');
4858                }
4859              }
4860            }
4861          }
4862        }
4863        return select$1(selector.replace(rtrim, '$1'), context, results, seed);
4864      };
4865      function createCache() {
4866        var keys = [];
4867        function cache(key, value) {
4868          if (keys.push(key + ' ') > Expr.cacheLength) {
4869            delete cache[keys.shift()];
4870          }
4871          return cache[key + ' '] = value;
4872        }
4873        return cache;
4874      }
4875      function markFunction(fn) {
4876        fn[expando] = true;
4877        return fn;
4878      }
4879      function siblingCheck(a, b) {
4880        var cur = b && a, diff = cur && a.nodeType === 1 && b.nodeType === 1 && (~b.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE) - (~a.sourceIndex || MAX_NEGATIVE);
4881        if (diff) {
4882          return diff;
4883        }
4884        if (cur) {
4885          while (cur = cur.nextSibling) {
4886            if (cur === b) {
4887              return -1;
4888            }
4889          }
4890        }
4891        return a ? 1 : -1;
4892      }
4893      function createInputPseudo(type) {
4894        return function (elem) {
4895          var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
4896          return name === 'input' && elem.type === type;
4897        };
4898      }
4899      function createButtonPseudo(type) {
4900        return function (elem) {
4901          var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
4902          return (name === 'input' || name === 'button') && elem.type === type;
4903        };
4904      }
4905      function createPositionalPseudo(fn) {
4906        return markFunction(function (argument) {
4907          argument = +argument;
4908          return markFunction(function (seed, matches) {
4909            var j, matchIndexes = fn([], seed.length, argument), i = matchIndexes.length;
4910            while (i--) {
4911              if (seed[j = matchIndexes[i]]) {
4912                seed[j] = !(matches[j] = seed[j]);
4913              }
4914            }
4915          });
4916        });
4917      }
4918      function testContext(context) {
4919        return context && typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== strundefined && context;
4920      }
4921      support = Sizzle.support = {};
4922      isXML = Sizzle.isXML = function (elem) {
4923        var documentElement = elem && (elem.ownerDocument || elem).documentElement;
4924        return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== 'HTML' : false;
4925      };
4926      setDocument = Sizzle.setDocument = function (node) {
4927        var hasCompare, doc = node ? node.ownerDocument || node : preferredDoc, parent = doc.defaultView;
4928        function getTop(win) {
4929          try {
4930            return win.top;
4931          } catch (ex) {
4932          }
4933          return null;
4934        }
4935        if (doc === document$1 || doc.nodeType !== 9 || !doc.documentElement) {
4936          return document$1;
4937        }
4938        document$1 = doc;
4939        docElem = doc.documentElement;
4940        documentIsHTML = !isXML(doc);
4941        if (parent && parent !== getTop(parent)) {
4942          if (parent.addEventListener) {
4943            parent.addEventListener('unload', function () {
4944              setDocument();
4945            }, false);
4946          } else if (parent.attachEvent) {
4947            parent.attachEvent('onunload', function () {
4948              setDocument();
4949            });
4950          }
4951        }
4952        support.attributes = true;
4953        support.getElementsByTagName = true;
4954        support.getElementsByClassName = rnative.test(doc.getElementsByClassName);
4955        support.getById = true;
4956        Expr.find.ID = function (id, context) {
4957          if (typeof context.getElementById !== strundefined && documentIsHTML) {
4958            var m = context.getElementById(id);
4959            return m && m.parentNode ? [m] : [];
4960          }
4961        };
4962        Expr.filter.ID = function (id) {
4963          var attrId = id.replace(runescape, funescape);
4964          return function (elem) {
4965            return elem.getAttribute('id') === attrId;
4966          };
4967        };
4968        Expr.find.TAG = support.getElementsByTagName ? function (tag, context) {
4969          if (typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== strundefined) {
4970            return context.getElementsByTagName(tag);
4971          }
4972        } : function (tag, context) {
4973          var elem, tmp = [], i = 0, results = context.getElementsByTagName(tag);
4974          if (tag === '*') {
4975            while (elem = results[i++]) {
4976              if (elem.nodeType === 1) {
4977                tmp.push(elem);
4978              }
4979            }
4980            return tmp;
4981          }
4982          return results;
4983        };
4984        Expr.find.CLASS = support.getElementsByClassName && function (className, context) {
4985          if (documentIsHTML) {
4986            return context.getElementsByClassName(className);
4987          }
4988        };
4989        rbuggyMatches = [];
4990        rbuggyQSA = [];
4991        support.disconnectedMatch = true;
4992        rbuggyQSA = rbuggyQSA.length && new RegExp(rbuggyQSA.join('|'));
4993        rbuggyMatches = rbuggyMatches.length && new RegExp(rbuggyMatches.join('|'));
4994        hasCompare = rnative.test(docElem.compareDocumentPosition);
4995        contains = hasCompare || rnative.test(docElem.contains) ? function (a, b) {
4996          var adown = a.nodeType === 9 ? a.documentElement : a, bup = b && b.parentNode;
4997          return a === bup || !!(bup && bup.nodeType === 1 && (adown.contains ? adown.contains(bup) : a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition(bup) & 16));
4998        } : function (a, b) {
4999          if (b) {
5000            while (b = b.parentNode) {
5001              if (b === a) {
5002                return true;
5003              }
5004            }
5005          }
5006          return false;
5007        };
5008        sortOrder = hasCompare ? function (a, b) {
5009          if (a === b) {
5010            hasDuplicate = true;
5011            return 0;
5012          }
5013          var compare = !a.compareDocumentPosition - !b.compareDocumentPosition;
5014          if (compare) {
5015            return compare;
5016          }
5017          compare = (a.ownerDocument || a) === (b.ownerDocument || b) ? a.compareDocumentPosition(b) : 1;
5018          if (compare & 1 || !support.sortDetached && b.compareDocumentPosition(a) === compare) {
5019            if (a === doc || a.ownerDocument === preferredDoc && contains(preferredDoc, a)) {
5020              return -1;
5021            }
5022            if (b === doc || b.ownerDocument === preferredDoc && contains(preferredDoc, b)) {
5023              return 1;
5024            }
5025            return sortInput ? indexOf.call(sortInput, a) - indexOf.call(sortInput, b) : 0;
5026          }
5027          return compare & 4 ? -1 : 1;
5028        } : function (a, b) {
5029          if (a === b) {
5030            hasDuplicate = true;
5031            return 0;
5032          }
5033          var cur, i = 0, aup = a.parentNode, bup = b.parentNode, ap = [a], bp = [b];
5034          if (!aup || !bup) {
5035            return a === doc ? -1 : b === doc ? 1 : aup ? -1 : bup ? 1 : sortInput ? indexOf.call(sortInput, a) - indexOf.call(sortInput, b) : 0;
5036          } else if (aup === bup) {
5037            return siblingCheck(a, b);
5038          }
5039          cur = a;
5040          while (cur = cur.parentNode) {
5041            ap.unshift(cur);
5042          }
5043          cur = b;
5044          while (cur = cur.parentNode) {
5045            bp.unshift(cur);
5046          }
5047          while (ap[i] === bp[i]) {
5048            i++;
5049          }
5050          return i ? siblingCheck(ap[i], bp[i]) : ap[i] === preferredDoc ? -1 : bp[i] === preferredDoc ? 1 : 0;
5051        };
5052        return doc;
5053      };
5054      Sizzle.matches = function (expr, elements) {
5055        return Sizzle(expr, null, null, elements);
5056      };
5057      Sizzle.matchesSelector = function (elem, expr) {
5058        if ((elem.ownerDocument || elem) !== document$1) {
5059          setDocument(elem);
5060        }
5061        expr = expr.replace(rattributeQuotes, '=\'$1\']');
5062        if (support.matchesSelector && documentIsHTML && (!rbuggyMatches || !rbuggyMatches.test(expr)) && (!rbuggyQSA || !rbuggyQSA.test(expr))) {
5063          try {
5064            var ret = matches.call(elem, expr);
5065            if (ret || support.disconnectedMatch || elem.document && elem.document.nodeType !== 11) {
5066              return ret;
5067            }
5068          } catch (e) {
5069          }
5070        }
5071        return Sizzle(expr, document$1, null, [elem]).length > 0;
5072      };
5073      Sizzle.contains = function (context, elem) {
5074        if ((context.ownerDocument || context) !== document$1) {
5075          setDocument(context);
5076        }
5077        return contains(context, elem);
5078      };
5079      Sizzle.attr = function (elem, name) {
5080        if ((elem.ownerDocument || elem) !== document$1) {
5081          setDocument(elem);
5082        }
5083        var fn = Expr.attrHandle[name.toLowerCase()], val = fn && hasOwn.call(Expr.attrHandle, name.toLowerCase()) ? fn(elem, name, !documentIsHTML) : undefined;
5084        return val !== undefined ? val : support.attributes || !documentIsHTML ? elem.getAttribute(name) : (val = elem.getAttributeNode(name)) && val.specified ? val.value : null;
5085      };
5086      Sizzle.error = function (msg) {
5087        throw new Error('Syntax error, unrecognized expression: ' + msg);
5088      };
5089      Sizzle.uniqueSort = function (results) {
5090        var elem, duplicates = [], j = 0, i = 0;
5091        hasDuplicate = !support.detectDuplicates;
5092        sortInput = !support.sortStable && results.slice(0);
5093        results.sort(sortOrder);
5094        if (hasDuplicate) {
5095          while (elem = results[i++]) {
5096            if (elem === results[i]) {
5097              j = duplicates.push(i);
5098            }
5099          }
5100          while (j--) {
5101            results.splice(duplicates[j], 1);
5102          }
5103        }
5104        sortInput = null;
5105        return results;
5106      };
5107      getText = Sizzle.getText = function (elem) {
5108        var node, ret = '', i = 0, nodeType = elem.nodeType;
5109        if (!nodeType) {
5110          while (node = elem[i++]) {
5111            ret += getText(node);
5112          }
5113        } else if (nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11) {
5114          if (typeof elem.textContent === 'string') {
5115            return elem.textContent;
5116          } else {
5117            for (elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling) {
5118              ret += getText(elem);
5119            }
5120          }
5121        } else if (nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4) {
5122          return elem.nodeValue;
5123        }
5124        return ret;
5125      };
5126      Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
5127        cacheLength: 50,
5128        createPseudo: markFunction,
5129        match: matchExpr,
5130        attrHandle: {},
5131        find: {},
5132        relative: {
5133          '>': {
5134            dir: 'parentNode',
5135            first: true
5136          },
5137          ' ': { dir: 'parentNode' },
5138          '+': {
5139            dir: 'previousSibling',
5140            first: true
5141          },
5142          '~': { dir: 'previousSibling' }
5143        },
5144        preFilter: {
5145          ATTR: function (match) {
5146            match[1] = match[1].replace(runescape, funescape);
5147            match[3] = (match[3] || match[4] || match[5] || '').replace(runescape, funescape);
5148            if (match[2] === '~=') {
5149              match[3] = ' ' + match[3] + ' ';
5150            }
5151            return match.slice(0, 4);
5152          },
5153          CHILD: function (match) {
5154            match[1] = match[1].toLowerCase();
5155            if (match[1].slice(0, 3) === 'nth') {
5156              if (!match[3]) {
5157                Sizzle.error(match[0]);
5158              }
5159              match[4] = +(match[4] ? match[5] + (match[6] || 1) : 2 * (match[3] === 'even' || match[3] === 'odd'));
5160              match[5] = +(match[7] + match[8] || match[3] === 'odd');
5161            } else if (match[3]) {
5162              Sizzle.error(match[0]);
5163            }
5164            return match;
5165          },
5166          PSEUDO: function (match) {
5167            var excess, unquoted = !match[6] && match[2];
5168            if (matchExpr.CHILD.test(match[0])) {
5169              return null;
5170            }
5171            if (match[3]) {
5172              match[2] = match[4] || match[5] || '';
5173            } else if (unquoted && rpseudo.test(unquoted) && (excess = tokenize(unquoted, true)) && (excess = unquoted.indexOf(')', unquoted.length - excess) - unquoted.length)) {
5174              match[0] = match[0].slice(0, excess);
5175              match[2] = unquoted.slice(0, excess);
5176            }
5177            return match.slice(0, 3);
5178          }
5179        },
5180        filter: {
5181          TAG: function (nodeNameSelector) {
5182            var nodeName = nodeNameSelector.replace(runescape, funescape).toLowerCase();
5183            return nodeNameSelector === '*' ? function () {
5184              return true;
5185            } : function (elem) {
5186              return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName;
5187            };
5188          },
5189          CLASS: function (className) {
5190            var pattern = classCache[className + ' '];
5191            return pattern || (pattern = new RegExp('(^|' + whitespace + ')' + className + '(' + whitespace + '|$)')) && classCache(className, function (elem) {
5192              return pattern.test(typeof elem.className === 'string' && elem.className || typeof elem.getAttribute !== strundefined && elem.getAttribute('class') || '');
5193            });
5194          },
5195          ATTR: function (name, operator, check) {
5196            return function (elem) {
5197              var result = Sizzle.attr(elem, name);
5198              if (result == null) {
5199                return operator === '!=';
5200              }
5201              if (!operator) {
5202                return true;
5203              }
5204              result += '';
5205              return operator === '=' ? result === check : operator === '!=' ? result !== check : operator === '^=' ? check && result.indexOf(check) === 0 : operator === '*=' ? check && result.indexOf(check) > -1 : operator === '$=' ? check && result.slice(-check.length) === check : operator === '~=' ? (' ' + result + ' ').indexOf(check) > -1 : operator === '|=' ? result === check || result.slice(0, check.length + 1) === check + '-' : false;
5206            };
5207          },
5208          CHILD: function (type, what, argument, first, last) {
5209            var simple = type.slice(0, 3) !== 'nth', forward = type.slice(-4) !== 'last', ofType = what === 'of-type';
5210            return first === 1 && last === 0 ? function (elem) {
5211              return !!elem.parentNode;
5212            } : function (elem, context, xml) {
5213              var cache, outerCache, node, diff, nodeIndex, start, dir = simple !== forward ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling', parent = elem.parentNode, name = ofType && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(), useCache = !xml && !ofType;
5214              if (parent) {
5215                if (simple) {
5216                  while (dir) {
5217                    node = elem;
5218                    while (node = node[dir]) {
5219                      if (ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1) {
5220                        return false;
5221                      }
5222                    }
5223                    start = dir = type === 'only' && !start && 'nextSibling';
5224                  }
5225                  return true;
5226                }
5227                start = [forward ? parent.firstChild : parent.lastChild];
5228                if (forward && useCache) {
5229                  outerCache = parent[expando] || (parent[expando] = {});
5230                  cache = outerCache[type] || [];
5231                  nodeIndex = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[1];
5232                  diff = cache[0] === dirruns && cache[2];
5233                  node = nodeIndex && parent.childNodes[nodeIndex];
5234                  while (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[dir] || (diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) {
5235                    if (node.nodeType === 1 && ++diff && node === elem) {
5236                      outerCache[type] = [
5237                        dirruns,
5238                        nodeIndex,
5239                        diff
5240                      ];
5241                      break;
5242                    }
5243                  }
5244                } else if (useCache && (cache = (elem[expando] || (elem[expando] = {}))[type]) && cache[0] === dirruns) {
5245                  diff = cache[1];
5246                } else {
5247                  while (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[dir] || (diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) {
5248                    if ((ofType ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name : node.nodeType === 1) && ++diff) {
5249                      if (useCache) {
5250                        (node[expando] || (node[expando] = {}))[type] = [
5251                          dirruns,
5252                          diff
5253                        ];
5254                      }
5255                      if (node === elem) {
5256                        break;
5257                      }
5258                    }
5259                  }
5260                }
5261                diff -= last;
5262                return diff === first || diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0;
5263              }
5264            };
5265          },
5266          PSEUDO: function (pseudo, argument) {
5267            var args, fn = Expr.pseudos[pseudo] || Expr.setFilters[pseudo.toLowerCase()] || Sizzle.error('unsupported pseudo: ' + pseudo);
5268            if (fn[expando]) {
5269              return fn(argument);
5270            }
5271            if (fn.length > 1) {
5272              args = [
5273                pseudo,
5274                pseudo,
5275                '',
5276                argument
5277              ];
5278              return Expr.setFilters.hasOwnProperty(pseudo.toLowerCase()) ? markFunction(function (seed, matches) {
5279                var idx, matched = fn(seed, argument), i = matched.length;
5280                while (i--) {
5281                  idx = indexOf.call(seed, matched[i]);
5282                  seed[idx] = !(matches[idx] = matched[i]);
5283                }
5284              }) : function (elem) {
5285                return fn(elem, 0, args);
5286              };
5287            }
5288            return fn;
5289          }
5290        },
5291        pseudos: {
5292          not: markFunction(function (selector) {
5293            var input = [], results = [], matcher = compile(selector.replace(rtrim, '$1'));
5294            return matcher[expando] ? markFunction(function (seed, matches, context, xml) {
5295              var elem, unmatched = matcher(seed, null, xml, []), i = seed.length;
5296              while (i--) {
5297                if (elem = unmatched[i]) {
5298                  seed[i] = !(matches[i] = elem);
5299                }
5300              }
5301            }) : function (elem, context, xml) {
5302              input[0] = elem;
5303              matcher(input, null, xml, results);
5304              input[0] = null;
5305              return !results.pop();
5306            };
5307          }),
5308          has: markFunction(function (selector) {
5309            return function (elem) {
5310              return Sizzle(selector, elem).length > 0;
5311            };
5312          }),
5313          contains: markFunction(function (text) {
5314            text = text.replace(runescape, funescape);
5315            return function (elem) {
5316              return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText(elem)).indexOf(text) > -1;
5317            };
5318          }),
5319          lang: markFunction(function (lang) {
5320            if (!ridentifier.test(lang || '')) {
5321              Sizzle.error('unsupported lang: ' + lang);
5322            }
5323            lang = lang.replace(runescape, funescape).toLowerCase();
5324            return function (elem) {
5325              var elemLang;
5326              do {
5327                if (elemLang = documentIsHTML ? elem.lang : elem.getAttribute('xml:lang') || elem.getAttribute('lang')) {
5328                  elemLang = elemLang.toLowerCase();
5329                  return elemLang === lang || elemLang.indexOf(lang + '-') === 0;
5330                }
5331              } while ((elem = elem.parentNode) && elem.nodeType === 1);
5332              return false;
5333            };
5334          }),
5335          target: function (elem) {
5336            var hash = window.location && window.location.hash;
5337            return hash && hash.slice(1) === elem.id;
5338          },
5339          root: function (elem) {
5340            return elem === docElem;
5341          },
5342          focus: function (elem) {
5343            return elem === document$1.activeElement && (!document$1.hasFocus || document$1.hasFocus()) && !!(elem.type || elem.href || ~elem.tabIndex);
5344          },
5345          enabled: function (elem) {
5346            return elem.disabled === false;
5347          },
5348          disabled: function (elem) {
5349            return elem.disabled === true;
5350          },
5351          checked: function (elem) {
5352            var nodeName = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
5353            return nodeName === 'input' && !!elem.checked || nodeName === 'option' && !!elem.selected;
5354          },
5355          selected: function (elem) {
5356            if (elem.parentNode) {
5357              elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
5358            }
5359            return elem.selected === true;
5360          },
5361          empty: function (elem) {
5362            for (elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling) {
5363              if (elem.nodeType < 6) {
5364                return false;
5365              }
5366            }
5367            return true;
5368          },
5369          parent: function (elem) {
5370            return !Expr.pseudos.empty(elem);
5371          },
5372          header: function (elem) {
5373            return rheader.test(elem.nodeName);
5374          },
5375          input: function (elem) {
5376            return rinputs.test(elem.nodeName);
5377          },
5378          button: function (elem) {
5379            var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
5380            return name === 'input' && elem.type === 'button' || name === 'button';
5381          },
5382          text: function (elem) {
5383            var attr;
5384            return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && elem.type === 'text' && ((attr = elem.getAttribute('type')) == null || attr.toLowerCase() === 'text');
5385          },
5386          first: createPositionalPseudo(function () {
5387            return [0];
5388          }),
5389          last: createPositionalPseudo(function (matchIndexes, length) {
5390            return [length - 1];
5391          }),
5392          eq: createPositionalPseudo(function (matchIndexes, length, argument) {
5393            return [argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument];
5394          }),
5395          even: createPositionalPseudo(function (matchIndexes, length) {
5396            var i = 0;
5397            for (; i < length; i += 2) {
5398              matchIndexes.push(i);
5399            }
5400            return matchIndexes;
5401          }),
5402          odd: createPositionalPseudo(function (matchIndexes, length) {
5403            var i = 1;
5404            for (; i < length; i += 2) {
5405              matchIndexes.push(i);
5406            }
5407            return matchIndexes;
5408          }),
5409          lt: createPositionalPseudo(function (matchIndexes, length, argument) {
5410            var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
5411            for (; --i >= 0;) {
5412              matchIndexes.push(i);
5413            }
5414            return matchIndexes;
5415          }),
5416          gt: createPositionalPseudo(function (matchIndexes, length, argument) {
5417            var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
5418            for (; ++i < length;) {
5419              matchIndexes.push(i);
5420            }
5421            return matchIndexes;
5422          })
5423        }
5424      };
5425      Expr.pseudos.nth = Expr.pseudos.eq;
5426      each$k([
5427        'radio',
5428        'checkbox',
5429        'file',
5430        'password',
5431        'image'
5432      ], function (i) {
5433        Expr.pseudos[i] = createInputPseudo(i);
5434      });
5435      each$k([
5436        'submit',
5437        'reset'
5438      ], function (i) {
5439        Expr.pseudos[i] = createButtonPseudo(i);
5440      });
5441      function setFilters() {
5442      }
5443      setFilters.prototype = Expr.filters = Expr.pseudos;
5444      Expr.setFilters = new setFilters();
5445      tokenize = Sizzle.tokenize = function (selector, parseOnly) {
5446        var matched, match, tokens, type, soFar, groups, preFilters, cached = tokenCache[selector + ' '];
5447        if (cached) {
5448          return parseOnly ? 0 : cached.slice(0);
5449        }
5450        soFar = selector;
5451        groups = [];
5452        preFilters = Expr.preFilter;
5453        while (soFar) {
5454          if (!matched || (match = rcomma.exec(soFar))) {
5455            if (match) {
5456              soFar = soFar.slice(match[0].length) || soFar;
5457            }
5458            groups.push(tokens = []);
5459          }
5460          matched = false;
5461          if (match = rcombinators.exec(soFar)) {
5462            matched = match.shift();
5463            tokens.push({
5464              value: matched,
5465              type: match[0].replace(rtrim, ' ')
5466            });
5467            soFar = soFar.slice(matched.length);
5468          }
5469          for (type in Expr.filter) {
5470            if (!Expr.filter.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
5471              continue;
5472            }
5473            if ((match = matchExpr[type].exec(soFar)) && (!preFilters[type] || (match = preFilters[type](match)))) {
5474              matched = match.shift();
5475              tokens.push({
5476                value: matched,
5477                type: type,
5478                matches: match
5479              });
5480              soFar = soFar.slice(matched.length);
5481            }
5482          }
5483          if (!matched) {
5484            break;
5485          }
5486        }
5487        return parseOnly ? soFar.length : soFar ? Sizzle.error(selector) : tokenCache(selector, groups).slice(0);
5488      };
5489      function toSelector(tokens) {
5490        var i = 0, len = tokens.length, selector = '';
5491        for (; i < len; i++) {
5492          selector += tokens[i].value;
5493        }
5494        return selector;
5495      }
5496      function addCombinator(matcher, combinator, base) {
5497        var dir = combinator.dir, checkNonElements = base && dir === 'parentNode', doneName = done++;
5498        return combinator.first ? function (elem, context, xml) {
5499          while (elem = elem[dir]) {
5500            if (elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements) {
5501              return matcher(elem, context, xml);
5502            }
5503          }
5504        } : function (elem, context, xml) {
5505          var oldCache, outerCache, newCache = [
5506              dirruns,
5507              doneName
5508            ];
5509          if (xml) {
5510            while (elem = elem[dir]) {
5511              if (elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements) {
5512                if (matcher(elem, context, xml)) {
5513                  return true;
5514                }
5515              }
5516            }
5517          } else {
5518            while (elem = elem[dir]) {
5519              if (elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements) {
5520                outerCache = elem[expando] || (elem[expando] = {});
5521                if ((oldCache = outerCache[dir]) && oldCache[0] === dirruns && oldCache[1] === doneName) {
5522                  return newCache[2] = oldCache[2];
5523                } else {
5524                  outerCache[dir] = newCache;
5525                  if (newCache[2] = matcher(elem, context, xml)) {
5526                    return true;
5527                  }
5528                }
5529              }
5530            }
5531          }
5532        };
5533      }
5534      function elementMatcher(matchers) {
5535        return matchers.length > 1 ? function (elem, context, xml) {
5536          var i = matchers.length;
5537          while (i--) {
5538            if (!matchers[i](elem, context, xml)) {
5539              return false;
5540            }
5541          }
5542          return true;
5543        } : matchers[0];
5544      }
5545      function multipleContexts(selector, contexts, results) {
5546        var i = 0, len = contexts.length;
5547        for (; i < len; i++) {
5548          Sizzle(selector, contexts[i], results);
5549        }
5550        return results;
5551      }
5552      function condense(unmatched, map, filter, context, xml) {
5553        var elem, newUnmatched = [], i = 0, len = unmatched.length, mapped = map != null;
5554        for (; i < len; i++) {
5555          if (elem = unmatched[i]) {
5556            if (!filter || filter(elem, context, xml)) {
5557              newUnmatched.push(elem);
5558              if (mapped) {
5559                map.push(i);
5560              }
5561            }
5562          }
5563        }
5564        return newUnmatched;
5565      }
5566      function setMatcher(preFilter, selector, matcher, postFilter, postFinder, postSelector) {
5567        if (postFilter && !postFilter[expando]) {
5568          postFilter = setMatcher(postFilter);
5569        }
5570        if (postFinder && !postFinder[expando]) {
5571          postFinder = setMatcher(postFinder, postSelector);
5572        }
5573        return markFunction(function (seed, results, context, xml) {
5574          var temp, i, elem, preMap = [], postMap = [], preexisting = results.length, elems = seed || multipleContexts(selector || '*', context.nodeType ? [context] : context, []), matcherIn = preFilter && (seed || !selector) ? condense(elems, preMap, preFilter, context, xml) : elems, matcherOut = matcher ? postFinder || (seed ? preFilter : preexisting || postFilter) ? [] : results : matcherIn;
5575          if (matcher) {
5576            matcher(matcherIn, matcherOut, context, xml);
5577          }
5578          if (postFilter) {
5579            temp = condense(matcherOut, postMap);
5580            postFilter(temp, [], context, xml);
5581            i = temp.length;
5582            while (i--) {
5583              if (elem = temp[i]) {
5584                matcherOut[postMap[i]] = !(matcherIn[postMap[i]] = elem);
5585              }
5586            }
5587          }
5588          if (seed) {
5589            if (postFinder || preFilter) {
5590              if (postFinder) {
5591                temp = [];
5592                i = matcherOut.length;
5593                while (i--) {
5594                  if (elem = matcherOut[i]) {
5595                    temp.push(matcherIn[i] = elem);
5596                  }
5597                }
5598                postFinder(null, matcherOut = [], temp, xml);
5599              }
5600              i = matcherOut.length;
5601              while (i--) {
5602                if ((elem = matcherOut[i]) && (temp = postFinder ? indexOf.call(seed, elem) : preMap[i]) > -1) {
5603                  seed[temp] = !(results[temp] = elem);
5604                }
5605              }
5606            }
5607          } else {
5608            matcherOut = condense(matcherOut === results ? matcherOut.splice(preexisting, matcherOut.length) : matcherOut);
5609            if (postFinder) {
5610              postFinder(null, results, matcherOut, xml);
5611            } else {
5612              push$1.apply(results, matcherOut);
5613            }
5614          }
5615        });
5616      }
5617      function matcherFromTokens(tokens) {
5618        var checkContext, matcher, j, len = tokens.length, leadingRelative = Expr.relative[tokens[0].type], implicitRelative = leadingRelative || Expr.relative[' '], i = leadingRelative ? 1 : 0, matchContext = addCombinator(function (elem) {
5619            return elem === checkContext;
5620          }, implicitRelative, true), matchAnyContext = addCombinator(function (elem) {
5621            return indexOf.call(checkContext, elem) > -1;
5622          }, implicitRelative, true), matchers = [function (elem, context, xml) {
5623              var ret = !leadingRelative && (xml || context !== outermostContext) || ((checkContext = context).nodeType ? matchContext(elem, context, xml) : matchAnyContext(elem, context, xml));
5624              checkContext = null;
5625              return ret;
5626            }];
5627        for (; i < len; i++) {
5628          if (matcher = Expr.relative[tokens[i].type]) {
5629            matchers = [addCombinator(elementMatcher(matchers), matcher)];
5630          } else {
5631            matcher = Expr.filter[tokens[i].type].apply(null, tokens[i].matches);
5632            if (matcher[expando]) {
5633              j = ++i;
5634              for (; j < len; j++) {
5635                if (Expr.relative[tokens[j].type]) {
5636                  break;
5637                }
5638              }
5639              return setMatcher(i > 1 && elementMatcher(matchers), i > 1 && toSelector(tokens.slice(0, i - 1).concat({ value: tokens[i - 2].type === ' ' ? '*' : '' })).replace(rtrim, '$1'), matcher, i < j && matcherFromTokens(tokens.slice(i, j)), j < len && matcherFromTokens(tokens = tokens.slice(j)), j < len && toSelector(tokens));
5640            }
5641            matchers.push(matcher);
5642          }
5643        }
5644        return elementMatcher(matchers);
5645      }
5646      function matcherFromGroupMatchers(elementMatchers, setMatchers) {
5647        var bySet = setMatchers.length > 0, byElement = elementMatchers.length > 0, superMatcher = function (seed, context, xml, results, outermost) {
5648            var elem, j, matcher, matchedCount = 0, i = '0', unmatched = seed && [], setMatched = [], contextBackup = outermostContext, elems = seed || byElement && Expr.find.TAG('*', outermost), dirrunsUnique = dirruns += contextBackup == null ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1, len = elems.length;
5649            if (outermost) {
5650              outermostContext = context !== document$1 && context;
5651            }
5652            for (; i !== len && (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++) {
5653              if (byElement && elem) {
5654                j = 0;
5655                while (matcher = elementMatchers[j++]) {
5656                  if (matcher(elem, context, xml)) {
5657                    results.push(elem);
5658                    break;
5659                  }
5660                }
5661                if (outermost) {
5662                  dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
5663                }
5664              }
5665              if (bySet) {
5666                if (elem = !matcher && elem) {
5667                  matchedCount--;
5668                }
5669                if (seed) {
5670                  unmatched.push(elem);
5671                }
5672              }
5673            }
5674            matchedCount += i;
5675            if (bySet && i !== matchedCount) {
5676              j = 0;
5677              while (matcher = setMatchers[j++]) {
5678                matcher(unmatched, setMatched, context, xml);
5679              }
5680              if (seed) {
5681                if (matchedCount > 0) {
5682                  while (i--) {
5683                    if (!(unmatched[i] || setMatched[i])) {
5684                      setMatched[i] = pop.call(results);
5685                    }
5686                  }
5687                }
5688                setMatched = condense(setMatched);
5689              }
5690              push$1.apply(results, setMatched);
5691              if (outermost && !seed && setMatched.length > 0 && matchedCount + setMatchers.length > 1) {
5692                Sizzle.uniqueSort(results);
5693              }
5694            }
5695            if (outermost) {
5696              dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
5697              outermostContext = contextBackup;
5698            }
5699            return unmatched;
5700          };
5701        return bySet ? markFunction(superMatcher) : superMatcher;
5702      }
5703      compile = Sizzle.compile = function (selector, match) {
5704        var i, setMatchers = [], elementMatchers = [], cached = compilerCache[selector + ' '];
5705        if (!cached) {
5706          if (!match) {
5707            match = tokenize(selector);
5708          }
5709          i = match.length;
5710          while (i--) {
5711            cached = matcherFromTokens(match[i]);
5712            if (cached[expando]) {
5713              setMatchers.push(cached);
5714            } else {
5715              elementMatchers.push(cached);
5716            }
5717          }
5718          cached = compilerCache(selector, matcherFromGroupMatchers(elementMatchers, setMatchers));
5719          cached.selector = selector;
5720        }
5721        return cached;
5722      };
5723      select$1 = Sizzle.select = function (selector, context, results, seed) {
5724        var i, tokens, token, type, find, compiled = typeof selector === 'function' && selector, match = !seed && tokenize(selector = compiled.selector || selector);
5725        results = results || [];
5726        if (match.length === 1) {
5727          tokens = match[0] = match[0].slice(0);
5728          if (tokens.length > 2 && (token = tokens[0]).type === 'ID' && support.getById && context.nodeType === 9 && documentIsHTML && Expr.relative[tokens[1].type]) {
5729            context = (Expr.find.ID(token.matches[0].replace(runescape, funescape), context) || [])[0];
5730            if (!context) {
5731              return results;
5732            } else if (compiled) {
5733              context = context.parentNode;
5734            }
5735            selector = selector.slice(tokens.shift().value.length);
5736          }
5737          i = matchExpr.needsContext.test(selector) ? 0 : tokens.length;
5738          while (i--) {
5739            token = tokens[i];
5740            if (Expr.relative[type = token.type]) {
5741              break;
5742            }
5743            if (find = Expr.find[type]) {
5744              if (seed = find(token.matches[0].replace(runescape, funescape), rsibling.test(tokens[0].type) && testContext(context.parentNode) || context)) {
5745                tokens.splice(i, 1);
5746                selector = seed.length && toSelector(tokens);
5747                if (!selector) {
5748                  push$1.apply(results, seed);
5749                  return results;
5750                }
5751                break;
5752              }
5753            }
5754          }
5755        }
5756        (compiled || compile(selector, match))(seed, context, !documentIsHTML, results, rsibling.test(selector) && testContext(context.parentNode) || context);
5757        return results;
5758      };
5759      support.sortStable = expando.split('').sort(sortOrder).join('') === expando;
5760      support.detectDuplicates = !!hasDuplicate;
5761      setDocument();
5762      support.sortDetached = true;
5764      var doc = document;
5765      var push = Array.prototype.push;
5766      var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
5767      var rquickExpr = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/;
5768      var Event$1 = EventUtils.Event;
5769      var skipUniques = Tools.makeMap('children,contents,next,prev');
5770      var isDefined = function (obj) {
5771        return typeof obj !== 'undefined';
5772      };
5773      var isString = function (obj) {
5774        return typeof obj === 'string';
5775      };
5776      var isWindow = function (obj) {
5777        return obj && obj === obj.window;
5778      };
5779      var createFragment$1 = function (html, fragDoc) {
5780        fragDoc = fragDoc || doc;
5781        var container = fragDoc.createElement('div');
5782        var frag = fragDoc.createDocumentFragment();
5783        container.innerHTML = html;
5784        var node;
5785        while (node = container.firstChild) {
5786          frag.appendChild(node);
5787        }
5788        return frag;
5789      };
5790      var domManipulate = function (targetNodes, sourceItem, callback, reverse) {
5791        var i;
5792        if (isString(sourceItem)) {
5793          sourceItem = createFragment$1(sourceItem, getElementDocument(targetNodes[0]));
5794        } else if (sourceItem.length && !sourceItem.nodeType) {
5795          sourceItem = DomQuery.makeArray(sourceItem);
5796          if (reverse) {
5797            for (i = sourceItem.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
5798              domManipulate(targetNodes, sourceItem[i], callback, reverse);
5799            }
5800          } else {
5801            for (i = 0; i < sourceItem.length; i++) {
5802              domManipulate(targetNodes, sourceItem[i], callback, reverse);
5803            }
5804          }
5805          return targetNodes;
5806        }
5807        if (sourceItem.nodeType) {
5808          i = targetNodes.length;
5809          while (i--) {
5810            callback.call(targetNodes[i], sourceItem);
5811          }
5812        }
5813        return targetNodes;
5814      };
5815      var hasClass = function (node, className) {
5816        return node && className && (' ' + node.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + className + ' ') !== -1;
5817      };
5818      var wrap$2 = function (elements, wrapper, all) {
5819        var lastParent, newWrapper;
5820        wrapper = DomQuery(wrapper)[0];
5821        elements.each(function () {
5822          var self = this;
5823          if (!all || lastParent !== self.parentNode) {
5824            lastParent = self.parentNode;
5825            newWrapper = wrapper.cloneNode(false);
5826            self.parentNode.insertBefore(newWrapper, self);
5827            newWrapper.appendChild(self);
5828          } else {
5829            newWrapper.appendChild(self);
5830          }
5831        });
5832        return elements;
5833      };
5834      var numericCssMap = Tools.makeMap('fillOpacity fontWeight lineHeight opacity orphans widows zIndex zoom', ' ');
5835      var booleanMap = Tools.makeMap('checked compact declare defer disabled ismap multiple nohref noshade nowrap readonly selected', ' ');
5836      var propFix = {
5837        for: 'htmlFor',
5838        class: 'className',
5839        readonly: 'readOnly'
5840      };
5841      var cssFix = { float: 'cssFloat' };
5842      var attrHooks = {}, cssHooks = {};
5843      var DomQueryConstructor = function (selector, context) {
5844        return new DomQuery.fn.init(selector, context);
5845      };
5846      var inArray$1 = function (item, array) {
5847        var i;
5848        if (array.indexOf) {
5849          return array.indexOf(item);
5850        }
5851        i = array.length;
5852        while (i--) {
5853          if (array[i] === item) {
5854            return i;
5855          }
5856        }
5857        return -1;
5858      };
5859      var whiteSpaceRegExp = /^\s*|\s*$/g;
5860      var trim$1 = function (str) {
5861        return str === null || str === undefined ? '' : ('' + str).replace(whiteSpaceRegExp, '');
5862      };
5863      var each$g = function (obj, callback) {
5864        var length, key, i, value;
5865        if (obj) {
5866          length = obj.length;
5867          if (length === undefined) {
5868            for (key in obj) {
5869              if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
5870                value = obj[key];
5871                if (callback.call(value, key, value) === false) {
5872                  break;
5873                }
5874              }
5875            }
5876          } else {
5877            for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
5878              value = obj[i];
5879              if (callback.call(value, i, value) === false) {
5880                break;
5881              }
5882            }
5883          }
5884        }
5885        return obj;
5886      };
5887      var grep$2 = function (array, callback) {
5888        var out = [];
5889        each$g(array, function (i, item) {
5890          if (callback(item, i)) {
5891            out.push(item);
5892          }
5893        });
5894        return out;
5895      };
5896      var getElementDocument = function (element) {
5897        if (!element) {
5898          return doc;
5899        }
5900        if (element.nodeType === 9) {
5901          return element;
5902        }
5903        return element.ownerDocument;
5904      };
5905      DomQueryConstructor.fn = DomQueryConstructor.prototype = {
5906        constructor: DomQueryConstructor,
5907        selector: '',
5908        context: null,
5909        length: 0,
5910        init: function (selector, context) {
5911          var self = this;
5912          var match, node;
5913          if (!selector) {
5914            return self;
5915          }
5916          if (selector.nodeType) {
5917            self.context = self[0] = selector;
5918            self.length = 1;
5919            return self;
5920          }
5921          if (context && context.nodeType) {
5922            self.context = context;
5923          } else {
5924            if (context) {
5925              return DomQuery(selector).attr(context);
5926            }
5927            self.context = context = document;
5928          }
5929          if (isString(selector)) {
5930            self.selector = selector;
5931            if (selector.charAt(0) === '<' && selector.charAt(selector.length - 1) === '>' && selector.length >= 3) {
5932              match = [
5933                null,
5934                selector,
5935                null
5936              ];
5937            } else {
5938              match = rquickExpr.exec(selector);
5939            }
5940            if (match) {
5941              if (match[1]) {
5942                node = createFragment$1(selector, getElementDocument(context)).firstChild;
5943                while (node) {
5944                  push.call(self, node);
5945                  node = node.nextSibling;
5946                }
5947              } else {
5948                node = getElementDocument(context).getElementById(match[2]);
5949                if (!node) {
5950                  return self;
5951                }
5952                if (node.id !== match[2]) {
5953                  return self.find(selector);
5954                }
5955                self.length = 1;
5956                self[0] = node;
5957              }
5958            } else {
5959              return DomQuery(context).find(selector);
5960            }
5961          } else {
5962            this.add(selector, false);
5963          }
5964          return self;
5965        },
5966        toArray: function () {
5967          return Tools.toArray(this);
5968        },
5969        add: function (items, sort) {
5970          var self = this;
5971          var nodes, i;
5972          if (isString(items)) {
5973            return self.add(DomQuery(items));
5974          }
5975          if (sort !== false) {
5976            nodes = DomQuery.unique(self.toArray().concat(DomQuery.makeArray(items)));
5977            self.length = nodes.length;
5978            for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
5979              self[i] = nodes[i];
5980            }
5981          } else {
5982            push.apply(self, DomQuery.makeArray(items));
5983          }
5984          return self;
5985        },
5986        attr: function (name, value) {
5987          var self = this;
5988          var hook;
5989          if (typeof name === 'object') {
5990            each$g(name, function (name, value) {
5991              self.attr(name, value);
5992            });
5993          } else if (isDefined(value)) {
5994            this.each(function () {
5995              var hook;
5996              if (this.nodeType === 1) {
5997                hook = attrHooks[name];
5998                if (hook && hook.set) {
5999                  hook.set(this, value);
6000                  return;
6001                }
6002                if (value === null) {
6003                  this.removeAttribute(name, 2);
6004                } else {
6005                  this.setAttribute(name, value, 2);
6006                }
6007              }
6008            });
6009          } else {
6010            if (self[0] && self[0].nodeType === 1) {
6011              hook = attrHooks[name];
6012              if (hook && hook.get) {
6013                return hook.get(self[0], name);
6014              }
6015              if (booleanMap[name]) {
6016                return self.prop(name) ? name : undefined;
6017              }
6018              value = self[0].getAttribute(name, 2);
6019              if (value === null) {
6020                value = undefined;
6021              }
6022            }
6023            return value;
6024          }
6025          return self;
6026        },
6027        removeAttr: function (name) {
6028          return this.attr(name, null);
6029        },
6030        prop: function (name, value) {
6031          var self = this;
6032          name = propFix[name] || name;
6033          if (typeof name === 'object') {
6034            each$g(name, function (name, value) {
6035              self.prop(name, value);
6036            });
6037          } else if (isDefined(value)) {
6038            this.each(function () {
6039              if (this.nodeType === 1) {
6040                this[name] = value;
6041              }
6042            });
6043          } else {
6044            if (self[0] && self[0].nodeType && name in self[0]) {
6045              return self[0][name];
6046            }
6047            return value;
6048          }
6049          return self;
6050        },
6051        css: function (name, value) {
6052          var self = this;
6053          var elm, hook;
6054          var camel = function (name) {
6055            return name.replace(/-(\D)/g, function (a, b) {
6056              return b.toUpperCase();
6057            });
6058          };
6059          var dashed = function (name) {
6060            return name.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (a) {
6061              return '-' + a;
6062            });
6063          };
6064          if (typeof name === 'object') {
6065            each$g(name, function (name, value) {
6066              self.css(name, value);
6067            });
6068          } else {
6069            if (isDefined(value)) {
6070              name = camel(name);
6071              if (typeof value === 'number' && !numericCssMap[name]) {
6072                value = value.toString() + 'px';
6073              }
6074              self.each(function () {
6075                var style = this.style;
6076                hook = cssHooks[name];
6077                if (hook && hook.set) {
6078                  hook.set(this, value);
6079                  return;
6080                }
6081                try {
6082                  this.style[cssFix[name] || name] = value;
6083                } catch (ex) {
6084                }
6085                if (value === null || value === '') {
6086                  if (style.removeProperty) {
6087                    style.removeProperty(dashed(name));
6088                  } else {
6089                    style.removeAttribute(name);
6090                  }
6091                }
6092              });
6093            } else {
6094              elm = self[0];
6095              hook = cssHooks[name];
6096              if (hook && hook.get) {
6097                return hook.get(elm);
6098              }
6099              if (elm.ownerDocument.defaultView) {
6100                try {
6101                  return elm.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elm, null).getPropertyValue(dashed(name));
6102                } catch (ex) {
6103                  return undefined;
6104                }
6105              } else if (elm.currentStyle) {
6106                return elm.currentStyle[camel(name)];
6107              } else {
6108                return '';
6109              }
6110            }
6111          }
6112          return self;
6113        },
6114        remove: function () {
6115          var self = this;
6116          var node, i = this.length;
6117          while (i--) {
6118            node = self[i];
6119            Event$1.clean(node);
6120            if (node.parentNode) {
6121              node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
6122            }
6123          }
6124          return this;
6125        },
6126        empty: function () {
6127          var self = this;
6128          var node, i = this.length;
6129          while (i--) {
6130            node = self[i];
6131            while (node.firstChild) {
6132              node.removeChild(node.firstChild);
6133            }
6134          }
6135          return this;
6136        },
6137        html: function (value) {
6138          var self = this;
6139          var i;
6140          if (isDefined(value)) {
6141            i = self.length;
6142            try {
6143              while (i--) {
6144                self[i].innerHTML = value;
6145              }
6146            } catch (ex) {
6147              DomQuery(self[i]).empty().append(value);
6148            }
6149            return self;
6150          }
6151          return self[0] ? self[0].innerHTML : '';
6152        },
6153        text: function (value) {
6154          var self = this;
6155          var i;
6156          if (isDefined(value)) {
6157            i = self.length;
6158            while (i--) {
6159              if ('innerText' in self[i]) {
6160                self[i].innerText = value;
6161              } else {
6162                self[0].textContent = value;
6163              }
6164            }
6165            return self;
6166          }
6167          return self[0] ? self[0].innerText || self[0].textContent : '';
6168        },
6169        append: function () {
6170          return domManipulate(this, arguments, function (node) {
6171            if (this.nodeType === 1 || this.host && this.host.nodeType === 1) {
6172              this.appendChild(node);
6173            }
6174          });
6175        },
6176        prepend: function () {
6177          return domManipulate(this, arguments, function (node) {
6178            if (this.nodeType === 1 || this.host && this.host.nodeType === 1) {
6179              this.insertBefore(node, this.firstChild);
6180            }
6181          }, true);
6182        },
6183        before: function () {
6184          var self = this;
6185          if (self[0] && self[0].parentNode) {
6186            return domManipulate(self, arguments, function (node) {
6187              this.parentNode.insertBefore(node, this);
6188            });
6189          }
6190          return self;
6191        },
6192        after: function () {
6193          var self = this;
6194          if (self[0] && self[0].parentNode) {
6195            return domManipulate(self, arguments, function (node) {
6196              this.parentNode.insertBefore(node, this.nextSibling);
6197            }, true);
6198          }
6199          return self;
6200        },
6201        appendTo: function (val) {
6202          DomQuery(val).append(this);
6203          return this;
6204        },
6205        prependTo: function (val) {
6206          DomQuery(val).prepend(this);
6207          return this;
6208        },
6209        replaceWith: function (content) {
6210          return this.before(content).remove();
6211        },
6212        wrap: function (content) {
6213          return wrap$2(this, content);
6214        },
6215        wrapAll: function (content) {
6216          return wrap$2(this, content, true);
6217        },
6218        wrapInner: function (content) {
6219          this.each(function () {
6220            DomQuery(this).contents().wrapAll(content);
6221          });
6222          return this;
6223        },
6224        unwrap: function () {
6225          return this.parent().each(function () {
6226            DomQuery(this).replaceWith(this.childNodes);
6227          });
6228        },
6229        clone: function () {
6230          var result = [];
6231          this.each(function () {
6232            result.push(this.cloneNode(true));
6233          });
6234          return DomQuery(result);
6235        },
6236        addClass: function (className) {
6237          return this.toggleClass(className, true);
6238        },
6239        removeClass: function (className) {
6240          return this.toggleClass(className, false);
6241        },
6242        toggleClass: function (className, state) {
6243          var self = this;
6244          if (typeof className !== 'string') {
6245            return self;
6246          }
6247          if (className.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
6248            each$g(className.split(' '), function () {
6249              self.toggleClass(this, state);
6250            });
6251          } else {
6252            self.each(function (index, node) {
6253              var classState = hasClass(node, className);
6254              if (classState !== state) {
6255                var existingClassName = node.className;
6256                if (classState) {
6257                  node.className = trim$1((' ' + existingClassName + ' ').replace(' ' + className + ' ', ' '));
6258                } else {
6259                  node.className += existingClassName ? ' ' + className : className;
6260                }
6261              }
6262            });
6263          }
6264          return self;
6265        },
6266        hasClass: function (className) {
6267          return hasClass(this[0], className);
6268        },
6269        each: function (callback) {
6270          return each$g(this, callback);
6271        },
6272        on: function (name, callback) {
6273          return this.each(function () {
6274            Event$1.bind(this, name, callback);
6275          });
6276        },
6277        off: function (name, callback) {
6278          return this.each(function () {
6279            Event$1.unbind(this, name, callback);
6280          });
6281        },
6282        trigger: function (name) {
6283          return this.each(function () {
6284            if (typeof name === 'object') {
6285              Event$1.fire(this, name.type, name);
6286            } else {
6287              Event$1.fire(this, name);
6288            }
6289          });
6290        },
6291        show: function () {
6292          return this.css('display', '');
6293        },
6294        hide: function () {
6295          return this.css('display', 'none');
6296        },
6297        slice: function () {
6298          return DomQuery(slice.apply(this, arguments));
6299        },
6300        eq: function (index) {
6301          return index === -1 ? this.slice(index) : this.slice(index, +index + 1);
6302        },
6303        first: function () {
6304          return this.eq(0);
6305        },
6306        last: function () {
6307          return this.eq(-1);
6308        },
6309        find: function (selector) {
6310          var i, l;
6311          var ret = [];
6312          for (i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
6313            DomQuery.find(selector, this[i], ret);
6314          }
6315          return DomQuery(ret);
6316        },
6317        filter: function (selector) {
6318          if (typeof selector === 'function') {
6319            return DomQuery(grep$2(this.toArray(), function (item, i) {
6320              return selector(i, item);
6321            }));
6322          }
6323          return DomQuery(DomQuery.filter(selector, this.toArray()));
6324        },
6325        closest: function (selector) {
6326          var result = [];
6327          if (selector instanceof DomQuery) {
6328            selector = selector[0];
6329          }
6330          this.each(function (i, node) {
6331            while (node) {
6332              if (typeof selector === 'string' && DomQuery(node).is(selector)) {
6333                result.push(node);
6334                break;
6335              } else if (node === selector) {
6336                result.push(node);
6337                break;
6338              }
6339              node = node.parentNode;
6340            }
6341          });
6342          return DomQuery(result);
6343        },
6344        offset: function (offset) {
6345          var elm, doc, docElm;
6346          var x = 0, y = 0, pos;
6347          if (!offset) {
6348            elm = this[0];
6349            if (elm) {
6350              doc = elm.ownerDocument;
6351              docElm = doc.documentElement;
6352              if (elm.getBoundingClientRect) {
6353                pos = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
6354                x = pos.left + (docElm.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft) - docElm.clientLeft;
6355                y = pos.top + (docElm.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop) - docElm.clientTop;
6356              }
6357            }
6358            return {
6359              left: x,
6360              top: y
6361            };
6362          }
6363          return this.css(offset);
6364        },
6365        push: push,
6366        sort: Array.prototype.sort,
6367        splice: Array.prototype.splice
6368      };
6369      Tools.extend(DomQueryConstructor, {
6370        extend: Tools.extend,
6371        makeArray: function (object) {
6372          if (isWindow(object) || object.nodeType) {
6373            return [object];
6374          }
6375          return Tools.toArray(object);
6376        },
6377        inArray: inArray$1,
6378        isArray: Tools.isArray,
6379        each: each$g,
6380        trim: trim$1,
6381        grep: grep$2,
6382        find: Sizzle,
6383        expr: Sizzle.selectors,
6384        unique: Sizzle.uniqueSort,
6385        text: Sizzle.getText,
6386        contains: Sizzle.contains,
6387        filter: function (expr, elems, not) {
6388          var i = elems.length;
6389          if (not) {
6390            expr = ':not(' + expr + ')';
6391          }
6392          while (i--) {
6393            if (elems[i].nodeType !== 1) {
6394              elems.splice(i, 1);
6395            }
6396          }
6397          if (elems.length === 1) {
6398            elems = DomQuery.find.matchesSelector(elems[0], expr) ? [elems[0]] : [];
6399          } else {
6400            elems = DomQuery.find.matches(expr, elems);
6401          }
6402          return elems;
6403        }
6404      });
6405      var dir = function (el, prop, until) {
6406        var matched = [];
6407        var cur = el[prop];
6408        if (typeof until !== 'string' && until instanceof DomQuery) {
6409          until = until[0];
6410        }
6411        while (cur && cur.nodeType !== 9) {
6412          if (until !== undefined) {
6413            if (cur === until) {
6414              break;
6415            }
6416            if (typeof until === 'string' && DomQuery(cur).is(until)) {
6417              break;
6418            }
6419          }
6420          if (cur.nodeType === 1) {
6421            matched.push(cur);
6422          }
6423          cur = cur[prop];
6424        }
6425        return matched;
6426      };
6427      var sibling$1 = function (node, siblingName, nodeType, until) {
6428        var result = [];
6429        if (until instanceof DomQuery) {
6430          until = until[0];
6431        }
6432        for (; node; node = node[siblingName]) {
6433          if (nodeType && node.nodeType !== nodeType) {
6434            continue;
6435          }
6436          if (until !== undefined) {
6437            if (node === until) {
6438              break;
6439            }
6440            if (typeof until === 'string' && DomQuery(node).is(until)) {
6441              break;
6442            }
6443          }
6444          result.push(node);
6445        }
6446        return result;
6447      };
6448      var firstSibling = function (node, siblingName, nodeType) {
6449        for (node = node[siblingName]; node; node = node[siblingName]) {
6450          if (node.nodeType === nodeType) {
6451            return node;
6452          }
6453        }
6454        return null;
6455      };
6456      each$g({
6457        parent: function (node) {
6458          var parent = node.parentNode;
6459          return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null;
6460        },
6461        parents: function (node) {
6462          return dir(node, 'parentNode');
6463        },
6464        next: function (node) {
6465          return firstSibling(node, 'nextSibling', 1);
6466        },
6467        prev: function (node) {
6468          return firstSibling(node, 'previousSibling', 1);
6469        },
6470        children: function (node) {
6471          return sibling$1(node.firstChild, 'nextSibling', 1);
6472        },
6473        contents: function (node) {
6474          return Tools.toArray((node.nodeName === 'iframe' ? node.contentDocument || node.contentWindow.document : node).childNodes);
6475        }
6476      }, function (name, fn) {
6477        DomQueryConstructor.fn[name] = function (selector) {
6478          var self = this;
6479          var result = [];
6480          self.each(function () {
6481            var nodes = fn.call(result, this, selector, result);
6482            if (nodes) {
6483              if (DomQuery.isArray(nodes)) {
6484                result.push.apply(result, nodes);
6485              } else {
6486                result.push(nodes);
6487              }
6488            }
6489          });
6490          if (this.length > 1) {
6491            if (!skipUniques[name]) {
6492              result = DomQuery.unique(result);
6493            }
6494            if (name.indexOf('parents') === 0) {
6495              result = result.reverse();
6496            }
6497          }
6498          var wrappedResult = DomQuery(result);
6499          if (selector) {
6500            return wrappedResult.filter(selector);
6501          }
6502          return wrappedResult;
6503        };
6504      });
6505      each$g({
6506        parentsUntil: function (node, until) {
6507          return dir(node, 'parentNode', until);
6508        },
6509        nextUntil: function (node, until) {
6510          return sibling$1(node, 'nextSibling', 1, until).slice(1);
6511        },
6512        prevUntil: function (node, until) {
6513          return sibling$1(node, 'previousSibling', 1, until).slice(1);
6514        }
6515      }, function (name, fn) {
6516        DomQueryConstructor.fn[name] = function (selector, filter) {
6517          var self = this;
6518          var result = [];
6519          self.each(function () {
6520            var nodes = fn.call(result, this, selector, result);
6521            if (nodes) {
6522              if (DomQuery.isArray(nodes)) {
6523                result.push.apply(result, nodes);
6524              } else {
6525                result.push(nodes);
6526              }
6527            }
6528          });
6529          if (this.length > 1) {
6530            result = DomQuery.unique(result);
6531            if (name.indexOf('parents') === 0 || name === 'prevUntil') {
6532              result = result.reverse();
6533            }
6534          }
6535          var wrappedResult = DomQuery(result);
6536          if (filter) {
6537            return wrappedResult.filter(filter);
6538          }
6539          return wrappedResult;
6540        };
6541      });
6542      DomQueryConstructor.fn.is = function (selector) {
6543        return !!selector && this.filter(selector).length > 0;
6544      };
6545      DomQueryConstructor.fn.init.prototype = DomQueryConstructor.fn;
6546      DomQueryConstructor.overrideDefaults = function (callback) {
6547        var defaults;
6548        var sub = function (selector, context) {
6549          defaults = defaults || callback();
6550          if (arguments.length === 0) {
6551            selector = defaults.element;
6552          }
6553          if (!context) {
6554            context = defaults.context;
6555          }
6556          return new sub.fn.init(selector, context);
6557        };
6558        DomQuery.extend(sub, this);
6559        return sub;
6560      };
6561      DomQueryConstructor.attrHooks = attrHooks;
6562      DomQueryConstructor.cssHooks = cssHooks;
6563      var DomQuery = DomQueryConstructor;
6565      var each$f = Tools.each;
6566      var grep$1 = Tools.grep;
6567      var isIE = Env.ie;
6568      var simpleSelectorRe = /^([a-z0-9],?)+$/i;
6569      var setupAttrHooks = function (styles, settings, getContext) {
6570        var keepValues = settings.keep_values;
6571        var keepUrlHook = {
6572          set: function ($elm, value, name) {
6573            if (settings.url_converter && value !== null) {
6574              value = settings.url_converter.call(settings.url_converter_scope || getContext(), value, name, $elm[0]);
6575            }
6576            $elm.attr('data-mce-' + name, value).attr(name, value);
6577          },
6578          get: function ($elm, name) {
6579            return $elm.attr('data-mce-' + name) || $elm.attr(name);
6580          }
6581        };
6582        var attrHooks = {
6583          style: {
6584            set: function ($elm, value) {
6585              if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object') {
6586                $elm.css(value);
6587                return;
6588              }
6589              if (keepValues) {
6590                $elm.attr('data-mce-style', value);
6591              }
6592              if (value !== null && typeof value === 'string') {
6593                $elm.removeAttr('style');
6594                $elm.css(styles.parse(value));
6595              } else {
6596                $elm.attr('style', value);
6597              }
6598            },
6599            get: function ($elm) {
6600              var value = $elm.attr('data-mce-style') || $elm.attr('style');
6601              value = styles.serialize(styles.parse(value), $elm[0].nodeName);
6602              return value;
6603            }
6604          }
6605        };
6606        if (keepValues) {
6607          attrHooks.href = attrHooks.src = keepUrlHook;
6608        }
6609        return attrHooks;
6610      };
6611      var updateInternalStyleAttr = function (styles, $elm) {
6612        var rawValue = $elm.attr('style');
6613        var value = styles.serialize(styles.parse(rawValue), $elm[0].nodeName);
6614        if (!value) {
6615          value = null;
6616        }
6617        $elm.attr('data-mce-style', value);
6618      };
6619      var findNodeIndex = function (node, normalized) {
6620        var idx = 0, lastNodeType, nodeType;
6621        if (node) {
6622          for (lastNodeType = node.nodeType, node = node.previousSibling; node; node = node.previousSibling) {
6623            nodeType = node.nodeType;
6624            if (normalized && nodeType === 3) {
6625              if (nodeType === lastNodeType || !node.nodeValue.length) {
6626                continue;
6627              }
6628            }
6629            idx++;
6630            lastNodeType = nodeType;
6631          }
6632        }
6633        return idx;
6634      };
6635      var DOMUtils = function (doc, settings) {
6636        if (settings === void 0) {
6637          settings = {};
6638        }
6639        var addedStyles = {};
6640        var win = window;
6641        var files = {};
6642        var counter = 0;
6643        var stdMode = true;
6644        var boxModel = true;
6645        var styleSheetLoader = instance.forElement(SugarElement.fromDom(doc), {
6646          contentCssCors: settings.contentCssCors,
6647          referrerPolicy: settings.referrerPolicy
6648        });
6649        var boundEvents = [];
6650        var schema = settings.schema ? settings.schema : Schema({});
6651        var styles = Styles({
6652          url_converter: settings.url_converter,
6653          url_converter_scope: settings.url_converter_scope
6654        }, settings.schema);
6655        var events = settings.ownEvents ? new EventUtils() : EventUtils.Event;
6656        var blockElementsMap = schema.getBlockElements();
6657        var $ = DomQuery.overrideDefaults(function () {
6658          return {
6659            context: doc,
6660            element: self.getRoot()
6661          };
6662        });
6663        var isBlock = function (node) {
6664          if (typeof node === 'string') {
6665            return !!blockElementsMap[node];
6666          } else if (node) {
6667            var type = node.nodeType;
6668            if (type) {
6669              return !!(type === 1 && blockElementsMap[node.nodeName]);
6670            }
6671          }
6672          return false;
6673        };
6674        var get = function (elm) {
6675          return elm && doc && isString$1(elm) ? doc.getElementById(elm) : elm;
6676        };
6677        var $$ = function (elm) {
6678          return $(typeof elm === 'string' ? get(elm) : elm);
6679        };
6680        var getAttrib = function (elm, name, defaultVal) {
6681          var hook, value;
6682          var $elm = $$(elm);
6683          if ($elm.length) {
6684            hook = attrHooks[name];
6685            if (hook && hook.get) {
6686              value = hook.get($elm, name);
6687            } else {
6688              value = $elm.attr(name);
6689            }
6690          }
6691          if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
6692            value = defaultVal || '';
6693          }
6694          return value;
6695        };
6696        var getAttribs = function (elm) {
6697          var node = get(elm);
6698          if (!node) {
6699            return [];
6700          }
6701          return node.attributes;
6702        };
6703        var setAttrib = function (elm, name, value) {
6704          if (value === '') {
6705            value = null;
6706          }
6707          var $elm = $$(elm);
6708          var originalValue = $elm.attr(name);
6709          if (!$elm.length) {
6710            return;
6711          }
6712          var hook = attrHooks[name];
6713          if (hook && hook.set) {
6714            hook.set($elm, value, name);
6715          } else {
6716            $elm.attr(name, value);
6717          }
6718          if (originalValue !== value && settings.onSetAttrib) {
6719            settings.onSetAttrib({
6720              attrElm: $elm,
6721              attrName: name,
6722              attrValue: value
6723            });
6724          }
6725        };
6726        var clone = function (node, deep) {
6727          if (!isIE || node.nodeType !== 1 || deep) {
6728            return node.cloneNode(deep);
6729          } else {
6730            var clone_1 = doc.createElement(node.nodeName);
6731            each$f(getAttribs(node), function (attr) {
6732              setAttrib(clone_1, attr.nodeName, getAttrib(node, attr.nodeName));
6733            });
6734            return clone_1;
6735          }
6736        };
6737        var getRoot = function () {
6738          return settings.root_element || doc.body;
6739        };
6740        var getViewPort = function (argWin) {
6741          var vp = getBounds(argWin);
6742          return {
6743            x: vp.x,
6744            y: vp.y,
6745            w: vp.width,
6746            h: vp.height
6747          };
6748        };
6749        var getPos$1 = function (elm, rootElm) {
6750          return getPos(doc.body, get(elm), rootElm);
6751        };
6752        var setStyle = function (elm, name, value) {
6753          var $elm = isString$1(name) ? $$(elm).css(name, value) : $$(elm).css(name);
6754          if (settings.update_styles) {
6755            updateInternalStyleAttr(styles, $elm);
6756          }
6757        };
6758        var setStyles = function (elm, stylesArg) {
6759          var $elm = $$(elm).css(stylesArg);
6760          if (settings.update_styles) {
6761            updateInternalStyleAttr(styles, $elm);
6762          }
6763        };
6764        var getStyle = function (elm, name, computed) {
6765          var $elm = $$(elm);
6766          if (computed) {
6767            return $elm.css(name);
6768          }
6769          name = name.replace(/-(\D)/g, function (a, b) {
6770            return b.toUpperCase();
6771          });
6772          if (name === 'float') {
6773            name = Env.browser.isIE() ? 'styleFloat' : 'cssFloat';
6774          }
6775          return $elm[0] && $elm[0].style ? $elm[0].style[name] : undefined;
6776        };
6777        var getSize = function (elm) {
6778          var w, h;
6779          elm = get(elm);
6780          w = getStyle(elm, 'width');
6781          h = getStyle(elm, 'height');
6782          if (w.indexOf('px') === -1) {
6783            w = 0;
6784          }
6785          if (h.indexOf('px') === -1) {
6786            h = 0;
6787          }
6788          return {
6789            w: parseInt(w, 10) || elm.offsetWidth || elm.clientWidth,
6790            h: parseInt(h, 10) || elm.offsetHeight || elm.clientHeight
6791          };
6792        };
6793        var getRect = function (elm) {
6794          elm = get(elm);
6795          var pos = getPos$1(elm);
6796          var size = getSize(elm);
6797          return {
6798            x: pos.x,
6799            y: pos.y,
6800            w: size.w,
6801            h: size.h
6802          };
6803        };
6804        var is = function (elm, selector) {
6805          var i;
6806          if (!elm) {
6807            return false;
6808          }
6809          if (!Array.isArray(elm)) {
6810            if (selector === '*') {
6811              return elm.nodeType === 1;
6812            }
6813            if (simpleSelectorRe.test(selector)) {
6814              var selectors = selector.toLowerCase().split(/,/);
6815              var elmName = elm.nodeName.toLowerCase();
6816              for (i = selectors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
6817                if (selectors[i] === elmName) {
6818                  return true;
6819                }
6820              }
6821              return false;
6822            }
6823            if (elm.nodeType && elm.nodeType !== 1) {
6824              return false;
6825            }
6826          }
6827          var elms = !Array.isArray(elm) ? [elm] : elm;
6828          return Sizzle(selector, elms[0].ownerDocument || elms[0], null, elms).length > 0;
6829        };
6830        var getParents = function (elm, selector, root, collect) {
6831          var result = [];
6832          var selectorVal;
6833          var node = get(elm);
6834          collect = collect === undefined;
6835          root = root || (getRoot().nodeName !== 'BODY' ? getRoot().parentNode : null);
6836          if (Tools.is(selector, 'string')) {
6837            selectorVal = selector;
6838            if (selector === '*') {
6839              selector = function (node) {
6840                return node.nodeType === 1;
6841              };
6842            } else {
6843              selector = function (node) {
6844                return is(node, selectorVal);
6845              };
6846            }
6847          }
6848          while (node) {
6849            if (node === root || isNullable(node.nodeType) || isDocument$1(node) || isDocumentFragment(node)) {
6850              break;
6851            }
6852            if (!selector || typeof selector === 'function' && selector(node)) {
6853              if (collect) {
6854                result.push(node);
6855              } else {
6856                return [node];
6857              }
6858            }
6859            node = node.parentNode;
6860          }
6861          return collect ? result : null;
6862        };
6863        var getParent = function (node, selector, root) {
6864          var parents = getParents(node, selector, root, false);
6865          return parents && parents.length > 0 ? parents[0] : null;
6866        };
6867        var _findSib = function (node, selector, name) {
6868          var func = selector;
6869          if (node) {
6870            if (typeof selector === 'string') {
6871              func = function (node) {
6872                return is(node, selector);
6873              };
6874            }
6875            for (node = node[name]; node; node = node[name]) {
6876              if (typeof func === 'function' && func(node)) {
6877                return node;
6878              }
6879            }
6880          }
6881          return null;
6882        };
6883        var getNext = function (node, selector) {
6884          return _findSib(node, selector, 'nextSibling');
6885        };
6886        var getPrev = function (node, selector) {
6887          return _findSib(node, selector, 'previousSibling');
6888        };
6889        var select = function (selector, scope) {
6890          return Sizzle(selector, get(scope) || settings.root_element || doc, []);
6891        };
6892        var run = function (elm, func, scope) {
6893          var result;
6894          var node = typeof elm === 'string' ? get(elm) : elm;
6895          if (!node) {
6896            return false;
6897          }
6898          if (Tools.isArray(node) && (node.length || node.length === 0)) {
6899            result = [];
6900            each$f(node, function (elm, i) {
6901              if (elm) {
6902                result.push(func.call(scope, typeof elm === 'string' ? get(elm) : elm, i));
6903              }
6904            });
6905            return result;
6906          }
6907          var context = scope ? scope : this;
6908          return func.call(context, node);
6909        };
6910        var setAttribs = function (elm, attrs) {
6911          $$(elm).each(function (i, node) {
6912            each$f(attrs, function (value, name) {
6913              setAttrib(node, name, value);
6914            });
6915          });
6916        };
6917        var setHTML = function (elm, html) {
6918          var $elm = $$(elm);
6919          if (isIE) {
6920            $elm.each(function (i, target) {
6921              if (target.canHaveHTML === false) {
6922                return;
6923              }
6924              while (target.firstChild) {
6925                target.removeChild(target.firstChild);
6926              }
6927              try {
6928                target.innerHTML = '<br>' + html;
6929                target.removeChild(target.firstChild);
6930              } catch (ex) {
6931                DomQuery('<div></div>').html('<br>' + html).contents().slice(1).appendTo(target);
6932              }
6933              return html;
6934            });
6935          } else {
6936            $elm.html(html);
6937          }
6938        };
6939        var add = function (parentElm, name, attrs, html, create) {
6940          return run(parentElm, function (parentElm) {
6941            var newElm = typeof name === 'string' ? doc.createElement(name) : name;
6942            setAttribs(newElm, attrs);
6943            if (html) {
6944              if (typeof html !== 'string' && html.nodeType) {
6945                newElm.appendChild(html);
6946              } else if (typeof html === 'string') {
6947                setHTML(newElm, html);
6948              }
6949            }
6950            return !create ? parentElm.appendChild(newElm) : newElm;
6951          });
6952        };
6953        var create = function (name, attrs, html) {
6954          return add(doc.createElement(name), name, attrs, html, true);
6955        };
6956        var decode = Entities.decode;
6957        var encode = Entities.encodeAllRaw;
6958        var createHTML = function (name, attrs, html) {
6959          var outHtml = '', key;
6960          outHtml += '<' + name;
6961          for (key in attrs) {
6962            if (hasNonNullableKey(attrs, key)) {
6963              outHtml += ' ' + key + '="' + encode(attrs[key]) + '"';
6964            }
6965          }
6966          if (typeof html !== 'undefined') {
6967            return outHtml + '>' + html + '</' + name + '>';
6968          }
6969          return outHtml + ' />';
6970        };
6971        var createFragment = function (html) {
6972          var node;
6973          var container = doc.createElement('div');
6974          var frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
6975          frag.appendChild(container);
6976          if (html) {
6977            container.innerHTML = html;
6978          }
6979          while (node = container.firstChild) {
6980            frag.appendChild(node);
6981          }
6982          frag.removeChild(container);
6983          return frag;
6984        };
6985        var remove = function (node, keepChildren) {
6986          var $node = $$(node);
6987          if (keepChildren) {
6988            $node.each(function () {
6989              var child;
6990              while (child = this.firstChild) {
6991                if (child.nodeType === 3 && child.data.length === 0) {
6992                  this.removeChild(child);
6993                } else {
6994                  this.parentNode.insertBefore(child, this);
6995                }
6996              }
6997            }).remove();
6998          } else {
6999            $node.remove();
7000          }
7001          return $node.length > 1 ? $node.toArray() : $node[0];
7002        };
7003        var removeAllAttribs = function (e) {
7004          return run(e, function (e) {
7005            var i;
7006            var attrs = e.attributes;
7007            for (i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
7008              e.removeAttributeNode(attrs.item(i));
7009            }
7010          });
7011        };
7012        var parseStyle = function (cssText) {
7013          return styles.parse(cssText);
7014        };
7015        var serializeStyle = function (stylesArg, name) {
7016          return styles.serialize(stylesArg, name);
7017        };
7018        var addStyle = function (cssText) {
7019          var head, styleElm;
7020          if (self !== DOMUtils.DOM && doc === document) {
7021            if (addedStyles[cssText]) {
7022              return;
7023            }
7024            addedStyles[cssText] = true;
7025          }
7026          styleElm = doc.getElementById('mceDefaultStyles');
7027          if (!styleElm) {
7028            styleElm = doc.createElement('style');
7029            styleElm.id = 'mceDefaultStyles';
7030            styleElm.type = 'text/css';
7031            head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
7032            if (head.firstChild) {
7033              head.insertBefore(styleElm, head.firstChild);
7034            } else {
7035              head.appendChild(styleElm);
7036            }
7037          }
7038          if (styleElm.styleSheet) {
7039            styleElm.styleSheet.cssText += cssText;
7040          } else {
7041            styleElm.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(cssText));
7042          }
7043        };
7044        var loadCSS = function (urls) {
7045          if (!urls) {
7046            urls = '';
7047          }
7048          each$k(urls.split(','), function (url) {
7049            files[url] = true;
7050            styleSheetLoader.load(url, noop);
7051          });
7052        };
7053        var toggleClass = function (elm, cls, state) {
7054          $$(elm).toggleClass(cls, state).each(function () {
7055            if (this.className === '') {
7056              DomQuery(this).attr('class', null);
7057            }
7058          });
7059        };
7060        var addClass = function (elm, cls) {
7061          $$(elm).addClass(cls);
7062        };
7063        var removeClass = function (elm, cls) {
7064          toggleClass(elm, cls, false);
7065        };
7066        var hasClass = function (elm, cls) {
7067          return $$(elm).hasClass(cls);
7068        };
7069        var show = function (elm) {
7070          $$(elm).show();
7071        };
7072        var hide = function (elm) {
7073          $$(elm).hide();
7074        };
7075        var isHidden = function (elm) {
7076          return $$(elm).css('display') === 'none';
7077        };
7078        var uniqueId = function (prefix) {
7079          return (!prefix ? 'mce_' : prefix) + counter++;
7080        };
7081        var getOuterHTML = function (elm) {
7082          var node = typeof elm === 'string' ? get(elm) : elm;
7083          return isElement$5(node) ? node.outerHTML : DomQuery('<div></div>').append(DomQuery(node).clone()).html();
7084        };
7085        var setOuterHTML = function (elm, html) {
7086          $$(elm).each(function () {
7087            try {
7088              if ('outerHTML' in this) {
7089                this.outerHTML = html;
7090                return;
7091              }
7092            } catch (ex) {
7093            }
7094            remove(DomQuery(this).html(html), true);
7095          });
7096        };
7097        var insertAfter = function (node, reference) {
7098          var referenceNode = get(reference);
7099          return run(node, function (node) {
7100            var parent = referenceNode.parentNode;
7101            var nextSibling = referenceNode.nextSibling;
7102            if (nextSibling) {
7103              parent.insertBefore(node, nextSibling);
7104            } else {
7105              parent.appendChild(node);
7106            }
7107            return node;
7108          });
7109        };
7110        var replace = function (newElm, oldElm, keepChildren) {
7111          return run(oldElm, function (oldElm) {
7112            if (Tools.is(oldElm, 'array')) {
7113              newElm = newElm.cloneNode(true);
7114            }
7115            if (keepChildren) {
7116              each$f(grep$1(oldElm.childNodes), function (node) {
7117                newElm.appendChild(node);
7118              });
7119            }
7120            return oldElm.parentNode.replaceChild(newElm, oldElm);
7121          });
7122        };
7123        var rename = function (elm, name) {
7124          var newElm;
7125          if (elm.nodeName !== name.toUpperCase()) {
7126            newElm = create(name);
7127            each$f(getAttribs(elm), function (attrNode) {
7128              setAttrib(newElm, attrNode.nodeName, getAttrib(elm, attrNode.nodeName));
7129            });
7130            replace(newElm, elm, true);
7131          }
7132          return newElm || elm;
7133        };
7134        var findCommonAncestor = function (a, b) {
7135          var ps = a, pe;
7136          while (ps) {
7137            pe = b;
7138            while (pe && ps !== pe) {
7139              pe = pe.parentNode;
7140            }
7141            if (ps === pe) {
7142              break;
7143            }
7144            ps = ps.parentNode;
7145          }
7146          if (!ps && a.ownerDocument) {
7147            return a.ownerDocument.documentElement;
7148          }
7149          return ps;
7150        };
7151        var toHex = function (rgbVal) {
7152          return styles.toHex(Tools.trim(rgbVal));
7153        };
7154        var isNonEmptyElement = function (node) {
7155          if (isElement$5(node)) {
7156            var isNamedAnchor = node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a' && !getAttrib(node, 'href') && getAttrib(node, 'id');
7157            if (getAttrib(node, 'name') || getAttrib(node, 'data-mce-bookmark') || isNamedAnchor) {
7158              return true;
7159            }
7160          }
7161          return false;
7162        };
7163        var isEmpty = function (node, elements) {
7164          var type, name, brCount = 0;
7165          if (isNonEmptyElement(node)) {
7166            return false;
7167          }
7168          node = node.firstChild;
7169          if (node) {
7170            var walker = new DomTreeWalker(node, node.parentNode);
7171            var whitespace = schema ? schema.getWhiteSpaceElements() : {};
7172            elements = elements || (schema ? schema.getNonEmptyElements() : null);
7173            do {
7174              type = node.nodeType;
7175              if (isElement$5(node)) {
7176                var bogusVal = node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus');
7177                if (bogusVal) {
7178                  node = walker.next(bogusVal === 'all');
7179                  continue;
7180                }
7181                name = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
7182                if (elements && elements[name]) {
7183                  if (name === 'br') {
7184                    brCount++;
7185                    node = walker.next();
7186                    continue;
7187                  }
7188                  return false;
7189                }
7190                if (isNonEmptyElement(node)) {
7191                  return false;
7192                }
7193              }
7194              if (type === 8) {
7195                return false;
7196              }
7197              if (type === 3 && !isWhitespaceText(node.nodeValue)) {
7198                return false;
7199              }
7200              if (type === 3 && node.parentNode && whitespace[node.parentNode.nodeName] && isWhitespaceText(node.nodeValue)) {
7201                return false;
7202              }
7203              node = walker.next();
7204            } while (node);
7205          }
7206          return brCount <= 1;
7207        };
7208        var createRng = function () {
7209          return doc.createRange();
7210        };
7211        var split = function (parentElm, splitElm, replacementElm) {
7212          var range = createRng();
7213          var beforeFragment;
7214          var afterFragment;
7215          var parentNode;
7216          if (parentElm && splitElm) {
7217            range.setStart(parentElm.parentNode, findNodeIndex(parentElm));
7218            range.setEnd(splitElm.parentNode, findNodeIndex(splitElm));
7219            beforeFragment = range.extractContents();
7220            range = createRng();
7221            range.setStart(splitElm.parentNode, findNodeIndex(splitElm) + 1);
7222            range.setEnd(parentElm.parentNode, findNodeIndex(parentElm) + 1);
7223            afterFragment = range.extractContents();
7224            parentNode = parentElm.parentNode;
7225            parentNode.insertBefore(trimNode(self, beforeFragment), parentElm);
7226            if (replacementElm) {
7227              parentNode.insertBefore(replacementElm, parentElm);
7228            } else {
7229              parentNode.insertBefore(splitElm, parentElm);
7230            }
7231            parentNode.insertBefore(trimNode(self, afterFragment), parentElm);
7232            remove(parentElm);
7233            return replacementElm || splitElm;
7234          }
7235        };
7236        var bind = function (target, name, func, scope) {
7237          if (Tools.isArray(target)) {
7238            var i = target.length;
7239            var rv = [];
7240            while (i--) {
7241              rv[i] = bind(target[i], name, func, scope);
7242            }
7243            return rv;
7244          }
7245          if (settings.collect && (target === doc || target === win)) {
7246            boundEvents.push([
7247              target,
7248              name,
7249              func,
7250              scope
7251            ]);
7252          }
7253          var output = events.bind(target, name, func, scope || self);
7254          return output;
7255        };
7256        var unbind = function (target, name, func) {
7257          if (Tools.isArray(target)) {
7258            var i = target.length;
7259            var rv = [];
7260            while (i--) {
7261              rv[i] = unbind(target[i], name, func);
7262            }
7263            return rv;
7264          } else {
7265            if (boundEvents.length > 0 && (target === doc || target === win)) {
7266              var i = boundEvents.length;
7267              while (i--) {
7268                var item = boundEvents[i];
7269                if (target === item[0] && (!name || name === item[1]) && (!func || func === item[2])) {
7270                  events.unbind(item[0], item[1], item[2]);
7271                }
7272              }
7273            }
7274            return events.unbind(target, name, func);
7275          }
7276        };
7277        var fire = function (target, name, evt) {
7278          return events.fire(target, name, evt);
7279        };
7280        var getContentEditable = function (node) {
7281          if (node && isElement$5(node)) {
7282            var contentEditable = node.getAttribute('data-mce-contenteditable');
7283            if (contentEditable && contentEditable !== 'inherit') {
7284              return contentEditable;
7285            }
7286            return node.contentEditable !== 'inherit' ? node.contentEditable : null;
7287          } else {
7288            return null;
7289          }
7290        };
7291        var getContentEditableParent = function (node) {
7292          var root = getRoot();
7293          var state = null;
7294          for (; node && node !== root; node = node.parentNode) {
7295            state = getContentEditable(node);
7296            if (state !== null) {
7297              break;
7298            }
7299          }
7300          return state;
7301        };
7302        var destroy = function () {
7303          if (boundEvents.length > 0) {
7304            var i = boundEvents.length;
7305            while (i--) {
7306              var item = boundEvents[i];
7307              events.unbind(item[0], item[1], item[2]);
7308            }
7309          }
7310          each$j(files, function (_, url) {
7311            styleSheetLoader.unload(url);
7312            delete files[url];
7313          });
7314          if (Sizzle.setDocument) {
7315            Sizzle.setDocument();
7316          }
7317        };
7318        var isChildOf = function (node, parent) {
7319          if (!isIE) {
7320            return node === parent || parent.contains(node);
7321          } else {
7322            while (node) {
7323              if (parent === node) {
7324                return true;
7325              }
7326              node = node.parentNode;
7327            }
7328            return false;
7329          }
7330        };
7331        var dumpRng = function (r) {
7332          return 'startContainer: ' + r.startContainer.nodeName + ', startOffset: ' + r.startOffset + ', endContainer: ' + r.endContainer.nodeName + ', endOffset: ' + r.endOffset;
7333        };
7334        var self = {
7335          doc: doc,
7336          settings: settings,
7337          win: win,
7338          files: files,
7339          stdMode: stdMode,
7340          boxModel: boxModel,
7341          styleSheetLoader: styleSheetLoader,
7342          boundEvents: boundEvents,
7343          styles: styles,
7344          schema: schema,
7345          events: events,
7346          isBlock: isBlock,
7347          $: $,
7348          $$: $$,
7349          root: null,
7350          clone: clone,
7351          getRoot: getRoot,
7352          getViewPort: getViewPort,
7353          getRect: getRect,
7354          getSize: getSize,
7355          getParent: getParent,
7356          getParents: getParents,
7357          get: get,
7358          getNext: getNext,
7359          getPrev: getPrev,
7360          select: select,
7361          is: is,
7362          add: add,
7363          create: create,
7364          createHTML: createHTML,
7365          createFragment: createFragment,
7366          remove: remove,
7367          setStyle: setStyle,
7368          getStyle: getStyle,
7369          setStyles: setStyles,
7370          removeAllAttribs: removeAllAttribs,
7371          setAttrib: setAttrib,
7372          setAttribs: setAttribs,
7373          getAttrib: getAttrib,
7374          getPos: getPos$1,
7375          parseStyle: parseStyle,
7376          serializeStyle: serializeStyle,
7377          addStyle: addStyle,
7378          loadCSS: loadCSS,
7379          addClass: addClass,
7380          removeClass: removeClass,
7381          hasClass: hasClass,
7382          toggleClass: toggleClass,
7383          show: show,
7384          hide: hide,
7385          isHidden: isHidden,
7386          uniqueId: uniqueId,
7387          setHTML: setHTML,
7388          getOuterHTML: getOuterHTML,
7389          setOuterHTML: setOuterHTML,
7390          decode: decode,
7391          encode: encode,
7392          insertAfter: insertAfter,
7393          replace: replace,
7394          rename: rename,
7395          findCommonAncestor: findCommonAncestor,
7396          toHex: toHex,
7397          run: run,
7398          getAttribs: getAttribs,
7399          isEmpty: isEmpty,
7400          createRng: createRng,
7401          nodeIndex: findNodeIndex,
7402          split: split,
7403          bind: bind,
7404          unbind: unbind,
7405          fire: fire,
7406          getContentEditable: getContentEditable,
7407          getContentEditableParent: getContentEditableParent,
7408          destroy: destroy,
7409          isChildOf: isChildOf,
7410          dumpRng: dumpRng
7411        };
7412        var attrHooks = setupAttrHooks(styles, settings, constant(self));
7413        return self;
7414      };
7415      DOMUtils.DOM = DOMUtils(document);
7416      DOMUtils.nodeIndex = findNodeIndex;
7418      var DOM$a = DOMUtils.DOM;
7419      var each$e = Tools.each, grep = Tools.grep;
7420      var QUEUED = 0;
7421      var LOADING = 1;
7422      var LOADED = 2;
7423      var FAILED = 3;
7424      var ScriptLoader = function () {
7425        function ScriptLoader(settings) {
7426          if (settings === void 0) {
7427            settings = {};
7428          }
7429          this.states = {};
7430          this.queue = [];
7431          this.scriptLoadedCallbacks = {};
7432          this.queueLoadedCallbacks = [];
7433          this.loading = 0;
7434          this.settings = settings;
7435        }
7436        ScriptLoader.prototype._setReferrerPolicy = function (referrerPolicy) {
7437          this.settings.referrerPolicy = referrerPolicy;
7438        };
7439        ScriptLoader.prototype.loadScript = function (url, success, failure) {
7440          var dom = DOM$a;
7441          var elm;
7442          var cleanup = function () {
7443            dom.remove(id);
7444            if (elm) {
7445              elm.onerror = elm.onload = elm = null;
7446            }
7447          };
7448          var done = function () {
7449            cleanup();
7450            success();
7451          };
7452          var error = function () {
7453            cleanup();
7454            if (isFunction(failure)) {
7455              failure();
7456            } else {
7457              if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.log) {
7458                console.log('Failed to load script: ' + url);
7459              }
7460            }
7461          };
7462          var id = dom.uniqueId();
7463          elm = document.createElement('script');
7464          elm.id = id;
7465          elm.type = 'text/javascript';
7466          elm.src = Tools._addCacheSuffix(url);
7467          if (this.settings.referrerPolicy) {
7468            dom.setAttrib(elm, 'referrerpolicy', this.settings.referrerPolicy);
7469          }
7470          elm.onload = done;
7471          elm.onerror = error;
7472          (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.body).appendChild(elm);
7473        };
7474        ScriptLoader.prototype.isDone = function (url) {
7475          return this.states[url] === LOADED;
7476        };
7477        ScriptLoader.prototype.markDone = function (url) {
7478          this.states[url] = LOADED;
7479        };
7480        ScriptLoader.prototype.add = function (url, success, scope, failure) {
7481          var state = this.states[url];
7482          this.queue.push(url);
7483          if (state === undefined) {
7484            this.states[url] = QUEUED;
7485          }
7486          if (success) {
7487            if (!this.scriptLoadedCallbacks[url]) {
7488              this.scriptLoadedCallbacks[url] = [];
7489            }
7490            this.scriptLoadedCallbacks[url].push({
7491              success: success,
7492              failure: failure,
7493              scope: scope || this
7494            });
7495          }
7496        };
7497        ScriptLoader.prototype.load = function (url, success, scope, failure) {
7498          return this.add(url, success, scope, failure);
7499        };
7500        ScriptLoader.prototype.remove = function (url) {
7501          delete this.states[url];
7502          delete this.scriptLoadedCallbacks[url];
7503        };
7504        ScriptLoader.prototype.loadQueue = function (success, scope, failure) {
7505          this.loadScripts(this.queue, success, scope, failure);
7506        };
7507        ScriptLoader.prototype.loadScripts = function (scripts, success, scope, failure) {
7508          var self = this;
7509          var failures = [];
7510          var execCallbacks = function (name, url) {
7511            each$e(self.scriptLoadedCallbacks[url], function (callback) {
7512              if (isFunction(callback[name])) {
7513                callback[name].call(callback.scope);
7514              }
7515            });
7516            self.scriptLoadedCallbacks[url] = undefined;
7517          };
7518          self.queueLoadedCallbacks.push({
7519            success: success,
7520            failure: failure,
7521            scope: scope || this
7522          });
7523          var loadScripts = function () {
7524            var loadingScripts = grep(scripts);
7525            scripts.length = 0;
7526            each$e(loadingScripts, function (url) {
7527              if (self.states[url] === LOADED) {
7528                execCallbacks('success', url);
7529                return;
7530              }
7531              if (self.states[url] === FAILED) {
7532                execCallbacks('failure', url);
7533                return;
7534              }
7535              if (self.states[url] !== LOADING) {
7536                self.states[url] = LOADING;
7537                self.loading++;
7538                self.loadScript(url, function () {
7539                  self.states[url] = LOADED;
7540                  self.loading--;
7541                  execCallbacks('success', url);
7542                  loadScripts();
7543                }, function () {
7544                  self.states[url] = FAILED;
7545                  self.loading--;
7546                  failures.push(url);
7547                  execCallbacks('failure', url);
7548                  loadScripts();
7549                });
7550              }
7551            });
7552            if (!self.loading) {
7553              var notifyCallbacks = self.queueLoadedCallbacks.slice(0);
7554              self.queueLoadedCallbacks.length = 0;
7555              each$e(notifyCallbacks, function (callback) {
7556                if (failures.length === 0) {
7557                  if (isFunction(callback.success)) {
7558                    callback.success.call(callback.scope);
7559                  }
7560                } else {
7561                  if (isFunction(callback.failure)) {
7562                    callback.failure.call(callback.scope, failures);
7563                  }
7564                }
7565              });
7566            }
7567          };
7568          loadScripts();
7569        };
7570        ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader = new ScriptLoader();
7571        return ScriptLoader;
7572      }();
7574      var Cell = function (initial) {
7575        var value = initial;
7576        var get = function () {
7577          return value;
7578        };
7579        var set = function (v) {
7580          value = v;
7581        };
7582        return {
7583          get: get,
7584          set: set
7585        };
7586      };
7588      var isRaw = function (str) {
7589        return isObject(str) && has$2(str, 'raw');
7590      };
7591      var isTokenised = function (str) {
7592        return isArray$1(str) && str.length > 1;
7593      };
7594      var data = {};
7595      var currentCode = Cell('en');
7596      var getLanguageData = function () {
7597        return get$9(data, currentCode.get());
7598      };
7599      var getData = function () {
7600        return map$2(data, function (value) {
7601          return __assign({}, value);
7602        });
7603      };
7604      var setCode = function (newCode) {
7605        if (newCode) {
7606          currentCode.set(newCode);
7607        }
7608      };
7609      var getCode = function () {
7610        return currentCode.get();
7611      };
7612      var add$4 = function (code, items) {
7613        var langData = data[code];
7614        if (!langData) {
7615          data[code] = langData = {};
7616        }
7617        each$j(items, function (translation, name) {
7618          langData[name.toLowerCase()] = translation;
7619        });
7620      };
7621      var translate = function (text) {
7622        var langData = getLanguageData().getOr({});
7623        var toString = function (obj) {
7624          if (isFunction(obj)) {
7625            return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
7626          }
7627          return !isEmpty(obj) ? '' + obj : '';
7628        };
7629        var isEmpty = function (text) {
7630          return text === '' || text === null || text === undefined;
7631        };
7632        var getLangData = function (text) {
7633          var textstr = toString(text);
7634          return get$9(langData, textstr.toLowerCase()).map(toString).getOr(textstr);
7635        };
7636        var removeContext = function (str) {
7637          return str.replace(/{context:\w+}$/, '');
7638        };
7639        if (isEmpty(text)) {
7640          return '';
7641        }
7642        if (isRaw(text)) {
7643          return toString(text.raw);
7644        }
7645        if (isTokenised(text)) {
7646          var values_1 = text.slice(1);
7647          var substitued = getLangData(text[0]).replace(/\{([0-9]+)\}/g, function ($1, $2) {
7648            return has$2(values_1, $2) ? toString(values_1[$2]) : $1;
7649          });
7650          return removeContext(substitued);
7651        }
7652        return removeContext(getLangData(text));
7653      };
7654      var isRtl$1 = function () {
7655        return getLanguageData().bind(function (items) {
7656          return get$9(items, '_dir');
7657        }).exists(function (dir) {
7658          return dir === 'rtl';
7659        });
7660      };
7661      var hasCode = function (code) {
7662        return has$2(data, code);
7663      };
7664      var I18n = {
7665        getData: getData,
7666        setCode: setCode,
7667        getCode: getCode,
7668        add: add$4,
7669        translate: translate,
7670        isRtl: isRtl$1,
7671        hasCode: hasCode
7672      };
7674      var AddOnManager = function () {
7675        var items = [];
7676        var urls = {};
7677        var lookup = {};
7678        var _listeners = [];
7679        var runListeners = function (name, state) {
7680          var matchedListeners = filter$4(_listeners, function (listener) {
7681            return listener.name === name && listener.state === state;
7682          });
7683          each$k(matchedListeners, function (listener) {
7684            return listener.callback();
7685          });
7686        };
7687        var get = function (name) {
7688          if (lookup[name]) {
7689            return lookup[name].instance;
7690          }
7691          return undefined;
7692        };
7693        var dependencies = function (name) {
7694          var result;
7695          if (lookup[name]) {
7696            result = lookup[name].dependencies;
7697          }
7698          return result || [];
7699        };
7700        var requireLangPack = function (name, languages) {
7701          if (AddOnManager.languageLoad !== false) {
7702            waitFor(name, function () {
7703              var language = I18n.getCode();
7704              var wrappedLanguages = ',' + (languages || '') + ',';
7705              if (!language || languages && wrappedLanguages.indexOf(',' + language + ',') === -1) {
7706                return;
7707              }
7708              ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(urls[name] + '/langs/' + language + '.js');
7709            }, 'loaded');
7710          }
7711        };
7712        var add = function (id, addOn, dependencies) {
7713          var addOnConstructor = addOn;
7714          items.push(addOnConstructor);
7715          lookup[id] = {
7716            instance: addOnConstructor,
7717            dependencies: dependencies
7718          };
7719          runListeners(id, 'added');
7720          return addOnConstructor;
7721        };
7722        var remove = function (name) {
7723          delete urls[name];
7724          delete lookup[name];
7725        };
7726        var createUrl = function (baseUrl, dep) {
7727          if (typeof dep === 'object') {
7728            return dep;
7729          }
7730          return typeof baseUrl === 'string' ? {
7731            prefix: '',
7732            resource: dep,
7733            suffix: ''
7734          } : {
7735            prefix: baseUrl.prefix,
7736            resource: dep,
7737            suffix: baseUrl.suffix
7738          };
7739        };
7740        var addComponents = function (pluginName, scripts) {
7741          var pluginUrl = urls[pluginName];
7742          each$k(scripts, function (script) {
7743            ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(pluginUrl + '/' + script);
7744          });
7745        };
7746        var loadDependencies = function (name, addOnUrl, success, scope) {
7747          var deps = dependencies(name);
7748          each$k(deps, function (dep) {
7749            var newUrl = createUrl(addOnUrl, dep);
7750            load(newUrl.resource, newUrl, undefined, undefined);
7751          });
7752          if (success) {
7753            if (scope) {
7754              success.call(scope);
7755            } else {
7756              success.call(ScriptLoader);
7757            }
7758          }
7759        };
7760        var load = function (name, addOnUrl, success, scope, failure) {
7761          if (urls[name]) {
7762            return;
7763          }
7764          var urlString = typeof addOnUrl === 'string' ? addOnUrl : addOnUrl.prefix + addOnUrl.resource + addOnUrl.suffix;
7765          if (urlString.indexOf('/') !== 0 && urlString.indexOf('://') === -1) {
7766            urlString = AddOnManager.baseURL + '/' + urlString;
7767          }
7768          urls[name] = urlString.substring(0, urlString.lastIndexOf('/'));
7769          var done = function () {
7770            runListeners(name, 'loaded');
7771            loadDependencies(name, addOnUrl, success, scope);
7772          };
7773          if (lookup[name]) {
7774            done();
7775          } else {
7776            ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(urlString, done, scope, failure);
7777          }
7778        };
7779        var waitFor = function (name, callback, state) {
7780          if (state === void 0) {
7781            state = 'added';
7782          }
7783          if (has$2(lookup, name) && state === 'added') {
7784            callback();
7785          } else if (has$2(urls, name) && state === 'loaded') {
7786            callback();
7787          } else {
7788            _listeners.push({
7789              name: name,
7790              state: state,
7791              callback: callback
7792            });
7793          }
7794        };
7795        return {
7796          items: items,
7797          urls: urls,
7798          lookup: lookup,
7799          _listeners: _listeners,
7800          get: get,
7801          dependencies: dependencies,
7802          requireLangPack: requireLangPack,
7803          add: add,
7804          remove: remove,
7805          createUrl: createUrl,
7806          addComponents: addComponents,
7807          load: load,
7808          waitFor: waitFor
7809        };
7810      };
7811      AddOnManager.languageLoad = true;
7812      AddOnManager.baseURL = '';
7813      AddOnManager.PluginManager = AddOnManager();
7814      AddOnManager.ThemeManager = AddOnManager();
7816      var singleton = function (doRevoke) {
7817        var subject = Cell(Optional.none());
7818        var revoke = function () {
7819          return subject.get().each(doRevoke);
7820        };
7821        var clear = function () {
7822          revoke();
7823          subject.set(Optional.none());
7824        };
7825        var isSet = function () {
7826          return subject.get().isSome();
7827        };
7828        var get = function () {
7829          return subject.get();
7830        };
7831        var set = function (s) {
7832          revoke();
7833          subject.set(Optional.some(s));
7834        };
7835        return {
7836          clear: clear,
7837          isSet: isSet,
7838          get: get,
7839          set: set
7840        };
7841      };
7842      var value = function () {
7843        var subject = singleton(noop);
7844        var on = function (f) {
7845          return subject.get().each(f);
7846        };
7847        return __assign(__assign({}, subject), { on: on });
7848      };
7850      var first = function (fn, rate) {
7851        var timer = null;
7852        var cancel = function () {
7853          if (!isNull(timer)) {
7854            clearTimeout(timer);
7855            timer = null;
7856          }
7857        };
7858        var throttle = function () {
7859          var args = [];
7860          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
7861            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
7862          }
7863          if (isNull(timer)) {
7864            timer = setTimeout(function () {
7865              timer = null;
7866              fn.apply(null, args);
7867            }, rate);
7868          }
7869        };
7870        return {
7871          cancel: cancel,
7872          throttle: throttle
7873        };
7874      };
7875      var last = function (fn, rate) {
7876        var timer = null;
7877        var cancel = function () {
7878          if (!isNull(timer)) {
7879            clearTimeout(timer);
7880            timer = null;
7881          }
7882        };
7883        var throttle = function () {
7884          var args = [];
7885          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
7886            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
7887          }
7888          cancel();
7889          timer = setTimeout(function () {
7890            timer = null;
7891            fn.apply(null, args);
7892          }, rate);
7893        };
7894        return {
7895          cancel: cancel,
7896          throttle: throttle
7897        };
7898      };
7900      var read$4 = function (element, attr) {
7901        var value = get$6(element, attr);
7902        return value === undefined || value === '' ? [] : value.split(' ');
7903      };
7904      var add$3 = function (element, attr, id) {
7905        var old = read$4(element, attr);
7906        var nu = old.concat([id]);
7907        set$1(element, attr, nu.join(' '));
7908        return true;
7909      };
7910      var remove$5 = function (element, attr, id) {
7911        var nu = filter$4(read$4(element, attr), function (v) {
7912          return v !== id;
7913        });
7914        if (nu.length > 0) {
7915          set$1(element, attr, nu.join(' '));
7916        } else {
7917          remove$6(element, attr);
7918        }
7919        return false;
7920      };
7922      var supports = function (element) {
7923        return element.dom.classList !== undefined;
7924      };
7925      var get$4 = function (element) {
7926        return read$4(element, 'class');
7927      };
7928      var add$2 = function (element, clazz) {
7929        return add$3(element, 'class', clazz);
7930      };
7931      var remove$4 = function (element, clazz) {
7932        return remove$5(element, 'class', clazz);
7933      };
7935      var add$1 = function (element, clazz) {
7936        if (supports(element)) {
7937          element.dom.classList.add(clazz);
7938        } else {
7939          add$2(element, clazz);
7940        }
7941      };
7942      var cleanClass = function (element) {
7943        var classList = supports(element) ? element.dom.classList : get$4(element);
7944        if (classList.length === 0) {
7945          remove$6(element, 'class');
7946        }
7947      };
7948      var remove$3 = function (element, clazz) {
7949        if (supports(element)) {
7950          var classList = element.dom.classList;
7951          classList.remove(clazz);
7952        } else {
7953          remove$4(element, clazz);
7954        }
7955        cleanClass(element);
7956      };
7957      var has = function (element, clazz) {
7958        return supports(element) && element.dom.classList.contains(clazz);
7959      };
7961      var descendants$1 = function (scope, predicate) {
7962        var result = [];
7963        each$k(children(scope), function (x) {
7964          if (predicate(x)) {
7965            result = result.concat([x]);
7966          }
7967          result = result.concat(descendants$1(x, predicate));
7968        });
7969        return result;
7970      };
7972      var descendants = function (scope, selector) {
7973        return all(selector, scope);
7974      };
7976      var annotation = constant('mce-annotation');
7977      var dataAnnotation = constant('data-mce-annotation');
7978      var dataAnnotationId = constant('data-mce-annotation-uid');
7980      var identify = function (editor, annotationName) {
7981        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
7982        var start = SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer);
7983        var root = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
7984        var selector = annotationName.fold(function () {
7985          return '.' + annotation();
7986        }, function (an) {
7987          return '[' + dataAnnotation() + '="' + an + '"]';
7988        });
7989        var newStart = child$1(start, rng.startOffset).getOr(start);
7990        var closest = closest$2(newStart, selector, function (n) {
7991          return eq(n, root);
7992        });
7993        var getAttr = function (c, property) {
7994          if (has$1(c, property)) {
7995            return Optional.some(get$6(c, property));
7996          } else {
7997            return Optional.none();
7998          }
7999        };
8000        return closest.bind(function (c) {
8001          return getAttr(c, '' + dataAnnotationId()).bind(function (uid) {
8002            return getAttr(c, '' + dataAnnotation()).map(function (name) {
8003              var elements = findMarkers(editor, uid);
8004              return {
8005                uid: uid,
8006                name: name,
8007                elements: elements
8008              };
8009            });
8010          });
8011        });
8012      };
8013      var isAnnotation = function (elem) {
8014        return isElement$6(elem) && has(elem, annotation());
8015      };
8016      var findMarkers = function (editor, uid) {
8017        var body = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
8018        return descendants(body, '[' + dataAnnotationId() + '="' + uid + '"]');
8019      };
8020      var findAll = function (editor, name) {
8021        var body = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
8022        var markers = descendants(body, '[' + dataAnnotation() + '="' + name + '"]');
8023        var directory = {};
8024        each$k(markers, function (m) {
8025          var uid = get$6(m, dataAnnotationId());
8026          var nodesAlready = get$9(directory, uid).getOr([]);
8027          directory[uid] = nodesAlready.concat([m]);
8028        });
8029        return directory;
8030      };
8032      var setup$n = function (editor, _registry) {
8033        var changeCallbacks = Cell({});
8034        var initData = function () {
8035          return {
8036            listeners: [],
8037            previous: value()
8038          };
8039        };
8040        var withCallbacks = function (name, f) {
8041          updateCallbacks(name, function (data) {
8042            f(data);
8043            return data;
8044          });
8045        };
8046        var updateCallbacks = function (name, f) {
8047          var callbackMap = changeCallbacks.get();
8048          var data = get$9(callbackMap, name).getOrThunk(initData);
8049          var outputData = f(data);
8050          callbackMap[name] = outputData;
8051          changeCallbacks.set(callbackMap);
8052        };
8053        var fireCallbacks = function (name, uid, elements) {
8054          withCallbacks(name, function (data) {
8055            each$k(data.listeners, function (f) {
8056              return f(true, name, {
8057                uid: uid,
8058                nodes: map$3(elements, function (elem) {
8059                  return elem.dom;
8060                })
8061              });
8062            });
8063          });
8064        };
8065        var fireNoAnnotation = function (name) {
8066          withCallbacks(name, function (data) {
8067            each$k(data.listeners, function (f) {
8068              return f(false, name);
8069            });
8070          });
8071        };
8072        var onNodeChange = last(function () {
8073          var callbackMap = changeCallbacks.get();
8074          var annotations = sort(keys(callbackMap));
8075          each$k(annotations, function (name) {
8076            updateCallbacks(name, function (data) {
8077              var prev = data.previous.get();
8078              identify(editor, Optional.some(name)).fold(function () {
8079                if (prev.isSome()) {
8080                  fireNoAnnotation(name);
8081                  data.previous.clear();
8082                }
8083              }, function (_a) {
8084                var uid = _a.uid, name = _a.name, elements = _a.elements;
8085                if (!is$1(prev, uid)) {
8086                  fireCallbacks(name, uid, elements);
8087                  data.previous.set(uid);
8088                }
8089              });
8090              return {
8091                previous: data.previous,
8092                listeners: data.listeners
8093              };
8094            });
8095          });
8096        }, 30);
8097        editor.on('remove', function () {
8098          onNodeChange.cancel();
8099        });
8100        editor.on('NodeChange', function () {
8101          onNodeChange.throttle();
8102        });
8103        var addListener = function (name, f) {
8104          updateCallbacks(name, function (data) {
8105            return {
8106              previous: data.previous,
8107              listeners: data.listeners.concat([f])
8108            };
8109          });
8110        };
8111        return { addListener: addListener };
8112      };
8114      var setup$m = function (editor, registry) {
8115        var identifyParserNode = function (span) {
8116          return Optional.from(span.attr(dataAnnotation())).bind(registry.lookup);
8117        };
8118        editor.on('init', function () {
8119          editor.serializer.addNodeFilter('span', function (spans) {
8120            each$k(spans, function (span) {
8121              identifyParserNode(span).each(function (settings) {
8122                if (settings.persistent === false) {
8123                  span.unwrap();
8124                }
8125              });
8126            });
8127          });
8128        });
8129      };
8131      var create$7 = function () {
8132        var annotations = {};
8133        var register = function (name, settings) {
8134          annotations[name] = {
8135            name: name,
8136            settings: settings
8137          };
8138        };
8139        var lookup = function (name) {
8140          return get$9(annotations, name).map(function (a) {
8141            return a.settings;
8142          });
8143        };
8144        return {
8145          register: register,
8146          lookup: lookup
8147        };
8148      };
8150      var unique = 0;
8151      var generate = function (prefix) {
8152        var date = new Date();
8153        var time = date.getTime();
8154        var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000);
8155        unique++;
8156        return prefix + '_' + random + unique + String(time);
8157      };
8159      var add = function (element, classes) {
8160        each$k(classes, function (x) {
8161          add$1(element, x);
8162        });
8163      };
8165      var fromHtml = function (html, scope) {
8166        var doc = scope || document;
8167        var div = doc.createElement('div');
8168        div.innerHTML = html;
8169        return children(SugarElement.fromDom(div));
8170      };
8171      var fromDom$1 = function (nodes) {
8172        return map$3(nodes, SugarElement.fromDom);
8173      };
8175      var get$3 = function (element) {
8176        return element.dom.innerHTML;
8177      };
8178      var set = function (element, content) {
8179        var owner = owner$1(element);
8180        var docDom = owner.dom;
8181        var fragment = SugarElement.fromDom(docDom.createDocumentFragment());
8182        var contentElements = fromHtml(content, docDom);
8183        append(fragment, contentElements);
8184        empty(element);
8185        append$1(element, fragment);
8186      };
8188      var clone$1 = function (original, isDeep) {
8189        return SugarElement.fromDom(original.dom.cloneNode(isDeep));
8190      };
8191      var shallow = function (original) {
8192        return clone$1(original, false);
8193      };
8194      var deep$1 = function (original) {
8195        return clone$1(original, true);
8196      };
8198      var TextWalker = function (startNode, rootNode, isBoundary) {
8199        if (isBoundary === void 0) {
8200          isBoundary = never;
8201        }
8202        var walker = new DomTreeWalker(startNode, rootNode);
8203        var walk = function (direction) {
8204          var next;
8205          do {
8206            next = walker[direction]();
8207          } while (next && !isText$7(next) && !isBoundary(next));
8208          return Optional.from(next).filter(isText$7);
8209        };
8210        return {
8211          current: function () {
8212            return Optional.from(walker.current()).filter(isText$7);
8213          },
8214          next: function () {
8215            return walk('next');
8216          },
8217          prev: function () {
8218            return walk('prev');
8219          },
8220          prev2: function () {
8221            return walk('prev2');
8222          }
8223        };
8224      };
8226      var TextSeeker = function (dom, isBoundary) {
8227        var isBlockBoundary = isBoundary ? isBoundary : function (node) {
8228          return dom.isBlock(node) || isBr$5(node) || isContentEditableFalse$b(node);
8229        };
8230        var walk = function (node, offset, walker, process) {
8231          if (isText$7(node)) {
8232            var newOffset = process(node, offset, node.data);
8233            if (newOffset !== -1) {
8234              return Optional.some({
8235                container: node,
8236                offset: newOffset
8237              });
8238            }
8239          }
8240          return walker().bind(function (next) {
8241            return walk(next.container, next.offset, walker, process);
8242          });
8243        };
8244        var backwards = function (node, offset, process, root) {
8245          var walker = TextWalker(node, root, isBlockBoundary);
8246          return walk(node, offset, function () {
8247            return walker.prev().map(function (prev) {
8248              return {
8249                container: prev,
8250                offset: prev.length
8251              };
8252            });
8253          }, process).getOrNull();
8254        };
8255        var forwards = function (node, offset, process, root) {
8256          var walker = TextWalker(node, root, isBlockBoundary);
8257          return walk(node, offset, function () {
8258            return walker.next().map(function (next) {
8259              return {
8260                container: next,
8261                offset: 0
8262              };
8263            });
8264          }, process).getOrNull();
8265        };
8266        return {
8267          backwards: backwards,
8268          forwards: forwards
8269        };
8270      };
8272      var round$2 = Math.round;
8273      var clone = function (rect) {
8274        if (!rect) {
8275          return {
8276            left: 0,
8277            top: 0,
8278            bottom: 0,
8279            right: 0,
8280            width: 0,
8281            height: 0
8282          };
8283        }
8284        return {
8285          left: round$2(rect.left),
8286          top: round$2(rect.top),
8287          bottom: round$2(rect.bottom),
8288          right: round$2(rect.right),
8289          width: round$2(rect.width),
8290          height: round$2(rect.height)
8291        };
8292      };
8293      var collapse = function (rect, toStart) {
8294        rect = clone(rect);
8295        if (toStart) {
8296          rect.right = rect.left;
8297        } else {
8298          rect.left = rect.left + rect.width;
8299          rect.right = rect.left;
8300        }
8301        rect.width = 0;
8302        return rect;
8303      };
8304      var isEqual = function (rect1, rect2) {
8305        return rect1.left === rect2.left && rect1.top === rect2.top && rect1.bottom === rect2.bottom && rect1.right === rect2.right;
8306      };
8307      var isValidOverflow = function (overflowY, rect1, rect2) {
8308        return overflowY >= 0 && overflowY <= Math.min(rect1.height, rect2.height) / 2;
8309      };
8310      var isAbove$1 = function (rect1, rect2) {
8311        var halfHeight = Math.min(rect2.height / 2, rect1.height / 2);
8312        if (rect1.bottom - halfHeight < rect2.top) {
8313          return true;
8314        }
8315        if (rect1.top > rect2.bottom) {
8316          return false;
8317        }
8318        return isValidOverflow(rect2.top - rect1.bottom, rect1, rect2);
8319      };
8320      var isBelow$1 = function (rect1, rect2) {
8321        if (rect1.top > rect2.bottom) {
8322          return true;
8323        }
8324        if (rect1.bottom < rect2.top) {
8325          return false;
8326        }
8327        return isValidOverflow(rect2.bottom - rect1.top, rect1, rect2);
8328      };
8329      var containsXY = function (rect, clientX, clientY) {
8330        return clientX >= rect.left && clientX <= rect.right && clientY >= rect.top && clientY <= rect.bottom;
8331      };
8333      var clamp$2 = function (value, min, max) {
8334        return Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max);
8335      };
8337      var getSelectedNode = function (range) {
8338        var startContainer = range.startContainer, startOffset = range.startOffset;
8339        if (startContainer.hasChildNodes() && range.endOffset === startOffset + 1) {
8340          return startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
8341        }
8342        return null;
8343      };
8344      var getNode$1 = function (container, offset) {
8345        if (isElement$5(container) && container.hasChildNodes()) {
8346          var childNodes = container.childNodes;
8347          var safeOffset = clamp$2(offset, 0, childNodes.length - 1);
8348          return childNodes[safeOffset];
8349        } else {
8350          return container;
8351        }
8352      };
8353      var getNodeUnsafe = function (container, offset) {
8354        if (offset < 0 && isElement$5(container) && container.hasChildNodes()) {
8355          return undefined;
8356        } else {
8357          return getNode$1(container, offset);
8358        }
8359      };
8361      var extendingChars = new RegExp('[\u0300-\u036f\u0483-\u0487\u0488-\u0489\u0591-\u05bd\u05bf\u05c1-\u05c2\u05c4-\u05c5\u05c7\u0610-\u061a' + '\u064b-\u065f\u0670\u06d6-\u06dc\u06df-\u06e4\u06e7-\u06e8\u06ea-\u06ed\u0711\u0730-\u074a\u07a6-\u07b0' + '\u07eb-\u07f3\u0816-\u0819\u081b-\u0823\u0825-\u0827\u0829-\u082d\u0859-\u085b\u08e3-\u0902\u093a\u093c' + '\u0941-\u0948\u094d\u0951-\u0957\u0962-\u0963\u0981\u09bc\u09be\u09c1-\u09c4\u09cd\u09d7\u09e2-\u09e3' + '\u0a01-\u0a02\u0a3c\u0a41-\u0a42\u0a47-\u0a48\u0a4b-\u0a4d\u0a51\u0a70-\u0a71\u0a75\u0a81-\u0a82\u0abc' + '\u0ac1-\u0ac5\u0ac7-\u0ac8\u0acd\u0ae2-\u0ae3\u0b01\u0b3c\u0b3e\u0b3f\u0b41-\u0b44\u0b4d\u0b56\u0b57' + '\u0b62-\u0b63\u0b82\u0bbe\u0bc0\u0bcd\u0bd7\u0c00\u0c3e-\u0c40\u0c46-\u0c48\u0c4a-\u0c4d\u0c55-\u0c56' + '\u0c62-\u0c63\u0c81\u0cbc\u0cbf\u0cc2\u0cc6\u0ccc-\u0ccd\u0cd5-\u0cd6\u0ce2-\u0ce3\u0d01\u0d3e\u0d41-\u0d44' + '\u0d4d\u0d57\u0d62-\u0d63\u0dca\u0dcf\u0dd2-\u0dd4\u0dd6\u0ddf\u0e31\u0e34-\u0e3a\u0e47-\u0e4e\u0eb1\u0eb4-\u0eb9' + '\u0ebb-\u0ebc\u0ec8-\u0ecd\u0f18-\u0f19\u0f35\u0f37\u0f39\u0f71-\u0f7e\u0f80-\u0f84\u0f86-\u0f87\u0f8d-\u0f97' + '\u0f99-\u0fbc\u0fc6\u102d-\u1030\u1032-\u1037\u1039-\u103a\u103d-\u103e\u1058-\u1059\u105e-\u1060\u1071-\u1074' + '\u1082\u1085-\u1086\u108d\u109d\u135d-\u135f\u1712-\u1714\u1732-\u1734\u1752-\u1753\u1772-\u1773\u17b4-\u17b5' + '\u17b7-\u17bd\u17c6\u17c9-\u17d3\u17dd\u180b-\u180d\u18a9\u1920-\u1922\u1927-\u1928\u1932\u1939-\u193b\u1a17-\u1a18' + '\u1a1b\u1a56\u1a58-\u1a5e\u1a60\u1a62\u1a65-\u1a6c\u1a73-\u1a7c\u1a7f\u1ab0-\u1abd\u1ABE\u1b00-\u1b03\u1b34' + '\u1b36-\u1b3a\u1b3c\u1b42\u1b6b-\u1b73\u1b80-\u1b81\u1ba2-\u1ba5\u1ba8-\u1ba9\u1bab-\u1bad\u1be6\u1be8-\u1be9' + '\u1bed\u1bef-\u1bf1\u1c2c-\u1c33\u1c36-\u1c37\u1cd0-\u1cd2\u1cd4-\u1ce0\u1ce2-\u1ce8\u1ced\u1cf4\u1cf8-\u1cf9' + '\u1dc0-\u1df5\u1dfc-\u1dff\u200c-\u200d\u20d0-\u20dc\u20DD-\u20E0\u20e1\u20E2-\u20E4\u20e5-\u20f0\u2cef-\u2cf1' + '\u2d7f\u2de0-\u2dff\u302a-\u302d\u302e-\u302f\u3099-\u309a\ua66f\uA670-\uA672\ua674-\ua67d\ua69e-\ua69f\ua6f0-\ua6f1' + '\ua802\ua806\ua80b\ua825-\ua826\ua8c4\ua8e0-\ua8f1\ua926-\ua92d\ua947-\ua951\ua980-\ua982\ua9b3\ua9b6-\ua9b9\ua9bc' + '\ua9e5\uaa29-\uaa2e\uaa31-\uaa32\uaa35-\uaa36\uaa43\uaa4c\uaa7c\uaab0\uaab2-\uaab4\uaab7-\uaab8\uaabe-\uaabf\uaac1' + '\uaaec-\uaaed\uaaf6\uabe5\uabe8\uabed\ufb1e\ufe00-\ufe0f\ufe20-\ufe2f\uff9e-\uff9f]');
8362      var isExtendingChar = function (ch) {
8363        return typeof ch === 'string' && ch.charCodeAt(0) >= 768 && extendingChars.test(ch);
8364      };
8366      var or = function () {
8367        var args = [];
8368        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
8369          args[_i] = arguments[_i];
8370        }
8371        return function (x) {
8372          for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
8373            if (args[i](x)) {
8374              return true;
8375            }
8376          }
8377          return false;
8378        };
8379      };
8380      var and = function () {
8381        var args = [];
8382        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
8383          args[_i] = arguments[_i];
8384        }
8385        return function (x) {
8386          for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
8387            if (!args[i](x)) {
8388              return false;
8389            }
8390          }
8391          return true;
8392        };
8393      };
8395      var isElement$3 = isElement$5;
8396      var isCaretCandidate$2 = isCaretCandidate$3;
8397      var isBlock$1 = matchStyleValues('display', 'block table');
8398      var isFloated = matchStyleValues('float', 'left right');
8399      var isValidElementCaretCandidate = and(isElement$3, isCaretCandidate$2, not(isFloated));
8400      var isNotPre = not(matchStyleValues('white-space', 'pre pre-line pre-wrap'));
8401      var isText$4 = isText$7;
8402      var isBr$2 = isBr$5;
8403      var nodeIndex$1 = DOMUtils.nodeIndex;
8404      var resolveIndex$1 = getNodeUnsafe;
8405      var createRange$1 = function (doc) {
8406        return 'createRange' in doc ? doc.createRange() : DOMUtils.DOM.createRng();
8407      };
8408      var isWhiteSpace$1 = function (chr) {
8409        return chr && /[\r\n\t ]/.test(chr);
8410      };
8411      var isRange = function (rng) {
8412        return !!rng.setStart && !!rng.setEnd;
8413      };
8414      var isHiddenWhiteSpaceRange = function (range) {
8415        var container = range.startContainer;
8416        var offset = range.startOffset;
8417        if (isWhiteSpace$1(range.toString()) && isNotPre(container.parentNode) && isText$7(container)) {
8418          var text = container.data;
8419          if (isWhiteSpace$1(text[offset - 1]) || isWhiteSpace$1(text[offset + 1])) {
8420            return true;
8421          }
8422        }
8423        return false;
8424      };
8425      var getBrClientRect = function (brNode) {
8426        var doc = brNode.ownerDocument;
8427        var rng = createRange$1(doc);
8428        var nbsp$1 = doc.createTextNode(nbsp);
8429        var parentNode = brNode.parentNode;
8430        parentNode.insertBefore(nbsp$1, brNode);
8431        rng.setStart(nbsp$1, 0);
8432        rng.setEnd(nbsp$1, 1);
8433        var clientRect = clone(rng.getBoundingClientRect());
8434        parentNode.removeChild(nbsp$1);
8435        return clientRect;
8436      };
8437      var getBoundingClientRectWebKitText = function (rng) {
8438        var sc = rng.startContainer;
8439        var ec = rng.endContainer;
8440        var so = rng.startOffset;
8441        var eo = rng.endOffset;
8442        if (sc === ec && isText$7(ec) && so === 0 && eo === 1) {
8443          var newRng = rng.cloneRange();
8444          newRng.setEndAfter(ec);
8445          return getBoundingClientRect$1(newRng);
8446        } else {
8447          return null;
8448        }
8449      };
8450      var isZeroRect = function (r) {
8451        return r.left === 0 && r.right === 0 && r.top === 0 && r.bottom === 0;
8452      };
8453      var getBoundingClientRect$1 = function (item) {
8454        var clientRect;
8455        var clientRects = item.getClientRects();
8456        if (clientRects.length > 0) {
8457          clientRect = clone(clientRects[0]);
8458        } else {
8459          clientRect = clone(item.getBoundingClientRect());
8460        }
8461        if (!isRange(item) && isBr$2(item) && isZeroRect(clientRect)) {
8462          return getBrClientRect(item);
8463        }
8464        if (isZeroRect(clientRect) && isRange(item)) {
8465          return getBoundingClientRectWebKitText(item);
8466        }
8467        return clientRect;
8468      };
8469      var collapseAndInflateWidth = function (clientRect, toStart) {
8470        var newClientRect = collapse(clientRect, toStart);
8471        newClientRect.width = 1;
8472        newClientRect.right = newClientRect.left + 1;
8473        return newClientRect;
8474      };
8475      var getCaretPositionClientRects = function (caretPosition) {
8476        var clientRects = [];
8477        var addUniqueAndValidRect = function (clientRect) {
8478          if (clientRect.height === 0) {
8479            return;
8480          }
8481          if (clientRects.length > 0) {
8482            if (isEqual(clientRect, clientRects[clientRects.length - 1])) {
8483              return;
8484            }
8485          }
8486          clientRects.push(clientRect);
8487        };
8488        var addCharacterOffset = function (container, offset) {
8489          var range = createRange$1(container.ownerDocument);
8490          if (offset < container.data.length) {
8491            if (isExtendingChar(container.data[offset])) {
8492              return clientRects;
8493            }
8494            if (isExtendingChar(container.data[offset - 1])) {
8495              range.setStart(container, offset);
8496              range.setEnd(container, offset + 1);
8497              if (!isHiddenWhiteSpaceRange(range)) {
8498                addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect$1(range), false));
8499                return clientRects;
8500              }
8501            }
8502          }
8503          if (offset > 0) {
8504            range.setStart(container, offset - 1);
8505            range.setEnd(container, offset);
8506            if (!isHiddenWhiteSpaceRange(range)) {
8507              addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect$1(range), false));
8508            }
8509          }
8510          if (offset < container.data.length) {
8511            range.setStart(container, offset);
8512            range.setEnd(container, offset + 1);
8513            if (!isHiddenWhiteSpaceRange(range)) {
8514              addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect$1(range), true));
8515            }
8516          }
8517        };
8518        var container = caretPosition.container();
8519        var offset = caretPosition.offset();
8520        if (isText$4(container)) {
8521          addCharacterOffset(container, offset);
8522          return clientRects;
8523        }
8524        if (isElement$3(container)) {
8525          if (caretPosition.isAtEnd()) {
8526            var node = resolveIndex$1(container, offset);
8527            if (isText$4(node)) {
8528              addCharacterOffset(node, node.data.length);
8529            }
8530            if (isValidElementCaretCandidate(node) && !isBr$2(node)) {
8531              addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect$1(node), false));
8532            }
8533          } else {
8534            var node = resolveIndex$1(container, offset);
8535            if (isText$4(node)) {
8536              addCharacterOffset(node, 0);
8537            }
8538            if (isValidElementCaretCandidate(node) && caretPosition.isAtEnd()) {
8539              addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect$1(node), false));
8540              return clientRects;
8541            }
8542            var beforeNode = resolveIndex$1(caretPosition.container(), caretPosition.offset() - 1);
8543            if (isValidElementCaretCandidate(beforeNode) && !isBr$2(beforeNode)) {
8544              if (isBlock$1(beforeNode) || isBlock$1(node) || !isValidElementCaretCandidate(node)) {
8545                addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect$1(beforeNode), false));
8546              }
8547            }
8548            if (isValidElementCaretCandidate(node)) {
8549              addUniqueAndValidRect(collapseAndInflateWidth(getBoundingClientRect$1(node), true));
8550            }
8551          }
8552        }
8553        return clientRects;
8554      };
8555      var CaretPosition = function (container, offset, clientRects) {
8556        var isAtStart = function () {
8557          if (isText$4(container)) {
8558            return offset === 0;
8559          }
8560          return offset === 0;
8561        };
8562        var isAtEnd = function () {
8563          if (isText$4(container)) {
8564            return offset >= container.data.length;
8565          }
8566          return offset >= container.childNodes.length;
8567        };
8568        var toRange = function () {
8569          var range = createRange$1(container.ownerDocument);
8570          range.setStart(container, offset);
8571          range.setEnd(container, offset);
8572          return range;
8573        };
8574        var getClientRects = function () {
8575          if (!clientRects) {
8576            clientRects = getCaretPositionClientRects(CaretPosition(container, offset));
8577          }
8578          return clientRects;
8579        };
8580        var isVisible = function () {
8581          return getClientRects().length > 0;
8582        };
8583        var isEqual = function (caretPosition) {
8584          return caretPosition && container === caretPosition.container() && offset === caretPosition.offset();
8585        };
8586        var getNode = function (before) {
8587          return resolveIndex$1(container, before ? offset - 1 : offset);
8588        };
8589        return {
8590          container: constant(container),
8591          offset: constant(offset),
8592          toRange: toRange,
8593          getClientRects: getClientRects,
8594          isVisible: isVisible,
8595          isAtStart: isAtStart,
8596          isAtEnd: isAtEnd,
8597          isEqual: isEqual,
8598          getNode: getNode
8599        };
8600      };
8601      CaretPosition.fromRangeStart = function (range) {
8602        return CaretPosition(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
8603      };
8604      CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd = function (range) {
8605        return CaretPosition(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
8606      };
8607      CaretPosition.after = function (node) {
8608        return CaretPosition(node.parentNode, nodeIndex$1(node) + 1);
8609      };
8610      CaretPosition.before = function (node) {
8611        return CaretPosition(node.parentNode, nodeIndex$1(node));
8612      };
8613      CaretPosition.isAbove = function (pos1, pos2) {
8614        return lift2(head(pos2.getClientRects()), last$2(pos1.getClientRects()), isAbove$1).getOr(false);
8615      };
8616      CaretPosition.isBelow = function (pos1, pos2) {
8617        return lift2(last$2(pos2.getClientRects()), head(pos1.getClientRects()), isBelow$1).getOr(false);
8618      };
8619      CaretPosition.isAtStart = function (pos) {
8620        return pos ? pos.isAtStart() : false;
8621      };
8622      CaretPosition.isAtEnd = function (pos) {
8623        return pos ? pos.isAtEnd() : false;
8624      };
8625      CaretPosition.isTextPosition = function (pos) {
8626        return pos ? isText$7(pos.container()) : false;
8627      };
8628      CaretPosition.isElementPosition = function (pos) {
8629        return CaretPosition.isTextPosition(pos) === false;
8630      };
8632      var trimEmptyTextNode$1 = function (dom, node) {
8633        if (isText$7(node) && node.data.length === 0) {
8634          dom.remove(node);
8635        }
8636      };
8637      var insertNode = function (dom, rng, node) {
8638        rng.insertNode(node);
8639        trimEmptyTextNode$1(dom, node.previousSibling);
8640        trimEmptyTextNode$1(dom, node.nextSibling);
8641      };
8642      var insertFragment = function (dom, rng, frag) {
8643        var firstChild = Optional.from(frag.firstChild);
8644        var lastChild = Optional.from(frag.lastChild);
8645        rng.insertNode(frag);
8646        firstChild.each(function (child) {
8647          return trimEmptyTextNode$1(dom, child.previousSibling);
8648        });
8649        lastChild.each(function (child) {
8650          return trimEmptyTextNode$1(dom, child.nextSibling);
8651        });
8652      };
8653      var rangeInsertNode = function (dom, rng, node) {
8654        if (isDocumentFragment(node)) {
8655          insertFragment(dom, rng, node);
8656        } else {
8657          insertNode(dom, rng, node);
8658        }
8659      };
8661      var isText$3 = isText$7;
8662      var isBogus = isBogus$2;
8663      var nodeIndex = DOMUtils.nodeIndex;
8664      var normalizedParent = function (node) {
8665        var parentNode = node.parentNode;
8666        if (isBogus(parentNode)) {
8667          return normalizedParent(parentNode);
8668        }
8669        return parentNode;
8670      };
8671      var getChildNodes = function (node) {
8672        if (!node) {
8673          return [];
8674        }
8675        return reduce(node.childNodes, function (result, node) {
8676          if (isBogus(node) && node.nodeName !== 'BR') {
8677            result = result.concat(getChildNodes(node));
8678          } else {
8679            result.push(node);
8680          }
8681          return result;
8682        }, []);
8683      };
8684      var normalizedTextOffset = function (node, offset) {
8685        while (node = node.previousSibling) {
8686          if (!isText$3(node)) {
8687            break;
8688          }
8689          offset += node.data.length;
8690        }
8691        return offset;
8692      };
8693      var equal = function (a) {
8694        return function (b) {
8695          return a === b;
8696        };
8697      };
8698      var normalizedNodeIndex = function (node) {
8699        var nodes, index;
8700        nodes = getChildNodes(normalizedParent(node));
8701        index = findIndex$1(nodes, equal(node), node);
8702        nodes = nodes.slice(0, index + 1);
8703        var numTextFragments = reduce(nodes, function (result, node, i) {
8704          if (isText$3(node) && isText$3(nodes[i - 1])) {
8705            result++;
8706          }
8707          return result;
8708        }, 0);
8709        nodes = filter$2(nodes, matchNodeNames([node.nodeName]));
8710        index = findIndex$1(nodes, equal(node), node);
8711        return index - numTextFragments;
8712      };
8713      var createPathItem = function (node) {
8714        var name;
8715        if (isText$3(node)) {
8716          name = 'text()';
8717        } else {
8718          name = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
8719        }
8720        return name + '[' + normalizedNodeIndex(node) + ']';
8721      };
8722      var parentsUntil$1 = function (root, node, predicate) {
8723        var parents = [];
8724        for (node = node.parentNode; node !== root; node = node.parentNode) {
8725          if (predicate && predicate(node)) {
8726            break;
8727          }
8728          parents.push(node);
8729        }
8730        return parents;
8731      };
8732      var create$6 = function (root, caretPosition) {
8733        var container, offset, path = [], outputOffset, childNodes, parents;
8734        container = caretPosition.container();
8735        offset = caretPosition.offset();
8736        if (isText$3(container)) {
8737          outputOffset = normalizedTextOffset(container, offset);
8738        } else {
8739          childNodes = container.childNodes;
8740          if (offset >= childNodes.length) {
8741            outputOffset = 'after';
8742            offset = childNodes.length - 1;
8743          } else {
8744            outputOffset = 'before';
8745          }
8746          container = childNodes[offset];
8747        }
8748        path.push(createPathItem(container));
8749        parents = parentsUntil$1(root, container);
8750        parents = filter$2(parents, not(isBogus$2));
8751        path = path.concat(map$1(parents, function (node) {
8752          return createPathItem(node);
8753        }));
8754        return path.reverse().join('/') + ',' + outputOffset;
8755      };
8756      var resolvePathItem = function (node, name, index) {
8757        var nodes = getChildNodes(node);
8758        nodes = filter$2(nodes, function (node, index) {
8759          return !isText$3(node) || !isText$3(nodes[index - 1]);
8760        });
8761        nodes = filter$2(nodes, matchNodeNames([name]));
8762        return nodes[index];
8763      };
8764      var findTextPosition = function (container, offset) {
8765        var node = container, targetOffset = 0, dataLen;
8766        while (isText$3(node)) {
8767          dataLen = node.data.length;
8768          if (offset >= targetOffset && offset <= targetOffset + dataLen) {
8769            container = node;
8770            offset = offset - targetOffset;
8771            break;
8772          }
8773          if (!isText$3(node.nextSibling)) {
8774            container = node;
8775            offset = dataLen;
8776            break;
8777          }
8778          targetOffset += dataLen;
8779          node = node.nextSibling;
8780        }
8781        if (isText$3(container) && offset > container.data.length) {
8782          offset = container.data.length;
8783        }
8784        return CaretPosition(container, offset);
8785      };
8786      var resolve$2 = function (root, path) {
8787        var offset;
8788        if (!path) {
8789          return null;
8790        }
8791        var parts = path.split(',');
8792        var paths = parts[0].split('/');
8793        offset = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : 'before';
8794        var container = reduce(paths, function (result, value) {
8795          var match = /([\w\-\(\)]+)\[([0-9]+)\]/.exec(value);
8796          if (!match) {
8797            return null;
8798          }
8799          if (match[1] === 'text()') {
8800            match[1] = '#text';
8801          }
8802          return resolvePathItem(result, match[1], parseInt(match[2], 10));
8803        }, root);
8804        if (!container) {
8805          return null;
8806        }
8807        if (!isText$3(container)) {
8808          if (offset === 'after') {
8809            offset = nodeIndex(container) + 1;
8810          } else {
8811            offset = nodeIndex(container);
8812          }
8813          return CaretPosition(container.parentNode, offset);
8814        }
8815        return findTextPosition(container, parseInt(offset, 10));
8816      };
8818      var isContentEditableFalse$9 = isContentEditableFalse$b;
8819      var getNormalizedTextOffset = function (trim, container, offset) {
8820        var node, trimmedOffset;
8821        trimmedOffset = trim(container.data.slice(0, offset)).length;
8822        for (node = container.previousSibling; node && isText$7(node); node = node.previousSibling) {
8823          trimmedOffset += trim(node.data).length;
8824        }
8825        return trimmedOffset;
8826      };
8827      var getPoint = function (dom, trim, normalized, rng, start) {
8828        var container = rng[start ? 'startContainer' : 'endContainer'];
8829        var offset = rng[start ? 'startOffset' : 'endOffset'];
8830        var point = [];
8831        var childNodes, after = 0;
8832        var root = dom.getRoot();
8833        if (isText$7(container)) {
8834          point.push(normalized ? getNormalizedTextOffset(trim, container, offset) : offset);
8835        } else {
8836          childNodes = container.childNodes;
8837          if (offset >= childNodes.length && childNodes.length) {
8838            after = 1;
8839            offset = Math.max(0, childNodes.length - 1);
8840          }
8841          point.push(dom.nodeIndex(childNodes[offset], normalized) + after);
8842        }
8843        for (; container && container !== root; container = container.parentNode) {
8844          point.push(dom.nodeIndex(container, normalized));
8845        }
8846        return point;
8847      };
8848      var getLocation = function (trim, selection, normalized, rng) {
8849        var dom = selection.dom, bookmark = {};
8850        bookmark.start = getPoint(dom, trim, normalized, rng, true);
8851        if (!selection.isCollapsed()) {
8852          bookmark.end = getPoint(dom, trim, normalized, rng, false);
8853        }
8854        if (isRangeInCaretContainerBlock(rng)) {
8855          bookmark.isFakeCaret = true;
8856        }
8857        return bookmark;
8858      };
8859      var findIndex = function (dom, name, element) {
8860        var count = 0;
8861        Tools.each(dom.select(name), function (node) {
8862          if (node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus') === 'all') {
8863            return;
8864          }
8865          if (node === element) {
8866            return false;
8867          }
8868          count++;
8869        });
8870        return count;
8871      };
8872      var moveEndPoint$1 = function (rng, start) {
8873        var container, offset, childNodes;
8874        var prefix = start ? 'start' : 'end';
8875        container = rng[prefix + 'Container'];
8876        offset = rng[prefix + 'Offset'];
8877        if (isElement$5(container) && container.nodeName === 'TR') {
8878          childNodes = container.childNodes;
8879          container = childNodes[Math.min(start ? offset : offset - 1, childNodes.length - 1)];
8880          if (container) {
8881            offset = start ? 0 : container.childNodes.length;
8882            rng['set' + (start ? 'Start' : 'End')](container, offset);
8883          }
8884        }
8885      };
8886      var normalizeTableCellSelection = function (rng) {
8887        moveEndPoint$1(rng, true);
8888        moveEndPoint$1(rng, false);
8889        return rng;
8890      };
8891      var findSibling = function (node, offset) {
8892        var sibling;
8893        if (isElement$5(node)) {
8894          node = getNode$1(node, offset);
8895          if (isContentEditableFalse$9(node)) {
8896            return node;
8897          }
8898        }
8899        if (isCaretContainer$2(node)) {
8900          if (isText$7(node) && isCaretContainerBlock$1(node)) {
8901            node = node.parentNode;
8902          }
8903          sibling = node.previousSibling;
8904          if (isContentEditableFalse$9(sibling)) {
8905            return sibling;
8906          }
8907          sibling = node.nextSibling;
8908          if (isContentEditableFalse$9(sibling)) {
8909            return sibling;
8910          }
8911        }
8912      };
8913      var findAdjacentContentEditableFalseElm = function (rng) {
8914        return findSibling(rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset) || findSibling(rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset);
8915      };
8916      var getOffsetBookmark = function (trim, normalized, selection) {
8917        var element = selection.getNode();
8918        var name = element ? element.nodeName : null;
8919        var rng = selection.getRng();
8920        if (isContentEditableFalse$9(element) || name === 'IMG') {
8921          return {
8922            name: name,
8923            index: findIndex(selection.dom, name, element)
8924          };
8925        }
8926        var sibling = findAdjacentContentEditableFalseElm(rng);
8927        if (sibling) {
8928          name = sibling.tagName;
8929          return {
8930            name: name,
8931            index: findIndex(selection.dom, name, sibling)
8932          };
8933        }
8934        return getLocation(trim, selection, normalized, rng);
8935      };
8936      var getCaretBookmark = function (selection) {
8937        var rng = selection.getRng();
8938        return {
8939          start: create$6(selection.dom.getRoot(), CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng)),
8940          end: create$6(selection.dom.getRoot(), CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd(rng))
8941        };
8942      };
8943      var getRangeBookmark = function (selection) {
8944        return { rng: selection.getRng() };
8945      };
8946      var createBookmarkSpan = function (dom, id, filled) {
8947        var args = {
8948          'data-mce-type': 'bookmark',
8949          id: id,
8950          'style': 'overflow:hidden;line-height:0px'
8951        };
8952        return filled ? dom.create('span', args, '&#xFEFF;') : dom.create('span', args);
8953      };
8954      var getPersistentBookmark = function (selection, filled) {
8955        var dom = selection.dom;
8956        var rng = selection.getRng();
8957        var id = dom.uniqueId();
8958        var collapsed = selection.isCollapsed();
8959        var element = selection.getNode();
8960        var name = element.nodeName;
8961        if (name === 'IMG') {
8962          return {
8963            name: name,
8964            index: findIndex(dom, name, element)
8965          };
8966        }
8967        var rng2 = normalizeTableCellSelection(rng.cloneRange());
8968        if (!collapsed) {
8969          rng2.collapse(false);
8970          var endBookmarkNode = createBookmarkSpan(dom, id + '_end', filled);
8971          rangeInsertNode(dom, rng2, endBookmarkNode);
8972        }
8973        rng = normalizeTableCellSelection(rng);
8974        rng.collapse(true);
8975        var startBookmarkNode = createBookmarkSpan(dom, id + '_start', filled);
8976        rangeInsertNode(dom, rng, startBookmarkNode);
8977        selection.moveToBookmark({
8978          id: id,
8979          keep: true
8980        });
8981        return { id: id };
8982      };
8983      var getBookmark$2 = function (selection, type, normalized) {
8984        if (type === 2) {
8985          return getOffsetBookmark(trim$2, normalized, selection);
8986        } else if (type === 3) {
8987          return getCaretBookmark(selection);
8988        } else if (type) {
8989          return getRangeBookmark(selection);
8990        } else {
8991          return getPersistentBookmark(selection, false);
8992        }
8993      };
8994      var getUndoBookmark = curry(getOffsetBookmark, identity, true);
8996      var DOM$9 = DOMUtils.DOM;
8997      var defaultPreviewStyles = 'font-family font-size font-weight font-style text-decoration text-transform color background-color border border-radius outline text-shadow';
8998      var getBodySetting = function (editor, name, defaultValue) {
8999        var value = editor.getParam(name, defaultValue);
9000        if (value.indexOf('=') !== -1) {
9001          var bodyObj = editor.getParam(name, '', 'hash');
9002          return get$9(bodyObj, editor.id).getOr(defaultValue);
9003        } else {
9004          return value;
9005        }
9006      };
9007      var getIframeAttrs = function (editor) {
9008        return editor.getParam('iframe_attrs', {});
9009      };
9010      var getDocType = function (editor) {
9011        return editor.getParam('doctype', '<!DOCTYPE html>');
9012      };
9013      var getDocumentBaseUrl = function (editor) {
9014        return editor.getParam('document_base_url', '');
9015      };
9016      var getBodyId = function (editor) {
9017        return getBodySetting(editor, 'body_id', 'tinymce');
9018      };
9019      var getBodyClass = function (editor) {
9020        return getBodySetting(editor, 'body_class', '');
9021      };
9022      var getContentSecurityPolicy = function (editor) {
9023        return editor.getParam('content_security_policy', '');
9024      };
9025      var shouldPutBrInPre$1 = function (editor) {
9026        return editor.getParam('br_in_pre', true);
9027      };
9028      var getForcedRootBlock = function (editor) {
9029        if (editor.getParam('force_p_newlines', false)) {
9030          return 'p';
9031        }
9032        var block = editor.getParam('forced_root_block', 'p');
9033        if (block === false) {
9034          return '';
9035        } else if (block === true) {
9036          return 'p';
9037        } else {
9038          return block;
9039        }
9040      };
9041      var getForcedRootBlockAttrs = function (editor) {
9042        return editor.getParam('forced_root_block_attrs', {});
9043      };
9044      var getBrNewLineSelector = function (editor) {
9045        return editor.getParam('br_newline_selector', '.mce-toc h2,figcaption,caption');
9046      };
9047      var getNoNewLineSelector = function (editor) {
9048        return editor.getParam('no_newline_selector', '');
9049      };
9050      var shouldKeepStyles = function (editor) {
9051        return editor.getParam('keep_styles', true);
9052      };
9053      var shouldEndContainerOnEmptyBlock = function (editor) {
9054        return editor.getParam('end_container_on_empty_block', false);
9055      };
9056      var getFontStyleValues = function (editor) {
9057        return Tools.explode(editor.getParam('font_size_style_values', 'xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large'));
9058      };
9059      var getFontSizeClasses = function (editor) {
9060        return Tools.explode(editor.getParam('font_size_classes', ''));
9061      };
9062      var getImagesDataImgFilter = function (editor) {
9063        return editor.getParam('images_dataimg_filter', always, 'function');
9064      };
9065      var isAutomaticUploadsEnabled = function (editor) {
9066        return editor.getParam('automatic_uploads', true, 'boolean');
9067      };
9068      var shouldReuseFileName = function (editor) {
9069        return editor.getParam('images_reuse_filename', false, 'boolean');
9070      };
9071      var shouldReplaceBlobUris = function (editor) {
9072        return editor.getParam('images_replace_blob_uris', true, 'boolean');
9073      };
9074      var getIconPackName = function (editor) {
9075        return editor.getParam('icons', '', 'string');
9076      };
9077      var getIconsUrl = function (editor) {
9078        return editor.getParam('icons_url', '', 'string');
9079      };
9080      var getImageUploadUrl = function (editor) {
9081        return editor.getParam('images_upload_url', '', 'string');
9082      };
9083      var getImageUploadBasePath = function (editor) {
9084        return editor.getParam('images_upload_base_path', '', 'string');
9085      };
9086      var getImagesUploadCredentials = function (editor) {
9087        return editor.getParam('images_upload_credentials', false, 'boolean');
9088      };
9089      var getImagesUploadHandler = function (editor) {
9090        return editor.getParam('images_upload_handler', null, 'function');
9091      };
9092      var shouldUseContentCssCors = function (editor) {
9093        return editor.getParam('content_css_cors', false, 'boolean');
9094      };
9095      var getReferrerPolicy = function (editor) {
9096        return editor.getParam('referrer_policy', '', 'string');
9097      };
9098      var getLanguageCode = function (editor) {
9099        return editor.getParam('language', 'en', 'string');
9100      };
9101      var getLanguageUrl = function (editor) {
9102        return editor.getParam('language_url', '', 'string');
9103      };
9104      var shouldIndentUseMargin = function (editor) {
9105        return editor.getParam('indent_use_margin', false);
9106      };
9107      var getIndentation = function (editor) {
9108        return editor.getParam('indentation', '40px', 'string');
9109      };
9110      var getContentCss = function (editor) {
9111        var contentCss = editor.getParam('content_css');
9112        if (isString$1(contentCss)) {
9113          return map$3(contentCss.split(','), trim$4);
9114        } else if (isArray$1(contentCss)) {
9115          return contentCss;
9116        } else if (contentCss === false || editor.inline) {
9117          return [];
9118        } else {
9119          return ['default'];
9120        }
9121      };
9122      var getFontCss = function (editor) {
9123        var fontCss = editor.getParam('font_css', []);
9124        return isArray$1(fontCss) ? fontCss : map$3(fontCss.split(','), trim$4);
9125      };
9126      var getDirectionality = function (editor) {
9127        return editor.getParam('directionality', I18n.isRtl() ? 'rtl' : undefined);
9128      };
9129      var getInlineBoundarySelector = function (editor) {
9130        return editor.getParam('inline_boundaries_selector', 'a[href],code,.mce-annotation', 'string');
9131      };
9132      var getObjectResizing = function (editor) {
9133        var selector = editor.getParam('object_resizing');
9134        if (selector === false || Env.iOS) {
9135          return false;
9136        } else {
9137          return isString$1(selector) ? selector : 'table,img,figure.image,div,video,iframe';
9138        }
9139      };
9140      var getResizeImgProportional = function (editor) {
9141        return editor.getParam('resize_img_proportional', true, 'boolean');
9142      };
9143      var getPlaceholder = function (editor) {
9144        return editor.getParam('placeholder', DOM$9.getAttrib(editor.getElement(), 'placeholder'), 'string');
9145      };
9146      var getEventRoot = function (editor) {
9147        return editor.getParam('event_root');
9148      };
9149      var getServiceMessage = function (editor) {
9150        return editor.getParam('service_message');
9151      };
9152      var getTheme = function (editor) {
9153        return editor.getParam('theme');
9154      };
9155      var shouldValidate = function (editor) {
9156        return editor.getParam('validate');
9157      };
9158      var isInlineBoundariesEnabled = function (editor) {
9159        return editor.getParam('inline_boundaries') !== false;
9160      };
9161      var getFormats = function (editor) {
9162        return editor.getParam('formats');
9163      };
9164      var getPreviewStyles = function (editor) {
9165        var style = editor.getParam('preview_styles', defaultPreviewStyles);
9166        if (isString$1(style)) {
9167          return style;
9168        } else {
9169          return '';
9170        }
9171      };
9172      var canFormatEmptyLines = function (editor) {
9173        return editor.getParam('format_empty_lines', false, 'boolean');
9174      };
9175      var getCustomUiSelector = function (editor) {
9176        return editor.getParam('custom_ui_selector', '', 'string');
9177      };
9178      var getThemeUrl = function (editor) {
9179        return editor.getParam('theme_url');
9180      };
9181      var isInline = function (editor) {
9182        return editor.getParam('inline');
9183      };
9184      var hasHiddenInput = function (editor) {
9185        return editor.getParam('hidden_input');
9186      };
9187      var shouldPatchSubmit = function (editor) {
9188        return editor.getParam('submit_patch');
9189      };
9190      var isEncodingXml = function (editor) {
9191        return editor.getParam('encoding') === 'xml';
9192      };
9193      var shouldAddFormSubmitTrigger = function (editor) {
9194        return editor.getParam('add_form_submit_trigger');
9195      };
9196      var shouldAddUnloadTrigger = function (editor) {
9197        return editor.getParam('add_unload_trigger');
9198      };
9199      var hasForcedRootBlock = function (editor) {
9200        return getForcedRootBlock(editor) !== '';
9201      };
9202      var getCustomUndoRedoLevels = function (editor) {
9203        return editor.getParam('custom_undo_redo_levels', 0, 'number');
9204      };
9205      var shouldDisableNodeChange = function (editor) {
9206        return editor.getParam('disable_nodechange');
9207      };
9208      var isReadOnly$1 = function (editor) {
9209        return editor.getParam('readonly');
9210      };
9211      var hasContentCssCors = function (editor) {
9212        return editor.getParam('content_css_cors');
9213      };
9214      var getPlugins = function (editor) {
9215        return editor.getParam('plugins', '', 'string');
9216      };
9217      var getExternalPlugins$1 = function (editor) {
9218        return editor.getParam('external_plugins');
9219      };
9220      var shouldBlockUnsupportedDrop = function (editor) {
9221        return editor.getParam('block_unsupported_drop', true, 'boolean');
9222      };
9223      var isVisualAidsEnabled = function (editor) {
9224        return editor.getParam('visual', true, 'boolean');
9225      };
9226      var getVisualAidsTableClass = function (editor) {
9227        return editor.getParam('visual_table_class', 'mce-item-table', 'string');
9228      };
9229      var getVisualAidsAnchorClass = function (editor) {
9230        return editor.getParam('visual_anchor_class', 'mce-item-anchor', 'string');
9231      };
9232      var getIframeAriaText = function (editor) {
9233        return editor.getParam('iframe_aria_text', 'Rich Text Area. Press ALT-0 for help.', 'string');
9234      };
9236      var isElement$2 = isElement$5;
9237      var isText$2 = isText$7;
9238      var removeNode$1 = function (node) {
9239        var parentNode = node.parentNode;
9240        if (parentNode) {
9241          parentNode.removeChild(node);
9242        }
9243      };
9244      var trimCount = function (text) {
9245        var trimmedText = trim$2(text);
9246        return {
9247          count: text.length - trimmedText.length,
9248          text: trimmedText
9249        };
9250      };
9251      var deleteZwspChars = function (caretContainer) {
9252        var idx;
9253        while ((idx = caretContainer.data.lastIndexOf(ZWSP$1)) !== -1) {
9254          caretContainer.deleteData(idx, 1);
9255        }
9256      };
9257      var removeUnchanged = function (caretContainer, pos) {
9258        remove$2(caretContainer);
9259        return pos;
9260      };
9261      var removeTextAndReposition = function (caretContainer, pos) {
9262        var before = trimCount(caretContainer.data.substr(0, pos.offset()));
9263        var after = trimCount(caretContainer.data.substr(pos.offset()));
9264        var text = before.text + after.text;
9265        if (text.length > 0) {
9266          deleteZwspChars(caretContainer);
9267          return CaretPosition(caretContainer, pos.offset() - before.count);
9268        } else {
9269          return pos;
9270        }
9271      };
9272      var removeElementAndReposition = function (caretContainer, pos) {
9273        var parentNode = pos.container();
9274        var newPosition = indexOf$2(from(parentNode.childNodes), caretContainer).map(function (index) {
9275          return index < pos.offset() ? CaretPosition(parentNode, pos.offset() - 1) : pos;
9276        }).getOr(pos);
9277        remove$2(caretContainer);
9278        return newPosition;
9279      };
9280      var removeTextCaretContainer = function (caretContainer, pos) {
9281        return isText$2(caretContainer) && pos.container() === caretContainer ? removeTextAndReposition(caretContainer, pos) : removeUnchanged(caretContainer, pos);
9282      };
9283      var removeElementCaretContainer = function (caretContainer, pos) {
9284        return pos.container() === caretContainer.parentNode ? removeElementAndReposition(caretContainer, pos) : removeUnchanged(caretContainer, pos);
9285      };
9286      var removeAndReposition = function (container, pos) {
9287        return CaretPosition.isTextPosition(pos) ? removeTextCaretContainer(container, pos) : removeElementCaretContainer(container, pos);
9288      };
9289      var remove$2 = function (caretContainerNode) {
9290        if (isElement$2(caretContainerNode) && isCaretContainer$2(caretContainerNode)) {
9291          if (hasContent(caretContainerNode)) {
9292            caretContainerNode.removeAttribute('data-mce-caret');
9293          } else {
9294            removeNode$1(caretContainerNode);
9295          }
9296        }
9297        if (isText$2(caretContainerNode)) {
9298          deleteZwspChars(caretContainerNode);
9299          if (caretContainerNode.data.length === 0) {
9300            removeNode$1(caretContainerNode);
9301          }
9302        }
9303      };
9305      var browser$2 = detect().browser;
9306      var isContentEditableFalse$8 = isContentEditableFalse$b;
9307      var isMedia$1 = isMedia$2;
9308      var isTableCell$3 = isTableCell$5;
9309      var inlineFakeCaretSelector = '*[contentEditable=false],video,audio,embed,object';
9310      var getAbsoluteClientRect = function (root, element, before) {
9311        var clientRect = collapse(element.getBoundingClientRect(), before);
9312        var scrollX;
9313        var scrollY;
9314        if (root.tagName === 'BODY') {
9315          var docElm = root.ownerDocument.documentElement;
9316          scrollX = root.scrollLeft || docElm.scrollLeft;
9317          scrollY = root.scrollTop || docElm.scrollTop;
9318        } else {
9319          var rootRect = root.getBoundingClientRect();
9320          scrollX = root.scrollLeft - rootRect.left;
9321          scrollY = root.scrollTop - rootRect.top;
9322        }
9323        clientRect.left += scrollX;
9324        clientRect.right += scrollX;
9325        clientRect.top += scrollY;
9326        clientRect.bottom += scrollY;
9327        clientRect.width = 1;
9328        var margin = element.offsetWidth - element.clientWidth;
9329        if (margin > 0) {
9330          if (before) {
9331            margin *= -1;
9332          }
9333          clientRect.left += margin;
9334          clientRect.right += margin;
9335        }
9336        return clientRect;
9337      };
9338      var trimInlineCaretContainers = function (root) {
9339        var fakeCaretTargetNodes = descendants(SugarElement.fromDom(root), inlineFakeCaretSelector);
9340        for (var i = 0; i < fakeCaretTargetNodes.length; i++) {
9341          var node = fakeCaretTargetNodes[i].dom;
9342          var sibling = node.previousSibling;
9343          if (endsWithCaretContainer$1(sibling)) {
9344            var data = sibling.data;
9345            if (data.length === 1) {
9346              sibling.parentNode.removeChild(sibling);
9347            } else {
9348              sibling.deleteData(data.length - 1, 1);
9349            }
9350          }
9351          sibling = node.nextSibling;
9352          if (startsWithCaretContainer$1(sibling)) {
9353            var data = sibling.data;
9354            if (data.length === 1) {
9355              sibling.parentNode.removeChild(sibling);
9356            } else {
9357              sibling.deleteData(0, 1);
9358            }
9359          }
9360        }
9361      };
9362      var FakeCaret = function (editor, root, isBlock, hasFocus) {
9363        var lastVisualCaret = value();
9364        var cursorInterval;
9365        var caretContainerNode;
9366        var rootBlock = getForcedRootBlock(editor);
9367        var caretBlock = rootBlock.length > 0 ? rootBlock : 'p';
9368        var show = function (before, element) {
9369          var rng;
9370          hide();
9371          if (isTableCell$3(element)) {
9372            return null;
9373          }
9374          if (isBlock(element)) {
9375            caretContainerNode = insertBlock$1(caretBlock, element, before);
9376            var clientRect = getAbsoluteClientRect(root, element, before);
9377            DomQuery(caretContainerNode).css('top', clientRect.top);
9378            var caret = DomQuery('<div class="mce-visual-caret" data-mce-bogus="all"></div>').css(__assign({}, clientRect)).appendTo(root)[0];
9379            lastVisualCaret.set({
9380              caret: caret,
9381              element: element,
9382              before: before
9383            });
9384            if (before) {
9385              DomQuery(caret).addClass('mce-visual-caret-before');
9386            }
9387            startBlink();
9388            rng = element.ownerDocument.createRange();
9389            rng.setStart(caretContainerNode, 0);
9390            rng.setEnd(caretContainerNode, 0);
9391          } else {
9392            caretContainerNode = insertInline$1(element, before);
9393            rng = element.ownerDocument.createRange();
9394            if (isInlineFakeCaretTarget(caretContainerNode.nextSibling)) {
9395              rng.setStart(caretContainerNode, 0);
9396              rng.setEnd(caretContainerNode, 0);
9397            } else {
9398              rng.setStart(caretContainerNode, 1);
9399              rng.setEnd(caretContainerNode, 1);
9400            }
9401            return rng;
9402          }
9403          return rng;
9404        };
9405        var hide = function () {
9406          trimInlineCaretContainers(root);
9407          if (caretContainerNode) {
9408            remove$2(caretContainerNode);
9409            caretContainerNode = null;
9410          }
9411          lastVisualCaret.on(function (caretState) {
9412            DomQuery(caretState.caret).remove();
9413            lastVisualCaret.clear();
9414          });
9415          if (cursorInterval) {
9416            Delay.clearInterval(cursorInterval);
9417            cursorInterval = undefined;
9418          }
9419        };
9420        var startBlink = function () {
9421          cursorInterval = Delay.setInterval(function () {
9422            if (hasFocus()) {
9423              DomQuery('div.mce-visual-caret', root).toggleClass('mce-visual-caret-hidden');
9424            } else {
9425              DomQuery('div.mce-visual-caret', root).addClass('mce-visual-caret-hidden');
9426            }
9427          }, 500);
9428        };
9429        var reposition = function () {
9430          lastVisualCaret.on(function (caretState) {
9431            var clientRect = getAbsoluteClientRect(root, caretState.element, caretState.before);
9432            DomQuery(caretState.caret).css(__assign({}, clientRect));
9433          });
9434        };
9435        var destroy = function () {
9436          return Delay.clearInterval(cursorInterval);
9437        };
9438        var getCss = function () {
9439          return '.mce-visual-caret {' + 'position: absolute;' + 'background-color: black;' + 'background-color: currentcolor;' + '}' + '.mce-visual-caret-hidden {' + 'display: none;' + '}' + '*[data-mce-caret] {' + 'position: absolute;' + 'left: -1000px;' + 'right: auto;' + 'top: 0;' + 'margin: 0;' + 'padding: 0;' + '}';
9440        };
9441        return {
9442          show: show,
9443          hide: hide,
9444          getCss: getCss,
9445          reposition: reposition,
9446          destroy: destroy
9447        };
9448      };
9449      var isFakeCaretTableBrowser = function () {
9450        return browser$2.isIE() || browser$2.isEdge() || browser$2.isFirefox();
9451      };
9452      var isInlineFakeCaretTarget = function (node) {
9453        return isContentEditableFalse$8(node) || isMedia$1(node);
9454      };
9455      var isFakeCaretTarget = function (node) {
9456        return isInlineFakeCaretTarget(node) || isTable$3(node) && isFakeCaretTableBrowser();
9457      };
9459      var isContentEditableFalse$7 = isContentEditableFalse$b;
9460      var isMedia = isMedia$2;
9461      var isBlockLike = matchStyleValues('display', 'block table table-cell table-caption list-item');
9462      var isCaretContainer = isCaretContainer$2;
9463      var isCaretContainerBlock = isCaretContainerBlock$1;
9464      var isElement$1 = isElement$5;
9465      var isCaretCandidate$1 = isCaretCandidate$3;
9466      var isForwards = function (direction) {
9467        return direction > 0;
9468      };
9469      var isBackwards = function (direction) {
9470        return direction < 0;
9471      };
9472      var skipCaretContainers = function (walk, shallow) {
9473        var node;
9474        while (node = walk(shallow)) {
9475          if (!isCaretContainerBlock(node)) {
9476            return node;
9477          }
9478        }
9479        return null;
9480      };
9481      var findNode$1 = function (node, direction, predicateFn, rootNode, shallow) {
9482        var walker = new DomTreeWalker(node, rootNode);
9483        var isCefOrCaretContainer = isContentEditableFalse$7(node) || isCaretContainerBlock(node);
9484        if (isBackwards(direction)) {
9485          if (isCefOrCaretContainer) {
9486            node = skipCaretContainers(walker.prev.bind(walker), true);
9487            if (predicateFn(node)) {
9488              return node;
9489            }
9490          }
9491          while (node = skipCaretContainers(walker.prev.bind(walker), shallow)) {
9492            if (predicateFn(node)) {
9493              return node;
9494            }
9495          }
9496        }
9497        if (isForwards(direction)) {
9498          if (isCefOrCaretContainer) {
9499            node = skipCaretContainers(walker.next.bind(walker), true);
9500            if (predicateFn(node)) {
9501              return node;
9502            }
9503          }
9504          while (node = skipCaretContainers(walker.next.bind(walker), shallow)) {
9505            if (predicateFn(node)) {
9506              return node;
9507            }
9508          }
9509        }
9510        return null;
9511      };
9512      var getParentBlock$2 = function (node, rootNode) {
9513        while (node && node !== rootNode) {
9514          if (isBlockLike(node)) {
9515            return node;
9516          }
9517          node = node.parentNode;
9518        }
9519        return null;
9520      };
9521      var isInSameBlock = function (caretPosition1, caretPosition2, rootNode) {
9522        return getParentBlock$2(caretPosition1.container(), rootNode) === getParentBlock$2(caretPosition2.container(), rootNode);
9523      };
9524      var getChildNodeAtRelativeOffset = function (relativeOffset, caretPosition) {
9525        if (!caretPosition) {
9526          return null;
9527        }
9528        var container = caretPosition.container();
9529        var offset = caretPosition.offset();
9530        if (!isElement$1(container)) {
9531          return null;
9532        }
9533        return container.childNodes[offset + relativeOffset];
9534      };
9535      var beforeAfter = function (before, node) {
9536        var range = node.ownerDocument.createRange();
9537        if (before) {
9538          range.setStartBefore(node);
9539          range.setEndBefore(node);
9540        } else {
9541          range.setStartAfter(node);
9542          range.setEndAfter(node);
9543        }
9544        return range;
9545      };
9546      var isNodesInSameBlock = function (root, node1, node2) {
9547        return getParentBlock$2(node1, root) === getParentBlock$2(node2, root);
9548      };
9549      var lean = function (left, root, node) {
9550        var siblingName = left ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling';
9551        while (node && node !== root) {
9552          var sibling = node[siblingName];
9553          if (isCaretContainer(sibling)) {
9554            sibling = sibling[siblingName];
9555          }
9556          if (isContentEditableFalse$7(sibling) || isMedia(sibling)) {
9557            if (isNodesInSameBlock(root, sibling, node)) {
9558              return sibling;
9559            }
9560            break;
9561          }
9562          if (isCaretCandidate$1(sibling)) {
9563            break;
9564          }
9565          node = node.parentNode;
9566        }
9567        return null;
9568      };
9569      var before$2 = curry(beforeAfter, true);
9570      var after$2 = curry(beforeAfter, false);
9571      var normalizeRange = function (direction, root, range) {
9572        var node;
9573        var leanLeft = curry(lean, true, root);
9574        var leanRight = curry(lean, false, root);
9575        var container = range.startContainer;
9576        var offset = range.startOffset;
9577        if (isCaretContainerBlock$1(container)) {
9578          if (!isElement$1(container)) {
9579            container = container.parentNode;
9580          }
9581          var location_1 = container.getAttribute('data-mce-caret');
9582          if (location_1 === 'before') {
9583            node = container.nextSibling;
9584            if (isFakeCaretTarget(node)) {
9585              return before$2(node);
9586            }
9587          }
9588          if (location_1 === 'after') {
9589            node = container.previousSibling;
9590            if (isFakeCaretTarget(node)) {
9591              return after$2(node);
9592            }
9593          }
9594        }
9595        if (!range.collapsed) {
9596          return range;
9597        }
9598        if (isText$7(container)) {
9599          if (isCaretContainer(container)) {
9600            if (direction === 1) {
9601              node = leanRight(container);
9602              if (node) {
9603                return before$2(node);
9604              }
9605              node = leanLeft(container);
9606              if (node) {
9607                return after$2(node);
9608              }
9609            }
9610            if (direction === -1) {
9611              node = leanLeft(container);
9612              if (node) {
9613                return after$2(node);
9614              }
9615              node = leanRight(container);
9616              if (node) {
9617                return before$2(node);
9618              }
9619            }
9620            return range;
9621          }
9622          if (endsWithCaretContainer$1(container) && offset >= container.data.length - 1) {
9623            if (direction === 1) {
9624              node = leanRight(container);
9625              if (node) {
9626                return before$2(node);
9627              }
9628            }
9629            return range;
9630          }
9631          if (startsWithCaretContainer$1(container) && offset <= 1) {
9632            if (direction === -1) {
9633              node = leanLeft(container);
9634              if (node) {
9635                return after$2(node);
9636              }
9637            }
9638            return range;
9639          }
9640          if (offset === container.data.length) {
9641            node = leanRight(container);
9642            if (node) {
9643              return before$2(node);
9644            }
9645            return range;
9646          }
9647          if (offset === 0) {
9648            node = leanLeft(container);
9649            if (node) {
9650              return after$2(node);
9651            }
9652            return range;
9653          }
9654        }
9655        return range;
9656      };
9657      var getRelativeCefElm = function (forward, caretPosition) {
9658        return Optional.from(getChildNodeAtRelativeOffset(forward ? 0 : -1, caretPosition)).filter(isContentEditableFalse$7);
9659      };
9660      var getNormalizedRangeEndPoint = function (direction, root, range) {
9661        var normalizedRange = normalizeRange(direction, root, range);
9662        if (direction === -1) {
9663          return CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(normalizedRange);
9664        }
9665        return CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd(normalizedRange);
9666      };
9667      var getElementFromPosition = function (pos) {
9668        return Optional.from(pos.getNode()).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
9669      };
9670      var getElementFromPrevPosition = function (pos) {
9671        return Optional.from(pos.getNode(true)).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
9672      };
9673      var getVisualCaretPosition = function (walkFn, caretPosition) {
9674        while (caretPosition = walkFn(caretPosition)) {
9675          if (caretPosition.isVisible()) {
9676            return caretPosition;
9677          }
9678        }
9679        return caretPosition;
9680      };
9681      var isMoveInsideSameBlock = function (from, to) {
9682        var inSameBlock = isInSameBlock(from, to);
9683        if (!inSameBlock && isBr$5(from.getNode())) {
9684          return true;
9685        }
9686        return inSameBlock;
9687      };
9689      var HDirection;
9690      (function (HDirection) {
9691        HDirection[HDirection['Backwards'] = -1] = 'Backwards';
9692        HDirection[HDirection['Forwards'] = 1] = 'Forwards';
9693      }(HDirection || (HDirection = {})));
9694      var isContentEditableFalse$6 = isContentEditableFalse$b;
9695      var isText$1 = isText$7;
9696      var isElement = isElement$5;
9697      var isBr$1 = isBr$5;
9698      var isCaretCandidate = isCaretCandidate$3;
9699      var isAtomic = isAtomic$1;
9700      var isEditableCaretCandidate = isEditableCaretCandidate$1;
9701      var getParents$3 = function (node, root) {
9702        var parents = [];
9703        while (node && node !== root) {
9704          parents.push(node);
9705          node = node.parentNode;
9706        }
9707        return parents;
9708      };
9709      var nodeAtIndex = function (container, offset) {
9710        if (container.hasChildNodes() && offset < container.childNodes.length) {
9711          return container.childNodes[offset];
9712        }
9713        return null;
9714      };
9715      var getCaretCandidatePosition = function (direction, node) {
9716        if (isForwards(direction)) {
9717          if (isCaretCandidate(node.previousSibling) && !isText$1(node.previousSibling)) {
9718            return CaretPosition.before(node);
9719          }
9720          if (isText$1(node)) {
9721            return CaretPosition(node, 0);
9722          }
9723        }
9724        if (isBackwards(direction)) {
9725          if (isCaretCandidate(node.nextSibling) && !isText$1(node.nextSibling)) {
9726            return CaretPosition.after(node);
9727          }
9728          if (isText$1(node)) {
9729            return CaretPosition(node, node.data.length);
9730          }
9731        }
9732        if (isBackwards(direction)) {
9733          if (isBr$1(node)) {
9734            return CaretPosition.before(node);
9735          }
9736          return CaretPosition.after(node);
9737        }
9738        return CaretPosition.before(node);
9739      };
9740      var moveForwardFromBr = function (root, nextNode) {
9741        var nextSibling = nextNode.nextSibling;
9742        if (nextSibling && isCaretCandidate(nextSibling)) {
9743          if (isText$1(nextSibling)) {
9744            return CaretPosition(nextSibling, 0);
9745          } else {
9746            return CaretPosition.before(nextSibling);
9747          }
9748        } else {
9749          return findCaretPosition$1(HDirection.Forwards, CaretPosition.after(nextNode), root);
9750        }
9751      };
9752      var findCaretPosition$1 = function (direction, startPos, root) {
9753        var node;
9754        var nextNode;
9755        var innerNode;
9756        var caretPosition;
9757        if (!isElement(root) || !startPos) {
9758          return null;
9759        }
9760        if (startPos.isEqual(CaretPosition.after(root)) && root.lastChild) {
9761          caretPosition = CaretPosition.after(root.lastChild);
9762          if (isBackwards(direction) && isCaretCandidate(root.lastChild) && isElement(root.lastChild)) {
9763            return isBr$1(root.lastChild) ? CaretPosition.before(root.lastChild) : caretPosition;
9764          }
9765        } else {
9766          caretPosition = startPos;
9767        }
9768        var container = caretPosition.container();
9769        var offset = caretPosition.offset();
9770        if (isText$1(container)) {
9771          if (isBackwards(direction) && offset > 0) {
9772            return CaretPosition(container, --offset);
9773          }
9774          if (isForwards(direction) && offset < container.length) {
9775            return CaretPosition(container, ++offset);
9776          }
9777          node = container;
9778        } else {
9779          if (isBackwards(direction) && offset > 0) {
9780            nextNode = nodeAtIndex(container, offset - 1);
9781            if (isCaretCandidate(nextNode)) {
9782              if (!isAtomic(nextNode)) {
9783                innerNode = findNode$1(nextNode, direction, isEditableCaretCandidate, nextNode);
9784                if (innerNode) {
9785                  if (isText$1(innerNode)) {
9786                    return CaretPosition(innerNode, innerNode.data.length);
9787                  }
9788                  return CaretPosition.after(innerNode);
9789                }
9790              }
9791              if (isText$1(nextNode)) {
9792                return CaretPosition(nextNode, nextNode.data.length);
9793              }
9794              return CaretPosition.before(nextNode);
9795            }
9796          }
9797          if (isForwards(direction) && offset < container.childNodes.length) {
9798            nextNode = nodeAtIndex(container, offset);
9799            if (isCaretCandidate(nextNode)) {
9800              if (isBr$1(nextNode)) {
9801                return moveForwardFromBr(root, nextNode);
9802              }
9803              if (!isAtomic(nextNode)) {
9804                innerNode = findNode$1(nextNode, direction, isEditableCaretCandidate, nextNode);
9805                if (innerNode) {
9806                  if (isText$1(innerNode)) {
9807                    return CaretPosition(innerNode, 0);
9808                  }
9809                  return CaretPosition.before(innerNode);
9810                }
9811              }
9812              if (isText$1(nextNode)) {
9813                return CaretPosition(nextNode, 0);
9814              }
9815              return CaretPosition.after(nextNode);
9816            }
9817          }
9818          node = nextNode ? nextNode : caretPosition.getNode();
9819        }
9820        if (isForwards(direction) && caretPosition.isAtEnd() || isBackwards(direction) && caretPosition.isAtStart()) {
9821          node = findNode$1(node, direction, always, root, true);
9822          if (isEditableCaretCandidate(node, root)) {
9823            return getCaretCandidatePosition(direction, node);
9824          }
9825        }
9826        nextNode = findNode$1(node, direction, isEditableCaretCandidate, root);
9827        var rootContentEditableFalseElm = last$1(filter$4(getParents$3(container, root), isContentEditableFalse$6));
9828        if (rootContentEditableFalseElm && (!nextNode || !rootContentEditableFalseElm.contains(nextNode))) {
9829          if (isForwards(direction)) {
9830            caretPosition = CaretPosition.after(rootContentEditableFalseElm);
9831          } else {
9832            caretPosition = CaretPosition.before(rootContentEditableFalseElm);
9833          }
9834          return caretPosition;
9835        }
9836        if (nextNode) {
9837          return getCaretCandidatePosition(direction, nextNode);
9838        }
9839        return null;
9840      };
9841      var CaretWalker = function (root) {
9842        return {
9843          next: function (caretPosition) {
9844            return findCaretPosition$1(HDirection.Forwards, caretPosition, root);
9845          },
9846          prev: function (caretPosition) {
9847            return findCaretPosition$1(HDirection.Backwards, caretPosition, root);
9848          }
9849        };
9850      };
9852      var walkToPositionIn = function (forward, root, start) {
9853        var position = forward ? CaretPosition.before(start) : CaretPosition.after(start);
9854        return fromPosition(forward, root, position);
9855      };
9856      var afterElement = function (node) {
9857        return isBr$5(node) ? CaretPosition.before(node) : CaretPosition.after(node);
9858      };
9859      var isBeforeOrStart = function (position) {
9860        if (CaretPosition.isTextPosition(position)) {
9861          return position.offset() === 0;
9862        } else {
9863          return isCaretCandidate$3(position.getNode());
9864        }
9865      };
9866      var isAfterOrEnd = function (position) {
9867        if (CaretPosition.isTextPosition(position)) {
9868          var container = position.container();
9869          return position.offset() === container.data.length;
9870        } else {
9871          return isCaretCandidate$3(position.getNode(true));
9872        }
9873      };
9874      var isBeforeAfterSameElement = function (from, to) {
9875        return !CaretPosition.isTextPosition(from) && !CaretPosition.isTextPosition(to) && from.getNode() === to.getNode(true);
9876      };
9877      var isAtBr = function (position) {
9878        return !CaretPosition.isTextPosition(position) && isBr$5(position.getNode());
9879      };
9880      var shouldSkipPosition = function (forward, from, to) {
9881        if (forward) {
9882          return !isBeforeAfterSameElement(from, to) && !isAtBr(from) && isAfterOrEnd(from) && isBeforeOrStart(to);
9883        } else {
9884          return !isBeforeAfterSameElement(to, from) && isBeforeOrStart(from) && isAfterOrEnd(to);
9885        }
9886      };
9887      var fromPosition = function (forward, root, pos) {
9888        var walker = CaretWalker(root);
9889        return Optional.from(forward ? walker.next(pos) : walker.prev(pos));
9890      };
9891      var navigate = function (forward, root, from) {
9892        return fromPosition(forward, root, from).bind(function (to) {
9893          if (isInSameBlock(from, to, root) && shouldSkipPosition(forward, from, to)) {
9894            return fromPosition(forward, root, to);
9895          } else {
9896            return Optional.some(to);
9897          }
9898        });
9899      };
9900      var navigateIgnore = function (forward, root, from, ignoreFilter) {
9901        return navigate(forward, root, from).bind(function (pos) {
9902          return ignoreFilter(pos) ? navigateIgnore(forward, root, pos, ignoreFilter) : Optional.some(pos);
9903        });
9904      };
9905      var positionIn = function (forward, element) {
9906        var startNode = forward ? element.firstChild : element.lastChild;
9907        if (isText$7(startNode)) {
9908          return Optional.some(CaretPosition(startNode, forward ? 0 : startNode.data.length));
9909        } else if (startNode) {
9910          if (isCaretCandidate$3(startNode)) {
9911            return Optional.some(forward ? CaretPosition.before(startNode) : afterElement(startNode));
9912          } else {
9913            return walkToPositionIn(forward, element, startNode);
9914          }
9915        } else {
9916          return Optional.none();
9917        }
9918      };
9919      var nextPosition = curry(fromPosition, true);
9920      var prevPosition = curry(fromPosition, false);
9921      var firstPositionIn = curry(positionIn, true);
9922      var lastPositionIn = curry(positionIn, false);
9924      var CARET_ID$1 = '_mce_caret';
9925      var isCaretNode = function (node) {
9926        return isElement$5(node) && node.id === CARET_ID$1;
9927      };
9928      var getParentCaretContainer = function (body, node) {
9929        while (node && node !== body) {
9930          if (node.id === CARET_ID$1) {
9931            return node;
9932          }
9933          node = node.parentNode;
9934        }
9935        return null;
9936      };
9938      var isStringPathBookmark = function (bookmark) {
9939        return isString$1(bookmark.start);
9940      };
9941      var isRangeBookmark = function (bookmark) {
9942        return has$2(bookmark, 'rng');
9943      };
9944      var isIdBookmark = function (bookmark) {
9945        return has$2(bookmark, 'id');
9946      };
9947      var isIndexBookmark = function (bookmark) {
9948        return has$2(bookmark, 'name');
9949      };
9950      var isPathBookmark = function (bookmark) {
9951        return Tools.isArray(bookmark.start);
9952      };
9954      var addBogus = function (dom, node) {
9955        if (isElement$5(node) && dom.isBlock(node) && !node.innerHTML && !Env.ie) {
9956          node.innerHTML = '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />';
9957        }
9958        return node;
9959      };
9960      var resolveCaretPositionBookmark = function (dom, bookmark) {
9961        var pos;
9962        var rng = dom.createRng();
9963        pos = resolve$2(dom.getRoot(), bookmark.start);
9964        rng.setStart(pos.container(), pos.offset());
9965        pos = resolve$2(dom.getRoot(), bookmark.end);
9966        rng.setEnd(pos.container(), pos.offset());
9967        return rng;
9968      };
9969      var insertZwsp = function (node, rng) {
9970        var textNode = node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(ZWSP$1);
9971        node.appendChild(textNode);
9972        rng.setStart(textNode, 0);
9973        rng.setEnd(textNode, 0);
9974      };
9975      var isEmpty$1 = function (node) {
9976        return node.hasChildNodes() === false;
9977      };
9978      var tryFindRangePosition = function (node, rng) {
9979        return lastPositionIn(node).fold(never, function (pos) {
9980          rng.setStart(pos.container(), pos.offset());
9981          rng.setEnd(pos.container(), pos.offset());
9982          return true;
9983        });
9984      };
9985      var padEmptyCaretContainer = function (root, node, rng) {
9986        if (isEmpty$1(node) && getParentCaretContainer(root, node)) {
9987          insertZwsp(node, rng);
9988          return true;
9989        } else {
9990          return false;
9991        }
9992      };
9993      var setEndPoint = function (dom, start, bookmark, rng) {
9994        var point = bookmark[start ? 'start' : 'end'];
9995        var i, node, offset, children;
9996        var root = dom.getRoot();
9997        if (point) {
9998          offset = point[0];
9999          for (node = root, i = point.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
10000            children = node.childNodes;
10001            if (padEmptyCaretContainer(root, node, rng)) {
10002              return true;
10003            }
10004            if (point[i] > children.length - 1) {
10005              if (padEmptyCaretContainer(root, node, rng)) {
10006                return true;
10007              }
10008              return tryFindRangePosition(node, rng);
10009            }
10010            node = children[point[i]];
10011          }
10012          if (node.nodeType === 3) {
10013            offset = Math.min(point[0], node.nodeValue.length);
10014          }
10015          if (node.nodeType === 1) {
10016            offset = Math.min(point[0], node.childNodes.length);
10017          }
10018          if (start) {
10019            rng.setStart(node, offset);
10020          } else {
10021            rng.setEnd(node, offset);
10022          }
10023        }
10024        return true;
10025      };
10026      var isValidTextNode = function (node) {
10027        return isText$7(node) && node.data.length > 0;
10028      };
10029      var restoreEndPoint = function (dom, suffix, bookmark) {
10030        var marker = dom.get(bookmark.id + '_' + suffix), node, idx, next, prev;
10031        var keep = bookmark.keep;
10032        var container, offset;
10033        if (marker) {
10034          node = marker.parentNode;
10035          if (suffix === 'start') {
10036            if (!keep) {
10037              idx = dom.nodeIndex(marker);
10038            } else {
10039              if (marker.hasChildNodes()) {
10040                node = marker.firstChild;
10041                idx = 1;
10042              } else if (isValidTextNode(marker.nextSibling)) {
10043                node = marker.nextSibling;
10044                idx = 0;
10045              } else if (isValidTextNode(marker.previousSibling)) {
10046                node = marker.previousSibling;
10047                idx = marker.previousSibling.data.length;
10048              } else {
10049                node = marker.parentNode;
10050                idx = dom.nodeIndex(marker) + 1;
10051              }
10052            }
10053            container = node;
10054            offset = idx;
10055          } else {
10056            if (!keep) {
10057              idx = dom.nodeIndex(marker);
10058            } else {
10059              if (marker.hasChildNodes()) {
10060                node = marker.firstChild;
10061                idx = 1;
10062              } else if (isValidTextNode(marker.previousSibling)) {
10063                node = marker.previousSibling;
10064                idx = marker.previousSibling.data.length;
10065              } else {
10066                node = marker.parentNode;
10067                idx = dom.nodeIndex(marker);
10068              }
10069            }
10070            container = node;
10071            offset = idx;
10072          }
10073          if (!keep) {
10074            prev = marker.previousSibling;
10075            next = marker.nextSibling;
10076            Tools.each(Tools.grep(marker.childNodes), function (node) {
10077              if (isText$7(node)) {
10078                node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/\uFEFF/g, '');
10079              }
10080            });
10081            while (marker = dom.get(bookmark.id + '_' + suffix)) {
10082              dom.remove(marker, true);
10083            }
10084            if (prev && next && prev.nodeType === next.nodeType && isText$7(prev) && !Env.opera) {
10085              idx = prev.nodeValue.length;
10086              prev.appendData(next.nodeValue);
10087              dom.remove(next);
10088              container = prev;
10089              offset = idx;
10090            }
10091          }
10092          return Optional.some(CaretPosition(container, offset));
10093        } else {
10094          return Optional.none();
10095        }
10096      };
10097      var resolvePaths = function (dom, bookmark) {
10098        var rng = dom.createRng();
10099        if (setEndPoint(dom, true, bookmark, rng) && setEndPoint(dom, false, bookmark, rng)) {
10100          return Optional.some(rng);
10101        } else {
10102          return Optional.none();
10103        }
10104      };
10105      var resolveId = function (dom, bookmark) {
10106        var startPos = restoreEndPoint(dom, 'start', bookmark);
10107        var endPos = restoreEndPoint(dom, 'end', bookmark);
10108        return lift2(startPos, endPos.or(startPos), function (spos, epos) {
10109          var rng = dom.createRng();
10110          rng.setStart(addBogus(dom, spos.container()), spos.offset());
10111          rng.setEnd(addBogus(dom, epos.container()), epos.offset());
10112          return rng;
10113        });
10114      };
10115      var resolveIndex = function (dom, bookmark) {
10116        return Optional.from(dom.select(bookmark.name)[bookmark.index]).map(function (elm) {
10117          var rng = dom.createRng();
10118          rng.selectNode(elm);
10119          return rng;
10120        });
10121      };
10122      var resolve$1 = function (selection, bookmark) {
10123        var dom = selection.dom;
10124        if (bookmark) {
10125          if (isPathBookmark(bookmark)) {
10126            return resolvePaths(dom, bookmark);
10127          } else if (isStringPathBookmark(bookmark)) {
10128            return Optional.some(resolveCaretPositionBookmark(dom, bookmark));
10129          } else if (isIdBookmark(bookmark)) {
10130            return resolveId(dom, bookmark);
10131          } else if (isIndexBookmark(bookmark)) {
10132            return resolveIndex(dom, bookmark);
10133          } else if (isRangeBookmark(bookmark)) {
10134            return Optional.some(bookmark.rng);
10135          }
10136        }
10137        return Optional.none();
10138      };
10140      var getBookmark$1 = function (selection, type, normalized) {
10141        return getBookmark$2(selection, type, normalized);
10142      };
10143      var moveToBookmark = function (selection, bookmark) {
10144        resolve$1(selection, bookmark).each(function (rng) {
10145          selection.setRng(rng);
10146        });
10147      };
10148      var isBookmarkNode$1 = function (node) {
10149        return isElement$5(node) && node.tagName === 'SPAN' && node.getAttribute('data-mce-type') === 'bookmark';
10150      };
10152      var is = function (expected) {
10153        return function (actual) {
10154          return expected === actual;
10155        };
10156      };
10157      var isNbsp = is(nbsp);
10158      var isWhiteSpace = function (chr) {
10159        return chr !== '' && ' \f\n\r\t\x0B'.indexOf(chr) !== -1;
10160      };
10161      var isContent = function (chr) {
10162        return !isWhiteSpace(chr) && !isNbsp(chr);
10163      };
10165      var isNode = function (node) {
10166        return !!node.nodeType;
10167      };
10168      var isInlineBlock = function (node) {
10169        return node && /^(IMG)$/.test(node.nodeName);
10170      };
10171      var moveStart = function (dom, selection, rng) {
10172        var offset = rng.startOffset;
10173        var container = rng.startContainer;
10174        if (container === rng.endContainer) {
10175          if (isInlineBlock(container.childNodes[offset])) {
10176            return;
10177          }
10178        }
10179        if (isElement$5(container)) {
10180          var nodes = container.childNodes;
10181          var walker = void 0;
10182          if (offset < nodes.length) {
10183            container = nodes[offset];
10184            walker = new DomTreeWalker(container, dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock));
10185          } else {
10186            container = nodes[nodes.length - 1];
10187            walker = new DomTreeWalker(container, dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock));
10188            walker.next(true);
10189          }
10190          for (var node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.next()) {
10191            if (isText$7(node) && !isWhiteSpaceNode$1(node)) {
10192              rng.setStart(node, 0);
10193              selection.setRng(rng);
10194              return;
10195            }
10196          }
10197        }
10198      };
10199      var getNonWhiteSpaceSibling = function (node, next, inc) {
10200        if (node) {
10201          var nextName = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';
10202          for (node = inc ? node : node[nextName]; node; node = node[nextName]) {
10203            if (isElement$5(node) || !isWhiteSpaceNode$1(node)) {
10204              return node;
10205            }
10206          }
10207        }
10208      };
10209      var isTextBlock$1 = function (editor, name) {
10210        if (isNode(name)) {
10211          name = name.nodeName;
10212        }
10213        return !!editor.schema.getTextBlockElements()[name.toLowerCase()];
10214      };
10215      var isValid = function (ed, parent, child) {
10216        return ed.schema.isValidChild(parent, child);
10217      };
10218      var isWhiteSpaceNode$1 = function (node, allowSpaces) {
10219        if (allowSpaces === void 0) {
10220          allowSpaces = false;
10221        }
10222        if (isNonNullable(node) && isText$7(node)) {
10223          var data = allowSpaces ? node.data.replace(/ /g, '\xA0') : node.data;
10224          return isWhitespaceText(data);
10225        } else {
10226          return false;
10227        }
10228      };
10229      var isEmptyTextNode$1 = function (node) {
10230        return isNonNullable(node) && isText$7(node) && node.length === 0;
10231      };
10232      var replaceVars = function (value, vars) {
10233        if (isFunction(value)) {
10234          value = value(vars);
10235        } else if (isNonNullable(vars)) {
10236          value = value.replace(/%(\w+)/g, function (str, name) {
10237            return vars[name] || str;
10238          });
10239        }
10240        return value;
10241      };
10242      var isEq$5 = function (str1, str2) {
10243        str1 = str1 || '';
10244        str2 = str2 || '';
10245        str1 = '' + (str1.nodeName || str1);
10246        str2 = '' + (str2.nodeName || str2);
10247        return str1.toLowerCase() === str2.toLowerCase();
10248      };
10249      var normalizeStyleValue = function (dom, value, name) {
10250        if (name === 'color' || name === 'backgroundColor') {
10251          value = dom.toHex(value);
10252        }
10253        if (name === 'fontWeight' && value === 700) {
10254          value = 'bold';
10255        }
10256        if (name === 'fontFamily') {
10257          value = value.replace(/[\'\"]/g, '').replace(/,\s+/g, ',');
10258        }
10259        return '' + value;
10260      };
10261      var getStyle = function (dom, node, name) {
10262        return normalizeStyleValue(dom, dom.getStyle(node, name), name);
10263      };
10264      var getTextDecoration = function (dom, node) {
10265        var decoration;
10266        dom.getParent(node, function (n) {
10267          decoration = dom.getStyle(n, 'text-decoration');
10268          return decoration && decoration !== 'none';
10269        });
10270        return decoration;
10271      };
10272      var getParents$2 = function (dom, node, selector) {
10273        return dom.getParents(node, selector, dom.getRoot());
10274      };
10275      var isVariableFormatName = function (editor, formatName) {
10276        var hasVariableValues = function (format) {
10277          var isVariableValue = function (val) {
10278            return val.length > 1 && val.charAt(0) === '%';
10279          };
10280          return exists([
10281            'styles',
10282            'attributes'
10283          ], function (key) {
10284            return get$9(format, key).exists(function (field) {
10285              var fieldValues = isArray$1(field) ? field : values(field);
10286              return exists(fieldValues, isVariableValue);
10287            });
10288          });
10289        };
10290        return exists(editor.formatter.get(formatName), hasVariableValues);
10291      };
10292      var areSimilarFormats = function (editor, formatName, otherFormatName) {
10293        var validKeys = [
10294          'inline',
10295          'block',
10296          'selector',
10297          'attributes',
10298          'styles',
10299          'classes'
10300        ];
10301        var filterObj = function (format) {
10302          return filter$3(format, function (_, key) {
10303            return exists(validKeys, function (validKey) {
10304              return validKey === key;
10305            });
10306          });
10307        };
10308        return exists(editor.formatter.get(formatName), function (fmt1) {
10309          var filteredFmt1 = filterObj(fmt1);
10310          return exists(editor.formatter.get(otherFormatName), function (fmt2) {
10311            var filteredFmt2 = filterObj(fmt2);
10312            return equal$1(filteredFmt1, filteredFmt2);
10313          });
10314        });
10315      };
10316      var isBlockFormat = function (format) {
10317        return hasNonNullableKey(format, 'block');
10318      };
10319      var isSelectorFormat = function (format) {
10320        return hasNonNullableKey(format, 'selector');
10321      };
10322      var isInlineFormat = function (format) {
10323        return hasNonNullableKey(format, 'inline');
10324      };
10325      var isMixedFormat = function (format) {
10326        return isSelectorFormat(format) && isInlineFormat(format) && is$1(get$9(format, 'mixed'), true);
10327      };
10328      var shouldExpandToSelector = function (format) {
10329        return isSelectorFormat(format) && format.expand !== false && !isInlineFormat(format);
10330      };
10332      var isBookmarkNode = isBookmarkNode$1;
10333      var getParents$1 = getParents$2;
10334      var isWhiteSpaceNode = isWhiteSpaceNode$1;
10335      var isTextBlock = isTextBlock$1;
10336      var isBogusBr = function (node) {
10337        return isBr$5(node) && node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus') && !node.nextSibling;
10338      };
10339      var findParentContentEditable = function (dom, node) {
10340        var parent = node;
10341        while (parent) {
10342          if (isElement$5(parent) && dom.getContentEditable(parent)) {
10343            return dom.getContentEditable(parent) === 'false' ? parent : node;
10344          }
10345          parent = parent.parentNode;
10346        }
10347        return node;
10348      };
10349      var walkText = function (start, node, offset, predicate) {
10350        var str = node.data;
10351        for (var i = offset; start ? i >= 0 : i < str.length; start ? i-- : i++) {
10352          if (predicate(str.charAt(i))) {
10353            return start ? i + 1 : i;
10354          }
10355        }
10356        return -1;
10357      };
10358      var findSpace = function (start, node, offset) {
10359        return walkText(start, node, offset, function (c) {
10360          return isNbsp(c) || isWhiteSpace(c);
10361        });
10362      };
10363      var findContent = function (start, node, offset) {
10364        return walkText(start, node, offset, isContent);
10365      };
10366      var findWordEndPoint = function (dom, body, container, offset, start, includeTrailingSpaces) {
10367        var lastTextNode;
10368        var rootNode = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock) || body;
10369        var walk = function (container, offset, pred) {
10370          var textSeeker = TextSeeker(dom);
10371          var walker = start ? textSeeker.backwards : textSeeker.forwards;
10372          return Optional.from(walker(container, offset, function (text, textOffset) {
10373            if (isBookmarkNode(text.parentNode)) {
10374              return -1;
10375            } else {
10376              lastTextNode = text;
10377              return pred(start, text, textOffset);
10378            }
10379          }, rootNode));
10380        };
10381        var spaceResult = walk(container, offset, findSpace);
10382        return spaceResult.bind(function (result) {
10383          return includeTrailingSpaces ? walk(result.container, result.offset + (start ? -1 : 0), findContent) : Optional.some(result);
10384        }).orThunk(function () {
10385          return lastTextNode ? Optional.some({
10386            container: lastTextNode,
10387            offset: start ? 0 : lastTextNode.length
10388          }) : Optional.none();
10389        });
10390      };
10391      var findSelectorEndPoint = function (dom, formatList, rng, container, siblingName) {
10392        if (isText$7(container) && isEmpty$3(container.data) && container[siblingName]) {
10393          container = container[siblingName];
10394        }
10395        var parents = getParents$1(dom, container);
10396        for (var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
10397          for (var y = 0; y < formatList.length; y++) {
10398            var curFormat = formatList[y];
10399            if (isNonNullable(curFormat.collapsed) && curFormat.collapsed !== rng.collapsed) {
10400              continue;
10401            }
10402            if (isSelectorFormat(curFormat) && dom.is(parents[i], curFormat.selector)) {
10403              return parents[i];
10404            }
10405          }
10406        }
10407        return container;
10408      };
10409      var findBlockEndPoint = function (editor, formatList, container, siblingName) {
10410        var node = container;
10411        var dom = editor.dom;
10412        var root = dom.getRoot();
10413        var format = formatList[0];
10414        if (isBlockFormat(format)) {
10415          node = format.wrapper ? null : dom.getParent(container, format.block, root);
10416        }
10417        if (!node) {
10418          var scopeRoot = dom.getParent(container, 'LI,TD,TH');
10419          node = dom.getParent(isText$7(container) ? container.parentNode : container, function (node) {
10420            return node !== root && isTextBlock(editor, node);
10421          }, scopeRoot);
10422        }
10423        if (node && isBlockFormat(format) && format.wrapper) {
10424          node = getParents$1(dom, node, 'ul,ol').reverse()[0] || node;
10425        }
10426        if (!node) {
10427          node = container;
10428          while (node[siblingName] && !dom.isBlock(node[siblingName])) {
10429            node = node[siblingName];
10430            if (isEq$5(node, 'br')) {
10431              break;
10432            }
10433          }
10434        }
10435        return node || container;
10436      };
10437      var isAtBlockBoundary$1 = function (dom, root, container, siblingName) {
10438        var parent = container.parentNode;
10439        if (isNonNullable(container[siblingName])) {
10440          return false;
10441        } else if (parent === root || isNullable(parent) || dom.isBlock(parent)) {
10442          return true;
10443        } else {
10444          return isAtBlockBoundary$1(dom, root, parent, siblingName);
10445        }
10446      };
10447      var findParentContainer = function (dom, formatList, container, offset, start) {
10448        var parent = container;
10449        var siblingName = start ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling';
10450        var root = dom.getRoot();
10451        if (isText$7(container) && !isWhiteSpaceNode(container)) {
10452          if (start ? offset > 0 : offset < container.data.length) {
10453            return container;
10454          }
10455        }
10456        while (true) {
10457          if (!formatList[0].block_expand && dom.isBlock(parent)) {
10458            return parent;
10459          }
10460          for (var sibling = parent[siblingName]; sibling; sibling = sibling[siblingName]) {
10461            var allowSpaces = isText$7(sibling) && !isAtBlockBoundary$1(dom, root, sibling, siblingName);
10462            if (!isBookmarkNode(sibling) && !isBogusBr(sibling) && !isWhiteSpaceNode(sibling, allowSpaces)) {
10463              return parent;
10464            }
10465          }
10466          if (parent === root || parent.parentNode === root) {
10467            container = parent;
10468            break;
10469          }
10470          parent = parent.parentNode;
10471        }
10472        return container;
10473      };
10474      var isSelfOrParentBookmark = function (container) {
10475        return isBookmarkNode(container.parentNode) || isBookmarkNode(container);
10476      };
10477      var expandRng = function (editor, rng, formatList, includeTrailingSpace) {
10478        if (includeTrailingSpace === void 0) {
10479          includeTrailingSpace = false;
10480        }
10481        var startContainer = rng.startContainer, startOffset = rng.startOffset, endContainer = rng.endContainer, endOffset = rng.endOffset;
10482        var dom = editor.dom;
10483        var format = formatList[0];
10484        if (isElement$5(startContainer) && startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
10485          startContainer = getNode$1(startContainer, startOffset);
10486          if (isText$7(startContainer)) {
10487            startOffset = 0;
10488          }
10489        }
10490        if (isElement$5(endContainer) && endContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
10491          endContainer = getNode$1(endContainer, rng.collapsed ? endOffset : endOffset - 1);
10492          if (isText$7(endContainer)) {
10493            endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;
10494          }
10495        }
10496        startContainer = findParentContentEditable(dom, startContainer);
10497        endContainer = findParentContentEditable(dom, endContainer);
10498        if (isSelfOrParentBookmark(startContainer)) {
10499          startContainer = isBookmarkNode(startContainer) ? startContainer : startContainer.parentNode;
10500          if (rng.collapsed) {
10501            startContainer = startContainer.previousSibling || startContainer;
10502          } else {
10503            startContainer = startContainer.nextSibling || startContainer;
10504          }
10505          if (isText$7(startContainer)) {
10506            startOffset = rng.collapsed ? startContainer.length : 0;
10507          }
10508        }
10509        if (isSelfOrParentBookmark(endContainer)) {
10510          endContainer = isBookmarkNode(endContainer) ? endContainer : endContainer.parentNode;
10511          if (rng.collapsed) {
10512            endContainer = endContainer.nextSibling || endContainer;
10513          } else {
10514            endContainer = endContainer.previousSibling || endContainer;
10515          }
10516          if (isText$7(endContainer)) {
10517            endOffset = rng.collapsed ? 0 : endContainer.length;
10518          }
10519        }
10520        if (rng.collapsed) {
10521          var startPoint = findWordEndPoint(dom, editor.getBody(), startContainer, startOffset, true, includeTrailingSpace);
10522          startPoint.each(function (_a) {
10523            var container = _a.container, offset = _a.offset;
10524            startContainer = container;
10525            startOffset = offset;
10526          });
10527          var endPoint = findWordEndPoint(dom, editor.getBody(), endContainer, endOffset, false, includeTrailingSpace);
10528          endPoint.each(function (_a) {
10529            var container = _a.container, offset = _a.offset;
10530            endContainer = container;
10531            endOffset = offset;
10532          });
10533        }
10534        if (isInlineFormat(format) || format.block_expand) {
10535          if (!isInlineFormat(format) || (!isText$7(startContainer) || startOffset === 0)) {
10536            startContainer = findParentContainer(dom, formatList, startContainer, startOffset, true);
10537          }
10538          if (!isInlineFormat(format) || (!isText$7(endContainer) || endOffset === endContainer.nodeValue.length)) {
10539            endContainer = findParentContainer(dom, formatList, endContainer, endOffset, false);
10540          }
10541        }
10542        if (shouldExpandToSelector(format)) {
10543          startContainer = findSelectorEndPoint(dom, formatList, rng, startContainer, 'previousSibling');
10544          endContainer = findSelectorEndPoint(dom, formatList, rng, endContainer, 'nextSibling');
10545        }
10546        if (isBlockFormat(format) || isSelectorFormat(format)) {
10547          startContainer = findBlockEndPoint(editor, formatList, startContainer, 'previousSibling');
10548          endContainer = findBlockEndPoint(editor, formatList, endContainer, 'nextSibling');
10549          if (isBlockFormat(format)) {
10550            if (!dom.isBlock(startContainer)) {
10551              startContainer = findParentContainer(dom, formatList, startContainer, startOffset, true);
10552            }
10553            if (!dom.isBlock(endContainer)) {
10554              endContainer = findParentContainer(dom, formatList, endContainer, endOffset, false);
10555            }
10556          }
10557        }
10558        if (isElement$5(startContainer)) {
10559          startOffset = dom.nodeIndex(startContainer);
10560          startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
10561        }
10562        if (isElement$5(endContainer)) {
10563          endOffset = dom.nodeIndex(endContainer) + 1;
10564          endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
10565        }
10566        return {
10567          startContainer: startContainer,
10568          startOffset: startOffset,
10569          endContainer: endContainer,
10570          endOffset: endOffset
10571        };
10572      };
10574      var walk$2 = function (dom, rng, callback) {
10575        var startOffset = rng.startOffset;
10576        var startContainer = getNode$1(rng.startContainer, startOffset);
10577        var endOffset = rng.endOffset;
10578        var endContainer = getNode$1(rng.endContainer, endOffset - 1);
10579        var exclude = function (nodes) {
10580          var firstNode = nodes[0];
10581          if (isText$7(firstNode) && firstNode === startContainer && startOffset >= firstNode.data.length) {
10582            nodes.splice(0, 1);
10583          }
10584          var lastNode = nodes[nodes.length - 1];
10585          if (endOffset === 0 && nodes.length > 0 && lastNode === endContainer && isText$7(lastNode)) {
10586            nodes.splice(nodes.length - 1, 1);
10587          }
10588          return nodes;
10589        };
10590        var collectSiblings = function (node, name, endNode) {
10591          var siblings = [];
10592          for (; node && node !== endNode; node = node[name]) {
10593            siblings.push(node);
10594          }
10595          return siblings;
10596        };
10597        var findEndPoint = function (node, root) {
10598          return dom.getParent(node, function (node) {
10599            return node.parentNode === root;
10600          }, root);
10601        };
10602        var walkBoundary = function (startNode, endNode, next) {
10603          var siblingName = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';
10604          for (var node = startNode, parent_1 = node.parentNode; node && node !== endNode; node = parent_1) {
10605            parent_1 = node.parentNode;
10606            var siblings_1 = collectSiblings(node === startNode ? node : node[siblingName], siblingName);
10607            if (siblings_1.length) {
10608              if (!next) {
10609                siblings_1.reverse();
10610              }
10611              callback(exclude(siblings_1));
10612            }
10613          }
10614        };
10615        if (startContainer === endContainer) {
10616          return callback(exclude([startContainer]));
10617        }
10618        var ancestor = dom.findCommonAncestor(startContainer, endContainer);
10619        if (dom.isChildOf(startContainer, endContainer)) {
10620          return walkBoundary(startContainer, ancestor, true);
10621        }
10622        if (dom.isChildOf(endContainer, startContainer)) {
10623          return walkBoundary(endContainer, ancestor);
10624        }
10625        var startPoint = findEndPoint(startContainer, ancestor) || startContainer;
10626        var endPoint = findEndPoint(endContainer, ancestor) || endContainer;
10627        walkBoundary(startContainer, startPoint, true);
10628        var siblings = collectSiblings(startPoint === startContainer ? startPoint : startPoint.nextSibling, 'nextSibling', endPoint === endContainer ? endPoint.nextSibling : endPoint);
10629        if (siblings.length) {
10630          callback(exclude(siblings));
10631        }
10632        walkBoundary(endContainer, endPoint);
10633      };
10635      var getRanges = function (selection) {
10636        var ranges = [];
10637        if (selection) {
10638          for (var i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i++) {
10639            ranges.push(selection.getRangeAt(i));
10640          }
10641        }
10642        return ranges;
10643      };
10644      var getSelectedNodes = function (ranges) {
10645        return bind(ranges, function (range) {
10646          var node = getSelectedNode(range);
10647          return node ? [SugarElement.fromDom(node)] : [];
10648        });
10649      };
10650      var hasMultipleRanges = function (selection) {
10651        return getRanges(selection).length > 1;
10652      };
10654      var getCellsFromRanges = function (ranges) {
10655        return filter$4(getSelectedNodes(ranges), isTableCell$4);
10656      };
10657      var getCellsFromElement = function (elm) {
10658        return descendants(elm, 'td[data-mce-selected],th[data-mce-selected]');
10659      };
10660      var getCellsFromElementOrRanges = function (ranges, element) {
10661        var selectedCells = getCellsFromElement(element);
10662        return selectedCells.length > 0 ? selectedCells : getCellsFromRanges(ranges);
10663      };
10664      var getCellsFromEditor = function (editor) {
10665        return getCellsFromElementOrRanges(getRanges(editor.selection.getSel()), SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()));
10666      };
10667      var getClosestTable = function (cell, isRoot) {
10668        return ancestor$2(cell, 'table', isRoot);
10669      };
10671      var getStartNode = function (rng) {
10672        var sc = rng.startContainer, so = rng.startOffset;
10673        if (isText$7(sc)) {
10674          return so === 0 ? Optional.some(SugarElement.fromDom(sc)) : Optional.none();
10675        } else {
10676          return Optional.from(sc.childNodes[so]).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
10677        }
10678      };
10679      var getEndNode = function (rng) {
10680        var ec = rng.endContainer, eo = rng.endOffset;
10681        if (isText$7(ec)) {
10682          return eo === ec.data.length ? Optional.some(SugarElement.fromDom(ec)) : Optional.none();
10683        } else {
10684          return Optional.from(ec.childNodes[eo - 1]).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
10685        }
10686      };
10687      var getFirstChildren = function (node) {
10688        return firstChild(node).fold(constant([node]), function (child) {
10689          return [node].concat(getFirstChildren(child));
10690        });
10691      };
10692      var getLastChildren$1 = function (node) {
10693        return lastChild(node).fold(constant([node]), function (child) {
10694          if (name(child) === 'br') {
10695            return prevSibling(child).map(function (sibling) {
10696              return [node].concat(getLastChildren$1(sibling));
10697            }).getOr([]);
10698          } else {
10699            return [node].concat(getLastChildren$1(child));
10700          }
10701        });
10702      };
10703      var hasAllContentsSelected = function (elm, rng) {
10704        return lift2(getStartNode(rng), getEndNode(rng), function (startNode, endNode) {
10705          var start = find$3(getFirstChildren(elm), curry(eq, startNode));
10706          var end = find$3(getLastChildren$1(elm), curry(eq, endNode));
10707          return start.isSome() && end.isSome();
10708        }).getOr(false);
10709      };
10710      var moveEndPoint = function (dom, rng, node, start) {
10711        var root = node, walker = new DomTreeWalker(node, root);
10712        var moveCaretBeforeOnEnterElementsMap = filter$3(dom.schema.getMoveCaretBeforeOnEnterElements(), function (_, name) {
10713          return !contains$3([
10714            'td',
10715            'th',
10716            'table'
10717          ], name.toLowerCase());
10718        });
10719        do {
10720          if (isText$7(node) && Tools.trim(node.nodeValue).length !== 0) {
10721            if (start) {
10722              rng.setStart(node, 0);
10723            } else {
10724              rng.setEnd(node, node.nodeValue.length);
10725            }
10726            return;
10727          }
10728          if (moveCaretBeforeOnEnterElementsMap[node.nodeName]) {
10729            if (start) {
10730              rng.setStartBefore(node);
10731            } else {
10732              if (node.nodeName === 'BR') {
10733                rng.setEndBefore(node);
10734              } else {
10735                rng.setEndAfter(node);
10736              }
10737            }
10738            return;
10739          }
10740        } while (node = start ? walker.next() : walker.prev());
10741        if (root.nodeName === 'BODY') {
10742          if (start) {
10743            rng.setStart(root, 0);
10744          } else {
10745            rng.setEnd(root, root.childNodes.length);
10746          }
10747        }
10748      };
10749      var hasAnyRanges = function (editor) {
10750        var sel = editor.selection.getSel();
10751        return sel && sel.rangeCount > 0;
10752      };
10753      var runOnRanges = function (editor, executor) {
10754        var fakeSelectionNodes = getCellsFromEditor(editor);
10755        if (fakeSelectionNodes.length > 0) {
10756          each$k(fakeSelectionNodes, function (elem) {
10757            var node = elem.dom;
10758            var fakeNodeRng = editor.dom.createRng();
10759            fakeNodeRng.setStartBefore(node);
10760            fakeNodeRng.setEndAfter(node);
10761            executor(fakeNodeRng, true);
10762          });
10763        } else {
10764          executor(editor.selection.getRng(), false);
10765        }
10766      };
10767      var preserve = function (selection, fillBookmark, executor) {
10768        var bookmark = getPersistentBookmark(selection, fillBookmark);
10769        executor(bookmark);
10770        selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
10771      };
10773      var NodeValue = function (is, name) {
10774        var get = function (element) {
10775          if (!is(element)) {
10776            throw new Error('Can only get ' + name + ' value of a ' + name + ' node');
10777          }
10778          return getOption(element).getOr('');
10779        };
10780        var getOption = function (element) {
10781          return is(element) ? Optional.from(element.dom.nodeValue) : Optional.none();
10782        };
10783        var set = function (element, value) {
10784          if (!is(element)) {
10785            throw new Error('Can only set raw ' + name + ' value of a ' + name + ' node');
10786          }
10787          element.dom.nodeValue = value;
10788        };
10789        return {
10790          get: get,
10791          getOption: getOption,
10792          set: set
10793        };
10794      };
10796      var api$1 = NodeValue(isText$8, 'text');
10797      var get$2 = function (element) {
10798        return api$1.get(element);
10799      };
10801      var isZeroWidth = function (elem) {
10802        return isText$8(elem) && get$2(elem) === ZWSP$1;
10803      };
10804      var context = function (editor, elem, wrapName, nodeName) {
10805        return parent(elem).fold(function () {
10806          return 'skipping';
10807        }, function (parent) {
10808          if (nodeName === 'br' || isZeroWidth(elem)) {
10809            return 'valid';
10810          } else if (isAnnotation(elem)) {
10811            return 'existing';
10812          } else if (isCaretNode(elem.dom)) {
10813            return 'caret';
10814          } else if (!isValid(editor, wrapName, nodeName) || !isValid(editor, name(parent), wrapName)) {
10815            return 'invalid-child';
10816          } else {
10817            return 'valid';
10818          }
10819        });
10820      };
10822      var applyWordGrab = function (editor, rng) {
10823        var r = expandRng(editor, rng, [{ inline: 'span' }]);
10824        rng.setStart(r.startContainer, r.startOffset);
10825        rng.setEnd(r.endContainer, r.endOffset);
10826        editor.selection.setRng(rng);
10827      };
10828      var makeAnnotation = function (eDoc, _a, annotationName, decorate) {
10829        var _b = _a.uid, uid = _b === void 0 ? generate('mce-annotation') : _b, data = __rest(_a, ['uid']);
10830        var master = SugarElement.fromTag('span', eDoc);
10831        add$1(master, annotation());
10832        set$1(master, '' + dataAnnotationId(), uid);
10833        set$1(master, '' + dataAnnotation(), annotationName);
10834        var _c = decorate(uid, data), _d = _c.attributes, attributes = _d === void 0 ? {} : _d, _e = _c.classes, classes = _e === void 0 ? [] : _e;
10835        setAll$1(master, attributes);
10836        add(master, classes);
10837        return master;
10838      };
10839      var annotate = function (editor, rng, annotationName, decorate, data) {
10840        var newWrappers = [];
10841        var master = makeAnnotation(editor.getDoc(), data, annotationName, decorate);
10842        var wrapper = value();
10843        var finishWrapper = function () {
10844          wrapper.clear();
10845        };
10846        var getOrOpenWrapper = function () {
10847          return wrapper.get().getOrThunk(function () {
10848            var nu = shallow(master);
10849            newWrappers.push(nu);
10850            wrapper.set(nu);
10851            return nu;
10852          });
10853        };
10854        var processElements = function (elems) {
10855          each$k(elems, processElement);
10856        };
10857        var processElement = function (elem) {
10858          var ctx = context(editor, elem, 'span', name(elem));
10859          switch (ctx) {
10860          case 'invalid-child': {
10861              finishWrapper();
10862              var children$1 = children(elem);
10863              processElements(children$1);
10864              finishWrapper();
10865              break;
10866            }
10867          case 'valid': {
10868              var w = getOrOpenWrapper();
10869              wrap$3(elem, w);
10870              break;
10871            }
10872          }
10873        };
10874        var processNodes = function (nodes) {
10875          var elems = map$3(nodes, SugarElement.fromDom);
10876          processElements(elems);
10877        };
10878        walk$2(editor.dom, rng, function (nodes) {
10879          finishWrapper();
10880          processNodes(nodes);
10881        });
10882        return newWrappers;
10883      };
10884      var annotateWithBookmark = function (editor, name, settings, data) {
10885        editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
10886          var selection = editor.selection;
10887          var initialRng = selection.getRng();
10888          var hasFakeSelection = getCellsFromEditor(editor).length > 0;
10889          if (initialRng.collapsed && !hasFakeSelection) {
10890            applyWordGrab(editor, initialRng);
10891          }
10892          if (selection.getRng().collapsed && !hasFakeSelection) {
10893            var wrapper = makeAnnotation(editor.getDoc(), data, name, settings.decorate);
10894            set(wrapper, nbsp);
10895            selection.getRng().insertNode(wrapper.dom);
10896            selection.select(wrapper.dom);
10897          } else {
10898            preserve(selection, false, function () {
10899              runOnRanges(editor, function (selectionRng) {
10900                annotate(editor, selectionRng, name, settings.decorate, data);
10901              });
10902            });
10903          }
10904        });
10905      };
10907      var Annotator = function (editor) {
10908        var registry = create$7();
10909        setup$m(editor, registry);
10910        var changes = setup$n(editor);
10911        return {
10912          register: function (name, settings) {
10913            registry.register(name, settings);
10914          },
10915          annotate: function (name, data) {
10916            registry.lookup(name).each(function (settings) {
10917              annotateWithBookmark(editor, name, settings, data);
10918            });
10919          },
10920          annotationChanged: function (name, callback) {
10921            changes.addListener(name, callback);
10922          },
10923          remove: function (name) {
10924            identify(editor, Optional.some(name)).each(function (_a) {
10925              var elements = _a.elements;
10926              each$k(elements, unwrap);
10927            });
10928          },
10929          getAll: function (name) {
10930            var directory = findAll(editor, name);
10931            return map$2(directory, function (elems) {
10932              return map$3(elems, function (elem) {
10933                return elem.dom;
10934              });
10935            });
10936          }
10937        };
10938      };
10940      var BookmarkManager = function (selection) {
10941        return {
10942          getBookmark: curry(getBookmark$1, selection),
10943          moveToBookmark: curry(moveToBookmark, selection)
10944        };
10945      };
10946      BookmarkManager.isBookmarkNode = isBookmarkNode$1;
10948      var getContentEditableRoot$1 = function (root, node) {
10949        while (node && node !== root) {
10950          if (isContentEditableTrue$4(node) || isContentEditableFalse$b(node)) {
10951            return node;
10952          }
10953          node = node.parentNode;
10954        }
10955        return null;
10956      };
10958      var isXYWithinRange = function (clientX, clientY, range) {
10959        if (range.collapsed) {
10960          return false;
10961        }
10962        if (Env.browser.isIE() && range.startOffset === range.endOffset - 1 && range.startContainer === range.endContainer) {
10963          var elm = range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset];
10964          if (isElement$5(elm)) {
10965            return exists(elm.getClientRects(), function (rect) {
10966              return containsXY(rect, clientX, clientY);
10967            });
10968          }
10969        }
10970        return exists(range.getClientRects(), function (rect) {
10971          return containsXY(rect, clientX, clientY);
10972        });
10973      };
10975      var firePreProcess = function (editor, args) {
10976        return editor.fire('PreProcess', args);
10977      };
10978      var firePostProcess = function (editor, args) {
10979        return editor.fire('PostProcess', args);
10980      };
10981      var fireRemove = function (editor) {
10982        return editor.fire('remove');
10983      };
10984      var fireDetach = function (editor) {
10985        return editor.fire('detach');
10986      };
10987      var fireSwitchMode = function (editor, mode) {
10988        return editor.fire('SwitchMode', { mode: mode });
10989      };
10990      var fireObjectResizeStart = function (editor, target, width, height, origin) {
10991        editor.fire('ObjectResizeStart', {
10992          target: target,
10993          width: width,
10994          height: height,
10995          origin: origin
10996        });
10997      };
10998      var fireObjectResized = function (editor, target, width, height, origin) {
10999        editor.fire('ObjectResized', {
11000          target: target,
11001          width: width,
11002          height: height,
11003          origin: origin
11004        });
11005      };
11006      var firePreInit = function (editor) {
11007        return editor.fire('PreInit');
11008      };
11009      var firePostRender = function (editor) {
11010        return editor.fire('PostRender');
11011      };
11012      var fireInit = function (editor) {
11013        return editor.fire('Init');
11014      };
11015      var firePlaceholderToggle = function (editor, state) {
11016        return editor.fire('PlaceholderToggle', { state: state });
11017      };
11018      var fireError = function (editor, errorType, error) {
11019        return editor.fire(errorType, error);
11020      };
11021      var fireFormatApply = function (editor, format, node, vars) {
11022        return editor.fire('FormatApply', {
11023          format: format,
11024          node: node,
11025          vars: vars
11026        });
11027      };
11028      var fireFormatRemove = function (editor, format, node, vars) {
11029        return editor.fire('FormatRemove', {
11030          format: format,
11031          node: node,
11032          vars: vars
11033        });
11034      };
11036      var VK = {
11037        BACKSPACE: 8,
11038        DELETE: 46,
11039        DOWN: 40,
11040        ENTER: 13,
11041        ESC: 27,
11042        LEFT: 37,
11043        RIGHT: 39,
11044        SPACEBAR: 32,
11045        TAB: 9,
11046        UP: 38,
11047        PAGE_UP: 33,
11048        PAGE_DOWN: 34,
11049        END: 35,
11050        HOME: 36,
11051        modifierPressed: function (e) {
11052          return e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || VK.metaKeyPressed(e);
11053        },
11054        metaKeyPressed: function (e) {
11055          return Env.mac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey;
11056        }
11057      };
11059      var isContentEditableFalse$5 = isContentEditableFalse$b;
11060      var ControlSelection = function (selection, editor) {
11061        var elementSelectionAttr = 'data-mce-selected';
11062        var dom = editor.dom, each = Tools.each;
11063        var selectedElm, selectedElmGhost, resizeHelper, selectedHandle, resizeBackdrop;
11064        var startX, startY, selectedElmX, selectedElmY, startW, startH, ratio, resizeStarted;
11065        var width, height;
11066        var editableDoc = editor.getDoc(), rootDocument = document;
11067        var abs = Math.abs, round = Math.round, rootElement = editor.getBody();
11068        var startScrollWidth, startScrollHeight;
11069        var resizeHandles = {
11070          nw: [
11071            0,
11072            0,
11073            -1,
11074            -1
11075          ],
11076          ne: [
11077            1,
11078            0,
11079            1,
11080            -1
11081          ],
11082          se: [
11083            1,
11084            1,
11085            1,
11086            1
11087          ],
11088          sw: [
11089            0,
11090            1,
11091            -1,
11092            1
11093          ]
11094        };
11095        var isImage = function (elm) {
11096          return elm && (elm.nodeName === 'IMG' || editor.dom.is(elm, 'figure.image'));
11097        };
11098        var isMedia = function (elm) {
11099          return isMedia$2(elm) || dom.hasClass(elm, 'mce-preview-object');
11100        };
11101        var isEventOnImageOutsideRange = function (evt, range) {
11102          if (evt.type === 'longpress' || evt.type.indexOf('touch') === 0) {
11103            var touch = evt.touches[0];
11104            return isImage(evt.target) && !isXYWithinRange(touch.clientX, touch.clientY, range);
11105          } else {
11106            return isImage(evt.target) && !isXYWithinRange(evt.clientX, evt.clientY, range);
11107          }
11108        };
11109        var contextMenuSelectImage = function (evt) {
11110          var target = evt.target;
11111          if (isEventOnImageOutsideRange(evt, editor.selection.getRng()) && !evt.isDefaultPrevented()) {
11112            editor.selection.select(target);
11113          }
11114        };
11115        var getResizeTargets = function (elm) {
11116          if (dom.is(elm, 'figure.image')) {
11117            return [elm.querySelector('img')];
11118          } else if (dom.hasClass(elm, 'mce-preview-object') && isNonNullable(elm.firstElementChild)) {
11119            return [
11120              elm,
11121              elm.firstElementChild
11122            ];
11123          } else {
11124            return [elm];
11125          }
11126        };
11127        var isResizable = function (elm) {
11128          var selector = getObjectResizing(editor);
11129          if (!selector) {
11130            return false;
11131          }
11132          if (elm.getAttribute('data-mce-resize') === 'false') {
11133            return false;
11134          }
11135          if (elm === editor.getBody()) {
11136            return false;
11137          }
11138          if (dom.hasClass(elm, 'mce-preview-object')) {
11139            return is$2(SugarElement.fromDom(elm.firstElementChild), selector);
11140          } else {
11141            return is$2(SugarElement.fromDom(elm), selector);
11142          }
11143        };
11144        var createGhostElement = function (elm) {
11145          if (isMedia(elm)) {
11146            return dom.create('img', { src: Env.transparentSrc });
11147          } else {
11148            return elm.cloneNode(true);
11149          }
11150        };
11151        var setSizeProp = function (element, name, value) {
11152          if (isNonNullable(value)) {
11153            var targets = getResizeTargets(element);
11154            each$k(targets, function (target) {
11155              if (target.style[name] || !editor.schema.isValid(target.nodeName.toLowerCase(), name)) {
11156                dom.setStyle(target, name, value);
11157              } else {
11158                dom.setAttrib(target, name, '' + value);
11159              }
11160            });
11161          }
11162        };
11163        var setGhostElmSize = function (ghostElm, width, height) {
11164          setSizeProp(ghostElm, 'width', width);
11165          setSizeProp(ghostElm, 'height', height);
11166        };
11167        var resizeGhostElement = function (e) {
11168          var deltaX, deltaY, proportional;
11169          var resizeHelperX, resizeHelperY;
11170          deltaX = e.screenX - startX;
11171          deltaY = e.screenY - startY;
11172          width = deltaX * selectedHandle[2] + startW;
11173          height = deltaY * selectedHandle[3] + startH;
11174          width = width < 5 ? 5 : width;
11175          height = height < 5 ? 5 : height;
11176          if ((isImage(selectedElm) || isMedia(selectedElm)) && getResizeImgProportional(editor) !== false) {
11177            proportional = !VK.modifierPressed(e);
11178          } else {
11179            proportional = VK.modifierPressed(e);
11180          }
11181          if (proportional) {
11182            if (abs(deltaX) > abs(deltaY)) {
11183              height = round(width * ratio);
11184              width = round(height / ratio);
11185            } else {
11186              width = round(height / ratio);
11187              height = round(width * ratio);
11188            }
11189          }
11190          setGhostElmSize(selectedElmGhost, width, height);
11191          resizeHelperX = selectedHandle.startPos.x + deltaX;
11192          resizeHelperY = selectedHandle.startPos.y + deltaY;
11193          resizeHelperX = resizeHelperX > 0 ? resizeHelperX : 0;
11194          resizeHelperY = resizeHelperY > 0 ? resizeHelperY : 0;
11195          dom.setStyles(resizeHelper, {
11196            left: resizeHelperX,
11197            top: resizeHelperY,
11198            display: 'block'
11199          });
11200          resizeHelper.innerHTML = width + ' &times; ' + height;
11201          if (selectedHandle[2] < 0 && selectedElmGhost.clientWidth <= width) {
11202            dom.setStyle(selectedElmGhost, 'left', selectedElmX + (startW - width));
11203          }
11204          if (selectedHandle[3] < 0 && selectedElmGhost.clientHeight <= height) {
11205            dom.setStyle(selectedElmGhost, 'top', selectedElmY + (startH - height));
11206          }
11207          deltaX = rootElement.scrollWidth - startScrollWidth;
11208          deltaY = rootElement.scrollHeight - startScrollHeight;
11209          if (deltaX + deltaY !== 0) {
11210            dom.setStyles(resizeHelper, {
11211              left: resizeHelperX - deltaX,
11212              top: resizeHelperY - deltaY
11213            });
11214          }
11215          if (!resizeStarted) {
11216            fireObjectResizeStart(editor, selectedElm, startW, startH, 'corner-' + selectedHandle.name);
11217            resizeStarted = true;
11218          }
11219        };
11220        var endGhostResize = function () {
11221          var wasResizeStarted = resizeStarted;
11222          resizeStarted = false;
11223          if (wasResizeStarted) {
11224            setSizeProp(selectedElm, 'width', width);
11225            setSizeProp(selectedElm, 'height', height);
11226          }
11227          dom.unbind(editableDoc, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
11228          dom.unbind(editableDoc, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
11229          if (rootDocument !== editableDoc) {
11230            dom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
11231            dom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
11232          }
11233          dom.remove(selectedElmGhost);
11234          dom.remove(resizeHelper);
11235          dom.remove(resizeBackdrop);
11236          showResizeRect(selectedElm);
11237          if (wasResizeStarted) {
11238            fireObjectResized(editor, selectedElm, width, height, 'corner-' + selectedHandle.name);
11239            dom.setAttrib(selectedElm, 'style', dom.getAttrib(selectedElm, 'style'));
11240          }
11241          editor.nodeChanged();
11242        };
11243        var showResizeRect = function (targetElm) {
11244          unbindResizeHandleEvents();
11245          var position = dom.getPos(targetElm, rootElement);
11246          var selectedElmX = position.x;
11247          var selectedElmY = position.y;
11248          var rect = targetElm.getBoundingClientRect();
11249          var targetWidth = rect.width || rect.right - rect.left;
11250          var targetHeight = rect.height || rect.bottom - rect.top;
11251          if (selectedElm !== targetElm) {
11252            hideResizeRect();
11253            selectedElm = targetElm;
11254            width = height = 0;
11255          }
11256          var e = editor.fire('ObjectSelected', { target: targetElm });
11257          var selectedValue = dom.getAttrib(selectedElm, elementSelectionAttr, '1');
11258          if (isResizable(targetElm) && !e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
11259            each(resizeHandles, function (handle, name) {
11260              var handleElm;
11261              var startDrag = function (e) {
11262                var target = getResizeTargets(selectedElm)[0];
11263                startX = e.screenX;
11264                startY = e.screenY;
11265                startW = target.clientWidth;
11266                startH = target.clientHeight;
11267                ratio = startH / startW;
11268                selectedHandle = handle;
11269                selectedHandle.name = name;
11270                selectedHandle.startPos = {
11271                  x: targetWidth * handle[0] + selectedElmX,
11272                  y: targetHeight * handle[1] + selectedElmY
11273                };
11274                startScrollWidth = rootElement.scrollWidth;
11275                startScrollHeight = rootElement.scrollHeight;
11276                resizeBackdrop = dom.add(rootElement, 'div', {
11277                  'class': 'mce-resize-backdrop',
11278                  'data-mce-bogus': 'all'
11279                });
11280                dom.setStyles(resizeBackdrop, {
11281                  position: 'fixed',
11282                  left: '0',
11283                  top: '0',
11284                  width: '100%',
11285                  height: '100%'
11286                });
11287                selectedElmGhost = createGhostElement(selectedElm);
11288                dom.addClass(selectedElmGhost, 'mce-clonedresizable');
11289                dom.setAttrib(selectedElmGhost, 'data-mce-bogus', 'all');
11290                selectedElmGhost.contentEditable = 'false';
11291                dom.setStyles(selectedElmGhost, {
11292                  left: selectedElmX,
11293                  top: selectedElmY,
11294                  margin: 0
11295                });
11296                setGhostElmSize(selectedElmGhost, targetWidth, targetHeight);
11297                selectedElmGhost.removeAttribute(elementSelectionAttr);
11298                rootElement.appendChild(selectedElmGhost);
11299                dom.bind(editableDoc, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
11300                dom.bind(editableDoc, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
11301                if (rootDocument !== editableDoc) {
11302                  dom.bind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement);
11303                  dom.bind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', endGhostResize);
11304                }
11305                resizeHelper = dom.add(rootElement, 'div', {
11306                  'class': 'mce-resize-helper',
11307                  'data-mce-bogus': 'all'
11308                }, startW + ' &times; ' + startH);
11309              };
11310              handleElm = dom.get('mceResizeHandle' + name);
11311              if (handleElm) {
11312                dom.remove(handleElm);
11313              }
11314              handleElm = dom.add(rootElement, 'div', {
11315                'id': 'mceResizeHandle' + name,
11316                'data-mce-bogus': 'all',
11317                'class': 'mce-resizehandle',
11318                'unselectable': true,
11319                'style': 'cursor:' + name + '-resize; margin:0; padding:0'
11320              });
11321              if (Env.ie === 11) {
11322                handleElm.contentEditable = false;
11323              }
11324              dom.bind(handleElm, 'mousedown', function (e) {
11325                e.stopImmediatePropagation();
11326                e.preventDefault();
11327                startDrag(e);
11328              });
11329              handle.elm = handleElm;
11330              dom.setStyles(handleElm, {
11331                left: targetWidth * handle[0] + selectedElmX - handleElm.offsetWidth / 2,
11332                top: targetHeight * handle[1] + selectedElmY - handleElm.offsetHeight / 2
11333              });
11334            });
11335          } else {
11336            hideResizeRect();
11337          }
11338          if (!dom.getAttrib(selectedElm, elementSelectionAttr)) {
11339            selectedElm.setAttribute(elementSelectionAttr, selectedValue);
11340          }
11341        };
11342        var hideResizeRect = function () {
11343          unbindResizeHandleEvents();
11344          if (selectedElm) {
11345            selectedElm.removeAttribute(elementSelectionAttr);
11346          }
11347          each$j(resizeHandles, function (value, name) {
11348            var handleElm = dom.get('mceResizeHandle' + name);
11349            if (handleElm) {
11350              dom.unbind(handleElm);
11351              dom.remove(handleElm);
11352            }
11353          });
11354        };
11355        var updateResizeRect = function (e) {
11356          var startElm, controlElm;
11357          var isChildOrEqual = function (node, parent) {
11358            if (node) {
11359              do {
11360                if (node === parent) {
11361                  return true;
11362                }
11363              } while (node = node.parentNode);
11364            }
11365          };
11366          if (resizeStarted || editor.removed) {
11367            return;
11368          }
11369          each(dom.select('img[data-mce-selected],hr[data-mce-selected]'), function (img) {
11370            img.removeAttribute(elementSelectionAttr);
11371          });
11372          controlElm = e.type === 'mousedown' ? e.target : selection.getNode();
11373          controlElm = dom.$(controlElm).closest('table,img,figure.image,hr,video,span.mce-preview-object')[0];
11374          if (isChildOrEqual(controlElm, rootElement)) {
11375            disableGeckoResize();
11376            startElm = selection.getStart(true);
11377            if (isChildOrEqual(startElm, controlElm) && isChildOrEqual(selection.getEnd(true), controlElm)) {
11378              showResizeRect(controlElm);
11379              return;
11380            }
11381          }
11382          hideResizeRect();
11383        };
11384        var isWithinContentEditableFalse = function (elm) {
11385          return isContentEditableFalse$5(getContentEditableRoot$1(editor.getBody(), elm));
11386        };
11387        var unbindResizeHandleEvents = function () {
11388          each$j(resizeHandles, function (handle) {
11389            if (handle.elm) {
11390              dom.unbind(handle.elm);
11391              delete handle.elm;
11392            }
11393          });
11394        };
11395        var disableGeckoResize = function () {
11396          try {
11397            editor.getDoc().execCommand('enableObjectResizing', false, 'false');
11398          } catch (ex) {
11399          }
11400        };
11401        editor.on('init', function () {
11402          disableGeckoResize();
11403          if (Env.browser.isIE() || Env.browser.isEdge()) {
11404            editor.on('mousedown click', function (e) {
11405              var target = e.target, nodeName = target.nodeName;
11406              if (!resizeStarted && /^(TABLE|IMG|HR)$/.test(nodeName) && !isWithinContentEditableFalse(target)) {
11407                if (e.button !== 2) {
11408                  editor.selection.select(target, nodeName === 'TABLE');
11409                }
11410                if (e.type === 'mousedown') {
11411                  editor.nodeChanged();
11412                }
11413              }
11414            });
11415            var handleMSControlSelect_1 = function (e) {
11416              var delayedSelect = function (node) {
11417                Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
11418                  return editor.selection.select(node);
11419                });
11420              };
11421              if (isWithinContentEditableFalse(e.target) || isMedia$2(e.target)) {
11422                e.preventDefault();
11423                delayedSelect(e.target);
11424                return;
11425              }
11426              if (/^(TABLE|IMG|HR)$/.test(e.target.nodeName)) {
11427                e.preventDefault();
11428                if (e.target.tagName === 'IMG') {
11429                  delayedSelect(e.target);
11430                }
11431              }
11432            };
11433            dom.bind(rootElement, 'mscontrolselect', handleMSControlSelect_1);
11434            editor.on('remove', function () {
11435              return dom.unbind(rootElement, 'mscontrolselect', handleMSControlSelect_1);
11436            });
11437          }
11438          var throttledUpdateResizeRect = Delay.throttle(function (e) {
11439            if (!editor.composing) {
11440              updateResizeRect(e);
11441            }
11442          });
11443          editor.on('nodechange ResizeEditor ResizeWindow ResizeContent drop FullscreenStateChanged', throttledUpdateResizeRect);
11444          editor.on('keyup compositionend', function (e) {
11445            if (selectedElm && selectedElm.nodeName === 'TABLE') {
11446              throttledUpdateResizeRect(e);
11447            }
11448          });
11449          editor.on('hide blur', hideResizeRect);
11450          editor.on('contextmenu longpress', contextMenuSelectImage, true);
11451        });
11452        editor.on('remove', unbindResizeHandleEvents);
11453        var destroy = function () {
11454          selectedElm = selectedElmGhost = resizeBackdrop = null;
11455        };
11456        return {
11457          isResizable: isResizable,
11458          showResizeRect: showResizeRect,
11459          hideResizeRect: hideResizeRect,
11460          updateResizeRect: updateResizeRect,
11461          destroy: destroy
11462        };
11463      };
11465      var hasCeProperty = function (node) {
11466        return isContentEditableTrue$4(node) || isContentEditableFalse$b(node);
11467      };
11468      var findParent$1 = function (node, rootNode, predicate) {
11469        while (node && node !== rootNode) {
11470          if (predicate(node)) {
11471            return node;
11472          }
11473          node = node.parentNode;
11474        }
11475        return null;
11476      };
11477      var findClosestIeRange = function (clientX, clientY, doc) {
11478        var rects;
11479        var element = doc.elementFromPoint(clientX, clientY);
11480        var rng = doc.body.createTextRange();
11481        if (!element || element.tagName === 'HTML') {
11482          element = doc.body;
11483        }
11484        rng.moveToElementText(element);
11485        rects = Tools.toArray(rng.getClientRects());
11486        rects = rects.sort(function (a, b) {
11487          a = Math.abs(Math.max(a.top - clientY, a.bottom - clientY));
11488          b = Math.abs(Math.max(b.top - clientY, b.bottom - clientY));
11489          return a - b;
11490        });
11491        if (rects.length > 0) {
11492          clientY = (rects[0].bottom + rects[0].top) / 2;
11493          try {
11494            rng.moveToPoint(clientX, clientY);
11495            rng.collapse(true);
11496            return rng;
11497          } catch (ex) {
11498          }
11499        }
11500        return null;
11501      };
11502      var moveOutOfContentEditableFalse = function (rng, rootNode) {
11503        var parentElement = rng && rng.parentElement ? rng.parentElement() : null;
11504        return isContentEditableFalse$b(findParent$1(parentElement, rootNode, hasCeProperty)) ? null : rng;
11505      };
11506      var fromPoint = function (clientX, clientY, doc) {
11507        var rng, point;
11508        var pointDoc = doc;
11509        if (pointDoc.caretPositionFromPoint) {
11510          point = pointDoc.caretPositionFromPoint(clientX, clientY);
11511          if (point) {
11512            rng = doc.createRange();
11513            rng.setStart(point.offsetNode, point.offset);
11514            rng.collapse(true);
11515          }
11516        } else if (pointDoc.caretRangeFromPoint) {
11517          rng = pointDoc.caretRangeFromPoint(clientX, clientY);
11518        } else if (pointDoc.body.createTextRange) {
11519          rng = pointDoc.body.createTextRange();
11520          try {
11521            rng.moveToPoint(clientX, clientY);
11522            rng.collapse(true);
11523          } catch (ex) {
11524            rng = findClosestIeRange(clientX, clientY, doc);
11525          }
11526          return moveOutOfContentEditableFalse(rng, doc.body);
11527        }
11528        return rng;
11529      };
11531      var isEq$4 = function (rng1, rng2) {
11532        return rng1 && rng2 && (rng1.startContainer === rng2.startContainer && rng1.startOffset === rng2.startOffset) && (rng1.endContainer === rng2.endContainer && rng1.endOffset === rng2.endOffset);
11533      };
11535      var findParent = function (node, rootNode, predicate) {
11536        while (node && node !== rootNode) {
11537          if (predicate(node)) {
11538            return node;
11539          }
11540          node = node.parentNode;
11541        }
11542        return null;
11543      };
11544      var hasParent$1 = function (node, rootNode, predicate) {
11545        return findParent(node, rootNode, predicate) !== null;
11546      };
11547      var hasParentWithName = function (node, rootNode, name) {
11548        return hasParent$1(node, rootNode, function (node) {
11549          return node.nodeName === name;
11550        });
11551      };
11552      var isTable = function (node) {
11553        return node && node.nodeName === 'TABLE';
11554      };
11555      var isTableCell$2 = function (node) {
11556        return node && /^(TD|TH|CAPTION)$/.test(node.nodeName);
11557      };
11558      var isCeFalseCaretContainer = function (node, rootNode) {
11559        return isCaretContainer$2(node) && hasParent$1(node, rootNode, isCaretNode) === false;
11560      };
11561      var hasBrBeforeAfter = function (dom, node, left) {
11562        var walker = new DomTreeWalker(node, dom.getParent(node.parentNode, dom.isBlock) || dom.getRoot());
11563        while (node = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']()) {
11564          if (isBr$5(node)) {
11565            return true;
11566          }
11567        }
11568      };
11569      var isPrevNode = function (node, name) {
11570        return node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.nodeName === name;
11571      };
11572      var hasContentEditableFalseParent = function (body, node) {
11573        while (node && node !== body) {
11574          if (isContentEditableFalse$b(node)) {
11575            return true;
11576          }
11577          node = node.parentNode;
11578        }
11579        return false;
11580      };
11581      var findTextNodeRelative = function (dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, left, startNode) {
11582        var lastInlineElement;
11583        var body = dom.getRoot();
11584        var node;
11585        var nonEmptyElementsMap = dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
11586        var parentBlockContainer = dom.getParent(startNode.parentNode, dom.isBlock) || body;
11587        if (left && isBr$5(startNode) && isAfterNode && dom.isEmpty(parentBlockContainer)) {
11588          return Optional.some(CaretPosition(startNode.parentNode, dom.nodeIndex(startNode)));
11589        }
11590        var walker = new DomTreeWalker(startNode, parentBlockContainer);
11591        while (node = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']()) {
11592          if (dom.getContentEditableParent(node) === 'false' || isCeFalseCaretContainer(node, body)) {
11593            return Optional.none();
11594          }
11595          if (isText$7(node) && node.nodeValue.length > 0) {
11596            if (hasParentWithName(node, body, 'A') === false) {
11597              return Optional.some(CaretPosition(node, left ? node.nodeValue.length : 0));
11598            }
11599            return Optional.none();
11600          }
11601          if (dom.isBlock(node) || nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
11602            return Optional.none();
11603          }
11604          lastInlineElement = node;
11605        }
11606        if (collapsed && lastInlineElement) {
11607          return Optional.some(CaretPosition(lastInlineElement, 0));
11608        }
11609        return Optional.none();
11610      };
11611      var normalizeEndPoint = function (dom, collapsed, start, rng) {
11612        var container, offset;
11613        var body = dom.getRoot();
11614        var node;
11615        var directionLeft, normalized = false;
11616        container = rng[(start ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Container'];
11617        offset = rng[(start ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Offset'];
11618        var isAfterNode = isElement$5(container) && offset === container.childNodes.length;
11619        var nonEmptyElementsMap = dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
11620        directionLeft = start;
11621        if (isCaretContainer$2(container)) {
11622          return Optional.none();
11623        }
11624        if (isElement$5(container) && offset > container.childNodes.length - 1) {
11625          directionLeft = false;
11626        }
11627        if (isDocument$1(container)) {
11628          container = body;
11629          offset = 0;
11630        }
11631        if (container === body) {
11632          if (directionLeft) {
11633            node = container.childNodes[offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : 0];
11634            if (node) {
11635              if (isCaretContainer$2(node)) {
11636                return Optional.none();
11637              }
11638              if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName] || isTable(node)) {
11639                return Optional.none();
11640              }
11641            }
11642          }
11643          if (container.hasChildNodes()) {
11644            offset = Math.min(!directionLeft && offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : offset, container.childNodes.length - 1);
11645            container = container.childNodes[offset];
11646            offset = isText$7(container) && isAfterNode ? container.data.length : 0;
11647            if (!collapsed && container === body.lastChild && isTable(container)) {
11648              return Optional.none();
11649            }
11650            if (hasContentEditableFalseParent(body, container) || isCaretContainer$2(container)) {
11651              return Optional.none();
11652            }
11653            if (container.hasChildNodes() && isTable(container) === false) {
11654              node = container;
11655              var walker = new DomTreeWalker(container, body);
11656              do {
11657                if (isContentEditableFalse$b(node) || isCaretContainer$2(node)) {
11658                  normalized = false;
11659                  break;
11660                }
11661                if (isText$7(node) && node.nodeValue.length > 0) {
11662                  offset = directionLeft ? 0 : node.nodeValue.length;
11663                  container = node;
11664                  normalized = true;
11665                  break;
11666                }
11667                if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] && !isTableCell$2(node)) {
11668                  offset = dom.nodeIndex(node);
11669                  container = node.parentNode;
11670                  if (!directionLeft) {
11671                    offset++;
11672                  }
11673                  normalized = true;
11674                  break;
11675                }
11676              } while (node = directionLeft ? walker.next() : walker.prev());
11677            }
11678          }
11679        }
11680        if (collapsed) {
11681          if (isText$7(container) && offset === 0) {
11682            findTextNodeRelative(dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, true, container).each(function (pos) {
11683              container = pos.container();
11684              offset = pos.offset();
11685              normalized = true;
11686            });
11687          }
11688          if (isElement$5(container)) {
11689            node = container.childNodes[offset];
11690            if (!node) {
11691              node = container.childNodes[offset - 1];
11692            }
11693            if (node && isBr$5(node) && !isPrevNode(node, 'A') && !hasBrBeforeAfter(dom, node, false) && !hasBrBeforeAfter(dom, node, true)) {
11694              findTextNodeRelative(dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, true, node).each(function (pos) {
11695                container = pos.container();
11696                offset = pos.offset();
11697                normalized = true;
11698              });
11699            }
11700          }
11701        }
11702        if (directionLeft && !collapsed && isText$7(container) && offset === container.nodeValue.length) {
11703          findTextNodeRelative(dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, false, container).each(function (pos) {
11704            container = pos.container();
11705            offset = pos.offset();
11706            normalized = true;
11707          });
11708        }
11709        return normalized ? Optional.some(CaretPosition(container, offset)) : Optional.none();
11710      };
11711      var normalize$2 = function (dom, rng) {
11712        var collapsed = rng.collapsed, normRng = rng.cloneRange();
11713        var startPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng);
11714        normalizeEndPoint(dom, collapsed, true, normRng).each(function (pos) {
11715          if (!collapsed || !CaretPosition.isAbove(startPos, pos)) {
11716            normRng.setStart(pos.container(), pos.offset());
11717          }
11718        });
11719        if (!collapsed) {
11720          normalizeEndPoint(dom, collapsed, false, normRng).each(function (pos) {
11721            normRng.setEnd(pos.container(), pos.offset());
11722          });
11723        }
11724        if (collapsed) {
11725          normRng.collapse(true);
11726        }
11727        return isEq$4(rng, normRng) ? Optional.none() : Optional.some(normRng);
11728      };
11730      var splitText = function (node, offset) {
11731        return node.splitText(offset);
11732      };
11733      var split = function (rng) {
11734        var startContainer = rng.startContainer, startOffset = rng.startOffset, endContainer = rng.endContainer, endOffset = rng.endOffset;
11735        if (startContainer === endContainer && isText$7(startContainer)) {
11736          if (startOffset > 0 && startOffset < startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
11737            endContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset);
11738            startContainer = endContainer.previousSibling;
11739            if (endOffset > startOffset) {
11740              endOffset = endOffset - startOffset;
11741              startContainer = endContainer = splitText(endContainer, endOffset).previousSibling;
11742              endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;
11743              startOffset = 0;
11744            } else {
11745              endOffset = 0;
11746            }
11747          }
11748        } else {
11749          if (isText$7(startContainer) && startOffset > 0 && startOffset < startContainer.nodeValue.length) {
11750            startContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset);
11751            startOffset = 0;
11752          }
11753          if (isText$7(endContainer) && endOffset > 0 && endOffset < endContainer.nodeValue.length) {
11754            endContainer = splitText(endContainer, endOffset).previousSibling;
11755            endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;
11756          }
11757        }
11758        return {
11759          startContainer: startContainer,
11760          startOffset: startOffset,
11761          endContainer: endContainer,
11762          endOffset: endOffset
11763        };
11764      };
11766      var RangeUtils = function (dom) {
11767        var walk = function (rng, callback) {
11768          return walk$2(dom, rng, callback);
11769        };
11770        var split$1 = split;
11771        var normalize = function (rng) {
11772          return normalize$2(dom, rng).fold(never, function (normalizedRng) {
11773            rng.setStart(normalizedRng.startContainer, normalizedRng.startOffset);
11774            rng.setEnd(normalizedRng.endContainer, normalizedRng.endOffset);
11775            return true;
11776          });
11777        };
11778        return {
11779          walk: walk,
11780          split: split$1,
11781          normalize: normalize
11782        };
11783      };
11784      RangeUtils.compareRanges = isEq$4;
11785      RangeUtils.getCaretRangeFromPoint = fromPoint;
11786      RangeUtils.getSelectedNode = getSelectedNode;
11787      RangeUtils.getNode = getNode$1;
11789      var Dimension = function (name, getOffset) {
11790        var set = function (element, h) {
11791          if (!isNumber(h) && !h.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) {
11792            throw new Error(name + '.set accepts only positive integer values. Value was ' + h);
11793          }
11794          var dom = element.dom;
11795          if (isSupported(dom)) {
11796            dom.style[name] = h + 'px';
11797          }
11798        };
11799        var get = function (element) {
11800          var r = getOffset(element);
11801          if (r <= 0 || r === null) {
11802            var css = get$5(element, name);
11803            return parseFloat(css) || 0;
11804          }
11805          return r;
11806        };
11807        var getOuter = get;
11808        var aggregate = function (element, properties) {
11809          return foldl(properties, function (acc, property) {
11810            var val = get$5(element, property);
11811            var value = val === undefined ? 0 : parseInt(val, 10);
11812            return isNaN(value) ? acc : acc + value;
11813          }, 0);
11814        };
11815        var max = function (element, value, properties) {
11816          var cumulativeInclusions = aggregate(element, properties);
11817          var absoluteMax = value > cumulativeInclusions ? value - cumulativeInclusions : 0;
11818          return absoluteMax;
11819        };
11820        return {
11821          set: set,
11822          get: get,
11823          getOuter: getOuter,
11824          aggregate: aggregate,
11825          max: max
11826        };
11827      };
11829      var api = Dimension('height', function (element) {
11830        var dom = element.dom;
11831        return inBody(element) ? dom.getBoundingClientRect().height : dom.offsetHeight;
11832      });
11833      var get$1 = function (element) {
11834        return api.get(element);
11835      };
11837      var walkUp = function (navigation, doc) {
11838        var frame = navigation.view(doc);
11839        return frame.fold(constant([]), function (f) {
11840          var parent = navigation.owner(f);
11841          var rest = walkUp(navigation, parent);
11842          return [f].concat(rest);
11843        });
11844      };
11845      var pathTo = function (element, navigation) {
11846        var d = navigation.owner(element);
11847        return walkUp(navigation, d);
11848      };
11850      var view = function (doc) {
11851        var _a;
11852        var element = doc.dom === document ? Optional.none() : Optional.from((_a = doc.dom.defaultView) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.frameElement);
11853        return element.map(SugarElement.fromDom);
11854      };
11855      var owner = function (element) {
11856        return documentOrOwner(element);
11857      };
11859      var Navigation = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
11860          __proto__: null,
11861          view: view,
11862          owner: owner
11863      });
11865      var find$1 = function (element) {
11866        var doc = SugarElement.fromDom(document);
11867        var scroll = get$8(doc);
11868        var frames = pathTo(element, Navigation);
11869        var offset = viewport(element);
11870        var r = foldr(frames, function (b, a) {
11871          var loc = viewport(a);
11872          return {
11873            left: b.left + loc.left,
11874            top: b.top + loc.top
11875          };
11876        }, {
11877          left: 0,
11878          top: 0
11879        });
11880        return SugarPosition(r.left + offset.left + scroll.left, r.top + offset.top + scroll.top);
11881      };
11883      var excludeFromDescend = function (element) {
11884        return name(element) === 'textarea';
11885      };
11886      var fireScrollIntoViewEvent = function (editor, data) {
11887        var scrollEvent = editor.fire('ScrollIntoView', data);
11888        return scrollEvent.isDefaultPrevented();
11889      };
11890      var fireAfterScrollIntoViewEvent = function (editor, data) {
11891        editor.fire('AfterScrollIntoView', data);
11892      };
11893      var descend = function (element, offset) {
11894        var children$1 = children(element);
11895        if (children$1.length === 0 || excludeFromDescend(element)) {
11896          return {
11897            element: element,
11898            offset: offset
11899          };
11900        } else if (offset < children$1.length && !excludeFromDescend(children$1[offset])) {
11901          return {
11902            element: children$1[offset],
11903            offset: 0
11904          };
11905        } else {
11906          var last = children$1[children$1.length - 1];
11907          if (excludeFromDescend(last)) {
11908            return {
11909              element: element,
11910              offset: offset
11911            };
11912          } else {
11913            if (name(last) === 'img') {
11914              return {
11915                element: last,
11916                offset: 1
11917              };
11918            } else if (isText$8(last)) {
11919              return {
11920                element: last,
11921                offset: get$2(last).length
11922              };
11923            } else {
11924              return {
11925                element: last,
11926                offset: children(last).length
11927              };
11928            }
11929          }
11930        }
11931      };
11932      var markerInfo = function (element, cleanupFun) {
11933        var pos = absolute(element);
11934        var height = get$1(element);
11935        return {
11936          element: element,
11937          bottom: pos.top + height,
11938          height: height,
11939          pos: pos,
11940          cleanup: cleanupFun
11941        };
11942      };
11943      var createMarker = function (element, offset) {
11944        var startPoint = descend(element, offset);
11945        var span = SugarElement.fromHtml('<span data-mce-bogus="all" style="display: inline-block;">' + ZWSP$1 + '</span>');
11946        before$4(startPoint.element, span);
11947        return markerInfo(span, function () {
11948          return remove$7(span);
11949        });
11950      };
11951      var elementMarker = function (element) {
11952        return markerInfo(SugarElement.fromDom(element), noop);
11953      };
11954      var withMarker = function (editor, f, rng, alignToTop) {
11955        preserveWith(editor, function (_s, _e) {
11956          return applyWithMarker(editor, f, rng, alignToTop);
11957        }, rng);
11958      };
11959      var withScrollEvents = function (editor, doc, f, marker, alignToTop) {
11960        var data = {
11961          elm: marker.element.dom,
11962          alignToTop: alignToTop
11963        };
11964        if (fireScrollIntoViewEvent(editor, data)) {
11965          return;
11966        }
11967        var scrollTop = get$8(doc).top;
11968        f(doc, scrollTop, marker, alignToTop);
11969        fireAfterScrollIntoViewEvent(editor, data);
11970      };
11971      var applyWithMarker = function (editor, f, rng, alignToTop) {
11972        var body = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
11973        var doc = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getDoc());
11974        reflow(body);
11975        var marker = createMarker(SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer), rng.startOffset);
11976        withScrollEvents(editor, doc, f, marker, alignToTop);
11977        marker.cleanup();
11978      };
11979      var withElement = function (editor, element, f, alignToTop) {
11980        var doc = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getDoc());
11981        withScrollEvents(editor, doc, f, elementMarker(element), alignToTop);
11982      };
11983      var preserveWith = function (editor, f, rng) {
11984        var startElement = rng.startContainer;
11985        var startOffset = rng.startOffset;
11986        var endElement = rng.endContainer;
11987        var endOffset = rng.endOffset;
11988        f(SugarElement.fromDom(startElement), SugarElement.fromDom(endElement));
11989        var newRng = editor.dom.createRng();
11990        newRng.setStart(startElement, startOffset);
11991        newRng.setEnd(endElement, endOffset);
11992        editor.selection.setRng(rng);
11993      };
11994      var scrollToMarker = function (marker, viewHeight, alignToTop, doc) {
11995        var pos = marker.pos;
11996        if (alignToTop) {
11997          to(pos.left, pos.top, doc);
11998        } else {
11999          var y = pos.top - viewHeight + marker.height;
12000          to(pos.left, y, doc);
12001        }
12002      };
12003      var intoWindowIfNeeded = function (doc, scrollTop, viewHeight, marker, alignToTop) {
12004        var viewportBottom = viewHeight + scrollTop;
12005        var markerTop = marker.pos.top;
12006        var markerBottom = marker.bottom;
12007        var largerThanViewport = markerBottom - markerTop >= viewHeight;
12008        if (markerTop < scrollTop) {
12009          scrollToMarker(marker, viewHeight, alignToTop !== false, doc);
12010        } else if (markerTop > viewportBottom) {
12011          var align = largerThanViewport ? alignToTop !== false : alignToTop === true;
12012          scrollToMarker(marker, viewHeight, align, doc);
12013        } else if (markerBottom > viewportBottom && !largerThanViewport) {
12014          scrollToMarker(marker, viewHeight, alignToTop === true, doc);
12015        }
12016      };
12017      var intoWindow = function (doc, scrollTop, marker, alignToTop) {
12018        var viewHeight = doc.dom.defaultView.innerHeight;
12019        intoWindowIfNeeded(doc, scrollTop, viewHeight, marker, alignToTop);
12020      };
12021      var intoFrame = function (doc, scrollTop, marker, alignToTop) {
12022        var frameViewHeight = doc.dom.defaultView.innerHeight;
12023        intoWindowIfNeeded(doc, scrollTop, frameViewHeight, marker, alignToTop);
12024        var op = find$1(marker.element);
12025        var viewportBounds = getBounds(window);
12026        if (op.top < viewportBounds.y) {
12027          intoView(marker.element, alignToTop !== false);
12028        } else if (op.top > viewportBounds.bottom) {
12029          intoView(marker.element, alignToTop === true);
12030        }
12031      };
12032      var rangeIntoWindow = function (editor, rng, alignToTop) {
12033        return withMarker(editor, intoWindow, rng, alignToTop);
12034      };
12035      var elementIntoWindow = function (editor, element, alignToTop) {
12036        return withElement(editor, element, intoWindow, alignToTop);
12037      };
12038      var rangeIntoFrame = function (editor, rng, alignToTop) {
12039        return withMarker(editor, intoFrame, rng, alignToTop);
12040      };
12041      var elementIntoFrame = function (editor, element, alignToTop) {
12042        return withElement(editor, element, intoFrame, alignToTop);
12043      };
12044      var scrollElementIntoView = function (editor, element, alignToTop) {
12045        var scroller = editor.inline ? elementIntoWindow : elementIntoFrame;
12046        scroller(editor, element, alignToTop);
12047      };
12048      var scrollRangeIntoView = function (editor, rng, alignToTop) {
12049        var scroller = editor.inline ? rangeIntoWindow : rangeIntoFrame;
12050        scroller(editor, rng, alignToTop);
12051      };
12053      var getDocument = function () {
12054        return SugarElement.fromDom(document);
12055      };
12057      var focus$1 = function (element) {
12058        return element.dom.focus();
12059      };
12060      var hasFocus$1 = function (element) {
12061        var root = getRootNode(element).dom;
12062        return element.dom === root.activeElement;
12063      };
12064      var active = function (root) {
12065        if (root === void 0) {
12066          root = getDocument();
12067        }
12068        return Optional.from(root.dom.activeElement).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
12069      };
12070      var search = function (element) {
12071        return active(getRootNode(element)).filter(function (e) {
12072          return element.dom.contains(e.dom);
12073        });
12074      };
12076      var create$5 = function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) {
12077        return {
12078          start: start,
12079          soffset: soffset,
12080          finish: finish,
12081          foffset: foffset
12082        };
12083      };
12084      var SimRange = { create: create$5 };
12086      var adt$1 = Adt.generate([
12087        { before: ['element'] },
12088        {
12089          on: [
12090            'element',
12091            'offset'
12092          ]
12093        },
12094        { after: ['element'] }
12095      ]);
12096      var cata = function (subject, onBefore, onOn, onAfter) {
12097        return subject.fold(onBefore, onOn, onAfter);
12098      };
12099      var getStart$2 = function (situ) {
12100        return situ.fold(identity, identity, identity);
12101      };
12102      var before$1 = adt$1.before;
12103      var on = adt$1.on;
12104      var after$1 = adt$1.after;
12105      var Situ = {
12106        before: before$1,
12107        on: on,
12108        after: after$1,
12109        cata: cata,
12110        getStart: getStart$2
12111      };
12113      var adt = Adt.generate([
12114        { domRange: ['rng'] },
12115        {
12116          relative: [
12117            'startSitu',
12118            'finishSitu'
12119          ]
12120        },
12121        {
12122          exact: [
12123            'start',
12124            'soffset',
12125            'finish',
12126            'foffset'
12127          ]
12128        }
12129      ]);
12130      var exactFromRange = function (simRange) {
12131        return adt.exact(simRange.start, simRange.soffset, simRange.finish, simRange.foffset);
12132      };
12133      var getStart$1 = function (selection) {
12134        return selection.match({
12135          domRange: function (rng) {
12136            return SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer);
12137          },
12138          relative: function (startSitu, _finishSitu) {
12139            return Situ.getStart(startSitu);
12140          },
12141          exact: function (start, _soffset, _finish, _foffset) {
12142            return start;
12143          }
12144        });
12145      };
12146      var domRange = adt.domRange;
12147      var relative = adt.relative;
12148      var exact = adt.exact;
12149      var getWin = function (selection) {
12150        var start = getStart$1(selection);
12151        return defaultView(start);
12152      };
12153      var range = SimRange.create;
12154      var SimSelection = {
12155        domRange: domRange,
12156        relative: relative,
12157        exact: exact,
12158        exactFromRange: exactFromRange,
12159        getWin: getWin,
12160        range: range
12161      };
12163      var browser$1 = detect().browser;
12164      var clamp$1 = function (offset, element) {
12165        var max = isText$8(element) ? get$2(element).length : children(element).length + 1;
12166        if (offset > max) {
12167          return max;
12168        } else if (offset < 0) {
12169          return 0;
12170        }
12171        return offset;
12172      };
12173      var normalizeRng = function (rng) {
12174        return SimSelection.range(rng.start, clamp$1(rng.soffset, rng.start), rng.finish, clamp$1(rng.foffset, rng.finish));
12175      };
12176      var isOrContains = function (root, elm) {
12177        return !isRestrictedNode(elm.dom) && (contains$1(root, elm) || eq(root, elm));
12178      };
12179      var isRngInRoot = function (root) {
12180        return function (rng) {
12181          return isOrContains(root, rng.start) && isOrContains(root, rng.finish);
12182        };
12183      };
12184      var shouldStore = function (editor) {
12185        return editor.inline === true || browser$1.isIE();
12186      };
12187      var nativeRangeToSelectionRange = function (r) {
12188        return SimSelection.range(SugarElement.fromDom(r.startContainer), r.startOffset, SugarElement.fromDom(r.endContainer), r.endOffset);
12189      };
12190      var readRange = function (win) {
12191        var selection = win.getSelection();
12192        var rng = !selection || selection.rangeCount === 0 ? Optional.none() : Optional.from(selection.getRangeAt(0));
12193        return rng.map(nativeRangeToSelectionRange);
12194      };
12195      var getBookmark = function (root) {
12196        var win = defaultView(root);
12197        return readRange(win.dom).filter(isRngInRoot(root));
12198      };
12199      var validate = function (root, bookmark) {
12200        return Optional.from(bookmark).filter(isRngInRoot(root)).map(normalizeRng);
12201      };
12202      var bookmarkToNativeRng = function (bookmark) {
12203        var rng = document.createRange();
12204        try {
12205          rng.setStart(bookmark.start.dom, bookmark.soffset);
12206          rng.setEnd(bookmark.finish.dom, bookmark.foffset);
12207          return Optional.some(rng);
12208        } catch (_) {
12209          return Optional.none();
12210        }
12211      };
12212      var store = function (editor) {
12213        var newBookmark = shouldStore(editor) ? getBookmark(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody())) : Optional.none();
12214        editor.bookmark = newBookmark.isSome() ? newBookmark : editor.bookmark;
12215      };
12216      var storeNative = function (editor, rng) {
12217        var root = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
12218        var range = shouldStore(editor) ? Optional.from(rng) : Optional.none();
12219        var newBookmark = range.map(nativeRangeToSelectionRange).filter(isRngInRoot(root));
12220        editor.bookmark = newBookmark.isSome() ? newBookmark : editor.bookmark;
12221      };
12222      var getRng = function (editor) {
12223        var bookmark = editor.bookmark ? editor.bookmark : Optional.none();
12224        return bookmark.bind(function (x) {
12225          return validate(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()), x);
12226        }).bind(bookmarkToNativeRng);
12227      };
12228      var restore = function (editor) {
12229        getRng(editor).each(function (rng) {
12230          return editor.selection.setRng(rng);
12231        });
12232      };
12234      var isEditorUIElement$1 = function (elm) {
12235        var className = elm.className.toString();
12236        return className.indexOf('tox-') !== -1 || className.indexOf('mce-') !== -1;
12237      };
12238      var FocusManager = { isEditorUIElement: isEditorUIElement$1 };
12240      var isManualNodeChange = function (e) {
12241        return e.type === 'nodechange' && e.selectionChange;
12242      };
12243      var registerPageMouseUp = function (editor, throttledStore) {
12244        var mouseUpPage = function () {
12245          throttledStore.throttle();
12246        };
12247        DOMUtils.DOM.bind(document, 'mouseup', mouseUpPage);
12248        editor.on('remove', function () {
12249          DOMUtils.DOM.unbind(document, 'mouseup', mouseUpPage);
12250        });
12251      };
12252      var registerFocusOut = function (editor) {
12253        editor.on('focusout', function () {
12254          store(editor);
12255        });
12256      };
12257      var registerMouseUp = function (editor, throttledStore) {
12258        editor.on('mouseup touchend', function (_e) {
12259          throttledStore.throttle();
12260        });
12261      };
12262      var registerEditorEvents = function (editor, throttledStore) {
12263        var browser = detect().browser;
12264        if (browser.isIE()) {
12265          registerFocusOut(editor);
12266        } else {
12267          registerMouseUp(editor, throttledStore);
12268        }
12269        editor.on('keyup NodeChange', function (e) {
12270          if (!isManualNodeChange(e)) {
12271            store(editor);
12272          }
12273        });
12274      };
12275      var register$3 = function (editor) {
12276        var throttledStore = first(function () {
12277          store(editor);
12278        }, 0);
12279        editor.on('init', function () {
12280          if (editor.inline) {
12281            registerPageMouseUp(editor, throttledStore);
12282          }
12283          registerEditorEvents(editor, throttledStore);
12284        });
12285        editor.on('remove', function () {
12286          throttledStore.cancel();
12287        });
12288      };
12290      var documentFocusInHandler;
12291      var DOM$8 = DOMUtils.DOM;
12292      var isEditorUIElement = function (elm) {
12293        return FocusManager.isEditorUIElement(elm);
12294      };
12295      var isEditorContentAreaElement = function (elm) {
12296        var classList = elm.classList;
12297        if (classList !== undefined) {
12298          return classList.contains('tox-edit-area') || classList.contains('tox-edit-area__iframe') || classList.contains('mce-content-body');
12299        } else {
12300          return false;
12301        }
12302      };
12303      var isUIElement = function (editor, elm) {
12304        var customSelector = getCustomUiSelector(editor);
12305        var parent = DOM$8.getParent(elm, function (elm) {
12306          return isEditorUIElement(elm) || (customSelector ? editor.dom.is(elm, customSelector) : false);
12307        });
12308        return parent !== null;
12309      };
12310      var getActiveElement = function (editor) {
12311        try {
12312          var root = getRootNode(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getElement()));
12313          return active(root).fold(function () {
12314            return document.body;
12315          }, function (x) {
12316            return x.dom;
12317          });
12318        } catch (ex) {
12319          return document.body;
12320        }
12321      };
12322      var registerEvents$1 = function (editorManager, e) {
12323        var editor = e.editor;
12324        register$3(editor);
12325        editor.on('focusin', function () {
12326          var focusedEditor = editorManager.focusedEditor;
12327          if (focusedEditor !== editor) {
12328            if (focusedEditor) {
12329              focusedEditor.fire('blur', { focusedEditor: editor });
12330            }
12331            editorManager.setActive(editor);
12332            editorManager.focusedEditor = editor;
12333            editor.fire('focus', { blurredEditor: focusedEditor });
12334            editor.focus(true);
12335          }
12336        });
12337        editor.on('focusout', function () {
12338          Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
12339            var focusedEditor = editorManager.focusedEditor;
12340            if (!isUIElement(editor, getActiveElement(editor)) && focusedEditor === editor) {
12341              editor.fire('blur', { focusedEditor: null });
12342              editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
12343            }
12344          });
12345        });
12346        if (!documentFocusInHandler) {
12347          documentFocusInHandler = function (e) {
12348            var activeEditor = editorManager.activeEditor;
12349            if (activeEditor) {
12350              getOriginalEventTarget(e).each(function (target) {
12351                if (target.ownerDocument === document) {
12352                  if (target !== document.body && !isUIElement(activeEditor, target) && editorManager.focusedEditor === activeEditor) {
12353                    activeEditor.fire('blur', { focusedEditor: null });
12354                    editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
12355                  }
12356                }
12357              });
12358            }
12359          };
12360          DOM$8.bind(document, 'focusin', documentFocusInHandler);
12361        }
12362      };
12363      var unregisterDocumentEvents = function (editorManager, e) {
12364        if (editorManager.focusedEditor === e.editor) {
12365          editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
12366        }
12367        if (!editorManager.activeEditor) {
12368          DOM$8.unbind(document, 'focusin', documentFocusInHandler);
12369          documentFocusInHandler = null;
12370        }
12371      };
12372      var setup$l = function (editorManager) {
12373        editorManager.on('AddEditor', curry(registerEvents$1, editorManager));
12374        editorManager.on('RemoveEditor', curry(unregisterDocumentEvents, editorManager));
12375      };
12377      var getContentEditableHost = function (editor, node) {
12378        return editor.dom.getParent(node, function (node) {
12379          return editor.dom.getContentEditable(node) === 'true';
12380        });
12381      };
12382      var getCollapsedNode = function (rng) {
12383        return rng.collapsed ? Optional.from(getNode$1(rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset)).map(SugarElement.fromDom) : Optional.none();
12384      };
12385      var getFocusInElement = function (root, rng) {
12386        return getCollapsedNode(rng).bind(function (node) {
12387          if (isTableSection(node)) {
12388            return Optional.some(node);
12389          } else if (contains$1(root, node) === false) {
12390            return Optional.some(root);
12391          } else {
12392            return Optional.none();
12393          }
12394        });
12395      };
12396      var normalizeSelection$1 = function (editor, rng) {
12397        getFocusInElement(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()), rng).bind(function (elm) {
12398          return firstPositionIn(elm.dom);
12399        }).fold(function () {
12400          editor.selection.normalize();
12401          return;
12402        }, function (caretPos) {
12403          return editor.selection.setRng(caretPos.toRange());
12404        });
12405      };
12406      var focusBody = function (body) {
12407        if (body.setActive) {
12408          try {
12409            body.setActive();
12410          } catch (ex) {
12411            body.focus();
12412          }
12413        } else {
12414          body.focus();
12415        }
12416      };
12417      var hasElementFocus = function (elm) {
12418        return hasFocus$1(elm) || search(elm).isSome();
12419      };
12420      var hasIframeFocus = function (editor) {
12421        return editor.iframeElement && hasFocus$1(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.iframeElement));
12422      };
12423      var hasInlineFocus = function (editor) {
12424        var rawBody = editor.getBody();
12425        return rawBody && hasElementFocus(SugarElement.fromDom(rawBody));
12426      };
12427      var hasUiFocus = function (editor) {
12428        var dos = getRootNode(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getElement()));
12429        return active(dos).filter(function (elem) {
12430          return !isEditorContentAreaElement(elem.dom) && isUIElement(editor, elem.dom);
12431        }).isSome();
12432      };
12433      var hasFocus = function (editor) {
12434        return editor.inline ? hasInlineFocus(editor) : hasIframeFocus(editor);
12435      };
12436      var hasEditorOrUiFocus = function (editor) {
12437        return hasFocus(editor) || hasUiFocus(editor);
12438      };
12439      var focusEditor = function (editor) {
12440        var selection = editor.selection;
12441        var body = editor.getBody();
12442        var rng = selection.getRng();
12443        editor.quirks.refreshContentEditable();
12444        if (editor.bookmark !== undefined && hasFocus(editor) === false) {
12445          getRng(editor).each(function (bookmarkRng) {
12446            editor.selection.setRng(bookmarkRng);
12447            rng = bookmarkRng;
12448          });
12449        }
12450        var contentEditableHost = getContentEditableHost(editor, selection.getNode());
12451        if (editor.$.contains(body, contentEditableHost)) {
12452          focusBody(contentEditableHost);
12453          normalizeSelection$1(editor, rng);
12454          activateEditor(editor);
12455          return;
12456        }
12457        if (!editor.inline) {
12458          if (!Env.opera) {
12459            focusBody(body);
12460          }
12461          editor.getWin().focus();
12462        }
12463        if (Env.gecko || editor.inline) {
12464          focusBody(body);
12465          normalizeSelection$1(editor, rng);
12466        }
12467        activateEditor(editor);
12468      };
12469      var activateEditor = function (editor) {
12470        return editor.editorManager.setActive(editor);
12471      };
12472      var focus = function (editor, skipFocus) {
12473        if (editor.removed) {
12474          return;
12475        }
12476        if (skipFocus) {
12477          activateEditor(editor);
12478        } else {
12479          focusEditor(editor);
12480        }
12481      };
12483      var getEndpointElement = function (root, rng, start, real, resolve) {
12484        var container = start ? rng.startContainer : rng.endContainer;
12485        var offset = start ? rng.startOffset : rng.endOffset;
12486        return Optional.from(container).map(SugarElement.fromDom).map(function (elm) {
12487          return !real || !rng.collapsed ? child$1(elm, resolve(elm, offset)).getOr(elm) : elm;
12488        }).bind(function (elm) {
12489          return isElement$6(elm) ? Optional.some(elm) : parent(elm).filter(isElement$6);
12490        }).map(function (elm) {
12491          return elm.dom;
12492        }).getOr(root);
12493      };
12494      var getStart = function (root, rng, real) {
12495        return getEndpointElement(root, rng, true, real, function (elm, offset) {
12496          return Math.min(childNodesCount(elm), offset);
12497        });
12498      };
12499      var getEnd = function (root, rng, real) {
12500        return getEndpointElement(root, rng, false, real, function (elm, offset) {
12501          return offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : offset;
12502        });
12503      };
12504      var skipEmptyTextNodes = function (node, forwards) {
12505        var orig = node;
12506        while (node && isText$7(node) && node.length === 0) {
12507          node = forwards ? node.nextSibling : node.previousSibling;
12508        }
12509        return node || orig;
12510      };
12511      var getNode = function (root, rng) {
12512        var elm, startContainer, endContainer;
12513        if (!rng) {
12514          return root;
12515        }
12516        startContainer = rng.startContainer;
12517        endContainer = rng.endContainer;
12518        var startOffset = rng.startOffset;
12519        var endOffset = rng.endOffset;
12520        elm = rng.commonAncestorContainer;
12521        if (!rng.collapsed) {
12522          if (startContainer === endContainer) {
12523            if (endOffset - startOffset < 2) {
12524              if (startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
12525                elm = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
12526              }
12527            }
12528          }
12529          if (startContainer.nodeType === 3 && endContainer.nodeType === 3) {
12530            if (startContainer.length === startOffset) {
12531              startContainer = skipEmptyTextNodes(startContainer.nextSibling, true);
12532            } else {
12533              startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
12534            }
12535            if (endOffset === 0) {
12536              endContainer = skipEmptyTextNodes(endContainer.previousSibling, false);
12537            } else {
12538              endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
12539            }
12540            if (startContainer && startContainer === endContainer) {
12541              return startContainer;
12542            }
12543          }
12544        }
12545        if (elm && elm.nodeType === 3) {
12546          return elm.parentNode;
12547        }
12548        return elm;
12549      };
12550      var getSelectedBlocks = function (dom, rng, startElm, endElm) {
12551        var node;
12552        var selectedBlocks = [];
12553        var root = dom.getRoot();
12554        startElm = dom.getParent(startElm || getStart(root, rng, rng.collapsed), dom.isBlock);
12555        endElm = dom.getParent(endElm || getEnd(root, rng, rng.collapsed), dom.isBlock);
12556        if (startElm && startElm !== root) {
12557          selectedBlocks.push(startElm);
12558        }
12559        if (startElm && endElm && startElm !== endElm) {
12560          node = startElm;
12561          var walker = new DomTreeWalker(startElm, root);
12562          while ((node = walker.next()) && node !== endElm) {
12563            if (dom.isBlock(node)) {
12564              selectedBlocks.push(node);
12565            }
12566          }
12567        }
12568        if (endElm && startElm !== endElm && endElm !== root) {
12569          selectedBlocks.push(endElm);
12570        }
12571        return selectedBlocks;
12572      };
12573      var select = function (dom, node, content) {
12574        return Optional.from(node).map(function (node) {
12575          var idx = dom.nodeIndex(node);
12576          var rng = dom.createRng();
12577          rng.setStart(node.parentNode, idx);
12578          rng.setEnd(node.parentNode, idx + 1);
12579          if (content) {
12580            moveEndPoint(dom, rng, node, true);
12581            moveEndPoint(dom, rng, node, false);
12582          }
12583          return rng;
12584        });
12585      };
12587      var processRanges = function (editor, ranges) {
12588        return map$3(ranges, function (range) {
12589          var evt = editor.fire('GetSelectionRange', { range: range });
12590          return evt.range !== range ? evt.range : range;
12591        });
12592      };
12594      var typeLookup = {
12595        '#text': 3,
12596        '#comment': 8,
12597        '#cdata': 4,
12598        '#pi': 7,
12599        '#doctype': 10,
12600        '#document-fragment': 11
12601      };
12602      var walk$1 = function (node, root, prev) {
12603        var startName = prev ? 'lastChild' : 'firstChild';
12604        var siblingName = prev ? 'prev' : 'next';
12605        if (node[startName]) {
12606          return node[startName];
12607        }
12608        if (node !== root) {
12609          var sibling = node[siblingName];
12610          if (sibling) {
12611            return sibling;
12612          }
12613          for (var parent_1 = node.parent; parent_1 && parent_1 !== root; parent_1 = parent_1.parent) {
12614            sibling = parent_1[siblingName];
12615            if (sibling) {
12616              return sibling;
12617            }
12618          }
12619        }
12620      };
12621      var isEmptyTextNode = function (node) {
12622        if (!isWhitespaceText(node.value)) {
12623          return false;
12624        }
12625        var parentNode = node.parent;
12626        if (parentNode && (parentNode.name !== 'span' || parentNode.attr('style')) && /^[ ]+$/.test(node.value)) {
12627          return false;
12628        }
12629        return true;
12630      };
12631      var isNonEmptyElement = function (node) {
12632        var isNamedAnchor = node.name === 'a' && !node.attr('href') && node.attr('id');
12633        return node.attr('name') || node.attr('id') && !node.firstChild || node.attr('data-mce-bookmark') || isNamedAnchor;
12634      };
12635      var AstNode = function () {
12636        function AstNode(name, type) {
12637          this.name = name;
12638          this.type = type;
12639          if (type === 1) {
12640            this.attributes = [];
12641            this.attributes.map = {};
12642          }
12643        }
12644        AstNode.create = function (name, attrs) {
12645          var node = new AstNode(name, typeLookup[name] || 1);
12646          if (attrs) {
12647            each$j(attrs, function (value, attrName) {
12648              node.attr(attrName, value);
12649            });
12650          }
12651          return node;
12652        };
12653        AstNode.prototype.replace = function (node) {
12654          var self = this;
12655          if (node.parent) {
12656            node.remove();
12657          }
12658          self.insert(node, self);
12659          self.remove();
12660          return self;
12661        };
12662        AstNode.prototype.attr = function (name, value) {
12663          var self = this;
12664          var attrs;
12665          if (typeof name !== 'string') {
12666            if (name !== undefined && name !== null) {
12667              each$j(name, function (value, key) {
12668                self.attr(key, value);
12669              });
12670            }
12671            return self;
12672          }
12673          if (attrs = self.attributes) {
12674            if (value !== undefined) {
12675              if (value === null) {
12676                if (name in attrs.map) {
12677                  delete attrs.map[name];
12678                  var i = attrs.length;
12679                  while (i--) {
12680                    if (attrs[i].name === name) {
12681                      attrs.splice(i, 1);
12682                      return self;
12683                    }
12684                  }
12685                }
12686                return self;
12687              }
12688              if (name in attrs.map) {
12689                var i = attrs.length;
12690                while (i--) {
12691                  if (attrs[i].name === name) {
12692                    attrs[i].value = value;
12693                    break;
12694                  }
12695                }
12696              } else {
12697                attrs.push({
12698                  name: name,
12699                  value: value
12700                });
12701              }
12702              attrs.map[name] = value;
12703              return self;
12704            }
12705            return attrs.map[name];
12706          }
12707        };
12708        AstNode.prototype.clone = function () {
12709          var self = this;
12710          var clone = new AstNode(self.name, self.type);
12711          var selfAttrs;
12712          if (selfAttrs = self.attributes) {
12713            var cloneAttrs = [];
12714            cloneAttrs.map = {};
12715            for (var i = 0, l = selfAttrs.length; i < l; i++) {
12716              var selfAttr = selfAttrs[i];
12717              if (selfAttr.name !== 'id') {
12718                cloneAttrs[cloneAttrs.length] = {
12719                  name: selfAttr.name,
12720                  value: selfAttr.value
12721                };
12722                cloneAttrs.map[selfAttr.name] = selfAttr.value;
12723              }
12724            }
12725            clone.attributes = cloneAttrs;
12726          }
12727          clone.value = self.value;
12728          clone.shortEnded = self.shortEnded;
12729          return clone;
12730        };
12731        AstNode.prototype.wrap = function (wrapper) {
12732          var self = this;
12733          self.parent.insert(wrapper, self);
12734          wrapper.append(self);
12735          return self;
12736        };
12737        AstNode.prototype.unwrap = function () {
12738          var self = this;
12739          for (var node = self.firstChild; node;) {
12740            var next = node.next;
12741            self.insert(node, self, true);
12742            node = next;
12743          }
12744          self.remove();
12745        };
12746        AstNode.prototype.remove = function () {
12747          var self = this, parent = self.parent, next = self.next, prev = self.prev;
12748          if (parent) {
12749            if (parent.firstChild === self) {
12750              parent.firstChild = next;
12751              if (next) {
12752                next.prev = null;
12753              }
12754            } else {
12755              prev.next = next;
12756            }
12757            if (parent.lastChild === self) {
12758              parent.lastChild = prev;
12759              if (prev) {
12760                prev.next = null;
12761              }
12762            } else {
12763              next.prev = prev;
12764            }
12765            self.parent = self.next = self.prev = null;
12766          }
12767          return self;
12768        };
12769        AstNode.prototype.append = function (node) {
12770          var self = this;
12771          if (node.parent) {
12772            node.remove();
12773          }
12774          var last = self.lastChild;
12775          if (last) {
12776            last.next = node;
12777            node.prev = last;
12778            self.lastChild = node;
12779          } else {
12780            self.lastChild = self.firstChild = node;
12781          }
12782          node.parent = self;
12783          return node;
12784        };
12785        AstNode.prototype.insert = function (node, refNode, before) {
12786          if (node.parent) {
12787            node.remove();
12788          }
12789          var parent = refNode.parent || this;
12790          if (before) {
12791            if (refNode === parent.firstChild) {
12792              parent.firstChild = node;
12793            } else {
12794              refNode.prev.next = node;
12795            }
12796            node.prev = refNode.prev;
12797            node.next = refNode;
12798            refNode.prev = node;
12799          } else {
12800            if (refNode === parent.lastChild) {
12801              parent.lastChild = node;
12802            } else {
12803              refNode.next.prev = node;
12804            }
12805            node.next = refNode.next;
12806            node.prev = refNode;
12807            refNode.next = node;
12808          }
12809          node.parent = parent;
12810          return node;
12811        };
12812        AstNode.prototype.getAll = function (name) {
12813          var self = this;
12814          var collection = [];
12815          for (var node = self.firstChild; node; node = walk$1(node, self)) {
12816            if (node.name === name) {
12817              collection.push(node);
12818            }
12819          }
12820          return collection;
12821        };
12822        AstNode.prototype.children = function () {
12823          var self = this;
12824          var collection = [];
12825          for (var node = self.firstChild; node; node = node.next) {
12826            collection.push(node);
12827          }
12828          return collection;
12829        };
12830        AstNode.prototype.empty = function () {
12831          var self = this;
12832          if (self.firstChild) {
12833            var nodes = [];
12834            for (var node = self.firstChild; node; node = walk$1(node, self)) {
12835              nodes.push(node);
12836            }
12837            var i = nodes.length;
12838            while (i--) {
12839              var node = nodes[i];
12840              node.parent = node.firstChild = node.lastChild = node.next = node.prev = null;
12841            }
12842          }
12843          self.firstChild = self.lastChild = null;
12844          return self;
12845        };
12846        AstNode.prototype.isEmpty = function (elements, whitespace, predicate) {
12847          if (whitespace === void 0) {
12848            whitespace = {};
12849          }
12850          var self = this;
12851          var node = self.firstChild;
12852          if (isNonEmptyElement(self)) {
12853            return false;
12854          }
12855          if (node) {
12856            do {
12857              if (node.type === 1) {
12858                if (node.attr('data-mce-bogus')) {
12859                  continue;
12860                }
12861                if (elements[node.name]) {
12862                  return false;
12863                }
12864                if (isNonEmptyElement(node)) {
12865                  return false;
12866                }
12867              }
12868              if (node.type === 8) {
12869                return false;
12870              }
12871              if (node.type === 3 && !isEmptyTextNode(node)) {
12872                return false;
12873              }
12874              if (node.type === 3 && node.parent && whitespace[node.parent.name] && isWhitespaceText(node.value)) {
12875                return false;
12876              }
12877              if (predicate && predicate(node)) {
12878                return false;
12879              }
12880            } while (node = walk$1(node, self));
12881          }
12882          return true;
12883        };
12884        AstNode.prototype.walk = function (prev) {
12885          return walk$1(this, null, prev);
12886        };
12887        return AstNode;
12888      }();
12890      var extractBase64DataUris = function (html) {
12891        var dataImageUri = /data:[^;<"'\s]+;base64,([a-z0-9\+\/=\s]+)/gi;
12892        var chunks = [];
12893        var uris = {};
12894        var prefix = generate('img');
12895        var matches;
12896        var index = 0;
12897        var count = 0;
12898        while (matches = dataImageUri.exec(html)) {
12899          var uri = matches[0];
12900          var imageId = prefix + '_' + count++;
12901          uris[imageId] = uri;
12902          if (index < matches.index) {
12903            chunks.push(html.substr(index, matches.index - index));
12904          }
12905          chunks.push(imageId);
12906          index = matches.index + uri.length;
12907        }
12908        var re = new RegExp(prefix + '_[0-9]+', 'g');
12909        if (index === 0) {
12910          return {
12911            prefix: prefix,
12912            uris: uris,
12913            html: html,
12914            re: re
12915          };
12916        } else {
12917          if (index < html.length) {
12918            chunks.push(html.substr(index));
12919          }
12920          return {
12921            prefix: prefix,
12922            uris: uris,
12923            html: chunks.join(''),
12924            re: re
12925          };
12926        }
12927      };
12928      var restoreDataUris = function (html, result) {
12929        return html.replace(result.re, function (imageId) {
12930          return get$9(result.uris, imageId).getOr(imageId);
12931        });
12932      };
12933      var parseDataUri$1 = function (uri) {
12934        var matches = /data:([^;]+);base64,([a-z0-9\+\/=\s]+)/i.exec(uri);
12935        if (matches) {
12936          return Optional.some({
12937            type: matches[1],
12938            data: decodeURIComponent(matches[2])
12939          });
12940        } else {
12941          return Optional.none();
12942        }
12943      };
12945      var each$d = Tools.each, trim = Tools.trim;
12946      var queryParts = 'source protocol authority userInfo user password host port relative path directory file query anchor'.split(' ');
12947      var DEFAULT_PORTS = {
12948        ftp: 21,
12949        http: 80,
12950        https: 443,
12951        mailto: 25
12952      };
12953      var safeSvgDataUrlElements = [
12954        'img',
12955        'video'
12956      ];
12957      var blockSvgDataUris = function (allowSvgDataUrls, tagName) {
12958        if (isNonNullable(allowSvgDataUrls)) {
12959          return !allowSvgDataUrls;
12960        } else {
12961          return isNonNullable(tagName) ? !contains$3(safeSvgDataUrlElements, tagName) : true;
12962        }
12963      };
12964      var isInvalidUri = function (settings, uri, tagName) {
12965        if (settings.allow_html_data_urls) {
12966          return false;
12967        } else if (/^data:image\//i.test(uri)) {
12968          return blockSvgDataUris(settings.allow_svg_data_urls, tagName) && /^data:image\/svg\+xml/i.test(uri);
12969        } else {
12970          return /^data:/i.test(uri);
12971        }
12972      };
12973      var URI = function () {
12974        function URI(url, settings) {
12975          url = trim(url);
12976          this.settings = settings || {};
12977          var baseUri = this.settings.base_uri;
12978          var self = this;
12979          if (/^([\w\-]+):([^\/]{2})/i.test(url) || /^\s*#/.test(url)) {
12980            self.source = url;
12981            return;
12982          }
12983          var isProtocolRelative = url.indexOf('//') === 0;
12984          if (url.indexOf('/') === 0 && !isProtocolRelative) {
12985            url = (baseUri ? baseUri.protocol || 'http' : 'http') + '://mce_host' + url;
12986          }
12987          if (!/^[\w\-]*:?\/\//.test(url)) {
12988            var baseUrl = this.settings.base_uri ? this.settings.base_uri.path : new URI(document.location.href).directory;
12989            if (this.settings.base_uri && this.settings.base_uri.protocol == '') {
12990              url = '//mce_host' + self.toAbsPath(baseUrl, url);
12991            } else {
12992              var match = /([^#?]*)([#?]?.*)/.exec(url);
12993              url = (baseUri && baseUri.protocol || 'http') + '://mce_host' + self.toAbsPath(baseUrl, match[1]) + match[2];
12994            }
12995          }
12996          url = url.replace(/@@/g, '(mce_at)');
12997          var urlMatch = /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)([^:\/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/)?((?:(([^:@\/]*):?([^:@\/]*))?@)?(\[[a-zA-Z0-9:.%]+\]|[^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/.exec(url);
12998          each$d(queryParts, function (v, i) {
12999            var part = urlMatch[i];
13000            if (part) {
13001              part = part.replace(/\(mce_at\)/g, '@@');
13002            }
13003            self[v] = part;
13004          });
13005          if (baseUri) {
13006            if (!self.protocol) {
13007              self.protocol = baseUri.protocol;
13008            }
13009            if (!self.userInfo) {
13010              self.userInfo = baseUri.userInfo;
13011            }
13012            if (!self.port && self.host === 'mce_host') {
13013              self.port = baseUri.port;
13014            }
13015            if (!self.host || self.host === 'mce_host') {
13016              self.host = baseUri.host;
13017            }
13018            self.source = '';
13019          }
13020          if (isProtocolRelative) {
13021            self.protocol = '';
13022          }
13023        }
13024        URI.parseDataUri = function (uri) {
13025          var type;
13026          var uriComponents = decodeURIComponent(uri).split(',');
13027          var matches = /data:([^;]+)/.exec(uriComponents[0]);
13028          if (matches) {
13029            type = matches[1];
13030          }
13031          return {
13032            type: type,
13033            data: uriComponents[1]
13034          };
13035        };
13036        URI.isDomSafe = function (uri, context, options) {
13037          if (options === void 0) {
13038            options = {};
13039          }
13040          if (options.allow_script_urls) {
13041            return true;
13042          } else {
13043            var decodedUri = Entities.decode(uri).replace(/[\s\u0000-\u001F]+/g, '');
13044            try {
13045              decodedUri = decodeURIComponent(decodedUri);
13046            } catch (ex) {
13047              decodedUri = unescape(decodedUri);
13048            }
13049            if (/((java|vb)script|mhtml):/i.test(decodedUri)) {
13050              return false;
13051            }
13052            return !isInvalidUri(options, decodedUri, context);
13053          }
13054        };
13055        URI.getDocumentBaseUrl = function (loc) {
13056          var baseUrl;
13057          if (loc.protocol.indexOf('http') !== 0 && loc.protocol !== 'file:') {
13058            baseUrl = loc.href;
13059          } else {
13060            baseUrl = loc.protocol + '//' + loc.host + loc.pathname;
13061          }
13062          if (/^[^:]+:\/\/\/?[^\/]+\//.test(baseUrl)) {
13063            baseUrl = baseUrl.replace(/[\?#].*$/, '').replace(/[\/\\][^\/]+$/, '');
13064            if (!/[\/\\]$/.test(baseUrl)) {
13065              baseUrl += '/';
13066            }
13067          }
13068          return baseUrl;
13069        };
13070        URI.prototype.setPath = function (path) {
13071          var pathMatch = /^(.*?)\/?(\w+)?$/.exec(path);
13072          this.path = pathMatch[0];
13073          this.directory = pathMatch[1];
13074          this.file = pathMatch[2];
13075          this.source = '';
13076          this.getURI();
13077        };
13078        URI.prototype.toRelative = function (uri) {
13079          var output;
13080          if (uri === './') {
13081            return uri;
13082          }
13083          var relativeUri = new URI(uri, { base_uri: this });
13084          if (relativeUri.host !== 'mce_host' && this.host !== relativeUri.host && relativeUri.host || this.port !== relativeUri.port || this.protocol !== relativeUri.protocol && relativeUri.protocol !== '') {
13085            return relativeUri.getURI();
13086          }
13087          var tu = this.getURI(), uu = relativeUri.getURI();
13088          if (tu === uu || tu.charAt(tu.length - 1) === '/' && tu.substr(0, tu.length - 1) === uu) {
13089            return tu;
13090          }
13091          output = this.toRelPath(this.path, relativeUri.path);
13092          if (relativeUri.query) {
13093            output += '?' + relativeUri.query;
13094          }
13095          if (relativeUri.anchor) {
13096            output += '#' + relativeUri.anchor;
13097          }
13098          return output;
13099        };
13100        URI.prototype.toAbsolute = function (uri, noHost) {
13101          var absoluteUri = new URI(uri, { base_uri: this });
13102          return absoluteUri.getURI(noHost && this.isSameOrigin(absoluteUri));
13103        };
13104        URI.prototype.isSameOrigin = function (uri) {
13105          if (this.host == uri.host && this.protocol == uri.protocol) {
13106            if (this.port == uri.port) {
13107              return true;
13108            }
13109            var defaultPort = DEFAULT_PORTS[this.protocol];
13110            if (defaultPort && (this.port || defaultPort) == (uri.port || defaultPort)) {
13111              return true;
13112            }
13113          }
13114          return false;
13115        };
13116        URI.prototype.toRelPath = function (base, path) {
13117          var breakPoint = 0, out = '', i, l;
13118          var normalizedBase = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf('/')).split('/');
13119          var items = path.split('/');
13120          if (normalizedBase.length >= items.length) {
13121            for (i = 0, l = normalizedBase.length; i < l; i++) {
13122              if (i >= items.length || normalizedBase[i] !== items[i]) {
13123                breakPoint = i + 1;
13124                break;
13125              }
13126            }
13127          }
13128          if (normalizedBase.length < items.length) {
13129            for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
13130              if (i >= normalizedBase.length || normalizedBase[i] !== items[i]) {
13131                breakPoint = i + 1;
13132                break;
13133              }
13134            }
13135          }
13136          if (breakPoint === 1) {
13137            return path;
13138          }
13139          for (i = 0, l = normalizedBase.length - (breakPoint - 1); i < l; i++) {
13140            out += '../';
13141          }
13142          for (i = breakPoint - 1, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
13143            if (i !== breakPoint - 1) {
13144              out += '/' + items[i];
13145            } else {
13146              out += items[i];
13147            }
13148          }
13149          return out;
13150        };
13151        URI.prototype.toAbsPath = function (base, path) {
13152          var i, nb = 0, o = [], outPath;
13153          var tr = /\/$/.test(path) ? '/' : '';
13154          var normalizedBase = base.split('/');
13155          var normalizedPath = path.split('/');
13156          each$d(normalizedBase, function (k) {
13157            if (k) {
13158              o.push(k);
13159            }
13160          });
13161          normalizedBase = o;
13162          for (i = normalizedPath.length - 1, o = []; i >= 0; i--) {
13163            if (normalizedPath[i].length === 0 || normalizedPath[i] === '.') {
13164              continue;
13165            }
13166            if (normalizedPath[i] === '..') {
13167              nb++;
13168              continue;
13169            }
13170            if (nb > 0) {
13171              nb--;
13172              continue;
13173            }
13174            o.push(normalizedPath[i]);
13175          }
13176          i = normalizedBase.length - nb;
13177          if (i <= 0) {
13178            outPath = reverse(o).join('/');
13179          } else {
13180            outPath = normalizedBase.slice(0, i).join('/') + '/' + reverse(o).join('/');
13181          }
13182          if (outPath.indexOf('/') !== 0) {
13183            outPath = '/' + outPath;
13184          }
13185          if (tr && outPath.lastIndexOf('/') !== outPath.length - 1) {
13186            outPath += tr;
13187          }
13188          return outPath;
13189        };
13190        URI.prototype.getURI = function (noProtoHost) {
13191          if (noProtoHost === void 0) {
13192            noProtoHost = false;
13193          }
13194          var s;
13195          if (!this.source || noProtoHost) {
13196            s = '';
13197            if (!noProtoHost) {
13198              if (this.protocol) {
13199                s += this.protocol + '://';
13200              } else {
13201                s += '//';
13202              }
13203              if (this.userInfo) {
13204                s += this.userInfo + '@';
13205              }
13206              if (this.host) {
13207                s += this.host;
13208              }
13209              if (this.port) {
13210                s += ':' + this.port;
13211              }
13212            }
13213            if (this.path) {
13214              s += this.path;
13215            }
13216            if (this.query) {
13217              s += '?' + this.query;
13218            }
13219            if (this.anchor) {
13220              s += '#' + this.anchor;
13221            }
13222            this.source = s;
13223          }
13224          return this.source;
13225        };
13226        return URI;
13227      }();
13229      var filteredClobberElements = Tools.makeMap('button,fieldset,form,iframe,img,image,input,object,output,select,textarea');
13230      var isValidPrefixAttrName = function (name) {
13231        return name.indexOf('data-') === 0 || name.indexOf('aria-') === 0;
13232      };
13233      var findMatchingEndTagIndex = function (schema, html, startIndex) {
13234        var startTagRegExp = /<([!?\/])?([A-Za-z0-9\-_:.]+)/g;
13235        var endTagRegExp = /(?:\s(?:[^'">]+(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'))*[^"'>]*(?:"[^">]*|'[^'>]*)?|\s*|\/)>/g;
13236        var shortEndedElements = schema.getShortEndedElements();
13237        var count = 1, index = startIndex;
13238        while (count !== 0) {
13239          startTagRegExp.lastIndex = index;
13240          while (true) {
13241            var startMatch = startTagRegExp.exec(html);
13242            if (startMatch === null) {
13243              return index;
13244            } else if (startMatch[1] === '!') {
13245              if (startsWith(startMatch[2], '--')) {
13246                index = findCommentEndIndex(html, false, startMatch.index + '!--'.length);
13247              } else {
13248                index = findCommentEndIndex(html, true, startMatch.index + 1);
13249              }
13250              break;
13251            } else {
13252              endTagRegExp.lastIndex = startTagRegExp.lastIndex;
13253              var endMatch = endTagRegExp.exec(html);
13254              if (isNull(endMatch) || endMatch.index !== startTagRegExp.lastIndex) {
13255                continue;
13256              }
13257              if (startMatch[1] === '/') {
13258                count -= 1;
13259              } else if (!has$2(shortEndedElements, startMatch[2])) {
13260                count += 1;
13261              }
13262              index = startTagRegExp.lastIndex + endMatch[0].length;
13263              break;
13264            }
13265          }
13266        }
13267        return index;
13268      };
13269      var isConditionalComment = function (html, startIndex) {
13270        return /^\s*\[if [\w\W]+\]>.*<!\[endif\](--!?)?>/.test(html.substr(startIndex));
13271      };
13272      var findCommentEndIndex = function (html, isBogus, startIndex) {
13273        if (startIndex === void 0) {
13274          startIndex = 0;
13275        }
13276        var lcHtml = html.toLowerCase();
13277        if (lcHtml.indexOf('[if ', startIndex) !== -1 && isConditionalComment(lcHtml, startIndex)) {
13278          var endIfIndex = lcHtml.indexOf('[endif]', startIndex);
13279          return lcHtml.indexOf('>', endIfIndex);
13280        } else {
13281          if (isBogus) {
13282            var endIndex = lcHtml.indexOf('>', startIndex);
13283            return endIndex !== -1 ? endIndex : lcHtml.length;
13284          } else {
13285            var endCommentRegexp = /--!?>/g;
13286            endCommentRegexp.lastIndex = startIndex;
13287            var match = endCommentRegexp.exec(html);
13288            return match ? match.index + match[0].length : lcHtml.length;
13289          }
13290        }
13291      };
13292      var checkBogusAttribute = function (regExp, attrString) {
13293        var matches = regExp.exec(attrString);
13294        if (matches) {
13295          var name_1 = matches[1];
13296          var value = matches[2];
13297          return typeof name_1 === 'string' && name_1.toLowerCase() === 'data-mce-bogus' ? value : null;
13298        } else {
13299          return null;
13300        }
13301      };
13302      var SaxParser = function (settings, schema) {
13303        var _a;
13304        if (schema === void 0) {
13305          schema = Schema();
13306        }
13307        settings = settings || {};
13308        var doc = (_a = settings.document) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : document;
13309        var form = doc.createElement('form');
13310        if (settings.fix_self_closing !== false) {
13311          settings.fix_self_closing = true;
13312        }
13313        var comment = settings.comment ? settings.comment : noop;
13314        var cdata = settings.cdata ? settings.cdata : noop;
13315        var text = settings.text ? settings.text : noop;
13316        var start = settings.start ? settings.start : noop;
13317        var end = settings.end ? settings.end : noop;
13318        var pi = settings.pi ? settings.pi : noop;
13319        var doctype = settings.doctype ? settings.doctype : noop;
13320        var parseInternal = function (base64Extract, format) {
13321          if (format === void 0) {
13322            format = 'html';
13323          }
13324          var html = base64Extract.html;
13325          var matches, index = 0, value, endRegExp;
13326          var stack = [];
13327          var attrList, i, textData, name;
13328          var isInternalElement, isShortEnded;
13329          var elementRule, isValidElement, attr, attribsValue, validAttributesMap, validAttributePatterns;
13330          var attributesRequired, attributesDefault, attributesForced;
13331          var anyAttributesRequired, attrValue, idCount = 0;
13332          var decode = Entities.decode;
13333          var filteredUrlAttrs = Tools.makeMap('src,href,data,background,action,formaction,poster,xlink:href');
13334          var parsingMode = format === 'html' ? 0 : 1;
13335          var processEndTag = function (name) {
13336            var pos, i;
13337            pos = stack.length;
13338            while (pos--) {
13339              if (stack[pos].name === name) {
13340                break;
13341              }
13342            }
13343            if (pos >= 0) {
13344              for (i = stack.length - 1; i >= pos; i--) {
13345                name = stack[i];
13346                if (name.valid) {
13347                  end(name.name);
13348                }
13349              }
13350              stack.length = pos;
13351            }
13352          };
13353          var processText = function (value, raw) {
13354            return text(restoreDataUris(value, base64Extract), raw);
13355          };
13356          var processComment = function (value) {
13357            if (value === '') {
13358              return;
13359            }
13360            if (value.charAt(0) === '>') {
13361              value = ' ' + value;
13362            }
13363            if (!settings.allow_conditional_comments && value.substr(0, 3).toLowerCase() === '[if') {
13364              value = ' ' + value;
13365            }
13366            comment(restoreDataUris(value, base64Extract));
13367          };
13368          var processAttr = function (value) {
13369            return restoreDataUris(value, base64Extract);
13370          };
13371          var processMalformedComment = function (value, startIndex) {
13372            var startTag = value || '';
13373            var isBogus = !startsWith(startTag, '--');
13374            var endIndex = findCommentEndIndex(html, isBogus, startIndex);
13375            value = html.substr(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
13376            processComment(isBogus ? startTag + value : value);
13377            return endIndex + 1;
13378          };
13379          var parseAttribute = function (tagName, name, value, val2, val3) {
13380            name = name.toLowerCase();
13381            value = processAttr(name in fillAttrsMap ? name : decode(value || val2 || val3 || ''));
13382            if (validate && !isInternalElement && isValidPrefixAttrName(name) === false) {
13383              var attrRule = validAttributesMap[name];
13384              if (!attrRule && validAttributePatterns) {
13385                var i_1 = validAttributePatterns.length;
13386                while (i_1--) {
13387                  attrRule = validAttributePatterns[i_1];
13388                  if (attrRule.pattern.test(name)) {
13389                    break;
13390                  }
13391                }
13392                if (i_1 === -1) {
13393                  attrRule = null;
13394                }
13395              }
13396              if (!attrRule) {
13397                return;
13398              }
13399              if (attrRule.validValues && !(value in attrRule.validValues)) {
13400                return;
13401              }
13402            }
13403            var isNameOrId = name === 'name' || name === 'id';
13404            if (isNameOrId && tagName in filteredClobberElements && (value in doc || value in form)) {
13405              return;
13406            }
13407            if (filteredUrlAttrs[name] && !URI.isDomSafe(value, tagName, settings)) {
13408              return;
13409            }
13410            if (isInternalElement && (name in filteredUrlAttrs || name.indexOf('on') === 0)) {
13411              return;
13412            }
13413            attrList.map[name] = value;
13414            attrList.push({
13415              name: name,
13416              value: value
13417            });
13418          };
13419          var tokenRegExp = new RegExp('<(?:' + '(?:!--([\\w\\W]*?)--!?>)|' + '(?:!\\[CDATA\\[([\\w\\W]*?)\\]\\]>)|' + '(?:![Dd][Oo][Cc][Tt][Yy][Pp][Ee]([\\w\\W]*?)>)|' + '(?:!(--)?)|' + '(?:\\?([^\\s\\/<>]+) ?([\\w\\W]*?)[?/]>)|' + '(?:\\/([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\\-_\\:\\.]*)>)|' + '(?:([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\\-_:.]*)(\\s(?:[^\'">]+(?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'))*[^"\'>]*(?:"[^">]*|\'[^\'>]*)?|\\s*|\\/)>)' + ')', 'g');
13420          var attrRegExp = /([\w:\-]+)(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:\"((?:[^\"])*)\")|(?:\'((?:[^\'])*)\')|([^>\s]+)))?/g;
13421          var shortEndedElements = schema.getShortEndedElements();
13422          var selfClosing = settings.self_closing_elements || schema.getSelfClosingElements();
13423          var fillAttrsMap = schema.getBoolAttrs();
13424          var validate = settings.validate;
13425          var removeInternalElements = settings.remove_internals;
13426          var fixSelfClosing = settings.fix_self_closing;
13427          var specialElements = schema.getSpecialElements();
13428          var processHtml = html + '>';
13429          while (matches = tokenRegExp.exec(processHtml)) {
13430            var matchText = matches[0];
13431            if (index < matches.index) {
13432              processText(decode(html.substr(index, matches.index - index)));
13433            }
13434            if (value = matches[7]) {
13435              value = value.toLowerCase();
13436              if (value.charAt(0) === ':') {
13437                value = value.substr(1);
13438              }
13439              processEndTag(value);
13440            } else if (value = matches[8]) {
13441              if (matches.index + matchText.length > html.length) {
13442                processText(decode(html.substr(matches.index)));
13443                index = matches.index + matchText.length;
13444                continue;
13445              }
13446              value = value.toLowerCase();
13447              if (value.charAt(0) === ':') {
13448                value = value.substr(1);
13449              }
13450              isShortEnded = value in shortEndedElements;
13451              if (fixSelfClosing && selfClosing[value] && stack.length > 0 && stack[stack.length - 1].name === value) {
13452                processEndTag(value);
13453              }
13454              var bogusValue = checkBogusAttribute(attrRegExp, matches[9]);
13455              if (bogusValue !== null) {
13456                if (bogusValue === 'all') {
13457                  index = findMatchingEndTagIndex(schema, html, tokenRegExp.lastIndex);
13458                  tokenRegExp.lastIndex = index;
13459                  continue;
13460                }
13461                isValidElement = false;
13462              }
13463              if (!validate || (elementRule = schema.getElementRule(value))) {
13464                isValidElement = true;
13465                if (validate) {
13466                  validAttributesMap = elementRule.attributes;
13467                  validAttributePatterns = elementRule.attributePatterns;
13468                }
13469                if (attribsValue = matches[9]) {
13470                  isInternalElement = attribsValue.indexOf('data-mce-type') !== -1;
13471                  if (isInternalElement && removeInternalElements) {
13472                    isValidElement = false;
13473                  }
13474                  attrList = [];
13475                  attrList.map = {};
13476                  attribsValue.replace(attrRegExp, function (match, name, val, val2, val3) {
13477                    parseAttribute(value, name, val, val2, val3);
13478                    return '';
13479                  });
13480                } else {
13481                  attrList = [];
13482                  attrList.map = {};
13483                }
13484                if (validate && !isInternalElement) {
13485                  attributesRequired = elementRule.attributesRequired;
13486                  attributesDefault = elementRule.attributesDefault;
13487                  attributesForced = elementRule.attributesForced;
13488                  anyAttributesRequired = elementRule.removeEmptyAttrs;
13489                  if (anyAttributesRequired && !attrList.length) {
13490                    isValidElement = false;
13491                  }
13492                  if (attributesForced) {
13493                    i = attributesForced.length;
13494                    while (i--) {
13495                      attr = attributesForced[i];
13496                      name = attr.name;
13497                      attrValue = attr.value;
13498                      if (attrValue === '{$uid}') {
13499                        attrValue = 'mce_' + idCount++;
13500                      }
13501                      attrList.map[name] = attrValue;
13502                      attrList.push({
13503                        name: name,
13504                        value: attrValue
13505                      });
13506                    }
13507                  }
13508                  if (attributesDefault) {
13509                    i = attributesDefault.length;
13510                    while (i--) {
13511                      attr = attributesDefault[i];
13512                      name = attr.name;
13513                      if (!(name in attrList.map)) {
13514                        attrValue = attr.value;
13515                        if (attrValue === '{$uid}') {
13516                          attrValue = 'mce_' + idCount++;
13517                        }
13518                        attrList.map[name] = attrValue;
13519                        attrList.push({
13520                          name: name,
13521                          value: attrValue
13522                        });
13523                      }
13524                    }
13525                  }
13526                  if (attributesRequired) {
13527                    i = attributesRequired.length;
13528                    while (i--) {
13529                      if (attributesRequired[i] in attrList.map) {
13530                        break;
13531                      }
13532                    }
13533                    if (i === -1) {
13534                      isValidElement = false;
13535                    }
13536                  }
13537                  if (attr = attrList.map['data-mce-bogus']) {
13538                    if (attr === 'all') {
13539                      index = findMatchingEndTagIndex(schema, html, tokenRegExp.lastIndex);
13540                      tokenRegExp.lastIndex = index;
13541                      continue;
13542                    }
13543                    isValidElement = false;
13544                  }
13545                }
13546                if (isValidElement) {
13547                  start(value, attrList, isShortEnded);
13548                }
13549              } else {
13550                isValidElement = false;
13551              }
13552              if (endRegExp = specialElements[value]) {
13553                endRegExp.lastIndex = index = matches.index + matchText.length;
13554                if (matches = endRegExp.exec(html)) {
13555                  if (isValidElement) {
13556                    textData = html.substr(index, matches.index - index);
13557                  }
13558                  index = matches.index + matches[0].length;
13559                } else {
13560                  textData = html.substr(index);
13561                  index = html.length;
13562                }
13563                if (isValidElement) {
13564                  if (textData.length > 0) {
13565                    processText(textData, true);
13566                  }
13567                  end(value);
13568                }
13569                tokenRegExp.lastIndex = index;
13570                continue;
13571              }
13572              if (!isShortEnded) {
13573                if (!attribsValue || attribsValue.indexOf('/') !== attribsValue.length - 1) {
13574                  stack.push({
13575                    name: value,
13576                    valid: isValidElement
13577                  });
13578                } else if (isValidElement) {
13579                  end(value);
13580                }
13581              }
13582            } else if (value = matches[1]) {
13583              processComment(value);
13584            } else if (value = matches[2]) {
13585              var isValidCdataSection = parsingMode === 1 || settings.preserve_cdata || stack.length > 0 && schema.isValidChild(stack[stack.length - 1].name, '#cdata');
13586              if (isValidCdataSection) {
13587                cdata(value);
13588              } else {
13589                index = processMalformedComment('', matches.index + 2);
13590                tokenRegExp.lastIndex = index;
13591                continue;
13592              }
13593            } else if (value = matches[3]) {
13594              doctype(value);
13595            } else if ((value = matches[4]) || matchText === '<!') {
13596              index = processMalformedComment(value, matches.index + matchText.length);
13597              tokenRegExp.lastIndex = index;
13598              continue;
13599            } else if (value = matches[5]) {
13600              if (parsingMode === 1) {
13601                pi(value, matches[6]);
13602              } else {
13603                index = processMalformedComment('?', matches.index + 2);
13604                tokenRegExp.lastIndex = index;
13605                continue;
13606              }
13607            }
13608            index = matches.index + matchText.length;
13609          }
13610          if (index < html.length) {
13611            processText(decode(html.substr(index)));
13612          }
13613          for (i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
13614            value = stack[i];
13615            if (value.valid) {
13616              end(value.name);
13617            }
13618          }
13619        };
13620        var parse = function (html, format) {
13621          if (format === void 0) {
13622            format = 'html';
13623          }
13624          parseInternal(extractBase64DataUris(html), format);
13625        };
13626        return { parse: parse };
13627      };
13628      SaxParser.findEndTag = findMatchingEndTagIndex;
13630      var trimHtml = function (tempAttrs, html) {
13631        var trimContentRegExp = new RegExp(['\\s?(' + tempAttrs.join('|') + ')="[^"]+"'].join('|'), 'gi');
13632        return html.replace(trimContentRegExp, '');
13633      };
13634      var trimInternal = function (serializer, html) {
13635        var bogusAllRegExp = /<(\w+) [^>]*data-mce-bogus="all"[^>]*>/g;
13636        var schema = serializer.schema;
13637        var content = trimHtml(serializer.getTempAttrs(), html);
13638        var shortEndedElements = schema.getShortEndedElements();
13639        var matches;
13640        while (matches = bogusAllRegExp.exec(content)) {
13641          var index = bogusAllRegExp.lastIndex;
13642          var matchLength = matches[0].length;
13643          var endTagIndex = void 0;
13644          if (shortEndedElements[matches[1]]) {
13645            endTagIndex = index;
13646          } else {
13647            endTagIndex = SaxParser.findEndTag(schema, content, index);
13648          }
13649          content = content.substring(0, index - matchLength) + content.substring(endTagIndex);
13650          bogusAllRegExp.lastIndex = index - matchLength;
13651        }
13652        return trim$2(content);
13653      };
13654      var trimExternal = trimInternal;
13656      var trimEmptyContents = function (editor, html) {
13657        var blockName = getForcedRootBlock(editor);
13658        var emptyRegExp = new RegExp('^(<' + blockName + '[^>]*>(&nbsp;|&#160;|\\s|\xA0|<br \\/>|)<\\/' + blockName + '>[\r\n]*|<br \\/>[\r\n]*)$');
13659        return html.replace(emptyRegExp, '');
13660      };
13661      var setupArgs$3 = function (args, format) {
13662        return __assign(__assign({}, args), {
13663          format: format,
13664          get: true,
13665          getInner: true
13666        });
13667      };
13668      var getContentFromBody = function (editor, args, format, body) {
13669        var defaultedArgs = setupArgs$3(args, format);
13670        var updatedArgs = args.no_events ? defaultedArgs : editor.fire('BeforeGetContent', defaultedArgs);
13671        var content;
13672        if (updatedArgs.format === 'raw') {
13673          content = Tools.trim(trimExternal(editor.serializer, body.innerHTML));
13674        } else if (updatedArgs.format === 'text') {
13675          content = editor.dom.isEmpty(body) ? '' : trim$2(body.innerText || body.textContent);
13676        } else if (updatedArgs.format === 'tree') {
13677          content = editor.serializer.serialize(body, updatedArgs);
13678        } else {
13679          content = trimEmptyContents(editor, editor.serializer.serialize(body, updatedArgs));
13680        }
13681        if (!contains$3([
13682            'text',
13683            'tree'
13684          ], updatedArgs.format) && !isWsPreserveElement(SugarElement.fromDom(body))) {
13685          updatedArgs.content = Tools.trim(content);
13686        } else {
13687          updatedArgs.content = content;
13688        }
13689        if (updatedArgs.no_events) {
13690          return updatedArgs.content;
13691        } else {
13692          return editor.fire('GetContent', updatedArgs).content;
13693        }
13694      };
13695      var getContentInternal = function (editor, args, format) {
13696        return Optional.from(editor.getBody()).fold(constant(args.format === 'tree' ? new AstNode('body', 11) : ''), function (body) {
13697          return getContentFromBody(editor, args, format, body);
13698        });
13699      };
13701      var each$c = Tools.each;
13702      var ElementUtils = function (dom) {
13703        var compare = function (node1, node2) {
13704          if (node1.nodeName !== node2.nodeName) {
13705            return false;
13706          }
13707          var getAttribs = function (node) {
13708            var attribs = {};
13709            each$c(dom.getAttribs(node), function (attr) {
13710              var name = attr.nodeName.toLowerCase();
13711              if (name.indexOf('_') !== 0 && name !== 'style' && name.indexOf('data-') !== 0) {
13712                attribs[name] = dom.getAttrib(node, name);
13713              }
13714            });
13715            return attribs;
13716          };
13717          var compareObjects = function (obj1, obj2) {
13718            var value, name;
13719            for (name in obj1) {
13720              if (has$2(obj1, name)) {
13721                value = obj2[name];
13722                if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
13723                  return false;
13724                }
13725                if (obj1[name] !== value) {
13726                  return false;
13727                }
13728                delete obj2[name];
13729              }
13730            }
13731            for (name in obj2) {
13732              if (has$2(obj2, name)) {
13733                return false;
13734              }
13735            }
13736            return true;
13737          };
13738          if (!compareObjects(getAttribs(node1), getAttribs(node2))) {
13739            return false;
13740          }
13741          if (!compareObjects(dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node1, 'style')), dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node2, 'style')))) {
13742            return false;
13743          }
13744          return !isBookmarkNode$1(node1) && !isBookmarkNode$1(node2);
13745        };
13746        return { compare: compare };
13747      };
13749      var makeMap$1 = Tools.makeMap;
13750      var Writer = function (settings) {
13751        var html = [];
13752        settings = settings || {};
13753        var indent = settings.indent;
13754        var indentBefore = makeMap$1(settings.indent_before || '');
13755        var indentAfter = makeMap$1(settings.indent_after || '');
13756        var encode = Entities.getEncodeFunc(settings.entity_encoding || 'raw', settings.entities);
13757        var htmlOutput = settings.element_format === 'html';
13758        return {
13759          start: function (name, attrs, empty) {
13760            var i, l, attr, value;
13761            if (indent && indentBefore[name] && html.length > 0) {
13762              value = html[html.length - 1];
13763              if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n') {
13764                html.push('\n');
13765              }
13766            }
13767            html.push('<', name);
13768            if (attrs) {
13769              for (i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {
13770                attr = attrs[i];
13771                html.push(' ', attr.name, '="', encode(attr.value, true), '"');
13772              }
13773            }
13774            if (!empty || htmlOutput) {
13775              html[html.length] = '>';
13776            } else {
13777              html[html.length] = ' />';
13778            }
13779            if (empty && indent && indentAfter[name] && html.length > 0) {
13780              value = html[html.length - 1];
13781              if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n') {
13782                html.push('\n');
13783              }
13784            }
13785          },
13786          end: function (name) {
13787            var value;
13788            html.push('</', name, '>');
13789            if (indent && indentAfter[name] && html.length > 0) {
13790              value = html[html.length - 1];
13791              if (value.length > 0 && value !== '\n') {
13792                html.push('\n');
13793              }
13794            }
13795          },
13796          text: function (text, raw) {
13797            if (text.length > 0) {
13798              html[html.length] = raw ? text : encode(text);
13799            }
13800          },
13801          cdata: function (text) {
13802            html.push('<![CDATA[', text, ']]>');
13803          },
13804          comment: function (text) {
13805            html.push('<!--', text, '-->');
13806          },
13807          pi: function (name, text) {
13808            if (text) {
13809              html.push('<?', name, ' ', encode(text), '?>');
13810            } else {
13811              html.push('<?', name, '?>');
13812            }
13813            if (indent) {
13814              html.push('\n');
13815            }
13816          },
13817          doctype: function (text) {
13818            html.push('<!DOCTYPE', text, '>', indent ? '\n' : '');
13819          },
13820          reset: function () {
13821            html.length = 0;
13822          },
13823          getContent: function () {
13824            return html.join('').replace(/\n$/, '');
13825          }
13826        };
13827      };
13829      var HtmlSerializer = function (settings, schema) {
13830        if (schema === void 0) {
13831          schema = Schema();
13832        }
13833        var writer = Writer(settings);
13834        settings = settings || {};
13835        settings.validate = 'validate' in settings ? settings.validate : true;
13836        var serialize = function (node) {
13837          var validate = settings.validate;
13838          var handlers = {
13839            3: function (node) {
13840              writer.text(node.value, node.raw);
13841            },
13842            8: function (node) {
13843              writer.comment(node.value);
13844            },
13845            7: function (node) {
13846              writer.pi(node.name, node.value);
13847            },
13848            10: function (node) {
13849              writer.doctype(node.value);
13850            },
13851            4: function (node) {
13852              writer.cdata(node.value);
13853            },
13854            11: function (node) {
13855              if (node = node.firstChild) {
13856                do {
13857                  walk(node);
13858                } while (node = node.next);
13859              }
13860            }
13861          };
13862          writer.reset();
13863          var walk = function (node) {
13864            var handler = handlers[node.type];
13865            if (!handler) {
13866              var name_1 = node.name;
13867              var isEmpty = node.shortEnded;
13868              var attrs = node.attributes;
13869              if (validate && attrs && attrs.length > 1) {
13870                var sortedAttrs = [];
13871                sortedAttrs.map = {};
13872                var elementRule = schema.getElementRule(node.name);
13873                if (elementRule) {
13874                  for (var i = 0, l = elementRule.attributesOrder.length; i < l; i++) {
13875                    var attrName = elementRule.attributesOrder[i];
13876                    if (attrName in attrs.map) {
13877                      var attrValue = attrs.map[attrName];
13878                      sortedAttrs.map[attrName] = attrValue;
13879                      sortedAttrs.push({
13880                        name: attrName,
13881                        value: attrValue
13882                      });
13883                    }
13884                  }
13885                  for (var i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {
13886                    var attrName = attrs[i].name;
13887                    if (!(attrName in sortedAttrs.map)) {
13888                      var attrValue = attrs.map[attrName];
13889                      sortedAttrs.map[attrName] = attrValue;
13890                      sortedAttrs.push({
13891                        name: attrName,
13892                        value: attrValue
13893                      });
13894                    }
13895                  }
13896                  attrs = sortedAttrs;
13897                }
13898              }
13899              writer.start(node.name, attrs, isEmpty);
13900              if (!isEmpty) {
13901                if (node = node.firstChild) {
13902                  do {
13903                    walk(node);
13904                  } while (node = node.next);
13905                }
13906                writer.end(name_1);
13907              }
13908            } else {
13909              handler(node);
13910            }
13911          };
13912          if (node.type === 1 && !settings.inner) {
13913            walk(node);
13914          } else {
13915            handlers[11](node);
13916          }
13917          return writer.getContent();
13918        };
13919        return { serialize: serialize };
13920      };
13922      var nonInheritableStyles = new Set();
13923      (function () {
13924        var nonInheritableStylesArr = [
13925          'margin',
13926          'margin-left',
13927          'margin-right',
13928          'margin-top',
13929          'margin-bottom',
13930          'padding',
13931          'padding-left',
13932          'padding-right',
13933          'padding-top',
13934          'padding-bottom',
13935          'border',
13936          'border-width',
13937          'border-style',
13938          'border-color',
13939          'background',
13940          'background-attachment',
13941          'background-clip',
13942          'background-color',
13943          'background-image',
13944          'background-origin',
13945          'background-position',
13946          'background-repeat',
13947          'background-size',
13948          'float',
13949          'position',
13950          'left',
13951          'right',
13952          'top',
13953          'bottom',
13954          'z-index',
13955          'display',
13956          'transform',
13957          'width',
13958          'max-width',
13959          'min-width',
13960          'height',
13961          'max-height',
13962          'min-height',
13963          'overflow',
13964          'overflow-x',
13965          'overflow-y',
13966          'text-overflow',
13967          'vertical-align',
13968          'transition',
13969          'transition-delay',
13970          'transition-duration',
13971          'transition-property',
13972          'transition-timing-function'
13973        ];
13974        each$k(nonInheritableStylesArr, function (style) {
13975          nonInheritableStyles.add(style);
13976        });
13977      }());
13978      var shorthandStyleProps = [
13979        'font',
13980        'text-decoration',
13981        'text-emphasis'
13982      ];
13983      var getStyleProps = function (dom, node) {
13984        return keys(dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node, 'style')));
13985      };
13986      var isNonInheritableStyle = function (style) {
13987        return nonInheritableStyles.has(style);
13988      };
13989      var hasInheritableStyles = function (dom, node) {
13990        return forall(getStyleProps(dom, node), function (style) {
13991          return !isNonInheritableStyle(style);
13992        });
13993      };
13994      var getLonghandStyleProps = function (styles) {
13995        return filter$4(styles, function (style) {
13996          return exists(shorthandStyleProps, function (prop) {
13997            return startsWith(style, prop);
13998          });
13999        });
14000      };
14001      var hasStyleConflict = function (dom, node, parentNode) {
14002        var nodeStyleProps = getStyleProps(dom, node);
14003        var parentNodeStyleProps = getStyleProps(dom, parentNode);
14004        var valueMismatch = function (prop) {
14005          var nodeValue = dom.getStyle(node, prop);
14006          var parentValue = dom.getStyle(parentNode, prop);
14007          return isNotEmpty(nodeValue) && isNotEmpty(parentValue) && nodeValue !== parentValue;
14008        };
14009        return exists(nodeStyleProps, function (nodeStyleProp) {
14010          var propExists = function (props) {
14011            return exists(props, function (prop) {
14012              return prop === nodeStyleProp;
14013            });
14014          };
14015          if (!propExists(parentNodeStyleProps) && propExists(shorthandStyleProps)) {
14016            var longhandProps = getLonghandStyleProps(parentNodeStyleProps);
14017            return exists(longhandProps, valueMismatch);
14018          } else {
14019            return valueMismatch(nodeStyleProp);
14020          }
14021        });
14022      };
14024      var isChar = function (forward, predicate, pos) {
14025        return Optional.from(pos.container()).filter(isText$7).exists(function (text) {
14026          var delta = forward ? 0 : -1;
14027          return predicate(text.data.charAt(pos.offset() + delta));
14028        });
14029      };
14030      var isBeforeSpace = curry(isChar, true, isWhiteSpace);
14031      var isAfterSpace = curry(isChar, false, isWhiteSpace);
14032      var isEmptyText = function (pos) {
14033        var container = pos.container();
14034        return isText$7(container) && (container.data.length === 0 || isZwsp(container.data) && BookmarkManager.isBookmarkNode(container.parentNode));
14035      };
14036      var matchesElementPosition = function (before, predicate) {
14037        return function (pos) {
14038          return Optional.from(getChildNodeAtRelativeOffset(before ? 0 : -1, pos)).filter(predicate).isSome();
14039        };
14040      };
14041      var isImageBlock = function (node) {
14042        return isImg(node) && get$5(SugarElement.fromDom(node), 'display') === 'block';
14043      };
14044      var isCefNode = function (node) {
14045        return isContentEditableFalse$b(node) && !isBogusAll$1(node);
14046      };
14047      var isBeforeImageBlock = matchesElementPosition(true, isImageBlock);
14048      var isAfterImageBlock = matchesElementPosition(false, isImageBlock);
14049      var isBeforeMedia = matchesElementPosition(true, isMedia$2);
14050      var isAfterMedia = matchesElementPosition(false, isMedia$2);
14051      var isBeforeTable = matchesElementPosition(true, isTable$3);
14052      var isAfterTable = matchesElementPosition(false, isTable$3);
14053      var isBeforeContentEditableFalse = matchesElementPosition(true, isCefNode);
14054      var isAfterContentEditableFalse = matchesElementPosition(false, isCefNode);
14056      var getLastChildren = function (elm) {
14057        var children = [];
14058        var rawNode = elm.dom;
14059        while (rawNode) {
14060          children.push(SugarElement.fromDom(rawNode));
14061          rawNode = rawNode.lastChild;
14062        }
14063        return children;
14064      };
14065      var removeTrailingBr = function (elm) {
14066        var allBrs = descendants(elm, 'br');
14067        var brs = filter$4(getLastChildren(elm).slice(-1), isBr$4);
14068        if (allBrs.length === brs.length) {
14069          each$k(brs, remove$7);
14070        }
14071      };
14072      var fillWithPaddingBr = function (elm) {
14073        empty(elm);
14074        append$1(elm, SugarElement.fromHtml('<br data-mce-bogus="1">'));
14075      };
14076      var trimBlockTrailingBr = function (elm) {
14077        lastChild(elm).each(function (lastChild) {
14078          prevSibling(lastChild).each(function (lastChildPrevSibling) {
14079            if (isBlock$2(elm) && isBr$4(lastChild) && isBlock$2(lastChildPrevSibling)) {
14080              remove$7(lastChild);
14081            }
14082          });
14083        });
14084      };
14086      var dropLast = function (xs) {
14087        return xs.slice(0, -1);
14088      };
14089      var parentsUntil = function (start, root, predicate) {
14090        if (contains$1(root, start)) {
14091          return dropLast(parents$1(start, function (elm) {
14092            return predicate(elm) || eq(elm, root);
14093          }));
14094        } else {
14095          return [];
14096        }
14097      };
14098      var parents = function (start, root) {
14099        return parentsUntil(start, root, never);
14100      };
14101      var parentsAndSelf = function (start, root) {
14102        return [start].concat(parents(start, root));
14103      };
14105      var navigateIgnoreEmptyTextNodes = function (forward, root, from) {
14106        return navigateIgnore(forward, root, from, isEmptyText);
14107      };
14108      var getClosestBlock$1 = function (root, pos) {
14109        return find$3(parentsAndSelf(SugarElement.fromDom(pos.container()), root), isBlock$2);
14110      };
14111      var isAtBeforeAfterBlockBoundary = function (forward, root, pos) {
14112        return navigateIgnoreEmptyTextNodes(forward, root.dom, pos).forall(function (newPos) {
14113          return getClosestBlock$1(root, pos).fold(function () {
14114            return isInSameBlock(newPos, pos, root.dom) === false;
14115          }, function (fromBlock) {
14116            return isInSameBlock(newPos, pos, root.dom) === false && contains$1(fromBlock, SugarElement.fromDom(newPos.container()));
14117          });
14118        });
14119      };
14120      var isAtBlockBoundary = function (forward, root, pos) {
14121        return getClosestBlock$1(root, pos).fold(function () {
14122          return navigateIgnoreEmptyTextNodes(forward, root.dom, pos).forall(function (newPos) {
14123            return isInSameBlock(newPos, pos, root.dom) === false;
14124          });
14125        }, function (parent) {
14126          return navigateIgnoreEmptyTextNodes(forward, parent.dom, pos).isNone();
14127        });
14128      };
14129      var isAtStartOfBlock = curry(isAtBlockBoundary, false);
14130      var isAtEndOfBlock = curry(isAtBlockBoundary, true);
14131      var isBeforeBlock = curry(isAtBeforeAfterBlockBoundary, false);
14132      var isAfterBlock = curry(isAtBeforeAfterBlockBoundary, true);
14134      var isBr = function (pos) {
14135        return getElementFromPosition(pos).exists(isBr$4);
14136      };
14137      var findBr = function (forward, root, pos) {
14138        var parentBlocks = filter$4(parentsAndSelf(SugarElement.fromDom(pos.container()), root), isBlock$2);
14139        var scope = head(parentBlocks).getOr(root);
14140        return fromPosition(forward, scope.dom, pos).filter(isBr);
14141      };
14142      var isBeforeBr$1 = function (root, pos) {
14143        return getElementFromPosition(pos).exists(isBr$4) || findBr(true, root, pos).isSome();
14144      };
14145      var isAfterBr = function (root, pos) {
14146        return getElementFromPrevPosition(pos).exists(isBr$4) || findBr(false, root, pos).isSome();
14147      };
14148      var findPreviousBr = curry(findBr, false);
14149      var findNextBr = curry(findBr, true);
14151      var isInMiddleOfText = function (pos) {
14152        return CaretPosition.isTextPosition(pos) && !pos.isAtStart() && !pos.isAtEnd();
14153      };
14154      var getClosestBlock = function (root, pos) {
14155        var parentBlocks = filter$4(parentsAndSelf(SugarElement.fromDom(pos.container()), root), isBlock$2);
14156        return head(parentBlocks).getOr(root);
14157      };
14158      var hasSpaceBefore = function (root, pos) {
14159        if (isInMiddleOfText(pos)) {
14160          return isAfterSpace(pos);
14161        } else {
14162          return isAfterSpace(pos) || prevPosition(getClosestBlock(root, pos).dom, pos).exists(isAfterSpace);
14163        }
14164      };
14165      var hasSpaceAfter = function (root, pos) {
14166        if (isInMiddleOfText(pos)) {
14167          return isBeforeSpace(pos);
14168        } else {
14169          return isBeforeSpace(pos) || nextPosition(getClosestBlock(root, pos).dom, pos).exists(isBeforeSpace);
14170        }
14171      };
14172      var isPreValue = function (value) {
14173        return contains$3([
14174          'pre',
14175          'pre-wrap'
14176        ], value);
14177      };
14178      var isInPre = function (pos) {
14179        return getElementFromPosition(pos).bind(function (elm) {
14180          return closest$3(elm, isElement$6);
14181        }).exists(function (elm) {
14182          return isPreValue(get$5(elm, 'white-space'));
14183        });
14184      };
14185      var isAtBeginningOfBody = function (root, pos) {
14186        return prevPosition(root.dom, pos).isNone();
14187      };
14188      var isAtEndOfBody = function (root, pos) {
14189        return nextPosition(root.dom, pos).isNone();
14190      };
14191      var isAtLineBoundary = function (root, pos) {
14192        return isAtBeginningOfBody(root, pos) || isAtEndOfBody(root, pos) || isAtStartOfBlock(root, pos) || isAtEndOfBlock(root, pos) || isAfterBr(root, pos) || isBeforeBr$1(root, pos);
14193      };
14194      var needsToHaveNbsp = function (root, pos) {
14195        if (isInPre(pos)) {
14196          return false;
14197        } else {
14198          return isAtLineBoundary(root, pos) || hasSpaceBefore(root, pos) || hasSpaceAfter(root, pos);
14199        }
14200      };
14201      var needsToBeNbspLeft = function (root, pos) {
14202        if (isInPre(pos)) {
14203          return false;
14204        } else {
14205          return isAtStartOfBlock(root, pos) || isBeforeBlock(root, pos) || isAfterBr(root, pos) || hasSpaceBefore(root, pos);
14206        }
14207      };
14208      var leanRight = function (pos) {
14209        var container = pos.container();
14210        var offset = pos.offset();
14211        if (isText$7(container) && offset < container.data.length) {
14212          return CaretPosition(container, offset + 1);
14213        } else {
14214          return pos;
14215        }
14216      };
14217      var needsToBeNbspRight = function (root, pos) {
14218        if (isInPre(pos)) {
14219          return false;
14220        } else {
14221          return isAtEndOfBlock(root, pos) || isAfterBlock(root, pos) || isBeforeBr$1(root, pos) || hasSpaceAfter(root, pos);
14222        }
14223      };
14224      var needsToBeNbsp = function (root, pos) {
14225        return needsToBeNbspLeft(root, pos) || needsToBeNbspRight(root, leanRight(pos));
14226      };
14227      var isNbspAt = function (text, offset) {
14228        return isNbsp(text.charAt(offset));
14229      };
14230      var hasNbsp = function (pos) {
14231        var container = pos.container();
14232        return isText$7(container) && contains$2(container.data, nbsp);
14233      };
14234      var normalizeNbspMiddle = function (text) {
14235        var chars = text.split('');
14236        return map$3(chars, function (chr, i) {
14237          if (isNbsp(chr) && i > 0 && i < chars.length - 1 && isContent(chars[i - 1]) && isContent(chars[i + 1])) {
14238            return ' ';
14239          } else {
14240            return chr;
14241          }
14242        }).join('');
14243      };
14244      var normalizeNbspAtStart = function (root, node) {
14245        var text = node.data;
14246        var firstPos = CaretPosition(node, 0);
14247        if (isNbspAt(text, 0) && !needsToBeNbsp(root, firstPos)) {
14248          node.data = ' ' + text.slice(1);
14249          return true;
14250        } else {
14251          return false;
14252        }
14253      };
14254      var normalizeNbspInMiddleOfTextNode = function (node) {
14255        var text = node.data;
14256        var newText = normalizeNbspMiddle(text);
14257        if (newText !== text) {
14258          node.data = newText;
14259          return true;
14260        } else {
14261          return false;
14262        }
14263      };
14264      var normalizeNbspAtEnd = function (root, node) {
14265        var text = node.data;
14266        var lastPos = CaretPosition(node, text.length - 1);
14267        if (isNbspAt(text, text.length - 1) && !needsToBeNbsp(root, lastPos)) {
14268          node.data = text.slice(0, -1) + ' ';
14269          return true;
14270        } else {
14271          return false;
14272        }
14273      };
14274      var normalizeNbsps = function (root, pos) {
14275        return Optional.some(pos).filter(hasNbsp).bind(function (pos) {
14276          var container = pos.container();
14277          var normalized = normalizeNbspAtStart(root, container) || normalizeNbspInMiddleOfTextNode(container) || normalizeNbspAtEnd(root, container);
14278          return normalized ? Optional.some(pos) : Optional.none();
14279        });
14280      };
14281      var normalizeNbspsInEditor = function (editor) {
14282        var root = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
14283        if (editor.selection.isCollapsed()) {
14284          normalizeNbsps(root, CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng())).each(function (pos) {
14285            editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange());
14286          });
14287        }
14288      };
14290      var normalizeContent = function (content, isStartOfContent, isEndOfContent) {
14291        var result = foldl(content, function (acc, c) {
14292          if (isWhiteSpace(c) || isNbsp(c)) {
14293            if (acc.previousCharIsSpace || acc.str === '' && isStartOfContent || acc.str.length === content.length - 1 && isEndOfContent) {
14294              return {
14295                previousCharIsSpace: false,
14296                str: acc.str + nbsp
14297              };
14298            } else {
14299              return {
14300                previousCharIsSpace: true,
14301                str: acc.str + ' '
14302              };
14303            }
14304          } else {
14305            return {
14306              previousCharIsSpace: false,
14307              str: acc.str + c
14308            };
14309          }
14310        }, {
14311          previousCharIsSpace: false,
14312          str: ''
14313        });
14314        return result.str;
14315      };
14316      var normalize$1 = function (node, offset, count) {
14317        if (count === 0) {
14318          return;
14319        }
14320        var elm = SugarElement.fromDom(node);
14321        var root = ancestor$3(elm, isBlock$2).getOr(elm);
14322        var whitespace = node.data.slice(offset, offset + count);
14323        var isEndOfContent = offset + count >= node.data.length && needsToBeNbspRight(root, CaretPosition(node, node.data.length));
14324        var isStartOfContent = offset === 0 && needsToBeNbspLeft(root, CaretPosition(node, 0));
14325        node.replaceData(offset, count, normalizeContent(whitespace, isStartOfContent, isEndOfContent));
14326      };
14327      var normalizeWhitespaceAfter = function (node, offset) {
14328        var content = node.data.slice(offset);
14329        var whitespaceCount = content.length - lTrim(content).length;
14330        normalize$1(node, offset, whitespaceCount);
14331      };
14332      var normalizeWhitespaceBefore = function (node, offset) {
14333        var content = node.data.slice(0, offset);
14334        var whitespaceCount = content.length - rTrim(content).length;
14335        normalize$1(node, offset - whitespaceCount, whitespaceCount);
14336      };
14337      var mergeTextNodes = function (prevNode, nextNode, normalizeWhitespace, mergeToPrev) {
14338        if (mergeToPrev === void 0) {
14339          mergeToPrev = true;
14340        }
14341        var whitespaceOffset = rTrim(prevNode.data).length;
14342        var newNode = mergeToPrev ? prevNode : nextNode;
14343        var removeNode = mergeToPrev ? nextNode : prevNode;
14344        if (mergeToPrev) {
14345          newNode.appendData(removeNode.data);
14346        } else {
14347          newNode.insertData(0, removeNode.data);
14348        }
14349        remove$7(SugarElement.fromDom(removeNode));
14350        if (normalizeWhitespace) {
14351          normalizeWhitespaceAfter(newNode, whitespaceOffset);
14352        }
14353        return newNode;
14354      };
14356      var needsReposition = function (pos, elm) {
14357        var container = pos.container();
14358        var offset = pos.offset();
14359        return CaretPosition.isTextPosition(pos) === false && container === elm.parentNode && offset > CaretPosition.before(elm).offset();
14360      };
14361      var reposition = function (elm, pos) {
14362        return needsReposition(pos, elm) ? CaretPosition(pos.container(), pos.offset() - 1) : pos;
14363      };
14364      var beforeOrStartOf = function (node) {
14365        return isText$7(node) ? CaretPosition(node, 0) : CaretPosition.before(node);
14366      };
14367      var afterOrEndOf = function (node) {
14368        return isText$7(node) ? CaretPosition(node, node.data.length) : CaretPosition.after(node);
14369      };
14370      var getPreviousSiblingCaretPosition = function (elm) {
14371        if (isCaretCandidate$3(elm.previousSibling)) {
14372          return Optional.some(afterOrEndOf(elm.previousSibling));
14373        } else {
14374          return elm.previousSibling ? lastPositionIn(elm.previousSibling) : Optional.none();
14375        }
14376      };
14377      var getNextSiblingCaretPosition = function (elm) {
14378        if (isCaretCandidate$3(elm.nextSibling)) {
14379          return Optional.some(beforeOrStartOf(elm.nextSibling));
14380        } else {
14381          return elm.nextSibling ? firstPositionIn(elm.nextSibling) : Optional.none();
14382        }
14383      };
14384      var findCaretPositionBackwardsFromElm = function (rootElement, elm) {
14385        var startPosition = CaretPosition.before(elm.previousSibling ? elm.previousSibling : elm.parentNode);
14386        return prevPosition(rootElement, startPosition).fold(function () {
14387          return nextPosition(rootElement, CaretPosition.after(elm));
14388        }, Optional.some);
14389      };
14390      var findCaretPositionForwardsFromElm = function (rootElement, elm) {
14391        return nextPosition(rootElement, CaretPosition.after(elm)).fold(function () {
14392          return prevPosition(rootElement, CaretPosition.before(elm));
14393        }, Optional.some);
14394      };
14395      var findCaretPositionBackwards = function (rootElement, elm) {
14396        return getPreviousSiblingCaretPosition(elm).orThunk(function () {
14397          return getNextSiblingCaretPosition(elm);
14398        }).orThunk(function () {
14399          return findCaretPositionBackwardsFromElm(rootElement, elm);
14400        });
14401      };
14402      var findCaretPositionForward = function (rootElement, elm) {
14403        return getNextSiblingCaretPosition(elm).orThunk(function () {
14404          return getPreviousSiblingCaretPosition(elm);
14405        }).orThunk(function () {
14406          return findCaretPositionForwardsFromElm(rootElement, elm);
14407        });
14408      };
14409      var findCaretPosition = function (forward, rootElement, elm) {
14410        return forward ? findCaretPositionForward(rootElement, elm) : findCaretPositionBackwards(rootElement, elm);
14411      };
14412      var findCaretPosOutsideElmAfterDelete = function (forward, rootElement, elm) {
14413        return findCaretPosition(forward, rootElement, elm).map(curry(reposition, elm));
14414      };
14415      var setSelection$1 = function (editor, forward, pos) {
14416        pos.fold(function () {
14417          editor.focus();
14418        }, function (pos) {
14419          editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange(), forward);
14420        });
14421      };
14422      var eqRawNode = function (rawNode) {
14423        return function (elm) {
14424          return elm.dom === rawNode;
14425        };
14426      };
14427      var isBlock = function (editor, elm) {
14428        return elm && has$2(editor.schema.getBlockElements(), name(elm));
14429      };
14430      var paddEmptyBlock = function (elm) {
14431        if (isEmpty$2(elm)) {
14432          var br = SugarElement.fromHtml('<br data-mce-bogus="1">');
14433          empty(elm);
14434          append$1(elm, br);
14435          return Optional.some(CaretPosition.before(br.dom));
14436        } else {
14437          return Optional.none();
14438        }
14439      };
14440      var deleteNormalized = function (elm, afterDeletePosOpt, normalizeWhitespace) {
14441        var prevTextOpt = prevSibling(elm).filter(isText$8);
14442        var nextTextOpt = nextSibling(elm).filter(isText$8);
14443        remove$7(elm);
14444        return lift3(prevTextOpt, nextTextOpt, afterDeletePosOpt, function (prev, next, pos) {
14445          var prevNode = prev.dom, nextNode = next.dom;
14446          var offset = prevNode.data.length;
14447          mergeTextNodes(prevNode, nextNode, normalizeWhitespace);
14448          return pos.container() === nextNode ? CaretPosition(prevNode, offset) : pos;
14449        }).orThunk(function () {
14450          if (normalizeWhitespace) {
14451            prevTextOpt.each(function (elm) {
14452              return normalizeWhitespaceBefore(elm.dom, elm.dom.length);
14453            });
14454            nextTextOpt.each(function (elm) {
14455              return normalizeWhitespaceAfter(elm.dom, 0);
14456            });
14457          }
14458          return afterDeletePosOpt;
14459        });
14460      };
14461      var isInlineElement = function (editor, element) {
14462        return has$2(editor.schema.getTextInlineElements(), name(element));
14463      };
14464      var deleteElement$2 = function (editor, forward, elm, moveCaret) {
14465        if (moveCaret === void 0) {
14466          moveCaret = true;
14467        }
14468        var afterDeletePos = findCaretPosOutsideElmAfterDelete(forward, editor.getBody(), elm.dom);
14469        var parentBlock = ancestor$3(elm, curry(isBlock, editor), eqRawNode(editor.getBody()));
14470        var normalizedAfterDeletePos = deleteNormalized(elm, afterDeletePos, isInlineElement(editor, elm));
14471        if (editor.dom.isEmpty(editor.getBody())) {
14472          editor.setContent('');
14473          editor.selection.setCursorLocation();
14474        } else {
14475          parentBlock.bind(paddEmptyBlock).fold(function () {
14476            if (moveCaret) {
14477              setSelection$1(editor, forward, normalizedAfterDeletePos);
14478            }
14479          }, function (paddPos) {
14480            if (moveCaret) {
14481              setSelection$1(editor, forward, Optional.some(paddPos));
14482            }
14483          });
14484        }
14485      };
14487      var isRootFromElement = function (root) {
14488        return function (cur) {
14489          return eq(root, cur);
14490        };
14491      };
14492      var getTableCells = function (table) {
14493        return descendants(table, 'td,th');
14494      };
14495      var getTableDetailsFromRange = function (rng, isRoot) {
14496        var getTable = function (node) {
14497          return getClosestTable(SugarElement.fromDom(node), isRoot);
14498        };
14499        var startTable = getTable(rng.startContainer);
14500        var endTable = getTable(rng.endContainer);
14501        var isStartInTable = startTable.isSome();
14502        var isEndInTable = endTable.isSome();
14503        var isSameTable = lift2(startTable, endTable, eq).getOr(false);
14504        var isMultiTable = !isSameTable && isStartInTable && isEndInTable;
14505        return {
14506          startTable: startTable,
14507          endTable: endTable,
14508          isStartInTable: isStartInTable,
14509          isEndInTable: isEndInTable,
14510          isSameTable: isSameTable,
14511          isMultiTable: isMultiTable
14512        };
14513      };
14515      var tableCellRng = function (start, end) {
14516        return {
14517          start: start,
14518          end: end
14519        };
14520      };
14521      var tableSelection = function (rng, table, cells) {
14522        return {
14523          rng: rng,
14524          table: table,
14525          cells: cells
14526        };
14527      };
14528      var deleteAction = Adt.generate([
14529        {
14530          singleCellTable: [
14531            'rng',
14532            'cell'
14533          ]
14534        },
14535        { fullTable: ['table'] },
14536        {
14537          partialTable: [
14538            'cells',
14539            'outsideDetails'
14540          ]
14541        },
14542        {
14543          multiTable: [
14544            'startTableCells',
14545            'endTableCells',
14546            'betweenRng'
14547          ]
14548        }
14549      ]);
14550      var getClosestCell$1 = function (container, isRoot) {
14551        return closest$2(SugarElement.fromDom(container), 'td,th', isRoot);
14552      };
14553      var isExpandedCellRng = function (cellRng) {
14554        return !eq(cellRng.start, cellRng.end);
14555      };
14556      var getTableFromCellRng = function (cellRng, isRoot) {
14557        return getClosestTable(cellRng.start, isRoot).bind(function (startParentTable) {
14558          return getClosestTable(cellRng.end, isRoot).bind(function (endParentTable) {
14559            return someIf(eq(startParentTable, endParentTable), startParentTable);
14560          });
14561        });
14562      };
14563      var isSingleCellTable = function (cellRng, isRoot) {
14564        return !isExpandedCellRng(cellRng) && getTableFromCellRng(cellRng, isRoot).exists(function (table) {
14565          var rows = table.dom.rows;
14566          return rows.length === 1 && rows[0].cells.length === 1;
14567        });
14568      };
14569      var getCellRng = function (rng, isRoot) {
14570        var startCell = getClosestCell$1(rng.startContainer, isRoot);
14571        var endCell = getClosestCell$1(rng.endContainer, isRoot);
14572        return lift2(startCell, endCell, tableCellRng);
14573      };
14574      var getCellRangeFromStartTable = function (isRoot) {
14575        return function (startCell) {
14576          return getClosestTable(startCell, isRoot).bind(function (table) {
14577            return last$2(getTableCells(table)).map(function (endCell) {
14578              return tableCellRng(startCell, endCell);
14579            });
14580          });
14581        };
14582      };
14583      var getCellRangeFromEndTable = function (isRoot) {
14584        return function (endCell) {
14585          return getClosestTable(endCell, isRoot).bind(function (table) {
14586            return head(getTableCells(table)).map(function (startCell) {
14587              return tableCellRng(startCell, endCell);
14588            });
14589          });
14590        };
14591      };
14592      var getTableSelectionFromCellRng = function (isRoot) {
14593        return function (cellRng) {
14594          return getTableFromCellRng(cellRng, isRoot).map(function (table) {
14595            return tableSelection(cellRng, table, getTableCells(table));
14596          });
14597        };
14598      };
14599      var getTableSelections = function (cellRng, selectionDetails, rng, isRoot) {
14600        if (rng.collapsed || !cellRng.forall(isExpandedCellRng)) {
14601          return Optional.none();
14602        } else if (selectionDetails.isSameTable) {
14603          var sameTableSelection = cellRng.bind(getTableSelectionFromCellRng(isRoot));
14604          return Optional.some({
14605            start: sameTableSelection,
14606            end: sameTableSelection
14607          });
14608        } else {
14609          var startCell = getClosestCell$1(rng.startContainer, isRoot);
14610          var endCell = getClosestCell$1(rng.endContainer, isRoot);
14611          var startTableSelection = startCell.bind(getCellRangeFromStartTable(isRoot)).bind(getTableSelectionFromCellRng(isRoot));
14612          var endTableSelection = endCell.bind(getCellRangeFromEndTable(isRoot)).bind(getTableSelectionFromCellRng(isRoot));
14613          return Optional.some({
14614            start: startTableSelection,
14615            end: endTableSelection
14616          });
14617        }
14618      };
14619      var getCellIndex = function (cells, cell) {
14620        return findIndex$2(cells, function (x) {
14621          return eq(x, cell);
14622        });
14623      };
14624      var getSelectedCells = function (tableSelection) {
14625        return lift2(getCellIndex(tableSelection.cells, tableSelection.rng.start), getCellIndex(tableSelection.cells, tableSelection.rng.end), function (startIndex, endIndex) {
14626          return tableSelection.cells.slice(startIndex, endIndex + 1);
14627        });
14628      };
14629      var isSingleCellTableContentSelected = function (optCellRng, rng, isRoot) {
14630        return optCellRng.exists(function (cellRng) {
14631          return isSingleCellTable(cellRng, isRoot) && hasAllContentsSelected(cellRng.start, rng);
14632        });
14633      };
14634      var unselectCells = function (rng, selectionDetails) {
14635        var startTable = selectionDetails.startTable, endTable = selectionDetails.endTable;
14636        var otherContentRng = rng.cloneRange();
14637        startTable.each(function (table) {
14638          return otherContentRng.setStartAfter(table.dom);
14639        });
14640        endTable.each(function (table) {
14641          return otherContentRng.setEndBefore(table.dom);
14642        });
14643        return otherContentRng;
14644      };
14645      var handleSingleTable = function (cellRng, selectionDetails, rng, isRoot) {
14646        return getTableSelections(cellRng, selectionDetails, rng, isRoot).bind(function (_a) {
14647          var start = _a.start, end = _a.end;
14648          return start.or(end);
14649        }).bind(function (tableSelection) {
14650          var isSameTable = selectionDetails.isSameTable;
14651          var selectedCells = getSelectedCells(tableSelection).getOr([]);
14652          if (isSameTable && tableSelection.cells.length === selectedCells.length) {
14653            return Optional.some(deleteAction.fullTable(tableSelection.table));
14654          } else if (selectedCells.length > 0) {
14655            if (isSameTable) {
14656              return Optional.some(deleteAction.partialTable(selectedCells, Optional.none()));
14657            } else {
14658              var otherContentRng = unselectCells(rng, selectionDetails);
14659              return Optional.some(deleteAction.partialTable(selectedCells, Optional.some(__assign(__assign({}, selectionDetails), { rng: otherContentRng }))));
14660            }
14661          } else {
14662            return Optional.none();
14663          }
14664        });
14665      };
14666      var handleMultiTable = function (cellRng, selectionDetails, rng, isRoot) {
14667        return getTableSelections(cellRng, selectionDetails, rng, isRoot).bind(function (_a) {
14668          var start = _a.start, end = _a.end;
14669          var startTableSelectedCells = start.bind(getSelectedCells).getOr([]);
14670          var endTableSelectedCells = end.bind(getSelectedCells).getOr([]);
14671          if (startTableSelectedCells.length > 0 && endTableSelectedCells.length > 0) {
14672            var otherContentRng = unselectCells(rng, selectionDetails);
14673            return Optional.some(deleteAction.multiTable(startTableSelectedCells, endTableSelectedCells, otherContentRng));
14674          } else {
14675            return Optional.none();
14676          }
14677        });
14678      };
14679      var getActionFromRange = function (root, rng) {
14680        var isRoot = isRootFromElement(root);
14681        var optCellRng = getCellRng(rng, isRoot);
14682        var selectionDetails = getTableDetailsFromRange(rng, isRoot);
14683        if (isSingleCellTableContentSelected(optCellRng, rng, isRoot)) {
14684          return optCellRng.map(function (cellRng) {
14685            return deleteAction.singleCellTable(rng, cellRng.start);
14686          });
14687        } else if (selectionDetails.isMultiTable) {
14688          return handleMultiTable(optCellRng, selectionDetails, rng, isRoot);
14689        } else {
14690          return handleSingleTable(optCellRng, selectionDetails, rng, isRoot);
14691        }
14692      };
14694      var freefallRtl = function (root) {
14695        var child = isComment$1(root) ? prevSibling(root) : lastChild(root);
14696        return child.bind(freefallRtl).orThunk(function () {
14697          return Optional.some(root);
14698        });
14699      };
14700      var cleanCells = function (cells) {
14701        return each$k(cells, function (cell) {
14702          remove$6(cell, 'contenteditable');
14703          fillWithPaddingBr(cell);
14704        });
14705      };
14706      var getOutsideBlock = function (editor, container) {
14707        return Optional.from(editor.dom.getParent(container, editor.dom.isBlock)).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
14708      };
14709      var handleEmptyBlock = function (editor, startInTable, emptyBlock) {
14710        emptyBlock.each(function (block) {
14711          if (startInTable) {
14712            remove$7(block);
14713          } else {
14714            fillWithPaddingBr(block);
14715            editor.selection.setCursorLocation(block.dom, 0);
14716          }
14717        });
14718      };
14719      var deleteContentInsideCell = function (editor, cell, rng, isFirstCellInSelection) {
14720        var insideTableRng = rng.cloneRange();
14721        if (isFirstCellInSelection) {
14722          insideTableRng.setStart(rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset);
14723          insideTableRng.setEndAfter(cell.dom.lastChild);
14724        } else {
14725          insideTableRng.setStartBefore(cell.dom.firstChild);
14726          insideTableRng.setEnd(rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset);
14727        }
14728        deleteCellContents(editor, insideTableRng, cell, false);
14729      };
14730      var collapseAndRestoreCellSelection = function (editor) {
14731        var selectedCells = getCellsFromEditor(editor);
14732        var selectedNode = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.selection.getNode());
14733        if (isTableCell$5(selectedNode.dom) && isEmpty$2(selectedNode)) {
14734          editor.selection.setCursorLocation(selectedNode.dom, 0);
14735        } else {
14736          editor.selection.collapse(true);
14737        }
14738        if (selectedCells.length > 1 && exists(selectedCells, function (cell) {
14739            return eq(cell, selectedNode);
14740          })) {
14741          set$1(selectedNode, 'data-mce-selected', '1');
14742        }
14743      };
14744      var emptySingleTableCells = function (editor, cells, outsideDetails) {
14745        var editorRng = editor.selection.getRng();
14746        var cellsToClean = outsideDetails.bind(function (_a) {
14747          var rng = _a.rng, isStartInTable = _a.isStartInTable;
14748          var outsideBlock = getOutsideBlock(editor, isStartInTable ? rng.endContainer : rng.startContainer);
14749          rng.deleteContents();
14750          handleEmptyBlock(editor, isStartInTable, outsideBlock.filter(isEmpty$2));
14751          var endPointCell = isStartInTable ? cells[0] : cells[cells.length - 1];
14752          deleteContentInsideCell(editor, endPointCell, editorRng, isStartInTable);
14753          if (!isEmpty$2(endPointCell)) {
14754            return Optional.some(isStartInTable ? cells.slice(1) : cells.slice(0, -1));
14755          } else {
14756            return Optional.none();
14757          }
14758        }).getOr(cells);
14759        cleanCells(cellsToClean);
14760        collapseAndRestoreCellSelection(editor);
14761        return true;
14762      };
14763      var emptyMultiTableCells = function (editor, startTableCells, endTableCells, betweenRng) {
14764        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
14765        var startCell = startTableCells[0];
14766        var endCell = endTableCells[endTableCells.length - 1];
14767        deleteContentInsideCell(editor, startCell, rng, true);
14768        deleteContentInsideCell(editor, endCell, rng, false);
14769        var startTableCellsToClean = isEmpty$2(startCell) ? startTableCells : startTableCells.slice(1);
14770        var endTableCellsToClean = isEmpty$2(endCell) ? endTableCells : endTableCells.slice(0, -1);
14771        cleanCells(startTableCellsToClean.concat(endTableCellsToClean));
14772        betweenRng.deleteContents();
14773        collapseAndRestoreCellSelection(editor);
14774        return true;
14775      };
14776      var deleteCellContents = function (editor, rng, cell, moveSelection) {
14777        if (moveSelection === void 0) {
14778          moveSelection = true;
14779        }
14780        rng.deleteContents();
14781        var lastNode = freefallRtl(cell).getOr(cell);
14782        var lastBlock = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.dom.getParent(lastNode.dom, editor.dom.isBlock));
14783        if (isEmpty$2(lastBlock)) {
14784          fillWithPaddingBr(lastBlock);
14785          if (moveSelection) {
14786            editor.selection.setCursorLocation(lastBlock.dom, 0);
14787          }
14788        }
14789        if (!eq(cell, lastBlock)) {
14790          var additionalCleanupNodes = is$1(parent(lastBlock), cell) ? [] : siblings(lastBlock);
14791          each$k(additionalCleanupNodes.concat(children(cell)), function (node) {
14792            if (!eq(node, lastBlock) && !contains$1(node, lastBlock) && isEmpty$2(node)) {
14793              remove$7(node);
14794            }
14795          });
14796        }
14797        return true;
14798      };
14799      var deleteTableElement = function (editor, table) {
14800        deleteElement$2(editor, false, table);
14801        return true;
14802      };
14803      var deleteCellRange = function (editor, rootElm, rng) {
14804        return getActionFromRange(rootElm, rng).map(function (action) {
14805          return action.fold(curry(deleteCellContents, editor), curry(deleteTableElement, editor), curry(emptySingleTableCells, editor), curry(emptyMultiTableCells, editor));
14806        });
14807      };
14808      var deleteCaptionRange = function (editor, caption) {
14809        return emptyElement(editor, caption);
14810      };
14811      var deleteTableRange = function (editor, rootElm, rng, startElm) {
14812        return getParentCaption(rootElm, startElm).fold(function () {
14813          return deleteCellRange(editor, rootElm, rng);
14814        }, function (caption) {
14815          return deleteCaptionRange(editor, caption);
14816        }).getOr(false);
14817      };
14818      var deleteRange$2 = function (editor, startElm, selectedCells) {
14819        var rootNode = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
14820        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
14821        return selectedCells.length !== 0 ? emptySingleTableCells(editor, selectedCells, Optional.none()) : deleteTableRange(editor, rootNode, rng, startElm);
14822      };
14823      var getParentCell = function (rootElm, elm) {
14824        return find$3(parentsAndSelf(elm, rootElm), isTableCell$4);
14825      };
14826      var getParentCaption = function (rootElm, elm) {
14827        return find$3(parentsAndSelf(elm, rootElm), isTag('caption'));
14828      };
14829      var deleteBetweenCells = function (editor, rootElm, forward, fromCell, from) {
14830        return navigate(forward, editor.getBody(), from).bind(function (to) {
14831          return getParentCell(rootElm, SugarElement.fromDom(to.getNode())).map(function (toCell) {
14832            return eq(toCell, fromCell) === false;
14833          });
14834        });
14835      };
14836      var emptyElement = function (editor, elm) {
14837        fillWithPaddingBr(elm);
14838        editor.selection.setCursorLocation(elm.dom, 0);
14839        return Optional.some(true);
14840      };
14841      var isDeleteOfLastCharPos = function (fromCaption, forward, from, to) {
14842        return firstPositionIn(fromCaption.dom).bind(function (first) {
14843          return lastPositionIn(fromCaption.dom).map(function (last) {
14844            return forward ? from.isEqual(first) && to.isEqual(last) : from.isEqual(last) && to.isEqual(first);
14845          });
14846        }).getOr(true);
14847      };
14848      var emptyCaretCaption = function (editor, elm) {
14849        return emptyElement(editor, elm);
14850      };
14851      var validateCaretCaption = function (rootElm, fromCaption, to) {
14852        return getParentCaption(rootElm, SugarElement.fromDom(to.getNode())).map(function (toCaption) {
14853          return eq(toCaption, fromCaption) === false;
14854        });
14855      };
14856      var deleteCaretInsideCaption = function (editor, rootElm, forward, fromCaption, from) {
14857        return navigate(forward, editor.getBody(), from).bind(function (to) {
14858          return isDeleteOfLastCharPos(fromCaption, forward, from, to) ? emptyCaretCaption(editor, fromCaption) : validateCaretCaption(rootElm, fromCaption, to);
14859        }).or(Optional.some(true));
14860      };
14861      var deleteCaretCells = function (editor, forward, rootElm, startElm) {
14862        var from = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
14863        return getParentCell(rootElm, startElm).bind(function (fromCell) {
14864          return isEmpty$2(fromCell) ? emptyElement(editor, fromCell) : deleteBetweenCells(editor, rootElm, forward, fromCell, from);
14865        }).getOr(false);
14866      };
14867      var deleteCaretCaption = function (editor, forward, rootElm, fromCaption) {
14868        var from = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
14869        return isEmpty$2(fromCaption) ? emptyElement(editor, fromCaption) : deleteCaretInsideCaption(editor, rootElm, forward, fromCaption, from);
14870      };
14871      var isNearTable = function (forward, pos) {
14872        return forward ? isBeforeTable(pos) : isAfterTable(pos);
14873      };
14874      var isBeforeOrAfterTable = function (editor, forward) {
14875        var fromPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
14876        return isNearTable(forward, fromPos) || fromPosition(forward, editor.getBody(), fromPos).exists(function (pos) {
14877          return isNearTable(forward, pos);
14878        });
14879      };
14880      var deleteCaret$3 = function (editor, forward, startElm) {
14881        var rootElm = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
14882        return getParentCaption(rootElm, startElm).fold(function () {
14883          return deleteCaretCells(editor, forward, rootElm, startElm) || isBeforeOrAfterTable(editor, forward);
14884        }, function (fromCaption) {
14885          return deleteCaretCaption(editor, forward, rootElm, fromCaption).getOr(false);
14886        });
14887      };
14888      var backspaceDelete$9 = function (editor, forward) {
14889        var startElm = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.selection.getStart(true));
14890        var cells = getCellsFromEditor(editor);
14891        return editor.selection.isCollapsed() && cells.length === 0 ? deleteCaret$3(editor, forward, startElm) : deleteRange$2(editor, startElm, cells);
14892      };
14894      var createRange = function (sc, so, ec, eo) {
14895        var rng = document.createRange();
14896        rng.setStart(sc, so);
14897        rng.setEnd(ec, eo);
14898        return rng;
14899      };
14900      var normalizeBlockSelectionRange = function (rng) {
14901        var startPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng);
14902        var endPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd(rng);
14903        var rootNode = rng.commonAncestorContainer;
14904        return fromPosition(false, rootNode, endPos).map(function (newEndPos) {
14905          if (!isInSameBlock(startPos, endPos, rootNode) && isInSameBlock(startPos, newEndPos, rootNode)) {
14906            return createRange(startPos.container(), startPos.offset(), newEndPos.container(), newEndPos.offset());
14907          } else {
14908            return rng;
14909          }
14910        }).getOr(rng);
14911      };
14912      var normalize = function (rng) {
14913        return rng.collapsed ? rng : normalizeBlockSelectionRange(rng);
14914      };
14916      var hasOnlyOneChild$1 = function (node) {
14917        return node.firstChild && node.firstChild === node.lastChild;
14918      };
14919      var isPaddingNode = function (node) {
14920        return node.name === 'br' || node.value === nbsp;
14921      };
14922      var isPaddedEmptyBlock = function (schema, node) {
14923        var blockElements = schema.getBlockElements();
14924        return blockElements[node.name] && hasOnlyOneChild$1(node) && isPaddingNode(node.firstChild);
14925      };
14926      var isEmptyFragmentElement = function (schema, node) {
14927        var nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
14928        return node && (node.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements) || isPaddedEmptyBlock(schema, node));
14929      };
14930      var isListFragment = function (schema, fragment) {
14931        var firstChild = fragment.firstChild;
14932        var lastChild = fragment.lastChild;
14933        if (firstChild && firstChild.name === 'meta') {
14934          firstChild = firstChild.next;
14935        }
14936        if (lastChild && lastChild.attr('id') === 'mce_marker') {
14937          lastChild = lastChild.prev;
14938        }
14939        if (isEmptyFragmentElement(schema, lastChild)) {
14940          lastChild = lastChild.prev;
14941        }
14942        if (!firstChild || firstChild !== lastChild) {
14943          return false;
14944        }
14945        return firstChild.name === 'ul' || firstChild.name === 'ol';
14946      };
14947      var cleanupDomFragment = function (domFragment) {
14948        var firstChild = domFragment.firstChild;
14949        var lastChild = domFragment.lastChild;
14950        if (firstChild && firstChild.nodeName === 'META') {
14951          firstChild.parentNode.removeChild(firstChild);
14952        }
14953        if (lastChild && lastChild.id === 'mce_marker') {
14954          lastChild.parentNode.removeChild(lastChild);
14955        }
14956        return domFragment;
14957      };
14958      var toDomFragment = function (dom, serializer, fragment) {
14959        var html = serializer.serialize(fragment);
14960        var domFragment = dom.createFragment(html);
14961        return cleanupDomFragment(domFragment);
14962      };
14963      var listItems = function (elm) {
14964        return filter$4(elm.childNodes, function (child) {
14965          return child.nodeName === 'LI';
14966        });
14967      };
14968      var isPadding = function (node) {
14969        return node.data === nbsp || isBr$5(node);
14970      };
14971      var isListItemPadded = function (node) {
14972        return node && node.firstChild && node.firstChild === node.lastChild && isPadding(node.firstChild);
14973      };
14974      var isEmptyOrPadded = function (elm) {
14975        return !elm.firstChild || isListItemPadded(elm);
14976      };
14977      var trimListItems = function (elms) {
14978        return elms.length > 0 && isEmptyOrPadded(elms[elms.length - 1]) ? elms.slice(0, -1) : elms;
14979      };
14980      var getParentLi = function (dom, node) {
14981        var parentBlock = dom.getParent(node, dom.isBlock);
14982        return parentBlock && parentBlock.nodeName === 'LI' ? parentBlock : null;
14983      };
14984      var isParentBlockLi = function (dom, node) {
14985        return !!getParentLi(dom, node);
14986      };
14987      var getSplit = function (parentNode, rng) {
14988        var beforeRng = rng.cloneRange();
14989        var afterRng = rng.cloneRange();
14990        beforeRng.setStartBefore(parentNode);
14991        afterRng.setEndAfter(parentNode);
14992        return [
14993          beforeRng.cloneContents(),
14994          afterRng.cloneContents()
14995        ];
14996      };
14997      var findFirstIn = function (node, rootNode) {
14998        var caretPos = CaretPosition.before(node);
14999        var caretWalker = CaretWalker(rootNode);
15000        var newCaretPos = caretWalker.next(caretPos);
15001        return newCaretPos ? newCaretPos.toRange() : null;
15002      };
15003      var findLastOf = function (node, rootNode) {
15004        var caretPos = CaretPosition.after(node);
15005        var caretWalker = CaretWalker(rootNode);
15006        var newCaretPos = caretWalker.prev(caretPos);
15007        return newCaretPos ? newCaretPos.toRange() : null;
15008      };
15009      var insertMiddle = function (target, elms, rootNode, rng) {
15010        var parts = getSplit(target, rng);
15011        var parentElm = target.parentNode;
15012        parentElm.insertBefore(parts[0], target);
15013        Tools.each(elms, function (li) {
15014          parentElm.insertBefore(li, target);
15015        });
15016        parentElm.insertBefore(parts[1], target);
15017        parentElm.removeChild(target);
15018        return findLastOf(elms[elms.length - 1], rootNode);
15019      };
15020      var insertBefore$1 = function (target, elms, rootNode) {
15021        var parentElm = target.parentNode;
15022        Tools.each(elms, function (elm) {
15023          parentElm.insertBefore(elm, target);
15024        });
15025        return findFirstIn(target, rootNode);
15026      };
15027      var insertAfter$1 = function (target, elms, rootNode, dom) {
15028        dom.insertAfter(elms.reverse(), target);
15029        return findLastOf(elms[0], rootNode);
15030      };
15031      var insertAtCaret$1 = function (serializer, dom, rng, fragment) {
15032        var domFragment = toDomFragment(dom, serializer, fragment);
15033        var liTarget = getParentLi(dom, rng.startContainer);
15034        var liElms = trimListItems(listItems(domFragment.firstChild));
15035        var BEGINNING = 1, END = 2;
15036        var rootNode = dom.getRoot();
15037        var isAt = function (location) {
15038          var caretPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng);
15039          var caretWalker = CaretWalker(dom.getRoot());
15040          var newPos = location === BEGINNING ? caretWalker.prev(caretPos) : caretWalker.next(caretPos);
15041          return newPos ? getParentLi(dom, newPos.getNode()) !== liTarget : true;
15042        };
15043        if (isAt(BEGINNING)) {
15044          return insertBefore$1(liTarget, liElms, rootNode);
15045        } else if (isAt(END)) {
15046          return insertAfter$1(liTarget, liElms, rootNode, dom);
15047        }
15048        return insertMiddle(liTarget, liElms, rootNode, rng);
15049      };
15051      var trimOrPadLeftRight = function (dom, rng, html) {
15052        var root = SugarElement.fromDom(dom.getRoot());
15053        if (needsToBeNbspLeft(root, CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng))) {
15054          html = html.replace(/^ /, '&nbsp;');
15055        } else {
15056          html = html.replace(/^&nbsp;/, ' ');
15057        }
15058        if (needsToBeNbspRight(root, CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd(rng))) {
15059          html = html.replace(/(&nbsp;| )(<br( \/)>)?$/, '&nbsp;');
15060        } else {
15061          html = html.replace(/&nbsp;(<br( \/)?>)?$/, ' ');
15062        }
15063        return html;
15064      };
15066      var isTableCell$1 = isTableCell$5;
15067      var isTableCellContentSelected = function (dom, rng, cell) {
15068        if (cell !== null) {
15069          var endCell = dom.getParent(rng.endContainer, isTableCell$1);
15070          return cell === endCell && hasAllContentsSelected(SugarElement.fromDom(cell), rng);
15071        } else {
15072          return false;
15073        }
15074      };
15075      var validInsertion = function (editor, value, parentNode) {
15076        if (parentNode.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus') === 'all') {
15077          parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(editor.dom.createFragment(value), parentNode);
15078        } else {
15079          var node = parentNode.firstChild;
15080          var node2 = parentNode.lastChild;
15081          if (!node || node === node2 && node.nodeName === 'BR') {
15082            editor.dom.setHTML(parentNode, value);
15083          } else {
15084            editor.selection.setContent(value);
15085          }
15086        }
15087      };
15088      var trimBrsFromTableCell = function (dom, elm) {
15089        Optional.from(dom.getParent(elm, 'td,th')).map(SugarElement.fromDom).each(trimBlockTrailingBr);
15090      };
15091      var reduceInlineTextElements = function (editor, merge) {
15092        var textInlineElements = editor.schema.getTextInlineElements();
15093        var dom = editor.dom;
15094        if (merge) {
15095          var root_1 = editor.getBody();
15096          var elementUtils_1 = ElementUtils(dom);
15097          Tools.each(dom.select('*[data-mce-fragment]'), function (node) {
15098            var isInline = isNonNullable(textInlineElements[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]);
15099            if (isInline && hasInheritableStyles(dom, node)) {
15100              for (var parentNode = node.parentNode; isNonNullable(parentNode) && parentNode !== root_1; parentNode = parentNode.parentNode) {
15101                var styleConflict = hasStyleConflict(dom, node, parentNode);
15102                if (styleConflict) {
15103                  break;
15104                }
15105                if (elementUtils_1.compare(parentNode, node)) {
15106                  dom.remove(node, true);
15107                  break;
15108                }
15109              }
15110            }
15111          });
15112        }
15113      };
15114      var markFragmentElements = function (fragment) {
15115        var node = fragment;
15116        while (node = node.walk()) {
15117          if (node.type === 1) {
15118            node.attr('data-mce-fragment', '1');
15119          }
15120        }
15121      };
15122      var unmarkFragmentElements = function (elm) {
15123        Tools.each(elm.getElementsByTagName('*'), function (elm) {
15124          elm.removeAttribute('data-mce-fragment');
15125        });
15126      };
15127      var isPartOfFragment = function (node) {
15128        return !!node.getAttribute('data-mce-fragment');
15129      };
15130      var canHaveChildren = function (editor, node) {
15131        return node && !editor.schema.getShortEndedElements()[node.nodeName];
15132      };
15133      var moveSelectionToMarker = function (editor, marker) {
15134        var nextRng;
15135        var dom = editor.dom;
15136        var selection = editor.selection;
15137        if (!marker) {
15138          return;
15139        }
15140        selection.scrollIntoView(marker);
15141        var parentEditableElm = getContentEditableRoot$1(editor.getBody(), marker);
15142        if (dom.getContentEditable(parentEditableElm) === 'false') {
15143          dom.remove(marker);
15144          selection.select(parentEditableElm);
15145          return;
15146        }
15147        var rng = dom.createRng();
15148        var node = marker.previousSibling;
15149        if (isText$7(node)) {
15150          rng.setStart(node, node.nodeValue.length);
15151          if (!Env.ie) {
15152            var node2 = marker.nextSibling;
15153            if (isText$7(node2)) {
15154              node.appendData(node2.data);
15155              node2.parentNode.removeChild(node2);
15156            }
15157          }
15158        } else {
15159          rng.setStartBefore(marker);
15160          rng.setEndBefore(marker);
15161        }
15162        var findNextCaretRng = function (rng) {
15163          var caretPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng);
15164          var caretWalker = CaretWalker(editor.getBody());
15165          caretPos = caretWalker.next(caretPos);
15166          if (caretPos) {
15167            return caretPos.toRange();
15168          }
15169        };
15170        var parentBlock = dom.getParent(marker, dom.isBlock);
15171        dom.remove(marker);
15172        if (parentBlock && dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) {
15173          editor.$(parentBlock).empty();
15174          rng.setStart(parentBlock, 0);
15175          rng.setEnd(parentBlock, 0);
15176          if (!isTableCell$1(parentBlock) && !isPartOfFragment(parentBlock) && (nextRng = findNextCaretRng(rng))) {
15177            rng = nextRng;
15178            dom.remove(parentBlock);
15179          } else {
15180            dom.add(parentBlock, dom.create('br', { 'data-mce-bogus': '1' }));
15181          }
15182        }
15183        selection.setRng(rng);
15184      };
15185      var deleteSelectedContent = function (editor) {
15186        var dom = editor.dom;
15187        var rng = normalize(editor.selection.getRng());
15188        editor.selection.setRng(rng);
15189        var startCell = dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, isTableCell$1);
15190        if (isTableCellContentSelected(dom, rng, startCell)) {
15191          deleteCellContents(editor, rng, SugarElement.fromDom(startCell));
15192        } else {
15193          editor.getDoc().execCommand('Delete', false, null);
15194        }
15195      };
15196      var insertHtmlAtCaret = function (editor, value, details) {
15197        var parentNode;
15198        var rng, node;
15199        var selection = editor.selection;
15200        var dom = editor.dom;
15201        if (/^ | $/.test(value)) {
15202          value = trimOrPadLeftRight(dom, selection.getRng(), value);
15203        }
15204        var parser = editor.parser;
15205        var merge = details.merge;
15206        var serializer = HtmlSerializer({ validate: shouldValidate(editor) }, editor.schema);
15207        var bookmarkHtml = '<span id="mce_marker" data-mce-type="bookmark">&#xFEFF;</span>';
15208        var args = editor.fire('BeforeSetContent', {
15209          content: value,
15210          format: 'html',
15211          selection: true,
15212          paste: details.paste
15213        });
15214        if (args.isDefaultPrevented()) {
15215          editor.fire('SetContent', {
15216            content: args.content,
15217            format: 'html',
15218            selection: true,
15219            paste: details.paste
15220          });
15221          return;
15222        }
15223        value = args.content;
15224        if (value.indexOf('{$caret}') === -1) {
15225          value += '{$caret}';
15226        }
15227        value = value.replace(/\{\$caret\}/, bookmarkHtml);
15228        rng = selection.getRng();
15229        var caretElement = rng.startContainer || (rng.parentElement ? rng.parentElement() : null);
15230        var body = editor.getBody();
15231        if (caretElement === body && selection.isCollapsed()) {
15232          if (dom.isBlock(body.firstChild) && canHaveChildren(editor, body.firstChild) && dom.isEmpty(body.firstChild)) {
15233            rng = dom.createRng();
15234            rng.setStart(body.firstChild, 0);
15235            rng.setEnd(body.firstChild, 0);
15236            selection.setRng(rng);
15237          }
15238        }
15239        if (!selection.isCollapsed()) {
15240          deleteSelectedContent(editor);
15241        }
15242        parentNode = selection.getNode();
15243        var parserArgs = {
15244          context: parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
15245          data: details.data,
15246          insert: true
15247        };
15248        var fragment = parser.parse(value, parserArgs);
15249        if (details.paste === true && isListFragment(editor.schema, fragment) && isParentBlockLi(dom, parentNode)) {
15250          rng = insertAtCaret$1(serializer, dom, selection.getRng(), fragment);
15251          selection.setRng(rng);
15252          editor.fire('SetContent', args);
15253          return;
15254        }
15255        markFragmentElements(fragment);
15256        node = fragment.lastChild;
15257        if (node.attr('id') === 'mce_marker') {
15258          var marker = node;
15259          for (node = node.prev; node; node = node.walk(true)) {
15260            if (node.type === 3 || !dom.isBlock(node.name)) {
15261              if (editor.schema.isValidChild(node.parent.name, 'span')) {
15262                node.parent.insert(marker, node, node.name === 'br');
15263              }
15264              break;
15265            }
15266          }
15267        }
15268        editor._selectionOverrides.showBlockCaretContainer(parentNode);
15269        if (!parserArgs.invalid) {
15270          value = serializer.serialize(fragment);
15271          validInsertion(editor, value, parentNode);
15272        } else {
15273          editor.selection.setContent(bookmarkHtml);
15274          parentNode = selection.getNode();
15275          var rootNode = editor.getBody();
15276          if (parentNode.nodeType === 9) {
15277            parentNode = node = rootNode;
15278          } else {
15279            node = parentNode;
15280          }
15281          while (node !== rootNode) {
15282            parentNode = node;
15283            node = node.parentNode;
15284          }
15285          value = parentNode === rootNode ? rootNode.innerHTML : dom.getOuterHTML(parentNode);
15286          value = serializer.serialize(parser.parse(value.replace(/<span (id="mce_marker"|id=mce_marker).+?<\/span>/i, function () {
15287            return serializer.serialize(fragment);
15288          })));
15289          if (parentNode === rootNode) {
15290            dom.setHTML(rootNode, value);
15291          } else {
15292            dom.setOuterHTML(parentNode, value);
15293          }
15294        }
15295        reduceInlineTextElements(editor, merge);
15296        moveSelectionToMarker(editor, dom.get('mce_marker'));
15297        unmarkFragmentElements(editor.getBody());
15298        trimBrsFromTableCell(dom, selection.getStart());
15299        editor.fire('SetContent', args);
15300        editor.addVisual();
15301      };
15303      var traverse = function (node, fn) {
15304        fn(node);
15305        if (node.firstChild) {
15306          traverse(node.firstChild, fn);
15307        }
15308        if (node.next) {
15309          traverse(node.next, fn);
15310        }
15311      };
15312      var findMatchingNodes = function (nodeFilters, attributeFilters, node) {
15313        var nodeMatches = {};
15314        var attrMatches = {};
15315        var matches = [];
15316        if (node.firstChild) {
15317          traverse(node.firstChild, function (node) {
15318            each$k(nodeFilters, function (filter) {
15319              if (filter.name === node.name) {
15320                if (nodeMatches[filter.name]) {
15321                  nodeMatches[filter.name].nodes.push(node);
15322                } else {
15323                  nodeMatches[filter.name] = {
15324                    filter: filter,
15325                    nodes: [node]
15326                  };
15327                }
15328              }
15329            });
15330            each$k(attributeFilters, function (filter) {
15331              if (typeof node.attr(filter.name) === 'string') {
15332                if (attrMatches[filter.name]) {
15333                  attrMatches[filter.name].nodes.push(node);
15334                } else {
15335                  attrMatches[filter.name] = {
15336                    filter: filter,
15337                    nodes: [node]
15338                  };
15339                }
15340              }
15341            });
15342          });
15343        }
15344        for (var name_1 in nodeMatches) {
15345          if (has$2(nodeMatches, name_1)) {
15346            matches.push(nodeMatches[name_1]);
15347          }
15348        }
15349        for (var name_2 in attrMatches) {
15350          if (has$2(attrMatches, name_2)) {
15351            matches.push(attrMatches[name_2]);
15352          }
15353        }
15354        return matches;
15355      };
15356      var filter$1 = function (nodeFilters, attributeFilters, node) {
15357        var matches = findMatchingNodes(nodeFilters, attributeFilters, node);
15358        each$k(matches, function (match) {
15359          each$k(match.filter.callbacks, function (callback) {
15360            callback(match.nodes, match.filter.name, {});
15361          });
15362        });
15363      };
15365      var defaultFormat$1 = 'html';
15366      var isTreeNode = function (content) {
15367        return content instanceof AstNode;
15368      };
15369      var moveSelection = function (editor) {
15370        if (hasFocus(editor)) {
15371          firstPositionIn(editor.getBody()).each(function (pos) {
15372            var node = pos.getNode();
15373            var caretPos = isTable$3(node) ? firstPositionIn(node).getOr(pos) : pos;
15374            editor.selection.setRng(caretPos.toRange());
15375          });
15376        }
15377      };
15378      var setEditorHtml = function (editor, html, noSelection) {
15379        editor.dom.setHTML(editor.getBody(), html);
15380        if (noSelection !== true) {
15381          moveSelection(editor);
15382        }
15383      };
15384      var setContentString = function (editor, body, content, args) {
15385        if (content.length === 0 || /^\s+$/.test(content)) {
15386          var padd = '<br data-mce-bogus="1">';
15387          if (body.nodeName === 'TABLE') {
15388            content = '<tr><td>' + padd + '</td></tr>';
15389          } else if (/^(UL|OL)$/.test(body.nodeName)) {
15390            content = '<li>' + padd + '</li>';
15391          }
15392          var forcedRootBlockName = getForcedRootBlock(editor);
15393          if (forcedRootBlockName && editor.schema.isValidChild(body.nodeName.toLowerCase(), forcedRootBlockName.toLowerCase())) {
15394            content = padd;
15395            content = editor.dom.createHTML(forcedRootBlockName, getForcedRootBlockAttrs(editor), content);
15396          } else if (!content) {
15397            content = '<br data-mce-bogus="1">';
15398          }
15399          setEditorHtml(editor, content, args.no_selection);
15400          editor.fire('SetContent', args);
15401        } else {
15402          if (args.format !== 'raw') {
15403            content = HtmlSerializer({ validate: editor.validate }, editor.schema).serialize(editor.parser.parse(content, {
15404              isRootContent: true,
15405              insert: true
15406            }));
15407          }
15408          args.content = isWsPreserveElement(SugarElement.fromDom(body)) ? content : Tools.trim(content);
15409          setEditorHtml(editor, args.content, args.no_selection);
15410          if (!args.no_events) {
15411            editor.fire('SetContent', args);
15412          }
15413        }
15414        return args.content;
15415      };
15416      var setContentTree = function (editor, body, content, args) {
15417        filter$1(editor.parser.getNodeFilters(), editor.parser.getAttributeFilters(), content);
15418        var html = HtmlSerializer({ validate: editor.validate }, editor.schema).serialize(content);
15419        args.content = isWsPreserveElement(SugarElement.fromDom(body)) ? html : Tools.trim(html);
15420        setEditorHtml(editor, args.content, args.no_selection);
15421        if (!args.no_events) {
15422          editor.fire('SetContent', args);
15423        }
15424        return content;
15425      };
15426      var setupArgs$2 = function (args, content) {
15427        return __assign(__assign({ format: defaultFormat$1 }, args), {
15428          set: true,
15429          content: isTreeNode(content) ? '' : content
15430        });
15431      };
15432      var setContentInternal = function (editor, content, args) {
15433        var defaultedArgs = setupArgs$2(args, content);
15434        var updatedArgs = args.no_events ? defaultedArgs : editor.fire('BeforeSetContent', defaultedArgs);
15435        if (!isTreeNode(content)) {
15436          content = updatedArgs.content;
15437        }
15438        return Optional.from(editor.getBody()).fold(constant(content), function (body) {
15439          return isTreeNode(content) ? setContentTree(editor, body, content, updatedArgs) : setContentString(editor, body, content, updatedArgs);
15440        });
15441      };
15443      var sibling = function (scope, predicate) {
15444        return sibling$2(scope, predicate).isSome();
15445      };
15447      var ensureIsRoot = function (isRoot) {
15448        return isFunction(isRoot) ? isRoot : never;
15449      };
15450      var ancestor = function (scope, transform, isRoot) {
15451        var element = scope.dom;
15452        var stop = ensureIsRoot(isRoot);
15453        while (element.parentNode) {
15454          element = element.parentNode;
15455          var el = SugarElement.fromDom(element);
15456          var transformed = transform(el);
15457          if (transformed.isSome()) {
15458            return transformed;
15459          } else if (stop(el)) {
15460            break;
15461          }
15462        }
15463        return Optional.none();
15464      };
15465      var closest$1 = function (scope, transform, isRoot) {
15466        var current = transform(scope);
15467        var stop = ensureIsRoot(isRoot);
15468        return current.orThunk(function () {
15469          return stop(scope) ? Optional.none() : ancestor(scope, transform, stop);
15470        });
15471      };
15473      var isEq$3 = isEq$5;
15474      var matchesUnInheritedFormatSelector = function (ed, node, name) {
15475        var formatList = ed.formatter.get(name);
15476        if (formatList) {
15477          for (var i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) {
15478            var format = formatList[i];
15479            if (isSelectorFormat(format) && format.inherit === false && ed.dom.is(node, format.selector)) {
15480              return true;
15481            }
15482          }
15483        }
15484        return false;
15485      };
15486      var matchParents = function (editor, node, name, vars, similar) {
15487        var root = editor.dom.getRoot();
15488        if (node === root) {
15489          return false;
15490        }
15491        node = editor.dom.getParent(node, function (node) {
15492          if (matchesUnInheritedFormatSelector(editor, node, name)) {
15493            return true;
15494          }
15495          return node.parentNode === root || !!matchNode(editor, node, name, vars, true);
15496        });
15497        return !!matchNode(editor, node, name, vars, similar);
15498      };
15499      var matchName$1 = function (dom, node, format) {
15500        if (isEq$3(node, format.inline)) {
15501          return true;
15502        }
15503        if (isEq$3(node, format.block)) {
15504          return true;
15505        }
15506        if (format.selector) {
15507          return node.nodeType === 1 && dom.is(node, format.selector);
15508        }
15509      };
15510      var matchItems = function (dom, node, format, itemName, similar, vars) {
15511        var items = format[itemName];
15512        if (isFunction(format.onmatch)) {
15513          return format.onmatch(node, format, itemName);
15514        }
15515        if (items) {
15516          if (isUndefined(items.length)) {
15517            for (var key in items) {
15518              if (has$2(items, key)) {
15519                var value = itemName === 'attributes' ? dom.getAttrib(node, key) : getStyle(dom, node, key);
15520                var expectedValue = replaceVars(items[key], vars);
15521                var isEmptyValue = isNullable(value) || isEmpty$3(value);
15522                if (isEmptyValue && isNullable(expectedValue)) {
15523                  continue;
15524                }
15525                if (similar && isEmptyValue && !format.exact) {
15526                  return false;
15527                }
15528                if ((!similar || format.exact) && !isEq$3(value, normalizeStyleValue(dom, expectedValue, key))) {
15529                  return false;
15530                }
15531              }
15532            }
15533          } else {
15534            for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
15535              if (itemName === 'attributes' ? dom.getAttrib(node, items[i]) : getStyle(dom, node, items[i])) {
15536                return true;
15537              }
15538            }
15539          }
15540        }
15541        return true;
15542      };
15543      var matchNode = function (ed, node, name, vars, similar) {
15544        var formatList = ed.formatter.get(name);
15545        var dom = ed.dom;
15546        if (formatList && node) {
15547          for (var i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) {
15548            var format = formatList[i];
15549            if (matchName$1(ed.dom, node, format) && matchItems(dom, node, format, 'attributes', similar, vars) && matchItems(dom, node, format, 'styles', similar, vars)) {
15550              var classes = format.classes;
15551              if (classes) {
15552                for (var x = 0; x < classes.length; x++) {
15553                  if (!ed.dom.hasClass(node, replaceVars(classes[x], vars))) {
15554                    return;
15555                  }
15556                }
15557              }
15558              return format;
15559            }
15560          }
15561        }
15562      };
15563      var match$2 = function (editor, name, vars, node, similar) {
15564        if (node) {
15565          return matchParents(editor, node, name, vars, similar);
15566        }
15567        node = editor.selection.getNode();
15568        if (matchParents(editor, node, name, vars, similar)) {
15569          return true;
15570        }
15571        var startNode = editor.selection.getStart();
15572        if (startNode !== node) {
15573          if (matchParents(editor, startNode, name, vars, similar)) {
15574            return true;
15575          }
15576        }
15577        return false;
15578      };
15579      var matchAll = function (editor, names, vars) {
15580        var matchedFormatNames = [];
15581        var checkedMap = {};
15582        var startElement = editor.selection.getStart();
15583        editor.dom.getParent(startElement, function (node) {
15584          for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
15585            var name_1 = names[i];
15586            if (!checkedMap[name_1] && matchNode(editor, node, name_1, vars)) {
15587              checkedMap[name_1] = true;
15588              matchedFormatNames.push(name_1);
15589            }
15590          }
15591        }, editor.dom.getRoot());
15592        return matchedFormatNames;
15593      };
15594      var closest = function (editor, names) {
15595        var isRoot = function (elm) {
15596          return eq(elm, SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()));
15597        };
15598        var match = function (elm, name) {
15599          return matchNode(editor, elm.dom, name) ? Optional.some(name) : Optional.none();
15600        };
15601        return Optional.from(editor.selection.getStart(true)).bind(function (rawElm) {
15602          return closest$1(SugarElement.fromDom(rawElm), function (elm) {
15603            return findMap(names, function (name) {
15604              return match(elm, name);
15605            });
15606          }, isRoot);
15607        }).getOrNull();
15608      };
15609      var canApply = function (editor, name) {
15610        var formatList = editor.formatter.get(name);
15611        var dom = editor.dom;
15612        if (formatList) {
15613          var startNode = editor.selection.getStart();
15614          var parents = getParents$2(dom, startNode);
15615          for (var x = formatList.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
15616            var format = formatList[x];
15617            if (!isSelectorFormat(format) || isNonNullable(format.defaultBlock)) {
15618              return true;
15619            }
15620            for (var i = parents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
15621              if (dom.is(parents[i], format.selector)) {
15622                return true;
15623              }
15624            }
15625          }
15626        }
15627        return false;
15628      };
15629      var matchAllOnNode = function (editor, node, formatNames) {
15630        return foldl(formatNames, function (acc, name) {
15631          var matchSimilar = isVariableFormatName(editor, name);
15632          if (editor.formatter.matchNode(node, name, {}, matchSimilar)) {
15633            return acc.concat([name]);
15634          } else {
15635            return acc;
15636          }
15637        }, []);
15638      };
15640      var ZWSP = ZWSP$1, CARET_ID = '_mce_caret';
15641      var importNode = function (ownerDocument, node) {
15642        return ownerDocument.importNode(node, true);
15643      };
15644      var getEmptyCaretContainers = function (node) {
15645        var nodes = [];
15646        while (node) {
15647          if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue !== ZWSP || node.childNodes.length > 1) {
15648            return [];
15649          }
15650          if (node.nodeType === 1) {
15651            nodes.push(node);
15652          }
15653          node = node.firstChild;
15654        }
15655        return nodes;
15656      };
15657      var isCaretContainerEmpty = function (node) {
15658        return getEmptyCaretContainers(node).length > 0;
15659      };
15660      var findFirstTextNode = function (node) {
15661        if (node) {
15662          var walker = new DomTreeWalker(node, node);
15663          for (node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.next()) {
15664            if (isText$7(node)) {
15665              return node;
15666            }
15667          }
15668        }
15669        return null;
15670      };
15671      var createCaretContainer = function (fill) {
15672        var caretContainer = SugarElement.fromTag('span');
15673        setAll$1(caretContainer, {
15674          'id': CARET_ID,
15675          'data-mce-bogus': '1',
15676          'data-mce-type': 'format-caret'
15677        });
15678        if (fill) {
15679          append$1(caretContainer, SugarElement.fromText(ZWSP));
15680        }
15681        return caretContainer;
15682      };
15683      var trimZwspFromCaretContainer = function (caretContainerNode) {
15684        var textNode = findFirstTextNode(caretContainerNode);
15685        if (textNode && textNode.nodeValue.charAt(0) === ZWSP) {
15686          textNode.deleteData(0, 1);
15687        }
15688        return textNode;
15689      };
15690      var removeCaretContainerNode = function (editor, node, moveCaret) {
15691        if (moveCaret === void 0) {
15692          moveCaret = true;
15693        }
15694        var dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection;
15695        if (isCaretContainerEmpty(node)) {
15696          deleteElement$2(editor, false, SugarElement.fromDom(node), moveCaret);
15697        } else {
15698          var rng = selection.getRng();
15699          var block = dom.getParent(node, dom.isBlock);
15700          var startContainer = rng.startContainer;
15701          var startOffset = rng.startOffset;
15702          var endContainer = rng.endContainer;
15703          var endOffset = rng.endOffset;
15704          var textNode = trimZwspFromCaretContainer(node);
15705          dom.remove(node, true);
15706          if (startContainer === textNode && startOffset > 0) {
15707            rng.setStart(textNode, startOffset - 1);
15708          }
15709          if (endContainer === textNode && endOffset > 0) {
15710            rng.setEnd(textNode, endOffset - 1);
15711          }
15712          if (block && dom.isEmpty(block)) {
15713            fillWithPaddingBr(SugarElement.fromDom(block));
15714          }
15715          selection.setRng(rng);
15716        }
15717      };
15718      var removeCaretContainer = function (editor, node, moveCaret) {
15719        if (moveCaret === void 0) {
15720          moveCaret = true;
15721        }
15722        var dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection;
15723        if (!node) {
15724          node = getParentCaretContainer(editor.getBody(), selection.getStart());
15725          if (!node) {
15726            while (node = dom.get(CARET_ID)) {
15727              removeCaretContainerNode(editor, node, false);
15728            }
15729          }
15730        } else {
15731          removeCaretContainerNode(editor, node, moveCaret);
15732        }
15733      };
15734      var insertCaretContainerNode = function (editor, caretContainer, formatNode) {
15735        var dom = editor.dom, block = dom.getParent(formatNode, curry(isTextBlock$1, editor));
15736        if (block && dom.isEmpty(block)) {
15737          formatNode.parentNode.replaceChild(caretContainer, formatNode);
15738        } else {
15739          removeTrailingBr(SugarElement.fromDom(formatNode));
15740          if (dom.isEmpty(formatNode)) {
15741            formatNode.parentNode.replaceChild(caretContainer, formatNode);
15742          } else {
15743            dom.insertAfter(caretContainer, formatNode);
15744          }
15745        }
15746      };
15747      var appendNode = function (parentNode, node) {
15748        parentNode.appendChild(node);
15749        return node;
15750      };
15751      var insertFormatNodesIntoCaretContainer = function (formatNodes, caretContainer) {
15752        var innerMostFormatNode = foldr(formatNodes, function (parentNode, formatNode) {
15753          return appendNode(parentNode, formatNode.cloneNode(false));
15754        }, caretContainer);
15755        return appendNode(innerMostFormatNode, innerMostFormatNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode(ZWSP));
15756      };
15757      var cleanFormatNode = function (editor, caretContainer, formatNode, name, vars, similar) {
15758        var formatter = editor.formatter;
15759        var dom = editor.dom;
15760        var validFormats = filter$4(keys(formatter.get()), function (formatName) {
15761          return formatName !== name && !contains$2(formatName, 'removeformat');
15762        });
15763        var matchedFormats = matchAllOnNode(editor, formatNode, validFormats);
15764        var uniqueFormats = filter$4(matchedFormats, function (fmtName) {
15765          return !areSimilarFormats(editor, fmtName, name);
15766        });
15767        if (uniqueFormats.length > 0) {
15768          var clonedFormatNode = formatNode.cloneNode(false);
15769          dom.add(caretContainer, clonedFormatNode);
15770          formatter.remove(name, vars, clonedFormatNode, similar);
15771          dom.remove(clonedFormatNode);
15772          return Optional.some(clonedFormatNode);
15773        } else {
15774          return Optional.none();
15775        }
15776      };
15777      var applyCaretFormat = function (editor, name, vars) {
15778        var caretContainer, textNode;
15779        var selection = editor.selection;
15780        var selectionRng = selection.getRng();
15781        var offset = selectionRng.startOffset;
15782        var container = selectionRng.startContainer;
15783        var text = container.nodeValue;
15784        caretContainer = getParentCaretContainer(editor.getBody(), selection.getStart());
15785        if (caretContainer) {
15786          textNode = findFirstTextNode(caretContainer);
15787        }
15788        var wordcharRegex = /[^\s\u00a0\u00ad\u200b\ufeff]/;
15789        if (text && offset > 0 && offset < text.length && wordcharRegex.test(text.charAt(offset)) && wordcharRegex.test(text.charAt(offset - 1))) {
15790          var bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
15791          selectionRng.collapse(true);
15792          var rng = expandRng(editor, selectionRng, editor.formatter.get(name));
15793          rng = split(rng);
15794          editor.formatter.apply(name, vars, rng);
15795          selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
15796        } else {
15797          if (!caretContainer || textNode.nodeValue !== ZWSP) {
15798            caretContainer = importNode(editor.getDoc(), createCaretContainer(true).dom);
15799            textNode = caretContainer.firstChild;
15800            selectionRng.insertNode(caretContainer);
15801            offset = 1;
15802            editor.formatter.apply(name, vars, caretContainer);
15803          } else {
15804            editor.formatter.apply(name, vars, caretContainer);
15805          }
15806          selection.setCursorLocation(textNode, offset);
15807        }
15808      };
15809      var removeCaretFormat = function (editor, name, vars, similar) {
15810        var dom = editor.dom;
15811        var selection = editor.selection;
15812        var hasContentAfter, node, formatNode;
15813        var parents = [];
15814        var rng = selection.getRng();
15815        var container = rng.startContainer;
15816        var offset = rng.startOffset;
15817        node = container;
15818        if (container.nodeType === 3) {
15819          if (offset !== container.nodeValue.length) {
15820            hasContentAfter = true;
15821          }
15822          node = node.parentNode;
15823        }
15824        while (node) {
15825          if (matchNode(editor, node, name, vars, similar)) {
15826            formatNode = node;
15827            break;
15828          }
15829          if (node.nextSibling) {
15830            hasContentAfter = true;
15831          }
15832          parents.push(node);
15833          node = node.parentNode;
15834        }
15835        if (!formatNode) {
15836          return;
15837        }
15838        if (hasContentAfter) {
15839          var bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
15840          rng.collapse(true);
15841          var expandedRng = expandRng(editor, rng, editor.formatter.get(name), true);
15842          expandedRng = split(expandedRng);
15843          editor.formatter.remove(name, vars, expandedRng, similar);
15844          selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
15845        } else {
15846          var caretContainer = getParentCaretContainer(editor.getBody(), formatNode);
15847          var newCaretContainer = createCaretContainer(false).dom;
15848          insertCaretContainerNode(editor, newCaretContainer, caretContainer !== null ? caretContainer : formatNode);
15849          var cleanedFormatNode = cleanFormatNode(editor, newCaretContainer, formatNode, name, vars, similar);
15850          var caretTextNode = insertFormatNodesIntoCaretContainer(parents.concat(cleanedFormatNode.toArray()), newCaretContainer);
15851          removeCaretContainerNode(editor, caretContainer, false);
15852          selection.setCursorLocation(caretTextNode, 1);
15853          if (dom.isEmpty(formatNode)) {
15854            dom.remove(formatNode);
15855          }
15856        }
15857      };
15858      var disableCaretContainer = function (editor, keyCode) {
15859        var selection = editor.selection, body = editor.getBody();
15860        removeCaretContainer(editor, null, false);
15861        if ((keyCode === 8 || keyCode === 46) && selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getStart().innerHTML === ZWSP) {
15862          removeCaretContainer(editor, getParentCaretContainer(body, selection.getStart()));
15863        }
15864        if (keyCode === 37 || keyCode === 39) {
15865          removeCaretContainer(editor, getParentCaretContainer(body, selection.getStart()));
15866        }
15867      };
15868      var setup$k = function (editor) {
15869        editor.on('mouseup keydown', function (e) {
15870          disableCaretContainer(editor, e.keyCode);
15871        });
15872      };
15873      var replaceWithCaretFormat = function (targetNode, formatNodes) {
15874        var caretContainer = createCaretContainer(false);
15875        var innerMost = insertFormatNodesIntoCaretContainer(formatNodes, caretContainer.dom);
15876        before$4(SugarElement.fromDom(targetNode), caretContainer);
15877        remove$7(SugarElement.fromDom(targetNode));
15878        return CaretPosition(innerMost, 0);
15879      };
15880      var isFormatElement = function (editor, element) {
15881        var inlineElements = editor.schema.getTextInlineElements();
15882        return has$2(inlineElements, name(element)) && !isCaretNode(element.dom) && !isBogus$2(element.dom);
15883      };
15884      var isEmptyCaretFormatElement = function (element) {
15885        return isCaretNode(element.dom) && isCaretContainerEmpty(element.dom);
15886      };
15888      var postProcessHooks = {};
15889      var filter = filter$2;
15890      var each$b = each$i;
15891      var addPostProcessHook = function (name, hook) {
15892        var hooks = postProcessHooks[name];
15893        if (!hooks) {
15894          postProcessHooks[name] = [];
15895        }
15896        postProcessHooks[name].push(hook);
15897      };
15898      var postProcess$1 = function (name, editor) {
15899        each$b(postProcessHooks[name], function (hook) {
15900          hook(editor);
15901        });
15902      };
15903      addPostProcessHook('pre', function (editor) {
15904        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
15905        var blocks;
15906        var hasPreSibling = function (pre) {
15907          return isPre(pre.previousSibling) && indexOf$1(blocks, pre.previousSibling) !== -1;
15908        };
15909        var joinPre = function (pre1, pre2) {
15910          DomQuery(pre2).remove();
15911          DomQuery(pre1).append('<br><br>').append(pre2.childNodes);
15912        };
15913        var isPre = matchNodeNames(['pre']);
15914        if (!rng.collapsed) {
15915          blocks = editor.selection.getSelectedBlocks();
15916          each$b(filter(filter(blocks, isPre), hasPreSibling), function (pre) {
15917            joinPre(pre.previousSibling, pre);
15918          });
15919        }
15920      });
15922      var each$a = Tools.each;
15923      var isElementNode$1 = function (node) {
15924        return isElement$5(node) && !isBookmarkNode$1(node) && !isCaretNode(node) && !isBogus$2(node);
15925      };
15926      var findElementSibling = function (node, siblingName) {
15927        for (var sibling = node; sibling; sibling = sibling[siblingName]) {
15928          if (isText$7(sibling) && isNotEmpty(sibling.data)) {
15929            return node;
15930          }
15931          if (isElement$5(sibling) && !isBookmarkNode$1(sibling)) {
15932            return sibling;
15933          }
15934        }
15935        return node;
15936      };
15937      var mergeSiblingsNodes = function (dom, prev, next) {
15938        var elementUtils = ElementUtils(dom);
15939        if (prev && next) {
15940          prev = findElementSibling(prev, 'previousSibling');
15941          next = findElementSibling(next, 'nextSibling');
15942          if (elementUtils.compare(prev, next)) {
15943            for (var sibling = prev.nextSibling; sibling && sibling !== next;) {
15944              var tmpSibling = sibling;
15945              sibling = sibling.nextSibling;
15946              prev.appendChild(tmpSibling);
15947            }
15948            dom.remove(next);
15949            Tools.each(Tools.grep(next.childNodes), function (node) {
15950              prev.appendChild(node);
15951            });
15952            return prev;
15953          }
15954        }
15955        return next;
15956      };
15957      var mergeSiblings = function (dom, format, vars, node) {
15958        if (node && format.merge_siblings !== false) {
15959          var newNode = mergeSiblingsNodes(dom, getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node), node);
15960          mergeSiblingsNodes(dom, newNode, getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(newNode, true));
15961        }
15962      };
15963      var clearChildStyles = function (dom, format, node) {
15964        if (format.clear_child_styles) {
15965          var selector = format.links ? '*:not(a)' : '*';
15966          each$a(dom.select(selector, node), function (node) {
15967            if (isElementNode$1(node)) {
15968              each$a(format.styles, function (value, name) {
15969                dom.setStyle(node, name, '');
15970              });
15971            }
15972          });
15973        }
15974      };
15975      var processChildElements = function (node, filter, process) {
15976        each$a(node.childNodes, function (node) {
15977          if (isElementNode$1(node)) {
15978            if (filter(node)) {
15979              process(node);
15980            }
15981            if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
15982              processChildElements(node, filter, process);
15983            }
15984          }
15985        });
15986      };
15987      var unwrapEmptySpan = function (dom, node) {
15988        if (node.nodeName === 'SPAN' && dom.getAttribs(node).length === 0) {
15989          dom.remove(node, true);
15990        }
15991      };
15992      var hasStyle = function (dom, name) {
15993        return function (node) {
15994          return !!(node && getStyle(dom, node, name));
15995        };
15996      };
15997      var applyStyle = function (dom, name, value) {
15998        return function (node) {
15999          dom.setStyle(node, name, value);
16000          if (node.getAttribute('style') === '') {
16001            node.removeAttribute('style');
16002          }
16003          unwrapEmptySpan(dom, node);
16004        };
16005      };
16007      var removeResult = Adt.generate([
16008        { keep: [] },
16009        { rename: ['name'] },
16010        { removed: [] }
16011      ]);
16012      var MCE_ATTR_RE = /^(src|href|style)$/;
16013      var each$9 = Tools.each;
16014      var isEq$2 = isEq$5;
16015      var isTableCellOrRow = function (node) {
16016        return /^(TR|TH|TD)$/.test(node.nodeName);
16017      };
16018      var isChildOfInlineParent = function (dom, node, parent) {
16019        return dom.isChildOf(node, parent) && node !== parent && !dom.isBlock(parent);
16020      };
16021      var getContainer = function (ed, rng, start) {
16022        var container = rng[start ? 'startContainer' : 'endContainer'];
16023        var offset = rng[start ? 'startOffset' : 'endOffset'];
16024        if (isElement$5(container)) {
16025          var lastIdx = container.childNodes.length - 1;
16026          if (!start && offset) {
16027            offset--;
16028          }
16029          container = container.childNodes[offset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : offset];
16030        }
16031        if (isText$7(container) && start && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) {
16032          container = new DomTreeWalker(container, ed.getBody()).next() || container;
16033        }
16034        if (isText$7(container) && !start && offset === 0) {
16035          container = new DomTreeWalker(container, ed.getBody()).prev() || container;
16036        }
16037        return container;
16038      };
16039      var normalizeTableSelection = function (node, start) {
16040        var prop = start ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild';
16041        if (isTableCellOrRow(node) && node[prop]) {
16042          var childNode = node[prop];
16043          if (node.nodeName === 'TR') {
16044            return childNode[prop] || childNode;
16045          } else {
16046            return childNode;
16047          }
16048        }
16049        return node;
16050      };
16051      var wrap$1 = function (dom, node, name, attrs) {
16052        var wrapper = dom.create(name, attrs);
16053        node.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, node);
16054        wrapper.appendChild(node);
16055        return wrapper;
16056      };
16057      var wrapWithSiblings = function (dom, node, next, name, attrs) {
16058        var start = SugarElement.fromDom(node);
16059        var wrapper = SugarElement.fromDom(dom.create(name, attrs));
16060        var siblings = next ? nextSiblings(start) : prevSiblings(start);
16061        append(wrapper, siblings);
16062        if (next) {
16063          before$4(start, wrapper);
16064          prepend(wrapper, start);
16065        } else {
16066          after$3(start, wrapper);
16067          append$1(wrapper, start);
16068        }
16069        return wrapper.dom;
16070      };
16071      var matchName = function (dom, node, format) {
16072        if (isInlineFormat(format) && isEq$2(node, format.inline)) {
16073          return true;
16074        }
16075        if (isBlockFormat(format) && isEq$2(node, format.block)) {
16076          return true;
16077        }
16078        if (isSelectorFormat(format)) {
16079          return isElement$5(node) && dom.is(node, format.selector);
16080        }
16081      };
16082      var isColorFormatAndAnchor = function (node, format) {
16083        return format.links && node.nodeName === 'A';
16084      };
16085      var find = function (dom, node, next, inc) {
16086        var sibling = getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, next, inc);
16087        return isNullable(sibling) || sibling.nodeName === 'BR' || dom.isBlock(sibling);
16088      };
16089      var removeNode = function (ed, node, format) {
16090        var parentNode = node.parentNode;
16091        var rootBlockElm;
16092        var dom = ed.dom, forcedRootBlock = getForcedRootBlock(ed);
16093        if (isBlockFormat(format)) {
16094          if (!forcedRootBlock) {
16095            if (dom.isBlock(node) && !dom.isBlock(parentNode)) {
16096              if (!find(dom, node, false) && !find(dom, node.firstChild, true, true)) {
16097                node.insertBefore(dom.create('br'), node.firstChild);
16098              }
16099              if (!find(dom, node, true) && !find(dom, node.lastChild, false, true)) {
16100                node.appendChild(dom.create('br'));
16101              }
16102            }
16103          } else {
16104            if (parentNode === dom.getRoot()) {
16105              if (!format.list_block || !isEq$2(node, format.list_block)) {
16106                each$k(from(node.childNodes), function (node) {
16107                  if (isValid(ed, forcedRootBlock, node.nodeName.toLowerCase())) {
16108                    if (!rootBlockElm) {
16109                      rootBlockElm = wrap$1(dom, node, forcedRootBlock);
16110                      dom.setAttribs(rootBlockElm, ed.settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
16111                    } else {
16112                      rootBlockElm.appendChild(node);
16113                    }
16114                  } else {
16115                    rootBlockElm = null;
16116                  }
16117                });
16118              }
16119            }
16120          }
16121        }
16122        if (isMixedFormat(format) && !isEq$2(format.inline, node)) {
16123          return;
16124        }
16125        dom.remove(node, true);
16126      };
16127      var removeFormatInternal = function (ed, format, vars, node, compareNode) {
16128        var stylesModified;
16129        var dom = ed.dom;
16130        if (!matchName(dom, node, format) && !isColorFormatAndAnchor(node, format)) {
16131          return removeResult.keep();
16132        }
16133        var elm = node;
16134        if (isInlineFormat(format) && format.remove === 'all' && isArray$1(format.preserve_attributes)) {
16135          var attrsToPreserve = filter$4(dom.getAttribs(elm), function (attr) {
16136            return contains$3(format.preserve_attributes, attr.name.toLowerCase());
16137          });
16138          dom.removeAllAttribs(elm);
16139          each$k(attrsToPreserve, function (attr) {
16140            return dom.setAttrib(elm, attr.name, attr.value);
16141          });
16142          if (attrsToPreserve.length > 0) {
16143            return removeResult.rename('span');
16144          }
16145        }
16146        if (format.remove !== 'all') {
16147          each$9(format.styles, function (value, name) {
16148            value = normalizeStyleValue(dom, replaceVars(value, vars), name + '');
16149            if (isNumber(name)) {
16150              name = value;
16151              compareNode = null;
16152            }
16153            if (format.remove_similar || (!compareNode || isEq$2(getStyle(dom, compareNode, name), value))) {
16154              dom.setStyle(elm, name, '');
16155            }
16156            stylesModified = true;
16157          });
16158          if (stylesModified && dom.getAttrib(elm, 'style') === '') {
16159            elm.removeAttribute('style');
16160            elm.removeAttribute('data-mce-style');
16161          }
16162          each$9(format.attributes, function (value, name) {
16163            var valueOut;
16164            value = replaceVars(value, vars);
16165            if (isNumber(name)) {
16166              name = value;
16167              compareNode = null;
16168            }
16169            if (format.remove_similar || (!compareNode || isEq$2(dom.getAttrib(compareNode, name), value))) {
16170              if (name === 'class') {
16171                value = dom.getAttrib(elm, name);
16172                if (value) {
16173                  valueOut = '';
16174                  each$k(value.split(/\s+/), function (cls) {
16175                    if (/mce\-\w+/.test(cls)) {
16176                      valueOut += (valueOut ? ' ' : '') + cls;
16177                    }
16178                  });
16179                  if (valueOut) {
16180                    dom.setAttrib(elm, name, valueOut);
16181                    return;
16182                  }
16183                }
16184              }
16185              if (MCE_ATTR_RE.test(name)) {
16186                elm.removeAttribute('data-mce-' + name);
16187              }
16188              if (name === 'style' && matchNodeNames(['li'])(elm) && dom.getStyle(elm, 'list-style-type') === 'none') {
16189                elm.removeAttribute(name);
16190                dom.setStyle(elm, 'list-style-type', 'none');
16191                return;
16192              }
16193              if (name === 'class') {
16194                elm.removeAttribute('className');
16195              }
16196              elm.removeAttribute(name);
16197            }
16198          });
16199          each$9(format.classes, function (value) {
16200            value = replaceVars(value, vars);
16201            if (!compareNode || dom.hasClass(compareNode, value)) {
16202              dom.removeClass(elm, value);
16203            }
16204          });
16205          var attrs = dom.getAttribs(elm);
16206          for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
16207            var attrName = attrs[i].nodeName;
16208            if (attrName.indexOf('_') !== 0 && attrName.indexOf('data-') !== 0) {
16209              return removeResult.keep();
16210            }
16211          }
16212        }
16213        if (format.remove !== 'none') {
16214          removeNode(ed, elm, format);
16215          return removeResult.removed();
16216        }
16217        return removeResult.keep();
16218      };
16219      var removeFormat$1 = function (ed, format, vars, node, compareNode) {
16220        return removeFormatInternal(ed, format, vars, node, compareNode).fold(never, function (newName) {
16221          ed.dom.rename(node, newName);
16222          return true;
16223        }, always);
16224      };
16225      var findFormatRoot = function (editor, container, name, vars, similar) {
16226        var formatRoot;
16227        each$k(getParents$2(editor.dom, container.parentNode).reverse(), function (parent) {
16228          if (!formatRoot && parent.id !== '_start' && parent.id !== '_end') {
16229            var format = matchNode(editor, parent, name, vars, similar);
16230            if (format && format.split !== false) {
16231              formatRoot = parent;
16232            }
16233          }
16234        });
16235        return formatRoot;
16236      };
16237      var removeFormatFromClone = function (editor, format, vars, clone) {
16238        return removeFormatInternal(editor, format, vars, clone, clone).fold(constant(clone), function (newName) {
16239          var fragment = editor.dom.createFragment();
16240          fragment.appendChild(clone);
16241          return editor.dom.rename(clone, newName);
16242        }, constant(null));
16243      };
16244      var wrapAndSplit = function (editor, formatList, formatRoot, container, target, split, format, vars) {
16245        var clone, lastClone, firstClone;
16246        var dom = editor.dom;
16247        if (formatRoot) {
16248          var formatRootParent = formatRoot.parentNode;
16249          for (var parent_1 = container.parentNode; parent_1 && parent_1 !== formatRootParent; parent_1 = parent_1.parentNode) {
16250            clone = dom.clone(parent_1, false);
16251            for (var i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) {
16252              clone = removeFormatFromClone(editor, formatList[i], vars, clone);
16253              if (clone === null) {
16254                break;
16255              }
16256            }
16257            if (clone) {
16258              if (lastClone) {
16259                clone.appendChild(lastClone);
16260              }
16261              if (!firstClone) {
16262                firstClone = clone;
16263              }
16264              lastClone = clone;
16265            }
16266          }
16267          if (split && (!format.mixed || !dom.isBlock(formatRoot))) {
16268            container = dom.split(formatRoot, container);
16269          }
16270          if (lastClone) {
16271            target.parentNode.insertBefore(lastClone, target);
16272            firstClone.appendChild(target);
16273            if (isInlineFormat(format)) {
16274              mergeSiblings(dom, format, vars, lastClone);
16275            }
16276          }
16277        }
16278        return container;
16279      };
16280      var remove$1 = function (ed, name, vars, node, similar) {
16281        var formatList = ed.formatter.get(name);
16282        var format = formatList[0];
16283        var contentEditable = true;
16284        var dom = ed.dom;
16285        var selection = ed.selection;
16286        var splitToFormatRoot = function (container) {
16287          var formatRoot = findFormatRoot(ed, container, name, vars, similar);
16288          return wrapAndSplit(ed, formatList, formatRoot, container, container, true, format, vars);
16289        };
16290        var isRemoveBookmarkNode = function (node) {
16291          return isBookmarkNode$1(node) && isElement$5(node) && (node.id === '_start' || node.id === '_end');
16292        };
16293        var removeNodeFormat = function (node) {
16294          return exists(formatList, function (fmt) {
16295            return removeFormat$1(ed, fmt, vars, node, node);
16296          });
16297        };
16298        var process = function (node) {
16299          var lastContentEditable = true;
16300          var hasContentEditableState = false;
16301          if (isElement$5(node) && dom.getContentEditable(node)) {
16302            lastContentEditable = contentEditable;
16303            contentEditable = dom.getContentEditable(node) === 'true';
16304            hasContentEditableState = true;
16305          }
16306          var children = from(node.childNodes);
16307          if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState) {
16308            var removed = removeNodeFormat(node);
16309            var currentNodeMatches = removed || exists(formatList, function (f) {
16310              return matchName$1(dom, node, f);
16311            });
16312            var parentNode = node.parentNode;
16313            if (!currentNodeMatches && isNonNullable(parentNode) && shouldExpandToSelector(format)) {
16314              removeNodeFormat(parentNode);
16315            }
16316          }
16317          if (format.deep) {
16318            if (children.length) {
16319              for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
16320                process(children[i]);
16321              }
16322              if (hasContentEditableState) {
16323                contentEditable = lastContentEditable;
16324              }
16325            }
16326          }
16327          var textDecorations = [
16328            'underline',
16329            'line-through',
16330            'overline'
16331          ];
16332          each$k(textDecorations, function (decoration) {
16333            if (isElement$5(node) && ed.dom.getStyle(node, 'text-decoration') === decoration && node.parentNode && getTextDecoration(dom, node.parentNode) === decoration) {
16334              removeFormat$1(ed, {
16335                deep: false,
16336                exact: true,
16337                inline: 'span',
16338                styles: { textDecoration: decoration }
16339              }, null, node);
16340            }
16341          });
16342        };
16343        var unwrap = function (start) {
16344          var node = dom.get(start ? '_start' : '_end');
16345          var out = node[start ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
16346          if (isRemoveBookmarkNode(out)) {
16347            out = out[start ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
16348          }
16349          if (isText$7(out) && out.data.length === 0) {
16350            out = start ? node.previousSibling || node.nextSibling : node.nextSibling || node.previousSibling;
16351          }
16352          dom.remove(node, true);
16353          return out;
16354        };
16355        var removeRngStyle = function (rng) {
16356          var startContainer, endContainer;
16357          var expandedRng = expandRng(ed, rng, formatList, rng.collapsed);
16358          if (format.split) {
16359            expandedRng = split(expandedRng);
16360            startContainer = getContainer(ed, expandedRng, true);
16361            endContainer = getContainer(ed, expandedRng);
16362            if (startContainer !== endContainer) {
16363              startContainer = normalizeTableSelection(startContainer, true);
16364              endContainer = normalizeTableSelection(endContainer, false);
16365              if (isChildOfInlineParent(dom, startContainer, endContainer)) {
16366                var marker = Optional.from(startContainer.firstChild).getOr(startContainer);
16367                splitToFormatRoot(wrapWithSiblings(dom, marker, true, 'span', {
16368                  'id': '_start',
16369                  'data-mce-type': 'bookmark'
16370                }));
16371                unwrap(true);
16372                return;
16373              }
16374              if (isChildOfInlineParent(dom, endContainer, startContainer)) {
16375                var marker = Optional.from(endContainer.lastChild).getOr(endContainer);
16376                splitToFormatRoot(wrapWithSiblings(dom, marker, false, 'span', {
16377                  'id': '_end',
16378                  'data-mce-type': 'bookmark'
16379                }));
16380                unwrap(false);
16381                return;
16382              }
16383              startContainer = wrap$1(dom, startContainer, 'span', {
16384                'id': '_start',
16385                'data-mce-type': 'bookmark'
16386              });
16387              endContainer = wrap$1(dom, endContainer, 'span', {
16388                'id': '_end',
16389                'data-mce-type': 'bookmark'
16390              });
16391              var newRng = dom.createRng();
16392              newRng.setStartAfter(startContainer);
16393              newRng.setEndBefore(endContainer);
16394              walk$2(dom, newRng, function (nodes) {
16395                each$k(nodes, function (n) {
16396                  if (!isBookmarkNode$1(n) && !isBookmarkNode$1(n.parentNode)) {
16397                    splitToFormatRoot(n);
16398                  }
16399                });
16400              });
16401              splitToFormatRoot(startContainer);
16402              splitToFormatRoot(endContainer);
16403              startContainer = unwrap(true);
16404              endContainer = unwrap();
16405            } else {
16406              startContainer = endContainer = splitToFormatRoot(startContainer);
16407            }
16408            expandedRng.startContainer = startContainer.parentNode ? startContainer.parentNode : startContainer;
16409            expandedRng.startOffset = dom.nodeIndex(startContainer);
16410            expandedRng.endContainer = endContainer.parentNode ? endContainer.parentNode : endContainer;
16411            expandedRng.endOffset = dom.nodeIndex(endContainer) + 1;
16412          }
16413          walk$2(dom, expandedRng, function (nodes) {
16414            each$k(nodes, process);
16415          });
16416        };
16417        if (node) {
16418          if (isNode(node)) {
16419            var rng = dom.createRng();
16420            rng.setStartBefore(node);
16421            rng.setEndAfter(node);
16422            removeRngStyle(rng);
16423          } else {
16424            removeRngStyle(node);
16425          }
16426          fireFormatRemove(ed, name, node, vars);
16427          return;
16428        }
16429        if (dom.getContentEditable(selection.getNode()) === 'false') {
16430          node = selection.getNode();
16431          for (var i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) {
16432            if (formatList[i].ceFalseOverride) {
16433              if (removeFormat$1(ed, formatList[i], vars, node, node)) {
16434                break;
16435              }
16436            }
16437          }
16438          fireFormatRemove(ed, name, node, vars);
16439          return;
16440        }
16441        if (!selection.isCollapsed() || !isInlineFormat(format) || getCellsFromEditor(ed).length) {
16442          preserve(selection, true, function () {
16443            runOnRanges(ed, removeRngStyle);
16444          });
16445          if (isInlineFormat(format) && match$2(ed, name, vars, selection.getStart())) {
16446            moveStart(dom, selection, selection.getRng());
16447          }
16448          ed.nodeChanged();
16449        } else {
16450          removeCaretFormat(ed, name, vars, similar);
16451        }
16452        fireFormatRemove(ed, name, node, vars);
16453      };
16455      var each$8 = Tools.each;
16456      var mergeTextDecorationsAndColor = function (dom, format, vars, node) {
16457        var processTextDecorationsAndColor = function (n) {
16458          if (n.nodeType === 1 && n.parentNode && n.parentNode.nodeType === 1) {
16459            var textDecoration = getTextDecoration(dom, n.parentNode);
16460            if (dom.getStyle(n, 'color') && textDecoration) {
16461              dom.setStyle(n, 'text-decoration', textDecoration);
16462            } else if (dom.getStyle(n, 'text-decoration') === textDecoration) {
16463              dom.setStyle(n, 'text-decoration', null);
16464            }
16465          }
16466        };
16467        if (format.styles && (format.styles.color || format.styles.textDecoration)) {
16468          Tools.walk(node, processTextDecorationsAndColor, 'childNodes');
16469          processTextDecorationsAndColor(node);
16470        }
16471      };
16472      var mergeBackgroundColorAndFontSize = function (dom, format, vars, node) {
16473        if (format.styles && format.styles.backgroundColor) {
16474          processChildElements(node, hasStyle(dom, 'fontSize'), applyStyle(dom, 'backgroundColor', replaceVars(format.styles.backgroundColor, vars)));
16475        }
16476      };
16477      var mergeSubSup = function (dom, format, vars, node) {
16478        if (isInlineFormat(format) && (format.inline === 'sub' || format.inline === 'sup')) {
16479          processChildElements(node, hasStyle(dom, 'fontSize'), applyStyle(dom, 'fontSize', ''));
16480          dom.remove(dom.select(format.inline === 'sup' ? 'sub' : 'sup', node), true);
16481        }
16482      };
16483      var mergeWithChildren = function (editor, formatList, vars, node) {
16484        each$8(formatList, function (format) {
16485          if (isInlineFormat(format)) {
16486            each$8(editor.dom.select(format.inline, node), function (child) {
16487              if (!isElementNode$1(child)) {
16488                return;
16489              }
16490              removeFormat$1(editor, format, vars, child, format.exact ? child : null);
16491            });
16492          }
16493          clearChildStyles(editor.dom, format, node);
16494        });
16495      };
16496      var mergeWithParents = function (editor, format, name, vars, node) {
16497        if (matchNode(editor, node.parentNode, name, vars)) {
16498          if (removeFormat$1(editor, format, vars, node)) {
16499            return;
16500          }
16501        }
16502        if (format.merge_with_parents) {
16503          editor.dom.getParent(node.parentNode, function (parent) {
16504            if (matchNode(editor, parent, name, vars)) {
16505              removeFormat$1(editor, format, vars, node);
16506              return true;
16507            }
16508          });
16509        }
16510      };
16512      var each$7 = Tools.each;
16513      var isElementNode = function (node) {
16514        return isElement$5(node) && !isBookmarkNode$1(node) && !isCaretNode(node) && !isBogus$2(node);
16515      };
16516      var canFormatBR = function (editor, format, node, parentName) {
16517        if (canFormatEmptyLines(editor) && isInlineFormat(format)) {
16518          var validBRParentElements = getTextRootBlockElements(editor.schema);
16519          var hasCaretNodeSibling = sibling(SugarElement.fromDom(node), function (sibling) {
16520            return isCaretNode(sibling.dom);
16521          });
16522          return hasNonNullableKey(validBRParentElements, parentName) && isEmpty$2(SugarElement.fromDom(node.parentNode), false) && !hasCaretNodeSibling;
16523        } else {
16524          return false;
16525        }
16526      };
16527      var applyFormat$1 = function (ed, name, vars, node) {
16528        var formatList = ed.formatter.get(name);
16529        var format = formatList[0];
16530        var isCollapsed = !node && ed.selection.isCollapsed();
16531        var dom = ed.dom;
16532        var selection = ed.selection;
16533        var setElementFormat = function (elm, fmt) {
16534          if (fmt === void 0) {
16535            fmt = format;
16536          }
16537          if (isFunction(fmt.onformat)) {
16538            fmt.onformat(elm, fmt, vars, node);
16539          }
16540          each$7(fmt.styles, function (value, name) {
16541            dom.setStyle(elm, name, replaceVars(value, vars));
16542          });
16543          if (fmt.styles) {
16544            var styleVal = dom.getAttrib(elm, 'style');
16545            if (styleVal) {
16546              dom.setAttrib(elm, 'data-mce-style', styleVal);
16547            }
16548          }
16549          each$7(fmt.attributes, function (value, name) {
16550            dom.setAttrib(elm, name, replaceVars(value, vars));
16551          });
16552          each$7(fmt.classes, function (value) {
16553            value = replaceVars(value, vars);
16554            if (!dom.hasClass(elm, value)) {
16555              dom.addClass(elm, value);
16556            }
16557          });
16558        };
16559        var applyNodeStyle = function (formatList, node) {
16560          var found = false;
16561          each$7(formatList, function (format) {
16562            if (!isSelectorFormat(format)) {
16563              return false;
16564            }
16565            if (isNonNullable(format.collapsed) && format.collapsed !== isCollapsed) {
16566              return;
16567            }
16568            if (dom.is(node, format.selector) && !isCaretNode(node)) {
16569              setElementFormat(node, format);
16570              found = true;
16571              return false;
16572            }
16573          });
16574          return found;
16575        };
16576        var createWrapElement = function (wrapName) {
16577          if (isString$1(wrapName)) {
16578            var wrapElm = dom.create(wrapName);
16579            setElementFormat(wrapElm);
16580            return wrapElm;
16581          } else {
16582            return null;
16583          }
16584        };
16585        var applyRngStyle = function (dom, rng, nodeSpecific) {
16586          var newWrappers = [];
16587          var contentEditable = true;
16588          var wrapName = format.inline || format.block;
16589          var wrapElm = createWrapElement(wrapName);
16590          walk$2(dom, rng, function (nodes) {
16591            var currentWrapElm;
16592            var process = function (node) {
16593              var hasContentEditableState = false;
16594              var lastContentEditable = contentEditable;
16595              var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
16596              var parentNode = node.parentNode;
16597              var parentName = parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
16598              if (isElement$5(node) && dom.getContentEditable(node)) {
16599                lastContentEditable = contentEditable;
16600                contentEditable = dom.getContentEditable(node) === 'true';
16601                hasContentEditableState = true;
16602              }
16603              if (isBr$5(node) && !canFormatBR(ed, format, node, parentName)) {
16604                currentWrapElm = null;
16605                if (isBlockFormat(format)) {
16606                  dom.remove(node);
16607                }
16608                return;
16609              }
16610              if (isBlockFormat(format) && format.wrapper && matchNode(ed, node, name, vars)) {
16611                currentWrapElm = null;
16612                return;
16613              }
16614              if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState && isBlockFormat(format) && !format.wrapper && isTextBlock$1(ed, nodeName) && isValid(ed, parentName, wrapName)) {
16615                var elm = dom.rename(node, wrapName);
16616                setElementFormat(elm);
16617                newWrappers.push(elm);
16618                currentWrapElm = null;
16619                return;
16620              }
16621              if (isSelectorFormat(format)) {
16622                var found = applyNodeStyle(formatList, node);
16623                if (!found && isNonNullable(parentNode) && shouldExpandToSelector(format)) {
16624                  found = applyNodeStyle(formatList, parentNode);
16625                }
16626                if (!isInlineFormat(format) || found) {
16627                  currentWrapElm = null;
16628                  return;
16629                }
16630              }
16631              if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState && isValid(ed, wrapName, nodeName) && isValid(ed, parentName, wrapName) && !(!nodeSpecific && isText$7(node) && isZwsp(node.data)) && !isCaretNode(node) && (!isInlineFormat(format) || !dom.isBlock(node))) {
16632                if (!currentWrapElm) {
16633                  currentWrapElm = dom.clone(wrapElm, false);
16634                  node.parentNode.insertBefore(currentWrapElm, node);
16635                  newWrappers.push(currentWrapElm);
16636                }
16637                currentWrapElm.appendChild(node);
16638              } else {
16639                currentWrapElm = null;
16640                each$k(from(node.childNodes), process);
16641                if (hasContentEditableState) {
16642                  contentEditable = lastContentEditable;
16643                }
16644                currentWrapElm = null;
16645              }
16646            };
16647            each$k(nodes, process);
16648          });
16649          if (format.links === true) {
16650            each$k(newWrappers, function (node) {
16651              var process = function (node) {
16652                if (node.nodeName === 'A') {
16653                  setElementFormat(node, format);
16654                }
16655                each$k(from(node.childNodes), process);
16656              };
16657              process(node);
16658            });
16659          }
16660          each$k(newWrappers, function (node) {
16661            var getChildCount = function (node) {
16662              var count = 0;
16663              each$k(node.childNodes, function (node) {
16664                if (!isEmptyTextNode$1(node) && !isBookmarkNode$1(node)) {
16665                  count++;
16666                }
16667              });
16668              return count;
16669            };
16670            var mergeStyles = function (node) {
16671              var childElement = find$3(node.childNodes, isElementNode).filter(function (child) {
16672                return matchName$1(dom, child, format);
16673              });
16674              return childElement.map(function (child) {
16675                var clone = dom.clone(child, false);
16676                setElementFormat(clone);
16677                dom.replace(clone, node, true);
16678                dom.remove(child, true);
16679                return clone;
16680              }).getOr(node);
16681            };
16682            var childCount = getChildCount(node);
16683            if ((newWrappers.length > 1 || !dom.isBlock(node)) && childCount === 0) {
16684              dom.remove(node, true);
16685              return;
16686            }
16687            if (isInlineFormat(format) || isBlockFormat(format) && format.wrapper) {
16688              if (!format.exact && childCount === 1) {
16689                node = mergeStyles(node);
16690              }
16691              mergeWithChildren(ed, formatList, vars, node);
16692              mergeWithParents(ed, format, name, vars, node);
16693              mergeBackgroundColorAndFontSize(dom, format, vars, node);
16694              mergeTextDecorationsAndColor(dom, format, vars, node);
16695              mergeSubSup(dom, format, vars, node);
16696              mergeSiblings(dom, format, vars, node);
16697            }
16698          });
16699        };
16700        if (dom.getContentEditable(selection.getNode()) === 'false') {
16701          node = selection.getNode();
16702          for (var i = 0, l = formatList.length; i < l; i++) {
16703            var formatItem = formatList[i];
16704            if (formatItem.ceFalseOverride && isSelectorFormat(formatItem) && dom.is(node, formatItem.selector)) {
16705              setElementFormat(node, formatItem);
16706              break;
16707            }
16708          }
16709          fireFormatApply(ed, name, node, vars);
16710          return;
16711        }
16712        if (format) {
16713          if (node) {
16714            if (isNode(node)) {
16715              if (!applyNodeStyle(formatList, node)) {
16716                var rng = dom.createRng();
16717                rng.setStartBefore(node);
16718                rng.setEndAfter(node);
16719                applyRngStyle(dom, expandRng(ed, rng, formatList), true);
16720              }
16721            } else {
16722              applyRngStyle(dom, node, true);
16723            }
16724          } else {
16725            if (!isCollapsed || !isInlineFormat(format) || getCellsFromEditor(ed).length) {
16726              var curSelNode = selection.getNode();
16727              var firstFormat = formatList[0];
16728              if (!ed.settings.forced_root_block && firstFormat.defaultBlock && !dom.getParent(curSelNode, dom.isBlock)) {
16729                applyFormat$1(ed, firstFormat.defaultBlock);
16730              }
16731              selection.setRng(normalize(selection.getRng()));
16732              preserve(selection, true, function () {
16733                runOnRanges(ed, function (selectionRng, fake) {
16734                  var expandedRng = fake ? selectionRng : expandRng(ed, selectionRng, formatList);
16735                  applyRngStyle(dom, expandedRng, false);
16736                });
16737              });
16738              moveStart(dom, selection, selection.getRng());
16739              ed.nodeChanged();
16740            } else {
16741              applyCaretFormat(ed, name, vars);
16742            }
16743          }
16744          postProcess$1(name, ed);
16745        }
16746        fireFormatApply(ed, name, node, vars);
16747      };
16749      var hasVars = function (value) {
16750        return has$2(value, 'vars');
16751      };
16752      var setup$j = function (registeredFormatListeners, editor) {
16753        registeredFormatListeners.set({});
16754        editor.on('NodeChange', function (e) {
16755          updateAndFireChangeCallbacks(editor, e.element, registeredFormatListeners.get());
16756        });
16757        editor.on('FormatApply FormatRemove', function (e) {
16758          var element = Optional.from(e.node).map(function (nodeOrRange) {
16759            return isNode(nodeOrRange) ? nodeOrRange : nodeOrRange.startContainer;
16760          }).bind(function (node) {
16761            return isElement$5(node) ? Optional.some(node) : Optional.from(node.parentElement);
16762          }).getOrThunk(function () {
16763            return fallbackElement(editor);
16764          });
16765          updateAndFireChangeCallbacks(editor, element, registeredFormatListeners.get());
16766        });
16767      };
16768      var fallbackElement = function (editor) {
16769        return editor.selection.getStart();
16770      };
16771      var matchingNode = function (editor, parents, format, similar, vars) {
16772        var isMatchingNode = function (node) {
16773          var matchingFormat = editor.formatter.matchNode(node, format, vars !== null && vars !== void 0 ? vars : {}, similar);
16774          return !isUndefined(matchingFormat);
16775        };
16776        var isUnableToMatch = function (node) {
16777          if (matchesUnInheritedFormatSelector(editor, node, format)) {
16778            return true;
16779          } else {
16780            if (!similar) {
16781              return isNonNullable(editor.formatter.matchNode(node, format, vars, true));
16782            } else {
16783              return false;
16784            }
16785          }
16786        };
16787        return findUntil$1(parents, isMatchingNode, isUnableToMatch);
16788      };
16789      var getParents = function (editor, elm) {
16790        var element = elm !== null && elm !== void 0 ? elm : fallbackElement(editor);
16791        return filter$4(getParents$2(editor.dom, element), function (node) {
16792          return isElement$5(node) && !isBogus$2(node);
16793        });
16794      };
16795      var updateAndFireChangeCallbacks = function (editor, elm, registeredCallbacks) {
16796        var parents = getParents(editor, elm);
16797        each$j(registeredCallbacks, function (data, format) {
16798          var runIfChanged = function (spec) {
16799            var match = matchingNode(editor, parents, format, spec.similar, hasVars(spec) ? spec.vars : undefined);
16800            var isSet = match.isSome();
16801            if (spec.state.get() !== isSet) {
16802              spec.state.set(isSet);
16803              var node_1 = match.getOr(elm);
16804              if (hasVars(spec)) {
16805                spec.callback(isSet, {
16806                  node: node_1,
16807                  format: format,
16808                  parents: parents
16809                });
16810              } else {
16811                each$k(spec.callbacks, function (callback) {
16812                  return callback(isSet, {
16813                    node: node_1,
16814                    format: format,
16815                    parents: parents
16816                  });
16817                });
16818              }
16819            }
16820          };
16821          each$k([
16822            data.withSimilar,
16823            data.withoutSimilar
16824          ], runIfChanged);
16825          each$k(data.withVars, runIfChanged);
16826        });
16827      };
16828      var addListeners = function (editor, registeredFormatListeners, formats, callback, similar, vars) {
16829        var formatChangeItems = registeredFormatListeners.get();
16830        each$k(formats.split(','), function (format) {
16831          var group = get$9(formatChangeItems, format).getOrThunk(function () {
16832            var base = {
16833              withSimilar: {
16834                state: Cell(false),
16835                similar: true,
16836                callbacks: []
16837              },
16838              withoutSimilar: {
16839                state: Cell(false),
16840                similar: false,
16841                callbacks: []
16842              },
16843              withVars: []
16844            };
16845            formatChangeItems[format] = base;
16846            return base;
16847          });
16848          var getCurrent = function () {
16849            var parents = getParents(editor);
16850            return matchingNode(editor, parents, format, similar, vars).isSome();
16851          };
16852          if (isUndefined(vars)) {
16853            var toAppendTo = similar ? group.withSimilar : group.withoutSimilar;
16854            toAppendTo.callbacks.push(callback);
16855            if (toAppendTo.callbacks.length === 1) {
16856              toAppendTo.state.set(getCurrent());
16857            }
16858          } else {
16859            group.withVars.push({
16860              state: Cell(getCurrent()),
16861              similar: similar,
16862              vars: vars,
16863              callback: callback
16864            });
16865          }
16866        });
16867        registeredFormatListeners.set(formatChangeItems);
16868      };
16869      var removeListeners = function (registeredFormatListeners, formats, callback) {
16870        var formatChangeItems = registeredFormatListeners.get();
16871        each$k(formats.split(','), function (format) {
16872          return get$9(formatChangeItems, format).each(function (group) {
16873            formatChangeItems[format] = {
16874              withSimilar: __assign(__assign({}, group.withSimilar), {
16875                callbacks: filter$4(group.withSimilar.callbacks, function (cb) {
16876                  return cb !== callback;
16877                })
16878              }),
16879              withoutSimilar: __assign(__assign({}, group.withoutSimilar), {
16880                callbacks: filter$4(group.withoutSimilar.callbacks, function (cb) {
16881                  return cb !== callback;
16882                })
16883              }),
16884              withVars: filter$4(group.withVars, function (item) {
16885                return item.callback !== callback;
16886              })
16887            };
16888          });
16889        });
16890        registeredFormatListeners.set(formatChangeItems);
16891      };
16892      var formatChangedInternal = function (editor, registeredFormatListeners, formats, callback, similar, vars) {
16893        if (registeredFormatListeners.get() === null) {
16894          setup$j(registeredFormatListeners, editor);
16895        }
16896        addListeners(editor, registeredFormatListeners, formats, callback, similar, vars);
16897        return {
16898          unbind: function () {
16899            return removeListeners(registeredFormatListeners, formats, callback);
16900          }
16901        };
16902      };
16904      var toggle = function (editor, name, vars, node) {
16905        var fmt = editor.formatter.get(name);
16906        if (match$2(editor, name, vars, node) && (!('toggle' in fmt[0]) || fmt[0].toggle)) {
16907          remove$1(editor, name, vars, node);
16908        } else {
16909          applyFormat$1(editor, name, vars, node);
16910        }
16911      };
16913      var fromElements = function (elements, scope) {
16914        var doc = scope || document;
16915        var fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment();
16916        each$k(elements, function (element) {
16917          fragment.appendChild(element.dom);
16918        });
16919        return SugarElement.fromDom(fragment);
16920      };
16922      var tableModel = function (element, width, rows) {
16923        return {
16924          element: element,
16925          width: width,
16926          rows: rows
16927        };
16928      };
16929      var tableRow = function (element, cells) {
16930        return {
16931          element: element,
16932          cells: cells
16933        };
16934      };
16935      var cellPosition = function (x, y) {
16936        return {
16937          x: x,
16938          y: y
16939        };
16940      };
16941      var getSpan = function (td, key) {
16942        var value = parseInt(get$6(td, key), 10);
16943        return isNaN(value) ? 1 : value;
16944      };
16945      var fillout = function (table, x, y, tr, td) {
16946        var rowspan = getSpan(td, 'rowspan');
16947        var colspan = getSpan(td, 'colspan');
16948        var rows = table.rows;
16949        for (var y2 = y; y2 < y + rowspan; y2++) {
16950          if (!rows[y2]) {
16951            rows[y2] = tableRow(deep$1(tr), []);
16952          }
16953          for (var x2 = x; x2 < x + colspan; x2++) {
16954            var cells = rows[y2].cells;
16955            cells[x2] = y2 === y && x2 === x ? td : shallow(td);
16956          }
16957        }
16958      };
16959      var cellExists = function (table, x, y) {
16960        var rows = table.rows;
16961        var cells = rows[y] ? rows[y].cells : [];
16962        return !!cells[x];
16963      };
16964      var skipCellsX = function (table, x, y) {
16965        while (cellExists(table, x, y)) {
16966          x++;
16967        }
16968        return x;
16969      };
16970      var getWidth = function (rows) {
16971        return foldl(rows, function (acc, row) {
16972          return row.cells.length > acc ? row.cells.length : acc;
16973        }, 0);
16974      };
16975      var findElementPos = function (table, element) {
16976        var rows = table.rows;
16977        for (var y = 0; y < rows.length; y++) {
16978          var cells = rows[y].cells;
16979          for (var x = 0; x < cells.length; x++) {
16980            if (eq(cells[x], element)) {
16981              return Optional.some(cellPosition(x, y));
16982            }
16983          }
16984        }
16985        return Optional.none();
16986      };
16987      var extractRows = function (table, sx, sy, ex, ey) {
16988        var newRows = [];
16989        var rows = table.rows;
16990        for (var y = sy; y <= ey; y++) {
16991          var cells = rows[y].cells;
16992          var slice = sx < ex ? cells.slice(sx, ex + 1) : cells.slice(ex, sx + 1);
16993          newRows.push(tableRow(rows[y].element, slice));
16994        }
16995        return newRows;
16996      };
16997      var subTable = function (table, startPos, endPos) {
16998        var sx = startPos.x, sy = startPos.y;
16999        var ex = endPos.x, ey = endPos.y;
17000        var newRows = sy < ey ? extractRows(table, sx, sy, ex, ey) : extractRows(table, sx, ey, ex, sy);
17001        return tableModel(table.element, getWidth(newRows), newRows);
17002      };
17003      var createDomTable = function (table, rows) {
17004        var tableElement = shallow(table.element);
17005        var tableBody = SugarElement.fromTag('tbody');
17006        append(tableBody, rows);
17007        append$1(tableElement, tableBody);
17008        return tableElement;
17009      };
17010      var modelRowsToDomRows = function (table) {
17011        return map$3(table.rows, function (row) {
17012          var cells = map$3(row.cells, function (cell) {
17013            var td = deep$1(cell);
17014            remove$6(td, 'colspan');
17015            remove$6(td, 'rowspan');
17016            return td;
17017          });
17018          var tr = shallow(row.element);
17019          append(tr, cells);
17020          return tr;
17021        });
17022      };
17023      var fromDom = function (tableElm) {
17024        var table = tableModel(shallow(tableElm), 0, []);
17025        each$k(descendants(tableElm, 'tr'), function (tr, y) {
17026          each$k(descendants(tr, 'td,th'), function (td, x) {
17027            fillout(table, skipCellsX(table, x, y), y, tr, td);
17028          });
17029        });
17030        return tableModel(table.element, getWidth(table.rows), table.rows);
17031      };
17032      var toDom = function (table) {
17033        return createDomTable(table, modelRowsToDomRows(table));
17034      };
17035      var subsection = function (table, startElement, endElement) {
17036        return findElementPos(table, startElement).bind(function (startPos) {
17037          return findElementPos(table, endElement).map(function (endPos) {
17038            return subTable(table, startPos, endPos);
17039          });
17040        });
17041      };
17043      var findParentListContainer = function (parents) {
17044        return find$3(parents, function (elm) {
17045          return name(elm) === 'ul' || name(elm) === 'ol';
17046        });
17047      };
17048      var getFullySelectedListWrappers = function (parents, rng) {
17049        return find$3(parents, function (elm) {
17050          return name(elm) === 'li' && hasAllContentsSelected(elm, rng);
17051        }).fold(constant([]), function (_li) {
17052          return findParentListContainer(parents).map(function (listCont) {
17053            var listElm = SugarElement.fromTag(name(listCont));
17054            var listStyles = filter$3(getAllRaw(listCont), function (_style, name) {
17055              return startsWith(name, 'list-style');
17056            });
17057            setAll(listElm, listStyles);
17058            return [
17059              SugarElement.fromTag('li'),
17060              listElm
17061            ];
17062          }).getOr([]);
17063        });
17064      };
17065      var wrap = function (innerElm, elms) {
17066        var wrapped = foldl(elms, function (acc, elm) {
17067          append$1(elm, acc);
17068          return elm;
17069        }, innerElm);
17070        return elms.length > 0 ? fromElements([wrapped]) : wrapped;
17071      };
17072      var directListWrappers = function (commonAnchorContainer) {
17073        if (isListItem(commonAnchorContainer)) {
17074          return parent(commonAnchorContainer).filter(isList).fold(constant([]), function (listElm) {
17075            return [
17076              commonAnchorContainer,
17077              listElm
17078            ];
17079          });
17080        } else {
17081          return isList(commonAnchorContainer) ? [commonAnchorContainer] : [];
17082        }
17083      };
17084      var getWrapElements = function (rootNode, rng) {
17085        var commonAnchorContainer = SugarElement.fromDom(rng.commonAncestorContainer);
17086        var parents = parentsAndSelf(commonAnchorContainer, rootNode);
17087        var wrapElements = filter$4(parents, function (elm) {
17088          return isInline$1(elm) || isHeading(elm);
17089        });
17090        var listWrappers = getFullySelectedListWrappers(parents, rng);
17091        var allWrappers = wrapElements.concat(listWrappers.length ? listWrappers : directListWrappers(commonAnchorContainer));
17092        return map$3(allWrappers, shallow);
17093      };
17094      var emptyFragment = function () {
17095        return fromElements([]);
17096      };
17097      var getFragmentFromRange = function (rootNode, rng) {
17098        return wrap(SugarElement.fromDom(rng.cloneContents()), getWrapElements(rootNode, rng));
17099      };
17100      var getParentTable = function (rootElm, cell) {
17101        return ancestor$2(cell, 'table', curry(eq, rootElm));
17102      };
17103      var getTableFragment = function (rootNode, selectedTableCells) {
17104        return getParentTable(rootNode, selectedTableCells[0]).bind(function (tableElm) {
17105          var firstCell = selectedTableCells[0];
17106          var lastCell = selectedTableCells[selectedTableCells.length - 1];
17107          var fullTableModel = fromDom(tableElm);
17108          return subsection(fullTableModel, firstCell, lastCell).map(function (sectionedTableModel) {
17109            return fromElements([toDom(sectionedTableModel)]);
17110          });
17111        }).getOrThunk(emptyFragment);
17112      };
17113      var getSelectionFragment = function (rootNode, ranges) {
17114        return ranges.length > 0 && ranges[0].collapsed ? emptyFragment() : getFragmentFromRange(rootNode, ranges[0]);
17115      };
17116      var read$3 = function (rootNode, ranges) {
17117        var selectedCells = getCellsFromElementOrRanges(ranges, rootNode);
17118        return selectedCells.length > 0 ? getTableFragment(rootNode, selectedCells) : getSelectionFragment(rootNode, ranges);
17119      };
17121      var trimLeadingCollapsibleText = function (text) {
17122        return text.replace(/^[ \f\n\r\t\v]+/, '');
17123      };
17124      var isCollapsibleWhitespace = function (text, index) {
17125        return index >= 0 && index < text.length && isWhiteSpace(text.charAt(index));
17126      };
17127      var getInnerText = function (bin, shouldTrim) {
17128        var text = trim$2(bin.innerText);
17129        return shouldTrim ? trimLeadingCollapsibleText(text) : text;
17130      };
17131      var getContextNodeName = function (parentBlockOpt) {
17132        return parentBlockOpt.map(function (block) {
17133          return block.nodeName;
17134        }).getOr('div').toLowerCase();
17135      };
17136      var getTextContent = function (editor) {
17137        return Optional.from(editor.selection.getRng()).map(function (rng) {
17138          var parentBlockOpt = Optional.from(editor.dom.getParent(rng.commonAncestorContainer, editor.dom.isBlock));
17139          var body = editor.getBody();
17140          var contextNodeName = getContextNodeName(parentBlockOpt);
17141          var shouldTrimSpaces = Env.browser.isIE() && contextNodeName !== 'pre';
17142          var bin = editor.dom.add(body, contextNodeName, {
17143            'data-mce-bogus': 'all',
17144            'style': 'overflow: hidden; opacity: 0;'
17145          }, rng.cloneContents());
17146          var text = getInnerText(bin, shouldTrimSpaces);
17147          var nonRenderedText = trim$2(bin.textContent);
17148          editor.dom.remove(bin);
17149          if (isCollapsibleWhitespace(nonRenderedText, 0) || isCollapsibleWhitespace(nonRenderedText, nonRenderedText.length - 1)) {
17150            var parentBlock = parentBlockOpt.getOr(body);
17151            var parentBlockText = getInnerText(parentBlock, shouldTrimSpaces);
17152            var textIndex = parentBlockText.indexOf(text);
17153            if (textIndex === -1) {
17154              return text;
17155            } else {
17156              var hasProceedingSpace = isCollapsibleWhitespace(parentBlockText, textIndex - 1);
17157              var hasTrailingSpace = isCollapsibleWhitespace(parentBlockText, textIndex + text.length);
17158              return (hasProceedingSpace ? ' ' : '') + text + (hasTrailingSpace ? ' ' : '');
17159            }
17160          } else {
17161            return text;
17162          }
17163        }).getOr('');
17164      };
17165      var getSerializedContent = function (editor, args) {
17166        var rng = editor.selection.getRng(), tmpElm = editor.dom.create('body');
17167        var sel = editor.selection.getSel();
17168        var ranges = processRanges(editor, getRanges(sel));
17169        var fragment = args.contextual ? read$3(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()), ranges).dom : rng.cloneContents();
17170        if (fragment) {
17171          tmpElm.appendChild(fragment);
17172        }
17173        return editor.selection.serializer.serialize(tmpElm, args);
17174      };
17175      var setupArgs$1 = function (args, format) {
17176        return __assign(__assign({}, args), {
17177          format: format,
17178          get: true,
17179          selection: true
17180        });
17181      };
17182      var getSelectedContentInternal = function (editor, format, args) {
17183        if (args === void 0) {
17184          args = {};
17185        }
17186        var defaultedArgs = setupArgs$1(args, format);
17187        var updatedArgs = editor.fire('BeforeGetContent', defaultedArgs);
17188        if (updatedArgs.isDefaultPrevented()) {
17189          editor.fire('GetContent', updatedArgs);
17190          return updatedArgs.content;
17191        }
17192        if (updatedArgs.format === 'text') {
17193          return getTextContent(editor);
17194        } else {
17195          updatedArgs.getInner = true;
17196          var content = getSerializedContent(editor, updatedArgs);
17197          if (updatedArgs.format === 'tree') {
17198            return content;
17199          } else {
17200            updatedArgs.content = editor.selection.isCollapsed() ? '' : content;
17201            editor.fire('GetContent', updatedArgs);
17202            return updatedArgs.content;
17203          }
17204        }
17205      };
17207      var KEEP = 0, INSERT = 1, DELETE = 2;
17208      var diff = function (left, right) {
17209        var size = left.length + right.length + 2;
17210        var vDown = new Array(size);
17211        var vUp = new Array(size);
17212        var snake = function (start, end, diag) {
17213          return {
17214            start: start,
17215            end: end,
17216            diag: diag
17217          };
17218        };
17219        var buildScript = function (start1, end1, start2, end2, script) {
17220          var middle = getMiddleSnake(start1, end1, start2, end2);
17221          if (middle === null || middle.start === end1 && middle.diag === end1 - end2 || middle.end === start1 && middle.diag === start1 - start2) {
17222            var i = start1;
17223            var j = start2;
17224            while (i < end1 || j < end2) {
17225              if (i < end1 && j < end2 && left[i] === right[j]) {
17226                script.push([
17227                  KEEP,
17228                  left[i]
17229                ]);
17230                ++i;
17231                ++j;
17232              } else {
17233                if (end1 - start1 > end2 - start2) {
17234                  script.push([
17235                    DELETE,
17236                    left[i]
17237                  ]);
17238                  ++i;
17239                } else {
17240                  script.push([
17241                    INSERT,
17242                    right[j]
17243                  ]);
17244                  ++j;
17245                }
17246              }
17247            }
17248          } else {
17249            buildScript(start1, middle.start, start2, middle.start - middle.diag, script);
17250            for (var i2 = middle.start; i2 < middle.end; ++i2) {
17251              script.push([
17252                KEEP,
17253                left[i2]
17254              ]);
17255            }
17256            buildScript(middle.end, end1, middle.end - middle.diag, end2, script);
17257          }
17258        };
17259        var buildSnake = function (start, diag, end1, end2) {
17260          var end = start;
17261          while (end - diag < end2 && end < end1 && left[end] === right[end - diag]) {
17262            ++end;
17263          }
17264          return snake(start, end, diag);
17265        };
17266        var getMiddleSnake = function (start1, end1, start2, end2) {
17267          var m = end1 - start1;
17268          var n = end2 - start2;
17269          if (m === 0 || n === 0) {
17270            return null;
17271          }
17272          var delta = m - n;
17273          var sum = n + m;
17274          var offset = (sum % 2 === 0 ? sum : sum + 1) / 2;
17275          vDown[1 + offset] = start1;
17276          vUp[1 + offset] = end1 + 1;
17277          var d, k, i, x, y;
17278          for (d = 0; d <= offset; ++d) {
17279            for (k = -d; k <= d; k += 2) {
17280              i = k + offset;
17281              if (k === -d || k !== d && vDown[i - 1] < vDown[i + 1]) {
17282                vDown[i] = vDown[i + 1];
17283              } else {
17284                vDown[i] = vDown[i - 1] + 1;
17285              }
17286              x = vDown[i];
17287              y = x - start1 + start2 - k;
17288              while (x < end1 && y < end2 && left[x] === right[y]) {
17289                vDown[i] = ++x;
17290                ++y;
17291              }
17292              if (delta % 2 !== 0 && delta - d <= k && k <= delta + d) {
17293                if (vUp[i - delta] <= vDown[i]) {
17294                  return buildSnake(vUp[i - delta], k + start1 - start2, end1, end2);
17295                }
17296              }
17297            }
17298            for (k = delta - d; k <= delta + d; k += 2) {
17299              i = k + offset - delta;
17300              if (k === delta - d || k !== delta + d && vUp[i + 1] <= vUp[i - 1]) {
17301                vUp[i] = vUp[i + 1] - 1;
17302              } else {
17303                vUp[i] = vUp[i - 1];
17304              }
17305              x = vUp[i] - 1;
17306              y = x - start1 + start2 - k;
17307              while (x >= start1 && y >= start2 && left[x] === right[y]) {
17308                vUp[i] = x--;
17309                y--;
17310              }
17311              if (delta % 2 === 0 && -d <= k && k <= d) {
17312                if (vUp[i] <= vDown[i + delta]) {
17313                  return buildSnake(vUp[i], k + start1 - start2, end1, end2);
17314                }
17315              }
17316            }
17317          }
17318        };
17319        var script = [];
17320        buildScript(0, left.length, 0, right.length, script);
17321        return script;
17322      };
17324      var getOuterHtml = function (elm) {
17325        if (isElement$5(elm)) {
17326          return elm.outerHTML;
17327        } else if (isText$7(elm)) {
17328          return Entities.encodeRaw(elm.data, false);
17329        } else if (isComment(elm)) {
17330          return '<!--' + elm.data + '-->';
17331        }
17332        return '';
17333      };
17334      var createFragment = function (html) {
17335        var node;
17336        var container = document.createElement('div');
17337        var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
17338        if (html) {
17339          container.innerHTML = html;
17340        }
17341        while (node = container.firstChild) {
17342          frag.appendChild(node);
17343        }
17344        return frag;
17345      };
17346      var insertAt = function (elm, html, index) {
17347        var fragment = createFragment(html);
17348        if (elm.hasChildNodes() && index < elm.childNodes.length) {
17349          var target = elm.childNodes[index];
17350          target.parentNode.insertBefore(fragment, target);
17351        } else {
17352          elm.appendChild(fragment);
17353        }
17354      };
17355      var removeAt = function (elm, index) {
17356        if (elm.hasChildNodes() && index < elm.childNodes.length) {
17357          var target = elm.childNodes[index];
17358          target.parentNode.removeChild(target);
17359        }
17360      };
17361      var applyDiff = function (diff, elm) {
17362        var index = 0;
17363        each$k(diff, function (action) {
17364          if (action[0] === KEEP) {
17365            index++;
17366          } else if (action[0] === INSERT) {
17367            insertAt(elm, action[1], index);
17368            index++;
17369          } else if (action[0] === DELETE) {
17370            removeAt(elm, index);
17371          }
17372        });
17373      };
17374      var read$2 = function (elm) {
17375        return filter$4(map$3(from(elm.childNodes), getOuterHtml), function (item) {
17376          return item.length > 0;
17377        });
17378      };
17379      var write = function (fragments, elm) {
17380        var currentFragments = map$3(from(elm.childNodes), getOuterHtml);
17381        applyDiff(diff(currentFragments, fragments), elm);
17382        return elm;
17383      };
17385      var lazyTempDocument = cached(function () {
17386        return document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('undo');
17387      });
17388      var hasIframes = function (html) {
17389        return html.indexOf('</iframe>') !== -1;
17390      };
17391      var createFragmentedLevel = function (fragments) {
17392        return {
17393          type: 'fragmented',
17394          fragments: fragments,
17395          content: '',
17396          bookmark: null,
17397          beforeBookmark: null
17398        };
17399      };
17400      var createCompleteLevel = function (content) {
17401        return {
17402          type: 'complete',
17403          fragments: null,
17404          content: content,
17405          bookmark: null,
17406          beforeBookmark: null
17407        };
17408      };
17409      var createFromEditor = function (editor) {
17410        var fragments = read$2(editor.getBody());
17411        var trimmedFragments = bind(fragments, function (html) {
17412          var trimmed = trimInternal(editor.serializer, html);
17413          return trimmed.length > 0 ? [trimmed] : [];
17414        });
17415        var content = trimmedFragments.join('');
17416        return hasIframes(content) ? createFragmentedLevel(trimmedFragments) : createCompleteLevel(content);
17417      };
17418      var applyToEditor = function (editor, level, before) {
17419        var bookmark = before ? level.beforeBookmark : level.bookmark;
17420        if (level.type === 'fragmented') {
17421          write(level.fragments, editor.getBody());
17422        } else {
17423          editor.setContent(level.content, {
17424            format: 'raw',
17425            no_selection: isNonNullable(bookmark) && isPathBookmark(bookmark) ? !bookmark.isFakeCaret : true
17426          });
17427        }
17428        editor.selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
17429      };
17430      var getLevelContent = function (level) {
17431        return level.type === 'fragmented' ? level.fragments.join('') : level.content;
17432      };
17433      var getCleanLevelContent = function (level) {
17434        var elm = SugarElement.fromTag('body', lazyTempDocument());
17435        set(elm, getLevelContent(level));
17436        each$k(descendants(elm, '*[data-mce-bogus]'), unwrap);
17437        return get$3(elm);
17438      };
17439      var hasEqualContent = function (level1, level2) {
17440        return getLevelContent(level1) === getLevelContent(level2);
17441      };
17442      var hasEqualCleanedContent = function (level1, level2) {
17443        return getCleanLevelContent(level1) === getCleanLevelContent(level2);
17444      };
17445      var isEq$1 = function (level1, level2) {
17446        if (!level1 || !level2) {
17447          return false;
17448        } else if (hasEqualContent(level1, level2)) {
17449          return true;
17450        } else {
17451          return hasEqualCleanedContent(level1, level2);
17452        }
17453      };
17455      var isUnlocked = function (locks) {
17456        return locks.get() === 0;
17457      };
17459      var setTyping = function (undoManager, typing, locks) {
17460        if (isUnlocked(locks)) {
17461          undoManager.typing = typing;
17462        }
17463      };
17464      var endTyping = function (undoManager, locks) {
17465        if (undoManager.typing) {
17466          setTyping(undoManager, false, locks);
17467          undoManager.add();
17468        }
17469      };
17470      var endTypingLevelIgnoreLocks = function (undoManager) {
17471        if (undoManager.typing) {
17472          undoManager.typing = false;
17473          undoManager.add();
17474        }
17475      };
17477      var beforeChange$1 = function (editor, locks, beforeBookmark) {
17478        if (isUnlocked(locks)) {
17479          beforeBookmark.set(getUndoBookmark(editor.selection));
17480        }
17481      };
17482      var addUndoLevel$1 = function (editor, undoManager, index, locks, beforeBookmark, level, event) {
17483        var currentLevel = createFromEditor(editor);
17484        level = level || {};
17485        level = Tools.extend(level, currentLevel);
17486        if (isUnlocked(locks) === false || editor.removed) {
17487          return null;
17488        }
17489        var lastLevel = undoManager.data[index.get()];
17490        if (editor.fire('BeforeAddUndo', {
17491            level: level,
17492            lastLevel: lastLevel,
17493            originalEvent: event
17494          }).isDefaultPrevented()) {
17495          return null;
17496        }
17497        if (lastLevel && isEq$1(lastLevel, level)) {
17498          return null;
17499        }
17500        if (undoManager.data[index.get()]) {
17501          beforeBookmark.get().each(function (bm) {
17502            undoManager.data[index.get()].beforeBookmark = bm;
17503          });
17504        }
17505        var customUndoRedoLevels = getCustomUndoRedoLevels(editor);
17506        if (customUndoRedoLevels) {
17507          if (undoManager.data.length > customUndoRedoLevels) {
17508            for (var i = 0; i < undoManager.data.length - 1; i++) {
17509              undoManager.data[i] = undoManager.data[i + 1];
17510            }
17511            undoManager.data.length--;
17512            index.set(undoManager.data.length);
17513          }
17514        }
17515        level.bookmark = getUndoBookmark(editor.selection);
17516        if (index.get() < undoManager.data.length - 1) {
17517          undoManager.data.length = index.get() + 1;
17518        }
17519        undoManager.data.push(level);
17520        index.set(undoManager.data.length - 1);
17521        var args = {
17522          level: level,
17523          lastLevel: lastLevel,
17524          originalEvent: event
17525        };
17526        if (index.get() > 0) {
17527          editor.setDirty(true);
17528          editor.fire('AddUndo', args);
17529          editor.fire('change', args);
17530        } else {
17531          editor.fire('AddUndo', args);
17532        }
17533        return level;
17534      };
17535      var clear$1 = function (editor, undoManager, index) {
17536        undoManager.data = [];
17537        index.set(0);
17538        undoManager.typing = false;
17539        editor.fire('ClearUndos');
17540      };
17541      var extra$1 = function (editor, undoManager, index, callback1, callback2) {
17542        if (undoManager.transact(callback1)) {
17543          var bookmark = undoManager.data[index.get()].bookmark;
17544          var lastLevel = undoManager.data[index.get() - 1];
17545          applyToEditor(editor, lastLevel, true);
17546          if (undoManager.transact(callback2)) {
17547            undoManager.data[index.get() - 1].beforeBookmark = bookmark;
17548          }
17549        }
17550      };
17551      var redo$1 = function (editor, index, data) {
17552        var level;
17553        if (index.get() < data.length - 1) {
17554          index.set(index.get() + 1);
17555          level = data[index.get()];
17556          applyToEditor(editor, level, false);
17557          editor.setDirty(true);
17558          editor.fire('Redo', { level: level });
17559        }
17560        return level;
17561      };
17562      var undo$1 = function (editor, undoManager, locks, index) {
17563        var level;
17564        if (undoManager.typing) {
17565          undoManager.add();
17566          undoManager.typing = false;
17567          setTyping(undoManager, false, locks);
17568        }
17569        if (index.get() > 0) {
17570          index.set(index.get() - 1);
17571          level = undoManager.data[index.get()];
17572          applyToEditor(editor, level, true);
17573          editor.setDirty(true);
17574          editor.fire('Undo', { level: level });
17575        }
17576        return level;
17577      };
17578      var reset$1 = function (undoManager) {
17579        undoManager.clear();
17580        undoManager.add();
17581      };
17582      var hasUndo$1 = function (editor, undoManager, index) {
17583        return index.get() > 0 || undoManager.typing && undoManager.data[0] && !isEq$1(createFromEditor(editor), undoManager.data[0]);
17584      };
17585      var hasRedo$1 = function (undoManager, index) {
17586        return index.get() < undoManager.data.length - 1 && !undoManager.typing;
17587      };
17588      var transact$1 = function (undoManager, locks, callback) {
17589        endTyping(undoManager, locks);
17590        undoManager.beforeChange();
17591        undoManager.ignore(callback);
17592        return undoManager.add();
17593      };
17594      var ignore$1 = function (locks, callback) {
17595        try {
17596          locks.set(locks.get() + 1);
17597          callback();
17598        } finally {
17599          locks.set(locks.get() - 1);
17600        }
17601      };
17603      var addVisualInternal = function (editor, elm) {
17604        var dom = editor.dom;
17605        var scope = isNonNullable(elm) ? elm : editor.getBody();
17606        if (isUndefined(editor.hasVisual)) {
17607          editor.hasVisual = isVisualAidsEnabled(editor);
17608        }
17609        each$k(dom.select('table,a', scope), function (matchedElm) {
17610          switch (matchedElm.nodeName) {
17611          case 'TABLE':
17612            var cls = getVisualAidsTableClass(editor);
17613            var value = dom.getAttrib(matchedElm, 'border');
17614            if ((!value || value === '0') && editor.hasVisual) {
17615              dom.addClass(matchedElm, cls);
17616            } else {
17617              dom.removeClass(matchedElm, cls);
17618            }
17619            break;
17620          case 'A':
17621            if (!dom.getAttrib(matchedElm, 'href')) {
17622              var value_1 = dom.getAttrib(matchedElm, 'name') || matchedElm.id;
17623              var cls_1 = getVisualAidsAnchorClass(editor);
17624              if (value_1 && editor.hasVisual) {
17625                dom.addClass(matchedElm, cls_1);
17626              } else {
17627                dom.removeClass(matchedElm, cls_1);
17628              }
17629            }
17630            break;
17631          }
17632        });
17633        editor.fire('VisualAid', {
17634          element: elm,
17635          hasVisual: editor.hasVisual
17636        });
17637      };
17639      var makePlainAdaptor = function (editor) {
17640        return {
17641          undoManager: {
17642            beforeChange: function (locks, beforeBookmark) {
17643              return beforeChange$1(editor, locks, beforeBookmark);
17644            },
17645            add: function (undoManager, index, locks, beforeBookmark, level, event) {
17646              return addUndoLevel$1(editor, undoManager, index, locks, beforeBookmark, level, event);
17647            },
17648            undo: function (undoManager, locks, index) {
17649              return undo$1(editor, undoManager, locks, index);
17650            },
17651            redo: function (index, data) {
17652              return redo$1(editor, index, data);
17653            },
17654            clear: function (undoManager, index) {
17655              return clear$1(editor, undoManager, index);
17656            },
17657            reset: function (undoManager) {
17658              return reset$1(undoManager);
17659            },
17660            hasUndo: function (undoManager, index) {
17661              return hasUndo$1(editor, undoManager, index);
17662            },
17663            hasRedo: function (undoManager, index) {
17664              return hasRedo$1(undoManager, index);
17665            },
17666            transact: function (undoManager, locks, callback) {
17667              return transact$1(undoManager, locks, callback);
17668            },
17669            ignore: function (locks, callback) {
17670              return ignore$1(locks, callback);
17671            },
17672            extra: function (undoManager, index, callback1, callback2) {
17673              return extra$1(editor, undoManager, index, callback1, callback2);
17674            }
17675          },
17676          formatter: {
17677            match: function (name, vars, node, similar) {
17678              return match$2(editor, name, vars, node, similar);
17679            },
17680            matchAll: function (names, vars) {
17681              return matchAll(editor, names, vars);
17682            },
17683            matchNode: function (node, name, vars, similar) {
17684              return matchNode(editor, node, name, vars, similar);
17685            },
17686            canApply: function (name) {
17687              return canApply(editor, name);
17688            },
17689            closest: function (names) {
17690              return closest(editor, names);
17691            },
17692            apply: function (name, vars, node) {
17693              return applyFormat$1(editor, name, vars, node);
17694            },
17695            remove: function (name, vars, node, similar) {
17696              return remove$1(editor, name, vars, node, similar);
17697            },
17698            toggle: function (name, vars, node) {
17699              return toggle(editor, name, vars, node);
17700            },
17701            formatChanged: function (registeredFormatListeners, formats, callback, similar, vars) {
17702              return formatChangedInternal(editor, registeredFormatListeners, formats, callback, similar, vars);
17703            }
17704          },
17705          editor: {
17706            getContent: function (args, format) {
17707              return getContentInternal(editor, args, format);
17708            },
17709            setContent: function (content, args) {
17710              return setContentInternal(editor, content, args);
17711            },
17712            insertContent: function (value, details) {
17713              return insertHtmlAtCaret(editor, value, details);
17714            },
17715            addVisual: function (elm) {
17716              return addVisualInternal(editor, elm);
17717            }
17718          },
17719          selection: {
17720            getContent: function (format, args) {
17721              return getSelectedContentInternal(editor, format, args);
17722            }
17723          },
17724          raw: {
17725            getModel: function () {
17726              return Optional.none();
17727            }
17728          }
17729        };
17730      };
17731      var makeRtcAdaptor = function (rtcEditor) {
17732        var defaultVars = function (vars) {
17733          return isObject(vars) ? vars : {};
17734        };
17735        var undoManager = rtcEditor.undoManager, formatter = rtcEditor.formatter, editor = rtcEditor.editor, selection = rtcEditor.selection, raw = rtcEditor.raw;
17736        return {
17737          undoManager: {
17738            beforeChange: undoManager.beforeChange,
17739            add: undoManager.add,
17740            undo: undoManager.undo,
17741            redo: undoManager.redo,
17742            clear: undoManager.clear,
17743            reset: undoManager.reset,
17744            hasUndo: undoManager.hasUndo,
17745            hasRedo: undoManager.hasRedo,
17746            transact: function (_undoManager, _locks, fn) {
17747              return undoManager.transact(fn);
17748            },
17749            ignore: function (_locks, callback) {
17750              return undoManager.ignore(callback);
17751            },
17752            extra: function (_undoManager, _index, callback1, callback2) {
17753              return undoManager.extra(callback1, callback2);
17754            }
17755          },
17756          formatter: {
17757            match: function (name, vars, _node, similar) {
17758              return formatter.match(name, defaultVars(vars), similar);
17759            },
17760            matchAll: formatter.matchAll,
17761            matchNode: formatter.matchNode,
17762            canApply: function (name) {
17763              return formatter.canApply(name);
17764            },
17765            closest: function (names) {
17766              return formatter.closest(names);
17767            },
17768            apply: function (name, vars, _node) {
17769              return formatter.apply(name, defaultVars(vars));
17770            },
17771            remove: function (name, vars, _node, _similar) {
17772              return formatter.remove(name, defaultVars(vars));
17773            },
17774            toggle: function (name, vars, _node) {
17775              return formatter.toggle(name, defaultVars(vars));
17776            },
17777            formatChanged: function (_rfl, formats, callback, similar, vars) {
17778              return formatter.formatChanged(formats, callback, similar, vars);
17779            }
17780          },
17781          editor: {
17782            getContent: function (args, _format) {
17783              return editor.getContent(args);
17784            },
17785            setContent: function (content, args) {
17786              return editor.setContent(content, args);
17787            },
17788            insertContent: function (content, _details) {
17789              return editor.insertContent(content);
17790            },
17791            addVisual: editor.addVisual
17792          },
17793          selection: {
17794            getContent: function (_format, args) {
17795              return selection.getContent(args);
17796            }
17797          },
17798          raw: {
17799            getModel: function () {
17800              return Optional.some(raw.getRawModel());
17801            }
17802          }
17803        };
17804      };
17805      var makeNoopAdaptor = function () {
17806        var nul = constant(null);
17807        var empty = constant('');
17808        return {
17809          undoManager: {
17810            beforeChange: noop,
17811            add: nul,
17812            undo: nul,
17813            redo: nul,
17814            clear: noop,
17815            reset: noop,
17816            hasUndo: never,
17817            hasRedo: never,
17818            transact: nul,
17819            ignore: noop,
17820            extra: noop
17821          },
17822          formatter: {
17823            match: never,
17824            matchAll: constant([]),
17825            matchNode: constant(undefined),
17826            canApply: never,
17827            closest: empty,
17828            apply: noop,
17829            remove: noop,
17830            toggle: noop,
17831            formatChanged: constant({ unbind: noop })
17832          },
17833          editor: {
17834            getContent: empty,
17835            setContent: empty,
17836            insertContent: noop,
17837            addVisual: noop
17838          },
17839          selection: { getContent: empty },
17840          raw: { getModel: constant(Optional.none()) }
17841        };
17842      };
17843      var isRtc = function (editor) {
17844        return has$2(editor.plugins, 'rtc');
17845      };
17846      var getRtcSetup = function (editor) {
17847        return get$9(editor.plugins, 'rtc').bind(function (rtcPlugin) {
17848          return Optional.from(rtcPlugin.setup);
17849        });
17850      };
17851      var setup$i = function (editor) {
17852        var editorCast = editor;
17853        return getRtcSetup(editor).fold(function () {
17854          editorCast.rtcInstance = makePlainAdaptor(editor);
17855          return Optional.none();
17856        }, function (setup) {
17857          editorCast.rtcInstance = makeNoopAdaptor();
17858          return Optional.some(function () {
17859            return setup().then(function (rtcEditor) {
17860              editorCast.rtcInstance = makeRtcAdaptor(rtcEditor);
17861              return rtcEditor.rtc.isRemote;
17862            });
17863          });
17864        });
17865      };
17866      var getRtcInstanceWithFallback = function (editor) {
17867        return editor.rtcInstance ? editor.rtcInstance : makePlainAdaptor(editor);
17868      };
17869      var getRtcInstanceWithError = function (editor) {
17870        var rtcInstance = editor.rtcInstance;
17871        if (!rtcInstance) {
17872          throw new Error('Failed to get RTC instance not yet initialized.');
17873        } else {
17874          return rtcInstance;
17875        }
17876      };
17877      var beforeChange = function (editor, locks, beforeBookmark) {
17878        getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).undoManager.beforeChange(locks, beforeBookmark);
17879      };
17880      var addUndoLevel = function (editor, undoManager, index, locks, beforeBookmark, level, event) {
17881        return getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).undoManager.add(undoManager, index, locks, beforeBookmark, level, event);
17882      };
17883      var undo = function (editor, undoManager, locks, index) {
17884        return getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).undoManager.undo(undoManager, locks, index);
17885      };
17886      var redo = function (editor, index, data) {
17887        return getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).undoManager.redo(index, data);
17888      };
17889      var clear = function (editor, undoManager, index) {
17890        getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).undoManager.clear(undoManager, index);
17891      };
17892      var reset = function (editor, undoManager) {
17893        getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).undoManager.reset(undoManager);
17894      };
17895      var hasUndo = function (editor, undoManager, index) {
17896        return getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).undoManager.hasUndo(undoManager, index);
17897      };
17898      var hasRedo = function (editor, undoManager, index) {
17899        return getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).undoManager.hasRedo(undoManager, index);
17900      };
17901      var transact = function (editor, undoManager, locks, callback) {
17902        return getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).undoManager.transact(undoManager, locks, callback);
17903      };
17904      var ignore = function (editor, locks, callback) {
17905        getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).undoManager.ignore(locks, callback);
17906      };
17907      var extra = function (editor, undoManager, index, callback1, callback2) {
17908        getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).undoManager.extra(undoManager, index, callback1, callback2);
17909      };
17910      var matchFormat = function (editor, name, vars, node, similar) {
17911        return getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).formatter.match(name, vars, node, similar);
17912      };
17913      var matchAllFormats = function (editor, names, vars) {
17914        return getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).formatter.matchAll(names, vars);
17915      };
17916      var matchNodeFormat = function (editor, node, name, vars, similar) {
17917        return getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).formatter.matchNode(node, name, vars, similar);
17918      };
17919      var canApplyFormat = function (editor, name) {
17920        return getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).formatter.canApply(name);
17921      };
17922      var closestFormat = function (editor, names) {
17923        return getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).formatter.closest(names);
17924      };
17925      var applyFormat = function (editor, name, vars, node) {
17926        getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).formatter.apply(name, vars, node);
17927      };
17928      var removeFormat = function (editor, name, vars, node, similar) {
17929        getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).formatter.remove(name, vars, node, similar);
17930      };
17931      var toggleFormat = function (editor, name, vars, node) {
17932        getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).formatter.toggle(name, vars, node);
17933      };
17934      var formatChanged = function (editor, registeredFormatListeners, formats, callback, similar, vars) {
17935        return getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).formatter.formatChanged(registeredFormatListeners, formats, callback, similar, vars);
17936      };
17937      var getContent$2 = function (editor, args, format) {
17938        return getRtcInstanceWithFallback(editor).editor.getContent(args, format);
17939      };
17940      var setContent$2 = function (editor, content, args) {
17941        return getRtcInstanceWithFallback(editor).editor.setContent(content, args);
17942      };
17943      var insertContent = function (editor, value, details) {
17944        return getRtcInstanceWithFallback(editor).editor.insertContent(value, details);
17945      };
17946      var getSelectedContent = function (editor, format, args) {
17947        return getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).selection.getContent(format, args);
17948      };
17949      var addVisual$1 = function (editor, elm) {
17950        return getRtcInstanceWithError(editor).editor.addVisual(elm);
17951      };
17953      var getContent$1 = function (editor, args) {
17954        if (args === void 0) {
17955          args = {};
17956        }
17957        var format = args.format ? args.format : 'html';
17958        return getSelectedContent(editor, format, args);
17959      };
17961      var removeEmpty = function (text) {
17962        if (text.dom.length === 0) {
17963          remove$7(text);
17964          return Optional.none();
17965        } else {
17966          return Optional.some(text);
17967        }
17968      };
17969      var walkPastBookmark = function (node, start) {
17970        return node.filter(function (elm) {
17971          return BookmarkManager.isBookmarkNode(elm.dom);
17972        }).bind(start ? nextSibling : prevSibling);
17973      };
17974      var merge = function (outer, inner, rng, start) {
17975        var outerElm = outer.dom;
17976        var innerElm = inner.dom;
17977        var oldLength = start ? outerElm.length : innerElm.length;
17978        if (start) {
17979          mergeTextNodes(outerElm, innerElm, false, !start);
17980          rng.setStart(innerElm, oldLength);
17981        } else {
17982          mergeTextNodes(innerElm, outerElm, false, !start);
17983          rng.setEnd(innerElm, oldLength);
17984        }
17985      };
17986      var normalizeTextIfRequired = function (inner, start) {
17987        parent(inner).each(function (root) {
17988          var text = inner.dom;
17989          if (start && needsToBeNbspLeft(root, CaretPosition(text, 0))) {
17990            normalizeWhitespaceAfter(text, 0);
17991          } else if (!start && needsToBeNbspRight(root, CaretPosition(text, text.length))) {
17992            normalizeWhitespaceBefore(text, text.length);
17993          }
17994        });
17995      };
17996      var mergeAndNormalizeText = function (outerNode, innerNode, rng, start) {
17997        outerNode.bind(function (outer) {
17998          var normalizer = start ? normalizeWhitespaceBefore : normalizeWhitespaceAfter;
17999          normalizer(outer.dom, start ? outer.dom.length : 0);
18000          return innerNode.filter(isText$8).map(function (inner) {
18001            return merge(outer, inner, rng, start);
18002          });
18003        }).orThunk(function () {
18004          var innerTextNode = walkPastBookmark(innerNode, start).or(innerNode).filter(isText$8);
18005          return innerTextNode.map(function (inner) {
18006            return normalizeTextIfRequired(inner, start);
18007          });
18008        });
18009      };
18010      var rngSetContent = function (rng, fragment) {
18011        var firstChild = Optional.from(fragment.firstChild).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
18012        var lastChild = Optional.from(fragment.lastChild).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
18013        rng.deleteContents();
18014        rng.insertNode(fragment);
18015        var prevText = firstChild.bind(prevSibling).filter(isText$8).bind(removeEmpty);
18016        var nextText = lastChild.bind(nextSibling).filter(isText$8).bind(removeEmpty);
18017        mergeAndNormalizeText(prevText, firstChild, rng, true);
18018        mergeAndNormalizeText(nextText, lastChild, rng, false);
18019        rng.collapse(false);
18020      };
18021      var setupArgs = function (args, content) {
18022        return __assign(__assign({ format: 'html' }, args), {
18023          set: true,
18024          selection: true,
18025          content: content
18026        });
18027      };
18028      var cleanContent = function (editor, args) {
18029        if (args.format !== 'raw') {
18030          var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
18031          var contextBlock = editor.dom.getParent(rng.commonAncestorContainer, editor.dom.isBlock);
18032          var contextArgs = contextBlock ? { context: contextBlock.nodeName.toLowerCase() } : {};
18033          var node = editor.parser.parse(args.content, __assign(__assign({
18034            isRootContent: true,
18035            forced_root_block: false
18036          }, contextArgs), args));
18037          return HtmlSerializer({ validate: editor.validate }, editor.schema).serialize(node);
18038        } else {
18039          return args.content;
18040        }
18041      };
18042      var setContent$1 = function (editor, content, args) {
18043        if (args === void 0) {
18044          args = {};
18045        }
18046        var defaultedArgs = setupArgs(args, content);
18047        var updatedArgs = defaultedArgs;
18048        if (!defaultedArgs.no_events) {
18049          var eventArgs = editor.fire('BeforeSetContent', defaultedArgs);
18050          if (eventArgs.isDefaultPrevented()) {
18051            editor.fire('SetContent', eventArgs);
18052            return;
18053          } else {
18054            updatedArgs = eventArgs;
18055          }
18056        }
18057        updatedArgs.content = cleanContent(editor, updatedArgs);
18058        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
18059        rngSetContent(rng, rng.createContextualFragment(updatedArgs.content));
18060        editor.selection.setRng(rng);
18061        scrollRangeIntoView(editor, rng);
18062        if (!updatedArgs.no_events) {
18063          editor.fire('SetContent', updatedArgs);
18064        }
18065      };
18067      var deleteFromCallbackMap = function (callbackMap, selector, callback) {
18068        if (callbackMap && has$2(callbackMap, selector)) {
18069          var newCallbacks = filter$4(callbackMap[selector], function (cb) {
18070            return cb !== callback;
18071          });
18072          if (newCallbacks.length === 0) {
18073            delete callbackMap[selector];
18074          } else {
18075            callbackMap[selector] = newCallbacks;
18076          }
18077        }
18078      };
18079      function SelectorChanged (dom, editor) {
18080        var selectorChangedData;
18081        var currentSelectors;
18082        var findMatchingNode = function (selector, nodes) {
18083          return find$3(nodes, function (node) {
18084            return dom.is(node, selector);
18085          });
18086        };
18087        var getParents = function (elem) {
18088          return dom.getParents(elem, null, dom.getRoot());
18089        };
18090        return {
18091          selectorChangedWithUnbind: function (selector, callback) {
18092            if (!selectorChangedData) {
18093              selectorChangedData = {};
18094              currentSelectors = {};
18095              editor.on('NodeChange', function (e) {
18096                var node = e.element;
18097                var parents = getParents(node);
18098                var matchedSelectors = {};
18099                Tools.each(selectorChangedData, function (callbacks, selector) {
18100                  findMatchingNode(selector, parents).each(function (node) {
18101                    if (!currentSelectors[selector]) {
18102                      each$k(callbacks, function (callback) {
18103                        callback(true, {
18104                          node: node,
18105                          selector: selector,
18106                          parents: parents
18107                        });
18108                      });
18109                      currentSelectors[selector] = callbacks;
18110                    }
18111                    matchedSelectors[selector] = callbacks;
18112                  });
18113                });
18114                Tools.each(currentSelectors, function (callbacks, selector) {
18115                  if (!matchedSelectors[selector]) {
18116                    delete currentSelectors[selector];
18117                    Tools.each(callbacks, function (callback) {
18118                      callback(false, {
18119                        node: node,
18120                        selector: selector,
18121                        parents: parents
18122                      });
18123                    });
18124                  }
18125                });
18126              });
18127            }
18128            if (!selectorChangedData[selector]) {
18129              selectorChangedData[selector] = [];
18130            }
18131            selectorChangedData[selector].push(callback);
18132            findMatchingNode(selector, getParents(editor.selection.getStart())).each(function () {
18133              currentSelectors[selector] = selectorChangedData[selector];
18134            });
18135            return {
18136              unbind: function () {
18137                deleteFromCallbackMap(selectorChangedData, selector, callback);
18138                deleteFromCallbackMap(currentSelectors, selector, callback);
18139              }
18140            };
18141          }
18142        };
18143      }
18145      var isNativeIeSelection = function (rng) {
18146        return !!rng.select;
18147      };
18148      var isAttachedToDom = function (node) {
18149        return !!(node && node.ownerDocument) && contains$1(SugarElement.fromDom(node.ownerDocument), SugarElement.fromDom(node));
18150      };
18151      var isValidRange = function (rng) {
18152        if (!rng) {
18153          return false;
18154        } else if (isNativeIeSelection(rng)) {
18155          return true;
18156        } else {
18157          return isAttachedToDom(rng.startContainer) && isAttachedToDom(rng.endContainer);
18158        }
18159      };
18160      var EditorSelection = function (dom, win, serializer, editor) {
18161        var selectedRange;
18162        var explicitRange;
18163        var selectorChangedWithUnbind = SelectorChanged(dom, editor).selectorChangedWithUnbind;
18164        var setCursorLocation = function (node, offset) {
18165          var rng = dom.createRng();
18166          if (isNonNullable(node) && isNonNullable(offset)) {
18167            rng.setStart(node, offset);
18168            rng.setEnd(node, offset);
18169            setRng(rng);
18170            collapse(false);
18171          } else {
18172            moveEndPoint(dom, rng, editor.getBody(), true);
18173            setRng(rng);
18174          }
18175        };
18176        var getContent = function (args) {
18177          return getContent$1(editor, args);
18178        };
18179        var setContent = function (content, args) {
18180          return setContent$1(editor, content, args);
18181        };
18182        var getStart$1 = function (real) {
18183          return getStart(editor.getBody(), getRng$1(), real);
18184        };
18185        var getEnd$1 = function (real) {
18186          return getEnd(editor.getBody(), getRng$1(), real);
18187        };
18188        var getBookmark = function (type, normalized) {
18189          return bookmarkManager.getBookmark(type, normalized);
18190        };
18191        var moveToBookmark = function (bookmark) {
18192          return bookmarkManager.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
18193        };
18194        var select$1 = function (node, content) {
18195          select(dom, node, content).each(setRng);
18196          return node;
18197        };
18198        var isCollapsed = function () {
18199          var rng = getRng$1(), sel = getSel();
18200          if (!rng || rng.item) {
18201            return false;
18202          }
18203          if (rng.compareEndPoints) {
18204            return rng.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', rng) === 0;
18205          }
18206          return !sel || rng.collapsed;
18207        };
18208        var collapse = function (toStart) {
18209          var rng = getRng$1();
18210          rng.collapse(!!toStart);
18211          setRng(rng);
18212        };
18213        var getSel = function () {
18214          return win.getSelection ? win.getSelection() : win.document.selection;
18215        };
18216        var getRng$1 = function () {
18217          var selection, rng, elm;
18218          var tryCompareBoundaryPoints = function (how, sourceRange, destinationRange) {
18219            try {
18220              return sourceRange.compareBoundaryPoints(how, destinationRange);
18221            } catch (ex) {
18222              return -1;
18223            }
18224          };
18225          var doc = win.document;
18226          if (editor.bookmark !== undefined && hasFocus(editor) === false) {
18227            var bookmark = getRng(editor);
18228            if (bookmark.isSome()) {
18229              return bookmark.map(function (r) {
18230                return processRanges(editor, [r])[0];
18231              }).getOr(doc.createRange());
18232            }
18233          }
18234          try {
18235            if ((selection = getSel()) && !isRestrictedNode(selection.anchorNode)) {
18236              if (selection.rangeCount > 0) {
18237                rng = selection.getRangeAt(0);
18238              } else {
18239                rng = selection.createRange ? selection.createRange() : doc.createRange();
18240              }
18241              rng = processRanges(editor, [rng])[0];
18242            }
18243          } catch (ex) {
18244          }
18245          if (!rng) {
18246            rng = doc.createRange ? doc.createRange() : doc.body.createTextRange();
18247          }
18248          if (rng.setStart && rng.startContainer.nodeType === 9 && rng.collapsed) {
18249            elm = dom.getRoot();
18250            rng.setStart(elm, 0);
18251            rng.setEnd(elm, 0);
18252          }
18253          if (selectedRange && explicitRange) {
18254            if (tryCompareBoundaryPoints(rng.START_TO_START, rng, selectedRange) === 0 && tryCompareBoundaryPoints(rng.END_TO_END, rng, selectedRange) === 0) {
18255              rng = explicitRange;
18256            } else {
18257              selectedRange = null;
18258              explicitRange = null;
18259            }
18260          }
18261          return rng;
18262        };
18263        var setRng = function (rng, forward) {
18264          var node;
18265          if (!isValidRange(rng)) {
18266            return;
18267          }
18268          var ieRange = isNativeIeSelection(rng) ? rng : null;
18269          if (ieRange) {
18270            explicitRange = null;
18271            try {
18272              ieRange.select();
18273            } catch (ex) {
18274            }
18275            return;
18276          }
18277          var sel = getSel();
18278          var evt = editor.fire('SetSelectionRange', {
18279            range: rng,
18280            forward: forward
18281          });
18282          rng = evt.range;
18283          if (sel) {
18284            explicitRange = rng;
18285            try {
18286              sel.removeAllRanges();
18287              sel.addRange(rng);
18288            } catch (ex) {
18289            }
18290            if (forward === false && sel.extend) {
18291              sel.collapse(rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset);
18292              sel.extend(rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset);
18293            }
18294            selectedRange = sel.rangeCount > 0 ? sel.getRangeAt(0) : null;
18295          }
18296          if (!rng.collapsed && rng.startContainer === rng.endContainer && sel.setBaseAndExtent && !Env.ie) {
18297            if (rng.endOffset - rng.startOffset < 2) {
18298              if (rng.startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
18299                node = rng.startContainer.childNodes[rng.startOffset];
18300                if (node && node.tagName === 'IMG') {
18301                  sel.setBaseAndExtent(rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset, rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset);
18302                  if (sel.anchorNode !== rng.startContainer || sel.focusNode !== rng.endContainer) {
18303                    sel.setBaseAndExtent(node, 0, node, 1);
18304                  }
18305                }
18306              }
18307            }
18308          }
18309          editor.fire('AfterSetSelectionRange', {
18310            range: rng,
18311            forward: forward
18312          });
18313        };
18314        var setNode = function (elm) {
18315          setContent(dom.getOuterHTML(elm));
18316          return elm;
18317        };
18318        var getNode$1 = function () {
18319          return getNode(editor.getBody(), getRng$1());
18320        };
18321        var getSelectedBlocks$1 = function (startElm, endElm) {
18322          return getSelectedBlocks(dom, getRng$1(), startElm, endElm);
18323        };
18324        var isForward = function () {
18325          var sel = getSel();
18326          var anchorNode = sel === null || sel === void 0 ? void 0 : sel.anchorNode;
18327          var focusNode = sel === null || sel === void 0 ? void 0 : sel.focusNode;
18328          if (!sel || !anchorNode || !focusNode || isRestrictedNode(anchorNode) || isRestrictedNode(focusNode)) {
18329            return true;
18330          }
18331          var anchorRange = dom.createRng();
18332          anchorRange.setStart(anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset);
18333          anchorRange.collapse(true);
18334          var focusRange = dom.createRng();
18335          focusRange.setStart(focusNode, sel.focusOffset);
18336          focusRange.collapse(true);
18337          return anchorRange.compareBoundaryPoints(anchorRange.START_TO_START, focusRange) <= 0;
18338        };
18339        var normalize = function () {
18340          var rng = getRng$1();
18341          var sel = getSel();
18342          if (!hasMultipleRanges(sel) && hasAnyRanges(editor)) {
18343            var normRng = normalize$2(dom, rng);
18344            normRng.each(function (normRng) {
18345              setRng(normRng, isForward());
18346            });
18347            return normRng.getOr(rng);
18348          }
18349          return rng;
18350        };
18351        var selectorChanged = function (selector, callback) {
18352          selectorChangedWithUnbind(selector, callback);
18353          return exports;
18354        };
18355        var getScrollContainer = function () {
18356          var scrollContainer;
18357          var node = dom.getRoot();
18358          while (node && node.nodeName !== 'BODY') {
18359            if (node.scrollHeight > node.clientHeight) {
18360              scrollContainer = node;
18361              break;
18362            }
18363            node = node.parentNode;
18364          }
18365          return scrollContainer;
18366        };
18367        var scrollIntoView = function (elm, alignToTop) {
18368          if (isNonNullable(elm)) {
18369            scrollElementIntoView(editor, elm, alignToTop);
18370          } else {
18371            scrollRangeIntoView(editor, getRng$1(), alignToTop);
18372          }
18373        };
18374        var placeCaretAt = function (clientX, clientY) {
18375          return setRng(fromPoint(clientX, clientY, editor.getDoc()));
18376        };
18377        var getBoundingClientRect = function () {
18378          var rng = getRng$1();
18379          return rng.collapsed ? CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng).getClientRects()[0] : rng.getBoundingClientRect();
18380        };
18381        var destroy = function () {
18382          win = selectedRange = explicitRange = null;
18383          controlSelection.destroy();
18384        };
18385        var exports = {
18386          bookmarkManager: null,
18387          controlSelection: null,
18388          dom: dom,
18389          win: win,
18390          serializer: serializer,
18391          editor: editor,
18392          collapse: collapse,
18393          setCursorLocation: setCursorLocation,
18394          getContent: getContent,
18395          setContent: setContent,
18396          getBookmark: getBookmark,
18397          moveToBookmark: moveToBookmark,
18398          select: select$1,
18399          isCollapsed: isCollapsed,
18400          isForward: isForward,
18401          setNode: setNode,
18402          getNode: getNode$1,
18403          getSel: getSel,
18404          setRng: setRng,
18405          getRng: getRng$1,
18406          getStart: getStart$1,
18407          getEnd: getEnd$1,
18408          getSelectedBlocks: getSelectedBlocks$1,
18409          normalize: normalize,
18410          selectorChanged: selectorChanged,
18411          selectorChangedWithUnbind: selectorChangedWithUnbind,
18412          getScrollContainer: getScrollContainer,
18413          scrollIntoView: scrollIntoView,
18414          placeCaretAt: placeCaretAt,
18415          getBoundingClientRect: getBoundingClientRect,
18416          destroy: destroy
18417        };
18418        var bookmarkManager = BookmarkManager(exports);
18419        var controlSelection = ControlSelection(exports, editor);
18420        exports.bookmarkManager = bookmarkManager;
18421        exports.controlSelection = controlSelection;
18422        return exports;
18423      };
18425      var removeAttrs = function (node, names) {
18426        each$k(names, function (name) {
18427          node.attr(name, null);
18428        });
18429      };
18430      var addFontToSpansFilter = function (domParser, styles, fontSizes) {
18431        domParser.addNodeFilter('font', function (nodes) {
18432          each$k(nodes, function (node) {
18433            var props = styles.parse(node.attr('style'));
18434            var color = node.attr('color');
18435            var face = node.attr('face');
18436            var size = node.attr('size');
18437            if (color) {
18438              props.color = color;
18439            }
18440            if (face) {
18441              props['font-family'] = face;
18442            }
18443            if (size) {
18444              props['font-size'] = fontSizes[parseInt(node.attr('size'), 10) - 1];
18445            }
18446            node.name = 'span';
18447            node.attr('style', styles.serialize(props));
18448            removeAttrs(node, [
18449              'color',
18450              'face',
18451              'size'
18452            ]);
18453          });
18454        });
18455      };
18456      var addStrikeToSpanFilter = function (domParser, styles) {
18457        domParser.addNodeFilter('strike', function (nodes) {
18458          each$k(nodes, function (node) {
18459            var props = styles.parse(node.attr('style'));
18460            props['text-decoration'] = 'line-through';
18461            node.name = 'span';
18462            node.attr('style', styles.serialize(props));
18463          });
18464        });
18465      };
18466      var addFilters = function (domParser, settings) {
18467        var styles = Styles();
18468        if (settings.convert_fonts_to_spans) {
18469          addFontToSpansFilter(domParser, styles, Tools.explode(settings.font_size_legacy_values));
18470        }
18471        addStrikeToSpanFilter(domParser, styles);
18472      };
18473      var register$2 = function (domParser, settings) {
18474        if (settings.inline_styles) {
18475          addFilters(domParser, settings);
18476        }
18477      };
18479      var blobUriToBlob = function (url) {
18480        return new promiseObj(function (resolve, reject) {
18481          var rejectWithError = function () {
18482            reject('Cannot convert ' + url + ' to Blob. Resource might not exist or is inaccessible.');
18483          };
18484          try {
18485            var xhr_1 = new XMLHttpRequest();
18486            xhr_1.open('GET', url, true);
18487            xhr_1.responseType = 'blob';
18488            xhr_1.onload = function () {
18489              if (xhr_1.status === 200) {
18490                resolve(xhr_1.response);
18491              } else {
18492                rejectWithError();
18493              }
18494            };
18495            xhr_1.onerror = rejectWithError;
18496            xhr_1.send();
18497          } catch (ex) {
18498            rejectWithError();
18499          }
18500        });
18501      };
18502      var parseDataUri = function (uri) {
18503        var type;
18504        var uriParts = decodeURIComponent(uri).split(',');
18505        var matches = /data:([^;]+)/.exec(uriParts[0]);
18506        if (matches) {
18507          type = matches[1];
18508        }
18509        return {
18510          type: type,
18511          data: uriParts[1]
18512        };
18513      };
18514      var buildBlob = function (type, data) {
18515        var str;
18516        try {
18517          str = atob(data);
18518        } catch (e) {
18519          return Optional.none();
18520        }
18521        var arr = new Uint8Array(str.length);
18522        for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
18523          arr[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
18524        }
18525        return Optional.some(new Blob([arr], { type: type }));
18526      };
18527      var dataUriToBlob = function (uri) {
18528        return new promiseObj(function (resolve) {
18529          var _a = parseDataUri(uri), type = _a.type, data = _a.data;
18530          buildBlob(type, data).fold(function () {
18531            return resolve(new Blob([]));
18532          }, resolve);
18533        });
18534      };
18535      var uriToBlob = function (url) {
18536        if (url.indexOf('blob:') === 0) {
18537          return blobUriToBlob(url);
18538        }
18539        if (url.indexOf('data:') === 0) {
18540          return dataUriToBlob(url);
18541        }
18542        return null;
18543      };
18544      var blobToDataUri = function (blob) {
18545        return new promiseObj(function (resolve) {
18546          var reader = new FileReader();
18547          reader.onloadend = function () {
18548            resolve(reader.result);
18549          };
18550          reader.readAsDataURL(blob);
18551        });
18552      };
18554      var count$1 = 0;
18555      var uniqueId = function (prefix) {
18556        return (prefix || 'blobid') + count$1++;
18557      };
18558      var imageToBlobInfo = function (blobCache, img, resolve, reject) {
18559        var base64, blobInfo;
18560        if (img.src.indexOf('blob:') === 0) {
18561          blobInfo = blobCache.getByUri(img.src);
18562          if (blobInfo) {
18563            resolve({
18564              image: img,
18565              blobInfo: blobInfo
18566            });
18567          } else {
18568            uriToBlob(img.src).then(function (blob) {
18569              blobToDataUri(blob).then(function (dataUri) {
18570                base64 = parseDataUri(dataUri).data;
18571                blobInfo = blobCache.create(uniqueId(), blob, base64);
18572                blobCache.add(blobInfo);
18573                resolve({
18574                  image: img,
18575                  blobInfo: blobInfo
18576                });
18577              });
18578            }, function (err) {
18579              reject(err);
18580            });
18581          }
18582          return;
18583        }
18584        var _a = parseDataUri(img.src), data = _a.data, type = _a.type;
18585        base64 = data;
18586        blobInfo = blobCache.getByData(base64, type);
18587        if (blobInfo) {
18588          resolve({
18589            image: img,
18590            blobInfo: blobInfo
18591          });
18592        } else {
18593          uriToBlob(img.src).then(function (blob) {
18594            blobInfo = blobCache.create(uniqueId(), blob, base64);
18595            blobCache.add(blobInfo);
18596            resolve({
18597              image: img,
18598              blobInfo: blobInfo
18599            });
18600          }, function (err) {
18601            reject(err);
18602          });
18603        }
18604      };
18605      var getAllImages = function (elm) {
18606        return elm ? from(elm.getElementsByTagName('img')) : [];
18607      };
18608      var ImageScanner = function (uploadStatus, blobCache) {
18609        var cachedPromises = {};
18610        var findAll = function (elm, predicate) {
18611          if (!predicate) {
18612            predicate = always;
18613          }
18614          var images = filter$4(getAllImages(elm), function (img) {
18615            var src = img.src;
18616            if (!Env.fileApi) {
18617              return false;
18618            }
18619            if (img.hasAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) {
18620              return false;
18621            }
18622            if (img.hasAttribute('data-mce-placeholder')) {
18623              return false;
18624            }
18625            if (!src || src === Env.transparentSrc) {
18626              return false;
18627            }
18628            if (src.indexOf('blob:') === 0) {
18629              return !uploadStatus.isUploaded(src) && predicate(img);
18630            }
18631            if (src.indexOf('data:') === 0) {
18632              return predicate(img);
18633            }
18634            return false;
18635          });
18636          var promises = map$3(images, function (img) {
18637            if (cachedPromises[img.src] !== undefined) {
18638              return new promiseObj(function (resolve) {
18639                cachedPromises[img.src].then(function (imageInfo) {
18640                  if (typeof imageInfo === 'string') {
18641                    return imageInfo;
18642                  }
18643                  resolve({
18644                    image: img,
18645                    blobInfo: imageInfo.blobInfo
18646                  });
18647                });
18648              });
18649            }
18650            var newPromise = new promiseObj(function (resolve, reject) {
18651              imageToBlobInfo(blobCache, img, resolve, reject);
18652            }).then(function (result) {
18653              delete cachedPromises[result.image.src];
18654              return result;
18655            }).catch(function (error) {
18656              delete cachedPromises[img.src];
18657              return error;
18658            });
18659            cachedPromises[img.src] = newPromise;
18660            return newPromise;
18661          });
18662          return promiseObj.all(promises);
18663        };
18664        return { findAll: findAll };
18665      };
18667      var paddEmptyNode = function (settings, args, blockElements, node) {
18668        var brPreferred = settings.padd_empty_with_br || args.insert;
18669        if (brPreferred && blockElements[node.name]) {
18670          node.empty().append(new AstNode('br', 1)).shortEnded = true;
18671        } else {
18672          node.empty().append(new AstNode('#text', 3)).value = nbsp;
18673        }
18674      };
18675      var isPaddedWithNbsp = function (node) {
18676        return hasOnlyChild(node, '#text') && node.firstChild.value === nbsp;
18677      };
18678      var hasOnlyChild = function (node, name) {
18679        return node && node.firstChild && node.firstChild === node.lastChild && node.firstChild.name === name;
18680      };
18681      var isPadded = function (schema, node) {
18682        var rule = schema.getElementRule(node.name);
18683        return rule && rule.paddEmpty;
18684      };
18685      var isEmpty = function (schema, nonEmptyElements, whitespaceElements, node) {
18686        return node.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements, whitespaceElements, function (node) {
18687          return isPadded(schema, node);
18688        });
18689      };
18690      var isLineBreakNode = function (node, blockElements) {
18691        return node && (has$2(blockElements, node.name) || node.name === 'br');
18692      };
18694      var isBogusImage = function (img) {
18695        return isNonNullable(img.attr('data-mce-bogus'));
18696      };
18697      var isInternalImageSource = function (img) {
18698        return img.attr('src') === Env.transparentSrc || isNonNullable(img.attr('data-mce-placeholder'));
18699      };
18700      var isValidDataImg = function (img, settings) {
18701        if (settings.images_dataimg_filter) {
18702          var imgElem_1 = new Image();
18703          imgElem_1.src = img.attr('src');
18704          each$j(img.attributes.map, function (value, key) {
18705            imgElem_1.setAttribute(key, value);
18706          });
18707          return settings.images_dataimg_filter(imgElem_1);
18708        } else {
18709          return true;
18710        }
18711      };
18712      var registerBase64ImageFilter = function (parser, settings) {
18713        var blobCache = settings.blob_cache;
18714        var processImage = function (img) {
18715          var inputSrc = img.attr('src');
18716          if (isInternalImageSource(img) || isBogusImage(img)) {
18717            return;
18718          }
18719          parseDataUri$1(inputSrc).filter(function () {
18720            return isValidDataImg(img, settings);
18721          }).bind(function (_a) {
18722            var type = _a.type, data = _a.data;
18723            return Optional.from(blobCache.getByData(data, type)).orThunk(function () {
18724              return buildBlob(type, data).map(function (blob) {
18725                var blobInfo = blobCache.create(uniqueId(), blob, data);
18726                blobCache.add(blobInfo);
18727                return blobInfo;
18728              });
18729            });
18730          }).each(function (blobInfo) {
18731            img.attr('src', blobInfo.blobUri());
18732          });
18733        };
18734        if (blobCache) {
18735          parser.addAttributeFilter('src', function (nodes) {
18736            return each$k(nodes, processImage);
18737          });
18738        }
18739      };
18740      var register$1 = function (parser, settings) {
18741        var schema = parser.schema;
18742        if (settings.remove_trailing_brs) {
18743          parser.addNodeFilter('br', function (nodes, _, args) {
18744            var i;
18745            var l = nodes.length;
18746            var node;
18747            var blockElements = Tools.extend({}, schema.getBlockElements());
18748            var nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
18749            var parent, lastParent, prev, prevName;
18750            var whiteSpaceElements = schema.getWhiteSpaceElements();
18751            var elementRule, textNode;
18752            blockElements.body = 1;
18753            for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
18754              node = nodes[i];
18755              parent = node.parent;
18756              if (blockElements[node.parent.name] && node === parent.lastChild) {
18757                prev = node.prev;
18758                while (prev) {
18759                  prevName = prev.name;
18760                  if (prevName !== 'span' || prev.attr('data-mce-type') !== 'bookmark') {
18761                    if (prevName === 'br') {
18762                      node = null;
18763                    }
18764                    break;
18765                  }
18766                  prev = prev.prev;
18767                }
18768                if (node) {
18769                  node.remove();
18770                  if (isEmpty(schema, nonEmptyElements, whiteSpaceElements, parent)) {
18771                    elementRule = schema.getElementRule(parent.name);
18772                    if (elementRule) {
18773                      if (elementRule.removeEmpty) {
18774                        parent.remove();
18775                      } else if (elementRule.paddEmpty) {
18776                        paddEmptyNode(settings, args, blockElements, parent);
18777                      }
18778                    }
18779                  }
18780                }
18781              } else {
18782                lastParent = node;
18783                while (parent && parent.firstChild === lastParent && parent.lastChild === lastParent) {
18784                  lastParent = parent;
18785                  if (blockElements[parent.name]) {
18786                    break;
18787                  }
18788                  parent = parent.parent;
18789                }
18790                if (lastParent === parent && settings.padd_empty_with_br !== true) {
18791                  textNode = new AstNode('#text', 3);
18792                  textNode.value = nbsp;
18793                  node.replace(textNode);
18794                }
18795              }
18796            }
18797          });
18798        }
18799        parser.addAttributeFilter('href', function (nodes) {
18800          var i = nodes.length;
18801          var appendRel = function (rel) {
18802            var parts = rel.split(' ').filter(function (p) {
18803              return p.length > 0;
18804            });
18805            return parts.concat(['noopener']).sort().join(' ');
18806          };
18807          var addNoOpener = function (rel) {
18808            var newRel = rel ? Tools.trim(rel) : '';
18809            if (!/\b(noopener)\b/g.test(newRel)) {
18810              return appendRel(newRel);
18811            } else {
18812              return newRel;
18813            }
18814          };
18815          if (!settings.allow_unsafe_link_target) {
18816            while (i--) {
18817              var node = nodes[i];
18818              if (node.name === 'a' && node.attr('target') === '_blank') {
18819                node.attr('rel', addNoOpener(node.attr('rel')));
18820              }
18821            }
18822          }
18823        });
18824        if (!settings.allow_html_in_named_anchor) {
18825          parser.addAttributeFilter('id,name', function (nodes) {
18826            var i = nodes.length, sibling, prevSibling, parent, node;
18827            while (i--) {
18828              node = nodes[i];
18829              if (node.name === 'a' && node.firstChild && !node.attr('href')) {
18830                parent = node.parent;
18831                sibling = node.lastChild;
18832                do {
18833                  prevSibling = sibling.prev;
18834                  parent.insert(sibling, node);
18835                  sibling = prevSibling;
18836                } while (sibling);
18837              }
18838            }
18839          });
18840        }
18841        if (settings.fix_list_elements) {
18842          parser.addNodeFilter('ul,ol', function (nodes) {
18843            var i = nodes.length, node, parentNode;
18844            while (i--) {
18845              node = nodes[i];
18846              parentNode = node.parent;
18847              if (parentNode.name === 'ul' || parentNode.name === 'ol') {
18848                if (node.prev && node.prev.name === 'li') {
18849                  node.prev.append(node);
18850                } else {
18851                  var li = new AstNode('li', 1);
18852                  li.attr('style', 'list-style-type: none');
18853                  node.wrap(li);
18854                }
18855              }
18856            }
18857          });
18858        }
18859        if (settings.validate && schema.getValidClasses()) {
18860          parser.addAttributeFilter('class', function (nodes) {
18861            var validClasses = schema.getValidClasses();
18862            var i = nodes.length;
18863            while (i--) {
18864              var node = nodes[i];
18865              var classList = node.attr('class').split(' ');
18866              var classValue = '';
18867              for (var ci = 0; ci < classList.length; ci++) {
18868                var className = classList[ci];
18869                var valid = false;
18870                var validClassesMap = validClasses['*'];
18871                if (validClassesMap && validClassesMap[className]) {
18872                  valid = true;
18873                }
18874                validClassesMap = validClasses[node.name];
18875                if (!valid && validClassesMap && validClassesMap[className]) {
18876                  valid = true;
18877                }
18878                if (valid) {
18879                  if (classValue) {
18880                    classValue += ' ';
18881                  }
18882                  classValue += className;
18883                }
18884              }
18885              if (!classValue.length) {
18886                classValue = null;
18887              }
18888              node.attr('class', classValue);
18889            }
18890          });
18891        }
18892        registerBase64ImageFilter(parser, settings);
18893      };
18895      var makeMap = Tools.makeMap, each$6 = Tools.each, explode$2 = Tools.explode, extend$4 = Tools.extend;
18896      var DomParser = function (settings, schema) {
18897        if (schema === void 0) {
18898          schema = Schema();
18899        }
18900        var nodeFilters = {};
18901        var attributeFilters = [];
18902        var matchedNodes = {};
18903        var matchedAttributes = {};
18904        settings = settings || {};
18905        settings.validate = 'validate' in settings ? settings.validate : true;
18906        settings.root_name = settings.root_name || 'body';
18907        var fixInvalidChildren = function (nodes) {
18908          var nonSplitableElements = makeMap('tr,td,th,tbody,thead,tfoot,table');
18909          var nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
18910          var whitespaceElements = schema.getWhiteSpaceElements();
18911          var textBlockElements = schema.getTextBlockElements();
18912          var specialElements = schema.getSpecialElements();
18913          var removeOrUnwrapInvalidNode = function (node, originalNodeParent) {
18914            if (originalNodeParent === void 0) {
18915              originalNodeParent = node.parent;
18916            }
18917            if (specialElements[node.name]) {
18918              node.empty().remove();
18919            } else {
18920              var children = node.children();
18921              for (var _i = 0, children_1 = children; _i < children_1.length; _i++) {
18922                var childNode = children_1[_i];
18923                if (!schema.isValidChild(originalNodeParent.name, childNode.name)) {
18924                  removeOrUnwrapInvalidNode(childNode, originalNodeParent);
18925                }
18926              }
18927              node.unwrap();
18928            }
18929          };
18930          for (var ni = 0; ni < nodes.length; ni++) {
18931            var node = nodes[ni];
18932            var parent_1 = void 0, newParent = void 0, tempNode = void 0;
18933            if (!node.parent || node.fixed) {
18934              continue;
18935            }
18936            if (textBlockElements[node.name] && node.parent.name === 'li') {
18937              var sibling = node.next;
18938              while (sibling) {
18939                if (textBlockElements[sibling.name]) {
18940                  sibling.name = 'li';
18941                  sibling.fixed = true;
18942                  node.parent.insert(sibling, node.parent);
18943                } else {
18944                  break;
18945                }
18946                sibling = sibling.next;
18947              }
18948              node.unwrap();
18949              continue;
18950            }
18951            var parents = [node];
18952            for (parent_1 = node.parent; parent_1 && !schema.isValidChild(parent_1.name, node.name) && !nonSplitableElements[parent_1.name]; parent_1 = parent_1.parent) {
18953              parents.push(parent_1);
18954            }
18955            if (parent_1 && parents.length > 1) {
18956              if (schema.isValidChild(parent_1.name, node.name)) {
18957                parents.reverse();
18958                newParent = filterNode(parents[0].clone());
18959                var currentNode = newParent;
18960                for (var i = 0; i < parents.length - 1; i++) {
18961                  if (schema.isValidChild(currentNode.name, parents[i].name)) {
18962                    tempNode = filterNode(parents[i].clone());
18963                    currentNode.append(tempNode);
18964                  } else {
18965                    tempNode = currentNode;
18966                  }
18967                  for (var childNode = parents[i].firstChild; childNode && childNode !== parents[i + 1];) {
18968                    var nextNode = childNode.next;
18969                    tempNode.append(childNode);
18970                    childNode = nextNode;
18971                  }
18972                  currentNode = tempNode;
18973                }
18974                if (!isEmpty(schema, nonEmptyElements, whitespaceElements, newParent)) {
18975                  parent_1.insert(newParent, parents[0], true);
18976                  parent_1.insert(node, newParent);
18977                } else {
18978                  parent_1.insert(node, parents[0], true);
18979                }
18980                parent_1 = parents[0];
18981                if (isEmpty(schema, nonEmptyElements, whitespaceElements, parent_1) || hasOnlyChild(parent_1, 'br')) {
18982                  parent_1.empty().remove();
18983                }
18984              } else {
18985                removeOrUnwrapInvalidNode(node);
18986              }
18987            } else if (node.parent) {
18988              if (node.name === 'li') {
18989                var sibling = node.prev;
18990                if (sibling && (sibling.name === 'ul' || sibling.name === 'ol')) {
18991                  sibling.append(node);
18992                  continue;
18993                }
18994                sibling = node.next;
18995                if (sibling && (sibling.name === 'ul' || sibling.name === 'ol')) {
18996                  sibling.insert(node, sibling.firstChild, true);
18997                  continue;
18998                }
18999                node.wrap(filterNode(new AstNode('ul', 1)));
19000                continue;
19001              }
19002              if (schema.isValidChild(node.parent.name, 'div') && schema.isValidChild('div', node.name)) {
19003                node.wrap(filterNode(new AstNode('div', 1)));
19004              } else {
19005                removeOrUnwrapInvalidNode(node);
19006              }
19007            }
19008          }
19009        };
19010        var filterNode = function (node) {
19011          var name = node.name;
19012          if (name in nodeFilters) {
19013            var list = matchedNodes[name];
19014            if (list) {
19015              list.push(node);
19016            } else {
19017              matchedNodes[name] = [node];
19018            }
19019          }
19020          var i = attributeFilters.length;
19021          while (i--) {
19022            var attrName = attributeFilters[i].name;
19023            if (attrName in node.attributes.map) {
19024              var list = matchedAttributes[attrName];
19025              if (list) {
19026                list.push(node);
19027              } else {
19028                matchedAttributes[attrName] = [node];
19029              }
19030            }
19031          }
19032          return node;
19033        };
19034        var addNodeFilter = function (name, callback) {
19035          each$6(explode$2(name), function (name) {
19036            var list = nodeFilters[name];
19037            if (!list) {
19038              nodeFilters[name] = list = [];
19039            }
19040            list.push(callback);
19041          });
19042        };
19043        var getNodeFilters = function () {
19044          var out = [];
19045          for (var name_1 in nodeFilters) {
19046            if (has$2(nodeFilters, name_1)) {
19047              out.push({
19048                name: name_1,
19049                callbacks: nodeFilters[name_1]
19050              });
19051            }
19052          }
19053          return out;
19054        };
19055        var addAttributeFilter = function (name, callback) {
19056          each$6(explode$2(name), function (name) {
19057            var i;
19058            for (i = 0; i < attributeFilters.length; i++) {
19059              if (attributeFilters[i].name === name) {
19060                attributeFilters[i].callbacks.push(callback);
19061                return;
19062              }
19063            }
19064            attributeFilters.push({
19065              name: name,
19066              callbacks: [callback]
19067            });
19068          });
19069        };
19070        var getAttributeFilters = function () {
19071          return [].concat(attributeFilters);
19072        };
19073        var parse = function (html, args) {
19074          var nodes, i, l, fi, fl, list, name;
19075          var invalidChildren = [];
19076          var node;
19077          var getRootBlockName = function (name) {
19078            if (name === false) {
19079              return '';
19080            } else if (name === true) {
19081              return 'p';
19082            } else {
19083              return name;
19084            }
19085          };
19086          args = args || {};
19087          matchedNodes = {};
19088          matchedAttributes = {};
19089          var blockElements = extend$4(makeMap('script,style,head,html,body,title,meta,param'), schema.getBlockElements());
19090          var textRootBlockElements = getTextRootBlockElements(schema);
19091          var nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
19092          var children = schema.children;
19093          var validate = settings.validate;
19094          var forcedRootBlockName = 'forced_root_block' in args ? args.forced_root_block : settings.forced_root_block;
19095          var rootBlockName = getRootBlockName(forcedRootBlockName);
19096          var whiteSpaceElements = schema.getWhiteSpaceElements();
19097          var startWhiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]+/;
19098          var endWhiteSpaceRegExp = /[ \t\r\n]+$/;
19099          var allWhiteSpaceRegExp = /[ \t\r\n]+/g;
19100          var isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]+$/;
19101          var isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement = has$2(whiteSpaceElements, args.context) || has$2(whiteSpaceElements, settings.root_name);
19102          var addRootBlocks = function () {
19103            var node = rootNode.firstChild, rootBlockNode = null;
19104            var trim = function (rootBlock) {
19105              if (rootBlock) {
19106                node = rootBlock.firstChild;
19107                if (node && node.type === 3) {
19108                  node.value = node.value.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
19109                }
19110                node = rootBlock.lastChild;
19111                if (node && node.type === 3) {
19112                  node.value = node.value.replace(endWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
19113                }
19114              }
19115            };
19116            if (!schema.isValidChild(rootNode.name, rootBlockName.toLowerCase())) {
19117              return;
19118            }
19119            while (node) {
19120              var next = node.next;
19121              if (node.type === 3 || node.type === 1 && node.name !== 'p' && !blockElements[node.name] && !node.attr('data-mce-type')) {
19122                if (!rootBlockNode) {
19123                  rootBlockNode = createNode(rootBlockName, 1);
19124                  rootBlockNode.attr(settings.forced_root_block_attrs);
19125                  rootNode.insert(rootBlockNode, node);
19126                  rootBlockNode.append(node);
19127                } else {
19128                  rootBlockNode.append(node);
19129                }
19130              } else {
19131                trim(rootBlockNode);
19132                rootBlockNode = null;
19133              }
19134              node = next;
19135            }
19136            trim(rootBlockNode);
19137          };
19138          var createNode = function (name, type) {
19139            var node = new AstNode(name, type);
19140            var list;
19141            if (name in nodeFilters) {
19142              list = matchedNodes[name];
19143              if (list) {
19144                list.push(node);
19145              } else {
19146                matchedNodes[name] = [node];
19147              }
19148            }
19149            return node;
19150          };
19151          var removeWhitespaceBefore = function (node) {
19152            var blockElements = schema.getBlockElements();
19153            for (var textNode = node.prev; textNode && textNode.type === 3;) {
19154              var textVal = textNode.value.replace(endWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
19155              if (textVal.length > 0) {
19156                textNode.value = textVal;
19157                return;
19158              }
19159              var textNodeNext = textNode.next;
19160              if (textNodeNext) {
19161                if (textNodeNext.type === 3 && textNodeNext.value.length) {
19162                  textNode = textNode.prev;
19163                  continue;
19164                }
19165                if (!blockElements[textNodeNext.name] && textNodeNext.name !== 'script' && textNodeNext.name !== 'style') {
19166                  textNode = textNode.prev;
19167                  continue;
19168                }
19169              }
19170              var sibling = textNode.prev;
19171              textNode.remove();
19172              textNode = sibling;
19173            }
19174          };
19175          var cloneAndExcludeBlocks = function (input) {
19176            var output = {};
19177            for (var name_2 in input) {
19178              if (name_2 !== 'li' && name_2 !== 'p') {
19179                output[name_2] = input[name_2];
19180              }
19181            }
19182            return output;
19183          };
19184          var isTextRootBlockEmpty = function (node) {
19185            var tempNode = node;
19186            while (isNonNullable(tempNode)) {
19187              if (tempNode.name in textRootBlockElements) {
19188                return isEmpty(schema, nonEmptyElements, whiteSpaceElements, tempNode);
19189              } else {
19190                tempNode = tempNode.parent;
19191              }
19192            }
19193            return false;
19194          };
19195          var parser = SaxParser({
19196            validate: validate,
19197            document: settings.document,
19198            allow_html_data_urls: settings.allow_html_data_urls,
19199            allow_svg_data_urls: settings.allow_svg_data_urls,
19200            allow_script_urls: settings.allow_script_urls,
19201            allow_conditional_comments: settings.allow_conditional_comments,
19202            preserve_cdata: settings.preserve_cdata,
19203            self_closing_elements: cloneAndExcludeBlocks(schema.getSelfClosingElements()),
19204            cdata: function (text) {
19205              node.append(createNode('#cdata', 4)).value = text;
19206            },
19207            text: function (text, raw) {
19208              var textNode;
19209              if (!isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement) {
19210                text = text.replace(allWhiteSpaceRegExp, ' ');
19211                if (isLineBreakNode(node.lastChild, blockElements)) {
19212                  text = text.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
19213                }
19214              }
19215              if (text.length !== 0) {
19216                textNode = createNode('#text', 3);
19217                textNode.raw = !!raw;
19218                node.append(textNode).value = text;
19219              }
19220            },
19221            comment: function (text) {
19222              node.append(createNode('#comment', 8)).value = text;
19223            },
19224            pi: function (name, text) {
19225              node.append(createNode(name, 7)).value = text;
19226              removeWhitespaceBefore(node);
19227            },
19228            doctype: function (text) {
19229              var newNode = node.append(createNode('#doctype', 10));
19230              newNode.value = text;
19231              removeWhitespaceBefore(node);
19232            },
19233            start: function (name, attrs, empty) {
19234              var elementRule = validate ? schema.getElementRule(name) : {};
19235              if (elementRule) {
19236                var newNode = createNode(elementRule.outputName || name, 1);
19237                newNode.attributes = attrs;
19238                newNode.shortEnded = empty;
19239                node.append(newNode);
19240                var parent_2 = children[node.name];
19241                if (parent_2 && children[newNode.name] && !parent_2[newNode.name]) {
19242                  invalidChildren.push(newNode);
19243                }
19244                var attrFiltersLen = attributeFilters.length;
19245                while (attrFiltersLen--) {
19246                  var attrName = attributeFilters[attrFiltersLen].name;
19247                  if (attrName in attrs.map) {
19248                    list = matchedAttributes[attrName];
19249                    if (list) {
19250                      list.push(newNode);
19251                    } else {
19252                      matchedAttributes[attrName] = [newNode];
19253                    }
19254                  }
19255                }
19256                if (blockElements[name]) {
19257                  removeWhitespaceBefore(newNode);
19258                }
19259                if (!empty) {
19260                  node = newNode;
19261                }
19262                if (!isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement && whiteSpaceElements[name]) {
19263                  isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement = true;
19264                }
19265              }
19266            },
19267            end: function (name) {
19268              var textNode, text, sibling;
19269              var elementRule = validate ? schema.getElementRule(name) : {};
19270              if (elementRule) {
19271                if (blockElements[name]) {
19272                  if (!isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement) {
19273                    textNode = node.firstChild;
19274                    if (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
19275                      text = textNode.value.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
19276                      if (text.length > 0) {
19277                        textNode.value = text;
19278                        textNode = textNode.next;
19279                      } else {
19280                        sibling = textNode.next;
19281                        textNode.remove();
19282                        textNode = sibling;
19283                        while (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
19284                          text = textNode.value;
19285                          sibling = textNode.next;
19286                          if (text.length === 0 || isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp.test(text)) {
19287                            textNode.remove();
19288                            textNode = sibling;
19289                          }
19290                          textNode = sibling;
19291                        }
19292                      }
19293                    }
19294                    textNode = node.lastChild;
19295                    if (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
19296                      text = textNode.value.replace(endWhiteSpaceRegExp, '');
19297                      if (text.length > 0) {
19298                        textNode.value = text;
19299                        textNode = textNode.prev;
19300                      } else {
19301                        sibling = textNode.prev;
19302                        textNode.remove();
19303                        textNode = sibling;
19304                        while (textNode && textNode.type === 3) {
19305                          text = textNode.value;
19306                          sibling = textNode.prev;
19307                          if (text.length === 0 || isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp.test(text)) {
19308                            textNode.remove();
19309                            textNode = sibling;
19310                          }
19311                          textNode = sibling;
19312                        }
19313                      }
19314                    }
19315                  }
19316                }
19317                if (isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement && whiteSpaceElements[name]) {
19318                  isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement = false;
19319                }
19320                var isNodeEmpty = isEmpty(schema, nonEmptyElements, whiteSpaceElements, node);
19321                var parentNode = node.parent;
19322                if (elementRule.paddInEmptyBlock && isNodeEmpty && isTextRootBlockEmpty(node)) {
19323                  paddEmptyNode(settings, args, blockElements, node);
19324                } else if (elementRule.removeEmpty && isNodeEmpty) {
19325                  if (blockElements[node.name]) {
19326                    node.empty().remove();
19327                  } else {
19328                    node.unwrap();
19329                  }
19330                } else if (elementRule.paddEmpty && (isPaddedWithNbsp(node) || isNodeEmpty)) {
19331                  paddEmptyNode(settings, args, blockElements, node);
19332                }
19333                node = parentNode;
19334              }
19335            }
19336          }, schema);
19337          var rootNode = node = new AstNode(args.context || settings.root_name, 11);
19338          parser.parse(html, args.format);
19339          if (validate && invalidChildren.length) {
19340            if (!args.context) {
19341              fixInvalidChildren(invalidChildren);
19342            } else {
19343              args.invalid = true;
19344            }
19345          }
19346          if (rootBlockName && (rootNode.name === 'body' || args.isRootContent)) {
19347            addRootBlocks();
19348          }
19349          if (!args.invalid) {
19350            for (name in matchedNodes) {
19351              if (!has$2(matchedNodes, name)) {
19352                continue;
19353              }
19354              list = nodeFilters[name];
19355              nodes = matchedNodes[name];
19356              fi = nodes.length;
19357              while (fi--) {
19358                if (!nodes[fi].parent) {
19359                  nodes.splice(fi, 1);
19360                }
19361              }
19362              for (i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) {
19363                list[i](nodes, name, args);
19364              }
19365            }
19366            for (i = 0, l = attributeFilters.length; i < l; i++) {
19367              list = attributeFilters[i];
19368              if (list.name in matchedAttributes) {
19369                nodes = matchedAttributes[list.name];
19370                fi = nodes.length;
19371                while (fi--) {
19372                  if (!nodes[fi].parent) {
19373                    nodes.splice(fi, 1);
19374                  }
19375                }
19376                for (fi = 0, fl = list.callbacks.length; fi < fl; fi++) {
19377                  list.callbacks[fi](nodes, list.name, args);
19378                }
19379              }
19380            }
19381          }
19382          return rootNode;
19383        };
19384        var exports = {
19385          schema: schema,
19386          addAttributeFilter: addAttributeFilter,
19387          getAttributeFilters: getAttributeFilters,
19388          addNodeFilter: addNodeFilter,
19389          getNodeFilters: getNodeFilters,
19390          filterNode: filterNode,
19391          parse: parse
19392        };
19393        register$1(exports, settings);
19394        register$2(exports, settings);
19395        return exports;
19396      };
19398      var register = function (htmlParser, settings, dom) {
19399        htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-tabindex', function (nodes, name) {
19400          var i = nodes.length;
19401          while (i--) {
19402            var node = nodes[i];
19403            node.attr('tabindex', node.attr('data-mce-tabindex'));
19404            node.attr(name, null);
19405          }
19406        });
19407        htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('src,href,style', function (nodes, name) {
19408          var internalName = 'data-mce-' + name;
19409          var urlConverter = settings.url_converter;
19410          var urlConverterScope = settings.url_converter_scope;
19411          var i = nodes.length;
19412          while (i--) {
19413            var node = nodes[i];
19414            var value = node.attr(internalName);
19415            if (value !== undefined) {
19416              node.attr(name, value.length > 0 ? value : null);
19417              node.attr(internalName, null);
19418            } else {
19419              value = node.attr(name);
19420              if (name === 'style') {
19421                value = dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(value), node.name);
19422              } else if (urlConverter) {
19423                value = urlConverter.call(urlConverterScope, value, name, node.name);
19424              }
19425              node.attr(name, value.length > 0 ? value : null);
19426            }
19427          }
19428        });
19429        htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('class', function (nodes) {
19430          var i = nodes.length;
19431          while (i--) {
19432            var node = nodes[i];
19433            var value = node.attr('class');
19434            if (value) {
19435              value = node.attr('class').replace(/(?:^|\s)mce-item-\w+(?!\S)/g, '');
19436              node.attr('class', value.length > 0 ? value : null);
19437            }
19438          }
19439        });
19440        htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-type', function (nodes, name, args) {
19441          var i = nodes.length;
19442          while (i--) {
19443            var node = nodes[i];
19444            if (node.attr('data-mce-type') === 'bookmark' && !args.cleanup) {
19445              var hasChildren = Optional.from(node.firstChild).exists(function (firstChild) {
19446                return !isZwsp(firstChild.value);
19447              });
19448              if (hasChildren) {
19449                node.unwrap();
19450              } else {
19451                node.remove();
19452              }
19453            }
19454          }
19455        });
19456        htmlParser.addNodeFilter('noscript', function (nodes) {
19457          var i = nodes.length;
19458          while (i--) {
19459            var node = nodes[i].firstChild;
19460            if (node) {
19461              node.value = Entities.decode(node.value);
19462            }
19463          }
19464        });
19465        htmlParser.addNodeFilter('script,style', function (nodes, name) {
19466          var trim = function (value) {
19467            return value.replace(/(<!--\[CDATA\[|\]\]-->)/g, '\n').replace(/^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]*$/g, '').replace(/^\s*((<!--)?(\s*\/\/)?\s*<!\[CDATA\[|(<!--\s*)?\/\*\s*<!\[CDATA\[\s*\*\/|(\/\/)?\s*<!--|\/\*\s*<!--\s*\*\/)\s*[\r\n]*/gi, '').replace(/\s*(\/\*\s*\]\]>\s*\*\/(-->)?|\s*\/\/\s*\]\]>(-->)?|\/\/\s*(-->)?|\]\]>|\/\*\s*-->\s*\*\/|\s*-->\s*)\s*$/g, '');
19468          };
19469          var i = nodes.length;
19470          while (i--) {
19471            var node = nodes[i];
19472            var value = node.firstChild ? node.firstChild.value : '';
19473            if (name === 'script') {
19474              var type = node.attr('type');
19475              if (type) {
19476                node.attr('type', type === 'mce-no/type' ? null : type.replace(/^mce\-/, ''));
19477              }
19478              if (settings.element_format === 'xhtml' && value.length > 0) {
19479                node.firstChild.value = '// <![CDATA[\n' + trim(value) + '\n// ]]>';
19480              }
19481            } else {
19482              if (settings.element_format === 'xhtml' && value.length > 0) {
19483                node.firstChild.value = '<!--\n' + trim(value) + '\n-->';
19484              }
19485            }
19486          }
19487        });
19488        htmlParser.addNodeFilter('#comment', function (nodes) {
19489          var i = nodes.length;
19490          while (i--) {
19491            var node = nodes[i];
19492            if (settings.preserve_cdata && node.value.indexOf('[CDATA[') === 0) {
19493              node.name = '#cdata';
19494              node.type = 4;
19495              node.value = dom.decode(node.value.replace(/^\[CDATA\[|\]\]$/g, ''));
19496            } else if (node.value.indexOf('mce:protected ') === 0) {
19497              node.name = '#text';
19498              node.type = 3;
19499              node.raw = true;
19500              node.value = unescape(node.value).substr(14);
19501            }
19502          }
19503        });
19504        htmlParser.addNodeFilter('xml:namespace,input', function (nodes, name) {
19505          var i = nodes.length;
19506          while (i--) {
19507            var node = nodes[i];
19508            if (node.type === 7) {
19509              node.remove();
19510            } else if (node.type === 1) {
19511              if (name === 'input' && !node.attr('type')) {
19512                node.attr('type', 'text');
19513              }
19514            }
19515          }
19516        });
19517        htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-type', function (nodes) {
19518          each$k(nodes, function (node) {
19519            if (node.attr('data-mce-type') === 'format-caret') {
19520              if (node.isEmpty(htmlParser.schema.getNonEmptyElements())) {
19521                node.remove();
19522              } else {
19523                node.unwrap();
19524              }
19525            }
19526          });
19527        });
19528        htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-src,data-mce-href,data-mce-style,' + 'data-mce-selected,data-mce-expando,' + 'data-mce-type,data-mce-resize,data-mce-placeholder', function (nodes, name) {
19529          var i = nodes.length;
19530          while (i--) {
19531            nodes[i].attr(name, null);
19532          }
19533        });
19534      };
19535      var trimTrailingBr = function (rootNode) {
19536        var isBr = function (node) {
19537          return node && node.name === 'br';
19538        };
19539        var brNode1 = rootNode.lastChild;
19540        if (isBr(brNode1)) {
19541          var brNode2 = brNode1.prev;
19542          if (isBr(brNode2)) {
19543            brNode1.remove();
19544            brNode2.remove();
19545          }
19546        }
19547      };
19549      var preProcess = function (editor, node, args) {
19550        var oldDoc;
19551        var dom = editor.dom;
19552        var clonedNode = node.cloneNode(true);
19553        var impl = document.implementation;
19554        if (impl.createHTMLDocument) {
19555          var doc_1 = impl.createHTMLDocument('');
19556          Tools.each(clonedNode.nodeName === 'BODY' ? clonedNode.childNodes : [clonedNode], function (node) {
19557            doc_1.body.appendChild(doc_1.importNode(node, true));
19558          });
19559          if (clonedNode.nodeName !== 'BODY') {
19560            clonedNode = doc_1.body.firstChild;
19561          } else {
19562            clonedNode = doc_1.body;
19563          }
19564          oldDoc = dom.doc;
19565          dom.doc = doc_1;
19566        }
19567        firePreProcess(editor, __assign(__assign({}, args), { node: clonedNode }));
19568        if (oldDoc) {
19569          dom.doc = oldDoc;
19570        }
19571        return clonedNode;
19572      };
19573      var shouldFireEvent = function (editor, args) {
19574        return editor && editor.hasEventListeners('PreProcess') && !args.no_events;
19575      };
19576      var process = function (editor, node, args) {
19577        return shouldFireEvent(editor, args) ? preProcess(editor, node, args) : node;
19578      };
19580      var addTempAttr = function (htmlParser, tempAttrs, name) {
19581        if (Tools.inArray(tempAttrs, name) === -1) {
19582          htmlParser.addAttributeFilter(name, function (nodes, name) {
19583            var i = nodes.length;
19584            while (i--) {
19585              nodes[i].attr(name, null);
19586            }
19587          });
19588          tempAttrs.push(name);
19589        }
19590      };
19591      var postProcess = function (editor, args, content) {
19592        if (!args.no_events && editor) {
19593          var outArgs = firePostProcess(editor, __assign(__assign({}, args), { content: content }));
19594          return outArgs.content;
19595        } else {
19596          return content;
19597        }
19598      };
19599      var getHtmlFromNode = function (dom, node, args) {
19600        var html = trim$2(args.getInner ? node.innerHTML : dom.getOuterHTML(node));
19601        return args.selection || isWsPreserveElement(SugarElement.fromDom(node)) ? html : Tools.trim(html);
19602      };
19603      var parseHtml = function (htmlParser, html, args) {
19604        var parserArgs = args.selection ? __assign({ forced_root_block: false }, args) : args;
19605        var rootNode = htmlParser.parse(html, parserArgs);
19606        trimTrailingBr(rootNode);
19607        return rootNode;
19608      };
19609      var serializeNode = function (settings, schema, node) {
19610        var htmlSerializer = HtmlSerializer(settings, schema);
19611        return htmlSerializer.serialize(node);
19612      };
19613      var toHtml = function (editor, settings, schema, rootNode, args) {
19614        var content = serializeNode(settings, schema, rootNode);
19615        return postProcess(editor, args, content);
19616      };
19617      var DomSerializerImpl = function (settings, editor) {
19618        var tempAttrs = ['data-mce-selected'];
19619        var dom = editor && editor.dom ? editor.dom : DOMUtils.DOM;
19620        var schema = editor && editor.schema ? editor.schema : Schema(settings);
19621        settings.entity_encoding = settings.entity_encoding || 'named';
19622        settings.remove_trailing_brs = 'remove_trailing_brs' in settings ? settings.remove_trailing_brs : true;
19623        var htmlParser = DomParser(settings, schema);
19624        register(htmlParser, settings, dom);
19625        var serialize = function (node, parserArgs) {
19626          if (parserArgs === void 0) {
19627            parserArgs = {};
19628          }
19629          var args = __assign({ format: 'html' }, parserArgs);
19630          var targetNode = process(editor, node, args);
19631          var html = getHtmlFromNode(dom, targetNode, args);
19632          var rootNode = parseHtml(htmlParser, html, args);
19633          return args.format === 'tree' ? rootNode : toHtml(editor, settings, schema, rootNode, args);
19634        };
19635        return {
19636          schema: schema,
19637          addNodeFilter: htmlParser.addNodeFilter,
19638          addAttributeFilter: htmlParser.addAttributeFilter,
19639          serialize: serialize,
19640          addRules: schema.addValidElements,
19641          setRules: schema.setValidElements,
19642          addTempAttr: curry(addTempAttr, htmlParser, tempAttrs),
19643          getTempAttrs: constant(tempAttrs),
19644          getNodeFilters: htmlParser.getNodeFilters,
19645          getAttributeFilters: htmlParser.getAttributeFilters
19646        };
19647      };
19649      var DomSerializer = function (settings, editor) {
19650        var domSerializer = DomSerializerImpl(settings, editor);
19651        return {
19652          schema: domSerializer.schema,
19653          addNodeFilter: domSerializer.addNodeFilter,
19654          addAttributeFilter: domSerializer.addAttributeFilter,
19655          serialize: domSerializer.serialize,
19656          addRules: domSerializer.addRules,
19657          setRules: domSerializer.setRules,
19658          addTempAttr: domSerializer.addTempAttr,
19659          getTempAttrs: domSerializer.getTempAttrs,
19660          getNodeFilters: domSerializer.getNodeFilters,
19661          getAttributeFilters: domSerializer.getAttributeFilters
19662        };
19663      };
19665      var defaultFormat = 'html';
19666      var getContent = function (editor, args) {
19667        if (args === void 0) {
19668          args = {};
19669        }
19670        var format = args.format ? args.format : defaultFormat;
19671        return getContent$2(editor, args, format);
19672      };
19674      var setContent = function (editor, content, args) {
19675        if (args === void 0) {
19676          args = {};
19677        }
19678        return setContent$2(editor, content, args);
19679      };
19681      var DOM$7 = DOMUtils.DOM;
19682      var restoreOriginalStyles = function (editor) {
19683        DOM$7.setStyle(editor.id, 'display', editor.orgDisplay);
19684      };
19685      var safeDestroy = function (x) {
19686        return Optional.from(x).each(function (x) {
19687          return x.destroy();
19688        });
19689      };
19690      var clearDomReferences = function (editor) {
19691        editor.contentAreaContainer = editor.formElement = editor.container = editor.editorContainer = null;
19692        editor.bodyElement = editor.contentDocument = editor.contentWindow = null;
19693        editor.iframeElement = editor.targetElm = null;
19694        if (editor.selection) {
19695          editor.selection = editor.selection.win = editor.selection.dom = editor.selection.dom.doc = null;
19696        }
19697      };
19698      var restoreForm = function (editor) {
19699        var form = editor.formElement;
19700        if (form) {
19701          if (form._mceOldSubmit) {
19702            form.submit = form._mceOldSubmit;
19703            form._mceOldSubmit = null;
19704          }
19705          DOM$7.unbind(form, 'submit reset', editor.formEventDelegate);
19706        }
19707      };
19708      var remove = function (editor) {
19709        if (!editor.removed) {
19710          var _selectionOverrides = editor._selectionOverrides, editorUpload = editor.editorUpload;
19711          var body = editor.getBody();
19712          var element = editor.getElement();
19713          if (body) {
19714            editor.save({ is_removing: true });
19715          }
19716          editor.removed = true;
19717          editor.unbindAllNativeEvents();
19718          if (editor.hasHiddenInput && element) {
19719            DOM$7.remove(element.nextSibling);
19720          }
19721          fireRemove(editor);
19722          editor.editorManager.remove(editor);
19723          if (!editor.inline && body) {
19724            restoreOriginalStyles(editor);
19725          }
19726          fireDetach(editor);
19727          DOM$7.remove(editor.getContainer());
19728          safeDestroy(_selectionOverrides);
19729          safeDestroy(editorUpload);
19730          editor.destroy();
19731        }
19732      };
19733      var destroy = function (editor, automatic) {
19734        var selection = editor.selection, dom = editor.dom;
19735        if (editor.destroyed) {
19736          return;
19737        }
19738        if (!automatic && !editor.removed) {
19739          editor.remove();
19740          return;
19741        }
19742        if (!automatic) {
19743          editor.editorManager.off('beforeunload', editor._beforeUnload);
19744          if (editor.theme && editor.theme.destroy) {
19745            editor.theme.destroy();
19746          }
19747          safeDestroy(selection);
19748          safeDestroy(dom);
19749        }
19750        restoreForm(editor);
19751        clearDomReferences(editor);
19752        editor.destroyed = true;
19753      };
19755      var deep = function (old, nu) {
19756        var bothObjects = isObject(old) && isObject(nu);
19757        return bothObjects ? deepMerge(old, nu) : nu;
19758      };
19759      var baseMerge = function (merger) {
19760        return function () {
19761          var objects = [];
19762          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
19763            objects[_i] = arguments[_i];
19764          }
19765          if (objects.length === 0) {
19766            throw new Error('Can\'t merge zero objects');
19767          }
19768          var ret = {};
19769          for (var j = 0; j < objects.length; j++) {
19770            var curObject = objects[j];
19771            for (var key in curObject) {
19772              if (has$2(curObject, key)) {
19773                ret[key] = merger(ret[key], curObject[key]);
19774              }
19775            }
19776          }
19777          return ret;
19778        };
19779      };
19780      var deepMerge = baseMerge(deep);
19782      var deprecatedSettings = ('autoresize_on_init,content_editable_state,convert_fonts_to_spans,inline_styles,padd_empty_with_br,block_elements,' + 'boolean_attributes,editor_deselector,editor_selector,elements,file_browser_callback_types,filepicker_validator_handler,' + 'force_hex_style_colors,force_p_newlines,gecko_spellcheck,images_dataimg_filter,media_scripts,mode,move_caret_before_on_enter_elements,' + 'non_empty_elements,self_closing_elements,short_ended_elements,special,spellchecker_select_languages,spellchecker_whitelist,' + 'tab_focus,table_responsive_width,text_block_elements,text_inline_elements,toolbar_drawer,types,validate,whitespace_elements,' + 'paste_word_valid_elements,paste_retain_style_properties,paste_convert_word_fake_lists').split(',');
19783      var deprecatedPlugins = 'bbcode,colorpicker,contextmenu,fullpage,legacyoutput,spellchecker,textcolor'.split(',');
19784      var movedToPremiumPlugins = 'imagetools,toc'.split(',');
19785      var getDeprecatedSettings = function (settings) {
19786        var settingNames = filter$4(deprecatedSettings, function (setting) {
19787          return has$2(settings, setting);
19788        });
19789        var forcedRootBlock = settings.forced_root_block;
19790        if (forcedRootBlock === false || forcedRootBlock === '') {
19791          settingNames.push('forced_root_block (false only)');
19792        }
19793        return sort(settingNames);
19794      };
19795      var getDeprecatedPlugins = function (settings) {
19796        var plugins = Tools.makeMap(settings.plugins, ' ');
19797        var hasPlugin = function (plugin) {
19798          return has$2(plugins, plugin);
19799        };
19800        var pluginNames = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], filter$4(deprecatedPlugins, hasPlugin), true), bind(movedToPremiumPlugins, function (plugin) {
19801          return hasPlugin(plugin) ? [plugin + ' (moving to premium)'] : [];
19802        }), true);
19803        return sort(pluginNames);
19804      };
19805      var logDeprecationsWarning = function (rawSettings, finalSettings) {
19806        var deprecatedSettings = getDeprecatedSettings(rawSettings);
19807        var deprecatedPlugins = getDeprecatedPlugins(finalSettings);
19808        var hasDeprecatedPlugins = deprecatedPlugins.length > 0;
19809        var hasDeprecatedSettings = deprecatedSettings.length > 0;
19810        var isLegacyMobileTheme = finalSettings.theme === 'mobile';
19811        if (hasDeprecatedPlugins || hasDeprecatedSettings || isLegacyMobileTheme) {
19812          var listJoiner = '\n- ';
19813          var themesMessage = isLegacyMobileTheme ? '\n\nThemes:' + listJoiner + 'mobile' : '';
19814          var pluginsMessage = hasDeprecatedPlugins ? '\n\nPlugins:' + listJoiner + deprecatedPlugins.join(listJoiner) : '';
19815          var settingsMessage = hasDeprecatedSettings ? '\n\nSettings:' + listJoiner + deprecatedSettings.join(listJoiner) : '';
19816          console.warn('The following deprecated features are currently enabled, these will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0. ' + 'See https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/release-notes/6.0-upcoming-changes/ for more information.' + themesMessage + pluginsMessage + settingsMessage);
19817        }
19818      };
19820      var sectionResult = function (sections, settings) {
19821        return {
19822          sections: constant(sections),
19823          settings: constant(settings)
19824        };
19825      };
19826      var deviceDetection = detect().deviceType;
19827      var isTouch = deviceDetection.isTouch();
19828      var isPhone = deviceDetection.isPhone();
19829      var isTablet = deviceDetection.isTablet();
19830      var legacyMobilePlugins = [
19831        'lists',
19832        'autolink',
19833        'autosave'
19834      ];
19835      var defaultTouchSettings = {
19836        table_grid: false,
19837        object_resizing: false,
19838        resize: false
19839      };
19840      var normalizePlugins = function (plugins) {
19841        var pluginNames = isArray$1(plugins) ? plugins.join(' ') : plugins;
19842        var trimmedPlugins = map$3(isString$1(pluginNames) ? pluginNames.split(' ') : [], trim$4);
19843        return filter$4(trimmedPlugins, function (item) {
19844          return item.length > 0;
19845        });
19846      };
19847      var filterLegacyMobilePlugins = function (plugins) {
19848        return filter$4(plugins, curry(contains$3, legacyMobilePlugins));
19849      };
19850      var extractSections = function (keys, settings) {
19851        var result = bifilter(settings, function (value, key) {
19852          return contains$3(keys, key);
19853        });
19854        return sectionResult(result.t, result.f);
19855      };
19856      var getSection = function (sectionResult, name, defaults) {
19857        if (defaults === void 0) {
19858          defaults = {};
19859        }
19860        var sections = sectionResult.sections();
19861        var sectionSettings = get$9(sections, name).getOr({});
19862        return Tools.extend({}, defaults, sectionSettings);
19863      };
19864      var hasSection = function (sectionResult, name) {
19865        return has$2(sectionResult.sections(), name);
19866      };
19867      var isSectionTheme = function (sectionResult, name, theme) {
19868        var section = sectionResult.sections();
19869        return hasSection(sectionResult, name) && section[name].theme === theme;
19870      };
19871      var getSectionConfig = function (sectionResult, name) {
19872        return hasSection(sectionResult, name) ? sectionResult.sections()[name] : {};
19873      };
19874      var getToolbarMode = function (settings, defaultVal) {
19875        return get$9(settings, 'toolbar_mode').orThunk(function () {
19876          return get$9(settings, 'toolbar_drawer').map(function (val) {
19877            return val === false ? 'wrap' : val;
19878          });
19879        }).getOr(defaultVal);
19880      };
19881      var getDefaultSettings = function (settings, id, documentBaseUrl, isTouch, editor) {
19882        var baseDefaults = {
19883          id: id,
19884          theme: 'silver',
19885          toolbar_mode: getToolbarMode(settings, 'floating'),
19886          plugins: '',
19887          document_base_url: documentBaseUrl,
19888          add_form_submit_trigger: true,
19889          submit_patch: true,
19890          add_unload_trigger: true,
19891          convert_urls: true,
19892          relative_urls: true,
19893          remove_script_host: true,
19894          object_resizing: true,
19895          doctype: '<!DOCTYPE html>',
19896          visual: true,
19897          font_size_legacy_values: 'xx-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large,300%',
19898          forced_root_block: 'p',
19899          hidden_input: true,
19900          inline_styles: true,
19901          convert_fonts_to_spans: true,
19902          indent: true,
19903          indent_before: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,div,title,style,pre,script,td,th,ul,ol,li,dl,dt,dd,area,table,thead,' + 'tfoot,tbody,tr,section,summary,article,hgroup,aside,figure,figcaption,option,optgroup,datalist',
19904          indent_after: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,div,title,style,pre,script,td,th,ul,ol,li,dl,dt,dd,area,table,thead,' + 'tfoot,tbody,tr,section,summary,article,hgroup,aside,figure,figcaption,option,optgroup,datalist',
19905          entity_encoding: 'named',
19906          url_converter: editor.convertURL,
19907          url_converter_scope: editor
19908        };
19909        return __assign(__assign({}, baseDefaults), isTouch ? defaultTouchSettings : {});
19910      };
19911      var getDefaultMobileSettings = function (mobileSettings, isPhone) {
19912        var defaultMobileSettings = {
19913          resize: false,
19914          toolbar_mode: getToolbarMode(mobileSettings, 'scrolling'),
19915          toolbar_sticky: false
19916        };
19917        var defaultPhoneSettings = { menubar: false };
19918        return __assign(__assign(__assign({}, defaultTouchSettings), defaultMobileSettings), isPhone ? defaultPhoneSettings : {});
19919      };
19920      var getExternalPlugins = function (overrideSettings, settings) {
19921        var userDefinedExternalPlugins = settings.external_plugins ? settings.external_plugins : {};
19922        if (overrideSettings && overrideSettings.external_plugins) {
19923          return Tools.extend({}, overrideSettings.external_plugins, userDefinedExternalPlugins);
19924        } else {
19925          return userDefinedExternalPlugins;
19926        }
19927      };
19928      var combinePlugins = function (forcedPlugins, plugins) {
19929        return [].concat(normalizePlugins(forcedPlugins)).concat(normalizePlugins(plugins));
19930      };
19931      var getPlatformPlugins = function (isMobileDevice, sectionResult, desktopPlugins, mobilePlugins) {
19932        if (isMobileDevice && isSectionTheme(sectionResult, 'mobile', 'mobile')) {
19933          return filterLegacyMobilePlugins(mobilePlugins);
19934        } else if (isMobileDevice && hasSection(sectionResult, 'mobile')) {
19935          return mobilePlugins;
19936        } else {
19937          return desktopPlugins;
19938        }
19939      };
19940      var processPlugins = function (isMobileDevice, sectionResult, defaultOverrideSettings, settings) {
19941        var forcedPlugins = normalizePlugins(defaultOverrideSettings.forced_plugins);
19942        var desktopPlugins = normalizePlugins(settings.plugins);
19943        var mobileConfig = getSectionConfig(sectionResult, 'mobile');
19944        var mobilePlugins = mobileConfig.plugins ? normalizePlugins(mobileConfig.plugins) : desktopPlugins;
19945        var platformPlugins = getPlatformPlugins(isMobileDevice, sectionResult, desktopPlugins, mobilePlugins);
19946        var combinedPlugins = combinePlugins(forcedPlugins, platformPlugins);
19947        if (Env.browser.isIE() && contains$3(combinedPlugins, 'rtc')) {
19948          throw new Error('RTC plugin is not supported on IE 11.');
19949        }
19950        return Tools.extend(settings, { plugins: combinedPlugins.join(' ') });
19951      };
19952      var isOnMobile = function (isMobileDevice, sectionResult) {
19953        return isMobileDevice && hasSection(sectionResult, 'mobile');
19954      };
19955      var combineSettings = function (isMobileDevice, isPhone, defaultSettings, defaultOverrideSettings, settings) {
19956        var defaultDeviceSettings = isMobileDevice ? { mobile: getDefaultMobileSettings(settings.mobile || {}, isPhone) } : {};
19957        var sectionResult = extractSections(['mobile'], deepMerge(defaultDeviceSettings, settings));
19958        var extendedSettings = Tools.extend(defaultSettings, defaultOverrideSettings, sectionResult.settings(), isOnMobile(isMobileDevice, sectionResult) ? getSection(sectionResult, 'mobile') : {}, {
19959          validate: true,
19960          external_plugins: getExternalPlugins(defaultOverrideSettings, sectionResult.settings())
19961        });
19962        return processPlugins(isMobileDevice, sectionResult, defaultOverrideSettings, extendedSettings);
19963      };
19964      var getEditorSettings = function (editor, id, documentBaseUrl, defaultOverrideSettings, settings) {
19965        var defaultSettings = getDefaultSettings(settings, id, documentBaseUrl, isTouch, editor);
19966        var finalSettings = combineSettings(isPhone || isTablet, isPhone, defaultSettings, defaultOverrideSettings, settings);
19967        if (finalSettings.deprecation_warnings !== false) {
19968          logDeprecationsWarning(settings, finalSettings);
19969        }
19970        return finalSettings;
19971      };
19972      var getFiltered = function (predicate, editor, name) {
19973        return Optional.from(editor.settings[name]).filter(predicate);
19974      };
19975      var getParamObject = function (value) {
19976        var output = {};
19977        if (typeof value === 'string') {
19978          each$k(value.indexOf('=') > 0 ? value.split(/[;,](?![^=;,]*(?:[;,]|$))/) : value.split(','), function (val) {
19979            var arr = val.split('=');
19980            if (arr.length > 1) {
19981              output[Tools.trim(arr[0])] = Tools.trim(arr[1]);
19982            } else {
19983              output[Tools.trim(arr[0])] = Tools.trim(arr[0]);
19984            }
19985          });
19986        } else {
19987          output = value;
19988        }
19989        return output;
19990      };
19991      var isArrayOf = function (p) {
19992        return function (a) {
19993          return isArray$1(a) && forall(a, p);
19994        };
19995      };
19996      var getParam = function (editor, name, defaultVal, type) {
19997        var value = name in editor.settings ? editor.settings[name] : defaultVal;
19998        if (type === 'hash') {
19999          return getParamObject(value);
20000        } else if (type === 'string') {
20001          return getFiltered(isString$1, editor, name).getOr(defaultVal);
20002        } else if (type === 'number') {
20003          return getFiltered(isNumber, editor, name).getOr(defaultVal);
20004        } else if (type === 'boolean') {
20005          return getFiltered(isBoolean, editor, name).getOr(defaultVal);
20006        } else if (type === 'object') {
20007          return getFiltered(isObject, editor, name).getOr(defaultVal);
20008        } else if (type === 'array') {
20009          return getFiltered(isArray$1, editor, name).getOr(defaultVal);
20010        } else if (type === 'string[]') {
20011          return getFiltered(isArrayOf(isString$1), editor, name).getOr(defaultVal);
20012        } else if (type === 'function') {
20013          return getFiltered(isFunction, editor, name).getOr(defaultVal);
20014        } else {
20015          return value;
20016        }
20017      };
20019      var CreateIconManager = function () {
20020        var lookup = {};
20021        var add = function (id, iconPack) {
20022          lookup[id] = iconPack;
20023        };
20024        var get = function (id) {
20025          if (lookup[id]) {
20026            return lookup[id];
20027          }
20028          return { icons: {} };
20029        };
20030        var has = function (id) {
20031          return has$2(lookup, id);
20032        };
20033        return {
20034          add: add,
20035          get: get,
20036          has: has
20037        };
20038      };
20039      var IconManager = CreateIconManager();
20041      var getProp = function (propName, elm) {
20042        var rawElm = elm.dom;
20043        return rawElm[propName];
20044      };
20045      var getComputedSizeProp = function (propName, elm) {
20046        return parseInt(get$5(elm, propName), 10);
20047      };
20048      var getClientWidth = curry(getProp, 'clientWidth');
20049      var getClientHeight = curry(getProp, 'clientHeight');
20050      var getMarginTop = curry(getComputedSizeProp, 'margin-top');
20051      var getMarginLeft = curry(getComputedSizeProp, 'margin-left');
20052      var getBoundingClientRect = function (elm) {
20053        return elm.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
20054      };
20055      var isInsideElementContentArea = function (bodyElm, clientX, clientY) {
20056        var clientWidth = getClientWidth(bodyElm);
20057        var clientHeight = getClientHeight(bodyElm);
20058        return clientX >= 0 && clientY >= 0 && clientX <= clientWidth && clientY <= clientHeight;
20059      };
20060      var transpose = function (inline, elm, clientX, clientY) {
20061        var clientRect = getBoundingClientRect(elm);
20062        var deltaX = inline ? clientRect.left + elm.dom.clientLeft + getMarginLeft(elm) : 0;
20063        var deltaY = inline ? clientRect.top + elm.dom.clientTop + getMarginTop(elm) : 0;
20064        var x = clientX - deltaX;
20065        var y = clientY - deltaY;
20066        return {
20067          x: x,
20068          y: y
20069        };
20070      };
20071      var isXYInContentArea = function (editor, clientX, clientY) {
20072        var bodyElm = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
20073        var targetElm = editor.inline ? bodyElm : documentElement(bodyElm);
20074        var transposedPoint = transpose(editor.inline, targetElm, clientX, clientY);
20075        return isInsideElementContentArea(targetElm, transposedPoint.x, transposedPoint.y);
20076      };
20077      var fromDomSafe = function (node) {
20078        return Optional.from(node).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
20079      };
20080      var isEditorAttachedToDom = function (editor) {
20081        var rawContainer = editor.inline ? editor.getBody() : editor.getContentAreaContainer();
20082        return fromDomSafe(rawContainer).map(inBody).getOr(false);
20083      };
20085      var NotificationManagerImpl = function () {
20086        var unimplemented = function () {
20087          throw new Error('Theme did not provide a NotificationManager implementation.');
20088        };
20089        return {
20090          open: unimplemented,
20091          close: unimplemented,
20092          reposition: unimplemented,
20093          getArgs: unimplemented
20094        };
20095      };
20097      var NotificationManager = function (editor) {
20098        var notifications = [];
20099        var getImplementation = function () {
20100          var theme = editor.theme;
20101          return theme && theme.getNotificationManagerImpl ? theme.getNotificationManagerImpl() : NotificationManagerImpl();
20102        };
20103        var getTopNotification = function () {
20104          return Optional.from(notifications[0]);
20105        };
20106        var isEqual = function (a, b) {
20107          return a.type === b.type && a.text === b.text && !a.progressBar && !a.timeout && !b.progressBar && !b.timeout;
20108        };
20109        var reposition = function () {
20110          if (notifications.length > 0) {
20111            getImplementation().reposition(notifications);
20112          }
20113        };
20114        var addNotification = function (notification) {
20115          notifications.push(notification);
20116        };
20117        var closeNotification = function (notification) {
20118          findIndex$2(notifications, function (otherNotification) {
20119            return otherNotification === notification;
20120          }).each(function (index) {
20121            notifications.splice(index, 1);
20122          });
20123        };
20124        var open = function (spec, fireEvent) {
20125          if (fireEvent === void 0) {
20126            fireEvent = true;
20127          }
20128          if (editor.removed || !isEditorAttachedToDom(editor)) {
20129            return;
20130          }
20131          if (fireEvent) {
20132            editor.fire('BeforeOpenNotification', { notification: spec });
20133          }
20134          return find$3(notifications, function (notification) {
20135            return isEqual(getImplementation().getArgs(notification), spec);
20136          }).getOrThunk(function () {
20137            editor.editorManager.setActive(editor);
20138            var notification = getImplementation().open(spec, function () {
20139              closeNotification(notification);
20140              reposition();
20141              getTopNotification().fold(function () {
20142                return editor.focus();
20143              }, function (top) {
20144                return focus$1(SugarElement.fromDom(top.getEl()));
20145              });
20146            });
20147            addNotification(notification);
20148            reposition();
20149            editor.fire('OpenNotification', { notification: __assign({}, notification) });
20150            return notification;
20151          });
20152        };
20153        var close = function () {
20154          getTopNotification().each(function (notification) {
20155            getImplementation().close(notification);
20156            closeNotification(notification);
20157            reposition();
20158          });
20159        };
20160        var getNotifications = constant(notifications);
20161        var registerEvents = function (editor) {
20162          editor.on('SkinLoaded', function () {
20163            var serviceMessage = getServiceMessage(editor);
20164            if (serviceMessage) {
20165              open({
20166                text: serviceMessage,
20167                type: 'warning',
20168                timeout: 0
20169              }, false);
20170            }
20171            reposition();
20172          });
20173          editor.on('show ResizeEditor ResizeWindow NodeChange', function () {
20174            Delay.requestAnimationFrame(reposition);
20175          });
20176          editor.on('remove', function () {
20177            each$k(notifications.slice(), function (notification) {
20178              getImplementation().close(notification);
20179            });
20180          });
20181        };
20182        registerEvents(editor);
20183        return {
20184          open: open,
20185          close: close,
20186          getNotifications: getNotifications
20187        };
20188      };
20190      var PluginManager = AddOnManager.PluginManager;
20192      var ThemeManager = AddOnManager.ThemeManager;
20194      function WindowManagerImpl () {
20195        var unimplemented = function () {
20196          throw new Error('Theme did not provide a WindowManager implementation.');
20197        };
20198        return {
20199          open: unimplemented,
20200          openUrl: unimplemented,
20201          alert: unimplemented,
20202          confirm: unimplemented,
20203          close: unimplemented,
20204          getParams: unimplemented,
20205          setParams: unimplemented
20206        };
20207      }
20209      var WindowManager = function (editor) {
20210        var dialogs = [];
20211        var getImplementation = function () {
20212          var theme = editor.theme;
20213          return theme && theme.getWindowManagerImpl ? theme.getWindowManagerImpl() : WindowManagerImpl();
20214        };
20215        var funcBind = function (scope, f) {
20216          return function () {
20217            var args = [];
20218            for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
20219              args[_i] = arguments[_i];
20220            }
20221            return f ? f.apply(scope, args) : undefined;
20222          };
20223        };
20224        var fireOpenEvent = function (dialog) {
20225          editor.fire('OpenWindow', { dialog: dialog });
20226        };
20227        var fireCloseEvent = function (dialog) {
20228          editor.fire('CloseWindow', { dialog: dialog });
20229        };
20230        var addDialog = function (dialog) {
20231          dialogs.push(dialog);
20232          fireOpenEvent(dialog);
20233        };
20234        var closeDialog = function (dialog) {
20235          fireCloseEvent(dialog);
20236          dialogs = filter$4(dialogs, function (otherDialog) {
20237            return otherDialog !== dialog;
20238          });
20239          if (dialogs.length === 0) {
20240            editor.focus();
20241          }
20242        };
20243        var getTopDialog = function () {
20244          return Optional.from(dialogs[dialogs.length - 1]);
20245        };
20246        var storeSelectionAndOpenDialog = function (openDialog) {
20247          editor.editorManager.setActive(editor);
20248          store(editor);
20249          var dialog = openDialog();
20250          addDialog(dialog);
20251          return dialog;
20252        };
20253        var open = function (args, params) {
20254          return storeSelectionAndOpenDialog(function () {
20255            return getImplementation().open(args, params, closeDialog);
20256          });
20257        };
20258        var openUrl = function (args) {
20259          return storeSelectionAndOpenDialog(function () {
20260            return getImplementation().openUrl(args, closeDialog);
20261          });
20262        };
20263        var alert = function (message, callback, scope) {
20264          var windowManagerImpl = getImplementation();
20265          windowManagerImpl.alert(message, funcBind(scope ? scope : windowManagerImpl, callback));
20266        };
20267        var confirm = function (message, callback, scope) {
20268          var windowManagerImpl = getImplementation();
20269          windowManagerImpl.confirm(message, funcBind(scope ? scope : windowManagerImpl, callback));
20270        };
20271        var close = function () {
20272          getTopDialog().each(function (dialog) {
20273            getImplementation().close(dialog);
20274            closeDialog(dialog);
20275          });
20276        };
20277        editor.on('remove', function () {
20278          each$k(dialogs, function (dialog) {
20279            getImplementation().close(dialog);
20280          });
20281        });
20282        return {
20283          open: open,
20284          openUrl: openUrl,
20285          alert: alert,
20286          confirm: confirm,
20287          close: close
20288        };
20289      };
20291      var displayNotification = function (editor, message) {
20292        editor.notificationManager.open({
20293          type: 'error',
20294          text: message
20295        });
20296      };
20297      var displayError = function (editor, message) {
20298        if (editor._skinLoaded) {
20299          displayNotification(editor, message);
20300        } else {
20301          editor.on('SkinLoaded', function () {
20302            displayNotification(editor, message);
20303          });
20304        }
20305      };
20306      var uploadError = function (editor, message) {
20307        displayError(editor, I18n.translate([
20308          'Failed to upload image: {0}',
20309          message
20310        ]));
20311      };
20312      var logError = function (editor, errorType, msg) {
20313        fireError(editor, errorType, { message: msg });
20314        console.error(msg);
20315      };
20316      var createLoadError = function (type, url, name) {
20317        return name ? 'Failed to load ' + type + ': ' + name + ' from url ' + url : 'Failed to load ' + type + ' url: ' + url;
20318      };
20319      var pluginLoadError = function (editor, url, name) {
20320        logError(editor, 'PluginLoadError', createLoadError('plugin', url, name));
20321      };
20322      var iconsLoadError = function (editor, url, name) {
20323        logError(editor, 'IconsLoadError', createLoadError('icons', url, name));
20324      };
20325      var languageLoadError = function (editor, url, name) {
20326        logError(editor, 'LanguageLoadError', createLoadError('language', url, name));
20327      };
20328      var pluginInitError = function (editor, name, err) {
20329        var message = I18n.translate([
20330          'Failed to initialize plugin: {0}',
20331          name
20332        ]);
20333        fireError(editor, 'PluginLoadError', { message: message });
20334        initError(message, err);
20335        displayError(editor, message);
20336      };
20337      var initError = function (message) {
20338        var x = [];
20339        for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
20340          x[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
20341        }
20342        var console = window.console;
20343        if (console) {
20344          if (console.error) {
20345            console.error.apply(console, __spreadArray([message], x, false));
20346          } else {
20347            console.log.apply(console, __spreadArray([message], x, false));
20348          }
20349        }
20350      };
20352      var isContentCssSkinName = function (url) {
20353        return /^[a-z0-9\-]+$/i.test(url);
20354      };
20355      var getContentCssUrls = function (editor) {
20356        return transformToUrls(editor, getContentCss(editor));
20357      };
20358      var getFontCssUrls = function (editor) {
20359        return transformToUrls(editor, getFontCss(editor));
20360      };
20361      var transformToUrls = function (editor, cssLinks) {
20362        var skinUrl = editor.editorManager.baseURL + '/skins/content';
20363        var suffix = editor.editorManager.suffix;
20364        var contentCssFile = 'content' + suffix + '.css';
20365        var inline = editor.inline === true;
20366        return map$3(cssLinks, function (url) {
20367          if (isContentCssSkinName(url) && !inline) {
20368            return skinUrl + '/' + url + '/' + contentCssFile;
20369          } else {
20370            return editor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(url);
20371          }
20372        });
20373      };
20374      var appendContentCssFromSettings = function (editor) {
20375        editor.contentCSS = editor.contentCSS.concat(getContentCssUrls(editor), getFontCssUrls(editor));
20376      };
20378      var UploadStatus = function () {
20379        var PENDING = 1, UPLOADED = 2;
20380        var blobUriStatuses = {};
20381        var createStatus = function (status, resultUri) {
20382          return {
20383            status: status,
20384            resultUri: resultUri
20385          };
20386        };
20387        var hasBlobUri = function (blobUri) {
20388          return blobUri in blobUriStatuses;
20389        };
20390        var getResultUri = function (blobUri) {
20391          var result = blobUriStatuses[blobUri];
20392          return result ? result.resultUri : null;
20393        };
20394        var isPending = function (blobUri) {
20395          return hasBlobUri(blobUri) ? blobUriStatuses[blobUri].status === PENDING : false;
20396        };
20397        var isUploaded = function (blobUri) {
20398          return hasBlobUri(blobUri) ? blobUriStatuses[blobUri].status === UPLOADED : false;
20399        };
20400        var markPending = function (blobUri) {
20401          blobUriStatuses[blobUri] = createStatus(PENDING, null);
20402        };
20403        var markUploaded = function (blobUri, resultUri) {
20404          blobUriStatuses[blobUri] = createStatus(UPLOADED, resultUri);
20405        };
20406        var removeFailed = function (blobUri) {
20407          delete blobUriStatuses[blobUri];
20408        };
20409        var destroy = function () {
20410          blobUriStatuses = {};
20411        };
20412        return {
20413          hasBlobUri: hasBlobUri,
20414          getResultUri: getResultUri,
20415          isPending: isPending,
20416          isUploaded: isUploaded,
20417          markPending: markPending,
20418          markUploaded: markUploaded,
20419          removeFailed: removeFailed,
20420          destroy: destroy
20421        };
20422      };
20424      var count = 0;
20425      var seed = function () {
20426        var rnd = function () {
20427          return Math.round(Math.random() * 4294967295).toString(36);
20428        };
20429        var now = new Date().getTime();
20430        return 's' + now.toString(36) + rnd() + rnd() + rnd();
20431      };
20432      var uuid = function (prefix) {
20433        return prefix + count++ + seed();
20434      };
20436      var BlobCache = function () {
20437        var cache = [];
20438        var mimeToExt = function (mime) {
20439          var mimes = {
20440            'image/jpeg': 'jpg',
20441            'image/jpg': 'jpg',
20442            'image/gif': 'gif',
20443            'image/png': 'png',
20444            'image/apng': 'apng',
20445            'image/avif': 'avif',
20446            'image/svg+xml': 'svg',
20447            'image/webp': 'webp',
20448            'image/bmp': 'bmp',
20449            'image/tiff': 'tiff'
20450          };
20451          return mimes[mime.toLowerCase()] || 'dat';
20452        };
20453        var create = function (o, blob, base64, name, filename) {
20454          if (isString$1(o)) {
20455            var id = o;
20456            return toBlobInfo({
20457              id: id,
20458              name: name,
20459              filename: filename,
20460              blob: blob,
20461              base64: base64
20462            });
20463          } else if (isObject(o)) {
20464            return toBlobInfo(o);
20465          } else {
20466            throw new Error('Unknown input type');
20467          }
20468        };
20469        var toBlobInfo = function (o) {
20470          if (!o.blob || !o.base64) {
20471            throw new Error('blob and base64 representations of the image are required for BlobInfo to be created');
20472          }
20473          var id = o.id || uuid('blobid');
20474          var name = o.name || id;
20475          var blob = o.blob;
20476          return {
20477            id: constant(id),
20478            name: constant(name),
20479            filename: constant(o.filename || name + '.' + mimeToExt(blob.type)),
20480            blob: constant(blob),
20481            base64: constant(o.base64),
20482            blobUri: constant(o.blobUri || URL.createObjectURL(blob)),
20483            uri: constant(o.uri)
20484          };
20485        };
20486        var add = function (blobInfo) {
20487          if (!get(blobInfo.id())) {
20488            cache.push(blobInfo);
20489          }
20490        };
20491        var findFirst = function (predicate) {
20492          return find$3(cache, predicate).getOrUndefined();
20493        };
20494        var get = function (id) {
20495          return findFirst(function (cachedBlobInfo) {
20496            return cachedBlobInfo.id() === id;
20497          });
20498        };
20499        var getByUri = function (blobUri) {
20500          return findFirst(function (blobInfo) {
20501            return blobInfo.blobUri() === blobUri;
20502          });
20503        };
20504        var getByData = function (base64, type) {
20505          return findFirst(function (blobInfo) {
20506            return blobInfo.base64() === base64 && blobInfo.blob().type === type;
20507          });
20508        };
20509        var removeByUri = function (blobUri) {
20510          cache = filter$4(cache, function (blobInfo) {
20511            if (blobInfo.blobUri() === blobUri) {
20512              URL.revokeObjectURL(blobInfo.blobUri());
20513              return false;
20514            }
20515            return true;
20516          });
20517        };
20518        var destroy = function () {
20519          each$k(cache, function (cachedBlobInfo) {
20520            URL.revokeObjectURL(cachedBlobInfo.blobUri());
20521          });
20522          cache = [];
20523        };
20524        return {
20525          create: create,
20526          add: add,
20527          get: get,
20528          getByUri: getByUri,
20529          getByData: getByData,
20530          findFirst: findFirst,
20531          removeByUri: removeByUri,
20532          destroy: destroy
20533        };
20534      };
20536      var Uploader = function (uploadStatus, settings) {
20537        var pendingPromises = {};
20538        var pathJoin = function (path1, path2) {
20539          if (path1) {
20540            return path1.replace(/\/$/, '') + '/' + path2.replace(/^\//, '');
20541          }
20542          return path2;
20543        };
20544        var defaultHandler = function (blobInfo, success, failure, progress) {
20545          var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
20546          xhr.open('POST', settings.url);
20547          xhr.withCredentials = settings.credentials;
20548          xhr.upload.onprogress = function (e) {
20549            progress(e.loaded / e.total * 100);
20550          };
20551          xhr.onerror = function () {
20552            failure('Image upload failed due to a XHR Transport error. Code: ' + xhr.status);
20553          };
20554          xhr.onload = function () {
20555            if (xhr.status < 200 || xhr.status >= 300) {
20556              failure('HTTP Error: ' + xhr.status);
20557              return;
20558            }
20559            var json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
20560            if (!json || typeof json.location !== 'string') {
20561              failure('Invalid JSON: ' + xhr.responseText);
20562              return;
20563            }
20564            success(pathJoin(settings.basePath, json.location));
20565          };
20566          var formData = new FormData();
20567          formData.append('file', blobInfo.blob(), blobInfo.filename());
20568          xhr.send(formData);
20569        };
20570        var noUpload = function () {
20571          return new promiseObj(function (resolve) {
20572            resolve([]);
20573          });
20574        };
20575        var handlerSuccess = function (blobInfo, url) {
20576          return {
20577            url: url,
20578            blobInfo: blobInfo,
20579            status: true
20580          };
20581        };
20582        var handlerFailure = function (blobInfo, message, options) {
20583          return {
20584            url: '',
20585            blobInfo: blobInfo,
20586            status: false,
20587            error: {
20588              message: message,
20589              options: options
20590            }
20591          };
20592        };
20593        var resolvePending = function (blobUri, result) {
20594          Tools.each(pendingPromises[blobUri], function (resolve) {
20595            resolve(result);
20596          });
20597          delete pendingPromises[blobUri];
20598        };
20599        var uploadBlobInfo = function (blobInfo, handler, openNotification) {
20600          uploadStatus.markPending(blobInfo.blobUri());
20601          return new promiseObj(function (resolve) {
20602            var notification, progress;
20603            try {
20604              var closeNotification_1 = function () {
20605                if (notification) {
20606                  notification.close();
20607                  progress = noop;
20608                }
20609              };
20610              var success = function (url) {
20611                closeNotification_1();
20612                uploadStatus.markUploaded(blobInfo.blobUri(), url);
20613                resolvePending(blobInfo.blobUri(), handlerSuccess(blobInfo, url));
20614                resolve(handlerSuccess(blobInfo, url));
20615              };
20616              var failure = function (error, options) {
20617                var failureOptions = options ? options : {};
20618                closeNotification_1();
20619                uploadStatus.removeFailed(blobInfo.blobUri());
20620                resolvePending(blobInfo.blobUri(), handlerFailure(blobInfo, error, failureOptions));
20621                resolve(handlerFailure(blobInfo, error, failureOptions));
20622              };
20623              progress = function (percent) {
20624                if (percent < 0 || percent > 100) {
20625                  return;
20626                }
20627                Optional.from(notification).orThunk(function () {
20628                  return Optional.from(openNotification).map(apply);
20629                }).each(function (n) {
20630                  notification = n;
20631                  n.progressBar.value(percent);
20632                });
20633              };
20634              handler(blobInfo, success, failure, progress);
20635            } catch (ex) {
20636              resolve(handlerFailure(blobInfo, ex.message, {}));
20637            }
20638          });
20639        };
20640        var isDefaultHandler = function (handler) {
20641          return handler === defaultHandler;
20642        };
20643        var pendingUploadBlobInfo = function (blobInfo) {
20644          var blobUri = blobInfo.blobUri();
20645          return new promiseObj(function (resolve) {
20646            pendingPromises[blobUri] = pendingPromises[blobUri] || [];
20647            pendingPromises[blobUri].push(resolve);
20648          });
20649        };
20650        var uploadBlobs = function (blobInfos, openNotification) {
20651          blobInfos = Tools.grep(blobInfos, function (blobInfo) {
20652            return !uploadStatus.isUploaded(blobInfo.blobUri());
20653          });
20654          return promiseObj.all(Tools.map(blobInfos, function (blobInfo) {
20655            return uploadStatus.isPending(blobInfo.blobUri()) ? pendingUploadBlobInfo(blobInfo) : uploadBlobInfo(blobInfo, settings.handler, openNotification);
20656          }));
20657        };
20658        var upload = function (blobInfos, openNotification) {
20659          return !settings.url && isDefaultHandler(settings.handler) ? noUpload() : uploadBlobs(blobInfos, openNotification);
20660        };
20661        if (isFunction(settings.handler) === false) {
20662          settings.handler = defaultHandler;
20663        }
20664        return { upload: upload };
20665      };
20667      var openNotification = function (editor) {
20668        return function () {
20669          return editor.notificationManager.open({
20670            text: editor.translate('Image uploading...'),
20671            type: 'info',
20672            timeout: -1,
20673            progressBar: true
20674          });
20675        };
20676      };
20677      var createUploader = function (editor, uploadStatus) {
20678        return Uploader(uploadStatus, {
20679          url: getImageUploadUrl(editor),
20680          basePath: getImageUploadBasePath(editor),
20681          credentials: getImagesUploadCredentials(editor),
20682          handler: getImagesUploadHandler(editor)
20683        });
20684      };
20685      var ImageUploader = function (editor) {
20686        var uploadStatus = UploadStatus();
20687        var uploader = createUploader(editor, uploadStatus);
20688        return {
20689          upload: function (blobInfos, showNotification) {
20690            if (showNotification === void 0) {
20691              showNotification = true;
20692            }
20693            return uploader.upload(blobInfos, showNotification ? openNotification(editor) : undefined);
20694          }
20695        };
20696      };
20698      var UploadChangeHandler = function (editor) {
20699        var lastChangedLevel = Cell(null);
20700        editor.on('change AddUndo', function (e) {
20701          lastChangedLevel.set(__assign({}, e.level));
20702        });
20703        var fireIfChanged = function () {
20704          var data = editor.undoManager.data;
20705          last$2(data).filter(function (level) {
20706            return !isEq$1(lastChangedLevel.get(), level);
20707          }).each(function (level) {
20708            editor.setDirty(true);
20709            editor.fire('change', {
20710              level: level,
20711              lastLevel: get$a(data, data.length - 2).getOrNull()
20712            });
20713          });
20714        };
20715        return { fireIfChanged: fireIfChanged };
20716      };
20717      var EditorUpload = function (editor) {
20718        var blobCache = BlobCache();
20719        var uploader, imageScanner;
20720        var uploadStatus = UploadStatus();
20721        var urlFilters = [];
20722        var changeHandler = UploadChangeHandler(editor);
20723        var aliveGuard = function (callback) {
20724          return function (result) {
20725            if (editor.selection) {
20726              return callback(result);
20727            }
20728            return [];
20729          };
20730        };
20731        var cacheInvalidator = function (url) {
20732          return url + (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + new Date().getTime();
20733        };
20734        var replaceString = function (content, search, replace) {
20735          var index = 0;
20736          do {
20737            index = content.indexOf(search, index);
20738            if (index !== -1) {
20739              content = content.substring(0, index) + replace + content.substr(index + search.length);
20740              index += replace.length - search.length + 1;
20741            }
20742          } while (index !== -1);
20743          return content;
20744        };
20745        var replaceImageUrl = function (content, targetUrl, replacementUrl) {
20746          var replacementString = 'src="' + replacementUrl + '"' + (replacementUrl === Env.transparentSrc ? ' data-mce-placeholder="1"' : '');
20747          content = replaceString(content, 'src="' + targetUrl + '"', replacementString);
20748          content = replaceString(content, 'data-mce-src="' + targetUrl + '"', 'data-mce-src="' + replacementUrl + '"');
20749          return content;
20750        };
20751        var replaceUrlInUndoStack = function (targetUrl, replacementUrl) {
20752          each$k(editor.undoManager.data, function (level) {
20753            if (level.type === 'fragmented') {
20754              level.fragments = map$3(level.fragments, function (fragment) {
20755                return replaceImageUrl(fragment, targetUrl, replacementUrl);
20756              });
20757            } else {
20758              level.content = replaceImageUrl(level.content, targetUrl, replacementUrl);
20759            }
20760          });
20761        };
20762        var replaceImageUriInView = function (image, resultUri) {
20763          var src = editor.convertURL(resultUri, 'src');
20764          replaceUrlInUndoStack(image.src, resultUri);
20765          editor.$(image).attr({
20766            'src': shouldReuseFileName(editor) ? cacheInvalidator(resultUri) : resultUri,
20767            'data-mce-src': src
20768          });
20769        };
20770        var uploadImages = function (callback) {
20771          if (!uploader) {
20772            uploader = createUploader(editor, uploadStatus);
20773          }
20774          return scanForImages().then(aliveGuard(function (imageInfos) {
20775            var blobInfos = map$3(imageInfos, function (imageInfo) {
20776              return imageInfo.blobInfo;
20777            });
20778            return uploader.upload(blobInfos, openNotification(editor)).then(aliveGuard(function (result) {
20779              var imagesToRemove = [];
20780              var filteredResult = map$3(result, function (uploadInfo, index) {
20781                var blobInfo = imageInfos[index].blobInfo;
20782                var image = imageInfos[index].image;
20783                if (uploadInfo.status && shouldReplaceBlobUris(editor)) {
20784                  blobCache.removeByUri(image.src);
20785                  if (isRtc(editor)) ; else {
20786                    replaceImageUriInView(image, uploadInfo.url);
20787                  }
20788                } else if (uploadInfo.error) {
20789                  if (uploadInfo.error.options.remove) {
20790                    replaceUrlInUndoStack(image.getAttribute('src'), Env.transparentSrc);
20791                    imagesToRemove.push(image);
20792                  }
20793                  uploadError(editor, uploadInfo.error.message);
20794                }
20795                return {
20796                  element: image,
20797                  status: uploadInfo.status,
20798                  uploadUri: uploadInfo.url,
20799                  blobInfo: blobInfo
20800                };
20801              });
20802              if (filteredResult.length > 0) {
20803                changeHandler.fireIfChanged();
20804              }
20805              if (imagesToRemove.length > 0) {
20806                if (isRtc(editor)) {
20807                  console.error('Removing images on failed uploads is currently unsupported for RTC');
20808                } else {
20809                  editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
20810                    each$k(imagesToRemove, function (element) {
20811                      editor.dom.remove(element);
20812                      blobCache.removeByUri(element.src);
20813                    });
20814                  });
20815                }
20816              }
20817              if (callback) {
20818                callback(filteredResult);
20819              }
20820              return filteredResult;
20821            }));
20822          }));
20823        };
20824        var uploadImagesAuto = function (callback) {
20825          if (isAutomaticUploadsEnabled(editor)) {
20826            return uploadImages(callback);
20827          }
20828        };
20829        var isValidDataUriImage = function (imgElm) {
20830          if (forall(urlFilters, function (filter) {
20831              return filter(imgElm);
20832            }) === false) {
20833            return false;
20834          }
20835          if (imgElm.getAttribute('src').indexOf('data:') === 0) {
20836            var dataImgFilter = getImagesDataImgFilter(editor);
20837            return dataImgFilter(imgElm);
20838          }
20839          return true;
20840        };
20841        var addFilter = function (filter) {
20842          urlFilters.push(filter);
20843        };
20844        var scanForImages = function () {
20845          if (!imageScanner) {
20846            imageScanner = ImageScanner(uploadStatus, blobCache);
20847          }
20848          return imageScanner.findAll(editor.getBody(), isValidDataUriImage).then(aliveGuard(function (result) {
20849            result = filter$4(result, function (resultItem) {
20850              if (typeof resultItem === 'string') {
20851                displayError(editor, resultItem);
20852                return false;
20853              }
20854              return true;
20855            });
20856            if (isRtc(editor)) ; else {
20857              each$k(result, function (resultItem) {
20858                replaceUrlInUndoStack(resultItem.image.src, resultItem.blobInfo.blobUri());
20859                resultItem.image.src = resultItem.blobInfo.blobUri();
20860                resultItem.image.removeAttribute('data-mce-src');
20861              });
20862            }
20863            return result;
20864          }));
20865        };
20866        var destroy = function () {
20867          blobCache.destroy();
20868          uploadStatus.destroy();
20869          imageScanner = uploader = null;
20870        };
20871        var replaceBlobUris = function (content) {
20872          return content.replace(/src="(blob:[^"]+)"/g, function (match, blobUri) {
20873            var resultUri = uploadStatus.getResultUri(blobUri);
20874            if (resultUri) {
20875              return 'src="' + resultUri + '"';
20876            }
20877            var blobInfo = blobCache.getByUri(blobUri);
20878            if (!blobInfo) {
20879              blobInfo = foldl(editor.editorManager.get(), function (result, editor) {
20880                return result || editor.editorUpload && editor.editorUpload.blobCache.getByUri(blobUri);
20881              }, null);
20882            }
20883            if (blobInfo) {
20884              var blob = blobInfo.blob();
20885              return 'src="data:' + blob.type + ';base64,' + blobInfo.base64() + '"';
20886            }
20887            return match;
20888          });
20889        };
20890        editor.on('SetContent', function () {
20891          if (isAutomaticUploadsEnabled(editor)) {
20892            uploadImagesAuto();
20893          } else {
20894            scanForImages();
20895          }
20896        });
20897        editor.on('RawSaveContent', function (e) {
20898          e.content = replaceBlobUris(e.content);
20899        });
20900        editor.on('GetContent', function (e) {
20901          if (e.source_view || e.format === 'raw' || e.format === 'tree') {
20902            return;
20903          }
20904          e.content = replaceBlobUris(e.content);
20905        });
20906        editor.on('PostRender', function () {
20907          editor.parser.addNodeFilter('img', function (images) {
20908            each$k(images, function (img) {
20909              var src = img.attr('src');
20910              if (blobCache.getByUri(src)) {
20911                return;
20912              }
20913              var resultUri = uploadStatus.getResultUri(src);
20914              if (resultUri) {
20915                img.attr('src', resultUri);
20916              }
20917            });
20918          });
20919        });
20920        return {
20921          blobCache: blobCache,
20922          addFilter: addFilter,
20923          uploadImages: uploadImages,
20924          uploadImagesAuto: uploadImagesAuto,
20925          scanForImages: scanForImages,
20926          destroy: destroy
20927        };
20928      };
20930      var get = function (dom) {
20931        var formats = {
20932          valigntop: [{
20933              selector: 'td,th',
20934              styles: { verticalAlign: 'top' }
20935            }],
20936          valignmiddle: [{
20937              selector: 'td,th',
20938              styles: { verticalAlign: 'middle' }
20939            }],
20940          valignbottom: [{
20941              selector: 'td,th',
20942              styles: { verticalAlign: 'bottom' }
20943            }],
20944          alignleft: [
20945            {
20946              selector: 'figure.image',
20947              collapsed: false,
20948              classes: 'align-left',
20949              ceFalseOverride: true,
20950              preview: 'font-family font-size'
20951            },
20952            {
20953              selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li',
20954              styles: { textAlign: 'left' },
20955              inherit: false,
20956              preview: false,
20957              defaultBlock: 'div'
20958            },
20959            {
20960              selector: 'img,table,audio,video',
20961              collapsed: false,
20962              styles: { float: 'left' },
20963              preview: 'font-family font-size'
20964            }
20965          ],
20966          aligncenter: [
20967            {
20968              selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li',
20969              styles: { textAlign: 'center' },
20970              inherit: false,
20971              preview: 'font-family font-size',
20972              defaultBlock: 'div'
20973            },
20974            {
20975              selector: 'figure.image',
20976              collapsed: false,
20977              classes: 'align-center',
20978              ceFalseOverride: true,
20979              preview: 'font-family font-size'
20980            },
20981            {
20982              selector: 'img,audio,video',
20983              collapsed: false,
20984              styles: {
20985                display: 'block',
20986                marginLeft: 'auto',
20987                marginRight: 'auto'
20988              },
20989              preview: false
20990            },
20991            {
20992              selector: 'table',
20993              collapsed: false,
20994              styles: {
20995                marginLeft: 'auto',
20996                marginRight: 'auto'
20997              },
20998              preview: 'font-family font-size'
20999            }
21000          ],
21001          alignright: [
21002            {
21003              selector: 'figure.image',
21004              collapsed: false,
21005              classes: 'align-right',
21006              ceFalseOverride: true,
21007              preview: 'font-family font-size'
21008            },
21009            {
21010              selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li',
21011              styles: { textAlign: 'right' },
21012              inherit: false,
21013              preview: 'font-family font-size',
21014              defaultBlock: 'div'
21015            },
21016            {
21017              selector: 'img,table,audio,video',
21018              collapsed: false,
21019              styles: { float: 'right' },
21020              preview: 'font-family font-size'
21021            }
21022          ],
21023          alignjustify: [{
21024              selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li',
21025              styles: { textAlign: 'justify' },
21026              inherit: false,
21027              defaultBlock: 'div',
21028              preview: 'font-family font-size'
21029            }],
21030          bold: [
21031            {
21032              inline: 'strong',
21033              remove: 'all',
21034              preserve_attributes: [
21035                'class',
21036                'style'
21037              ]
21038            },
21039            {
21040              inline: 'span',
21041              styles: { fontWeight: 'bold' }
21042            },
21043            {
21044              inline: 'b',
21045              remove: 'all',
21046              preserve_attributes: [
21047                'class',
21048                'style'
21049              ]
21050            }
21051          ],
21052          italic: [
21053            {
21054              inline: 'em',
21055              remove: 'all',
21056              preserve_attributes: [
21057                'class',
21058                'style'
21059              ]
21060            },
21061            {
21062              inline: 'span',
21063              styles: { fontStyle: 'italic' }
21064            },
21065            {
21066              inline: 'i',
21067              remove: 'all',
21068              preserve_attributes: [
21069                'class',
21070                'style'
21071              ]
21072            }
21073          ],
21074          underline: [
21075            {
21076              inline: 'span',
21077              styles: { textDecoration: 'underline' },
21078              exact: true
21079            },
21080            {
21081              inline: 'u',
21082              remove: 'all',
21083              preserve_attributes: [
21084                'class',
21085                'style'
21086              ]
21087            }
21088          ],
21089          strikethrough: [
21090            {
21091              inline: 'span',
21092              styles: { textDecoration: 'line-through' },
21093              exact: true
21094            },
21095            {
21096              inline: 'strike',
21097              remove: 'all',
21098              preserve_attributes: [
21099                'class',
21100                'style'
21101              ]
21102            },
21103            {
21104              inline: 's',
21105              remove: 'all',
21106              preserve_attributes: [
21107                'class',
21108                'style'
21109              ]
21110            }
21111          ],
21112          forecolor: {
21113            inline: 'span',
21114            styles: { color: '%value' },
21115            links: true,
21116            remove_similar: true,
21117            clear_child_styles: true
21118          },
21119          hilitecolor: {
21120            inline: 'span',
21121            styles: { backgroundColor: '%value' },
21122            links: true,
21123            remove_similar: true,
21124            clear_child_styles: true
21125          },
21126          fontname: {
21127            inline: 'span',
21128            toggle: false,
21129            styles: { fontFamily: '%value' },
21130            clear_child_styles: true
21131          },
21132          fontsize: {
21133            inline: 'span',
21134            toggle: false,
21135            styles: { fontSize: '%value' },
21136            clear_child_styles: true
21137          },
21138          lineheight: {
21139            selector: 'h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,li,td,th,div',
21140            defaultBlock: 'p',
21141            styles: { lineHeight: '%value' }
21142          },
21143          fontsize_class: {
21144            inline: 'span',
21145            attributes: { class: '%value' }
21146          },
21147          blockquote: {
21148            block: 'blockquote',
21149            wrapper: true,
21150            remove: 'all'
21151          },
21152          subscript: { inline: 'sub' },
21153          superscript: { inline: 'sup' },
21154          code: { inline: 'code' },
21155          link: {
21156            inline: 'a',
21157            selector: 'a',
21158            remove: 'all',
21159            split: true,
21160            deep: true,
21161            onmatch: function (node, _fmt, _itemName) {
21162              return isElement$5(node) && node.hasAttribute('href');
21163            },
21164            onformat: function (elm, _fmt, vars) {
21165              Tools.each(vars, function (value, key) {
21166                dom.setAttrib(elm, key, value);
21167              });
21168            }
21169          },
21170          lang: {
21171            inline: 'span',
21172            clear_child_styles: true,
21173            remove_similar: true,
21174            attributes: {
21175              'lang': '%value',
21176              'data-mce-lang': function (vars) {
21177                var _a;
21178                return (_a = vars === null || vars === void 0 ? void 0 : vars.customValue) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
21179              }
21180            }
21181          },
21182          removeformat: [
21183            {
21184              selector: 'b,strong,em,i,font,u,strike,s,sub,sup,dfn,code,samp,kbd,var,cite,mark,q,del,ins,small',
21185              remove: 'all',
21186              split: true,
21187              expand: false,
21188              block_expand: true,
21189              deep: true
21190            },
21191            {
21192              selector: 'span',
21193              attributes: [
21194                'style',
21195                'class'
21196              ],
21197              remove: 'empty',
21198              split: true,
21199              expand: false,
21200              deep: true
21201            },
21202            {
21203              selector: '*',
21204              attributes: [
21205                'style',
21206                'class'
21207              ],
21208              split: false,
21209              expand: false,
21210              deep: true
21211            }
21212          ]
21213        };
21214        Tools.each('p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div address pre dt dd samp'.split(/\s/), function (name) {
21215          formats[name] = {
21216            block: name,
21217            remove: 'all'
21218          };
21219        });
21220        return formats;
21221      };
21223      var FormatRegistry = function (editor) {
21224        var formats = {};
21225        var get$1 = function (name) {
21226          return isNonNullable(name) ? formats[name] : formats;
21227        };
21228        var has = function (name) {
21229          return has$2(formats, name);
21230        };
21231        var register = function (name, format) {
21232          if (name) {
21233            if (!isString$1(name)) {
21234              each$j(name, function (format, name) {
21235                register(name, format);
21236              });
21237            } else {
21238              if (!isArray$1(format)) {
21239                format = [format];
21240              }
21241              each$k(format, function (format) {
21242                if (isUndefined(format.deep)) {
21243                  format.deep = !isSelectorFormat(format);
21244                }
21245                if (isUndefined(format.split)) {
21246                  format.split = !isSelectorFormat(format) || isInlineFormat(format);
21247                }
21248                if (isUndefined(format.remove) && isSelectorFormat(format) && !isInlineFormat(format)) {
21249                  format.remove = 'none';
21250                }
21251                if (isSelectorFormat(format) && isInlineFormat(format)) {
21252                  format.mixed = true;
21253                  format.block_expand = true;
21254                }
21255                if (isString$1(format.classes)) {
21256                  format.classes = format.classes.split(/\s+/);
21257                }
21258              });
21259              formats[name] = format;
21260            }
21261          }
21262        };
21263        var unregister = function (name) {
21264          if (name && formats[name]) {
21265            delete formats[name];
21266          }
21267          return formats;
21268        };
21269        register(get(editor.dom));
21270        register(getFormats(editor));
21271        return {
21272          get: get$1,
21273          has: has,
21274          register: register,
21275          unregister: unregister
21276        };
21277      };
21279      var each$5 = Tools.each;
21280      var dom = DOMUtils.DOM;
21281      var parsedSelectorToHtml = function (ancestry, editor) {
21282        var elm, item, fragment;
21283        var schema = editor && editor.schema || Schema({});
21284        var decorate = function (elm, item) {
21285          if (item.classes.length) {
21286            dom.addClass(elm, item.classes.join(' '));
21287          }
21288          dom.setAttribs(elm, item.attrs);
21289        };
21290        var createElement = function (sItem) {
21291          item = typeof sItem === 'string' ? {
21292            name: sItem,
21293            classes: [],
21294            attrs: {}
21295          } : sItem;
21296          var elm = dom.create(item.name);
21297          decorate(elm, item);
21298          return elm;
21299        };
21300        var getRequiredParent = function (elm, candidate) {
21301          var name = typeof elm !== 'string' ? elm.nodeName.toLowerCase() : elm;
21302          var elmRule = schema.getElementRule(name);
21303          var parentsRequired = elmRule && elmRule.parentsRequired;
21304          if (parentsRequired && parentsRequired.length) {
21305            return candidate && Tools.inArray(parentsRequired, candidate) !== -1 ? candidate : parentsRequired[0];
21306          } else {
21307            return false;
21308          }
21309        };
21310        var wrapInHtml = function (elm, ancestry, siblings) {
21311          var parent, parentCandidate;
21312          var ancestor = ancestry.length > 0 && ancestry[0];
21313          var ancestorName = ancestor && ancestor.name;
21314          var parentRequired = getRequiredParent(elm, ancestorName);
21315          if (parentRequired) {
21316            if (ancestorName === parentRequired) {
21317              parentCandidate = ancestry[0];
21318              ancestry = ancestry.slice(1);
21319            } else {
21320              parentCandidate = parentRequired;
21321            }
21322          } else if (ancestor) {
21323            parentCandidate = ancestry[0];
21324            ancestry = ancestry.slice(1);
21325          } else if (!siblings) {
21326            return elm;
21327          }
21328          if (parentCandidate) {
21329            parent = createElement(parentCandidate);
21330            parent.appendChild(elm);
21331          }
21332          if (siblings) {
21333            if (!parent) {
21334              parent = dom.create('div');
21335              parent.appendChild(elm);
21336            }
21337            Tools.each(siblings, function (sibling) {
21338              var siblingElm = createElement(sibling);
21339              parent.insertBefore(siblingElm, elm);
21340            });
21341          }
21342          return wrapInHtml(parent, ancestry, parentCandidate && parentCandidate.siblings);
21343        };
21344        if (ancestry && ancestry.length) {
21345          item = ancestry[0];
21346          elm = createElement(item);
21347          fragment = dom.create('div');
21348          fragment.appendChild(wrapInHtml(elm, ancestry.slice(1), item.siblings));
21349          return fragment;
21350        } else {
21351          return '';
21352        }
21353      };
21354      var parseSelectorItem = function (item) {
21355        var tagName;
21356        var obj = {
21357          classes: [],
21358          attrs: {}
21359        };
21360        item = obj.selector = Tools.trim(item);
21361        if (item !== '*') {
21362          tagName = item.replace(/(?:([#\.]|::?)([\w\-]+)|(\[)([^\]]+)\]?)/g, function ($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
21363            switch ($1) {
21364            case '#':
21365              obj.attrs.id = $2;
21366              break;
21367            case '.':
21368              obj.classes.push($2);
21369              break;
21370            case ':':
21371              if (Tools.inArray('checked disabled enabled read-only required'.split(' '), $2) !== -1) {
21372                obj.attrs[$2] = $2;
21373              }
21374              break;
21375            }
21376            if ($3 === '[') {
21377              var m = $4.match(/([\w\-]+)(?:\=\"([^\"]+))?/);
21378              if (m) {
21379                obj.attrs[m[1]] = m[2];
21380              }
21381            }
21382            return '';
21383          });
21384        }
21385        obj.name = tagName || 'div';
21386        return obj;
21387      };
21388      var parseSelector = function (selector) {
21389        if (!selector || typeof selector !== 'string') {
21390          return [];
21391        }
21392        selector = selector.split(/\s*,\s*/)[0];
21393        selector = selector.replace(/\s*(~\+|~|\+|>)\s*/g, '$1');
21394        return Tools.map(selector.split(/(?:>|\s+(?![^\[\]]+\]))/), function (item) {
21395          var siblings = Tools.map(item.split(/(?:~\+|~|\+)/), parseSelectorItem);
21396          var obj = siblings.pop();
21397          if (siblings.length) {
21398            obj.siblings = siblings;
21399          }
21400          return obj;
21401        }).reverse();
21402      };
21403      var getCssText = function (editor, format) {
21404        var name, previewFrag;
21405        var previewCss = '', parentFontSize;
21406        var previewStyles = getPreviewStyles(editor);
21407        if (previewStyles === '') {
21408          return '';
21409        }
21410        var removeVars = function (val) {
21411          return val.replace(/%(\w+)/g, '');
21412        };
21413        if (typeof format === 'string') {
21414          format = editor.formatter.get(format);
21415          if (!format) {
21416            return;
21417          }
21418          format = format[0];
21419        }
21420        if ('preview' in format) {
21421          var previewOpt = get$9(format, 'preview');
21422          if (is$1(previewOpt, false)) {
21423            return '';
21424          } else {
21425            previewStyles = previewOpt.getOr(previewStyles);
21426          }
21427        }
21428        name = format.block || format.inline || 'span';
21429        var items = parseSelector(format.selector);
21430        if (items.length) {
21431          if (!items[0].name) {
21432            items[0].name = name;
21433          }
21434          name = format.selector;
21435          previewFrag = parsedSelectorToHtml(items, editor);
21436        } else {
21437          previewFrag = parsedSelectorToHtml([name], editor);
21438        }
21439        var previewElm = dom.select(name, previewFrag)[0] || previewFrag.firstChild;
21440        each$5(format.styles, function (value, name) {
21441          var newValue = removeVars(value);
21442          if (newValue) {
21443            dom.setStyle(previewElm, name, newValue);
21444          }
21445        });
21446        each$5(format.attributes, function (value, name) {
21447          var newValue = removeVars(value);
21448          if (newValue) {
21449            dom.setAttrib(previewElm, name, newValue);
21450          }
21451        });
21452        each$5(format.classes, function (value) {
21453          var newValue = removeVars(value);
21454          if (!dom.hasClass(previewElm, newValue)) {
21455            dom.addClass(previewElm, newValue);
21456          }
21457        });
21458        editor.fire('PreviewFormats');
21459        dom.setStyles(previewFrag, {
21460          position: 'absolute',
21461          left: -65535
21462        });
21463        editor.getBody().appendChild(previewFrag);
21464        parentFontSize = dom.getStyle(editor.getBody(), 'fontSize', true);
21465        parentFontSize = /px$/.test(parentFontSize) ? parseInt(parentFontSize, 10) : 0;
21466        each$5(previewStyles.split(' '), function (name) {
21467          var value = dom.getStyle(previewElm, name, true);
21468          if (name === 'background-color' && /transparent|rgba\s*\([^)]+,\s*0\)/.test(value)) {
21469            value = dom.getStyle(editor.getBody(), name, true);
21470            if (dom.toHex(value).toLowerCase() === '#ffffff') {
21471              return;
21472            }
21473          }
21474          if (name === 'color') {
21475            if (dom.toHex(value).toLowerCase() === '#000000') {
21476              return;
21477            }
21478          }
21479          if (name === 'font-size') {
21480            if (/em|%$/.test(value)) {
21481              if (parentFontSize === 0) {
21482                return;
21483              }
21484              var numValue = parseFloat(value) / (/%$/.test(value) ? 100 : 1);
21485              value = numValue * parentFontSize + 'px';
21486            }
21487          }
21488          if (name === 'border' && value) {
21489            previewCss += 'padding:0 2px;';
21490          }
21491          previewCss += name + ':' + value + ';';
21492        });
21493        editor.fire('AfterPreviewFormats');
21494        dom.remove(previewFrag);
21495        return previewCss;
21496      };
21498      var setup$h = function (editor) {
21499        editor.addShortcut('meta+b', '', 'Bold');
21500        editor.addShortcut('meta+i', '', 'Italic');
21501        editor.addShortcut('meta+u', '', 'Underline');
21502        for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
21503          editor.addShortcut('access+' + i, '', [
21504            'FormatBlock',
21505            false,
21506            'h' + i
21507          ]);
21508        }
21509        editor.addShortcut('access+7', '', [
21510          'FormatBlock',
21511          false,
21512          'p'
21513        ]);
21514        editor.addShortcut('access+8', '', [
21515          'FormatBlock',
21516          false,
21517          'div'
21518        ]);
21519        editor.addShortcut('access+9', '', [
21520          'FormatBlock',
21521          false,
21522          'address'
21523        ]);
21524      };
21526      var Formatter = function (editor) {
21527        var formats = FormatRegistry(editor);
21528        var formatChangeState = Cell(null);
21529        setup$h(editor);
21530        setup$k(editor);
21531        return {
21532          get: formats.get,
21533          has: formats.has,
21534          register: formats.register,
21535          unregister: formats.unregister,
21536          apply: function (name, vars, node) {
21537            applyFormat(editor, name, vars, node);
21538          },
21539          remove: function (name, vars, node, similar) {
21540            removeFormat(editor, name, vars, node, similar);
21541          },
21542          toggle: function (name, vars, node) {
21543            toggleFormat(editor, name, vars, node);
21544          },
21545          match: function (name, vars, node, similar) {
21546            return matchFormat(editor, name, vars, node, similar);
21547          },
21548          closest: function (names) {
21549            return closestFormat(editor, names);
21550          },
21551          matchAll: function (names, vars) {
21552            return matchAllFormats(editor, names, vars);
21553          },
21554          matchNode: function (node, name, vars, similar) {
21555            return matchNodeFormat(editor, node, name, vars, similar);
21556          },
21557          canApply: function (name) {
21558            return canApplyFormat(editor, name);
21559          },
21560          formatChanged: function (formats, callback, similar, vars) {
21561            return formatChanged(editor, formatChangeState, formats, callback, similar, vars);
21562          },
21563          getCssText: curry(getCssText, editor)
21564        };
21565      };
21567      var shouldIgnoreCommand = function (cmd) {
21568        switch (cmd.toLowerCase()) {
21569        case 'undo':
21570        case 'redo':
21571        case 'mcerepaint':
21572        case 'mcefocus':
21573          return true;
21574        default:
21575          return false;
21576        }
21577      };
21578      var registerEvents = function (editor, undoManager, locks) {
21579        var isFirstTypedCharacter = Cell(false);
21580        var addNonTypingUndoLevel = function (e) {
21581          setTyping(undoManager, false, locks);
21582          undoManager.add({}, e);
21583        };
21584        editor.on('init', function () {
21585          undoManager.add();
21586        });
21587        editor.on('BeforeExecCommand', function (e) {
21588          var cmd = e.command;
21589          if (!shouldIgnoreCommand(cmd)) {
21590            endTyping(undoManager, locks);
21591            undoManager.beforeChange();
21592          }
21593        });
21594        editor.on('ExecCommand', function (e) {
21595          var cmd = e.command;
21596          if (!shouldIgnoreCommand(cmd)) {
21597            addNonTypingUndoLevel(e);
21598          }
21599        });
21600        editor.on('ObjectResizeStart cut', function () {
21601          undoManager.beforeChange();
21602        });
21603        editor.on('SaveContent ObjectResized blur', addNonTypingUndoLevel);
21604        editor.on('dragend', addNonTypingUndoLevel);
21605        editor.on('keyup', function (e) {
21606          var keyCode = e.keyCode;
21607          if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
21608            return;
21609          }
21610          if (keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 36 || keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40 || keyCode === 45 || e.ctrlKey) {
21611            addNonTypingUndoLevel();
21612            editor.nodeChanged();
21613          }
21614          if (keyCode === 46 || keyCode === 8) {
21615            editor.nodeChanged();
21616          }
21617          if (isFirstTypedCharacter.get() && undoManager.typing && isEq$1(createFromEditor(editor), undoManager.data[0]) === false) {
21618            if (editor.isDirty() === false) {
21619              editor.setDirty(true);
21620              editor.fire('change', {
21621                level: undoManager.data[0],
21622                lastLevel: null
21623              });
21624            }
21625            editor.fire('TypingUndo');
21626            isFirstTypedCharacter.set(false);
21627            editor.nodeChanged();
21628          }
21629        });
21630        editor.on('keydown', function (e) {
21631          var keyCode = e.keyCode;
21632          if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
21633            return;
21634          }
21635          if (keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 36 || keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40 || keyCode === 45) {
21636            if (undoManager.typing) {
21637              addNonTypingUndoLevel(e);
21638            }
21639            return;
21640          }
21641          var modKey = e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey || e.metaKey;
21642          if ((keyCode < 16 || keyCode > 20) && keyCode !== 224 && keyCode !== 91 && !undoManager.typing && !modKey) {
21643            undoManager.beforeChange();
21644            setTyping(undoManager, true, locks);
21645            undoManager.add({}, e);
21646            isFirstTypedCharacter.set(true);
21647          }
21648        });
21649        editor.on('mousedown', function (e) {
21650          if (undoManager.typing) {
21651            addNonTypingUndoLevel(e);
21652          }
21653        });
21654        var isInsertReplacementText = function (event) {
21655          return event.inputType === 'insertReplacementText';
21656        };
21657        var isInsertTextDataNull = function (event) {
21658          return event.inputType === 'insertText' && event.data === null;
21659        };
21660        var isInsertFromPasteOrDrop = function (event) {
21661          return event.inputType === 'insertFromPaste' || event.inputType === 'insertFromDrop';
21662        };
21663        editor.on('input', function (e) {
21664          if (e.inputType && (isInsertReplacementText(e) || isInsertTextDataNull(e) || isInsertFromPasteOrDrop(e))) {
21665            addNonTypingUndoLevel(e);
21666          }
21667        });
21668        editor.on('AddUndo Undo Redo ClearUndos', function (e) {
21669          if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
21670            editor.nodeChanged();
21671          }
21672        });
21673      };
21674      var addKeyboardShortcuts = function (editor) {
21675        editor.addShortcut('meta+z', '', 'Undo');
21676        editor.addShortcut('meta+y,meta+shift+z', '', 'Redo');
21677      };
21679      var UndoManager = function (editor) {
21680        var beforeBookmark = value();
21681        var locks = Cell(0);
21682        var index = Cell(0);
21683        var undoManager = {
21684          data: [],
21685          typing: false,
21686          beforeChange: function () {
21687            beforeChange(editor, locks, beforeBookmark);
21688          },
21689          add: function (level, event) {
21690            return addUndoLevel(editor, undoManager, index, locks, beforeBookmark, level, event);
21691          },
21692          undo: function () {
21693            return undo(editor, undoManager, locks, index);
21694          },
21695          redo: function () {
21696            return redo(editor, index, undoManager.data);
21697          },
21698          clear: function () {
21699            clear(editor, undoManager, index);
21700          },
21701          reset: function () {
21702            reset(editor, undoManager);
21703          },
21704          hasUndo: function () {
21705            return hasUndo(editor, undoManager, index);
21706          },
21707          hasRedo: function () {
21708            return hasRedo(editor, undoManager, index);
21709          },
21710          transact: function (callback) {
21711            return transact(editor, undoManager, locks, callback);
21712          },
21713          ignore: function (callback) {
21714            ignore(editor, locks, callback);
21715          },
21716          extra: function (callback1, callback2) {
21717            extra(editor, undoManager, index, callback1, callback2);
21718          }
21719        };
21720        if (!isRtc(editor)) {
21721          registerEvents(editor, undoManager, locks);
21722        }
21723        addKeyboardShortcuts(editor);
21724        return undoManager;
21725      };
21727      var nonTypingKeycodes = [
21728        9,
21729        27,
21730        VK.HOME,
21731        VK.END,
21732        19,
21733        20,
21734        44,
21735        144,
21736        145,
21737        33,
21738        34,
21739        45,
21740        16,
21741        17,
21742        18,
21743        91,
21744        92,
21745        93,
21746        VK.DOWN,
21747        VK.UP,
21748        VK.LEFT,
21749        VK.RIGHT
21750      ].concat(Env.browser.isFirefox() ? [224] : []);
21751      var placeholderAttr = 'data-mce-placeholder';
21752      var isKeyboardEvent = function (e) {
21753        return e.type === 'keydown' || e.type === 'keyup';
21754      };
21755      var isDeleteEvent = function (e) {
21756        var keyCode = e.keyCode;
21757        return keyCode === VK.BACKSPACE || keyCode === VK.DELETE;
21758      };
21759      var isNonTypingKeyboardEvent = function (e) {
21760        if (isKeyboardEvent(e)) {
21761          var keyCode = e.keyCode;
21762          return !isDeleteEvent(e) && (VK.metaKeyPressed(e) || e.altKey || keyCode >= 112 && keyCode <= 123 || contains$3(nonTypingKeycodes, keyCode));
21763        } else {
21764          return false;
21765        }
21766      };
21767      var isTypingKeyboardEvent = function (e) {
21768        return isKeyboardEvent(e) && !(isDeleteEvent(e) || e.type === 'keyup' && e.keyCode === 229);
21769      };
21770      var isVisuallyEmpty = function (dom, rootElm, forcedRootBlock) {
21771        if (isEmpty$2(SugarElement.fromDom(rootElm), false)) {
21772          var isForcedRootBlockFalse = forcedRootBlock === '';
21773          var firstElement = rootElm.firstElementChild;
21774          if (!firstElement) {
21775            return true;
21776          } else if (dom.getStyle(rootElm.firstElementChild, 'padding-left') || dom.getStyle(rootElm.firstElementChild, 'padding-right')) {
21777            return false;
21778          } else {
21779            return isForcedRootBlockFalse ? !dom.isBlock(firstElement) : forcedRootBlock === firstElement.nodeName.toLowerCase();
21780          }
21781        } else {
21782          return false;
21783        }
21784      };
21785      var setup$g = function (editor) {
21786        var dom = editor.dom;
21787        var rootBlock = getForcedRootBlock(editor);
21788        var placeholder = getPlaceholder(editor);
21789        var updatePlaceholder = function (e, initial) {
21790          if (isNonTypingKeyboardEvent(e)) {
21791            return;
21792          }
21793          var body = editor.getBody();
21794          var showPlaceholder = isTypingKeyboardEvent(e) ? false : isVisuallyEmpty(dom, body, rootBlock);
21795          var isPlaceholderShown = dom.getAttrib(body, placeholderAttr) !== '';
21796          if (isPlaceholderShown !== showPlaceholder || initial) {
21797            dom.setAttrib(body, placeholderAttr, showPlaceholder ? placeholder : null);
21798            dom.setAttrib(body, 'aria-placeholder', showPlaceholder ? placeholder : null);
21799            firePlaceholderToggle(editor, showPlaceholder);
21800            editor.on(showPlaceholder ? 'keydown' : 'keyup', updatePlaceholder);
21801            editor.off(showPlaceholder ? 'keyup' : 'keydown', updatePlaceholder);
21802          }
21803        };
21804        if (placeholder) {
21805          editor.on('init', function (e) {
21806            updatePlaceholder(e, true);
21807            editor.on('change SetContent ExecCommand', updatePlaceholder);
21808            editor.on('paste', function (e) {
21809              return Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
21810                return updatePlaceholder(e);
21811              });
21812            });
21813          });
21814        }
21815      };
21817      var strongRtl = /[\u0591-\u07FF\uFB1D-\uFDFF\uFE70-\uFEFC]/;
21818      var hasStrongRtl = function (text) {
21819        return strongRtl.test(text);
21820      };
21822      var isInlineTarget = function (editor, elm) {
21823        return is$2(SugarElement.fromDom(elm), getInlineBoundarySelector(editor));
21824      };
21825      var isRtl = function (element) {
21826        return DOMUtils.DOM.getStyle(element, 'direction', true) === 'rtl' || hasStrongRtl(element.textContent);
21827      };
21828      var findInlineParents = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) {
21829        return filter$4(DOMUtils.DOM.getParents(pos.container(), '*', rootNode), isInlineTarget);
21830      };
21831      var findRootInline = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) {
21832        var parents = findInlineParents(isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos);
21833        return Optional.from(parents[parents.length - 1]);
21834      };
21835      var hasSameParentBlock = function (rootNode, node1, node2) {
21836        var block1 = getParentBlock$2(node1, rootNode);
21837        var block2 = getParentBlock$2(node2, rootNode);
21838        return block1 && block1 === block2;
21839      };
21840      var isAtZwsp = function (pos) {
21841        return isBeforeInline(pos) || isAfterInline(pos);
21842      };
21843      var normalizePosition = function (forward, pos) {
21844        if (!pos) {
21845          return pos;
21846        }
21847        var container = pos.container(), offset = pos.offset();
21848        if (forward) {
21849          if (isCaretContainerInline(container)) {
21850            if (isText$7(container.nextSibling)) {
21851              return CaretPosition(container.nextSibling, 0);
21852            } else {
21853              return CaretPosition.after(container);
21854            }
21855          } else {
21856            return isBeforeInline(pos) ? CaretPosition(container, offset + 1) : pos;
21857          }
21858        } else {
21859          if (isCaretContainerInline(container)) {
21860            if (isText$7(container.previousSibling)) {
21861              return CaretPosition(container.previousSibling, container.previousSibling.data.length);
21862            } else {
21863              return CaretPosition.before(container);
21864            }
21865          } else {
21866            return isAfterInline(pos) ? CaretPosition(container, offset - 1) : pos;
21867          }
21868        }
21869      };
21870      var normalizeForwards = curry(normalizePosition, true);
21871      var normalizeBackwards = curry(normalizePosition, false);
21873      var isBeforeRoot = function (rootNode) {
21874        return function (elm) {
21875          return eq(rootNode, SugarElement.fromDom(elm.dom.parentNode));
21876        };
21877      };
21878      var isTextBlockOrListItem = function (element) {
21879        return isTextBlock$2(element) || isListItem(element);
21880      };
21881      var getParentBlock$1 = function (rootNode, elm) {
21882        if (contains$1(rootNode, elm)) {
21883          return closest$3(elm, isTextBlockOrListItem, isBeforeRoot(rootNode));
21884        } else {
21885          return Optional.none();
21886        }
21887      };
21888      var placeCaretInEmptyBody = function (editor) {
21889        var body = editor.getBody();
21890        var node = body.firstChild && editor.dom.isBlock(body.firstChild) ? body.firstChild : body;
21891        editor.selection.setCursorLocation(node, 0);
21892      };
21893      var paddEmptyBody = function (editor) {
21894        if (editor.dom.isEmpty(editor.getBody())) {
21895          editor.setContent('');
21896          placeCaretInEmptyBody(editor);
21897        }
21898      };
21899      var willDeleteLastPositionInElement = function (forward, fromPos, elm) {
21900        return lift2(firstPositionIn(elm), lastPositionIn(elm), function (firstPos, lastPos) {
21901          var normalizedFirstPos = normalizePosition(true, firstPos);
21902          var normalizedLastPos = normalizePosition(false, lastPos);
21903          var normalizedFromPos = normalizePosition(false, fromPos);
21904          if (forward) {
21905            return nextPosition(elm, normalizedFromPos).exists(function (nextPos) {
21906              return nextPos.isEqual(normalizedLastPos) && fromPos.isEqual(normalizedFirstPos);
21907            });
21908          } else {
21909            return prevPosition(elm, normalizedFromPos).exists(function (prevPos) {
21910              return prevPos.isEqual(normalizedFirstPos) && fromPos.isEqual(normalizedLastPos);
21911            });
21912          }
21913        }).getOr(true);
21914      };
21916      var blockPosition = function (block, position) {
21917        return {
21918          block: block,
21919          position: position
21920        };
21921      };
21922      var blockBoundary = function (from, to) {
21923        return {
21924          from: from,
21925          to: to
21926        };
21927      };
21928      var getBlockPosition = function (rootNode, pos) {
21929        var rootElm = SugarElement.fromDom(rootNode);
21930        var containerElm = SugarElement.fromDom(pos.container());
21931        return getParentBlock$1(rootElm, containerElm).map(function (block) {
21932          return blockPosition(block, pos);
21933        });
21934      };
21935      var isDifferentBlocks = function (blockBoundary) {
21936        return eq(blockBoundary.from.block, blockBoundary.to.block) === false;
21937      };
21938      var hasSameParent = function (blockBoundary) {
21939        return parent(blockBoundary.from.block).bind(function (parent1) {
21940          return parent(blockBoundary.to.block).filter(function (parent2) {
21941            return eq(parent1, parent2);
21942          });
21943        }).isSome();
21944      };
21945      var isEditable$1 = function (blockBoundary) {
21946        return isContentEditableFalse$b(blockBoundary.from.block.dom) === false && isContentEditableFalse$b(blockBoundary.to.block.dom) === false;
21947      };
21948      var skipLastBr = function (rootNode, forward, blockPosition) {
21949        if (isBr$5(blockPosition.position.getNode()) && isEmpty$2(blockPosition.block) === false) {
21950          return positionIn(false, blockPosition.block.dom).bind(function (lastPositionInBlock) {
21951            if (lastPositionInBlock.isEqual(blockPosition.position)) {
21952              return fromPosition(forward, rootNode, lastPositionInBlock).bind(function (to) {
21953                return getBlockPosition(rootNode, to);
21954              });
21955            } else {
21956              return Optional.some(blockPosition);
21957            }
21958          }).getOr(blockPosition);
21959        } else {
21960          return blockPosition;
21961        }
21962      };
21963      var readFromRange = function (rootNode, forward, rng) {
21964        var fromBlockPos = getBlockPosition(rootNode, CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng));
21965        var toBlockPos = fromBlockPos.bind(function (blockPos) {
21966          return fromPosition(forward, rootNode, blockPos.position).bind(function (to) {
21967            return getBlockPosition(rootNode, to).map(function (blockPos) {
21968              return skipLastBr(rootNode, forward, blockPos);
21969            });
21970          });
21971        });
21972        return lift2(fromBlockPos, toBlockPos, blockBoundary).filter(function (blockBoundary) {
21973          return isDifferentBlocks(blockBoundary) && hasSameParent(blockBoundary) && isEditable$1(blockBoundary);
21974        });
21975      };
21976      var read$1 = function (rootNode, forward, rng) {
21977        return rng.collapsed ? readFromRange(rootNode, forward, rng) : Optional.none();
21978      };
21980      var getChildrenUntilBlockBoundary = function (block) {
21981        var children$1 = children(block);
21982        return findIndex$2(children$1, isBlock$2).fold(constant(children$1), function (index) {
21983          return children$1.slice(0, index);
21984        });
21985      };
21986      var extractChildren = function (block) {
21987        var children = getChildrenUntilBlockBoundary(block);
21988        each$k(children, remove$7);
21989        return children;
21990      };
21991      var removeEmptyRoot = function (rootNode, block) {
21992        var parents = parentsAndSelf(block, rootNode);
21993        return find$3(parents.reverse(), function (element) {
21994          return isEmpty$2(element);
21995        }).each(remove$7);
21996      };
21997      var isEmptyBefore = function (el) {
21998        return filter$4(prevSiblings(el), function (el) {
21999          return !isEmpty$2(el);
22000        }).length === 0;
22001      };
22002      var nestedBlockMerge = function (rootNode, fromBlock, toBlock, insertionPoint) {
22003        if (isEmpty$2(toBlock)) {
22004          fillWithPaddingBr(toBlock);
22005          return firstPositionIn(toBlock.dom);
22006        }
22007        if (isEmptyBefore(insertionPoint) && isEmpty$2(fromBlock)) {
22008          before$4(insertionPoint, SugarElement.fromTag('br'));
22009        }
22010        var position = prevPosition(toBlock.dom, CaretPosition.before(insertionPoint.dom));
22011        each$k(extractChildren(fromBlock), function (child) {
22012          before$4(insertionPoint, child);
22013        });
22014        removeEmptyRoot(rootNode, fromBlock);
22015        return position;
22016      };
22017      var sidelongBlockMerge = function (rootNode, fromBlock, toBlock) {
22018        if (isEmpty$2(toBlock)) {
22019          remove$7(toBlock);
22020          if (isEmpty$2(fromBlock)) {
22021            fillWithPaddingBr(fromBlock);
22022          }
22023          return firstPositionIn(fromBlock.dom);
22024        }
22025        var position = lastPositionIn(toBlock.dom);
22026        each$k(extractChildren(fromBlock), function (child) {
22027          append$1(toBlock, child);
22028        });
22029        removeEmptyRoot(rootNode, fromBlock);
22030        return position;
22031      };
22032      var findInsertionPoint = function (toBlock, block) {
22033        var parentsAndSelf$1 = parentsAndSelf(block, toBlock);
22034        return Optional.from(parentsAndSelf$1[parentsAndSelf$1.length - 1]);
22035      };
22036      var getInsertionPoint = function (fromBlock, toBlock) {
22037        return contains$1(toBlock, fromBlock) ? findInsertionPoint(toBlock, fromBlock) : Optional.none();
22038      };
22039      var trimBr = function (first, block) {
22040        positionIn(first, block.dom).map(function (position) {
22041          return position.getNode();
22042        }).map(SugarElement.fromDom).filter(isBr$4).each(remove$7);
22043      };
22044      var mergeBlockInto = function (rootNode, fromBlock, toBlock) {
22045        trimBr(true, fromBlock);
22046        trimBr(false, toBlock);
22047        return getInsertionPoint(fromBlock, toBlock).fold(curry(sidelongBlockMerge, rootNode, fromBlock, toBlock), curry(nestedBlockMerge, rootNode, fromBlock, toBlock));
22048      };
22049      var mergeBlocks = function (rootNode, forward, block1, block2) {
22050        return forward ? mergeBlockInto(rootNode, block2, block1) : mergeBlockInto(rootNode, block1, block2);
22051      };
22053      var backspaceDelete$8 = function (editor, forward) {
22054        var rootNode = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
22055        var position = read$1(rootNode.dom, forward, editor.selection.getRng()).bind(function (blockBoundary) {
22056          return mergeBlocks(rootNode, forward, blockBoundary.from.block, blockBoundary.to.block);
22057        });
22058        position.each(function (pos) {
22059          editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange());
22060        });
22061        return position.isSome();
22062      };
22064      var deleteRangeMergeBlocks = function (rootNode, selection) {
22065        var rng = selection.getRng();
22066        return lift2(getParentBlock$1(rootNode, SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer)), getParentBlock$1(rootNode, SugarElement.fromDom(rng.endContainer)), function (block1, block2) {
22067          if (eq(block1, block2) === false) {
22068            rng.deleteContents();
22069            mergeBlocks(rootNode, true, block1, block2).each(function (pos) {
22070              selection.setRng(pos.toRange());
22071            });
22072            return true;
22073          } else {
22074            return false;
22075          }
22076        }).getOr(false);
22077      };
22078      var isRawNodeInTable = function (root, rawNode) {
22079        var node = SugarElement.fromDom(rawNode);
22080        var isRoot = curry(eq, root);
22081        return ancestor$3(node, isTableCell$4, isRoot).isSome();
22082      };
22083      var isSelectionInTable = function (root, rng) {
22084        return isRawNodeInTable(root, rng.startContainer) || isRawNodeInTable(root, rng.endContainer);
22085      };
22086      var isEverythingSelected = function (root, rng) {
22087        var noPrevious = prevPosition(root.dom, CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng)).isNone();
22088        var noNext = nextPosition(root.dom, CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd(rng)).isNone();
22089        return !isSelectionInTable(root, rng) && noPrevious && noNext;
22090      };
22091      var emptyEditor = function (editor) {
22092        editor.setContent('');
22093        editor.selection.setCursorLocation();
22094        return true;
22095      };
22096      var deleteRange$1 = function (editor) {
22097        var rootNode = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
22098        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
22099        return isEverythingSelected(rootNode, rng) ? emptyEditor(editor) : deleteRangeMergeBlocks(rootNode, editor.selection);
22100      };
22101      var backspaceDelete$7 = function (editor, _forward) {
22102        return editor.selection.isCollapsed() ? false : deleteRange$1(editor);
22103      };
22105      var isContentEditableTrue$2 = isContentEditableTrue$4;
22106      var isContentEditableFalse$4 = isContentEditableFalse$b;
22107      var showCaret = function (direction, editor, node, before, scrollIntoView) {
22108        return Optional.from(editor._selectionOverrides.showCaret(direction, node, before, scrollIntoView));
22109      };
22110      var getNodeRange = function (node) {
22111        var rng = node.ownerDocument.createRange();
22112        rng.selectNode(node);
22113        return rng;
22114      };
22115      var selectNode = function (editor, node) {
22116        var e = editor.fire('BeforeObjectSelected', { target: node });
22117        if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
22118          return Optional.none();
22119        }
22120        return Optional.some(getNodeRange(node));
22121      };
22122      var renderCaretAtRange = function (editor, range, scrollIntoView) {
22123        var normalizedRange = normalizeRange(1, editor.getBody(), range);
22124        var caretPosition = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(normalizedRange);
22125        var caretPositionNode = caretPosition.getNode();
22126        if (isInlineFakeCaretTarget(caretPositionNode)) {
22127          return showCaret(1, editor, caretPositionNode, !caretPosition.isAtEnd(), false);
22128        }
22129        var caretPositionBeforeNode = caretPosition.getNode(true);
22130        if (isInlineFakeCaretTarget(caretPositionBeforeNode)) {
22131          return showCaret(1, editor, caretPositionBeforeNode, false, false);
22132        }
22133        var ceRoot = editor.dom.getParent(caretPosition.getNode(), function (node) {
22134          return isContentEditableFalse$4(node) || isContentEditableTrue$2(node);
22135        });
22136        if (isInlineFakeCaretTarget(ceRoot)) {
22137          return showCaret(1, editor, ceRoot, false, scrollIntoView);
22138        }
22139        return Optional.none();
22140      };
22141      var renderRangeCaret = function (editor, range, scrollIntoView) {
22142        return range.collapsed ? renderCaretAtRange(editor, range, scrollIntoView).getOr(range) : range;
22143      };
22145      var isBeforeBoundary = function (pos) {
22146        return isBeforeContentEditableFalse(pos) || isBeforeMedia(pos);
22147      };
22148      var isAfterBoundary = function (pos) {
22149        return isAfterContentEditableFalse(pos) || isAfterMedia(pos);
22150      };
22151      var trimEmptyTextNode = function (dom, node) {
22152        if (isText$7(node) && node.data.length === 0) {
22153          dom.remove(node);
22154        }
22155      };
22156      var deleteContentAndShowCaret = function (editor, range, node, direction, forward, peekCaretPosition) {
22157        showCaret(direction, editor, peekCaretPosition.getNode(!forward), forward, true).each(function (caretRange) {
22158          if (range.collapsed) {
22159            var deleteRange = range.cloneRange();
22160            if (forward) {
22161              deleteRange.setEnd(caretRange.startContainer, caretRange.startOffset);
22162            } else {
22163              deleteRange.setStart(caretRange.endContainer, caretRange.endOffset);
22164            }
22165            deleteRange.deleteContents();
22166          } else {
22167            range.deleteContents();
22168          }
22169          editor.selection.setRng(caretRange);
22170        });
22171        trimEmptyTextNode(editor.dom, node);
22172        return true;
22173      };
22174      var deleteBoundaryText = function (editor, forward) {
22175        var range = editor.selection.getRng();
22176        if (!isText$7(range.commonAncestorContainer)) {
22177          return false;
22178        }
22179        var direction = forward ? HDirection.Forwards : HDirection.Backwards;
22180        var caretWalker = CaretWalker(editor.getBody());
22181        var getNextPosFn = curry(getVisualCaretPosition, forward ? caretWalker.next : caretWalker.prev);
22182        var isBeforeFn = forward ? isBeforeBoundary : isAfterBoundary;
22183        var caretPosition = getNormalizedRangeEndPoint(direction, editor.getBody(), range);
22184        var nextCaretPosition = normalizePosition(forward, getNextPosFn(caretPosition));
22185        if (!nextCaretPosition || !isMoveInsideSameBlock(caretPosition, nextCaretPosition)) {
22186          return false;
22187        } else if (isBeforeFn(nextCaretPosition)) {
22188          return deleteContentAndShowCaret(editor, range, caretPosition.getNode(), direction, forward, nextCaretPosition);
22189        }
22190        var peekCaretPosition = getNextPosFn(nextCaretPosition);
22191        if (peekCaretPosition && isBeforeFn(peekCaretPosition)) {
22192          if (isMoveInsideSameBlock(nextCaretPosition, peekCaretPosition)) {
22193            return deleteContentAndShowCaret(editor, range, caretPosition.getNode(), direction, forward, peekCaretPosition);
22194          }
22195        }
22196        return false;
22197      };
22198      var backspaceDelete$6 = function (editor, forward) {
22199        return deleteBoundaryText(editor, forward);
22200      };
22202      var isCompoundElement = function (node) {
22203        return isTableCell$4(SugarElement.fromDom(node)) || isListItem(SugarElement.fromDom(node));
22204      };
22205      var DeleteAction = Adt.generate([
22206        { remove: ['element'] },
22207        { moveToElement: ['element'] },
22208        { moveToPosition: ['position'] }
22209      ]);
22210      var isAtContentEditableBlockCaret = function (forward, from) {
22211        var elm = from.getNode(forward === false);
22212        var caretLocation = forward ? 'after' : 'before';
22213        return isElement$5(elm) && elm.getAttribute('data-mce-caret') === caretLocation;
22214      };
22215      var isDeleteFromCefDifferentBlocks = function (root, forward, from, to) {
22216        var inSameBlock = function (elm) {
22217          return isInline$1(SugarElement.fromDom(elm)) && !isInSameBlock(from, to, root);
22218        };
22219        return getRelativeCefElm(!forward, from).fold(function () {
22220          return getRelativeCefElm(forward, to).fold(never, inSameBlock);
22221        }, inSameBlock);
22222      };
22223      var deleteEmptyBlockOrMoveToCef = function (root, forward, from, to) {
22224        var toCefElm = to.getNode(forward === false);
22225        return getParentBlock$1(SugarElement.fromDom(root), SugarElement.fromDom(from.getNode())).map(function (blockElm) {
22226          return isEmpty$2(blockElm) ? DeleteAction.remove(blockElm.dom) : DeleteAction.moveToElement(toCefElm);
22227        }).orThunk(function () {
22228          return Optional.some(DeleteAction.moveToElement(toCefElm));
22229        });
22230      };
22231      var findCefPosition = function (root, forward, from) {
22232        return fromPosition(forward, root, from).bind(function (to) {
22233          if (isCompoundElement(to.getNode())) {
22234            return Optional.none();
22235          } else if (isDeleteFromCefDifferentBlocks(root, forward, from, to)) {
22236            return Optional.none();
22237          } else if (forward && isContentEditableFalse$b(to.getNode())) {
22238            return deleteEmptyBlockOrMoveToCef(root, forward, from, to);
22239          } else if (forward === false && isContentEditableFalse$b(to.getNode(true))) {
22240            return deleteEmptyBlockOrMoveToCef(root, forward, from, to);
22241          } else if (forward && isAfterContentEditableFalse(from)) {
22242            return Optional.some(DeleteAction.moveToPosition(to));
22243          } else if (forward === false && isBeforeContentEditableFalse(from)) {
22244            return Optional.some(DeleteAction.moveToPosition(to));
22245          } else {
22246            return Optional.none();
22247          }
22248        });
22249      };
22250      var getContentEditableBlockAction = function (forward, elm) {
22251        if (forward && isContentEditableFalse$b(elm.nextSibling)) {
22252          return Optional.some(DeleteAction.moveToElement(elm.nextSibling));
22253        } else if (forward === false && isContentEditableFalse$b(elm.previousSibling)) {
22254          return Optional.some(DeleteAction.moveToElement(elm.previousSibling));
22255        } else {
22256          return Optional.none();
22257        }
22258      };
22259      var skipMoveToActionFromInlineCefToContent = function (root, from, deleteAction) {
22260        return deleteAction.fold(function (elm) {
22261          return Optional.some(DeleteAction.remove(elm));
22262        }, function (elm) {
22263          return Optional.some(DeleteAction.moveToElement(elm));
22264        }, function (to) {
22265          if (isInSameBlock(from, to, root)) {
22266            return Optional.none();
22267          } else {
22268            return Optional.some(DeleteAction.moveToPosition(to));
22269          }
22270        });
22271      };
22272      var getContentEditableAction = function (root, forward, from) {
22273        if (isAtContentEditableBlockCaret(forward, from)) {
22274          return getContentEditableBlockAction(forward, from.getNode(forward === false)).fold(function () {
22275            return findCefPosition(root, forward, from);
22276          }, Optional.some);
22277        } else {
22278          return findCefPosition(root, forward, from).bind(function (deleteAction) {
22279            return skipMoveToActionFromInlineCefToContent(root, from, deleteAction);
22280          });
22281        }
22282      };
22283      var read = function (root, forward, rng) {
22284        var normalizedRange = normalizeRange(forward ? 1 : -1, root, rng);
22285        var from = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(normalizedRange);
22286        var rootElement = SugarElement.fromDom(root);
22287        if (forward === false && isAfterContentEditableFalse(from)) {
22288          return Optional.some(DeleteAction.remove(from.getNode(true)));
22289        } else if (forward && isBeforeContentEditableFalse(from)) {
22290          return Optional.some(DeleteAction.remove(from.getNode()));
22291        } else if (forward === false && isBeforeContentEditableFalse(from) && isAfterBr(rootElement, from)) {
22292          return findPreviousBr(rootElement, from).map(function (br) {
22293            return DeleteAction.remove(br.getNode());
22294          });
22295        } else if (forward && isAfterContentEditableFalse(from) && isBeforeBr$1(rootElement, from)) {
22296          return findNextBr(rootElement, from).map(function (br) {
22297            return DeleteAction.remove(br.getNode());
22298          });
22299        } else {
22300          return getContentEditableAction(root, forward, from);
22301        }
22302      };
22304      var deleteElement$1 = function (editor, forward) {
22305        return function (element) {
22306          editor._selectionOverrides.hideFakeCaret();
22307          deleteElement$2(editor, forward, SugarElement.fromDom(element));
22308          return true;
22309        };
22310      };
22311      var moveToElement = function (editor, forward) {
22312        return function (element) {
22313          var pos = forward ? CaretPosition.before(element) : CaretPosition.after(element);
22314          editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange());
22315          return true;
22316        };
22317      };
22318      var moveToPosition = function (editor) {
22319        return function (pos) {
22320          editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange());
22321          return true;
22322        };
22323      };
22324      var getAncestorCe = function (editor, node) {
22325        return Optional.from(getContentEditableRoot$1(editor.getBody(), node));
22326      };
22327      var backspaceDeleteCaret = function (editor, forward) {
22328        var selectedNode = editor.selection.getNode();
22329        return getAncestorCe(editor, selectedNode).filter(isContentEditableFalse$b).fold(function () {
22330          return read(editor.getBody(), forward, editor.selection.getRng()).exists(function (deleteAction) {
22331            return deleteAction.fold(deleteElement$1(editor, forward), moveToElement(editor, forward), moveToPosition(editor));
22332          });
22333        }, always);
22334      };
22335      var deleteOffscreenSelection = function (rootElement) {
22336        each$k(descendants(rootElement, '.mce-offscreen-selection'), remove$7);
22337      };
22338      var backspaceDeleteRange = function (editor, forward) {
22339        var selectedNode = editor.selection.getNode();
22340        if (isContentEditableFalse$b(selectedNode) && !isTableCell$5(selectedNode)) {
22341          var hasCefAncestor = getAncestorCe(editor, selectedNode.parentNode).filter(isContentEditableFalse$b);
22342          return hasCefAncestor.fold(function () {
22343            deleteOffscreenSelection(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()));
22344            deleteElement$2(editor, forward, SugarElement.fromDom(editor.selection.getNode()));
22345            paddEmptyBody(editor);
22346            return true;
22347          }, always);
22348        }
22349        return false;
22350      };
22351      var paddEmptyElement = function (editor) {
22352        var dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection;
22353        var ceRoot = getContentEditableRoot$1(editor.getBody(), selection.getNode());
22354        if (isContentEditableTrue$4(ceRoot) && dom.isBlock(ceRoot) && dom.isEmpty(ceRoot)) {
22355          var br = dom.create('br', { 'data-mce-bogus': '1' });
22356          dom.setHTML(ceRoot, '');
22357          ceRoot.appendChild(br);
22358          selection.setRng(CaretPosition.before(br).toRange());
22359        }
22360        return true;
22361      };
22362      var backspaceDelete$5 = function (editor, forward) {
22363        if (editor.selection.isCollapsed()) {
22364          return backspaceDeleteCaret(editor, forward);
22365        } else {
22366          return backspaceDeleteRange(editor, forward);
22367        }
22368      };
22370      var deleteCaret$2 = function (editor, forward) {
22371        var fromPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
22372        return fromPosition(forward, editor.getBody(), fromPos).filter(function (pos) {
22373          return forward ? isBeforeImageBlock(pos) : isAfterImageBlock(pos);
22374        }).bind(function (pos) {
22375          return Optional.from(getChildNodeAtRelativeOffset(forward ? 0 : -1, pos));
22376        }).exists(function (elm) {
22377          editor.selection.select(elm);
22378          return true;
22379        });
22380      };
22381      var backspaceDelete$4 = function (editor, forward) {
22382        return editor.selection.isCollapsed() ? deleteCaret$2(editor, forward) : false;
22383      };
22385      var isText = isText$7;
22386      var startsWithCaretContainer = function (node) {
22387        return isText(node) && node.data[0] === ZWSP$1;
22388      };
22389      var endsWithCaretContainer = function (node) {
22390        return isText(node) && node.data[node.data.length - 1] === ZWSP$1;
22391      };
22392      var createZwsp = function (node) {
22393        return node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(ZWSP$1);
22394      };
22395      var insertBefore = function (node) {
22396        if (isText(node.previousSibling)) {
22397          if (endsWithCaretContainer(node.previousSibling)) {
22398            return node.previousSibling;
22399          } else {
22400            node.previousSibling.appendData(ZWSP$1);
22401            return node.previousSibling;
22402          }
22403        } else if (isText(node)) {
22404          if (startsWithCaretContainer(node)) {
22405            return node;
22406          } else {
22407            node.insertData(0, ZWSP$1);
22408            return node;
22409          }
22410        } else {
22411          var newNode = createZwsp(node);
22412          node.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, node);
22413          return newNode;
22414        }
22415      };
22416      var insertAfter = function (node) {
22417        if (isText(node.nextSibling)) {
22418          if (startsWithCaretContainer(node.nextSibling)) {
22419            return node.nextSibling;
22420          } else {
22421            node.nextSibling.insertData(0, ZWSP$1);
22422            return node.nextSibling;
22423          }
22424        } else if (isText(node)) {
22425          if (endsWithCaretContainer(node)) {
22426            return node;
22427          } else {
22428            node.appendData(ZWSP$1);
22429            return node;
22430          }
22431        } else {
22432          var newNode = createZwsp(node);
22433          if (node.nextSibling) {
22434            node.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, node.nextSibling);
22435          } else {
22436            node.parentNode.appendChild(newNode);
22437          }
22438          return newNode;
22439        }
22440      };
22441      var insertInline = function (before, node) {
22442        return before ? insertBefore(node) : insertAfter(node);
22443      };
22444      var insertInlineBefore = curry(insertInline, true);
22445      var insertInlineAfter = curry(insertInline, false);
22447      var insertInlinePos = function (pos, before) {
22448        if (isText$7(pos.container())) {
22449          return insertInline(before, pos.container());
22450        } else {
22451          return insertInline(before, pos.getNode());
22452        }
22453      };
22454      var isPosCaretContainer = function (pos, caret) {
22455        var caretNode = caret.get();
22456        return caretNode && pos.container() === caretNode && isCaretContainerInline(caretNode);
22457      };
22458      var renderCaret = function (caret, location) {
22459        return location.fold(function (element) {
22460          remove$2(caret.get());
22461          var text = insertInlineBefore(element);
22462          caret.set(text);
22463          return Optional.some(CaretPosition(text, text.length - 1));
22464        }, function (element) {
22465          return firstPositionIn(element).map(function (pos) {
22466            if (!isPosCaretContainer(pos, caret)) {
22467              remove$2(caret.get());
22468              var text = insertInlinePos(pos, true);
22469              caret.set(text);
22470              return CaretPosition(text, 1);
22471            } else {
22472              return CaretPosition(caret.get(), 1);
22473            }
22474          });
22475        }, function (element) {
22476          return lastPositionIn(element).map(function (pos) {
22477            if (!isPosCaretContainer(pos, caret)) {
22478              remove$2(caret.get());
22479              var text = insertInlinePos(pos, false);
22480              caret.set(text);
22481              return CaretPosition(text, text.length - 1);
22482            } else {
22483              return CaretPosition(caret.get(), caret.get().length - 1);
22484            }
22485          });
22486        }, function (element) {
22487          remove$2(caret.get());
22488          var text = insertInlineAfter(element);
22489          caret.set(text);
22490          return Optional.some(CaretPosition(text, 1));
22491        });
22492      };
22494      var evaluateUntil = function (fns, args) {
22495        for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) {
22496          var result = fns[i].apply(null, args);
22497          if (result.isSome()) {
22498            return result;
22499          }
22500        }
22501        return Optional.none();
22502      };
22504      var Location = Adt.generate([
22505        { before: ['element'] },
22506        { start: ['element'] },
22507        { end: ['element'] },
22508        { after: ['element'] }
22509      ]);
22510      var rescope$1 = function (rootNode, node) {
22511        var parentBlock = getParentBlock$2(node, rootNode);
22512        return parentBlock ? parentBlock : rootNode;
22513      };
22514      var before = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) {
22515        var nPos = normalizeForwards(pos);
22516        var scope = rescope$1(rootNode, nPos.container());
22517        return findRootInline(isInlineTarget, scope, nPos).fold(function () {
22518          return nextPosition(scope, nPos).bind(curry(findRootInline, isInlineTarget, scope)).map(function (inline) {
22519            return Location.before(inline);
22520          });
22521        }, Optional.none);
22522      };
22523      var isNotInsideFormatCaretContainer = function (rootNode, elm) {
22524        return getParentCaretContainer(rootNode, elm) === null;
22525      };
22526      var findInsideRootInline = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) {
22527        return findRootInline(isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos).filter(curry(isNotInsideFormatCaretContainer, rootNode));
22528      };
22529      var start$1 = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) {
22530        var nPos = normalizeBackwards(pos);
22531        return findInsideRootInline(isInlineTarget, rootNode, nPos).bind(function (inline) {
22532          var prevPos = prevPosition(inline, nPos);
22533          return prevPos.isNone() ? Optional.some(Location.start(inline)) : Optional.none();
22534        });
22535      };
22536      var end = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) {
22537        var nPos = normalizeForwards(pos);
22538        return findInsideRootInline(isInlineTarget, rootNode, nPos).bind(function (inline) {
22539          var nextPos = nextPosition(inline, nPos);
22540          return nextPos.isNone() ? Optional.some(Location.end(inline)) : Optional.none();
22541        });
22542      };
22543      var after = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) {
22544        var nPos = normalizeBackwards(pos);
22545        var scope = rescope$1(rootNode, nPos.container());
22546        return findRootInline(isInlineTarget, scope, nPos).fold(function () {
22547          return prevPosition(scope, nPos).bind(curry(findRootInline, isInlineTarget, scope)).map(function (inline) {
22548            return Location.after(inline);
22549          });
22550        }, Optional.none);
22551      };
22552      var isValidLocation = function (location) {
22553        return isRtl(getElement(location)) === false;
22554      };
22555      var readLocation = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) {
22556        var location = evaluateUntil([
22557          before,
22558          start$1,
22559          end,
22560          after
22561        ], [
22562          isInlineTarget,
22563          rootNode,
22564          pos
22565        ]);
22566        return location.filter(isValidLocation);
22567      };
22568      var getElement = function (location) {
22569        return location.fold(identity, identity, identity, identity);
22570      };
22571      var getName = function (location) {
22572        return location.fold(constant('before'), constant('start'), constant('end'), constant('after'));
22573      };
22574      var outside = function (location) {
22575        return location.fold(Location.before, Location.before, Location.after, Location.after);
22576      };
22577      var inside = function (location) {
22578        return location.fold(Location.start, Location.start, Location.end, Location.end);
22579      };
22580      var isEq = function (location1, location2) {
22581        return getName(location1) === getName(location2) && getElement(location1) === getElement(location2);
22582      };
22583      var betweenInlines = function (forward, isInlineTarget, rootNode, from, to, location) {
22584        return lift2(findRootInline(isInlineTarget, rootNode, from), findRootInline(isInlineTarget, rootNode, to), function (fromInline, toInline) {
22585          if (fromInline !== toInline && hasSameParentBlock(rootNode, fromInline, toInline)) {
22586            return Location.after(forward ? fromInline : toInline);
22587          } else {
22588            return location;
22589          }
22590        }).getOr(location);
22591      };
22592      var skipNoMovement = function (fromLocation, toLocation) {
22593        return fromLocation.fold(always, function (fromLocation) {
22594          return !isEq(fromLocation, toLocation);
22595        });
22596      };
22597      var findLocationTraverse = function (forward, isInlineTarget, rootNode, fromLocation, pos) {
22598        var from = normalizePosition(forward, pos);
22599        var to = fromPosition(forward, rootNode, from).map(curry(normalizePosition, forward));
22600        var location = to.fold(function () {
22601          return fromLocation.map(outside);
22602        }, function (to) {
22603          return readLocation(isInlineTarget, rootNode, to).map(curry(betweenInlines, forward, isInlineTarget, rootNode, from, to)).filter(curry(skipNoMovement, fromLocation));
22604        });
22605        return location.filter(isValidLocation);
22606      };
22607      var findLocationSimple = function (forward, location) {
22608        if (forward) {
22609          return location.fold(compose(Optional.some, Location.start), Optional.none, compose(Optional.some, Location.after), Optional.none);
22610        } else {
22611          return location.fold(Optional.none, compose(Optional.some, Location.before), Optional.none, compose(Optional.some, Location.end));
22612        }
22613      };
22614      var findLocation$1 = function (forward, isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) {
22615        var from = normalizePosition(forward, pos);
22616        var fromLocation = readLocation(isInlineTarget, rootNode, from);
22617        return readLocation(isInlineTarget, rootNode, from).bind(curry(findLocationSimple, forward)).orThunk(function () {
22618          return findLocationTraverse(forward, isInlineTarget, rootNode, fromLocation, pos);
22619        });
22620      };
22621      curry(findLocation$1, false);
22622      curry(findLocation$1, true);
22624      var hasSelectionModifyApi = function (editor) {
22625        return isFunction(editor.selection.getSel().modify);
22626      };
22627      var moveRel = function (forward, selection, pos) {
22628        var delta = forward ? 1 : -1;
22629        selection.setRng(CaretPosition(pos.container(), pos.offset() + delta).toRange());
22630        selection.getSel().modify('move', forward ? 'forward' : 'backward', 'word');
22631        return true;
22632      };
22633      var moveByWord = function (forward, editor) {
22634        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
22635        var pos = forward ? CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd(rng) : CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng);
22636        if (!hasSelectionModifyApi(editor)) {
22637          return false;
22638        } else if (forward && isBeforeInline(pos)) {
22639          return moveRel(true, editor.selection, pos);
22640        } else if (!forward && isAfterInline(pos)) {
22641          return moveRel(false, editor.selection, pos);
22642        } else {
22643          return false;
22644        }
22645      };
22647      var BreakType;
22648      (function (BreakType) {
22649        BreakType[BreakType['Br'] = 0] = 'Br';
22650        BreakType[BreakType['Block'] = 1] = 'Block';
22651        BreakType[BreakType['Wrap'] = 2] = 'Wrap';
22652        BreakType[BreakType['Eol'] = 3] = 'Eol';
22653      }(BreakType || (BreakType = {})));
22654      var flip = function (direction, positions) {
22655        return direction === HDirection.Backwards ? reverse(positions) : positions;
22656      };
22657      var walk = function (direction, caretWalker, pos) {
22658        return direction === HDirection.Forwards ? caretWalker.next(pos) : caretWalker.prev(pos);
22659      };
22660      var getBreakType = function (scope, direction, currentPos, nextPos) {
22661        if (isBr$5(nextPos.getNode(direction === HDirection.Forwards))) {
22662          return BreakType.Br;
22663        } else if (isInSameBlock(currentPos, nextPos) === false) {
22664          return BreakType.Block;
22665        } else {
22666          return BreakType.Wrap;
22667        }
22668      };
22669      var getPositionsUntil = function (predicate, direction, scope, start) {
22670        var caretWalker = CaretWalker(scope);
22671        var currentPos = start;
22672        var positions = [];
22673        while (currentPos) {
22674          var nextPos = walk(direction, caretWalker, currentPos);
22675          if (!nextPos) {
22676            break;
22677          }
22678          if (isBr$5(nextPos.getNode(false))) {
22679            if (direction === HDirection.Forwards) {
22680              return {
22681                positions: flip(direction, positions).concat([nextPos]),
22682                breakType: BreakType.Br,
22683                breakAt: Optional.some(nextPos)
22684              };
22685            } else {
22686              return {
22687                positions: flip(direction, positions),
22688                breakType: BreakType.Br,
22689                breakAt: Optional.some(nextPos)
22690              };
22691            }
22692          }
22693          if (!nextPos.isVisible()) {
22694            currentPos = nextPos;
22695            continue;
22696          }
22697          if (predicate(currentPos, nextPos)) {
22698            var breakType = getBreakType(scope, direction, currentPos, nextPos);
22699            return {
22700              positions: flip(direction, positions),
22701              breakType: breakType,
22702              breakAt: Optional.some(nextPos)
22703            };
22704          }
22705          positions.push(nextPos);
22706          currentPos = nextPos;
22707        }
22708        return {
22709          positions: flip(direction, positions),
22710          breakType: BreakType.Eol,
22711          breakAt: Optional.none()
22712        };
22713      };
22714      var getAdjacentLinePositions = function (direction, getPositionsUntilBreak, scope, start) {
22715        return getPositionsUntilBreak(scope, start).breakAt.map(function (pos) {
22716          var positions = getPositionsUntilBreak(scope, pos).positions;
22717          return direction === HDirection.Backwards ? positions.concat(pos) : [pos].concat(positions);
22718        }).getOr([]);
22719      };
22720      var findClosestHorizontalPositionFromPoint = function (positions, x) {
22721        return foldl(positions, function (acc, newPos) {
22722          return acc.fold(function () {
22723            return Optional.some(newPos);
22724          }, function (lastPos) {
22725            return lift2(head(lastPos.getClientRects()), head(newPos.getClientRects()), function (lastRect, newRect) {
22726              var lastDist = Math.abs(x - lastRect.left);
22727              var newDist = Math.abs(x - newRect.left);
22728              return newDist <= lastDist ? newPos : lastPos;
22729            }).or(acc);
22730          });
22731        }, Optional.none());
22732      };
22733      var findClosestHorizontalPosition = function (positions, pos) {
22734        return head(pos.getClientRects()).bind(function (targetRect) {
22735          return findClosestHorizontalPositionFromPoint(positions, targetRect.left);
22736        });
22737      };
22738      var getPositionsUntilPreviousLine = curry(getPositionsUntil, CaretPosition.isAbove, -1);
22739      var getPositionsUntilNextLine = curry(getPositionsUntil, CaretPosition.isBelow, 1);
22740      var getPositionsAbove = curry(getAdjacentLinePositions, -1, getPositionsUntilPreviousLine);
22741      var getPositionsBelow = curry(getAdjacentLinePositions, 1, getPositionsUntilNextLine);
22742      var isAtFirstLine = function (scope, pos) {
22743        return getPositionsUntilPreviousLine(scope, pos).breakAt.isNone();
22744      };
22745      var isAtLastLine = function (scope, pos) {
22746        return getPositionsUntilNextLine(scope, pos).breakAt.isNone();
22747      };
22748      var getFirstLinePositions = function (scope) {
22749        return firstPositionIn(scope).map(function (pos) {
22750          return [pos].concat(getPositionsUntilNextLine(scope, pos).positions);
22751        }).getOr([]);
22752      };
22753      var getLastLinePositions = function (scope) {
22754        return lastPositionIn(scope).map(function (pos) {
22755          return getPositionsUntilPreviousLine(scope, pos).positions.concat(pos);
22756        }).getOr([]);
22757      };
22759      var getNodeClientRects = function (node) {
22760        var toArrayWithNode = function (clientRects) {
22761          return map$3(clientRects, function (rect) {
22762            var clientRect = clone(rect);
22763            clientRect.node = node;
22764            return clientRect;
22765          });
22766        };
22767        if (isElement$5(node)) {
22768          return toArrayWithNode(node.getClientRects());
22769        }
22770        if (isText$7(node)) {
22771          var rng = node.ownerDocument.createRange();
22772          rng.setStart(node, 0);
22773          rng.setEnd(node, node.data.length);
22774          return toArrayWithNode(rng.getClientRects());
22775        }
22776      };
22777      var getClientRects = function (nodes) {
22778        return bind(nodes, getNodeClientRects);
22779      };
22781      var VDirection;
22782      (function (VDirection) {
22783        VDirection[VDirection['Up'] = -1] = 'Up';
22784        VDirection[VDirection['Down'] = 1] = 'Down';
22785      }(VDirection || (VDirection = {})));
22786      var findUntil = function (direction, root, predicateFn, node) {
22787        while (node = findNode$1(node, direction, isEditableCaretCandidate$1, root)) {
22788          if (predicateFn(node)) {
22789            return;
22790          }
22791        }
22792      };
22793      var walkUntil$1 = function (direction, isAboveFn, isBeflowFn, root, predicateFn, caretPosition) {
22794        var line = 0;
22795        var result = [];
22796        var add = function (node) {
22797          var clientRects = getClientRects([node]);
22798          if (direction === -1) {
22799            clientRects = clientRects.reverse();
22800          }
22801          for (var i = 0; i < clientRects.length; i++) {
22802            var clientRect = clientRects[i];
22803            if (isBeflowFn(clientRect, targetClientRect)) {
22804              continue;
22805            }
22806            if (result.length > 0 && isAboveFn(clientRect, last$1(result))) {
22807              line++;
22808            }
22809            clientRect.line = line;
22810            if (predicateFn(clientRect)) {
22811              return true;
22812            }
22813            result.push(clientRect);
22814          }
22815        };
22816        var targetClientRect = last$1(caretPosition.getClientRects());
22817        if (!targetClientRect) {
22818          return result;
22819        }
22820        var node = caretPosition.getNode();
22821        add(node);
22822        findUntil(direction, root, add, node);
22823        return result;
22824      };
22825      var aboveLineNumber = function (lineNumber, clientRect) {
22826        return clientRect.line > lineNumber;
22827      };
22828      var isLineNumber = function (lineNumber, clientRect) {
22829        return clientRect.line === lineNumber;
22830      };
22831      var upUntil = curry(walkUntil$1, VDirection.Up, isAbove$1, isBelow$1);
22832      var downUntil = curry(walkUntil$1, VDirection.Down, isBelow$1, isAbove$1);
22833      var positionsUntil = function (direction, root, predicateFn, node) {
22834        var caretWalker = CaretWalker(root);
22835        var walkFn;
22836        var isBelowFn;
22837        var isAboveFn;
22838        var caretPosition;
22839        var result = [];
22840        var line = 0;
22841        var getClientRect = function (caretPosition) {
22842          if (direction === 1) {
22843            return last$1(caretPosition.getClientRects());
22844          }
22845          return last$1(caretPosition.getClientRects());
22846        };
22847        if (direction === 1) {
22848          walkFn = caretWalker.next;
22849          isBelowFn = isBelow$1;
22850          isAboveFn = isAbove$1;
22851          caretPosition = CaretPosition.after(node);
22852        } else {
22853          walkFn = caretWalker.prev;
22854          isBelowFn = isAbove$1;
22855          isAboveFn = isBelow$1;
22856          caretPosition = CaretPosition.before(node);
22857        }
22858        var targetClientRect = getClientRect(caretPosition);
22859        do {
22860          if (!caretPosition.isVisible()) {
22861            continue;
22862          }
22863          var rect = getClientRect(caretPosition);
22864          if (isAboveFn(rect, targetClientRect)) {
22865            continue;
22866          }
22867          if (result.length > 0 && isBelowFn(rect, last$1(result))) {
22868            line++;
22869          }
22870          var clientRect = clone(rect);
22871          clientRect.position = caretPosition;
22872          clientRect.line = line;
22873          if (predicateFn(clientRect)) {
22874            return result;
22875          }
22876          result.push(clientRect);
22877        } while (caretPosition = walkFn(caretPosition));
22878        return result;
22879      };
22880      var isAboveLine = function (lineNumber) {
22881        return function (clientRect) {
22882          return aboveLineNumber(lineNumber, clientRect);
22883        };
22884      };
22885      var isLine = function (lineNumber) {
22886        return function (clientRect) {
22887          return isLineNumber(lineNumber, clientRect);
22888        };
22889      };
22891      var isContentEditableFalse$3 = isContentEditableFalse$b;
22892      var findNode = findNode$1;
22893      var distanceToRectLeft = function (clientRect, clientX) {
22894        return Math.abs(clientRect.left - clientX);
22895      };
22896      var distanceToRectRight = function (clientRect, clientX) {
22897        return Math.abs(clientRect.right - clientX);
22898      };
22899      var isInsideX = function (clientX, clientRect) {
22900        return clientX >= clientRect.left && clientX <= clientRect.right;
22901      };
22902      var isInsideY = function (clientY, clientRect) {
22903        return clientY >= clientRect.top && clientY <= clientRect.bottom;
22904      };
22905      var isNodeClientRect = function (rect) {
22906        return hasNonNullableKey(rect, 'node');
22907      };
22908      var findClosestClientRect = function (clientRects, clientX, allowInside) {
22909        if (allowInside === void 0) {
22910          allowInside = always;
22911        }
22912        return reduce(clientRects, function (oldClientRect, clientRect) {
22913          if (isInsideX(clientX, clientRect)) {
22914            return allowInside(clientRect) ? clientRect : oldClientRect;
22915          }
22916          if (isInsideX(clientX, oldClientRect)) {
22917            return allowInside(oldClientRect) ? oldClientRect : clientRect;
22918          }
22919          var oldDistance = Math.min(distanceToRectLeft(oldClientRect, clientX), distanceToRectRight(oldClientRect, clientX));
22920          var newDistance = Math.min(distanceToRectLeft(clientRect, clientX), distanceToRectRight(clientRect, clientX));
22921          if (newDistance === oldDistance && isNodeClientRect(clientRect) && isContentEditableFalse$3(clientRect.node)) {
22922            return clientRect;
22923          }
22924          if (newDistance < oldDistance) {
22925            return clientRect;
22926          }
22927          return oldClientRect;
22928        });
22929      };
22930      var walkUntil = function (direction, root, predicateFn, startNode, includeChildren) {
22931        var node = findNode(startNode, direction, isEditableCaretCandidate$1, root, !includeChildren);
22932        do {
22933          if (!node || predicateFn(node)) {
22934            return;
22935          }
22936        } while (node = findNode(node, direction, isEditableCaretCandidate$1, root));
22937      };
22938      var findLineNodeRects = function (root, targetNodeRect, includeChildren) {
22939        if (includeChildren === void 0) {
22940          includeChildren = true;
22941        }
22942        var clientRects = [];
22943        var collect = function (checkPosFn, node) {
22944          var lineRects = filter$4(getClientRects([node]), function (clientRect) {
22945            return !checkPosFn(clientRect, targetNodeRect);
22946          });
22947          clientRects = clientRects.concat(lineRects);
22948          return lineRects.length === 0;
22949        };
22950        clientRects.push(targetNodeRect);
22951        walkUntil(VDirection.Up, root, curry(collect, isAbove$1), targetNodeRect.node, includeChildren);
22952        walkUntil(VDirection.Down, root, curry(collect, isBelow$1), targetNodeRect.node, includeChildren);
22953        return clientRects;
22954      };
22955      var getFakeCaretTargets = function (root) {
22956        return filter$4(from(root.getElementsByTagName('*')), isFakeCaretTarget);
22957      };
22958      var caretInfo = function (clientRect, clientX) {
22959        return {
22960          node: clientRect.node,
22961          before: distanceToRectLeft(clientRect, clientX) < distanceToRectRight(clientRect, clientX)
22962        };
22963      };
22964      var closestFakeCaret = function (root, clientX, clientY) {
22965        var fakeTargetNodeRects = getClientRects(getFakeCaretTargets(root));
22966        var targetNodeRects = filter$4(fakeTargetNodeRects, curry(isInsideY, clientY));
22967        var checkInside = function (clientRect) {
22968          return !isTable$3(clientRect.node) && !isMedia$2(clientRect.node);
22969        };
22970        var closestNodeRect = findClosestClientRect(targetNodeRects, clientX, checkInside);
22971        if (closestNodeRect) {
22972          var includeChildren = checkInside(closestNodeRect);
22973          closestNodeRect = findClosestClientRect(findLineNodeRects(root, closestNodeRect, includeChildren), clientX, checkInside);
22974          if (closestNodeRect && isFakeCaretTarget(closestNodeRect.node)) {
22975            return caretInfo(closestNodeRect, clientX);
22976          }
22977        }
22978        return null;
22979      };
22981      var moveToRange = function (editor, rng) {
22982        editor.selection.setRng(rng);
22983        scrollRangeIntoView(editor, editor.selection.getRng());
22984      };
22985      var renderRangeCaretOpt = function (editor, range, scrollIntoView) {
22986        return Optional.some(renderRangeCaret(editor, range, scrollIntoView));
22987      };
22988      var moveHorizontally = function (editor, direction, range, isBefore, isAfter, isElement) {
22989        var forwards = direction === HDirection.Forwards;
22990        var caretWalker = CaretWalker(editor.getBody());
22991        var getNextPosFn = curry(getVisualCaretPosition, forwards ? caretWalker.next : caretWalker.prev);
22992        var isBeforeFn = forwards ? isBefore : isAfter;
22993        if (!range.collapsed) {
22994          var node = getSelectedNode(range);
22995          if (isElement(node)) {
22996            return showCaret(direction, editor, node, direction === HDirection.Backwards, false);
22997          }
22998        }
22999        var caretPosition = getNormalizedRangeEndPoint(direction, editor.getBody(), range);
23000        if (isBeforeFn(caretPosition)) {
23001          return selectNode(editor, caretPosition.getNode(!forwards));
23002        }
23003        var nextCaretPosition = normalizePosition(forwards, getNextPosFn(caretPosition));
23004        var rangeIsInContainerBlock = isRangeInCaretContainerBlock(range);
23005        if (!nextCaretPosition) {
23006          return rangeIsInContainerBlock ? Optional.some(range) : Optional.none();
23007        }
23008        if (isBeforeFn(nextCaretPosition)) {
23009          return showCaret(direction, editor, nextCaretPosition.getNode(!forwards), forwards, false);
23010        }
23011        var peekCaretPosition = getNextPosFn(nextCaretPosition);
23012        if (peekCaretPosition && isBeforeFn(peekCaretPosition)) {
23013          if (isMoveInsideSameBlock(nextCaretPosition, peekCaretPosition)) {
23014            return showCaret(direction, editor, peekCaretPosition.getNode(!forwards), forwards, false);
23015          }
23016        }
23017        if (rangeIsInContainerBlock) {
23018          return renderRangeCaretOpt(editor, nextCaretPosition.toRange(), false);
23019        }
23020        return Optional.none();
23021      };
23022      var moveVertically = function (editor, direction, range, isBefore, isAfter, isElement) {
23023        var caretPosition = getNormalizedRangeEndPoint(direction, editor.getBody(), range);
23024        var caretClientRect = last$1(caretPosition.getClientRects());
23025        var forwards = direction === VDirection.Down;
23026        if (!caretClientRect) {
23027          return Optional.none();
23028        }
23029        var walkerFn = forwards ? downUntil : upUntil;
23030        var linePositions = walkerFn(editor.getBody(), isAboveLine(1), caretPosition);
23031        var nextLinePositions = filter$4(linePositions, isLine(1));
23032        var clientX = caretClientRect.left;
23033        var nextLineRect = findClosestClientRect(nextLinePositions, clientX);
23034        if (nextLineRect && isElement(nextLineRect.node)) {
23035          var dist1 = Math.abs(clientX - nextLineRect.left);
23036          var dist2 = Math.abs(clientX - nextLineRect.right);
23037          return showCaret(direction, editor, nextLineRect.node, dist1 < dist2, false);
23038        }
23039        var currentNode;
23040        if (isBefore(caretPosition)) {
23041          currentNode = caretPosition.getNode();
23042        } else if (isAfter(caretPosition)) {
23043          currentNode = caretPosition.getNode(true);
23044        } else {
23045          currentNode = getSelectedNode(range);
23046        }
23047        if (currentNode) {
23048          var caretPositions = positionsUntil(direction, editor.getBody(), isAboveLine(1), currentNode);
23049          var closestNextLineRect = findClosestClientRect(filter$4(caretPositions, isLine(1)), clientX);
23050          if (closestNextLineRect) {
23051            return renderRangeCaretOpt(editor, closestNextLineRect.position.toRange(), false);
23052          }
23053          closestNextLineRect = last$1(filter$4(caretPositions, isLine(0)));
23054          if (closestNextLineRect) {
23055            return renderRangeCaretOpt(editor, closestNextLineRect.position.toRange(), false);
23056          }
23057        }
23058        if (nextLinePositions.length === 0) {
23059          return getLineEndPoint(editor, forwards).filter(forwards ? isAfter : isBefore).map(function (pos) {
23060            return renderRangeCaret(editor, pos.toRange(), false);
23061          });
23062        }
23063        return Optional.none();
23064      };
23065      var getLineEndPoint = function (editor, forward) {
23066        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
23067        var body = editor.getBody();
23068        if (forward) {
23069          var from = CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd(rng);
23070          var result = getPositionsUntilNextLine(body, from);
23071          return last$2(result.positions);
23072        } else {
23073          var from = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng);
23074          var result = getPositionsUntilPreviousLine(body, from);
23075          return head(result.positions);
23076        }
23077      };
23078      var moveToLineEndPoint$3 = function (editor, forward, isElementPosition) {
23079        return getLineEndPoint(editor, forward).filter(isElementPosition).exists(function (pos) {
23080          editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange());
23081          return true;
23082        });
23083      };
23085      var setCaretPosition = function (editor, pos) {
23086        var rng = editor.dom.createRng();
23087        rng.setStart(pos.container(), pos.offset());
23088        rng.setEnd(pos.container(), pos.offset());
23089        editor.selection.setRng(rng);
23090      };
23091      var setSelected = function (state, elm) {
23092        if (state) {
23093          elm.setAttribute('data-mce-selected', 'inline-boundary');
23094        } else {
23095          elm.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected');
23096        }
23097      };
23098      var renderCaretLocation = function (editor, caret, location) {
23099        return renderCaret(caret, location).map(function (pos) {
23100          setCaretPosition(editor, pos);
23101          return location;
23102        });
23103      };
23104      var findLocation = function (editor, caret, forward) {
23105        var rootNode = editor.getBody();
23106        var from = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
23107        var isInlineTarget$1 = curry(isInlineTarget, editor);
23108        var location = findLocation$1(forward, isInlineTarget$1, rootNode, from);
23109        return location.bind(function (location) {
23110          return renderCaretLocation(editor, caret, location);
23111        });
23112      };
23113      var toggleInlines = function (isInlineTarget, dom, elms) {
23114        var inlineBoundaries = map$3(descendants(SugarElement.fromDom(dom.getRoot()), '*[data-mce-selected="inline-boundary"]'), function (e) {
23115          return e.dom;
23116        });
23117        var selectedInlines = filter$4(inlineBoundaries, isInlineTarget);
23118        var targetInlines = filter$4(elms, isInlineTarget);
23119        each$k(difference(selectedInlines, targetInlines), curry(setSelected, false));
23120        each$k(difference(targetInlines, selectedInlines), curry(setSelected, true));
23121      };
23122      var safeRemoveCaretContainer = function (editor, caret) {
23123        if (editor.selection.isCollapsed() && editor.composing !== true && caret.get()) {
23124          var pos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
23125          if (CaretPosition.isTextPosition(pos) && isAtZwsp(pos) === false) {
23126            setCaretPosition(editor, removeAndReposition(caret.get(), pos));
23127            caret.set(null);
23128          }
23129        }
23130      };
23131      var renderInsideInlineCaret = function (isInlineTarget, editor, caret, elms) {
23132        if (editor.selection.isCollapsed()) {
23133          var inlines = filter$4(elms, isInlineTarget);
23134          each$k(inlines, function (_inline) {
23135            var pos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
23136            readLocation(isInlineTarget, editor.getBody(), pos).bind(function (location) {
23137              return renderCaretLocation(editor, caret, location);
23138            });
23139          });
23140        }
23141      };
23142      var move$2 = function (editor, caret, forward) {
23143        return isInlineBoundariesEnabled(editor) ? findLocation(editor, caret, forward).isSome() : false;
23144      };
23145      var moveWord = function (forward, editor, _caret) {
23146        return isInlineBoundariesEnabled(editor) ? moveByWord(forward, editor) : false;
23147      };
23148      var setupSelectedState = function (editor) {
23149        var caret = Cell(null);
23150        var isInlineTarget$1 = curry(isInlineTarget, editor);
23151        editor.on('NodeChange', function (e) {
23152          if (isInlineBoundariesEnabled(editor) && !(Env.browser.isIE() && e.initial)) {
23153            toggleInlines(isInlineTarget$1, editor.dom, e.parents);
23154            safeRemoveCaretContainer(editor, caret);
23155            renderInsideInlineCaret(isInlineTarget$1, editor, caret, e.parents);
23156          }
23157        });
23158        return caret;
23159      };
23160      var moveNextWord = curry(moveWord, true);
23161      var movePrevWord = curry(moveWord, false);
23162      var moveToLineEndPoint$2 = function (editor, forward, caret) {
23163        if (isInlineBoundariesEnabled(editor)) {
23164          var linePoint = getLineEndPoint(editor, forward).getOrThunk(function () {
23165            var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
23166            return forward ? CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd(rng) : CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng);
23167          });
23168          return readLocation(curry(isInlineTarget, editor), editor.getBody(), linePoint).exists(function (loc) {
23169            var outsideLoc = outside(loc);
23170            return renderCaret(caret, outsideLoc).exists(function (pos) {
23171              setCaretPosition(editor, pos);
23172              return true;
23173            });
23174          });
23175        } else {
23176          return false;
23177        }
23178      };
23180      var rangeFromPositions = function (from, to) {
23181        var range = document.createRange();
23182        range.setStart(from.container(), from.offset());
23183        range.setEnd(to.container(), to.offset());
23184        return range;
23185      };
23186      var hasOnlyTwoOrLessPositionsLeft = function (elm) {
23187        return lift2(firstPositionIn(elm), lastPositionIn(elm), function (firstPos, lastPos) {
23188          var normalizedFirstPos = normalizePosition(true, firstPos);
23189          var normalizedLastPos = normalizePosition(false, lastPos);
23190          return nextPosition(elm, normalizedFirstPos).forall(function (pos) {
23191            return pos.isEqual(normalizedLastPos);
23192          });
23193        }).getOr(true);
23194      };
23195      var setCaretLocation = function (editor, caret) {
23196        return function (location) {
23197          return renderCaret(caret, location).exists(function (pos) {
23198            setCaretPosition(editor, pos);
23199            return true;
23200          });
23201        };
23202      };
23203      var deleteFromTo = function (editor, caret, from, to) {
23204        var rootNode = editor.getBody();
23205        var isInlineTarget$1 = curry(isInlineTarget, editor);
23206        editor.undoManager.ignore(function () {
23207          editor.selection.setRng(rangeFromPositions(from, to));
23208          editor.execCommand('Delete');
23209          readLocation(isInlineTarget$1, rootNode, CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng())).map(inside).map(setCaretLocation(editor, caret));
23210        });
23211        editor.nodeChanged();
23212      };
23213      var rescope = function (rootNode, node) {
23214        var parentBlock = getParentBlock$2(node, rootNode);
23215        return parentBlock ? parentBlock : rootNode;
23216      };
23217      var backspaceDeleteCollapsed = function (editor, caret, forward, from) {
23218        var rootNode = rescope(editor.getBody(), from.container());
23219        var isInlineTarget$1 = curry(isInlineTarget, editor);
23220        var fromLocation = readLocation(isInlineTarget$1, rootNode, from);
23221        return fromLocation.bind(function (location) {
23222          if (forward) {
23223            return location.fold(constant(Optional.some(inside(location))), Optional.none, constant(Optional.some(outside(location))), Optional.none);
23224          } else {
23225            return location.fold(Optional.none, constant(Optional.some(outside(location))), Optional.none, constant(Optional.some(inside(location))));
23226          }
23227        }).map(setCaretLocation(editor, caret)).getOrThunk(function () {
23228          var toPosition = navigate(forward, rootNode, from);
23229          var toLocation = toPosition.bind(function (pos) {
23230            return readLocation(isInlineTarget$1, rootNode, pos);
23231          });
23232          return lift2(fromLocation, toLocation, function () {
23233            return findRootInline(isInlineTarget$1, rootNode, from).exists(function (elm) {
23234              if (hasOnlyTwoOrLessPositionsLeft(elm)) {
23235                deleteElement$2(editor, forward, SugarElement.fromDom(elm));
23236                return true;
23237              } else {
23238                return false;
23239              }
23240            });
23241          }).orThunk(function () {
23242            return toLocation.bind(function (_) {
23243              return toPosition.map(function (to) {
23244                if (forward) {
23245                  deleteFromTo(editor, caret, from, to);
23246                } else {
23247                  deleteFromTo(editor, caret, to, from);
23248                }
23249                return true;
23250              });
23251            });
23252          }).getOr(false);
23253        });
23254      };
23255      var backspaceDelete$3 = function (editor, caret, forward) {
23256        if (editor.selection.isCollapsed() && isInlineBoundariesEnabled(editor)) {
23257          var from = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
23258          return backspaceDeleteCollapsed(editor, caret, forward, from);
23259        }
23260        return false;
23261      };
23263      var getParentInlines = function (rootElm, startElm) {
23264        var parents = parentsAndSelf(startElm, rootElm);
23265        return findIndex$2(parents, isBlock$2).fold(constant(parents), function (index) {
23266          return parents.slice(0, index);
23267        });
23268      };
23269      var hasOnlyOneChild = function (elm) {
23270        return childNodesCount(elm) === 1;
23271      };
23272      var deleteLastPosition = function (forward, editor, target, parentInlines) {
23273        var isFormatElement$1 = curry(isFormatElement, editor);
23274        var formatNodes = map$3(filter$4(parentInlines, isFormatElement$1), function (elm) {
23275          return elm.dom;
23276        });
23277        if (formatNodes.length === 0) {
23278          deleteElement$2(editor, forward, target);
23279        } else {
23280          var pos = replaceWithCaretFormat(target.dom, formatNodes);
23281          editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange());
23282        }
23283      };
23284      var deleteCaret$1 = function (editor, forward) {
23285        var rootElm = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
23286        var startElm = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.selection.getStart());
23287        var parentInlines = filter$4(getParentInlines(rootElm, startElm), hasOnlyOneChild);
23288        return last$2(parentInlines).exists(function (target) {
23289          var fromPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
23290          if (willDeleteLastPositionInElement(forward, fromPos, target.dom) && !isEmptyCaretFormatElement(target)) {
23291            deleteLastPosition(forward, editor, target, parentInlines);
23292            return true;
23293          } else {
23294            return false;
23295          }
23296        });
23297      };
23298      var backspaceDelete$2 = function (editor, forward) {
23299        return editor.selection.isCollapsed() ? deleteCaret$1(editor, forward) : false;
23300      };
23302      var deleteElement = function (editor, forward, element) {
23303        editor._selectionOverrides.hideFakeCaret();
23304        deleteElement$2(editor, forward, SugarElement.fromDom(element));
23305        return true;
23306      };
23307      var deleteCaret = function (editor, forward) {
23308        var isNearMedia = forward ? isBeforeMedia : isAfterMedia;
23309        var direction = forward ? HDirection.Forwards : HDirection.Backwards;
23310        var fromPos = getNormalizedRangeEndPoint(direction, editor.getBody(), editor.selection.getRng());
23311        if (isNearMedia(fromPos)) {
23312          return deleteElement(editor, forward, fromPos.getNode(!forward));
23313        } else {
23314          return Optional.from(normalizePosition(forward, fromPos)).filter(function (pos) {
23315            return isNearMedia(pos) && isMoveInsideSameBlock(fromPos, pos);
23316          }).exists(function (pos) {
23317            return deleteElement(editor, forward, pos.getNode(!forward));
23318          });
23319        }
23320      };
23321      var deleteRange = function (editor, forward) {
23322        var selectedNode = editor.selection.getNode();
23323        return isMedia$2(selectedNode) ? deleteElement(editor, forward, selectedNode) : false;
23324      };
23325      var backspaceDelete$1 = function (editor, forward) {
23326        return editor.selection.isCollapsed() ? deleteCaret(editor, forward) : deleteRange(editor, forward);
23327      };
23329      var isEditable = function (target) {
23330        return closest$3(target, function (elm) {
23331          return isContentEditableTrue$4(elm.dom) || isContentEditableFalse$b(elm.dom);
23332        }).exists(function (elm) {
23333          return isContentEditableTrue$4(elm.dom);
23334        });
23335      };
23336      var parseIndentValue = function (value) {
23337        var number = parseInt(value, 10);
23338        return isNaN(number) ? 0 : number;
23339      };
23340      var getIndentStyleName = function (useMargin, element) {
23341        var indentStyleName = useMargin || isTable$2(element) ? 'margin' : 'padding';
23342        var suffix = get$5(element, 'direction') === 'rtl' ? '-right' : '-left';
23343        return indentStyleName + suffix;
23344      };
23345      var indentElement = function (dom, command, useMargin, value, unit, element) {
23346        var indentStyleName = getIndentStyleName(useMargin, SugarElement.fromDom(element));
23347        if (command === 'outdent') {
23348          var styleValue = Math.max(0, parseIndentValue(element.style[indentStyleName]) - value);
23349          dom.setStyle(element, indentStyleName, styleValue ? styleValue + unit : '');
23350        } else {
23351          var styleValue = parseIndentValue(element.style[indentStyleName]) + value + unit;
23352          dom.setStyle(element, indentStyleName, styleValue);
23353        }
23354      };
23355      var validateBlocks = function (editor, blocks) {
23356        return forall(blocks, function (block) {
23357          var indentStyleName = getIndentStyleName(shouldIndentUseMargin(editor), block);
23358          var intentValue = getRaw(block, indentStyleName).map(parseIndentValue).getOr(0);
23359          var contentEditable = editor.dom.getContentEditable(block.dom);
23360          return contentEditable !== 'false' && intentValue > 0;
23361        });
23362      };
23363      var canOutdent = function (editor) {
23364        var blocks = getBlocksToIndent(editor);
23365        return !editor.mode.isReadOnly() && (blocks.length > 1 || validateBlocks(editor, blocks));
23366      };
23367      var isListComponent = function (el) {
23368        return isList(el) || isListItem(el);
23369      };
23370      var parentIsListComponent = function (el) {
23371        return parent(el).exists(isListComponent);
23372      };
23373      var getBlocksToIndent = function (editor) {
23374        return filter$4(fromDom$1(editor.selection.getSelectedBlocks()), function (el) {
23375          return !isListComponent(el) && !parentIsListComponent(el) && isEditable(el);
23376        });
23377      };
23378      var handle = function (editor, command) {
23379        var dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection, formatter = editor.formatter;
23380        var indentation = getIndentation(editor);
23381        var indentUnit = /[a-z%]+$/i.exec(indentation)[0];
23382        var indentValue = parseInt(indentation, 10);
23383        var useMargin = shouldIndentUseMargin(editor);
23384        var forcedRootBlock = getForcedRootBlock(editor);
23385        if (!editor.queryCommandState('InsertUnorderedList') && !editor.queryCommandState('InsertOrderedList')) {
23386          if (forcedRootBlock === '' && !dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), dom.isBlock)) {
23387            formatter.apply('div');
23388          }
23389        }
23390        each$k(getBlocksToIndent(editor), function (block) {
23391          indentElement(dom, command, useMargin, indentValue, indentUnit, block.dom);
23392        });
23393      };
23395      var backspaceDelete = function (editor, _forward) {
23396        if (editor.selection.isCollapsed() && canOutdent(editor)) {
23397          var dom = editor.dom;
23398          var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
23399          var pos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng);
23400          var block = dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, dom.isBlock);
23401          if (block !== null && isAtStartOfBlock(SugarElement.fromDom(block), pos)) {
23402            handle(editor, 'outdent');
23403            return true;
23404          }
23405        }
23406        return false;
23407      };
23409      var nativeCommand = function (editor, command) {
23410        editor.getDoc().execCommand(command, false, null);
23411      };
23412      var deleteCommand = function (editor, caret) {
23413        if (backspaceDelete(editor)) {
23414          return;
23415        } else if (backspaceDelete$5(editor, false)) {
23416          return;
23417        } else if (backspaceDelete$6(editor, false)) {
23418          return;
23419        } else if (backspaceDelete$3(editor, caret, false)) {
23420          return;
23421        } else if (backspaceDelete$8(editor, false)) {
23422          return;
23423        } else if (backspaceDelete$9(editor)) {
23424          return;
23425        } else if (backspaceDelete$4(editor, false)) {
23426          return;
23427        } else if (backspaceDelete$1(editor, false)) {
23428          return;
23429        } else if (backspaceDelete$7(editor)) {
23430          return;
23431        } else if (backspaceDelete$2(editor, false)) {
23432          return;
23433        } else {
23434          nativeCommand(editor, 'Delete');
23435          paddEmptyBody(editor);
23436        }
23437      };
23438      var forwardDeleteCommand = function (editor, caret) {
23439        if (backspaceDelete$5(editor, true)) {
23440          return;
23441        } else if (backspaceDelete$6(editor, true)) {
23442          return;
23443        } else if (backspaceDelete$3(editor, caret, true)) {
23444          return;
23445        } else if (backspaceDelete$8(editor, true)) {
23446          return;
23447        } else if (backspaceDelete$9(editor)) {
23448          return;
23449        } else if (backspaceDelete$4(editor, true)) {
23450          return;
23451        } else if (backspaceDelete$1(editor, true)) {
23452          return;
23453        } else if (backspaceDelete$7(editor)) {
23454          return;
23455        } else if (backspaceDelete$2(editor, true)) {
23456          return;
23457        } else {
23458          nativeCommand(editor, 'ForwardDelete');
23459        }
23460      };
23461      var setup$f = function (editor, caret) {
23462        editor.addCommand('delete', function () {
23463          deleteCommand(editor, caret);
23464        });
23465        editor.addCommand('forwardDelete', function () {
23466          forwardDeleteCommand(editor, caret);
23467        });
23468      };
23470      var SIGNIFICANT_MOVE = 5;
23471      var LONGPRESS_DELAY = 400;
23472      var getTouch = function (event) {
23473        if (event.touches === undefined || event.touches.length !== 1) {
23474          return Optional.none();
23475        }
23476        return Optional.some(event.touches[0]);
23477      };
23478      var isFarEnough = function (touch, data) {
23479        var distX = Math.abs(touch.clientX - data.x);
23480        var distY = Math.abs(touch.clientY - data.y);
23481        return distX > SIGNIFICANT_MOVE || distY > SIGNIFICANT_MOVE;
23482      };
23483      var setup$e = function (editor) {
23484        var startData = value();
23485        var longpressFired = Cell(false);
23486        var debounceLongpress = last(function (e) {
23487          editor.fire('longpress', __assign(__assign({}, e), { type: 'longpress' }));
23488          longpressFired.set(true);
23489        }, LONGPRESS_DELAY);
23490        editor.on('touchstart', function (e) {
23491          getTouch(e).each(function (touch) {
23492            debounceLongpress.cancel();
23493            var data = {
23494              x: touch.clientX,
23495              y: touch.clientY,
23496              target: e.target
23497            };
23498            debounceLongpress.throttle(e);
23499            longpressFired.set(false);
23500            startData.set(data);
23501          });
23502        }, true);
23503        editor.on('touchmove', function (e) {
23504          debounceLongpress.cancel();
23505          getTouch(e).each(function (touch) {
23506            startData.on(function (data) {
23507              if (isFarEnough(touch, data)) {
23508                startData.clear();
23509                longpressFired.set(false);
23510                editor.fire('longpresscancel');
23511              }
23512            });
23513          });
23514        }, true);
23515        editor.on('touchend touchcancel', function (e) {
23516          debounceLongpress.cancel();
23517          if (e.type === 'touchcancel') {
23518            return;
23519          }
23520          startData.get().filter(function (data) {
23521            return data.target.isEqualNode(e.target);
23522          }).each(function () {
23523            if (longpressFired.get()) {
23524              e.preventDefault();
23525            } else {
23526              editor.fire('tap', __assign(__assign({}, e), { type: 'tap' }));
23527            }
23528          });
23529        }, true);
23530      };
23532      var isBlockElement = function (blockElements, node) {
23533        return has$2(blockElements, node.nodeName);
23534      };
23535      var isValidTarget = function (blockElements, node) {
23536        if (isText$7(node)) {
23537          return true;
23538        } else if (isElement$5(node)) {
23539          return !isBlockElement(blockElements, node) && !isBookmarkNode$1(node);
23540        } else {
23541          return false;
23542        }
23543      };
23544      var hasBlockParent = function (blockElements, root, node) {
23545        return exists(parents(SugarElement.fromDom(node), SugarElement.fromDom(root)), function (elm) {
23546          return isBlockElement(blockElements, elm.dom);
23547        });
23548      };
23549      var shouldRemoveTextNode = function (blockElements, node) {
23550        if (isText$7(node)) {
23551          if (node.nodeValue.length === 0) {
23552            return true;
23553          } else if (/^\s+$/.test(node.nodeValue) && (!node.nextSibling || isBlockElement(blockElements, node.nextSibling))) {
23554            return true;
23555          }
23556        }
23557        return false;
23558      };
23559      var addRootBlocks = function (editor) {
23560        var dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection;
23561        var schema = editor.schema, blockElements = schema.getBlockElements();
23562        var node = selection.getStart();
23563        var rootNode = editor.getBody();
23564        var rootBlockNode, tempNode, wrapped;
23565        var forcedRootBlock = getForcedRootBlock(editor);
23566        if (!node || !isElement$5(node) || !forcedRootBlock) {
23567          return;
23568        }
23569        var rootNodeName = rootNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
23570        if (!schema.isValidChild(rootNodeName, forcedRootBlock.toLowerCase()) || hasBlockParent(blockElements, rootNode, node)) {
23571          return;
23572        }
23573        var rng = selection.getRng();
23574        var startContainer = rng.startContainer;
23575        var startOffset = rng.startOffset;
23576        var endContainer = rng.endContainer;
23577        var endOffset = rng.endOffset;
23578        var restoreSelection = hasFocus(editor);
23579        node = rootNode.firstChild;
23580        while (node) {
23581          if (isValidTarget(blockElements, node)) {
23582            if (shouldRemoveTextNode(blockElements, node)) {
23583              tempNode = node;
23584              node = node.nextSibling;
23585              dom.remove(tempNode);
23586              continue;
23587            }
23588            if (!rootBlockNode) {
23589              rootBlockNode = dom.create(forcedRootBlock, getForcedRootBlockAttrs(editor));
23590              node.parentNode.insertBefore(rootBlockNode, node);
23591              wrapped = true;
23592            }
23593            tempNode = node;
23594            node = node.nextSibling;
23595            rootBlockNode.appendChild(tempNode);
23596          } else {
23597            rootBlockNode = null;
23598            node = node.nextSibling;
23599          }
23600        }
23601        if (wrapped && restoreSelection) {
23602          rng.setStart(startContainer, startOffset);
23603          rng.setEnd(endContainer, endOffset);
23604          selection.setRng(rng);
23605          editor.nodeChanged();
23606        }
23607      };
23608      var setup$d = function (editor) {
23609        if (getForcedRootBlock(editor)) {
23610          editor.on('NodeChange', curry(addRootBlocks, editor));
23611        }
23612      };
23614      var findBlockCaretContainer = function (editor) {
23615        return descendant(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()), '*[data-mce-caret]').map(function (elm) {
23616          return elm.dom;
23617        }).getOrNull();
23618      };
23619      var removeIeControlRect = function (editor) {
23620        editor.selection.setRng(editor.selection.getRng());
23621      };
23622      var showBlockCaretContainer = function (editor, blockCaretContainer) {
23623        if (blockCaretContainer.hasAttribute('data-mce-caret')) {
23624          showCaretContainerBlock(blockCaretContainer);
23625          removeIeControlRect(editor);
23626          editor.selection.scrollIntoView(blockCaretContainer);
23627        }
23628      };
23629      var handleBlockContainer = function (editor, e) {
23630        var blockCaretContainer = findBlockCaretContainer(editor);
23631        if (!blockCaretContainer) {
23632          return;
23633        }
23634        if (e.type === 'compositionstart') {
23635          e.preventDefault();
23636          e.stopPropagation();
23637          showBlockCaretContainer(editor, blockCaretContainer);
23638          return;
23639        }
23640        if (hasContent(blockCaretContainer)) {
23641          showBlockCaretContainer(editor, blockCaretContainer);
23642          editor.undoManager.add();
23643        }
23644      };
23645      var setup$c = function (editor) {
23646        editor.on('keyup compositionstart', curry(handleBlockContainer, editor));
23647      };
23649      var isContentEditableFalse$2 = isContentEditableFalse$b;
23650      var moveToCeFalseHorizontally = function (direction, editor, range) {
23651        return moveHorizontally(editor, direction, range, isBeforeContentEditableFalse, isAfterContentEditableFalse, isContentEditableFalse$2);
23652      };
23653      var moveToCeFalseVertically = function (direction, editor, range) {
23654        var isBefore = function (caretPosition) {
23655          return isBeforeContentEditableFalse(caretPosition) || isBeforeTable(caretPosition);
23656        };
23657        var isAfter = function (caretPosition) {
23658          return isAfterContentEditableFalse(caretPosition) || isAfterTable(caretPosition);
23659        };
23660        return moveVertically(editor, direction, range, isBefore, isAfter, isContentEditableFalse$2);
23661      };
23662      var createTextBlock = function (editor) {
23663        var textBlock = editor.dom.create(getForcedRootBlock(editor));
23664        if (!Env.ie || Env.ie >= 11) {
23665          textBlock.innerHTML = '<br data-mce-bogus="1">';
23666        }
23667        return textBlock;
23668      };
23669      var exitPreBlock = function (editor, direction, range) {
23670        var caretWalker = CaretWalker(editor.getBody());
23671        var getVisualCaretPosition$1 = curry(getVisualCaretPosition, direction === 1 ? caretWalker.next : caretWalker.prev);
23672        if (range.collapsed && hasForcedRootBlock(editor)) {
23673          var pre = editor.dom.getParent(range.startContainer, 'PRE');
23674          if (!pre) {
23675            return;
23676          }
23677          var caretPos = getVisualCaretPosition$1(CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(range));
23678          if (!caretPos) {
23679            var newBlock = createTextBlock(editor);
23680            if (direction === 1) {
23681              editor.$(pre).after(newBlock);
23682            } else {
23683              editor.$(pre).before(newBlock);
23684            }
23685            editor.selection.select(newBlock, true);
23686            editor.selection.collapse();
23687          }
23688        }
23689      };
23690      var getHorizontalRange = function (editor, forward) {
23691        var direction = forward ? HDirection.Forwards : HDirection.Backwards;
23692        var range = editor.selection.getRng();
23693        return moveToCeFalseHorizontally(direction, editor, range).orThunk(function () {
23694          exitPreBlock(editor, direction, range);
23695          return Optional.none();
23696        });
23697      };
23698      var getVerticalRange = function (editor, down) {
23699        var direction = down ? 1 : -1;
23700        var range = editor.selection.getRng();
23701        return moveToCeFalseVertically(direction, editor, range).orThunk(function () {
23702          exitPreBlock(editor, direction, range);
23703          return Optional.none();
23704        });
23705      };
23706      var moveH$2 = function (editor, forward) {
23707        return getHorizontalRange(editor, forward).exists(function (newRange) {
23708          moveToRange(editor, newRange);
23709          return true;
23710        });
23711      };
23712      var moveV$3 = function (editor, down) {
23713        return getVerticalRange(editor, down).exists(function (newRange) {
23714          moveToRange(editor, newRange);
23715          return true;
23716        });
23717      };
23718      var moveToLineEndPoint$1 = function (editor, forward) {
23719        var isCefPosition = forward ? isAfterContentEditableFalse : isBeforeContentEditableFalse;
23720        return moveToLineEndPoint$3(editor, forward, isCefPosition);
23721      };
23723      var isTarget = function (node) {
23724        return contains$3(['figcaption'], name(node));
23725      };
23726      var rangeBefore = function (target) {
23727        var rng = document.createRange();
23728        rng.setStartBefore(target.dom);
23729        rng.setEndBefore(target.dom);
23730        return rng;
23731      };
23732      var insertElement = function (root, elm, forward) {
23733        if (forward) {
23734          append$1(root, elm);
23735        } else {
23736          prepend(root, elm);
23737        }
23738      };
23739      var insertBr = function (root, forward) {
23740        var br = SugarElement.fromTag('br');
23741        insertElement(root, br, forward);
23742        return rangeBefore(br);
23743      };
23744      var insertBlock = function (root, forward, blockName, attrs) {
23745        var block = SugarElement.fromTag(blockName);
23746        var br = SugarElement.fromTag('br');
23747        setAll$1(block, attrs);
23748        append$1(block, br);
23749        insertElement(root, block, forward);
23750        return rangeBefore(br);
23751      };
23752      var insertEmptyLine = function (root, rootBlockName, attrs, forward) {
23753        if (rootBlockName === '') {
23754          return insertBr(root, forward);
23755        } else {
23756          return insertBlock(root, forward, rootBlockName, attrs);
23757        }
23758      };
23759      var getClosestTargetBlock = function (pos, root) {
23760        var isRoot = curry(eq, root);
23761        return closest$3(SugarElement.fromDom(pos.container()), isBlock$2, isRoot).filter(isTarget);
23762      };
23763      var isAtFirstOrLastLine = function (root, forward, pos) {
23764        return forward ? isAtLastLine(root.dom, pos) : isAtFirstLine(root.dom, pos);
23765      };
23766      var moveCaretToNewEmptyLine = function (editor, forward) {
23767        var root = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
23768        var pos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
23769        var rootBlock = getForcedRootBlock(editor);
23770        var rootBlockAttrs = getForcedRootBlockAttrs(editor);
23771        return getClosestTargetBlock(pos, root).exists(function () {
23772          if (isAtFirstOrLastLine(root, forward, pos)) {
23773            var rng = insertEmptyLine(root, rootBlock, rootBlockAttrs, forward);
23774            editor.selection.setRng(rng);
23775            return true;
23776          } else {
23777            return false;
23778          }
23779        });
23780      };
23781      var moveV$2 = function (editor, forward) {
23782        if (editor.selection.isCollapsed()) {
23783          return moveCaretToNewEmptyLine(editor, forward);
23784        } else {
23785          return false;
23786        }
23787      };
23789      var defaultPatterns = function (patterns) {
23790        return map$3(patterns, function (pattern) {
23791          return __assign({
23792            shiftKey: false,
23793            altKey: false,
23794            ctrlKey: false,
23795            metaKey: false,
23796            keyCode: 0,
23797            action: noop
23798          }, pattern);
23799        });
23800      };
23801      var matchesEvent = function (pattern, evt) {
23802        return evt.keyCode === pattern.keyCode && evt.shiftKey === pattern.shiftKey && evt.altKey === pattern.altKey && evt.ctrlKey === pattern.ctrlKey && evt.metaKey === pattern.metaKey;
23803      };
23804      var match$1 = function (patterns, evt) {
23805        return bind(defaultPatterns(patterns), function (pattern) {
23806          return matchesEvent(pattern, evt) ? [pattern] : [];
23807        });
23808      };
23809      var action = function (f) {
23810        var x = [];
23811        for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
23812          x[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
23813        }
23814        return function () {
23815          return f.apply(null, x);
23816        };
23817      };
23818      var execute = function (patterns, evt) {
23819        return find$3(match$1(patterns, evt), function (pattern) {
23820          return pattern.action();
23821        });
23822      };
23824      var moveH$1 = function (editor, forward) {
23825        var direction = forward ? HDirection.Forwards : HDirection.Backwards;
23826        var range = editor.selection.getRng();
23827        return moveHorizontally(editor, direction, range, isBeforeMedia, isAfterMedia, isMedia$2).exists(function (newRange) {
23828          moveToRange(editor, newRange);
23829          return true;
23830        });
23831      };
23832      var moveV$1 = function (editor, down) {
23833        var direction = down ? 1 : -1;
23834        var range = editor.selection.getRng();
23835        return moveVertically(editor, direction, range, isBeforeMedia, isAfterMedia, isMedia$2).exists(function (newRange) {
23836          moveToRange(editor, newRange);
23837          return true;
23838        });
23839      };
23840      var moveToLineEndPoint = function (editor, forward) {
23841        var isNearMedia = forward ? isAfterMedia : isBeforeMedia;
23842        return moveToLineEndPoint$3(editor, forward, isNearMedia);
23843      };
23845      var deflate = function (rect, delta) {
23846        return {
23847          left: rect.left - delta,
23848          top: rect.top - delta,
23849          right: rect.right + delta * 2,
23850          bottom: rect.bottom + delta * 2,
23851          width: rect.width + delta,
23852          height: rect.height + delta
23853        };
23854      };
23855      var getCorners = function (getYAxisValue, tds) {
23856        return bind(tds, function (td) {
23857          var rect = deflate(clone(td.getBoundingClientRect()), -1);
23858          return [
23859            {
23860              x: rect.left,
23861              y: getYAxisValue(rect),
23862              cell: td
23863            },
23864            {
23865              x: rect.right,
23866              y: getYAxisValue(rect),
23867              cell: td
23868            }
23869          ];
23870        });
23871      };
23872      var findClosestCorner = function (corners, x, y) {
23873        return foldl(corners, function (acc, newCorner) {
23874          return acc.fold(function () {
23875            return Optional.some(newCorner);
23876          }, function (oldCorner) {
23877            var oldDist = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(oldCorner.x - x) + Math.abs(oldCorner.y - y));
23878            var newDist = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(newCorner.x - x) + Math.abs(newCorner.y - y));
23879            return Optional.some(newDist < oldDist ? newCorner : oldCorner);
23880          });
23881        }, Optional.none());
23882      };
23883      var getClosestCell = function (getYAxisValue, isTargetCorner, table, x, y) {
23884        var cells = descendants(SugarElement.fromDom(table), 'td,th,caption').map(function (e) {
23885          return e.dom;
23886        });
23887        var corners = filter$4(getCorners(getYAxisValue, cells), function (corner) {
23888          return isTargetCorner(corner, y);
23889        });
23890        return findClosestCorner(corners, x, y).map(function (corner) {
23891          return corner.cell;
23892        });
23893      };
23894      var getBottomValue = function (rect) {
23895        return rect.bottom;
23896      };
23897      var getTopValue = function (rect) {
23898        return rect.top;
23899      };
23900      var isAbove = function (corner, y) {
23901        return corner.y < y;
23902      };
23903      var isBelow = function (corner, y) {
23904        return corner.y > y;
23905      };
23906      var getClosestCellAbove = curry(getClosestCell, getBottomValue, isAbove);
23907      var getClosestCellBelow = curry(getClosestCell, getTopValue, isBelow);
23908      var findClosestPositionInAboveCell = function (table, pos) {
23909        return head(pos.getClientRects()).bind(function (rect) {
23910          return getClosestCellAbove(table, rect.left, rect.top);
23911        }).bind(function (cell) {
23912          return findClosestHorizontalPosition(getLastLinePositions(cell), pos);
23913        });
23914      };
23915      var findClosestPositionInBelowCell = function (table, pos) {
23916        return last$2(pos.getClientRects()).bind(function (rect) {
23917          return getClosestCellBelow(table, rect.left, rect.top);
23918        }).bind(function (cell) {
23919          return findClosestHorizontalPosition(getFirstLinePositions(cell), pos);
23920        });
23921      };
23923      var hasNextBreak = function (getPositionsUntil, scope, lineInfo) {
23924        return lineInfo.breakAt.exists(function (breakPos) {
23925          return getPositionsUntil(scope, breakPos).breakAt.isSome();
23926        });
23927      };
23928      var startsWithWrapBreak = function (lineInfo) {
23929        return lineInfo.breakType === BreakType.Wrap && lineInfo.positions.length === 0;
23930      };
23931      var startsWithBrBreak = function (lineInfo) {
23932        return lineInfo.breakType === BreakType.Br && lineInfo.positions.length === 1;
23933      };
23934      var isAtTableCellLine = function (getPositionsUntil, scope, pos) {
23935        var lineInfo = getPositionsUntil(scope, pos);
23936        if (startsWithWrapBreak(lineInfo) || !isBr$5(pos.getNode()) && startsWithBrBreak(lineInfo)) {
23937          return !hasNextBreak(getPositionsUntil, scope, lineInfo);
23938        } else {
23939          return lineInfo.breakAt.isNone();
23940        }
23941      };
23942      var isAtFirstTableCellLine = curry(isAtTableCellLine, getPositionsUntilPreviousLine);
23943      var isAtLastTableCellLine = curry(isAtTableCellLine, getPositionsUntilNextLine);
23944      var isCaretAtStartOrEndOfTable = function (forward, rng, table) {
23945        var caretPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng);
23946        return positionIn(!forward, table).exists(function (pos) {
23947          return pos.isEqual(caretPos);
23948        });
23949      };
23950      var navigateHorizontally = function (editor, forward, table, _td) {
23951        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
23952        var direction = forward ? 1 : -1;
23953        if (isFakeCaretTableBrowser() && isCaretAtStartOrEndOfTable(forward, rng, table)) {
23954          showCaret(direction, editor, table, !forward, false).each(function (newRng) {
23955            moveToRange(editor, newRng);
23956          });
23957          return true;
23958        }
23959        return false;
23960      };
23961      var getClosestAbovePosition = function (root, table, start) {
23962        return findClosestPositionInAboveCell(table, start).orThunk(function () {
23963          return head(start.getClientRects()).bind(function (rect) {
23964            return findClosestHorizontalPositionFromPoint(getPositionsAbove(root, CaretPosition.before(table)), rect.left);
23965          });
23966        }).getOr(CaretPosition.before(table));
23967      };
23968      var getClosestBelowPosition = function (root, table, start) {
23969        return findClosestPositionInBelowCell(table, start).orThunk(function () {
23970          return head(start.getClientRects()).bind(function (rect) {
23971            return findClosestHorizontalPositionFromPoint(getPositionsBelow(root, CaretPosition.after(table)), rect.left);
23972          });
23973        }).getOr(CaretPosition.after(table));
23974      };
23975      var getTable = function (previous, pos) {
23976        var node = pos.getNode(previous);
23977        return isElement$5(node) && node.nodeName === 'TABLE' ? Optional.some(node) : Optional.none();
23978      };
23979      var renderBlock = function (down, editor, table, pos) {
23980        var forcedRootBlock = getForcedRootBlock(editor);
23981        if (forcedRootBlock) {
23982          editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
23983            var element = SugarElement.fromTag(forcedRootBlock);
23984            setAll$1(element, getForcedRootBlockAttrs(editor));
23985            append$1(element, SugarElement.fromTag('br'));
23986            if (down) {
23987              after$3(SugarElement.fromDom(table), element);
23988            } else {
23989              before$4(SugarElement.fromDom(table), element);
23990            }
23991            var rng = editor.dom.createRng();
23992            rng.setStart(element.dom, 0);
23993            rng.setEnd(element.dom, 0);
23994            moveToRange(editor, rng);
23995          });
23996        } else {
23997          moveToRange(editor, pos.toRange());
23998        }
23999      };
24000      var moveCaret = function (editor, down, pos) {
24001        var table = down ? getTable(true, pos) : getTable(false, pos);
24002        var last = down === false;
24003        table.fold(function () {
24004          return moveToRange(editor, pos.toRange());
24005        }, function (table) {
24006          return positionIn(last, editor.getBody()).filter(function (lastPos) {
24007            return lastPos.isEqual(pos);
24008          }).fold(function () {
24009            return moveToRange(editor, pos.toRange());
24010          }, function (_) {
24011            return renderBlock(down, editor, table, pos);
24012          });
24013        });
24014      };
24015      var navigateVertically = function (editor, down, table, td) {
24016        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
24017        var pos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng);
24018        var root = editor.getBody();
24019        if (!down && isAtFirstTableCellLine(td, pos)) {
24020          var newPos = getClosestAbovePosition(root, table, pos);
24021          moveCaret(editor, down, newPos);
24022          return true;
24023        } else if (down && isAtLastTableCellLine(td, pos)) {
24024          var newPos = getClosestBelowPosition(root, table, pos);
24025          moveCaret(editor, down, newPos);
24026          return true;
24027        } else {
24028          return false;
24029        }
24030      };
24031      var move$1 = function (editor, forward, mover) {
24032        return Optional.from(editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getNode(), 'td,th')).bind(function (td) {
24033          return Optional.from(editor.dom.getParent(td, 'table')).map(function (table) {
24034            return mover(editor, forward, table, td);
24035          });
24036        }).getOr(false);
24037      };
24038      var moveH = function (editor, forward) {
24039        return move$1(editor, forward, navigateHorizontally);
24040      };
24041      var moveV = function (editor, forward) {
24042        return move$1(editor, forward, navigateVertically);
24043      };
24045      var executeKeydownOverride$3 = function (editor, caret, evt) {
24046        var os = detect().os;
24047        execute([
24048          {
24049            keyCode: VK.RIGHT,
24050            action: action(moveH$2, editor, true)
24051          },
24052          {
24053            keyCode: VK.LEFT,
24054            action: action(moveH$2, editor, false)
24055          },
24056          {
24057            keyCode: VK.UP,
24058            action: action(moveV$3, editor, false)
24059          },
24060          {
24061            keyCode: VK.DOWN,
24062            action: action(moveV$3, editor, true)
24063          },
24064          {
24065            keyCode: VK.RIGHT,
24066            action: action(moveH, editor, true)
24067          },
24068          {
24069            keyCode: VK.LEFT,
24070            action: action(moveH, editor, false)
24071          },
24072          {
24073            keyCode: VK.UP,
24074            action: action(moveV, editor, false)
24075          },
24076          {
24077            keyCode: VK.DOWN,
24078            action: action(moveV, editor, true)
24079          },
24080          {
24081            keyCode: VK.RIGHT,
24082            action: action(moveH$1, editor, true)
24083          },
24084          {
24085            keyCode: VK.LEFT,
24086            action: action(moveH$1, editor, false)
24087          },
24088          {
24089            keyCode: VK.UP,
24090            action: action(moveV$1, editor, false)
24091          },
24092          {
24093            keyCode: VK.DOWN,
24094            action: action(moveV$1, editor, true)
24095          },
24096          {
24097            keyCode: VK.RIGHT,
24098            action: action(move$2, editor, caret, true)
24099          },
24100          {
24101            keyCode: VK.LEFT,
24102            action: action(move$2, editor, caret, false)
24103          },
24104          {
24105            keyCode: VK.RIGHT,
24106            ctrlKey: !os.isOSX(),
24107            altKey: os.isOSX(),
24108            action: action(moveNextWord, editor, caret)
24109          },
24110          {
24111            keyCode: VK.LEFT,
24112            ctrlKey: !os.isOSX(),
24113            altKey: os.isOSX(),
24114            action: action(movePrevWord, editor, caret)
24115          },
24116          {
24117            keyCode: VK.UP,
24118            action: action(moveV$2, editor, false)
24119          },
24120          {
24121            keyCode: VK.DOWN,
24122            action: action(moveV$2, editor, true)
24123          }
24124        ], evt).each(function (_) {
24125          evt.preventDefault();
24126        });
24127      };
24128      var setup$b = function (editor, caret) {
24129        editor.on('keydown', function (evt) {
24130          if (evt.isDefaultPrevented() === false) {
24131            executeKeydownOverride$3(editor, caret, evt);
24132          }
24133        });
24134      };
24136      var executeKeydownOverride$2 = function (editor, caret, evt) {
24137        execute([
24138          {
24139            keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE,
24140            action: action(backspaceDelete, editor, false)
24141          },
24142          {
24143            keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE,
24144            action: action(backspaceDelete$5, editor, false)
24145          },
24146          {
24147            keyCode: VK.DELETE,
24148            action: action(backspaceDelete$5, editor, true)
24149          },
24150          {
24151            keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE,
24152            action: action(backspaceDelete$6, editor, false)
24153          },
24154          {
24155            keyCode: VK.DELETE,
24156            action: action(backspaceDelete$6, editor, true)
24157          },
24158          {
24159            keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE,
24160            action: action(backspaceDelete$3, editor, caret, false)
24161          },
24162          {
24163            keyCode: VK.DELETE,
24164            action: action(backspaceDelete$3, editor, caret, true)
24165          },
24166          {
24167            keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE,
24168            action: action(backspaceDelete$9, editor, false)
24169          },
24170          {
24171            keyCode: VK.DELETE,
24172            action: action(backspaceDelete$9, editor, true)
24173          },
24174          {
24175            keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE,
24176            action: action(backspaceDelete$4, editor, false)
24177          },
24178          {
24179            keyCode: VK.DELETE,
24180            action: action(backspaceDelete$4, editor, true)
24181          },
24182          {
24183            keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE,
24184            action: action(backspaceDelete$1, editor, false)
24185          },
24186          {
24187            keyCode: VK.DELETE,
24188            action: action(backspaceDelete$1, editor, true)
24189          },
24190          {
24191            keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE,
24192            action: action(backspaceDelete$7, editor, false)
24193          },
24194          {
24195            keyCode: VK.DELETE,
24196            action: action(backspaceDelete$7, editor, true)
24197          },
24198          {
24199            keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE,
24200            action: action(backspaceDelete$8, editor, false)
24201          },
24202          {
24203            keyCode: VK.DELETE,
24204            action: action(backspaceDelete$8, editor, true)
24205          },
24206          {
24207            keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE,
24208            action: action(backspaceDelete$2, editor, false)
24209          },
24210          {
24211            keyCode: VK.DELETE,
24212            action: action(backspaceDelete$2, editor, true)
24213          }
24214        ], evt).each(function (_) {
24215          evt.preventDefault();
24216        });
24217      };
24218      var executeKeyupOverride = function (editor, evt) {
24219        execute([
24220          {
24221            keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE,
24222            action: action(paddEmptyElement, editor)
24223          },
24224          {
24225            keyCode: VK.DELETE,
24226            action: action(paddEmptyElement, editor)
24227          }
24228        ], evt);
24229      };
24230      var setup$a = function (editor, caret) {
24231        editor.on('keydown', function (evt) {
24232          if (evt.isDefaultPrevented() === false) {
24233            executeKeydownOverride$2(editor, caret, evt);
24234          }
24235        });
24236        editor.on('keyup', function (evt) {
24237          if (evt.isDefaultPrevented() === false) {
24238            executeKeyupOverride(editor, evt);
24239          }
24240        });
24241      };
24243      var firstNonWhiteSpaceNodeSibling = function (node) {
24244        while (node) {
24245          if (node.nodeType === 1 || node.nodeType === 3 && node.data && /[\r\n\s]/.test(node.data)) {
24246            return node;
24247          }
24248          node = node.nextSibling;
24249        }
24250      };
24251      var moveToCaretPosition = function (editor, root) {
24252        var node, lastNode = root;
24253        var dom = editor.dom;
24254        var moveCaretBeforeOnEnterElementsMap = editor.schema.getMoveCaretBeforeOnEnterElements();
24255        if (!root) {
24256          return;
24257        }
24258        if (/^(LI|DT|DD)$/.test(root.nodeName)) {
24259          var firstChild = firstNonWhiteSpaceNodeSibling(root.firstChild);
24260          if (firstChild && /^(UL|OL|DL)$/.test(firstChild.nodeName)) {
24261            root.insertBefore(dom.doc.createTextNode(nbsp), root.firstChild);
24262          }
24263        }
24264        var rng = dom.createRng();
24265        root.normalize();
24266        if (root.hasChildNodes()) {
24267          var walker = new DomTreeWalker(root, root);
24268          while (node = walker.current()) {
24269            if (isText$7(node)) {
24270              rng.setStart(node, 0);
24271              rng.setEnd(node, 0);
24272              break;
24273            }
24274            if (moveCaretBeforeOnEnterElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
24275              rng.setStartBefore(node);
24276              rng.setEndBefore(node);
24277              break;
24278            }
24279            lastNode = node;
24280            node = walker.next();
24281          }
24282          if (!node) {
24283            rng.setStart(lastNode, 0);
24284            rng.setEnd(lastNode, 0);
24285          }
24286        } else {
24287          if (isBr$5(root)) {
24288            if (root.nextSibling && dom.isBlock(root.nextSibling)) {
24289              rng.setStartBefore(root);
24290              rng.setEndBefore(root);
24291            } else {
24292              rng.setStartAfter(root);
24293              rng.setEndAfter(root);
24294            }
24295          } else {
24296            rng.setStart(root, 0);
24297            rng.setEnd(root, 0);
24298          }
24299        }
24300        editor.selection.setRng(rng);
24301        scrollRangeIntoView(editor, rng);
24302      };
24303      var getEditableRoot$1 = function (dom, node) {
24304        var root = dom.getRoot();
24305        var parent, editableRoot;
24306        parent = node;
24307        while (parent !== root && dom.getContentEditable(parent) !== 'false') {
24308          if (dom.getContentEditable(parent) === 'true') {
24309            editableRoot = parent;
24310          }
24311          parent = parent.parentNode;
24312        }
24313        return parent !== root ? editableRoot : root;
24314      };
24315      var getParentBlock = function (editor) {
24316        return Optional.from(editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(true), editor.dom.isBlock));
24317      };
24318      var getParentBlockName = function (editor) {
24319        return getParentBlock(editor).fold(constant(''), function (parentBlock) {
24320          return parentBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase();
24321        });
24322      };
24323      var isListItemParentBlock = function (editor) {
24324        return getParentBlock(editor).filter(function (elm) {
24325          return isListItem(SugarElement.fromDom(elm));
24326        }).isSome();
24327      };
24329      var hasFirstChild = function (elm, name) {
24330        return elm.firstChild && elm.firstChild.nodeName === name;
24331      };
24332      var isFirstChild = function (elm) {
24333        var _a;
24334        return ((_a = elm.parentNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.firstChild) === elm;
24335      };
24336      var hasParent = function (elm, parentName) {
24337        return elm && elm.parentNode && elm.parentNode.nodeName === parentName;
24338      };
24339      var isListBlock = function (elm) {
24340        return elm && /^(OL|UL|LI)$/.test(elm.nodeName);
24341      };
24342      var isNestedList = function (elm) {
24343        return isListBlock(elm) && isListBlock(elm.parentNode);
24344      };
24345      var getContainerBlock = function (containerBlock) {
24346        var containerBlockParent = containerBlock.parentNode;
24347        if (/^(LI|DT|DD)$/.test(containerBlockParent.nodeName)) {
24348          return containerBlockParent;
24349        }
24350        return containerBlock;
24351      };
24352      var isFirstOrLastLi = function (containerBlock, parentBlock, first) {
24353        var node = containerBlock[first ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
24354        while (node) {
24355          if (isElement$5(node)) {
24356            break;
24357          }
24358          node = node[first ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling'];
24359        }
24360        return node === parentBlock;
24361      };
24362      var insert$3 = function (editor, createNewBlock, containerBlock, parentBlock, newBlockName) {
24363        var dom = editor.dom;
24364        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
24365        if (containerBlock === editor.getBody()) {
24366          return;
24367        }
24368        if (isNestedList(containerBlock)) {
24369          newBlockName = 'LI';
24370        }
24371        var newBlock = newBlockName ? createNewBlock(newBlockName) : dom.create('BR');
24372        if (isFirstOrLastLi(containerBlock, parentBlock, true) && isFirstOrLastLi(containerBlock, parentBlock, false)) {
24373          if (hasParent(containerBlock, 'LI')) {
24374            var containerBlockParent = getContainerBlock(containerBlock);
24375            dom.insertAfter(newBlock, containerBlockParent);
24376            if (isFirstChild(containerBlock)) {
24377              dom.remove(containerBlockParent);
24378            } else {
24379              dom.remove(containerBlock);
24380            }
24381          } else {
24382            dom.replace(newBlock, containerBlock);
24383          }
24384        } else if (isFirstOrLastLi(containerBlock, parentBlock, true)) {
24385          if (hasParent(containerBlock, 'LI')) {
24386            dom.insertAfter(newBlock, getContainerBlock(containerBlock));
24387            newBlock.appendChild(dom.doc.createTextNode(' '));
24388            newBlock.appendChild(containerBlock);
24389          } else {
24390            containerBlock.parentNode.insertBefore(newBlock, containerBlock);
24391          }
24392          dom.remove(parentBlock);
24393        } else if (isFirstOrLastLi(containerBlock, parentBlock, false)) {
24394          dom.insertAfter(newBlock, getContainerBlock(containerBlock));
24395          dom.remove(parentBlock);
24396        } else {
24397          containerBlock = getContainerBlock(containerBlock);
24398          var tmpRng = rng.cloneRange();
24399          tmpRng.setStartAfter(parentBlock);
24400          tmpRng.setEndAfter(containerBlock);
24401          var fragment = tmpRng.extractContents();
24402          if (newBlockName === 'LI' && hasFirstChild(fragment, 'LI')) {
24403            newBlock = fragment.firstChild;
24404            dom.insertAfter(fragment, containerBlock);
24405          } else {
24406            dom.insertAfter(fragment, containerBlock);
24407            dom.insertAfter(newBlock, containerBlock);
24408          }
24409          dom.remove(parentBlock);
24410        }
24411        moveToCaretPosition(editor, newBlock);
24412      };
24414      var trimZwsp = function (fragment) {
24415        each$k(descendants$1(SugarElement.fromDom(fragment), isText$8), function (text) {
24416          var rawNode = text.dom;
24417          rawNode.nodeValue = trim$2(rawNode.nodeValue);
24418        });
24419      };
24420      var isEmptyAnchor = function (dom, elm) {
24421        return elm && elm.nodeName === 'A' && dom.isEmpty(elm);
24422      };
24423      var isTableCell = function (node) {
24424        return node && /^(TD|TH|CAPTION)$/.test(node.nodeName);
24425      };
24426      var emptyBlock = function (elm) {
24427        elm.innerHTML = '<br data-mce-bogus="1">';
24428      };
24429      var containerAndSiblingName = function (container, nodeName) {
24430        return container.nodeName === nodeName || container.previousSibling && container.previousSibling.nodeName === nodeName;
24431      };
24432      var canSplitBlock = function (dom, node) {
24433        return node && dom.isBlock(node) && !/^(TD|TH|CAPTION|FORM)$/.test(node.nodeName) && !/^(fixed|absolute)/i.test(node.style.position) && dom.getContentEditable(node) !== 'true';
24434      };
24435      var trimInlineElementsOnLeftSideOfBlock = function (dom, nonEmptyElementsMap, block) {
24436        var node = block;
24437        var firstChilds = [];
24438        var i;
24439        if (!node) {
24440          return;
24441        }
24442        while (node = node.firstChild) {
24443          if (dom.isBlock(node)) {
24444            return;
24445          }
24446          if (isElement$5(node) && !nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
24447            firstChilds.push(node);
24448          }
24449        }
24450        i = firstChilds.length;
24451        while (i--) {
24452          node = firstChilds[i];
24453          if (!node.hasChildNodes() || node.firstChild === node.lastChild && node.firstChild.nodeValue === '') {
24454            dom.remove(node);
24455          } else {
24456            if (isEmptyAnchor(dom, node)) {
24457              dom.remove(node);
24458            }
24459          }
24460        }
24461      };
24462      var normalizeZwspOffset = function (start, container, offset) {
24463        if (isText$7(container) === false) {
24464          return offset;
24465        } else if (start) {
24466          return offset === 1 && container.data.charAt(offset - 1) === ZWSP$1 ? 0 : offset;
24467        } else {
24468          return offset === container.data.length - 1 && container.data.charAt(offset) === ZWSP$1 ? container.data.length : offset;
24469        }
24470      };
24471      var includeZwspInRange = function (rng) {
24472        var newRng = rng.cloneRange();
24473        newRng.setStart(rng.startContainer, normalizeZwspOffset(true, rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset));
24474        newRng.setEnd(rng.endContainer, normalizeZwspOffset(false, rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset));
24475        return newRng;
24476      };
24477      var trimLeadingLineBreaks = function (node) {
24478        do {
24479          if (isText$7(node)) {
24480            node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/^[\r\n]+/, '');
24481          }
24482          node = node.firstChild;
24483        } while (node);
24484      };
24485      var getEditableRoot = function (dom, node) {
24486        var root = dom.getRoot();
24487        var parent, editableRoot;
24488        parent = node;
24489        while (parent !== root && dom.getContentEditable(parent) !== 'false') {
24490          if (dom.getContentEditable(parent) === 'true') {
24491            editableRoot = parent;
24492          }
24493          parent = parent.parentNode;
24494        }
24495        return parent !== root ? editableRoot : root;
24496      };
24497      var applyAttributes = function (editor, node, forcedRootBlockAttrs) {
24498        var dom = editor.dom;
24499        Optional.from(forcedRootBlockAttrs.style).map(dom.parseStyle).each(function (attrStyles) {
24500          var currentStyles = getAllRaw(SugarElement.fromDom(node));
24501          var newStyles = __assign(__assign({}, currentStyles), attrStyles);
24502          dom.setStyles(node, newStyles);
24503        });
24504        var attrClassesOpt = Optional.from(forcedRootBlockAttrs.class).map(function (attrClasses) {
24505          return attrClasses.split(/\s+/);
24506        });
24507        var currentClassesOpt = Optional.from(node.className).map(function (currentClasses) {
24508          return filter$4(currentClasses.split(/\s+/), function (clazz) {
24509            return clazz !== '';
24510          });
24511        });
24512        lift2(attrClassesOpt, currentClassesOpt, function (attrClasses, currentClasses) {
24513          var filteredClasses = filter$4(currentClasses, function (clazz) {
24514            return !contains$3(attrClasses, clazz);
24515          });
24516          var newClasses = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], attrClasses, true), filteredClasses, true);
24517          dom.setAttrib(node, 'class', newClasses.join(' '));
24518        });
24519        var appliedAttrs = [
24520          'style',
24521          'class'
24522        ];
24523        var remainingAttrs = filter$3(forcedRootBlockAttrs, function (_, attrs) {
24524          return !contains$3(appliedAttrs, attrs);
24525        });
24526        dom.setAttribs(node, remainingAttrs);
24527      };
24528      var setForcedBlockAttrs = function (editor, node) {
24529        var forcedRootBlockName = getForcedRootBlock(editor);
24530        if (forcedRootBlockName && forcedRootBlockName.toLowerCase() === node.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
24531          var forcedRootBlockAttrs = getForcedRootBlockAttrs(editor);
24532          applyAttributes(editor, node, forcedRootBlockAttrs);
24533        }
24534      };
24535      var wrapSelfAndSiblingsInDefaultBlock = function (editor, newBlockName, rng, container, offset) {
24536        var newBlock, parentBlock, startNode, node, next, rootBlockName;
24537        var blockName = newBlockName || 'P';
24538        var dom = editor.dom, editableRoot = getEditableRoot(dom, container);
24539        parentBlock = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock);
24540        if (!parentBlock || !canSplitBlock(dom, parentBlock)) {
24541          parentBlock = parentBlock || editableRoot;
24542          if (parentBlock === editor.getBody() || isTableCell(parentBlock)) {
24543            rootBlockName = parentBlock.nodeName.toLowerCase();
24544          } else {
24545            rootBlockName = parentBlock.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
24546          }
24547          if (!parentBlock.hasChildNodes()) {
24548            newBlock = dom.create(blockName);
24549            setForcedBlockAttrs(editor, newBlock);
24550            parentBlock.appendChild(newBlock);
24551            rng.setStart(newBlock, 0);
24552            rng.setEnd(newBlock, 0);
24553            return newBlock;
24554          }
24555          node = container;
24556          while (node.parentNode !== parentBlock) {
24557            node = node.parentNode;
24558          }
24559          while (node && !dom.isBlock(node)) {
24560            startNode = node;
24561            node = node.previousSibling;
24562          }
24563          if (startNode && editor.schema.isValidChild(rootBlockName, blockName.toLowerCase())) {
24564            newBlock = dom.create(blockName);
24565            setForcedBlockAttrs(editor, newBlock);
24566            startNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newBlock, startNode);
24567            node = startNode;
24568            while (node && !dom.isBlock(node)) {
24569              next = node.nextSibling;
24570              newBlock.appendChild(node);
24571              node = next;
24572            }
24573            rng.setStart(container, offset);
24574            rng.setEnd(container, offset);
24575          }
24576        }
24577        return container;
24578      };
24579      var addBrToBlockIfNeeded = function (dom, block) {
24580        block.normalize();
24581        var lastChild = block.lastChild;
24582        if (!lastChild || /^(left|right)$/gi.test(dom.getStyle(lastChild, 'float', true))) {
24583          dom.add(block, 'br');
24584        }
24585      };
24586      var insert$2 = function (editor, evt) {
24587        var tmpRng, container, offset, parentBlock;
24588        var newBlock, fragment, containerBlock, parentBlockName, newBlockName, isAfterLastNodeInContainer;
24589        var dom = editor.dom;
24590        var schema = editor.schema, nonEmptyElementsMap = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
24591        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
24592        var createNewBlock = function (name) {
24593          var node = container, block, clonedNode, caretNode;
24594          var textInlineElements = schema.getTextInlineElements();
24595          if (name || parentBlockName === 'TABLE' || parentBlockName === 'HR') {
24596            block = dom.create(name || newBlockName);
24597          } else {
24598            block = parentBlock.cloneNode(false);
24599          }
24600          caretNode = block;
24601          if (shouldKeepStyles(editor) === false) {
24602            dom.setAttrib(block, 'style', null);
24603            dom.setAttrib(block, 'class', null);
24604          } else {
24605            do {
24606              if (textInlineElements[node.nodeName]) {
24607                if (isCaretNode(node) || isBookmarkNode$1(node)) {
24608                  continue;
24609                }
24610                clonedNode = node.cloneNode(false);
24611                dom.setAttrib(clonedNode, 'id', '');
24612                if (block.hasChildNodes()) {
24613                  clonedNode.appendChild(block.firstChild);
24614                  block.appendChild(clonedNode);
24615                } else {
24616                  caretNode = clonedNode;
24617                  block.appendChild(clonedNode);
24618                }
24619              }
24620            } while ((node = node.parentNode) && node !== editableRoot);
24621          }
24622          setForcedBlockAttrs(editor, block);
24623          emptyBlock(caretNode);
24624          return block;
24625        };
24626        var isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock = function (start) {
24627          var node, name;
24628          var normalizedOffset = normalizeZwspOffset(start, container, offset);
24629          if (isText$7(container) && (start ? normalizedOffset > 0 : normalizedOffset < container.nodeValue.length)) {
24630            return false;
24631          }
24632          if (container.parentNode === parentBlock && isAfterLastNodeInContainer && !start) {
24633            return true;
24634          }
24635          if (start && isElement$5(container) && container === parentBlock.firstChild) {
24636            return true;
24637          }
24638          if (containerAndSiblingName(container, 'TABLE') || containerAndSiblingName(container, 'HR')) {
24639            return isAfterLastNodeInContainer && !start || !isAfterLastNodeInContainer && start;
24640          }
24641          var walker = new DomTreeWalker(container, parentBlock);
24642          if (isText$7(container)) {
24643            if (start && normalizedOffset === 0) {
24644              walker.prev();
24645            } else if (!start && normalizedOffset === container.nodeValue.length) {
24646              walker.next();
24647            }
24648          }
24649          while (node = walker.current()) {
24650            if (isElement$5(node)) {
24651              if (!node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) {
24652                name = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
24653                if (nonEmptyElementsMap[name] && name !== 'br') {
24654                  return false;
24655                }
24656              }
24657            } else if (isText$7(node) && !isWhitespaceText(node.nodeValue)) {
24658              return false;
24659            }
24660            if (start) {
24661              walker.prev();
24662            } else {
24663              walker.next();
24664            }
24665          }
24666          return true;
24667        };
24668        var insertNewBlockAfter = function () {
24669          if (/^(H[1-6]|PRE|FIGURE)$/.test(parentBlockName) && containerBlockName !== 'HGROUP') {
24670            newBlock = createNewBlock(newBlockName);
24671          } else {
24672            newBlock = createNewBlock();
24673          }
24674          if (shouldEndContainerOnEmptyBlock(editor) && canSplitBlock(dom, containerBlock) && dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) {
24675            newBlock = dom.split(containerBlock, parentBlock);
24676          } else {
24677            dom.insertAfter(newBlock, parentBlock);
24678          }
24679          moveToCaretPosition(editor, newBlock);
24680        };
24681        normalize$2(dom, rng).each(function (normRng) {
24682          rng.setStart(normRng.startContainer, normRng.startOffset);
24683          rng.setEnd(normRng.endContainer, normRng.endOffset);
24684        });
24685        container = rng.startContainer;
24686        offset = rng.startOffset;
24687        newBlockName = getForcedRootBlock(editor);
24688        var shiftKey = !!(evt && evt.shiftKey);
24689        var ctrlKey = !!(evt && evt.ctrlKey);
24690        if (isElement$5(container) && container.hasChildNodes()) {
24691          isAfterLastNodeInContainer = offset > container.childNodes.length - 1;
24692          container = container.childNodes[Math.min(offset, container.childNodes.length - 1)] || container;
24693          if (isAfterLastNodeInContainer && isText$7(container)) {
24694            offset = container.nodeValue.length;
24695          } else {
24696            offset = 0;
24697          }
24698        }
24699        var editableRoot = getEditableRoot(dom, container);
24700        if (!editableRoot) {
24701          return;
24702        }
24703        if (newBlockName && !shiftKey || !newBlockName && shiftKey) {
24704          container = wrapSelfAndSiblingsInDefaultBlock(editor, newBlockName, rng, container, offset);
24705        }
24706        parentBlock = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock);
24707        containerBlock = parentBlock ? dom.getParent(parentBlock.parentNode, dom.isBlock) : null;
24708        parentBlockName = parentBlock ? parentBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase() : '';
24709        var containerBlockName = containerBlock ? containerBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase() : '';
24710        if (containerBlockName === 'LI' && !ctrlKey) {
24711          parentBlock = containerBlock;
24712          containerBlock = containerBlock.parentNode;
24713          parentBlockName = containerBlockName;
24714        }
24715        if (/^(LI|DT|DD)$/.test(parentBlockName)) {
24716          if (dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) {
24717            insert$3(editor, createNewBlock, containerBlock, parentBlock, newBlockName);
24718            return;
24719          }
24720        }
24721        if (newBlockName && parentBlock === editor.getBody()) {
24722          return;
24723        }
24724        newBlockName = newBlockName || 'P';
24725        if (isCaretContainerBlock$1(parentBlock)) {
24726          newBlock = showCaretContainerBlock(parentBlock);
24727          if (dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) {
24728            emptyBlock(parentBlock);
24729          }
24730          setForcedBlockAttrs(editor, newBlock);
24731          moveToCaretPosition(editor, newBlock);
24732        } else if (isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock()) {
24733          insertNewBlockAfter();
24734        } else if (isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock(true)) {
24735          newBlock = parentBlock.parentNode.insertBefore(createNewBlock(), parentBlock);
24736          moveToCaretPosition(editor, containerAndSiblingName(parentBlock, 'HR') ? newBlock : parentBlock);
24737        } else {
24738          tmpRng = includeZwspInRange(rng).cloneRange();
24739          tmpRng.setEndAfter(parentBlock);
24740          fragment = tmpRng.extractContents();
24741          trimZwsp(fragment);
24742          trimLeadingLineBreaks(fragment);
24743          newBlock = fragment.firstChild;
24744          dom.insertAfter(fragment, parentBlock);
24745          trimInlineElementsOnLeftSideOfBlock(dom, nonEmptyElementsMap, newBlock);
24746          addBrToBlockIfNeeded(dom, parentBlock);
24747          if (dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) {
24748            emptyBlock(parentBlock);
24749          }
24750          newBlock.normalize();
24751          if (dom.isEmpty(newBlock)) {
24752            dom.remove(newBlock);
24753            insertNewBlockAfter();
24754          } else {
24755            setForcedBlockAttrs(editor, newBlock);
24756            moveToCaretPosition(editor, newBlock);
24757          }
24758        }
24759        dom.setAttrib(newBlock, 'id', '');
24760        editor.fire('NewBlock', { newBlock: newBlock });
24761      };
24763      var hasRightSideContent = function (schema, container, parentBlock) {
24764        var walker = new DomTreeWalker(container, parentBlock);
24765        var node;
24766        var nonEmptyElementsMap = schema.getNonEmptyElements();
24767        while (node = walker.next()) {
24768          if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || node.length > 0) {
24769            return true;
24770          }
24771        }
24772      };
24773      var moveSelectionToBr = function (editor, brElm, extraBr) {
24774        var rng = editor.dom.createRng();
24775        if (!extraBr) {
24776          rng.setStartAfter(brElm);
24777          rng.setEndAfter(brElm);
24778        } else {
24779          rng.setStartBefore(brElm);
24780          rng.setEndBefore(brElm);
24781        }
24782        editor.selection.setRng(rng);
24783        scrollRangeIntoView(editor, rng);
24784      };
24785      var insertBrAtCaret = function (editor, evt) {
24786        var selection = editor.selection;
24787        var dom = editor.dom;
24788        var rng = selection.getRng();
24789        var brElm;
24790        var extraBr;
24791        normalize$2(dom, rng).each(function (normRng) {
24792          rng.setStart(normRng.startContainer, normRng.startOffset);
24793          rng.setEnd(normRng.endContainer, normRng.endOffset);
24794        });
24795        var offset = rng.startOffset;
24796        var container = rng.startContainer;
24797        if (container.nodeType === 1 && container.hasChildNodes()) {
24798          var isAfterLastNodeInContainer = offset > container.childNodes.length - 1;
24799          container = container.childNodes[Math.min(offset, container.childNodes.length - 1)] || container;
24800          if (isAfterLastNodeInContainer && container.nodeType === 3) {
24801            offset = container.nodeValue.length;
24802          } else {
24803            offset = 0;
24804          }
24805        }
24806        var parentBlock = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock);
24807        var containerBlock = parentBlock ? dom.getParent(parentBlock.parentNode, dom.isBlock) : null;
24808        var containerBlockName = containerBlock ? containerBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase() : '';
24809        var isControlKey = !!(evt && evt.ctrlKey);
24810        if (containerBlockName === 'LI' && !isControlKey) {
24811          parentBlock = containerBlock;
24812        }
24813        if (container && container.nodeType === 3 && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) {
24814          if (!hasRightSideContent(editor.schema, container, parentBlock)) {
24815            brElm = dom.create('br');
24816            rng.insertNode(brElm);
24817            rng.setStartAfter(brElm);
24818            rng.setEndAfter(brElm);
24819            extraBr = true;
24820          }
24821        }
24822        brElm = dom.create('br');
24823        rangeInsertNode(dom, rng, brElm);
24824        moveSelectionToBr(editor, brElm, extraBr);
24825        editor.undoManager.add();
24826      };
24827      var insertBrBefore = function (editor, inline) {
24828        var br = SugarElement.fromTag('br');
24829        before$4(SugarElement.fromDom(inline), br);
24830        editor.undoManager.add();
24831      };
24832      var insertBrAfter = function (editor, inline) {
24833        if (!hasBrAfter(editor.getBody(), inline)) {
24834          after$3(SugarElement.fromDom(inline), SugarElement.fromTag('br'));
24835        }
24836        var br = SugarElement.fromTag('br');
24837        after$3(SugarElement.fromDom(inline), br);
24838        moveSelectionToBr(editor, br.dom, false);
24839        editor.undoManager.add();
24840      };
24841      var isBeforeBr = function (pos) {
24842        return isBr$5(pos.getNode());
24843      };
24844      var hasBrAfter = function (rootNode, startNode) {
24845        if (isBeforeBr(CaretPosition.after(startNode))) {
24846          return true;
24847        } else {
24848          return nextPosition(rootNode, CaretPosition.after(startNode)).map(function (pos) {
24849            return isBr$5(pos.getNode());
24850          }).getOr(false);
24851        }
24852      };
24853      var isAnchorLink = function (elm) {
24854        return elm && elm.nodeName === 'A' && 'href' in elm;
24855      };
24856      var isInsideAnchor = function (location) {
24857        return location.fold(never, isAnchorLink, isAnchorLink, never);
24858      };
24859      var readInlineAnchorLocation = function (editor) {
24860        var isInlineTarget$1 = curry(isInlineTarget, editor);
24861        var position = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
24862        return readLocation(isInlineTarget$1, editor.getBody(), position).filter(isInsideAnchor);
24863      };
24864      var insertBrOutsideAnchor = function (editor, location) {
24865        location.fold(noop, curry(insertBrBefore, editor), curry(insertBrAfter, editor), noop);
24866      };
24867      var insert$1 = function (editor, evt) {
24868        var anchorLocation = readInlineAnchorLocation(editor);
24869        if (anchorLocation.isSome()) {
24870          anchorLocation.each(curry(insertBrOutsideAnchor, editor));
24871        } else {
24872          insertBrAtCaret(editor, evt);
24873        }
24874      };
24876      var matchesSelector = function (editor, selector) {
24877        return getParentBlock(editor).filter(function (parentBlock) {
24878          return selector.length > 0 && is$2(SugarElement.fromDom(parentBlock), selector);
24879        }).isSome();
24880      };
24881      var shouldInsertBr = function (editor) {
24882        return matchesSelector(editor, getBrNewLineSelector(editor));
24883      };
24884      var shouldBlockNewLine$1 = function (editor) {
24885        return matchesSelector(editor, getNoNewLineSelector(editor));
24886      };
24888      var newLineAction = Adt.generate([
24889        { br: [] },
24890        { block: [] },
24891        { none: [] }
24892      ]);
24893      var shouldBlockNewLine = function (editor, _shiftKey) {
24894        return shouldBlockNewLine$1(editor);
24895      };
24896      var isBrMode = function (requiredState) {
24897        return function (editor, _shiftKey) {
24898          var brMode = getForcedRootBlock(editor) === '';
24899          return brMode === requiredState;
24900        };
24901      };
24902      var inListBlock = function (requiredState) {
24903        return function (editor, _shiftKey) {
24904          return isListItemParentBlock(editor) === requiredState;
24905        };
24906      };
24907      var inBlock = function (blockName, requiredState) {
24908        return function (editor, _shiftKey) {
24909          var state = getParentBlockName(editor) === blockName.toUpperCase();
24910          return state === requiredState;
24911        };
24912      };
24913      var inPreBlock = function (requiredState) {
24914        return inBlock('pre', requiredState);
24915      };
24916      var inSummaryBlock = function () {
24917        return inBlock('summary', true);
24918      };
24919      var shouldPutBrInPre = function (requiredState) {
24920        return function (editor, _shiftKey) {
24921          return shouldPutBrInPre$1(editor) === requiredState;
24922        };
24923      };
24924      var inBrContext = function (editor, _shiftKey) {
24925        return shouldInsertBr(editor);
24926      };
24927      var hasShiftKey = function (_editor, shiftKey) {
24928        return shiftKey;
24929      };
24930      var canInsertIntoEditableRoot = function (editor) {
24931        var forcedRootBlock = getForcedRootBlock(editor);
24932        var rootEditable = getEditableRoot$1(editor.dom, editor.selection.getStart());
24933        return rootEditable && editor.schema.isValidChild(rootEditable.nodeName, forcedRootBlock ? forcedRootBlock : 'P');
24934      };
24935      var match = function (predicates, action) {
24936        return function (editor, shiftKey) {
24937          var isMatch = foldl(predicates, function (res, p) {
24938            return res && p(editor, shiftKey);
24939          }, true);
24940          return isMatch ? Optional.some(action) : Optional.none();
24941        };
24942      };
24943      var getAction = function (editor, evt) {
24944        return evaluateUntil([
24945          match([shouldBlockNewLine], newLineAction.none()),
24946          match([inSummaryBlock()], newLineAction.br()),
24947          match([
24948            inPreBlock(true),
24949            shouldPutBrInPre(false),
24950            hasShiftKey
24951          ], newLineAction.br()),
24952          match([
24953            inPreBlock(true),
24954            shouldPutBrInPre(false)
24955          ], newLineAction.block()),
24956          match([
24957            inPreBlock(true),
24958            shouldPutBrInPre(true),
24959            hasShiftKey
24960          ], newLineAction.block()),
24961          match([
24962            inPreBlock(true),
24963            shouldPutBrInPre(true)
24964          ], newLineAction.br()),
24965          match([
24966            inListBlock(true),
24967            hasShiftKey
24968          ], newLineAction.br()),
24969          match([inListBlock(true)], newLineAction.block()),
24970          match([
24971            isBrMode(true),
24972            hasShiftKey,
24973            canInsertIntoEditableRoot
24974          ], newLineAction.block()),
24975          match([isBrMode(true)], newLineAction.br()),
24976          match([inBrContext], newLineAction.br()),
24977          match([
24978            isBrMode(false),
24979            hasShiftKey
24980          ], newLineAction.br()),
24981          match([canInsertIntoEditableRoot], newLineAction.block())
24982        ], [
24983          editor,
24984          !!(evt && evt.shiftKey)
24985        ]).getOr(newLineAction.none());
24986      };
24988      var insert = function (editor, evt) {
24989        getAction(editor, evt).fold(function () {
24990          insert$1(editor, evt);
24991        }, function () {
24992          insert$2(editor, evt);
24993        }, noop);
24994      };
24996      var handleEnterKeyEvent = function (editor, event) {
24997        if (event.isDefaultPrevented()) {
24998          return;
24999        }
25000        event.preventDefault();
25001        endTypingLevelIgnoreLocks(editor.undoManager);
25002        editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
25003          if (editor.selection.isCollapsed() === false) {
25004            editor.execCommand('Delete');
25005          }
25006          insert(editor, event);
25007        });
25008      };
25009      var setup$9 = function (editor) {
25010        editor.on('keydown', function (event) {
25011          if (event.keyCode === VK.ENTER) {
25012            handleEnterKeyEvent(editor, event);
25013          }
25014        });
25015      };
25017      var executeKeydownOverride$1 = function (editor, caret, evt) {
25018        execute([
25019          {
25020            keyCode: VK.END,
25021            action: action(moveToLineEndPoint$1, editor, true)
25022          },
25023          {
25024            keyCode: VK.HOME,
25025            action: action(moveToLineEndPoint$1, editor, false)
25026          },
25027          {
25028            keyCode: VK.END,
25029            action: action(moveToLineEndPoint, editor, true)
25030          },
25031          {
25032            keyCode: VK.HOME,
25033            action: action(moveToLineEndPoint, editor, false)
25034          },
25035          {
25036            keyCode: VK.END,
25037            action: action(moveToLineEndPoint$2, editor, true, caret)
25038          },
25039          {
25040            keyCode: VK.HOME,
25041            action: action(moveToLineEndPoint$2, editor, false, caret)
25042          }
25043        ], evt).each(function (_) {
25044          evt.preventDefault();
25045        });
25046      };
25047      var setup$8 = function (editor, caret) {
25048        editor.on('keydown', function (evt) {
25049          if (evt.isDefaultPrevented() === false) {
25050            executeKeydownOverride$1(editor, caret, evt);
25051          }
25052        });
25053      };
25055      var browser = detect().browser;
25056      var setupIeInput = function (editor) {
25057        var keypressThrotter = first(function () {
25058          if (!editor.composing) {
25059            normalizeNbspsInEditor(editor);
25060          }
25061        }, 0);
25062        if (browser.isIE()) {
25063          editor.on('keypress', function (_e) {
25064            keypressThrotter.throttle();
25065          });
25066          editor.on('remove', function (_e) {
25067            keypressThrotter.cancel();
25068          });
25069        }
25070      };
25071      var setup$7 = function (editor) {
25072        setupIeInput(editor);
25073        editor.on('input', function (e) {
25074          if (e.isComposing === false) {
25075            normalizeNbspsInEditor(editor);
25076          }
25077        });
25078      };
25080      var platform = detect();
25081      var executeKeyupAction = function (editor, caret, evt) {
25082        execute([
25083          {
25084            keyCode: VK.PAGE_UP,
25085            action: action(moveToLineEndPoint$2, editor, false, caret)
25086          },
25087          {
25088            keyCode: VK.PAGE_DOWN,
25089            action: action(moveToLineEndPoint$2, editor, true, caret)
25090          }
25091        ], evt);
25092      };
25093      var stopImmediatePropagation = function (e) {
25094        return e.stopImmediatePropagation();
25095      };
25096      var isPageUpDown = function (evt) {
25097        return evt.keyCode === VK.PAGE_UP || evt.keyCode === VK.PAGE_DOWN;
25098      };
25099      var setNodeChangeBlocker = function (blocked, editor, block) {
25100        if (block && !blocked.get()) {
25101          editor.on('NodeChange', stopImmediatePropagation, true);
25102        } else if (!block && blocked.get()) {
25103          editor.off('NodeChange', stopImmediatePropagation);
25104        }
25105        blocked.set(block);
25106      };
25107      var setup$6 = function (editor, caret) {
25108        if (platform.os.isOSX()) {
25109          return;
25110        }
25111        var blocked = Cell(false);
25112        editor.on('keydown', function (evt) {
25113          if (isPageUpDown(evt)) {
25114            setNodeChangeBlocker(blocked, editor, true);
25115          }
25116        });
25117        editor.on('keyup', function (evt) {
25118          if (evt.isDefaultPrevented() === false) {
25119            executeKeyupAction(editor, caret, evt);
25120          }
25121          if (isPageUpDown(evt) && blocked.get()) {
25122            setNodeChangeBlocker(blocked, editor, false);
25123            editor.nodeChanged();
25124          }
25125        });
25126      };
25128      var insertTextAtPosition = function (text, pos) {
25129        var container = pos.container();
25130        var offset = pos.offset();
25131        if (isText$7(container)) {
25132          container.insertData(offset, text);
25133          return Optional.some(CaretPosition(container, offset + text.length));
25134        } else {
25135          return getElementFromPosition(pos).map(function (elm) {
25136            var textNode = SugarElement.fromText(text);
25137            if (pos.isAtEnd()) {
25138              after$3(elm, textNode);
25139            } else {
25140              before$4(elm, textNode);
25141            }
25142            return CaretPosition(textNode.dom, text.length);
25143          });
25144        }
25145      };
25146      var insertNbspAtPosition = curry(insertTextAtPosition, nbsp);
25147      var insertSpaceAtPosition = curry(insertTextAtPosition, ' ');
25149      var locationToCaretPosition = function (root) {
25150        return function (location) {
25151          return location.fold(function (element) {
25152            return prevPosition(root.dom, CaretPosition.before(element));
25153          }, function (element) {
25154            return firstPositionIn(element);
25155          }, function (element) {
25156            return lastPositionIn(element);
25157          }, function (element) {
25158            return nextPosition(root.dom, CaretPosition.after(element));
25159          });
25160        };
25161      };
25162      var insertInlineBoundarySpaceOrNbsp = function (root, pos) {
25163        return function (checkPos) {
25164          return needsToHaveNbsp(root, checkPos) ? insertNbspAtPosition(pos) : insertSpaceAtPosition(pos);
25165        };
25166      };
25167      var setSelection = function (editor) {
25168        return function (pos) {
25169          editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange());
25170          editor.nodeChanged();
25171          return true;
25172        };
25173      };
25174      var insertSpaceOrNbspAtSelection = function (editor) {
25175        var pos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
25176        var root = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
25177        if (editor.selection.isCollapsed()) {
25178          var isInlineTarget$1 = curry(isInlineTarget, editor);
25179          var caretPosition = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng());
25180          return readLocation(isInlineTarget$1, editor.getBody(), caretPosition).bind(locationToCaretPosition(root)).bind(insertInlineBoundarySpaceOrNbsp(root, pos)).exists(setSelection(editor));
25181        } else {
25182          return false;
25183        }
25184      };
25186      var executeKeydownOverride = function (editor, evt) {
25187        execute([{
25188            keyCode: VK.SPACEBAR,
25189            action: action(insertSpaceOrNbspAtSelection, editor)
25190          }], evt).each(function (_) {
25191          evt.preventDefault();
25192        });
25193      };
25194      var setup$5 = function (editor) {
25195        editor.on('keydown', function (evt) {
25196          if (evt.isDefaultPrevented() === false) {
25197            executeKeydownOverride(editor, evt);
25198          }
25199        });
25200      };
25202      var registerKeyboardOverrides = function (editor) {
25203        var caret = setupSelectedState(editor);
25204        setup$c(editor);
25205        setup$b(editor, caret);
25206        setup$a(editor, caret);
25207        setup$9(editor);
25208        setup$5(editor);
25209        setup$7(editor);
25210        setup$8(editor, caret);
25211        setup$6(editor, caret);
25212        return caret;
25213      };
25214      var setup$4 = function (editor) {
25215        if (!isRtc(editor)) {
25216          return registerKeyboardOverrides(editor);
25217        } else {
25218          return Cell(null);
25219        }
25220      };
25222      var NodeChange = function () {
25223        function NodeChange(editor) {
25224          this.lastPath = [];
25225          this.editor = editor;
25226          var lastRng;
25227          var self = this;
25228          if (!('onselectionchange' in editor.getDoc())) {
25229            editor.on('NodeChange click mouseup keyup focus', function (e) {
25230              var nativeRng = editor.selection.getRng();
25231              var fakeRng = {
25232                startContainer: nativeRng.startContainer,
25233                startOffset: nativeRng.startOffset,
25234                endContainer: nativeRng.endContainer,
25235                endOffset: nativeRng.endOffset
25236              };
25237              if (e.type === 'nodechange' || !isEq$4(fakeRng, lastRng)) {
25238                editor.fire('SelectionChange');
25239              }
25240              lastRng = fakeRng;
25241            });
25242          }
25243          editor.on('contextmenu', function () {
25244            editor.fire('SelectionChange');
25245          });
25246          editor.on('SelectionChange', function () {
25247            var startElm = editor.selection.getStart(true);
25248            if (!startElm || !Env.range && editor.selection.isCollapsed()) {
25249              return;
25250            }
25251            if (hasAnyRanges(editor) && !self.isSameElementPath(startElm) && editor.dom.isChildOf(startElm, editor.getBody())) {
25252              editor.nodeChanged({ selectionChange: true });
25253            }
25254          });
25255          editor.on('mouseup', function (e) {
25256            if (!e.isDefaultPrevented() && hasAnyRanges(editor)) {
25257              if (editor.selection.getNode().nodeName === 'IMG') {
25258                Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
25259                  editor.nodeChanged();
25260                });
25261              } else {
25262                editor.nodeChanged();
25263              }
25264            }
25265          });
25266        }
25267        NodeChange.prototype.nodeChanged = function (args) {
25268          var selection = this.editor.selection;
25269          var node, parents, root;
25270          if (this.editor.initialized && selection && !shouldDisableNodeChange(this.editor) && !this.editor.mode.isReadOnly()) {
25271            root = this.editor.getBody();
25272            node = selection.getStart(true) || root;
25273            if (node.ownerDocument !== this.editor.getDoc() || !this.editor.dom.isChildOf(node, root)) {
25274              node = root;
25275            }
25276            parents = [];
25277            this.editor.dom.getParent(node, function (node) {
25278              if (node === root) {
25279                return true;
25280              }
25281              parents.push(node);
25282            });
25283            args = args || {};
25284            args.element = node;
25285            args.parents = parents;
25286            this.editor.fire('NodeChange', args);
25287          }
25288        };
25289        NodeChange.prototype.isSameElementPath = function (startElm) {
25290          var i;
25291          var currentPath = this.editor.$(startElm).parentsUntil(this.editor.getBody()).add(startElm);
25292          if (currentPath.length === this.lastPath.length) {
25293            for (i = currentPath.length; i >= 0; i--) {
25294              if (currentPath[i] !== this.lastPath[i]) {
25295                break;
25296              }
25297            }
25298            if (i === -1) {
25299              this.lastPath = currentPath;
25300              return true;
25301            }
25302          }
25303          this.lastPath = currentPath;
25304          return false;
25305        };
25306        return NodeChange;
25307      }();
25309      var preventSummaryToggle = function (editor) {
25310        editor.on('click', function (e) {
25311          if (editor.dom.getParent(e.target, 'details')) {
25312            e.preventDefault();
25313          }
25314        });
25315      };
25316      var filterDetails = function (editor) {
25317        editor.parser.addNodeFilter('details', function (elms) {
25318          each$k(elms, function (details) {
25319            details.attr('data-mce-open', details.attr('open'));
25320            details.attr('open', 'open');
25321          });
25322        });
25323        editor.serializer.addNodeFilter('details', function (elms) {
25324          each$k(elms, function (details) {
25325            var open = details.attr('data-mce-open');
25326            details.attr('open', isString$1(open) ? open : null);
25327            details.attr('data-mce-open', null);
25328          });
25329        });
25330      };
25331      var setup$3 = function (editor) {
25332        preventSummaryToggle(editor);
25333        filterDetails(editor);
25334      };
25336      var isTextBlockNode = function (node) {
25337        return isElement$5(node) && isTextBlock$2(SugarElement.fromDom(node));
25338      };
25339      var normalizeSelection = function (editor) {
25340        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
25341        var startPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng);
25342        var endPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd(rng);
25343        if (CaretPosition.isElementPosition(startPos)) {
25344          var container = startPos.container();
25345          if (isTextBlockNode(container)) {
25346            firstPositionIn(container).each(function (pos) {
25347              return rng.setStart(pos.container(), pos.offset());
25348            });
25349          }
25350        }
25351        if (CaretPosition.isElementPosition(endPos)) {
25352          var container = startPos.container();
25353          if (isTextBlockNode(container)) {
25354            lastPositionIn(container).each(function (pos) {
25355              return rng.setEnd(pos.container(), pos.offset());
25356            });
25357          }
25358        }
25359        editor.selection.setRng(normalize(rng));
25360      };
25361      var setup$2 = function (editor) {
25362        editor.on('click', function (e) {
25363          if (e.detail >= 3) {
25364            normalizeSelection(editor);
25365          }
25366        });
25367      };
25369      var getAbsolutePosition = function (elm) {
25370        var clientRect = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
25371        var doc = elm.ownerDocument;
25372        var docElem = doc.documentElement;
25373        var win = doc.defaultView;
25374        return {
25375          top: clientRect.top + win.pageYOffset - docElem.clientTop,
25376          left: clientRect.left + win.pageXOffset - docElem.clientLeft
25377        };
25378      };
25379      var getBodyPosition = function (editor) {
25380        return editor.inline ? getAbsolutePosition(editor.getBody()) : {
25381          left: 0,
25382          top: 0
25383        };
25384      };
25385      var getScrollPosition = function (editor) {
25386        var body = editor.getBody();
25387        return editor.inline ? {
25388          left: body.scrollLeft,
25389          top: body.scrollTop
25390        } : {
25391          left: 0,
25392          top: 0
25393        };
25394      };
25395      var getBodyScroll = function (editor) {
25396        var body = editor.getBody(), docElm = editor.getDoc().documentElement;
25397        var inlineScroll = {
25398          left: body.scrollLeft,
25399          top: body.scrollTop
25400        };
25401        var iframeScroll = {
25402          left: body.scrollLeft || docElm.scrollLeft,
25403          top: body.scrollTop || docElm.scrollTop
25404        };
25405        return editor.inline ? inlineScroll : iframeScroll;
25406      };
25407      var getMousePosition = function (editor, event) {
25408        if (event.target.ownerDocument !== editor.getDoc()) {
25409          var iframePosition = getAbsolutePosition(editor.getContentAreaContainer());
25410          var scrollPosition = getBodyScroll(editor);
25411          return {
25412            left: event.pageX - iframePosition.left + scrollPosition.left,
25413            top: event.pageY - iframePosition.top + scrollPosition.top
25414          };
25415        }
25416        return {
25417          left: event.pageX,
25418          top: event.pageY
25419        };
25420      };
25421      var calculatePosition = function (bodyPosition, scrollPosition, mousePosition) {
25422        return {
25423          pageX: mousePosition.left - bodyPosition.left + scrollPosition.left,
25424          pageY: mousePosition.top - bodyPosition.top + scrollPosition.top
25425        };
25426      };
25427      var calc = function (editor, event) {
25428        return calculatePosition(getBodyPosition(editor), getScrollPosition(editor), getMousePosition(editor, event));
25429      };
25431      var isContentEditableFalse$1 = isContentEditableFalse$b, isContentEditableTrue$1 = isContentEditableTrue$4;
25432      var isDraggable = function (rootElm, elm) {
25433        return isContentEditableFalse$1(elm) && elm !== rootElm;
25434      };
25435      var isValidDropTarget = function (editor, targetElement, dragElement) {
25436        if (targetElement === dragElement || editor.dom.isChildOf(targetElement, dragElement)) {
25437          return false;
25438        }
25439        return !isContentEditableFalse$1(targetElement);
25440      };
25441      var cloneElement = function (elm) {
25442        var cloneElm = elm.cloneNode(true);
25443        cloneElm.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected');
25444        return cloneElm;
25445      };
25446      var createGhost = function (editor, elm, width, height) {
25447        var dom = editor.dom;
25448        var clonedElm = elm.cloneNode(true);
25449        dom.setStyles(clonedElm, {
25450          width: width,
25451          height: height
25452        });
25453        dom.setAttrib(clonedElm, 'data-mce-selected', null);
25454        var ghostElm = dom.create('div', {
25455          'class': 'mce-drag-container',
25456          'data-mce-bogus': 'all',
25457          'unselectable': 'on',
25458          'contenteditable': 'false'
25459        });
25460        dom.setStyles(ghostElm, {
25461          position: 'absolute',
25462          opacity: 0.5,
25463          overflow: 'hidden',
25464          border: 0,
25465          padding: 0,
25466          margin: 0,
25467          width: width,
25468          height: height
25469        });
25470        dom.setStyles(clonedElm, {
25471          margin: 0,
25472          boxSizing: 'border-box'
25473        });
25474        ghostElm.appendChild(clonedElm);
25475        return ghostElm;
25476      };
25477      var appendGhostToBody = function (ghostElm, bodyElm) {
25478        if (ghostElm.parentNode !== bodyElm) {
25479          bodyElm.appendChild(ghostElm);
25480        }
25481      };
25482      var moveGhost = function (ghostElm, position, width, height, maxX, maxY) {
25483        var overflowX = 0, overflowY = 0;
25484        ghostElm.style.left = position.pageX + 'px';
25485        ghostElm.style.top = position.pageY + 'px';
25486        if (position.pageX + width > maxX) {
25487          overflowX = position.pageX + width - maxX;
25488        }
25489        if (position.pageY + height > maxY) {
25490          overflowY = position.pageY + height - maxY;
25491        }
25492        ghostElm.style.width = width - overflowX + 'px';
25493        ghostElm.style.height = height - overflowY + 'px';
25494      };
25495      var removeElement = function (elm) {
25496        if (elm && elm.parentNode) {
25497          elm.parentNode.removeChild(elm);
25498        }
25499      };
25500      var isLeftMouseButtonPressed = function (e) {
25501        return e.button === 0;
25502      };
25503      var applyRelPos = function (state, position) {
25504        return {
25505          pageX: position.pageX - state.relX,
25506          pageY: position.pageY + 5
25507        };
25508      };
25509      var start = function (state, editor) {
25510        return function (e) {
25511          if (isLeftMouseButtonPressed(e)) {
25512            var ceElm = find$3(editor.dom.getParents(e.target), or(isContentEditableFalse$1, isContentEditableTrue$1)).getOr(null);
25513            if (isDraggable(editor.getBody(), ceElm)) {
25514              var elmPos = editor.dom.getPos(ceElm);
25515              var bodyElm = editor.getBody();
25516              var docElm = editor.getDoc().documentElement;
25517              state.set({
25518                element: ceElm,
25519                dragging: false,
25520                screenX: e.screenX,
25521                screenY: e.screenY,
25522                maxX: (editor.inline ? bodyElm.scrollWidth : docElm.offsetWidth) - 2,
25523                maxY: (editor.inline ? bodyElm.scrollHeight : docElm.offsetHeight) - 2,
25524                relX: e.pageX - elmPos.x,
25525                relY: e.pageY - elmPos.y,
25526                width: ceElm.offsetWidth,
25527                height: ceElm.offsetHeight,
25528                ghost: createGhost(editor, ceElm, ceElm.offsetWidth, ceElm.offsetHeight)
25529              });
25530            }
25531          }
25532        };
25533      };
25534      var move = function (state, editor) {
25535        var throttledPlaceCaretAt = Delay.throttle(function (clientX, clientY) {
25536          editor._selectionOverrides.hideFakeCaret();
25537          editor.selection.placeCaretAt(clientX, clientY);
25538        }, 0);
25539        editor.on('remove', throttledPlaceCaretAt.stop);
25540        return function (e) {
25541          return state.on(function (state) {
25542            var movement = Math.max(Math.abs(e.screenX - state.screenX), Math.abs(e.screenY - state.screenY));
25543            if (!state.dragging && movement > 10) {
25544              var args = editor.fire('dragstart', { target: state.element });
25545              if (args.isDefaultPrevented()) {
25546                return;
25547              }
25548              state.dragging = true;
25549              editor.focus();
25550            }
25551            if (state.dragging) {
25552              var targetPos = applyRelPos(state, calc(editor, e));
25553              appendGhostToBody(state.ghost, editor.getBody());
25554              moveGhost(state.ghost, targetPos, state.width, state.height, state.maxX, state.maxY);
25555              throttledPlaceCaretAt(e.clientX, e.clientY);
25556            }
25557          });
25558        };
25559      };
25560      var getRawTarget = function (selection) {
25561        var rng = selection.getSel().getRangeAt(0);
25562        var startContainer = rng.startContainer;
25563        return startContainer.nodeType === 3 ? startContainer.parentNode : startContainer;
25564      };
25565      var drop = function (state, editor) {
25566        return function (e) {
25567          state.on(function (state) {
25568            if (state.dragging) {
25569              if (isValidDropTarget(editor, getRawTarget(editor.selection), state.element)) {
25570                var targetClone_1 = cloneElement(state.element);
25571                var args = editor.fire('drop', {
25572                  clientX: e.clientX,
25573                  clientY: e.clientY
25574                });
25575                if (!args.isDefaultPrevented()) {
25576                  editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
25577                    removeElement(state.element);
25578                    editor.insertContent(editor.dom.getOuterHTML(targetClone_1));
25579                    editor._selectionOverrides.hideFakeCaret();
25580                  });
25581                }
25582              }
25583              editor.fire('dragend');
25584            }
25585          });
25586          removeDragState(state);
25587        };
25588      };
25589      var stop = function (state, editor) {
25590        return function () {
25591          state.on(function (state) {
25592            if (state.dragging) {
25593              editor.fire('dragend');
25594            }
25595          });
25596          removeDragState(state);
25597        };
25598      };
25599      var removeDragState = function (state) {
25600        state.on(function (state) {
25601          removeElement(state.ghost);
25602        });
25603        state.clear();
25604      };
25605      var bindFakeDragEvents = function (editor) {
25606        var state = value();
25607        var pageDom = DOMUtils.DOM;
25608        var rootDocument = document;
25609        var dragStartHandler = start(state, editor);
25610        var dragHandler = move(state, editor);
25611        var dropHandler = drop(state, editor);
25612        var dragEndHandler = stop(state, editor);
25613        editor.on('mousedown', dragStartHandler);
25614        editor.on('mousemove', dragHandler);
25615        editor.on('mouseup', dropHandler);
25616        pageDom.bind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', dragHandler);
25617        pageDom.bind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', dragEndHandler);
25618        editor.on('remove', function () {
25619          pageDom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', dragHandler);
25620          pageDom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', dragEndHandler);
25621        });
25622        editor.on('keydown', function (e) {
25623          if (e.keyCode === VK.ESC) {
25624            dragEndHandler();
25625          }
25626        });
25627      };
25628      var blockIeDrop = function (editor) {
25629        editor.on('drop', function (e) {
25630          var realTarget = typeof e.clientX !== 'undefined' ? editor.getDoc().elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY) : null;
25631          if (isContentEditableFalse$1(realTarget) || editor.dom.getContentEditableParent(realTarget) === 'false') {
25632            e.preventDefault();
25633          }
25634        });
25635      };
25636      var blockUnsupportedFileDrop = function (editor) {
25637        var preventFileDrop = function (e) {
25638          if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
25639            var dataTransfer = e.dataTransfer;
25640            if (dataTransfer && (contains$3(dataTransfer.types, 'Files') || dataTransfer.files.length > 0)) {
25641              e.preventDefault();
25642              if (e.type === 'drop') {
25643                displayError(editor, 'Dropped file type is not supported');
25644              }
25645            }
25646          }
25647        };
25648        var preventFileDropIfUIElement = function (e) {
25649          if (isUIElement(editor, e.target)) {
25650            preventFileDrop(e);
25651          }
25652        };
25653        var setup = function () {
25654          var pageDom = DOMUtils.DOM;
25655          var dom = editor.dom;
25656          var doc = document;
25657          var editorRoot = editor.inline ? editor.getBody() : editor.getDoc();
25658          var eventNames = [
25659            'drop',
25660            'dragover'
25661          ];
25662          each$k(eventNames, function (name) {
25663            pageDom.bind(doc, name, preventFileDropIfUIElement);
25664            dom.bind(editorRoot, name, preventFileDrop);
25665          });
25666          editor.on('remove', function () {
25667            each$k(eventNames, function (name) {
25668              pageDom.unbind(doc, name, preventFileDropIfUIElement);
25669              dom.unbind(editorRoot, name, preventFileDrop);
25670            });
25671          });
25672        };
25673        editor.on('init', function () {
25674          Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, setup, 0);
25675        });
25676      };
25677      var init$2 = function (editor) {
25678        bindFakeDragEvents(editor);
25679        blockIeDrop(editor);
25680        if (shouldBlockUnsupportedDrop(editor)) {
25681          blockUnsupportedFileDrop(editor);
25682        }
25683      };
25685      var setup$1 = function (editor) {
25686        var renderFocusCaret = first(function () {
25687          if (!editor.removed && editor.getBody().contains(document.activeElement)) {
25688            var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
25689            if (rng.collapsed) {
25690              var caretRange = renderRangeCaret(editor, rng, false);
25691              editor.selection.setRng(caretRange);
25692            }
25693          }
25694        }, 0);
25695        editor.on('focus', function () {
25696          renderFocusCaret.throttle();
25697        });
25698        editor.on('blur', function () {
25699          renderFocusCaret.cancel();
25700        });
25701      };
25703      var setup = function (editor) {
25704        editor.on('init', function () {
25705          editor.on('focusin', function (e) {
25706            var target = e.target;
25707            if (isMedia$2(target)) {
25708              var ceRoot = getContentEditableRoot$1(editor.getBody(), target);
25709              var node = isContentEditableFalse$b(ceRoot) ? ceRoot : target;
25710              if (editor.selection.getNode() !== node) {
25711                selectNode(editor, node).each(function (rng) {
25712                  return editor.selection.setRng(rng);
25713                });
25714              }
25715            }
25716          });
25717        });
25718      };
25720      var isContentEditableTrue = isContentEditableTrue$4;
25721      var isContentEditableFalse = isContentEditableFalse$b;
25722      var getContentEditableRoot = function (editor, node) {
25723        return getContentEditableRoot$1(editor.getBody(), node);
25724      };
25725      var SelectionOverrides = function (editor) {
25726        var selection = editor.selection, dom = editor.dom;
25727        var isBlock = dom.isBlock;
25728        var rootNode = editor.getBody();
25729        var fakeCaret = FakeCaret(editor, rootNode, isBlock, function () {
25730          return hasFocus(editor);
25731        });
25732        var realSelectionId = 'sel-' + dom.uniqueId();
25733        var elementSelectionAttr = 'data-mce-selected';
25734        var selectedElement;
25735        var isFakeSelectionElement = function (node) {
25736          return dom.hasClass(node, 'mce-offscreen-selection');
25737        };
25738        var isFakeSelectionTargetElement = function (node) {
25739          return node !== rootNode && (isContentEditableFalse(node) || isMedia$2(node)) && dom.isChildOf(node, rootNode);
25740        };
25741        var isNearFakeSelectionElement = function (pos) {
25742          return isBeforeContentEditableFalse(pos) || isAfterContentEditableFalse(pos) || isBeforeMedia(pos) || isAfterMedia(pos);
25743        };
25744        var getRealSelectionElement = function () {
25745          var container = dom.get(realSelectionId);
25746          return container ? container.getElementsByTagName('*')[0] : container;
25747        };
25748        var setRange = function (range) {
25749          if (range) {
25750            selection.setRng(range);
25751          }
25752        };
25753        var getRange = selection.getRng;
25754        var showCaret = function (direction, node, before, scrollIntoView) {
25755          if (scrollIntoView === void 0) {
25756            scrollIntoView = true;
25757          }
25758          var e = editor.fire('ShowCaret', {
25759            target: node,
25760            direction: direction,
25761            before: before
25762          });
25763          if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
25764            return null;
25765          }
25766          if (scrollIntoView) {
25767            selection.scrollIntoView(node, direction === -1);
25768          }
25769          return fakeCaret.show(before, node);
25770        };
25771        var showBlockCaretContainer = function (blockCaretContainer) {
25772          if (blockCaretContainer.hasAttribute('data-mce-caret')) {
25773            showCaretContainerBlock(blockCaretContainer);
25774            setRange(getRange());
25775            selection.scrollIntoView(blockCaretContainer);
25776          }
25777        };
25778        var registerEvents = function () {
25779          editor.on('mouseup', function (e) {
25780            var range = getRange();
25781            if (range.collapsed && isXYInContentArea(editor, e.clientX, e.clientY)) {
25782              renderCaretAtRange(editor, range, false).each(setRange);
25783            }
25784          });
25785          editor.on('click', function (e) {
25786            var contentEditableRoot = getContentEditableRoot(editor, e.target);
25787            if (contentEditableRoot) {
25788              if (isContentEditableFalse(contentEditableRoot)) {
25789                e.preventDefault();
25790                editor.focus();
25791              }
25792              if (isContentEditableTrue(contentEditableRoot)) {
25793                if (dom.isChildOf(contentEditableRoot, selection.getNode())) {
25794                  removeElementSelection();
25795                }
25796              }
25797            }
25798          });
25799          editor.on('blur NewBlock', removeElementSelection);
25800          editor.on('ResizeWindow FullscreenStateChanged', fakeCaret.reposition);
25801          var hasNormalCaretPosition = function (elm) {
25802            var start = elm.firstChild;
25803            if (isNullable(start)) {
25804              return false;
25805            }
25806            var startPos = CaretPosition.before(start);
25807            if (isBr$5(startPos.getNode()) && elm.childNodes.length === 1) {
25808              return !isNearFakeSelectionElement(startPos);
25809            } else {
25810              var caretWalker = CaretWalker(elm);
25811              var newPos = caretWalker.next(startPos);
25812              return newPos && !isNearFakeSelectionElement(newPos);
25813            }
25814          };
25815          var isInSameBlock = function (node1, node2) {
25816            var block1 = dom.getParent(node1, isBlock);
25817            var block2 = dom.getParent(node2, isBlock);
25818            return block1 === block2;
25819          };
25820          var hasBetterMouseTarget = function (targetNode, caretNode) {
25821            var targetBlock = dom.getParent(targetNode, isBlock);
25822            var caretBlock = dom.getParent(caretNode, isBlock);
25823            if (isNullable(targetBlock)) {
25824              return false;
25825            }
25826            if (targetNode !== caretBlock && dom.isChildOf(targetBlock, caretBlock) && isContentEditableFalse(getContentEditableRoot(editor, targetBlock)) === false) {
25827              return true;
25828            }
25829            return !dom.isChildOf(caretBlock, targetBlock) && !isInSameBlock(targetBlock, caretBlock) && hasNormalCaretPosition(targetBlock);
25830          };
25831          editor.on('tap', function (e) {
25832            var targetElm = e.target;
25833            var contentEditableRoot = getContentEditableRoot(editor, targetElm);
25834            if (isContentEditableFalse(contentEditableRoot)) {
25835              e.preventDefault();
25836              selectNode(editor, contentEditableRoot).each(setElementSelection);
25837            } else if (isFakeSelectionTargetElement(targetElm)) {
25838              selectNode(editor, targetElm).each(setElementSelection);
25839            }
25840          }, true);
25841          editor.on('mousedown', function (e) {
25842            var targetElm = e.target;
25843            if (targetElm !== rootNode && targetElm.nodeName !== 'HTML' && !dom.isChildOf(targetElm, rootNode)) {
25844              return;
25845            }
25846            if (isXYInContentArea(editor, e.clientX, e.clientY) === false) {
25847              return;
25848            }
25849            var contentEditableRoot = getContentEditableRoot(editor, targetElm);
25850            if (contentEditableRoot) {
25851              if (isContentEditableFalse(contentEditableRoot)) {
25852                e.preventDefault();
25853                selectNode(editor, contentEditableRoot).each(setElementSelection);
25854              } else {
25855                removeElementSelection();
25856                if (!(isContentEditableTrue(contentEditableRoot) && e.shiftKey) && !isXYWithinRange(e.clientX, e.clientY, selection.getRng())) {
25857                  hideFakeCaret();
25858                  selection.placeCaretAt(e.clientX, e.clientY);
25859                }
25860              }
25861            } else if (isFakeSelectionTargetElement(targetElm)) {
25862              selectNode(editor, targetElm).each(setElementSelection);
25863            } else if (isFakeCaretTarget(targetElm) === false) {
25864              removeElementSelection();
25865              hideFakeCaret();
25866              var fakeCaretInfo = closestFakeCaret(rootNode, e.clientX, e.clientY);
25867              if (fakeCaretInfo) {
25868                if (!hasBetterMouseTarget(targetElm, fakeCaretInfo.node)) {
25869                  e.preventDefault();
25870                  var range = showCaret(1, fakeCaretInfo.node, fakeCaretInfo.before, false);
25871                  setRange(range);
25872                  editor.getBody().focus();
25873                }
25874              }
25875            }
25876          });
25877          editor.on('keypress', function (e) {
25878            if (VK.modifierPressed(e)) {
25879              return;
25880            }
25881            if (isContentEditableFalse(selection.getNode())) {
25882              e.preventDefault();
25883            }
25884          });
25885          editor.on('GetSelectionRange', function (e) {
25886            var rng = e.range;
25887            if (selectedElement) {
25888              if (!selectedElement.parentNode) {
25889                selectedElement = null;
25890                return;
25891              }
25892              rng = rng.cloneRange();
25893              rng.selectNode(selectedElement);
25894              e.range = rng;
25895            }
25896          });
25897          editor.on('SetSelectionRange', function (e) {
25898            e.range = normalizeShortEndedElementSelection(e.range);
25899            var rng = setElementSelection(e.range, e.forward);
25900            if (rng) {
25901              e.range = rng;
25902            }
25903          });
25904          var isPasteBin = function (node) {
25905            return node.id === 'mcepastebin';
25906          };
25907          editor.on('AfterSetSelectionRange', function (e) {
25908            var rng = e.range;
25909            var parentNode = rng.startContainer.parentNode;
25910            if (!isRangeInCaretContainer(rng) && !isPasteBin(parentNode)) {
25911              hideFakeCaret();
25912            }
25913            if (!isFakeSelectionElement(parentNode)) {
25914              removeElementSelection();
25915            }
25916          });
25917          editor.on('copy', function (e) {
25918            var clipboardData = e.clipboardData;
25919            if (!e.isDefaultPrevented() && e.clipboardData && !Env.ie) {
25920              var realSelectionElement = getRealSelectionElement();
25921              if (realSelectionElement) {
25922                e.preventDefault();
25923                clipboardData.clearData();
25924                clipboardData.setData('text/html', realSelectionElement.outerHTML);
25925                clipboardData.setData('text/plain', realSelectionElement.outerText || realSelectionElement.innerText);
25926              }
25927            }
25928          });
25929          init$2(editor);
25930          setup$1(editor);
25931          setup(editor);
25932        };
25933        var isWithinCaretContainer = function (node) {
25934          return isCaretContainer$2(node) || startsWithCaretContainer$1(node) || endsWithCaretContainer$1(node);
25935        };
25936        var isRangeInCaretContainer = function (rng) {
25937          return isWithinCaretContainer(rng.startContainer) || isWithinCaretContainer(rng.endContainer);
25938        };
25939        var normalizeShortEndedElementSelection = function (rng) {
25940          var shortEndedElements = editor.schema.getShortEndedElements();
25941          var newRng = dom.createRng();
25942          var startContainer = rng.startContainer;
25943          var startOffset = rng.startOffset;
25944          var endContainer = rng.endContainer;
25945          var endOffset = rng.endOffset;
25946          if (has$2(shortEndedElements, startContainer.nodeName.toLowerCase())) {
25947            if (startOffset === 0) {
25948              newRng.setStartBefore(startContainer);
25949            } else {
25950              newRng.setStartAfter(startContainer);
25951            }
25952          } else {
25953            newRng.setStart(startContainer, startOffset);
25954          }
25955          if (has$2(shortEndedElements, endContainer.nodeName.toLowerCase())) {
25956            if (endOffset === 0) {
25957              newRng.setEndBefore(endContainer);
25958            } else {
25959              newRng.setEndAfter(endContainer);
25960            }
25961          } else {
25962            newRng.setEnd(endContainer, endOffset);
25963          }
25964          return newRng;
25965        };
25966        var setupOffscreenSelection = function (node, targetClone, origTargetClone) {
25967          var $ = editor.$;
25968          var $realSelectionContainer = descendant(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()), '#' + realSelectionId).fold(function () {
25969            return $([]);
25970          }, function (elm) {
25971            return $([elm.dom]);
25972          });
25973          if ($realSelectionContainer.length === 0) {
25974            $realSelectionContainer = $('<div data-mce-bogus="all" class="mce-offscreen-selection"></div>').attr('id', realSelectionId);
25975            $realSelectionContainer.appendTo(editor.getBody());
25976          }
25977          var newRange = dom.createRng();
25978          if (targetClone === origTargetClone && Env.ie) {
25979            $realSelectionContainer.empty().append('<p style="font-size: 0" data-mce-bogus="all">\xA0</p>').append(targetClone);
25980            newRange.setStartAfter($realSelectionContainer[0].firstChild.firstChild);
25981            newRange.setEndAfter(targetClone);
25982          } else {
25983            $realSelectionContainer.empty().append(nbsp).append(targetClone).append(nbsp);
25984            newRange.setStart($realSelectionContainer[0].firstChild, 1);
25985            newRange.setEnd($realSelectionContainer[0].lastChild, 0);
25986          }
25987          $realSelectionContainer.css({ top: dom.getPos(node, editor.getBody()).y });
25988          $realSelectionContainer[0].focus();
25989          var sel = selection.getSel();
25990          sel.removeAllRanges();
25991          sel.addRange(newRange);
25992          return newRange;
25993        };
25994        var selectElement = function (elm) {
25995          var targetClone = elm.cloneNode(true);
25996          var e = editor.fire('ObjectSelected', {
25997            target: elm,
25998            targetClone: targetClone
25999          });
26000          if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
26001            return null;
26002          }
26003          var range = setupOffscreenSelection(elm, e.targetClone, targetClone);
26004          var nodeElm = SugarElement.fromDom(elm);
26005          each$k(descendants(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()), '*[data-mce-selected]'), function (elm) {
26006            if (!eq(nodeElm, elm)) {
26007              remove$6(elm, elementSelectionAttr);
26008            }
26009          });
26010          if (!dom.getAttrib(elm, elementSelectionAttr)) {
26011            elm.setAttribute(elementSelectionAttr, '1');
26012          }
26013          selectedElement = elm;
26014          hideFakeCaret();
26015          return range;
26016        };
26017        var setElementSelection = function (range, forward) {
26018          if (!range) {
26019            return null;
26020          }
26021          if (range.collapsed) {
26022            if (!isRangeInCaretContainer(range)) {
26023              var dir = forward ? 1 : -1;
26024              var caretPosition = getNormalizedRangeEndPoint(dir, rootNode, range);
26025              var beforeNode = caretPosition.getNode(!forward);
26026              if (isFakeCaretTarget(beforeNode)) {
26027                return showCaret(dir, beforeNode, forward ? !caretPosition.isAtEnd() : false, false);
26028              }
26029              var afterNode = caretPosition.getNode(forward);
26030              if (isFakeCaretTarget(afterNode)) {
26031                return showCaret(dir, afterNode, forward ? false : !caretPosition.isAtEnd(), false);
26032              }
26033            }
26034            return null;
26035          }
26036          var startContainer = range.startContainer;
26037          var startOffset = range.startOffset;
26038          var endOffset = range.endOffset;
26039          if (startContainer.nodeType === 3 && startOffset === 0 && isContentEditableFalse(startContainer.parentNode)) {
26040            startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
26041            startOffset = dom.nodeIndex(startContainer);
26042            startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
26043          }
26044          if (startContainer.nodeType !== 1) {
26045            return null;
26046          }
26047          if (endOffset === startOffset + 1 && startContainer === range.endContainer) {
26048            var node = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset];
26049            if (isFakeSelectionTargetElement(node)) {
26050              return selectElement(node);
26051            }
26052          }
26053          return null;
26054        };
26055        var removeElementSelection = function () {
26056          if (selectedElement) {
26057            selectedElement.removeAttribute(elementSelectionAttr);
26058          }
26059          descendant(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()), '#' + realSelectionId).each(remove$7);
26060          selectedElement = null;
26061        };
26062        var destroy = function () {
26063          fakeCaret.destroy();
26064          selectedElement = null;
26065        };
26066        var hideFakeCaret = function () {
26067          fakeCaret.hide();
26068        };
26069        if (Env.ceFalse && !isRtc(editor)) {
26070          registerEvents();
26071        }
26072        return {
26073          showCaret: showCaret,
26074          showBlockCaretContainer: showBlockCaretContainer,
26075          hideFakeCaret: hideFakeCaret,
26076          destroy: destroy
26077        };
26078      };
26080      var Quirks = function (editor) {
26081        var each = Tools.each;
26082        var BACKSPACE = VK.BACKSPACE, DELETE = VK.DELETE, dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection, parser = editor.parser;
26083        var isGecko = Env.gecko, isIE = Env.ie, isWebKit = Env.webkit;
26084        var mceInternalUrlPrefix = 'data:text/mce-internal,';
26085        var mceInternalDataType = isIE ? 'Text' : 'URL';
26086        var setEditorCommandState = function (cmd, state) {
26087          try {
26088            editor.getDoc().execCommand(cmd, false, state);
26089          } catch (ex) {
26090          }
26091        };
26092        var isDefaultPrevented = function (e) {
26093          return e.isDefaultPrevented();
26094        };
26095        var setMceInternalContent = function (e) {
26096          var selectionHtml, internalContent;
26097          if (e.dataTransfer) {
26098            if (editor.selection.isCollapsed() && e.target.tagName === 'IMG') {
26099              selection.select(e.target);
26100            }
26101            selectionHtml = editor.selection.getContent();
26102            if (selectionHtml.length > 0) {
26103              internalContent = mceInternalUrlPrefix + escape(editor.id) + ',' + escape(selectionHtml);
26104              e.dataTransfer.setData(mceInternalDataType, internalContent);
26105            }
26106          }
26107        };
26108        var getMceInternalContent = function (e) {
26109          var internalContent;
26110          if (e.dataTransfer) {
26111            internalContent = e.dataTransfer.getData(mceInternalDataType);
26112            if (internalContent && internalContent.indexOf(mceInternalUrlPrefix) >= 0) {
26113              internalContent = internalContent.substr(mceInternalUrlPrefix.length).split(',');
26114              return {
26115                id: unescape(internalContent[0]),
26116                html: unescape(internalContent[1])
26117              };
26118            }
26119          }
26120          return null;
26121        };
26122        var insertClipboardContents = function (content, internal) {
26123          if (editor.queryCommandSupported('mceInsertClipboardContent')) {
26124            editor.execCommand('mceInsertClipboardContent', false, {
26125              content: content,
26126              internal: internal
26127            });
26128          } else {
26129            editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, content);
26130          }
26131        };
26132        var emptyEditorWhenDeleting = function () {
26133          var serializeRng = function (rng) {
26134            var body = dom.create('body');
26135            var contents = rng.cloneContents();
26136            body.appendChild(contents);
26137            return selection.serializer.serialize(body, { format: 'html' });
26138          };
26139          var allContentsSelected = function (rng) {
26140            var selection = serializeRng(rng);
26141            var allRng = dom.createRng();
26142            allRng.selectNode(editor.getBody());
26143            var allSelection = serializeRng(allRng);
26144            return selection === allSelection;
26145          };
26146          editor.on('keydown', function (e) {
26147            var keyCode = e.keyCode;
26148            var isCollapsed, body;
26149            if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (keyCode === DELETE || keyCode === BACKSPACE)) {
26150              isCollapsed = editor.selection.isCollapsed();
26151              body = editor.getBody();
26152              if (isCollapsed && !dom.isEmpty(body)) {
26153                return;
26154              }
26155              if (!isCollapsed && !allContentsSelected(editor.selection.getRng())) {
26156                return;
26157              }
26158              e.preventDefault();
26159              editor.setContent('');
26160              if (body.firstChild && dom.isBlock(body.firstChild)) {
26161                editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body.firstChild, 0);
26162              } else {
26163                editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body, 0);
26164              }
26165              editor.nodeChanged();
26166            }
26167          });
26168        };
26169        var selectAll = function () {
26170          editor.shortcuts.add('meta+a', null, 'SelectAll');
26171        };
26172        var documentElementEditingFocus = function () {
26173          if (!editor.inline) {
26174            dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'mousedown mouseup', function (e) {
26175              var rng;
26176              if (e.target === editor.getDoc().documentElement) {
26177                rng = selection.getRng();
26178                editor.getBody().focus();
26179                if (e.type === 'mousedown') {
26180                  if (isCaretContainer$2(rng.startContainer)) {
26181                    return;
26182                  }
26183                  selection.placeCaretAt(e.clientX, e.clientY);
26184                } else {
26185                  selection.setRng(rng);
26186                }
26187              }
26188            });
26189          }
26190        };
26191        var removeHrOnBackspace = function () {
26192          editor.on('keydown', function (e) {
26193            if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode === BACKSPACE) {
26194              if (!editor.getBody().getElementsByTagName('hr').length) {
26195                return;
26196              }
26197              if (selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getRng().startOffset === 0) {
26198                var node = selection.getNode();
26199                var previousSibling = node.previousSibling;
26200                if (node.nodeName === 'HR') {
26201                  dom.remove(node);
26202                  e.preventDefault();
26203                  return;
26204                }
26205                if (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeName && previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'hr') {
26206                  dom.remove(previousSibling);
26207                  e.preventDefault();
26208                }
26209              }
26210            }
26211          });
26212        };
26213        var focusBody = function () {
26214          if (!Range.prototype.getClientRects) {
26215            editor.on('mousedown', function (e) {
26216              if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.target.nodeName === 'HTML') {
26217                var body_1 = editor.getBody();
26218                body_1.blur();
26219                Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
26220                  body_1.focus();
26221                });
26222              }
26223            });
26224          }
26225        };
26226        var selectControlElements = function () {
26227          editor.on('click', function (e) {
26228            var target = e.target;
26229            if (/^(IMG|HR)$/.test(target.nodeName) && dom.getContentEditableParent(target) !== 'false') {
26230              e.preventDefault();
26231              editor.selection.select(target);
26232              editor.nodeChanged();
26233            }
26234            if (target.nodeName === 'A' && dom.hasClass(target, 'mce-item-anchor')) {
26235              e.preventDefault();
26236              selection.select(target);
26237            }
26238          });
26239        };
26240        var removeStylesWhenDeletingAcrossBlockElements = function () {
26241          var getAttributeApplyFunction = function () {
26242            var template = dom.getAttribs(selection.getStart().cloneNode(false));
26243            return function () {
26244              var target = selection.getStart();
26245              if (target !== editor.getBody()) {
26246                dom.setAttrib(target, 'style', null);
26247                each(template, function (attr) {
26248                  target.setAttributeNode(attr.cloneNode(true));
26249                });
26250              }
26251            };
26252          };
26253          var isSelectionAcrossElements = function () {
26254            return !selection.isCollapsed() && dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), dom.isBlock) !== dom.getParent(selection.getEnd(), dom.isBlock);
26255          };
26256          editor.on('keypress', function (e) {
26257            var applyAttributes;
26258            if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (e.keyCode === 8 || e.keyCode === 46) && isSelectionAcrossElements()) {
26259              applyAttributes = getAttributeApplyFunction();
26260              editor.getDoc().execCommand('delete', false, null);
26261              applyAttributes();
26262              e.preventDefault();
26263              return false;
26264            }
26265          });
26266          dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'cut', function (e) {
26267            var applyAttributes;
26268            if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && isSelectionAcrossElements()) {
26269              applyAttributes = getAttributeApplyFunction();
26270              Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
26271                applyAttributes();
26272              });
26273            }
26274          });
26275        };
26276        var disableBackspaceIntoATable = function () {
26277          editor.on('keydown', function (e) {
26278            if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode === BACKSPACE) {
26279              if (selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getRng().startOffset === 0) {
26280                var previousSibling = selection.getNode().previousSibling;
26281                if (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeName && previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'table') {
26282                  e.preventDefault();
26283                  return false;
26284                }
26285              }
26286            }
26287          });
26288        };
26289        var removeBlockQuoteOnBackSpace = function () {
26290          editor.on('keydown', function (e) {
26291            var rng, parent;
26292            if (isDefaultPrevented(e) || e.keyCode !== VK.BACKSPACE) {
26293              return;
26294            }
26295            rng = selection.getRng();
26296            var container = rng.startContainer;
26297            var offset = rng.startOffset;
26298            var root = dom.getRoot();
26299            parent = container;
26300            if (!rng.collapsed || offset !== 0) {
26301              return;
26302            }
26303            while (parent && parent.parentNode && parent.parentNode.firstChild === parent && parent.parentNode !== root) {
26304              parent = parent.parentNode;
26305            }
26306            if (parent.tagName === 'BLOCKQUOTE') {
26307              editor.formatter.toggle('blockquote', null, parent);
26308              rng = dom.createRng();
26309              rng.setStart(container, 0);
26310              rng.setEnd(container, 0);
26311              selection.setRng(rng);
26312            }
26313          });
26314        };
26315        var setGeckoEditingOptions = function () {
26316          var setOpts = function () {
26317            setEditorCommandState('StyleWithCSS', false);
26318            setEditorCommandState('enableInlineTableEditing', false);
26319            if (!getObjectResizing(editor)) {
26320              setEditorCommandState('enableObjectResizing', false);
26321            }
26322          };
26323          if (!isReadOnly$1(editor)) {
26324            editor.on('BeforeExecCommand mousedown', setOpts);
26325          }
26326        };
26327        var addBrAfterLastLinks = function () {
26328          var fixLinks = function () {
26329            each(dom.select('a'), function (node) {
26330              var parentNode = node.parentNode;
26331              var root = dom.getRoot();
26332              if (parentNode.lastChild === node) {
26333                while (parentNode && !dom.isBlock(parentNode)) {
26334                  if (parentNode.parentNode.lastChild !== parentNode || parentNode === root) {
26335                    return;
26336                  }
26337                  parentNode = parentNode.parentNode;
26338                }
26339                dom.add(parentNode, 'br', { 'data-mce-bogus': 1 });
26340              }
26341            });
26342          };
26343          editor.on('SetContent ExecCommand', function (e) {
26344            if (e.type === 'setcontent' || e.command === 'mceInsertLink') {
26345              fixLinks();
26346            }
26347          });
26348        };
26349        var setDefaultBlockType = function () {
26350          if (getForcedRootBlock(editor)) {
26351            editor.on('init', function () {
26352              setEditorCommandState('DefaultParagraphSeparator', getForcedRootBlock(editor));
26353            });
26354          }
26355        };
26356        var normalizeSelection = function () {
26357          editor.on('keyup focusin mouseup', function (e) {
26358            if (!VK.modifierPressed(e)) {
26359              selection.normalize();
26360            }
26361          }, true);
26362        };
26363        var showBrokenImageIcon = function () {
26364          editor.contentStyles.push('img:-moz-broken {' + '-moz-force-broken-image-icon:1;' + 'min-width:24px;' + 'min-height:24px' + '}');
26365        };
26366        var restoreFocusOnKeyDown = function () {
26367          if (!editor.inline) {
26368            editor.on('keydown', function () {
26369              if (document.activeElement === document.body) {
26370                editor.getWin().focus();
26371              }
26372            });
26373          }
26374        };
26375        var bodyHeight = function () {
26376          if (!editor.inline) {
26377            editor.contentStyles.push('body {min-height: 150px}');
26378            editor.on('click', function (e) {
26379              var rng;
26380              if (e.target.nodeName === 'HTML') {
26381                if (Env.ie > 11) {
26382                  editor.getBody().focus();
26383                  return;
26384                }
26385                rng = editor.selection.getRng();
26386                editor.getBody().focus();
26387                editor.selection.setRng(rng);
26388                editor.selection.normalize();
26389                editor.nodeChanged();
26390              }
26391            });
26392          }
26393        };
26394        var blockCmdArrowNavigation = function () {
26395          if (Env.mac) {
26396            editor.on('keydown', function (e) {
26397              if (VK.metaKeyPressed(e) && !e.shiftKey && (e.keyCode === 37 || e.keyCode === 39)) {
26398                e.preventDefault();
26399                var selection_1 = editor.selection.getSel();
26400                selection_1.modify('move', e.keyCode === 37 ? 'backward' : 'forward', 'lineboundary');
26401              }
26402            });
26403          }
26404        };
26405        var disableAutoUrlDetect = function () {
26406          setEditorCommandState('AutoUrlDetect', false);
26407        };
26408        var tapLinksAndImages = function () {
26409          editor.on('click', function (e) {
26410            var elm = e.target;
26411            do {
26412              if (elm.tagName === 'A') {
26413                e.preventDefault();
26414                return;
26415              }
26416            } while (elm = elm.parentNode);
26417          });
26418          editor.contentStyles.push('.mce-content-body {-webkit-touch-callout: none}');
26419        };
26420        var blockFormSubmitInsideEditor = function () {
26421          editor.on('init', function () {
26422            editor.dom.bind(editor.getBody(), 'submit', function (e) {
26423              e.preventDefault();
26424            });
26425          });
26426        };
26427        var removeAppleInterchangeBrs = function () {
26428          parser.addNodeFilter('br', function (nodes) {
26429            var i = nodes.length;
26430            while (i--) {
26431              if (nodes[i].attr('class') === 'Apple-interchange-newline') {
26432                nodes[i].remove();
26433              }
26434            }
26435          });
26436        };
26437        var ieInternalDragAndDrop = function () {
26438          editor.on('dragstart', function (e) {
26439            setMceInternalContent(e);
26440          });
26441          editor.on('drop', function (e) {
26442            if (!isDefaultPrevented(e)) {
26443              var internalContent = getMceInternalContent(e);
26444              if (internalContent && internalContent.id !== editor.id) {
26445                e.preventDefault();
26446                var rng = fromPoint(e.x, e.y, editor.getDoc());
26447                selection.setRng(rng);
26448                insertClipboardContents(internalContent.html, true);
26449              }
26450            }
26451          });
26452        };
26453        var refreshContentEditable = noop;
26454        var isHidden = function () {
26455          if (!isGecko || editor.removed) {
26456            return false;
26457          }
26458          var sel = editor.selection.getSel();
26459          return !sel || !sel.rangeCount || sel.rangeCount === 0;
26460        };
26461        var setupRtc = function () {
26462          if (isWebKit) {
26463            documentElementEditingFocus();
26464            selectControlElements();
26465            blockFormSubmitInsideEditor();
26466            selectAll();
26467            if (Env.iOS) {
26468              restoreFocusOnKeyDown();
26469              bodyHeight();
26470              tapLinksAndImages();
26471            }
26472          }
26473          if (isGecko) {
26474            focusBody();
26475            setGeckoEditingOptions();
26476            showBrokenImageIcon();
26477            blockCmdArrowNavigation();
26478          }
26479        };
26480        var setup = function () {
26481          removeBlockQuoteOnBackSpace();
26482          emptyEditorWhenDeleting();
26483          if (!Env.windowsPhone) {
26484            normalizeSelection();
26485          }
26486          if (isWebKit) {
26487            documentElementEditingFocus();
26488            selectControlElements();
26489            setDefaultBlockType();
26490            blockFormSubmitInsideEditor();
26491            disableBackspaceIntoATable();
26492            removeAppleInterchangeBrs();
26493            if (Env.iOS) {
26494              restoreFocusOnKeyDown();
26495              bodyHeight();
26496              tapLinksAndImages();
26497            } else {
26498              selectAll();
26499            }
26500          }
26501          if (Env.ie >= 11) {
26502            bodyHeight();
26503            disableBackspaceIntoATable();
26504          }
26505          if (Env.ie) {
26506            selectAll();
26507            disableAutoUrlDetect();
26508            ieInternalDragAndDrop();
26509          }
26510          if (isGecko) {
26511            removeHrOnBackspace();
26512            focusBody();
26513            removeStylesWhenDeletingAcrossBlockElements();
26514            setGeckoEditingOptions();
26515            addBrAfterLastLinks();
26516            showBrokenImageIcon();
26517            blockCmdArrowNavigation();
26518            disableBackspaceIntoATable();
26519          }
26520        };
26521        if (isRtc(editor)) {
26522          setupRtc();
26523        } else {
26524          setup();
26525        }
26526        return {
26527          refreshContentEditable: refreshContentEditable,
26528          isHidden: isHidden
26529        };
26530      };
26532      var DOM$6 = DOMUtils.DOM;
26533      var appendStyle = function (editor, text) {
26534        var body = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
26535        var container = getStyleContainer(getRootNode(body));
26536        var style = SugarElement.fromTag('style');
26537        set$1(style, 'type', 'text/css');
26538        append$1(style, SugarElement.fromText(text));
26539        append$1(container, style);
26540        editor.on('remove', function () {
26541          remove$7(style);
26542        });
26543      };
26544      var getRootName = function (editor) {
26545        return editor.inline ? editor.getElement().nodeName.toLowerCase() : undefined;
26546      };
26547      var removeUndefined = function (obj) {
26548        return filter$3(obj, function (v) {
26549          return isUndefined(v) === false;
26550        });
26551      };
26552      var mkSchemaSettings = function (editor) {
26553        var settings = editor.settings;
26554        return removeUndefined({
26555          block_elements: settings.block_elements,
26556          boolean_attributes: settings.boolean_attributes,
26557          custom_elements: settings.custom_elements,
26558          extended_valid_elements: settings.extended_valid_elements,
26559          invalid_elements: settings.invalid_elements,
26560          invalid_styles: settings.invalid_styles,
26561          move_caret_before_on_enter_elements: settings.move_caret_before_on_enter_elements,
26562          non_empty_elements: settings.non_empty_elements,
26563          schema: settings.schema,
26564          self_closing_elements: settings.self_closing_elements,
26565          short_ended_elements: settings.short_ended_elements,
26566          special: settings.special,
26567          text_block_elements: settings.text_block_elements,
26568          text_inline_elements: settings.text_inline_elements,
26569          valid_children: settings.valid_children,
26570          valid_classes: settings.valid_classes,
26571          valid_elements: settings.valid_elements,
26572          valid_styles: settings.valid_styles,
26573          verify_html: settings.verify_html,
26574          whitespace_elements: settings.whitespace_elements,
26575          padd_empty_block_inline_children: settings.format_empty_lines
26576        });
26577      };
26578      var mkParserSettings = function (editor) {
26579        var settings = editor.settings;
26580        var blobCache = editor.editorUpload.blobCache;
26581        return removeUndefined({
26582          allow_conditional_comments: settings.allow_conditional_comments,
26583          allow_html_data_urls: settings.allow_html_data_urls,
26584          allow_svg_data_urls: settings.allow_svg_data_urls,
26585          allow_html_in_named_anchor: settings.allow_html_in_named_anchor,
26586          allow_script_urls: settings.allow_script_urls,
26587          allow_unsafe_link_target: settings.allow_unsafe_link_target,
26588          convert_fonts_to_spans: settings.convert_fonts_to_spans,
26589          fix_list_elements: settings.fix_list_elements,
26590          font_size_legacy_values: settings.font_size_legacy_values,
26591          forced_root_block: settings.forced_root_block,
26592          forced_root_block_attrs: settings.forced_root_block_attrs,
26593          padd_empty_with_br: settings.padd_empty_with_br,
26594          preserve_cdata: settings.preserve_cdata,
26595          remove_trailing_brs: settings.remove_trailing_brs,
26596          inline_styles: settings.inline_styles,
26597          root_name: getRootName(editor),
26598          validate: true,
26599          blob_cache: blobCache,
26600          document: editor.getDoc(),
26601          images_dataimg_filter: settings.images_dataimg_filter
26602        });
26603      };
26604      var mkSerializerSettings = function (editor) {
26605        var settings = editor.settings;
26606        return __assign(__assign(__assign({}, mkParserSettings(editor)), mkSchemaSettings(editor)), removeUndefined({
26607          url_converter: settings.url_converter,
26608          url_converter_scope: settings.url_converter_scope,
26609          element_format: settings.element_format,
26610          entities: settings.entities,
26611          entity_encoding: settings.entity_encoding,
26612          indent: settings.indent,
26613          indent_after: settings.indent_after,
26614          indent_before: settings.indent_before
26615        }));
26616      };
26617      var createParser = function (editor) {
26618        var parser = DomParser(mkParserSettings(editor), editor.schema);
26619        parser.addAttributeFilter('src,href,style,tabindex', function (nodes, name) {
26620          var i = nodes.length, node, value;
26621          var dom = editor.dom;
26622          var internalName = 'data-mce-' + name;
26623          while (i--) {
26624            node = nodes[i];
26625            value = node.attr(name);
26626            if (value && !node.attr(internalName)) {
26627              if (value.indexOf('data:') === 0 || value.indexOf('blob:') === 0) {
26628                continue;
26629              }
26630              if (name === 'style') {
26631                value = dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(value), node.name);
26632                if (!value.length) {
26633                  value = null;
26634                }
26635                node.attr(internalName, value);
26636                node.attr(name, value);
26637              } else if (name === 'tabindex') {
26638                node.attr(internalName, value);
26639                node.attr(name, null);
26640              } else {
26641                node.attr(internalName, editor.convertURL(value, name, node.name));
26642              }
26643            }
26644          }
26645        });
26646        parser.addNodeFilter('script', function (nodes) {
26647          var i = nodes.length;
26648          while (i--) {
26649            var node = nodes[i];
26650            var type = node.attr('type') || 'no/type';
26651            if (type.indexOf('mce-') !== 0) {
26652              node.attr('type', 'mce-' + type);
26653            }
26654          }
26655        });
26656        if (editor.settings.preserve_cdata) {
26657          parser.addNodeFilter('#cdata', function (nodes) {
26658            var i = nodes.length;
26659            while (i--) {
26660              var node = nodes[i];
26661              node.type = 8;
26662              node.name = '#comment';
26663              node.value = '[CDATA[' + editor.dom.encode(node.value) + ']]';
26664            }
26665          });
26666        }
26667        parser.addNodeFilter('p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,div', function (nodes) {
26668          var i = nodes.length;
26669          var nonEmptyElements = editor.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
26670          while (i--) {
26671            var node = nodes[i];
26672            if (node.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements) && node.getAll('br').length === 0) {
26673              node.append(new AstNode('br', 1)).shortEnded = true;
26674            }
26675          }
26676        });
26677        return parser;
26678      };
26679      var autoFocus = function (editor) {
26680        if (editor.settings.auto_focus) {
26681          Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
26682            var focusEditor;
26683            if (editor.settings.auto_focus === true) {
26684              focusEditor = editor;
26685            } else {
26686              focusEditor = editor.editorManager.get(editor.settings.auto_focus);
26687            }
26688            if (!focusEditor.destroyed) {
26689              focusEditor.focus();
26690            }
26691          }, 100);
26692        }
26693      };
26694      var moveSelectionToFirstCaretPosition = function (editor) {
26695        var root = editor.dom.getRoot();
26696        if (!editor.inline && (!hasAnyRanges(editor) || editor.selection.getStart(true) === root)) {
26697          firstPositionIn(root).each(function (pos) {
26698            var node = pos.getNode();
26699            var caretPos = isTable$3(node) ? firstPositionIn(node).getOr(pos) : pos;
26700            if (Env.browser.isIE()) {
26701              storeNative(editor, caretPos.toRange());
26702            } else {
26703              editor.selection.setRng(caretPos.toRange());
26704            }
26705          });
26706        }
26707      };
26708      var initEditor = function (editor) {
26709        editor.bindPendingEventDelegates();
26710        editor.initialized = true;
26711        fireInit(editor);
26712        editor.focus(true);
26713        moveSelectionToFirstCaretPosition(editor);
26714        editor.nodeChanged({ initial: true });
26715        editor.execCallback('init_instance_callback', editor);
26716        autoFocus(editor);
26717      };
26718      var getStyleSheetLoader$1 = function (editor) {
26719        return editor.inline ? editor.ui.styleSheetLoader : editor.dom.styleSheetLoader;
26720      };
26721      var makeStylesheetLoadingPromises = function (editor, css, framedFonts) {
26722        var promises = [new promiseObj(function (resolve, reject) {
26723            return getStyleSheetLoader$1(editor).loadAll(css, resolve, reject);
26724          })];
26725        if (editor.inline) {
26726          return promises;
26727        } else {
26728          return promises.concat([new promiseObj(function (resolve, reject) {
26729              return editor.ui.styleSheetLoader.loadAll(framedFonts, resolve, reject);
26730            })]);
26731        }
26732      };
26733      var loadContentCss = function (editor) {
26734        var styleSheetLoader = getStyleSheetLoader$1(editor);
26735        var fontCss = getFontCss(editor);
26736        var css = editor.contentCSS;
26737        var removeCss = function () {
26738          styleSheetLoader.unloadAll(css);
26739          if (!editor.inline) {
26740            editor.ui.styleSheetLoader.unloadAll(fontCss);
26741          }
26742        };
26743        var loaded = function () {
26744          if (editor.removed) {
26745            removeCss();
26746          } else {
26747            editor.on('remove', removeCss);
26748          }
26749        };
26750        if (editor.contentStyles.length > 0) {
26751          var contentCssText_1 = '';
26752          Tools.each(editor.contentStyles, function (style) {
26753            contentCssText_1 += style + '\r\n';
26754          });
26755          editor.dom.addStyle(contentCssText_1);
26756        }
26757        var allStylesheets = promiseObj.all(makeStylesheetLoadingPromises(editor, css, fontCss)).then(loaded).catch(loaded);
26758        if (editor.settings.content_style) {
26759          appendStyle(editor, editor.settings.content_style);
26760        }
26761        return allStylesheets;
26762      };
26763      var preInit = function (editor) {
26764        var settings = editor.settings, doc = editor.getDoc(), body = editor.getBody();
26765        firePreInit(editor);
26766        if (!settings.browser_spellcheck && !settings.gecko_spellcheck) {
26767          doc.body.spellcheck = false;
26768          DOM$6.setAttrib(body, 'spellcheck', 'false');
26769        }
26770        editor.quirks = Quirks(editor);
26771        firePostRender(editor);
26772        var directionality = getDirectionality(editor);
26773        if (directionality !== undefined) {
26774          body.dir = directionality;
26775        }
26776        if (settings.protect) {
26777          editor.on('BeforeSetContent', function (e) {
26778            Tools.each(settings.protect, function (pattern) {
26779              e.content = e.content.replace(pattern, function (str) {
26780                return '<!--mce:protected ' + escape(str) + '-->';
26781              });
26782            });
26783          });
26784        }
26785        editor.on('SetContent', function () {
26786          editor.addVisual(editor.getBody());
26787        });
26788        editor.on('compositionstart compositionend', function (e) {
26789          editor.composing = e.type === 'compositionstart';
26790        });
26791      };
26792      var loadInitialContent = function (editor) {
26793        if (!isRtc(editor)) {
26794          editor.load({
26795            initial: true,
26796            format: 'html'
26797          });
26798        }
26799        editor.startContent = editor.getContent({ format: 'raw' });
26800      };
26801      var initEditorWithInitialContent = function (editor) {
26802        if (editor.removed !== true) {
26803          loadInitialContent(editor);
26804          initEditor(editor);
26805        }
26806      };
26807      var initContentBody = function (editor, skipWrite) {
26808        var settings = editor.settings;
26809        var targetElm = editor.getElement();
26810        var doc = editor.getDoc();
26811        if (!settings.inline) {
26812          editor.getElement().style.visibility = editor.orgVisibility;
26813        }
26814        if (!skipWrite && !editor.inline) {
26815          doc.open();
26816          doc.write(editor.iframeHTML);
26817          doc.close();
26818        }
26819        if (editor.inline) {
26820          DOM$6.addClass(targetElm, 'mce-content-body');
26821          editor.contentDocument = doc = document;
26822          editor.contentWindow = window;
26823          editor.bodyElement = targetElm;
26824          editor.contentAreaContainer = targetElm;
26825        }
26826        var body = editor.getBody();
26827        body.disabled = true;
26828        editor.readonly = !!settings.readonly;
26829        if (!editor.readonly) {
26830          if (editor.inline && DOM$6.getStyle(body, 'position', true) === 'static') {
26831            body.style.position = 'relative';
26832          }
26833          body.contentEditable = editor.getParam('content_editable_state', true);
26834        }
26835        body.disabled = false;
26836        editor.editorUpload = EditorUpload(editor);
26837        editor.schema = Schema(mkSchemaSettings(editor));
26838        editor.dom = DOMUtils(doc, {
26839          keep_values: true,
26840          url_converter: editor.convertURL,
26841          url_converter_scope: editor,
26842          hex_colors: settings.force_hex_style_colors,
26843          update_styles: true,
26844          root_element: editor.inline ? editor.getBody() : null,
26845          collect: function () {
26846            return editor.inline;
26847          },
26848          schema: editor.schema,
26849          contentCssCors: shouldUseContentCssCors(editor),
26850          referrerPolicy: getReferrerPolicy(editor),
26851          onSetAttrib: function (e) {
26852            editor.fire('SetAttrib', e);
26853          }
26854        });
26855        editor.parser = createParser(editor);
26856        editor.serializer = DomSerializer(mkSerializerSettings(editor), editor);
26857        editor.selection = EditorSelection(editor.dom, editor.getWin(), editor.serializer, editor);
26858        editor.annotator = Annotator(editor);
26859        editor.formatter = Formatter(editor);
26860        editor.undoManager = UndoManager(editor);
26861        editor._nodeChangeDispatcher = new NodeChange(editor);
26862        editor._selectionOverrides = SelectionOverrides(editor);
26863        setup$e(editor);
26864        setup$3(editor);
26865        if (!isRtc(editor)) {
26866          setup$2(editor);
26867        }
26868        var caret = setup$4(editor);
26869        setup$f(editor, caret);
26870        setup$d(editor);
26871        setup$g(editor);
26872        var setupRtcThunk = setup$i(editor);
26873        preInit(editor);
26874        setupRtcThunk.fold(function () {
26875          loadContentCss(editor).then(function () {
26876            return initEditorWithInitialContent(editor);
26877          });
26878        }, function (setupRtc) {
26879          editor.setProgressState(true);
26880          loadContentCss(editor).then(function () {
26881            setupRtc().then(function (_rtcMode) {
26882              editor.setProgressState(false);
26883              initEditorWithInitialContent(editor);
26884            }, function (err) {
26885              editor.notificationManager.open({
26886                type: 'error',
26887                text: String(err)
26888              });
26889              initEditorWithInitialContent(editor);
26890            });
26891          });
26892        });
26893      };
26895      var DOM$5 = DOMUtils.DOM;
26896      var relaxDomain = function (editor, ifr) {
26897        if (document.domain !== window.location.hostname && Env.browser.isIE()) {
26898          var bodyUuid = uuid('mce');
26899          editor[bodyUuid] = function () {
26900            initContentBody(editor);
26901          };
26902          var domainRelaxUrl = 'javascript:(function(){' + 'document.open();document.domain="' + document.domain + '";' + 'var ed = window.parent.tinymce.get("' + editor.id + '");document.write(ed.iframeHTML);' + 'document.close();ed.' + bodyUuid + '(true);})()';
26903          DOM$5.setAttrib(ifr, 'src', domainRelaxUrl);
26904          return true;
26905        }
26906        return false;
26907      };
26908      var createIframeElement = function (id, title, height, customAttrs) {
26909        var iframe = SugarElement.fromTag('iframe');
26910        setAll$1(iframe, customAttrs);
26911        setAll$1(iframe, {
26912          id: id + '_ifr',
26913          frameBorder: '0',
26914          allowTransparency: 'true',
26915          title: title
26916        });
26917        add$1(iframe, 'tox-edit-area__iframe');
26918        return iframe;
26919      };
26920      var getIframeHtml = function (editor) {
26921        var iframeHTML = getDocType(editor) + '<html><head>';
26922        if (getDocumentBaseUrl(editor) !== editor.documentBaseUrl) {
26923          iframeHTML += '<base href="' + editor.documentBaseURI.getURI() + '" />';
26924        }
26925        iframeHTML += '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />';
26926        var bodyId = getBodyId(editor);
26927        var bodyClass = getBodyClass(editor);
26928        var translatedAriaText = editor.translate(getIframeAriaText(editor));
26929        if (getContentSecurityPolicy(editor)) {
26930          iframeHTML += '<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="' + getContentSecurityPolicy(editor) + '" />';
26931        }
26932        iframeHTML += '</head>' + ('<body id="' + bodyId + '" class="mce-content-body ' + bodyClass + '" data-id="' + editor.id + '" aria-label="' + translatedAriaText + '">') + '<br>' + '</body></html>';
26933        return iframeHTML;
26934      };
26935      var createIframe = function (editor, o) {
26936        var iframeTitle = editor.translate('Rich Text Area');
26937        var ifr = createIframeElement(editor.id, iframeTitle, o.height, getIframeAttrs(editor)).dom;
26938        ifr.onload = function () {
26939          ifr.onload = null;
26940          editor.fire('load');
26941        };
26942        var isDomainRelaxed = relaxDomain(editor, ifr);
26943        editor.contentAreaContainer = o.iframeContainer;
26944        editor.iframeElement = ifr;
26945        editor.iframeHTML = getIframeHtml(editor);
26946        DOM$5.add(o.iframeContainer, ifr);
26947        return isDomainRelaxed;
26948      };
26949      var init$1 = function (editor, boxInfo) {
26950        var isDomainRelaxed = createIframe(editor, boxInfo);
26951        if (boxInfo.editorContainer) {
26952          DOM$5.get(boxInfo.editorContainer).style.display = editor.orgDisplay;
26953          editor.hidden = DOM$5.isHidden(boxInfo.editorContainer);
26954        }
26955        editor.getElement().style.display = 'none';
26956        DOM$5.setAttrib(editor.id, 'aria-hidden', 'true');
26957        if (!isDomainRelaxed) {
26958          initContentBody(editor);
26959        }
26960      };
26962      var DOM$4 = DOMUtils.DOM;
26963      var initPlugin = function (editor, initializedPlugins, plugin) {
26964        var Plugin = PluginManager.get(plugin);
26965        var pluginUrl = PluginManager.urls[plugin] || editor.documentBaseUrl.replace(/\/$/, '');
26966        plugin = Tools.trim(plugin);
26967        if (Plugin && Tools.inArray(initializedPlugins, plugin) === -1) {
26968          Tools.each(PluginManager.dependencies(plugin), function (dep) {
26969            initPlugin(editor, initializedPlugins, dep);
26970          });
26971          if (editor.plugins[plugin]) {
26972            return;
26973          }
26974          try {
26975            var pluginInstance = new Plugin(editor, pluginUrl, editor.$);
26976            editor.plugins[plugin] = pluginInstance;
26977            if (pluginInstance.init) {
26978              pluginInstance.init(editor, pluginUrl);
26979              initializedPlugins.push(plugin);
26980            }
26981          } catch (e) {
26982            pluginInitError(editor, plugin, e);
26983          }
26984        }
26985      };
26986      var trimLegacyPrefix = function (name) {
26987        return name.replace(/^\-/, '');
26988      };
26989      var initPlugins = function (editor) {
26990        var initializedPlugins = [];
26991        Tools.each(getPlugins(editor).split(/[ ,]/), function (name) {
26992          initPlugin(editor, initializedPlugins, trimLegacyPrefix(name));
26993        });
26994      };
26995      var initIcons = function (editor) {
26996        var iconPackName = Tools.trim(getIconPackName(editor));
26997        var currentIcons = editor.ui.registry.getAll().icons;
26998        var loadIcons = __assign(__assign({}, IconManager.get('default').icons), IconManager.get(iconPackName).icons);
26999        each$j(loadIcons, function (svgData, icon) {
27000          if (!has$2(currentIcons, icon)) {
27001            editor.ui.registry.addIcon(icon, svgData);
27002          }
27003        });
27004      };
27005      var initTheme = function (editor) {
27006        var theme = getTheme(editor);
27007        if (isString$1(theme)) {
27008          editor.settings.theme = trimLegacyPrefix(theme);
27009          var Theme = ThemeManager.get(theme);
27010          editor.theme = new Theme(editor, ThemeManager.urls[theme]);
27011          if (editor.theme.init) {
27012            editor.theme.init(editor, ThemeManager.urls[theme] || editor.documentBaseUrl.replace(/\/$/, ''), editor.$);
27013          }
27014        } else {
27015          editor.theme = {};
27016        }
27017      };
27018      var renderFromLoadedTheme = function (editor) {
27019        return editor.theme.renderUI();
27020      };
27021      var renderFromThemeFunc = function (editor) {
27022        var elm = editor.getElement();
27023        var theme = getTheme(editor);
27024        var info = theme(editor, elm);
27025        if (info.editorContainer.nodeType) {
27026          info.editorContainer.id = info.editorContainer.id || editor.id + '_parent';
27027        }
27028        if (info.iframeContainer && info.iframeContainer.nodeType) {
27029          info.iframeContainer.id = info.iframeContainer.id || editor.id + '_iframecontainer';
27030        }
27031        info.height = info.iframeHeight ? info.iframeHeight : elm.offsetHeight;
27032        return info;
27033      };
27034      var createThemeFalseResult = function (element) {
27035        return {
27036          editorContainer: element,
27037          iframeContainer: element,
27038          api: {}
27039        };
27040      };
27041      var renderThemeFalseIframe = function (targetElement) {
27042        var iframeContainer = DOM$4.create('div');
27043        DOM$4.insertAfter(iframeContainer, targetElement);
27044        return createThemeFalseResult(iframeContainer);
27045      };
27046      var renderThemeFalse = function (editor) {
27047        var targetElement = editor.getElement();
27048        return editor.inline ? createThemeFalseResult(null) : renderThemeFalseIframe(targetElement);
27049      };
27050      var renderThemeUi = function (editor) {
27051        var elm = editor.getElement();
27052        editor.orgDisplay = elm.style.display;
27053        if (isString$1(getTheme(editor))) {
27054          return renderFromLoadedTheme(editor);
27055        } else if (isFunction(getTheme(editor))) {
27056          return renderFromThemeFunc(editor);
27057        } else {
27058          return renderThemeFalse(editor);
27059        }
27060      };
27061      var augmentEditorUiApi = function (editor, api) {
27062        var uiApiFacade = {
27063          show: Optional.from(api.show).getOr(noop),
27064          hide: Optional.from(api.hide).getOr(noop),
27065          disable: Optional.from(api.disable).getOr(noop),
27066          isDisabled: Optional.from(api.isDisabled).getOr(never),
27067          enable: function () {
27068            if (!editor.mode.isReadOnly()) {
27069              Optional.from(api.enable).map(call);
27070            }
27071          }
27072        };
27073        editor.ui = __assign(__assign({}, editor.ui), uiApiFacade);
27074      };
27075      var init = function (editor) {
27076        editor.fire('ScriptsLoaded');
27077        initIcons(editor);
27078        initTheme(editor);
27079        initPlugins(editor);
27080        var renderInfo = renderThemeUi(editor);
27081        augmentEditorUiApi(editor, Optional.from(renderInfo.api).getOr({}));
27082        var boxInfo = {
27083          editorContainer: renderInfo.editorContainer,
27084          iframeContainer: renderInfo.iframeContainer
27085        };
27086        editor.editorContainer = boxInfo.editorContainer ? boxInfo.editorContainer : null;
27087        appendContentCssFromSettings(editor);
27088        if (editor.inline) {
27089          return initContentBody(editor);
27090        } else {
27091          return init$1(editor, boxInfo);
27092        }
27093      };
27095      var DOM$3 = DOMUtils.DOM;
27096      var hasSkipLoadPrefix = function (name) {
27097        return name.charAt(0) === '-';
27098      };
27099      var loadLanguage = function (scriptLoader, editor) {
27100        var languageCode = getLanguageCode(editor);
27101        var languageUrl = getLanguageUrl(editor);
27102        if (I18n.hasCode(languageCode) === false && languageCode !== 'en') {
27103          var url_1 = languageUrl !== '' ? languageUrl : editor.editorManager.baseURL + '/langs/' + languageCode + '.js';
27104          scriptLoader.add(url_1, noop, undefined, function () {
27105            languageLoadError(editor, url_1, languageCode);
27106          });
27107        }
27108      };
27109      var loadTheme = function (scriptLoader, editor, suffix, callback) {
27110        var theme = getTheme(editor);
27111        if (isString$1(theme)) {
27112          if (!hasSkipLoadPrefix(theme) && !has$2(ThemeManager.urls, theme)) {
27113            var themeUrl = getThemeUrl(editor);
27114            if (themeUrl) {
27115              ThemeManager.load(theme, editor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(themeUrl));
27116            } else {
27117              ThemeManager.load(theme, 'themes/' + theme + '/theme' + suffix + '.js');
27118            }
27119          }
27120          scriptLoader.loadQueue(function () {
27121            ThemeManager.waitFor(theme, callback);
27122          });
27123        } else {
27124          callback();
27125        }
27126      };
27127      var getIconsUrlMetaFromUrl = function (editor) {
27128        return Optional.from(getIconsUrl(editor)).filter(function (url) {
27129          return url.length > 0;
27130        }).map(function (url) {
27131          return {
27132            url: url,
27133            name: Optional.none()
27134          };
27135        });
27136      };
27137      var getIconsUrlMetaFromName = function (editor, name, suffix) {
27138        return Optional.from(name).filter(function (name) {
27139          return name.length > 0 && !IconManager.has(name);
27140        }).map(function (name) {
27141          return {
27142            url: editor.editorManager.baseURL + '/icons/' + name + '/icons' + suffix + '.js',
27143            name: Optional.some(name)
27144          };
27145        });
27146      };
27147      var loadIcons = function (scriptLoader, editor, suffix) {
27148        var defaultIconsUrl = getIconsUrlMetaFromName(editor, 'default', suffix);
27149        var customIconsUrl = getIconsUrlMetaFromUrl(editor).orThunk(function () {
27150          return getIconsUrlMetaFromName(editor, getIconPackName(editor), '');
27151        });
27152        each$k(cat([
27153          defaultIconsUrl,
27154          customIconsUrl
27155        ]), function (urlMeta) {
27156          scriptLoader.add(urlMeta.url, noop, undefined, function () {
27157            iconsLoadError(editor, urlMeta.url, urlMeta.name.getOrUndefined());
27158          });
27159        });
27160      };
27161      var loadPlugins = function (editor, suffix) {
27162        Tools.each(getExternalPlugins$1(editor), function (url, name) {
27163          PluginManager.load(name, url, noop, undefined, function () {
27164            pluginLoadError(editor, url, name);
27165          });
27166          editor.settings.plugins += ' ' + name;
27167        });
27168        Tools.each(getPlugins(editor).split(/[ ,]/), function (plugin) {
27169          plugin = Tools.trim(plugin);
27170          if (plugin && !PluginManager.urls[plugin]) {
27171            if (hasSkipLoadPrefix(plugin)) {
27172              plugin = plugin.substr(1, plugin.length);
27173              var dependencies = PluginManager.dependencies(plugin);
27174              Tools.each(dependencies, function (depPlugin) {
27175                var defaultSettings = {
27176                  prefix: 'plugins/',
27177                  resource: depPlugin,
27178                  suffix: '/plugin' + suffix + '.js'
27179                };
27180                var dep = PluginManager.createUrl(defaultSettings, depPlugin);
27181                PluginManager.load(dep.resource, dep, noop, undefined, function () {
27182                  pluginLoadError(editor, dep.prefix + dep.resource + dep.suffix, dep.resource);
27183                });
27184              });
27185            } else {
27186              var url_2 = {
27187                prefix: 'plugins/',
27188                resource: plugin,
27189                suffix: '/plugin' + suffix + '.js'
27190              };
27191              PluginManager.load(plugin, url_2, noop, undefined, function () {
27192                pluginLoadError(editor, url_2.prefix + url_2.resource + url_2.suffix, plugin);
27193              });
27194            }
27195          }
27196        });
27197      };
27198      var loadScripts = function (editor, suffix) {
27199        var scriptLoader = ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader;
27200        loadTheme(scriptLoader, editor, suffix, function () {
27201          loadLanguage(scriptLoader, editor);
27202          loadIcons(scriptLoader, editor, suffix);
27203          loadPlugins(editor, suffix);
27204          scriptLoader.loadQueue(function () {
27205            if (!editor.removed) {
27206              init(editor);
27207            }
27208          }, editor, function () {
27209            if (!editor.removed) {
27210              init(editor);
27211            }
27212          });
27213        });
27214      };
27215      var getStyleSheetLoader = function (element, editor) {
27216        return instance.forElement(element, {
27217          contentCssCors: hasContentCssCors(editor),
27218          referrerPolicy: getReferrerPolicy(editor)
27219        });
27220      };
27221      var render = function (editor) {
27222        var id = editor.id;
27223        I18n.setCode(getLanguageCode(editor));
27224        var readyHandler = function () {
27225          DOM$3.unbind(window, 'ready', readyHandler);
27226          editor.render();
27227        };
27228        if (!EventUtils.Event.domLoaded) {
27229          DOM$3.bind(window, 'ready', readyHandler);
27230          return;
27231        }
27232        if (!editor.getElement()) {
27233          return;
27234        }
27235        if (!Env.contentEditable) {
27236          return;
27237        }
27238        var element = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getElement());
27239        var snapshot = clone$3(element);
27240        editor.on('remove', function () {
27241          eachr(element.dom.attributes, function (attr) {
27242            return remove$6(element, attr.name);
27243          });
27244          setAll$1(element, snapshot);
27245        });
27246        editor.ui.styleSheetLoader = getStyleSheetLoader(element, editor);
27247        if (!isInline(editor)) {
27248          editor.orgVisibility = editor.getElement().style.visibility;
27249          editor.getElement().style.visibility = 'hidden';
27250        } else {
27251          editor.inline = true;
27252        }
27253        var form = editor.getElement().form || DOM$3.getParent(id, 'form');
27254        if (form) {
27255          editor.formElement = form;
27256          if (hasHiddenInput(editor) && !isTextareaOrInput(editor.getElement())) {
27257            DOM$3.insertAfter(DOM$3.create('input', {
27258              type: 'hidden',
27259              name: id
27260            }), id);
27261            editor.hasHiddenInput = true;
27262          }
27263          editor.formEventDelegate = function (e) {
27264            editor.fire(e.type, e);
27265          };
27266          DOM$3.bind(form, 'submit reset', editor.formEventDelegate);
27267          editor.on('reset', function () {
27268            editor.resetContent();
27269          });
27270          if (shouldPatchSubmit(editor) && !form.submit.nodeType && !form.submit.length && !form._mceOldSubmit) {
27271            form._mceOldSubmit = form.submit;
27272            form.submit = function () {
27273              editor.editorManager.triggerSave();
27274              editor.setDirty(false);
27275              return form._mceOldSubmit(form);
27276            };
27277          }
27278        }
27279        editor.windowManager = WindowManager(editor);
27280        editor.notificationManager = NotificationManager(editor);
27281        if (isEncodingXml(editor)) {
27282          editor.on('GetContent', function (e) {
27283            if (e.save) {
27284              e.content = DOM$3.encode(e.content);
27285            }
27286          });
27287        }
27288        if (shouldAddFormSubmitTrigger(editor)) {
27289          editor.on('submit', function () {
27290            if (editor.initialized) {
27291              editor.save();
27292            }
27293          });
27294        }
27295        if (shouldAddUnloadTrigger(editor)) {
27296          editor._beforeUnload = function () {
27297            if (editor.initialized && !editor.destroyed && !editor.isHidden()) {
27298              editor.save({
27299                format: 'raw',
27300                no_events: true,
27301                set_dirty: false
27302              });
27303            }
27304          };
27305          editor.editorManager.on('BeforeUnload', editor._beforeUnload);
27306        }
27307        editor.editorManager.add(editor);
27308        loadScripts(editor, editor.suffix);
27309      };
27311      var addVisual = function (editor, elm) {
27312        return addVisual$1(editor, elm);
27313      };
27315      var legacyPropNames = {
27316        'font-size': 'size',
27317        'font-family': 'face'
27318      };
27319      var getSpecifiedFontProp = function (propName, rootElm, elm) {
27320        var getProperty = function (elm) {
27321          return getRaw(elm, propName).orThunk(function () {
27322            if (name(elm) === 'font') {
27323              return get$9(legacyPropNames, propName).bind(function (legacyPropName) {
27324                return getOpt(elm, legacyPropName);
27325              });
27326            } else {
27327              return Optional.none();
27328            }
27329          });
27330        };
27331        var isRoot = function (elm) {
27332          return eq(SugarElement.fromDom(rootElm), elm);
27333        };
27334        return closest$1(SugarElement.fromDom(elm), function (elm) {
27335          return getProperty(elm);
27336        }, isRoot);
27337      };
27338      var normalizeFontFamily = function (fontFamily) {
27339        return fontFamily.replace(/[\'\"\\]/g, '').replace(/,\s+/g, ',');
27340      };
27341      var getComputedFontProp = function (propName, elm) {
27342        return Optional.from(DOMUtils.DOM.getStyle(elm, propName, true));
27343      };
27344      var getFontProp = function (propName) {
27345        return function (rootElm, elm) {
27346          return Optional.from(elm).map(SugarElement.fromDom).filter(isElement$6).bind(function (element) {
27347            return getSpecifiedFontProp(propName, rootElm, element.dom).or(getComputedFontProp(propName, element.dom));
27348          }).getOr('');
27349        };
27350      };
27351      var getFontSize = getFontProp('font-size');
27352      var getFontFamily = compose(normalizeFontFamily, getFontProp('font-family'));
27354      var findFirstCaretElement = function (editor) {
27355        return firstPositionIn(editor.getBody()).map(function (caret) {
27356          var container = caret.container();
27357          return isText$7(container) ? container.parentNode : container;
27358        });
27359      };
27360      var getCaretElement = function (editor) {
27361        return Optional.from(editor.selection.getRng()).bind(function (rng) {
27362          var root = editor.getBody();
27363          var atStartOfNode = rng.startContainer === root && rng.startOffset === 0;
27364          return atStartOfNode ? Optional.none() : Optional.from(editor.selection.getStart(true));
27365        });
27366      };
27367      var bindRange = function (editor, binder) {
27368        return getCaretElement(editor).orThunk(curry(findFirstCaretElement, editor)).map(SugarElement.fromDom).filter(isElement$6).bind(binder);
27369      };
27370      var mapRange = function (editor, mapper) {
27371        return bindRange(editor, compose1(Optional.some, mapper));
27372      };
27374      var fromFontSizeNumber = function (editor, value) {
27375        if (/^[0-9.]+$/.test(value)) {
27376          var fontSizeNumber = parseInt(value, 10);
27377          if (fontSizeNumber >= 1 && fontSizeNumber <= 7) {
27378            var fontSizes = getFontStyleValues(editor);
27379            var fontClasses = getFontSizeClasses(editor);
27380            if (fontClasses) {
27381              return fontClasses[fontSizeNumber - 1] || value;
27382            } else {
27383              return fontSizes[fontSizeNumber - 1] || value;
27384            }
27385          } else {
27386            return value;
27387          }
27388        } else {
27389          return value;
27390        }
27391      };
27392      var normalizeFontNames = function (font) {
27393        var fonts = font.split(/\s*,\s*/);
27394        return map$3(fonts, function (font) {
27395          if (font.indexOf(' ') !== -1 && !(startsWith(font, '"') || startsWith(font, '\''))) {
27396            return '\'' + font + '\'';
27397          } else {
27398            return font;
27399          }
27400        }).join(',');
27401      };
27402      var fontNameAction = function (editor, value) {
27403        var font = fromFontSizeNumber(editor, value);
27404        editor.formatter.toggle('fontname', { value: normalizeFontNames(font) });
27405        editor.nodeChanged();
27406      };
27407      var fontNameQuery = function (editor) {
27408        return mapRange(editor, function (elm) {
27409          return getFontFamily(editor.getBody(), elm.dom);
27410        }).getOr('');
27411      };
27412      var fontSizeAction = function (editor, value) {
27413        editor.formatter.toggle('fontsize', { value: fromFontSizeNumber(editor, value) });
27414        editor.nodeChanged();
27415      };
27416      var fontSizeQuery = function (editor) {
27417        return mapRange(editor, function (elm) {
27418          return getFontSize(editor.getBody(), elm.dom);
27419        }).getOr('');
27420      };
27422      var lineHeightQuery = function (editor) {
27423        return mapRange(editor, function (elm) {
27424          var root = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
27425          var specifiedStyle = closest$1(elm, function (elm) {
27426            return getRaw(elm, 'line-height');
27427          }, curry(eq, root));
27428          var computedStyle = function () {
27429            var lineHeight = parseFloat(get$5(elm, 'line-height'));
27430            var fontSize = parseFloat(get$5(elm, 'font-size'));
27431            return String(lineHeight / fontSize);
27432          };
27433          return specifiedStyle.getOrThunk(computedStyle);
27434        }).getOr('');
27435      };
27436      var lineHeightAction = function (editor, lineHeight) {
27437        editor.formatter.toggle('lineheight', { value: String(lineHeight) });
27438        editor.nodeChanged();
27439      };
27441      var processValue = function (value) {
27442        if (typeof value !== 'string') {
27443          var details = Tools.extend({
27444            paste: value.paste,
27445            data: { paste: value.paste }
27446          }, value);
27447          return {
27448            content: value.content,
27449            details: details
27450          };
27451        }
27452        return {
27453          content: value,
27454          details: {}
27455        };
27456      };
27457      var insertAtCaret = function (editor, value) {
27458        var result = processValue(value);
27459        insertContent(editor, result.content, result.details);
27460      };
27462      var each$4 = Tools.each;
27463      var map = Tools.map, inArray = Tools.inArray;
27464      var EditorCommands = function () {
27465        function EditorCommands(editor) {
27466          this.commands = {
27467            state: {},
27468            exec: {},
27469            value: {}
27470          };
27471          this.editor = editor;
27472          this.setupCommands(editor);
27473        }
27474        EditorCommands.prototype.execCommand = function (command, ui, value, args) {
27475          var func, state = false;
27476          var self = this;
27477          if (self.editor.removed) {
27478            return;
27479          }
27480          if (command.toLowerCase() !== 'mcefocus') {
27481            if (!/^(mceAddUndoLevel|mceEndUndoLevel|mceBeginUndoLevel|mceRepaint)$/.test(command) && (!args || !args.skip_focus)) {
27482              self.editor.focus();
27483            } else {
27484              restore(self.editor);
27485            }
27486          }
27487          args = self.editor.fire('BeforeExecCommand', {
27488            command: command,
27489            ui: ui,
27490            value: value
27491          });
27492          if (args.isDefaultPrevented()) {
27493            return false;
27494          }
27495          var customCommand = command.toLowerCase();
27496          if (func = self.commands.exec[customCommand]) {
27497            func(customCommand, ui, value);
27498            self.editor.fire('ExecCommand', {
27499              command: command,
27500              ui: ui,
27501              value: value
27502            });
27503            return true;
27504          }
27505          each$4(this.editor.plugins, function (p) {
27506            if (p.execCommand && p.execCommand(command, ui, value)) {
27507              self.editor.fire('ExecCommand', {
27508                command: command,
27509                ui: ui,
27510                value: value
27511              });
27512              state = true;
27513              return false;
27514            }
27515          });
27516          if (state) {
27517            return state;
27518          }
27519          if (self.editor.theme && self.editor.theme.execCommand && self.editor.theme.execCommand(command, ui, value)) {
27520            self.editor.fire('ExecCommand', {
27521              command: command,
27522              ui: ui,
27523              value: value
27524            });
27525            return true;
27526          }
27527          try {
27528            state = self.editor.getDoc().execCommand(command, ui, value);
27529          } catch (ex) {
27530          }
27531          if (state) {
27532            self.editor.fire('ExecCommand', {
27533              command: command,
27534              ui: ui,
27535              value: value
27536            });
27537            return true;
27538          }
27539          return false;
27540        };
27541        EditorCommands.prototype.queryCommandState = function (command) {
27542          var func;
27543          if (this.editor.quirks.isHidden() || this.editor.removed) {
27544            return;
27545          }
27546          command = command.toLowerCase();
27547          if (func = this.commands.state[command]) {
27548            return func(command);
27549          }
27550          try {
27551            return this.editor.getDoc().queryCommandState(command);
27552          } catch (ex) {
27553          }
27554          return false;
27555        };
27556        EditorCommands.prototype.queryCommandValue = function (command) {
27557          var func;
27558          if (this.editor.quirks.isHidden() || this.editor.removed) {
27559            return;
27560          }
27561          command = command.toLowerCase();
27562          if (func = this.commands.value[command]) {
27563            return func(command);
27564          }
27565          try {
27566            return this.editor.getDoc().queryCommandValue(command);
27567          } catch (ex) {
27568          }
27569        };
27570        EditorCommands.prototype.addCommands = function (commandList, type) {
27571          if (type === void 0) {
27572            type = 'exec';
27573          }
27574          var self = this;
27575          each$4(commandList, function (callback, command) {
27576            each$4(command.toLowerCase().split(','), function (command) {
27577              self.commands[type][command] = callback;
27578            });
27579          });
27580        };
27581        EditorCommands.prototype.addCommand = function (command, callback, scope) {
27582          var _this = this;
27583          command = command.toLowerCase();
27584          this.commands.exec[command] = function (command, ui, value, args) {
27585            return callback.call(scope || _this.editor, ui, value, args);
27586          };
27587        };
27588        EditorCommands.prototype.queryCommandSupported = function (command) {
27589          command = command.toLowerCase();
27590          if (this.commands.exec[command]) {
27591            return true;
27592          }
27593          try {
27594            return this.editor.getDoc().queryCommandSupported(command);
27595          } catch (ex) {
27596          }
27597          return false;
27598        };
27599        EditorCommands.prototype.addQueryStateHandler = function (command, callback, scope) {
27600          var _this = this;
27601          command = command.toLowerCase();
27602          this.commands.state[command] = function () {
27603            return callback.call(scope || _this.editor);
27604          };
27605        };
27606        EditorCommands.prototype.addQueryValueHandler = function (command, callback, scope) {
27607          var _this = this;
27608          command = command.toLowerCase();
27609          this.commands.value[command] = function () {
27610            return callback.call(scope || _this.editor);
27611          };
27612        };
27613        EditorCommands.prototype.hasCustomCommand = function (command) {
27614          command = command.toLowerCase();
27615          return !!this.commands.exec[command];
27616        };
27617        EditorCommands.prototype.execNativeCommand = function (command, ui, value) {
27618          if (ui === undefined) {
27619            ui = false;
27620          }
27621          if (value === undefined) {
27622            value = null;
27623          }
27624          return this.editor.getDoc().execCommand(command, ui, value);
27625        };
27626        EditorCommands.prototype.isFormatMatch = function (name) {
27627          return this.editor.formatter.match(name);
27628        };
27629        EditorCommands.prototype.toggleFormat = function (name, value) {
27630          this.editor.formatter.toggle(name, value);
27631          this.editor.nodeChanged();
27632        };
27633        EditorCommands.prototype.storeSelection = function (type) {
27634          this.selectionBookmark = this.editor.selection.getBookmark(type);
27635        };
27636        EditorCommands.prototype.restoreSelection = function () {
27637          this.editor.selection.moveToBookmark(this.selectionBookmark);
27638        };
27639        EditorCommands.prototype.setupCommands = function (editor) {
27640          var self = this;
27641          this.addCommands({
27642            'mceResetDesignMode,mceBeginUndoLevel': noop,
27643            'mceEndUndoLevel,mceAddUndoLevel': function () {
27644              editor.undoManager.add();
27645            },
27646            'mceFocus': function (_command, _ui, value) {
27647              focus(editor, value);
27648            },
27649            'Cut,Copy,Paste': function (command) {
27650              var doc = editor.getDoc();
27651              var failed;
27652              try {
27653                self.execNativeCommand(command);
27654              } catch (ex) {
27655                failed = true;
27656              }
27657              if (command === 'paste' && !doc.queryCommandEnabled(command)) {
27658                failed = true;
27659              }
27660              if (failed || !doc.queryCommandSupported(command)) {
27661                var msg = editor.translate('Your browser doesn\'t support direct access to the clipboard. ' + 'Please use the Ctrl+X/C/V keyboard shortcuts instead.');
27662                if (Env.mac) {
27663                  msg = msg.replace(/Ctrl\+/g, '\u2318+');
27664                }
27665                editor.notificationManager.open({
27666                  text: msg,
27667                  type: 'error'
27668                });
27669              }
27670            },
27671            'unlink': function () {
27672              if (editor.selection.isCollapsed()) {
27673                var elm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'a');
27674                if (elm) {
27675                  editor.dom.remove(elm, true);
27676                }
27677                return;
27678              }
27679              editor.formatter.remove('link');
27680            },
27681            'JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull,JustifyNone': function (command) {
27682              var align = command.substring(7);
27683              if (align === 'full') {
27684                align = 'justify';
27685              }
27686              each$4('left,center,right,justify'.split(','), function (name) {
27687                if (align !== name) {
27688                  editor.formatter.remove('align' + name);
27689                }
27690              });
27691              if (align !== 'none') {
27692                self.toggleFormat('align' + align);
27693              }
27694            },
27695            'InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList': function (command) {
27696              var listParent;
27697              self.execNativeCommand(command);
27698              var listElm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getNode(), 'ol,ul');
27699              if (listElm) {
27700                listParent = listElm.parentNode;
27701                if (/^(H[1-6]|P|ADDRESS|PRE)$/.test(listParent.nodeName)) {
27702                  self.storeSelection();
27703                  editor.dom.split(listParent, listElm);
27704                  self.restoreSelection();
27705                }
27706              }
27707            },
27708            'Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript': function (command) {
27709              self.toggleFormat(command);
27710            },
27711            'ForeColor,HiliteColor': function (command, ui, value) {
27712              self.toggleFormat(command, { value: value });
27713            },
27714            'FontName': function (command, ui, value) {
27715              fontNameAction(editor, value);
27716            },
27717            'FontSize': function (command, ui, value) {
27718              fontSizeAction(editor, value);
27719            },
27720            'LineHeight': function (command, ui, value) {
27721              lineHeightAction(editor, value);
27722            },
27723            'Lang': function (command, ui, lang) {
27724              self.toggleFormat(command, {
27725                value: lang.code,
27726                customValue: lang.customCode
27727              });
27728            },
27729            'RemoveFormat': function (command) {
27730              editor.formatter.remove(command);
27731            },
27732            'mceBlockQuote': function () {
27733              self.toggleFormat('blockquote');
27734            },
27735            'FormatBlock': function (command, ui, value) {
27736              return self.toggleFormat(value || 'p');
27737            },
27738            'mceCleanup': function () {
27739              var bookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark();
27740              editor.setContent(editor.getContent());
27741              editor.selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
27742            },
27743            'mceRemoveNode': function (command, ui, value) {
27744              var node = value || editor.selection.getNode();
27745              if (node !== editor.getBody()) {
27746                self.storeSelection();
27747                editor.dom.remove(node, true);
27748                self.restoreSelection();
27749              }
27750            },
27751            'mceSelectNodeDepth': function (command, ui, value) {
27752              var counter = 0;
27753              editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getNode(), function (node) {
27754                if (node.nodeType === 1 && counter++ === value) {
27755                  editor.selection.select(node);
27756                  return false;
27757                }
27758              }, editor.getBody());
27759            },
27760            'mceSelectNode': function (command, ui, value) {
27761              editor.selection.select(value);
27762            },
27763            'mceInsertContent': function (command, ui, value) {
27764              insertAtCaret(editor, value);
27765            },
27766            'mceInsertRawHTML': function (command, ui, value) {
27767              editor.selection.setContent('tiny_mce_marker');
27768              var content = editor.getContent();
27769              editor.setContent(content.replace(/tiny_mce_marker/g, function () {
27770                return value;
27771              }));
27772            },
27773            'mceInsertNewLine': function (command, ui, value) {
27774              insert(editor, value);
27775            },
27776            'mceToggleFormat': function (command, ui, value) {
27777              self.toggleFormat(value);
27778            },
27779            'mceSetContent': function (command, ui, value) {
27780              editor.setContent(value);
27781            },
27782            'Indent,Outdent': function (command) {
27783              handle(editor, command);
27784            },
27785            'mceRepaint': noop,
27786            'InsertHorizontalRule': function () {
27787              editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<hr />');
27788            },
27789            'mceToggleVisualAid': function () {
27790              editor.hasVisual = !editor.hasVisual;
27791              editor.addVisual();
27792            },
27793            'mceReplaceContent': function (command, ui, value) {
27794              editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, value.replace(/\{\$selection\}/g, editor.selection.getContent({ format: 'text' })));
27795            },
27796            'mceInsertLink': function (command, ui, value) {
27797              if (typeof value === 'string') {
27798                value = { href: value };
27799              }
27800              var anchor = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getNode(), 'a');
27801              value.href = value.href.replace(/ /g, '%20');
27802              if (!anchor || !value.href) {
27803                editor.formatter.remove('link');
27804              }
27805              if (value.href) {
27806                editor.formatter.apply('link', value, anchor);
27807              }
27808            },
27809            'selectAll': function () {
27810              var editingHost = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), isContentEditableTrue$4);
27811              if (editingHost) {
27812                var rng = editor.dom.createRng();
27813                rng.selectNodeContents(editingHost);
27814                editor.selection.setRng(rng);
27815              }
27816            },
27817            'mceNewDocument': function () {
27818              editor.setContent('');
27819            },
27820            'InsertLineBreak': function (command, ui, value) {
27821              insert$1(editor, value);
27822              return true;
27823            }
27824          });
27825          var alignStates = function (name) {
27826            return function () {
27827              var selection = editor.selection;
27828              var nodes = selection.isCollapsed() ? [editor.dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), editor.dom.isBlock)] : selection.getSelectedBlocks();
27829              var matches = map(nodes, function (node) {
27830                return !!editor.formatter.matchNode(node, name);
27831              });
27832              return inArray(matches, true) !== -1;
27833            };
27834          };
27835          self.addCommands({
27836            'JustifyLeft': alignStates('alignleft'),
27837            'JustifyCenter': alignStates('aligncenter'),
27838            'JustifyRight': alignStates('alignright'),
27839            'JustifyFull': alignStates('alignjustify'),
27840            'Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript': function (command) {
27841              return self.isFormatMatch(command);
27842            },
27843            'mceBlockQuote': function () {
27844              return self.isFormatMatch('blockquote');
27845            },
27846            'Outdent': function () {
27847              return canOutdent(editor);
27848            },
27849            'InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList': function (command) {
27850              var list = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getNode(), 'ul,ol');
27851              return list && (command === 'insertunorderedlist' && list.tagName === 'UL' || command === 'insertorderedlist' && list.tagName === 'OL');
27852            }
27853          }, 'state');
27854          self.addCommands({
27855            Undo: function () {
27856              editor.undoManager.undo();
27857            },
27858            Redo: function () {
27859              editor.undoManager.redo();
27860            }
27861          });
27862          self.addQueryValueHandler('FontName', function () {
27863            return fontNameQuery(editor);
27864          }, this);
27865          self.addQueryValueHandler('FontSize', function () {
27866            return fontSizeQuery(editor);
27867          }, this);
27868          self.addQueryValueHandler('LineHeight', function () {
27869            return lineHeightQuery(editor);
27870          }, this);
27871        };
27872        return EditorCommands;
27873      }();
27875      var internalContentEditableAttr = 'data-mce-contenteditable';
27876      var toggleClass = function (elm, cls, state) {
27877        if (has(elm, cls) && state === false) {
27878          remove$3(elm, cls);
27879        } else if (state) {
27880          add$1(elm, cls);
27881        }
27882      };
27883      var setEditorCommandState = function (editor, cmd, state) {
27884        try {
27885          editor.getDoc().execCommand(cmd, false, String(state));
27886        } catch (ex) {
27887        }
27888      };
27889      var setContentEditable = function (elm, state) {
27890        elm.dom.contentEditable = state ? 'true' : 'false';
27891      };
27892      var switchOffContentEditableTrue = function (elm) {
27893        each$k(descendants(elm, '*[contenteditable="true"]'), function (elm) {
27894          set$1(elm, internalContentEditableAttr, 'true');
27895          setContentEditable(elm, false);
27896        });
27897      };
27898      var switchOnContentEditableTrue = function (elm) {
27899        each$k(descendants(elm, '*[' + internalContentEditableAttr + '="true"]'), function (elm) {
27900          remove$6(elm, internalContentEditableAttr);
27901          setContentEditable(elm, true);
27902        });
27903      };
27904      var removeFakeSelection = function (editor) {
27905        Optional.from(editor.selection.getNode()).each(function (elm) {
27906          elm.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected');
27907        });
27908      };
27909      var restoreFakeSelection = function (editor) {
27910        editor.selection.setRng(editor.selection.getRng());
27911      };
27912      var toggleReadOnly = function (editor, state) {
27913        var body = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
27914        toggleClass(body, 'mce-content-readonly', state);
27915        if (state) {
27916          editor.selection.controlSelection.hideResizeRect();
27917          editor._selectionOverrides.hideFakeCaret();
27918          removeFakeSelection(editor);
27919          editor.readonly = true;
27920          setContentEditable(body, false);
27921          switchOffContentEditableTrue(body);
27922        } else {
27923          editor.readonly = false;
27924          setContentEditable(body, true);
27925          switchOnContentEditableTrue(body);
27926          setEditorCommandState(editor, 'StyleWithCSS', false);
27927          setEditorCommandState(editor, 'enableInlineTableEditing', false);
27928          setEditorCommandState(editor, 'enableObjectResizing', false);
27929          if (hasEditorOrUiFocus(editor)) {
27930            editor.focus();
27931          }
27932          restoreFakeSelection(editor);
27933          editor.nodeChanged();
27934        }
27935      };
27936      var isReadOnly = function (editor) {
27937        return editor.readonly;
27938      };
27939      var registerFilters = function (editor) {
27940        editor.parser.addAttributeFilter('contenteditable', function (nodes) {
27941          if (isReadOnly(editor)) {
27942            each$k(nodes, function (node) {
27943              node.attr(internalContentEditableAttr, node.attr('contenteditable'));
27944              node.attr('contenteditable', 'false');
27945            });
27946          }
27947        });
27948        editor.serializer.addAttributeFilter(internalContentEditableAttr, function (nodes) {
27949          if (isReadOnly(editor)) {
27950            each$k(nodes, function (node) {
27951              node.attr('contenteditable', node.attr(internalContentEditableAttr));
27952            });
27953          }
27954        });
27955        editor.serializer.addTempAttr(internalContentEditableAttr);
27956      };
27957      var registerReadOnlyContentFilters = function (editor) {
27958        if (editor.serializer) {
27959          registerFilters(editor);
27960        } else {
27961          editor.on('PreInit', function () {
27962            registerFilters(editor);
27963          });
27964        }
27965      };
27966      var isClickEvent = function (e) {
27967        return e.type === 'click';
27968      };
27969      var getAnchorHrefOpt = function (editor, elm) {
27970        var isRoot = function (elm) {
27971          return eq(elm, SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()));
27972        };
27973        return closest$2(elm, 'a', isRoot).bind(function (a) {
27974          return getOpt(a, 'href');
27975        });
27976      };
27977      var processReadonlyEvents = function (editor, e) {
27978        if (isClickEvent(e) && !VK.metaKeyPressed(e)) {
27979          var elm = SugarElement.fromDom(e.target);
27980          getAnchorHrefOpt(editor, elm).each(function (href) {
27981            e.preventDefault();
27982            if (/^#/.test(href)) {
27983              var targetEl = editor.dom.select(href + ',[name="' + removeLeading(href, '#') + '"]');
27984              if (targetEl.length) {
27985                editor.selection.scrollIntoView(targetEl[0], true);
27986              }
27987            } else {
27988              window.open(href, '_blank', 'rel=noopener noreferrer,menubar=yes,toolbar=yes,location=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');
27989            }
27990          });
27991        }
27992      };
27993      var registerReadOnlySelectionBlockers = function (editor) {
27994        editor.on('ShowCaret', function (e) {
27995          if (isReadOnly(editor)) {
27996            e.preventDefault();
27997          }
27998        });
27999        editor.on('ObjectSelected', function (e) {
28000          if (isReadOnly(editor)) {
28001            e.preventDefault();
28002          }
28003        });
28004      };
28006      var nativeEvents = Tools.makeMap('focus blur focusin focusout click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover beforepaste paste cut copy selectionchange ' + 'mouseout mouseenter mouseleave wheel keydown keypress keyup input beforeinput contextmenu dragstart dragend dragover ' + 'draggesture dragdrop drop drag submit ' + 'compositionstart compositionend compositionupdate touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel', ' ');
28007      var EventDispatcher = function () {
28008        function EventDispatcher(settings) {
28009          this.bindings = {};
28010          this.settings = settings || {};
28011          this.scope = this.settings.scope || this;
28012          this.toggleEvent = this.settings.toggleEvent || never;
28013        }
28014        EventDispatcher.isNative = function (name) {
28015          return !!nativeEvents[name.toLowerCase()];
28016        };
28017        EventDispatcher.prototype.fire = function (name, args) {
28018          var lcName = name.toLowerCase();
28019          var event = normalize$3(lcName, args || {}, this.scope);
28020          if (this.settings.beforeFire) {
28021            this.settings.beforeFire(event);
28022          }
28023          var handlers = this.bindings[lcName];
28024          if (handlers) {
28025            for (var i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) {
28026              var callback = handlers[i];
28027              if (callback.removed) {
28028                continue;
28029              }
28030              if (callback.once) {
28031                this.off(lcName, callback.func);
28032              }
28033              if (event.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) {
28034                return event;
28035              }
28036              if (callback.func.call(this.scope, event) === false) {
28037                event.preventDefault();
28038                return event;
28039              }
28040            }
28041          }
28042          return event;
28043        };
28044        EventDispatcher.prototype.on = function (name, callback, prepend, extra) {
28045          if (callback === false) {
28046            callback = never;
28047          }
28048          if (callback) {
28049            var wrappedCallback = {
28050              func: callback,
28051              removed: false
28052            };
28053            if (extra) {
28054              Tools.extend(wrappedCallback, extra);
28055            }
28056            var names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
28057            var i = names.length;
28058            while (i--) {
28059              var currentName = names[i];
28060              var handlers = this.bindings[currentName];
28061              if (!handlers) {
28062                handlers = [];
28063                this.toggleEvent(currentName, true);
28064              }
28065              if (prepend) {
28066                handlers = __spreadArray([wrappedCallback], handlers, true);
28067              } else {
28068                handlers = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], handlers, true), [wrappedCallback], false);
28069              }
28070              this.bindings[currentName] = handlers;
28071            }
28072          }
28073          return this;
28074        };
28075        EventDispatcher.prototype.off = function (name, callback) {
28076          var _this = this;
28077          if (name) {
28078            var names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
28079            var i = names.length;
28080            while (i--) {
28081              var currentName = names[i];
28082              var handlers = this.bindings[currentName];
28083              if (!currentName) {
28084                each$j(this.bindings, function (_value, bindingName) {
28085                  _this.toggleEvent(bindingName, false);
28086                  delete _this.bindings[bindingName];
28087                });
28088                return this;
28089              }
28090              if (handlers) {
28091                if (!callback) {
28092                  handlers.length = 0;
28093                } else {
28094                  var filteredHandlers = partition(handlers, function (handler) {
28095                    return handler.func === callback;
28096                  });
28097                  handlers = filteredHandlers.fail;
28098                  this.bindings[currentName] = handlers;
28099                  each$k(filteredHandlers.pass, function (handler) {
28100                    handler.removed = true;
28101                  });
28102                }
28103                if (!handlers.length) {
28104                  this.toggleEvent(name, false);
28105                  delete this.bindings[currentName];
28106                }
28107              }
28108            }
28109          } else {
28110            each$j(this.bindings, function (_value, name) {
28111              _this.toggleEvent(name, false);
28112            });
28113            this.bindings = {};
28114          }
28115          return this;
28116        };
28117        EventDispatcher.prototype.once = function (name, callback, prepend) {
28118          return this.on(name, callback, prepend, { once: true });
28119        };
28120        EventDispatcher.prototype.has = function (name) {
28121          name = name.toLowerCase();
28122          return !(!this.bindings[name] || this.bindings[name].length === 0);
28123        };
28124        return EventDispatcher;
28125      }();
28127      var getEventDispatcher = function (obj) {
28128        if (!obj._eventDispatcher) {
28129          obj._eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher({
28130            scope: obj,
28131            toggleEvent: function (name, state) {
28132              if (EventDispatcher.isNative(name) && obj.toggleNativeEvent) {
28133                obj.toggleNativeEvent(name, state);
28134              }
28135            }
28136          });
28137        }
28138        return obj._eventDispatcher;
28139      };
28140      var Observable = {
28141        fire: function (name, args, bubble) {
28142          var self = this;
28143          if (self.removed && name !== 'remove' && name !== 'detach') {
28144            return args;
28145          }
28146          var dispatcherArgs = getEventDispatcher(self).fire(name, args);
28147          if (bubble !== false && self.parent) {
28148            var parent_1 = self.parent();
28149            while (parent_1 && !dispatcherArgs.isPropagationStopped()) {
28150              parent_1.fire(name, dispatcherArgs, false);
28151              parent_1 = parent_1.parent();
28152            }
28153          }
28154          return dispatcherArgs;
28155        },
28156        on: function (name, callback, prepend) {
28157          return getEventDispatcher(this).on(name, callback, prepend);
28158        },
28159        off: function (name, callback) {
28160          return getEventDispatcher(this).off(name, callback);
28161        },
28162        once: function (name, callback) {
28163          return getEventDispatcher(this).once(name, callback);
28164        },
28165        hasEventListeners: function (name) {
28166          return getEventDispatcher(this).has(name);
28167        }
28168      };
28170      var DOM$2 = DOMUtils.DOM;
28171      var customEventRootDelegates;
28172      var getEventTarget = function (editor, eventName) {
28173        if (eventName === 'selectionchange') {
28174          return editor.getDoc();
28175        }
28176        if (!editor.inline && /^mouse|touch|click|contextmenu|drop|dragover|dragend/.test(eventName)) {
28177          return editor.getDoc().documentElement;
28178        }
28179        var eventRoot = getEventRoot(editor);
28180        if (eventRoot) {
28181          if (!editor.eventRoot) {
28182            editor.eventRoot = DOM$2.select(eventRoot)[0];
28183          }
28184          return editor.eventRoot;
28185        }
28186        return editor.getBody();
28187      };
28188      var isListening = function (editor) {
28189        return !editor.hidden && !isReadOnly(editor);
28190      };
28191      var fireEvent = function (editor, eventName, e) {
28192        if (isListening(editor)) {
28193          editor.fire(eventName, e);
28194        } else if (isReadOnly(editor)) {
28195          processReadonlyEvents(editor, e);
28196        }
28197      };
28198      var bindEventDelegate = function (editor, eventName) {
28199        var delegate;
28200        if (!editor.delegates) {
28201          editor.delegates = {};
28202        }
28203        if (editor.delegates[eventName] || editor.removed) {
28204          return;
28205        }
28206        var eventRootElm = getEventTarget(editor, eventName);
28207        if (getEventRoot(editor)) {
28208          if (!customEventRootDelegates) {
28209            customEventRootDelegates = {};
28210            editor.editorManager.on('removeEditor', function () {
28211              if (!editor.editorManager.activeEditor) {
28212                if (customEventRootDelegates) {
28213                  each$j(customEventRootDelegates, function (_value, name) {
28214                    editor.dom.unbind(getEventTarget(editor, name));
28215                  });
28216                  customEventRootDelegates = null;
28217                }
28218              }
28219            });
28220          }
28221          if (customEventRootDelegates[eventName]) {
28222            return;
28223          }
28224          delegate = function (e) {
28225            var target = e.target;
28226            var editors = editor.editorManager.get();
28227            var i = editors.length;
28228            while (i--) {
28229              var body = editors[i].getBody();
28230              if (body === target || DOM$2.isChildOf(target, body)) {
28231                fireEvent(editors[i], eventName, e);
28232              }
28233            }
28234          };
28235          customEventRootDelegates[eventName] = delegate;
28236          DOM$2.bind(eventRootElm, eventName, delegate);
28237        } else {
28238          delegate = function (e) {
28239            fireEvent(editor, eventName, e);
28240          };
28241          DOM$2.bind(eventRootElm, eventName, delegate);
28242          editor.delegates[eventName] = delegate;
28243        }
28244      };
28245      var EditorObservable = __assign(__assign({}, Observable), {
28246        bindPendingEventDelegates: function () {
28247          var self = this;
28248          Tools.each(self._pendingNativeEvents, function (name) {
28249            bindEventDelegate(self, name);
28250          });
28251        },
28252        toggleNativeEvent: function (name, state) {
28253          var self = this;
28254          if (name === 'focus' || name === 'blur') {
28255            return;
28256          }
28257          if (self.removed) {
28258            return;
28259          }
28260          if (state) {
28261            if (self.initialized) {
28262              bindEventDelegate(self, name);
28263            } else {
28264              if (!self._pendingNativeEvents) {
28265                self._pendingNativeEvents = [name];
28266              } else {
28267                self._pendingNativeEvents.push(name);
28268              }
28269            }
28270          } else if (self.initialized) {
28271            self.dom.unbind(getEventTarget(self, name), name, self.delegates[name]);
28272            delete self.delegates[name];
28273          }
28274        },
28275        unbindAllNativeEvents: function () {
28276          var self = this;
28277          var body = self.getBody();
28278          var dom = self.dom;
28279          if (self.delegates) {
28280            each$j(self.delegates, function (value, name) {
28281              self.dom.unbind(getEventTarget(self, name), name, value);
28282            });
28283            delete self.delegates;
28284          }
28285          if (!self.inline && body && dom) {
28286            body.onload = null;
28287            dom.unbind(self.getWin());
28288            dom.unbind(self.getDoc());
28289          }
28290          if (dom) {
28291            dom.unbind(body);
28292            dom.unbind(self.getContainer());
28293          }
28294        }
28295      });
28297      var defaultModes = [
28298        'design',
28299        'readonly'
28300      ];
28301      var switchToMode = function (editor, activeMode, availableModes, mode) {
28302        var oldMode = availableModes[activeMode.get()];
28303        var newMode = availableModes[mode];
28304        try {
28305          newMode.activate();
28306        } catch (e) {
28307          console.error('problem while activating editor mode ' + mode + ':', e);
28308          return;
28309        }
28310        oldMode.deactivate();
28311        if (oldMode.editorReadOnly !== newMode.editorReadOnly) {
28312          toggleReadOnly(editor, newMode.editorReadOnly);
28313        }
28314        activeMode.set(mode);
28315        fireSwitchMode(editor, mode);
28316      };
28317      var setMode = function (editor, availableModes, activeMode, mode) {
28318        if (mode === activeMode.get()) {
28319          return;
28320        } else if (!has$2(availableModes, mode)) {
28321          throw new Error('Editor mode \'' + mode + '\' is invalid');
28322        }
28323        if (editor.initialized) {
28324          switchToMode(editor, activeMode, availableModes, mode);
28325        } else {
28326          editor.on('init', function () {
28327            return switchToMode(editor, activeMode, availableModes, mode);
28328          });
28329        }
28330      };
28331      var registerMode = function (availableModes, mode, api) {
28332        var _a;
28333        if (contains$3(defaultModes, mode)) {
28334          throw new Error('Cannot override default mode ' + mode);
28335        }
28336        return __assign(__assign({}, availableModes), (_a = {}, _a[mode] = __assign(__assign({}, api), {
28337          deactivate: function () {
28338            try {
28339              api.deactivate();
28340            } catch (e) {
28341              console.error('problem while deactivating editor mode ' + mode + ':', e);
28342            }
28343          }
28344        }), _a));
28345      };
28347      var create$4 = function (editor) {
28348        var activeMode = Cell('design');
28349        var availableModes = Cell({
28350          design: {
28351            activate: noop,
28352            deactivate: noop,
28353            editorReadOnly: false
28354          },
28355          readonly: {
28356            activate: noop,
28357            deactivate: noop,
28358            editorReadOnly: true
28359          }
28360        });
28361        registerReadOnlyContentFilters(editor);
28362        registerReadOnlySelectionBlockers(editor);
28363        return {
28364          isReadOnly: function () {
28365            return isReadOnly(editor);
28366          },
28367          set: function (mode) {
28368            return setMode(editor, availableModes.get(), activeMode, mode);
28369          },
28370          get: function () {
28371            return activeMode.get();
28372          },
28373          register: function (mode, api) {
28374            availableModes.set(registerMode(availableModes.get(), mode, api));
28375          }
28376        };
28377      };
28379      var each$3 = Tools.each, explode$1 = Tools.explode;
28380      var keyCodeLookup = {
28381        f1: 112,
28382        f2: 113,
28383        f3: 114,
28384        f4: 115,
28385        f5: 116,
28386        f6: 117,
28387        f7: 118,
28388        f8: 119,
28389        f9: 120,
28390        f10: 121,
28391        f11: 122,
28392        f12: 123
28393      };
28394      var modifierNames = Tools.makeMap('alt,ctrl,shift,meta,access');
28395      var parseShortcut = function (pattern) {
28396        var key;
28397        var shortcut = {};
28398        each$3(explode$1(pattern.toLowerCase(), '+'), function (value) {
28399          if (value in modifierNames) {
28400            shortcut[value] = true;
28401          } else {
28402            if (/^[0-9]{2,}$/.test(value)) {
28403              shortcut.keyCode = parseInt(value, 10);
28404            } else {
28405              shortcut.charCode = value.charCodeAt(0);
28406              shortcut.keyCode = keyCodeLookup[value] || value.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
28407            }
28408          }
28409        });
28410        var id = [shortcut.keyCode];
28411        for (key in modifierNames) {
28412          if (shortcut[key]) {
28413            id.push(key);
28414          } else {
28415            shortcut[key] = false;
28416          }
28417        }
28418        shortcut.id = id.join(',');
28419        if (shortcut.access) {
28420          shortcut.alt = true;
28421          if (Env.mac) {
28422            shortcut.ctrl = true;
28423          } else {
28424            shortcut.shift = true;
28425          }
28426        }
28427        if (shortcut.meta) {
28428          if (Env.mac) {
28429            shortcut.meta = true;
28430          } else {
28431            shortcut.ctrl = true;
28432            shortcut.meta = false;
28433          }
28434        }
28435        return shortcut;
28436      };
28437      var Shortcuts = function () {
28438        function Shortcuts(editor) {
28439          this.shortcuts = {};
28440          this.pendingPatterns = [];
28441          this.editor = editor;
28442          var self = this;
28443          editor.on('keyup keypress keydown', function (e) {
28444            if ((self.hasModifier(e) || self.isFunctionKey(e)) && !e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
28445              each$3(self.shortcuts, function (shortcut) {
28446                if (self.matchShortcut(e, shortcut)) {
28447                  self.pendingPatterns = shortcut.subpatterns.slice(0);
28448                  if (e.type === 'keydown') {
28449                    self.executeShortcutAction(shortcut);
28450                  }
28451                  return true;
28452                }
28453              });
28454              if (self.matchShortcut(e, self.pendingPatterns[0])) {
28455                if (self.pendingPatterns.length === 1) {
28456                  if (e.type === 'keydown') {
28457                    self.executeShortcutAction(self.pendingPatterns[0]);
28458                  }
28459                }
28460                self.pendingPatterns.shift();
28461              }
28462            }
28463          });
28464        }
28465        Shortcuts.prototype.add = function (pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope) {
28466          var self = this;
28467          var func = self.normalizeCommandFunc(cmdFunc);
28468          each$3(explode$1(Tools.trim(pattern)), function (pattern) {
28469            var shortcut = self.createShortcut(pattern, desc, func, scope);
28470            self.shortcuts[shortcut.id] = shortcut;
28471          });
28472          return true;
28473        };
28474        Shortcuts.prototype.remove = function (pattern) {
28475          var shortcut = this.createShortcut(pattern);
28476          if (this.shortcuts[shortcut.id]) {
28477            delete this.shortcuts[shortcut.id];
28478            return true;
28479          }
28480          return false;
28481        };
28482        Shortcuts.prototype.normalizeCommandFunc = function (cmdFunc) {
28483          var self = this;
28484          var cmd = cmdFunc;
28485          if (typeof cmd === 'string') {
28486            return function () {
28487              self.editor.execCommand(cmd, false, null);
28488            };
28489          } else if (Tools.isArray(cmd)) {
28490            return function () {
28491              self.editor.execCommand(cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2]);
28492            };
28493          } else {
28494            return cmd;
28495          }
28496        };
28497        Shortcuts.prototype.createShortcut = function (pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope) {
28498          var shortcuts = Tools.map(explode$1(pattern, '>'), parseShortcut);
28499          shortcuts[shortcuts.length - 1] = Tools.extend(shortcuts[shortcuts.length - 1], {
28500            func: cmdFunc,
28501            scope: scope || this.editor
28502          });
28503          return Tools.extend(shortcuts[0], {
28504            desc: this.editor.translate(desc),
28505            subpatterns: shortcuts.slice(1)
28506          });
28507        };
28508        Shortcuts.prototype.hasModifier = function (e) {
28509          return e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey;
28510        };
28511        Shortcuts.prototype.isFunctionKey = function (e) {
28512          return e.type === 'keydown' && e.keyCode >= 112 && e.keyCode <= 123;
28513        };
28514        Shortcuts.prototype.matchShortcut = function (e, shortcut) {
28515          if (!shortcut) {
28516            return false;
28517          }
28518          if (shortcut.ctrl !== e.ctrlKey || shortcut.meta !== e.metaKey) {
28519            return false;
28520          }
28521          if (shortcut.alt !== e.altKey || shortcut.shift !== e.shiftKey) {
28522            return false;
28523          }
28524          if (e.keyCode === shortcut.keyCode || e.charCode && e.charCode === shortcut.charCode) {
28525            e.preventDefault();
28526            return true;
28527          }
28528          return false;
28529        };
28530        Shortcuts.prototype.executeShortcutAction = function (shortcut) {
28531          return shortcut.func ? shortcut.func.call(shortcut.scope) : null;
28532        };
28533        return Shortcuts;
28534      }();
28536      var create$3 = function () {
28537        var buttons = {};
28538        var menuItems = {};
28539        var popups = {};
28540        var icons = {};
28541        var contextMenus = {};
28542        var contextToolbars = {};
28543        var sidebars = {};
28544        var add = function (collection, type) {
28545          return function (name, spec) {
28546            return collection[name.toLowerCase()] = __assign(__assign({}, spec), { type: type });
28547          };
28548        };
28549        var addIcon = function (name, svgData) {
28550          return icons[name.toLowerCase()] = svgData;
28551        };
28552        return {
28553          addButton: add(buttons, 'button'),
28554          addGroupToolbarButton: add(buttons, 'grouptoolbarbutton'),
28555          addToggleButton: add(buttons, 'togglebutton'),
28556          addMenuButton: add(buttons, 'menubutton'),
28557          addSplitButton: add(buttons, 'splitbutton'),
28558          addMenuItem: add(menuItems, 'menuitem'),
28559          addNestedMenuItem: add(menuItems, 'nestedmenuitem'),
28560          addToggleMenuItem: add(menuItems, 'togglemenuitem'),
28561          addAutocompleter: add(popups, 'autocompleter'),
28562          addContextMenu: add(contextMenus, 'contextmenu'),
28563          addContextToolbar: add(contextToolbars, 'contexttoolbar'),
28564          addContextForm: add(contextToolbars, 'contextform'),
28565          addSidebar: add(sidebars, 'sidebar'),
28566          addIcon: addIcon,
28567          getAll: function () {
28568            return {
28569              buttons: buttons,
28570              menuItems: menuItems,
28571              icons: icons,
28572              popups: popups,
28573              contextMenus: contextMenus,
28574              contextToolbars: contextToolbars,
28575              sidebars: sidebars
28576            };
28577          }
28578        };
28579      };
28581      var registry = function () {
28582        var bridge = create$3();
28583        return {
28584          addAutocompleter: bridge.addAutocompleter,
28585          addButton: bridge.addButton,
28586          addContextForm: bridge.addContextForm,
28587          addContextMenu: bridge.addContextMenu,
28588          addContextToolbar: bridge.addContextToolbar,
28589          addIcon: bridge.addIcon,
28590          addMenuButton: bridge.addMenuButton,
28591          addMenuItem: bridge.addMenuItem,
28592          addNestedMenuItem: bridge.addNestedMenuItem,
28593          addSidebar: bridge.addSidebar,
28594          addSplitButton: bridge.addSplitButton,
28595          addToggleButton: bridge.addToggleButton,
28596          addGroupToolbarButton: bridge.addGroupToolbarButton,
28597          addToggleMenuItem: bridge.addToggleMenuItem,
28598          getAll: bridge.getAll
28599        };
28600      };
28602      var DOM$1 = DOMUtils.DOM;
28603      var extend$3 = Tools.extend, each$2 = Tools.each;
28604      var resolve = Tools.resolve;
28605      var ie = Env.ie;
28606      var Editor = function () {
28607        function Editor(id, settings, editorManager) {
28608          var _this = this;
28609          this.plugins = {};
28610          this.contentCSS = [];
28611          this.contentStyles = [];
28612          this.loadedCSS = {};
28613          this.isNotDirty = false;
28614          this.editorManager = editorManager;
28615          this.documentBaseUrl = editorManager.documentBaseURL;
28616          extend$3(this, EditorObservable);
28617          this.settings = getEditorSettings(this, id, this.documentBaseUrl, editorManager.defaultSettings, settings);
28618          if (this.settings.suffix) {
28619            editorManager.suffix = this.settings.suffix;
28620          }
28621          this.suffix = editorManager.suffix;
28622          if (this.settings.base_url) {
28623            editorManager._setBaseUrl(this.settings.base_url);
28624          }
28625          this.baseUri = editorManager.baseURI;
28626          if (this.settings.referrer_policy) {
28627            ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader._setReferrerPolicy(this.settings.referrer_policy);
28628            DOMUtils.DOM.styleSheetLoader._setReferrerPolicy(this.settings.referrer_policy);
28629          }
28630          AddOnManager.languageLoad = this.settings.language_load;
28631          AddOnManager.baseURL = editorManager.baseURL;
28632          this.id = id;
28633          this.setDirty(false);
28634          this.documentBaseURI = new URI(this.settings.document_base_url, { base_uri: this.baseUri });
28635          this.baseURI = this.baseUri;
28636          this.inline = !!this.settings.inline;
28637          this.shortcuts = new Shortcuts(this);
28638          this.editorCommands = new EditorCommands(this);
28639          if (this.settings.cache_suffix) {
28640            Env.cacheSuffix = this.settings.cache_suffix.replace(/^[\?\&]+/, '');
28641          }
28642          this.ui = {
28643            registry: registry(),
28644            styleSheetLoader: undefined,
28645            show: noop,
28646            hide: noop,
28647            enable: noop,
28648            disable: noop,
28649            isDisabled: never
28650          };
28651          var self = this;
28652          var modeInstance = create$4(self);
28653          this.mode = modeInstance;
28654          this.setMode = modeInstance.set;
28655          editorManager.fire('SetupEditor', { editor: this });
28656          this.execCallback('setup', this);
28657          this.$ = DomQuery.overrideDefaults(function () {
28658            return {
28659              context: _this.inline ? _this.getBody() : _this.getDoc(),
28660              element: _this.getBody()
28661            };
28662          });
28663        }
28664        Editor.prototype.render = function () {
28665          render(this);
28666        };
28667        Editor.prototype.focus = function (skipFocus) {
28668          this.execCommand('mceFocus', false, skipFocus);
28669        };
28670        Editor.prototype.hasFocus = function () {
28671          return hasFocus(this);
28672        };
28673        Editor.prototype.execCallback = function (name) {
28674          var x = [];
28675          for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
28676            x[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
28677          }
28678          var self = this;
28679          var callback = self.settings[name], scope;
28680          if (!callback) {
28681            return;
28682          }
28683          if (self.callbackLookup && (scope = self.callbackLookup[name])) {
28684            callback = scope.func;
28685            scope = scope.scope;
28686          }
28687          if (typeof callback === 'string') {
28688            scope = callback.replace(/\.\w+$/, '');
28689            scope = scope ? resolve(scope) : 0;
28690            callback = resolve(callback);
28691            self.callbackLookup = self.callbackLookup || {};
28692            self.callbackLookup[name] = {
28693              func: callback,
28694              scope: scope
28695            };
28696          }
28697          return callback.apply(scope || self, x);
28698        };
28699        Editor.prototype.translate = function (text) {
28700          return I18n.translate(text);
28701        };
28702        Editor.prototype.getParam = function (name, defaultVal, type) {
28703          return getParam(this, name, defaultVal, type);
28704        };
28705        Editor.prototype.hasPlugin = function (name, loaded) {
28706          var hasPlugin = contains$3(getPlugins(this).split(/[ ,]/), name);
28707          if (hasPlugin) {
28708            return loaded ? PluginManager.get(name) !== undefined : true;
28709          } else {
28710            return false;
28711          }
28712        };
28713        Editor.prototype.nodeChanged = function (args) {
28714          this._nodeChangeDispatcher.nodeChanged(args);
28715        };
28716        Editor.prototype.addCommand = function (name, callback, scope) {
28717          this.editorCommands.addCommand(name, callback, scope);
28718        };
28719        Editor.prototype.addQueryStateHandler = function (name, callback, scope) {
28720          this.editorCommands.addQueryStateHandler(name, callback, scope);
28721        };
28722        Editor.prototype.addQueryValueHandler = function (name, callback, scope) {
28723          this.editorCommands.addQueryValueHandler(name, callback, scope);
28724        };
28725        Editor.prototype.addShortcut = function (pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope) {
28726          this.shortcuts.add(pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope);
28727        };
28728        Editor.prototype.execCommand = function (cmd, ui, value, args) {
28729          return this.editorCommands.execCommand(cmd, ui, value, args);
28730        };
28731        Editor.prototype.queryCommandState = function (cmd) {
28732          return this.editorCommands.queryCommandState(cmd);
28733        };
28734        Editor.prototype.queryCommandValue = function (cmd) {
28735          return this.editorCommands.queryCommandValue(cmd);
28736        };
28737        Editor.prototype.queryCommandSupported = function (cmd) {
28738          return this.editorCommands.queryCommandSupported(cmd);
28739        };
28740        Editor.prototype.show = function () {
28741          var self = this;
28742          if (self.hidden) {
28743            self.hidden = false;
28744            if (self.inline) {
28745              self.getBody().contentEditable = 'true';
28746            } else {
28747              DOM$1.show(self.getContainer());
28748              DOM$1.hide(self.id);
28749            }
28750            self.load();
28751            self.fire('show');
28752          }
28753        };
28754        Editor.prototype.hide = function () {
28755          var self = this, doc = self.getDoc();
28756          if (!self.hidden) {
28757            if (ie && doc && !self.inline) {
28758              doc.execCommand('SelectAll');
28759            }
28760            self.save();
28761            if (self.inline) {
28762              self.getBody().contentEditable = 'false';
28763              if (self === self.editorManager.focusedEditor) {
28764                self.editorManager.focusedEditor = null;
28765              }
28766            } else {
28767              DOM$1.hide(self.getContainer());
28768              DOM$1.setStyle(self.id, 'display', self.orgDisplay);
28769            }
28770            self.hidden = true;
28771            self.fire('hide');
28772          }
28773        };
28774        Editor.prototype.isHidden = function () {
28775          return !!this.hidden;
28776        };
28777        Editor.prototype.setProgressState = function (state, time) {
28778          this.fire('ProgressState', {
28779            state: state,
28780            time: time
28781          });
28782        };
28783        Editor.prototype.load = function (args) {
28784          var self = this;
28785          var elm = self.getElement(), html;
28786          if (self.removed) {
28787            return '';
28788          }
28789          if (elm) {
28790            args = args || {};
28791            args.load = true;
28792            var value = isTextareaOrInput(elm) ? elm.value : elm.innerHTML;
28793            html = self.setContent(value, args);
28794            args.element = elm;
28795            if (!args.no_events) {
28796              self.fire('LoadContent', args);
28797            }
28798            args.element = elm = null;
28799            return html;
28800          }
28801        };
28802        Editor.prototype.save = function (args) {
28803          var self = this;
28804          var elm = self.getElement(), html, form;
28805          if (!elm || !self.initialized || self.removed) {
28806            return;
28807          }
28808          args = args || {};
28809          args.save = true;
28810          args.element = elm;
28811          html = args.content = self.getContent(args);
28812          if (!args.no_events) {
28813            self.fire('SaveContent', args);
28814          }
28815          if (args.format === 'raw') {
28816            self.fire('RawSaveContent', args);
28817          }
28818          html = args.content;
28819          if (!isTextareaOrInput(elm)) {
28820            if (args.is_removing || !self.inline) {
28821              elm.innerHTML = html;
28822            }
28823            if (form = DOM$1.getParent(self.id, 'form')) {
28824              each$2(form.elements, function (elm) {
28825                if (elm.name === self.id) {
28826                  elm.value = html;
28827                  return false;
28828                }
28829              });
28830            }
28831          } else {
28832            elm.value = html;
28833          }
28834          args.element = elm = null;
28835          if (args.set_dirty !== false) {
28836            self.setDirty(false);
28837          }
28838          return html;
28839        };
28840        Editor.prototype.setContent = function (content, args) {
28841          return setContent(this, content, args);
28842        };
28843        Editor.prototype.getContent = function (args) {
28844          return getContent(this, args);
28845        };
28846        Editor.prototype.insertContent = function (content, args) {
28847          if (args) {
28848            content = extend$3({ content: content }, args);
28849          }
28850          this.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, content);
28851        };
28852        Editor.prototype.resetContent = function (initialContent) {
28853          if (initialContent === undefined) {
28854            setContent(this, this.startContent, { format: 'raw' });
28855          } else {
28856            setContent(this, initialContent);
28857          }
28858          this.undoManager.reset();
28859          this.setDirty(false);
28860          this.nodeChanged();
28861        };
28862        Editor.prototype.isDirty = function () {
28863          return !this.isNotDirty;
28864        };
28865        Editor.prototype.setDirty = function (state) {
28866          var oldState = !this.isNotDirty;
28867          this.isNotDirty = !state;
28868          if (state && state !== oldState) {
28869            this.fire('dirty');
28870          }
28871        };
28872        Editor.prototype.getContainer = function () {
28873          var self = this;
28874          if (!self.container) {
28875            self.container = DOM$1.get(self.editorContainer || self.id + '_parent');
28876          }
28877          return self.container;
28878        };
28879        Editor.prototype.getContentAreaContainer = function () {
28880          return this.contentAreaContainer;
28881        };
28882        Editor.prototype.getElement = function () {
28883          if (!this.targetElm) {
28884            this.targetElm = DOM$1.get(this.id);
28885          }
28886          return this.targetElm;
28887        };
28888        Editor.prototype.getWin = function () {
28889          var self = this;
28890          var elm;
28891          if (!self.contentWindow) {
28892            elm = self.iframeElement;
28893            if (elm) {
28894              self.contentWindow = elm.contentWindow;
28895            }
28896          }
28897          return self.contentWindow;
28898        };
28899        Editor.prototype.getDoc = function () {
28900          var self = this;
28901          var win;
28902          if (!self.contentDocument) {
28903            win = self.getWin();
28904            if (win) {
28905              self.contentDocument = win.document;
28906            }
28907          }
28908          return self.contentDocument;
28909        };
28910        Editor.prototype.getBody = function () {
28911          var doc = this.getDoc();
28912          return this.bodyElement || (doc ? doc.body : null);
28913        };
28914        Editor.prototype.convertURL = function (url, name, elm) {
28915          var self = this, settings = self.settings;
28916          if (settings.urlconverter_callback) {
28917            return self.execCallback('urlconverter_callback', url, elm, true, name);
28918          }
28919          if (!settings.convert_urls || elm && elm.nodeName === 'LINK' || url.indexOf('file:') === 0 || url.length === 0) {
28920            return url;
28921          }
28922          if (settings.relative_urls) {
28923            return self.documentBaseURI.toRelative(url);
28924          }
28925          url = self.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(url, settings.remove_script_host);
28926          return url;
28927        };
28928        Editor.prototype.addVisual = function (elm) {
28929          addVisual(this, elm);
28930        };
28931        Editor.prototype.remove = function () {
28932          remove(this);
28933        };
28934        Editor.prototype.destroy = function (automatic) {
28935          destroy(this, automatic);
28936        };
28937        Editor.prototype.uploadImages = function (callback) {
28938          return this.editorUpload.uploadImages(callback);
28939        };
28940        Editor.prototype._scanForImages = function () {
28941          return this.editorUpload.scanForImages();
28942        };
28943        Editor.prototype.addButton = function () {
28944          throw new Error('editor.addButton has been removed in tinymce 5x, use editor.ui.registry.addButton or editor.ui.registry.addToggleButton or editor.ui.registry.addSplitButton instead');
28945        };
28946        Editor.prototype.addSidebar = function () {
28947          throw new Error('editor.addSidebar has been removed in tinymce 5x, use editor.ui.registry.addSidebar instead');
28948        };
28949        Editor.prototype.addMenuItem = function () {
28950          throw new Error('editor.addMenuItem has been removed in tinymce 5x, use editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem instead');
28951        };
28952        Editor.prototype.addContextToolbar = function () {
28953          throw new Error('editor.addContextToolbar has been removed in tinymce 5x, use editor.ui.registry.addContextToolbar instead');
28954        };
28955        return Editor;
28956      }();
28958      var DOM = DOMUtils.DOM;
28959      var explode = Tools.explode, each$1 = Tools.each, extend$2 = Tools.extend;
28960      var instanceCounter = 0, boundGlobalEvents = false;
28961      var beforeUnloadDelegate;
28962      var legacyEditors = [];
28963      var editors = [];
28964      var isValidLegacyKey = function (id) {
28965        return id !== 'length';
28966      };
28967      var globalEventDelegate = function (e) {
28968        var type = e.type;
28969        each$1(EditorManager.get(), function (editor) {
28970          switch (type) {
28971          case 'scroll':
28972            editor.fire('ScrollWindow', e);
28973            break;
28974          case 'resize':
28975            editor.fire('ResizeWindow', e);
28976            break;
28977          }
28978        });
28979      };
28980      var toggleGlobalEvents = function (state) {
28981        if (state !== boundGlobalEvents) {
28982          if (state) {
28983            DomQuery(window).on('resize scroll', globalEventDelegate);
28984          } else {
28985            DomQuery(window).off('resize scroll', globalEventDelegate);
28986          }
28987          boundGlobalEvents = state;
28988        }
28989      };
28990      var removeEditorFromList = function (targetEditor) {
28991        var oldEditors = editors;
28992        delete legacyEditors[targetEditor.id];
28993        for (var i = 0; i < legacyEditors.length; i++) {
28994          if (legacyEditors[i] === targetEditor) {
28995            legacyEditors.splice(i, 1);
28996            break;
28997          }
28998        }
28999        editors = filter$4(editors, function (editor) {
29000          return targetEditor !== editor;
29001        });
29002        if (EditorManager.activeEditor === targetEditor) {
29003          EditorManager.activeEditor = editors.length > 0 ? editors[0] : null;
29004        }
29005        if (EditorManager.focusedEditor === targetEditor) {
29006          EditorManager.focusedEditor = null;
29007        }
29008        return oldEditors.length !== editors.length;
29009      };
29010      var purgeDestroyedEditor = function (editor) {
29011        if (editor && editor.initialized && !(editor.getContainer() || editor.getBody()).parentNode) {
29012          removeEditorFromList(editor);
29013          editor.unbindAllNativeEvents();
29014          editor.destroy(true);
29015          editor.removed = true;
29016          editor = null;
29017        }
29018        return editor;
29019      };
29020      var isQuirksMode = document.compatMode !== 'CSS1Compat';
29021      var EditorManager = __assign(__assign({}, Observable), {
29022        baseURI: null,
29023        baseURL: null,
29024        defaultSettings: {},
29025        documentBaseURL: null,
29026        suffix: null,
29027        $: DomQuery,
29028        majorVersion: '5',
29029        minorVersion: '10.5',
29030        releaseDate: '2022-05-25',
29031        editors: legacyEditors,
29032        i18n: I18n,
29033        activeEditor: null,
29034        focusedEditor: null,
29035        settings: {},
29036        setup: function () {
29037          var self = this;
29038          var baseURL, documentBaseURL, suffix = '';
29039          documentBaseURL = URI.getDocumentBaseUrl(document.location);
29040          if (/^[^:]+:\/\/\/?[^\/]+\//.test(documentBaseURL)) {
29041            documentBaseURL = documentBaseURL.replace(/[\?#].*$/, '').replace(/[\/\\][^\/]+$/, '');
29042            if (!/[\/\\]$/.test(documentBaseURL)) {
29043              documentBaseURL += '/';
29044            }
29045          }
29046          var preInit = window.tinymce || window.tinyMCEPreInit;
29047          if (preInit) {
29048            baseURL = preInit.base || preInit.baseURL;
29049            suffix = preInit.suffix;
29050          } else {
29051            var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
29052            for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
29053              var src = scripts[i].src || '';
29054              if (src === '') {
29055                continue;
29056              }
29057              var srcScript = src.substring(src.lastIndexOf('/'));
29058              if (/tinymce(\.full|\.jquery|)(\.min|\.dev|)\.js/.test(src)) {
29059                if (srcScript.indexOf('.min') !== -1) {
29060                  suffix = '.min';
29061                }
29062                baseURL = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf('/'));
29063                break;
29064              }
29065            }
29066            if (!baseURL && document.currentScript) {
29067              var src = document.currentScript.src;
29068              if (src.indexOf('.min') !== -1) {
29069                suffix = '.min';
29070              }
29071              baseURL = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf('/'));
29072            }
29073          }
29074          self.baseURL = new URI(documentBaseURL).toAbsolute(baseURL);
29075          self.documentBaseURL = documentBaseURL;
29076          self.baseURI = new URI(self.baseURL);
29077          self.suffix = suffix;
29078          setup$l(self);
29079        },
29080        overrideDefaults: function (defaultSettings) {
29081          var baseUrl = defaultSettings.base_url;
29082          if (baseUrl) {
29083            this._setBaseUrl(baseUrl);
29084          }
29085          var suffix = defaultSettings.suffix;
29086          if (defaultSettings.suffix) {
29087            this.suffix = suffix;
29088          }
29089          this.defaultSettings = defaultSettings;
29090          var pluginBaseUrls = defaultSettings.plugin_base_urls;
29091          if (pluginBaseUrls !== undefined) {
29092            each$j(pluginBaseUrls, function (pluginBaseUrl, pluginName) {
29093              AddOnManager.PluginManager.urls[pluginName] = pluginBaseUrl;
29094            });
29095          }
29096        },
29097        init: function (settings) {
29098          var self = this;
29099          var result;
29100          var invalidInlineTargets = Tools.makeMap('area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link meta param embed source wbr track ' + 'colgroup option table tbody tfoot thead tr th td script noscript style textarea video audio iframe object menu', ' ');
29101          var isInvalidInlineTarget = function (settings, elm) {
29102            return settings.inline && elm.tagName.toLowerCase() in invalidInlineTargets;
29103          };
29104          var createId = function (elm) {
29105            var id = elm.id;
29106            if (!id) {
29107              id = get$9(elm, 'name').filter(function (name) {
29108                return !DOM.get(name);
29109              }).getOrThunk(DOM.uniqueId);
29110              elm.setAttribute('id', id);
29111            }
29112            return id;
29113          };
29114          var execCallback = function (name) {
29115            var callback = settings[name];
29116            if (!callback) {
29117              return;
29118            }
29119            return callback.apply(self, []);
29120          };
29121          var hasClass = function (elm, className) {
29122            return className.constructor === RegExp ? className.test(elm.className) : DOM.hasClass(elm, className);
29123          };
29124          var findTargets = function (settings) {
29125            var targets = [];
29126            if (Env.browser.isIE() && Env.browser.version.major < 11) {
29127              initError('TinyMCE does not support the browser you are using. For a list of supported' + ' browsers please see: https://www.tinymce.com/docs/get-started/system-requirements/');
29128              return [];
29129            } else if (isQuirksMode) {
29130              initError('Failed to initialize the editor as the document is not in standards mode. ' + 'TinyMCE requires standards mode.');
29131              return [];
29132            }
29133            if (settings.types) {
29134              each$1(settings.types, function (type) {
29135                targets = targets.concat(DOM.select(type.selector));
29136              });
29137              return targets;
29138            } else if (settings.selector) {
29139              return DOM.select(settings.selector);
29140            } else if (settings.target) {
29141              return [settings.target];
29142            }
29143            switch (settings.mode) {
29144            case 'exact':
29145              var l = settings.elements || '';
29146              if (l.length > 0) {
29147                each$1(explode(l), function (id) {
29148                  var elm = DOM.get(id);
29149                  if (elm) {
29150                    targets.push(elm);
29151                  } else {
29152                    each$1(document.forms, function (f) {
29153                      each$1(f.elements, function (e) {
29154                        if (e.name === id) {
29155                          id = 'mce_editor_' + instanceCounter++;
29156                          DOM.setAttrib(e, 'id', id);
29157                          targets.push(e);
29158                        }
29159                      });
29160                    });
29161                  }
29162                });
29163              }
29164              break;
29165            case 'textareas':
29166            case 'specific_textareas':
29167              each$1(DOM.select('textarea'), function (elm) {
29168                if (settings.editor_deselector && hasClass(elm, settings.editor_deselector)) {
29169                  return;
29170                }
29171                if (!settings.editor_selector || hasClass(elm, settings.editor_selector)) {
29172                  targets.push(elm);
29173                }
29174              });
29175              break;
29176            }
29177            return targets;
29178          };
29179          var provideResults = function (editors) {
29180            result = editors;
29181          };
29182          var initEditors = function () {
29183            var initCount = 0;
29184            var editors = [];
29185            var targets;
29186            var createEditor = function (id, settings, targetElm) {
29187              var editor = new Editor(id, settings, self);
29188              editors.push(editor);
29189              editor.on('init', function () {
29190                if (++initCount === targets.length) {
29191                  provideResults(editors);
29192                }
29193              });
29194              editor.targetElm = editor.targetElm || targetElm;
29195              editor.render();
29196            };
29197            DOM.unbind(window, 'ready', initEditors);
29198            execCallback('onpageload');
29199            targets = DomQuery.unique(findTargets(settings));
29200            if (settings.types) {
29201              each$1(settings.types, function (type) {
29202                Tools.each(targets, function (elm) {
29203                  if (DOM.is(elm, type.selector)) {
29204                    createEditor(createId(elm), extend$2({}, settings, type), elm);
29205                    return false;
29206                  }
29207                  return true;
29208                });
29209              });
29210              return;
29211            }
29212            Tools.each(targets, function (elm) {
29213              purgeDestroyedEditor(self.get(elm.id));
29214            });
29215            targets = Tools.grep(targets, function (elm) {
29216              return !self.get(elm.id);
29217            });
29218            if (targets.length === 0) {
29219              provideResults([]);
29220            } else {
29221              each$1(targets, function (elm) {
29222                if (isInvalidInlineTarget(settings, elm)) {
29223                  initError('Could not initialize inline editor on invalid inline target element', elm);
29224                } else {
29225                  createEditor(createId(elm), settings, elm);
29226                }
29227              });
29228            }
29229          };
29230          self.settings = settings;
29231          DOM.bind(window, 'ready', initEditors);
29232          return new promiseObj(function (resolve) {
29233            if (result) {
29234              resolve(result);
29235            } else {
29236              provideResults = function (editors) {
29237                resolve(editors);
29238              };
29239            }
29240          });
29241        },
29242        get: function (id) {
29243          if (arguments.length === 0) {
29244            return editors.slice(0);
29245          } else if (isString$1(id)) {
29246            return find$3(editors, function (editor) {
29247              return editor.id === id;
29248            }).getOr(null);
29249          } else if (isNumber(id)) {
29250            return editors[id] ? editors[id] : null;
29251          } else {
29252            return null;
29253          }
29254        },
29255        add: function (editor) {
29256          var self = this;
29257          var existingEditor = legacyEditors[editor.id];
29258          if (existingEditor === editor) {
29259            return editor;
29260          }
29261          if (self.get(editor.id) === null) {
29262            if (isValidLegacyKey(editor.id)) {
29263              legacyEditors[editor.id] = editor;
29264            }
29265            legacyEditors.push(editor);
29266            editors.push(editor);
29267          }
29268          toggleGlobalEvents(true);
29269          self.activeEditor = editor;
29270          self.fire('AddEditor', { editor: editor });
29271          if (!beforeUnloadDelegate) {
29272            beforeUnloadDelegate = function (e) {
29273              var event = self.fire('BeforeUnload');
29274              if (event.returnValue) {
29275                e.preventDefault();
29276                e.returnValue = event.returnValue;
29277                return event.returnValue;
29278              }
29279            };
29280            window.addEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadDelegate);
29281          }
29282          return editor;
29283        },
29284        createEditor: function (id, settings) {
29285          return this.add(new Editor(id, settings, this));
29286        },
29287        remove: function (selector) {
29288          var self = this;
29289          var i, editor;
29290          if (!selector) {
29291            for (i = editors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
29292              self.remove(editors[i]);
29293            }
29294            return;
29295          }
29296          if (isString$1(selector)) {
29297            each$1(DOM.select(selector), function (elm) {
29298              editor = self.get(elm.id);
29299              if (editor) {
29300                self.remove(editor);
29301              }
29302            });
29303            return;
29304          }
29305          editor = selector;
29306          if (isNull(self.get(editor.id))) {
29307            return null;
29308          }
29309          if (removeEditorFromList(editor)) {
29310            self.fire('RemoveEditor', { editor: editor });
29311          }
29312          if (editors.length === 0) {
29313            window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadDelegate);
29314          }
29315          editor.remove();
29316          toggleGlobalEvents(editors.length > 0);
29317          return editor;
29318        },
29319        execCommand: function (cmd, ui, value) {
29320          var self = this, editor = self.get(value);
29321          switch (cmd) {
29322          case 'mceAddEditor':
29323            if (!self.get(value)) {
29324              new Editor(value, self.settings, self).render();
29325            }
29326            return true;
29327          case 'mceRemoveEditor':
29328            if (editor) {
29329              editor.remove();
29330            }
29331            return true;
29332          case 'mceToggleEditor':
29333            if (!editor) {
29334              self.execCommand('mceAddEditor', false, value);
29335              return true;
29336            }
29337            if (editor.isHidden()) {
29338              editor.show();
29339            } else {
29340              editor.hide();
29341            }
29342            return true;
29343          }
29344          if (self.activeEditor) {
29345            return self.activeEditor.execCommand(cmd, ui, value);
29346          }
29347          return false;
29348        },
29349        triggerSave: function () {
29350          each$1(editors, function (editor) {
29351            editor.save();
29352          });
29353        },
29354        addI18n: function (code, items) {
29355          I18n.add(code, items);
29356        },
29357        translate: function (text) {
29358          return I18n.translate(text);
29359        },
29360        setActive: function (editor) {
29361          var activeEditor = this.activeEditor;
29362          if (this.activeEditor !== editor) {
29363            if (activeEditor) {
29364              activeEditor.fire('deactivate', { relatedTarget: editor });
29365            }
29366            editor.fire('activate', { relatedTarget: activeEditor });
29367          }
29368          this.activeEditor = editor;
29369        },
29370        _setBaseUrl: function (baseUrl) {
29371          this.baseURL = new URI(this.documentBaseURL).toAbsolute(baseUrl.replace(/\/+$/, ''));
29372          this.baseURI = new URI(this.baseURL);
29373        }
29374      });
29375      EditorManager.setup();
29377      var min$1 = Math.min, max$1 = Math.max, round$1 = Math.round;
29378      var relativePosition = function (rect, targetRect, rel) {
29379        var x = targetRect.x;
29380        var y = targetRect.y;
29381        var w = rect.w;
29382        var h = rect.h;
29383        var targetW = targetRect.w;
29384        var targetH = targetRect.h;
29385        var relChars = (rel || '').split('');
29386        if (relChars[0] === 'b') {
29387          y += targetH;
29388        }
29389        if (relChars[1] === 'r') {
29390          x += targetW;
29391        }
29392        if (relChars[0] === 'c') {
29393          y += round$1(targetH / 2);
29394        }
29395        if (relChars[1] === 'c') {
29396          x += round$1(targetW / 2);
29397        }
29398        if (relChars[3] === 'b') {
29399          y -= h;
29400        }
29401        if (relChars[4] === 'r') {
29402          x -= w;
29403        }
29404        if (relChars[3] === 'c') {
29405          y -= round$1(h / 2);
29406        }
29407        if (relChars[4] === 'c') {
29408          x -= round$1(w / 2);
29409        }
29410        return create$2(x, y, w, h);
29411      };
29412      var findBestRelativePosition = function (rect, targetRect, constrainRect, rels) {
29413        var pos, i;
29414        for (i = 0; i < rels.length; i++) {
29415          pos = relativePosition(rect, targetRect, rels[i]);
29416          if (pos.x >= constrainRect.x && pos.x + pos.w <= constrainRect.w + constrainRect.x && pos.y >= constrainRect.y && pos.y + pos.h <= constrainRect.h + constrainRect.y) {
29417            return rels[i];
29418          }
29419        }
29420        return null;
29421      };
29422      var inflate = function (rect, w, h) {
29423        return create$2(rect.x - w, rect.y - h, rect.w + w * 2, rect.h + h * 2);
29424      };
29425      var intersect = function (rect, cropRect) {
29426        var x1 = max$1(rect.x, cropRect.x);
29427        var y1 = max$1(rect.y, cropRect.y);
29428        var x2 = min$1(rect.x + rect.w, cropRect.x + cropRect.w);
29429        var y2 = min$1(rect.y + rect.h, cropRect.y + cropRect.h);
29430        if (x2 - x1 < 0 || y2 - y1 < 0) {
29431          return null;
29432        }
29433        return create$2(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
29434      };
29435      var clamp = function (rect, clampRect, fixedSize) {
29436        var x1 = rect.x;
29437        var y1 = rect.y;
29438        var x2 = rect.x + rect.w;
29439        var y2 = rect.y + rect.h;
29440        var cx2 = clampRect.x + clampRect.w;
29441        var cy2 = clampRect.y + clampRect.h;
29442        var underflowX1 = max$1(0, clampRect.x - x1);
29443        var underflowY1 = max$1(0, clampRect.y - y1);
29444        var overflowX2 = max$1(0, x2 - cx2);
29445        var overflowY2 = max$1(0, y2 - cy2);
29446        x1 += underflowX1;
29447        y1 += underflowY1;
29448        if (fixedSize) {
29449          x2 += underflowX1;
29450          y2 += underflowY1;
29451          x1 -= overflowX2;
29452          y1 -= overflowY2;
29453        }
29454        x2 -= overflowX2;
29455        y2 -= overflowY2;
29456        return create$2(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
29457      };
29458      var create$2 = function (x, y, w, h) {
29459        return {
29460          x: x,
29461          y: y,
29462          w: w,
29463          h: h
29464        };
29465      };
29466      var fromClientRect = function (clientRect) {
29467        return create$2(clientRect.left, clientRect.top, clientRect.width, clientRect.height);
29468      };
29469      var Rect = {
29470        inflate: inflate,
29471        relativePosition: relativePosition,
29472        findBestRelativePosition: findBestRelativePosition,
29473        intersect: intersect,
29474        clamp: clamp,
29475        create: create$2,
29476        fromClientRect: fromClientRect
29477      };
29479      var awaiter = function (resolveCb, rejectCb, timeout) {
29480        if (timeout === void 0) {
29481          timeout = 1000;
29482        }
29483        var done = false;
29484        var timer = null;
29485        var complete = function (completer) {
29486          return function () {
29487            var args = [];
29488            for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
29489              args[_i] = arguments[_i];
29490            }
29491            if (!done) {
29492              done = true;
29493              if (timer !== null) {
29494                clearTimeout(timer);
29495                timer = null;
29496              }
29497              completer.apply(null, args);
29498            }
29499          };
29500        };
29501        var resolve = complete(resolveCb);
29502        var reject = complete(rejectCb);
29503        var start = function () {
29504          var args = [];
29505          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
29506            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
29507          }
29508          if (!done && timer === null) {
29509            timer = setTimeout(function () {
29510              return reject.apply(null, args);
29511            }, timeout);
29512          }
29513        };
29514        return {
29515          start: start,
29516          resolve: resolve,
29517          reject: reject
29518        };
29519      };
29520      var create$1 = function () {
29521        var tasks = {};
29522        var resultFns = {};
29523        var load = function (id, url) {
29524          var loadErrMsg = 'Script at URL "' + url + '" failed to load';
29525          var runErrMsg = 'Script at URL "' + url + '" did not call `tinymce.Resource.add(\'' + id + '\', data)` within 1 second';
29526          if (tasks[id] !== undefined) {
29527            return tasks[id];
29528          } else {
29529            var task = new promiseObj(function (resolve, reject) {
29530              var waiter = awaiter(resolve, reject);
29531              resultFns[id] = waiter.resolve;
29532              ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.loadScript(url, function () {
29533                return waiter.start(runErrMsg);
29534              }, function () {
29535                return waiter.reject(loadErrMsg);
29536              });
29537            });
29538            tasks[id] = task;
29539            return task;
29540          }
29541        };
29542        var add = function (id, data) {
29543          if (resultFns[id] !== undefined) {
29544            resultFns[id](data);
29545            delete resultFns[id];
29546          }
29547          tasks[id] = promiseObj.resolve(data);
29548        };
29549        return {
29550          load: load,
29551          add: add
29552        };
29553      };
29554      var Resource = create$1();
29556      var each = Tools.each, extend$1 = Tools.extend;
29557      var extendClass, initializing;
29558      var Class = function () {
29559      };
29560      Class.extend = extendClass = function (props) {
29561        var self = this;
29562        var _super = self.prototype;
29563        var Class = function () {
29564          var i, mixins, mixin;
29565          var self = this;
29566          if (!initializing) {
29567            if (self.init) {
29568              self.init.apply(self, arguments);
29569            }
29570            mixins = self.Mixins;
29571            if (mixins) {
29572              i = mixins.length;
29573              while (i--) {
29574                mixin = mixins[i];
29575                if (mixin.init) {
29576                  mixin.init.apply(self, arguments);
29577                }
29578              }
29579            }
29580          }
29581        };
29582        var dummy = function () {
29583          return this;
29584        };
29585        var createMethod = function (name, fn) {
29586          return function () {
29587            var self = this;
29588            var tmp = self._super;
29589            self._super = _super[name];
29590            var ret = fn.apply(self, arguments);
29591            self._super = tmp;
29592            return ret;
29593          };
29594        };
29595        initializing = true;
29596        var prototype = new self();
29597        initializing = false;
29598        if (props.Mixins) {
29599          each(props.Mixins, function (mixin) {
29600            for (var name_1 in mixin) {
29601              if (name_1 !== 'init') {
29602                props[name_1] = mixin[name_1];
29603              }
29604            }
29605          });
29606          if (_super.Mixins) {
29607            props.Mixins = _super.Mixins.concat(props.Mixins);
29608          }
29609        }
29610        if (props.Methods) {
29611          each(props.Methods.split(','), function (name) {
29612            props[name] = dummy;
29613          });
29614        }
29615        if (props.Properties) {
29616          each(props.Properties.split(','), function (name) {
29617            var fieldName = '_' + name;
29618            props[name] = function (value) {
29619              var self = this;
29620              if (value !== undefined) {
29621                self[fieldName] = value;
29622                return self;
29623              }
29624              return self[fieldName];
29625            };
29626          });
29627        }
29628        if (props.Statics) {
29629          each(props.Statics, function (func, name) {
29630            Class[name] = func;
29631          });
29632        }
29633        if (props.Defaults && _super.Defaults) {
29634          props.Defaults = extend$1({}, _super.Defaults, props.Defaults);
29635        }
29636        each$j(props, function (member, name) {
29637          if (typeof member === 'function' && _super[name]) {
29638            prototype[name] = createMethod(name, member);
29639          } else {
29640            prototype[name] = member;
29641          }
29642        });
29643        Class.prototype = prototype;
29644        Class.constructor = Class;
29645        Class.extend = extendClass;
29646        return Class;
29647      };
29649      var min = Math.min, max = Math.max, round = Math.round;
29650      var Color = function (value) {
29651        var self = {};
29652        var r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
29653        var rgb2hsv = function (r, g, b) {
29654          var h, s, v;
29655          h = 0;
29656          s = 0;
29657          v = 0;
29658          r = r / 255;
29659          g = g / 255;
29660          b = b / 255;
29661          var minRGB = min(r, min(g, b));
29662          var maxRGB = max(r, max(g, b));
29663          if (minRGB === maxRGB) {
29664            v = minRGB;
29665            return {
29666              h: 0,
29667              s: 0,
29668              v: v * 100
29669            };
29670          }
29671          var d = r === minRGB ? g - b : b === minRGB ? r - g : b - r;
29672          h = r === minRGB ? 3 : b === minRGB ? 1 : 5;
29673          h = 60 * (h - d / (maxRGB - minRGB));
29674          s = (maxRGB - minRGB) / maxRGB;
29675          v = maxRGB;
29676          return {
29677            h: round(h),
29678            s: round(s * 100),
29679            v: round(v * 100)
29680          };
29681        };
29682        var hsvToRgb = function (hue, saturation, brightness) {
29683          hue = (parseInt(hue, 10) || 0) % 360;
29684          saturation = parseInt(saturation, 10) / 100;
29685          brightness = parseInt(brightness, 10) / 100;
29686          saturation = max(0, min(saturation, 1));
29687          brightness = max(0, min(brightness, 1));
29688          if (saturation === 0) {
29689            r = g = b = round(255 * brightness);
29690            return;
29691          }
29692          var side = hue / 60;
29693          var chroma = brightness * saturation;
29694          var x = chroma * (1 - Math.abs(side % 2 - 1));
29695          var match = brightness - chroma;
29696          switch (Math.floor(side)) {
29697          case 0:
29698            r = chroma;
29699            g = x;
29700            b = 0;
29701            break;
29702          case 1:
29703            r = x;
29704            g = chroma;
29705            b = 0;
29706            break;
29707          case 2:
29708            r = 0;
29709            g = chroma;
29710            b = x;
29711            break;
29712          case 3:
29713            r = 0;
29714            g = x;
29715            b = chroma;
29716            break;
29717          case 4:
29718            r = x;
29719            g = 0;
29720            b = chroma;
29721            break;
29722          case 5:
29723            r = chroma;
29724            g = 0;
29725            b = x;
29726            break;
29727          default:
29728            r = g = b = 0;
29729          }
29730          r = round(255 * (r + match));
29731          g = round(255 * (g + match));
29732          b = round(255 * (b + match));
29733        };
29734        var toHex = function () {
29735          var hex = function (val) {
29736            val = parseInt(val, 10).toString(16);
29737            return val.length > 1 ? val : '0' + val;
29738          };
29739          return '#' + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b);
29740        };
29741        var toRgb = function () {
29742          return {
29743            r: r,
29744            g: g,
29745            b: b
29746          };
29747        };
29748        var toHsv = function () {
29749          return rgb2hsv(r, g, b);
29750        };
29751        var parse = function (value) {
29752          var matches;
29753          if (typeof value === 'object') {
29754            if ('r' in value) {
29755              r = value.r;
29756              g = value.g;
29757              b = value.b;
29758            } else if ('v' in value) {
29759              hsvToRgb(value.h, value.s, value.v);
29760            }
29761          } else {
29762            if (matches = /rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)[^\)]*\)/gi.exec(value)) {
29763              r = parseInt(matches[1], 10);
29764              g = parseInt(matches[2], 10);
29765              b = parseInt(matches[3], 10);
29766            } else if (matches = /#([0-F]{2})([0-F]{2})([0-F]{2})/gi.exec(value)) {
29767              r = parseInt(matches[1], 16);
29768              g = parseInt(matches[2], 16);
29769              b = parseInt(matches[3], 16);
29770            } else if (matches = /#([0-F])([0-F])([0-F])/gi.exec(value)) {
29771              r = parseInt(matches[1] + matches[1], 16);
29772              g = parseInt(matches[2] + matches[2], 16);
29773              b = parseInt(matches[3] + matches[3], 16);
29774            }
29775          }
29776          r = r < 0 ? 0 : r > 255 ? 255 : r;
29777          g = g < 0 ? 0 : g > 255 ? 255 : g;
29778          b = b < 0 ? 0 : b > 255 ? 255 : b;
29779          return self;
29780        };
29781        if (value) {
29782          parse(value);
29783        }
29784        self.toRgb = toRgb;
29785        self.toHsv = toHsv;
29786        self.toHex = toHex;
29787        self.parse = parse;
29788        return self;
29789      };
29791      var serialize = function (obj) {
29792        var data = JSON.stringify(obj);
29793        if (!isString$1(data)) {
29794          return data;
29795        }
29796        return data.replace(/[\u0080-\uFFFF]/g, function (match) {
29797          var hexCode = match.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
29798          return '\\u' + '0000'.substring(hexCode.length) + hexCode;
29799        });
29800      };
29801      var JSONUtils = {
29802        serialize: serialize,
29803        parse: function (text) {
29804          try {
29805            return JSON.parse(text);
29806          } catch (ex) {
29807          }
29808        }
29809      };
29811      var JSONP = {
29812        callbacks: {},
29813        count: 0,
29814        send: function (settings) {
29815          var self = this, dom = DOMUtils.DOM, count = settings.count !== undefined ? settings.count : self.count;
29816          var id = 'tinymce_jsonp_' + count;
29817          self.callbacks[count] = function (json) {
29818            dom.remove(id);
29819            delete self.callbacks[count];
29820            settings.callback(json);
29821          };
29822          dom.add(dom.doc.body, 'script', {
29823            id: id,
29824            src: settings.url,
29825            type: 'text/javascript'
29826          });
29827          self.count++;
29828        }
29829      };
29831      var XHR = __assign(__assign({}, Observable), {
29832        send: function (settings) {
29833          var xhr, count = 0;
29834          var ready = function () {
29835            if (!settings.async || xhr.readyState === 4 || count++ > 10000) {
29836              if (settings.success && count < 10000 && xhr.status === 200) {
29837                settings.success.call(settings.success_scope, '' + xhr.responseText, xhr, settings);
29838              } else if (settings.error) {
29839                settings.error.call(settings.error_scope, count > 10000 ? 'TIMED_OUT' : 'GENERAL', xhr, settings);
29840              }
29841              xhr = null;
29842            } else {
29843              Delay.setTimeout(ready, 10);
29844            }
29845          };
29846          settings.scope = settings.scope || this;
29847          settings.success_scope = settings.success_scope || settings.scope;
29848          settings.error_scope = settings.error_scope || settings.scope;
29849          settings.async = settings.async !== false;
29850          settings.data = settings.data || '';
29851          XHR.fire('beforeInitialize', { settings: settings });
29852          xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
29853          if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
29854            xhr.overrideMimeType(settings.content_type);
29855          }
29856          xhr.open(settings.type || (settings.data ? 'POST' : 'GET'), settings.url, settings.async);
29857          if (settings.crossDomain) {
29858            xhr.withCredentials = true;
29859          }
29860          if (settings.content_type) {
29861            xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', settings.content_type);
29862          }
29863          if (settings.requestheaders) {
29864            Tools.each(settings.requestheaders, function (header) {
29865              xhr.setRequestHeader(header.key, header.value);
29866            });
29867          }
29868          xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
29869          xhr = XHR.fire('beforeSend', {
29870            xhr: xhr,
29871            settings: settings
29872          }).xhr;
29873          xhr.send(settings.data);
29874          if (!settings.async) {
29875            return ready();
29876          }
29877          Delay.setTimeout(ready, 10);
29878        }
29879      });
29881      var extend = Tools.extend;
29882      var JSONRequest = function () {
29883        function JSONRequest(settings) {
29884          this.settings = extend({}, settings);
29885          this.count = 0;
29886        }
29887        JSONRequest.sendRPC = function (o) {
29888          return new JSONRequest().send(o);
29889        };
29890        JSONRequest.prototype.send = function (args) {
29891          var ecb = args.error, scb = args.success;
29892          var xhrArgs = extend(this.settings, args);
29893          xhrArgs.success = function (c, x) {
29894            c = JSONUtils.parse(c);
29895            if (typeof c === 'undefined') {
29896              c = { error: 'JSON Parse error.' };
29897            }
29898            if (c.error) {
29899              ecb.call(xhrArgs.error_scope || xhrArgs.scope, c.error, x);
29900            } else {
29901              scb.call(xhrArgs.success_scope || xhrArgs.scope, c.result);
29902            }
29903          };
29904          xhrArgs.error = function (ty, x) {
29905            if (ecb) {
29906              ecb.call(xhrArgs.error_scope || xhrArgs.scope, ty, x);
29907            }
29908          };
29909          xhrArgs.data = JSONUtils.serialize({
29910            id: args.id || 'c' + this.count++,
29911            method: args.method,
29912            params: args.params
29913          });
29914          xhrArgs.content_type = 'application/json';
29915          XHR.send(xhrArgs);
29916        };
29917        return JSONRequest;
29918      }();
29920      var create = function () {
29921        return function () {
29922          var data = {};
29923          var keys = [];
29924          var storage = {
29925            getItem: function (key) {
29926              var item = data[key];
29927              return item ? item : null;
29928            },
29929            setItem: function (key, value) {
29930              keys.push(key);
29931              data[key] = String(value);
29932            },
29933            key: function (index) {
29934              return keys[index];
29935            },
29936            removeItem: function (key) {
29937              keys = keys.filter(function (k) {
29938                return k === key;
29939              });
29940              delete data[key];
29941            },
29942            clear: function () {
29943              keys = [];
29944              data = {};
29945            },
29946            length: 0
29947          };
29948          Object.defineProperty(storage, 'length', {
29949            get: function () {
29950              return keys.length;
29951            },
29952            configurable: false,
29953            enumerable: false
29954          });
29955          return storage;
29956        }();
29957      };
29959      var localStorage;
29960      try {
29961        var test = '__storage_test__';
29962        localStorage = window.localStorage;
29963        localStorage.setItem(test, test);
29964        localStorage.removeItem(test);
29965      } catch (e) {
29966        localStorage = create();
29967      }
29968      var LocalStorage = localStorage;
29970      var publicApi = {
29971        geom: { Rect: Rect },
29972        util: {
29973          Promise: promiseObj,
29974          Delay: Delay,
29975          Tools: Tools,
29976          VK: VK,
29977          URI: URI,
29978          Class: Class,
29979          EventDispatcher: EventDispatcher,
29980          Observable: Observable,
29981          I18n: I18n,
29982          XHR: XHR,
29983          JSON: JSONUtils,
29984          JSONRequest: JSONRequest,
29985          JSONP: JSONP,
29986          LocalStorage: LocalStorage,
29987          Color: Color,
29988          ImageUploader: ImageUploader
29989        },
29990        dom: {
29991          EventUtils: EventUtils,
29992          Sizzle: Sizzle,
29993          DomQuery: DomQuery,
29994          TreeWalker: DomTreeWalker,
29995          TextSeeker: TextSeeker,
29996          DOMUtils: DOMUtils,
29997          ScriptLoader: ScriptLoader,
29998          RangeUtils: RangeUtils,
29999          Serializer: DomSerializer,
30000          StyleSheetLoader: StyleSheetLoader,
30001          ControlSelection: ControlSelection,
30002          BookmarkManager: BookmarkManager,
30003          Selection: EditorSelection,
30004          Event: EventUtils.Event
30005        },
30006        html: {
30007          Styles: Styles,
30008          Entities: Entities,
30009          Node: AstNode,
30010          Schema: Schema,
30011          SaxParser: SaxParser,
30012          DomParser: DomParser,
30013          Writer: Writer,
30014          Serializer: HtmlSerializer
30015        },
30016        Env: Env,
30017        AddOnManager: AddOnManager,
30018        Annotator: Annotator,
30019        Formatter: Formatter,
30020        UndoManager: UndoManager,
30021        EditorCommands: EditorCommands,
30022        WindowManager: WindowManager,
30023        NotificationManager: NotificationManager,
30024        EditorObservable: EditorObservable,
30025        Shortcuts: Shortcuts,
30026        Editor: Editor,
30027        FocusManager: FocusManager,
30028        EditorManager: EditorManager,
30029        DOM: DOMUtils.DOM,
30030        ScriptLoader: ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader,
30031        PluginManager: PluginManager,
30032        ThemeManager: ThemeManager,
30033        IconManager: IconManager,
30034        Resource: Resource,
30035        trim: Tools.trim,
30036        isArray: Tools.isArray,
30037        is: Tools.is,
30038        toArray: Tools.toArray,
30039        makeMap: Tools.makeMap,
30040        each: Tools.each,
30041        map: Tools.map,
30042        grep: Tools.grep,
30043        inArray: Tools.inArray,
30044        extend: Tools.extend,
30045        create: Tools.create,
30046        walk: Tools.walk,
30047        createNS: Tools.createNS,
30048        resolve: Tools.resolve,
30049        explode: Tools.explode,
30050        _addCacheSuffix: Tools._addCacheSuffix,
30051        isOpera: Env.opera,
30052        isWebKit: Env.webkit,
30053        isIE: Env.ie,
30054        isGecko: Env.gecko,
30055        isMac: Env.mac
30056      };
30057      var tinymce = Tools.extend(EditorManager, publicApi);
30059      var exportToModuleLoaders = function (tinymce) {
30060        if (typeof module === 'object') {
30061          try {
30062            module.exports = tinymce;
30063          } catch (_) {
30064          }
30065        }
30066      };
30067      var exportToWindowGlobal = function (tinymce) {
30068        window.tinymce = tinymce;
30069        window.tinyMCE = tinymce;
30070      };
30071      exportToWindowGlobal(tinymce);
30072      exportToModuleLoaders(tinymce);
30074  }());

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer