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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/media/vendor/tinymce/themes/silver/ -> theme.js (source)

   1  /**
   2   * Copyright (c) Tiny Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
   3   * Licensed under the LGPL or a commercial license.
   4   * For LGPL see License.txt in the project root for license information.
   5   * For commercial licenses see https://www.tiny.cloud/
   6   *
   7   * Version: 5.10.5 (2022-05-25)
   8   */
   9  (function () {
  10      'use strict';
  12      var typeOf = function (x) {
  13        var t = typeof x;
  14        if (x === null) {
  15          return 'null';
  16        } else if (t === 'object' && (Array.prototype.isPrototypeOf(x) || x.constructor && x.constructor.name === 'Array')) {
  17          return 'array';
  18        } else if (t === 'object' && (String.prototype.isPrototypeOf(x) || x.constructor && x.constructor.name === 'String')) {
  19          return 'string';
  20        } else {
  21          return t;
  22        }
  23      };
  24      var isType$1 = function (type) {
  25        return function (value) {
  26          return typeOf(value) === type;
  27        };
  28      };
  29      var isSimpleType = function (type) {
  30        return function (value) {
  31          return typeof value === type;
  32        };
  33      };
  34      var eq$1 = function (t) {
  35        return function (a) {
  36          return t === a;
  37        };
  38      };
  39      var isString = isType$1('string');
  40      var isObject = isType$1('object');
  41      var isArray = isType$1('array');
  42      var isNull = eq$1(null);
  43      var isBoolean = isSimpleType('boolean');
  44      var isUndefined = eq$1(undefined);
  45      var isNullable = function (a) {
  46        return a === null || a === undefined;
  47      };
  48      var isNonNullable = function (a) {
  49        return !isNullable(a);
  50      };
  51      var isFunction = isSimpleType('function');
  52      var isNumber = isSimpleType('number');
  53      var isArrayOf = function (value, pred) {
  54        if (isArray(value)) {
  55          for (var i = 0, len = value.length; i < len; ++i) {
  56            if (!pred(value[i])) {
  57              return false;
  58            }
  59          }
  60          return true;
  61        }
  62        return false;
  63      };
  65      var noop = function () {
  66      };
  67      var noarg = function (f) {
  68        return function () {
  69          return f();
  70        };
  71      };
  72      var compose = function (fa, fb) {
  73        return function () {
  74          var args = [];
  75          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
  76            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
  77          }
  78          return fa(fb.apply(null, args));
  79        };
  80      };
  81      var compose1 = function (fbc, fab) {
  82        return function (a) {
  83          return fbc(fab(a));
  84        };
  85      };
  86      var constant$1 = function (value) {
  87        return function () {
  88          return value;
  89        };
  90      };
  91      var identity$1 = function (x) {
  92        return x;
  93      };
  94      var tripleEquals = function (a, b) {
  95        return a === b;
  96      };
  97      function curry(fn) {
  98        var initialArgs = [];
  99        for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
 100          initialArgs[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
 101        }
 102        return function () {
 103          var restArgs = [];
 104          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
 105            restArgs[_i] = arguments[_i];
 106          }
 107          var all = initialArgs.concat(restArgs);
 108          return fn.apply(null, all);
 109        };
 110      }
 111      var not = function (f) {
 112        return function (t) {
 113          return !f(t);
 114        };
 115      };
 116      var die = function (msg) {
 117        return function () {
 118          throw new Error(msg);
 119        };
 120      };
 121      var never = constant$1(false);
 122      var always = constant$1(true);
 124      var global$g = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.ThemeManager');
 126      var __assign = function () {
 127        __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
 128          for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
 129            s = arguments[i];
 130            for (var p in s)
 131              if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
 132                t[p] = s[p];
 133          }
 134          return t;
 135        };
 136        return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
 137      };
 138      function __rest(s, e) {
 139        var t = {};
 140        for (var p in s)
 141          if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
 142            t[p] = s[p];
 143        if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === 'function')
 144          for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
 145            if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))
 146              t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
 147          }
 148        return t;
 149      }
 150      function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {
 151        if (pack || arguments.length === 2)
 152          for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
 153            if (ar || !(i in from)) {
 154              if (!ar)
 155                ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);
 156              ar[i] = from[i];
 157            }
 158          }
 159        return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));
 160      }
 162      var none = function () {
 163        return NONE;
 164      };
 165      var NONE = function () {
 166        var call = function (thunk) {
 167          return thunk();
 168        };
 169        var id = identity$1;
 170        var me = {
 171          fold: function (n, _s) {
 172            return n();
 173          },
 174          isSome: never,
 175          isNone: always,
 176          getOr: id,
 177          getOrThunk: call,
 178          getOrDie: function (msg) {
 179            throw new Error(msg || 'error: getOrDie called on none.');
 180          },
 181          getOrNull: constant$1(null),
 182          getOrUndefined: constant$1(undefined),
 183          or: id,
 184          orThunk: call,
 185          map: none,
 186          each: noop,
 187          bind: none,
 188          exists: never,
 189          forall: always,
 190          filter: function () {
 191            return none();
 192          },
 193          toArray: function () {
 194            return [];
 195          },
 196          toString: constant$1('none()')
 197        };
 198        return me;
 199      }();
 200      var some = function (a) {
 201        var constant_a = constant$1(a);
 202        var self = function () {
 203          return me;
 204        };
 205        var bind = function (f) {
 206          return f(a);
 207        };
 208        var me = {
 209          fold: function (n, s) {
 210            return s(a);
 211          },
 212          isSome: always,
 213          isNone: never,
 214          getOr: constant_a,
 215          getOrThunk: constant_a,
 216          getOrDie: constant_a,
 217          getOrNull: constant_a,
 218          getOrUndefined: constant_a,
 219          or: self,
 220          orThunk: self,
 221          map: function (f) {
 222            return some(f(a));
 223          },
 224          each: function (f) {
 225            f(a);
 226          },
 227          bind: bind,
 228          exists: bind,
 229          forall: bind,
 230          filter: function (f) {
 231            return f(a) ? me : NONE;
 232          },
 233          toArray: function () {
 234            return [a];
 235          },
 236          toString: function () {
 237            return 'some(' + a + ')';
 238          }
 239        };
 240        return me;
 241      };
 242      var from$1 = function (value) {
 243        return value === null || value === undefined ? NONE : some(value);
 244      };
 245      var Optional = {
 246        some: some,
 247        none: none,
 248        from: from$1
 249      };
 251      var nativeSlice = Array.prototype.slice;
 252      var nativeIndexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;
 253      var nativePush = Array.prototype.push;
 254      var rawIndexOf = function (ts, t) {
 255        return nativeIndexOf.call(ts, t);
 256      };
 257      var indexOf = function (xs, x) {
 258        var r = rawIndexOf(xs, x);
 259        return r === -1 ? Optional.none() : Optional.some(r);
 260      };
 261      var contains$2 = function (xs, x) {
 262        return rawIndexOf(xs, x) > -1;
 263      };
 264      var exists = function (xs, pred) {
 265        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
 266          var x = xs[i];
 267          if (pred(x, i)) {
 268            return true;
 269          }
 270        }
 271        return false;
 272      };
 273      var range$2 = function (num, f) {
 274        var r = [];
 275        for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
 276          r.push(f(i));
 277        }
 278        return r;
 279      };
 280      var chunk$1 = function (array, size) {
 281        var r = [];
 282        for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i += size) {
 283          var s = nativeSlice.call(array, i, i + size);
 284          r.push(s);
 285        }
 286        return r;
 287      };
 288      var map$2 = function (xs, f) {
 289        var len = xs.length;
 290        var r = new Array(len);
 291        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 292          var x = xs[i];
 293          r[i] = f(x, i);
 294        }
 295        return r;
 296      };
 297      var each$1 = function (xs, f) {
 298        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
 299          var x = xs[i];
 300          f(x, i);
 301        }
 302      };
 303      var eachr = function (xs, f) {
 304        for (var i = xs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 305          var x = xs[i];
 306          f(x, i);
 307        }
 308      };
 309      var partition$3 = function (xs, pred) {
 310        var pass = [];
 311        var fail = [];
 312        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
 313          var x = xs[i];
 314          var arr = pred(x, i) ? pass : fail;
 315          arr.push(x);
 316        }
 317        return {
 318          pass: pass,
 319          fail: fail
 320        };
 321      };
 322      var filter$2 = function (xs, pred) {
 323        var r = [];
 324        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
 325          var x = xs[i];
 326          if (pred(x, i)) {
 327            r.push(x);
 328          }
 329        }
 330        return r;
 331      };
 332      var foldr = function (xs, f, acc) {
 333        eachr(xs, function (x, i) {
 334          acc = f(acc, x, i);
 335        });
 336        return acc;
 337      };
 338      var foldl = function (xs, f, acc) {
 339        each$1(xs, function (x, i) {
 340          acc = f(acc, x, i);
 341        });
 342        return acc;
 343      };
 344      var findUntil = function (xs, pred, until) {
 345        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
 346          var x = xs[i];
 347          if (pred(x, i)) {
 348            return Optional.some(x);
 349          } else if (until(x, i)) {
 350            break;
 351          }
 352        }
 353        return Optional.none();
 354      };
 355      var find$5 = function (xs, pred) {
 356        return findUntil(xs, pred, never);
 357      };
 358      var findIndex$1 = function (xs, pred) {
 359        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
 360          var x = xs[i];
 361          if (pred(x, i)) {
 362            return Optional.some(i);
 363          }
 364        }
 365        return Optional.none();
 366      };
 367      var flatten = function (xs) {
 368        var r = [];
 369        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; ++i) {
 370          if (!isArray(xs[i])) {
 371            throw new Error('Arr.flatten item ' + i + ' was not an array, input: ' + xs);
 372          }
 373          nativePush.apply(r, xs[i]);
 374        }
 375        return r;
 376      };
 377      var bind$3 = function (xs, f) {
 378        return flatten(map$2(xs, f));
 379      };
 380      var forall = function (xs, pred) {
 381        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; ++i) {
 382          var x = xs[i];
 383          if (pred(x, i) !== true) {
 384            return false;
 385          }
 386        }
 387        return true;
 388      };
 389      var reverse = function (xs) {
 390        var r = nativeSlice.call(xs, 0);
 391        r.reverse();
 392        return r;
 393      };
 394      var difference = function (a1, a2) {
 395        return filter$2(a1, function (x) {
 396          return !contains$2(a2, x);
 397        });
 398      };
 399      var mapToObject = function (xs, f) {
 400        var r = {};
 401        for (var i = 0, len = xs.length; i < len; i++) {
 402          var x = xs[i];
 403          r[String(x)] = f(x, i);
 404        }
 405        return r;
 406      };
 407      var pure$2 = function (x) {
 408        return [x];
 409      };
 410      var sort = function (xs, comparator) {
 411        var copy = nativeSlice.call(xs, 0);
 412        copy.sort(comparator);
 413        return copy;
 414      };
 415      var get$f = function (xs, i) {
 416        return i >= 0 && i < xs.length ? Optional.some(xs[i]) : Optional.none();
 417      };
 418      var head = function (xs) {
 419        return get$f(xs, 0);
 420      };
 421      var last$2 = function (xs) {
 422        return get$f(xs, xs.length - 1);
 423      };
 424      var from = isFunction(Array.from) ? Array.from : function (x) {
 425        return nativeSlice.call(x);
 426      };
 427      var findMap = function (arr, f) {
 428        for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
 429          var r = f(arr[i], i);
 430          if (r.isSome()) {
 431            return r;
 432          }
 433        }
 434        return Optional.none();
 435      };
 437      var keys = Object.keys;
 438      var hasOwnProperty = Object.hasOwnProperty;
 439      var each = function (obj, f) {
 440        var props = keys(obj);
 441        for (var k = 0, len = props.length; k < len; k++) {
 442          var i = props[k];
 443          var x = obj[i];
 444          f(x, i);
 445        }
 446      };
 447      var map$1 = function (obj, f) {
 448        return tupleMap(obj, function (x, i) {
 449          return {
 450            k: i,
 451            v: f(x, i)
 452          };
 453        });
 454      };
 455      var tupleMap = function (obj, f) {
 456        var r = {};
 457        each(obj, function (x, i) {
 458          var tuple = f(x, i);
 459          r[tuple.k] = tuple.v;
 460        });
 461        return r;
 462      };
 463      var objAcc = function (r) {
 464        return function (x, i) {
 465          r[i] = x;
 466        };
 467      };
 468      var internalFilter = function (obj, pred, onTrue, onFalse) {
 469        var r = {};
 470        each(obj, function (x, i) {
 471          (pred(x, i) ? onTrue : onFalse)(x, i);
 472        });
 473        return r;
 474      };
 475      var filter$1 = function (obj, pred) {
 476        var t = {};
 477        internalFilter(obj, pred, objAcc(t), noop);
 478        return t;
 479      };
 480      var mapToArray = function (obj, f) {
 481        var r = [];
 482        each(obj, function (value, name) {
 483          r.push(f(value, name));
 484        });
 485        return r;
 486      };
 487      var find$4 = function (obj, pred) {
 488        var props = keys(obj);
 489        for (var k = 0, len = props.length; k < len; k++) {
 490          var i = props[k];
 491          var x = obj[i];
 492          if (pred(x, i, obj)) {
 493            return Optional.some(x);
 494          }
 495        }
 496        return Optional.none();
 497      };
 498      var values = function (obj) {
 499        return mapToArray(obj, identity$1);
 500      };
 501      var get$e = function (obj, key) {
 502        return has$2(obj, key) ? Optional.from(obj[key]) : Optional.none();
 503      };
 504      var has$2 = function (obj, key) {
 505        return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key);
 506      };
 507      var hasNonNullableKey = function (obj, key) {
 508        return has$2(obj, key) && obj[key] !== undefined && obj[key] !== null;
 509      };
 511      var is$1 = function (lhs, rhs, comparator) {
 512        if (comparator === void 0) {
 513          comparator = tripleEquals;
 514        }
 515        return lhs.exists(function (left) {
 516          return comparator(left, rhs);
 517        });
 518      };
 519      var equals = function (lhs, rhs, comparator) {
 520        if (comparator === void 0) {
 521          comparator = tripleEquals;
 522        }
 523        return lift2(lhs, rhs, comparator).getOr(lhs.isNone() && rhs.isNone());
 524      };
 525      var cat = function (arr) {
 526        var r = [];
 527        var push = function (x) {
 528          r.push(x);
 529        };
 530        for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
 531          arr[i].each(push);
 532        }
 533        return r;
 534      };
 535      var sequence = function (arr) {
 536        var r = [];
 537        for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
 538          var x = arr[i];
 539          if (x.isSome()) {
 540            r.push(x.getOrDie());
 541          } else {
 542            return Optional.none();
 543          }
 544        }
 545        return Optional.some(r);
 546      };
 547      var lift2 = function (oa, ob, f) {
 548        return oa.isSome() && ob.isSome() ? Optional.some(f(oa.getOrDie(), ob.getOrDie())) : Optional.none();
 549      };
 550      var lift3 = function (oa, ob, oc, f) {
 551        return oa.isSome() && ob.isSome() && oc.isSome() ? Optional.some(f(oa.getOrDie(), ob.getOrDie(), oc.getOrDie())) : Optional.none();
 552      };
 553      var mapFrom = function (a, f) {
 554        return a !== undefined && a !== null ? Optional.some(f(a)) : Optional.none();
 555      };
 556      var someIf = function (b, a) {
 557        return b ? Optional.some(a) : Optional.none();
 558      };
 560      var addToEnd = function (str, suffix) {
 561        return str + suffix;
 562      };
 563      var removeFromStart = function (str, numChars) {
 564        return str.substring(numChars);
 565      };
 567      var checkRange = function (str, substr, start) {
 568        return substr === '' || str.length >= substr.length && str.substr(start, start + substr.length) === substr;
 569      };
 570      var removeLeading = function (str, prefix) {
 571        return startsWith(str, prefix) ? removeFromStart(str, prefix.length) : str;
 572      };
 573      var ensureTrailing = function (str, suffix) {
 574        return endsWith(str, suffix) ? str : addToEnd(str, suffix);
 575      };
 576      var contains$1 = function (str, substr) {
 577        return str.indexOf(substr) !== -1;
 578      };
 579      var startsWith = function (str, prefix) {
 580        return checkRange(str, prefix, 0);
 581      };
 582      var endsWith = function (str, suffix) {
 583        return checkRange(str, suffix, str.length - suffix.length);
 584      };
 585      var blank = function (r) {
 586        return function (s) {
 587          return s.replace(r, '');
 588        };
 589      };
 590      var trim$1 = blank(/^\s+|\s+$/g);
 591      var isNotEmpty = function (s) {
 592        return s.length > 0;
 593      };
 594      var isEmpty = function (s) {
 595        return !isNotEmpty(s);
 596      };
 598      var isSupported$1 = function (dom) {
 599        return dom.style !== undefined && isFunction(dom.style.getPropertyValue);
 600      };
 602      var fromHtml$2 = function (html, scope) {
 603        var doc = scope || document;
 604        var div = doc.createElement('div');
 605        div.innerHTML = html;
 606        if (!div.hasChildNodes() || div.childNodes.length > 1) {
 607          console.error('HTML does not have a single root node', html);
 608          throw new Error('HTML must have a single root node');
 609        }
 610        return fromDom(div.childNodes[0]);
 611      };
 612      var fromTag = function (tag, scope) {
 613        var doc = scope || document;
 614        var node = doc.createElement(tag);
 615        return fromDom(node);
 616      };
 617      var fromText = function (text, scope) {
 618        var doc = scope || document;
 619        var node = doc.createTextNode(text);
 620        return fromDom(node);
 621      };
 622      var fromDom = function (node) {
 623        if (node === null || node === undefined) {
 624          throw new Error('Node cannot be null or undefined');
 625        }
 626        return { dom: node };
 627      };
 628      var fromPoint = function (docElm, x, y) {
 629        return Optional.from(docElm.dom.elementFromPoint(x, y)).map(fromDom);
 630      };
 631      var SugarElement = {
 632        fromHtml: fromHtml$2,
 633        fromTag: fromTag,
 634        fromText: fromText,
 635        fromDom: fromDom,
 636        fromPoint: fromPoint
 637      };
 639      typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : Function('return this;')();
 641      var DOCUMENT = 9;
 642      var DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = 11;
 643      var ELEMENT = 1;
 644      var TEXT = 3;
 646      var name$2 = function (element) {
 647        var r = element.dom.nodeName;
 648        return r.toLowerCase();
 649      };
 650      var type = function (element) {
 651        return element.dom.nodeType;
 652      };
 653      var isType = function (t) {
 654        return function (element) {
 655          return type(element) === t;
 656        };
 657      };
 658      var isElement$2 = isType(ELEMENT);
 659      var isText$1 = isType(TEXT);
 660      var isDocument = isType(DOCUMENT);
 661      var isDocumentFragment = isType(DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT);
 663      var cached = function (f) {
 664        var called = false;
 665        var r;
 666        return function () {
 667          var args = [];
 668          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
 669            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
 670          }
 671          if (!called) {
 672            called = true;
 673            r = f.apply(null, args);
 674          }
 675          return r;
 676        };
 677      };
 679      var DeviceType = function (os, browser, userAgent, mediaMatch) {
 680        var isiPad = os.isiOS() && /ipad/i.test(userAgent) === true;
 681        var isiPhone = os.isiOS() && !isiPad;
 682        var isMobile = os.isiOS() || os.isAndroid();
 683        var isTouch = isMobile || mediaMatch('(pointer:coarse)');
 684        var isTablet = isiPad || !isiPhone && isMobile && mediaMatch('(min-device-width:768px)');
 685        var isPhone = isiPhone || isMobile && !isTablet;
 686        var iOSwebview = browser.isSafari() && os.isiOS() && /safari/i.test(userAgent) === false;
 687        var isDesktop = !isPhone && !isTablet && !iOSwebview;
 688        return {
 689          isiPad: constant$1(isiPad),
 690          isiPhone: constant$1(isiPhone),
 691          isTablet: constant$1(isTablet),
 692          isPhone: constant$1(isPhone),
 693          isTouch: constant$1(isTouch),
 694          isAndroid: os.isAndroid,
 695          isiOS: os.isiOS,
 696          isWebView: constant$1(iOSwebview),
 697          isDesktop: constant$1(isDesktop)
 698        };
 699      };
 701      var firstMatch = function (regexes, s) {
 702        for (var i = 0; i < regexes.length; i++) {
 703          var x = regexes[i];
 704          if (x.test(s)) {
 705            return x;
 706          }
 707        }
 708        return undefined;
 709      };
 710      var find$3 = function (regexes, agent) {
 711        var r = firstMatch(regexes, agent);
 712        if (!r) {
 713          return {
 714            major: 0,
 715            minor: 0
 716          };
 717        }
 718        var group = function (i) {
 719          return Number(agent.replace(r, '$' + i));
 720        };
 721        return nu$d(group(1), group(2));
 722      };
 723      var detect$4 = function (versionRegexes, agent) {
 724        var cleanedAgent = String(agent).toLowerCase();
 725        if (versionRegexes.length === 0) {
 726          return unknown$3();
 727        }
 728        return find$3(versionRegexes, cleanedAgent);
 729      };
 730      var unknown$3 = function () {
 731        return nu$d(0, 0);
 732      };
 733      var nu$d = function (major, minor) {
 734        return {
 735          major: major,
 736          minor: minor
 737        };
 738      };
 739      var Version = {
 740        nu: nu$d,
 741        detect: detect$4,
 742        unknown: unknown$3
 743      };
 745      var detectBrowser$1 = function (browsers, userAgentData) {
 746        return findMap(userAgentData.brands, function (uaBrand) {
 747          var lcBrand = uaBrand.brand.toLowerCase();
 748          return find$5(browsers, function (browser) {
 749            var _a;
 750            return lcBrand === ((_a = browser.brand) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toLowerCase());
 751          }).map(function (info) {
 752            return {
 753              current: info.name,
 754              version: Version.nu(parseInt(uaBrand.version, 10), 0)
 755            };
 756          });
 757        });
 758      };
 760      var detect$3 = function (candidates, userAgent) {
 761        var agent = String(userAgent).toLowerCase();
 762        return find$5(candidates, function (candidate) {
 763          return candidate.search(agent);
 764        });
 765      };
 766      var detectBrowser = function (browsers, userAgent) {
 767        return detect$3(browsers, userAgent).map(function (browser) {
 768          var version = Version.detect(browser.versionRegexes, userAgent);
 769          return {
 770            current: browser.name,
 771            version: version
 772          };
 773        });
 774      };
 775      var detectOs = function (oses, userAgent) {
 776        return detect$3(oses, userAgent).map(function (os) {
 777          var version = Version.detect(os.versionRegexes, userAgent);
 778          return {
 779            current: os.name,
 780            version: version
 781          };
 782        });
 783      };
 785      var normalVersionRegex = /.*?version\/\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/;
 786      var checkContains = function (target) {
 787        return function (uastring) {
 788          return contains$1(uastring, target);
 789        };
 790      };
 791      var browsers = [
 792        {
 793          name: 'Edge',
 794          versionRegexes: [/.*?edge\/ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/],
 795          search: function (uastring) {
 796            return contains$1(uastring, 'edge/') && contains$1(uastring, 'chrome') && contains$1(uastring, 'safari') && contains$1(uastring, 'applewebkit');
 797          }
 798        },
 799        {
 800          name: 'Chrome',
 801          brand: 'Chromium',
 802          versionRegexes: [
 803            /.*?chrome\/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/,
 804            normalVersionRegex
 805          ],
 806          search: function (uastring) {
 807            return contains$1(uastring, 'chrome') && !contains$1(uastring, 'chromeframe');
 808          }
 809        },
 810        {
 811          name: 'IE',
 812          versionRegexes: [
 813            /.*?msie\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/,
 814            /.*?rv:([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/
 815          ],
 816          search: function (uastring) {
 817            return contains$1(uastring, 'msie') || contains$1(uastring, 'trident');
 818          }
 819        },
 820        {
 821          name: 'Opera',
 822          versionRegexes: [
 823            normalVersionRegex,
 824            /.*?opera\/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/
 825          ],
 826          search: checkContains('opera')
 827        },
 828        {
 829          name: 'Firefox',
 830          versionRegexes: [/.*?firefox\/\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/],
 831          search: checkContains('firefox')
 832        },
 833        {
 834          name: 'Safari',
 835          versionRegexes: [
 836            normalVersionRegex,
 837            /.*?cpu os ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/
 838          ],
 839          search: function (uastring) {
 840            return (contains$1(uastring, 'safari') || contains$1(uastring, 'mobile/')) && contains$1(uastring, 'applewebkit');
 841          }
 842        }
 843      ];
 844      var oses = [
 845        {
 846          name: 'Windows',
 847          search: checkContains('win'),
 848          versionRegexes: [/.*?windows\ nt\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/]
 849        },
 850        {
 851          name: 'iOS',
 852          search: function (uastring) {
 853            return contains$1(uastring, 'iphone') || contains$1(uastring, 'ipad');
 854          },
 855          versionRegexes: [
 856            /.*?version\/\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/,
 857            /.*cpu os ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/,
 858            /.*cpu iphone os ([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/
 859          ]
 860        },
 861        {
 862          name: 'Android',
 863          search: checkContains('android'),
 864          versionRegexes: [/.*?android\ ?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/]
 865        },
 866        {
 867          name: 'OSX',
 868          search: checkContains('mac os x'),
 869          versionRegexes: [/.*?mac\ os\ x\ ?([0-9]+)_([0-9]+).*/]
 870        },
 871        {
 872          name: 'Linux',
 873          search: checkContains('linux'),
 874          versionRegexes: []
 875        },
 876        {
 877          name: 'Solaris',
 878          search: checkContains('sunos'),
 879          versionRegexes: []
 880        },
 881        {
 882          name: 'FreeBSD',
 883          search: checkContains('freebsd'),
 884          versionRegexes: []
 885        },
 886        {
 887          name: 'ChromeOS',
 888          search: checkContains('cros'),
 889          versionRegexes: [/.*?chrome\/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/]
 890        }
 891      ];
 892      var PlatformInfo = {
 893        browsers: constant$1(browsers),
 894        oses: constant$1(oses)
 895      };
 897      var edge = 'Edge';
 898      var chrome = 'Chrome';
 899      var ie = 'IE';
 900      var opera = 'Opera';
 901      var firefox = 'Firefox';
 902      var safari = 'Safari';
 903      var unknown$2 = function () {
 904        return nu$c({
 905          current: undefined,
 906          version: Version.unknown()
 907        });
 908      };
 909      var nu$c = function (info) {
 910        var current = info.current;
 911        var version = info.version;
 912        var isBrowser = function (name) {
 913          return function () {
 914            return current === name;
 915          };
 916        };
 917        return {
 918          current: current,
 919          version: version,
 920          isEdge: isBrowser(edge),
 921          isChrome: isBrowser(chrome),
 922          isIE: isBrowser(ie),
 923          isOpera: isBrowser(opera),
 924          isFirefox: isBrowser(firefox),
 925          isSafari: isBrowser(safari)
 926        };
 927      };
 928      var Browser = {
 929        unknown: unknown$2,
 930        nu: nu$c,
 931        edge: constant$1(edge),
 932        chrome: constant$1(chrome),
 933        ie: constant$1(ie),
 934        opera: constant$1(opera),
 935        firefox: constant$1(firefox),
 936        safari: constant$1(safari)
 937      };
 939      var windows = 'Windows';
 940      var ios = 'iOS';
 941      var android = 'Android';
 942      var linux = 'Linux';
 943      var osx = 'OSX';
 944      var solaris = 'Solaris';
 945      var freebsd = 'FreeBSD';
 946      var chromeos = 'ChromeOS';
 947      var unknown$1 = function () {
 948        return nu$b({
 949          current: undefined,
 950          version: Version.unknown()
 951        });
 952      };
 953      var nu$b = function (info) {
 954        var current = info.current;
 955        var version = info.version;
 956        var isOS = function (name) {
 957          return function () {
 958            return current === name;
 959          };
 960        };
 961        return {
 962          current: current,
 963          version: version,
 964          isWindows: isOS(windows),
 965          isiOS: isOS(ios),
 966          isAndroid: isOS(android),
 967          isOSX: isOS(osx),
 968          isLinux: isOS(linux),
 969          isSolaris: isOS(solaris),
 970          isFreeBSD: isOS(freebsd),
 971          isChromeOS: isOS(chromeos)
 972        };
 973      };
 974      var OperatingSystem = {
 975        unknown: unknown$1,
 976        nu: nu$b,
 977        windows: constant$1(windows),
 978        ios: constant$1(ios),
 979        android: constant$1(android),
 980        linux: constant$1(linux),
 981        osx: constant$1(osx),
 982        solaris: constant$1(solaris),
 983        freebsd: constant$1(freebsd),
 984        chromeos: constant$1(chromeos)
 985      };
 987      var detect$2 = function (userAgent, userAgentDataOpt, mediaMatch) {
 988        var browsers = PlatformInfo.browsers();
 989        var oses = PlatformInfo.oses();
 990        var browser = userAgentDataOpt.bind(function (userAgentData) {
 991          return detectBrowser$1(browsers, userAgentData);
 992        }).orThunk(function () {
 993          return detectBrowser(browsers, userAgent);
 994        }).fold(Browser.unknown, Browser.nu);
 995        var os = detectOs(oses, userAgent).fold(OperatingSystem.unknown, OperatingSystem.nu);
 996        var deviceType = DeviceType(os, browser, userAgent, mediaMatch);
 997        return {
 998          browser: browser,
 999          os: os,
1000          deviceType: deviceType
1001        };
1002      };
1003      var PlatformDetection = { detect: detect$2 };
1005      var mediaMatch = function (query) {
1006        return window.matchMedia(query).matches;
1007      };
1008      var platform = cached(function () {
1009        return PlatformDetection.detect(navigator.userAgent, Optional.from(navigator.userAgentData), mediaMatch);
1010      });
1011      var detect$1 = function () {
1012        return platform();
1013      };
1015      var compareDocumentPosition = function (a, b, match) {
1016        return (a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & match) !== 0;
1017      };
1018      var documentPositionContainedBy = function (a, b) {
1019        return compareDocumentPosition(a, b, Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY);
1020      };
1022      var is = function (element, selector) {
1023        var dom = element.dom;
1024        if (dom.nodeType !== ELEMENT) {
1025          return false;
1026        } else {
1027          var elem = dom;
1028          if (elem.matches !== undefined) {
1029            return elem.matches(selector);
1030          } else if (elem.msMatchesSelector !== undefined) {
1031            return elem.msMatchesSelector(selector);
1032          } else if (elem.webkitMatchesSelector !== undefined) {
1033            return elem.webkitMatchesSelector(selector);
1034          } else if (elem.mozMatchesSelector !== undefined) {
1035            return elem.mozMatchesSelector(selector);
1036          } else {
1037            throw new Error('Browser lacks native selectors');
1038          }
1039        }
1040      };
1041      var bypassSelector = function (dom) {
1042        return dom.nodeType !== ELEMENT && dom.nodeType !== DOCUMENT && dom.nodeType !== DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT || dom.childElementCount === 0;
1043      };
1044      var all$3 = function (selector, scope) {
1045        var base = scope === undefined ? document : scope.dom;
1046        return bypassSelector(base) ? [] : map$2(base.querySelectorAll(selector), SugarElement.fromDom);
1047      };
1048      var one = function (selector, scope) {
1049        var base = scope === undefined ? document : scope.dom;
1050        return bypassSelector(base) ? Optional.none() : Optional.from(base.querySelector(selector)).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
1051      };
1053      var eq = function (e1, e2) {
1054        return e1.dom === e2.dom;
1055      };
1056      var regularContains = function (e1, e2) {
1057        var d1 = e1.dom;
1058        var d2 = e2.dom;
1059        return d1 === d2 ? false : d1.contains(d2);
1060      };
1061      var ieContains = function (e1, e2) {
1062        return documentPositionContainedBy(e1.dom, e2.dom);
1063      };
1064      var contains = function (e1, e2) {
1065        return detect$1().browser.isIE() ? ieContains(e1, e2) : regularContains(e1, e2);
1066      };
1068      var owner$4 = function (element) {
1069        return SugarElement.fromDom(element.dom.ownerDocument);
1070      };
1071      var documentOrOwner = function (dos) {
1072        return isDocument(dos) ? dos : owner$4(dos);
1073      };
1074      var documentElement = function (element) {
1075        return SugarElement.fromDom(documentOrOwner(element).dom.documentElement);
1076      };
1077      var defaultView = function (element) {
1078        return SugarElement.fromDom(documentOrOwner(element).dom.defaultView);
1079      };
1080      var parent = function (element) {
1081        return Optional.from(element.dom.parentNode).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
1082      };
1083      var parentNode = function (element) {
1084        return parent(element);
1085      };
1086      var offsetParent = function (element) {
1087        return Optional.from(element.dom.offsetParent).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
1088      };
1089      var nextSibling = function (element) {
1090        return Optional.from(element.dom.nextSibling).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
1091      };
1092      var children = function (element) {
1093        return map$2(element.dom.childNodes, SugarElement.fromDom);
1094      };
1095      var child$2 = function (element, index) {
1096        var cs = element.dom.childNodes;
1097        return Optional.from(cs[index]).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
1098      };
1099      var firstChild = function (element) {
1100        return child$2(element, 0);
1101      };
1102      var spot = function (element, offset) {
1103        return {
1104          element: element,
1105          offset: offset
1106        };
1107      };
1108      var leaf = function (element, offset) {
1109        var cs = children(element);
1110        return cs.length > 0 && offset < cs.length ? spot(cs[offset], 0) : spot(element, offset);
1111      };
1113      var isShadowRoot = function (dos) {
1114        return isDocumentFragment(dos) && isNonNullable(dos.dom.host);
1115      };
1116      var supported = isFunction(Element.prototype.attachShadow) && isFunction(Node.prototype.getRootNode);
1117      var isSupported = constant$1(supported);
1118      var getRootNode = supported ? function (e) {
1119        return SugarElement.fromDom(e.dom.getRootNode());
1120      } : documentOrOwner;
1121      var getContentContainer = function (dos) {
1122        return isShadowRoot(dos) ? dos : SugarElement.fromDom(documentOrOwner(dos).dom.body);
1123      };
1124      var isInShadowRoot = function (e) {
1125        return getShadowRoot(e).isSome();
1126      };
1127      var getShadowRoot = function (e) {
1128        var r = getRootNode(e);
1129        return isShadowRoot(r) ? Optional.some(r) : Optional.none();
1130      };
1131      var getShadowHost = function (e) {
1132        return SugarElement.fromDom(e.dom.host);
1133      };
1134      var getOriginalEventTarget = function (event) {
1135        if (isSupported() && isNonNullable(event.target)) {
1136          var el = SugarElement.fromDom(event.target);
1137          if (isElement$2(el) && isOpenShadowHost(el)) {
1138            if (event.composed && event.composedPath) {
1139              var composedPath = event.composedPath();
1140              if (composedPath) {
1141                return head(composedPath);
1142              }
1143            }
1144          }
1145        }
1146        return Optional.from(event.target);
1147      };
1148      var isOpenShadowHost = function (element) {
1149        return isNonNullable(element.dom.shadowRoot);
1150      };
1152      var inBody = function (element) {
1153        var dom = isText$1(element) ? element.dom.parentNode : element.dom;
1154        if (dom === undefined || dom === null || dom.ownerDocument === null) {
1155          return false;
1156        }
1157        var doc = dom.ownerDocument;
1158        return getShadowRoot(SugarElement.fromDom(dom)).fold(function () {
1159          return doc.body.contains(dom);
1160        }, compose1(inBody, getShadowHost));
1161      };
1162      var body = function () {
1163        return getBody(SugarElement.fromDom(document));
1164      };
1165      var getBody = function (doc) {
1166        var b = doc.dom.body;
1167        if (b === null || b === undefined) {
1168          throw new Error('Body is not available yet');
1169        }
1170        return SugarElement.fromDom(b);
1171      };
1173      var rawSet = function (dom, key, value) {
1174        if (isString(value) || isBoolean(value) || isNumber(value)) {
1175          dom.setAttribute(key, value + '');
1176        } else {
1177          console.error('Invalid call to Attribute.set. Key ', key, ':: Value ', value, ':: Element ', dom);
1178          throw new Error('Attribute value was not simple');
1179        }
1180      };
1181      var set$8 = function (element, key, value) {
1182        rawSet(element.dom, key, value);
1183      };
1184      var setAll$1 = function (element, attrs) {
1185        var dom = element.dom;
1186        each(attrs, function (v, k) {
1187          rawSet(dom, k, v);
1188        });
1189      };
1190      var get$d = function (element, key) {
1191        var v = element.dom.getAttribute(key);
1192        return v === null ? undefined : v;
1193      };
1194      var getOpt = function (element, key) {
1195        return Optional.from(get$d(element, key));
1196      };
1197      var has$1 = function (element, key) {
1198        var dom = element.dom;
1199        return dom && dom.hasAttribute ? dom.hasAttribute(key) : false;
1200      };
1201      var remove$7 = function (element, key) {
1202        element.dom.removeAttribute(key);
1203      };
1205      var internalSet = function (dom, property, value) {
1206        if (!isString(value)) {
1207          console.error('Invalid call to CSS.set. Property ', property, ':: Value ', value, ':: Element ', dom);
1208          throw new Error('CSS value must be a string: ' + value);
1209        }
1210        if (isSupported$1(dom)) {
1211          dom.style.setProperty(property, value);
1212        }
1213      };
1214      var internalRemove = function (dom, property) {
1215        if (isSupported$1(dom)) {
1216          dom.style.removeProperty(property);
1217        }
1218      };
1219      var set$7 = function (element, property, value) {
1220        var dom = element.dom;
1221        internalSet(dom, property, value);
1222      };
1223      var setAll = function (element, css) {
1224        var dom = element.dom;
1225        each(css, function (v, k) {
1226          internalSet(dom, k, v);
1227        });
1228      };
1229      var setOptions = function (element, css) {
1230        var dom = element.dom;
1231        each(css, function (v, k) {
1232          v.fold(function () {
1233            internalRemove(dom, k);
1234          }, function (value) {
1235            internalSet(dom, k, value);
1236          });
1237        });
1238      };
1239      var get$c = function (element, property) {
1240        var dom = element.dom;
1241        var styles = window.getComputedStyle(dom);
1242        var r = styles.getPropertyValue(property);
1243        return r === '' && !inBody(element) ? getUnsafeProperty(dom, property) : r;
1244      };
1245      var getUnsafeProperty = function (dom, property) {
1246        return isSupported$1(dom) ? dom.style.getPropertyValue(property) : '';
1247      };
1248      var getRaw = function (element, property) {
1249        var dom = element.dom;
1250        var raw = getUnsafeProperty(dom, property);
1251        return Optional.from(raw).filter(function (r) {
1252          return r.length > 0;
1253        });
1254      };
1255      var getAllRaw = function (element) {
1256        var css = {};
1257        var dom = element.dom;
1258        if (isSupported$1(dom)) {
1259          for (var i = 0; i < dom.style.length; i++) {
1260            var ruleName = dom.style.item(i);
1261            css[ruleName] = dom.style[ruleName];
1262          }
1263        }
1264        return css;
1265      };
1266      var isValidValue = function (tag, property, value) {
1267        var element = SugarElement.fromTag(tag);
1268        set$7(element, property, value);
1269        var style = getRaw(element, property);
1270        return style.isSome();
1271      };
1272      var remove$6 = function (element, property) {
1273        var dom = element.dom;
1274        internalRemove(dom, property);
1275        if (is$1(getOpt(element, 'style').map(trim$1), '')) {
1276          remove$7(element, 'style');
1277        }
1278      };
1279      var reflow = function (e) {
1280        return e.dom.offsetWidth;
1281      };
1283      var Dimension = function (name, getOffset) {
1284        var set = function (element, h) {
1285          if (!isNumber(h) && !h.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) {
1286            throw new Error(name + '.set accepts only positive integer values. Value was ' + h);
1287          }
1288          var dom = element.dom;
1289          if (isSupported$1(dom)) {
1290            dom.style[name] = h + 'px';
1291          }
1292        };
1293        var get = function (element) {
1294          var r = getOffset(element);
1295          if (r <= 0 || r === null) {
1296            var css = get$c(element, name);
1297            return parseFloat(css) || 0;
1298          }
1299          return r;
1300        };
1301        var getOuter = get;
1302        var aggregate = function (element, properties) {
1303          return foldl(properties, function (acc, property) {
1304            var val = get$c(element, property);
1305            var value = val === undefined ? 0 : parseInt(val, 10);
1306            return isNaN(value) ? acc : acc + value;
1307          }, 0);
1308        };
1309        var max = function (element, value, properties) {
1310          var cumulativeInclusions = aggregate(element, properties);
1311          var absoluteMax = value > cumulativeInclusions ? value - cumulativeInclusions : 0;
1312          return absoluteMax;
1313        };
1314        return {
1315          set: set,
1316          get: get,
1317          getOuter: getOuter,
1318          aggregate: aggregate,
1319          max: max
1320        };
1321      };
1323      var api$3 = Dimension('height', function (element) {
1324        var dom = element.dom;
1325        return inBody(element) ? dom.getBoundingClientRect().height : dom.offsetHeight;
1326      });
1327      var get$b = function (element) {
1328        return api$3.get(element);
1329      };
1330      var getOuter$2 = function (element) {
1331        return api$3.getOuter(element);
1332      };
1333      var setMax$1 = function (element, value) {
1334        var inclusions = [
1335          'margin-top',
1336          'border-top-width',
1337          'padding-top',
1338          'padding-bottom',
1339          'border-bottom-width',
1340          'margin-bottom'
1341        ];
1342        var absMax = api$3.max(element, value, inclusions);
1343        set$7(element, 'max-height', absMax + 'px');
1344      };
1346      var r$1 = function (left, top) {
1347        var translate = function (x, y) {
1348          return r$1(left + x, top + y);
1349        };
1350        return {
1351          left: left,
1352          top: top,
1353          translate: translate
1354        };
1355      };
1356      var SugarPosition = r$1;
1358      var boxPosition = function (dom) {
1359        var box = dom.getBoundingClientRect();
1360        return SugarPosition(box.left, box.top);
1361      };
1362      var firstDefinedOrZero = function (a, b) {
1363        if (a !== undefined) {
1364          return a;
1365        } else {
1366          return b !== undefined ? b : 0;
1367        }
1368      };
1369      var absolute$3 = function (element) {
1370        var doc = element.dom.ownerDocument;
1371        var body = doc.body;
1372        var win = doc.defaultView;
1373        var html = doc.documentElement;
1374        if (body === element.dom) {
1375          return SugarPosition(body.offsetLeft, body.offsetTop);
1376        }
1377        var scrollTop = firstDefinedOrZero(win === null || win === void 0 ? void 0 : win.pageYOffset, html.scrollTop);
1378        var scrollLeft = firstDefinedOrZero(win === null || win === void 0 ? void 0 : win.pageXOffset, html.scrollLeft);
1379        var clientTop = firstDefinedOrZero(html.clientTop, body.clientTop);
1380        var clientLeft = firstDefinedOrZero(html.clientLeft, body.clientLeft);
1381        return viewport$1(element).translate(scrollLeft - clientLeft, scrollTop - clientTop);
1382      };
1383      var viewport$1 = function (element) {
1384        var dom = element.dom;
1385        var doc = dom.ownerDocument;
1386        var body = doc.body;
1387        if (body === dom) {
1388          return SugarPosition(body.offsetLeft, body.offsetTop);
1389        }
1390        if (!inBody(element)) {
1391          return SugarPosition(0, 0);
1392        }
1393        return boxPosition(dom);
1394      };
1396      var api$2 = Dimension('width', function (element) {
1397        return element.dom.offsetWidth;
1398      });
1399      var set$6 = function (element, h) {
1400        return api$2.set(element, h);
1401      };
1402      var get$a = function (element) {
1403        return api$2.get(element);
1404      };
1405      var getOuter$1 = function (element) {
1406        return api$2.getOuter(element);
1407      };
1408      var setMax = function (element, value) {
1409        var inclusions = [
1410          'margin-left',
1411          'border-left-width',
1412          'padding-left',
1413          'padding-right',
1414          'border-right-width',
1415          'margin-right'
1416        ];
1417        var absMax = api$2.max(element, value, inclusions);
1418        set$7(element, 'max-width', absMax + 'px');
1419      };
1421      var mkEvent = function (target, x, y, stop, prevent, kill, raw) {
1422        return {
1423          target: target,
1424          x: x,
1425          y: y,
1426          stop: stop,
1427          prevent: prevent,
1428          kill: kill,
1429          raw: raw
1430        };
1431      };
1432      var fromRawEvent$1 = function (rawEvent) {
1433        var target = SugarElement.fromDom(getOriginalEventTarget(rawEvent).getOr(rawEvent.target));
1434        var stop = function () {
1435          return rawEvent.stopPropagation();
1436        };
1437        var prevent = function () {
1438          return rawEvent.preventDefault();
1439        };
1440        var kill = compose(prevent, stop);
1441        return mkEvent(target, rawEvent.clientX, rawEvent.clientY, stop, prevent, kill, rawEvent);
1442      };
1443      var handle = function (filter, handler) {
1444        return function (rawEvent) {
1445          if (filter(rawEvent)) {
1446            handler(fromRawEvent$1(rawEvent));
1447          }
1448        };
1449      };
1450      var binder = function (element, event, filter, handler, useCapture) {
1451        var wrapped = handle(filter, handler);
1452        element.dom.addEventListener(event, wrapped, useCapture);
1453        return { unbind: curry(unbind, element, event, wrapped, useCapture) };
1454      };
1455      var bind$2 = function (element, event, filter, handler) {
1456        return binder(element, event, filter, handler, false);
1457      };
1458      var capture$1 = function (element, event, filter, handler) {
1459        return binder(element, event, filter, handler, true);
1460      };
1461      var unbind = function (element, event, handler, useCapture) {
1462        element.dom.removeEventListener(event, handler, useCapture);
1463      };
1465      var before$2 = function (marker, element) {
1466        var parent$1 = parent(marker);
1467        parent$1.each(function (v) {
1468          v.dom.insertBefore(element.dom, marker.dom);
1469        });
1470      };
1471      var after$2 = function (marker, element) {
1472        var sibling = nextSibling(marker);
1473        sibling.fold(function () {
1474          var parent$1 = parent(marker);
1475          parent$1.each(function (v) {
1476            append$2(v, element);
1477          });
1478        }, function (v) {
1479          before$2(v, element);
1480        });
1481      };
1482      var prepend$1 = function (parent, element) {
1483        var firstChild$1 = firstChild(parent);
1484        firstChild$1.fold(function () {
1485          append$2(parent, element);
1486        }, function (v) {
1487          parent.dom.insertBefore(element.dom, v.dom);
1488        });
1489      };
1490      var append$2 = function (parent, element) {
1491        parent.dom.appendChild(element.dom);
1492      };
1493      var appendAt = function (parent, element, index) {
1494        child$2(parent, index).fold(function () {
1495          append$2(parent, element);
1496        }, function (v) {
1497          before$2(v, element);
1498        });
1499      };
1501      var before$1 = function (marker, elements) {
1502        each$1(elements, function (x) {
1503          before$2(marker, x);
1504        });
1505      };
1506      var append$1 = function (parent, elements) {
1507        each$1(elements, function (x) {
1508          append$2(parent, x);
1509        });
1510      };
1512      var empty = function (element) {
1513        element.dom.textContent = '';
1514        each$1(children(element), function (rogue) {
1515          remove$5(rogue);
1516        });
1517      };
1518      var remove$5 = function (element) {
1519        var dom = element.dom;
1520        if (dom.parentNode !== null) {
1521          dom.parentNode.removeChild(dom);
1522        }
1523      };
1524      var unwrap = function (wrapper) {
1525        var children$1 = children(wrapper);
1526        if (children$1.length > 0) {
1527          before$1(wrapper, children$1);
1528        }
1529        remove$5(wrapper);
1530      };
1532      var get$9 = function (_DOC) {
1533        var doc = _DOC !== undefined ? _DOC.dom : document;
1534        var x = doc.body.scrollLeft || doc.documentElement.scrollLeft;
1535        var y = doc.body.scrollTop || doc.documentElement.scrollTop;
1536        return SugarPosition(x, y);
1537      };
1538      var to = function (x, y, _DOC) {
1539        var doc = _DOC !== undefined ? _DOC.dom : document;
1540        var win = doc.defaultView;
1541        if (win) {
1542          win.scrollTo(x, y);
1543        }
1544      };
1546      var get$8 = function (_win) {
1547        var win = _win === undefined ? window : _win;
1548        if (detect$1().browser.isFirefox()) {
1549          return Optional.none();
1550        } else {
1551          return Optional.from(win['visualViewport']);
1552        }
1553      };
1554      var bounds$1 = function (x, y, width, height) {
1555        return {
1556          x: x,
1557          y: y,
1558          width: width,
1559          height: height,
1560          right: x + width,
1561          bottom: y + height
1562        };
1563      };
1564      var getBounds$3 = function (_win) {
1565        var win = _win === undefined ? window : _win;
1566        var doc = win.document;
1567        var scroll = get$9(SugarElement.fromDom(doc));
1568        return get$8(win).fold(function () {
1569          var html = win.document.documentElement;
1570          var width = html.clientWidth;
1571          var height = html.clientHeight;
1572          return bounds$1(scroll.left, scroll.top, width, height);
1573        }, function (visualViewport) {
1574          return bounds$1(Math.max(visualViewport.pageLeft, scroll.left), Math.max(visualViewport.pageTop, scroll.top), visualViewport.width, visualViewport.height);
1575        });
1576      };
1578      var walkUp = function (navigation, doc) {
1579        var frame = navigation.view(doc);
1580        return frame.fold(constant$1([]), function (f) {
1581          var parent = navigation.owner(f);
1582          var rest = walkUp(navigation, parent);
1583          return [f].concat(rest);
1584        });
1585      };
1586      var pathTo = function (element, navigation) {
1587        var d = navigation.owner(element);
1588        var paths = walkUp(navigation, d);
1589        return Optional.some(paths);
1590      };
1592      var view = function (doc) {
1593        var _a;
1594        var element = doc.dom === document ? Optional.none() : Optional.from((_a = doc.dom.defaultView) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.frameElement);
1595        return element.map(SugarElement.fromDom);
1596      };
1597      var owner$3 = function (element) {
1598        return owner$4(element);
1599      };
1601      var Navigation = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
1602          __proto__: null,
1603          view: view,
1604          owner: owner$3
1605      });
1607      var find$2 = function (element) {
1608        var doc = SugarElement.fromDom(document);
1609        var scroll = get$9(doc);
1610        var path = pathTo(element, Navigation);
1611        return path.fold(curry(absolute$3, element), function (frames) {
1612          var offset = viewport$1(element);
1613          var r = foldr(frames, function (b, a) {
1614            var loc = viewport$1(a);
1615            return {
1616              left: b.left + loc.left,
1617              top: b.top + loc.top
1618            };
1619          }, {
1620            left: 0,
1621            top: 0
1622          });
1623          return SugarPosition(r.left + offset.left + scroll.left, r.top + offset.top + scroll.top);
1624        });
1625      };
1627      var pointed = function (point, width, height) {
1628        return {
1629          point: point,
1630          width: width,
1631          height: height
1632        };
1633      };
1634      var rect = function (x, y, width, height) {
1635        return {
1636          x: x,
1637          y: y,
1638          width: width,
1639          height: height
1640        };
1641      };
1642      var bounds = function (x, y, width, height) {
1643        return {
1644          x: x,
1645          y: y,
1646          width: width,
1647          height: height,
1648          right: x + width,
1649          bottom: y + height
1650        };
1651      };
1652      var box$1 = function (element) {
1653        var xy = absolute$3(element);
1654        var w = getOuter$1(element);
1655        var h = getOuter$2(element);
1656        return bounds(xy.left, xy.top, w, h);
1657      };
1658      var absolute$2 = function (element) {
1659        var position = find$2(element);
1660        var width = getOuter$1(element);
1661        var height = getOuter$2(element);
1662        return bounds(position.left, position.top, width, height);
1663      };
1664      var win = function () {
1665        return getBounds$3(window);
1666      };
1668      var value$3 = function (o) {
1669        var or = function (_opt) {
1670          return value$3(o);
1671        };
1672        var orThunk = function (_f) {
1673          return value$3(o);
1674        };
1675        var map = function (f) {
1676          return value$3(f(o));
1677        };
1678        var mapError = function (_f) {
1679          return value$3(o);
1680        };
1681        var each = function (f) {
1682          f(o);
1683        };
1684        var bind = function (f) {
1685          return f(o);
1686        };
1687        var fold = function (_, onValue) {
1688          return onValue(o);
1689        };
1690        var exists = function (f) {
1691          return f(o);
1692        };
1693        var forall = function (f) {
1694          return f(o);
1695        };
1696        var toOptional = function () {
1697          return Optional.some(o);
1698        };
1699        return {
1700          isValue: always,
1701          isError: never,
1702          getOr: constant$1(o),
1703          getOrThunk: constant$1(o),
1704          getOrDie: constant$1(o),
1705          or: or,
1706          orThunk: orThunk,
1707          fold: fold,
1708          map: map,
1709          mapError: mapError,
1710          each: each,
1711          bind: bind,
1712          exists: exists,
1713          forall: forall,
1714          toOptional: toOptional
1715        };
1716      };
1717      var error$1 = function (message) {
1718        var getOrThunk = function (f) {
1719          return f();
1720        };
1721        var getOrDie = function () {
1722          return die(String(message))();
1723        };
1724        var or = identity$1;
1725        var orThunk = function (f) {
1726          return f();
1727        };
1728        var map = function (_f) {
1729          return error$1(message);
1730        };
1731        var mapError = function (f) {
1732          return error$1(f(message));
1733        };
1734        var bind = function (_f) {
1735          return error$1(message);
1736        };
1737        var fold = function (onError, _) {
1738          return onError(message);
1739        };
1740        return {
1741          isValue: never,
1742          isError: always,
1743          getOr: identity$1,
1744          getOrThunk: getOrThunk,
1745          getOrDie: getOrDie,
1746          or: or,
1747          orThunk: orThunk,
1748          fold: fold,
1749          map: map,
1750          mapError: mapError,
1751          each: noop,
1752          bind: bind,
1753          exists: never,
1754          forall: always,
1755          toOptional: Optional.none
1756        };
1757      };
1758      var fromOption = function (opt, err) {
1759        return opt.fold(function () {
1760          return error$1(err);
1761        }, value$3);
1762      };
1763      var Result = {
1764        value: value$3,
1765        error: error$1,
1766        fromOption: fromOption
1767      };
1769      var SimpleResultType;
1770      (function (SimpleResultType) {
1771        SimpleResultType[SimpleResultType['Error'] = 0] = 'Error';
1772        SimpleResultType[SimpleResultType['Value'] = 1] = 'Value';
1773      }(SimpleResultType || (SimpleResultType = {})));
1774      var fold$1 = function (res, onError, onValue) {
1775        return res.stype === SimpleResultType.Error ? onError(res.serror) : onValue(res.svalue);
1776      };
1777      var partition$2 = function (results) {
1778        var values = [];
1779        var errors = [];
1780        each$1(results, function (obj) {
1781          fold$1(obj, function (err) {
1782            return errors.push(err);
1783          }, function (val) {
1784            return values.push(val);
1785          });
1786        });
1787        return {
1788          values: values,
1789          errors: errors
1790        };
1791      };
1792      var mapError = function (res, f) {
1793        if (res.stype === SimpleResultType.Error) {
1794          return {
1795            stype: SimpleResultType.Error,
1796            serror: f(res.serror)
1797          };
1798        } else {
1799          return res;
1800        }
1801      };
1802      var map = function (res, f) {
1803        if (res.stype === SimpleResultType.Value) {
1804          return {
1805            stype: SimpleResultType.Value,
1806            svalue: f(res.svalue)
1807          };
1808        } else {
1809          return res;
1810        }
1811      };
1812      var bind$1 = function (res, f) {
1813        if (res.stype === SimpleResultType.Value) {
1814          return f(res.svalue);
1815        } else {
1816          return res;
1817        }
1818      };
1819      var bindError = function (res, f) {
1820        if (res.stype === SimpleResultType.Error) {
1821          return f(res.serror);
1822        } else {
1823          return res;
1824        }
1825      };
1826      var svalue = function (v) {
1827        return {
1828          stype: SimpleResultType.Value,
1829          svalue: v
1830        };
1831      };
1832      var serror = function (e) {
1833        return {
1834          stype: SimpleResultType.Error,
1835          serror: e
1836        };
1837      };
1838      var toResult$1 = function (res) {
1839        return fold$1(res, Result.error, Result.value);
1840      };
1841      var fromResult$1 = function (res) {
1842        return res.fold(serror, svalue);
1843      };
1844      var SimpleResult = {
1845        fromResult: fromResult$1,
1846        toResult: toResult$1,
1847        svalue: svalue,
1848        partition: partition$2,
1849        serror: serror,
1850        bind: bind$1,
1851        bindError: bindError,
1852        map: map,
1853        mapError: mapError,
1854        fold: fold$1
1855      };
1857      var field$2 = function (key, newKey, presence, prop) {
1858        return {
1859          tag: 'field',
1860          key: key,
1861          newKey: newKey,
1862          presence: presence,
1863          prop: prop
1864        };
1865      };
1866      var customField$1 = function (newKey, instantiator) {
1867        return {
1868          tag: 'custom',
1869          newKey: newKey,
1870          instantiator: instantiator
1871        };
1872      };
1873      var fold = function (value, ifField, ifCustom) {
1874        switch (value.tag) {
1875        case 'field':
1876          return ifField(value.key, value.newKey, value.presence, value.prop);
1877        case 'custom':
1878          return ifCustom(value.newKey, value.instantiator);
1879        }
1880      };
1882      var shallow$1 = function (old, nu) {
1883        return nu;
1884      };
1885      var deep = function (old, nu) {
1886        var bothObjects = isObject(old) && isObject(nu);
1887        return bothObjects ? deepMerge(old, nu) : nu;
1888      };
1889      var baseMerge = function (merger) {
1890        return function () {
1891          var objects = [];
1892          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
1893            objects[_i] = arguments[_i];
1894          }
1895          if (objects.length === 0) {
1896            throw new Error('Can\'t merge zero objects');
1897          }
1898          var ret = {};
1899          for (var j = 0; j < objects.length; j++) {
1900            var curObject = objects[j];
1901            for (var key in curObject) {
1902              if (has$2(curObject, key)) {
1903                ret[key] = merger(ret[key], curObject[key]);
1904              }
1905            }
1906          }
1907          return ret;
1908        };
1909      };
1910      var deepMerge = baseMerge(deep);
1911      var merge$1 = baseMerge(shallow$1);
1913      var required$2 = function () {
1914        return {
1915          tag: 'required',
1916          process: {}
1917        };
1918      };
1919      var defaultedThunk = function (fallbackThunk) {
1920        return {
1921          tag: 'defaultedThunk',
1922          process: fallbackThunk
1923        };
1924      };
1925      var defaulted$1 = function (fallback) {
1926        return defaultedThunk(constant$1(fallback));
1927      };
1928      var asOption = function () {
1929        return {
1930          tag: 'option',
1931          process: {}
1932        };
1933      };
1934      var mergeWithThunk = function (baseThunk) {
1935        return {
1936          tag: 'mergeWithThunk',
1937          process: baseThunk
1938        };
1939      };
1940      var mergeWith = function (base) {
1941        return mergeWithThunk(constant$1(base));
1942      };
1944      var mergeValues$1 = function (values, base) {
1945        return values.length > 0 ? SimpleResult.svalue(deepMerge(base, merge$1.apply(undefined, values))) : SimpleResult.svalue(base);
1946      };
1947      var mergeErrors$1 = function (errors) {
1948        return compose(SimpleResult.serror, flatten)(errors);
1949      };
1950      var consolidateObj = function (objects, base) {
1951        var partition = SimpleResult.partition(objects);
1952        return partition.errors.length > 0 ? mergeErrors$1(partition.errors) : mergeValues$1(partition.values, base);
1953      };
1954      var consolidateArr = function (objects) {
1955        var partitions = SimpleResult.partition(objects);
1956        return partitions.errors.length > 0 ? mergeErrors$1(partitions.errors) : SimpleResult.svalue(partitions.values);
1957      };
1958      var ResultCombine = {
1959        consolidateObj: consolidateObj,
1960        consolidateArr: consolidateArr
1961      };
1963      var formatObj = function (input) {
1964        return isObject(input) && keys(input).length > 100 ? ' removed due to size' : JSON.stringify(input, null, 2);
1965      };
1966      var formatErrors = function (errors) {
1967        var es = errors.length > 10 ? errors.slice(0, 10).concat([{
1968            path: [],
1969            getErrorInfo: constant$1('... (only showing first ten failures)')
1970          }]) : errors;
1971        return map$2(es, function (e) {
1972          return 'Failed path: (' + e.path.join(' > ') + ')\n' + e.getErrorInfo();
1973        });
1974      };
1976      var nu$a = function (path, getErrorInfo) {
1977        return SimpleResult.serror([{
1978            path: path,
1979            getErrorInfo: getErrorInfo
1980          }]);
1981      };
1982      var missingRequired = function (path, key, obj) {
1983        return nu$a(path, function () {
1984          return 'Could not find valid *required* value for "' + key + '" in ' + formatObj(obj);
1985        });
1986      };
1987      var missingKey = function (path, key) {
1988        return nu$a(path, function () {
1989          return 'Choice schema did not contain choice key: "' + key + '"';
1990        });
1991      };
1992      var missingBranch = function (path, branches, branch) {
1993        return nu$a(path, function () {
1994          return 'The chosen schema: "' + branch + '" did not exist in branches: ' + formatObj(branches);
1995        });
1996      };
1997      var unsupportedFields = function (path, unsupported) {
1998        return nu$a(path, function () {
1999          return 'There are unsupported fields: [' + unsupported.join(', ') + '] specified';
2000        });
2001      };
2002      var custom = function (path, err) {
2003        return nu$a(path, constant$1(err));
2004      };
2006      var value$2 = function (validator) {
2007        var extract = function (path, val) {
2008          return SimpleResult.bindError(validator(val), function (err) {
2009            return custom(path, err);
2010          });
2011        };
2012        var toString = constant$1('val');
2013        return {
2014          extract: extract,
2015          toString: toString
2016        };
2017      };
2018      var anyValue$1 = value$2(SimpleResult.svalue);
2020      var requiredAccess = function (path, obj, key, bundle) {
2021        return get$e(obj, key).fold(function () {
2022          return missingRequired(path, key, obj);
2023        }, bundle);
2024      };
2025      var fallbackAccess = function (obj, key, fallback, bundle) {
2026        var v = get$e(obj, key).getOrThunk(function () {
2027          return fallback(obj);
2028        });
2029        return bundle(v);
2030      };
2031      var optionAccess = function (obj, key, bundle) {
2032        return bundle(get$e(obj, key));
2033      };
2034      var optionDefaultedAccess = function (obj, key, fallback, bundle) {
2035        var opt = get$e(obj, key).map(function (val) {
2036          return val === true ? fallback(obj) : val;
2037        });
2038        return bundle(opt);
2039      };
2040      var extractField = function (field, path, obj, key, prop) {
2041        var bundle = function (av) {
2042          return prop.extract(path.concat([key]), av);
2043        };
2044        var bundleAsOption = function (optValue) {
2045          return optValue.fold(function () {
2046            return SimpleResult.svalue(Optional.none());
2047          }, function (ov) {
2048            var result = prop.extract(path.concat([key]), ov);
2049            return SimpleResult.map(result, Optional.some);
2050          });
2051        };
2052        switch (field.tag) {
2053        case 'required':
2054          return requiredAccess(path, obj, key, bundle);
2055        case 'defaultedThunk':
2056          return fallbackAccess(obj, key, field.process, bundle);
2057        case 'option':
2058          return optionAccess(obj, key, bundleAsOption);
2059        case 'defaultedOptionThunk':
2060          return optionDefaultedAccess(obj, key, field.process, bundleAsOption);
2061        case 'mergeWithThunk': {
2062            return fallbackAccess(obj, key, constant$1({}), function (v) {
2063              var result = deepMerge(field.process(obj), v);
2064              return bundle(result);
2065            });
2066          }
2067        }
2068      };
2069      var extractFields = function (path, obj, fields) {
2070        var success = {};
2071        var errors = [];
2072        for (var _i = 0, fields_1 = fields; _i < fields_1.length; _i++) {
2073          var field = fields_1[_i];
2074          fold(field, function (key, newKey, presence, prop) {
2075            var result = extractField(presence, path, obj, key, prop);
2076            SimpleResult.fold(result, function (err) {
2077              errors.push.apply(errors, err);
2078            }, function (res) {
2079              success[newKey] = res;
2080            });
2081          }, function (newKey, instantiator) {
2082            success[newKey] = instantiator(obj);
2083          });
2084        }
2085        return errors.length > 0 ? SimpleResult.serror(errors) : SimpleResult.svalue(success);
2086      };
2087      var valueThunk = function (getDelegate) {
2088        var extract = function (path, val) {
2089          return getDelegate().extract(path, val);
2090        };
2091        var toString = function () {
2092          return getDelegate().toString();
2093        };
2094        return {
2095          extract: extract,
2096          toString: toString
2097        };
2098      };
2099      var getSetKeys = function (obj) {
2100        return keys(filter$1(obj, isNonNullable));
2101      };
2102      var objOfOnly = function (fields) {
2103        var delegate = objOf(fields);
2104        var fieldNames = foldr(fields, function (acc, value) {
2105          return fold(value, function (key) {
2106            var _a;
2107            return deepMerge(acc, (_a = {}, _a[key] = true, _a));
2108          }, constant$1(acc));
2109        }, {});
2110        var extract = function (path, o) {
2111          var keys = isBoolean(o) ? [] : getSetKeys(o);
2112          var extra = filter$2(keys, function (k) {
2113            return !hasNonNullableKey(fieldNames, k);
2114          });
2115          return extra.length === 0 ? delegate.extract(path, o) : unsupportedFields(path, extra);
2116        };
2117        return {
2118          extract: extract,
2119          toString: delegate.toString
2120        };
2121      };
2122      var objOf = function (values) {
2123        var extract = function (path, o) {
2124          return extractFields(path, o, values);
2125        };
2126        var toString = function () {
2127          var fieldStrings = map$2(values, function (value) {
2128            return fold(value, function (key, _okey, _presence, prop) {
2129              return key + ' -> ' + prop.toString();
2130            }, function (newKey, _instantiator) {
2131              return 'state(' + newKey + ')';
2132            });
2133          });
2134          return 'obj{\n' + fieldStrings.join('\n') + '}';
2135        };
2136        return {
2137          extract: extract,
2138          toString: toString
2139        };
2140      };
2141      var arrOf = function (prop) {
2142        var extract = function (path, array) {
2143          var results = map$2(array, function (a, i) {
2144            return prop.extract(path.concat(['[' + i + ']']), a);
2145          });
2146          return ResultCombine.consolidateArr(results);
2147        };
2148        var toString = function () {
2149          return 'array(' + prop.toString() + ')';
2150        };
2151        return {
2152          extract: extract,
2153          toString: toString
2154        };
2155      };
2156      var oneOf = function (props) {
2157        var extract = function (path, val) {
2158          var errors = [];
2159          for (var _i = 0, props_1 = props; _i < props_1.length; _i++) {
2160            var prop = props_1[_i];
2161            var res = prop.extract(path, val);
2162            if (res.stype === SimpleResultType.Value) {
2163              return res;
2164            }
2165            errors.push(res);
2166          }
2167          return ResultCombine.consolidateArr(errors);
2168        };
2169        var toString = function () {
2170          return 'oneOf(' + map$2(props, function (prop) {
2171            return prop.toString();
2172          }).join(', ') + ')';
2173        };
2174        return {
2175          extract: extract,
2176          toString: toString
2177        };
2178      };
2179      var setOf$1 = function (validator, prop) {
2180        var validateKeys = function (path, keys) {
2181          return arrOf(value$2(validator)).extract(path, keys);
2182        };
2183        var extract = function (path, o) {
2184          var keys$1 = keys(o);
2185          var validatedKeys = validateKeys(path, keys$1);
2186          return SimpleResult.bind(validatedKeys, function (validKeys) {
2187            var schema = map$2(validKeys, function (vk) {
2188              return field$2(vk, vk, required$2(), prop);
2189            });
2190            return objOf(schema).extract(path, o);
2191          });
2192        };
2193        var toString = function () {
2194          return 'setOf(' + prop.toString() + ')';
2195        };
2196        return {
2197          extract: extract,
2198          toString: toString
2199        };
2200      };
2201      var thunk = function (_desc, processor) {
2202        var getP = cached(processor);
2203        var extract = function (path, val) {
2204          return getP().extract(path, val);
2205        };
2206        var toString = function () {
2207          return getP().toString();
2208        };
2209        return {
2210          extract: extract,
2211          toString: toString
2212        };
2213      };
2214      var arrOfObj = compose(arrOf, objOf);
2216      var anyValue = constant$1(anyValue$1);
2217      var typedValue = function (validator, expectedType) {
2218        return value$2(function (a) {
2219          var actualType = typeof a;
2220          return validator(a) ? SimpleResult.svalue(a) : SimpleResult.serror('Expected type: ' + expectedType + ' but got: ' + actualType);
2221        });
2222      };
2223      var number = typedValue(isNumber, 'number');
2224      var string = typedValue(isString, 'string');
2225      var boolean = typedValue(isBoolean, 'boolean');
2226      var functionProcessor = typedValue(isFunction, 'function');
2227      var isPostMessageable = function (val) {
2228        if (Object(val) !== val) {
2229          return true;
2230        }
2231        switch ({}.toString.call(val).slice(8, -1)) {
2232        case 'Boolean':
2233        case 'Number':
2234        case 'String':
2235        case 'Date':
2236        case 'RegExp':
2237        case 'Blob':
2238        case 'FileList':
2239        case 'ImageData':
2240        case 'ImageBitmap':
2241        case 'ArrayBuffer':
2242          return true;
2243        case 'Array':
2244        case 'Object':
2245          return Object.keys(val).every(function (prop) {
2246            return isPostMessageable(val[prop]);
2247          });
2248        default:
2249          return false;
2250        }
2251      };
2252      var postMessageable = value$2(function (a) {
2253        if (isPostMessageable(a)) {
2254          return SimpleResult.svalue(a);
2255        } else {
2256          return SimpleResult.serror('Expected value to be acceptable for sending via postMessage');
2257        }
2258      });
2260      var chooseFrom = function (path, input, branches, ch) {
2261        var fields = get$e(branches, ch);
2262        return fields.fold(function () {
2263          return missingBranch(path, branches, ch);
2264        }, function (vp) {
2265          return vp.extract(path.concat(['branch: ' + ch]), input);
2266        });
2267      };
2268      var choose$2 = function (key, branches) {
2269        var extract = function (path, input) {
2270          var choice = get$e(input, key);
2271          return choice.fold(function () {
2272            return missingKey(path, key);
2273          }, function (chosen) {
2274            return chooseFrom(path, input, branches, chosen);
2275          });
2276        };
2277        var toString = function () {
2278          return 'chooseOn(' + key + '). Possible values: ' + keys(branches);
2279        };
2280        return {
2281          extract: extract,
2282          toString: toString
2283        };
2284      };
2286      var arrOfVal = function () {
2287        return arrOf(anyValue$1);
2288      };
2289      var valueOf = function (validator) {
2290        return value$2(function (v) {
2291          return validator(v).fold(SimpleResult.serror, SimpleResult.svalue);
2292        });
2293      };
2294      var setOf = function (validator, prop) {
2295        return setOf$1(function (v) {
2296          return SimpleResult.fromResult(validator(v));
2297        }, prop);
2298      };
2299      var extractValue = function (label, prop, obj) {
2300        var res = prop.extract([label], obj);
2301        return SimpleResult.mapError(res, function (errs) {
2302          return {
2303            input: obj,
2304            errors: errs
2305          };
2306        });
2307      };
2308      var asRaw = function (label, prop, obj) {
2309        return SimpleResult.toResult(extractValue(label, prop, obj));
2310      };
2311      var getOrDie = function (extraction) {
2312        return extraction.fold(function (errInfo) {
2313          throw new Error(formatError(errInfo));
2314        }, identity$1);
2315      };
2316      var asRawOrDie$1 = function (label, prop, obj) {
2317        return getOrDie(asRaw(label, prop, obj));
2318      };
2319      var formatError = function (errInfo) {
2320        return 'Errors: \n' + formatErrors(errInfo.errors).join('\n') + '\n\nInput object: ' + formatObj(errInfo.input);
2321      };
2322      var choose$1 = function (key, branches) {
2323        return choose$2(key, map$1(branches, objOf));
2324      };
2325      var thunkOf = function (desc, schema) {
2326        return thunk(desc, schema);
2327      };
2329      var field$1 = field$2;
2330      var customField = customField$1;
2331      var validateEnum = function (values) {
2332        return valueOf(function (value) {
2333          return contains$2(values, value) ? Result.value(value) : Result.error('Unsupported value: "' + value + '", choose one of "' + values.join(', ') + '".');
2334        });
2335      };
2336      var required$1 = function (key) {
2337        return field$1(key, key, required$2(), anyValue());
2338      };
2339      var requiredOf = function (key, schema) {
2340        return field$1(key, key, required$2(), schema);
2341      };
2342      var requiredNumber = function (key) {
2343        return requiredOf(key, number);
2344      };
2345      var requiredString = function (key) {
2346        return requiredOf(key, string);
2347      };
2348      var requiredStringEnum = function (key, values) {
2349        return field$1(key, key, required$2(), validateEnum(values));
2350      };
2351      var requiredBoolean = function (key) {
2352        return requiredOf(key, boolean);
2353      };
2354      var requiredFunction = function (key) {
2355        return requiredOf(key, functionProcessor);
2356      };
2357      var forbid = function (key, message) {
2358        return field$1(key, key, asOption(), value$2(function (_v) {
2359          return SimpleResult.serror('The field: ' + key + ' is forbidden. ' + message);
2360        }));
2361      };
2362      var requiredObjOf = function (key, objSchema) {
2363        return field$1(key, key, required$2(), objOf(objSchema));
2364      };
2365      var requiredArrayOfObj = function (key, objFields) {
2366        return field$1(key, key, required$2(), arrOfObj(objFields));
2367      };
2368      var requiredArrayOf = function (key, schema) {
2369        return field$1(key, key, required$2(), arrOf(schema));
2370      };
2371      var option = function (key) {
2372        return field$1(key, key, asOption(), anyValue());
2373      };
2374      var optionOf = function (key, schema) {
2375        return field$1(key, key, asOption(), schema);
2376      };
2377      var optionNumber = function (key) {
2378        return optionOf(key, number);
2379      };
2380      var optionString = function (key) {
2381        return optionOf(key, string);
2382      };
2383      var optionFunction = function (key) {
2384        return optionOf(key, functionProcessor);
2385      };
2386      var optionArrayOf = function (key, schema) {
2387        return optionOf(key, arrOf(schema));
2388      };
2389      var optionObjOf = function (key, objSchema) {
2390        return optionOf(key, objOf(objSchema));
2391      };
2392      var optionObjOfOnly = function (key, objSchema) {
2393        return optionOf(key, objOfOnly(objSchema));
2394      };
2395      var defaulted = function (key, fallback) {
2396        return field$1(key, key, defaulted$1(fallback), anyValue());
2397      };
2398      var defaultedOf = function (key, fallback, schema) {
2399        return field$1(key, key, defaulted$1(fallback), schema);
2400      };
2401      var defaultedNumber = function (key, fallback) {
2402        return defaultedOf(key, fallback, number);
2403      };
2404      var defaultedString = function (key, fallback) {
2405        return defaultedOf(key, fallback, string);
2406      };
2407      var defaultedStringEnum = function (key, fallback, values) {
2408        return defaultedOf(key, fallback, validateEnum(values));
2409      };
2410      var defaultedBoolean = function (key, fallback) {
2411        return defaultedOf(key, fallback, boolean);
2412      };
2413      var defaultedFunction = function (key, fallback) {
2414        return defaultedOf(key, fallback, functionProcessor);
2415      };
2416      var defaultedPostMsg = function (key, fallback) {
2417        return defaultedOf(key, fallback, postMessageable);
2418      };
2419      var defaultedArrayOf = function (key, fallback, schema) {
2420        return defaultedOf(key, fallback, arrOf(schema));
2421      };
2422      var defaultedObjOf = function (key, fallback, objSchema) {
2423        return defaultedOf(key, fallback, objOf(objSchema));
2424      };
2426      var Cell = function (initial) {
2427        var value = initial;
2428        var get = function () {
2429          return value;
2430        };
2431        var set = function (v) {
2432          value = v;
2433        };
2434        return {
2435          get: get,
2436          set: set
2437        };
2438      };
2440      var generate$7 = function (cases) {
2441        if (!isArray(cases)) {
2442          throw new Error('cases must be an array');
2443        }
2444        if (cases.length === 0) {
2445          throw new Error('there must be at least one case');
2446        }
2447        var constructors = [];
2448        var adt = {};
2449        each$1(cases, function (acase, count) {
2450          var keys$1 = keys(acase);
2451          if (keys$1.length !== 1) {
2452            throw new Error('one and only one name per case');
2453          }
2454          var key = keys$1[0];
2455          var value = acase[key];
2456          if (adt[key] !== undefined) {
2457            throw new Error('duplicate key detected:' + key);
2458          } else if (key === 'cata') {
2459            throw new Error('cannot have a case named cata (sorry)');
2460          } else if (!isArray(value)) {
2461            throw new Error('case arguments must be an array');
2462          }
2463          constructors.push(key);
2464          adt[key] = function () {
2465            var args = [];
2466            for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2467              args[_i] = arguments[_i];
2468            }
2469            var argLength = args.length;
2470            if (argLength !== value.length) {
2471              throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to case ' + key + '. Expected ' + value.length + ' (' + value + '), got ' + argLength);
2472            }
2473            var match = function (branches) {
2474              var branchKeys = keys(branches);
2475              if (constructors.length !== branchKeys.length) {
2476                throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to match. Expected: ' + constructors.join(',') + '\nActual: ' + branchKeys.join(','));
2477              }
2478              var allReqd = forall(constructors, function (reqKey) {
2479                return contains$2(branchKeys, reqKey);
2480              });
2481              if (!allReqd) {
2482                throw new Error('Not all branches were specified when using match. Specified: ' + branchKeys.join(', ') + '\nRequired: ' + constructors.join(', '));
2483              }
2484              return branches[key].apply(null, args);
2485            };
2486            return {
2487              fold: function () {
2488                var foldArgs = [];
2489                for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2490                  foldArgs[_i] = arguments[_i];
2491                }
2492                if (foldArgs.length !== cases.length) {
2493                  throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments to fold. Expected ' + cases.length + ', got ' + foldArgs.length);
2494                }
2495                var target = foldArgs[count];
2496                return target.apply(null, args);
2497              },
2498              match: match,
2499              log: function (label) {
2500                console.log(label, {
2501                  constructors: constructors,
2502                  constructor: key,
2503                  params: args
2504                });
2505              }
2506            };
2507          };
2508        });
2509        return adt;
2510      };
2511      var Adt = { generate: generate$7 };
2513      Adt.generate([
2514        {
2515          bothErrors: [
2516            'error1',
2517            'error2'
2518          ]
2519        },
2520        {
2521          firstError: [
2522            'error1',
2523            'value2'
2524          ]
2525        },
2526        {
2527          secondError: [
2528            'value1',
2529            'error2'
2530          ]
2531        },
2532        {
2533          bothValues: [
2534            'value1',
2535            'value2'
2536          ]
2537        }
2538      ]);
2539      var partition$1 = function (results) {
2540        var errors = [];
2541        var values = [];
2542        each$1(results, function (result) {
2543          result.fold(function (err) {
2544            errors.push(err);
2545          }, function (value) {
2546            values.push(value);
2547          });
2548        });
2549        return {
2550          errors: errors,
2551          values: values
2552        };
2553      };
2555      var exclude$1 = function (obj, fields) {
2556        var r = {};
2557        each(obj, function (v, k) {
2558          if (!contains$2(fields, k)) {
2559            r[k] = v;
2560          }
2561        });
2562        return r;
2563      };
2565      var wrap$2 = function (key, value) {
2566        var _a;
2567        return _a = {}, _a[key] = value, _a;
2568      };
2569      var wrapAll$1 = function (keyvalues) {
2570        var r = {};
2571        each$1(keyvalues, function (kv) {
2572          r[kv.key] = kv.value;
2573        });
2574        return r;
2575      };
2577      var exclude = function (obj, fields) {
2578        return exclude$1(obj, fields);
2579      };
2580      var wrap$1 = function (key, value) {
2581        return wrap$2(key, value);
2582      };
2583      var wrapAll = function (keyvalues) {
2584        return wrapAll$1(keyvalues);
2585      };
2586      var mergeValues = function (values, base) {
2587        return values.length === 0 ? Result.value(base) : Result.value(deepMerge(base, merge$1.apply(undefined, values)));
2588      };
2589      var mergeErrors = function (errors) {
2590        return Result.error(flatten(errors));
2591      };
2592      var consolidate = function (objs, base) {
2593        var partitions = partition$1(objs);
2594        return partitions.errors.length > 0 ? mergeErrors(partitions.errors) : mergeValues(partitions.values, base);
2595      };
2597      var ensureIsRoot = function (isRoot) {
2598        return isFunction(isRoot) ? isRoot : never;
2599      };
2600      var ancestor$2 = function (scope, transform, isRoot) {
2601        var element = scope.dom;
2602        var stop = ensureIsRoot(isRoot);
2603        while (element.parentNode) {
2604          element = element.parentNode;
2605          var el = SugarElement.fromDom(element);
2606          var transformed = transform(el);
2607          if (transformed.isSome()) {
2608            return transformed;
2609          } else if (stop(el)) {
2610            break;
2611          }
2612        }
2613        return Optional.none();
2614      };
2615      var closest$4 = function (scope, transform, isRoot) {
2616        var current = transform(scope);
2617        var stop = ensureIsRoot(isRoot);
2618        return current.orThunk(function () {
2619          return stop(scope) ? Optional.none() : ancestor$2(scope, transform, stop);
2620        });
2621      };
2623      var isSource = function (component, simulatedEvent) {
2624        return eq(component.element, simulatedEvent.event.target);
2625      };
2627      var defaultEventHandler = {
2628        can: always,
2629        abort: never,
2630        run: noop
2631      };
2632      var nu$9 = function (parts) {
2633        if (!hasNonNullableKey(parts, 'can') && !hasNonNullableKey(parts, 'abort') && !hasNonNullableKey(parts, 'run')) {
2634          throw new Error('EventHandler defined by: ' + JSON.stringify(parts, null, 2) + ' does not have can, abort, or run!');
2635        }
2636        return __assign(__assign({}, defaultEventHandler), parts);
2637      };
2638      var all$2 = function (handlers, f) {
2639        return function () {
2640          var args = [];
2641          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2642            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
2643          }
2644          return foldl(handlers, function (acc, handler) {
2645            return acc && f(handler).apply(undefined, args);
2646          }, true);
2647        };
2648      };
2649      var any = function (handlers, f) {
2650        return function () {
2651          var args = [];
2652          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2653            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
2654          }
2655          return foldl(handlers, function (acc, handler) {
2656            return acc || f(handler).apply(undefined, args);
2657          }, false);
2658        };
2659      };
2660      var read$2 = function (handler) {
2661        return isFunction(handler) ? {
2662          can: always,
2663          abort: never,
2664          run: handler
2665        } : handler;
2666      };
2667      var fuse$1 = function (handlers) {
2668        var can = all$2(handlers, function (handler) {
2669          return handler.can;
2670        });
2671        var abort = any(handlers, function (handler) {
2672          return handler.abort;
2673        });
2674        var run = function () {
2675          var args = [];
2676          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
2677            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
2678          }
2679          each$1(handlers, function (handler) {
2680            handler.run.apply(undefined, args);
2681          });
2682        };
2683        return {
2684          can: can,
2685          abort: abort,
2686          run: run
2687        };
2688      };
2690      var constant = constant$1;
2691      var touchstart = constant('touchstart');
2692      var touchmove = constant('touchmove');
2693      var touchend = constant('touchend');
2694      var touchcancel = constant('touchcancel');
2695      var mousedown = constant('mousedown');
2696      var mousemove = constant('mousemove');
2697      var mouseout = constant('mouseout');
2698      var mouseup = constant('mouseup');
2699      var mouseover = constant('mouseover');
2700      var focusin = constant('focusin');
2701      var focusout = constant('focusout');
2702      var keydown = constant('keydown');
2703      var keyup = constant('keyup');
2704      var input = constant('input');
2705      var change = constant('change');
2706      var click = constant('click');
2707      var transitioncancel = constant('transitioncancel');
2708      var transitionend = constant('transitionend');
2709      var transitionstart = constant('transitionstart');
2710      var selectstart = constant('selectstart');
2712      var prefixName = function (name) {
2713        return constant$1('alloy.' + name);
2714      };
2715      var alloy = { tap: prefixName('tap') };
2716      var focus$4 = prefixName('focus');
2717      var postBlur = prefixName('blur.post');
2718      var postPaste = prefixName('paste.post');
2719      var receive = prefixName('receive');
2720      var execute$5 = prefixName('execute');
2721      var focusItem = prefixName('focus.item');
2722      var tap = alloy.tap;
2723      var longpress = prefixName('longpress');
2724      var sandboxClose = prefixName('sandbox.close');
2725      var typeaheadCancel = prefixName('typeahead.cancel');
2726      var systemInit = prefixName('system.init');
2727      var documentTouchmove = prefixName('system.touchmove');
2728      var documentTouchend = prefixName('system.touchend');
2729      var windowScroll = prefixName('system.scroll');
2730      var windowResize = prefixName('system.resize');
2731      var attachedToDom = prefixName('system.attached');
2732      var detachedFromDom = prefixName('system.detached');
2733      var dismissRequested = prefixName('system.dismissRequested');
2734      var repositionRequested = prefixName('system.repositionRequested');
2735      var focusShifted = prefixName('focusmanager.shifted');
2736      var slotVisibility = prefixName('slotcontainer.visibility');
2737      var changeTab = prefixName('change.tab');
2738      var dismissTab = prefixName('dismiss.tab');
2739      var highlight$1 = prefixName('highlight');
2740      var dehighlight$1 = prefixName('dehighlight');
2742      var emit = function (component, event) {
2743        dispatchWith(component, component.element, event, {});
2744      };
2745      var emitWith = function (component, event, properties) {
2746        dispatchWith(component, component.element, event, properties);
2747      };
2748      var emitExecute = function (component) {
2749        emit(component, execute$5());
2750      };
2751      var dispatch = function (component, target, event) {
2752        dispatchWith(component, target, event, {});
2753      };
2754      var dispatchWith = function (component, target, event, properties) {
2755        var data = __assign({ target: target }, properties);
2756        component.getSystem().triggerEvent(event, target, data);
2757      };
2758      var dispatchEvent = function (component, target, event, simulatedEvent) {
2759        component.getSystem().triggerEvent(event, target, simulatedEvent.event);
2760      };
2762      var derive$2 = function (configs) {
2763        return wrapAll(configs);
2764      };
2765      var abort = function (name, predicate) {
2766        return {
2767          key: name,
2768          value: nu$9({ abort: predicate })
2769        };
2770      };
2771      var can = function (name, predicate) {
2772        return {
2773          key: name,
2774          value: nu$9({ can: predicate })
2775        };
2776      };
2777      var preventDefault = function (name) {
2778        return {
2779          key: name,
2780          value: nu$9({
2781            run: function (component, simulatedEvent) {
2782              simulatedEvent.event.prevent();
2783            }
2784          })
2785        };
2786      };
2787      var run$1 = function (name, handler) {
2788        return {
2789          key: name,
2790          value: nu$9({ run: handler })
2791        };
2792      };
2793      var runActionExtra = function (name, action, extra) {
2794        return {
2795          key: name,
2796          value: nu$9({
2797            run: function (component, simulatedEvent) {
2798              action.apply(undefined, [
2799                component,
2800                simulatedEvent
2801              ].concat(extra));
2802            }
2803          })
2804        };
2805      };
2806      var runOnName = function (name) {
2807        return function (handler) {
2808          return run$1(name, handler);
2809        };
2810      };
2811      var runOnSourceName = function (name) {
2812        return function (handler) {
2813          return {
2814            key: name,
2815            value: nu$9({
2816              run: function (component, simulatedEvent) {
2817                if (isSource(component, simulatedEvent)) {
2818                  handler(component, simulatedEvent);
2819                }
2820              }
2821            })
2822          };
2823        };
2824      };
2825      var redirectToUid = function (name, uid) {
2826        return run$1(name, function (component, simulatedEvent) {
2827          component.getSystem().getByUid(uid).each(function (redirectee) {
2828            dispatchEvent(redirectee, redirectee.element, name, simulatedEvent);
2829          });
2830        });
2831      };
2832      var redirectToPart = function (name, detail, partName) {
2833        var uid = detail.partUids[partName];
2834        return redirectToUid(name, uid);
2835      };
2836      var runWithTarget = function (name, f) {
2837        return run$1(name, function (component, simulatedEvent) {
2838          var ev = simulatedEvent.event;
2839          var target = component.getSystem().getByDom(ev.target).getOrThunk(function () {
2840            var closest = closest$4(ev.target, function (el) {
2841              return component.getSystem().getByDom(el).toOptional();
2842            }, never);
2843            return closest.getOr(component);
2844          });
2845          f(component, target, simulatedEvent);
2846        });
2847      };
2848      var cutter = function (name) {
2849        return run$1(name, function (component, simulatedEvent) {
2850          simulatedEvent.cut();
2851        });
2852      };
2853      var stopper = function (name) {
2854        return run$1(name, function (component, simulatedEvent) {
2855          simulatedEvent.stop();
2856        });
2857      };
2858      var runOnSource = function (name, f) {
2859        return runOnSourceName(name)(f);
2860      };
2861      var runOnAttached = runOnSourceName(attachedToDom());
2862      var runOnDetached = runOnSourceName(detachedFromDom());
2863      var runOnInit = runOnSourceName(systemInit());
2864      var runOnExecute$1 = runOnName(execute$5());
2866      var fromHtml$1 = function (html, scope) {
2867        var doc = scope || document;
2868        var div = doc.createElement('div');
2869        div.innerHTML = html;
2870        return children(SugarElement.fromDom(div));
2871      };
2873      var get$7 = function (element) {
2874        return element.dom.innerHTML;
2875      };
2876      var set$5 = function (element, content) {
2877        var owner = owner$4(element);
2878        var docDom = owner.dom;
2879        var fragment = SugarElement.fromDom(docDom.createDocumentFragment());
2880        var contentElements = fromHtml$1(content, docDom);
2881        append$1(fragment, contentElements);
2882        empty(element);
2883        append$2(element, fragment);
2884      };
2885      var getOuter = function (element) {
2886        var container = SugarElement.fromTag('div');
2887        var clone = SugarElement.fromDom(element.dom.cloneNode(true));
2888        append$2(container, clone);
2889        return get$7(container);
2890      };
2892      var clone$1 = function (original, isDeep) {
2893        return SugarElement.fromDom(original.dom.cloneNode(isDeep));
2894      };
2895      var shallow = function (original) {
2896        return clone$1(original, false);
2897      };
2899      var getHtml = function (element) {
2900        if (isShadowRoot(element)) {
2901          return '#shadow-root';
2902        } else {
2903          var clone = shallow(element);
2904          return getOuter(clone);
2905        }
2906      };
2908      var element = function (elem) {
2909        return getHtml(elem);
2910      };
2912      var isRecursive = function (component, originator, target) {
2913        return eq(originator, component.element) && !eq(originator, target);
2914      };
2915      var events$i = derive$2([can(focus$4(), function (component, simulatedEvent) {
2916          var event = simulatedEvent.event;
2917          var originator = event.originator;
2918          var target = event.target;
2919          if (isRecursive(component, originator, target)) {
2920            console.warn(focus$4() + ' did not get interpreted by the desired target. ' + '\nOriginator: ' + element(originator) + '\nTarget: ' + element(target) + '\nCheck the ' + focus$4() + ' event handlers');
2921            return false;
2922          } else {
2923            return true;
2924          }
2925        })]);
2927      var DefaultEvents = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
2928          __proto__: null,
2929          events: events$i
2930      });
2932      var unique = 0;
2933      var generate$6 = function (prefix) {
2934        var date = new Date();
2935        var time = date.getTime();
2936        var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000);
2937        unique++;
2938        return prefix + '_' + random + unique + String(time);
2939      };
2941      var prefix$1 = constant$1('alloy-id-');
2942      var idAttr$1 = constant$1('data-alloy-id');
2944      var prefix = prefix$1();
2945      var idAttr = idAttr$1();
2946      var write = function (label, elem) {
2947        var id = generate$6(prefix + label);
2948        writeOnly(elem, id);
2949        return id;
2950      };
2951      var writeOnly = function (elem, uid) {
2952        Object.defineProperty(elem.dom, idAttr, {
2953          value: uid,
2954          writable: true
2955        });
2956      };
2957      var read$1 = function (elem) {
2958        var id = isElement$2(elem) ? elem.dom[idAttr] : null;
2959        return Optional.from(id);
2960      };
2961      var generate$5 = function (prefix) {
2962        return generate$6(prefix);
2963      };
2965      var make$8 = identity$1;
2967      var NoContextApi = function (getComp) {
2968        var getMessage = function (event) {
2969          return 'The component must be in a context to execute: ' + event + (getComp ? '\n' + element(getComp().element) + ' is not in context.' : '');
2970        };
2971        var fail = function (event) {
2972          return function () {
2973            throw new Error(getMessage(event));
2974          };
2975        };
2976        var warn = function (event) {
2977          return function () {
2978            console.warn(getMessage(event));
2979          };
2980        };
2981        return {
2982          debugInfo: constant$1('fake'),
2983          triggerEvent: warn('triggerEvent'),
2984          triggerFocus: warn('triggerFocus'),
2985          triggerEscape: warn('triggerEscape'),
2986          broadcast: warn('broadcast'),
2987          broadcastOn: warn('broadcastOn'),
2988          broadcastEvent: warn('broadcastEvent'),
2989          build: fail('build'),
2990          addToWorld: fail('addToWorld'),
2991          removeFromWorld: fail('removeFromWorld'),
2992          addToGui: fail('addToGui'),
2993          removeFromGui: fail('removeFromGui'),
2994          getByUid: fail('getByUid'),
2995          getByDom: fail('getByDom'),
2996          isConnected: never
2997        };
2998      };
2999      var singleton$1 = NoContextApi();
3001      var markAsBehaviourApi = function (f, apiName, apiFunction) {
3002        var delegate = apiFunction.toString();
3003        var endIndex = delegate.indexOf(')') + 1;
3004        var openBracketIndex = delegate.indexOf('(');
3005        var parameters = delegate.substring(openBracketIndex + 1, endIndex - 1).split(/,\s*/);
3006        f.toFunctionAnnotation = function () {
3007          return {
3008            name: apiName,
3009            parameters: cleanParameters(parameters.slice(0, 1).concat(parameters.slice(3)))
3010          };
3011        };
3012        return f;
3013      };
3014      var cleanParameters = function (parameters) {
3015        return map$2(parameters, function (p) {
3016          return endsWith(p, '/*') ? p.substring(0, p.length - '/*'.length) : p;
3017        });
3018      };
3019      var markAsExtraApi = function (f, extraName) {
3020        var delegate = f.toString();
3021        var endIndex = delegate.indexOf(')') + 1;
3022        var openBracketIndex = delegate.indexOf('(');
3023        var parameters = delegate.substring(openBracketIndex + 1, endIndex - 1).split(/,\s*/);
3024        f.toFunctionAnnotation = function () {
3025          return {
3026            name: extraName,
3027            parameters: cleanParameters(parameters)
3028          };
3029        };
3030        return f;
3031      };
3032      var markAsSketchApi = function (f, apiFunction) {
3033        var delegate = apiFunction.toString();
3034        var endIndex = delegate.indexOf(')') + 1;
3035        var openBracketIndex = delegate.indexOf('(');
3036        var parameters = delegate.substring(openBracketIndex + 1, endIndex - 1).split(/,\s*/);
3037        f.toFunctionAnnotation = function () {
3038          return {
3039            name: 'OVERRIDE',
3040            parameters: cleanParameters(parameters.slice(1))
3041          };
3042        };
3043        return f;
3044      };
3046      var premadeTag = generate$6('alloy-premade');
3047      var premade$1 = function (comp) {
3048        return wrap$1(premadeTag, comp);
3049      };
3050      var getPremade = function (spec) {
3051        return get$e(spec, premadeTag);
3052      };
3053      var makeApi = function (f) {
3054        return markAsSketchApi(function (component) {
3055          var rest = [];
3056          for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
3057            rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
3058          }
3059          return f.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([
3060            component.getApis(),
3061            component
3062          ], rest, false));
3063        }, f);
3064      };
3066      var NoState = {
3067        init: function () {
3068          return nu$8({ readState: constant$1('No State required') });
3069        }
3070      };
3071      var nu$8 = function (spec) {
3072        return spec;
3073      };
3075      var generateFrom$1 = function (spec, all) {
3076        var schema = map$2(all, function (a) {
3077          return optionObjOf(a.name(), [
3078            required$1('config'),
3079            defaulted('state', NoState)
3080          ]);
3081        });
3082        var validated = asRaw('component.behaviours', objOf(schema), spec.behaviours).fold(function (errInfo) {
3083          throw new Error(formatError(errInfo) + '\nComplete spec:\n' + JSON.stringify(spec, null, 2));
3084        }, identity$1);
3085        return {
3086          list: all,
3087          data: map$1(validated, function (optBlobThunk) {
3088            var output = optBlobThunk.map(function (blob) {
3089              return {
3090                config: blob.config,
3091                state: blob.state.init(blob.config)
3092              };
3093            });
3094            return constant$1(output);
3095          })
3096        };
3097      };
3098      var getBehaviours$3 = function (bData) {
3099        return bData.list;
3100      };
3101      var getData$2 = function (bData) {
3102        return bData.data;
3103      };
3105      var byInnerKey = function (data, tuple) {
3106        var r = {};
3107        each(data, function (detail, key) {
3108          each(detail, function (value, indexKey) {
3109            var chain = get$e(r, indexKey).getOr([]);
3110            r[indexKey] = chain.concat([tuple(key, value)]);
3111          });
3112        });
3113        return r;
3114      };
3116      var nu$7 = function (s) {
3117        return {
3118          classes: isUndefined(s.classes) ? [] : s.classes,
3119          attributes: isUndefined(s.attributes) ? {} : s.attributes,
3120          styles: isUndefined(s.styles) ? {} : s.styles
3121        };
3122      };
3123      var merge = function (defnA, mod) {
3124        return __assign(__assign({}, defnA), {
3125          attributes: __assign(__assign({}, defnA.attributes), mod.attributes),
3126          styles: __assign(__assign({}, defnA.styles), mod.styles),
3127          classes: defnA.classes.concat(mod.classes)
3128        });
3129      };
3131      var combine$2 = function (info, baseMod, behaviours, base) {
3132        var modsByBehaviour = __assign({}, baseMod);
3133        each$1(behaviours, function (behaviour) {
3134          modsByBehaviour[behaviour.name()] = behaviour.exhibit(info, base);
3135        });
3136        var byAspect = byInnerKey(modsByBehaviour, function (name, modification) {
3137          return {
3138            name: name,
3139            modification: modification
3140          };
3141        });
3142        var combineObjects = function (objects) {
3143          return foldr(objects, function (b, a) {
3144            return __assign(__assign({}, a.modification), b);
3145          }, {});
3146        };
3147        var combinedClasses = foldr(byAspect.classes, function (b, a) {
3148          return a.modification.concat(b);
3149        }, []);
3150        var combinedAttributes = combineObjects(byAspect.attributes);
3151        var combinedStyles = combineObjects(byAspect.styles);
3152        return nu$7({
3153          classes: combinedClasses,
3154          attributes: combinedAttributes,
3155          styles: combinedStyles
3156        });
3157      };
3159      var sortKeys = function (label, keyName, array, order) {
3160        try {
3161          var sorted = sort(array, function (a, b) {
3162            var aKey = a[keyName];
3163            var bKey = b[keyName];
3164            var aIndex = order.indexOf(aKey);
3165            var bIndex = order.indexOf(bKey);
3166            if (aIndex === -1) {
3167              throw new Error('The ordering for ' + label + ' does not have an entry for ' + aKey + '.\nOrder specified: ' + JSON.stringify(order, null, 2));
3168            }
3169            if (bIndex === -1) {
3170              throw new Error('The ordering for ' + label + ' does not have an entry for ' + bKey + '.\nOrder specified: ' + JSON.stringify(order, null, 2));
3171            }
3172            if (aIndex < bIndex) {
3173              return -1;
3174            } else if (bIndex < aIndex) {
3175              return 1;
3176            } else {
3177              return 0;
3178            }
3179          });
3180          return Result.value(sorted);
3181        } catch (err) {
3182          return Result.error([err]);
3183        }
3184      };
3186      var uncurried = function (handler, purpose) {
3187        return {
3188          handler: handler,
3189          purpose: purpose
3190        };
3191      };
3192      var curried = function (handler, purpose) {
3193        return {
3194          cHandler: handler,
3195          purpose: purpose
3196        };
3197      };
3198      var curryArgs = function (descHandler, extraArgs) {
3199        return curried(curry.apply(undefined, [descHandler.handler].concat(extraArgs)), descHandler.purpose);
3200      };
3201      var getCurried = function (descHandler) {
3202        return descHandler.cHandler;
3203      };
3205      var behaviourTuple = function (name, handler) {
3206        return {
3207          name: name,
3208          handler: handler
3209        };
3210      };
3211      var nameToHandlers = function (behaviours, info) {
3212        var r = {};
3213        each$1(behaviours, function (behaviour) {
3214          r[behaviour.name()] = behaviour.handlers(info);
3215        });
3216        return r;
3217      };
3218      var groupByEvents = function (info, behaviours, base) {
3219        var behaviourEvents = __assign(__assign({}, base), nameToHandlers(behaviours, info));
3220        return byInnerKey(behaviourEvents, behaviourTuple);
3221      };
3222      var combine$1 = function (info, eventOrder, behaviours, base) {
3223        var byEventName = groupByEvents(info, behaviours, base);
3224        return combineGroups(byEventName, eventOrder);
3225      };
3226      var assemble = function (rawHandler) {
3227        var handler = read$2(rawHandler);
3228        return function (component, simulatedEvent) {
3229          var rest = [];
3230          for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
3231            rest[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];
3232          }
3233          var args = [
3234            component,
3235            simulatedEvent
3236          ].concat(rest);
3237          if (handler.abort.apply(undefined, args)) {
3238            simulatedEvent.stop();
3239          } else if (handler.can.apply(undefined, args)) {
3240            handler.run.apply(undefined, args);
3241          }
3242        };
3243      };
3244      var missingOrderError = function (eventName, tuples) {
3245        return Result.error(['The event (' + eventName + ') has more than one behaviour that listens to it.\nWhen this occurs, you must ' + 'specify an event ordering for the behaviours in your spec (e.g. [ "listing", "toggling" ]).\nThe behaviours that ' + 'can trigger it are: ' + JSON.stringify(map$2(tuples, function (c) {
3246            return c.name;
3247          }), null, 2)]);
3248      };
3249      var fuse = function (tuples, eventOrder, eventName) {
3250        var order = eventOrder[eventName];
3251        if (!order) {
3252          return missingOrderError(eventName, tuples);
3253        } else {
3254          return sortKeys('Event: ' + eventName, 'name', tuples, order).map(function (sortedTuples) {
3255            var handlers = map$2(sortedTuples, function (tuple) {
3256              return tuple.handler;
3257            });
3258            return fuse$1(handlers);
3259          });
3260        }
3261      };
3262      var combineGroups = function (byEventName, eventOrder) {
3263        var r = mapToArray(byEventName, function (tuples, eventName) {
3264          var combined = tuples.length === 1 ? Result.value(tuples[0].handler) : fuse(tuples, eventOrder, eventName);
3265          return combined.map(function (handler) {
3266            var assembled = assemble(handler);
3267            var purpose = tuples.length > 1 ? filter$2(eventOrder[eventName], function (o) {
3268              return exists(tuples, function (t) {
3269                return t.name === o;
3270              });
3271            }).join(' > ') : tuples[0].name;
3272            return wrap$1(eventName, uncurried(assembled, purpose));
3273          });
3274        });
3275        return consolidate(r, {});
3276      };
3278      var _a$2;
3279      var baseBehaviour = 'alloy.base.behaviour';
3280      var schema$z = objOf([
3281        field$1('dom', 'dom', required$2(), objOf([
3282          required$1('tag'),
3283          defaulted('styles', {}),
3284          defaulted('classes', []),
3285          defaulted('attributes', {}),
3286          option('value'),
3287          option('innerHtml')
3288        ])),
3289        required$1('components'),
3290        required$1('uid'),
3291        defaulted('events', {}),
3292        defaulted('apis', {}),
3293        field$1('eventOrder', 'eventOrder', mergeWith((_a$2 = {}, _a$2[execute$5()] = [
3294          'disabling',
3295          baseBehaviour,
3296          'toggling',
3297          'typeaheadevents'
3298        ], _a$2[focus$4()] = [
3299          baseBehaviour,
3300          'focusing',
3301          'keying'
3302        ], _a$2[systemInit()] = [
3303          baseBehaviour,
3304          'disabling',
3305          'toggling',
3306          'representing'
3307        ], _a$2[input()] = [
3308          baseBehaviour,
3309          'representing',
3310          'streaming',
3311          'invalidating'
3312        ], _a$2[detachedFromDom()] = [
3313          baseBehaviour,
3314          'representing',
3315          'item-events',
3316          'tooltipping'
3317        ], _a$2[mousedown()] = [
3318          'focusing',
3319          baseBehaviour,
3320          'item-type-events'
3321        ], _a$2[touchstart()] = [
3322          'focusing',
3323          baseBehaviour,
3324          'item-type-events'
3325        ], _a$2[mouseover()] = [
3326          'item-type-events',
3327          'tooltipping'
3328        ], _a$2[receive()] = [
3329          'receiving',
3330          'reflecting',
3331          'tooltipping'
3332        ], _a$2)), anyValue()),
3333        option('domModification')
3334      ]);
3335      var toInfo = function (spec) {
3336        return asRaw('custom.definition', schema$z, spec);
3337      };
3338      var toDefinition = function (detail) {
3339        return __assign(__assign({}, detail.dom), {
3340          uid: detail.uid,
3341          domChildren: map$2(detail.components, function (comp) {
3342            return comp.element;
3343          })
3344        });
3345      };
3346      var toModification = function (detail) {
3347        return detail.domModification.fold(function () {
3348          return nu$7({});
3349        }, nu$7);
3350      };
3351      var toEvents = function (info) {
3352        return info.events;
3353      };
3355      var read = function (element, attr) {
3356        var value = get$d(element, attr);
3357        return value === undefined || value === '' ? [] : value.split(' ');
3358      };
3359      var add$4 = function (element, attr, id) {
3360        var old = read(element, attr);
3361        var nu = old.concat([id]);
3362        set$8(element, attr, nu.join(' '));
3363        return true;
3364      };
3365      var remove$4 = function (element, attr, id) {
3366        var nu = filter$2(read(element, attr), function (v) {
3367          return v !== id;
3368        });
3369        if (nu.length > 0) {
3370          set$8(element, attr, nu.join(' '));
3371        } else {
3372          remove$7(element, attr);
3373        }
3374        return false;
3375      };
3377      var supports = function (element) {
3378        return element.dom.classList !== undefined;
3379      };
3380      var get$6 = function (element) {
3381        return read(element, 'class');
3382      };
3383      var add$3 = function (element, clazz) {
3384        return add$4(element, 'class', clazz);
3385      };
3386      var remove$3 = function (element, clazz) {
3387        return remove$4(element, 'class', clazz);
3388      };
3390      var add$2 = function (element, clazz) {
3391        if (supports(element)) {
3392          element.dom.classList.add(clazz);
3393        } else {
3394          add$3(element, clazz);
3395        }
3396      };
3397      var cleanClass = function (element) {
3398        var classList = supports(element) ? element.dom.classList : get$6(element);
3399        if (classList.length === 0) {
3400          remove$7(element, 'class');
3401        }
3402      };
3403      var remove$2 = function (element, clazz) {
3404        if (supports(element)) {
3405          var classList = element.dom.classList;
3406          classList.remove(clazz);
3407        } else {
3408          remove$3(element, clazz);
3409        }
3410        cleanClass(element);
3411      };
3412      var has = function (element, clazz) {
3413        return supports(element) && element.dom.classList.contains(clazz);
3414      };
3416      var add$1 = function (element, classes) {
3417        each$1(classes, function (x) {
3418          add$2(element, x);
3419        });
3420      };
3421      var remove$1 = function (element, classes) {
3422        each$1(classes, function (x) {
3423          remove$2(element, x);
3424        });
3425      };
3426      var hasAll = function (element, classes) {
3427        return forall(classes, function (clazz) {
3428          return has(element, clazz);
3429        });
3430      };
3432      var get$5 = function (element) {
3433        return element.dom.value;
3434      };
3435      var set$4 = function (element, value) {
3436        if (value === undefined) {
3437          throw new Error('Value.set was undefined');
3438        }
3439        element.dom.value = value;
3440      };
3442      var renderToDom = function (definition) {
3443        var subject = SugarElement.fromTag(definition.tag);
3444        setAll$1(subject, definition.attributes);
3445        add$1(subject, definition.classes);
3446        setAll(subject, definition.styles);
3447        definition.innerHtml.each(function (html) {
3448          return set$5(subject, html);
3449        });
3450        var children = definition.domChildren;
3451        append$1(subject, children);
3452        definition.value.each(function (value) {
3453          set$4(subject, value);
3454        });
3455        if (!definition.uid) {
3456          debugger;
3457        }
3458        writeOnly(subject, definition.uid);
3459        return subject;
3460      };
3462      var getBehaviours$2 = function (spec) {
3463        var behaviours = get$e(spec, 'behaviours').getOr({});
3464        return bind$3(keys(behaviours), function (name) {
3465          var behaviour = behaviours[name];
3466          return isNonNullable(behaviour) ? [behaviour.me] : [];
3467        });
3468      };
3469      var generateFrom = function (spec, all) {
3470        return generateFrom$1(spec, all);
3471      };
3472      var generate$4 = function (spec) {
3473        var all = getBehaviours$2(spec);
3474        return generateFrom(spec, all);
3475      };
3477      var getDomDefinition = function (info, bList, bData) {
3478        var definition = toDefinition(info);
3479        var infoModification = toModification(info);
3480        var baseModification = { 'alloy.base.modification': infoModification };
3481        var modification = bList.length > 0 ? combine$2(bData, baseModification, bList, definition) : infoModification;
3482        return merge(definition, modification);
3483      };
3484      var getEvents = function (info, bList, bData) {
3485        var baseEvents = { 'alloy.base.behaviour': toEvents(info) };
3486        return combine$1(bData, info.eventOrder, bList, baseEvents).getOrDie();
3487      };
3488      var build$2 = function (spec) {
3489        var getMe = function () {
3490          return me;
3491        };
3492        var systemApi = Cell(singleton$1);
3493        var info = getOrDie(toInfo(spec));
3494        var bBlob = generate$4(spec);
3495        var bList = getBehaviours$3(bBlob);
3496        var bData = getData$2(bBlob);
3497        var modDefinition = getDomDefinition(info, bList, bData);
3498        var item = renderToDom(modDefinition);
3499        var events = getEvents(info, bList, bData);
3500        var subcomponents = Cell(info.components);
3501        var connect = function (newApi) {
3502          systemApi.set(newApi);
3503        };
3504        var disconnect = function () {
3505          systemApi.set(NoContextApi(getMe));
3506        };
3507        var syncComponents = function () {
3508          var children$1 = children(item);
3509          var subs = bind$3(children$1, function (child) {
3510            return systemApi.get().getByDom(child).fold(function () {
3511              return [];
3512            }, pure$2);
3513          });
3514          subcomponents.set(subs);
3515        };
3516        var config = function (behaviour) {
3517          var b = bData;
3518          var f = isFunction(b[behaviour.name()]) ? b[behaviour.name()] : function () {
3519            throw new Error('Could not find ' + behaviour.name() + ' in ' + JSON.stringify(spec, null, 2));
3520          };
3521          return f();
3522        };
3523        var hasConfigured = function (behaviour) {
3524          return isFunction(bData[behaviour.name()]);
3525        };
3526        var getApis = function () {
3527          return info.apis;
3528        };
3529        var readState = function (behaviourName) {
3530          return bData[behaviourName]().map(function (b) {
3531            return b.state.readState();
3532          }).getOr('not enabled');
3533        };
3534        var me = {
3535          uid: spec.uid,
3536          getSystem: systemApi.get,
3537          config: config,
3538          hasConfigured: hasConfigured,
3539          spec: spec,
3540          readState: readState,
3541          getApis: getApis,
3542          connect: connect,
3543          disconnect: disconnect,
3544          element: item,
3545          syncComponents: syncComponents,
3546          components: subcomponents.get,
3547          events: events
3548        };
3549        return me;
3550      };
3552      var buildSubcomponents = function (spec) {
3553        var components = get$e(spec, 'components').getOr([]);
3554        return map$2(components, build$1);
3555      };
3556      var buildFromSpec = function (userSpec) {
3557        var _a = make$8(userSpec), specEvents = _a.events, spec = __rest(_a, ['events']);
3558        var components = buildSubcomponents(spec);
3559        var completeSpec = __assign(__assign({}, spec), {
3560          events: __assign(__assign({}, DefaultEvents), specEvents),
3561          components: components
3562        });
3563        return Result.value(build$2(completeSpec));
3564      };
3565      var text = function (textContent) {
3566        var element = SugarElement.fromText(textContent);
3567        return external$2({ element: element });
3568      };
3569      var external$2 = function (spec) {
3570        var extSpec = asRawOrDie$1('external.component', objOfOnly([
3571          required$1('element'),
3572          option('uid')
3573        ]), spec);
3574        var systemApi = Cell(NoContextApi());
3575        var connect = function (newApi) {
3576          systemApi.set(newApi);
3577        };
3578        var disconnect = function () {
3579          systemApi.set(NoContextApi(function () {
3580            return me;
3581          }));
3582        };
3583        var uid = extSpec.uid.getOrThunk(function () {
3584          return generate$5('external');
3585        });
3586        writeOnly(extSpec.element, uid);
3587        var me = {
3588          uid: uid,
3589          getSystem: systemApi.get,
3590          config: Optional.none,
3591          hasConfigured: never,
3592          connect: connect,
3593          disconnect: disconnect,
3594          getApis: function () {
3595            return {};
3596          },
3597          element: extSpec.element,
3598          spec: spec,
3599          readState: constant$1('No state'),
3600          syncComponents: noop,
3601          components: constant$1([]),
3602          events: {}
3603        };
3604        return premade$1(me);
3605      };
3606      var uids = generate$5;
3607      var isSketchSpec$1 = function (spec) {
3608        return has$2(spec, 'uid');
3609      };
3610      var build$1 = function (spec) {
3611        return getPremade(spec).getOrThunk(function () {
3612          var userSpecWithUid = isSketchSpec$1(spec) ? spec : __assign({ uid: uids('') }, spec);
3613          return buildFromSpec(userSpecWithUid).getOrDie();
3614        });
3615      };
3616      var premade = premade$1;
3618      function ClosestOrAncestor (is, ancestor, scope, a, isRoot) {
3619        if (is(scope, a)) {
3620          return Optional.some(scope);
3621        } else if (isFunction(isRoot) && isRoot(scope)) {
3622          return Optional.none();
3623        } else {
3624          return ancestor(scope, a, isRoot);
3625        }
3626      }
3628      var ancestor$1 = function (scope, predicate, isRoot) {
3629        var element = scope.dom;
3630        var stop = isFunction(isRoot) ? isRoot : never;
3631        while (element.parentNode) {
3632          element = element.parentNode;
3633          var el = SugarElement.fromDom(element);
3634          if (predicate(el)) {
3635            return Optional.some(el);
3636          } else if (stop(el)) {
3637            break;
3638          }
3639        }
3640        return Optional.none();
3641      };
3642      var closest$3 = function (scope, predicate, isRoot) {
3643        var is = function (s, test) {
3644          return test(s);
3645        };
3646        return ClosestOrAncestor(is, ancestor$1, scope, predicate, isRoot);
3647      };
3648      var child$1 = function (scope, predicate) {
3649        var pred = function (node) {
3650          return predicate(SugarElement.fromDom(node));
3651        };
3652        var result = find$5(scope.dom.childNodes, pred);
3653        return result.map(SugarElement.fromDom);
3654      };
3655      var descendant$1 = function (scope, predicate) {
3656        var descend = function (node) {
3657          for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
3658            var child_1 = SugarElement.fromDom(node.childNodes[i]);
3659            if (predicate(child_1)) {
3660              return Optional.some(child_1);
3661            }
3662            var res = descend(node.childNodes[i]);
3663            if (res.isSome()) {
3664              return res;
3665            }
3666          }
3667          return Optional.none();
3668        };
3669        return descend(scope.dom);
3670      };
3672      var closest$2 = function (scope, predicate, isRoot) {
3673        return closest$3(scope, predicate, isRoot).isSome();
3674      };
3676      var ancestor = function (scope, selector, isRoot) {
3677        return ancestor$1(scope, function (e) {
3678          return is(e, selector);
3679        }, isRoot);
3680      };
3681      var child = function (scope, selector) {
3682        return child$1(scope, function (e) {
3683          return is(e, selector);
3684        });
3685      };
3686      var descendant = function (scope, selector) {
3687        return one(selector, scope);
3688      };
3689      var closest$1 = function (scope, selector, isRoot) {
3690        var is$1 = function (element, selector) {
3691          return is(element, selector);
3692        };
3693        return ClosestOrAncestor(is$1, ancestor, scope, selector, isRoot);
3694      };
3696      var find$1 = function (queryElem) {
3697        var dependent = closest$3(queryElem, function (elem) {
3698          if (!isElement$2(elem)) {
3699            return false;
3700          }
3701          var id = get$d(elem, 'id');
3702          return id !== undefined && id.indexOf('aria-owns') > -1;
3703        });
3704        return dependent.bind(function (dep) {
3705          var id = get$d(dep, 'id');
3706          var dos = getRootNode(dep);
3707          return descendant(dos, '[aria-owns="' + id + '"]');
3708        });
3709      };
3710      var manager = function () {
3711        var ariaId = generate$6('aria-owns');
3712        var link = function (elem) {
3713          set$8(elem, 'aria-owns', ariaId);
3714        };
3715        var unlink = function (elem) {
3716          remove$7(elem, 'aria-owns');
3717        };
3718        return {
3719          id: ariaId,
3720          link: link,
3721          unlink: unlink
3722        };
3723      };
3725      var isAriaPartOf = function (component, queryElem) {
3726        return find$1(queryElem).exists(function (owner) {
3727          return isPartOf$1(component, owner);
3728        });
3729      };
3730      var isPartOf$1 = function (component, queryElem) {
3731        return closest$2(queryElem, function (el) {
3732          return eq(el, component.element);
3733        }, never) || isAriaPartOf(component, queryElem);
3734      };
3736      var unknown = 'unknown';
3737      var EventConfiguration;
3738      (function (EventConfiguration) {
3739        EventConfiguration[EventConfiguration['STOP'] = 0] = 'STOP';
3740        EventConfiguration[EventConfiguration['NORMAL'] = 1] = 'NORMAL';
3741        EventConfiguration[EventConfiguration['LOGGING'] = 2] = 'LOGGING';
3742      }(EventConfiguration || (EventConfiguration = {})));
3743      var eventConfig = Cell({});
3744      var makeEventLogger = function (eventName, initialTarget) {
3745        var sequence = [];
3746        var startTime = new Date().getTime();
3747        return {
3748          logEventCut: function (_name, target, purpose) {
3749            sequence.push({
3750              outcome: 'cut',
3751              target: target,
3752              purpose: purpose
3753            });
3754          },
3755          logEventStopped: function (_name, target, purpose) {
3756            sequence.push({
3757              outcome: 'stopped',
3758              target: target,
3759              purpose: purpose
3760            });
3761          },
3762          logNoParent: function (_name, target, purpose) {
3763            sequence.push({
3764              outcome: 'no-parent',
3765              target: target,
3766              purpose: purpose
3767            });
3768          },
3769          logEventNoHandlers: function (_name, target) {
3770            sequence.push({
3771              outcome: 'no-handlers-left',
3772              target: target
3773            });
3774          },
3775          logEventResponse: function (_name, target, purpose) {
3776            sequence.push({
3777              outcome: 'response',
3778              purpose: purpose,
3779              target: target
3780            });
3781          },
3782          write: function () {
3783            var finishTime = new Date().getTime();
3784            if (contains$2([
3785                'mousemove',
3786                'mouseover',
3787                'mouseout',
3788                systemInit()
3789              ], eventName)) {
3790              return;
3791            }
3792            console.log(eventName, {
3793              event: eventName,
3794              time: finishTime - startTime,
3795              target: initialTarget.dom,
3796              sequence: map$2(sequence, function (s) {
3797                if (!contains$2([
3798                    'cut',
3799                    'stopped',
3800                    'response'
3801                  ], s.outcome)) {
3802                  return s.outcome;
3803                } else {
3804                  return '{' + s.purpose + '} ' + s.outcome + ' at (' + element(s.target) + ')';
3805                }
3806              })
3807            });
3808          }
3809        };
3810      };
3811      var processEvent = function (eventName, initialTarget, f) {
3812        var status = get$e(eventConfig.get(), eventName).orThunk(function () {
3813          var patterns = keys(eventConfig.get());
3814          return findMap(patterns, function (p) {
3815            return eventName.indexOf(p) > -1 ? Optional.some(eventConfig.get()[p]) : Optional.none();
3816          });
3817        }).getOr(EventConfiguration.NORMAL);
3818        switch (status) {
3819        case EventConfiguration.NORMAL:
3820          return f(noLogger());
3821        case EventConfiguration.LOGGING: {
3822            var logger = makeEventLogger(eventName, initialTarget);
3823            var output = f(logger);
3824            logger.write();
3825            return output;
3826          }
3827        case EventConfiguration.STOP:
3828          return true;
3829        }
3830      };
3831      var path = [
3832        'alloy/data/Fields',
3833        'alloy/debugging/Debugging'
3834      ];
3835      var getTrace = function () {
3836        var err = new Error();
3837        if (err.stack !== undefined) {
3838          var lines = err.stack.split('\n');
3839          return find$5(lines, function (line) {
3840            return line.indexOf('alloy') > 0 && !exists(path, function (p) {
3841              return line.indexOf(p) > -1;
3842            });
3843          }).getOr(unknown);
3844        } else {
3845          return unknown;
3846        }
3847      };
3848      var ignoreEvent = {
3849        logEventCut: noop,
3850        logEventStopped: noop,
3851        logNoParent: noop,
3852        logEventNoHandlers: noop,
3853        logEventResponse: noop,
3854        write: noop
3855      };
3856      var monitorEvent = function (eventName, initialTarget, f) {
3857        return processEvent(eventName, initialTarget, f);
3858      };
3859      var noLogger = constant$1(ignoreEvent);
3861      var menuFields = constant$1([
3862        required$1('menu'),
3863        required$1('selectedMenu')
3864      ]);
3865      var itemFields = constant$1([
3866        required$1('item'),
3867        required$1('selectedItem')
3868      ]);
3869      constant$1(objOf(itemFields().concat(menuFields())));
3870      var itemSchema$3 = constant$1(objOf(itemFields()));
3872      var _initSize = requiredObjOf('initSize', [
3873        required$1('numColumns'),
3874        required$1('numRows')
3875      ]);
3876      var itemMarkers = function () {
3877        return requiredOf('markers', itemSchema$3());
3878      };
3879      var tieredMenuMarkers = function () {
3880        return requiredObjOf('markers', [required$1('backgroundMenu')].concat(menuFields()).concat(itemFields()));
3881      };
3882      var markers$1 = function (required) {
3883        return requiredObjOf('markers', map$2(required, required$1));
3884      };
3885      var onPresenceHandler = function (label, fieldName, presence) {
3886        getTrace();
3887        return field$1(fieldName, fieldName, presence, valueOf(function (f) {
3888          return Result.value(function () {
3889            var args = [];
3890            for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
3891              args[_i] = arguments[_i];
3892            }
3893            return f.apply(undefined, args);
3894          });
3895        }));
3896      };
3897      var onHandler = function (fieldName) {
3898        return onPresenceHandler('onHandler', fieldName, defaulted$1(noop));
3899      };
3900      var onKeyboardHandler = function (fieldName) {
3901        return onPresenceHandler('onKeyboardHandler', fieldName, defaulted$1(Optional.none));
3902      };
3903      var onStrictHandler = function (fieldName) {
3904        return onPresenceHandler('onHandler', fieldName, required$2());
3905      };
3906      var onStrictKeyboardHandler = function (fieldName) {
3907        return onPresenceHandler('onKeyboardHandler', fieldName, required$2());
3908      };
3909      var output$1 = function (name, value) {
3910        return customField(name, constant$1(value));
3911      };
3912      var snapshot = function (name) {
3913        return customField(name, identity$1);
3914      };
3915      var initSize = constant$1(_initSize);
3917      var nu$6 = function (x, y, bubble, direction, placement, boundsRestriction, labelPrefix, alwaysFit) {
3918        if (alwaysFit === void 0) {
3919          alwaysFit = false;
3920        }
3921        return {
3922          x: x,
3923          y: y,
3924          bubble: bubble,
3925          direction: direction,
3926          placement: placement,
3927          restriction: boundsRestriction,
3928          label: labelPrefix + '-' + placement,
3929          alwaysFit: alwaysFit
3930        };
3931      };
3933      var adt$a = Adt.generate([
3934        { southeast: [] },
3935        { southwest: [] },
3936        { northeast: [] },
3937        { northwest: [] },
3938        { south: [] },
3939        { north: [] },
3940        { east: [] },
3941        { west: [] }
3942      ]);
3943      var cata$2 = function (subject, southeast, southwest, northeast, northwest, south, north, east, west) {
3944        return subject.fold(southeast, southwest, northeast, northwest, south, north, east, west);
3945      };
3946      var cataVertical = function (subject, south, middle, north) {
3947        return subject.fold(south, south, north, north, south, north, middle, middle);
3948      };
3949      var cataHorizontal = function (subject, east, middle, west) {
3950        return subject.fold(east, west, east, west, middle, middle, east, west);
3951      };
3952      var southeast$3 = adt$a.southeast;
3953      var southwest$3 = adt$a.southwest;
3954      var northeast$3 = adt$a.northeast;
3955      var northwest$3 = adt$a.northwest;
3956      var south$3 = adt$a.south;
3957      var north$3 = adt$a.north;
3958      var east$3 = adt$a.east;
3959      var west$3 = adt$a.west;
3961      var cycleBy = function (value, delta, min, max) {
3962        var r = value + delta;
3963        if (r > max) {
3964          return min;
3965        } else if (r < min) {
3966          return max;
3967        } else {
3968          return r;
3969        }
3970      };
3971      var clamp$1 = function (value, min, max) {
3972        return Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max);
3973      };
3975      var getRestriction = function (anchor, restriction) {
3976        switch (restriction) {
3977        case 1:
3978          return anchor.x;
3979        case 0:
3980          return anchor.x + anchor.width;
3981        case 2:
3982          return anchor.y;
3983        case 3:
3984          return anchor.y + anchor.height;
3985        }
3986      };
3987      var boundsRestriction = function (anchor, restrictions) {
3988        return mapToObject([
3989          'left',
3990          'right',
3991          'top',
3992          'bottom'
3993        ], function (dir) {
3994          return get$e(restrictions, dir).map(function (restriction) {
3995            return getRestriction(anchor, restriction);
3996          });
3997        });
3998      };
3999      var adjustBounds = function (bounds$1, restriction, bubbleOffset) {
4000        var applyRestriction = function (dir, current) {
4001          return restriction[dir].map(function (pos) {
4002            var isVerticalAxis = dir === 'top' || dir === 'bottom';
4003            var offset = isVerticalAxis ? bubbleOffset.top : bubbleOffset.left;
4004            var comparator = dir === 'left' || dir === 'top' ? Math.max : Math.min;
4005            var newPos = comparator(pos, current) + offset;
4006            return isVerticalAxis ? clamp$1(newPos, bounds$1.y, bounds$1.bottom) : clamp$1(newPos, bounds$1.x, bounds$1.right);
4007          }).getOr(current);
4008        };
4009        var adjustedLeft = applyRestriction('left', bounds$1.x);
4010        var adjustedTop = applyRestriction('top', bounds$1.y);
4011        var adjustedRight = applyRestriction('right', bounds$1.right);
4012        var adjustedBottom = applyRestriction('bottom', bounds$1.bottom);
4013        return bounds(adjustedLeft, adjustedTop, adjustedRight - adjustedLeft, adjustedBottom - adjustedTop);
4014      };
4016      var labelPrefix$2 = 'layout';
4017      var eastX$1 = function (anchor) {
4018        return anchor.x;
4019      };
4020      var middleX$1 = function (anchor, element) {
4021        return anchor.x + anchor.width / 2 - element.width / 2;
4022      };
4023      var westX$1 = function (anchor, element) {
4024        return anchor.x + anchor.width - element.width;
4025      };
4026      var northY$2 = function (anchor, element) {
4027        return anchor.y - element.height;
4028      };
4029      var southY$2 = function (anchor) {
4030        return anchor.y + anchor.height;
4031      };
4032      var centreY$1 = function (anchor, element) {
4033        return anchor.y + anchor.height / 2 - element.height / 2;
4034      };
4035      var eastEdgeX$1 = function (anchor) {
4036        return anchor.x + anchor.width;
4037      };
4038      var westEdgeX$1 = function (anchor, element) {
4039        return anchor.x - element.width;
4040      };
4041      var southeast$2 = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
4042        return nu$6(eastX$1(anchor), southY$2(anchor), bubbles.southeast(), southeast$3(), 'southeast', boundsRestriction(anchor, {
4043          left: 1,
4044          top: 3
4045        }), labelPrefix$2);
4046      };
4047      var southwest$2 = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
4048        return nu$6(westX$1(anchor, element), southY$2(anchor), bubbles.southwest(), southwest$3(), 'southwest', boundsRestriction(anchor, {
4049          right: 0,
4050          top: 3
4051        }), labelPrefix$2);
4052      };
4053      var northeast$2 = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
4054        return nu$6(eastX$1(anchor), northY$2(anchor, element), bubbles.northeast(), northeast$3(), 'northeast', boundsRestriction(anchor, {
4055          left: 1,
4056          bottom: 2
4057        }), labelPrefix$2);
4058      };
4059      var northwest$2 = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
4060        return nu$6(westX$1(anchor, element), northY$2(anchor, element), bubbles.northwest(), northwest$3(), 'northwest', boundsRestriction(anchor, {
4061          right: 0,
4062          bottom: 2
4063        }), labelPrefix$2);
4064      };
4065      var north$2 = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
4066        return nu$6(middleX$1(anchor, element), northY$2(anchor, element), bubbles.north(), north$3(), 'north', boundsRestriction(anchor, { bottom: 2 }), labelPrefix$2);
4067      };
4068      var south$2 = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
4069        return nu$6(middleX$1(anchor, element), southY$2(anchor), bubbles.south(), south$3(), 'south', boundsRestriction(anchor, { top: 3 }), labelPrefix$2);
4070      };
4071      var east$2 = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
4072        return nu$6(eastEdgeX$1(anchor), centreY$1(anchor, element), bubbles.east(), east$3(), 'east', boundsRestriction(anchor, { left: 0 }), labelPrefix$2);
4073      };
4074      var west$2 = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
4075        return nu$6(westEdgeX$1(anchor, element), centreY$1(anchor, element), bubbles.west(), west$3(), 'west', boundsRestriction(anchor, { right: 1 }), labelPrefix$2);
4076      };
4077      var all$1 = function () {
4078        return [
4079          southeast$2,
4080          southwest$2,
4081          northeast$2,
4082          northwest$2,
4083          south$2,
4084          north$2,
4085          east$2,
4086          west$2
4087        ];
4088      };
4089      var allRtl$1 = function () {
4090        return [
4091          southwest$2,
4092          southeast$2,
4093          northwest$2,
4094          northeast$2,
4095          south$2,
4096          north$2,
4097          east$2,
4098          west$2
4099        ];
4100      };
4101      var aboveOrBelow = function () {
4102        return [
4103          northeast$2,
4104          northwest$2,
4105          southeast$2,
4106          southwest$2,
4107          north$2,
4108          south$2
4109        ];
4110      };
4111      var aboveOrBelowRtl = function () {
4112        return [
4113          northwest$2,
4114          northeast$2,
4115          southwest$2,
4116          southeast$2,
4117          north$2,
4118          south$2
4119        ];
4120      };
4121      var belowOrAbove = function () {
4122        return [
4123          southeast$2,
4124          southwest$2,
4125          northeast$2,
4126          northwest$2,
4127          south$2,
4128          north$2
4129        ];
4130      };
4131      var belowOrAboveRtl = function () {
4132        return [
4133          southwest$2,
4134          southeast$2,
4135          northwest$2,
4136          northeast$2,
4137          south$2,
4138          north$2
4139        ];
4140      };
4142      var chooseChannels = function (channels, message) {
4143        return message.universal ? channels : filter$2(channels, function (ch) {
4144          return contains$2(message.channels, ch);
4145        });
4146      };
4147      var events$h = function (receiveConfig) {
4148        return derive$2([run$1(receive(), function (component, message) {
4149            var channelMap = receiveConfig.channels;
4150            var channels = keys(channelMap);
4151            var receivingData = message;
4152            var targetChannels = chooseChannels(channels, receivingData);
4153            each$1(targetChannels, function (ch) {
4154              var channelInfo = channelMap[ch];
4155              var channelSchema = channelInfo.schema;
4156              var data = asRawOrDie$1('channel[' + ch + '] data\nReceiver: ' + element(component.element), channelSchema, receivingData.data);
4157              channelInfo.onReceive(component, data);
4158            });
4159          })]);
4160      };
4162      var ActiveReceiving = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
4163          __proto__: null,
4164          events: events$h
4165      });
4167      var ReceivingSchema = [requiredOf('channels', setOf(Result.value, objOfOnly([
4168          onStrictHandler('onReceive'),
4169          defaulted('schema', anyValue())
4170        ])))];
4172      var executeEvent = function (bConfig, bState, executor) {
4173        return runOnExecute$1(function (component) {
4174          executor(component, bConfig, bState);
4175        });
4176      };
4177      var loadEvent = function (bConfig, bState, f) {
4178        return runOnInit(function (component, _simulatedEvent) {
4179          f(component, bConfig, bState);
4180        });
4181      };
4182      var create$8 = function (schema, name, active, apis, extra, state) {
4183        var configSchema = objOfOnly(schema);
4184        var schemaSchema = optionObjOf(name, [optionObjOfOnly('config', schema)]);
4185        return doCreate(configSchema, schemaSchema, name, active, apis, extra, state);
4186      };
4187      var createModes$1 = function (modes, name, active, apis, extra, state) {
4188        var configSchema = modes;
4189        var schemaSchema = optionObjOf(name, [optionOf('config', modes)]);
4190        return doCreate(configSchema, schemaSchema, name, active, apis, extra, state);
4191      };
4192      var wrapApi = function (bName, apiFunction, apiName) {
4193        var f = function (component) {
4194          var rest = [];
4195          for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
4196            rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
4197          }
4198          var args = [component].concat(rest);
4199          return component.config({ name: constant$1(bName) }).fold(function () {
4200            throw new Error('We could not find any behaviour configuration for: ' + bName + '. Using API: ' + apiName);
4201          }, function (info) {
4202            var rest = Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1);
4203            return apiFunction.apply(undefined, [
4204              component,
4205              info.config,
4206              info.state
4207            ].concat(rest));
4208          });
4209        };
4210        return markAsBehaviourApi(f, apiName, apiFunction);
4211      };
4212      var revokeBehaviour = function (name) {
4213        return {
4214          key: name,
4215          value: undefined
4216        };
4217      };
4218      var doCreate = function (configSchema, schemaSchema, name, active, apis, extra, state) {
4219        var getConfig = function (info) {
4220          return hasNonNullableKey(info, name) ? info[name]() : Optional.none();
4221        };
4222        var wrappedApis = map$1(apis, function (apiF, apiName) {
4223          return wrapApi(name, apiF, apiName);
4224        });
4225        var wrappedExtra = map$1(extra, function (extraF, extraName) {
4226          return markAsExtraApi(extraF, extraName);
4227        });
4228        var me = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, wrappedExtra), wrappedApis), {
4229          revoke: curry(revokeBehaviour, name),
4230          config: function (spec) {
4231            var prepared = asRawOrDie$1(name + '-config', configSchema, spec);
4232            return {
4233              key: name,
4234              value: {
4235                config: prepared,
4236                me: me,
4237                configAsRaw: cached(function () {
4238                  return asRawOrDie$1(name + '-config', configSchema, spec);
4239                }),
4240                initialConfig: spec,
4241                state: state
4242              }
4243            };
4244          },
4245          schema: constant$1(schemaSchema),
4246          exhibit: function (info, base) {
4247            return lift2(getConfig(info), get$e(active, 'exhibit'), function (behaviourInfo, exhibitor) {
4248              return exhibitor(base, behaviourInfo.config, behaviourInfo.state);
4249            }).getOrThunk(function () {
4250              return nu$7({});
4251            });
4252          },
4253          name: constant$1(name),
4254          handlers: function (info) {
4255            return getConfig(info).map(function (behaviourInfo) {
4256              var getEvents = get$e(active, 'events').getOr(function () {
4257                return {};
4258              });
4259              return getEvents(behaviourInfo.config, behaviourInfo.state);
4260            }).getOr({});
4261          }
4262        });
4263        return me;
4264      };
4266      var derive$1 = function (capabilities) {
4267        return wrapAll(capabilities);
4268      };
4269      var simpleSchema = objOfOnly([
4270        required$1('fields'),
4271        required$1('name'),
4272        defaulted('active', {}),
4273        defaulted('apis', {}),
4274        defaulted('state', NoState),
4275        defaulted('extra', {})
4276      ]);
4277      var create$7 = function (data) {
4278        var value = asRawOrDie$1('Creating behaviour: ' + data.name, simpleSchema, data);
4279        return create$8(value.fields, value.name, value.active, value.apis, value.extra, value.state);
4280      };
4281      var modeSchema = objOfOnly([
4282        required$1('branchKey'),
4283        required$1('branches'),
4284        required$1('name'),
4285        defaulted('active', {}),
4286        defaulted('apis', {}),
4287        defaulted('state', NoState),
4288        defaulted('extra', {})
4289      ]);
4290      var createModes = function (data) {
4291        var value = asRawOrDie$1('Creating behaviour: ' + data.name, modeSchema, data);
4292        return createModes$1(choose$1(value.branchKey, value.branches), value.name, value.active, value.apis, value.extra, value.state);
4293      };
4294      var revoke = constant$1(undefined);
4296      var Receiving = create$7({
4297        fields: ReceivingSchema,
4298        name: 'receiving',
4299        active: ActiveReceiving
4300      });
4302      var exhibit$6 = function (base, posConfig) {
4303        return nu$7({
4304          classes: [],
4305          styles: posConfig.useFixed() ? {} : { position: 'relative' }
4306        });
4307      };
4309      var ActivePosition = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
4310          __proto__: null,
4311          exhibit: exhibit$6
4312      });
4314      var getDocument = function () {
4315        return SugarElement.fromDom(document);
4316      };
4318      var focus$3 = function (element) {
4319        return element.dom.focus();
4320      };
4321      var blur$1 = function (element) {
4322        return element.dom.blur();
4323      };
4324      var hasFocus = function (element) {
4325        var root = getRootNode(element).dom;
4326        return element.dom === root.activeElement;
4327      };
4328      var active = function (root) {
4329        if (root === void 0) {
4330          root = getDocument();
4331        }
4332        return Optional.from(root.dom.activeElement).map(SugarElement.fromDom);
4333      };
4334      var search = function (element) {
4335        return active(getRootNode(element)).filter(function (e) {
4336          return element.dom.contains(e.dom);
4337        });
4338      };
4340      var preserve$1 = function (f, container) {
4341        var dos = getRootNode(container);
4342        var refocus = active(dos).bind(function (focused) {
4343          var hasFocus = function (elem) {
4344            return eq(focused, elem);
4345          };
4346          return hasFocus(container) ? Optional.some(container) : descendant$1(container, hasFocus);
4347        });
4348        var result = f(container);
4349        refocus.each(function (oldFocus) {
4350          active(dos).filter(function (newFocus) {
4351            return eq(newFocus, oldFocus);
4352          }).fold(function () {
4353            focus$3(oldFocus);
4354          }, noop);
4355        });
4356        return result;
4357      };
4359      var NuPositionCss = function (position, left, top, right, bottom) {
4360        var toPx = function (num) {
4361          return num + 'px';
4362        };
4363        return {
4364          position: position,
4365          left: left.map(toPx),
4366          top: top.map(toPx),
4367          right: right.map(toPx),
4368          bottom: bottom.map(toPx)
4369        };
4370      };
4371      var toOptions = function (position) {
4372        return __assign(__assign({}, position), { position: Optional.some(position.position) });
4373      };
4374      var applyPositionCss = function (element, position) {
4375        setOptions(element, toOptions(position));
4376      };
4378      var adt$9 = Adt.generate([
4379        { none: [] },
4380        {
4381          relative: [
4382            'x',
4383            'y',
4384            'width',
4385            'height'
4386          ]
4387        },
4388        {
4389          fixed: [
4390            'x',
4391            'y',
4392            'width',
4393            'height'
4394          ]
4395        }
4396      ]);
4397      var positionWithDirection = function (posName, decision, x, y, width, height) {
4398        var decisionRect = decision.rect;
4399        var decisionX = decisionRect.x - x;
4400        var decisionY = decisionRect.y - y;
4401        var decisionWidth = decisionRect.width;
4402        var decisionHeight = decisionRect.height;
4403        var decisionRight = width - (decisionX + decisionWidth);
4404        var decisionBottom = height - (decisionY + decisionHeight);
4405        var left = Optional.some(decisionX);
4406        var top = Optional.some(decisionY);
4407        var right = Optional.some(decisionRight);
4408        var bottom = Optional.some(decisionBottom);
4409        var none = Optional.none();
4410        return cata$2(decision.direction, function () {
4411          return NuPositionCss(posName, left, top, none, none);
4412        }, function () {
4413          return NuPositionCss(posName, none, top, right, none);
4414        }, function () {
4415          return NuPositionCss(posName, left, none, none, bottom);
4416        }, function () {
4417          return NuPositionCss(posName, none, none, right, bottom);
4418        }, function () {
4419          return NuPositionCss(posName, left, top, none, none);
4420        }, function () {
4421          return NuPositionCss(posName, left, none, none, bottom);
4422        }, function () {
4423          return NuPositionCss(posName, left, top, none, none);
4424        }, function () {
4425          return NuPositionCss(posName, none, top, right, none);
4426        });
4427      };
4428      var reposition = function (origin, decision) {
4429        return origin.fold(function () {
4430          var decisionRect = decision.rect;
4431          return NuPositionCss('absolute', Optional.some(decisionRect.x), Optional.some(decisionRect.y), Optional.none(), Optional.none());
4432        }, function (x, y, width, height) {
4433          return positionWithDirection('absolute', decision, x, y, width, height);
4434        }, function (x, y, width, height) {
4435          return positionWithDirection('fixed', decision, x, y, width, height);
4436        });
4437      };
4438      var toBox = function (origin, element) {
4439        var rel = curry(find$2, element);
4440        var position = origin.fold(rel, rel, function () {
4441          var scroll = get$9();
4442          return find$2(element).translate(-scroll.left, -scroll.top);
4443        });
4444        var width = getOuter$1(element);
4445        var height = getOuter$2(element);
4446        return bounds(position.left, position.top, width, height);
4447      };
4448      var viewport = function (origin, getBounds) {
4449        return getBounds.fold(function () {
4450          return origin.fold(win, win, bounds);
4451        }, function (b) {
4452          return origin.fold(b, b, function () {
4453            var bounds$1 = b();
4454            var pos = translate$2(origin, bounds$1.x, bounds$1.y);
4455            return bounds(pos.left, pos.top, bounds$1.width, bounds$1.height);
4456          });
4457        });
4458      };
4459      var translate$2 = function (origin, x, y) {
4460        var pos = SugarPosition(x, y);
4461        var removeScroll = function () {
4462          var outerScroll = get$9();
4463          return pos.translate(-outerScroll.left, -outerScroll.top);
4464        };
4465        return origin.fold(constant$1(pos), constant$1(pos), removeScroll);
4466      };
4467      var cata$1 = function (subject, onNone, onRelative, onFixed) {
4468        return subject.fold(onNone, onRelative, onFixed);
4469      };
4470      adt$9.none;
4471      var relative$1 = adt$9.relative;
4472      var fixed$1 = adt$9.fixed;
4474      var anchor = function (anchorBox, origin) {
4475        return {
4476          anchorBox: anchorBox,
4477          origin: origin
4478        };
4479      };
4480      var box = function (anchorBox, origin) {
4481        return anchor(anchorBox, origin);
4482      };
4484      var placementAttribute = 'data-alloy-placement';
4485      var setPlacement$1 = function (element, placement) {
4486        set$8(element, placementAttribute, placement);
4487      };
4488      var getPlacement = function (element) {
4489        return getOpt(element, placementAttribute);
4490      };
4491      var reset$2 = function (element) {
4492        return remove$7(element, placementAttribute);
4493      };
4495      var adt$8 = Adt.generate([
4496        { fit: ['reposition'] },
4497        {
4498          nofit: [
4499            'reposition',
4500            'visibleW',
4501            'visibleH',
4502            'isVisible'
4503          ]
4504        }
4505      ]);
4506      var determinePosition = function (box, bounds) {
4507        var boundsX = bounds.x, boundsY = bounds.y, boundsRight = bounds.right, boundsBottom = bounds.bottom;
4508        var x = box.x, y = box.y, right = box.right, bottom = box.bottom, width = box.width, height = box.height;
4509        var xInBounds = x >= boundsX && x <= boundsRight;
4510        var yInBounds = y >= boundsY && y <= boundsBottom;
4511        var originInBounds = xInBounds && yInBounds;
4512        var rightInBounds = right <= boundsRight && right >= boundsX;
4513        var bottomInBounds = bottom <= boundsBottom && bottom >= boundsY;
4514        var sizeInBounds = rightInBounds && bottomInBounds;
4515        var visibleW = Math.min(width, x >= boundsX ? boundsRight - x : right - boundsX);
4516        var visibleH = Math.min(height, y >= boundsY ? boundsBottom - y : bottom - boundsY);
4517        return {
4518          originInBounds: originInBounds,
4519          sizeInBounds: sizeInBounds,
4520          visibleW: visibleW,
4521          visibleH: visibleH
4522        };
4523      };
4524      var calcReposition = function (box, bounds$1) {
4525        var boundsX = bounds$1.x, boundsY = bounds$1.y, boundsRight = bounds$1.right, boundsBottom = bounds$1.bottom;
4526        var x = box.x, y = box.y, width = box.width, height = box.height;
4527        var maxX = Math.max(boundsX, boundsRight - width);
4528        var maxY = Math.max(boundsY, boundsBottom - height);
4529        var restrictedX = clamp$1(x, boundsX, maxX);
4530        var restrictedY = clamp$1(y, boundsY, maxY);
4531        var restrictedWidth = Math.min(restrictedX + width, boundsRight) - restrictedX;
4532        var restrictedHeight = Math.min(restrictedY + height, boundsBottom) - restrictedY;
4533        return bounds(restrictedX, restrictedY, restrictedWidth, restrictedHeight);
4534      };
4535      var calcMaxSizes = function (direction, box, bounds) {
4536        var upAvailable = constant$1(box.bottom - bounds.y);
4537        var downAvailable = constant$1(bounds.bottom - box.y);
4538        var maxHeight = cataVertical(direction, downAvailable, downAvailable, upAvailable);
4539        var westAvailable = constant$1(box.right - bounds.x);
4540        var eastAvailable = constant$1(bounds.right - box.x);
4541        var maxWidth = cataHorizontal(direction, eastAvailable, eastAvailable, westAvailable);
4542        return {
4543          maxWidth: maxWidth,
4544          maxHeight: maxHeight
4545        };
4546      };
4547      var attempt = function (candidate, width, height, bounds$1) {
4548        var bubble = candidate.bubble;
4549        var bubbleOffset = bubble.offset;
4550        var adjustedBounds = adjustBounds(bounds$1, candidate.restriction, bubbleOffset);
4551        var newX = candidate.x + bubbleOffset.left;
4552        var newY = candidate.y + bubbleOffset.top;
4553        var box = bounds(newX, newY, width, height);
4554        var _a = determinePosition(box, adjustedBounds), originInBounds = _a.originInBounds, sizeInBounds = _a.sizeInBounds, visibleW = _a.visibleW, visibleH = _a.visibleH;
4555        var fits = originInBounds && sizeInBounds;
4556        var fittedBox = fits ? box : calcReposition(box, adjustedBounds);
4557        var isPartlyVisible = fittedBox.width > 0 && fittedBox.height > 0;
4558        var _b = calcMaxSizes(candidate.direction, fittedBox, bounds$1), maxWidth = _b.maxWidth, maxHeight = _b.maxHeight;
4559        var reposition = {
4560          rect: fittedBox,
4561          maxHeight: maxHeight,
4562          maxWidth: maxWidth,
4563          direction: candidate.direction,
4564          placement: candidate.placement,
4565          classes: {
4566            on: bubble.classesOn,
4567            off: bubble.classesOff
4568          },
4569          layout: candidate.label,
4570          testY: newY
4571        };
4572        return fits || candidate.alwaysFit ? adt$8.fit(reposition) : adt$8.nofit(reposition, visibleW, visibleH, isPartlyVisible);
4573      };
4574      var attempts = function (element, candidates, anchorBox, elementBox, bubbles, bounds) {
4575        var panelWidth = elementBox.width;
4576        var panelHeight = elementBox.height;
4577        var attemptBestFit = function (layout, reposition, visibleW, visibleH, isVisible) {
4578          var next = layout(anchorBox, elementBox, bubbles, element, bounds);
4579          var attemptLayout = attempt(next, panelWidth, panelHeight, bounds);
4580          return attemptLayout.fold(constant$1(attemptLayout), function (newReposition, newVisibleW, newVisibleH, newIsVisible) {
4581            var improved = isVisible === newIsVisible ? newVisibleH > visibleH || newVisibleW > visibleW : !isVisible && newIsVisible;
4582            return improved ? attemptLayout : adt$8.nofit(reposition, visibleW, visibleH, isVisible);
4583          });
4584        };
4585        var abc = foldl(candidates, function (b, a) {
4586          var bestNext = curry(attemptBestFit, a);
4587          return b.fold(constant$1(b), bestNext);
4588        }, adt$8.nofit({
4589          rect: anchorBox,
4590          maxHeight: elementBox.height,
4591          maxWidth: elementBox.width,
4592          direction: southeast$3(),
4593          placement: 'southeast',
4594          classes: {
4595            on: [],
4596            off: []
4597          },
4598          layout: 'none',
4599          testY: anchorBox.y
4600        }, -1, -1, false));
4601        return abc.fold(identity$1, identity$1);
4602      };
4604      var singleton = function (doRevoke) {
4605        var subject = Cell(Optional.none());
4606        var revoke = function () {
4607          return subject.get().each(doRevoke);
4608        };
4609        var clear = function () {
4610          revoke();
4611          subject.set(Optional.none());
4612        };
4613        var isSet = function () {
4614          return subject.get().isSome();
4615        };
4616        var get = function () {
4617          return subject.get();
4618        };
4619        var set = function (s) {
4620          revoke();
4621          subject.set(Optional.some(s));
4622        };
4623        return {
4624          clear: clear,
4625          isSet: isSet,
4626          get: get,
4627          set: set
4628        };
4629      };
4630      var destroyable = function () {
4631        return singleton(function (s) {
4632          return s.destroy();
4633        });
4634      };
4635      var unbindable = function () {
4636        return singleton(function (s) {
4637          return s.unbind();
4638        });
4639      };
4640      var api$1 = function () {
4641        var subject = destroyable();
4642        var run = function (f) {
4643          return subject.get().each(f);
4644        };
4645        return __assign(__assign({}, subject), { run: run });
4646      };
4647      var value$1 = function () {
4648        var subject = singleton(noop);
4649        var on = function (f) {
4650          return subject.get().each(f);
4651        };
4652        return __assign(__assign({}, subject), { on: on });
4653      };
4655      var filter = always;
4656      var bind = function (element, event, handler) {
4657        return bind$2(element, event, filter, handler);
4658      };
4659      var capture = function (element, event, handler) {
4660        return capture$1(element, event, filter, handler);
4661      };
4662      var fromRawEvent = fromRawEvent$1;
4664      var properties = [
4665        'top',
4666        'bottom',
4667        'right',
4668        'left'
4669      ];
4670      var timerAttr = 'data-alloy-transition-timer';
4671      var isTransitioning$1 = function (element, transition) {
4672        return hasAll(element, transition.classes);
4673      };
4674      var shouldApplyTransitionCss = function (transition, decision, lastPlacement) {
4675        return lastPlacement.exists(function (placer) {
4676          var mode = transition.mode;
4677          return mode === 'all' ? true : placer[mode] !== decision[mode];
4678        });
4679      };
4680      var hasChanges = function (position, intermediate) {
4681        var round = function (value) {
4682          return parseFloat(value).toFixed(3);
4683        };
4684        return find$4(intermediate, function (value, key) {
4685          var newValue = position[key].map(round);
4686          var val = value.map(round);
4687          return !equals(newValue, val);
4688        }).isSome();
4689      };
4690      var getTransitionDuration = function (element) {
4691        var get = function (name) {
4692          var style = get$c(element, name);
4693          var times = isString(style) ? style.split(/\s*,\s*/) : [];
4694          return filter$2(times, isNotEmpty);
4695        };
4696        var parse = function (value) {
4697          if (isString(value) && /^[\d.]+/.test(value)) {
4698            var num = parseFloat(value);
4699            return endsWith(value, 'ms') ? num : num * 1000;
4700          } else {
4701            return 0;
4702          }
4703        };
4704        var delay = get('transition-delay');
4705        var duration = get('transition-duration');
4706        return foldl(duration, function (acc, dur, i) {
4707          var time = parse(delay[i]) + parse(dur);
4708          return Math.max(acc, time);
4709        }, 0);
4710      };
4711      var setupTransitionListeners = function (element, transition) {
4712        var transitionEnd = unbindable();
4713        var transitionCancel = unbindable();
4714        var timer;
4715        var isSourceTransition = function (e) {
4716          var _a;
4717          var pseudoElement = (_a = e.raw.pseudoElement) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';
4718          return eq(e.target, element) && isEmpty(pseudoElement) && contains$2(properties, e.raw.propertyName);
4719        };
4720        var transitionDone = function (e) {
4721          if (isNullable(e) || isSourceTransition(e)) {
4722            transitionEnd.clear();
4723            transitionCancel.clear();
4724            var type = e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.raw.type;
4725            if (isNullable(type) || type === transitionend()) {
4726              clearTimeout(timer);
4727              remove$7(element, timerAttr);
4728              remove$1(element, transition.classes);
4729            }
4730          }
4731        };
4732        var transitionStarted = function () {
4733          transitionEnd.set(bind(element, transitionend(), transitionDone));
4734          transitionCancel.set(bind(element, transitioncancel(), transitionDone));
4735        };
4736        if ('ontransitionstart' in element.dom) {
4737          var transitionStart_1 = bind(element, transitionstart(), function (e) {
4738            if (isSourceTransition(e)) {
4739              transitionStart_1.unbind();
4740              transitionStarted();
4741            }
4742          });
4743        } else {
4744          transitionStarted();
4745        }
4746        var duration = getTransitionDuration(element);
4747        requestAnimationFrame(function () {
4748          timer = setTimeout(transitionDone, duration + 17);
4749          set$8(element, timerAttr, timer);
4750        });
4751      };
4752      var startTransitioning = function (element, transition) {
4753        add$1(element, transition.classes);
4754        getOpt(element, timerAttr).each(function (timerId) {
4755          clearTimeout(parseInt(timerId, 10));
4756          remove$7(element, timerAttr);
4757        });
4758        setupTransitionListeners(element, transition);
4759      };
4760      var applyTransitionCss = function (element, origin, position, transition, decision, lastPlacement) {
4761        var shouldTransition = shouldApplyTransitionCss(transition, decision, lastPlacement);
4762        if (shouldTransition || isTransitioning$1(element, transition)) {
4763          set$7(element, 'position', position.position);
4764          var rect = toBox(origin, element);
4765          var intermediatePosition_1 = reposition(origin, __assign(__assign({}, decision), { rect: rect }));
4766          var intermediateCssOptions = mapToObject(properties, function (prop) {
4767            return intermediatePosition_1[prop];
4768          });
4769          if (hasChanges(position, intermediateCssOptions)) {
4770            setOptions(element, intermediateCssOptions);
4771            if (shouldTransition) {
4772              startTransitioning(element, transition);
4773            }
4774            reflow(element);
4775          }
4776        } else {
4777          remove$1(element, transition.classes);
4778        }
4779      };
4781      var elementSize = function (p) {
4782        return {
4783          width: getOuter$1(p),
4784          height: getOuter$2(p)
4785        };
4786      };
4787      var layout = function (anchorBox, element, bubbles, options) {
4788        remove$6(element, 'max-height');
4789        remove$6(element, 'max-width');
4790        var elementBox = elementSize(element);
4791        return attempts(element, options.preference, anchorBox, elementBox, bubbles, options.bounds);
4792      };
4793      var setClasses = function (element, decision) {
4794        var classInfo = decision.classes;
4795        remove$1(element, classInfo.off);
4796        add$1(element, classInfo.on);
4797      };
4798      var setHeight = function (element, decision, options) {
4799        var maxHeightFunction = options.maxHeightFunction;
4800        maxHeightFunction(element, decision.maxHeight);
4801      };
4802      var setWidth = function (element, decision, options) {
4803        var maxWidthFunction = options.maxWidthFunction;
4804        maxWidthFunction(element, decision.maxWidth);
4805      };
4806      var position$2 = function (element, decision, options) {
4807        var positionCss = reposition(options.origin, decision);
4808        options.transition.each(function (transition) {
4809          applyTransitionCss(element, options.origin, positionCss, transition, decision, options.lastPlacement);
4810        });
4811        applyPositionCss(element, positionCss);
4812      };
4813      var setPlacement = function (element, decision) {
4814        setPlacement$1(element, decision.placement);
4815      };
4817      var setMaxHeight = function (element, maxHeight) {
4818        setMax$1(element, Math.floor(maxHeight));
4819      };
4820      var anchored = constant$1(function (element, available) {
4821        setMaxHeight(element, available);
4822        setAll(element, {
4823          'overflow-x': 'hidden',
4824          'overflow-y': 'auto'
4825        });
4826      });
4827      var expandable$1 = constant$1(function (element, available) {
4828        setMaxHeight(element, available);
4829      });
4831      var defaultOr = function (options, key, dephault) {
4832        return options[key] === undefined ? dephault : options[key];
4833      };
4834      var simple = function (anchor, element, bubble, layouts, lastPlacement, getBounds, overrideOptions, transition) {
4835        var maxHeightFunction = defaultOr(overrideOptions, 'maxHeightFunction', anchored());
4836        var maxWidthFunction = defaultOr(overrideOptions, 'maxWidthFunction', noop);
4837        var anchorBox = anchor.anchorBox;
4838        var origin = anchor.origin;
4839        var options = {
4840          bounds: viewport(origin, getBounds),
4841          origin: origin,
4842          preference: layouts,
4843          maxHeightFunction: maxHeightFunction,
4844          maxWidthFunction: maxWidthFunction,
4845          lastPlacement: lastPlacement,
4846          transition: transition
4847        };
4848        return go(anchorBox, element, bubble, options);
4849      };
4850      var go = function (anchorBox, element, bubble, options) {
4851        var decision = layout(anchorBox, element, bubble, options);
4852        position$2(element, decision, options);
4853        setPlacement(element, decision);
4854        setClasses(element, decision);
4855        setHeight(element, decision, options);
4856        setWidth(element, decision, options);
4857        return {
4858          layout: decision.layout,
4859          placement: decision.placement
4860        };
4861      };
4863      var allAlignments = [
4864        'valignCentre',
4865        'alignLeft',
4866        'alignRight',
4867        'alignCentre',
4868        'top',
4869        'bottom',
4870        'left',
4871        'right',
4872        'inset'
4873      ];
4874      var nu$5 = function (xOffset, yOffset, classes, insetModifier) {
4875        if (insetModifier === void 0) {
4876          insetModifier = 1;
4877        }
4878        var insetXOffset = xOffset * insetModifier;
4879        var insetYOffset = yOffset * insetModifier;
4880        var getClasses = function (prop) {
4881          return get$e(classes, prop).getOr([]);
4882        };
4883        var make = function (xDelta, yDelta, alignmentsOn) {
4884          var alignmentsOff = difference(allAlignments, alignmentsOn);
4885          return {
4886            offset: SugarPosition(xDelta, yDelta),
4887            classesOn: bind$3(alignmentsOn, getClasses),
4888            classesOff: bind$3(alignmentsOff, getClasses)
4889          };
4890        };
4891        return {
4892          southeast: function () {
4893            return make(-xOffset, yOffset, [
4894              'top',
4895              'alignLeft'
4896            ]);
4897          },
4898          southwest: function () {
4899            return make(xOffset, yOffset, [
4900              'top',
4901              'alignRight'
4902            ]);
4903          },
4904          south: function () {
4905            return make(-xOffset / 2, yOffset, [
4906              'top',
4907              'alignCentre'
4908            ]);
4909          },
4910          northeast: function () {
4911            return make(-xOffset, -yOffset, [
4912              'bottom',
4913              'alignLeft'
4914            ]);
4915          },
4916          northwest: function () {
4917            return make(xOffset, -yOffset, [
4918              'bottom',
4919              'alignRight'
4920            ]);
4921          },
4922          north: function () {
4923            return make(-xOffset / 2, -yOffset, [
4924              'bottom',
4925              'alignCentre'
4926            ]);
4927          },
4928          east: function () {
4929            return make(xOffset, -yOffset / 2, [
4930              'valignCentre',
4931              'left'
4932            ]);
4933          },
4934          west: function () {
4935            return make(-xOffset, -yOffset / 2, [
4936              'valignCentre',
4937              'right'
4938            ]);
4939          },
4940          insetNortheast: function () {
4941            return make(insetXOffset, insetYOffset, [
4942              'top',
4943              'alignLeft',
4944              'inset'
4945            ]);
4946          },
4947          insetNorthwest: function () {
4948            return make(-insetXOffset, insetYOffset, [
4949              'top',
4950              'alignRight',
4951              'inset'
4952            ]);
4953          },
4954          insetNorth: function () {
4955            return make(-insetXOffset / 2, insetYOffset, [
4956              'top',
4957              'alignCentre',
4958              'inset'
4959            ]);
4960          },
4961          insetSoutheast: function () {
4962            return make(insetXOffset, -insetYOffset, [
4963              'bottom',
4964              'alignLeft',
4965              'inset'
4966            ]);
4967          },
4968          insetSouthwest: function () {
4969            return make(-insetXOffset, -insetYOffset, [
4970              'bottom',
4971              'alignRight',
4972              'inset'
4973            ]);
4974          },
4975          insetSouth: function () {
4976            return make(-insetXOffset / 2, -insetYOffset, [
4977              'bottom',
4978              'alignCentre',
4979              'inset'
4980            ]);
4981          },
4982          insetEast: function () {
4983            return make(-insetXOffset, -insetYOffset / 2, [
4984              'valignCentre',
4985              'right',
4986              'inset'
4987            ]);
4988          },
4989          insetWest: function () {
4990            return make(insetXOffset, -insetYOffset / 2, [
4991              'valignCentre',
4992              'left',
4993              'inset'
4994            ]);
4995          }
4996        };
4997      };
4998      var fallback = function () {
4999        return nu$5(0, 0, {});
5000      };
5002      var nu$4 = identity$1;
5004      var onDirection = function (isLtr, isRtl) {
5005        return function (element) {
5006          return getDirection(element) === 'rtl' ? isRtl : isLtr;
5007        };
5008      };
5009      var getDirection = function (element) {
5010        return get$c(element, 'direction') === 'rtl' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
5011      };
5013      var AttributeValue;
5014      (function (AttributeValue) {
5015        AttributeValue['TopToBottom'] = 'toptobottom';
5016        AttributeValue['BottomToTop'] = 'bottomtotop';
5017      }(AttributeValue || (AttributeValue = {})));
5018      var Attribute = 'data-alloy-vertical-dir';
5019      var isBottomToTopDir = function (el) {
5020        return closest$2(el, function (current) {
5021          return isElement$2(current) && get$d(current, 'data-alloy-vertical-dir') === AttributeValue.BottomToTop;
5022        });
5023      };
5025      var schema$y = function () {
5026        return optionObjOf('layouts', [
5027          required$1('onLtr'),
5028          required$1('onRtl'),
5029          option('onBottomLtr'),
5030          option('onBottomRtl')
5031        ]);
5032      };
5033      var get$4 = function (elem, info, defaultLtr, defaultRtl, defaultBottomLtr, defaultBottomRtl, dirElement) {
5034        var isBottomToTop = dirElement.map(isBottomToTopDir).getOr(false);
5035        var customLtr = info.layouts.map(function (ls) {
5036          return ls.onLtr(elem);
5037        });
5038        var customRtl = info.layouts.map(function (ls) {
5039          return ls.onRtl(elem);
5040        });
5041        var ltr = isBottomToTop ? info.layouts.bind(function (ls) {
5042          return ls.onBottomLtr.map(function (f) {
5043            return f(elem);
5044          });
5045        }).or(customLtr).getOr(defaultBottomLtr) : customLtr.getOr(defaultLtr);
5046        var rtl = isBottomToTop ? info.layouts.bind(function (ls) {
5047          return ls.onBottomRtl.map(function (f) {
5048            return f(elem);
5049          });
5050        }).or(customRtl).getOr(defaultBottomRtl) : customRtl.getOr(defaultRtl);
5051        var f = onDirection(ltr, rtl);
5052        return f(elem);
5053      };
5055      var placement$4 = function (component, anchorInfo, origin) {
5056        var hotspot = anchorInfo.hotspot;
5057        var anchorBox = toBox(origin, hotspot.element);
5058        var layouts = get$4(component.element, anchorInfo, belowOrAbove(), belowOrAboveRtl(), aboveOrBelow(), aboveOrBelowRtl(), Optional.some(anchorInfo.hotspot.element));
5059        return Optional.some(nu$4({
5060          anchorBox: anchorBox,
5061          bubble: anchorInfo.bubble.getOr(fallback()),
5062          overrides: anchorInfo.overrides,
5063          layouts: layouts,
5064          placer: Optional.none()
5065        }));
5066      };
5067      var HotspotAnchor = [
5068        required$1('hotspot'),
5069        option('bubble'),
5070        defaulted('overrides', {}),
5071        schema$y(),
5072        output$1('placement', placement$4)
5073      ];
5075      var placement$3 = function (component, anchorInfo, origin) {
5076        var pos = translate$2(origin, anchorInfo.x, anchorInfo.y);
5077        var anchorBox = bounds(pos.left, pos.top, anchorInfo.width, anchorInfo.height);
5078        var layouts = get$4(component.element, anchorInfo, all$1(), allRtl$1(), all$1(), allRtl$1(), Optional.none());
5079        return Optional.some(nu$4({
5080          anchorBox: anchorBox,
5081          bubble: anchorInfo.bubble,
5082          overrides: anchorInfo.overrides,
5083          layouts: layouts,
5084          placer: Optional.none()
5085        }));
5086      };
5087      var MakeshiftAnchor = [
5088        required$1('x'),
5089        required$1('y'),
5090        defaulted('height', 0),
5091        defaulted('width', 0),
5092        defaulted('bubble', fallback()),
5093        defaulted('overrides', {}),
5094        schema$y(),
5095        output$1('placement', placement$3)
5096      ];
5098      var adt$7 = Adt.generate([
5099        { screen: ['point'] },
5100        {
5101          absolute: [
5102            'point',
5103            'scrollLeft',
5104            'scrollTop'
5105          ]
5106        }
5107      ]);
5108      var toFixed = function (pos) {
5109        return pos.fold(identity$1, function (point, scrollLeft, scrollTop) {
5110          return point.translate(-scrollLeft, -scrollTop);
5111        });
5112      };
5113      var toAbsolute = function (pos) {
5114        return pos.fold(identity$1, identity$1);
5115      };
5116      var sum = function (points) {
5117        return foldl(points, function (b, a) {
5118          return b.translate(a.left, a.top);
5119        }, SugarPosition(0, 0));
5120      };
5121      var sumAsFixed = function (positions) {
5122        var points = map$2(positions, toFixed);
5123        return sum(points);
5124      };
5125      var sumAsAbsolute = function (positions) {
5126        var points = map$2(positions, toAbsolute);
5127        return sum(points);
5128      };
5129      var screen = adt$7.screen;
5130      var absolute$1 = adt$7.absolute;
5132      var getOffset = function (component, origin, anchorInfo) {
5133        var win = defaultView(anchorInfo.root).dom;
5134        var hasSameOwner = function (frame) {
5135          var frameOwner = owner$4(frame);
5136          var compOwner = owner$4(component.element);
5137          return eq(frameOwner, compOwner);
5138        };
5139        return Optional.from(win.frameElement).map(SugarElement.fromDom).filter(hasSameOwner).map(absolute$3);
5140      };
5141      var getRootPoint = function (component, origin, anchorInfo) {
5142        var doc = owner$4(component.element);
5143        var outerScroll = get$9(doc);
5144        var offset = getOffset(component, origin, anchorInfo).getOr(outerScroll);
5145        return absolute$1(offset, outerScroll.left, outerScroll.top);
5146      };
5148      var getBox = function (left, top, width, height) {
5149        var point = screen(SugarPosition(left, top));
5150        return Optional.some(pointed(point, width, height));
5151      };
5152      var calcNewAnchor = function (optBox, rootPoint, anchorInfo, origin, elem) {
5153        return optBox.map(function (box) {
5154          var points = [
5155            rootPoint,
5156            box.point
5157          ];
5158          var topLeft = cata$1(origin, function () {
5159            return sumAsAbsolute(points);
5160          }, function () {
5161            return sumAsAbsolute(points);
5162          }, function () {
5163            return sumAsFixed(points);
5164          });
5165          var anchorBox = rect(topLeft.left, topLeft.top, box.width, box.height);
5166          var layoutsLtr = anchorInfo.showAbove ? aboveOrBelow() : belowOrAbove();
5167          var layoutsRtl = anchorInfo.showAbove ? aboveOrBelowRtl() : belowOrAboveRtl();
5168          var layouts = get$4(elem, anchorInfo, layoutsLtr, layoutsRtl, layoutsLtr, layoutsRtl, Optional.none());
5169          return nu$4({
5170            anchorBox: anchorBox,
5171            bubble: anchorInfo.bubble.getOr(fallback()),
5172            overrides: anchorInfo.overrides,
5173            layouts: layouts,
5174            placer: Optional.none()
5175          });
5176        });
5177      };
5179      var placement$2 = function (component, anchorInfo, origin) {
5180        var rootPoint = getRootPoint(component, origin, anchorInfo);
5181        return anchorInfo.node.filter(inBody).bind(function (target) {
5182          var rect = target.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
5183          var nodeBox = getBox(rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height);
5184          var elem = anchorInfo.node.getOr(component.element);
5185          return calcNewAnchor(nodeBox, rootPoint, anchorInfo, origin, elem);
5186        });
5187      };
5188      var NodeAnchor = [
5189        required$1('node'),
5190        required$1('root'),
5191        option('bubble'),
5192        schema$y(),
5193        defaulted('overrides', {}),
5194        defaulted('showAbove', false),
5195        output$1('placement', placement$2)
5196      ];
5198      var zeroWidth = '\uFEFF';
5199      var nbsp = '\xA0';
5201      var create$6 = function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) {
5202        return {
5203          start: start,
5204          soffset: soffset,
5205          finish: finish,
5206          foffset: foffset
5207        };
5208      };
5209      var SimRange = { create: create$6 };
5211      var adt$6 = Adt.generate([
5212        { before: ['element'] },
5213        {
5214          on: [
5215            'element',
5216            'offset'
5217          ]
5218        },
5219        { after: ['element'] }
5220      ]);
5221      var cata = function (subject, onBefore, onOn, onAfter) {
5222        return subject.fold(onBefore, onOn, onAfter);
5223      };
5224      var getStart$1 = function (situ) {
5225        return situ.fold(identity$1, identity$1, identity$1);
5226      };
5227      var before = adt$6.before;
5228      var on$1 = adt$6.on;
5229      var after$1 = adt$6.after;
5230      var Situ = {
5231        before: before,
5232        on: on$1,
5233        after: after$1,
5234        cata: cata,
5235        getStart: getStart$1
5236      };
5238      var adt$5 = Adt.generate([
5239        { domRange: ['rng'] },
5240        {
5241          relative: [
5242            'startSitu',
5243            'finishSitu'
5244          ]
5245        },
5246        {
5247          exact: [
5248            'start',
5249            'soffset',
5250            'finish',
5251            'foffset'
5252          ]
5253        }
5254      ]);
5255      var exactFromRange = function (simRange) {
5256        return adt$5.exact(simRange.start, simRange.soffset, simRange.finish, simRange.foffset);
5257      };
5258      var getStart = function (selection) {
5259        return selection.match({
5260          domRange: function (rng) {
5261            return SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer);
5262          },
5263          relative: function (startSitu, _finishSitu) {
5264            return Situ.getStart(startSitu);
5265          },
5266          exact: function (start, _soffset, _finish, _foffset) {
5267            return start;
5268          }
5269        });
5270      };
5271      var domRange = adt$5.domRange;
5272      var relative = adt$5.relative;
5273      var exact = adt$5.exact;
5274      var getWin = function (selection) {
5275        var start = getStart(selection);
5276        return defaultView(start);
5277      };
5278      var range$1 = SimRange.create;
5279      var SimSelection = {
5280        domRange: domRange,
5281        relative: relative,
5282        exact: exact,
5283        exactFromRange: exactFromRange,
5284        getWin: getWin,
5285        range: range$1
5286      };
5288      var setStart = function (rng, situ) {
5289        situ.fold(function (e) {
5290          rng.setStartBefore(e.dom);
5291        }, function (e, o) {
5292          rng.setStart(e.dom, o);
5293        }, function (e) {
5294          rng.setStartAfter(e.dom);
5295        });
5296      };
5297      var setFinish = function (rng, situ) {
5298        situ.fold(function (e) {
5299          rng.setEndBefore(e.dom);
5300        }, function (e, o) {
5301          rng.setEnd(e.dom, o);
5302        }, function (e) {
5303          rng.setEndAfter(e.dom);
5304        });
5305      };
5306      var relativeToNative = function (win, startSitu, finishSitu) {
5307        var range = win.document.createRange();
5308        setStart(range, startSitu);
5309        setFinish(range, finishSitu);
5310        return range;
5311      };
5312      var exactToNative = function (win, start, soffset, finish, foffset) {
5313        var rng = win.document.createRange();
5314        rng.setStart(start.dom, soffset);
5315        rng.setEnd(finish.dom, foffset);
5316        return rng;
5317      };
5318      var toRect = function (rect) {
5319        return {
5320          left: rect.left,
5321          top: rect.top,
5322          right: rect.right,
5323          bottom: rect.bottom,
5324          width: rect.width,
5325          height: rect.height
5326        };
5327      };
5328      var getFirstRect$1 = function (rng) {
5329        var rects = rng.getClientRects();
5330        var rect = rects.length > 0 ? rects[0] : rng.getBoundingClientRect();
5331        return rect.width > 0 || rect.height > 0 ? Optional.some(rect).map(toRect) : Optional.none();
5332      };
5333      var getBounds$2 = function (rng) {
5334        var rect = rng.getBoundingClientRect();
5335        return rect.width > 0 || rect.height > 0 ? Optional.some(rect).map(toRect) : Optional.none();
5336      };
5338      var adt$4 = Adt.generate([
5339        {
5340          ltr: [
5341            'start',
5342            'soffset',
5343            'finish',
5344            'foffset'
5345          ]
5346        },
5347        {
5348          rtl: [
5349            'start',
5350            'soffset',
5351            'finish',
5352            'foffset'
5353          ]
5354        }
5355      ]);
5356      var fromRange = function (win, type, range) {
5357        return type(SugarElement.fromDom(range.startContainer), range.startOffset, SugarElement.fromDom(range.endContainer), range.endOffset);
5358      };
5359      var getRanges = function (win, selection) {
5360        return selection.match({
5361          domRange: function (rng) {
5362            return {
5363              ltr: constant$1(rng),
5364              rtl: Optional.none
5365            };
5366          },
5367          relative: function (startSitu, finishSitu) {
5368            return {
5369              ltr: cached(function () {
5370                return relativeToNative(win, startSitu, finishSitu);
5371              }),
5372              rtl: cached(function () {
5373                return Optional.some(relativeToNative(win, finishSitu, startSitu));
5374              })
5375            };
5376          },
5377          exact: function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) {
5378            return {
5379              ltr: cached(function () {
5380                return exactToNative(win, start, soffset, finish, foffset);
5381              }),
5382              rtl: cached(function () {
5383                return Optional.some(exactToNative(win, finish, foffset, start, soffset));
5384              })
5385            };
5386          }
5387        });
5388      };
5389      var doDiagnose = function (win, ranges) {
5390        var rng = ranges.ltr();
5391        if (rng.collapsed) {
5392          var reversed = ranges.rtl().filter(function (rev) {
5393            return rev.collapsed === false;
5394          });
5395          return reversed.map(function (rev) {
5396            return adt$4.rtl(SugarElement.fromDom(rev.endContainer), rev.endOffset, SugarElement.fromDom(rev.startContainer), rev.startOffset);
5397          }).getOrThunk(function () {
5398            return fromRange(win, adt$4.ltr, rng);
5399          });
5400        } else {
5401          return fromRange(win, adt$4.ltr, rng);
5402        }
5403      };
5404      var diagnose = function (win, selection) {
5405        var ranges = getRanges(win, selection);
5406        return doDiagnose(win, ranges);
5407      };
5408      var asLtrRange = function (win, selection) {
5409        var diagnosis = diagnose(win, selection);
5410        return diagnosis.match({
5411          ltr: function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) {
5412            var rng = win.document.createRange();
5413            rng.setStart(start.dom, soffset);
5414            rng.setEnd(finish.dom, foffset);
5415            return rng;
5416          },
5417          rtl: function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) {
5418            var rng = win.document.createRange();
5419            rng.setStart(finish.dom, foffset);
5420            rng.setEnd(start.dom, soffset);
5421            return rng;
5422          }
5423        });
5424      };
5425      adt$4.ltr;
5426      adt$4.rtl;
5428      var NodeValue = function (is, name) {
5429        var get = function (element) {
5430          if (!is(element)) {
5431            throw new Error('Can only get ' + name + ' value of a ' + name + ' node');
5432          }
5433          return getOption(element).getOr('');
5434        };
5435        var getOption = function (element) {
5436          return is(element) ? Optional.from(element.dom.nodeValue) : Optional.none();
5437        };
5438        var set = function (element, value) {
5439          if (!is(element)) {
5440            throw new Error('Can only set raw ' + name + ' value of a ' + name + ' node');
5441          }
5442          element.dom.nodeValue = value;
5443        };
5444        return {
5445          get: get,
5446          getOption: getOption,
5447          set: set
5448        };
5449      };
5451      var api = NodeValue(isText$1, 'text');
5452      var get$3 = function (element) {
5453        return api.get(element);
5454      };
5455      var getOption = function (element) {
5456        return api.getOption(element);
5457      };
5459      var getEnd = function (element) {
5460        return name$2(element) === 'img' ? 1 : getOption(element).fold(function () {
5461          return children(element).length;
5462        }, function (v) {
5463          return v.length;
5464        });
5465      };
5466      var isTextNodeWithCursorPosition = function (el) {
5467        return getOption(el).filter(function (text) {
5468          return text.trim().length !== 0 || text.indexOf(nbsp) > -1;
5469        }).isSome();
5470      };
5471      var elementsWithCursorPosition = [
5472        'img',
5473        'br'
5474      ];
5475      var isCursorPosition = function (elem) {
5476        var hasCursorPosition = isTextNodeWithCursorPosition(elem);
5477        return hasCursorPosition || contains$2(elementsWithCursorPosition, name$2(elem));
5478      };
5480      var last$1 = function (element) {
5481        return descendantRtl(element, isCursorPosition);
5482      };
5483      var descendantRtl = function (scope, predicate) {
5484        var descend = function (element) {
5485          var children$1 = children(element);
5486          for (var i = children$1.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
5487            var child = children$1[i];
5488            if (predicate(child)) {
5489              return Optional.some(child);
5490            }
5491            var res = descend(child);
5492            if (res.isSome()) {
5493              return res;
5494            }
5495          }
5496          return Optional.none();
5497        };
5498        return descend(scope);
5499      };
5501      var descendants = function (scope, selector) {
5502        return all$3(selector, scope);
5503      };
5505      var makeRange = function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) {
5506        var doc = owner$4(start);
5507        var rng = doc.dom.createRange();
5508        rng.setStart(start.dom, soffset);
5509        rng.setEnd(finish.dom, foffset);
5510        return rng;
5511      };
5512      var after = function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) {
5513        var r = makeRange(start, soffset, finish, foffset);
5514        var same = eq(start, finish) && soffset === foffset;
5515        return r.collapsed && !same;
5516      };
5518      var getNativeSelection = function (win) {
5519        return Optional.from(win.getSelection());
5520      };
5521      var readRange = function (selection) {
5522        if (selection.rangeCount > 0) {
5523          var firstRng = selection.getRangeAt(0);
5524          var lastRng = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1);
5525          return Optional.some(SimRange.create(SugarElement.fromDom(firstRng.startContainer), firstRng.startOffset, SugarElement.fromDom(lastRng.endContainer), lastRng.endOffset));
5526        } else {
5527          return Optional.none();
5528        }
5529      };
5530      var doGetExact = function (selection) {
5531        if (selection.anchorNode === null || selection.focusNode === null) {
5532          return readRange(selection);
5533        } else {
5534          var anchor = SugarElement.fromDom(selection.anchorNode);
5535          var focus_1 = SugarElement.fromDom(selection.focusNode);
5536          return after(anchor, selection.anchorOffset, focus_1, selection.focusOffset) ? Optional.some(SimRange.create(anchor, selection.anchorOffset, focus_1, selection.focusOffset)) : readRange(selection);
5537        }
5538      };
5539      var getExact = function (win) {
5540        return getNativeSelection(win).filter(function (sel) {
5541          return sel.rangeCount > 0;
5542        }).bind(doGetExact);
5543      };
5544      var getFirstRect = function (win, selection) {
5545        var rng = asLtrRange(win, selection);
5546        return getFirstRect$1(rng);
5547      };
5548      var getBounds$1 = function (win, selection) {
5549        var rng = asLtrRange(win, selection);
5550        return getBounds$2(rng);
5551      };
5553      var point$1 = function (element, offset) {
5554        return {
5555          element: element,
5556          offset: offset
5557        };
5558      };
5559      var descendOnce$1 = function (element, offset) {
5560        var children$1 = children(element);
5561        if (children$1.length === 0) {
5562          return point$1(element, offset);
5563        } else if (offset < children$1.length) {
5564          return point$1(children$1[offset], 0);
5565        } else {
5566          var last = children$1[children$1.length - 1];
5567          var len = isText$1(last) ? get$3(last).length : children(last).length;
5568          return point$1(last, len);
5569        }
5570      };
5572      var descendOnce = function (element, offset) {
5573        return isText$1(element) ? point$1(element, offset) : descendOnce$1(element, offset);
5574      };
5575      var getAnchorSelection = function (win, anchorInfo) {
5576        var getSelection = anchorInfo.getSelection.getOrThunk(function () {
5577          return function () {
5578            return getExact(win);
5579          };
5580        });
5581        return getSelection().map(function (sel) {
5582          var modStart = descendOnce(sel.start, sel.soffset);
5583          var modFinish = descendOnce(sel.finish, sel.foffset);
5584          return SimSelection.range(modStart.element, modStart.offset, modFinish.element, modFinish.offset);
5585        });
5586      };
5587      var placement$1 = function (component, anchorInfo, origin) {
5588        var win = defaultView(anchorInfo.root).dom;
5589        var rootPoint = getRootPoint(component, origin, anchorInfo);
5590        var selectionBox = getAnchorSelection(win, anchorInfo).bind(function (sel) {
5591          var optRect = getBounds$1(win, SimSelection.exactFromRange(sel)).orThunk(function () {
5592            var x = SugarElement.fromText(zeroWidth);
5593            before$2(sel.start, x);
5594            var rect = getFirstRect(win, SimSelection.exact(x, 0, x, 1));
5595            remove$5(x);
5596            return rect;
5597          });
5598          return optRect.bind(function (rawRect) {
5599            return getBox(rawRect.left, rawRect.top, rawRect.width, rawRect.height);
5600          });
5601        });
5602        var targetElement = getAnchorSelection(win, anchorInfo).bind(function (sel) {
5603          return isElement$2(sel.start) ? Optional.some(sel.start) : parentNode(sel.start);
5604        });
5605        var elem = targetElement.getOr(component.element);
5606        return calcNewAnchor(selectionBox, rootPoint, anchorInfo, origin, elem);
5607      };
5608      var SelectionAnchor = [
5609        option('getSelection'),
5610        required$1('root'),
5611        option('bubble'),
5612        schema$y(),
5613        defaulted('overrides', {}),
5614        defaulted('showAbove', false),
5615        output$1('placement', placement$1)
5616      ];
5618      var labelPrefix$1 = 'link-layout';
5619      var eastX = function (anchor) {
5620        return anchor.x + anchor.width;
5621      };
5622      var westX = function (anchor, element) {
5623        return anchor.x - element.width;
5624      };
5625      var northY$1 = function (anchor, element) {
5626        return anchor.y - element.height + anchor.height;
5627      };
5628      var southY$1 = function (anchor) {
5629        return anchor.y;
5630      };
5631      var southeast$1 = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
5632        return nu$6(eastX(anchor), southY$1(anchor), bubbles.southeast(), southeast$3(), 'southeast', boundsRestriction(anchor, {
5633          left: 0,
5634          top: 2
5635        }), labelPrefix$1);
5636      };
5637      var southwest$1 = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
5638        return nu$6(westX(anchor, element), southY$1(anchor), bubbles.southwest(), southwest$3(), 'southwest', boundsRestriction(anchor, {
5639          right: 1,
5640          top: 2
5641        }), labelPrefix$1);
5642      };
5643      var northeast$1 = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
5644        return nu$6(eastX(anchor), northY$1(anchor, element), bubbles.northeast(), northeast$3(), 'northeast', boundsRestriction(anchor, {
5645          left: 0,
5646          bottom: 3
5647        }), labelPrefix$1);
5648      };
5649      var northwest$1 = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
5650        return nu$6(westX(anchor, element), northY$1(anchor, element), bubbles.northwest(), northwest$3(), 'northwest', boundsRestriction(anchor, {
5651          right: 1,
5652          bottom: 3
5653        }), labelPrefix$1);
5654      };
5655      var all = function () {
5656        return [
5657          southeast$1,
5658          southwest$1,
5659          northeast$1,
5660          northwest$1
5661        ];
5662      };
5663      var allRtl = function () {
5664        return [
5665          southwest$1,
5666          southeast$1,
5667          northwest$1,
5668          northeast$1
5669        ];
5670      };
5672      var placement = function (component, submenuInfo, origin) {
5673        var anchorBox = toBox(origin, submenuInfo.item.element);
5674        var layouts = get$4(component.element, submenuInfo, all(), allRtl(), all(), allRtl(), Optional.none());
5675        return Optional.some(nu$4({
5676          anchorBox: anchorBox,
5677          bubble: fallback(),
5678          overrides: submenuInfo.overrides,
5679          layouts: layouts,
5680          placer: Optional.none()
5681        }));
5682      };
5683      var SubmenuAnchor = [
5684        required$1('item'),
5685        schema$y(),
5686        defaulted('overrides', {}),
5687        output$1('placement', placement)
5688      ];
5690      var AnchorSchema = choose$1('type', {
5691        selection: SelectionAnchor,
5692        node: NodeAnchor,
5693        hotspot: HotspotAnchor,
5694        submenu: SubmenuAnchor,
5695        makeshift: MakeshiftAnchor
5696      });
5698      var TransitionSchema = [
5699        requiredArrayOf('classes', string),
5700        defaultedStringEnum('mode', 'all', [
5701          'all',
5702          'layout',
5703          'placement'
5704        ])
5705      ];
5706      var PositionSchema = [
5707        defaulted('useFixed', never),
5708        option('getBounds')
5709      ];
5710      var PlacementSchema = [
5711        requiredOf('anchor', AnchorSchema),
5712        optionObjOf('transition', TransitionSchema)
5713      ];
5715      var getFixedOrigin = function () {
5716        var html = document.documentElement;
5717        return fixed$1(0, 0, html.clientWidth, html.clientHeight);
5718      };
5719      var getRelativeOrigin = function (component) {
5720        var position = absolute$3(component.element);
5721        var bounds = component.element.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
5722        return relative$1(position.left, position.top, bounds.width, bounds.height);
5723      };
5724      var place = function (component, origin, anchoring, getBounds, placee, lastPlace, transition) {
5725        var anchor = box(anchoring.anchorBox, origin);
5726        return simple(anchor, placee.element, anchoring.bubble, anchoring.layouts, lastPlace, getBounds, anchoring.overrides, transition);
5727      };
5728      var position$1 = function (component, posConfig, posState, placee, placementSpec) {
5729        positionWithin(component, posConfig, posState, placee, placementSpec, Optional.none());
5730      };
5731      var positionWithin = function (component, posConfig, posState, placee, placementSpec, boxElement) {
5732        var boundsBox = boxElement.map(box$1);
5733        return positionWithinBounds(component, posConfig, posState, placee, placementSpec, boundsBox);
5734      };
5735      var positionWithinBounds = function (component, posConfig, posState, placee, placementSpec, bounds) {
5736        var placeeDetail = asRawOrDie$1('placement.info', objOf(PlacementSchema), placementSpec);
5737        var anchorage = placeeDetail.anchor;
5738        var element = placee.element;
5739        var placeeState = posState.get(placee.uid);
5740        preserve$1(function () {
5741          set$7(element, 'position', 'fixed');
5742          var oldVisibility = getRaw(element, 'visibility');
5743          set$7(element, 'visibility', 'hidden');
5744          var origin = posConfig.useFixed() ? getFixedOrigin() : getRelativeOrigin(component);
5745          var placer = anchorage.placement;
5746          var getBounds = bounds.map(constant$1).or(posConfig.getBounds);
5747          placer(component, anchorage, origin).each(function (anchoring) {
5748            var doPlace = anchoring.placer.getOr(place);
5749            var newState = doPlace(component, origin, anchoring, getBounds, placee, placeeState, placeeDetail.transition);
5750            posState.set(placee.uid, newState);
5751          });
5752          oldVisibility.fold(function () {
5753            remove$6(element, 'visibility');
5754          }, function (vis) {
5755            set$7(element, 'visibility', vis);
5756          });
5757          if (getRaw(element, 'left').isNone() && getRaw(element, 'top').isNone() && getRaw(element, 'right').isNone() && getRaw(element, 'bottom').isNone() && is$1(getRaw(element, 'position'), 'fixed')) {
5758            remove$6(element, 'position');
5759          }
5760        }, element);
5761      };
5762      var getMode = function (component, pConfig, _pState) {
5763        return pConfig.useFixed() ? 'fixed' : 'absolute';
5764      };
5765      var reset$1 = function (component, pConfig, posState, placee) {
5766        var element = placee.element;
5767        each$1([
5768          'position',
5769          'left',
5770          'right',
5771          'top',
5772          'bottom'
5773        ], function (prop) {
5774          return remove$6(element, prop);
5775        });
5776        reset$2(element);
5777        posState.clear(placee.uid);
5778      };
5780      var PositionApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
5781          __proto__: null,
5782          position: position$1,
5783          positionWithin: positionWithin,
5784          positionWithinBounds: positionWithinBounds,
5785          getMode: getMode,
5786          reset: reset$1
5787      });
5789      var init$g = function () {
5790        var state = {};
5791        var set = function (id, data) {
5792          state[id] = data;
5793        };
5794        var get = function (id) {
5795          return get$e(state, id);
5796        };
5797        var clear = function (id) {
5798          if (isNonNullable(id)) {
5799            delete state[id];
5800          } else {
5801            state = {};
5802          }
5803        };
5804        return nu$8({
5805          readState: function () {
5806            return state;
5807          },
5808          clear: clear,
5809          set: set,
5810          get: get
5811        });
5812      };
5814      var PositioningState = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
5815          __proto__: null,
5816          init: init$g
5817      });
5819      var Positioning = create$7({
5820        fields: PositionSchema,
5821        name: 'positioning',
5822        active: ActivePosition,
5823        apis: PositionApis,
5824        state: PositioningState
5825      });
5827      var fireDetaching = function (component) {
5828        emit(component, detachedFromDom());
5829        var children = component.components();
5830        each$1(children, fireDetaching);
5831      };
5832      var fireAttaching = function (component) {
5833        var children = component.components();
5834        each$1(children, fireAttaching);
5835        emit(component, attachedToDom());
5836      };
5837      var attach$1 = function (parent, child) {
5838        append$2(parent.element, child.element);
5839      };
5840      var detachChildren$1 = function (component) {
5841        each$1(component.components(), function (childComp) {
5842          return remove$5(childComp.element);
5843        });
5844        empty(component.element);
5845        component.syncComponents();
5846      };
5847      var replaceChildren = function (component, newChildren) {
5848        var subs = component.components();
5849        detachChildren$1(component);
5850        var deleted = difference(subs, newChildren);
5851        each$1(deleted, function (comp) {
5852          fireDetaching(comp);
5853          component.getSystem().removeFromWorld(comp);
5854        });
5855        each$1(newChildren, function (childComp) {
5856          if (!childComp.getSystem().isConnected()) {
5857            component.getSystem().addToWorld(childComp);
5858            attach$1(component, childComp);
5859            if (inBody(component.element)) {
5860              fireAttaching(childComp);
5861            }
5862          } else {
5863            attach$1(component, childComp);
5864          }
5865          component.syncComponents();
5866        });
5867      };
5869      var attach = function (parent, child) {
5870        attachWith(parent, child, append$2);
5871      };
5872      var attachWith = function (parent, child, insertion) {
5873        parent.getSystem().addToWorld(child);
5874        insertion(parent.element, child.element);
5875        if (inBody(parent.element)) {
5876          fireAttaching(child);
5877        }
5878        parent.syncComponents();
5879      };
5880      var doDetach = function (component) {
5881        fireDetaching(component);
5882        remove$5(component.element);
5883        component.getSystem().removeFromWorld(component);
5884      };
5885      var detach = function (component) {
5886        var parent$1 = parent(component.element).bind(function (p) {
5887          return component.getSystem().getByDom(p).toOptional();
5888        });
5889        doDetach(component);
5890        parent$1.each(function (p) {
5891          p.syncComponents();
5892        });
5893      };
5894      var detachChildren = function (component) {
5895        var subs = component.components();
5896        each$1(subs, doDetach);
5897        empty(component.element);
5898        component.syncComponents();
5899      };
5900      var attachSystem = function (element, guiSystem) {
5901        attachSystemWith(element, guiSystem, append$2);
5902      };
5903      var attachSystemAfter = function (element, guiSystem) {
5904        attachSystemWith(element, guiSystem, after$2);
5905      };
5906      var attachSystemWith = function (element, guiSystem, inserter) {
5907        inserter(element, guiSystem.element);
5908        var children$1 = children(guiSystem.element);
5909        each$1(children$1, function (child) {
5910          guiSystem.getByDom(child).each(fireAttaching);
5911        });
5912      };
5913      var detachSystem = function (guiSystem) {
5914        var children$1 = children(guiSystem.element);
5915        each$1(children$1, function (child) {
5916          guiSystem.getByDom(child).each(fireDetaching);
5917        });
5918        remove$5(guiSystem.element);
5919      };
5921      var rebuild = function (sandbox, sConfig, sState, data) {
5922        sState.get().each(function (_data) {
5923          detachChildren(sandbox);
5924        });
5925        var point = sConfig.getAttachPoint(sandbox);
5926        attach(point, sandbox);
5927        var built = sandbox.getSystem().build(data);
5928        attach(sandbox, built);
5929        sState.set(built);
5930        return built;
5931      };
5932      var open$1 = function (sandbox, sConfig, sState, data) {
5933        var newState = rebuild(sandbox, sConfig, sState, data);
5934        sConfig.onOpen(sandbox, newState);
5935        return newState;
5936      };
5937      var setContent = function (sandbox, sConfig, sState, data) {
5938        return sState.get().map(function () {
5939          return rebuild(sandbox, sConfig, sState, data);
5940        });
5941      };
5942      var openWhileCloaked = function (sandbox, sConfig, sState, data, transaction) {
5943        cloak(sandbox, sConfig);
5944        open$1(sandbox, sConfig, sState, data);
5945        transaction();
5946        decloak(sandbox, sConfig);
5947      };
5948      var close$1 = function (sandbox, sConfig, sState) {
5949        sState.get().each(function (data) {
5950          detachChildren(sandbox);
5951          detach(sandbox);
5952          sConfig.onClose(sandbox, data);
5953          sState.clear();
5954        });
5955      };
5956      var isOpen$1 = function (_sandbox, _sConfig, sState) {
5957        return sState.isOpen();
5958      };
5959      var isPartOf = function (sandbox, sConfig, sState, queryElem) {
5960        return isOpen$1(sandbox, sConfig, sState) && sState.get().exists(function (data) {
5961          return sConfig.isPartOf(sandbox, data, queryElem);
5962        });
5963      };
5964      var getState$2 = function (_sandbox, _sConfig, sState) {
5965        return sState.get();
5966      };
5967      var store = function (sandbox, cssKey, attr, newValue) {
5968        getRaw(sandbox.element, cssKey).fold(function () {
5969          remove$7(sandbox.element, attr);
5970        }, function (v) {
5971          set$8(sandbox.element, attr, v);
5972        });
5973        set$7(sandbox.element, cssKey, newValue);
5974      };
5975      var restore = function (sandbox, cssKey, attr) {
5976        getOpt(sandbox.element, attr).fold(function () {
5977          return remove$6(sandbox.element, cssKey);
5978        }, function (oldValue) {
5979          return set$7(sandbox.element, cssKey, oldValue);
5980        });
5981      };
5982      var cloak = function (sandbox, sConfig, _sState) {
5983        var sink = sConfig.getAttachPoint(sandbox);
5984        set$7(sandbox.element, 'position', Positioning.getMode(sink));
5985        store(sandbox, 'visibility', sConfig.cloakVisibilityAttr, 'hidden');
5986      };
5987      var hasPosition = function (element) {
5988        return exists([
5989          'top',
5990          'left',
5991          'right',
5992          'bottom'
5993        ], function (pos) {
5994          return getRaw(element, pos).isSome();
5995        });
5996      };
5997      var decloak = function (sandbox, sConfig, _sState) {
5998        if (!hasPosition(sandbox.element)) {
5999          remove$6(sandbox.element, 'position');
6000        }
6001        restore(sandbox, 'visibility', sConfig.cloakVisibilityAttr);
6002      };
6004      var SandboxApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
6005          __proto__: null,
6006          cloak: cloak,
6007          decloak: decloak,
6008          open: open$1,
6009          openWhileCloaked: openWhileCloaked,
6010          close: close$1,
6011          isOpen: isOpen$1,
6012          isPartOf: isPartOf,
6013          getState: getState$2,
6014          setContent: setContent
6015      });
6017      var events$g = function (sandboxConfig, sandboxState) {
6018        return derive$2([run$1(sandboxClose(), function (sandbox, _simulatedEvent) {
6019            close$1(sandbox, sandboxConfig, sandboxState);
6020          })]);
6021      };
6023      var ActiveSandbox = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
6024          __proto__: null,
6025          events: events$g
6026      });
6028      var SandboxSchema = [
6029        onHandler('onOpen'),
6030        onHandler('onClose'),
6031        required$1('isPartOf'),
6032        required$1('getAttachPoint'),
6033        defaulted('cloakVisibilityAttr', 'data-precloak-visibility')
6034      ];
6036      var init$f = function () {
6037        var contents = value$1();
6038        var readState = constant$1('not-implemented');
6039        return nu$8({
6040          readState: readState,
6041          isOpen: contents.isSet,
6042          clear: contents.clear,
6043          set: contents.set,
6044          get: contents.get
6045        });
6046      };
6048      var SandboxState = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
6049          __proto__: null,
6050          init: init$f
6051      });
6053      var Sandboxing = create$7({
6054        fields: SandboxSchema,
6055        name: 'sandboxing',
6056        active: ActiveSandbox,
6057        apis: SandboxApis,
6058        state: SandboxState
6059      });
6061      var dismissPopups = constant$1('dismiss.popups');
6062      var repositionPopups = constant$1('reposition.popups');
6063      var mouseReleased = constant$1('mouse.released');
6065      var schema$x = objOfOnly([
6066        defaulted('isExtraPart', never),
6067        optionObjOf('fireEventInstead', [defaulted('event', dismissRequested())])
6068      ]);
6069      var receivingChannel$1 = function (rawSpec) {
6070        var _a;
6071        var detail = asRawOrDie$1('Dismissal', schema$x, rawSpec);
6072        return _a = {}, _a[dismissPopups()] = {
6073          schema: objOfOnly([required$1('target')]),
6074          onReceive: function (sandbox, data) {
6075            if (Sandboxing.isOpen(sandbox)) {
6076              var isPart = Sandboxing.isPartOf(sandbox, data.target) || detail.isExtraPart(sandbox, data.target);
6077              if (!isPart) {
6078                detail.fireEventInstead.fold(function () {
6079                  return Sandboxing.close(sandbox);
6080                }, function (fe) {
6081                  return emit(sandbox, fe.event);
6082                });
6083              }
6084            }
6085          }
6086        }, _a;
6087      };
6089      var schema$w = objOfOnly([
6090        optionObjOf('fireEventInstead', [defaulted('event', repositionRequested())]),
6091        requiredFunction('doReposition')
6092      ]);
6093      var receivingChannel = function (rawSpec) {
6094        var _a;
6095        var detail = asRawOrDie$1('Reposition', schema$w, rawSpec);
6096        return _a = {}, _a[repositionPopups()] = {
6097          onReceive: function (sandbox) {
6098            if (Sandboxing.isOpen(sandbox)) {
6099              detail.fireEventInstead.fold(function () {
6100                return detail.doReposition(sandbox);
6101              }, function (fe) {
6102                return emit(sandbox, fe.event);
6103              });
6104            }
6105          }
6106        }, _a;
6107      };
6109      var onLoad$5 = function (component, repConfig, repState) {
6110        repConfig.store.manager.onLoad(component, repConfig, repState);
6111      };
6112      var onUnload$2 = function (component, repConfig, repState) {
6113        repConfig.store.manager.onUnload(component, repConfig, repState);
6114      };
6115      var setValue$3 = function (component, repConfig, repState, data) {
6116        repConfig.store.manager.setValue(component, repConfig, repState, data);
6117      };
6118      var getValue$3 = function (component, repConfig, repState) {
6119        return repConfig.store.manager.getValue(component, repConfig, repState);
6120      };
6121      var getState$1 = function (component, repConfig, repState) {
6122        return repState;
6123      };
6125      var RepresentApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
6126          __proto__: null,
6127          onLoad: onLoad$5,
6128          onUnload: onUnload$2,
6129          setValue: setValue$3,
6130          getValue: getValue$3,
6131          getState: getState$1
6132      });
6134      var events$f = function (repConfig, repState) {
6135        var es = repConfig.resetOnDom ? [
6136          runOnAttached(function (comp, _se) {
6137            onLoad$5(comp, repConfig, repState);
6138          }),
6139          runOnDetached(function (comp, _se) {
6140            onUnload$2(comp, repConfig, repState);
6141          })
6142        ] : [loadEvent(repConfig, repState, onLoad$5)];
6143        return derive$2(es);
6144      };
6146      var ActiveRepresenting = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
6147          __proto__: null,
6148          events: events$f
6149      });
6151      var memory$1 = function () {
6152        var data = Cell(null);
6153        var readState = function () {
6154          return {
6155            mode: 'memory',
6156            value: data.get()
6157          };
6158        };
6159        var isNotSet = function () {
6160          return data.get() === null;
6161        };
6162        var clear = function () {
6163          data.set(null);
6164        };
6165        return nu$8({
6166          set: data.set,
6167          get: data.get,
6168          isNotSet: isNotSet,
6169          clear: clear,
6170          readState: readState
6171        });
6172      };
6173      var manual = function () {
6174        var readState = noop;
6175        return nu$8({ readState: readState });
6176      };
6177      var dataset = function () {
6178        var dataByValue = Cell({});
6179        var dataByText = Cell({});
6180        var readState = function () {
6181          return {
6182            mode: 'dataset',
6183            dataByValue: dataByValue.get(),
6184            dataByText: dataByText.get()
6185          };
6186        };
6187        var clear = function () {
6188          dataByValue.set({});
6189          dataByText.set({});
6190        };
6191        var lookup = function (itemString) {
6192          return get$e(dataByValue.get(), itemString).orThunk(function () {
6193            return get$e(dataByText.get(), itemString);
6194          });
6195        };
6196        var update = function (items) {
6197          var currentDataByValue = dataByValue.get();
6198          var currentDataByText = dataByText.get();
6199          var newDataByValue = {};
6200          var newDataByText = {};
6201          each$1(items, function (item) {
6202            newDataByValue[item.value] = item;
6203            get$e(item, 'meta').each(function (meta) {
6204              get$e(meta, 'text').each(function (text) {
6205                newDataByText[text] = item;
6206              });
6207            });
6208          });
6209          dataByValue.set(__assign(__assign({}, currentDataByValue), newDataByValue));
6210          dataByText.set(__assign(__assign({}, currentDataByText), newDataByText));
6211        };
6212        return nu$8({
6213          readState: readState,
6214          lookup: lookup,
6215          update: update,
6216          clear: clear
6217        });
6218      };
6219      var init$e = function (spec) {
6220        return spec.store.manager.state(spec);
6221      };
6223      var RepresentState = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
6224          __proto__: null,
6225          memory: memory$1,
6226          dataset: dataset,
6227          manual: manual,
6228          init: init$e
6229      });
6231      var setValue$2 = function (component, repConfig, repState, data) {
6232        var store = repConfig.store;
6233        repState.update([data]);
6234        store.setValue(component, data);
6235        repConfig.onSetValue(component, data);
6236      };
6237      var getValue$2 = function (component, repConfig, repState) {
6238        var store = repConfig.store;
6239        var key = store.getDataKey(component);
6240        return repState.lookup(key).getOrThunk(function () {
6241          return store.getFallbackEntry(key);
6242        });
6243      };
6244      var onLoad$4 = function (component, repConfig, repState) {
6245        var store = repConfig.store;
6246        store.initialValue.each(function (data) {
6247          setValue$2(component, repConfig, repState, data);
6248        });
6249      };
6250      var onUnload$1 = function (component, repConfig, repState) {
6251        repState.clear();
6252      };
6253      var DatasetStore = [
6254        option('initialValue'),
6255        required$1('getFallbackEntry'),
6256        required$1('getDataKey'),
6257        required$1('setValue'),
6258        output$1('manager', {
6259          setValue: setValue$2,
6260          getValue: getValue$2,
6261          onLoad: onLoad$4,
6262          onUnload: onUnload$1,
6263          state: dataset
6264        })
6265      ];
6267      var getValue$1 = function (component, repConfig, _repState) {
6268        return repConfig.store.getValue(component);
6269      };
6270      var setValue$1 = function (component, repConfig, _repState, data) {
6271        repConfig.store.setValue(component, data);
6272        repConfig.onSetValue(component, data);
6273      };
6274      var onLoad$3 = function (component, repConfig, _repState) {
6275        repConfig.store.initialValue.each(function (data) {
6276          repConfig.store.setValue(component, data);
6277        });
6278      };
6279      var ManualStore = [
6280        required$1('getValue'),
6281        defaulted('setValue', noop),
6282        option('initialValue'),
6283        output$1('manager', {
6284          setValue: setValue$1,
6285          getValue: getValue$1,
6286          onLoad: onLoad$3,
6287          onUnload: noop,
6288          state: NoState.init
6289        })
6290      ];
6292      var setValue = function (component, repConfig, repState, data) {
6293        repState.set(data);
6294        repConfig.onSetValue(component, data);
6295      };
6296      var getValue = function (component, repConfig, repState) {
6297        return repState.get();
6298      };
6299      var onLoad$2 = function (component, repConfig, repState) {
6300        repConfig.store.initialValue.each(function (initVal) {
6301          if (repState.isNotSet()) {
6302            repState.set(initVal);
6303          }
6304        });
6305      };
6306      var onUnload = function (component, repConfig, repState) {
6307        repState.clear();
6308      };
6309      var MemoryStore = [
6310        option('initialValue'),
6311        output$1('manager', {
6312          setValue: setValue,
6313          getValue: getValue,
6314          onLoad: onLoad$2,
6315          onUnload: onUnload,
6316          state: memory$1
6317        })
6318      ];
6320      var RepresentSchema = [
6321        defaultedOf('store', { mode: 'memory' }, choose$1('mode', {
6322          memory: MemoryStore,
6323          manual: ManualStore,
6324          dataset: DatasetStore
6325        })),
6326        onHandler('onSetValue'),
6327        defaulted('resetOnDom', false)
6328      ];
6330      var Representing = create$7({
6331        fields: RepresentSchema,
6332        name: 'representing',
6333        active: ActiveRepresenting,
6334        apis: RepresentApis,
6335        extra: {
6336          setValueFrom: function (component, source) {
6337            var value = Representing.getValue(source);
6338            Representing.setValue(component, value);
6339          }
6340        },
6341        state: RepresentState
6342      });
6344      var field = function (name, forbidden) {
6345        return defaultedObjOf(name, {}, map$2(forbidden, function (f) {
6346          return forbid(f.name(), 'Cannot configure ' + f.name() + ' for ' + name);
6347        }).concat([customField('dump', identity$1)]));
6348      };
6349      var get$2 = function (data) {
6350        return data.dump;
6351      };
6352      var augment = function (data, original) {
6353        return __assign(__assign({}, derive$1(original)), data.dump);
6354      };
6355      var SketchBehaviours = {
6356        field: field,
6357        augment: augment,
6358        get: get$2
6359      };
6361      var _placeholder = 'placeholder';
6362      var adt$3 = Adt.generate([
6363        {
6364          single: [
6365            'required',
6366            'valueThunk'
6367          ]
6368        },
6369        {
6370          multiple: [
6371            'required',
6372            'valueThunks'
6373          ]
6374        }
6375      ]);
6376      var isSubstituted = function (spec) {
6377        return has$2(spec, 'uiType');
6378      };
6379      var subPlaceholder = function (owner, detail, compSpec, placeholders) {
6380        if (owner.exists(function (o) {
6381            return o !== compSpec.owner;
6382          })) {
6383          return adt$3.single(true, constant$1(compSpec));
6384        }
6385        return get$e(placeholders, compSpec.name).fold(function () {
6386          throw new Error('Unknown placeholder component: ' + compSpec.name + '\nKnown: [' + keys(placeholders) + ']\nNamespace: ' + owner.getOr('none') + '\nSpec: ' + JSON.stringify(compSpec, null, 2));
6387        }, function (newSpec) {
6388          return newSpec.replace();
6389        });
6390      };
6391      var scan = function (owner, detail, compSpec, placeholders) {
6392        if (isSubstituted(compSpec) && compSpec.uiType === _placeholder) {
6393          return subPlaceholder(owner, detail, compSpec, placeholders);
6394        } else {
6395          return adt$3.single(false, constant$1(compSpec));
6396        }
6397      };
6398      var substitute = function (owner, detail, compSpec, placeholders) {
6399        var base = scan(owner, detail, compSpec, placeholders);
6400        return base.fold(function (req, valueThunk) {
6401          var value = isSubstituted(compSpec) ? valueThunk(detail, compSpec.config, compSpec.validated) : valueThunk(detail);
6402          var childSpecs = get$e(value, 'components').getOr([]);
6403          var substituted = bind$3(childSpecs, function (c) {
6404            return substitute(owner, detail, c, placeholders);
6405          });
6406          return [__assign(__assign({}, value), { components: substituted })];
6407        }, function (req, valuesThunk) {
6408          if (isSubstituted(compSpec)) {
6409            var values = valuesThunk(detail, compSpec.config, compSpec.validated);
6410            var preprocessor = compSpec.validated.preprocess.getOr(identity$1);
6411            return preprocessor(values);
6412          } else {
6413            return valuesThunk(detail);
6414          }
6415        });
6416      };
6417      var substituteAll = function (owner, detail, components, placeholders) {
6418        return bind$3(components, function (c) {
6419          return substitute(owner, detail, c, placeholders);
6420        });
6421      };
6422      var oneReplace = function (label, replacements) {
6423        var called = false;
6424        var used = function () {
6425          return called;
6426        };
6427        var replace = function () {
6428          if (called) {
6429            throw new Error('Trying to use the same placeholder more than once: ' + label);
6430          }
6431          called = true;
6432          return replacements;
6433        };
6434        var required = function () {
6435          return replacements.fold(function (req, _) {
6436            return req;
6437          }, function (req, _) {
6438            return req;
6439          });
6440        };
6441        return {
6442          name: constant$1(label),
6443          required: required,
6444          used: used,
6445          replace: replace
6446        };
6447      };
6448      var substitutePlaces = function (owner, detail, components, placeholders) {
6449        var ps = map$1(placeholders, function (ph, name) {
6450          return oneReplace(name, ph);
6451        });
6452        var outcome = substituteAll(owner, detail, components, ps);
6453        each(ps, function (p) {
6454          if (p.used() === false && p.required()) {
6455            throw new Error('Placeholder: ' + p.name() + ' was not found in components list\nNamespace: ' + owner.getOr('none') + '\nComponents: ' + JSON.stringify(detail.components, null, 2));
6456          }
6457        });
6458        return outcome;
6459      };
6460      var single$2 = adt$3.single;
6461      var multiple = adt$3.multiple;
6462      var placeholder = constant$1(_placeholder);
6464      var adt$2 = Adt.generate([
6465        { required: ['data'] },
6466        { external: ['data'] },
6467        { optional: ['data'] },
6468        { group: ['data'] }
6469      ]);
6470      var fFactory = defaulted('factory', { sketch: identity$1 });
6471      var fSchema = defaulted('schema', []);
6472      var fName = required$1('name');
6473      var fPname = field$1('pname', 'pname', defaultedThunk(function (typeSpec) {
6474        return '<alloy.' + generate$6(typeSpec.name) + '>';
6475      }), anyValue());
6476      var fGroupSchema = customField('schema', function () {
6477        return [option('preprocess')];
6478      });
6479      var fDefaults = defaulted('defaults', constant$1({}));
6480      var fOverrides = defaulted('overrides', constant$1({}));
6481      var requiredSpec = objOf([
6482        fFactory,
6483        fSchema,
6484        fName,
6485        fPname,
6486        fDefaults,
6487        fOverrides
6488      ]);
6489      var externalSpec = objOf([
6490        fFactory,
6491        fSchema,
6492        fName,
6493        fDefaults,
6494        fOverrides
6495      ]);
6496      var optionalSpec = objOf([
6497        fFactory,
6498        fSchema,
6499        fName,
6500        fPname,
6501        fDefaults,
6502        fOverrides
6503      ]);
6504      var groupSpec = objOf([
6505        fFactory,
6506        fGroupSchema,
6507        fName,
6508        required$1('unit'),
6509        fPname,
6510        fDefaults,
6511        fOverrides
6512      ]);
6513      var asNamedPart = function (part) {
6514        return part.fold(Optional.some, Optional.none, Optional.some, Optional.some);
6515      };
6516      var name$1 = function (part) {
6517        var get = function (data) {
6518          return data.name;
6519        };
6520        return part.fold(get, get, get, get);
6521      };
6522      var asCommon = function (part) {
6523        return part.fold(identity$1, identity$1, identity$1, identity$1);
6524      };
6525      var convert = function (adtConstructor, partSchema) {
6526        return function (spec) {
6527          var data = asRawOrDie$1('Converting part type', partSchema, spec);
6528          return adtConstructor(data);
6529        };
6530      };
6531      var required = convert(adt$2.required, requiredSpec);
6532      var external$1 = convert(adt$2.external, externalSpec);
6533      var optional = convert(adt$2.optional, optionalSpec);
6534      var group = convert(adt$2.group, groupSpec);
6535      var original = constant$1('entirety');
6537      var PartType = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
6538          __proto__: null,
6539          required: required,
6540          external: external$1,
6541          optional: optional,
6542          group: group,
6543          asNamedPart: asNamedPart,
6544          name: name$1,
6545          asCommon: asCommon,
6546          original: original
6547      });
6549      var combine = function (detail, data, partSpec, partValidated) {
6550        return deepMerge(data.defaults(detail, partSpec, partValidated), partSpec, { uid: detail.partUids[data.name] }, data.overrides(detail, partSpec, partValidated));
6551      };
6552      var subs = function (owner, detail, parts) {
6553        var internals = {};
6554        var externals = {};
6555        each$1(parts, function (part) {
6556          part.fold(function (data) {
6557            internals[data.pname] = single$2(true, function (detail, partSpec, partValidated) {
6558              return data.factory.sketch(combine(detail, data, partSpec, partValidated));
6559            });
6560          }, function (data) {
6561            var partSpec = detail.parts[data.name];
6562            externals[data.name] = constant$1(data.factory.sketch(combine(detail, data, partSpec[original()]), partSpec));
6563          }, function (data) {
6564            internals[data.pname] = single$2(false, function (detail, partSpec, partValidated) {
6565              return data.factory.sketch(combine(detail, data, partSpec, partValidated));
6566            });
6567          }, function (data) {
6568            internals[data.pname] = multiple(true, function (detail, _partSpec, _partValidated) {
6569              var units = detail[data.name];
6570              return map$2(units, function (u) {
6571                return data.factory.sketch(deepMerge(data.defaults(detail, u, _partValidated), u, data.overrides(detail, u)));
6572              });
6573            });
6574          });
6575        });
6576        return {
6577          internals: constant$1(internals),
6578          externals: constant$1(externals)
6579        };
6580      };
6582      var generate$3 = function (owner, parts) {
6583        var r = {};
6584        each$1(parts, function (part) {
6585          asNamedPart(part).each(function (np) {
6586            var g = doGenerateOne(owner, np.pname);
6587            r[np.name] = function (config) {
6588              var validated = asRawOrDie$1('Part: ' + np.name + ' in ' + owner, objOf(np.schema), config);
6589              return __assign(__assign({}, g), {
6590                config: config,
6591                validated: validated
6592              });
6593            };
6594          });
6595        });
6596        return r;
6597      };
6598      var doGenerateOne = function (owner, pname) {
6599        return {
6600          uiType: placeholder(),
6601          owner: owner,
6602          name: pname
6603        };
6604      };
6605      var generateOne$1 = function (owner, pname, config) {
6606        return {
6607          uiType: placeholder(),
6608          owner: owner,
6609          name: pname,
6610          config: config,
6611          validated: {}
6612        };
6613      };
6614      var schemas = function (parts) {
6615        return bind$3(parts, function (part) {
6616          return part.fold(Optional.none, Optional.some, Optional.none, Optional.none).map(function (data) {
6617            return requiredObjOf(data.name, data.schema.concat([snapshot(original())]));
6618          }).toArray();
6619        });
6620      };
6621      var names = function (parts) {
6622        return map$2(parts, name$1);
6623      };
6624      var substitutes = function (owner, detail, parts) {
6625        return subs(owner, detail, parts);
6626      };
6627      var components$1 = function (owner, detail, internals) {
6628        return substitutePlaces(Optional.some(owner), detail, detail.components, internals);
6629      };
6630      var getPart = function (component, detail, partKey) {
6631        var uid = detail.partUids[partKey];
6632        return component.getSystem().getByUid(uid).toOptional();
6633      };
6634      var getPartOrDie = function (component, detail, partKey) {
6635        return getPart(component, detail, partKey).getOrDie('Could not find part: ' + partKey);
6636      };
6637      var getParts = function (component, detail, partKeys) {
6638        var r = {};
6639        var uids = detail.partUids;
6640        var system = component.getSystem();
6641        each$1(partKeys, function (pk) {
6642          r[pk] = constant$1(system.getByUid(uids[pk]));
6643        });
6644        return r;
6645      };
6646      var getAllParts = function (component, detail) {
6647        var system = component.getSystem();
6648        return map$1(detail.partUids, function (pUid, _k) {
6649          return constant$1(system.getByUid(pUid));
6650        });
6651      };
6652      var getAllPartNames = function (detail) {
6653        return keys(detail.partUids);
6654      };
6655      var getPartsOrDie = function (component, detail, partKeys) {
6656        var r = {};
6657        var uids = detail.partUids;
6658        var system = component.getSystem();
6659        each$1(partKeys, function (pk) {
6660          r[pk] = constant$1(system.getByUid(uids[pk]).getOrDie());
6661        });
6662        return r;
6663      };
6664      var defaultUids = function (baseUid, partTypes) {
6665        var partNames = names(partTypes);
6666        return wrapAll(map$2(partNames, function (pn) {
6667          return {
6668            key: pn,
6669            value: baseUid + '-' + pn
6670          };
6671        }));
6672      };
6673      var defaultUidsSchema = function (partTypes) {
6674        return field$1('partUids', 'partUids', mergeWithThunk(function (spec) {
6675          return defaultUids(spec.uid, partTypes);
6676        }), anyValue());
6677      };
6679      var AlloyParts = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
6680          __proto__: null,
6681          generate: generate$3,
6682          generateOne: generateOne$1,
6683          schemas: schemas,
6684          names: names,
6685          substitutes: substitutes,
6686          components: components$1,
6687          defaultUids: defaultUids,
6688          defaultUidsSchema: defaultUidsSchema,
6689          getAllParts: getAllParts,
6690          getAllPartNames: getAllPartNames,
6691          getPart: getPart,
6692          getPartOrDie: getPartOrDie,
6693          getParts: getParts,
6694          getPartsOrDie: getPartsOrDie
6695      });
6697      var base = function (partSchemas, partUidsSchemas) {
6698        var ps = partSchemas.length > 0 ? [requiredObjOf('parts', partSchemas)] : [];
6699        return ps.concat([
6700          required$1('uid'),
6701          defaulted('dom', {}),
6702          defaulted('components', []),
6703          snapshot('originalSpec'),
6704          defaulted('debug.sketcher', {})
6705        ]).concat(partUidsSchemas);
6706      };
6707      var asRawOrDie = function (label, schema, spec, partSchemas, partUidsSchemas) {
6708        var baseS = base(partSchemas, partUidsSchemas);
6709        return asRawOrDie$1(label + ' [SpecSchema]', objOfOnly(baseS.concat(schema)), spec);
6710      };
6712      var single$1 = function (owner, schema, factory, spec) {
6713        var specWithUid = supplyUid(spec);
6714        var detail = asRawOrDie(owner, schema, specWithUid, [], []);
6715        return factory(detail, specWithUid);
6716      };
6717      var composite$1 = function (owner, schema, partTypes, factory, spec) {
6718        var specWithUid = supplyUid(spec);
6719        var partSchemas = schemas(partTypes);
6720        var partUidsSchema = defaultUidsSchema(partTypes);
6721        var detail = asRawOrDie(owner, schema, specWithUid, partSchemas, [partUidsSchema]);
6722        var subs = substitutes(owner, detail, partTypes);
6723        var components = components$1(owner, detail, subs.internals());
6724        return factory(detail, components, specWithUid, subs.externals());
6725      };
6726      var hasUid = function (spec) {
6727        return has$2(spec, 'uid');
6728      };
6729      var supplyUid = function (spec) {
6730        return hasUid(spec) ? spec : __assign(__assign({}, spec), { uid: generate$5('uid') });
6731      };
6733      var isSketchSpec = function (spec) {
6734        return spec.uid !== undefined;
6735      };
6736      var singleSchema = objOfOnly([
6737        required$1('name'),
6738        required$1('factory'),
6739        required$1('configFields'),
6740        defaulted('apis', {}),
6741        defaulted('extraApis', {})
6742      ]);
6743      var compositeSchema = objOfOnly([
6744        required$1('name'),
6745        required$1('factory'),
6746        required$1('configFields'),
6747        required$1('partFields'),
6748        defaulted('apis', {}),
6749        defaulted('extraApis', {})
6750      ]);
6751      var single = function (rawConfig) {
6752        var config = asRawOrDie$1('Sketcher for ' + rawConfig.name, singleSchema, rawConfig);
6753        var sketch = function (spec) {
6754          return single$1(config.name, config.configFields, config.factory, spec);
6755        };
6756        var apis = map$1(config.apis, makeApi);
6757        var extraApis = map$1(config.extraApis, function (f, k) {
6758          return markAsExtraApi(f, k);
6759        });
6760        return __assign(__assign({
6761          name: config.name,
6762          configFields: config.configFields,
6763          sketch: sketch
6764        }, apis), extraApis);
6765      };
6766      var composite = function (rawConfig) {
6767        var config = asRawOrDie$1('Sketcher for ' + rawConfig.name, compositeSchema, rawConfig);
6768        var sketch = function (spec) {
6769          return composite$1(config.name, config.configFields, config.partFields, config.factory, spec);
6770        };
6771        var parts = generate$3(config.name, config.partFields);
6772        var apis = map$1(config.apis, makeApi);
6773        var extraApis = map$1(config.extraApis, function (f, k) {
6774          return markAsExtraApi(f, k);
6775        });
6776        return __assign(__assign({
6777          name: config.name,
6778          partFields: config.partFields,
6779          configFields: config.configFields,
6780          sketch: sketch,
6781          parts: parts
6782        }, apis), extraApis);
6783      };
6785      var inside = function (target) {
6786        return name$2(target) === 'input' && get$d(target, 'type') !== 'radio' || name$2(target) === 'textarea';
6787      };
6789      var getCurrent = function (component, composeConfig, _composeState) {
6790        return composeConfig.find(component);
6791      };
6793      var ComposeApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
6794          __proto__: null,
6795          getCurrent: getCurrent
6796      });
6798      var ComposeSchema = [required$1('find')];
6800      var Composing = create$7({
6801        fields: ComposeSchema,
6802        name: 'composing',
6803        apis: ComposeApis
6804      });
6806      var nativeDisabled = [
6807        'input',
6808        'button',
6809        'textarea',
6810        'select'
6811      ];
6812      var onLoad$1 = function (component, disableConfig, disableState) {
6813        var f = disableConfig.disabled() ? disable$1 : enable$1;
6814        f(component, disableConfig);
6815      };
6816      var hasNative = function (component, config) {
6817        return config.useNative === true && contains$2(nativeDisabled, name$2(component.element));
6818      };
6819      var nativeIsDisabled = function (component) {
6820        return has$1(component.element, 'disabled');
6821      };
6822      var nativeDisable = function (component) {
6823        set$8(component.element, 'disabled', 'disabled');
6824      };
6825      var nativeEnable = function (component) {
6826        remove$7(component.element, 'disabled');
6827      };
6828      var ariaIsDisabled = function (component) {
6829        return get$d(component.element, 'aria-disabled') === 'true';
6830      };
6831      var ariaDisable = function (component) {
6832        set$8(component.element, 'aria-disabled', 'true');
6833      };
6834      var ariaEnable = function (component) {
6835        set$8(component.element, 'aria-disabled', 'false');
6836      };
6837      var disable$1 = function (component, disableConfig, _disableState) {
6838        disableConfig.disableClass.each(function (disableClass) {
6839          add$2(component.element, disableClass);
6840        });
6841        var f = hasNative(component, disableConfig) ? nativeDisable : ariaDisable;
6842        f(component);
6843        disableConfig.onDisabled(component);
6844      };
6845      var enable$1 = function (component, disableConfig, _disableState) {
6846        disableConfig.disableClass.each(function (disableClass) {
6847          remove$2(component.element, disableClass);
6848        });
6849        var f = hasNative(component, disableConfig) ? nativeEnable : ariaEnable;
6850        f(component);
6851        disableConfig.onEnabled(component);
6852      };
6853      var isDisabled = function (component, disableConfig) {
6854        return hasNative(component, disableConfig) ? nativeIsDisabled(component) : ariaIsDisabled(component);
6855      };
6856      var set$3 = function (component, disableConfig, disableState, disabled) {
6857        var f = disabled ? disable$1 : enable$1;
6858        f(component, disableConfig);
6859      };
6861      var DisableApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
6862          __proto__: null,
6863          enable: enable$1,
6864          disable: disable$1,
6865          isDisabled: isDisabled,
6866          onLoad: onLoad$1,
6867          set: set$3
6868      });
6870      var exhibit$5 = function (base, disableConfig) {
6871        return nu$7({ classes: disableConfig.disabled() ? disableConfig.disableClass.toArray() : [] });
6872      };
6873      var events$e = function (disableConfig, disableState) {
6874        return derive$2([
6875          abort(execute$5(), function (component, _simulatedEvent) {
6876            return isDisabled(component, disableConfig);
6877          }),
6878          loadEvent(disableConfig, disableState, onLoad$1)
6879        ]);
6880      };
6882      var ActiveDisable = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
6883          __proto__: null,
6884          exhibit: exhibit$5,
6885          events: events$e
6886      });
6888      var DisableSchema = [
6889        defaultedFunction('disabled', never),
6890        defaulted('useNative', true),
6891        option('disableClass'),
6892        onHandler('onDisabled'),
6893        onHandler('onEnabled')
6894      ];
6896      var Disabling = create$7({
6897        fields: DisableSchema,
6898        name: 'disabling',
6899        active: ActiveDisable,
6900        apis: DisableApis
6901      });
6903      var dehighlightAllExcept = function (component, hConfig, hState, skip) {
6904        var highlighted = descendants(component.element, '.' + hConfig.highlightClass);
6905        each$1(highlighted, function (h) {
6906          if (!exists(skip, function (skipComp) {
6907              return skipComp.element === h;
6908            })) {
6909            remove$2(h, hConfig.highlightClass);
6910            component.getSystem().getByDom(h).each(function (target) {
6911              hConfig.onDehighlight(component, target);
6912              emit(target, dehighlight$1());
6913            });
6914          }
6915        });
6916      };
6917      var dehighlightAll = function (component, hConfig, hState) {
6918        return dehighlightAllExcept(component, hConfig, hState, []);
6919      };
6920      var dehighlight = function (component, hConfig, hState, target) {
6921        if (isHighlighted(component, hConfig, hState, target)) {
6922          remove$2(target.element, hConfig.highlightClass);
6923          hConfig.onDehighlight(component, target);
6924          emit(target, dehighlight$1());
6925        }
6926      };
6927      var highlight = function (component, hConfig, hState, target) {
6928        dehighlightAllExcept(component, hConfig, hState, [target]);
6929        if (!isHighlighted(component, hConfig, hState, target)) {
6930          add$2(target.element, hConfig.highlightClass);
6931          hConfig.onHighlight(component, target);
6932          emit(target, highlight$1());
6933        }
6934      };
6935      var highlightFirst = function (component, hConfig, hState) {
6936        getFirst(component, hConfig).each(function (firstComp) {
6937          highlight(component, hConfig, hState, firstComp);
6938        });
6939      };
6940      var highlightLast = function (component, hConfig, hState) {
6941        getLast(component, hConfig).each(function (lastComp) {
6942          highlight(component, hConfig, hState, lastComp);
6943        });
6944      };
6945      var highlightAt = function (component, hConfig, hState, index) {
6946        getByIndex(component, hConfig, hState, index).fold(function (err) {
6947          throw err;
6948        }, function (firstComp) {
6949          highlight(component, hConfig, hState, firstComp);
6950        });
6951      };
6952      var highlightBy = function (component, hConfig, hState, predicate) {
6953        var candidates = getCandidates(component, hConfig);
6954        var targetComp = find$5(candidates, predicate);
6955        targetComp.each(function (c) {
6956          highlight(component, hConfig, hState, c);
6957        });
6958      };
6959      var isHighlighted = function (component, hConfig, hState, queryTarget) {
6960        return has(queryTarget.element, hConfig.highlightClass);
6961      };
6962      var getHighlighted = function (component, hConfig, _hState) {
6963        return descendant(component.element, '.' + hConfig.highlightClass).bind(function (e) {
6964          return component.getSystem().getByDom(e).toOptional();
6965        });
6966      };
6967      var getByIndex = function (component, hConfig, hState, index) {
6968        var items = descendants(component.element, '.' + hConfig.itemClass);
6969        return Optional.from(items[index]).fold(function () {
6970          return Result.error(new Error('No element found with index ' + index));
6971        }, component.getSystem().getByDom);
6972      };
6973      var getFirst = function (component, hConfig, _hState) {
6974        return descendant(component.element, '.' + hConfig.itemClass).bind(function (e) {
6975          return component.getSystem().getByDom(e).toOptional();
6976        });
6977      };
6978      var getLast = function (component, hConfig, _hState) {
6979        var items = descendants(component.element, '.' + hConfig.itemClass);
6980        var last = items.length > 0 ? Optional.some(items[items.length - 1]) : Optional.none();
6981        return last.bind(function (c) {
6982          return component.getSystem().getByDom(c).toOptional();
6983        });
6984      };
6985      var getDelta$2 = function (component, hConfig, hState, delta) {
6986        var items = descendants(component.element, '.' + hConfig.itemClass);
6987        var current = findIndex$1(items, function (item) {
6988          return has(item, hConfig.highlightClass);
6989        });
6990        return current.bind(function (selected) {
6991          var dest = cycleBy(selected, delta, 0, items.length - 1);
6992          return component.getSystem().getByDom(items[dest]).toOptional();
6993        });
6994      };
6995      var getPrevious = function (component, hConfig, hState) {
6996        return getDelta$2(component, hConfig, hState, -1);
6997      };
6998      var getNext = function (component, hConfig, hState) {
6999        return getDelta$2(component, hConfig, hState, +1);
7000      };
7001      var getCandidates = function (component, hConfig, _hState) {
7002        var items = descendants(component.element, '.' + hConfig.itemClass);
7003        return cat(map$2(items, function (i) {
7004          return component.getSystem().getByDom(i).toOptional();
7005        }));
7006      };
7008      var HighlightApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
7009          __proto__: null,
7010          dehighlightAll: dehighlightAll,
7011          dehighlight: dehighlight,
7012          highlight: highlight,
7013          highlightFirst: highlightFirst,
7014          highlightLast: highlightLast,
7015          highlightAt: highlightAt,
7016          highlightBy: highlightBy,
7017          isHighlighted: isHighlighted,
7018          getHighlighted: getHighlighted,
7019          getFirst: getFirst,
7020          getLast: getLast,
7021          getPrevious: getPrevious,
7022          getNext: getNext,
7023          getCandidates: getCandidates
7024      });
7026      var HighlightSchema = [
7027        required$1('highlightClass'),
7028        required$1('itemClass'),
7029        onHandler('onHighlight'),
7030        onHandler('onDehighlight')
7031      ];
7033      var Highlighting = create$7({
7034        fields: HighlightSchema,
7035        name: 'highlighting',
7036        apis: HighlightApis
7037      });
7039      var BACKSPACE = [8];
7040      var TAB = [9];
7041      var ENTER = [13];
7042      var ESCAPE = [27];
7043      var SPACE = [32];
7044      var LEFT = [37];
7045      var UP = [38];
7046      var RIGHT = [39];
7047      var DOWN = [40];
7049      var cyclePrev = function (values, index, predicate) {
7050        var before = reverse(values.slice(0, index));
7051        var after = reverse(values.slice(index + 1));
7052        return find$5(before.concat(after), predicate);
7053      };
7054      var tryPrev = function (values, index, predicate) {
7055        var before = reverse(values.slice(0, index));
7056        return find$5(before, predicate);
7057      };
7058      var cycleNext = function (values, index, predicate) {
7059        var before = values.slice(0, index);
7060        var after = values.slice(index + 1);
7061        return find$5(after.concat(before), predicate);
7062      };
7063      var tryNext = function (values, index, predicate) {
7064        var after = values.slice(index + 1);
7065        return find$5(after, predicate);
7066      };
7068      var inSet = function (keys) {
7069        return function (event) {
7070          var raw = event.raw;
7071          return contains$2(keys, raw.which);
7072        };
7073      };
7074      var and = function (preds) {
7075        return function (event) {
7076          return forall(preds, function (pred) {
7077            return pred(event);
7078          });
7079        };
7080      };
7081      var isShift = function (event) {
7082        var raw = event.raw;
7083        return raw.shiftKey === true;
7084      };
7085      var isControl = function (event) {
7086        var raw = event.raw;
7087        return raw.ctrlKey === true;
7088      };
7089      var isNotShift = not(isShift);
7091      var rule = function (matches, action) {
7092        return {
7093          matches: matches,
7094          classification: action
7095        };
7096      };
7097      var choose = function (transitions, event) {
7098        var transition = find$5(transitions, function (t) {
7099          return t.matches(event);
7100        });
7101        return transition.map(function (t) {
7102          return t.classification;
7103        });
7104      };
7106      var reportFocusShifting = function (component, prevFocus, newFocus) {
7107        var noChange = prevFocus.exists(function (p) {
7108          return newFocus.exists(function (n) {
7109            return eq(n, p);
7110          });
7111        });
7112        if (!noChange) {
7113          emitWith(component, focusShifted(), {
7114            prevFocus: prevFocus,
7115            newFocus: newFocus
7116          });
7117        }
7118      };
7119      var dom$2 = function () {
7120        var get = function (component) {
7121          return search(component.element);
7122        };
7123        var set = function (component, focusee) {
7124          var prevFocus = get(component);
7125          component.getSystem().triggerFocus(focusee, component.element);
7126          var newFocus = get(component);
7127          reportFocusShifting(component, prevFocus, newFocus);
7128        };
7129        return {
7130          get: get,
7131          set: set
7132        };
7133      };
7134      var highlights = function () {
7135        var get = function (component) {
7136          return Highlighting.getHighlighted(component).map(function (item) {
7137            return item.element;
7138          });
7139        };
7140        var set = function (component, element) {
7141          var prevFocus = get(component);
7142          component.getSystem().getByDom(element).fold(noop, function (item) {
7143            Highlighting.highlight(component, item);
7144          });
7145          var newFocus = get(component);
7146          reportFocusShifting(component, prevFocus, newFocus);
7147        };
7148        return {
7149          get: get,
7150          set: set
7151        };
7152      };
7154      var FocusInsideModes;
7155      (function (FocusInsideModes) {
7156        FocusInsideModes['OnFocusMode'] = 'onFocus';
7157        FocusInsideModes['OnEnterOrSpaceMode'] = 'onEnterOrSpace';
7158        FocusInsideModes['OnApiMode'] = 'onApi';
7159      }(FocusInsideModes || (FocusInsideModes = {})));
7161      var typical = function (infoSchema, stateInit, getKeydownRules, getKeyupRules, optFocusIn) {
7162        var schema = function () {
7163          return infoSchema.concat([
7164            defaulted('focusManager', dom$2()),
7165            defaultedOf('focusInside', 'onFocus', valueOf(function (val) {
7166              return contains$2([
7167                'onFocus',
7168                'onEnterOrSpace',
7169                'onApi'
7170              ], val) ? Result.value(val) : Result.error('Invalid value for focusInside');
7171            })),
7172            output$1('handler', me),
7173            output$1('state', stateInit),
7174            output$1('sendFocusIn', optFocusIn)
7175          ]);
7176        };
7177        var processKey = function (component, simulatedEvent, getRules, keyingConfig, keyingState) {
7178          var rules = getRules(component, simulatedEvent, keyingConfig, keyingState);
7179          return choose(rules, simulatedEvent.event).bind(function (rule) {
7180            return rule(component, simulatedEvent, keyingConfig, keyingState);
7181          });
7182        };
7183        var toEvents = function (keyingConfig, keyingState) {
7184          var onFocusHandler = keyingConfig.focusInside !== FocusInsideModes.OnFocusMode ? Optional.none() : optFocusIn(keyingConfig).map(function (focusIn) {
7185            return run$1(focus$4(), function (component, simulatedEvent) {
7186              focusIn(component, keyingConfig, keyingState);
7187              simulatedEvent.stop();
7188            });
7189          });
7190          var tryGoInsideComponent = function (component, simulatedEvent) {
7191            var isEnterOrSpace = inSet(SPACE.concat(ENTER))(simulatedEvent.event);
7192            if (keyingConfig.focusInside === FocusInsideModes.OnEnterOrSpaceMode && isEnterOrSpace && isSource(component, simulatedEvent)) {
7193              optFocusIn(keyingConfig).each(function (focusIn) {
7194                focusIn(component, keyingConfig, keyingState);
7195                simulatedEvent.stop();
7196              });
7197            }
7198          };
7199          var keyboardEvents = [
7200            run$1(keydown(), function (component, simulatedEvent) {
7201              processKey(component, simulatedEvent, getKeydownRules, keyingConfig, keyingState).fold(function () {
7202                tryGoInsideComponent(component, simulatedEvent);
7203              }, function (_) {
7204                simulatedEvent.stop();
7205              });
7206            }),
7207            run$1(keyup(), function (component, simulatedEvent) {
7208              processKey(component, simulatedEvent, getKeyupRules, keyingConfig, keyingState).each(function (_) {
7209                simulatedEvent.stop();
7210              });
7211            })
7212          ];
7213          return derive$2(onFocusHandler.toArray().concat(keyboardEvents));
7214        };
7215        var me = {
7216          schema: schema,
7217          processKey: processKey,
7218          toEvents: toEvents
7219        };
7220        return me;
7221      };
7223      var create$5 = function (cyclicField) {
7224        var schema = [
7225          option('onEscape'),
7226          option('onEnter'),
7227          defaulted('selector', '[data-alloy-tabstop="true"]:not(:disabled)'),
7228          defaulted('firstTabstop', 0),
7229          defaulted('useTabstopAt', always),
7230          option('visibilitySelector')
7231        ].concat([cyclicField]);
7232        var isVisible = function (tabbingConfig, element) {
7233          var target = tabbingConfig.visibilitySelector.bind(function (sel) {
7234            return closest$1(element, sel);
7235          }).getOr(element);
7236          return get$b(target) > 0;
7237        };
7238        var findInitial = function (component, tabbingConfig) {
7239          var tabstops = descendants(component.element, tabbingConfig.selector);
7240          var visibles = filter$2(tabstops, function (elem) {
7241            return isVisible(tabbingConfig, elem);
7242          });
7243          return Optional.from(visibles[tabbingConfig.firstTabstop]);
7244        };
7245        var findCurrent = function (component, tabbingConfig) {
7246          return tabbingConfig.focusManager.get(component).bind(function (elem) {
7247            return closest$1(elem, tabbingConfig.selector);
7248          });
7249        };
7250        var isTabstop = function (tabbingConfig, element) {
7251          return isVisible(tabbingConfig, element) && tabbingConfig.useTabstopAt(element);
7252        };
7253        var focusIn = function (component, tabbingConfig, _tabbingState) {
7254          findInitial(component, tabbingConfig).each(function (target) {
7255            tabbingConfig.focusManager.set(component, target);
7256          });
7257        };
7258        var goFromTabstop = function (component, tabstops, stopIndex, tabbingConfig, cycle) {
7259          return cycle(tabstops, stopIndex, function (elem) {
7260            return isTabstop(tabbingConfig, elem);
7261          }).fold(function () {
7262            return tabbingConfig.cyclic ? Optional.some(true) : Optional.none();
7263          }, function (target) {
7264            tabbingConfig.focusManager.set(component, target);
7265            return Optional.some(true);
7266          });
7267        };
7268        var go = function (component, _simulatedEvent, tabbingConfig, cycle) {
7269          var tabstops = descendants(component.element, tabbingConfig.selector);
7270          return findCurrent(component, tabbingConfig).bind(function (tabstop) {
7271            var optStopIndex = findIndex$1(tabstops, curry(eq, tabstop));
7272            return optStopIndex.bind(function (stopIndex) {
7273              return goFromTabstop(component, tabstops, stopIndex, tabbingConfig, cycle);
7274            });
7275          });
7276        };
7277        var goBackwards = function (component, simulatedEvent, tabbingConfig) {
7278          var navigate = tabbingConfig.cyclic ? cyclePrev : tryPrev;
7279          return go(component, simulatedEvent, tabbingConfig, navigate);
7280        };
7281        var goForwards = function (component, simulatedEvent, tabbingConfig) {
7282          var navigate = tabbingConfig.cyclic ? cycleNext : tryNext;
7283          return go(component, simulatedEvent, tabbingConfig, navigate);
7284        };
7285        var execute = function (component, simulatedEvent, tabbingConfig) {
7286          return tabbingConfig.onEnter.bind(function (f) {
7287            return f(component, simulatedEvent);
7288          });
7289        };
7290        var exit = function (component, simulatedEvent, tabbingConfig) {
7291          return tabbingConfig.onEscape.bind(function (f) {
7292            return f(component, simulatedEvent);
7293          });
7294        };
7295        var getKeydownRules = constant$1([
7296          rule(and([
7297            isShift,
7298            inSet(TAB)
7299          ]), goBackwards),
7300          rule(inSet(TAB), goForwards),
7301          rule(inSet(ESCAPE), exit),
7302          rule(and([
7303            isNotShift,
7304            inSet(ENTER)
7305          ]), execute)
7306        ]);
7307        var getKeyupRules = constant$1([]);
7308        return typical(schema, NoState.init, getKeydownRules, getKeyupRules, function () {
7309          return Optional.some(focusIn);
7310        });
7311      };
7313      var AcyclicType = create$5(customField('cyclic', never));
7315      var CyclicType = create$5(customField('cyclic', always));
7317      var doDefaultExecute = function (component, _simulatedEvent, focused) {
7318        dispatch(component, focused, execute$5());
7319        return Optional.some(true);
7320      };
7321      var defaultExecute = function (component, simulatedEvent, focused) {
7322        var isComplex = inside(focused) && inSet(SPACE)(simulatedEvent.event);
7323        return isComplex ? Optional.none() : doDefaultExecute(component, simulatedEvent, focused);
7324      };
7325      var stopEventForFirefox = function (_component, _simulatedEvent) {
7326        return Optional.some(true);
7327      };
7329      var schema$v = [
7330        defaulted('execute', defaultExecute),
7331        defaulted('useSpace', false),
7332        defaulted('useEnter', true),
7333        defaulted('useControlEnter', false),
7334        defaulted('useDown', false)
7335      ];
7336      var execute$4 = function (component, simulatedEvent, executeConfig) {
7337        return executeConfig.execute(component, simulatedEvent, component.element);
7338      };
7339      var getKeydownRules$5 = function (component, _simulatedEvent, executeConfig, _executeState) {
7340        var spaceExec = executeConfig.useSpace && !inside(component.element) ? SPACE : [];
7341        var enterExec = executeConfig.useEnter ? ENTER : [];
7342        var downExec = executeConfig.useDown ? DOWN : [];
7343        var execKeys = spaceExec.concat(enterExec).concat(downExec);
7344        return [rule(inSet(execKeys), execute$4)].concat(executeConfig.useControlEnter ? [rule(and([
7345            isControl,
7346            inSet(ENTER)
7347          ]), execute$4)] : []);
7348      };
7349      var getKeyupRules$5 = function (component, _simulatedEvent, executeConfig, _executeState) {
7350        return executeConfig.useSpace && !inside(component.element) ? [rule(inSet(SPACE), stopEventForFirefox)] : [];
7351      };
7352      var ExecutionType = typical(schema$v, NoState.init, getKeydownRules$5, getKeyupRules$5, function () {
7353        return Optional.none();
7354      });
7356      var flatgrid$1 = function () {
7357        var dimensions = value$1();
7358        var setGridSize = function (numRows, numColumns) {
7359          dimensions.set({
7360            numRows: numRows,
7361            numColumns: numColumns
7362          });
7363        };
7364        var getNumRows = function () {
7365          return dimensions.get().map(function (d) {
7366            return d.numRows;
7367          });
7368        };
7369        var getNumColumns = function () {
7370          return dimensions.get().map(function (d) {
7371            return d.numColumns;
7372          });
7373        };
7374        return nu$8({
7375          readState: function () {
7376            return dimensions.get().map(function (d) {
7377              return {
7378                numRows: String(d.numRows),
7379                numColumns: String(d.numColumns)
7380              };
7381            }).getOr({
7382              numRows: '?',
7383              numColumns: '?'
7384            });
7385          },
7386          setGridSize: setGridSize,
7387          getNumRows: getNumRows,
7388          getNumColumns: getNumColumns
7389        });
7390      };
7391      var init$d = function (spec) {
7392        return spec.state(spec);
7393      };
7395      var KeyingState = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
7396          __proto__: null,
7397          flatgrid: flatgrid$1,
7398          init: init$d
7399      });
7401      var useH = function (movement) {
7402        return function (component, simulatedEvent, config, state) {
7403          var move = movement(component.element);
7404          return use(move, component, simulatedEvent, config, state);
7405        };
7406      };
7407      var west$1 = function (moveLeft, moveRight) {
7408        var movement = onDirection(moveLeft, moveRight);
7409        return useH(movement);
7410      };
7411      var east$1 = function (moveLeft, moveRight) {
7412        var movement = onDirection(moveRight, moveLeft);
7413        return useH(movement);
7414      };
7415      var useV = function (move) {
7416        return function (component, simulatedEvent, config, state) {
7417          return use(move, component, simulatedEvent, config, state);
7418        };
7419      };
7420      var use = function (move, component, simulatedEvent, config, state) {
7421        var outcome = config.focusManager.get(component).bind(function (focused) {
7422          return move(component.element, focused, config, state);
7423        });
7424        return outcome.map(function (newFocus) {
7425          config.focusManager.set(component, newFocus);
7426          return true;
7427        });
7428      };
7429      var north$1 = useV;
7430      var south$1 = useV;
7431      var move$1 = useV;
7433      var isHidden$1 = function (dom) {
7434        return dom.offsetWidth <= 0 && dom.offsetHeight <= 0;
7435      };
7436      var isVisible = function (element) {
7437        return !isHidden$1(element.dom);
7438      };
7440      var locate = function (candidates, predicate) {
7441        return findIndex$1(candidates, predicate).map(function (index) {
7442          return {
7443            index: index,
7444            candidates: candidates
7445          };
7446        });
7447      };
7449      var locateVisible = function (container, current, selector) {
7450        var predicate = function (x) {
7451          return eq(x, current);
7452        };
7453        var candidates = descendants(container, selector);
7454        var visible = filter$2(candidates, isVisible);
7455        return locate(visible, predicate);
7456      };
7457      var findIndex = function (elements, target) {
7458        return findIndex$1(elements, function (elem) {
7459          return eq(target, elem);
7460        });
7461      };
7463      var withGrid = function (values, index, numCols, f) {
7464        var oldRow = Math.floor(index / numCols);
7465        var oldColumn = index % numCols;
7466        return f(oldRow, oldColumn).bind(function (address) {
7467          var newIndex = address.row * numCols + address.column;
7468          return newIndex >= 0 && newIndex < values.length ? Optional.some(values[newIndex]) : Optional.none();
7469        });
7470      };
7471      var cycleHorizontal$1 = function (values, index, numRows, numCols, delta) {
7472        return withGrid(values, index, numCols, function (oldRow, oldColumn) {
7473          var onLastRow = oldRow === numRows - 1;
7474          var colsInRow = onLastRow ? values.length - oldRow * numCols : numCols;
7475          var newColumn = cycleBy(oldColumn, delta, 0, colsInRow - 1);
7476          return Optional.some({
7477            row: oldRow,
7478            column: newColumn
7479          });
7480        });
7481      };
7482      var cycleVertical$1 = function (values, index, numRows, numCols, delta) {
7483        return withGrid(values, index, numCols, function (oldRow, oldColumn) {
7484          var newRow = cycleBy(oldRow, delta, 0, numRows - 1);
7485          var onLastRow = newRow === numRows - 1;
7486          var colsInRow = onLastRow ? values.length - newRow * numCols : numCols;
7487          var newCol = clamp$1(oldColumn, 0, colsInRow - 1);
7488          return Optional.some({
7489            row: newRow,
7490            column: newCol
7491          });
7492        });
7493      };
7494      var cycleRight$1 = function (values, index, numRows, numCols) {
7495        return cycleHorizontal$1(values, index, numRows, numCols, +1);
7496      };
7497      var cycleLeft$1 = function (values, index, numRows, numCols) {
7498        return cycleHorizontal$1(values, index, numRows, numCols, -1);
7499      };
7500      var cycleUp$1 = function (values, index, numRows, numCols) {
7501        return cycleVertical$1(values, index, numRows, numCols, -1);
7502      };
7503      var cycleDown$1 = function (values, index, numRows, numCols) {
7504        return cycleVertical$1(values, index, numRows, numCols, +1);
7505      };
7507      var schema$u = [
7508        required$1('selector'),
7509        defaulted('execute', defaultExecute),
7510        onKeyboardHandler('onEscape'),
7511        defaulted('captureTab', false),
7512        initSize()
7513      ];
7514      var focusIn$3 = function (component, gridConfig, _gridState) {
7515        descendant(component.element, gridConfig.selector).each(function (first) {
7516          gridConfig.focusManager.set(component, first);
7517        });
7518      };
7519      var findCurrent$1 = function (component, gridConfig) {
7520        return gridConfig.focusManager.get(component).bind(function (elem) {
7521          return closest$1(elem, gridConfig.selector);
7522        });
7523      };
7524      var execute$3 = function (component, simulatedEvent, gridConfig, _gridState) {
7525        return findCurrent$1(component, gridConfig).bind(function (focused) {
7526          return gridConfig.execute(component, simulatedEvent, focused);
7527        });
7528      };
7529      var doMove$2 = function (cycle) {
7530        return function (element, focused, gridConfig, gridState) {
7531          return locateVisible(element, focused, gridConfig.selector).bind(function (identified) {
7532            return cycle(identified.candidates, identified.index, gridState.getNumRows().getOr(gridConfig.initSize.numRows), gridState.getNumColumns().getOr(gridConfig.initSize.numColumns));
7533          });
7534        };
7535      };
7536      var handleTab = function (_component, _simulatedEvent, gridConfig) {
7537        return gridConfig.captureTab ? Optional.some(true) : Optional.none();
7538      };
7539      var doEscape$1 = function (component, simulatedEvent, gridConfig) {
7540        return gridConfig.onEscape(component, simulatedEvent);
7541      };
7542      var moveLeft$3 = doMove$2(cycleLeft$1);
7543      var moveRight$3 = doMove$2(cycleRight$1);
7544      var moveNorth$1 = doMove$2(cycleUp$1);
7545      var moveSouth$1 = doMove$2(cycleDown$1);
7546      var getKeydownRules$4 = constant$1([
7547        rule(inSet(LEFT), west$1(moveLeft$3, moveRight$3)),
7548        rule(inSet(RIGHT), east$1(moveLeft$3, moveRight$3)),
7549        rule(inSet(UP), north$1(moveNorth$1)),
7550        rule(inSet(DOWN), south$1(moveSouth$1)),
7551        rule(and([
7552          isShift,
7553          inSet(TAB)
7554        ]), handleTab),
7555        rule(and([
7556          isNotShift,
7557          inSet(TAB)
7558        ]), handleTab),
7559        rule(inSet(ESCAPE), doEscape$1),
7560        rule(inSet(SPACE.concat(ENTER)), execute$3)
7561      ]);
7562      var getKeyupRules$4 = constant$1([rule(inSet(SPACE), stopEventForFirefox)]);
7563      var FlatgridType = typical(schema$u, flatgrid$1, getKeydownRules$4, getKeyupRules$4, function () {
7564        return Optional.some(focusIn$3);
7565      });
7567      var horizontal = function (container, selector, current, delta) {
7568        var isDisabledButton = function (candidate) {
7569          return name$2(candidate) === 'button' && get$d(candidate, 'disabled') === 'disabled';
7570        };
7571        var tryCycle = function (initial, index, candidates) {
7572          var newIndex = cycleBy(index, delta, 0, candidates.length - 1);
7573          if (newIndex === initial) {
7574            return Optional.none();
7575          } else {
7576            return isDisabledButton(candidates[newIndex]) ? tryCycle(initial, newIndex, candidates) : Optional.from(candidates[newIndex]);
7577          }
7578        };
7579        return locateVisible(container, current, selector).bind(function (identified) {
7580          var index = identified.index;
7581          var candidates = identified.candidates;
7582          return tryCycle(index, index, candidates);
7583        });
7584      };
7586      var schema$t = [
7587        required$1('selector'),
7588        defaulted('getInitial', Optional.none),
7589        defaulted('execute', defaultExecute),
7590        onKeyboardHandler('onEscape'),
7591        defaulted('executeOnMove', false),
7592        defaulted('allowVertical', true)
7593      ];
7594      var findCurrent = function (component, flowConfig) {
7595        return flowConfig.focusManager.get(component).bind(function (elem) {
7596          return closest$1(elem, flowConfig.selector);
7597        });
7598      };
7599      var execute$2 = function (component, simulatedEvent, flowConfig) {
7600        return findCurrent(component, flowConfig).bind(function (focused) {
7601          return flowConfig.execute(component, simulatedEvent, focused);
7602        });
7603      };
7604      var focusIn$2 = function (component, flowConfig, _state) {
7605        flowConfig.getInitial(component).orThunk(function () {
7606          return descendant(component.element, flowConfig.selector);
7607        }).each(function (first) {
7608          flowConfig.focusManager.set(component, first);
7609        });
7610      };
7611      var moveLeft$2 = function (element, focused, info) {
7612        return horizontal(element, info.selector, focused, -1);
7613      };
7614      var moveRight$2 = function (element, focused, info) {
7615        return horizontal(element, info.selector, focused, +1);
7616      };
7617      var doMove$1 = function (movement) {
7618        return function (component, simulatedEvent, flowConfig, flowState) {
7619          return movement(component, simulatedEvent, flowConfig, flowState).bind(function () {
7620            return flowConfig.executeOnMove ? execute$2(component, simulatedEvent, flowConfig) : Optional.some(true);
7621          });
7622        };
7623      };
7624      var doEscape = function (component, simulatedEvent, flowConfig) {
7625        return flowConfig.onEscape(component, simulatedEvent);
7626      };
7627      var getKeydownRules$3 = function (_component, _se, flowConfig, _flowState) {
7628        var westMovers = LEFT.concat(flowConfig.allowVertical ? UP : []);
7629        var eastMovers = RIGHT.concat(flowConfig.allowVertical ? DOWN : []);
7630        return [
7631          rule(inSet(westMovers), doMove$1(west$1(moveLeft$2, moveRight$2))),
7632          rule(inSet(eastMovers), doMove$1(east$1(moveLeft$2, moveRight$2))),
7633          rule(inSet(ENTER), execute$2),
7634          rule(inSet(SPACE), execute$2),
7635          rule(inSet(ESCAPE), doEscape)
7636        ];
7637      };
7638      var getKeyupRules$3 = constant$1([rule(inSet(SPACE), stopEventForFirefox)]);
7639      var FlowType = typical(schema$t, NoState.init, getKeydownRules$3, getKeyupRules$3, function () {
7640        return Optional.some(focusIn$2);
7641      });
7643      var toCell = function (matrix, rowIndex, columnIndex) {
7644        return Optional.from(matrix[rowIndex]).bind(function (row) {
7645          return Optional.from(row[columnIndex]).map(function (cell) {
7646            return {
7647              rowIndex: rowIndex,
7648              columnIndex: columnIndex,
7649              cell: cell
7650            };
7651          });
7652        });
7653      };
7654      var cycleHorizontal = function (matrix, rowIndex, startCol, deltaCol) {
7655        var row = matrix[rowIndex];
7656        var colsInRow = row.length;
7657        var newColIndex = cycleBy(startCol, deltaCol, 0, colsInRow - 1);
7658        return toCell(matrix, rowIndex, newColIndex);
7659      };
7660      var cycleVertical = function (matrix, colIndex, startRow, deltaRow) {
7661        var nextRowIndex = cycleBy(startRow, deltaRow, 0, matrix.length - 1);
7662        var colsInNextRow = matrix[nextRowIndex].length;
7663        var nextColIndex = clamp$1(colIndex, 0, colsInNextRow - 1);
7664        return toCell(matrix, nextRowIndex, nextColIndex);
7665      };
7666      var moveHorizontal = function (matrix, rowIndex, startCol, deltaCol) {
7667        var row = matrix[rowIndex];
7668        var colsInRow = row.length;
7669        var newColIndex = clamp$1(startCol + deltaCol, 0, colsInRow - 1);
7670        return toCell(matrix, rowIndex, newColIndex);
7671      };
7672      var moveVertical = function (matrix, colIndex, startRow, deltaRow) {
7673        var nextRowIndex = clamp$1(startRow + deltaRow, 0, matrix.length - 1);
7674        var colsInNextRow = matrix[nextRowIndex].length;
7675        var nextColIndex = clamp$1(colIndex, 0, colsInNextRow - 1);
7676        return toCell(matrix, nextRowIndex, nextColIndex);
7677      };
7678      var cycleRight = function (matrix, startRow, startCol) {
7679        return cycleHorizontal(matrix, startRow, startCol, +1);
7680      };
7681      var cycleLeft = function (matrix, startRow, startCol) {
7682        return cycleHorizontal(matrix, startRow, startCol, -1);
7683      };
7684      var cycleUp = function (matrix, startRow, startCol) {
7685        return cycleVertical(matrix, startCol, startRow, -1);
7686      };
7687      var cycleDown = function (matrix, startRow, startCol) {
7688        return cycleVertical(matrix, startCol, startRow, +1);
7689      };
7690      var moveLeft$1 = function (matrix, startRow, startCol) {
7691        return moveHorizontal(matrix, startRow, startCol, -1);
7692      };
7693      var moveRight$1 = function (matrix, startRow, startCol) {
7694        return moveHorizontal(matrix, startRow, startCol, +1);
7695      };
7696      var moveUp$1 = function (matrix, startRow, startCol) {
7697        return moveVertical(matrix, startCol, startRow, -1);
7698      };
7699      var moveDown$1 = function (matrix, startRow, startCol) {
7700        return moveVertical(matrix, startCol, startRow, +1);
7701      };
7703      var schema$s = [
7704        requiredObjOf('selectors', [
7705          required$1('row'),
7706          required$1('cell')
7707        ]),
7708        defaulted('cycles', true),
7709        defaulted('previousSelector', Optional.none),
7710        defaulted('execute', defaultExecute)
7711      ];
7712      var focusIn$1 = function (component, matrixConfig, _state) {
7713        var focused = matrixConfig.previousSelector(component).orThunk(function () {
7714          var selectors = matrixConfig.selectors;
7715          return descendant(component.element, selectors.cell);
7716        });
7717        focused.each(function (cell) {
7718          matrixConfig.focusManager.set(component, cell);
7719        });
7720      };
7721      var execute$1 = function (component, simulatedEvent, matrixConfig) {
7722        return search(component.element).bind(function (focused) {
7723          return matrixConfig.execute(component, simulatedEvent, focused);
7724        });
7725      };
7726      var toMatrix = function (rows, matrixConfig) {
7727        return map$2(rows, function (row) {
7728          return descendants(row, matrixConfig.selectors.cell);
7729        });
7730      };
7731      var doMove = function (ifCycle, ifMove) {
7732        return function (element, focused, matrixConfig) {
7733          var move = matrixConfig.cycles ? ifCycle : ifMove;
7734          return closest$1(focused, matrixConfig.selectors.row).bind(function (inRow) {
7735            var cellsInRow = descendants(inRow, matrixConfig.selectors.cell);
7736            return findIndex(cellsInRow, focused).bind(function (colIndex) {
7737              var allRows = descendants(element, matrixConfig.selectors.row);
7738              return findIndex(allRows, inRow).bind(function (rowIndex) {
7739                var matrix = toMatrix(allRows, matrixConfig);
7740                return move(matrix, rowIndex, colIndex).map(function (next) {
7741                  return next.cell;
7742                });
7743              });
7744            });
7745          });
7746        };
7747      };
7748      var moveLeft = doMove(cycleLeft, moveLeft$1);
7749      var moveRight = doMove(cycleRight, moveRight$1);
7750      var moveNorth = doMove(cycleUp, moveUp$1);
7751      var moveSouth = doMove(cycleDown, moveDown$1);
7752      var getKeydownRules$2 = constant$1([
7753        rule(inSet(LEFT), west$1(moveLeft, moveRight)),
7754        rule(inSet(RIGHT), east$1(moveLeft, moveRight)),
7755        rule(inSet(UP), north$1(moveNorth)),
7756        rule(inSet(DOWN), south$1(moveSouth)),
7757        rule(inSet(SPACE.concat(ENTER)), execute$1)
7758      ]);
7759      var getKeyupRules$2 = constant$1([rule(inSet(SPACE), stopEventForFirefox)]);
7760      var MatrixType = typical(schema$s, NoState.init, getKeydownRules$2, getKeyupRules$2, function () {
7761        return Optional.some(focusIn$1);
7762      });
7764      var schema$r = [
7765        required$1('selector'),
7766        defaulted('execute', defaultExecute),
7767        defaulted('moveOnTab', false)
7768      ];
7769      var execute = function (component, simulatedEvent, menuConfig) {
7770        return menuConfig.focusManager.get(component).bind(function (focused) {
7771          return menuConfig.execute(component, simulatedEvent, focused);
7772        });
7773      };
7774      var focusIn = function (component, menuConfig, _state) {
7775        descendant(component.element, menuConfig.selector).each(function (first) {
7776          menuConfig.focusManager.set(component, first);
7777        });
7778      };
7779      var moveUp = function (element, focused, info) {
7780        return horizontal(element, info.selector, focused, -1);
7781      };
7782      var moveDown = function (element, focused, info) {
7783        return horizontal(element, info.selector, focused, +1);
7784      };
7785      var fireShiftTab = function (component, simulatedEvent, menuConfig, menuState) {
7786        return menuConfig.moveOnTab ? move$1(moveUp)(component, simulatedEvent, menuConfig, menuState) : Optional.none();
7787      };
7788      var fireTab = function (component, simulatedEvent, menuConfig, menuState) {
7789        return menuConfig.moveOnTab ? move$1(moveDown)(component, simulatedEvent, menuConfig, menuState) : Optional.none();
7790      };
7791      var getKeydownRules$1 = constant$1([
7792        rule(inSet(UP), move$1(moveUp)),
7793        rule(inSet(DOWN), move$1(moveDown)),
7794        rule(and([
7795          isShift,
7796          inSet(TAB)
7797        ]), fireShiftTab),
7798        rule(and([
7799          isNotShift,
7800          inSet(TAB)
7801        ]), fireTab),
7802        rule(inSet(ENTER), execute),
7803        rule(inSet(SPACE), execute)
7804      ]);
7805      var getKeyupRules$1 = constant$1([rule(inSet(SPACE), stopEventForFirefox)]);
7806      var MenuType = typical(schema$r, NoState.init, getKeydownRules$1, getKeyupRules$1, function () {
7807        return Optional.some(focusIn);
7808      });
7810      var schema$q = [
7811        onKeyboardHandler('onSpace'),
7812        onKeyboardHandler('onEnter'),
7813        onKeyboardHandler('onShiftEnter'),
7814        onKeyboardHandler('onLeft'),
7815        onKeyboardHandler('onRight'),
7816        onKeyboardHandler('onTab'),
7817        onKeyboardHandler('onShiftTab'),
7818        onKeyboardHandler('onUp'),
7819        onKeyboardHandler('onDown'),
7820        onKeyboardHandler('onEscape'),
7821        defaulted('stopSpaceKeyup', false),
7822        option('focusIn')
7823      ];
7824      var getKeydownRules = function (component, simulatedEvent, specialInfo) {
7825        return [
7826          rule(inSet(SPACE), specialInfo.onSpace),
7827          rule(and([
7828            isNotShift,
7829            inSet(ENTER)
7830          ]), specialInfo.onEnter),
7831          rule(and([
7832            isShift,
7833            inSet(ENTER)
7834          ]), specialInfo.onShiftEnter),
7835          rule(and([
7836            isShift,
7837            inSet(TAB)
7838          ]), specialInfo.onShiftTab),
7839          rule(and([
7840            isNotShift,
7841            inSet(TAB)
7842          ]), specialInfo.onTab),
7843          rule(inSet(UP), specialInfo.onUp),
7844          rule(inSet(DOWN), specialInfo.onDown),
7845          rule(inSet(LEFT), specialInfo.onLeft),
7846          rule(inSet(RIGHT), specialInfo.onRight),
7847          rule(inSet(SPACE), specialInfo.onSpace),
7848          rule(inSet(ESCAPE), specialInfo.onEscape)
7849        ];
7850      };
7851      var getKeyupRules = function (component, simulatedEvent, specialInfo) {
7852        return specialInfo.stopSpaceKeyup ? [rule(inSet(SPACE), stopEventForFirefox)] : [];
7853      };
7854      var SpecialType = typical(schema$q, NoState.init, getKeydownRules, getKeyupRules, function (specialInfo) {
7855        return specialInfo.focusIn;
7856      });
7858      var acyclic = AcyclicType.schema();
7859      var cyclic = CyclicType.schema();
7860      var flow = FlowType.schema();
7861      var flatgrid = FlatgridType.schema();
7862      var matrix = MatrixType.schema();
7863      var execution = ExecutionType.schema();
7864      var menu = MenuType.schema();
7865      var special = SpecialType.schema();
7867      var KeyboardBranches = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
7868          __proto__: null,
7869          acyclic: acyclic,
7870          cyclic: cyclic,
7871          flow: flow,
7872          flatgrid: flatgrid,
7873          matrix: matrix,
7874          execution: execution,
7875          menu: menu,
7876          special: special
7877      });
7879      var isFlatgridState = function (keyState) {
7880        return hasNonNullableKey(keyState, 'setGridSize');
7881      };
7882      var Keying = createModes({
7883        branchKey: 'mode',
7884        branches: KeyboardBranches,
7885        name: 'keying',
7886        active: {
7887          events: function (keyingConfig, keyingState) {
7888            var handler = keyingConfig.handler;
7889            return handler.toEvents(keyingConfig, keyingState);
7890          }
7891        },
7892        apis: {
7893          focusIn: function (component, keyConfig, keyState) {
7894            keyConfig.sendFocusIn(keyConfig).fold(function () {
7895              component.getSystem().triggerFocus(component.element, component.element);
7896            }, function (sendFocusIn) {
7897              sendFocusIn(component, keyConfig, keyState);
7898            });
7899          },
7900          setGridSize: function (component, keyConfig, keyState, numRows, numColumns) {
7901            if (!isFlatgridState(keyState)) {
7902              console.error('Layout does not support setGridSize');
7903            } else {
7904              keyState.setGridSize(numRows, numColumns);
7905            }
7906          }
7907        },
7908        state: KeyingState
7909      });
7911      var set$2 = function (component, replaceConfig, replaceState, data) {
7912        preserve$1(function () {
7913          var newChildren = map$2(data, component.getSystem().build);
7914          replaceChildren(component, newChildren);
7915        }, component.element);
7916      };
7917      var insert = function (component, replaceConfig, insertion, childSpec) {
7918        var child = component.getSystem().build(childSpec);
7919        attachWith(component, child, insertion);
7920      };
7921      var append = function (component, replaceConfig, replaceState, appendee) {
7922        insert(component, replaceConfig, append$2, appendee);
7923      };
7924      var prepend = function (component, replaceConfig, replaceState, prependee) {
7925        insert(component, replaceConfig, prepend$1, prependee);
7926      };
7927      var remove = function (component, replaceConfig, replaceState, removee) {
7928        var children = contents(component);
7929        var foundChild = find$5(children, function (child) {
7930          return eq(removee.element, child.element);
7931        });
7932        foundChild.each(detach);
7933      };
7934      var contents = function (component, _replaceConfig) {
7935        return component.components();
7936      };
7937      var replaceAt = function (component, replaceConfig, replaceState, replaceeIndex, replacer) {
7938        var children = contents(component);
7939        return Optional.from(children[replaceeIndex]).map(function (replacee) {
7940          remove(component, replaceConfig, replaceState, replacee);
7941          replacer.each(function (r) {
7942            insert(component, replaceConfig, function (p, c) {
7943              appendAt(p, c, replaceeIndex);
7944            }, r);
7945          });
7946          return replacee;
7947        });
7948      };
7949      var replaceBy = function (component, replaceConfig, replaceState, replaceePred, replacer) {
7950        var children = contents(component);
7951        return findIndex$1(children, replaceePred).bind(function (replaceeIndex) {
7952          return replaceAt(component, replaceConfig, replaceState, replaceeIndex, replacer);
7953        });
7954      };
7956      var ReplaceApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
7957          __proto__: null,
7958          append: append,
7959          prepend: prepend,
7960          remove: remove,
7961          replaceAt: replaceAt,
7962          replaceBy: replaceBy,
7963          set: set$2,
7964          contents: contents
7965      });
7967      var Replacing = create$7({
7968        fields: [],
7969        name: 'replacing',
7970        apis: ReplaceApis
7971      });
7973      var events$d = function (name, eventHandlers) {
7974        var events = derive$2(eventHandlers);
7975        return create$7({
7976          fields: [required$1('enabled')],
7977          name: name,
7978          active: { events: constant$1(events) }
7979        });
7980      };
7981      var config = function (name, eventHandlers) {
7982        var me = events$d(name, eventHandlers);
7983        return {
7984          key: name,
7985          value: {
7986            config: {},
7987            me: me,
7988            configAsRaw: constant$1({}),
7989            initialConfig: {},
7990            state: NoState
7991          }
7992        };
7993      };
7995      var focus$2 = function (component, focusConfig) {
7996        if (!focusConfig.ignore) {
7997          focus$3(component.element);
7998          focusConfig.onFocus(component);
7999        }
8000      };
8001      var blur = function (component, focusConfig) {
8002        if (!focusConfig.ignore) {
8003          blur$1(component.element);
8004        }
8005      };
8006      var isFocused = function (component) {
8007        return hasFocus(component.element);
8008      };
8010      var FocusApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
8011          __proto__: null,
8012          focus: focus$2,
8013          blur: blur,
8014          isFocused: isFocused
8015      });
8017      var exhibit$4 = function (base, focusConfig) {
8018        var mod = focusConfig.ignore ? {} : { attributes: { tabindex: '-1' } };
8019        return nu$7(mod);
8020      };
8021      var events$c = function (focusConfig) {
8022        return derive$2([run$1(focus$4(), function (component, simulatedEvent) {
8023            focus$2(component, focusConfig);
8024            simulatedEvent.stop();
8025          })].concat(focusConfig.stopMousedown ? [run$1(mousedown(), function (_, simulatedEvent) {
8026            simulatedEvent.event.prevent();
8027          })] : []));
8028      };
8030      var ActiveFocus = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
8031          __proto__: null,
8032          exhibit: exhibit$4,
8033          events: events$c
8034      });
8036      var FocusSchema = [
8037        onHandler('onFocus'),
8038        defaulted('stopMousedown', false),
8039        defaulted('ignore', false)
8040      ];
8042      var Focusing = create$7({
8043        fields: FocusSchema,
8044        name: 'focusing',
8045        active: ActiveFocus,
8046        apis: FocusApis
8047      });
8049      var SetupBehaviourCellState = function (initialState) {
8050        var init = function () {
8051          var cell = Cell(initialState);
8052          var get = function () {
8053            return cell.get();
8054          };
8055          var set = function (newState) {
8056            return cell.set(newState);
8057          };
8058          var clear = function () {
8059            return cell.set(initialState);
8060          };
8061          var readState = function () {
8062            return cell.get();
8063          };
8064          return {
8065            get: get,
8066            set: set,
8067            clear: clear,
8068            readState: readState
8069          };
8070        };
8071        return { init: init };
8072      };
8074      var updateAriaState = function (component, toggleConfig, toggleState) {
8075        var ariaInfo = toggleConfig.aria;
8076        ariaInfo.update(component, ariaInfo, toggleState.get());
8077      };
8078      var updateClass = function (component, toggleConfig, toggleState) {
8079        toggleConfig.toggleClass.each(function (toggleClass) {
8080          if (toggleState.get()) {
8081            add$2(component.element, toggleClass);
8082          } else {
8083            remove$2(component.element, toggleClass);
8084          }
8085        });
8086      };
8087      var toggle$2 = function (component, toggleConfig, toggleState) {
8088        set$1(component, toggleConfig, toggleState, !toggleState.get());
8089      };
8090      var on = function (component, toggleConfig, toggleState) {
8091        toggleState.set(true);
8092        updateClass(component, toggleConfig, toggleState);
8093        updateAriaState(component, toggleConfig, toggleState);
8094      };
8095      var off = function (component, toggleConfig, toggleState) {
8096        toggleState.set(false);
8097        updateClass(component, toggleConfig, toggleState);
8098        updateAriaState(component, toggleConfig, toggleState);
8099      };
8100      var set$1 = function (component, toggleConfig, toggleState, state) {
8101        var action = state ? on : off;
8102        action(component, toggleConfig, toggleState);
8103      };
8104      var isOn = function (component, toggleConfig, toggleState) {
8105        return toggleState.get();
8106      };
8107      var onLoad = function (component, toggleConfig, toggleState) {
8108        set$1(component, toggleConfig, toggleState, toggleConfig.selected);
8109      };
8111      var ToggleApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
8112          __proto__: null,
8113          onLoad: onLoad,
8114          toggle: toggle$2,
8115          isOn: isOn,
8116          on: on,
8117          off: off,
8118          set: set$1
8119      });
8121      var exhibit$3 = function () {
8122        return nu$7({});
8123      };
8124      var events$b = function (toggleConfig, toggleState) {
8125        var execute = executeEvent(toggleConfig, toggleState, toggle$2);
8126        var load = loadEvent(toggleConfig, toggleState, onLoad);
8127        return derive$2(flatten([
8128          toggleConfig.toggleOnExecute ? [execute] : [],
8129          [load]
8130        ]));
8131      };
8133      var ActiveToggle = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
8134          __proto__: null,
8135          exhibit: exhibit$3,
8136          events: events$b
8137      });
8139      var updatePressed = function (component, ariaInfo, status) {
8140        set$8(component.element, 'aria-pressed', status);
8141        if (ariaInfo.syncWithExpanded) {
8142          updateExpanded(component, ariaInfo, status);
8143        }
8144      };
8145      var updateSelected = function (component, ariaInfo, status) {
8146        set$8(component.element, 'aria-selected', status);
8147      };
8148      var updateChecked = function (component, ariaInfo, status) {
8149        set$8(component.element, 'aria-checked', status);
8150      };
8151      var updateExpanded = function (component, ariaInfo, status) {
8152        set$8(component.element, 'aria-expanded', status);
8153      };
8155      var ToggleSchema = [
8156        defaulted('selected', false),
8157        option('toggleClass'),
8158        defaulted('toggleOnExecute', true),
8159        defaultedOf('aria', { mode: 'none' }, choose$1('mode', {
8160          pressed: [
8161            defaulted('syncWithExpanded', false),
8162            output$1('update', updatePressed)
8163          ],
8164          checked: [output$1('update', updateChecked)],
8165          expanded: [output$1('update', updateExpanded)],
8166          selected: [output$1('update', updateSelected)],
8167          none: [output$1('update', noop)]
8168        }))
8169      ];
8171      var Toggling = create$7({
8172        fields: ToggleSchema,
8173        name: 'toggling',
8174        active: ActiveToggle,
8175        apis: ToggleApis,
8176        state: SetupBehaviourCellState(false)
8177      });
8179      var pointerEvents = function () {
8180        var onClick = function (component, simulatedEvent) {
8181          simulatedEvent.stop();
8182          emitExecute(component);
8183        };
8184        return [
8185          run$1(click(), onClick),
8186          run$1(tap(), onClick),
8187          cutter(touchstart()),
8188          cutter(mousedown())
8189        ];
8190      };
8191      var events$a = function (optAction) {
8192        var executeHandler = function (action) {
8193          return runOnExecute$1(function (component, simulatedEvent) {
8194            action(component);
8195            simulatedEvent.stop();
8196          });
8197        };
8198        return derive$2(flatten([
8199          optAction.map(executeHandler).toArray(),
8200          pointerEvents()
8201        ]));
8202      };
8204      var hoverEvent = 'alloy.item-hover';
8205      var focusEvent = 'alloy.item-focus';
8206      var onHover = function (item) {
8207        if (search(item.element).isNone() || Focusing.isFocused(item)) {
8208          if (!Focusing.isFocused(item)) {
8209            Focusing.focus(item);
8210          }
8211          emitWith(item, hoverEvent, { item: item });
8212        }
8213      };
8214      var onFocus$1 = function (item) {
8215        emitWith(item, focusEvent, { item: item });
8216      };
8217      var hover = constant$1(hoverEvent);
8218      var focus$1 = constant$1(focusEvent);
8220      var builder$2 = function (detail) {
8221        return {
8222          dom: detail.dom,
8223          domModification: __assign(__assign({}, detail.domModification), { attributes: __assign(__assign(__assign({ 'role': detail.toggling.isSome() ? 'menuitemcheckbox' : 'menuitem' }, detail.domModification.attributes), { 'aria-haspopup': detail.hasSubmenu }), detail.hasSubmenu ? { 'aria-expanded': false } : {}) }),
8224          behaviours: SketchBehaviours.augment(detail.itemBehaviours, [
8225            detail.toggling.fold(Toggling.revoke, function (tConfig) {
8226              return Toggling.config(__assign({ aria: { mode: 'checked' } }, tConfig));
8227            }),
8228            Focusing.config({
8229              ignore: detail.ignoreFocus,
8230              stopMousedown: detail.ignoreFocus,
8231              onFocus: function (component) {
8232                onFocus$1(component);
8233              }
8234            }),
8235            Keying.config({ mode: 'execution' }),
8236            Representing.config({
8237              store: {
8238                mode: 'memory',
8239                initialValue: detail.data
8240              }
8241            }),
8242            config('item-type-events', __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], pointerEvents(), true), [
8243              run$1(mouseover(), onHover),
8244              run$1(focusItem(), Focusing.focus)
8245            ], false))
8246          ]),
8247          components: detail.components,
8248          eventOrder: detail.eventOrder
8249        };
8250      };
8251      var schema$p = [
8252        required$1('data'),
8253        required$1('components'),
8254        required$1('dom'),
8255        defaulted('hasSubmenu', false),
8256        option('toggling'),
8257        SketchBehaviours.field('itemBehaviours', [
8258          Toggling,
8259          Focusing,
8260          Keying,
8261          Representing
8262        ]),
8263        defaulted('ignoreFocus', false),
8264        defaulted('domModification', {}),
8265        output$1('builder', builder$2),
8266        defaulted('eventOrder', {})
8267      ];
8269      var builder$1 = function (detail) {
8270        return {
8271          dom: detail.dom,
8272          components: detail.components,
8273          events: derive$2([stopper(focusItem())])
8274        };
8275      };
8276      var schema$o = [
8277        required$1('dom'),
8278        required$1('components'),
8279        output$1('builder', builder$1)
8280      ];
8282      var owner$2 = constant$1('item-widget');
8283      var parts$h = constant$1([required({
8284          name: 'widget',
8285          overrides: function (detail) {
8286            return {
8287              behaviours: derive$1([Representing.config({
8288                  store: {
8289                    mode: 'manual',
8290                    getValue: function (_component) {
8291                      return detail.data;
8292                    },
8293                    setValue: noop
8294                  }
8295                })])
8296            };
8297          }
8298        })]);
8300      var builder = function (detail) {
8301        var subs = substitutes(owner$2(), detail, parts$h());
8302        var components = components$1(owner$2(), detail, subs.internals());
8303        var focusWidget = function (component) {
8304          return getPart(component, detail, 'widget').map(function (widget) {
8305            Keying.focusIn(widget);
8306            return widget;
8307          });
8308        };
8309        var onHorizontalArrow = function (component, simulatedEvent) {
8310          return inside(simulatedEvent.event.target) ? Optional.none() : function () {
8311            if (detail.autofocus) {
8312              simulatedEvent.setSource(component.element);
8313              return Optional.none();
8314            } else {
8315              return Optional.none();
8316            }
8317          }();
8318        };
8319        return {
8320          dom: detail.dom,
8321          components: components,
8322          domModification: detail.domModification,
8323          events: derive$2([
8324            runOnExecute$1(function (component, simulatedEvent) {
8325              focusWidget(component).each(function (_widget) {
8326                simulatedEvent.stop();
8327              });
8328            }),
8329            run$1(mouseover(), onHover),
8330            run$1(focusItem(), function (component, _simulatedEvent) {
8331              if (detail.autofocus) {
8332                focusWidget(component);
8333              } else {
8334                Focusing.focus(component);
8335              }
8336            })
8337          ]),
8338          behaviours: SketchBehaviours.augment(detail.widgetBehaviours, [
8339            Representing.config({
8340              store: {
8341                mode: 'memory',
8342                initialValue: detail.data
8343              }
8344            }),
8345            Focusing.config({
8346              ignore: detail.ignoreFocus,
8347              onFocus: function (component) {
8348                onFocus$1(component);
8349              }
8350            }),
8351            Keying.config({
8352              mode: 'special',
8353              focusIn: detail.autofocus ? function (component) {
8354                focusWidget(component);
8355              } : revoke(),
8356              onLeft: onHorizontalArrow,
8357              onRight: onHorizontalArrow,
8358              onEscape: function (component, simulatedEvent) {
8359                if (!Focusing.isFocused(component) && !detail.autofocus) {
8360                  Focusing.focus(component);
8361                  return Optional.some(true);
8362                } else if (detail.autofocus) {
8363                  simulatedEvent.setSource(component.element);
8364                  return Optional.none();
8365                } else {
8366                  return Optional.none();
8367                }
8368              }
8369            })
8370          ])
8371        };
8372      };
8373      var schema$n = [
8374        required$1('uid'),
8375        required$1('data'),
8376        required$1('components'),
8377        required$1('dom'),
8378        defaulted('autofocus', false),
8379        defaulted('ignoreFocus', false),
8380        SketchBehaviours.field('widgetBehaviours', [
8381          Representing,
8382          Focusing,
8383          Keying
8384        ]),
8385        defaulted('domModification', {}),
8386        defaultUidsSchema(parts$h()),
8387        output$1('builder', builder)
8388      ];
8390      var itemSchema$2 = choose$1('type', {
8391        widget: schema$n,
8392        item: schema$p,
8393        separator: schema$o
8394      });
8395      var configureGrid = function (detail, movementInfo) {
8396        return {
8397          mode: 'flatgrid',
8398          selector: '.' + detail.markers.item,
8399          initSize: {
8400            numColumns: movementInfo.initSize.numColumns,
8401            numRows: movementInfo.initSize.numRows
8402          },
8403          focusManager: detail.focusManager
8404        };
8405      };
8406      var configureMatrix = function (detail, movementInfo) {
8407        return {
8408          mode: 'matrix',
8409          selectors: {
8410            row: movementInfo.rowSelector,
8411            cell: '.' + detail.markers.item
8412          },
8413          focusManager: detail.focusManager
8414        };
8415      };
8416      var configureMenu = function (detail, movementInfo) {
8417        return {
8418          mode: 'menu',
8419          selector: '.' + detail.markers.item,
8420          moveOnTab: movementInfo.moveOnTab,
8421          focusManager: detail.focusManager
8422        };
8423      };
8424      var parts$g = constant$1([group({
8425          factory: {
8426            sketch: function (spec) {
8427              var itemInfo = asRawOrDie$1('menu.spec item', itemSchema$2, spec);
8428              return itemInfo.builder(itemInfo);
8429            }
8430          },
8431          name: 'items',
8432          unit: 'item',
8433          defaults: function (detail, u) {
8434            return has$2(u, 'uid') ? u : __assign(__assign({}, u), { uid: generate$5('item') });
8435          },
8436          overrides: function (detail, u) {
8437            return {
8438              type: u.type,
8439              ignoreFocus: detail.fakeFocus,
8440              domModification: { classes: [detail.markers.item] }
8441            };
8442          }
8443        })]);
8444      var schema$m = constant$1([
8445        required$1('value'),
8446        required$1('items'),
8447        required$1('dom'),
8448        required$1('components'),
8449        defaulted('eventOrder', {}),
8450        field('menuBehaviours', [
8451          Highlighting,
8452          Representing,
8453          Composing,
8454          Keying
8455        ]),
8456        defaultedOf('movement', {
8457          mode: 'menu',
8458          moveOnTab: true
8459        }, choose$1('mode', {
8460          grid: [
8461            initSize(),
8462            output$1('config', configureGrid)
8463          ],
8464          matrix: [
8465            output$1('config', configureMatrix),
8466            required$1('rowSelector')
8467          ],
8468          menu: [
8469            defaulted('moveOnTab', true),
8470            output$1('config', configureMenu)
8471          ]
8472        })),
8473        itemMarkers(),
8474        defaulted('fakeFocus', false),
8475        defaulted('focusManager', dom$2()),
8476        onHandler('onHighlight')
8477      ]);
8479      var focus = constant$1('alloy.menu-focus');
8481      var make$7 = function (detail, components, _spec, _externals) {
8482        return {
8483          uid: detail.uid,
8484          dom: detail.dom,
8485          markers: detail.markers,
8486          behaviours: augment(detail.menuBehaviours, [
8487            Highlighting.config({
8488              highlightClass: detail.markers.selectedItem,
8489              itemClass: detail.markers.item,
8490              onHighlight: detail.onHighlight
8491            }),
8492            Representing.config({
8493              store: {
8494                mode: 'memory',
8495                initialValue: detail.value
8496              }
8497            }),
8498            Composing.config({ find: Optional.some }),
8499            Keying.config(detail.movement.config(detail, detail.movement))
8500          ]),
8501          events: derive$2([
8502            run$1(focus$1(), function (menu, simulatedEvent) {
8503              var event = simulatedEvent.event;
8504              menu.getSystem().getByDom(event.target).each(function (item) {
8505                Highlighting.highlight(menu, item);
8506                simulatedEvent.stop();
8507                emitWith(menu, focus(), {
8508                  menu: menu,
8509                  item: item
8510                });
8511              });
8512            }),
8513            run$1(hover(), function (menu, simulatedEvent) {
8514              var item = simulatedEvent.event.item;
8515              Highlighting.highlight(menu, item);
8516            })
8517          ]),
8518          components: components,
8519          eventOrder: detail.eventOrder,
8520          domModification: { attributes: { role: 'menu' } }
8521        };
8522      };
8524      var Menu = composite({
8525        name: 'Menu',
8526        configFields: schema$m(),
8527        partFields: parts$g(),
8528        factory: make$7
8529      });
8531      var transpose$1 = function (obj) {
8532        return tupleMap(obj, function (v, k) {
8533          return {
8534            k: v,
8535            v: k
8536          };
8537        });
8538      };
8539      var trace = function (items, byItem, byMenu, finish) {
8540        return get$e(byMenu, finish).bind(function (triggerItem) {
8541          return get$e(items, triggerItem).bind(function (triggerMenu) {
8542            var rest = trace(items, byItem, byMenu, triggerMenu);
8543            return Optional.some([triggerMenu].concat(rest));
8544          });
8545        }).getOr([]);
8546      };
8547      var generate$2 = function (menus, expansions) {
8548        var items = {};
8549        each(menus, function (menuItems, menu) {
8550          each$1(menuItems, function (item) {
8551            items[item] = menu;
8552          });
8553        });
8554        var byItem = expansions;
8555        var byMenu = transpose$1(expansions);
8556        var menuPaths = map$1(byMenu, function (_triggerItem, submenu) {
8557          return [submenu].concat(trace(items, byItem, byMenu, submenu));
8558        });
8559        return map$1(items, function (menu) {
8560          return get$e(menuPaths, menu).getOr([menu]);
8561        });
8562      };
8564      var init$c = function () {
8565        var expansions = Cell({});
8566        var menus = Cell({});
8567        var paths = Cell({});
8568        var primary = value$1();
8569        var directory = Cell({});
8570        var clear = function () {
8571          expansions.set({});
8572          menus.set({});
8573          paths.set({});
8574          primary.clear();
8575        };
8576        var isClear = function () {
8577          return primary.get().isNone();
8578        };
8579        var setMenuBuilt = function (menuName, built) {
8580          var _a;
8581          menus.set(__assign(__assign({}, menus.get()), (_a = {}, _a[menuName] = {
8582            type: 'prepared',
8583            menu: built
8584          }, _a)));
8585        };
8586        var setContents = function (sPrimary, sMenus, sExpansions, dir) {
8587          primary.set(sPrimary);
8588          expansions.set(sExpansions);
8589          menus.set(sMenus);
8590          directory.set(dir);
8591          var sPaths = generate$2(dir, sExpansions);
8592          paths.set(sPaths);
8593        };
8594        var getTriggeringItem = function (menuValue) {
8595          return find$4(expansions.get(), function (v, _k) {
8596            return v === menuValue;
8597          });
8598        };
8599        var getTriggerData = function (menuValue, getItemByValue, path) {
8600          return getPreparedMenu(menuValue).bind(function (menu) {
8601            return getTriggeringItem(menuValue).bind(function (triggeringItemValue) {
8602              return getItemByValue(triggeringItemValue).map(function (triggeredItem) {
8603                return {
8604                  triggeredMenu: menu,
8605                  triggeringItem: triggeredItem,
8606                  triggeringPath: path
8607                };
8608              });
8609            });
8610          });
8611        };
8612        var getTriggeringPath = function (itemValue, getItemByValue) {
8613          var extraPath = filter$2(lookupItem(itemValue).toArray(), function (menuValue) {
8614            return getPreparedMenu(menuValue).isSome();
8615          });
8616          return get$e(paths.get(), itemValue).bind(function (path) {
8617            var revPath = reverse(extraPath.concat(path));
8618            var triggers = bind$3(revPath, function (menuValue, menuIndex) {
8619              return getTriggerData(menuValue, getItemByValue, revPath.slice(0, menuIndex + 1)).fold(function () {
8620                return is$1(primary.get(), menuValue) ? [] : [Optional.none()];
8621              }, function (data) {
8622                return [Optional.some(data)];
8623              });
8624            });
8625            return sequence(triggers);
8626          });
8627        };
8628        var expand = function (itemValue) {
8629          return get$e(expansions.get(), itemValue).map(function (menu) {
8630            var current = get$e(paths.get(), itemValue).getOr([]);
8631            return [menu].concat(current);
8632          });
8633        };
8634        var collapse = function (itemValue) {
8635          return get$e(paths.get(), itemValue).bind(function (path) {
8636            return path.length > 1 ? Optional.some(path.slice(1)) : Optional.none();
8637          });
8638        };
8639        var refresh = function (itemValue) {
8640          return get$e(paths.get(), itemValue);
8641        };
8642        var getPreparedMenu = function (menuValue) {
8643          return lookupMenu(menuValue).bind(extractPreparedMenu);
8644        };
8645        var lookupMenu = function (menuValue) {
8646          return get$e(menus.get(), menuValue);
8647        };
8648        var lookupItem = function (itemValue) {
8649          return get$e(expansions.get(), itemValue);
8650        };
8651        var otherMenus = function (path) {
8652          var menuValues = directory.get();
8653          return difference(keys(menuValues), path);
8654        };
8655        var getPrimary = function () {
8656          return primary.get().bind(getPreparedMenu);
8657        };
8658        var getMenus = function () {
8659          return menus.get();
8660        };
8661        return {
8662          setMenuBuilt: setMenuBuilt,
8663          setContents: setContents,
8664          expand: expand,
8665          refresh: refresh,
8666          collapse: collapse,
8667          lookupMenu: lookupMenu,
8668          lookupItem: lookupItem,
8669          otherMenus: otherMenus,
8670          getPrimary: getPrimary,
8671          getMenus: getMenus,
8672          clear: clear,
8673          isClear: isClear,
8674          getTriggeringPath: getTriggeringPath
8675        };
8676      };
8677      var extractPreparedMenu = function (prep) {
8678        return prep.type === 'prepared' ? Optional.some(prep.menu) : Optional.none();
8679      };
8680      var LayeredState = {
8681        init: init$c,
8682        extractPreparedMenu: extractPreparedMenu
8683      };
8685      var make$6 = function (detail, _rawUiSpec) {
8686        var submenuParentItems = value$1();
8687        var buildMenus = function (container, primaryName, menus) {
8688          return map$1(menus, function (spec, name) {
8689            var makeSketch = function () {
8690              return Menu.sketch(__assign(__assign({}, spec), {
8691                value: name,
8692                markers: detail.markers,
8693                fakeFocus: detail.fakeFocus,
8694                onHighlight: detail.onHighlight,
8695                focusManager: detail.fakeFocus ? highlights() : dom$2()
8696              }));
8697            };
8698            return name === primaryName ? {
8699              type: 'prepared',
8700              menu: container.getSystem().build(makeSketch())
8701            } : {
8702              type: 'notbuilt',
8703              nbMenu: makeSketch
8704            };
8705          });
8706        };
8707        var layeredState = LayeredState.init();
8708        var setup = function (container) {
8709          var componentMap = buildMenus(container, detail.data.primary, detail.data.menus);
8710          var directory = toDirectory();
8711          layeredState.setContents(detail.data.primary, componentMap, detail.data.expansions, directory);
8712          return layeredState.getPrimary();
8713        };
8714        var getItemValue = function (item) {
8715          return Representing.getValue(item).value;
8716        };
8717        var getItemByValue = function (_container, menus, itemValue) {
8718          return findMap(menus, function (menu) {
8719            if (!menu.getSystem().isConnected()) {
8720              return Optional.none();
8721            }
8722            var candidates = Highlighting.getCandidates(menu);
8723            return find$5(candidates, function (c) {
8724              return getItemValue(c) === itemValue;
8725            });
8726          });
8727        };
8728        var toDirectory = function (_container) {
8729          return map$1(detail.data.menus, function (data, _menuName) {
8730            return bind$3(data.items, function (item) {
8731              return item.type === 'separator' ? [] : [item.data.value];
8732            });
8733          });
8734        };
8735        var setActiveMenu = function (container, menu) {
8736          Highlighting.highlight(container, menu);
8737          Highlighting.getHighlighted(menu).orThunk(function () {
8738            return Highlighting.getFirst(menu);
8739          }).each(function (item) {
8740            dispatch(container, item.element, focusItem());
8741          });
8742        };
8743        var getMenus = function (state, menuValues) {
8744          return cat(map$2(menuValues, function (mv) {
8745            return state.lookupMenu(mv).bind(function (prep) {
8746              return prep.type === 'prepared' ? Optional.some(prep.menu) : Optional.none();
8747            });
8748          }));
8749        };
8750        var closeOthers = function (container, state, path) {
8751          var others = getMenus(state, state.otherMenus(path));
8752          each$1(others, function (o) {
8753            remove$1(o.element, [detail.markers.backgroundMenu]);
8754            if (!detail.stayInDom) {
8755              Replacing.remove(container, o);
8756            }
8757          });
8758        };
8759        var getSubmenuParents = function (container) {
8760          return submenuParentItems.get().getOrThunk(function () {
8761            var r = {};
8762            var items = descendants(container.element, '.' + detail.markers.item);
8763            var parentItems = filter$2(items, function (i) {
8764              return get$d(i, 'aria-haspopup') === 'true';
8765            });
8766            each$1(parentItems, function (i) {
8767              container.getSystem().getByDom(i).each(function (itemComp) {
8768                var key = getItemValue(itemComp);
8769                r[key] = itemComp;
8770              });
8771            });
8772            submenuParentItems.set(r);
8773            return r;
8774          });
8775        };
8776        var updateAriaExpansions = function (container, path) {
8777          var parentItems = getSubmenuParents(container);
8778          each(parentItems, function (v, k) {
8779            var expanded = contains$2(path, k);
8780            set$8(v.element, 'aria-expanded', expanded);
8781          });
8782        };
8783        var updateMenuPath = function (container, state, path) {
8784          return Optional.from(path[0]).bind(function (latestMenuName) {
8785            return state.lookupMenu(latestMenuName).bind(function (menuPrep) {
8786              if (menuPrep.type === 'notbuilt') {
8787                return Optional.none();
8788              } else {
8789                var activeMenu = menuPrep.menu;
8790                var rest = getMenus(state, path.slice(1));
8791                each$1(rest, function (r) {
8792                  add$2(r.element, detail.markers.backgroundMenu);
8793                });
8794                if (!inBody(activeMenu.element)) {
8795                  Replacing.append(container, premade(activeMenu));
8796                }
8797                remove$1(activeMenu.element, [detail.markers.backgroundMenu]);
8798                setActiveMenu(container, activeMenu);
8799                closeOthers(container, state, path);
8800                return Optional.some(activeMenu);
8801              }
8802            });
8803          });
8804        };
8805        var ExpandHighlightDecision;
8806        (function (ExpandHighlightDecision) {
8807          ExpandHighlightDecision[ExpandHighlightDecision['HighlightSubmenu'] = 0] = 'HighlightSubmenu';
8808          ExpandHighlightDecision[ExpandHighlightDecision['HighlightParent'] = 1] = 'HighlightParent';
8809        }(ExpandHighlightDecision || (ExpandHighlightDecision = {})));
8810        var buildIfRequired = function (container, menuName, menuPrep) {
8811          if (menuPrep.type === 'notbuilt') {
8812            var menu = container.getSystem().build(menuPrep.nbMenu());
8813            layeredState.setMenuBuilt(menuName, menu);
8814            return menu;
8815          } else {
8816            return menuPrep.menu;
8817          }
8818        };
8819        var expandRight = function (container, item, decision) {
8820          if (decision === void 0) {
8821            decision = ExpandHighlightDecision.HighlightSubmenu;
8822          }
8823          if (item.hasConfigured(Disabling) && Disabling.isDisabled(item)) {
8824            return Optional.some(item);
8825          } else {
8826            var value = getItemValue(item);
8827            return layeredState.expand(value).bind(function (path) {
8828              updateAriaExpansions(container, path);
8829              return Optional.from(path[0]).bind(function (menuName) {
8830                return layeredState.lookupMenu(menuName).bind(function (activeMenuPrep) {
8831                  var activeMenu = buildIfRequired(container, menuName, activeMenuPrep);
8832                  if (!inBody(activeMenu.element)) {
8833                    Replacing.append(container, premade(activeMenu));
8834                  }
8835                  detail.onOpenSubmenu(container, item, activeMenu, reverse(path));
8836                  if (decision === ExpandHighlightDecision.HighlightSubmenu) {
8837                    Highlighting.highlightFirst(activeMenu);
8838                    return updateMenuPath(container, layeredState, path);
8839                  } else {
8840                    Highlighting.dehighlightAll(activeMenu);
8841                    return Optional.some(item);
8842                  }
8843                });
8844              });
8845            });
8846          }
8847        };
8848        var collapseLeft = function (container, item) {
8849          var value = getItemValue(item);
8850          return layeredState.collapse(value).bind(function (path) {
8851            updateAriaExpansions(container, path);
8852            return updateMenuPath(container, layeredState, path).map(function (activeMenu) {
8853              detail.onCollapseMenu(container, item, activeMenu);
8854              return activeMenu;
8855            });
8856          });
8857        };
8858        var updateView = function (container, item) {
8859          var value = getItemValue(item);
8860          return layeredState.refresh(value).bind(function (path) {
8861            updateAriaExpansions(container, path);
8862            return updateMenuPath(container, layeredState, path);
8863          });
8864        };
8865        var onRight = function (container, item) {
8866          return inside(item.element) ? Optional.none() : expandRight(container, item, ExpandHighlightDecision.HighlightSubmenu);
8867        };
8868        var onLeft = function (container, item) {
8869          return inside(item.element) ? Optional.none() : collapseLeft(container, item);
8870        };
8871        var onEscape = function (container, item) {
8872          return collapseLeft(container, item).orThunk(function () {
8873            return detail.onEscape(container, item).map(function () {
8874              return container;
8875            });
8876          });
8877        };
8878        var keyOnItem = function (f) {
8879          return function (container, simulatedEvent) {
8880            return closest$1(simulatedEvent.getSource(), '.' + detail.markers.item).bind(function (target) {
8881              return container.getSystem().getByDom(target).toOptional().bind(function (item) {
8882                return f(container, item).map(always);
8883              });
8884            });
8885          };
8886        };
8887        var events = derive$2([
8888          run$1(focus(), function (sandbox, simulatedEvent) {
8889            var item = simulatedEvent.event.item;
8890            layeredState.lookupItem(getItemValue(item)).each(function () {
8891              var menu = simulatedEvent.event.menu;
8892              Highlighting.highlight(sandbox, menu);
8893              var value = getItemValue(simulatedEvent.event.item);
8894              layeredState.refresh(value).each(function (path) {
8895                return closeOthers(sandbox, layeredState, path);
8896              });
8897            });
8898          }),
8899          runOnExecute$1(function (component, simulatedEvent) {
8900            var target = simulatedEvent.event.target;
8901            component.getSystem().getByDom(target).each(function (item) {
8902              var itemValue = getItemValue(item);
8903              if (itemValue.indexOf('collapse-item') === 0) {
8904                collapseLeft(component, item);
8905              }
8906              expandRight(component, item, ExpandHighlightDecision.HighlightSubmenu).fold(function () {
8907                detail.onExecute(component, item);
8908              }, noop);
8909            });
8910          }),
8911          runOnAttached(function (container, _simulatedEvent) {
8912            setup(container).each(function (primary) {
8913              Replacing.append(container, premade(primary));
8914              detail.onOpenMenu(container, primary);
8915              if (detail.highlightImmediately) {
8916                setActiveMenu(container, primary);
8917              }
8918            });
8919          })
8920        ].concat(detail.navigateOnHover ? [run$1(hover(), function (sandbox, simulatedEvent) {
8921            var item = simulatedEvent.event.item;
8922            updateView(sandbox, item);
8923            expandRight(sandbox, item, ExpandHighlightDecision.HighlightParent);
8924            detail.onHover(sandbox, item);
8925          })] : []));
8926        var getActiveItem = function (container) {
8927          return Highlighting.getHighlighted(container).bind(Highlighting.getHighlighted);
8928        };
8929        var collapseMenuApi = function (container) {
8930          getActiveItem(container).each(function (currentItem) {
8931            collapseLeft(container, currentItem);
8932          });
8933        };
8934        var highlightPrimary = function (container) {
8935          layeredState.getPrimary().each(function (primary) {
8936            setActiveMenu(container, primary);
8937          });
8938        };
8939        var extractMenuFromContainer = function (container) {
8940          return Optional.from(container.components()[0]).filter(function (comp) {
8941            return get$d(comp.element, 'role') === 'menu';
8942          });
8943        };
8944        var repositionMenus = function (container) {
8945          var maybeActivePrimary = layeredState.getPrimary().bind(function (primary) {
8946            return getActiveItem(container).bind(function (currentItem) {
8947              var itemValue = getItemValue(currentItem);
8948              var allMenus = values(layeredState.getMenus());
8949              var preparedMenus = cat(map$2(allMenus, LayeredState.extractPreparedMenu));
8950              return layeredState.getTriggeringPath(itemValue, function (v) {
8951                return getItemByValue(container, preparedMenus, v);
8952              });
8953            }).map(function (triggeringPath) {
8954              return {
8955                primary: primary,
8956                triggeringPath: triggeringPath
8957              };
8958            });
8959          });
8960          maybeActivePrimary.fold(function () {
8961            extractMenuFromContainer(container).each(function (primaryMenu) {
8962              detail.onRepositionMenu(container, primaryMenu, []);
8963            });
8964          }, function (_a) {
8965            var primary = _a.primary, triggeringPath = _a.triggeringPath;
8966            detail.onRepositionMenu(container, primary, triggeringPath);
8967          });
8968        };
8969        var apis = {
8970          collapseMenu: collapseMenuApi,
8971          highlightPrimary: highlightPrimary,
8972          repositionMenus: repositionMenus
8973        };
8974        return {
8975          uid: detail.uid,
8976          dom: detail.dom,
8977          markers: detail.markers,
8978          behaviours: augment(detail.tmenuBehaviours, [
8979            Keying.config({
8980              mode: 'special',
8981              onRight: keyOnItem(onRight),
8982              onLeft: keyOnItem(onLeft),
8983              onEscape: keyOnItem(onEscape),
8984              focusIn: function (container, _keyInfo) {
8985                layeredState.getPrimary().each(function (primary) {
8986                  dispatch(container, primary.element, focusItem());
8987                });
8988              }
8989            }),
8990            Highlighting.config({
8991              highlightClass: detail.markers.selectedMenu,
8992              itemClass: detail.markers.menu
8993            }),
8994            Composing.config({
8995              find: function (container) {
8996                return Highlighting.getHighlighted(container);
8997              }
8998            }),
8999            Replacing.config({})
9000          ]),
9001          eventOrder: detail.eventOrder,
9002          apis: apis,
9003          events: events
9004        };
9005      };
9006      var collapseItem$1 = constant$1('collapse-item');
9008      var tieredData = function (primary, menus, expansions) {
9009        return {
9010          primary: primary,
9011          menus: menus,
9012          expansions: expansions
9013        };
9014      };
9015      var singleData = function (name, menu) {
9016        return {
9017          primary: name,
9018          menus: wrap$1(name, menu),
9019          expansions: {}
9020        };
9021      };
9022      var collapseItem = function (text) {
9023        return {
9024          value: generate$6(collapseItem$1()),
9025          meta: { text: text }
9026        };
9027      };
9028      var tieredMenu = single({
9029        name: 'TieredMenu',
9030        configFields: [
9031          onStrictKeyboardHandler('onExecute'),
9032          onStrictKeyboardHandler('onEscape'),
9033          onStrictHandler('onOpenMenu'),
9034          onStrictHandler('onOpenSubmenu'),
9035          onHandler('onRepositionMenu'),
9036          onHandler('onCollapseMenu'),
9037          defaulted('highlightImmediately', true),
9038          requiredObjOf('data', [
9039            required$1('primary'),
9040            required$1('menus'),
9041            required$1('expansions')
9042          ]),
9043          defaulted('fakeFocus', false),
9044          onHandler('onHighlight'),
9045          onHandler('onHover'),
9046          tieredMenuMarkers(),
9047          required$1('dom'),
9048          defaulted('navigateOnHover', true),
9049          defaulted('stayInDom', false),
9050          field('tmenuBehaviours', [
9051            Keying,
9052            Highlighting,
9053            Composing,
9054            Replacing
9055          ]),
9056          defaulted('eventOrder', {})
9057        ],
9058        apis: {
9059          collapseMenu: function (apis, tmenu) {
9060            apis.collapseMenu(tmenu);
9061          },
9062          highlightPrimary: function (apis, tmenu) {
9063            apis.highlightPrimary(tmenu);
9064          },
9065          repositionMenus: function (apis, tmenu) {
9066            apis.repositionMenus(tmenu);
9067          }
9068        },
9069        factory: make$6,
9070        extraApis: {
9071          tieredData: tieredData,
9072          singleData: singleData,
9073          collapseItem: collapseItem
9074        }
9075      });
9077      var makeMenu = function (detail, menuSandbox, placementSpec, menuSpec, getBounds) {
9078        var lazySink = function () {
9079          return detail.lazySink(menuSandbox);
9080        };
9081        var layouts = menuSpec.type === 'horizontal' ? {
9082          layouts: {
9083            onLtr: function () {
9084              return belowOrAbove();
9085            },
9086            onRtl: function () {
9087              return belowOrAboveRtl();
9088            }
9089          }
9090        } : {};
9091        var isFirstTierSubmenu = function (triggeringPaths) {
9092          return triggeringPaths.length === 2;
9093        };
9094        var getSubmenuLayouts = function (triggeringPaths) {
9095          return isFirstTierSubmenu(triggeringPaths) ? layouts : {};
9096        };
9097        return tieredMenu.sketch({
9098          dom: { tag: 'div' },
9099          data: menuSpec.data,
9100          markers: menuSpec.menu.markers,
9101          highlightImmediately: menuSpec.menu.highlightImmediately,
9102          onEscape: function () {
9103            Sandboxing.close(menuSandbox);
9104            detail.onEscape.map(function (handler) {
9105              return handler(menuSandbox);
9106            });
9107            return Optional.some(true);
9108          },
9109          onExecute: function () {
9110            return Optional.some(true);
9111          },
9112          onOpenMenu: function (tmenu, menu) {
9113            Positioning.positionWithinBounds(lazySink().getOrDie(), menu, placementSpec, getBounds());
9114          },
9115          onOpenSubmenu: function (tmenu, item, submenu, triggeringPaths) {
9116            var sink = lazySink().getOrDie();
9117            Positioning.position(sink, submenu, {
9118              anchor: __assign({
9119                type: 'submenu',
9120                item: item
9121              }, getSubmenuLayouts(triggeringPaths))
9122            });
9123          },
9124          onRepositionMenu: function (tmenu, primaryMenu, submenuTriggers) {
9125            var sink = lazySink().getOrDie();
9126            Positioning.positionWithinBounds(sink, primaryMenu, placementSpec, getBounds());
9127            each$1(submenuTriggers, function (st) {
9128              var submenuLayouts = getSubmenuLayouts(st.triggeringPath);
9129              Positioning.position(sink, st.triggeredMenu, {
9130                anchor: __assign({
9131                  type: 'submenu',
9132                  item: st.triggeringItem
9133                }, submenuLayouts)
9134              });
9135            });
9136          }
9137        });
9138      };
9139      var factory$m = function (detail, spec) {
9140        var isPartOfRelated = function (sandbox, queryElem) {
9141          var related = detail.getRelated(sandbox);
9142          return related.exists(function (rel) {
9143            return isPartOf$1(rel, queryElem);
9144          });
9145        };
9146        var setContent = function (sandbox, thing) {
9147          Sandboxing.setContent(sandbox, thing);
9148        };
9149        var showAt = function (sandbox, thing, placementSpec) {
9150          showWithin(sandbox, thing, placementSpec, Optional.none());
9151        };
9152        var showWithin = function (sandbox, thing, placementSpec, boxElement) {
9153          showWithinBounds(sandbox, thing, placementSpec, function () {
9154            return boxElement.map(function (elem) {
9155              return box$1(elem);
9156            });
9157          });
9158        };
9159        var showWithinBounds = function (sandbox, thing, placementSpec, getBounds) {
9160          var sink = detail.lazySink(sandbox).getOrDie();
9161          Sandboxing.openWhileCloaked(sandbox, thing, function () {
9162            return Positioning.positionWithinBounds(sink, sandbox, placementSpec, getBounds());
9163          });
9164          Representing.setValue(sandbox, Optional.some({
9165            mode: 'position',
9166            config: placementSpec,
9167            getBounds: getBounds
9168          }));
9169        };
9170        var showMenuAt = function (sandbox, placementSpec, menuSpec) {
9171          showMenuWithinBounds(sandbox, placementSpec, menuSpec, Optional.none);
9172        };
9173        var showMenuWithinBounds = function (sandbox, placementSpec, menuSpec, getBounds) {
9174          var menu = makeMenu(detail, sandbox, placementSpec, menuSpec, getBounds);
9175          Sandboxing.open(sandbox, menu);
9176          Representing.setValue(sandbox, Optional.some({
9177            mode: 'menu',
9178            menu: menu
9179          }));
9180        };
9181        var hide = function (sandbox) {
9182          if (Sandboxing.isOpen(sandbox)) {
9183            Representing.setValue(sandbox, Optional.none());
9184            Sandboxing.close(sandbox);
9185          }
9186        };
9187        var getContent = function (sandbox) {
9188          return Sandboxing.getState(sandbox);
9189        };
9190        var reposition = function (sandbox) {
9191          if (Sandboxing.isOpen(sandbox)) {
9192            Representing.getValue(sandbox).each(function (state) {
9193              switch (state.mode) {
9194              case 'menu':
9195                Sandboxing.getState(sandbox).each(tieredMenu.repositionMenus);
9196                break;
9197              case 'position':
9198                var sink = detail.lazySink(sandbox).getOrDie();
9199                Positioning.positionWithinBounds(sink, sandbox, state.config, state.getBounds());
9200                break;
9201              }
9202            });
9203          }
9204        };
9205        var apis = {
9206          setContent: setContent,
9207          showAt: showAt,
9208          showWithin: showWithin,
9209          showWithinBounds: showWithinBounds,
9210          showMenuAt: showMenuAt,
9211          showMenuWithinBounds: showMenuWithinBounds,
9212          hide: hide,
9213          getContent: getContent,
9214          reposition: reposition,
9215          isOpen: Sandboxing.isOpen
9216        };
9217        return {
9218          uid: detail.uid,
9219          dom: detail.dom,
9220          behaviours: augment(detail.inlineBehaviours, [
9221            Sandboxing.config({
9222              isPartOf: function (sandbox, data, queryElem) {
9223                return isPartOf$1(data, queryElem) || isPartOfRelated(sandbox, queryElem);
9224              },
9225              getAttachPoint: function (sandbox) {
9226                return detail.lazySink(sandbox).getOrDie();
9227              },
9228              onOpen: function (sandbox) {
9229                detail.onShow(sandbox);
9230              },
9231              onClose: function (sandbox) {
9232                detail.onHide(sandbox);
9233              }
9234            }),
9235            Representing.config({
9236              store: {
9237                mode: 'memory',
9238                initialValue: Optional.none()
9239              }
9240            }),
9241            Receiving.config({
9242              channels: __assign(__assign({}, receivingChannel$1(__assign({ isExtraPart: spec.isExtraPart }, detail.fireDismissalEventInstead.map(function (fe) {
9243                return { fireEventInstead: { event: fe.event } };
9244              }).getOr({})))), receivingChannel(__assign(__assign({}, detail.fireRepositionEventInstead.map(function (fe) {
9245                return { fireEventInstead: { event: fe.event } };
9246              }).getOr({})), { doReposition: reposition })))
9247            })
9248          ]),
9249          eventOrder: detail.eventOrder,
9250          apis: apis
9251        };
9252      };
9253      var InlineView = single({
9254        name: 'InlineView',
9255        configFields: [
9256          required$1('lazySink'),
9257          onHandler('onShow'),
9258          onHandler('onHide'),
9259          optionFunction('onEscape'),
9260          field('inlineBehaviours', [
9261            Sandboxing,
9262            Representing,
9263            Receiving
9264          ]),
9265          optionObjOf('fireDismissalEventInstead', [defaulted('event', dismissRequested())]),
9266          optionObjOf('fireRepositionEventInstead', [defaulted('event', repositionRequested())]),
9267          defaulted('getRelated', Optional.none),
9268          defaulted('isExtraPart', never),
9269          defaulted('eventOrder', Optional.none)
9270        ],
9271        factory: factory$m,
9272        apis: {
9273          showAt: function (apis, component, anchor, thing) {
9274            apis.showAt(component, anchor, thing);
9275          },
9276          showWithin: function (apis, component, anchor, thing, boxElement) {
9277            apis.showWithin(component, anchor, thing, boxElement);
9278          },
9279          showWithinBounds: function (apis, component, anchor, thing, bounds) {
9280            apis.showWithinBounds(component, anchor, thing, bounds);
9281          },
9282          showMenuAt: function (apis, component, anchor, menuSpec) {
9283            apis.showMenuAt(component, anchor, menuSpec);
9284          },
9285          showMenuWithinBounds: function (apis, component, anchor, menuSpec, bounds) {
9286            apis.showMenuWithinBounds(component, anchor, menuSpec, bounds);
9287          },
9288          hide: function (apis, component) {
9289            apis.hide(component);
9290          },
9291          isOpen: function (apis, component) {
9292            return apis.isOpen(component);
9293          },
9294          getContent: function (apis, component) {
9295            return apis.getContent(component);
9296          },
9297          setContent: function (apis, component, thing) {
9298            apis.setContent(component, thing);
9299          },
9300          reposition: function (apis, component) {
9301            apis.reposition(component);
9302          }
9303        }
9304      });
9306      var labelPrefix = 'layout-inset';
9307      var westEdgeX = function (anchor) {
9308        return anchor.x;
9309      };
9310      var middleX = function (anchor, element) {
9311        return anchor.x + anchor.width / 2 - element.width / 2;
9312      };
9313      var eastEdgeX = function (anchor, element) {
9314        return anchor.x + anchor.width - element.width;
9315      };
9316      var northY = function (anchor) {
9317        return anchor.y;
9318      };
9319      var southY = function (anchor, element) {
9320        return anchor.y + anchor.height - element.height;
9321      };
9322      var centreY = function (anchor, element) {
9323        return anchor.y + anchor.height / 2 - element.height / 2;
9324      };
9325      var southwest = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
9326        return nu$6(eastEdgeX(anchor, element), southY(anchor, element), bubbles.insetSouthwest(), northwest$3(), 'southwest', boundsRestriction(anchor, {
9327          right: 0,
9328          bottom: 3
9329        }), labelPrefix);
9330      };
9331      var southeast = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
9332        return nu$6(westEdgeX(anchor), southY(anchor, element), bubbles.insetSoutheast(), northeast$3(), 'southeast', boundsRestriction(anchor, {
9333          left: 1,
9334          bottom: 3
9335        }), labelPrefix);
9336      };
9337      var northwest = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
9338        return nu$6(eastEdgeX(anchor, element), northY(anchor), bubbles.insetNorthwest(), southwest$3(), 'northwest', boundsRestriction(anchor, {
9339          right: 0,
9340          top: 2
9341        }), labelPrefix);
9342      };
9343      var northeast = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
9344        return nu$6(westEdgeX(anchor), northY(anchor), bubbles.insetNortheast(), southeast$3(), 'northeast', boundsRestriction(anchor, {
9345          left: 1,
9346          top: 2
9347        }), labelPrefix);
9348      };
9349      var north = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
9350        return nu$6(middleX(anchor, element), northY(anchor), bubbles.insetNorth(), south$3(), 'north', boundsRestriction(anchor, { top: 2 }), labelPrefix);
9351      };
9352      var south = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
9353        return nu$6(middleX(anchor, element), southY(anchor, element), bubbles.insetSouth(), north$3(), 'south', boundsRestriction(anchor, { bottom: 3 }), labelPrefix);
9354      };
9355      var east = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
9356        return nu$6(eastEdgeX(anchor, element), centreY(anchor, element), bubbles.insetEast(), west$3(), 'east', boundsRestriction(anchor, { right: 0 }), labelPrefix);
9357      };
9358      var west = function (anchor, element, bubbles) {
9359        return nu$6(westEdgeX(anchor), centreY(anchor, element), bubbles.insetWest(), east$3(), 'west', boundsRestriction(anchor, { left: 1 }), labelPrefix);
9360      };
9361      var lookupPreserveLayout = function (lastPlacement) {
9362        switch (lastPlacement) {
9363        case 'north':
9364          return north;
9365        case 'northeast':
9366          return northeast;
9367        case 'northwest':
9368          return northwest;
9369        case 'south':
9370          return south;
9371        case 'southeast':
9372          return southeast;
9373        case 'southwest':
9374          return southwest;
9375        case 'east':
9376          return east;
9377        case 'west':
9378          return west;
9379        }
9380      };
9381      var preserve = function (anchor, element, bubbles, placee, bounds) {
9382        var layout = getPlacement(placee).map(lookupPreserveLayout).getOr(north);
9383        return layout(anchor, element, bubbles, placee, bounds);
9384      };
9385      var lookupFlippedLayout = function (lastPlacement) {
9386        switch (lastPlacement) {
9387        case 'north':
9388          return south;
9389        case 'northeast':
9390          return southeast;
9391        case 'northwest':
9392          return southwest;
9393        case 'south':
9394          return north;
9395        case 'southeast':
9396          return northeast;
9397        case 'southwest':
9398          return northwest;
9399        case 'east':
9400          return west;
9401        case 'west':
9402          return east;
9403        }
9404      };
9405      var flip$2 = function (anchor, element, bubbles, placee, bounds) {
9406        var layout = getPlacement(placee).map(lookupFlippedLayout).getOr(north);
9407        return layout(anchor, element, bubbles, placee, bounds);
9408      };
9410      var global$f = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.Delay');
9412      var factory$l = function (detail) {
9413        var events = events$a(detail.action);
9414        var tag = detail.dom.tag;
9415        var lookupAttr = function (attr) {
9416          return get$e(detail.dom, 'attributes').bind(function (attrs) {
9417            return get$e(attrs, attr);
9418          });
9419        };
9420        var getModAttributes = function () {
9421          if (tag === 'button') {
9422            var type = lookupAttr('type').getOr('button');
9423            var roleAttrs = lookupAttr('role').map(function (role) {
9424              return { role: role };
9425            }).getOr({});
9426            return __assign({ type: type }, roleAttrs);
9427          } else {
9428            var role = lookupAttr('role').getOr('button');
9429            return { role: role };
9430          }
9431        };
9432        return {
9433          uid: detail.uid,
9434          dom: detail.dom,
9435          components: detail.components,
9436          events: events,
9437          behaviours: SketchBehaviours.augment(detail.buttonBehaviours, [
9438            Focusing.config({}),
9439            Keying.config({
9440              mode: 'execution',
9441              useSpace: true,
9442              useEnter: true
9443            })
9444          ]),
9445          domModification: { attributes: getModAttributes() },
9446          eventOrder: detail.eventOrder
9447        };
9448      };
9449      var Button = single({
9450        name: 'Button',
9451        factory: factory$l,
9452        configFields: [
9453          defaulted('uid', undefined),
9454          required$1('dom'),
9455          defaulted('components', []),
9456          SketchBehaviours.field('buttonBehaviours', [
9457            Focusing,
9458            Keying
9459          ]),
9460          option('action'),
9461          option('role'),
9462          defaulted('eventOrder', {})
9463        ]
9464      });
9466      var record = function (spec) {
9467        var uid = isSketchSpec(spec) && hasNonNullableKey(spec, 'uid') ? spec.uid : generate$5('memento');
9468        var get = function (anyInSystem) {
9469          return anyInSystem.getSystem().getByUid(uid).getOrDie();
9470        };
9471        var getOpt = function (anyInSystem) {
9472          return anyInSystem.getSystem().getByUid(uid).toOptional();
9473        };
9474        var asSpec = function () {
9475          return __assign(__assign({}, spec), { uid: uid });
9476        };
9477        return {
9478          get: get,
9479          getOpt: getOpt,
9480          asSpec: asSpec
9481        };
9482      };
9484      var global$e = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.I18n');
9486      var rtlTransform = {
9487        'indent': true,
9488        'outdent': true,
9489        'table-insert-column-after': true,
9490        'table-insert-column-before': true,
9491        'paste-column-after': true,
9492        'paste-column-before': true,
9493        'unordered-list': true,
9494        'list-bull-circle': true,
9495        'list-bull-default': true,
9496        'list-bull-square': true
9497      };
9498      var defaultIconName = 'temporary-placeholder';
9499      var defaultIcon = function (icons) {
9500        return function () {
9501          return get$e(icons, defaultIconName).getOr('!not found!');
9502        };
9503      };
9504      var getIconName = function (name, icons) {
9505        var lcName = name.toLowerCase();
9506        if (global$e.isRtl()) {
9507          var rtlName = ensureTrailing(lcName, '-rtl');
9508          return has$2(icons, rtlName) ? rtlName : lcName;
9509        } else {
9510          return lcName;
9511        }
9512      };
9513      var lookupIcon = function (name, icons) {
9514        return get$e(icons, getIconName(name, icons));
9515      };
9516      var get$1 = function (name, iconProvider) {
9517        var icons = iconProvider();
9518        return lookupIcon(name, icons).getOrThunk(defaultIcon(icons));
9519      };
9520      var getOr = function (name, iconProvider, fallbackIcon) {
9521        var icons = iconProvider();
9522        return lookupIcon(name, icons).or(fallbackIcon).getOrThunk(defaultIcon(icons));
9523      };
9524      var needsRtlTransform = function (iconName) {
9525        return global$e.isRtl() ? has$2(rtlTransform, iconName) : false;
9526      };
9527      var addFocusableBehaviour = function () {
9528        return config('add-focusable', [runOnAttached(function (comp) {
9529            child(comp.element, 'svg').each(function (svg) {
9530              return set$8(svg, 'focusable', 'false');
9531            });
9532          })]);
9533      };
9534      var renderIcon$2 = function (spec, iconName, icons, fallbackIcon) {
9535        var _a, _b;
9536        var rtlIconClasses = needsRtlTransform(iconName) ? ['tox-icon--flip'] : [];
9537        var iconHtml = get$e(icons, getIconName(iconName, icons)).or(fallbackIcon).getOrThunk(defaultIcon(icons));
9538        return {
9539          dom: {
9540            tag: spec.tag,
9541            attributes: (_a = spec.attributes) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {},
9542            classes: spec.classes.concat(rtlIconClasses),
9543            innerHtml: iconHtml
9544          },
9545          behaviours: derive$1(__spreadArray(__spreadArray([], (_b = spec.behaviours) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [], true), [addFocusableBehaviour()], false))
9546        };
9547      };
9548      var render$3 = function (iconName, spec, iconProvider, fallbackIcon) {
9549        if (fallbackIcon === void 0) {
9550          fallbackIcon = Optional.none();
9551        }
9552        return renderIcon$2(spec, iconName, iconProvider(), fallbackIcon);
9553      };
9554      var renderFirst = function (iconNames, spec, iconProvider) {
9555        var icons = iconProvider();
9556        var iconName = find$5(iconNames, function (name) {
9557          return has$2(icons, getIconName(name, icons));
9558        });
9559        return renderIcon$2(spec, iconName.getOr(defaultIconName), icons, Optional.none());
9560      };
9562      var notificationIconMap = {
9563        success: 'checkmark',
9564        error: 'warning',
9565        err: 'error',
9566        warning: 'warning',
9567        warn: 'warning',
9568        info: 'info'
9569      };
9570      var factory$k = function (detail) {
9571        var memBannerText = record({
9572          dom: {
9573            tag: 'p',
9574            innerHtml: detail.translationProvider(detail.text)
9575          },
9576          behaviours: derive$1([Replacing.config({})])
9577        });
9578        var renderPercentBar = function (percent) {
9579          return {
9580            dom: {
9581              tag: 'div',
9582              classes: ['tox-bar'],
9583              attributes: { style: 'width: ' + percent + '%' }
9584            }
9585          };
9586        };
9587        var renderPercentText = function (percent) {
9588          return {
9589            dom: {
9590              tag: 'div',
9591              classes: ['tox-text'],
9592              innerHtml: percent + '%'
9593            }
9594          };
9595        };
9596        var memBannerProgress = record({
9597          dom: {
9598            tag: 'div',
9599            classes: detail.progress ? [
9600              'tox-progress-bar',
9601              'tox-progress-indicator'
9602            ] : ['tox-progress-bar']
9603          },
9604          components: [
9605            {
9606              dom: {
9607                tag: 'div',
9608                classes: ['tox-bar-container']
9609              },
9610              components: [renderPercentBar(0)]
9611            },
9612            renderPercentText(0)
9613          ],
9614          behaviours: derive$1([Replacing.config({})])
9615        });
9616        var updateProgress = function (comp, percent) {
9617          if (comp.getSystem().isConnected()) {
9618            memBannerProgress.getOpt(comp).each(function (progress) {
9619              Replacing.set(progress, [
9620                {
9621                  dom: {
9622                    tag: 'div',
9623                    classes: ['tox-bar-container']
9624                  },
9625                  components: [renderPercentBar(percent)]
9626                },
9627                renderPercentText(percent)
9628              ]);
9629            });
9630          }
9631        };
9632        var updateText = function (comp, text$1) {
9633          if (comp.getSystem().isConnected()) {
9634            var banner = memBannerText.get(comp);
9635            Replacing.set(banner, [text(text$1)]);
9636          }
9637        };
9638        var apis = {
9639          updateProgress: updateProgress,
9640          updateText: updateText
9641        };
9642        var iconChoices = flatten([
9643          detail.icon.toArray(),
9644          detail.level.toArray(),
9645          detail.level.bind(function (level) {
9646            return Optional.from(notificationIconMap[level]);
9647          }).toArray()
9648        ]);
9649        var memButton = record(Button.sketch({
9650          dom: {
9651            tag: 'button',
9652            classes: [
9653              'tox-notification__dismiss',
9654              'tox-button',
9655              'tox-button--naked',
9656              'tox-button--icon'
9657            ]
9658          },
9659          components: [render$3('close', {
9660              tag: 'div',
9661              classes: ['tox-icon'],
9662              attributes: { 'aria-label': detail.translationProvider('Close') }
9663            }, detail.iconProvider)],
9664          action: function (comp) {
9665            detail.onAction(comp);
9666          }
9667        }));
9668        var notificationIconSpec = renderFirst(iconChoices, {
9669          tag: 'div',
9670          classes: ['tox-notification__icon']
9671        }, detail.iconProvider);
9672        var notificationBodySpec = {
9673          dom: {
9674            tag: 'div',
9675            classes: ['tox-notification__body']
9676          },
9677          components: [memBannerText.asSpec()],
9678          behaviours: derive$1([Replacing.config({})])
9679        };
9680        var components = [
9681          notificationIconSpec,
9682          notificationBodySpec
9683        ];
9684        return {
9685          uid: detail.uid,
9686          dom: {
9687            tag: 'div',
9688            attributes: { role: 'alert' },
9689            classes: detail.level.map(function (level) {
9690              return [
9691                'tox-notification',
9692                'tox-notification--in',
9693                'tox-notification--' + level
9694              ];
9695            }).getOr([
9696              'tox-notification',
9697              'tox-notification--in'
9698            ])
9699          },
9700          behaviours: derive$1([
9701            Focusing.config({}),
9702            config('notification-events', [run$1(focusin(), function (comp) {
9703                memButton.getOpt(comp).each(Focusing.focus);
9704              })])
9705          ]),
9706          components: components.concat(detail.progress ? [memBannerProgress.asSpec()] : []).concat(!detail.closeButton ? [] : [memButton.asSpec()]),
9707          apis: apis
9708        };
9709      };
9710      var Notification = single({
9711        name: 'Notification',
9712        factory: factory$k,
9713        configFields: [
9714          option('level'),
9715          required$1('progress'),
9716          required$1('icon'),
9717          required$1('onAction'),
9718          required$1('text'),
9719          required$1('iconProvider'),
9720          required$1('translationProvider'),
9721          defaultedBoolean('closeButton', true)
9722        ],
9723        apis: {
9724          updateProgress: function (apis, comp, percent) {
9725            apis.updateProgress(comp, percent);
9726          },
9727          updateText: function (apis, comp, text) {
9728            apis.updateText(comp, text);
9729          }
9730        }
9731      });
9733      function NotificationManagerImpl (editor, extras, uiMothership) {
9734        var sharedBackstage = extras.backstage.shared;
9735        var getLayoutDirection = function (rel) {
9736          switch (rel) {
9737          case 'bc-bc':
9738            return south;
9739          case 'tc-tc':
9740            return north;
9741          case 'tc-bc':
9742            return north$2;
9743          case 'bc-tc':
9744          default:
9745            return south$2;
9746          }
9747        };
9748        var reposition = function (notifications) {
9749          if (notifications.length > 0) {
9750            each$1(notifications, function (notification, index) {
9751              if (index === 0) {
9752                notification.moveRel(null, 'banner');
9753              } else {
9754                notification.moveRel(notifications[index - 1].getEl(), 'bc-tc');
9755              }
9756            });
9757          }
9758        };
9759        var open = function (settings, closeCallback) {
9760          var hideCloseButton = !settings.closeButton && settings.timeout && (settings.timeout > 0 || settings.timeout < 0);
9761          var close = function () {
9762            closeCallback();
9763            InlineView.hide(notificationWrapper);
9764          };
9765          var notification = build$1(Notification.sketch({
9766            text: settings.text,
9767            level: contains$2([
9768              'success',
9769              'error',
9770              'warning',
9771              'warn',
9772              'info'
9773            ], settings.type) ? settings.type : undefined,
9774            progress: settings.progressBar === true,
9775            icon: Optional.from(settings.icon),
9776            closeButton: !hideCloseButton,
9777            onAction: close,
9778            iconProvider: sharedBackstage.providers.icons,
9779            translationProvider: sharedBackstage.providers.translate
9780          }));
9781          var notificationWrapper = build$1(InlineView.sketch(__assign({
9782            dom: {
9783              tag: 'div',
9784              classes: ['tox-notifications-container']
9785            },
9786            lazySink: sharedBackstage.getSink,
9787            fireDismissalEventInstead: {}
9788          }, sharedBackstage.header.isPositionedAtTop() ? {} : { fireRepositionEventInstead: {} })));
9789          uiMothership.add(notificationWrapper);
9790          if (settings.timeout > 0) {
9791            global$f.setTimeout(function () {
9792              close();
9793            }, settings.timeout);
9794          }
9795          var getBounds = function () {
9796            var contentArea = box$1(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getContentAreaContainer()));
9797            var win$1 = win();
9798            var x = clamp$1(win$1.x, contentArea.x, contentArea.right);
9799            var y = clamp$1(win$1.y, contentArea.y, contentArea.bottom);
9800            var right = Math.max(contentArea.right, win$1.right);
9801            var bottom = Math.max(contentArea.bottom, win$1.bottom);
9802            return Optional.some(bounds(x, y, right - x, bottom - y));
9803          };
9804          return {
9805            close: close,
9806            moveTo: function (x, y) {
9807              InlineView.showAt(notificationWrapper, premade(notification), {
9808                anchor: {
9809                  type: 'makeshift',
9810                  x: x,
9811                  y: y
9812                }
9813              });
9814            },
9815            moveRel: function (element, rel) {
9816              var notificationSpec = premade(notification);
9817              var anchorOverrides = { maxHeightFunction: expandable$1() };
9818              if (rel !== 'banner' && isNonNullable(element)) {
9819                var layoutDirection_1 = getLayoutDirection(rel);
9820                var nodeAnchor = {
9821                  type: 'node',
9822                  root: body(),
9823                  node: Optional.some(SugarElement.fromDom(element)),
9824                  overrides: anchorOverrides,
9825                  layouts: {
9826                    onRtl: function () {
9827                      return [layoutDirection_1];
9828                    },
9829                    onLtr: function () {
9830                      return [layoutDirection_1];
9831                    }
9832                  }
9833                };
9834                InlineView.showWithinBounds(notificationWrapper, notificationSpec, { anchor: nodeAnchor }, getBounds);
9835              } else {
9836                var anchor = __assign(__assign({}, sharedBackstage.anchors.banner()), { overrides: anchorOverrides });
9837                InlineView.showWithinBounds(notificationWrapper, notificationSpec, { anchor: anchor }, getBounds);
9838              }
9839            },
9840            text: function (nuText) {
9841              Notification.updateText(notification, nuText);
9842            },
9843            settings: settings,
9844            getEl: function () {
9845              return notification.element.dom;
9846            },
9847            progressBar: {
9848              value: function (percent) {
9849                Notification.updateProgress(notification, percent);
9850              }
9851            }
9852          };
9853        };
9854        var close = function (notification) {
9855          notification.close();
9856        };
9857        var getArgs = function (notification) {
9858          return notification.settings;
9859        };
9860        return {
9861          open: open,
9862          close: close,
9863          reposition: reposition,
9864          getArgs: getArgs
9865        };
9866      }
9868      var first = function (fn, rate) {
9869        var timer = null;
9870        var cancel = function () {
9871          if (!isNull(timer)) {
9872            clearTimeout(timer);
9873            timer = null;
9874          }
9875        };
9876        var throttle = function () {
9877          var args = [];
9878          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
9879            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
9880          }
9881          if (isNull(timer)) {
9882            timer = setTimeout(function () {
9883              timer = null;
9884              fn.apply(null, args);
9885            }, rate);
9886          }
9887        };
9888        return {
9889          cancel: cancel,
9890          throttle: throttle
9891        };
9892      };
9893      var last = function (fn, rate) {
9894        var timer = null;
9895        var cancel = function () {
9896          if (!isNull(timer)) {
9897            clearTimeout(timer);
9898            timer = null;
9899          }
9900        };
9901        var throttle = function () {
9902          var args = [];
9903          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
9904            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
9905          }
9906          cancel();
9907          timer = setTimeout(function () {
9908            timer = null;
9909            fn.apply(null, args);
9910          }, rate);
9911        };
9912        return {
9913          cancel: cancel,
9914          throttle: throttle
9915        };
9916      };
9918      var global$d = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.dom.TextSeeker');
9920      var isBoundary = function (dom, node) {
9921        return dom.isBlock(node) || contains$2([
9922          'BR',
9923          'IMG',
9924          'HR',
9925          'INPUT'
9926        ], node.nodeName) || dom.getContentEditable(node) === 'false';
9927      };
9928      var repeatLeft = function (dom, node, offset, process, rootNode) {
9929        var search = global$d(dom, function (node) {
9930          return isBoundary(dom, node);
9931        });
9932        return Optional.from(search.backwards(node, offset, process, rootNode));
9933      };
9935      var autocompleteSelector = '[data-mce-autocompleter]';
9936      var create$4 = function (editor, range) {
9937        return detect(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.selection.getNode())).getOrThunk(function () {
9938          var wrapper = SugarElement.fromHtml('<span data-mce-autocompleter="1" data-mce-bogus="1"></span>', editor.getDoc());
9939          append$2(wrapper, SugarElement.fromDom(range.extractContents()));
9940          range.insertNode(wrapper.dom);
9941          parent(wrapper).each(function (elm) {
9942            return elm.dom.normalize();
9943          });
9944          last$1(wrapper).map(function (last) {
9945            editor.selection.setCursorLocation(last.dom, getEnd(last));
9946          });
9947          return wrapper;
9948        });
9949      };
9950      var detect = function (elm) {
9951        return closest$1(elm, autocompleteSelector);
9952      };
9954      var isValidTextRange = function (rng) {
9955        return rng.collapsed && rng.startContainer.nodeType === 3;
9956      };
9957      var getText = function (rng) {
9958        return rng.toString().replace(/\u00A0/g, ' ').replace(/\uFEFF/g, '');
9959      };
9960      var isWhitespace = function (chr) {
9961        return chr !== '' && ' \xA0\f\n\r\t\x0B'.indexOf(chr) !== -1;
9962      };
9964      var stripTriggerChar = function (text, triggerCh) {
9965        return text.substring(triggerCh.length);
9966      };
9967      var findChar = function (text, index, ch) {
9968        var i;
9969        for (i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
9970          var char = text.charAt(i);
9971          if (isWhitespace(char)) {
9972            return Optional.none();
9973          }
9974          if (char === ch) {
9975            break;
9976          }
9977        }
9978        return Optional.some(i);
9979      };
9980      var findStart = function (dom, initRange, ch, minChars) {
9981        if (minChars === void 0) {
9982          minChars = 0;
9983        }
9984        if (!isValidTextRange(initRange)) {
9985          return Optional.none();
9986        }
9987        var findTriggerChIndex = function (element, offset, text) {
9988          return findChar(text, offset, ch).getOr(offset);
9989        };
9990        var root = dom.getParent(initRange.startContainer, dom.isBlock) || dom.getRoot();
9991        return repeatLeft(dom, initRange.startContainer, initRange.startOffset, findTriggerChIndex, root).bind(function (spot) {
9992          var range = initRange.cloneRange();
9993          range.setStart(spot.container, spot.offset);
9994          range.setEnd(initRange.endContainer, initRange.endOffset);
9995          if (range.collapsed) {
9996            return Optional.none();
9997          }
9998          var text = getText(range);
9999          var triggerCharIndex = text.lastIndexOf(ch);
10000          if (triggerCharIndex !== 0 || stripTriggerChar(text, ch).length < minChars) {
10001            return Optional.none();
10002          } else {
10003            return Optional.some({
10004              text: stripTriggerChar(text, ch),
10005              range: range,
10006              triggerChar: ch
10007            });
10008          }
10009        });
10010      };
10011      var getContext = function (dom, initRange, ch, minChars) {
10012        if (minChars === void 0) {
10013          minChars = 0;
10014        }
10015        return detect(SugarElement.fromDom(initRange.startContainer)).fold(function () {
10016          return findStart(dom, initRange, ch, minChars);
10017        }, function (elm) {
10018          var range = dom.createRng();
10019          range.selectNode(elm.dom);
10020          var text = getText(range);
10021          return Optional.some({
10022            range: range,
10023            text: stripTriggerChar(text, ch),
10024            triggerChar: ch
10025          });
10026        });
10027      };
10029      var setup$e = function (api, editor) {
10030        editor.on('keypress compositionend', api.onKeypress.throttle);
10031        editor.on('remove', api.onKeypress.cancel);
10032        var redirectKeyToItem = function (item, e) {
10033          emitWith(item, keydown(), { raw: e });
10034        };
10035        editor.on('keydown', function (e) {
10036          var getItem = function () {
10037            return api.getView().bind(Highlighting.getHighlighted);
10038          };
10039          if (e.which === 8) {
10040            api.onKeypress.throttle(e);
10041          }
10042          if (api.isActive()) {
10043            if (e.which === 27) {
10044              api.cancelIfNecessary();
10045            }
10046            if (api.isMenuOpen()) {
10047              if (e.which === 13) {
10048                getItem().each(emitExecute);
10049                e.preventDefault();
10050              } else if (e.which === 40) {
10051                getItem().fold(function () {
10052                  api.getView().each(Highlighting.highlightFirst);
10053                }, function (item) {
10054                  redirectKeyToItem(item, e);
10055                });
10056                e.preventDefault();
10057                e.stopImmediatePropagation();
10058              } else if (e.which === 37 || e.which === 38 || e.which === 39) {
10059                getItem().each(function (item) {
10060                  redirectKeyToItem(item, e);
10061                  e.preventDefault();
10062                  e.stopImmediatePropagation();
10063                });
10064              }
10065            } else {
10066              if (e.which === 13 || e.which === 38 || e.which === 40) {
10067                api.cancelIfNecessary();
10068              }
10069            }
10070          }
10071        });
10072        editor.on('NodeChange', function (e) {
10073          if (api.isActive() && !api.isProcessingAction() && detect(SugarElement.fromDom(e.element)).isNone()) {
10074            api.cancelIfNecessary();
10075          }
10076        });
10077      };
10078      var AutocompleterEditorEvents = { setup: setup$e };
10080      var global$c = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.Promise');
10082      var point = function (container, offset) {
10083        return {
10084          container: container,
10085          offset: offset
10086        };
10087      };
10089      var isText = function (node) {
10090        return node.nodeType === TEXT;
10091      };
10092      var isElement$1 = function (node) {
10093        return node.nodeType === ELEMENT;
10094      };
10095      var toLast = function (node) {
10096        if (isText(node)) {
10097          return point(node, node.data.length);
10098        } else {
10099          var children = node.childNodes;
10100          return children.length > 0 ? toLast(children[children.length - 1]) : point(node, children.length);
10101        }
10102      };
10103      var toLeaf = function (node, offset) {
10104        var children = node.childNodes;
10105        if (children.length > 0 && offset < children.length) {
10106          return toLeaf(children[offset], 0);
10107        } else if (children.length > 0 && isElement$1(node) && children.length === offset) {
10108          return toLast(children[children.length - 1]);
10109        } else {
10110          return point(node, offset);
10111        }
10112      };
10114      var isPreviousCharContent = function (dom, leaf) {
10115        return repeatLeft(dom, leaf.container, leaf.offset, function (element, offset) {
10116          return offset === 0 ? -1 : offset;
10117        }, dom.getRoot()).filter(function (spot) {
10118          var char = spot.container.data.charAt(spot.offset - 1);
10119          return !isWhitespace(char);
10120        }).isSome();
10121      };
10122      var isStartOfWord = function (dom) {
10123        return function (rng) {
10124          var leaf = toLeaf(rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset);
10125          return !isPreviousCharContent(dom, leaf);
10126        };
10127      };
10128      var getTriggerContext = function (dom, initRange, database) {
10129        return findMap(database.triggerChars, function (ch) {
10130          return getContext(dom, initRange, ch);
10131        });
10132      };
10133      var lookup$2 = function (editor, getDatabase) {
10134        var database = getDatabase();
10135        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
10136        return getTriggerContext(editor.dom, rng, database).bind(function (context) {
10137          return lookupWithContext(editor, getDatabase, context);
10138        });
10139      };
10140      var lookupWithContext = function (editor, getDatabase, context, fetchOptions) {
10141        if (fetchOptions === void 0) {
10142          fetchOptions = {};
10143        }
10144        var database = getDatabase();
10145        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
10146        var startText = rng.startContainer.nodeValue;
10147        var autocompleters = filter$2(database.lookupByChar(context.triggerChar), function (autocompleter) {
10148          return context.text.length >= autocompleter.minChars && autocompleter.matches.getOrThunk(function () {
10149            return isStartOfWord(editor.dom);
10150          })(context.range, startText, context.text);
10151        });
10152        if (autocompleters.length === 0) {
10153          return Optional.none();
10154        }
10155        var lookupData = global$c.all(map$2(autocompleters, function (ac) {
10156          var fetchResult = ac.fetch(context.text, ac.maxResults, fetchOptions);
10157          return fetchResult.then(function (results) {
10158            return {
10159              matchText: context.text,
10160              items: results,
10161              columns: ac.columns,
10162              onAction: ac.onAction,
10163              highlightOn: ac.highlightOn
10164            };
10165          });
10166        }));
10167        return Optional.some({
10168          lookupData: lookupData,
10169          context: context
10170        });
10171      };
10173      var separatorMenuItemSchema = objOf([
10174        requiredString('type'),
10175        optionString('text')
10176      ]);
10177      var createSeparatorMenuItem = function (spec) {
10178        return asRaw('separatormenuitem', separatorMenuItemSchema, spec);
10179      };
10181      var autocompleterItemSchema = objOf([
10182        defaulted('type', 'autocompleteitem'),
10183        defaulted('active', false),
10184        defaulted('disabled', false),
10185        defaulted('meta', {}),
10186        requiredString('value'),
10187        optionString('text'),
10188        optionString('icon')
10189      ]);
10190      var autocompleterSchema = objOf([
10191        requiredString('type'),
10192        requiredString('ch'),
10193        defaultedNumber('minChars', 1),
10194        defaulted('columns', 1),
10195        defaultedNumber('maxResults', 10),
10196        optionFunction('matches'),
10197        requiredFunction('fetch'),
10198        requiredFunction('onAction'),
10199        defaultedArrayOf('highlightOn', [], string)
10200      ]);
10201      var createSeparatorItem = function (spec) {
10202        return asRaw('Autocompleter.Separator', separatorMenuItemSchema, spec);
10203      };
10204      var createAutocompleterItem = function (spec) {
10205        return asRaw('Autocompleter.Item', autocompleterItemSchema, spec);
10206      };
10207      var createAutocompleter = function (spec) {
10208        return asRaw('Autocompleter', autocompleterSchema, spec);
10209      };
10211      var baseToolbarButtonFields = [
10212        defaultedBoolean('disabled', false),
10213        optionString('tooltip'),
10214        optionString('icon'),
10215        optionString('text'),
10216        defaultedFunction('onSetup', function () {
10217          return noop;
10218        })
10219      ];
10220      var toolbarButtonSchema = objOf([
10221        requiredString('type'),
10222        requiredFunction('onAction')
10223      ].concat(baseToolbarButtonFields));
10224      var createToolbarButton = function (spec) {
10225        return asRaw('toolbarbutton', toolbarButtonSchema, spec);
10226      };
10228      var baseToolbarToggleButtonFields = [defaultedBoolean('active', false)].concat(baseToolbarButtonFields);
10229      var toggleButtonSchema = objOf(baseToolbarToggleButtonFields.concat([
10230        requiredString('type'),
10231        requiredFunction('onAction')
10232      ]));
10233      var createToggleButton = function (spec) {
10234        return asRaw('ToggleButton', toggleButtonSchema, spec);
10235      };
10237      var contextBarFields = [
10238        defaultedFunction('predicate', never),
10239        defaultedStringEnum('scope', 'node', [
10240          'node',
10241          'editor'
10242        ]),
10243        defaultedStringEnum('position', 'selection', [
10244          'node',
10245          'selection',
10246          'line'
10247        ])
10248      ];
10250      var contextButtonFields = baseToolbarButtonFields.concat([
10251        defaulted('type', 'contextformbutton'),
10252        defaulted('primary', false),
10253        requiredFunction('onAction'),
10254        customField('original', identity$1)
10255      ]);
10256      var contextToggleButtonFields = baseToolbarToggleButtonFields.concat([
10257        defaulted('type', 'contextformbutton'),
10258        defaulted('primary', false),
10259        requiredFunction('onAction'),
10260        customField('original', identity$1)
10261      ]);
10262      var launchButtonFields = baseToolbarButtonFields.concat([defaulted('type', 'contextformbutton')]);
10263      var launchToggleButtonFields = baseToolbarToggleButtonFields.concat([defaulted('type', 'contextformtogglebutton')]);
10264      var toggleOrNormal = choose$1('type', {
10265        contextformbutton: contextButtonFields,
10266        contextformtogglebutton: contextToggleButtonFields
10267      });
10268      var contextFormSchema = objOf([
10269        defaulted('type', 'contextform'),
10270        defaultedFunction('initValue', constant$1('')),
10271        optionString('label'),
10272        requiredArrayOf('commands', toggleOrNormal),
10273        optionOf('launch', choose$1('type', {
10274          contextformbutton: launchButtonFields,
10275          contextformtogglebutton: launchToggleButtonFields
10276        }))
10277      ].concat(contextBarFields));
10278      var createContextForm = function (spec) {
10279        return asRaw('ContextForm', contextFormSchema, spec);
10280      };
10282      var contextToolbarSchema = objOf([
10283        defaulted('type', 'contexttoolbar'),
10284        requiredString('items')
10285      ].concat(contextBarFields));
10286      var createContextToolbar = function (spec) {
10287        return asRaw('ContextToolbar', contextToolbarSchema, spec);
10288      };
10290      var stringArray = function (a) {
10291        var all = {};
10292        each$1(a, function (key) {
10293          all[key] = {};
10294        });
10295        return keys(all);
10296      };
10298      var register$b = function (editor) {
10299        var popups = editor.ui.registry.getAll().popups;
10300        var dataset = map$1(popups, function (popup) {
10301          return createAutocompleter(popup).fold(function (err) {
10302            throw new Error(formatError(err));
10303          }, identity$1);
10304        });
10305        var triggerChars = stringArray(mapToArray(dataset, function (v) {
10306          return v.ch;
10307        }));
10308        var datasetValues = values(dataset);
10309        var lookupByChar = function (ch) {
10310          return filter$2(datasetValues, function (dv) {
10311            return dv.ch === ch;
10312          });
10313        };
10314        return {
10315          dataset: dataset,
10316          triggerChars: triggerChars,
10317          lookupByChar: lookupByChar
10318        };
10319      };
10321      var ItemResponse;
10322      (function (ItemResponse) {
10323        ItemResponse[ItemResponse['CLOSE_ON_EXECUTE'] = 0] = 'CLOSE_ON_EXECUTE';
10324        ItemResponse[ItemResponse['BUBBLE_TO_SANDBOX'] = 1] = 'BUBBLE_TO_SANDBOX';
10325      }(ItemResponse || (ItemResponse = {})));
10326      var ItemResponse$1 = ItemResponse;
10328      var navClass = 'tox-menu-nav__js';
10329      var selectableClass = 'tox-collection__item';
10330      var colorClass = 'tox-swatch';
10331      var presetClasses = {
10332        normal: navClass,
10333        color: colorClass
10334      };
10335      var tickedClass = 'tox-collection__item--enabled';
10336      var groupHeadingClass = 'tox-collection__group-heading';
10337      var iconClass = 'tox-collection__item-icon';
10338      var textClass = 'tox-collection__item-label';
10339      var accessoryClass = 'tox-collection__item-accessory';
10340      var caretClass = 'tox-collection__item-caret';
10341      var checkmarkClass = 'tox-collection__item-checkmark';
10342      var activeClass = 'tox-collection__item--active';
10343      var containerClass = 'tox-collection__item-container';
10344      var containerColumnClass = 'tox-collection__item-container--column';
10345      var containerRowClass = 'tox-collection__item-container--row';
10346      var containerAlignRightClass = 'tox-collection__item-container--align-right';
10347      var containerAlignLeftClass = 'tox-collection__item-container--align-left';
10348      var containerValignTopClass = 'tox-collection__item-container--valign-top';
10349      var containerValignMiddleClass = 'tox-collection__item-container--valign-middle';
10350      var containerValignBottomClass = 'tox-collection__item-container--valign-bottom';
10351      var classForPreset = function (presets) {
10352        return get$e(presetClasses, presets).getOr(navClass);
10353      };
10355      var forMenu = function (presets) {
10356        if (presets === 'color') {
10357          return 'tox-swatches';
10358        } else {
10359          return 'tox-menu';
10360        }
10361      };
10362      var classes = function (presets) {
10363        return {
10364          backgroundMenu: 'tox-background-menu',
10365          selectedMenu: 'tox-selected-menu',
10366          selectedItem: 'tox-collection__item--active',
10367          hasIcons: 'tox-menu--has-icons',
10368          menu: forMenu(presets),
10369          tieredMenu: 'tox-tiered-menu'
10370        };
10371      };
10373      var markers = function (presets) {
10374        var menuClasses = classes(presets);
10375        return {
10376          backgroundMenu: menuClasses.backgroundMenu,
10377          selectedMenu: menuClasses.selectedMenu,
10378          menu: menuClasses.menu,
10379          selectedItem: menuClasses.selectedItem,
10380          item: classForPreset(presets)
10381        };
10382      };
10383      var dom$1 = function (hasIcons, columns, presets) {
10384        var menuClasses = classes(presets);
10385        return {
10386          tag: 'div',
10387          classes: flatten([
10388            [
10389              menuClasses.menu,
10390              'tox-menu-' + columns + '-column'
10391            ],
10392            hasIcons ? [menuClasses.hasIcons] : []
10393          ])
10394        };
10395      };
10396      var components = [Menu.parts.items({})];
10397      var part = function (hasIcons, columns, presets) {
10398        var menuClasses = classes(presets);
10399        var d = {
10400          tag: 'div',
10401          classes: flatten([[menuClasses.tieredMenu]])
10402        };
10403        return {
10404          dom: d,
10405          markers: markers(presets)
10406        };
10407      };
10409      var chunk = function (rowDom, numColumns) {
10410        return function (items) {
10411          var chunks = chunk$1(items, numColumns);
10412          return map$2(chunks, function (c) {
10413            return {
10414              dom: rowDom,
10415              components: c
10416            };
10417          });
10418        };
10419      };
10420      var forSwatch = function (columns) {
10421        return {
10422          dom: {
10423            tag: 'div',
10424            classes: [
10425              'tox-menu',
10426              'tox-swatches-menu'
10427            ]
10428          },
10429          components: [{
10430              dom: {
10431                tag: 'div',
10432                classes: ['tox-swatches']
10433              },
10434              components: [Menu.parts.items({
10435                  preprocess: columns !== 'auto' ? chunk({
10436                    tag: 'div',
10437                    classes: ['tox-swatches__row']
10438                  }, columns) : identity$1
10439                })]
10440            }]
10441        };
10442      };
10443      var forToolbar = function (columns) {
10444        return {
10445          dom: {
10446            tag: 'div',
10447            classes: [
10448              'tox-menu',
10449              'tox-collection',
10450              'tox-collection--toolbar',
10451              'tox-collection--toolbar-lg'
10452            ]
10453          },
10454          components: [Menu.parts.items({
10455              preprocess: chunk({
10456                tag: 'div',
10457                classes: ['tox-collection__group']
10458              }, columns)
10459            })]
10460        };
10461      };
10462      var preprocessCollection = function (items, isSeparator) {
10463        var allSplits = [];
10464        var currentSplit = [];
10465        each$1(items, function (item, i) {
10466          if (isSeparator(item, i)) {
10467            if (currentSplit.length > 0) {
10468              allSplits.push(currentSplit);
10469            }
10470            currentSplit = [];
10471            if (has$2(item.dom, 'innerHtml')) {
10472              currentSplit.push(item);
10473            }
10474          } else {
10475            currentSplit.push(item);
10476          }
10477        });
10478        if (currentSplit.length > 0) {
10479          allSplits.push(currentSplit);
10480        }
10481        return map$2(allSplits, function (s) {
10482          return {
10483            dom: {
10484              tag: 'div',
10485              classes: ['tox-collection__group']
10486            },
10487            components: s
10488          };
10489        });
10490      };
10491      var forCollection = function (columns, initItems, _hasIcons) {
10492        return {
10493          dom: {
10494            tag: 'div',
10495            classes: [
10496              'tox-menu',
10497              'tox-collection'
10498            ].concat(columns === 1 ? ['tox-collection--list'] : ['tox-collection--grid'])
10499          },
10500          components: [Menu.parts.items({
10501              preprocess: function (items) {
10502                if (columns !== 'auto' && columns > 1) {
10503                  return chunk({
10504                    tag: 'div',
10505                    classes: ['tox-collection__group']
10506                  }, columns)(items);
10507                } else {
10508                  return preprocessCollection(items, function (_item, i) {
10509                    return initItems[i].type === 'separator';
10510                  });
10511                }
10512              }
10513            })]
10514        };
10515      };
10516      var forHorizontalCollection = function (initItems, _hasIcons) {
10517        return {
10518          dom: {
10519            tag: 'div',
10520            classes: [
10521              'tox-collection',
10522              'tox-collection--horizontal'
10523            ]
10524          },
10525          components: [Menu.parts.items({
10526              preprocess: function (items) {
10527                return preprocessCollection(items, function (_item, i) {
10528                  return initItems[i].type === 'separator';
10529                });
10530              }
10531            })]
10532        };
10533      };
10535      var menuHasIcons = function (xs) {
10536        return exists(xs, function (item) {
10537          return 'icon' in item && item.icon !== undefined;
10538        });
10539      };
10540      var handleError = function (error) {
10541        console.error(formatError(error));
10542        console.log(error);
10543        return Optional.none();
10544      };
10545      var createHorizontalPartialMenuWithAlloyItems = function (value, _hasIcons, items, _columns, _presets) {
10546        var structure = forHorizontalCollection(items);
10547        return {
10548          value: value,
10549          dom: structure.dom,
10550          components: structure.components,
10551          items: items
10552        };
10553      };
10554      var createPartialMenuWithAlloyItems = function (value, hasIcons, items, columns, presets) {
10555        if (presets === 'color') {
10556          var structure = forSwatch(columns);
10557          return {
10558            value: value,
10559            dom: structure.dom,
10560            components: structure.components,
10561            items: items
10562          };
10563        }
10564        if (presets === 'normal' && columns === 'auto') {
10565          var structure = forCollection(columns, items);
10566          return {
10567            value: value,
10568            dom: structure.dom,
10569            components: structure.components,
10570            items: items
10571          };
10572        }
10573        if (presets === 'normal' && columns === 1) {
10574          var structure = forCollection(1, items);
10575          return {
10576            value: value,
10577            dom: structure.dom,
10578            components: structure.components,
10579            items: items
10580          };
10581        }
10582        if (presets === 'normal') {
10583          var structure = forCollection(columns, items);
10584          return {
10585            value: value,
10586            dom: structure.dom,
10587            components: structure.components,
10588            items: items
10589          };
10590        }
10591        if (presets === 'listpreview' && columns !== 'auto') {
10592          var structure = forToolbar(columns);
10593          return {
10594            value: value,
10595            dom: structure.dom,
10596            components: structure.components,
10597            items: items
10598          };
10599        }
10600        return {
10601          value: value,
10602          dom: dom$1(hasIcons, columns, presets),
10603          components: components,
10604          items: items
10605        };
10606      };
10608      var cardImageFields = [
10609        requiredString('type'),
10610        requiredString('src'),
10611        optionString('alt'),
10612        defaultedArrayOf('classes', [], string)
10613      ];
10614      var cardImageSchema = objOf(cardImageFields);
10616      var cardTextFields = [
10617        requiredString('type'),
10618        requiredString('text'),
10619        optionString('name'),
10620        defaultedArrayOf('classes', ['tox-collection__item-label'], string)
10621      ];
10622      var cardTextSchema = objOf(cardTextFields);
10624      var itemSchema$1 = valueThunk(function () {
10625        return choose$2('type', {
10626          cardimage: cardImageSchema,
10627          cardtext: cardTextSchema,
10628          cardcontainer: cardContainerSchema
10629        });
10630      });
10631      var cardContainerSchema = objOf([
10632        requiredString('type'),
10633        defaultedString('direction', 'horizontal'),
10634        defaultedString('align', 'left'),
10635        defaultedString('valign', 'middle'),
10636        requiredArrayOf('items', itemSchema$1)
10637      ]);
10639      var commonMenuItemFields = [
10640        defaultedBoolean('disabled', false),
10641        optionString('text'),
10642        optionString('shortcut'),
10643        field$1('value', 'value', defaultedThunk(function () {
10644          return generate$6('menuitem-value');
10645        }), anyValue()),
10646        defaulted('meta', {})
10647      ];
10649      var cardMenuItemSchema = objOf([
10650        requiredString('type'),
10651        optionString('label'),
10652        requiredArrayOf('items', itemSchema$1),
10653        defaultedFunction('onSetup', function () {
10654          return noop;
10655        }),
10656        defaultedFunction('onAction', noop)
10657      ].concat(commonMenuItemFields));
10658      var createCardMenuItem = function (spec) {
10659        return asRaw('cardmenuitem', cardMenuItemSchema, spec);
10660      };
10662      var choiceMenuItemSchema = objOf([
10663        requiredString('type'),
10664        defaultedBoolean('active', false),
10665        optionString('icon')
10666      ].concat(commonMenuItemFields));
10667      var createChoiceMenuItem = function (spec) {
10668        return asRaw('choicemenuitem', choiceMenuItemSchema, spec);
10669      };
10671      var baseFields = [
10672        requiredString('type'),
10673        requiredString('fancytype'),
10674        defaultedFunction('onAction', noop)
10675      ];
10676      var insertTableFields = [defaulted('initData', {})].concat(baseFields);
10677      var colorSwatchFields = [defaultedObjOf('initData', {}, [
10678          defaultedBoolean('allowCustomColors', true),
10679          optionArrayOf('colors', anyValue())
10680        ])].concat(baseFields);
10681      var fancyMenuItemSchema = choose$1('fancytype', {
10682        inserttable: insertTableFields,
10683        colorswatch: colorSwatchFields
10684      });
10685      var createFancyMenuItem = function (spec) {
10686        return asRaw('fancymenuitem', fancyMenuItemSchema, spec);
10687      };
10689      var menuItemSchema = objOf([
10690        requiredString('type'),
10691        defaultedFunction('onSetup', function () {
10692          return noop;
10693        }),
10694        defaultedFunction('onAction', noop),
10695        optionString('icon')
10696      ].concat(commonMenuItemFields));
10697      var createMenuItem = function (spec) {
10698        return asRaw('menuitem', menuItemSchema, spec);
10699      };
10701      var nestedMenuItemSchema = objOf([
10702        requiredString('type'),
10703        requiredFunction('getSubmenuItems'),
10704        defaultedFunction('onSetup', function () {
10705          return noop;
10706        }),
10707        optionString('icon')
10708      ].concat(commonMenuItemFields));
10709      var createNestedMenuItem = function (spec) {
10710        return asRaw('nestedmenuitem', nestedMenuItemSchema, spec);
10711      };
10713      var toggleMenuItemSchema = objOf([
10714        requiredString('type'),
10715        optionString('icon'),
10716        defaultedBoolean('active', false),
10717        defaultedFunction('onSetup', function () {
10718          return noop;
10719        }),
10720        requiredFunction('onAction')
10721      ].concat(commonMenuItemFields));
10722      var createToggleMenuItem = function (spec) {
10723        return asRaw('togglemenuitem', toggleMenuItemSchema, spec);
10724      };
10726      var detectSize = function (comp, margin, selectorClass) {
10727        var descendants$1 = descendants(comp.element, '.' + selectorClass);
10728        if (descendants$1.length > 0) {
10729          var columnLength = findIndex$1(descendants$1, function (c) {
10730            var thisTop = c.dom.getBoundingClientRect().top;
10731            var cTop = descendants$1[0].dom.getBoundingClientRect().top;
10732            return Math.abs(thisTop - cTop) > margin;
10733          }).getOr(descendants$1.length);
10734          return Optional.some({
10735            numColumns: columnLength,
10736            numRows: Math.ceil(descendants$1.length / columnLength)
10737          });
10738        } else {
10739          return Optional.none();
10740        }
10741      };
10743      var namedEvents = function (name, handlers) {
10744        return derive$1([config(name, handlers)]);
10745      };
10746      var unnamedEvents = function (handlers) {
10747        return namedEvents(generate$6('unnamed-events'), handlers);
10748      };
10749      var SimpleBehaviours = {
10750        namedEvents: namedEvents,
10751        unnamedEvents: unnamedEvents
10752      };
10754      var ExclusivityChannel = generate$6('tooltip.exclusive');
10755      var ShowTooltipEvent = generate$6('tooltip.show');
10756      var HideTooltipEvent = generate$6('tooltip.hide');
10758      var hideAllExclusive = function (component, _tConfig, _tState) {
10759        component.getSystem().broadcastOn([ExclusivityChannel], {});
10760      };
10761      var setComponents = function (component, tConfig, tState, specs) {
10762        tState.getTooltip().each(function (tooltip) {
10763          if (tooltip.getSystem().isConnected()) {
10764            Replacing.set(tooltip, specs);
10765          }
10766        });
10767      };
10769      var TooltippingApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
10770          __proto__: null,
10771          hideAllExclusive: hideAllExclusive,
10772          setComponents: setComponents
10773      });
10775      var events$9 = function (tooltipConfig, state) {
10776        var hide = function (comp) {
10777          state.getTooltip().each(function (p) {
10778            detach(p);
10779            tooltipConfig.onHide(comp, p);
10780            state.clearTooltip();
10781          });
10782          state.clearTimer();
10783        };
10784        var show = function (comp) {
10785          if (!state.isShowing()) {
10786            hideAllExclusive(comp);
10787            var sink = tooltipConfig.lazySink(comp).getOrDie();
10788            var popup = comp.getSystem().build({
10789              dom: tooltipConfig.tooltipDom,
10790              components: tooltipConfig.tooltipComponents,
10791              events: derive$2(tooltipConfig.mode === 'normal' ? [
10792                run$1(mouseover(), function (_) {
10793                  emit(comp, ShowTooltipEvent);
10794                }),
10795                run$1(mouseout(), function (_) {
10796                  emit(comp, HideTooltipEvent);
10797                })
10798              ] : []),
10799              behaviours: derive$1([Replacing.config({})])
10800            });
10801            state.setTooltip(popup);
10802            attach(sink, popup);
10803            tooltipConfig.onShow(comp, popup);
10804            Positioning.position(sink, popup, { anchor: tooltipConfig.anchor(comp) });
10805          }
10806        };
10807        return derive$2(flatten([
10808          [
10809            run$1(ShowTooltipEvent, function (comp) {
10810              state.resetTimer(function () {
10811                show(comp);
10812              }, tooltipConfig.delay);
10813            }),
10814            run$1(HideTooltipEvent, function (comp) {
10815              state.resetTimer(function () {
10816                hide(comp);
10817              }, tooltipConfig.delay);
10818            }),
10819            run$1(receive(), function (comp, message) {
10820              var receivingData = message;
10821              if (!receivingData.universal) {
10822                if (contains$2(receivingData.channels, ExclusivityChannel)) {
10823                  hide(comp);
10824                }
10825              }
10826            }),
10827            runOnDetached(function (comp) {
10828              hide(comp);
10829            })
10830          ],
10831          tooltipConfig.mode === 'normal' ? [
10832            run$1(focusin(), function (comp) {
10833              emit(comp, ShowTooltipEvent);
10834            }),
10835            run$1(postBlur(), function (comp) {
10836              emit(comp, HideTooltipEvent);
10837            }),
10838            run$1(mouseover(), function (comp) {
10839              emit(comp, ShowTooltipEvent);
10840            }),
10841            run$1(mouseout(), function (comp) {
10842              emit(comp, HideTooltipEvent);
10843            })
10844          ] : [
10845            run$1(highlight$1(), function (comp, _se) {
10846              emit(comp, ShowTooltipEvent);
10847            }),
10848            run$1(dehighlight$1(), function (comp) {
10849              emit(comp, HideTooltipEvent);
10850            })
10851          ]
10852        ]));
10853      };
10855      var ActiveTooltipping = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
10856          __proto__: null,
10857          events: events$9
10858      });
10860      var TooltippingSchema = [
10861        required$1('lazySink'),
10862        required$1('tooltipDom'),
10863        defaulted('exclusive', true),
10864        defaulted('tooltipComponents', []),
10865        defaulted('delay', 300),
10866        defaultedStringEnum('mode', 'normal', [
10867          'normal',
10868          'follow-highlight'
10869        ]),
10870        defaulted('anchor', function (comp) {
10871          return {
10872            type: 'hotspot',
10873            hotspot: comp,
10874            layouts: {
10875              onLtr: constant$1([
10876                south$2,
10877                north$2,
10878                southeast$2,
10879                northeast$2,
10880                southwest$2,
10881                northwest$2
10882              ]),
10883              onRtl: constant$1([
10884                south$2,
10885                north$2,
10886                southeast$2,
10887                northeast$2,
10888                southwest$2,
10889                northwest$2
10890              ])
10891            }
10892          };
10893        }),
10894        onHandler('onHide'),
10895        onHandler('onShow')
10896      ];
10898      var init$b = function () {
10899        var timer = value$1();
10900        var popup = value$1();
10901        var clearTimer = function () {
10902          timer.on(clearTimeout);
10903        };
10904        var resetTimer = function (f, delay) {
10905          clearTimer();
10906          timer.set(setTimeout(f, delay));
10907        };
10908        var readState = constant$1('not-implemented');
10909        return nu$8({
10910          getTooltip: popup.get,
10911          isShowing: popup.isSet,
10912          setTooltip: popup.set,
10913          clearTooltip: popup.clear,
10914          clearTimer: clearTimer,
10915          resetTimer: resetTimer,
10916          readState: readState
10917        });
10918      };
10920      var TooltippingState = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
10921          __proto__: null,
10922          init: init$b
10923      });
10925      var Tooltipping = create$7({
10926        fields: TooltippingSchema,
10927        name: 'tooltipping',
10928        active: ActiveTooltipping,
10929        state: TooltippingState,
10930        apis: TooltippingApis
10931      });
10933      var escape = function (text) {
10934        return text.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
10935      };
10937      var global$b = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.dom.DOMUtils');
10939      var global$a = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.EditorManager');
10941      var getSkinUrl = function (editor) {
10942        var skin = editor.getParam('skin');
10943        var skinUrl = editor.getParam('skin_url');
10944        if (skin !== false) {
10945          var skinName = skin ? skin : 'oxide';
10946          if (skinUrl) {
10947            skinUrl = editor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(skinUrl);
10948          } else {
10949            skinUrl = global$a.baseURL + '/skins/ui/' + skinName;
10950          }
10951        }
10952        return skinUrl;
10953      };
10954      var isReadOnly = function (editor) {
10955        return editor.getParam('readonly', false, 'boolean');
10956      };
10957      var isSkinDisabled = function (editor) {
10958        return editor.getParam('skin') === false;
10959      };
10960      var getHeightSetting = function (editor) {
10961        return editor.getParam('height', Math.max(editor.getElement().offsetHeight, 200));
10962      };
10963      var getWidthSetting = function (editor) {
10964        return editor.getParam('width', global$b.DOM.getStyle(editor.getElement(), 'width'));
10965      };
10966      var getMinWidthSetting = function (editor) {
10967        return Optional.from(editor.getParam('min_width')).filter(isNumber);
10968      };
10969      var getMinHeightSetting = function (editor) {
10970        return Optional.from(editor.getParam('min_height')).filter(isNumber);
10971      };
10972      var getMaxWidthSetting = function (editor) {
10973        return Optional.from(editor.getParam('max_width')).filter(isNumber);
10974      };
10975      var getMaxHeightSetting = function (editor) {
10976        return Optional.from(editor.getParam('max_height')).filter(isNumber);
10977      };
10978      var getUserStyleFormats = function (editor) {
10979        return Optional.from(editor.getParam('style_formats')).filter(isArray);
10980      };
10981      var isMergeStyleFormats = function (editor) {
10982        return editor.getParam('style_formats_merge', false, 'boolean');
10983      };
10984      var getLineHeightFormats = function (editor) {
10985        return editor.getParam('lineheight_formats', '1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2', 'string').split(' ');
10986      };
10987      var getContentLanguages = function (editor) {
10988        return editor.getParam('content_langs', undefined, 'array');
10989      };
10990      var getRemovedMenuItems = function (editor) {
10991        return editor.getParam('removed_menuitems', '');
10992      };
10993      var isMenubarEnabled = function (editor) {
10994        return editor.getParam('menubar', true, 'boolean') !== false;
10995      };
10996      var isToolbarEnabled = function (editor) {
10997        var toolbar = editor.getParam('toolbar', true);
10998        var isToolbarTrue = toolbar === true;
10999        var isToolbarString = isString(toolbar);
11000        var isToolbarObjectArray = isArray(toolbar) && toolbar.length > 0;
11001        return !isMultipleToolbars(editor) && (isToolbarObjectArray || isToolbarString || isToolbarTrue);
11002      };
11003      var getMultipleToolbarsSetting = function (editor) {
11004        var toolbars = range$2(9, function (num) {
11005          return editor.getParam('toolbar' + (num + 1), false, 'string');
11006        });
11007        var toolbarArray = filter$2(toolbars, function (toolbar) {
11008          return typeof toolbar === 'string';
11009        });
11010        return toolbarArray.length > 0 ? Optional.some(toolbarArray) : Optional.none();
11011      };
11012      var isMultipleToolbars = function (editor) {
11013        return getMultipleToolbarsSetting(editor).fold(function () {
11014          var toolbar = editor.getParam('toolbar', [], 'string[]');
11015          return toolbar.length > 0;
11016        }, always);
11017      };
11018      var ToolbarMode;
11019      (function (ToolbarMode) {
11020        ToolbarMode['default'] = 'wrap';
11021        ToolbarMode['floating'] = 'floating';
11022        ToolbarMode['sliding'] = 'sliding';
11023        ToolbarMode['scrolling'] = 'scrolling';
11024      }(ToolbarMode || (ToolbarMode = {})));
11025      var getToolbarMode = function (editor) {
11026        return editor.getParam('toolbar_mode', '', 'string');
11027      };
11028      var ToolbarLocation;
11029      (function (ToolbarLocation) {
11030        ToolbarLocation['auto'] = 'auto';
11031        ToolbarLocation['top'] = 'top';
11032        ToolbarLocation['bottom'] = 'bottom';
11033      }(ToolbarLocation || (ToolbarLocation = {})));
11034      var getToolbarGroups = function (editor) {
11035        return editor.getParam('toolbar_groups', {}, 'object');
11036      };
11037      var getToolbarLocation = function (editor) {
11038        return editor.getParam('toolbar_location', ToolbarLocation.auto, 'string');
11039      };
11040      var isToolbarLocationBottom = function (editor) {
11041        return getToolbarLocation(editor) === ToolbarLocation.bottom;
11042      };
11043      var fixedContainerSelector = function (editor) {
11044        return editor.getParam('fixed_toolbar_container', '', 'string');
11045      };
11046      var fixedToolbarContainerTarget = function (editor) {
11047        return editor.getParam('fixed_toolbar_container_target');
11048      };
11049      var isToolbarPersist = function (editor) {
11050        return editor.getParam('toolbar_persist', false, 'boolean');
11051      };
11052      var fixedContainerTarget = function (editor) {
11053        if (!editor.inline) {
11054          return Optional.none();
11055        }
11056        var selector = fixedContainerSelector(editor);
11057        if (selector.length > 0) {
11058          return descendant(body(), selector);
11059        }
11060        var element = fixedToolbarContainerTarget(editor);
11061        if (isNonNullable(element)) {
11062          return Optional.some(SugarElement.fromDom(element));
11063        }
11064        return Optional.none();
11065      };
11066      var useFixedContainer = function (editor) {
11067        return editor.inline && fixedContainerTarget(editor).isSome();
11068      };
11069      var getUiContainer = function (editor) {
11070        var fixedContainer = fixedContainerTarget(editor);
11071        return fixedContainer.getOrThunk(function () {
11072          return getContentContainer(getRootNode(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getElement())));
11073        });
11074      };
11075      var isDistractionFree = function (editor) {
11076        return editor.inline && !isMenubarEnabled(editor) && !isToolbarEnabled(editor) && !isMultipleToolbars(editor);
11077      };
11078      var isStickyToolbar = function (editor) {
11079        var isStickyToolbar = editor.getParam('toolbar_sticky', false, 'boolean');
11080        return (isStickyToolbar || editor.inline) && !useFixedContainer(editor) && !isDistractionFree(editor);
11081      };
11082      var getStickyToolbarOffset = function (editor) {
11083        return editor.getParam('toolbar_sticky_offset', 0, 'number');
11084      };
11085      var isDraggableModal$1 = function (editor) {
11086        return editor.getParam('draggable_modal', false, 'boolean');
11087      };
11088      var getMenus = function (editor) {
11089        var menu = editor.getParam('menu');
11090        if (menu) {
11091          return map$1(menu, function (menu) {
11092            return __assign(__assign({}, menu), { items: menu.items });
11093          });
11094        } else {
11095          return {};
11096        }
11097      };
11098      var getMenubar = function (editor) {
11099        return editor.getParam('menubar');
11100      };
11101      var getToolbar = function (editor) {
11102        return editor.getParam('toolbar', true);
11103      };
11104      var getFilePickerCallback = function (editor) {
11105        return editor.getParam('file_picker_callback');
11106      };
11107      var getFilePickerTypes = function (editor) {
11108        return editor.getParam('file_picker_types');
11109      };
11110      var getFileBrowserCallbackTypes = function (editor) {
11111        return editor.getParam('file_browser_callback_types');
11112      };
11113      var noTypeaheadUrls = function (editor) {
11114        return editor.getParam('typeahead_urls') === false;
11115      };
11116      var getAnchorTop = function (editor) {
11117        return editor.getParam('anchor_top', '#top');
11118      };
11119      var getAnchorBottom = function (editor) {
11120        return editor.getParam('anchor_bottom', '#bottom');
11121      };
11122      var getFilePickerValidatorHandler = function (editor) {
11123        var handler = editor.getParam('file_picker_validator_handler', undefined, 'function');
11124        if (handler === undefined) {
11125          return editor.getParam('filepicker_validator_handler', undefined, 'function');
11126        } else {
11127          return handler;
11128        }
11129      };
11131      var ReadOnlyChannel = 'silver.readonly';
11132      var ReadOnlyDataSchema = objOf([requiredBoolean('readonly')]);
11133      var broadcastReadonly = function (uiComponents, readonly) {
11134        var outerContainer = uiComponents.outerContainer;
11135        var target = outerContainer.element;
11136        if (readonly) {
11137          uiComponents.mothership.broadcastOn([dismissPopups()], { target: target });
11138          uiComponents.uiMothership.broadcastOn([dismissPopups()], { target: target });
11139        }
11140        uiComponents.mothership.broadcastOn([ReadOnlyChannel], { readonly: readonly });
11141        uiComponents.uiMothership.broadcastOn([ReadOnlyChannel], { readonly: readonly });
11142      };
11143      var setupReadonlyModeSwitch = function (editor, uiComponents) {
11144        editor.on('init', function () {
11145          if (editor.mode.isReadOnly()) {
11146            broadcastReadonly(uiComponents, true);
11147          }
11148        });
11149        editor.on('SwitchMode', function () {
11150          return broadcastReadonly(uiComponents, editor.mode.isReadOnly());
11151        });
11152        if (isReadOnly(editor)) {
11153          editor.setMode('readonly');
11154        }
11155      };
11156      var receivingConfig = function () {
11157        var _a;
11158        return Receiving.config({
11159          channels: (_a = {}, _a[ReadOnlyChannel] = {
11160            schema: ReadOnlyDataSchema,
11161            onReceive: function (comp, data) {
11162              Disabling.set(comp, data.readonly);
11163            }
11164          }, _a)
11165        });
11166      };
11168      var item = function (disabled) {
11169        return Disabling.config({
11170          disabled: disabled,
11171          disableClass: 'tox-collection__item--state-disabled'
11172        });
11173      };
11174      var button = function (disabled) {
11175        return Disabling.config({ disabled: disabled });
11176      };
11177      var splitButton = function (disabled) {
11178        return Disabling.config({
11179          disabled: disabled,
11180          disableClass: 'tox-tbtn--disabled'
11181        });
11182      };
11183      var toolbarButton = function (disabled) {
11184        return Disabling.config({
11185          disabled: disabled,
11186          disableClass: 'tox-tbtn--disabled',
11187          useNative: false
11188        });
11189      };
11190      var DisablingConfigs = {
11191        item: item,
11192        button: button,
11193        splitButton: splitButton,
11194        toolbarButton: toolbarButton
11195      };
11197      var runWithApi = function (info, comp) {
11198        var api = info.getApi(comp);
11199        return function (f) {
11200          f(api);
11201        };
11202      };
11203      var onControlAttached = function (info, editorOffCell) {
11204        return runOnAttached(function (comp) {
11205          var run = runWithApi(info, comp);
11206          run(function (api) {
11207            var onDestroy = info.onSetup(api);
11208            if (isFunction(onDestroy)) {
11209              editorOffCell.set(onDestroy);
11210            }
11211          });
11212        });
11213      };
11214      var onControlDetached = function (getApi, editorOffCell) {
11215        return runOnDetached(function (comp) {
11216          return runWithApi(getApi, comp)(editorOffCell.get());
11217        });
11218      };
11220      var _a$1;
11221      var onMenuItemExecute = function (info, itemResponse) {
11222        return runOnExecute$1(function (comp, simulatedEvent) {
11223          runWithApi(info, comp)(info.onAction);
11224          if (!info.triggersSubmenu && itemResponse === ItemResponse$1.CLOSE_ON_EXECUTE) {
11225            emit(comp, sandboxClose());
11226            simulatedEvent.stop();
11227          }
11228        });
11229      };
11230      var menuItemEventOrder = (_a$1 = {}, _a$1[execute$5()] = [
11231        'disabling',
11232        'alloy.base.behaviour',
11233        'toggling',
11234        'item-events'
11235      ], _a$1);
11237      var componentRenderPipeline = cat;
11238      var renderCommonItem = function (spec, structure, itemResponse, providersbackstage) {
11239        var editorOffCell = Cell(noop);
11240        return {
11241          type: 'item',
11242          dom: structure.dom,
11243          components: componentRenderPipeline(structure.optComponents),
11244          data: spec.data,
11245          eventOrder: menuItemEventOrder,
11246          hasSubmenu: spec.triggersSubmenu,
11247          itemBehaviours: derive$1([
11248            config('item-events', [
11249              onMenuItemExecute(spec, itemResponse),
11250              onControlAttached(spec, editorOffCell),
11251              onControlDetached(spec, editorOffCell)
11252            ]),
11253            DisablingConfigs.item(function () {
11254              return spec.disabled || providersbackstage.isDisabled();
11255            }),
11256            receivingConfig(),
11257            Replacing.config({})
11258          ].concat(spec.itemBehaviours))
11259        };
11260      };
11261      var buildData = function (source) {
11262        return {
11263          value: source.value,
11264          meta: __assign({ text: source.text.getOr('') }, source.meta)
11265        };
11266      };
11268      var global$9 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.Env');
11270      var convertText = function (source) {
11271        var mac = {
11272          alt: '&#x2325;',
11273          ctrl: '&#x2303;',
11274          shift: '&#x21E7;',
11275          meta: '&#x2318;',
11276          access: '&#x2303;&#x2325;'
11277        };
11278        var other = {
11279          meta: 'Ctrl',
11280          access: 'Shift+Alt'
11281        };
11282        var replace = global$9.mac ? mac : other;
11283        var shortcut = source.split('+');
11284        var updated = map$2(shortcut, function (segment) {
11285          var search = segment.toLowerCase().trim();
11286          return has$2(replace, search) ? replace[search] : segment;
11287        });
11288        return global$9.mac ? updated.join('') : updated.join('+');
11289      };
11291      var renderIcon$1 = function (name, icons, classes) {
11292        if (classes === void 0) {
11293          classes = [iconClass];
11294        }
11295        return render$3(name, {
11296          tag: 'div',
11297          classes: classes
11298        }, icons);
11299      };
11300      var renderText = function (text$1) {
11301        return {
11302          dom: {
11303            tag: 'div',
11304            classes: [textClass]
11305          },
11306          components: [text(global$e.translate(text$1))]
11307        };
11308      };
11309      var renderHtml = function (html, classes) {
11310        return {
11311          dom: {
11312            tag: 'div',
11313            classes: classes,
11314            innerHtml: html
11315          }
11316        };
11317      };
11318      var renderStyledText = function (style, text$1) {
11319        return {
11320          dom: {
11321            tag: 'div',
11322            classes: [textClass]
11323          },
11324          components: [{
11325              dom: {
11326                tag: style.tag,
11327                styles: style.styles
11328              },
11329              components: [text(global$e.translate(text$1))]
11330            }]
11331        };
11332      };
11333      var renderShortcut = function (shortcut) {
11334        return {
11335          dom: {
11336            tag: 'div',
11337            classes: [accessoryClass],
11338            innerHtml: convertText(shortcut)
11339          }
11340        };
11341      };
11342      var renderCheckmark = function (icons) {
11343        return renderIcon$1('checkmark', icons, [checkmarkClass]);
11344      };
11345      var renderSubmenuCaret = function (icons) {
11346        return renderIcon$1('chevron-right', icons, [caretClass]);
11347      };
11348      var renderDownwardsCaret = function (icons) {
11349        return renderIcon$1('chevron-down', icons, [caretClass]);
11350      };
11351      var renderContainer = function (container, components) {
11352        var directionClass = container.direction === 'vertical' ? containerColumnClass : containerRowClass;
11353        var alignClass = container.align === 'left' ? containerAlignLeftClass : containerAlignRightClass;
11354        var getValignClass = function () {
11355          switch (container.valign) {
11356          case 'top':
11357            return containerValignTopClass;
11358          case 'middle':
11359            return containerValignMiddleClass;
11360          case 'bottom':
11361            return containerValignBottomClass;
11362          }
11363        };
11364        return {
11365          dom: {
11366            tag: 'div',
11367            classes: [
11368              containerClass,
11369              directionClass,
11370              alignClass,
11371              getValignClass()
11372            ]
11373          },
11374          components: components
11375        };
11376      };
11377      var renderImage = function (src, classes, alt) {
11378        return {
11379          dom: {
11380            tag: 'img',
11381            classes: classes,
11382            attributes: {
11383              src: src,
11384              alt: alt.getOr('')
11385            }
11386          }
11387        };
11388      };
11390      var renderColorStructure = function (item, providerBackstage, fallbackIcon) {
11391        var colorPickerCommand = 'custom';
11392        var removeColorCommand = 'remove';
11393        var itemText = item.ariaLabel;
11394        var itemValue = item.value;
11395        var iconSvg = item.iconContent.map(function (name) {
11396          return getOr(name, providerBackstage.icons, fallbackIcon);
11397        });
11398        var getDom = function () {
11399          var common = colorClass;
11400          var icon = iconSvg.getOr('');
11401          var attributes = itemText.map(function (text) {
11402            return { title: providerBackstage.translate(text) };
11403          }).getOr({});
11404          var baseDom = {
11405            tag: 'div',
11406            attributes: attributes,
11407            classes: [common]
11408          };
11409          if (itemValue === colorPickerCommand) {
11410            return __assign(__assign({}, baseDom), {
11411              tag: 'button',
11412              classes: __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], baseDom.classes, true), ['tox-swatches__picker-btn'], false),
11413              innerHtml: icon
11414            });
11415          } else if (itemValue === removeColorCommand) {
11416            return __assign(__assign({}, baseDom), {
11417              classes: __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], baseDom.classes, true), ['tox-swatch--remove'], false),
11418              innerHtml: icon
11419            });
11420          } else {
11421            return __assign(__assign({}, baseDom), {
11422              attributes: __assign(__assign({}, baseDom.attributes), { 'data-mce-color': itemValue }),
11423              styles: { 'background-color': itemValue }
11424            });
11425          }
11426        };
11427        return {
11428          dom: getDom(),
11429          optComponents: []
11430        };
11431      };
11432      var renderItemDomStructure = function (ariaLabel) {
11433        var domTitle = ariaLabel.map(function (label) {
11434          return { attributes: { title: global$e.translate(label) } };
11435        }).getOr({});
11436        return __assign({
11437          tag: 'div',
11438          classes: [
11439            navClass,
11440            selectableClass
11441          ]
11442        }, domTitle);
11443      };
11444      var renderNormalItemStructure = function (info, providersBackstage, renderIcons, fallbackIcon) {
11445        var iconSpec = {
11446          tag: 'div',
11447          classes: [iconClass]
11448        };
11449        var renderIcon = function (iconName) {
11450          return render$3(iconName, iconSpec, providersBackstage.icons, fallbackIcon);
11451        };
11452        var renderEmptyIcon = function () {
11453          return Optional.some({ dom: iconSpec });
11454        };
11455        var leftIcon = renderIcons ? info.iconContent.map(renderIcon).orThunk(renderEmptyIcon) : Optional.none();
11456        var checkmark = info.checkMark;
11457        var textRender = Optional.from(info.meta).fold(function () {
11458          return renderText;
11459        }, function (meta) {
11460          return has$2(meta, 'style') ? curry(renderStyledText, meta.style) : renderText;
11461        });
11462        var content = info.htmlContent.fold(function () {
11463          return info.textContent.map(textRender);
11464        }, function (html) {
11465          return Optional.some(renderHtml(html, [textClass]));
11466        });
11467        var menuItem = {
11468          dom: renderItemDomStructure(info.ariaLabel),
11469          optComponents: [
11470            leftIcon,
11471            content,
11472            info.shortcutContent.map(renderShortcut),
11473            checkmark,
11474            info.caret
11475          ]
11476        };
11477        return menuItem;
11478      };
11479      var renderItemStructure = function (info, providersBackstage, renderIcons, fallbackIcon) {
11480        if (fallbackIcon === void 0) {
11481          fallbackIcon = Optional.none();
11482        }
11483        if (info.presets === 'color') {
11484          return renderColorStructure(info, providersBackstage, fallbackIcon);
11485        } else {
11486          return renderNormalItemStructure(info, providersBackstage, renderIcons, fallbackIcon);
11487        }
11488      };
11490      var tooltipBehaviour = function (meta, sharedBackstage) {
11491        return get$e(meta, 'tooltipWorker').map(function (tooltipWorker) {
11492          return [Tooltipping.config({
11493              lazySink: sharedBackstage.getSink,
11494              tooltipDom: {
11495                tag: 'div',
11496                classes: ['tox-tooltip-worker-container']
11497              },
11498              tooltipComponents: [],
11499              anchor: function (comp) {
11500                return {
11501                  type: 'submenu',
11502                  item: comp,
11503                  overrides: { maxHeightFunction: expandable$1 }
11504                };
11505              },
11506              mode: 'follow-highlight',
11507              onShow: function (component, _tooltip) {
11508                tooltipWorker(function (elm) {
11509                  Tooltipping.setComponents(component, [external$2({ element: SugarElement.fromDom(elm) })]);
11510                });
11511              }
11512            })];
11513        }).getOr([]);
11514      };
11515      var encodeText = function (text) {
11516        return global$b.DOM.encode(text);
11517      };
11518      var replaceText = function (text, matchText) {
11519        var translated = global$e.translate(text);
11520        var encoded = encodeText(translated);
11521        if (matchText.length > 0) {
11522          var escapedMatchRegex = new RegExp(escape(matchText), 'gi');
11523          return encoded.replace(escapedMatchRegex, function (match) {
11524            return '<span class="tox-autocompleter-highlight">' + match + '</span>';
11525          });
11526        } else {
11527          return encoded;
11528        }
11529      };
11530      var renderAutocompleteItem = function (spec, matchText, useText, presets, onItemValueHandler, itemResponse, sharedBackstage, renderIcons) {
11531        if (renderIcons === void 0) {
11532          renderIcons = true;
11533        }
11534        var structure = renderItemStructure({
11535          presets: presets,
11536          textContent: Optional.none(),
11537          htmlContent: useText ? spec.text.map(function (text) {
11538            return replaceText(text, matchText);
11539          }) : Optional.none(),
11540          ariaLabel: spec.text,
11541          iconContent: spec.icon,
11542          shortcutContent: Optional.none(),
11543          checkMark: Optional.none(),
11544          caret: Optional.none(),
11545          value: spec.value
11546        }, sharedBackstage.providers, renderIcons, spec.icon);
11547        return renderCommonItem({
11548          data: buildData(spec),
11549          disabled: spec.disabled,
11550          getApi: constant$1({}),
11551          onAction: function (_api) {
11552            return onItemValueHandler(spec.value, spec.meta);
11553          },
11554          onSetup: constant$1(noop),
11555          triggersSubmenu: false,
11556          itemBehaviours: tooltipBehaviour(spec.meta, sharedBackstage)
11557        }, structure, itemResponse, sharedBackstage.providers);
11558      };
11560      var render$2 = function (items, extras) {
11561        return map$2(items, function (item) {
11562          switch (item.type) {
11563          case 'cardcontainer':
11564            return renderContainer(item, render$2(item.items, extras));
11565          case 'cardimage':
11566            return renderImage(item.src, item.classes, item.alt);
11567          case 'cardtext':
11568            var shouldHighlight = item.name.exists(function (name) {
11569              return contains$2(extras.cardText.highlightOn, name);
11570            });
11571            var matchText = shouldHighlight ? Optional.from(extras.cardText.matchText).getOr('') : '';
11572            return renderHtml(replaceText(item.text, matchText), item.classes);
11573          }
11574        });
11575      };
11576      var renderCardMenuItem = function (spec, itemResponse, sharedBackstage, extras) {
11577        var getApi = function (component) {
11578          return {
11579            isDisabled: function () {
11580              return Disabling.isDisabled(component);
11581            },
11582            setDisabled: function (state) {
11583              Disabling.set(component, state);
11584              each$1(descendants(component.element, '*'), function (elm) {
11585                component.getSystem().getByDom(elm).each(function (comp) {
11586                  if (comp.hasConfigured(Disabling)) {
11587                    Disabling.set(comp, state);
11588                  }
11589                });
11590              });
11591            }
11592          };
11593        };
11594        var structure = {
11595          dom: renderItemDomStructure(spec.label),
11596          optComponents: [Optional.some({
11597              dom: {
11598                tag: 'div',
11599                classes: [
11600                  containerClass,
11601                  containerRowClass
11602                ]
11603              },
11604              components: render$2(spec.items, extras)
11605            })]
11606        };
11607        return renderCommonItem({
11608          data: buildData(__assign({ text: Optional.none() }, spec)),
11609          disabled: spec.disabled,
11610          getApi: getApi,
11611          onAction: spec.onAction,
11612          onSetup: spec.onSetup,
11613          triggersSubmenu: false,
11614          itemBehaviours: Optional.from(extras.itemBehaviours).getOr([])
11615        }, structure, itemResponse, sharedBackstage.providers);
11616      };
11618      var renderChoiceItem = function (spec, useText, presets, onItemValueHandler, isSelected, itemResponse, providersBackstage, renderIcons) {
11619        if (renderIcons === void 0) {
11620          renderIcons = true;
11621        }
11622        var getApi = function (component) {
11623          return {
11624            setActive: function (state) {
11625              Toggling.set(component, state);
11626            },
11627            isActive: function () {
11628              return Toggling.isOn(component);
11629            },
11630            isDisabled: function () {
11631              return Disabling.isDisabled(component);
11632            },
11633            setDisabled: function (state) {
11634              return Disabling.set(component, state);
11635            }
11636          };
11637        };
11638        var structure = renderItemStructure({
11639          presets: presets,
11640          textContent: useText ? spec.text : Optional.none(),
11641          htmlContent: Optional.none(),
11642          ariaLabel: spec.text,
11643          iconContent: spec.icon,
11644          shortcutContent: useText ? spec.shortcut : Optional.none(),
11645          checkMark: useText ? Optional.some(renderCheckmark(providersBackstage.icons)) : Optional.none(),
11646          caret: Optional.none(),
11647          value: spec.value
11648        }, providersBackstage, renderIcons);
11649        return deepMerge(renderCommonItem({
11650          data: buildData(spec),
11651          disabled: spec.disabled,
11652          getApi: getApi,
11653          onAction: function (_api) {
11654            return onItemValueHandler(spec.value);
11655          },
11656          onSetup: function (api) {
11657            api.setActive(isSelected);
11658            return noop;
11659          },
11660          triggersSubmenu: false,
11661          itemBehaviours: []
11662        }, structure, itemResponse, providersBackstage), {
11663          toggling: {
11664            toggleClass: tickedClass,
11665            toggleOnExecute: false,
11666            selected: spec.active
11667          }
11668        });
11669      };
11671      var parts$f = generate$3(owner$2(), parts$h());
11673      var hexColour = function (value) {
11674        return { value: value };
11675      };
11676      var shorthandRegex = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i;
11677      var longformRegex = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i;
11678      var isHexString = function (hex) {
11679        return shorthandRegex.test(hex) || longformRegex.test(hex);
11680      };
11681      var normalizeHex = function (hex) {
11682        return removeLeading(hex, '#').toUpperCase();
11683      };
11684      var fromString$1 = function (hex) {
11685        return isHexString(hex) ? Optional.some({ value: normalizeHex(hex) }) : Optional.none();
11686      };
11687      var getLongForm = function (hex) {
11688        var hexString = hex.value.replace(shorthandRegex, function (m, r, g, b) {
11689          return r + r + g + g + b + b;
11690        });
11691        return { value: hexString };
11692      };
11693      var extractValues = function (hex) {
11694        var longForm = getLongForm(hex);
11695        var splitForm = longformRegex.exec(longForm.value);
11696        return splitForm === null ? [
11697          'FFFFFF',
11698          'FF',
11699          'FF',
11700          'FF'
11701        ] : splitForm;
11702      };
11703      var toHex = function (component) {
11704        var hex = component.toString(16);
11705        return (hex.length === 1 ? '0' + hex : hex).toUpperCase();
11706      };
11707      var fromRgba = function (rgbaColour) {
11708        var value = toHex(rgbaColour.red) + toHex(rgbaColour.green) + toHex(rgbaColour.blue);
11709        return hexColour(value);
11710      };
11712      var min = Math.min;
11713      var max = Math.max;
11714      var round$1 = Math.round;
11715      var rgbRegex = /^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/;
11716      var rgbaRegex = /^rgba\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\)/;
11717      var rgbaColour = function (red, green, blue, alpha) {
11718        return {
11719          red: red,
11720          green: green,
11721          blue: blue,
11722          alpha: alpha
11723        };
11724      };
11725      var isRgbaComponent = function (value) {
11726        var num = parseInt(value, 10);
11727        return num.toString() === value && num >= 0 && num <= 255;
11728      };
11729      var fromHsv = function (hsv) {
11730        var r;
11731        var g;
11732        var b;
11733        var hue = (hsv.hue || 0) % 360;
11734        var saturation = hsv.saturation / 100;
11735        var brightness = hsv.value / 100;
11736        saturation = max(0, min(saturation, 1));
11737        brightness = max(0, min(brightness, 1));
11738        if (saturation === 0) {
11739          r = g = b = round$1(255 * brightness);
11740          return rgbaColour(r, g, b, 1);
11741        }
11742        var side = hue / 60;
11743        var chroma = brightness * saturation;
11744        var x = chroma * (1 - Math.abs(side % 2 - 1));
11745        var match = brightness - chroma;
11746        switch (Math.floor(side)) {
11747        case 0:
11748          r = chroma;
11749          g = x;
11750          b = 0;
11751          break;
11752        case 1:
11753          r = x;
11754          g = chroma;
11755          b = 0;
11756          break;
11757        case 2:
11758          r = 0;
11759          g = chroma;
11760          b = x;
11761          break;
11762        case 3:
11763          r = 0;
11764          g = x;
11765          b = chroma;
11766          break;
11767        case 4:
11768          r = x;
11769          g = 0;
11770          b = chroma;
11771          break;
11772        case 5:
11773          r = chroma;
11774          g = 0;
11775          b = x;
11776          break;
11777        default:
11778          r = g = b = 0;
11779        }
11780        r = round$1(255 * (r + match));
11781        g = round$1(255 * (g + match));
11782        b = round$1(255 * (b + match));
11783        return rgbaColour(r, g, b, 1);
11784      };
11785      var fromHex = function (hexColour) {
11786        var result = extractValues(hexColour);
11787        var red = parseInt(result[1], 16);
11788        var green = parseInt(result[2], 16);
11789        var blue = parseInt(result[3], 16);
11790        return rgbaColour(red, green, blue, 1);
11791      };
11792      var fromStringValues = function (red, green, blue, alpha) {
11793        var r = parseInt(red, 10);
11794        var g = parseInt(green, 10);
11795        var b = parseInt(blue, 10);
11796        var a = parseFloat(alpha);
11797        return rgbaColour(r, g, b, a);
11798      };
11799      var fromString = function (rgbaString) {
11800        if (rgbaString === 'transparent') {
11801          return Optional.some(rgbaColour(0, 0, 0, 0));
11802        }
11803        var rgbMatch = rgbRegex.exec(rgbaString);
11804        if (rgbMatch !== null) {
11805          return Optional.some(fromStringValues(rgbMatch[1], rgbMatch[2], rgbMatch[3], '1'));
11806        }
11807        var rgbaMatch = rgbaRegex.exec(rgbaString);
11808        if (rgbaMatch !== null) {
11809          return Optional.some(fromStringValues(rgbaMatch[1], rgbaMatch[2], rgbaMatch[3], rgbaMatch[4]));
11810        }
11811        return Optional.none();
11812      };
11813      var toString = function (rgba) {
11814        return 'rgba(' + rgba.red + ',' + rgba.green + ',' + rgba.blue + ',' + rgba.alpha + ')';
11815      };
11816      var red = rgbaColour(255, 0, 0, 1);
11818      var fireSkinLoaded$1 = function (editor) {
11819        return editor.fire('SkinLoaded');
11820      };
11821      var fireSkinLoadError$1 = function (editor, error) {
11822        return editor.fire('SkinLoadError', error);
11823      };
11824      var fireResizeEditor = function (editor) {
11825        return editor.fire('ResizeEditor');
11826      };
11827      var fireResizeContent = function (editor, e) {
11828        return editor.fire('ResizeContent', e);
11829      };
11830      var fireScrollContent = function (editor, e) {
11831        return editor.fire('ScrollContent', e);
11832      };
11833      var fireTextColorChange = function (editor, data) {
11834        return editor.fire('TextColorChange', data);
11835      };
11837      var hsvColour = function (hue, saturation, value) {
11838        return {
11839          hue: hue,
11840          saturation: saturation,
11841          value: value
11842        };
11843      };
11844      var fromRgb = function (rgbaColour) {
11845        var h = 0;
11846        var s = 0;
11847        var v = 0;
11848        var r = rgbaColour.red / 255;
11849        var g = rgbaColour.green / 255;
11850        var b = rgbaColour.blue / 255;
11851        var minRGB = Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b));
11852        var maxRGB = Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b));
11853        if (minRGB === maxRGB) {
11854          v = minRGB;
11855          return hsvColour(0, 0, v * 100);
11856        }
11857        var d = r === minRGB ? g - b : b === minRGB ? r - g : b - r;
11858        h = r === minRGB ? 3 : b === minRGB ? 1 : 5;
11859        h = 60 * (h - d / (maxRGB - minRGB));
11860        s = (maxRGB - minRGB) / maxRGB;
11861        v = maxRGB;
11862        return hsvColour(Math.round(h), Math.round(s * 100), Math.round(v * 100));
11863      };
11865      var hexToHsv = function (hex) {
11866        return fromRgb(fromHex(hex));
11867      };
11868      var hsvToHex = function (hsv) {
11869        return fromRgba(fromHsv(hsv));
11870      };
11871      var anyToHex = function (color) {
11872        return fromString$1(color).orThunk(function () {
11873          return fromString(color).map(fromRgba);
11874        }).getOrThunk(function () {
11875          var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
11876          canvas.height = 1;
11877          canvas.width = 1;
11878          var canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d');
11879          canvasContext.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
11880          canvasContext.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF';
11881          canvasContext.fillStyle = color;
11882          canvasContext.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
11883          var rgba = canvasContext.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data;
11884          var r = rgba[0];
11885          var g = rgba[1];
11886          var b = rgba[2];
11887          var a = rgba[3];
11888          return fromRgba(rgbaColour(r, g, b, a));
11889        });
11890      };
11892      var global$8 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.LocalStorage');
11894      var storageName = 'tinymce-custom-colors';
11895      function ColorCache (max) {
11896        if (max === void 0) {
11897          max = 10;
11898        }
11899        var storageString = global$8.getItem(storageName);
11900        var localstorage = isString(storageString) ? JSON.parse(storageString) : [];
11901        var prune = function (list) {
11902          var diff = max - list.length;
11903          return diff < 0 ? list.slice(0, max) : list;
11904        };
11905        var cache = prune(localstorage);
11906        var add = function (key) {
11907          indexOf(cache, key).each(remove);
11908          cache.unshift(key);
11909          if (cache.length > max) {
11910            cache.pop();
11911          }
11912          global$8.setItem(storageName, JSON.stringify(cache));
11913        };
11914        var remove = function (idx) {
11915          cache.splice(idx, 1);
11916        };
11917        var state = function () {
11918          return cache.slice(0);
11919        };
11920        return {
11921          add: add,
11922          state: state
11923        };
11924      }
11926      var choiceItem = 'choiceitem';
11927      var defaultColors = [
11928        {
11929          type: choiceItem,
11930          text: 'Light Green',
11931          value: '#BFEDD2'
11932        },
11933        {
11934          type: choiceItem,
11935          text: 'Light Yellow',
11936          value: '#FBEEB8'
11937        },
11938        {
11939          type: choiceItem,
11940          text: 'Light Red',
11941          value: '#F8CAC6'
11942        },
11943        {
11944          type: choiceItem,
11945          text: 'Light Purple',
11946          value: '#ECCAFA'
11947        },
11948        {
11949          type: choiceItem,
11950          text: 'Light Blue',
11951          value: '#C2E0F4'
11952        },
11953        {
11954          type: choiceItem,
11955          text: 'Green',
11956          value: '#2DC26B'
11957        },
11958        {
11959          type: choiceItem,
11960          text: 'Yellow',
11961          value: '#F1C40F'
11962        },
11963        {
11964          type: choiceItem,
11965          text: 'Red',
11966          value: '#E03E2D'
11967        },
11968        {
11969          type: choiceItem,
11970          text: 'Purple',
11971          value: '#B96AD9'
11972        },
11973        {
11974          type: choiceItem,
11975          text: 'Blue',
11976          value: '#3598DB'
11977        },
11978        {
11979          type: choiceItem,
11980          text: 'Dark Turquoise',
11981          value: '#169179'
11982        },
11983        {
11984          type: choiceItem,
11985          text: 'Orange',
11986          value: '#E67E23'
11987        },
11988        {
11989          type: choiceItem,
11990          text: 'Dark Red',
11991          value: '#BA372A'
11992        },
11993        {
11994          type: choiceItem,
11995          text: 'Dark Purple',
11996          value: '#843FA1'
11997        },
11998        {
11999          type: choiceItem,
12000          text: 'Dark Blue',
12001          value: '#236FA1'
12002        },
12003        {
12004          type: choiceItem,
12005          text: 'Light Gray',
12006          value: '#ECF0F1'
12007        },
12008        {
12009          type: choiceItem,
12010          text: 'Medium Gray',
12011          value: '#CED4D9'
12012        },
12013        {
12014          type: choiceItem,
12015          text: 'Gray',
12016          value: '#95A5A6'
12017        },
12018        {
12019          type: choiceItem,
12020          text: 'Dark Gray',
12021          value: '#7E8C8D'
12022        },
12023        {
12024          type: choiceItem,
12025          text: 'Navy Blue',
12026          value: '#34495E'
12027        },
12028        {
12029          type: choiceItem,
12030          text: 'Black',
12031          value: '#000000'
12032        },
12033        {
12034          type: choiceItem,
12035          text: 'White',
12036          value: '#ffffff'
12037        }
12038      ];
12039      var colorCache = ColorCache(10);
12040      var mapColors = function (colorMap) {
12041        var colors = [];
12042        for (var i = 0; i < colorMap.length; i += 2) {
12043          colors.push({
12044            text: colorMap[i + 1],
12045            value: '#' + anyToHex(colorMap[i]).value,
12046            type: 'choiceitem'
12047          });
12048        }
12049        return colors;
12050      };
12051      var getColorCols$2 = function (editor, defaultCols) {
12052        return editor.getParam('color_cols', defaultCols, 'number');
12053      };
12054      var hasCustomColors$1 = function (editor) {
12055        return editor.getParam('custom_colors') !== false;
12056      };
12057      var getColorMap = function (editor) {
12058        return editor.getParam('color_map');
12059      };
12060      var getColors$2 = function (editor) {
12061        var unmapped = getColorMap(editor);
12062        return unmapped !== undefined ? mapColors(unmapped) : defaultColors;
12063      };
12064      var getCurrentColors = function () {
12065        return map$2(colorCache.state(), function (color) {
12066          return {
12067            type: choiceItem,
12068            text: color,
12069            value: color
12070          };
12071        });
12072      };
12073      var addColor = function (color) {
12074        colorCache.add(color);
12075      };
12077      var fallbackColor = '#000000';
12078      var getCurrentColor = function (editor, format) {
12079        var color;
12080        editor.dom.getParents(editor.selection.getStart(), function (elm) {
12081          var value;
12082          if (value = elm.style[format === 'forecolor' ? 'color' : 'background-color']) {
12083            color = color ? color : value;
12084          }
12085        });
12086        return Optional.from(color);
12087      };
12088      var applyFormat = function (editor, format, value) {
12089        editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
12090          editor.focus();
12091          editor.formatter.apply(format, { value: value });
12092          editor.nodeChanged();
12093        });
12094      };
12095      var removeFormat = function (editor, format) {
12096        editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
12097          editor.focus();
12098          editor.formatter.remove(format, { value: null }, null, true);
12099          editor.nodeChanged();
12100        });
12101      };
12102      var registerCommands = function (editor) {
12103        editor.addCommand('mceApplyTextcolor', function (format, value) {
12104          applyFormat(editor, format, value);
12105        });
12106        editor.addCommand('mceRemoveTextcolor', function (format) {
12107          removeFormat(editor, format);
12108        });
12109      };
12110      var calcCols = function (colors) {
12111        return Math.max(5, Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(colors)));
12112      };
12113      var getColorCols$1 = function (editor) {
12114        var colors = getColors$2(editor);
12115        var defaultCols = calcCols(colors.length);
12116        return getColorCols$2(editor, defaultCols);
12117      };
12118      var getAdditionalColors = function (hasCustom) {
12119        var type = 'choiceitem';
12120        var remove = {
12121          type: type,
12122          text: 'Remove color',
12123          icon: 'color-swatch-remove-color',
12124          value: 'remove'
12125        };
12126        var custom = {
12127          type: type,
12128          text: 'Custom color',
12129          icon: 'color-picker',
12130          value: 'custom'
12131        };
12132        return hasCustom ? [
12133          remove,
12134          custom
12135        ] : [remove];
12136      };
12137      var applyColor = function (editor, format, value, onChoice) {
12138        if (value === 'custom') {
12139          var dialog = colorPickerDialog(editor);
12140          dialog(function (colorOpt) {
12141            colorOpt.each(function (color) {
12142              addColor(color);
12143              editor.execCommand('mceApplyTextcolor', format, color);
12144              onChoice(color);
12145            });
12146          }, fallbackColor);
12147        } else if (value === 'remove') {
12148          onChoice('');
12149          editor.execCommand('mceRemoveTextcolor', format);
12150        } else {
12151          onChoice(value);
12152          editor.execCommand('mceApplyTextcolor', format, value);
12153        }
12154      };
12155      var getColors$1 = function (colors, hasCustom) {
12156        return colors.concat(getCurrentColors().concat(getAdditionalColors(hasCustom)));
12157      };
12158      var getFetch$1 = function (colors, hasCustom) {
12159        return function (callback) {
12160          callback(getColors$1(colors, hasCustom));
12161        };
12162      };
12163      var setIconColor = function (splitButtonApi, name, newColor) {
12164        var id = name === 'forecolor' ? 'tox-icon-text-color__color' : 'tox-icon-highlight-bg-color__color';
12165        splitButtonApi.setIconFill(id, newColor);
12166      };
12167      var registerTextColorButton = function (editor, name, format, tooltip, lastColor) {
12168        editor.ui.registry.addSplitButton(name, {
12169          tooltip: tooltip,
12170          presets: 'color',
12171          icon: name === 'forecolor' ? 'text-color' : 'highlight-bg-color',
12172          select: function (value) {
12173            var optCurrentRgb = getCurrentColor(editor, format);
12174            return optCurrentRgb.bind(function (currentRgb) {
12175              return fromString(currentRgb).map(function (rgba) {
12176                var currentHex = fromRgba(rgba).value;
12177                return contains$1(value.toLowerCase(), currentHex);
12178              });
12179            }).getOr(false);
12180          },
12181          columns: getColorCols$1(editor),
12182          fetch: getFetch$1(getColors$2(editor), hasCustomColors$1(editor)),
12183          onAction: function (_splitButtonApi) {
12184            applyColor(editor, format, lastColor.get(), noop);
12185          },
12186          onItemAction: function (_splitButtonApi, value) {
12187            applyColor(editor, format, value, function (newColor) {
12188              lastColor.set(newColor);
12189              fireTextColorChange(editor, {
12190                name: name,
12191                color: newColor
12192              });
12193            });
12194          },
12195          onSetup: function (splitButtonApi) {
12196            setIconColor(splitButtonApi, name, lastColor.get());
12197            var handler = function (e) {
12198              if (e.name === name) {
12199                setIconColor(splitButtonApi, e.name, e.color);
12200              }
12201            };
12202            editor.on('TextColorChange', handler);
12203            return function () {
12204              editor.off('TextColorChange', handler);
12205            };
12206          }
12207        });
12208      };
12209      var registerTextColorMenuItem = function (editor, name, format, text) {
12210        editor.ui.registry.addNestedMenuItem(name, {
12211          text: text,
12212          icon: name === 'forecolor' ? 'text-color' : 'highlight-bg-color',
12213          getSubmenuItems: function () {
12214            return [{
12215                type: 'fancymenuitem',
12216                fancytype: 'colorswatch',
12217                onAction: function (data) {
12218                  applyColor(editor, format, data.value, noop);
12219                }
12220              }];
12221          }
12222        });
12223      };
12224      var colorPickerDialog = function (editor) {
12225        return function (callback, value) {
12226          var isValid = false;
12227          var onSubmit = function (api) {
12228            var data = api.getData();
12229            var hex = data.colorpicker;
12230            if (isValid) {
12231              callback(Optional.from(hex));
12232              api.close();
12233            } else {
12234              editor.windowManager.alert(editor.translate([
12235                'Invalid hex color code: {0}',
12236                hex
12237              ]));
12238            }
12239          };
12240          var onAction = function (_api, details) {
12241            if (details.name === 'hex-valid') {
12242              isValid = details.value;
12243            }
12244          };
12245          var initialData = { colorpicker: value };
12246          editor.windowManager.open({
12247            title: 'Color Picker',
12248            size: 'normal',
12249            body: {
12250              type: 'panel',
12251              items: [{
12252                  type: 'colorpicker',
12253                  name: 'colorpicker',
12254                  label: 'Color'
12255                }]
12256            },
12257            buttons: [
12258              {
12259                type: 'cancel',
12260                name: 'cancel',
12261                text: 'Cancel'
12262              },
12263              {
12264                type: 'submit',
12265                name: 'save',
12266                text: 'Save',
12267                primary: true
12268              }
12269            ],
12270            initialData: initialData,
12271            onAction: onAction,
12272            onSubmit: onSubmit,
12273            onClose: noop,
12274            onCancel: function () {
12275              callback(Optional.none());
12276            }
12277          });
12278        };
12279      };
12280      var register$a = function (editor) {
12281        registerCommands(editor);
12282        var lastForeColor = Cell(fallbackColor);
12283        var lastBackColor = Cell(fallbackColor);
12284        registerTextColorButton(editor, 'forecolor', 'forecolor', 'Text color', lastForeColor);
12285        registerTextColorButton(editor, 'backcolor', 'hilitecolor', 'Background color', lastBackColor);
12286        registerTextColorMenuItem(editor, 'forecolor', 'forecolor', 'Text color');
12287        registerTextColorMenuItem(editor, 'backcolor', 'hilitecolor', 'Background color');
12288      };
12290      var createPartialChoiceMenu = function (value, items, onItemValueHandler, columns, presets, itemResponse, select, providersBackstage) {
12291        var hasIcons = menuHasIcons(items);
12292        var presetItemTypes = presets !== 'color' ? 'normal' : 'color';
12293        var alloyItems = createChoiceItems(items, onItemValueHandler, columns, presetItemTypes, itemResponse, select, providersBackstage);
12294        return createPartialMenuWithAlloyItems(value, hasIcons, alloyItems, columns, presets);
12295      };
12296      var createChoiceItems = function (items, onItemValueHandler, columns, itemPresets, itemResponse, select, providersBackstage) {
12297        return cat(map$2(items, function (item) {
12298          if (item.type === 'choiceitem') {
12299            return createChoiceMenuItem(item).fold(handleError, function (d) {
12300              return Optional.some(renderChoiceItem(d, columns === 1, itemPresets, onItemValueHandler, select(item.value), itemResponse, providersBackstage, menuHasIcons(items)));
12301            });
12302          } else {
12303            return Optional.none();
12304          }
12305        }));
12306      };
12308      var deriveMenuMovement = function (columns, presets) {
12309        var menuMarkers = markers(presets);
12310        if (columns === 1) {
12311          return {
12312            mode: 'menu',
12313            moveOnTab: true
12314          };
12315        } else if (columns === 'auto') {
12316          return {
12317            mode: 'grid',
12318            selector: '.' + menuMarkers.item,
12319            initSize: {
12320              numColumns: 1,
12321              numRows: 1
12322            }
12323          };
12324        } else {
12325          var rowClass = presets === 'color' ? 'tox-swatches__row' : 'tox-collection__group';
12326          return {
12327            mode: 'matrix',
12328            rowSelector: '.' + rowClass
12329          };
12330        }
12331      };
12332      var deriveCollectionMovement = function (columns, presets) {
12333        if (columns === 1) {
12334          return {
12335            mode: 'menu',
12336            moveOnTab: false,
12337            selector: '.tox-collection__item'
12338          };
12339        } else if (columns === 'auto') {
12340          return {
12341            mode: 'flatgrid',
12342            selector: '.' + 'tox-collection__item',
12343            initSize: {
12344              numColumns: 1,
12345              numRows: 1
12346            }
12347          };
12348        } else {
12349          return {
12350            mode: 'matrix',
12351            selectors: {
12352              row: presets === 'color' ? '.tox-swatches__row' : '.tox-collection__group',
12353              cell: presets === 'color' ? '.' + colorClass : '.' + selectableClass
12354            }
12355          };
12356        }
12357      };
12359      var renderColorSwatchItem = function (spec, backstage) {
12360        var items = getColorItems(spec, backstage);
12361        var columns = backstage.colorinput.getColorCols();
12362        var presets = 'color';
12363        var menuSpec = createPartialChoiceMenu(generate$6('menu-value'), items, function (value) {
12364          spec.onAction({ value: value });
12365        }, columns, presets, ItemResponse$1.CLOSE_ON_EXECUTE, never, backstage.shared.providers);
12366        var widgetSpec = __assign(__assign({}, menuSpec), {
12367          markers: markers(presets),
12368          movement: deriveMenuMovement(columns, presets)
12369        });
12370        return {
12371          type: 'widget',
12372          data: { value: generate$6('widget-id') },
12373          dom: {
12374            tag: 'div',
12375            classes: ['tox-fancymenuitem']
12376          },
12377          autofocus: true,
12378          components: [parts$f.widget(Menu.sketch(widgetSpec))]
12379        };
12380      };
12381      var getColorItems = function (spec, backstage) {
12382        var useCustomColors = spec.initData.allowCustomColors && backstage.colorinput.hasCustomColors();
12383        return spec.initData.colors.fold(function () {
12384          return getColors$1(backstage.colorinput.getColors(), useCustomColors);
12385        }, function (colors) {
12386          return colors.concat(getAdditionalColors(useCustomColors));
12387        });
12388      };
12390      var cellOverEvent = generate$6('cell-over');
12391      var cellExecuteEvent = generate$6('cell-execute');
12392      var makeCell = function (row, col, labelId) {
12393        var _a;
12394        var emitCellOver = function (c) {
12395          return emitWith(c, cellOverEvent, {
12396            row: row,
12397            col: col
12398          });
12399        };
12400        var emitExecute = function (c) {
12401          return emitWith(c, cellExecuteEvent, {
12402            row: row,
12403            col: col
12404          });
12405        };
12406        var onClick = function (c, se) {
12407          se.stop();
12408          emitExecute(c);
12409        };
12410        return build$1({
12411          dom: {
12412            tag: 'div',
12413            attributes: (_a = { role: 'button' }, _a['aria-labelledby'] = labelId, _a)
12414          },
12415          behaviours: derive$1([
12416            config('insert-table-picker-cell', [
12417              run$1(mouseover(), Focusing.focus),
12418              run$1(execute$5(), emitExecute),
12419              run$1(click(), onClick),
12420              run$1(tap(), onClick)
12421            ]),
12422            Toggling.config({
12423              toggleClass: 'tox-insert-table-picker__selected',
12424              toggleOnExecute: false
12425            }),
12426            Focusing.config({ onFocus: emitCellOver })
12427          ])
12428        });
12429      };
12430      var makeCells = function (labelId, numRows, numCols) {
12431        var cells = [];
12432        for (var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
12433          var row = [];
12434          for (var j = 0; j < numCols; j++) {
12435            row.push(makeCell(i, j, labelId));
12436          }
12437          cells.push(row);
12438        }
12439        return cells;
12440      };
12441      var selectCells = function (cells, selectedRow, selectedColumn, numRows, numColumns) {
12442        for (var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
12443          for (var j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) {
12444            Toggling.set(cells[i][j], i <= selectedRow && j <= selectedColumn);
12445          }
12446        }
12447      };
12448      var makeComponents = function (cells) {
12449        return bind$3(cells, function (cellRow) {
12450          return map$2(cellRow, premade);
12451        });
12452      };
12453      var makeLabelText = function (row, col) {
12454        return text(col + 'x' + row);
12455      };
12456      var renderInsertTableMenuItem = function (spec) {
12457        var numRows = 10;
12458        var numColumns = 10;
12459        var sizeLabelId = generate$6('size-label');
12460        var cells = makeCells(sizeLabelId, numRows, numColumns);
12461        var emptyLabelText = makeLabelText(0, 0);
12462        var memLabel = record({
12463          dom: {
12464            tag: 'span',
12465            classes: ['tox-insert-table-picker__label'],
12466            attributes: { id: sizeLabelId }
12467          },
12468          components: [emptyLabelText],
12469          behaviours: derive$1([Replacing.config({})])
12470        });
12471        return {
12472          type: 'widget',
12473          data: { value: generate$6('widget-id') },
12474          dom: {
12475            tag: 'div',
12476            classes: ['tox-fancymenuitem']
12477          },
12478          autofocus: true,
12479          components: [parts$f.widget({
12480              dom: {
12481                tag: 'div',
12482                classes: ['tox-insert-table-picker']
12483              },
12484              components: makeComponents(cells).concat(memLabel.asSpec()),
12485              behaviours: derive$1([
12486                config('insert-table-picker', [
12487                  runOnAttached(function (c) {
12488                    Replacing.set(memLabel.get(c), [emptyLabelText]);
12489                  }),
12490                  runWithTarget(cellOverEvent, function (c, t, e) {
12491                    var _a = e.event, row = _a.row, col = _a.col;
12492                    selectCells(cells, row, col, numRows, numColumns);
12493                    Replacing.set(memLabel.get(c), [makeLabelText(row + 1, col + 1)]);
12494                  }),
12495                  runWithTarget(cellExecuteEvent, function (c, _, e) {
12496                    var _a = e.event, row = _a.row, col = _a.col;
12497                    spec.onAction({
12498                      numRows: row + 1,
12499                      numColumns: col + 1
12500                    });
12501                    emit(c, sandboxClose());
12502                  })
12503                ]),
12504                Keying.config({
12505                  initSize: {
12506                    numRows: numRows,
12507                    numColumns: numColumns
12508                  },
12509                  mode: 'flatgrid',
12510                  selector: '[role="button"]'
12511                })
12512              ])
12513            })]
12514        };
12515      };
12517      var fancyMenuItems = {
12518        inserttable: renderInsertTableMenuItem,
12519        colorswatch: renderColorSwatchItem
12520      };
12521      var renderFancyMenuItem = function (spec, backstage) {
12522        return get$e(fancyMenuItems, spec.fancytype).map(function (render) {
12523          return render(spec, backstage);
12524        });
12525      };
12527      var renderNestedItem = function (spec, itemResponse, providersBackstage, renderIcons, downwardsCaret) {
12528        if (renderIcons === void 0) {
12529          renderIcons = true;
12530        }
12531        if (downwardsCaret === void 0) {
12532          downwardsCaret = false;
12533        }
12534        var caret = downwardsCaret ? renderDownwardsCaret(providersBackstage.icons) : renderSubmenuCaret(providersBackstage.icons);
12535        var getApi = function (component) {
12536          return {
12537            isDisabled: function () {
12538              return Disabling.isDisabled(component);
12539            },
12540            setDisabled: function (state) {
12541              return Disabling.set(component, state);
12542            }
12543          };
12544        };
12545        var structure = renderItemStructure({
12546          presets: 'normal',
12547          iconContent: spec.icon,
12548          textContent: spec.text,
12549          htmlContent: Optional.none(),
12550          ariaLabel: spec.text,
12551          caret: Optional.some(caret),
12552          checkMark: Optional.none(),
12553          shortcutContent: spec.shortcut
12554        }, providersBackstage, renderIcons);
12555        return renderCommonItem({
12556          data: buildData(spec),
12557          getApi: getApi,
12558          disabled: spec.disabled,
12559          onAction: noop,
12560          onSetup: spec.onSetup,
12561          triggersSubmenu: true,
12562          itemBehaviours: []
12563        }, structure, itemResponse, providersBackstage);
12564      };
12566      var renderNormalItem = function (spec, itemResponse, providersBackstage, renderIcons) {
12567        if (renderIcons === void 0) {
12568          renderIcons = true;
12569        }
12570        var getApi = function (component) {
12571          return {
12572            isDisabled: function () {
12573              return Disabling.isDisabled(component);
12574            },
12575            setDisabled: function (state) {
12576              return Disabling.set(component, state);
12577            }
12578          };
12579        };
12580        var structure = renderItemStructure({
12581          presets: 'normal',
12582          iconContent: spec.icon,
12583          textContent: spec.text,
12584          htmlContent: Optional.none(),
12585          ariaLabel: spec.text,
12586          caret: Optional.none(),
12587          checkMark: Optional.none(),
12588          shortcutContent: spec.shortcut
12589        }, providersBackstage, renderIcons);
12590        return renderCommonItem({
12591          data: buildData(spec),
12592          getApi: getApi,
12593          disabled: spec.disabled,
12594          onAction: spec.onAction,
12595          onSetup: spec.onSetup,
12596          triggersSubmenu: false,
12597          itemBehaviours: []
12598        }, structure, itemResponse, providersBackstage);
12599      };
12601      var renderSeparatorItem = function (spec) {
12602        var innerHtml = spec.text.fold(function () {
12603          return {};
12604        }, function (text) {
12605          return { innerHtml: text };
12606        });
12607        return {
12608          type: 'separator',
12609          dom: __assign({
12610            tag: 'div',
12611            classes: [
12612              selectableClass,
12613              groupHeadingClass
12614            ]
12615          }, innerHtml),
12616          components: []
12617        };
12618      };
12620      var renderToggleMenuItem = function (spec, itemResponse, providersBackstage, renderIcons) {
12621        if (renderIcons === void 0) {
12622          renderIcons = true;
12623        }
12624        var getApi = function (component) {
12625          return {
12626            setActive: function (state) {
12627              Toggling.set(component, state);
12628            },
12629            isActive: function () {
12630              return Toggling.isOn(component);
12631            },
12632            isDisabled: function () {
12633              return Disabling.isDisabled(component);
12634            },
12635            setDisabled: function (state) {
12636              return Disabling.set(component, state);
12637            }
12638          };
12639        };
12640        var structure = renderItemStructure({
12641          iconContent: spec.icon,
12642          textContent: spec.text,
12643          htmlContent: Optional.none(),
12644          ariaLabel: spec.text,
12645          checkMark: Optional.some(renderCheckmark(providersBackstage.icons)),
12646          caret: Optional.none(),
12647          shortcutContent: spec.shortcut,
12648          presets: 'normal',
12649          meta: spec.meta
12650        }, providersBackstage, renderIcons);
12651        return deepMerge(renderCommonItem({
12652          data: buildData(spec),
12653          disabled: spec.disabled,
12654          getApi: getApi,
12655          onAction: spec.onAction,
12656          onSetup: spec.onSetup,
12657          triggersSubmenu: false,
12658          itemBehaviours: []
12659        }, structure, itemResponse, providersBackstage), {
12660          toggling: {
12661            toggleClass: tickedClass,
12662            toggleOnExecute: false,
12663            selected: spec.active
12664          }
12665        });
12666      };
12668      var autocomplete = renderAutocompleteItem;
12669      var separator$3 = renderSeparatorItem;
12670      var normal = renderNormalItem;
12671      var nested = renderNestedItem;
12672      var toggle$1 = renderToggleMenuItem;
12673      var fancy = renderFancyMenuItem;
12674      var card = renderCardMenuItem;
12676      var FocusMode;
12677      (function (FocusMode) {
12678        FocusMode[FocusMode['ContentFocus'] = 0] = 'ContentFocus';
12679        FocusMode[FocusMode['UiFocus'] = 1] = 'UiFocus';
12680      }(FocusMode || (FocusMode = {})));
12681      var createMenuItemFromBridge = function (item, itemResponse, backstage, menuHasIcons, isHorizontalMenu) {
12682        var providersBackstage = backstage.shared.providers;
12683        var parseForHorizontalMenu = function (menuitem) {
12684          return !isHorizontalMenu ? menuitem : __assign(__assign({}, menuitem), {
12685            shortcut: Optional.none(),
12686            icon: menuitem.text.isSome() ? Optional.none() : menuitem.icon
12687          });
12688        };
12689        switch (item.type) {
12690        case 'menuitem':
12691          return createMenuItem(item).fold(handleError, function (d) {
12692            return Optional.some(normal(parseForHorizontalMenu(d), itemResponse, providersBackstage, menuHasIcons));
12693          });
12694        case 'nestedmenuitem':
12695          return createNestedMenuItem(item).fold(handleError, function (d) {
12696            return Optional.some(nested(parseForHorizontalMenu(d), itemResponse, providersBackstage, menuHasIcons, isHorizontalMenu));
12697          });
12698        case 'togglemenuitem':
12699          return createToggleMenuItem(item).fold(handleError, function (d) {
12700            return Optional.some(toggle$1(parseForHorizontalMenu(d), itemResponse, providersBackstage, menuHasIcons));
12701          });
12702        case 'separator':
12703          return createSeparatorMenuItem(item).fold(handleError, function (d) {
12704            return Optional.some(separator$3(d));
12705          });
12706        case 'fancymenuitem':
12707          return createFancyMenuItem(item).fold(handleError, function (d) {
12708            return fancy(parseForHorizontalMenu(d), backstage);
12709          });
12710        default: {
12711            console.error('Unknown item in general menu', item);
12712            return Optional.none();
12713          }
12714        }
12715      };
12716      var createAutocompleteItems = function (items, matchText, onItemValueHandler, columns, itemResponse, sharedBackstage, highlightOn) {
12717        var renderText = columns === 1;
12718        var renderIcons = !renderText || menuHasIcons(items);
12719        return cat(map$2(items, function (item) {
12720          switch (item.type) {
12721          case 'separator':
12722            return createSeparatorItem(item).fold(handleError, function (d) {
12723              return Optional.some(separator$3(d));
12724            });
12725          case 'cardmenuitem':
12726            return createCardMenuItem(item).fold(handleError, function (d) {
12727              return Optional.some(card(__assign(__assign({}, d), {
12728                onAction: function (api) {
12729                  d.onAction(api);
12730                  onItemValueHandler(d.value, d.meta);
12731                }
12732              }), itemResponse, sharedBackstage, {
12733                itemBehaviours: tooltipBehaviour(d.meta, sharedBackstage),
12734                cardText: {
12735                  matchText: matchText,
12736                  highlightOn: highlightOn
12737                }
12738              }));
12739            });
12740          case 'autocompleteitem':
12741          default:
12742            return createAutocompleterItem(item).fold(handleError, function (d) {
12743              return Optional.some(autocomplete(d, matchText, renderText, 'normal', onItemValueHandler, itemResponse, sharedBackstage, renderIcons));
12744            });
12745          }
12746        }));
12747      };
12748      var createPartialMenu = function (value, items, itemResponse, backstage, isHorizontalMenu) {
12749        var hasIcons = menuHasIcons(items);
12750        var alloyItems = cat(map$2(items, function (item) {
12751          var itemHasIcon = function (i) {
12752            return isHorizontalMenu ? !has$2(i, 'text') : hasIcons;
12753          };
12754          var createItem = function (i) {
12755            return createMenuItemFromBridge(i, itemResponse, backstage, itemHasIcon(i), isHorizontalMenu);
12756          };
12757          if (item.type === 'nestedmenuitem' && item.getSubmenuItems().length <= 0) {
12758            return createItem(__assign(__assign({}, item), { disabled: true }));
12759          } else {
12760            return createItem(item);
12761          }
12762        }));
12763        var createPartial = isHorizontalMenu ? createHorizontalPartialMenuWithAlloyItems : createPartialMenuWithAlloyItems;
12764        return createPartial(value, hasIcons, alloyItems, 1, 'normal');
12765      };
12766      var createTieredDataFrom = function (partialMenu) {
12767        return tieredMenu.singleData(partialMenu.value, partialMenu);
12768      };
12769      var createMenuFrom = function (partialMenu, columns, focusMode, presets) {
12770        var focusManager = focusMode === FocusMode.ContentFocus ? highlights() : dom$2();
12771        var movement = deriveMenuMovement(columns, presets);
12772        var menuMarkers = markers(presets);
12773        return {
12774          dom: partialMenu.dom,
12775          components: partialMenu.components,
12776          items: partialMenu.items,
12777          value: partialMenu.value,
12778          markers: {
12779            selectedItem: menuMarkers.selectedItem,
12780            item: menuMarkers.item
12781          },
12782          movement: movement,
12783          fakeFocus: focusMode === FocusMode.ContentFocus,
12784          focusManager: focusManager,
12785          menuBehaviours: SimpleBehaviours.unnamedEvents(columns !== 'auto' ? [] : [runOnAttached(function (comp, _se) {
12786              detectSize(comp, 4, menuMarkers.item).each(function (_a) {
12787                var numColumns = _a.numColumns, numRows = _a.numRows;
12788                Keying.setGridSize(comp, numRows, numColumns);
12789              });
12790            })])
12791        };
12792      };
12794      var register$9 = function (editor, sharedBackstage) {
12795        var activeAutocompleter = value$1();
12796        var processingAction = Cell(false);
12797        var autocompleter = build$1(InlineView.sketch({
12798          dom: {
12799            tag: 'div',
12800            classes: ['tox-autocompleter']
12801          },
12802          components: [],
12803          fireDismissalEventInstead: {},
12804          inlineBehaviours: derive$1([config('dismissAutocompleter', [run$1(dismissRequested(), function () {
12805                return cancelIfNecessary();
12806              })])]),
12807          lazySink: sharedBackstage.getSink
12808        }));
12809        var isMenuOpen = function () {
12810          return InlineView.isOpen(autocompleter);
12811        };
12812        var isActive = function () {
12813          return activeAutocompleter.get().isSome();
12814        };
12815        var hideIfNecessary = function () {
12816          if (isActive()) {
12817            InlineView.hide(autocompleter);
12818          }
12819        };
12820        var cancelIfNecessary = function () {
12821          if (isActive()) {
12822            var lastElement = activeAutocompleter.get().map(function (ac) {
12823              return ac.element;
12824            });
12825            detect(lastElement.getOr(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.selection.getNode()))).each(unwrap);
12826            hideIfNecessary();
12827            activeAutocompleter.clear();
12828            processingAction.set(false);
12829          }
12830        };
12831        var getAutocompleters = cached(function () {
12832          return register$b(editor);
12833        });
12834        var getCombinedItems = function (triggerChar, matches) {
12835          var columns = findMap(matches, function (m) {
12836            return Optional.from(m.columns);
12837          }).getOr(1);
12838          return bind$3(matches, function (match) {
12839            var choices = match.items;
12840            return createAutocompleteItems(choices, match.matchText, function (itemValue, itemMeta) {
12841              var nr = editor.selection.getRng();
12842              getContext(editor.dom, nr, triggerChar).fold(function () {
12843                return console.error('Lost context. Cursor probably moved');
12844              }, function (_a) {
12845                var range = _a.range;
12846                var autocompleterApi = {
12847                  hide: function () {
12848                    cancelIfNecessary();
12849                  },
12850                  reload: function (fetchOptions) {
12851                    hideIfNecessary();
12852                    load(fetchOptions);
12853                  }
12854                };
12855                processingAction.set(true);
12856                match.onAction(autocompleterApi, range, itemValue, itemMeta);
12857                processingAction.set(false);
12858              });
12859            }, columns, ItemResponse$1.BUBBLE_TO_SANDBOX, sharedBackstage, match.highlightOn);
12860          });
12861        };
12862        var commenceIfNecessary = function (context) {
12863          if (!isActive()) {
12864            var wrapper = create$4(editor, context.range);
12865            activeAutocompleter.set({
12866              triggerChar: context.triggerChar,
12867              element: wrapper,
12868              matchLength: context.text.length
12869            });
12870            processingAction.set(false);
12871          }
12872        };
12873        var display = function (ac, context, lookupData, items) {
12874          ac.matchLength = context.text.length;
12875          var columns = findMap(lookupData, function (ld) {
12876            return Optional.from(ld.columns);
12877          }).getOr(1);
12878          InlineView.showAt(autocompleter, Menu.sketch(createMenuFrom(createPartialMenuWithAlloyItems('autocompleter-value', true, items, columns, 'normal'), columns, FocusMode.ContentFocus, 'normal')), {
12879            anchor: {
12880              type: 'node',
12881              root: SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()),
12882              node: Optional.from(ac.element)
12883            }
12884          });
12885          InlineView.getContent(autocompleter).each(Highlighting.highlightFirst);
12886        };
12887        var doLookup = function (fetchOptions) {
12888          return activeAutocompleter.get().map(function (ac) {
12889            return getContext(editor.dom, editor.selection.getRng(), ac.triggerChar).bind(function (newContext) {
12890              return lookupWithContext(editor, getAutocompleters, newContext, fetchOptions);
12891            });
12892          }).getOrThunk(function () {
12893            return lookup$2(editor, getAutocompleters);
12894          });
12895        };
12896        var load = function (fetchOptions) {
12897          doLookup(fetchOptions).fold(cancelIfNecessary, function (lookupInfo) {
12898            commenceIfNecessary(lookupInfo.context);
12899            lookupInfo.lookupData.then(function (lookupData) {
12900              activeAutocompleter.get().map(function (ac) {
12901                var context = lookupInfo.context;
12902                if (ac.triggerChar === context.triggerChar) {
12903                  var combinedItems = getCombinedItems(context.triggerChar, lookupData);
12904                  if (combinedItems.length > 0) {
12905                    display(ac, context, lookupData, combinedItems);
12906                  } else if (context.text.length - ac.matchLength >= 10) {
12907                    cancelIfNecessary();
12908                  } else {
12909                    hideIfNecessary();
12910                  }
12911                }
12912              });
12913            });
12914          });
12915        };
12916        var onKeypress = last(function (e) {
12917          if (e.which === 27) {
12918            return;
12919          }
12920          load();
12921        }, 50);
12922        var autocompleterUiApi = {
12923          onKeypress: onKeypress,
12924          cancelIfNecessary: cancelIfNecessary,
12925          isMenuOpen: isMenuOpen,
12926          isActive: isActive,
12927          isProcessingAction: processingAction.get,
12928          getView: function () {
12929            return InlineView.getContent(autocompleter);
12930          }
12931        };
12932        if (editor.hasPlugin('rtc') === false) {
12933          AutocompleterEditorEvents.setup(autocompleterUiApi, editor);
12934        }
12935      };
12936      var Autocompleter = { register: register$9 };
12938      var closest = function (scope, selector, isRoot) {
12939        return closest$1(scope, selector, isRoot).isSome();
12940      };
12942      var DelayedFunction = function (fun, delay) {
12943        var ref = null;
12944        var schedule = function () {
12945          var args = [];
12946          for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
12947            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
12948          }
12949          ref = setTimeout(function () {
12950            fun.apply(null, args);
12951            ref = null;
12952          }, delay);
12953        };
12954        var cancel = function () {
12955          if (ref !== null) {
12956            clearTimeout(ref);
12957            ref = null;
12958          }
12959        };
12960        return {
12961          cancel: cancel,
12962          schedule: schedule
12963        };
12964      };
12966      var SIGNIFICANT_MOVE = 5;
12967      var LONGPRESS_DELAY = 400;
12968      var getTouch = function (event) {
12969        var raw = event.raw;
12970        if (raw.touches === undefined || raw.touches.length !== 1) {
12971          return Optional.none();
12972        }
12973        return Optional.some(raw.touches[0]);
12974      };
12975      var isFarEnough = function (touch, data) {
12976        var distX = Math.abs(touch.clientX - data.x);
12977        var distY = Math.abs(touch.clientY - data.y);
12978        return distX > SIGNIFICANT_MOVE || distY > SIGNIFICANT_MOVE;
12979      };
12980      var monitor = function (settings) {
12981        var startData = value$1();
12982        var longpressFired = Cell(false);
12983        var longpress$1 = DelayedFunction(function (event) {
12984          settings.triggerEvent(longpress(), event);
12985          longpressFired.set(true);
12986        }, LONGPRESS_DELAY);
12987        var handleTouchstart = function (event) {
12988          getTouch(event).each(function (touch) {
12989            longpress$1.cancel();
12990            var data = {
12991              x: touch.clientX,
12992              y: touch.clientY,
12993              target: event.target
12994            };
12995            longpress$1.schedule(event);
12996            longpressFired.set(false);
12997            startData.set(data);
12998          });
12999          return Optional.none();
13000        };
13001        var handleTouchmove = function (event) {
13002          longpress$1.cancel();
13003          getTouch(event).each(function (touch) {
13004            startData.on(function (data) {
13005              if (isFarEnough(touch, data)) {
13006                startData.clear();
13007              }
13008            });
13009          });
13010          return Optional.none();
13011        };
13012        var handleTouchend = function (event) {
13013          longpress$1.cancel();
13014          var isSame = function (data) {
13015            return eq(data.target, event.target);
13016          };
13017          return startData.get().filter(isSame).map(function (_data) {
13018            if (longpressFired.get()) {
13019              event.prevent();
13020              return false;
13021            } else {
13022              return settings.triggerEvent(tap(), event);
13023            }
13024          });
13025        };
13026        var handlers = wrapAll([
13027          {
13028            key: touchstart(),
13029            value: handleTouchstart
13030          },
13031          {
13032            key: touchmove(),
13033            value: handleTouchmove
13034          },
13035          {
13036            key: touchend(),
13037            value: handleTouchend
13038          }
13039        ]);
13040        var fireIfReady = function (event, type) {
13041          return get$e(handlers, type).bind(function (handler) {
13042            return handler(event);
13043          });
13044        };
13045        return { fireIfReady: fireIfReady };
13046      };
13048      var isDangerous = function (event) {
13049        var keyEv = event.raw;
13050        return keyEv.which === BACKSPACE[0] && !contains$2([
13051          'input',
13052          'textarea'
13053        ], name$2(event.target)) && !closest(event.target, '[contenteditable="true"]');
13054      };
13055      var isFirefox = function () {
13056        return detect$1().browser.isFirefox();
13057      };
13058      var bindFocus = function (container, handler) {
13059        if (isFirefox()) {
13060          return capture(container, 'focus', handler);
13061        } else {
13062          return bind(container, 'focusin', handler);
13063        }
13064      };
13065      var bindBlur = function (container, handler) {
13066        if (isFirefox()) {
13067          return capture(container, 'blur', handler);
13068        } else {
13069          return bind(container, 'focusout', handler);
13070        }
13071      };
13072      var setup$d = function (container, rawSettings) {
13073        var settings = __assign({ stopBackspace: true }, rawSettings);
13074        var pointerEvents = [
13075          'touchstart',
13076          'touchmove',
13077          'touchend',
13078          'touchcancel',
13079          'gesturestart',
13080          'mousedown',
13081          'mouseup',
13082          'mouseover',
13083          'mousemove',
13084          'mouseout',
13085          'click'
13086        ];
13087        var tapEvent = monitor(settings);
13088        var simpleEvents = map$2(pointerEvents.concat([
13089          'selectstart',
13090          'input',
13091          'contextmenu',
13092          'change',
13093          'transitionend',
13094          'transitioncancel',
13095          'drag',
13096          'dragstart',
13097          'dragend',
13098          'dragenter',
13099          'dragleave',
13100          'dragover',
13101          'drop',
13102          'keyup'
13103        ]), function (type) {
13104          return bind(container, type, function (event) {
13105            tapEvent.fireIfReady(event, type).each(function (tapStopped) {
13106              if (tapStopped) {
13107                event.kill();
13108              }
13109            });
13110            var stopped = settings.triggerEvent(type, event);
13111            if (stopped) {
13112              event.kill();
13113            }
13114          });
13115        });
13116        var pasteTimeout = value$1();
13117        var onPaste = bind(container, 'paste', function (event) {
13118          tapEvent.fireIfReady(event, 'paste').each(function (tapStopped) {
13119            if (tapStopped) {
13120              event.kill();
13121            }
13122          });
13123          var stopped = settings.triggerEvent('paste', event);
13124          if (stopped) {
13125            event.kill();
13126          }
13127          pasteTimeout.set(setTimeout(function () {
13128            settings.triggerEvent(postPaste(), event);
13129          }, 0));
13130        });
13131        var onKeydown = bind(container, 'keydown', function (event) {
13132          var stopped = settings.triggerEvent('keydown', event);
13133          if (stopped) {
13134            event.kill();
13135          } else if (settings.stopBackspace && isDangerous(event)) {
13136            event.prevent();
13137          }
13138        });
13139        var onFocusIn = bindFocus(container, function (event) {
13140          var stopped = settings.triggerEvent('focusin', event);
13141          if (stopped) {
13142            event.kill();
13143          }
13144        });
13145        var focusoutTimeout = value$1();
13146        var onFocusOut = bindBlur(container, function (event) {
13147          var stopped = settings.triggerEvent('focusout', event);
13148          if (stopped) {
13149            event.kill();
13150          }
13151          focusoutTimeout.set(setTimeout(function () {
13152            settings.triggerEvent(postBlur(), event);
13153          }, 0));
13154        });
13155        var unbind = function () {
13156          each$1(simpleEvents, function (e) {
13157            e.unbind();
13158          });
13159          onKeydown.unbind();
13160          onFocusIn.unbind();
13161          onFocusOut.unbind();
13162          onPaste.unbind();
13163          pasteTimeout.on(clearTimeout);
13164          focusoutTimeout.on(clearTimeout);
13165        };
13166        return { unbind: unbind };
13167      };
13169      var derive = function (rawEvent, rawTarget) {
13170        var source = get$e(rawEvent, 'target').getOr(rawTarget);
13171        return Cell(source);
13172      };
13174      var fromSource = function (event, source) {
13175        var stopper = Cell(false);
13176        var cutter = Cell(false);
13177        var stop = function () {
13178          stopper.set(true);
13179        };
13180        var cut = function () {
13181          cutter.set(true);
13182        };
13183        return {
13184          stop: stop,
13185          cut: cut,
13186          isStopped: stopper.get,
13187          isCut: cutter.get,
13188          event: event,
13189          setSource: source.set,
13190          getSource: source.get
13191        };
13192      };
13193      var fromExternal = function (event) {
13194        var stopper = Cell(false);
13195        var stop = function () {
13196          stopper.set(true);
13197        };
13198        return {
13199          stop: stop,
13200          cut: noop,
13201          isStopped: stopper.get,
13202          isCut: never,
13203          event: event,
13204          setSource: die('Cannot set source of a broadcasted event'),
13205          getSource: die('Cannot get source of a broadcasted event')
13206        };
13207      };
13209      var adt$1 = Adt.generate([
13210        { stopped: [] },
13211        { resume: ['element'] },
13212        { complete: [] }
13213      ]);
13214      var doTriggerHandler = function (lookup, eventType, rawEvent, target, source, logger) {
13215        var handler = lookup(eventType, target);
13216        var simulatedEvent = fromSource(rawEvent, source);
13217        return handler.fold(function () {
13218          logger.logEventNoHandlers(eventType, target);
13219          return adt$1.complete();
13220        }, function (handlerInfo) {
13221          var descHandler = handlerInfo.descHandler;
13222          var eventHandler = getCurried(descHandler);
13223          eventHandler(simulatedEvent);
13224          if (simulatedEvent.isStopped()) {
13225            logger.logEventStopped(eventType, handlerInfo.element, descHandler.purpose);
13226            return adt$1.stopped();
13227          } else if (simulatedEvent.isCut()) {
13228            logger.logEventCut(eventType, handlerInfo.element, descHandler.purpose);
13229            return adt$1.complete();
13230          } else {
13231            return parent(handlerInfo.element).fold(function () {
13232              logger.logNoParent(eventType, handlerInfo.element, descHandler.purpose);
13233              return adt$1.complete();
13234            }, function (parent) {
13235              logger.logEventResponse(eventType, handlerInfo.element, descHandler.purpose);
13236              return adt$1.resume(parent);
13237            });
13238          }
13239        });
13240      };
13241      var doTriggerOnUntilStopped = function (lookup, eventType, rawEvent, rawTarget, source, logger) {
13242        return doTriggerHandler(lookup, eventType, rawEvent, rawTarget, source, logger).fold(always, function (parent) {
13243          return doTriggerOnUntilStopped(lookup, eventType, rawEvent, parent, source, logger);
13244        }, never);
13245      };
13246      var triggerHandler = function (lookup, eventType, rawEvent, target, logger) {
13247        var source = derive(rawEvent, target);
13248        return doTriggerHandler(lookup, eventType, rawEvent, target, source, logger);
13249      };
13250      var broadcast = function (listeners, rawEvent, _logger) {
13251        var simulatedEvent = fromExternal(rawEvent);
13252        each$1(listeners, function (listener) {
13253          var descHandler = listener.descHandler;
13254          var handler = getCurried(descHandler);
13255          handler(simulatedEvent);
13256        });
13257        return simulatedEvent.isStopped();
13258      };
13259      var triggerUntilStopped = function (lookup, eventType, rawEvent, logger) {
13260        return triggerOnUntilStopped(lookup, eventType, rawEvent, rawEvent.target, logger);
13261      };
13262      var triggerOnUntilStopped = function (lookup, eventType, rawEvent, rawTarget, logger) {
13263        var source = derive(rawEvent, rawTarget);
13264        return doTriggerOnUntilStopped(lookup, eventType, rawEvent, rawTarget, source, logger);
13265      };
13267      var eventHandler = function (element, descHandler) {
13268        return {
13269          element: element,
13270          descHandler: descHandler
13271        };
13272      };
13273      var broadcastHandler = function (id, handler) {
13274        return {
13275          id: id,
13276          descHandler: handler
13277        };
13278      };
13279      var EventRegistry = function () {
13280        var registry = {};
13281        var registerId = function (extraArgs, id, events) {
13282          each(events, function (v, k) {
13283            var handlers = registry[k] !== undefined ? registry[k] : {};
13284            handlers[id] = curryArgs(v, extraArgs);
13285            registry[k] = handlers;
13286          });
13287        };
13288        var findHandler = function (handlers, elem) {
13289          return read$1(elem).bind(function (id) {
13290            return get$e(handlers, id);
13291          }).map(function (descHandler) {
13292            return eventHandler(elem, descHandler);
13293          });
13294        };
13295        var filterByType = function (type) {
13296          return get$e(registry, type).map(function (handlers) {
13297            return mapToArray(handlers, function (f, id) {
13298              return broadcastHandler(id, f);
13299            });
13300          }).getOr([]);
13301        };
13302        var find = function (isAboveRoot, type, target) {
13303          return get$e(registry, type).bind(function (handlers) {
13304            return closest$4(target, function (elem) {
13305              return findHandler(handlers, elem);
13306            }, isAboveRoot);
13307          });
13308        };
13309        var unregisterId = function (id) {
13310          each(registry, function (handlersById, _eventName) {
13311            if (has$2(handlersById, id)) {
13312              delete handlersById[id];
13313            }
13314          });
13315        };
13316        return {
13317          registerId: registerId,
13318          unregisterId: unregisterId,
13319          filterByType: filterByType,
13320          find: find
13321        };
13322      };
13324      var Registry = function () {
13325        var events = EventRegistry();
13326        var components = {};
13327        var readOrTag = function (component) {
13328          var elem = component.element;
13329          return read$1(elem).getOrThunk(function () {
13330            return write('uid-', component.element);
13331          });
13332        };
13333        var failOnDuplicate = function (component, tagId) {
13334          var conflict = components[tagId];
13335          if (conflict === component) {
13336            unregister(component);
13337          } else {
13338            throw new Error('The tagId "' + tagId + '" is already used by: ' + element(conflict.element) + '\nCannot use it for: ' + element(component.element) + '\n' + 'The conflicting element is' + (inBody(conflict.element) ? ' ' : ' not ') + 'already in the DOM');
13339          }
13340        };
13341        var register = function (component) {
13342          var tagId = readOrTag(component);
13343          if (hasNonNullableKey(components, tagId)) {
13344            failOnDuplicate(component, tagId);
13345          }
13346          var extraArgs = [component];
13347          events.registerId(extraArgs, tagId, component.events);
13348          components[tagId] = component;
13349        };
13350        var unregister = function (component) {
13351          read$1(component.element).each(function (tagId) {
13352            delete components[tagId];
13353            events.unregisterId(tagId);
13354          });
13355        };
13356        var filter = function (type) {
13357          return events.filterByType(type);
13358        };
13359        var find = function (isAboveRoot, type, target) {
13360          return events.find(isAboveRoot, type, target);
13361        };
13362        var getById = function (id) {
13363          return get$e(components, id);
13364        };
13365        return {
13366          find: find,
13367          filter: filter,
13368          register: register,
13369          unregister: unregister,
13370          getById: getById
13371        };
13372      };
13374      var factory$j = function (detail) {
13375        var _a = detail.dom, attributes = _a.attributes, domWithoutAttributes = __rest(_a, ['attributes']);
13376        return {
13377          uid: detail.uid,
13378          dom: __assign({
13379            tag: 'div',
13380            attributes: __assign({ role: 'presentation' }, attributes)
13381          }, domWithoutAttributes),
13382          components: detail.components,
13383          behaviours: get$2(detail.containerBehaviours),
13384          events: detail.events,
13385          domModification: detail.domModification,
13386          eventOrder: detail.eventOrder
13387        };
13388      };
13389      var Container = single({
13390        name: 'Container',
13391        factory: factory$j,
13392        configFields: [
13393          defaulted('components', []),
13394          field('containerBehaviours', []),
13395          defaulted('events', {}),
13396          defaulted('domModification', {}),
13397          defaulted('eventOrder', {})
13398        ]
13399      });
13401      var takeover = function (root) {
13402        var isAboveRoot = function (el) {
13403          return parent(root.element).fold(always, function (parent) {
13404            return eq(el, parent);
13405          });
13406        };
13407        var registry = Registry();
13408        var lookup = function (eventName, target) {
13409          return registry.find(isAboveRoot, eventName, target);
13410        };
13411        var domEvents = setup$d(root.element, {
13412          triggerEvent: function (eventName, event) {
13413            return monitorEvent(eventName, event.target, function (logger) {
13414              return triggerUntilStopped(lookup, eventName, event, logger);
13415            });
13416          }
13417        });
13418        var systemApi = {
13419          debugInfo: constant$1('real'),
13420          triggerEvent: function (eventName, target, data) {
13421            monitorEvent(eventName, target, function (logger) {
13422              return triggerOnUntilStopped(lookup, eventName, data, target, logger);
13423            });
13424          },
13425          triggerFocus: function (target, originator) {
13426            read$1(target).fold(function () {
13427              focus$3(target);
13428            }, function (_alloyId) {
13429              monitorEvent(focus$4(), target, function (logger) {
13430                triggerHandler(lookup, focus$4(), {
13431                  originator: originator,
13432                  kill: noop,
13433                  prevent: noop,
13434                  target: target
13435                }, target, logger);
13436                return false;
13437              });
13438            });
13439          },
13440          triggerEscape: function (comp, simulatedEvent) {
13441            systemApi.triggerEvent('keydown', comp.element, simulatedEvent.event);
13442          },
13443          getByUid: function (uid) {
13444            return getByUid(uid);
13445          },
13446          getByDom: function (elem) {
13447            return getByDom(elem);
13448          },
13449          build: build$1,
13450          addToGui: function (c) {
13451            add(c);
13452          },
13453          removeFromGui: function (c) {
13454            remove(c);
13455          },
13456          addToWorld: function (c) {
13457            addToWorld(c);
13458          },
13459          removeFromWorld: function (c) {
13460            removeFromWorld(c);
13461          },
13462          broadcast: function (message) {
13463            broadcast$1(message);
13464          },
13465          broadcastOn: function (channels, message) {
13466            broadcastOn(channels, message);
13467          },
13468          broadcastEvent: function (eventName, event) {
13469            broadcastEvent(eventName, event);
13470          },
13471          isConnected: always
13472        };
13473        var addToWorld = function (component) {
13474          component.connect(systemApi);
13475          if (!isText$1(component.element)) {
13476            registry.register(component);
13477            each$1(component.components(), addToWorld);
13478            systemApi.triggerEvent(systemInit(), component.element, { target: component.element });
13479          }
13480        };
13481        var removeFromWorld = function (component) {
13482          if (!isText$1(component.element)) {
13483            each$1(component.components(), removeFromWorld);
13484            registry.unregister(component);
13485          }
13486          component.disconnect();
13487        };
13488        var add = function (component) {
13489          attach(root, component);
13490        };
13491        var remove = function (component) {
13492          detach(component);
13493        };
13494        var destroy = function () {
13495          domEvents.unbind();
13496          remove$5(root.element);
13497        };
13498        var broadcastData = function (data) {
13499          var receivers = registry.filter(receive());
13500          each$1(receivers, function (receiver) {
13501            var descHandler = receiver.descHandler;
13502            var handler = getCurried(descHandler);
13503            handler(data);
13504          });
13505        };
13506        var broadcast$1 = function (message) {
13507          broadcastData({
13508            universal: true,
13509            data: message
13510          });
13511        };
13512        var broadcastOn = function (channels, message) {
13513          broadcastData({
13514            universal: false,
13515            channels: channels,
13516            data: message
13517          });
13518        };
13519        var broadcastEvent = function (eventName, event) {
13520          var listeners = registry.filter(eventName);
13521          return broadcast(listeners, event);
13522        };
13523        var getByUid = function (uid) {
13524          return registry.getById(uid).fold(function () {
13525            return Result.error(new Error('Could not find component with uid: "' + uid + '" in system.'));
13526          }, Result.value);
13527        };
13528        var getByDom = function (elem) {
13529          var uid = read$1(elem).getOr('not found');
13530          return getByUid(uid);
13531        };
13532        addToWorld(root);
13533        return {
13534          root: root,
13535          element: root.element,
13536          destroy: destroy,
13537          add: add,
13538          remove: remove,
13539          getByUid: getByUid,
13540          getByDom: getByDom,
13541          addToWorld: addToWorld,
13542          removeFromWorld: removeFromWorld,
13543          broadcast: broadcast$1,
13544          broadcastOn: broadcastOn,
13545          broadcastEvent: broadcastEvent
13546        };
13547      };
13549      var renderBar = function (spec, backstage) {
13550        return {
13551          dom: {
13552            tag: 'div',
13553            classes: [
13554              'tox-bar',
13555              'tox-form__controls-h-stack'
13556            ]
13557          },
13558          components: map$2(spec.items, backstage.interpreter)
13559        };
13560      };
13562      var schema$l = constant$1([
13563        defaulted('prefix', 'form-field'),
13564        field('fieldBehaviours', [
13565          Composing,
13566          Representing
13567        ])
13568      ]);
13569      var parts$e = constant$1([
13570        optional({
13571          schema: [required$1('dom')],
13572          name: 'label'
13573        }),
13574        optional({
13575          factory: {
13576            sketch: function (spec) {
13577              return {
13578                uid: spec.uid,
13579                dom: {
13580                  tag: 'span',
13581                  styles: { display: 'none' },
13582                  attributes: { 'aria-hidden': 'true' },
13583                  innerHtml: spec.text
13584                }
13585              };
13586            }
13587          },
13588          schema: [required$1('text')],
13589          name: 'aria-descriptor'
13590        }),
13591        required({
13592          factory: {
13593            sketch: function (spec) {
13594              var excludeFactory = exclude(spec, ['factory']);
13595              return spec.factory.sketch(excludeFactory);
13596            }
13597          },
13598          schema: [required$1('factory')],
13599          name: 'field'
13600        })
13601      ]);
13603      var factory$i = function (detail, components, _spec, _externals) {
13604        var behaviours = augment(detail.fieldBehaviours, [
13605          Composing.config({
13606            find: function (container) {
13607              return getPart(container, detail, 'field');
13608            }
13609          }),
13610          Representing.config({
13611            store: {
13612              mode: 'manual',
13613              getValue: function (field) {
13614                return Composing.getCurrent(field).bind(Representing.getValue);
13615              },
13616              setValue: function (field, value) {
13617                Composing.getCurrent(field).each(function (current) {
13618                  Representing.setValue(current, value);
13619                });
13620              }
13621            }
13622          })
13623        ]);
13624        var events = derive$2([runOnAttached(function (component, _simulatedEvent) {
13625            var ps = getParts(component, detail, [
13626              'label',
13627              'field',
13628              'aria-descriptor'
13629            ]);
13630            ps.field().each(function (field) {
13631              var id = generate$6(detail.prefix);
13632              ps.label().each(function (label) {
13633                set$8(label.element, 'for', id);
13634                set$8(field.element, 'id', id);
13635              });
13636              ps['aria-descriptor']().each(function (descriptor) {
13637                var descriptorId = generate$6(detail.prefix);
13638                set$8(descriptor.element, 'id', descriptorId);
13639                set$8(field.element, 'aria-describedby', descriptorId);
13640              });
13641            });
13642          })]);
13643        var apis = {
13644          getField: function (container) {
13645            return getPart(container, detail, 'field');
13646          },
13647          getLabel: function (container) {
13648            return getPart(container, detail, 'label');
13649          }
13650        };
13651        return {
13652          uid: detail.uid,
13653          dom: detail.dom,
13654          components: components,
13655          behaviours: behaviours,
13656          events: events,
13657          apis: apis
13658        };
13659      };
13660      var FormField = composite({
13661        name: 'FormField',
13662        configFields: schema$l(),
13663        partFields: parts$e(),
13664        factory: factory$i,
13665        apis: {
13666          getField: function (apis, comp) {
13667            return apis.getField(comp);
13668          },
13669          getLabel: function (apis, comp) {
13670            return apis.getLabel(comp);
13671          }
13672        }
13673      });
13675      var exhibit$2 = function (base, tabConfig) {
13676        return nu$7({
13677          attributes: wrapAll([{
13678              key: tabConfig.tabAttr,
13679              value: 'true'
13680            }])
13681        });
13682      };
13684      var ActiveTabstopping = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
13685          __proto__: null,
13686          exhibit: exhibit$2
13687      });
13689      var TabstopSchema = [defaulted('tabAttr', 'data-alloy-tabstop')];
13691      var Tabstopping = create$7({
13692        fields: TabstopSchema,
13693        name: 'tabstopping',
13694        active: ActiveTabstopping
13695      });
13697      var global$7 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.html.Entities');
13699      var renderFormFieldWith = function (pLabel, pField, extraClasses, extraBehaviours) {
13700        var spec = renderFormFieldSpecWith(pLabel, pField, extraClasses, extraBehaviours);
13701        return FormField.sketch(spec);
13702      };
13703      var renderFormField = function (pLabel, pField) {
13704        return renderFormFieldWith(pLabel, pField, [], []);
13705      };
13706      var renderFormFieldSpecWith = function (pLabel, pField, extraClasses, extraBehaviours) {
13707        return {
13708          dom: renderFormFieldDomWith(extraClasses),
13709          components: pLabel.toArray().concat([pField]),
13710          fieldBehaviours: derive$1(extraBehaviours)
13711        };
13712      };
13713      var renderFormFieldDom = function () {
13714        return renderFormFieldDomWith([]);
13715      };
13716      var renderFormFieldDomWith = function (extraClasses) {
13717        return {
13718          tag: 'div',
13719          classes: ['tox-form__group'].concat(extraClasses)
13720        };
13721      };
13722      var renderLabel$2 = function (label, providersBackstage) {
13723        return FormField.parts.label({
13724          dom: {
13725            tag: 'label',
13726            classes: ['tox-label'],
13727            innerHtml: providersBackstage.translate(label)
13728          }
13729        });
13730      };
13732      var formChangeEvent = generate$6('form-component-change');
13733      var formCloseEvent = generate$6('form-close');
13734      var formCancelEvent = generate$6('form-cancel');
13735      var formActionEvent = generate$6('form-action');
13736      var formSubmitEvent = generate$6('form-submit');
13737      var formBlockEvent = generate$6('form-block');
13738      var formUnblockEvent = generate$6('form-unblock');
13739      var formTabChangeEvent = generate$6('form-tabchange');
13740      var formResizeEvent = generate$6('form-resize');
13742      var renderCollection = function (spec, providersBackstage) {
13743        var _a;
13744        var pLabel = spec.label.map(function (label) {
13745          return renderLabel$2(label, providersBackstage);
13746        });
13747        var runOnItem = function (f) {
13748          return function (comp, se) {
13749            closest$1(se.event.target, '[data-collection-item-value]').each(function (target) {
13750              f(comp, se, target, get$d(target, 'data-collection-item-value'));
13751            });
13752          };
13753        };
13754        var setContents = function (comp, items) {
13755          var htmlLines = map$2(items, function (item) {
13756            var itemText = global$e.translate(item.text);
13757            var textContent = spec.columns === 1 ? '<div class="tox-collection__item-label">' + itemText + '</div>' : '';
13758            var iconContent = '<div class="tox-collection__item-icon">' + item.icon + '</div>';
13759            var mapItemName = {
13760              '_': ' ',
13761              ' - ': ' ',
13762              '-': ' '
13763            };
13764            var ariaLabel = itemText.replace(/\_| \- |\-/g, function (match) {
13765              return mapItemName[match];
13766            });
13767            var disabledClass = providersBackstage.isDisabled() ? ' tox-collection__item--state-disabled' : '';
13768            return '<div class="tox-collection__item' + disabledClass + '" tabindex="-1" data-collection-item-value="' + global$7.encodeAllRaw(item.value) + '" title="' + ariaLabel + '" aria-label="' + ariaLabel + '">' + iconContent + textContent + '</div>';
13769          });
13770          var chunks = spec.columns !== 'auto' && spec.columns > 1 ? chunk$1(htmlLines, spec.columns) : [htmlLines];
13771          var html = map$2(chunks, function (ch) {
13772            return '<div class="tox-collection__group">' + ch.join('') + '</div>';
13773          });
13774          set$5(comp.element, html.join(''));
13775        };
13776        var onClick = runOnItem(function (comp, se, tgt, itemValue) {
13777          se.stop();
13778          if (!providersBackstage.isDisabled()) {
13779            emitWith(comp, formActionEvent, {
13780              name: spec.name,
13781              value: itemValue
13782            });
13783          }
13784        });
13785        var collectionEvents = [
13786          run$1(mouseover(), runOnItem(function (comp, se, tgt) {
13787            focus$3(tgt);
13788          })),
13789          run$1(click(), onClick),
13790          run$1(tap(), onClick),
13791          run$1(focusin(), runOnItem(function (comp, se, tgt) {
13792            descendant(comp.element, '.' + activeClass).each(function (currentActive) {
13793              remove$2(currentActive, activeClass);
13794            });
13795            add$2(tgt, activeClass);
13796          })),
13797          run$1(focusout(), runOnItem(function (comp) {
13798            descendant(comp.element, '.' + activeClass).each(function (currentActive) {
13799              remove$2(currentActive, activeClass);
13800            });
13801          })),
13802          runOnExecute$1(runOnItem(function (comp, se, tgt, itemValue) {
13803            emitWith(comp, formActionEvent, {
13804              name: spec.name,
13805              value: itemValue
13806            });
13807          }))
13808        ];
13809        var iterCollectionItems = function (comp, applyAttributes) {
13810          return map$2(descendants(comp.element, '.tox-collection__item'), applyAttributes);
13811        };
13812        var pField = FormField.parts.field({
13813          dom: {
13814            tag: 'div',
13815            classes: ['tox-collection'].concat(spec.columns !== 1 ? ['tox-collection--grid'] : ['tox-collection--list'])
13816          },
13817          components: [],
13818          factory: { sketch: identity$1 },
13819          behaviours: derive$1([
13820            Disabling.config({
13821              disabled: providersBackstage.isDisabled,
13822              onDisabled: function (comp) {
13823                iterCollectionItems(comp, function (childElm) {
13824                  add$2(childElm, 'tox-collection__item--state-disabled');
13825                  set$8(childElm, 'aria-disabled', true);
13826                });
13827              },
13828              onEnabled: function (comp) {
13829                iterCollectionItems(comp, function (childElm) {
13830                  remove$2(childElm, 'tox-collection__item--state-disabled');
13831                  remove$7(childElm, 'aria-disabled');
13832                });
13833              }
13834            }),
13835            receivingConfig(),
13836            Replacing.config({}),
13837            Representing.config({
13838              store: {
13839                mode: 'memory',
13840                initialValue: []
13841              },
13842              onSetValue: function (comp, items) {
13843                setContents(comp, items);
13844                if (spec.columns === 'auto') {
13845                  detectSize(comp, 5, 'tox-collection__item').each(function (_a) {
13846                    var numRows = _a.numRows, numColumns = _a.numColumns;
13847                    Keying.setGridSize(comp, numRows, numColumns);
13848                  });
13849                }
13850                emit(comp, formResizeEvent);
13851              }
13852            }),
13853            Tabstopping.config({}),
13854            Keying.config(deriveCollectionMovement(spec.columns, 'normal')),
13855            config('collection-events', collectionEvents)
13856          ]),
13857          eventOrder: (_a = {}, _a[execute$5()] = [
13858            'disabling',
13859            'alloy.base.behaviour',
13860            'collection-events'
13861          ], _a)
13862        });
13863        var extraClasses = ['tox-form__group--collection'];
13864        return renderFormFieldWith(pLabel, pField, extraClasses, []);
13865      };
13867      var schema$k = constant$1([
13868        option('data'),
13869        defaulted('inputAttributes', {}),
13870        defaulted('inputStyles', {}),
13871        defaulted('tag', 'input'),
13872        defaulted('inputClasses', []),
13873        onHandler('onSetValue'),
13874        defaulted('styles', {}),
13875        defaulted('eventOrder', {}),
13876        field('inputBehaviours', [
13877          Representing,
13878          Focusing
13879        ]),
13880        defaulted('selectOnFocus', true)
13881      ]);
13882      var focusBehaviours = function (detail) {
13883        return derive$1([Focusing.config({
13884            onFocus: !detail.selectOnFocus ? noop : function (component) {
13885              var input = component.element;
13886              var value = get$5(input);
13887              input.dom.setSelectionRange(0, value.length);
13888            }
13889          })]);
13890      };
13891      var behaviours = function (detail) {
13892        return __assign(__assign({}, focusBehaviours(detail)), augment(detail.inputBehaviours, [Representing.config({
13893            store: __assign(__assign({ mode: 'manual' }, detail.data.map(function (data) {
13894              return { initialValue: data };
13895            }).getOr({})), {
13896              getValue: function (input) {
13897                return get$5(input.element);
13898              },
13899              setValue: function (input, data) {
13900                var current = get$5(input.element);
13901                if (current !== data) {
13902                  set$4(input.element, data);
13903                }
13904              }
13905            }),
13906            onSetValue: detail.onSetValue
13907          })]));
13908      };
13909      var dom = function (detail) {
13910        return {
13911          tag: detail.tag,
13912          attributes: __assign({ type: 'text' }, detail.inputAttributes),
13913          styles: detail.inputStyles,
13914          classes: detail.inputClasses
13915        };
13916      };
13918      var factory$h = function (detail, _spec) {
13919        return {
13920          uid: detail.uid,
13921          dom: dom(detail),
13922          components: [],
13923          behaviours: behaviours(detail),
13924          eventOrder: detail.eventOrder
13925        };
13926      };
13927      var Input = single({
13928        name: 'Input',
13929        configFields: schema$k(),
13930        factory: factory$h
13931      });
13933      var exports$1 = {}, module = { exports: exports$1 };
13934      (function (define, exports, module, require) {
13935        (function (global, factory) {
13936          typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.EphoxContactWrapper = factory());
13937        }(this, function () {
13938          var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {};
13939          var promise = { exports: {} };
13940          (function (module) {
13941            (function (root) {
13942              var setTimeoutFunc = setTimeout;
13943              function noop() {
13944              }
13945              function bind(fn, thisArg) {
13946                return function () {
13947                  fn.apply(thisArg, arguments);
13948                };
13949              }
13950              function Promise(fn) {
13951                if (typeof this !== 'object')
13952                  throw new TypeError('Promises must be constructed via new');
13953                if (typeof fn !== 'function')
13954                  throw new TypeError('not a function');
13955                this._state = 0;
13956                this._handled = false;
13957                this._value = undefined;
13958                this._deferreds = [];
13959                doResolve(fn, this);
13960              }
13961              function handle(self, deferred) {
13962                while (self._state === 3) {
13963                  self = self._value;
13964                }
13965                if (self._state === 0) {
13966                  self._deferreds.push(deferred);
13967                  return;
13968                }
13969                self._handled = true;
13970                Promise._immediateFn(function () {
13971                  var cb = self._state === 1 ? deferred.onFulfilled : deferred.onRejected;
13972                  if (cb === null) {
13973                    (self._state === 1 ? resolve : reject)(deferred.promise, self._value);
13974                    return;
13975                  }
13976                  var ret;
13977                  try {
13978                    ret = cb(self._value);
13979                  } catch (e) {
13980                    reject(deferred.promise, e);
13981                    return;
13982                  }
13983                  resolve(deferred.promise, ret);
13984                });
13985              }
13986              function resolve(self, newValue) {
13987                try {
13988                  if (newValue === self)
13989                    throw new TypeError('A promise cannot be resolved with itself.');
13990                  if (newValue && (typeof newValue === 'object' || typeof newValue === 'function')) {
13991                    var then = newValue.then;
13992                    if (newValue instanceof Promise) {
13993                      self._state = 3;
13994                      self._value = newValue;
13995                      finale(self);
13996                      return;
13997                    } else if (typeof then === 'function') {
13998                      doResolve(bind(then, newValue), self);
13999                      return;
14000                    }
14001                  }
14002                  self._state = 1;
14003                  self._value = newValue;
14004                  finale(self);
14005                } catch (e) {
14006                  reject(self, e);
14007                }
14008              }
14009              function reject(self, newValue) {
14010                self._state = 2;
14011                self._value = newValue;
14012                finale(self);
14013              }
14014              function finale(self) {
14015                if (self._state === 2 && self._deferreds.length === 0) {
14016                  Promise._immediateFn(function () {
14017                    if (!self._handled) {
14018                      Promise._unhandledRejectionFn(self._value);
14019                    }
14020                  });
14021                }
14022                for (var i = 0, len = self._deferreds.length; i < len; i++) {
14023                  handle(self, self._deferreds[i]);
14024                }
14025                self._deferreds = null;
14026              }
14027              function Handler(onFulfilled, onRejected, promise) {
14028                this.onFulfilled = typeof onFulfilled === 'function' ? onFulfilled : null;
14029                this.onRejected = typeof onRejected === 'function' ? onRejected : null;
14030                this.promise = promise;
14031              }
14032              function doResolve(fn, self) {
14033                var done = false;
14034                try {
14035                  fn(function (value) {
14036                    if (done)
14037                      return;
14038                    done = true;
14039                    resolve(self, value);
14040                  }, function (reason) {
14041                    if (done)
14042                      return;
14043                    done = true;
14044                    reject(self, reason);
14045                  });
14046                } catch (ex) {
14047                  if (done)
14048                    return;
14049                  done = true;
14050                  reject(self, ex);
14051                }
14052              }
14053              Promise.prototype['catch'] = function (onRejected) {
14054                return this.then(null, onRejected);
14055              };
14056              Promise.prototype.then = function (onFulfilled, onRejected) {
14057                var prom = new this.constructor(noop);
14058                handle(this, new Handler(onFulfilled, onRejected, prom));
14059                return prom;
14060              };
14061              Promise.all = function (arr) {
14062                var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arr);
14063                return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
14064                  if (args.length === 0)
14065                    return resolve([]);
14066                  var remaining = args.length;
14067                  function res(i, val) {
14068                    try {
14069                      if (val && (typeof val === 'object' || typeof val === 'function')) {
14070                        var then = val.then;
14071                        if (typeof then === 'function') {
14072                          then.call(val, function (val) {
14073                            res(i, val);
14074                          }, reject);
14075                          return;
14076                        }
14077                      }
14078                      args[i] = val;
14079                      if (--remaining === 0) {
14080                        resolve(args);
14081                      }
14082                    } catch (ex) {
14083                      reject(ex);
14084                    }
14085                  }
14086                  for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
14087                    res(i, args[i]);
14088                  }
14089                });
14090              };
14091              Promise.resolve = function (value) {
14092                if (value && typeof value === 'object' && value.constructor === Promise) {
14093                  return value;
14094                }
14095                return new Promise(function (resolve) {
14096                  resolve(value);
14097                });
14098              };
14099              Promise.reject = function (value) {
14100                return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
14101                  reject(value);
14102                });
14103              };
14104              Promise.race = function (values) {
14105                return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
14106                  for (var i = 0, len = values.length; i < len; i++) {
14107                    values[i].then(resolve, reject);
14108                  }
14109                });
14110              };
14111              Promise._immediateFn = typeof setImmediate === 'function' ? function (fn) {
14112                setImmediate(fn);
14113              } : function (fn) {
14114                setTimeoutFunc(fn, 0);
14115              };
14116              Promise._unhandledRejectionFn = function _unhandledRejectionFn(err) {
14117                if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console) {
14118                  console.warn('Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection:', err);
14119                }
14120              };
14121              Promise._setImmediateFn = function _setImmediateFn(fn) {
14122                Promise._immediateFn = fn;
14123              };
14124              Promise._setUnhandledRejectionFn = function _setUnhandledRejectionFn(fn) {
14125                Promise._unhandledRejectionFn = fn;
14126              };
14127              if (module.exports) {
14128                module.exports = Promise;
14129              } else if (!root.Promise) {
14130                root.Promise = Promise;
14131              }
14132            }(commonjsGlobal));
14133          }(promise));
14134          var promisePolyfill = promise.exports;
14135          var Global = function () {
14136            if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
14137              return window;
14138            } else {
14139              return Function('return this;')();
14140            }
14141          }();
14142          var promisePolyfill_1 = { boltExport: Global.Promise || promisePolyfill };
14143          return promisePolyfill_1;
14144        }));
14145      }(undefined, exports$1, module));
14146      var Promise$1 = module.exports.boltExport;
14148      var nu$3 = function (baseFn) {
14149        var data = Optional.none();
14150        var callbacks = [];
14151        var map = function (f) {
14152          return nu$3(function (nCallback) {
14153            get(function (data) {
14154              nCallback(f(data));
14155            });
14156          });
14157        };
14158        var get = function (nCallback) {
14159          if (isReady()) {
14160            call(nCallback);
14161          } else {
14162            callbacks.push(nCallback);
14163          }
14164        };
14165        var set = function (x) {
14166          if (!isReady()) {
14167            data = Optional.some(x);
14168            run(callbacks);
14169            callbacks = [];
14170          }
14171        };
14172        var isReady = function () {
14173          return data.isSome();
14174        };
14175        var run = function (cbs) {
14176          each$1(cbs, call);
14177        };
14178        var call = function (cb) {
14179          data.each(function (x) {
14180            setTimeout(function () {
14181              cb(x);
14182            }, 0);
14183          });
14184        };
14185        baseFn(set);
14186        return {
14187          get: get,
14188          map: map,
14189          isReady: isReady
14190        };
14191      };
14192      var pure$1 = function (a) {
14193        return nu$3(function (callback) {
14194          callback(a);
14195        });
14196      };
14197      var LazyValue = {
14198        nu: nu$3,
14199        pure: pure$1
14200      };
14202      var errorReporter = function (err) {
14203        setTimeout(function () {
14204          throw err;
14205        }, 0);
14206      };
14207      var make$5 = function (run) {
14208        var get = function (callback) {
14209          run().then(callback, errorReporter);
14210        };
14211        var map = function (fab) {
14212          return make$5(function () {
14213            return run().then(fab);
14214          });
14215        };
14216        var bind = function (aFutureB) {
14217          return make$5(function () {
14218            return run().then(function (v) {
14219              return aFutureB(v).toPromise();
14220            });
14221          });
14222        };
14223        var anonBind = function (futureB) {
14224          return make$5(function () {
14225            return run().then(function () {
14226              return futureB.toPromise();
14227            });
14228          });
14229        };
14230        var toLazy = function () {
14231          return LazyValue.nu(get);
14232        };
14233        var toCached = function () {
14234          var cache = null;
14235          return make$5(function () {
14236            if (cache === null) {
14237              cache = run();
14238            }
14239            return cache;
14240          });
14241        };
14242        var toPromise = run;
14243        return {
14244          map: map,
14245          bind: bind,
14246          anonBind: anonBind,
14247          toLazy: toLazy,
14248          toCached: toCached,
14249          toPromise: toPromise,
14250          get: get
14251        };
14252      };
14253      var nu$2 = function (baseFn) {
14254        return make$5(function () {
14255          return new Promise$1(baseFn);
14256        });
14257      };
14258      var pure = function (a) {
14259        return make$5(function () {
14260          return Promise$1.resolve(a);
14261        });
14262      };
14263      var Future = {
14264        nu: nu$2,
14265        pure: pure
14266      };
14268      var ariaElements = [
14269        'input',
14270        'textarea'
14271      ];
14272      var isAriaElement = function (elem) {
14273        var name = name$2(elem);
14274        return contains$2(ariaElements, name);
14275      };
14276      var markValid = function (component, invalidConfig) {
14277        var elem = invalidConfig.getRoot(component).getOr(component.element);
14278        remove$2(elem, invalidConfig.invalidClass);
14279        invalidConfig.notify.each(function (notifyInfo) {
14280          if (isAriaElement(component.element)) {
14281            set$8(component.element, 'aria-invalid', false);
14282          }
14283          notifyInfo.getContainer(component).each(function (container) {
14284            set$5(container, notifyInfo.validHtml);
14285          });
14286          notifyInfo.onValid(component);
14287        });
14288      };
14289      var markInvalid = function (component, invalidConfig, invalidState, text) {
14290        var elem = invalidConfig.getRoot(component).getOr(component.element);
14291        add$2(elem, invalidConfig.invalidClass);
14292        invalidConfig.notify.each(function (notifyInfo) {
14293          if (isAriaElement(component.element)) {
14294            set$8(component.element, 'aria-invalid', true);
14295          }
14296          notifyInfo.getContainer(component).each(function (container) {
14297            set$5(container, text);
14298          });
14299          notifyInfo.onInvalid(component, text);
14300        });
14301      };
14302      var query = function (component, invalidConfig, _invalidState) {
14303        return invalidConfig.validator.fold(function () {
14304          return Future.pure(Result.value(true));
14305        }, function (validatorInfo) {
14306          return validatorInfo.validate(component);
14307        });
14308      };
14309      var run = function (component, invalidConfig, invalidState) {
14310        invalidConfig.notify.each(function (notifyInfo) {
14311          notifyInfo.onValidate(component);
14312        });
14313        return query(component, invalidConfig).map(function (valid) {
14314          if (component.getSystem().isConnected()) {
14315            return valid.fold(function (err) {
14316              markInvalid(component, invalidConfig, invalidState, err);
14317              return Result.error(err);
14318            }, function (v) {
14319              markValid(component, invalidConfig);
14320              return Result.value(v);
14321            });
14322          } else {
14323            return Result.error('No longer in system');
14324          }
14325        });
14326      };
14327      var isInvalid = function (component, invalidConfig) {
14328        var elem = invalidConfig.getRoot(component).getOr(component.element);
14329        return has(elem, invalidConfig.invalidClass);
14330      };
14332      var InvalidateApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
14333          __proto__: null,
14334          markValid: markValid,
14335          markInvalid: markInvalid,
14336          query: query,
14337          run: run,
14338          isInvalid: isInvalid
14339      });
14341      var events$8 = function (invalidConfig, invalidState) {
14342        return invalidConfig.validator.map(function (validatorInfo) {
14343          return derive$2([run$1(validatorInfo.onEvent, function (component) {
14344              run(component, invalidConfig, invalidState).get(identity$1);
14345            })].concat(validatorInfo.validateOnLoad ? [runOnAttached(function (component) {
14346              run(component, invalidConfig, invalidState).get(noop);
14347            })] : []));
14348        }).getOr({});
14349      };
14351      var ActiveInvalidate = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
14352          __proto__: null,
14353          events: events$8
14354      });
14356      var InvalidateSchema = [
14357        required$1('invalidClass'),
14358        defaulted('getRoot', Optional.none),
14359        optionObjOf('notify', [
14360          defaulted('aria', 'alert'),
14361          defaulted('getContainer', Optional.none),
14362          defaulted('validHtml', ''),
14363          onHandler('onValid'),
14364          onHandler('onInvalid'),
14365          onHandler('onValidate')
14366        ]),
14367        optionObjOf('validator', [
14368          required$1('validate'),
14369          defaulted('onEvent', 'input'),
14370          defaulted('validateOnLoad', true)
14371        ])
14372      ];
14374      var Invalidating = create$7({
14375        fields: InvalidateSchema,
14376        name: 'invalidating',
14377        active: ActiveInvalidate,
14378        apis: InvalidateApis,
14379        extra: {
14380          validation: function (validator) {
14381            return function (component) {
14382              var v = Representing.getValue(component);
14383              return Future.pure(validator(v));
14384            };
14385          }
14386        }
14387      });
14389      var getCoupled = function (component, coupleConfig, coupleState, name) {
14390        return coupleState.getOrCreate(component, coupleConfig, name);
14391      };
14393      var CouplingApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
14394          __proto__: null,
14395          getCoupled: getCoupled
14396      });
14398      var CouplingSchema = [requiredOf('others', setOf(Result.value, anyValue()))];
14400      var init$a = function () {
14401        var coupled = {};
14402        var getOrCreate = function (component, coupleConfig, name) {
14403          var available = keys(coupleConfig.others);
14404          if (!available) {
14405            throw new Error('Cannot find coupled component: ' + name + '. Known coupled components: ' + JSON.stringify(available, null, 2));
14406          } else {
14407            return get$e(coupled, name).getOrThunk(function () {
14408              var builder = get$e(coupleConfig.others, name).getOrDie('No information found for coupled component: ' + name);
14409              var spec = builder(component);
14410              var built = component.getSystem().build(spec);
14411              coupled[name] = built;
14412              return built;
14413            });
14414          }
14415        };
14416        var readState = constant$1({});
14417        return nu$8({
14418          readState: readState,
14419          getOrCreate: getOrCreate
14420        });
14421      };
14423      var CouplingState = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
14424          __proto__: null,
14425          init: init$a
14426      });
14428      var Coupling = create$7({
14429        fields: CouplingSchema,
14430        name: 'coupling',
14431        apis: CouplingApis,
14432        state: CouplingState
14433      });
14435      var suffix = constant$1('sink');
14436      var partType$1 = constant$1(optional({
14437        name: suffix(),
14438        overrides: constant$1({
14439          dom: { tag: 'div' },
14440          behaviours: derive$1([Positioning.config({ useFixed: always })]),
14441          events: derive$2([
14442            cutter(keydown()),
14443            cutter(mousedown()),
14444            cutter(click())
14445          ])
14446        })
14447      }));
14449      var HighlightOnOpen;
14450      (function (HighlightOnOpen) {
14451        HighlightOnOpen[HighlightOnOpen['HighlightFirst'] = 0] = 'HighlightFirst';
14452        HighlightOnOpen[HighlightOnOpen['HighlightNone'] = 1] = 'HighlightNone';
14453      }(HighlightOnOpen || (HighlightOnOpen = {})));
14454      var getAnchor = function (detail, component) {
14455        var hotspot = detail.getHotspot(component).getOr(component);
14456        var type = 'hotspot';
14457        var overrides = detail.getAnchorOverrides();
14458        return detail.layouts.fold(function () {
14459          return {
14460            type: type,
14461            hotspot: hotspot,
14462            overrides: overrides
14463          };
14464        }, function (layouts) {
14465          return {
14466            type: type,
14467            hotspot: hotspot,
14468            overrides: overrides,
14469            layouts: layouts
14470          };
14471        });
14472      };
14473      var fetch = function (detail, mapFetch, component) {
14474        var fetcher = detail.fetch;
14475        return fetcher(component).map(mapFetch);
14476      };
14477      var openF = function (detail, mapFetch, anchor, component, sandbox, externals, highlightOnOpen) {
14478        var futureData = fetch(detail, mapFetch, component);
14479        var getLazySink = getSink(component, detail);
14480        return futureData.map(function (tdata) {
14481          return tdata.bind(function (data) {
14482            return Optional.from(tieredMenu.sketch(__assign(__assign({}, externals.menu()), {
14483              uid: generate$5(''),
14484              data: data,
14485              highlightImmediately: highlightOnOpen === HighlightOnOpen.HighlightFirst,
14486              onOpenMenu: function (tmenu, menu) {
14487                var sink = getLazySink().getOrDie();
14488                Positioning.position(sink, menu, { anchor: anchor });
14489                Sandboxing.decloak(sandbox);
14490              },
14491              onOpenSubmenu: function (tmenu, item, submenu) {
14492                var sink = getLazySink().getOrDie();
14493                Positioning.position(sink, submenu, {
14494                  anchor: {
14495                    type: 'submenu',
14496                    item: item
14497                  }
14498                });
14499                Sandboxing.decloak(sandbox);
14500              },
14501              onRepositionMenu: function (tmenu, primaryMenu, submenuTriggers) {
14502                var sink = getLazySink().getOrDie();
14503                Positioning.position(sink, primaryMenu, { anchor: anchor });
14504                each$1(submenuTriggers, function (st) {
14505                  Positioning.position(sink, st.triggeredMenu, {
14506                    anchor: {
14507                      type: 'submenu',
14508                      item: st.triggeringItem
14509                    }
14510                  });
14511                });
14512              },
14513              onEscape: function () {
14514                Focusing.focus(component);
14515                Sandboxing.close(sandbox);
14516                return Optional.some(true);
14517              }
14518            })));
14519          });
14520        });
14521      };
14522      var open = function (detail, mapFetch, hotspot, sandbox, externals, onOpenSync, highlightOnOpen) {
14523        var anchor = getAnchor(detail, hotspot);
14524        var processed = openF(detail, mapFetch, anchor, hotspot, sandbox, externals, highlightOnOpen);
14525        return processed.map(function (tdata) {
14526          tdata.fold(function () {
14527            if (Sandboxing.isOpen(sandbox)) {
14528              Sandboxing.close(sandbox);
14529            }
14530          }, function (data) {
14531            Sandboxing.cloak(sandbox);
14532            Sandboxing.open(sandbox, data);
14533            onOpenSync(sandbox);
14534          });
14535          return sandbox;
14536        });
14537      };
14538      var close = function (detail, mapFetch, component, sandbox, _externals, _onOpenSync, _highlightOnOpen) {
14539        Sandboxing.close(sandbox);
14540        return Future.pure(sandbox);
14541      };
14542      var togglePopup = function (detail, mapFetch, hotspot, externals, onOpenSync, highlightOnOpen) {
14543        var sandbox = Coupling.getCoupled(hotspot, 'sandbox');
14544        var showing = Sandboxing.isOpen(sandbox);
14545        var action = showing ? close : open;
14546        return action(detail, mapFetch, hotspot, sandbox, externals, onOpenSync, highlightOnOpen);
14547      };
14548      var matchWidth = function (hotspot, container, useMinWidth) {
14549        var menu = Composing.getCurrent(container).getOr(container);
14550        var buttonWidth = get$a(hotspot.element);
14551        if (useMinWidth) {
14552          set$7(menu.element, 'min-width', buttonWidth + 'px');
14553        } else {
14554          set$6(menu.element, buttonWidth);
14555        }
14556      };
14557      var getSink = function (anyInSystem, sinkDetail) {
14558        return anyInSystem.getSystem().getByUid(sinkDetail.uid + '-' + suffix()).map(function (internalSink) {
14559          return function () {
14560            return Result.value(internalSink);
14561          };
14562        }).getOrThunk(function () {
14563          return sinkDetail.lazySink.fold(function () {
14564            return function () {
14565              return Result.error(new Error('No internal sink is specified, nor could an external sink be found'));
14566            };
14567          }, function (lazySinkFn) {
14568            return function () {
14569              return lazySinkFn(anyInSystem);
14570            };
14571          });
14572        });
14573      };
14574      var doRepositionMenus = function (sandbox) {
14575        Sandboxing.getState(sandbox).each(function (tmenu) {
14576          tieredMenu.repositionMenus(tmenu);
14577        });
14578      };
14579      var makeSandbox$1 = function (detail, hotspot, extras) {
14580        var ariaOwner = manager();
14581        var onOpen = function (component, menu) {
14582          var anchor = getAnchor(detail, hotspot);
14583          ariaOwner.link(hotspot.element);
14584          if (detail.matchWidth) {
14585            matchWidth(anchor.hotspot, menu, detail.useMinWidth);
14586          }
14587          detail.onOpen(anchor, component, menu);
14588          if (extras !== undefined && extras.onOpen !== undefined) {
14589            extras.onOpen(component, menu);
14590          }
14591        };
14592        var onClose = function (component, menu) {
14593          ariaOwner.unlink(hotspot.element);
14594          if (extras !== undefined && extras.onClose !== undefined) {
14595            extras.onClose(component, menu);
14596          }
14597        };
14598        var lazySink = getSink(hotspot, detail);
14599        return {
14600          dom: {
14601            tag: 'div',
14602            classes: detail.sandboxClasses,
14603            attributes: {
14604              id: ariaOwner.id,
14605              role: 'listbox'
14606            }
14607          },
14608          behaviours: SketchBehaviours.augment(detail.sandboxBehaviours, [
14609            Representing.config({
14610              store: {
14611                mode: 'memory',
14612                initialValue: hotspot
14613              }
14614            }),
14615            Sandboxing.config({
14616              onOpen: onOpen,
14617              onClose: onClose,
14618              isPartOf: function (container, data, queryElem) {
14619                return isPartOf$1(data, queryElem) || isPartOf$1(hotspot, queryElem);
14620              },
14621              getAttachPoint: function () {
14622                return lazySink().getOrDie();
14623              }
14624            }),
14625            Composing.config({
14626              find: function (sandbox) {
14627                return Sandboxing.getState(sandbox).bind(function (menu) {
14628                  return Composing.getCurrent(menu);
14629                });
14630              }
14631            }),
14632            Receiving.config({ channels: __assign(__assign({}, receivingChannel$1({ isExtraPart: never })), receivingChannel({ doReposition: doRepositionMenus })) })
14633          ])
14634        };
14635      };
14636      var repositionMenus = function (comp) {
14637        var sandbox = Coupling.getCoupled(comp, 'sandbox');
14638        doRepositionMenus(sandbox);
14639      };
14641      var sandboxFields = function () {
14642        return [
14643          defaulted('sandboxClasses', []),
14644          SketchBehaviours.field('sandboxBehaviours', [
14645            Composing,
14646            Receiving,
14647            Sandboxing,
14648            Representing
14649          ])
14650        ];
14651      };
14653      var schema$j = constant$1([
14654        required$1('dom'),
14655        required$1('fetch'),
14656        onHandler('onOpen'),
14657        onKeyboardHandler('onExecute'),
14658        defaulted('getHotspot', Optional.some),
14659        defaulted('getAnchorOverrides', constant$1({})),
14660        schema$y(),
14661        field('dropdownBehaviours', [
14662          Toggling,
14663          Coupling,
14664          Keying,
14665          Focusing
14666        ]),
14667        required$1('toggleClass'),
14668        defaulted('eventOrder', {}),
14669        option('lazySink'),
14670        defaulted('matchWidth', false),
14671        defaulted('useMinWidth', false),
14672        option('role')
14673      ].concat(sandboxFields()));
14674      var parts$d = constant$1([
14675        external$1({
14676          schema: [tieredMenuMarkers()],
14677          name: 'menu',
14678          defaults: function (detail) {
14679            return { onExecute: detail.onExecute };
14680          }
14681        }),
14682        partType$1()
14683      ]);
14685      var factory$g = function (detail, components, _spec, externals) {
14686        var _a;
14687        var lookupAttr = function (attr) {
14688          return get$e(detail.dom, 'attributes').bind(function (attrs) {
14689            return get$e(attrs, attr);
14690          });
14691        };
14692        var switchToMenu = function (sandbox) {
14693          Sandboxing.getState(sandbox).each(function (tmenu) {
14694            tieredMenu.highlightPrimary(tmenu);
14695          });
14696        };
14697        var action = function (component) {
14698          var onOpenSync = switchToMenu;
14699          togglePopup(detail, identity$1, component, externals, onOpenSync, HighlightOnOpen.HighlightFirst).get(noop);
14700        };
14701        var apis = {
14702          expand: function (comp) {
14703            if (!Toggling.isOn(comp)) {
14704              togglePopup(detail, identity$1, comp, externals, noop, HighlightOnOpen.HighlightNone).get(noop);
14705            }
14706          },
14707          open: function (comp) {
14708            if (!Toggling.isOn(comp)) {
14709              togglePopup(detail, identity$1, comp, externals, noop, HighlightOnOpen.HighlightFirst).get(noop);
14710            }
14711          },
14712          isOpen: Toggling.isOn,
14713          close: function (comp) {
14714            if (Toggling.isOn(comp)) {
14715              togglePopup(detail, identity$1, comp, externals, noop, HighlightOnOpen.HighlightFirst).get(noop);
14716            }
14717          },
14718          repositionMenus: function (comp) {
14719            if (Toggling.isOn(comp)) {
14720              repositionMenus(comp);
14721            }
14722          }
14723        };
14724        var triggerExecute = function (comp, _se) {
14725          emitExecute(comp);
14726          return Optional.some(true);
14727        };
14728        return {
14729          uid: detail.uid,
14730          dom: detail.dom,
14731          components: components,
14732          behaviours: augment(detail.dropdownBehaviours, [
14733            Toggling.config({
14734              toggleClass: detail.toggleClass,
14735              aria: { mode: 'expanded' }
14736            }),
14737            Coupling.config({
14738              others: {
14739                sandbox: function (hotspot) {
14740                  return makeSandbox$1(detail, hotspot, {
14741                    onOpen: function () {
14742                      return Toggling.on(hotspot);
14743                    },
14744                    onClose: function () {
14745                      return Toggling.off(hotspot);
14746                    }
14747                  });
14748                }
14749              }
14750            }),
14751            Keying.config({
14752              mode: 'special',
14753              onSpace: triggerExecute,
14754              onEnter: triggerExecute,
14755              onDown: function (comp, _se) {
14756                if (Dropdown.isOpen(comp)) {
14757                  var sandbox = Coupling.getCoupled(comp, 'sandbox');
14758                  switchToMenu(sandbox);
14759                } else {
14760                  Dropdown.open(comp);
14761                }
14762                return Optional.some(true);
14763              },
14764              onEscape: function (comp, _se) {
14765                if (Dropdown.isOpen(comp)) {
14766                  Dropdown.close(comp);
14767                  return Optional.some(true);
14768                } else {
14769                  return Optional.none();
14770                }
14771              }
14772            }),
14773            Focusing.config({})
14774          ]),
14775          events: events$a(Optional.some(action)),
14776          eventOrder: __assign(__assign({}, detail.eventOrder), (_a = {}, _a[execute$5()] = [
14777            'disabling',
14778            'toggling',
14779            'alloy.base.behaviour'
14780          ], _a)),
14781          apis: apis,
14782          domModification: {
14783            attributes: __assign(__assign({ 'aria-haspopup': 'true' }, detail.role.fold(function () {
14784              return {};
14785            }, function (role) {
14786              return { role: role };
14787            })), detail.dom.tag === 'button' ? { type: lookupAttr('type').getOr('button') } : {})
14788          }
14789        };
14790      };
14791      var Dropdown = composite({
14792        name: 'Dropdown',
14793        configFields: schema$j(),
14794        partFields: parts$d(),
14795        factory: factory$g,
14796        apis: {
14797          open: function (apis, comp) {
14798            return apis.open(comp);
14799          },
14800          expand: function (apis, comp) {
14801            return apis.expand(comp);
14802          },
14803          close: function (apis, comp) {
14804            return apis.close(comp);
14805          },
14806          isOpen: function (apis, comp) {
14807            return apis.isOpen(comp);
14808          },
14809          repositionMenus: function (apis, comp) {
14810            return apis.repositionMenus(comp);
14811          }
14812        }
14813      });
14815      var exhibit$1 = function () {
14816        return nu$7({
14817          styles: {
14818            '-webkit-user-select': 'none',
14819            'user-select': 'none',
14820            '-ms-user-select': 'none',
14821            '-moz-user-select': '-moz-none'
14822          },
14823          attributes: { unselectable: 'on' }
14824        });
14825      };
14826      var events$7 = function () {
14827        return derive$2([abort(selectstart(), always)]);
14828      };
14830      var ActiveUnselecting = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
14831          __proto__: null,
14832          events: events$7,
14833          exhibit: exhibit$1
14834      });
14836      var Unselecting = create$7({
14837        fields: [],
14838        name: 'unselecting',
14839        active: ActiveUnselecting
14840      });
14842      var renderPanelButton = function (spec, sharedBackstage) {
14843        return Dropdown.sketch({
14844          dom: spec.dom,
14845          components: spec.components,
14846          toggleClass: 'mce-active',
14847          dropdownBehaviours: derive$1([
14848            DisablingConfigs.button(sharedBackstage.providers.isDisabled),
14849            receivingConfig(),
14850            Unselecting.config({}),
14851            Tabstopping.config({})
14852          ]),
14853          layouts: spec.layouts,
14854          sandboxClasses: ['tox-dialog__popups'],
14855          lazySink: sharedBackstage.getSink,
14856          fetch: function (comp) {
14857            return Future.nu(function (callback) {
14858              return spec.fetch(callback);
14859            }).map(function (items) {
14860              return Optional.from(createTieredDataFrom(deepMerge(createPartialChoiceMenu(generate$6('menu-value'), items, function (value) {
14861                spec.onItemAction(comp, value);
14862              }, spec.columns, spec.presets, ItemResponse$1.CLOSE_ON_EXECUTE, never, sharedBackstage.providers), { movement: deriveMenuMovement(spec.columns, spec.presets) })));
14863            });
14864          },
14865          parts: { menu: part(false, 1, spec.presets) }
14866        });
14867      };
14869      var colorInputChangeEvent = generate$6('color-input-change');
14870      var colorSwatchChangeEvent = generate$6('color-swatch-change');
14871      var colorPickerCancelEvent = generate$6('color-picker-cancel');
14872      var renderColorInput = function (spec, sharedBackstage, colorInputBackstage) {
14873        var pField = FormField.parts.field({
14874          factory: Input,
14875          inputClasses: ['tox-textfield'],
14876          onSetValue: function (c) {
14877            return Invalidating.run(c).get(noop);
14878          },
14879          inputBehaviours: derive$1([
14880            Disabling.config({ disabled: sharedBackstage.providers.isDisabled }),
14881            receivingConfig(),
14882            Tabstopping.config({}),
14883            Invalidating.config({
14884              invalidClass: 'tox-textbox-field-invalid',
14885              getRoot: function (comp) {
14886                return parent(comp.element);
14887              },
14888              notify: {
14889                onValid: function (comp) {
14890                  var val = Representing.getValue(comp);
14891                  emitWith(comp, colorInputChangeEvent, { color: val });
14892                }
14893              },
14894              validator: {
14895                validateOnLoad: false,
14896                validate: function (input) {
14897                  var inputValue = Representing.getValue(input);
14898                  if (inputValue.length === 0) {
14899                    return Future.pure(Result.value(true));
14900                  } else {
14901                    var span = SugarElement.fromTag('span');
14902                    set$7(span, 'background-color', inputValue);
14903                    var res = getRaw(span, 'background-color').fold(function () {
14904                      return Result.error('blah');
14905                    }, function (_) {
14906                      return Result.value(inputValue);
14907                    });
14908                    return Future.pure(res);
14909                  }
14910                }
14911              }
14912            })
14913          ]),
14914          selectOnFocus: false
14915        });
14916        var pLabel = spec.label.map(function (label) {
14917          return renderLabel$2(label, sharedBackstage.providers);
14918        });
14919        var emitSwatchChange = function (colorBit, value) {
14920          emitWith(colorBit, colorSwatchChangeEvent, { value: value });
14921        };
14922        var onItemAction = function (comp, value) {
14923          memColorButton.getOpt(comp).each(function (colorBit) {
14924            if (value === 'custom') {
14925              colorInputBackstage.colorPicker(function (valueOpt) {
14926                valueOpt.fold(function () {
14927                  return emit(colorBit, colorPickerCancelEvent);
14928                }, function (value) {
14929                  emitSwatchChange(colorBit, value);
14930                  addColor(value);
14931                });
14932              }, '#ffffff');
14933            } else if (value === 'remove') {
14934              emitSwatchChange(colorBit, '');
14935            } else {
14936              emitSwatchChange(colorBit, value);
14937            }
14938          });
14939        };
14940        var memColorButton = record(renderPanelButton({
14941          dom: {
14942            tag: 'span',
14943            attributes: { 'aria-label': sharedBackstage.providers.translate('Color swatch') }
14944          },
14945          layouts: {
14946            onRtl: function () {
14947              return [
14948                southwest$2,
14949                southeast$2,
14950                south$2
14951              ];
14952            },
14953            onLtr: function () {
14954              return [
14955                southeast$2,
14956                southwest$2,
14957                south$2
14958              ];
14959            }
14960          },
14961          components: [],
14962          fetch: getFetch$1(colorInputBackstage.getColors(), colorInputBackstage.hasCustomColors()),
14963          columns: colorInputBackstage.getColorCols(),
14964          presets: 'color',
14965          onItemAction: onItemAction
14966        }, sharedBackstage));
14967        return FormField.sketch({
14968          dom: {
14969            tag: 'div',
14970            classes: ['tox-form__group']
14971          },
14972          components: pLabel.toArray().concat([{
14973              dom: {
14974                tag: 'div',
14975                classes: ['tox-color-input']
14976              },
14977              components: [
14978                pField,
14979                memColorButton.asSpec()
14980              ]
14981            }]),
14982          fieldBehaviours: derive$1([config('form-field-events', [
14983              run$1(colorInputChangeEvent, function (comp, se) {
14984                memColorButton.getOpt(comp).each(function (colorButton) {
14985                  set$7(colorButton.element, 'background-color', se.event.color);
14986                });
14987                emitWith(comp, formChangeEvent, { name: spec.name });
14988              }),
14989              run$1(colorSwatchChangeEvent, function (comp, se) {
14990                FormField.getField(comp).each(function (field) {
14991                  Representing.setValue(field, se.event.value);
14992                  Composing.getCurrent(comp).each(Focusing.focus);
14993                });
14994              }),
14995              run$1(colorPickerCancelEvent, function (comp, _se) {
14996                FormField.getField(comp).each(function (_field) {
14997                  Composing.getCurrent(comp).each(Focusing.focus);
14998                });
14999              })
15000            ])])
15001        });
15002      };
15004      var labelPart = optional({
15005        schema: [required$1('dom')],
15006        name: 'label'
15007      });
15008      var edgePart = function (name) {
15009        return optional({
15010          name: '' + name + '-edge',
15011          overrides: function (detail) {
15012            var action = detail.model.manager.edgeActions[name];
15013            return action.fold(function () {
15014              return {};
15015            }, function (a) {
15016              return {
15017                events: derive$2([
15018                  runActionExtra(touchstart(), function (comp, se, d) {
15019                    return a(comp, d);
15020                  }, [detail]),
15021                  runActionExtra(mousedown(), function (comp, se, d) {
15022                    return a(comp, d);
15023                  }, [detail]),
15024                  runActionExtra(mousemove(), function (comp, se, det) {
15025                    if (det.mouseIsDown.get()) {
15026                      a(comp, det);
15027                    }
15028                  }, [detail])
15029                ])
15030              };
15031            });
15032          }
15033        });
15034      };
15035      var tlEdgePart = edgePart('top-left');
15036      var tedgePart = edgePart('top');
15037      var trEdgePart = edgePart('top-right');
15038      var redgePart = edgePart('right');
15039      var brEdgePart = edgePart('bottom-right');
15040      var bedgePart = edgePart('bottom');
15041      var blEdgePart = edgePart('bottom-left');
15042      var ledgePart = edgePart('left');
15043      var thumbPart = required({
15044        name: 'thumb',
15045        defaults: constant$1({ dom: { styles: { position: 'absolute' } } }),
15046        overrides: function (detail) {
15047          return {
15048            events: derive$2([
15049              redirectToPart(touchstart(), detail, 'spectrum'),
15050              redirectToPart(touchmove(), detail, 'spectrum'),
15051              redirectToPart(touchend(), detail, 'spectrum'),
15052              redirectToPart(mousedown(), detail, 'spectrum'),
15053              redirectToPart(mousemove(), detail, 'spectrum'),
15054              redirectToPart(mouseup(), detail, 'spectrum')
15055            ])
15056          };
15057        }
15058      });
15059      var spectrumPart = required({
15060        schema: [customField('mouseIsDown', function () {
15061            return Cell(false);
15062          })],
15063        name: 'spectrum',
15064        overrides: function (detail) {
15065          var modelDetail = detail.model;
15066          var model = modelDetail.manager;
15067          var setValueFrom = function (component, simulatedEvent) {
15068            return model.getValueFromEvent(simulatedEvent).map(function (value) {
15069              return model.setValueFrom(component, detail, value);
15070            });
15071          };
15072          return {
15073            behaviours: derive$1([
15074              Keying.config({
15075                mode: 'special',
15076                onLeft: function (spectrum) {
15077                  return model.onLeft(spectrum, detail);
15078                },
15079                onRight: function (spectrum) {
15080                  return model.onRight(spectrum, detail);
15081                },
15082                onUp: function (spectrum) {
15083                  return model.onUp(spectrum, detail);
15084                },
15085                onDown: function (spectrum) {
15086                  return model.onDown(spectrum, detail);
15087                }
15088              }),
15089              Focusing.config({})
15090            ]),
15091            events: derive$2([
15092              run$1(touchstart(), setValueFrom),
15093              run$1(touchmove(), setValueFrom),
15094              run$1(mousedown(), setValueFrom),
15095              run$1(mousemove(), function (spectrum, se) {
15096                if (detail.mouseIsDown.get()) {
15097                  setValueFrom(spectrum, se);
15098                }
15099              })
15100            ])
15101          };
15102        }
15103      });
15104      var SliderParts = [
15105        labelPart,
15106        ledgePart,
15107        redgePart,
15108        tedgePart,
15109        bedgePart,
15110        tlEdgePart,
15111        trEdgePart,
15112        blEdgePart,
15113        brEdgePart,
15114        thumbPart,
15115        spectrumPart
15116      ];
15118      var _sliderChangeEvent = 'slider.change.value';
15119      var sliderChangeEvent = constant$1(_sliderChangeEvent);
15120      var isTouchEvent$2 = function (evt) {
15121        return evt.type.indexOf('touch') !== -1;
15122      };
15123      var getEventSource = function (simulatedEvent) {
15124        var evt = simulatedEvent.event.raw;
15125        if (isTouchEvent$2(evt)) {
15126          var touchEvent = evt;
15127          return touchEvent.touches !== undefined && touchEvent.touches.length === 1 ? Optional.some(touchEvent.touches[0]).map(function (t) {
15128            return SugarPosition(t.clientX, t.clientY);
15129          }) : Optional.none();
15130        } else {
15131          var mouseEvent = evt;
15132          return mouseEvent.clientX !== undefined ? Optional.some(mouseEvent).map(function (me) {
15133            return SugarPosition(me.clientX, me.clientY);
15134          }) : Optional.none();
15135        }
15136      };
15138      var t = 'top', r = 'right', b = 'bottom', l = 'left';
15139      var minX = function (detail) {
15140        return detail.model.minX;
15141      };
15142      var minY = function (detail) {
15143        return detail.model.minY;
15144      };
15145      var min1X = function (detail) {
15146        return detail.model.minX - 1;
15147      };
15148      var min1Y = function (detail) {
15149        return detail.model.minY - 1;
15150      };
15151      var maxX = function (detail) {
15152        return detail.model.maxX;
15153      };
15154      var maxY = function (detail) {
15155        return detail.model.maxY;
15156      };
15157      var max1X = function (detail) {
15158        return detail.model.maxX + 1;
15159      };
15160      var max1Y = function (detail) {
15161        return detail.model.maxY + 1;
15162      };
15163      var range = function (detail, max, min) {
15164        return max(detail) - min(detail);
15165      };
15166      var xRange = function (detail) {
15167        return range(detail, maxX, minX);
15168      };
15169      var yRange = function (detail) {
15170        return range(detail, maxY, minY);
15171      };
15172      var halfX = function (detail) {
15173        return xRange(detail) / 2;
15174      };
15175      var halfY = function (detail) {
15176        return yRange(detail) / 2;
15177      };
15178      var step = function (detail) {
15179        return detail.stepSize;
15180      };
15181      var snap = function (detail) {
15182        return detail.snapToGrid;
15183      };
15184      var snapStart = function (detail) {
15185        return detail.snapStart;
15186      };
15187      var rounded = function (detail) {
15188        return detail.rounded;
15189      };
15190      var hasEdge = function (detail, edgeName) {
15191        return detail[edgeName + '-edge'] !== undefined;
15192      };
15193      var hasLEdge = function (detail) {
15194        return hasEdge(detail, l);
15195      };
15196      var hasREdge = function (detail) {
15197        return hasEdge(detail, r);
15198      };
15199      var hasTEdge = function (detail) {
15200        return hasEdge(detail, t);
15201      };
15202      var hasBEdge = function (detail) {
15203        return hasEdge(detail, b);
15204      };
15205      var currentValue = function (detail) {
15206        return detail.model.value.get();
15207      };
15209      var xValue = function (x) {
15210        return { x: x };
15211      };
15212      var yValue = function (y) {
15213        return { y: y };
15214      };
15215      var xyValue = function (x, y) {
15216        return {
15217          x: x,
15218          y: y
15219        };
15220      };
15221      var fireSliderChange$3 = function (component, value) {
15222        emitWith(component, sliderChangeEvent(), { value: value });
15223      };
15224      var setToTLEdgeXY = function (edge, detail) {
15225        fireSliderChange$3(edge, xyValue(min1X(detail), min1Y(detail)));
15226      };
15227      var setToTEdge = function (edge, detail) {
15228        fireSliderChange$3(edge, yValue(min1Y(detail)));
15229      };
15230      var setToTEdgeXY = function (edge, detail) {
15231        fireSliderChange$3(edge, xyValue(halfX(detail), min1Y(detail)));
15232      };
15233      var setToTREdgeXY = function (edge, detail) {
15234        fireSliderChange$3(edge, xyValue(max1X(detail), min1Y(detail)));
15235      };
15236      var setToREdge = function (edge, detail) {
15237        fireSliderChange$3(edge, xValue(max1X(detail)));
15238      };
15239      var setToREdgeXY = function (edge, detail) {
15240        fireSliderChange$3(edge, xyValue(max1X(detail), halfY(detail)));
15241      };
15242      var setToBREdgeXY = function (edge, detail) {
15243        fireSliderChange$3(edge, xyValue(max1X(detail), max1Y(detail)));
15244      };
15245      var setToBEdge = function (edge, detail) {
15246        fireSliderChange$3(edge, yValue(max1Y(detail)));
15247      };
15248      var setToBEdgeXY = function (edge, detail) {
15249        fireSliderChange$3(edge, xyValue(halfX(detail), max1Y(detail)));
15250      };
15251      var setToBLEdgeXY = function (edge, detail) {
15252        fireSliderChange$3(edge, xyValue(min1X(detail), max1Y(detail)));
15253      };
15254      var setToLEdge = function (edge, detail) {
15255        fireSliderChange$3(edge, xValue(min1X(detail)));
15256      };
15257      var setToLEdgeXY = function (edge, detail) {
15258        fireSliderChange$3(edge, xyValue(min1X(detail), halfY(detail)));
15259      };
15261      var reduceBy = function (value, min, max, step) {
15262        if (value < min) {
15263          return value;
15264        } else if (value > max) {
15265          return max;
15266        } else if (value === min) {
15267          return min - 1;
15268        } else {
15269          return Math.max(min, value - step);
15270        }
15271      };
15272      var increaseBy = function (value, min, max, step) {
15273        if (value > max) {
15274          return value;
15275        } else if (value < min) {
15276          return min;
15277        } else if (value === max) {
15278          return max + 1;
15279        } else {
15280          return Math.min(max, value + step);
15281        }
15282      };
15283      var capValue = function (value, min, max) {
15284        return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, value));
15285      };
15286      var snapValueOf = function (value, min, max, step, snapStart) {
15287        return snapStart.fold(function () {
15288          var initValue = value - min;
15289          var extraValue = Math.round(initValue / step) * step;
15290          return capValue(min + extraValue, min - 1, max + 1);
15291        }, function (start) {
15292          var remainder = (value - start) % step;
15293          var adjustment = Math.round(remainder / step);
15294          var rawSteps = Math.floor((value - start) / step);
15295          var maxSteps = Math.floor((max - start) / step);
15296          var numSteps = Math.min(maxSteps, rawSteps + adjustment);
15297          var r = start + numSteps * step;
15298          return Math.max(start, r);
15299        });
15300      };
15301      var findOffsetOf = function (value, min, max) {
15302        return Math.min(max, Math.max(value, min)) - min;
15303      };
15304      var findValueOf = function (args) {
15305        var min = args.min, max = args.max, range = args.range, value = args.value, step = args.step, snap = args.snap, snapStart = args.snapStart, rounded = args.rounded, hasMinEdge = args.hasMinEdge, hasMaxEdge = args.hasMaxEdge, minBound = args.minBound, maxBound = args.maxBound, screenRange = args.screenRange;
15306        var capMin = hasMinEdge ? min - 1 : min;
15307        var capMax = hasMaxEdge ? max + 1 : max;
15308        if (value < minBound) {
15309          return capMin;
15310        } else if (value > maxBound) {
15311          return capMax;
15312        } else {
15313          var offset = findOffsetOf(value, minBound, maxBound);
15314          var newValue = capValue(offset / screenRange * range + min, capMin, capMax);
15315          if (snap && newValue >= min && newValue <= max) {
15316            return snapValueOf(newValue, min, max, step, snapStart);
15317          } else if (rounded) {
15318            return Math.round(newValue);
15319          } else {
15320            return newValue;
15321          }
15322        }
15323      };
15324      var findOffsetOfValue$2 = function (args) {
15325        var min = args.min, max = args.max, range = args.range, value = args.value, hasMinEdge = args.hasMinEdge, hasMaxEdge = args.hasMaxEdge, maxBound = args.maxBound, maxOffset = args.maxOffset, centerMinEdge = args.centerMinEdge, centerMaxEdge = args.centerMaxEdge;
15326        if (value < min) {
15327          return hasMinEdge ? 0 : centerMinEdge;
15328        } else if (value > max) {
15329          return hasMaxEdge ? maxBound : centerMaxEdge;
15330        } else {
15331          return (value - min) / range * maxOffset;
15332        }
15333      };
15335      var top = 'top', right = 'right', bottom = 'bottom', left = 'left', width = 'width', height = 'height';
15336      var getBounds = function (component) {
15337        return component.element.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
15338      };
15339      var getBoundsProperty = function (bounds, property) {
15340        return bounds[property];
15341      };
15342      var getMinXBounds = function (component) {
15343        var bounds = getBounds(component);
15344        return getBoundsProperty(bounds, left);
15345      };
15346      var getMaxXBounds = function (component) {
15347        var bounds = getBounds(component);
15348        return getBoundsProperty(bounds, right);
15349      };
15350      var getMinYBounds = function (component) {
15351        var bounds = getBounds(component);
15352        return getBoundsProperty(bounds, top);
15353      };
15354      var getMaxYBounds = function (component) {
15355        var bounds = getBounds(component);
15356        return getBoundsProperty(bounds, bottom);
15357      };
15358      var getXScreenRange = function (component) {
15359        var bounds = getBounds(component);
15360        return getBoundsProperty(bounds, width);
15361      };
15362      var getYScreenRange = function (component) {
15363        var bounds = getBounds(component);
15364        return getBoundsProperty(bounds, height);
15365      };
15366      var getCenterOffsetOf = function (componentMinEdge, componentMaxEdge, spectrumMinEdge) {
15367        return (componentMinEdge + componentMaxEdge) / 2 - spectrumMinEdge;
15368      };
15369      var getXCenterOffSetOf = function (component, spectrum) {
15370        var componentBounds = getBounds(component);
15371        var spectrumBounds = getBounds(spectrum);
15372        var componentMinEdge = getBoundsProperty(componentBounds, left);
15373        var componentMaxEdge = getBoundsProperty(componentBounds, right);
15374        var spectrumMinEdge = getBoundsProperty(spectrumBounds, left);
15375        return getCenterOffsetOf(componentMinEdge, componentMaxEdge, spectrumMinEdge);
15376      };
15377      var getYCenterOffSetOf = function (component, spectrum) {
15378        var componentBounds = getBounds(component);
15379        var spectrumBounds = getBounds(spectrum);
15380        var componentMinEdge = getBoundsProperty(componentBounds, top);
15381        var componentMaxEdge = getBoundsProperty(componentBounds, bottom);
15382        var spectrumMinEdge = getBoundsProperty(spectrumBounds, top);
15383        return getCenterOffsetOf(componentMinEdge, componentMaxEdge, spectrumMinEdge);
15384      };
15386      var fireSliderChange$2 = function (spectrum, value) {
15387        emitWith(spectrum, sliderChangeEvent(), { value: value });
15388      };
15389      var sliderValue$2 = function (x) {
15390        return { x: x };
15391      };
15392      var findValueOfOffset$1 = function (spectrum, detail, left) {
15393        var args = {
15394          min: minX(detail),
15395          max: maxX(detail),
15396          range: xRange(detail),
15397          value: left,
15398          step: step(detail),
15399          snap: snap(detail),
15400          snapStart: snapStart(detail),
15401          rounded: rounded(detail),
15402          hasMinEdge: hasLEdge(detail),
15403          hasMaxEdge: hasREdge(detail),
15404          minBound: getMinXBounds(spectrum),
15405          maxBound: getMaxXBounds(spectrum),
15406          screenRange: getXScreenRange(spectrum)
15407        };
15408        return findValueOf(args);
15409      };
15410      var setValueFrom$2 = function (spectrum, detail, value) {
15411        var xValue = findValueOfOffset$1(spectrum, detail, value);
15412        var sliderVal = sliderValue$2(xValue);
15413        fireSliderChange$2(spectrum, sliderVal);
15414        return xValue;
15415      };
15416      var setToMin$2 = function (spectrum, detail) {
15417        var min = minX(detail);
15418        fireSliderChange$2(spectrum, sliderValue$2(min));
15419      };
15420      var setToMax$2 = function (spectrum, detail) {
15421        var max = maxX(detail);
15422        fireSliderChange$2(spectrum, sliderValue$2(max));
15423      };
15424      var moveBy$2 = function (direction, spectrum, detail) {
15425        var f = direction > 0 ? increaseBy : reduceBy;
15426        var xValue = f(currentValue(detail).x, minX(detail), maxX(detail), step(detail));
15427        fireSliderChange$2(spectrum, sliderValue$2(xValue));
15428        return Optional.some(xValue);
15429      };
15430      var handleMovement$2 = function (direction) {
15431        return function (spectrum, detail) {
15432          return moveBy$2(direction, spectrum, detail).map(always);
15433        };
15434      };
15435      var getValueFromEvent$2 = function (simulatedEvent) {
15436        var pos = getEventSource(simulatedEvent);
15437        return pos.map(function (p) {
15438          return p.left;
15439        });
15440      };
15441      var findOffsetOfValue$1 = function (spectrum, detail, value, minEdge, maxEdge) {
15442        var minOffset = 0;
15443        var maxOffset = getXScreenRange(spectrum);
15444        var centerMinEdge = minEdge.bind(function (edge) {
15445          return Optional.some(getXCenterOffSetOf(edge, spectrum));
15446        }).getOr(minOffset);
15447        var centerMaxEdge = maxEdge.bind(function (edge) {
15448          return Optional.some(getXCenterOffSetOf(edge, spectrum));
15449        }).getOr(maxOffset);
15450        var args = {
15451          min: minX(detail),
15452          max: maxX(detail),
15453          range: xRange(detail),
15454          value: value,
15455          hasMinEdge: hasLEdge(detail),
15456          hasMaxEdge: hasREdge(detail),
15457          minBound: getMinXBounds(spectrum),
15458          minOffset: minOffset,
15459          maxBound: getMaxXBounds(spectrum),
15460          maxOffset: maxOffset,
15461          centerMinEdge: centerMinEdge,
15462          centerMaxEdge: centerMaxEdge
15463        };
15464        return findOffsetOfValue$2(args);
15465      };
15466      var findPositionOfValue$1 = function (slider, spectrum, value, minEdge, maxEdge, detail) {
15467        var offset = findOffsetOfValue$1(spectrum, detail, value, minEdge, maxEdge);
15468        return getMinXBounds(spectrum) - getMinXBounds(slider) + offset;
15469      };
15470      var setPositionFromValue$2 = function (slider, thumb, detail, edges) {
15471        var value = currentValue(detail);
15472        var pos = findPositionOfValue$1(slider, edges.getSpectrum(slider), value.x, edges.getLeftEdge(slider), edges.getRightEdge(slider), detail);
15473        var thumbRadius = get$a(thumb.element) / 2;
15474        set$7(thumb.element, 'left', pos - thumbRadius + 'px');
15475      };
15476      var onLeft$2 = handleMovement$2(-1);
15477      var onRight$2 = handleMovement$2(1);
15478      var onUp$2 = Optional.none;
15479      var onDown$2 = Optional.none;
15480      var edgeActions$2 = {
15481        'top-left': Optional.none(),
15482        'top': Optional.none(),
15483        'top-right': Optional.none(),
15484        'right': Optional.some(setToREdge),
15485        'bottom-right': Optional.none(),
15486        'bottom': Optional.none(),
15487        'bottom-left': Optional.none(),
15488        'left': Optional.some(setToLEdge)
15489      };
15491      var HorizontalModel = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
15492          __proto__: null,
15493          setValueFrom: setValueFrom$2,
15494          setToMin: setToMin$2,
15495          setToMax: setToMax$2,
15496          findValueOfOffset: findValueOfOffset$1,
15497          getValueFromEvent: getValueFromEvent$2,
15498          findPositionOfValue: findPositionOfValue$1,
15499          setPositionFromValue: setPositionFromValue$2,
15500          onLeft: onLeft$2,
15501          onRight: onRight$2,
15502          onUp: onUp$2,
15503          onDown: onDown$2,
15504          edgeActions: edgeActions$2
15505      });
15507      var fireSliderChange$1 = function (spectrum, value) {
15508        emitWith(spectrum, sliderChangeEvent(), { value: value });
15509      };
15510      var sliderValue$1 = function (y) {
15511        return { y: y };
15512      };
15513      var findValueOfOffset = function (spectrum, detail, top) {
15514        var args = {
15515          min: minY(detail),
15516          max: maxY(detail),
15517          range: yRange(detail),
15518          value: top,
15519          step: step(detail),
15520          snap: snap(detail),
15521          snapStart: snapStart(detail),
15522          rounded: rounded(detail),
15523          hasMinEdge: hasTEdge(detail),
15524          hasMaxEdge: hasBEdge(detail),
15525          minBound: getMinYBounds(spectrum),
15526          maxBound: getMaxYBounds(spectrum),
15527          screenRange: getYScreenRange(spectrum)
15528        };
15529        return findValueOf(args);
15530      };
15531      var setValueFrom$1 = function (spectrum, detail, value) {
15532        var yValue = findValueOfOffset(spectrum, detail, value);
15533        var sliderVal = sliderValue$1(yValue);
15534        fireSliderChange$1(spectrum, sliderVal);
15535        return yValue;
15536      };
15537      var setToMin$1 = function (spectrum, detail) {
15538        var min = minY(detail);
15539        fireSliderChange$1(spectrum, sliderValue$1(min));
15540      };
15541      var setToMax$1 = function (spectrum, detail) {
15542        var max = maxY(detail);
15543        fireSliderChange$1(spectrum, sliderValue$1(max));
15544      };
15545      var moveBy$1 = function (direction, spectrum, detail) {
15546        var f = direction > 0 ? increaseBy : reduceBy;
15547        var yValue = f(currentValue(detail).y, minY(detail), maxY(detail), step(detail));
15548        fireSliderChange$1(spectrum, sliderValue$1(yValue));
15549        return Optional.some(yValue);
15550      };
15551      var handleMovement$1 = function (direction) {
15552        return function (spectrum, detail) {
15553          return moveBy$1(direction, spectrum, detail).map(always);
15554        };
15555      };
15556      var getValueFromEvent$1 = function (simulatedEvent) {
15557        var pos = getEventSource(simulatedEvent);
15558        return pos.map(function (p) {
15559          return p.top;
15560        });
15561      };
15562      var findOffsetOfValue = function (spectrum, detail, value, minEdge, maxEdge) {
15563        var minOffset = 0;
15564        var maxOffset = getYScreenRange(spectrum);
15565        var centerMinEdge = minEdge.bind(function (edge) {
15566          return Optional.some(getYCenterOffSetOf(edge, spectrum));
15567        }).getOr(minOffset);
15568        var centerMaxEdge = maxEdge.bind(function (edge) {
15569          return Optional.some(getYCenterOffSetOf(edge, spectrum));
15570        }).getOr(maxOffset);
15571        var args = {
15572          min: minY(detail),
15573          max: maxY(detail),
15574          range: yRange(detail),
15575          value: value,
15576          hasMinEdge: hasTEdge(detail),
15577          hasMaxEdge: hasBEdge(detail),
15578          minBound: getMinYBounds(spectrum),
15579          minOffset: minOffset,
15580          maxBound: getMaxYBounds(spectrum),
15581          maxOffset: maxOffset,
15582          centerMinEdge: centerMinEdge,
15583          centerMaxEdge: centerMaxEdge
15584        };
15585        return findOffsetOfValue$2(args);
15586      };
15587      var findPositionOfValue = function (slider, spectrum, value, minEdge, maxEdge, detail) {
15588        var offset = findOffsetOfValue(spectrum, detail, value, minEdge, maxEdge);
15589        return getMinYBounds(spectrum) - getMinYBounds(slider) + offset;
15590      };
15591      var setPositionFromValue$1 = function (slider, thumb, detail, edges) {
15592        var value = currentValue(detail);
15593        var pos = findPositionOfValue(slider, edges.getSpectrum(slider), value.y, edges.getTopEdge(slider), edges.getBottomEdge(slider), detail);
15594        var thumbRadius = get$b(thumb.element) / 2;
15595        set$7(thumb.element, 'top', pos - thumbRadius + 'px');
15596      };
15597      var onLeft$1 = Optional.none;
15598      var onRight$1 = Optional.none;
15599      var onUp$1 = handleMovement$1(-1);
15600      var onDown$1 = handleMovement$1(1);
15601      var edgeActions$1 = {
15602        'top-left': Optional.none(),
15603        'top': Optional.some(setToTEdge),
15604        'top-right': Optional.none(),
15605        'right': Optional.none(),
15606        'bottom-right': Optional.none(),
15607        'bottom': Optional.some(setToBEdge),
15608        'bottom-left': Optional.none(),
15609        'left': Optional.none()
15610      };
15612      var VerticalModel = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
15613          __proto__: null,
15614          setValueFrom: setValueFrom$1,
15615          setToMin: setToMin$1,
15616          setToMax: setToMax$1,
15617          findValueOfOffset: findValueOfOffset,
15618          getValueFromEvent: getValueFromEvent$1,
15619          findPositionOfValue: findPositionOfValue,
15620          setPositionFromValue: setPositionFromValue$1,
15621          onLeft: onLeft$1,
15622          onRight: onRight$1,
15623          onUp: onUp$1,
15624          onDown: onDown$1,
15625          edgeActions: edgeActions$1
15626      });
15628      var fireSliderChange = function (spectrum, value) {
15629        emitWith(spectrum, sliderChangeEvent(), { value: value });
15630      };
15631      var sliderValue = function (x, y) {
15632        return {
15633          x: x,
15634          y: y
15635        };
15636      };
15637      var setValueFrom = function (spectrum, detail, value) {
15638        var xValue = findValueOfOffset$1(spectrum, detail, value.left);
15639        var yValue = findValueOfOffset(spectrum, detail, value.top);
15640        var val = sliderValue(xValue, yValue);
15641        fireSliderChange(spectrum, val);
15642        return val;
15643      };
15644      var moveBy = function (direction, isVerticalMovement, spectrum, detail) {
15645        var f = direction > 0 ? increaseBy : reduceBy;
15646        var xValue = isVerticalMovement ? currentValue(detail).x : f(currentValue(detail).x, minX(detail), maxX(detail), step(detail));
15647        var yValue = !isVerticalMovement ? currentValue(detail).y : f(currentValue(detail).y, minY(detail), maxY(detail), step(detail));
15648        fireSliderChange(spectrum, sliderValue(xValue, yValue));
15649        return Optional.some(xValue);
15650      };
15651      var handleMovement = function (direction, isVerticalMovement) {
15652        return function (spectrum, detail) {
15653          return moveBy(direction, isVerticalMovement, spectrum, detail).map(always);
15654        };
15655      };
15656      var setToMin = function (spectrum, detail) {
15657        var mX = minX(detail);
15658        var mY = minY(detail);
15659        fireSliderChange(spectrum, sliderValue(mX, mY));
15660      };
15661      var setToMax = function (spectrum, detail) {
15662        var mX = maxX(detail);
15663        var mY = maxY(detail);
15664        fireSliderChange(spectrum, sliderValue(mX, mY));
15665      };
15666      var getValueFromEvent = function (simulatedEvent) {
15667        return getEventSource(simulatedEvent);
15668      };
15669      var setPositionFromValue = function (slider, thumb, detail, edges) {
15670        var value = currentValue(detail);
15671        var xPos = findPositionOfValue$1(slider, edges.getSpectrum(slider), value.x, edges.getLeftEdge(slider), edges.getRightEdge(slider), detail);
15672        var yPos = findPositionOfValue(slider, edges.getSpectrum(slider), value.y, edges.getTopEdge(slider), edges.getBottomEdge(slider), detail);
15673        var thumbXRadius = get$a(thumb.element) / 2;
15674        var thumbYRadius = get$b(thumb.element) / 2;
15675        set$7(thumb.element, 'left', xPos - thumbXRadius + 'px');
15676        set$7(thumb.element, 'top', yPos - thumbYRadius + 'px');
15677      };
15678      var onLeft = handleMovement(-1, false);
15679      var onRight = handleMovement(1, false);
15680      var onUp = handleMovement(-1, true);
15681      var onDown = handleMovement(1, true);
15682      var edgeActions = {
15683        'top-left': Optional.some(setToTLEdgeXY),
15684        'top': Optional.some(setToTEdgeXY),
15685        'top-right': Optional.some(setToTREdgeXY),
15686        'right': Optional.some(setToREdgeXY),
15687        'bottom-right': Optional.some(setToBREdgeXY),
15688        'bottom': Optional.some(setToBEdgeXY),
15689        'bottom-left': Optional.some(setToBLEdgeXY),
15690        'left': Optional.some(setToLEdgeXY)
15691      };
15693      var TwoDModel = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
15694          __proto__: null,
15695          setValueFrom: setValueFrom,
15696          setToMin: setToMin,
15697          setToMax: setToMax,
15698          getValueFromEvent: getValueFromEvent,
15699          setPositionFromValue: setPositionFromValue,
15700          onLeft: onLeft,
15701          onRight: onRight,
15702          onUp: onUp,
15703          onDown: onDown,
15704          edgeActions: edgeActions
15705      });
15707      var SliderSchema = [
15708        defaulted('stepSize', 1),
15709        defaulted('onChange', noop),
15710        defaulted('onChoose', noop),
15711        defaulted('onInit', noop),
15712        defaulted('onDragStart', noop),
15713        defaulted('onDragEnd', noop),
15714        defaulted('snapToGrid', false),
15715        defaulted('rounded', true),
15716        option('snapStart'),
15717        requiredOf('model', choose$1('mode', {
15718          x: [
15719            defaulted('minX', 0),
15720            defaulted('maxX', 100),
15721            customField('value', function (spec) {
15722              return Cell(spec.mode.minX);
15723            }),
15724            required$1('getInitialValue'),
15725            output$1('manager', HorizontalModel)
15726          ],
15727          y: [
15728            defaulted('minY', 0),
15729            defaulted('maxY', 100),
15730            customField('value', function (spec) {
15731              return Cell(spec.mode.minY);
15732            }),
15733            required$1('getInitialValue'),
15734            output$1('manager', VerticalModel)
15735          ],
15736          xy: [
15737            defaulted('minX', 0),
15738            defaulted('maxX', 100),
15739            defaulted('minY', 0),
15740            defaulted('maxY', 100),
15741            customField('value', function (spec) {
15742              return Cell({
15743                x: spec.mode.minX,
15744                y: spec.mode.minY
15745              });
15746            }),
15747            required$1('getInitialValue'),
15748            output$1('manager', TwoDModel)
15749          ]
15750        })),
15751        field('sliderBehaviours', [
15752          Keying,
15753          Representing
15754        ]),
15755        customField('mouseIsDown', function () {
15756          return Cell(false);
15757        })
15758      ];
15760      var sketch$2 = function (detail, components, _spec, _externals) {
15761        var _a;
15762        var getThumb = function (component) {
15763          return getPartOrDie(component, detail, 'thumb');
15764        };
15765        var getSpectrum = function (component) {
15766          return getPartOrDie(component, detail, 'spectrum');
15767        };
15768        var getLeftEdge = function (component) {
15769          return getPart(component, detail, 'left-edge');
15770        };
15771        var getRightEdge = function (component) {
15772          return getPart(component, detail, 'right-edge');
15773        };
15774        var getTopEdge = function (component) {
15775          return getPart(component, detail, 'top-edge');
15776        };
15777        var getBottomEdge = function (component) {
15778          return getPart(component, detail, 'bottom-edge');
15779        };
15780        var modelDetail = detail.model;
15781        var model = modelDetail.manager;
15782        var refresh = function (slider, thumb) {
15783          model.setPositionFromValue(slider, thumb, detail, {
15784            getLeftEdge: getLeftEdge,
15785            getRightEdge: getRightEdge,
15786            getTopEdge: getTopEdge,
15787            getBottomEdge: getBottomEdge,
15788            getSpectrum: getSpectrum
15789          });
15790        };
15791        var setValue = function (slider, newValue) {
15792          modelDetail.value.set(newValue);
15793          var thumb = getThumb(slider);
15794          refresh(slider, thumb);
15795        };
15796        var changeValue = function (slider, newValue) {
15797          setValue(slider, newValue);
15798          var thumb = getThumb(slider);
15799          detail.onChange(slider, thumb, newValue);
15800          return Optional.some(true);
15801        };
15802        var resetToMin = function (slider) {
15803          model.setToMin(slider, detail);
15804        };
15805        var resetToMax = function (slider) {
15806          model.setToMax(slider, detail);
15807        };
15808        var choose = function (slider) {
15809          var fireOnChoose = function () {
15810            getPart(slider, detail, 'thumb').each(function (thumb) {
15811              var value = modelDetail.value.get();
15812              detail.onChoose(slider, thumb, value);
15813            });
15814          };
15815          var wasDown = detail.mouseIsDown.get();
15816          detail.mouseIsDown.set(false);
15817          if (wasDown) {
15818            fireOnChoose();
15819          }
15820        };
15821        var onDragStart = function (slider, simulatedEvent) {
15822          simulatedEvent.stop();
15823          detail.mouseIsDown.set(true);
15824          detail.onDragStart(slider, getThumb(slider));
15825        };
15826        var onDragEnd = function (slider, simulatedEvent) {
15827          simulatedEvent.stop();
15828          detail.onDragEnd(slider, getThumb(slider));
15829          choose(slider);
15830        };
15831        return {
15832          uid: detail.uid,
15833          dom: detail.dom,
15834          components: components,
15835          behaviours: augment(detail.sliderBehaviours, [
15836            Keying.config({
15837              mode: 'special',
15838              focusIn: function (slider) {
15839                return getPart(slider, detail, 'spectrum').map(Keying.focusIn).map(always);
15840              }
15841            }),
15842            Representing.config({
15843              store: {
15844                mode: 'manual',
15845                getValue: function (_) {
15846                  return modelDetail.value.get();
15847                }
15848              }
15849            }),
15850            Receiving.config({ channels: (_a = {}, _a[mouseReleased()] = { onReceive: choose }, _a) })
15851          ]),
15852          events: derive$2([
15853            run$1(sliderChangeEvent(), function (slider, simulatedEvent) {
15854              changeValue(slider, simulatedEvent.event.value);
15855            }),
15856            runOnAttached(function (slider, _simulatedEvent) {
15857              var getInitial = modelDetail.getInitialValue();
15858              modelDetail.value.set(getInitial);
15859              var thumb = getThumb(slider);
15860              refresh(slider, thumb);
15861              var spectrum = getSpectrum(slider);
15862              detail.onInit(slider, thumb, spectrum, modelDetail.value.get());
15863            }),
15864            run$1(touchstart(), onDragStart),
15865            run$1(touchend(), onDragEnd),
15866            run$1(mousedown(), onDragStart),
15867            run$1(mouseup(), onDragEnd)
15868          ]),
15869          apis: {
15870            resetToMin: resetToMin,
15871            resetToMax: resetToMax,
15872            setValue: setValue,
15873            refresh: refresh
15874          },
15875          domModification: { styles: { position: 'relative' } }
15876        };
15877      };
15879      var Slider = composite({
15880        name: 'Slider',
15881        configFields: SliderSchema,
15882        partFields: SliderParts,
15883        factory: sketch$2,
15884        apis: {
15885          setValue: function (apis, slider, value) {
15886            apis.setValue(slider, value);
15887          },
15888          resetToMin: function (apis, slider) {
15889            apis.resetToMin(slider);
15890          },
15891          resetToMax: function (apis, slider) {
15892            apis.resetToMax(slider);
15893          },
15894          refresh: function (apis, slider) {
15895            apis.refresh(slider);
15896          }
15897        }
15898      });
15900      var fieldsUpdate = generate$6('rgb-hex-update');
15901      var sliderUpdate = generate$6('slider-update');
15902      var paletteUpdate = generate$6('palette-update');
15904      var sliderFactory = function (translate, getClass) {
15905        var spectrum = Slider.parts.spectrum({
15906          dom: {
15907            tag: 'div',
15908            classes: [getClass('hue-slider-spectrum')],
15909            attributes: { role: 'presentation' }
15910          }
15911        });
15912        var thumb = Slider.parts.thumb({
15913          dom: {
15914            tag: 'div',
15915            classes: [getClass('hue-slider-thumb')],
15916            attributes: { role: 'presentation' }
15917          }
15918        });
15919        return Slider.sketch({
15920          dom: {
15921            tag: 'div',
15922            classes: [getClass('hue-slider')],
15923            attributes: { role: 'presentation' }
15924          },
15925          rounded: false,
15926          model: {
15927            mode: 'y',
15928            getInitialValue: constant$1({ y: 0 })
15929          },
15930          components: [
15931            spectrum,
15932            thumb
15933          ],
15934          sliderBehaviours: derive$1([Focusing.config({})]),
15935          onChange: function (slider, _thumb, value) {
15936            emitWith(slider, sliderUpdate, { value: value });
15937          }
15938        });
15939      };
15941      var owner$1 = 'form';
15942      var schema$i = [field('formBehaviours', [Representing])];
15943      var getPartName$1 = function (name) {
15944        return '<alloy.field.' + name + '>';
15945      };
15946      var sketch$1 = function (fSpec) {
15947        var parts = function () {
15948          var record = [];
15949          var field = function (name, config) {
15950            record.push(name);
15951            return generateOne$1(owner$1, getPartName$1(name), config);
15952          };
15953          return {
15954            field: field,
15955            record: constant$1(record)
15956          };
15957        }();
15958        var spec = fSpec(parts);
15959        var partNames = parts.record();
15960        var fieldParts = map$2(partNames, function (n) {
15961          return required({
15962            name: n,
15963            pname: getPartName$1(n)
15964          });
15965        });
15966        return composite$1(owner$1, schema$i, fieldParts, make$4, spec);
15967      };
15968      var toResult = function (o, e) {
15969        return o.fold(function () {
15970          return Result.error(e);
15971        }, Result.value);
15972      };
15973      var make$4 = function (detail, components) {
15974        return {
15975          uid: detail.uid,
15976          dom: detail.dom,
15977          components: components,
15978          behaviours: augment(detail.formBehaviours, [Representing.config({
15979              store: {
15980                mode: 'manual',
15981                getValue: function (form) {
15982                  var resPs = getAllParts(form, detail);
15983                  return map$1(resPs, function (resPThunk, pName) {
15984                    return resPThunk().bind(function (v) {
15985                      var opt = Composing.getCurrent(v);
15986                      return toResult(opt, new Error('Cannot find a current component to extract the value from for form part \'' + pName + '\': ' + element(v.element)));
15987                    }).map(Representing.getValue);
15988                  });
15989                },
15990                setValue: function (form, values) {
15991                  each(values, function (newValue, key) {
15992                    getPart(form, detail, key).each(function (wrapper) {
15993                      Composing.getCurrent(wrapper).each(function (field) {
15994                        Representing.setValue(field, newValue);
15995                      });
15996                    });
15997                  });
15998                }
15999              }
16000            })]),
16001          apis: {
16002            getField: function (form, key) {
16003              return getPart(form, detail, key).bind(Composing.getCurrent);
16004            }
16005          }
16006        };
16007      };
16008      var Form = {
16009        getField: makeApi(function (apis, component, key) {
16010          return apis.getField(component, key);
16011        }),
16012        sketch: sketch$1
16013      };
16015      var validInput = generate$6('valid-input');
16016      var invalidInput = generate$6('invalid-input');
16017      var validatingInput = generate$6('validating-input');
16018      var translatePrefix = 'colorcustom.rgb.';
16019      var rgbFormFactory = function (translate, getClass, onValidHexx, onInvalidHexx) {
16020        var invalidation = function (label, isValid) {
16021          return Invalidating.config({
16022            invalidClass: getClass('invalid'),
16023            notify: {
16024              onValidate: function (comp) {
16025                emitWith(comp, validatingInput, { type: label });
16026              },
16027              onValid: function (comp) {
16028                emitWith(comp, validInput, {
16029                  type: label,
16030                  value: Representing.getValue(comp)
16031                });
16032              },
16033              onInvalid: function (comp) {
16034                emitWith(comp, invalidInput, {
16035                  type: label,
16036                  value: Representing.getValue(comp)
16037                });
16038              }
16039            },
16040            validator: {
16041              validate: function (comp) {
16042                var value = Representing.getValue(comp);
16043                var res = isValid(value) ? Result.value(true) : Result.error(translate('aria.input.invalid'));
16044                return Future.pure(res);
16045              },
16046              validateOnLoad: false
16047            }
16048          });
16049        };
16050        var renderTextField = function (isValid, name, label, description, data) {
16051          var helptext = translate(translatePrefix + 'range');
16052          var pLabel = FormField.parts.label({
16053            dom: {
16054              tag: 'label',
16055              innerHtml: label,
16056              attributes: { 'aria-label': description }
16057            }
16058          });
16059          var pField = FormField.parts.field({
16060            data: data,
16061            factory: Input,
16062            inputAttributes: __assign({ type: 'text' }, name === 'hex' ? { 'aria-live': 'polite' } : {}),
16063            inputClasses: [getClass('textfield')],
16064            inputBehaviours: derive$1([
16065              invalidation(name, isValid),
16066              Tabstopping.config({})
16067            ]),
16068            onSetValue: function (input) {
16069              if (Invalidating.isInvalid(input)) {
16070                var run = Invalidating.run(input);
16071                run.get(noop);
16072              }
16073            }
16074          });
16075          var comps = [
16076            pLabel,
16077            pField
16078          ];
16079          var concats = name !== 'hex' ? [FormField.parts['aria-descriptor']({ text: helptext })] : [];
16080          var components = comps.concat(concats);
16081          return {
16082            dom: {
16083              tag: 'div',
16084              attributes: { role: 'presentation' }
16085            },
16086            components: components
16087          };
16088        };
16089        var copyRgbToHex = function (form, rgba) {
16090          var hex = fromRgba(rgba);
16091          Form.getField(form, 'hex').each(function (hexField) {
16092            if (!Focusing.isFocused(hexField)) {
16093              Representing.setValue(form, { hex: hex.value });
16094            }
16095          });
16096          return hex;
16097        };
16098        var copyRgbToForm = function (form, rgb) {
16099          var red = rgb.red;
16100          var green = rgb.green;
16101          var blue = rgb.blue;
16102          Representing.setValue(form, {
16103            red: red,
16104            green: green,
16105            blue: blue
16106          });
16107        };
16108        var memPreview = record({
16109          dom: {
16110            tag: 'div',
16111            classes: [getClass('rgba-preview')],
16112            styles: { 'background-color': 'white' },
16113            attributes: { role: 'presentation' }
16114          }
16115        });
16116        var updatePreview = function (anyInSystem, hex) {
16117          memPreview.getOpt(anyInSystem).each(function (preview) {
16118            set$7(preview.element, 'background-color', '#' + hex.value);
16119          });
16120        };
16121        var factory = function () {
16122          var state = {
16123            red: Cell(Optional.some(255)),
16124            green: Cell(Optional.some(255)),
16125            blue: Cell(Optional.some(255)),
16126            hex: Cell(Optional.some('ffffff'))
16127          };
16128          var copyHexToRgb = function (form, hex) {
16129            var rgb = fromHex(hex);
16130            copyRgbToForm(form, rgb);
16131            setValueRgb(rgb);
16132          };
16133          var get = function (prop) {
16134            return state[prop].get();
16135          };
16136          var set = function (prop, value) {
16137            state[prop].set(value);
16138          };
16139          var getValueRgb = function () {
16140            return get('red').bind(function (red) {
16141              return get('green').bind(function (green) {
16142                return get('blue').map(function (blue) {
16143                  return rgbaColour(red, green, blue, 1);
16144                });
16145              });
16146            });
16147          };
16148          var setValueRgb = function (rgb) {
16149            var red = rgb.red;
16150            var green = rgb.green;
16151            var blue = rgb.blue;
16152            set('red', Optional.some(red));
16153            set('green', Optional.some(green));
16154            set('blue', Optional.some(blue));
16155          };
16156          var onInvalidInput = function (form, simulatedEvent) {
16157            var data = simulatedEvent.event;
16158            if (data.type !== 'hex') {
16159              set(data.type, Optional.none());
16160            } else {
16161              onInvalidHexx(form);
16162            }
16163          };
16164          var onValidHex = function (form, value) {
16165            onValidHexx(form);
16166            var hex = hexColour(value);
16167            set('hex', Optional.some(value));
16168            var rgb = fromHex(hex);
16169            copyRgbToForm(form, rgb);
16170            setValueRgb(rgb);
16171            emitWith(form, fieldsUpdate, { hex: hex });
16172            updatePreview(form, hex);
16173          };
16174          var onValidRgb = function (form, prop, value) {
16175            var val = parseInt(value, 10);
16176            set(prop, Optional.some(val));
16177            getValueRgb().each(function (rgb) {
16178              var hex = copyRgbToHex(form, rgb);
16179              emitWith(form, fieldsUpdate, { hex: hex });
16180              updatePreview(form, hex);
16181            });
16182          };
16183          var isHexInputEvent = function (data) {
16184            return data.type === 'hex';
16185          };
16186          var onValidInput = function (form, simulatedEvent) {
16187            var data = simulatedEvent.event;
16188            if (isHexInputEvent(data)) {
16189              onValidHex(form, data.value);
16190            } else {
16191              onValidRgb(form, data.type, data.value);
16192            }
16193          };
16194          var formPartStrings = function (key) {
16195            return {
16196              label: translate(translatePrefix + key + '.label'),
16197              description: translate(translatePrefix + key + '.description')
16198            };
16199          };
16200          var redStrings = formPartStrings('red');
16201          var greenStrings = formPartStrings('green');
16202          var blueStrings = formPartStrings('blue');
16203          var hexStrings = formPartStrings('hex');
16204          return deepMerge(Form.sketch(function (parts) {
16205            return {
16206              dom: {
16207                tag: 'form',
16208                classes: [getClass('rgb-form')],
16209                attributes: { 'aria-label': translate('aria.color.picker') }
16210              },
16211              components: [
16212                parts.field('red', FormField.sketch(renderTextField(isRgbaComponent, 'red', redStrings.label, redStrings.description, 255))),
16213                parts.field('green', FormField.sketch(renderTextField(isRgbaComponent, 'green', greenStrings.label, greenStrings.description, 255))),
16214                parts.field('blue', FormField.sketch(renderTextField(isRgbaComponent, 'blue', blueStrings.label, blueStrings.description, 255))),
16215                parts.field('hex', FormField.sketch(renderTextField(isHexString, 'hex', hexStrings.label, hexStrings.description, 'ffffff'))),
16216                memPreview.asSpec()
16217              ],
16218              formBehaviours: derive$1([
16219                Invalidating.config({ invalidClass: getClass('form-invalid') }),
16220                config('rgb-form-events', [
16221                  run$1(validInput, onValidInput),
16222                  run$1(invalidInput, onInvalidInput),
16223                  run$1(validatingInput, onInvalidInput)
16224                ])
16225              ])
16226            };
16227          }), {
16228            apis: {
16229              updateHex: function (form, hex) {
16230                Representing.setValue(form, { hex: hex.value });
16231                copyHexToRgb(form, hex);
16232                updatePreview(form, hex);
16233              }
16234            }
16235          });
16236        };
16237        var rgbFormSketcher = single({
16238          factory: factory,
16239          name: 'RgbForm',
16240          configFields: [],
16241          apis: {
16242            updateHex: function (apis, form, hex) {
16243              apis.updateHex(form, hex);
16244            }
16245          },
16246          extraApis: {}
16247        });
16248        return rgbFormSketcher;
16249      };
16251      var paletteFactory = function (_translate, getClass) {
16252        var spectrumPart = Slider.parts.spectrum({
16253          dom: {
16254            tag: 'canvas',
16255            attributes: { role: 'presentation' },
16256            classes: [getClass('sv-palette-spectrum')]
16257          }
16258        });
16259        var thumbPart = Slider.parts.thumb({
16260          dom: {
16261            tag: 'div',
16262            attributes: { role: 'presentation' },
16263            classes: [getClass('sv-palette-thumb')],
16264            innerHtml: '<div class=' + getClass('sv-palette-inner-thumb') + ' role="presentation"></div>'
16265          }
16266        });
16267        var setColour = function (canvas, rgba) {
16268          var width = canvas.width, height = canvas.height;
16269          var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
16270          if (ctx === null) {
16271            return;
16272          }
16273          ctx.fillStyle = rgba;
16274          ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
16275          var grdWhite = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, width, 0);
16276          grdWhite.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(255,255,255,1)');
16277          grdWhite.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(255,255,255,0)');
16278          ctx.fillStyle = grdWhite;
16279          ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
16280          var grdBlack = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, height);
16281          grdBlack.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)');
16282          grdBlack.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,1)');
16283          ctx.fillStyle = grdBlack;
16284          ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
16285        };
16286        var setPaletteHue = function (slider, hue) {
16287          var canvas = slider.components()[0].element.dom;
16288          var hsv = hsvColour(hue, 100, 100);
16289          var rgba = fromHsv(hsv);
16290          setColour(canvas, toString(rgba));
16291        };
16292        var setPaletteThumb = function (slider, hex) {
16293          var hsv = fromRgb(fromHex(hex));
16294          Slider.setValue(slider, {
16295            x: hsv.saturation,
16296            y: 100 - hsv.value
16297          });
16298        };
16299        var factory = function (_detail) {
16300          var getInitialValue = constant$1({
16301            x: 0,
16302            y: 0
16303          });
16304          var onChange = function (slider, _thumb, value) {
16305            emitWith(slider, paletteUpdate, { value: value });
16306          };
16307          var onInit = function (_slider, _thumb, spectrum, _value) {
16308            setColour(spectrum.element.dom, toString(red));
16309          };
16310          var sliderBehaviours = derive$1([
16311            Composing.config({ find: Optional.some }),
16312            Focusing.config({})
16313          ]);
16314          return Slider.sketch({
16315            dom: {
16316              tag: 'div',
16317              attributes: { role: 'presentation' },
16318              classes: [getClass('sv-palette')]
16319            },
16320            model: {
16321              mode: 'xy',
16322              getInitialValue: getInitialValue
16323            },
16324            rounded: false,
16325            components: [
16326              spectrumPart,
16327              thumbPart
16328            ],
16329            onChange: onChange,
16330            onInit: onInit,
16331            sliderBehaviours: sliderBehaviours
16332          });
16333        };
16334        var saturationBrightnessPaletteSketcher = single({
16335          factory: factory,
16336          name: 'SaturationBrightnessPalette',
16337          configFields: [],
16338          apis: {
16339            setHue: function (_apis, slider, hue) {
16340              setPaletteHue(slider, hue);
16341            },
16342            setThumb: function (_apis, slider, hex) {
16343              setPaletteThumb(slider, hex);
16344            }
16345          },
16346          extraApis: {}
16347        });
16348        return saturationBrightnessPaletteSketcher;
16349      };
16351      var makeFactory = function (translate, getClass) {
16352        var factory = function (detail) {
16353          var rgbForm = rgbFormFactory(translate, getClass, detail.onValidHex, detail.onInvalidHex);
16354          var sbPalette = paletteFactory(translate, getClass);
16355          var hueSliderToDegrees = function (hue) {
16356            return (100 - hue) / 100 * 360;
16357          };
16358          var hueDegreesToSlider = function (hue) {
16359            return 100 - hue / 360 * 100;
16360          };
16361          var state = {
16362            paletteRgba: Cell(red),
16363            paletteHue: Cell(0)
16364          };
16365          var memSlider = record(sliderFactory(translate, getClass));
16366          var memPalette = record(sbPalette.sketch({}));
16367          var memRgb = record(rgbForm.sketch({}));
16368          var updatePalette = function (anyInSystem, _hex, hue) {
16369            memPalette.getOpt(anyInSystem).each(function (palette) {
16370              sbPalette.setHue(palette, hue);
16371            });
16372          };
16373          var updateFields = function (anyInSystem, hex) {
16374            memRgb.getOpt(anyInSystem).each(function (form) {
16375              rgbForm.updateHex(form, hex);
16376            });
16377          };
16378          var updateSlider = function (anyInSystem, _hex, hue) {
16379            memSlider.getOpt(anyInSystem).each(function (slider) {
16380              Slider.setValue(slider, { y: hueDegreesToSlider(hue) });
16381            });
16382          };
16383          var updatePaletteThumb = function (anyInSystem, hex) {
16384            memPalette.getOpt(anyInSystem).each(function (palette) {
16385              sbPalette.setThumb(palette, hex);
16386            });
16387          };
16388          var updateState = function (hex, hue) {
16389            var rgba = fromHex(hex);
16390            state.paletteRgba.set(rgba);
16391            state.paletteHue.set(hue);
16392          };
16393          var runUpdates = function (anyInSystem, hex, hue, updates) {
16394            updateState(hex, hue);
16395            each$1(updates, function (update) {
16396              update(anyInSystem, hex, hue);
16397            });
16398          };
16399          var onPaletteUpdate = function () {
16400            var updates = [updateFields];
16401            return function (form, simulatedEvent) {
16402              var value = simulatedEvent.event.value;
16403              var oldHue = state.paletteHue.get();
16404              var newHsv = hsvColour(oldHue, value.x, 100 - value.y);
16405              var newHex = hsvToHex(newHsv);
16406              runUpdates(form, newHex, oldHue, updates);
16407            };
16408          };
16409          var onSliderUpdate = function () {
16410            var updates = [
16411              updatePalette,
16412              updateFields
16413            ];
16414            return function (form, simulatedEvent) {
16415              var hue = hueSliderToDegrees(simulatedEvent.event.value.y);
16416              var oldRgb = state.paletteRgba.get();
16417              var oldHsv = fromRgb(oldRgb);
16418              var newHsv = hsvColour(hue, oldHsv.saturation, oldHsv.value);
16419              var newHex = hsvToHex(newHsv);
16420              runUpdates(form, newHex, hue, updates);
16421            };
16422          };
16423          var onFieldsUpdate = function () {
16424            var updates = [
16425              updatePalette,
16426              updateSlider,
16427              updatePaletteThumb
16428            ];
16429            return function (form, simulatedEvent) {
16430              var hex = simulatedEvent.event.hex;
16431              var hsv = hexToHsv(hex);
16432              runUpdates(form, hex, hsv.hue, updates);
16433            };
16434          };
16435          return {
16436            uid: detail.uid,
16437            dom: detail.dom,
16438            components: [
16439              memPalette.asSpec(),
16440              memSlider.asSpec(),
16441              memRgb.asSpec()
16442            ],
16443            behaviours: derive$1([
16444              config('colour-picker-events', [
16445                run$1(fieldsUpdate, onFieldsUpdate()),
16446                run$1(paletteUpdate, onPaletteUpdate()),
16447                run$1(sliderUpdate, onSliderUpdate())
16448              ]),
16449              Composing.config({
16450                find: function (comp) {
16451                  return memRgb.getOpt(comp);
16452                }
16453              }),
16454              Keying.config({ mode: 'acyclic' })
16455            ])
16456          };
16457        };
16458        var colourPickerSketcher = single({
16459          name: 'ColourPicker',
16460          configFields: [
16461            required$1('dom'),
16462            defaulted('onValidHex', noop),
16463            defaulted('onInvalidHex', noop)
16464          ],
16465          factory: factory
16466        });
16467        return colourPickerSketcher;
16468      };
16470      var self$1 = function () {
16471        return Composing.config({ find: Optional.some });
16472      };
16473      var memento$1 = function (mem) {
16474        return Composing.config({ find: mem.getOpt });
16475      };
16476      var childAt = function (index) {
16477        return Composing.config({
16478          find: function (comp) {
16479            return child$2(comp.element, index).bind(function (element) {
16480              return comp.getSystem().getByDom(element).toOptional();
16481            });
16482          }
16483        });
16484      };
16485      var ComposingConfigs = {
16486        self: self$1,
16487        memento: memento$1,
16488        childAt: childAt
16489      };
16491      var english = {
16492        'colorcustom.rgb.red.label': 'R',
16493        'colorcustom.rgb.red.description': 'Red component',
16494        'colorcustom.rgb.green.label': 'G',
16495        'colorcustom.rgb.green.description': 'Green component',
16496        'colorcustom.rgb.blue.label': 'B',
16497        'colorcustom.rgb.blue.description': 'Blue component',
16498        'colorcustom.rgb.hex.label': '#',
16499        'colorcustom.rgb.hex.description': 'Hex color code',
16500        'colorcustom.rgb.range': 'Range 0 to 255',
16501        'colorcustom.sb.saturation': 'Saturation',
16502        'colorcustom.sb.brightness': 'Brightness',
16503        'colorcustom.sb.picker': 'Saturation and Brightness Picker',
16504        'colorcustom.sb.palette': 'Saturation and Brightness Palette',
16505        'colorcustom.sb.instructions': 'Use arrow keys to select saturation and brightness, on x and y axes',
16506        'colorcustom.hue.hue': 'Hue',
16507        'colorcustom.hue.slider': 'Hue Slider',
16508        'colorcustom.hue.palette': 'Hue Palette',
16509        'colorcustom.hue.instructions': 'Use arrow keys to select a hue',
16510        'aria.color.picker': 'Color Picker',
16511        'aria.input.invalid': 'Invalid input'
16512      };
16513      var getEnglishText = function (key) {
16514        return english[key];
16515      };
16516      var translate$1 = function (key) {
16517        return getEnglishText(key);
16518      };
16519      var renderColorPicker = function (_spec) {
16520        var getClass = function (key) {
16521          return 'tox-' + key;
16522        };
16523        var colourPickerFactory = makeFactory(translate$1, getClass);
16524        var onValidHex = function (form) {
16525          emitWith(form, formActionEvent, {
16526            name: 'hex-valid',
16527            value: true
16528          });
16529        };
16530        var onInvalidHex = function (form) {
16531          emitWith(form, formActionEvent, {
16532            name: 'hex-valid',
16533            value: false
16534          });
16535        };
16536        var memPicker = record(colourPickerFactory.sketch({
16537          dom: {
16538            tag: 'div',
16539            classes: [getClass('color-picker-container')],
16540            attributes: { role: 'presentation' }
16541          },
16542          onValidHex: onValidHex,
16543          onInvalidHex: onInvalidHex
16544        }));
16545        return {
16546          dom: { tag: 'div' },
16547          components: [memPicker.asSpec()],
16548          behaviours: derive$1([
16549            Representing.config({
16550              store: {
16551                mode: 'manual',
16552                getValue: function (comp) {
16553                  var picker = memPicker.get(comp);
16554                  var optRgbForm = Composing.getCurrent(picker);
16555                  var optHex = optRgbForm.bind(function (rgbForm) {
16556                    var formValues = Representing.getValue(rgbForm);
16557                    return formValues.hex;
16558                  });
16559                  return optHex.map(function (hex) {
16560                    return '#' + hex;
16561                  }).getOr('');
16562                },
16563                setValue: function (comp, newValue) {
16564                  var pattern = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{3}(?:[a-fA-F0-9]{3})?)/;
16565                  var m = pattern.exec(newValue);
16566                  var picker = memPicker.get(comp);
16567                  var optRgbForm = Composing.getCurrent(picker);
16568                  optRgbForm.fold(function () {
16569                    console.log('Can not find form');
16570                  }, function (rgbForm) {
16571                    Representing.setValue(rgbForm, { hex: Optional.from(m[1]).getOr('') });
16572                    Form.getField(rgbForm, 'hex').each(function (hexField) {
16573                      emit(hexField, input());
16574                    });
16575                  });
16576                }
16577              }
16578            }),
16579            ComposingConfigs.self()
16580          ])
16581        };
16582      };
16584      var global$6 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.Resource');
16586      var isOldCustomEditor = function (spec) {
16587        return has$2(spec, 'init');
16588      };
16589      var renderCustomEditor = function (spec) {
16590        var editorApi = value$1();
16591        var memReplaced = record({ dom: { tag: spec.tag } });
16592        var initialValue = value$1();
16593        return {
16594          dom: {
16595            tag: 'div',
16596            classes: ['tox-custom-editor']
16597          },
16598          behaviours: derive$1([
16599            config('custom-editor-events', [runOnAttached(function (component) {
16600                memReplaced.getOpt(component).each(function (ta) {
16601                  (isOldCustomEditor(spec) ? spec.init(ta.element.dom) : global$6.load(spec.scriptId, spec.scriptUrl).then(function (init) {
16602                    return init(ta.element.dom, spec.settings);
16603                  })).then(function (ea) {
16604                    initialValue.on(function (cvalue) {
16605                      ea.setValue(cvalue);
16606                    });
16607                    initialValue.clear();
16608                    editorApi.set(ea);
16609                  });
16610                });
16611              })]),
16612            Representing.config({
16613              store: {
16614                mode: 'manual',
16615                getValue: function () {
16616                  return editorApi.get().fold(function () {
16617                    return initialValue.get().getOr('');
16618                  }, function (ed) {
16619                    return ed.getValue();
16620                  });
16621                },
16622                setValue: function (component, value) {
16623                  editorApi.get().fold(function () {
16624                    initialValue.set(value);
16625                  }, function (ed) {
16626                    return ed.setValue(value);
16627                  });
16628                }
16629              }
16630            }),
16631            ComposingConfigs.self()
16632          ]),
16633          components: [memReplaced.asSpec()]
16634        };
16635      };
16637      var global$5 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.Tools');
16639      var processors = objOf([
16640        defaulted('preprocess', identity$1),
16641        defaulted('postprocess', identity$1)
16642      ]);
16643      var memento = function (mem, rawProcessors) {
16644        var ps = asRawOrDie$1('RepresentingConfigs.memento processors', processors, rawProcessors);
16645        return Representing.config({
16646          store: {
16647            mode: 'manual',
16648            getValue: function (comp) {
16649              var other = mem.get(comp);
16650              var rawValue = Representing.getValue(other);
16651              return ps.postprocess(rawValue);
16652            },
16653            setValue: function (comp, rawValue) {
16654              var newValue = ps.preprocess(rawValue);
16655              var other = mem.get(comp);
16656              Representing.setValue(other, newValue);
16657            }
16658          }
16659        });
16660      };
16661      var withComp = function (optInitialValue, getter, setter) {
16662        return Representing.config(deepMerge({
16663          store: {
16664            mode: 'manual',
16665            getValue: getter,
16666            setValue: setter
16667          }
16668        }, optInitialValue.map(function (initialValue) {
16669          return { store: { initialValue: initialValue } };
16670        }).getOr({})));
16671      };
16672      var withElement = function (initialValue, getter, setter) {
16673        return withComp(initialValue, function (c) {
16674          return getter(c.element);
16675        }, function (c, v) {
16676          return setter(c.element, v);
16677        });
16678      };
16679      var domValue = function (optInitialValue) {
16680        return withElement(optInitialValue, get$5, set$4);
16681      };
16682      var domHtml = function (optInitialValue) {
16683        return withElement(optInitialValue, get$7, set$5);
16684      };
16685      var memory = function (initialValue) {
16686        return Representing.config({
16687          store: {
16688            mode: 'memory',
16689            initialValue: initialValue
16690          }
16691        });
16692      };
16693      var RepresentingConfigs = {
16694        memento: memento,
16695        withElement: withElement,
16696        withComp: withComp,
16697        domValue: domValue,
16698        domHtml: domHtml,
16699        memory: memory
16700      };
16702      var defaultImageFileTypes = 'jpeg,jpg,jpe,jfi,jif,jfif,png,gif,bmp,webp';
16703      var filterByExtension = function (files, providersBackstage) {
16704        var allowedImageFileTypes = global$5.explode(providersBackstage.getSetting('images_file_types', defaultImageFileTypes, 'string'));
16705        var isFileInAllowedTypes = function (file) {
16706          return exists(allowedImageFileTypes, function (type) {
16707            return endsWith(file.name.toLowerCase(), '.' + type.toLowerCase());
16708          });
16709        };
16710        return filter$2(from(files), isFileInAllowedTypes);
16711      };
16712      var renderDropZone = function (spec, providersBackstage) {
16713        var stopper = function (_, se) {
16714          se.stop();
16715        };
16716        var sequence = function (actions) {
16717          return function (comp, se) {
16718            each$1(actions, function (a) {
16719              a(comp, se);
16720            });
16721          };
16722        };
16723        var onDrop = function (comp, se) {
16724          if (!Disabling.isDisabled(comp)) {
16725            var transferEvent = se.event.raw;
16726            handleFiles(comp, transferEvent.dataTransfer.files);
16727          }
16728        };
16729        var onSelect = function (component, simulatedEvent) {
16730          var input = simulatedEvent.event.raw.target;
16731          handleFiles(component, input.files);
16732        };
16733        var handleFiles = function (component, files) {
16734          Representing.setValue(component, filterByExtension(files, providersBackstage));
16735          emitWith(component, formChangeEvent, { name: spec.name });
16736        };
16737        var memInput = record({
16738          dom: {
16739            tag: 'input',
16740            attributes: {
16741              type: 'file',
16742              accept: 'image/*'
16743            },
16744            styles: { display: 'none' }
16745          },
16746          behaviours: derive$1([config('input-file-events', [
16747              cutter(click()),
16748              cutter(tap())
16749            ])])
16750        });
16751        var renderField = function (s) {
16752          return {
16753            uid: s.uid,
16754            dom: {
16755              tag: 'div',
16756              classes: ['tox-dropzone-container']
16757            },
16758            behaviours: derive$1([
16759              RepresentingConfigs.memory([]),
16760              ComposingConfigs.self(),
16761              Disabling.config({}),
16762              Toggling.config({
16763                toggleClass: 'dragenter',
16764                toggleOnExecute: false
16765              }),
16766              config('dropzone-events', [
16767                run$1('dragenter', sequence([
16768                  stopper,
16769                  Toggling.toggle
16770                ])),
16771                run$1('dragleave', sequence([
16772                  stopper,
16773                  Toggling.toggle
16774                ])),
16775                run$1('dragover', stopper),
16776                run$1('drop', sequence([
16777                  stopper,
16778                  onDrop
16779                ])),
16780                run$1(change(), onSelect)
16781              ])
16782            ]),
16783            components: [{
16784                dom: {
16785                  tag: 'div',
16786                  classes: ['tox-dropzone'],
16787                  styles: {}
16788                },
16789                components: [
16790                  {
16791                    dom: {
16792                      tag: 'p',
16793                      innerHtml: providersBackstage.translate('Drop an image here')
16794                    }
16795                  },
16796                  Button.sketch({
16797                    dom: {
16798                      tag: 'button',
16799                      innerHtml: providersBackstage.translate('Browse for an image'),
16800                      styles: { position: 'relative' },
16801                      classes: [
16802                        'tox-button',
16803                        'tox-button--secondary'
16804                      ]
16805                    },
16806                    components: [memInput.asSpec()],
16807                    action: function (comp) {
16808                      var inputComp = memInput.get(comp);
16809                      inputComp.element.dom.click();
16810                    },
16811                    buttonBehaviours: derive$1([
16812                      Tabstopping.config({}),
16813                      DisablingConfigs.button(providersBackstage.isDisabled),
16814                      receivingConfig()
16815                    ])
16816                  })
16817                ]
16818              }]
16819          };
16820        };
16821        var pLabel = spec.label.map(function (label) {
16822          return renderLabel$2(label, providersBackstage);
16823        });
16824        var pField = FormField.parts.field({ factory: { sketch: renderField } });
16825        return renderFormFieldWith(pLabel, pField, ['tox-form__group--stretched'], []);
16826      };
16828      var renderGrid = function (spec, backstage) {
16829        return {
16830          dom: {
16831            tag: 'div',
16832            classes: [
16833              'tox-form__grid',
16834              'tox-form__grid--' + spec.columns + 'col'
16835            ]
16836          },
16837          components: map$2(spec.items, backstage.interpreter)
16838        };
16839      };
16841      var beforeObject = generate$6('alloy-fake-before-tabstop');
16842      var afterObject = generate$6('alloy-fake-after-tabstop');
16843      var craftWithClasses = function (classes) {
16844        return {
16845          dom: {
16846            tag: 'div',
16847            styles: {
16848              width: '1px',
16849              height: '1px',
16850              outline: 'none'
16851            },
16852            attributes: { tabindex: '0' },
16853            classes: classes
16854          },
16855          behaviours: derive$1([
16856            Focusing.config({ ignore: true }),
16857            Tabstopping.config({})
16858          ])
16859        };
16860      };
16861      var craft = function (spec) {
16862        return {
16863          dom: {
16864            tag: 'div',
16865            classes: ['tox-navobj']
16866          },
16867          components: [
16868            craftWithClasses([beforeObject]),
16869            spec,
16870            craftWithClasses([afterObject])
16871          ],
16872          behaviours: derive$1([ComposingConfigs.childAt(1)])
16873        };
16874      };
16875      var triggerTab = function (placeholder, shiftKey) {
16876        emitWith(placeholder, keydown(), {
16877          raw: {
16878            which: 9,
16879            shiftKey: shiftKey
16880          }
16881        });
16882      };
16883      var onFocus = function (container, targetComp) {
16884        var target = targetComp.element;
16885        if (has(target, beforeObject)) {
16886          triggerTab(container, true);
16887        } else if (has(target, afterObject)) {
16888          triggerTab(container, false);
16889        }
16890      };
16891      var isPseudoStop = function (element) {
16892        return closest(element, [
16893          '.' + beforeObject,
16894          '.' + afterObject
16895        ].join(','), never);
16896      };
16898      var platformNeedsSandboxing = !(detect$1().browser.isIE() || detect$1().browser.isEdge());
16899      var getDynamicSource = function (isSandbox) {
16900        var cachedValue = Cell('');
16901        return {
16902          getValue: function (_frameComponent) {
16903            return cachedValue.get();
16904          },
16905          setValue: function (frameComponent, html) {
16906            if (!isSandbox) {
16907              set$8(frameComponent.element, 'src', 'javascript:\'\'');
16908              var doc = frameComponent.element.dom.contentWindow.document;
16909              doc.open();
16910              doc.write(html);
16911              doc.close();
16912            } else {
16913              set$8(frameComponent.element, 'srcdoc', html);
16914            }
16915            cachedValue.set(html);
16916          }
16917        };
16918      };
16919      var renderIFrame = function (spec, providersBackstage) {
16920        var isSandbox = platformNeedsSandboxing && spec.sandboxed;
16921        var attributes = __assign(__assign({}, spec.label.map(function (title) {
16922          return { title: title };
16923        }).getOr({})), isSandbox ? { sandbox: 'allow-scripts allow-same-origin' } : {});
16924        var sourcing = getDynamicSource(isSandbox);
16925        var pLabel = spec.label.map(function (label) {
16926          return renderLabel$2(label, providersBackstage);
16927        });
16928        var factory = function (newSpec) {
16929          return craft({
16930            uid: newSpec.uid,
16931            dom: {
16932              tag: 'iframe',
16933              attributes: attributes
16934            },
16935            behaviours: derive$1([
16936              Tabstopping.config({}),
16937              Focusing.config({}),
16938              RepresentingConfigs.withComp(Optional.none(), sourcing.getValue, sourcing.setValue)
16939            ])
16940          });
16941        };
16942        var pField = FormField.parts.field({ factory: { sketch: factory } });
16943        return renderFormFieldWith(pLabel, pField, ['tox-form__group--stretched'], []);
16944      };
16946      var create$3 = function (width, height) {
16947        return resize$3(document.createElement('canvas'), width, height);
16948      };
16949      var clone = function (canvas) {
16950        var tCanvas = create$3(canvas.width, canvas.height);
16951        var ctx = get2dContext(tCanvas);
16952        ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
16953        return tCanvas;
16954      };
16955      var get2dContext = function (canvas) {
16956        return canvas.getContext('2d');
16957      };
16958      var resize$3 = function (canvas, width, height) {
16959        canvas.width = width;
16960        canvas.height = height;
16961        return canvas;
16962      };
16964      var getWidth$1 = function (image) {
16965        return image.naturalWidth || image.width;
16966      };
16967      var getHeight$1 = function (image) {
16968        return image.naturalHeight || image.height;
16969      };
16971      var blobToImage = function (blob) {
16972        return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
16973          var blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
16974          var image = new Image();
16975          var removeListeners = function () {
16976            image.removeEventListener('load', loaded);
16977            image.removeEventListener('error', error);
16978          };
16979          var loaded = function () {
16980            removeListeners();
16981            resolve(image);
16982          };
16983          var error = function () {
16984            removeListeners();
16985            reject('Unable to load data of type ' + blob.type + ': ' + blobUrl);
16986          };
16987          image.addEventListener('load', loaded);
16988          image.addEventListener('error', error);
16989          image.src = blobUrl;
16990          if (image.complete) {
16991            setTimeout(loaded, 0);
16992          }
16993        });
16994      };
16995      var dataUriToBlobSync = function (uri) {
16996        var data = uri.split(',');
16997        var matches = /data:([^;]+)/.exec(data[0]);
16998        if (!matches) {
16999          return Optional.none();
17000        }
17001        var mimetype = matches[1];
17002        var base64 = data[1];
17003        var sliceSize = 1024;
17004        var byteCharacters = atob(base64);
17005        var bytesLength = byteCharacters.length;
17006        var slicesCount = Math.ceil(bytesLength / sliceSize);
17007        var byteArrays = new Array(slicesCount);
17008        for (var sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < slicesCount; ++sliceIndex) {
17009          var begin = sliceIndex * sliceSize;
17010          var end = Math.min(begin + sliceSize, bytesLength);
17011          var bytes = new Array(end - begin);
17012          for (var offset = begin, i = 0; offset < end; ++i, ++offset) {
17013            bytes[i] = byteCharacters[offset].charCodeAt(0);
17014          }
17015          byteArrays[sliceIndex] = new Uint8Array(bytes);
17016        }
17017        return Optional.some(new Blob(byteArrays, { type: mimetype }));
17018      };
17019      var dataUriToBlob = function (uri) {
17020        return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
17021          dataUriToBlobSync(uri).fold(function () {
17022            reject('uri is not base64: ' + uri);
17023          }, resolve);
17024        });
17025      };
17026      var canvasToBlob = function (canvas, type, quality) {
17027        type = type || 'image/png';
17028        if (isFunction(HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toBlob)) {
17029          return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
17030            canvas.toBlob(function (blob) {
17031              if (blob) {
17032                resolve(blob);
17033              } else {
17034                reject();
17035              }
17036            }, type, quality);
17037          });
17038        } else {
17039          return dataUriToBlob(canvas.toDataURL(type, quality));
17040        }
17041      };
17042      var canvasToDataURL = function (canvas, type, quality) {
17043        type = type || 'image/png';
17044        return canvas.toDataURL(type, quality);
17045      };
17046      var blobToCanvas = function (blob) {
17047        return blobToImage(blob).then(function (image) {
17048          revokeImageUrl(image);
17049          var canvas = create$3(getWidth$1(image), getHeight$1(image));
17050          var context = get2dContext(canvas);
17051          context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
17052          return canvas;
17053        });
17054      };
17055      var blobToDataUri = function (blob) {
17056        return new Promise$1(function (resolve) {
17057          var reader = new FileReader();
17058          reader.onloadend = function () {
17059            resolve(reader.result);
17060          };
17061          reader.readAsDataURL(blob);
17062        });
17063      };
17064      var revokeImageUrl = function (image) {
17065        URL.revokeObjectURL(image.src);
17066      };
17068      var create$2 = function (getCanvas, blob, uri) {
17069        var initialType = blob.type;
17070        var getType = constant$1(initialType);
17071        var toBlob = function () {
17072          return Promise$1.resolve(blob);
17073        };
17074        var toDataURL = constant$1(uri);
17075        var toBase64 = function () {
17076          return uri.split(',')[1];
17077        };
17078        var toAdjustedBlob = function (type, quality) {
17079          return getCanvas.then(function (canvas) {
17080            return canvasToBlob(canvas, type, quality);
17081          });
17082        };
17083        var toAdjustedDataURL = function (type, quality) {
17084          return getCanvas.then(function (canvas) {
17085            return canvasToDataURL(canvas, type, quality);
17086          });
17087        };
17088        var toAdjustedBase64 = function (type, quality) {
17089          return toAdjustedDataURL(type, quality).then(function (dataurl) {
17090            return dataurl.split(',')[1];
17091          });
17092        };
17093        var toCanvas = function () {
17094          return getCanvas.then(clone);
17095        };
17096        return {
17097          getType: getType,
17098          toBlob: toBlob,
17099          toDataURL: toDataURL,
17100          toBase64: toBase64,
17101          toAdjustedBlob: toAdjustedBlob,
17102          toAdjustedDataURL: toAdjustedDataURL,
17103          toAdjustedBase64: toAdjustedBase64,
17104          toCanvas: toCanvas
17105        };
17106      };
17107      var fromBlob = function (blob) {
17108        return blobToDataUri(blob).then(function (uri) {
17109          return create$2(blobToCanvas(blob), blob, uri);
17110        });
17111      };
17112      var fromCanvas = function (canvas, type) {
17113        return canvasToBlob(canvas, type).then(function (blob) {
17114          return create$2(Promise$1.resolve(canvas), blob, canvas.toDataURL());
17115        });
17116      };
17118      var blobToImageResult = function (blob) {
17119        return fromBlob(blob);
17120      };
17122      var clamp = function (value, min, max) {
17123        var parsedValue = typeof value === 'string' ? parseFloat(value) : value;
17124        if (parsedValue > max) {
17125          parsedValue = max;
17126        } else if (parsedValue < min) {
17127          parsedValue = min;
17128        }
17129        return parsedValue;
17130      };
17131      var identity = function () {
17132        return [
17133          1,
17134          0,
17135          0,
17136          0,
17137          0,
17138          0,
17139          1,
17140          0,
17141          0,
17142          0,
17143          0,
17144          0,
17145          1,
17146          0,
17147          0,
17148          0,
17149          0,
17150          0,
17151          1,
17152          0,
17153          0,
17154          0,
17155          0,
17156          0,
17157          1
17158        ];
17159      };
17160      var DELTA_INDEX = [
17161        0,
17162        0.01,
17163        0.02,
17164        0.04,
17165        0.05,
17166        0.06,
17167        0.07,
17168        0.08,
17169        0.1,
17170        0.11,
17171        0.12,
17172        0.14,
17173        0.15,
17174        0.16,
17175        0.17,
17176        0.18,
17177        0.2,
17178        0.21,
17179        0.22,
17180        0.24,
17181        0.25,
17182        0.27,
17183        0.28,
17184        0.3,
17185        0.32,
17186        0.34,
17187        0.36,
17188        0.38,
17189        0.4,
17190        0.42,
17191        0.44,
17192        0.46,
17193        0.48,
17194        0.5,
17195        0.53,
17196        0.56,
17197        0.59,
17198        0.62,
17199        0.65,
17200        0.68,
17201        0.71,
17202        0.74,
17203        0.77,
17204        0.8,
17205        0.83,
17206        0.86,
17207        0.89,
17208        0.92,
17209        0.95,
17210        0.98,
17211        1,
17212        1.06,
17213        1.12,
17214        1.18,
17215        1.24,
17216        1.3,
17217        1.36,
17218        1.42,
17219        1.48,
17220        1.54,
17221        1.6,
17222        1.66,
17223        1.72,
17224        1.78,
17225        1.84,
17226        1.9,
17227        1.96,
17228        2,
17229        2.12,
17230        2.25,
17231        2.37,
17232        2.5,
17233        2.62,
17234        2.75,
17235        2.87,
17236        3,
17237        3.2,
17238        3.4,
17239        3.6,
17240        3.8,
17241        4,
17242        4.3,
17243        4.7,
17244        4.9,
17245        5,
17246        5.5,
17247        6,
17248        6.5,
17249        6.8,
17250        7,
17251        7.3,
17252        7.5,
17253        7.8,
17254        8,
17255        8.4,
17256        8.7,
17257        9,
17258        9.4,
17259        9.6,
17260        9.8,
17261        10
17262      ];
17263      var multiply = function (matrix1, matrix2) {
17264        var col = [];
17265        var out = new Array(25);
17266        var val;
17267        for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
17268          for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
17269            col[j] = matrix2[j + i * 5];
17270          }
17271          for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
17272            val = 0;
17273            for (var k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
17274              val += matrix1[j + k * 5] * col[k];
17275            }
17276            out[j + i * 5] = val;
17277          }
17278        }
17279        return out;
17280      };
17281      var adjustContrast = function (matrix, value) {
17282        var x;
17283        value = clamp(value, -1, 1);
17284        value *= 100;
17285        if (value < 0) {
17286          x = 127 + value / 100 * 127;
17287        } else {
17288          x = value % 1;
17289          if (x === 0) {
17290            x = DELTA_INDEX[value];
17291          } else {
17292            x = DELTA_INDEX[Math.floor(value)] * (1 - x) + DELTA_INDEX[Math.floor(value) + 1] * x;
17293          }
17294          x = x * 127 + 127;
17295        }
17296        return multiply(matrix, [
17297          x / 127,
17298          0,
17299          0,
17300          0,
17301          0.5 * (127 - x),
17302          0,
17303          x / 127,
17304          0,
17305          0,
17306          0.5 * (127 - x),
17307          0,
17308          0,
17309          x / 127,
17310          0,
17311          0.5 * (127 - x),
17312          0,
17313          0,
17314          0,
17315          1,
17316          0,
17317          0,
17318          0,
17319          0,
17320          0,
17321          1
17322        ]);
17323      };
17324      var adjustBrightness = function (matrix, value) {
17325        value = clamp(255 * value, -255, 255);
17326        return multiply(matrix, [
17327          1,
17328          0,
17329          0,
17330          0,
17331          value,
17332          0,
17333          1,
17334          0,
17335          0,
17336          value,
17337          0,
17338          0,
17339          1,
17340          0,
17341          value,
17342          0,
17343          0,
17344          0,
17345          1,
17346          0,
17347          0,
17348          0,
17349          0,
17350          0,
17351          1
17352        ]);
17353      };
17354      var adjustColors = function (matrix, adjustR, adjustG, adjustB) {
17355        adjustR = clamp(adjustR, 0, 2);
17356        adjustG = clamp(adjustG, 0, 2);
17357        adjustB = clamp(adjustB, 0, 2);
17358        return multiply(matrix, [
17359          adjustR,
17360          0,
17361          0,
17362          0,
17363          0,
17364          0,
17365          adjustG,
17366          0,
17367          0,
17368          0,
17369          0,
17370          0,
17371          adjustB,
17372          0,
17373          0,
17374          0,
17375          0,
17376          0,
17377          1,
17378          0,
17379          0,
17380          0,
17381          0,
17382          0,
17383          1
17384        ]);
17385      };
17387      var colorFilter = function (ir, matrix) {
17388        return ir.toCanvas().then(function (canvas) {
17389          return applyColorFilter(canvas, ir.getType(), matrix);
17390        });
17391      };
17392      var applyColorFilter = function (canvas, type, matrix) {
17393        var context = get2dContext(canvas);
17394        var applyMatrix = function (pixelsData, m) {
17395          var r, g, b, a;
17396          var data = pixelsData.data, m0 = m[0], m1 = m[1], m2 = m[2], m3 = m[3], m4 = m[4], m5 = m[5], m6 = m[6], m7 = m[7], m8 = m[8], m9 = m[9], m10 = m[10], m11 = m[11], m12 = m[12], m13 = m[13], m14 = m[14], m15 = m[15], m16 = m[16], m17 = m[17], m18 = m[18], m19 = m[19];
17397          for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4) {
17398            r = data[i];
17399            g = data[i + 1];
17400            b = data[i + 2];
17401            a = data[i + 3];
17402            data[i] = r * m0 + g * m1 + b * m2 + a * m3 + m4;
17403            data[i + 1] = r * m5 + g * m6 + b * m7 + a * m8 + m9;
17404            data[i + 2] = r * m10 + g * m11 + b * m12 + a * m13 + m14;
17405            data[i + 3] = r * m15 + g * m16 + b * m17 + a * m18 + m19;
17406          }
17407          return pixelsData;
17408        };
17409        var pixels = applyMatrix(context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height), matrix);
17410        context.putImageData(pixels, 0, 0);
17411        return fromCanvas(canvas, type);
17412      };
17413      var convoluteFilter = function (ir, matrix) {
17414        return ir.toCanvas().then(function (canvas) {
17415          return applyConvoluteFilter(canvas, ir.getType(), matrix);
17416        });
17417      };
17418      var applyConvoluteFilter = function (canvas, type, matrix) {
17419        var context = get2dContext(canvas);
17420        var applyMatrix = function (pIn, pOut, aMatrix) {
17421          var clamp = function (value, min, max) {
17422            if (value > max) {
17423              value = max;
17424            } else if (value < min) {
17425              value = min;
17426            }
17427            return value;
17428          };
17429          var side = Math.round(Math.sqrt(aMatrix.length));
17430          var halfSide = Math.floor(side / 2);
17431          var rgba = pIn.data;
17432          var drgba = pOut.data;
17433          var w = pIn.width;
17434          var h = pIn.height;
17435          for (var y = 0; y < h; y++) {
17436            for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) {
17437              var r = 0;
17438              var g = 0;
17439              var b = 0;
17440              for (var cy = 0; cy < side; cy++) {
17441                for (var cx = 0; cx < side; cx++) {
17442                  var scx = clamp(x + cx - halfSide, 0, w - 1);
17443                  var scy = clamp(y + cy - halfSide, 0, h - 1);
17444                  var innerOffset = (scy * w + scx) * 4;
17445                  var wt = aMatrix[cy * side + cx];
17446                  r += rgba[innerOffset] * wt;
17447                  g += rgba[innerOffset + 1] * wt;
17448                  b += rgba[innerOffset + 2] * wt;
17449                }
17450              }
17451              var offset = (y * w + x) * 4;
17452              drgba[offset] = clamp(r, 0, 255);
17453              drgba[offset + 1] = clamp(g, 0, 255);
17454              drgba[offset + 2] = clamp(b, 0, 255);
17455            }
17456          }
17457          return pOut;
17458        };
17459        var pixelsIn = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
17460        var pixelsOut = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
17461        pixelsOut = applyMatrix(pixelsIn, pixelsOut, matrix);
17462        context.putImageData(pixelsOut, 0, 0);
17463        return fromCanvas(canvas, type);
17464      };
17465      var functionColorFilter = function (colorFn) {
17466        var filterImpl = function (canvas, type, value) {
17467          var context = get2dContext(canvas);
17468          var lookup = new Array(256);
17469          var applyLookup = function (pixelsData, lookupData) {
17470            var data = pixelsData.data;
17471            for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4) {
17472              data[i] = lookupData[data[i]];
17473              data[i + 1] = lookupData[data[i + 1]];
17474              data[i + 2] = lookupData[data[i + 2]];
17475            }
17476            return pixelsData;
17477          };
17478          for (var i = 0; i < lookup.length; i++) {
17479            lookup[i] = colorFn(i, value);
17480          }
17481          var pixels = applyLookup(context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height), lookup);
17482          context.putImageData(pixels, 0, 0);
17483          return fromCanvas(canvas, type);
17484        };
17485        return function (ir, value) {
17486          return ir.toCanvas().then(function (canvas) {
17487            return filterImpl(canvas, ir.getType(), value);
17488          });
17489        };
17490      };
17491      var complexAdjustableColorFilter = function (matrixAdjustFn) {
17492        return function (ir, adjust) {
17493          return colorFilter(ir, matrixAdjustFn(identity(), adjust));
17494        };
17495      };
17496      var basicColorFilter = function (matrix) {
17497        return function (ir) {
17498          return colorFilter(ir, matrix);
17499        };
17500      };
17501      var basicConvolutionFilter = function (kernel) {
17502        return function (ir) {
17503          return convoluteFilter(ir, kernel);
17504        };
17505      };
17506      var invert$1 = basicColorFilter([
17507        -1,
17508        0,
17509        0,
17510        0,
17511        255,
17512        0,
17513        -1,
17514        0,
17515        0,
17516        255,
17517        0,
17518        0,
17519        -1,
17520        0,
17521        255,
17522        0,
17523        0,
17524        0,
17525        1,
17526        0,
17527        0,
17528        0,
17529        0,
17530        0,
17531        1
17532      ]);
17533      var brightness$1 = complexAdjustableColorFilter(adjustBrightness);
17534      var contrast$1 = complexAdjustableColorFilter(adjustContrast);
17535      var colorize$1 = function (ir, adjustR, adjustG, adjustB) {
17536        return colorFilter(ir, adjustColors(identity(), adjustR, adjustG, adjustB));
17537      };
17538      var sharpen$1 = basicConvolutionFilter([
17539        0,
17540        -1,
17541        0,
17542        -1,
17543        5,
17544        -1,
17545        0,
17546        -1,
17547        0
17548      ]);
17549      var gamma$1 = functionColorFilter(function (color, value) {
17550        return Math.pow(color / 255, 1 - value) * 255;
17551      });
17553      var scale = function (image, dW, dH) {
17554        var sW = getWidth$1(image);
17555        var sH = getHeight$1(image);
17556        var wRatio = dW / sW;
17557        var hRatio = dH / sH;
17558        var scaleCapped = false;
17559        if (wRatio < 0.5 || wRatio > 2) {
17560          wRatio = wRatio < 0.5 ? 0.5 : 2;
17561          scaleCapped = true;
17562        }
17563        if (hRatio < 0.5 || hRatio > 2) {
17564          hRatio = hRatio < 0.5 ? 0.5 : 2;
17565          scaleCapped = true;
17566        }
17567        var scaled = _scale(image, wRatio, hRatio);
17568        return !scaleCapped ? scaled : scaled.then(function (tCanvas) {
17569          return scale(tCanvas, dW, dH);
17570        });
17571      };
17572      var _scale = function (image, wRatio, hRatio) {
17573        return new Promise$1(function (resolve) {
17574          var sW = getWidth$1(image);
17575          var sH = getHeight$1(image);
17576          var dW = Math.floor(sW * wRatio);
17577          var dH = Math.floor(sH * hRatio);
17578          var canvas = create$3(dW, dH);
17579          var context = get2dContext(canvas);
17580          context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, sW, sH, 0, 0, dW, dH);
17581          resolve(canvas);
17582        });
17583      };
17585      var ceilWithPrecision = function (num, precision) {
17586        if (precision === void 0) {
17587          precision = 2;
17588        }
17589        var mul = Math.pow(10, precision);
17590        var upper = Math.round(num * mul);
17591        return Math.ceil(upper / mul);
17592      };
17593      var rotate$1 = function (ir, angle) {
17594        return ir.toCanvas().then(function (canvas) {
17595          return applyRotate(canvas, ir.getType(), angle);
17596        });
17597      };
17598      var applyRotate = function (image, type, angle) {
17599        var degrees = angle < 0 ? 360 + angle : angle;
17600        var rad = degrees * Math.PI / 180;
17601        var width = image.width;
17602        var height = image.height;
17603        var sin = Math.sin(rad);
17604        var cos = Math.cos(rad);
17605        var newWidth = ceilWithPrecision(Math.abs(width * cos) + Math.abs(height * sin));
17606        var newHeight = ceilWithPrecision(Math.abs(width * sin) + Math.abs(height * cos));
17607        var canvas = create$3(newWidth, newHeight);
17608        var context = get2dContext(canvas);
17609        context.translate(newWidth / 2, newHeight / 2);
17610        context.rotate(rad);
17611        context.drawImage(image, -width / 2, -height / 2);
17612        return fromCanvas(canvas, type);
17613      };
17614      var flip$1 = function (ir, axis) {
17615        return ir.toCanvas().then(function (canvas) {
17616          return applyFlip(canvas, ir.getType(), axis);
17617        });
17618      };
17619      var applyFlip = function (image, type, axis) {
17620        var canvas = create$3(image.width, image.height);
17621        var context = get2dContext(canvas);
17622        if (axis === 'v') {
17623          context.scale(1, -1);
17624          context.drawImage(image, 0, -canvas.height);
17625        } else {
17626          context.scale(-1, 1);
17627          context.drawImage(image, -canvas.width, 0);
17628        }
17629        return fromCanvas(canvas, type);
17630      };
17631      var crop$1 = function (ir, x, y, w, h) {
17632        return ir.toCanvas().then(function (canvas) {
17633          return applyCrop(canvas, ir.getType(), x, y, w, h);
17634        });
17635      };
17636      var applyCrop = function (image, type, x, y, w, h) {
17637        var canvas = create$3(w, h);
17638        var context = get2dContext(canvas);
17639        context.drawImage(image, -x, -y);
17640        return fromCanvas(canvas, type);
17641      };
17642      var resize$2 = function (ir, w, h) {
17643        return ir.toCanvas().then(function (canvas) {
17644          return scale(canvas, w, h).then(function (newCanvas) {
17645            return fromCanvas(newCanvas, ir.getType());
17646          });
17647        });
17648      };
17650      var invert = function (ir) {
17651        return invert$1(ir);
17652      };
17653      var sharpen = function (ir) {
17654        return sharpen$1(ir);
17655      };
17656      var gamma = function (ir, value) {
17657        return gamma$1(ir, value);
17658      };
17659      var colorize = function (ir, adjustR, adjustG, adjustB) {
17660        return colorize$1(ir, adjustR, adjustG, adjustB);
17661      };
17662      var brightness = function (ir, adjust) {
17663        return brightness$1(ir, adjust);
17664      };
17665      var contrast = function (ir, adjust) {
17666        return contrast$1(ir, adjust);
17667      };
17668      var flip = function (ir, axis) {
17669        return flip$1(ir, axis);
17670      };
17671      var crop = function (ir, x, y, w, h) {
17672        return crop$1(ir, x, y, w, h);
17673      };
17674      var resize$1 = function (ir, w, h) {
17675        return resize$2(ir, w, h);
17676      };
17677      var rotate = function (ir, angle) {
17678        return rotate$1(ir, angle);
17679      };
17681      var renderIcon = function (iconName, iconsProvider, behaviours) {
17682        return render$3(iconName, {
17683          tag: 'span',
17684          classes: [
17685            'tox-icon',
17686            'tox-tbtn__icon-wrap'
17687          ],
17688          behaviours: behaviours
17689        }, iconsProvider);
17690      };
17691      var renderIconFromPack = function (iconName, iconsProvider) {
17692        return renderIcon(iconName, iconsProvider, []);
17693      };
17694      var renderReplacableIconFromPack = function (iconName, iconsProvider) {
17695        return renderIcon(iconName, iconsProvider, [Replacing.config({})]);
17696      };
17697      var renderLabel$1 = function (text, prefix, providersBackstage) {
17698        return {
17699          dom: {
17700            tag: 'span',
17701            innerHtml: providersBackstage.translate(text),
17702            classes: [prefix + '__select-label']
17703          },
17704          behaviours: derive$1([Replacing.config({})])
17705        };
17706      };
17708      var _a;
17709      var internalToolbarButtonExecute = generate$6('toolbar.button.execute');
17710      var onToolbarButtonExecute = function (info) {
17711        return runOnExecute$1(function (comp, _simulatedEvent) {
17712          runWithApi(info, comp)(function (itemApi) {
17713            emitWith(comp, internalToolbarButtonExecute, { buttonApi: itemApi });
17714            info.onAction(itemApi);
17715          });
17716        });
17717      };
17718      var toolbarButtonEventOrder = (_a = {}, _a[execute$5()] = [
17719        'disabling',
17720        'alloy.base.behaviour',
17721        'toggling',
17722        'toolbar-button-events'
17723      ], _a);
17725      var updateMenuText = generate$6('update-menu-text');
17726      var updateMenuIcon = generate$6('update-menu-icon');
17727      var renderCommonDropdown = function (spec, prefix, sharedBackstage) {
17728        var editorOffCell = Cell(noop);
17729        var optMemDisplayText = spec.text.map(function (text) {
17730          return record(renderLabel$1(text, prefix, sharedBackstage.providers));
17731        });
17732        var optMemDisplayIcon = spec.icon.map(function (iconName) {
17733          return record(renderReplacableIconFromPack(iconName, sharedBackstage.providers.icons));
17734        });
17735        var onLeftOrRightInMenu = function (comp, se) {
17736          var dropdown = Representing.getValue(comp);
17737          Focusing.focus(dropdown);
17738          emitWith(dropdown, 'keydown', { raw: se.event.raw });
17739          Dropdown.close(dropdown);
17740          return Optional.some(true);
17741        };
17742        var role = spec.role.fold(function () {
17743          return {};
17744        }, function (role) {
17745          return { role: role };
17746        });
17747        var tooltipAttributes = spec.tooltip.fold(function () {
17748          return {};
17749        }, function (tooltip) {
17750          var translatedTooltip = sharedBackstage.providers.translate(tooltip);
17751          return {
17752            'title': translatedTooltip,
17753            'aria-label': translatedTooltip
17754          };
17755        });
17756        var iconSpec = render$3('chevron-down', {
17757          tag: 'div',
17758          classes: [prefix + '__select-chevron']
17759        }, sharedBackstage.providers.icons);
17760        var memDropdown = record(Dropdown.sketch(__assign(__assign(__assign({}, spec.uid ? { uid: spec.uid } : {}), role), {
17761          dom: {
17762            tag: 'button',
17763            classes: [
17764              prefix,
17765              prefix + '--select'
17766            ].concat(map$2(spec.classes, function (c) {
17767              return prefix + '--' + c;
17768            })),
17769            attributes: __assign({}, tooltipAttributes)
17770          },
17771          components: componentRenderPipeline([
17772            optMemDisplayIcon.map(function (mem) {
17773              return mem.asSpec();
17774            }),
17775            optMemDisplayText.map(function (mem) {
17776              return mem.asSpec();
17777            }),
17778            Optional.some(iconSpec)
17779          ]),
17780          matchWidth: true,
17781          useMinWidth: true,
17782          dropdownBehaviours: derive$1(__spreadArray(__spreadArray([], spec.dropdownBehaviours, true), [
17783            DisablingConfigs.button(function () {
17784              return spec.disabled || sharedBackstage.providers.isDisabled();
17785            }),
17786            receivingConfig(),
17787            Unselecting.config({}),
17788            Replacing.config({}),
17789            config('dropdown-events', [
17790              onControlAttached(spec, editorOffCell),
17791              onControlDetached(spec, editorOffCell)
17792            ]),
17793            config('menubutton-update-display-text', [
17794              run$1(updateMenuText, function (comp, se) {
17795                optMemDisplayText.bind(function (mem) {
17796                  return mem.getOpt(comp);
17797                }).each(function (displayText) {
17798                  Replacing.set(displayText, [text(sharedBackstage.providers.translate(se.event.text))]);
17799                });
17800              }),
17801              run$1(updateMenuIcon, function (comp, se) {
17802                optMemDisplayIcon.bind(function (mem) {
17803                  return mem.getOpt(comp);
17804                }).each(function (displayIcon) {
17805                  Replacing.set(displayIcon, [renderReplacableIconFromPack(se.event.icon, sharedBackstage.providers.icons)]);
17806                });
17807              })
17808            ])
17809          ], false)),
17810          eventOrder: deepMerge(toolbarButtonEventOrder, {
17811            mousedown: [
17812              'focusing',
17813              'alloy.base.behaviour',
17814              'item-type-events',
17815              'normal-dropdown-events'
17816            ]
17817          }),
17818          sandboxBehaviours: derive$1([Keying.config({
17819              mode: 'special',
17820              onLeft: onLeftOrRightInMenu,
17821              onRight: onLeftOrRightInMenu
17822            })]),
17823          lazySink: sharedBackstage.getSink,
17824          toggleClass: prefix + '--active',
17825          parts: { menu: part(false, spec.columns, spec.presets) },
17826          fetch: function (comp) {
17827            return Future.nu(curry(spec.fetch, comp));
17828          }
17829        })));
17830        return memDropdown.asSpec();
17831      };
17833      var isMenuItemReference = function (item) {
17834        return isString(item);
17835      };
17836      var isSeparator$1 = function (item) {
17837        return item.type === 'separator';
17838      };
17839      var isExpandingMenuItem = function (item) {
17840        return has$2(item, 'getSubmenuItems');
17841      };
17842      var separator$2 = { type: 'separator' };
17843      var unwrapReferences = function (items, menuItems) {
17844        var realItems = foldl(items, function (acc, item) {
17845          if (isMenuItemReference(item)) {
17846            if (item === '') {
17847              return acc;
17848            } else if (item === '|') {
17849              return acc.length > 0 && !isSeparator$1(acc[acc.length - 1]) ? acc.concat([separator$2]) : acc;
17850            } else if (has$2(menuItems, item.toLowerCase())) {
17851              return acc.concat([menuItems[item.toLowerCase()]]);
17852            } else {
17853              return acc;
17854            }
17855          } else {
17856            return acc.concat([item]);
17857          }
17858        }, []);
17859        if (realItems.length > 0 && isSeparator$1(realItems[realItems.length - 1])) {
17860          realItems.pop();
17861        }
17862        return realItems;
17863      };
17864      var getFromExpandingItem = function (item, menuItems) {
17865        var submenuItems = item.getSubmenuItems();
17866        var rest = expand(submenuItems, menuItems);
17867        var newMenus = deepMerge(rest.menus, wrap$1(item.value, rest.items));
17868        var newExpansions = deepMerge(rest.expansions, wrap$1(item.value, item.value));
17869        return {
17870          item: item,
17871          menus: newMenus,
17872          expansions: newExpansions
17873        };
17874      };
17875      var getFromItem = function (item, menuItems) {
17876        return isExpandingMenuItem(item) ? getFromExpandingItem(item, menuItems) : {
17877          item: item,
17878          menus: {},
17879          expansions: {}
17880        };
17881      };
17882      var generateValueIfRequired = function (item) {
17883        if (isSeparator$1(item)) {
17884          return item;
17885        } else {
17886          var itemValue = get$e(item, 'value').getOrThunk(function () {
17887            return generate$6('generated-menu-item');
17888          });
17889          return deepMerge({ value: itemValue }, item);
17890        }
17891      };
17892      var expand = function (items, menuItems) {
17893        var realItems = unwrapReferences(isString(items) ? items.split(' ') : items, menuItems);
17894        return foldr(realItems, function (acc, item) {
17895          var itemWithValue = generateValueIfRequired(item);
17896          var newData = getFromItem(itemWithValue, menuItems);
17897          return {
17898            menus: deepMerge(acc.menus, newData.menus),
17899            items: [newData.item].concat(acc.items),
17900            expansions: deepMerge(acc.expansions, newData.expansions)
17901          };
17902        }, {
17903          menus: {},
17904          expansions: {},
17905          items: []
17906        });
17907      };
17909      var build = function (items, itemResponse, backstage, isHorizontalMenu) {
17910        var primary = generate$6('primary-menu');
17911        var data = expand(items, backstage.shared.providers.menuItems());
17912        if (data.items.length === 0) {
17913          return Optional.none();
17914        }
17915        var mainMenu = createPartialMenu(primary, data.items, itemResponse, backstage, isHorizontalMenu);
17916        var submenus = map$1(data.menus, function (menuItems, menuName) {
17917          return createPartialMenu(menuName, menuItems, itemResponse, backstage, false);
17918        });
17919        var menus = deepMerge(submenus, wrap$1(primary, mainMenu));
17920        return Optional.from(tieredMenu.tieredData(primary, menus, data.expansions));
17921      };
17923      var getMenuButtonApi = function (component) {
17924        return {
17925          isDisabled: function () {
17926            return Disabling.isDisabled(component);
17927          },
17928          setDisabled: function (state) {
17929            return Disabling.set(component, state);
17930          },
17931          setActive: function (state) {
17932            var elm = component.element;
17933            if (state) {
17934              add$2(elm, 'tox-tbtn--enabled');
17935              set$8(elm, 'aria-pressed', true);
17936            } else {
17937              remove$2(elm, 'tox-tbtn--enabled');
17938              remove$7(elm, 'aria-pressed');
17939            }
17940          },
17941          isActive: function () {
17942            return has(component.element, 'tox-tbtn--enabled');
17943          }
17944        };
17945      };
17946      var renderMenuButton = function (spec, prefix, backstage, role) {
17947        return renderCommonDropdown({
17948          text: spec.text,
17949          icon: spec.icon,
17950          tooltip: spec.tooltip,
17951          role: role,
17952          fetch: function (_comp, callback) {
17953            spec.fetch(function (items) {
17954              callback(build(items, ItemResponse$1.CLOSE_ON_EXECUTE, backstage, false));
17955            });
17956          },
17957          onSetup: spec.onSetup,
17958          getApi: getMenuButtonApi,
17959          columns: 1,
17960          presets: 'normal',
17961          classes: [],
17962          dropdownBehaviours: [Tabstopping.config({})]
17963        }, prefix, backstage.shared);
17964      };
17965      var getFetch = function (items, getButton, backstage) {
17966        var getMenuItemAction = function (item) {
17967          return function (api) {
17968            var newValue = !api.isActive();
17969            api.setActive(newValue);
17970            item.storage.set(newValue);
17971            backstage.shared.getSink().each(function (sink) {
17972              getButton().getOpt(sink).each(function (orig) {
17973                focus$3(orig.element);
17974                emitWith(orig, formActionEvent, {
17975                  name: item.name,
17976                  value: item.storage.get()
17977                });
17978              });
17979            });
17980          };
17981        };
17982        var getMenuItemSetup = function (item) {
17983          return function (api) {
17984            api.setActive(item.storage.get());
17985          };
17986        };
17987        return function (success) {
17988          success(map$2(items, function (item) {
17989            var text = item.text.fold(function () {
17990              return {};
17991            }, function (text) {
17992              return { text: text };
17993            });
17994            return __assign(__assign({
17995              type: item.type,
17996              active: false
17997            }, text), {
17998              onAction: getMenuItemAction(item),
17999              onSetup: getMenuItemSetup(item)
18000            });
18001          }));
18002        };
18003      };
18005      var renderCommonSpec = function (spec, actionOpt, extraBehaviours, dom, components, providersBackstage) {
18006        if (extraBehaviours === void 0) {
18007          extraBehaviours = [];
18008        }
18009        var action = actionOpt.fold(function () {
18010          return {};
18011        }, function (action) {
18012          return { action: action };
18013        });
18014        var common = __assign({
18015          buttonBehaviours: derive$1([
18016            DisablingConfigs.button(function () {
18017              return spec.disabled || providersBackstage.isDisabled();
18018            }),
18019            receivingConfig(),
18020            Tabstopping.config({}),
18021            config('button press', [
18022              preventDefault('click'),
18023              preventDefault('mousedown')
18024            ])
18025          ].concat(extraBehaviours)),
18026          eventOrder: {
18027            click: [
18028              'button press',
18029              'alloy.base.behaviour'
18030            ],
18031            mousedown: [
18032              'button press',
18033              'alloy.base.behaviour'
18034            ]
18035          }
18036        }, action);
18037        var domFinal = deepMerge(common, { dom: dom });
18038        return deepMerge(domFinal, { components: components });
18039      };
18040      var renderIconButtonSpec = function (spec, action, providersBackstage, extraBehaviours) {
18041        if (extraBehaviours === void 0) {
18042          extraBehaviours = [];
18043        }
18044        var tooltipAttributes = spec.tooltip.map(function (tooltip) {
18045          return {
18046            'aria-label': providersBackstage.translate(tooltip),
18047            'title': providersBackstage.translate(tooltip)
18048          };
18049        }).getOr({});
18050        var dom = {
18051          tag: 'button',
18052          classes: ['tox-tbtn'],
18053          attributes: tooltipAttributes
18054        };
18055        var icon = spec.icon.map(function (iconName) {
18056          return renderIconFromPack(iconName, providersBackstage.icons);
18057        });
18058        var components = componentRenderPipeline([icon]);
18059        return renderCommonSpec(spec, action, extraBehaviours, dom, components, providersBackstage);
18060      };
18061      var renderIconButton = function (spec, action, providersBackstage, extraBehaviours) {
18062        if (extraBehaviours === void 0) {
18063          extraBehaviours = [];
18064        }
18065        var iconButtonSpec = renderIconButtonSpec(spec, Optional.some(action), providersBackstage, extraBehaviours);
18066        return Button.sketch(iconButtonSpec);
18067      };
18068      var renderButtonSpec = function (spec, action, providersBackstage, extraBehaviours, extraClasses) {
18069        if (extraBehaviours === void 0) {
18070          extraBehaviours = [];
18071        }
18072        if (extraClasses === void 0) {
18073          extraClasses = [];
18074        }
18075        var translatedText = providersBackstage.translate(spec.text);
18076        var icon = spec.icon ? spec.icon.map(function (iconName) {
18077          return renderIconFromPack(iconName, providersBackstage.icons);
18078        }) : Optional.none();
18079        var components = icon.isSome() ? componentRenderPipeline([icon]) : [];
18080        var innerHtml = icon.isSome() ? {} : { innerHtml: translatedText };
18081        var classes = __spreadArray(__spreadArray(__spreadArray(__spreadArray([], !spec.primary && !spec.borderless ? [
18082          'tox-button',
18083          'tox-button--secondary'
18084        ] : ['tox-button'], true), icon.isSome() ? ['tox-button--icon'] : [], true), spec.borderless ? ['tox-button--naked'] : [], true), extraClasses, true);
18085        var dom = __assign(__assign({
18086          tag: 'button',
18087          classes: classes
18088        }, innerHtml), { attributes: { title: translatedText } });
18089        return renderCommonSpec(spec, action, extraBehaviours, dom, components, providersBackstage);
18090      };
18091      var renderButton = function (spec, action, providersBackstage, extraBehaviours, extraClasses) {
18092        if (extraBehaviours === void 0) {
18093          extraBehaviours = [];
18094        }
18095        if (extraClasses === void 0) {
18096          extraClasses = [];
18097        }
18098        var buttonSpec = renderButtonSpec(spec, Optional.some(action), providersBackstage, extraBehaviours, extraClasses);
18099        return Button.sketch(buttonSpec);
18100      };
18101      var getAction = function (name, buttonType) {
18102        return function (comp) {
18103          if (buttonType === 'custom') {
18104            emitWith(comp, formActionEvent, {
18105              name: name,
18106              value: {}
18107            });
18108          } else if (buttonType === 'submit') {
18109            emit(comp, formSubmitEvent);
18110          } else if (buttonType === 'cancel') {
18111            emit(comp, formCancelEvent);
18112          } else {
18113            console.error('Unknown button type: ', buttonType);
18114          }
18115        };
18116      };
18117      var isMenuFooterButtonSpec = function (spec, buttonType) {
18118        return buttonType === 'menu';
18119      };
18120      var isNormalFooterButtonSpec = function (spec, buttonType) {
18121        return buttonType === 'custom' || buttonType === 'cancel' || buttonType === 'submit';
18122      };
18123      var renderFooterButton = function (spec, buttonType, backstage) {
18124        if (isMenuFooterButtonSpec(spec, buttonType)) {
18125          var getButton = function () {
18126            return memButton_1;
18127          };
18128          var menuButtonSpec = spec;
18129          var fixedSpec = __assign(__assign({}, spec), {
18130            onSetup: function (api) {
18131              api.setDisabled(spec.disabled);
18132              return noop;
18133            },
18134            fetch: getFetch(menuButtonSpec.items, getButton, backstage)
18135          });
18136          var memButton_1 = record(renderMenuButton(fixedSpec, 'tox-tbtn', backstage, Optional.none()));
18137          return memButton_1.asSpec();
18138        } else if (isNormalFooterButtonSpec(spec, buttonType)) {
18139          var action = getAction(spec.name, buttonType);
18140          var buttonSpec = __assign(__assign({}, spec), { borderless: false });
18141          return renderButton(buttonSpec, action, backstage.shared.providers, []);
18142        } else {
18143          console.error('Unknown footer button type: ', buttonType);
18144        }
18145      };
18146      var renderDialogButton = function (spec, providersBackstage) {
18147        var action = getAction(spec.name, 'custom');
18148        return renderFormField(Optional.none(), FormField.parts.field(__assign({ factory: Button }, renderButtonSpec(spec, Optional.some(action), providersBackstage, [
18149          RepresentingConfigs.memory(''),
18150          ComposingConfigs.self()
18151        ]))));
18152      };
18154      var schema$h = constant$1([
18155        defaulted('field1Name', 'field1'),
18156        defaulted('field2Name', 'field2'),
18157        onStrictHandler('onLockedChange'),
18158        markers$1(['lockClass']),
18159        defaulted('locked', false),
18160        SketchBehaviours.field('coupledFieldBehaviours', [
18161          Composing,
18162          Representing
18163        ])
18164      ]);
18165      var getField = function (comp, detail, partName) {
18166        return getPart(comp, detail, partName).bind(Composing.getCurrent);
18167      };
18168      var coupledPart = function (selfName, otherName) {
18169        return required({
18170          factory: FormField,
18171          name: selfName,
18172          overrides: function (detail) {
18173            return {
18174              fieldBehaviours: derive$1([config('coupled-input-behaviour', [run$1(input(), function (me) {
18175                    getField(me, detail, otherName).each(function (other) {
18176                      getPart(me, detail, 'lock').each(function (lock) {
18177                        if (Toggling.isOn(lock)) {
18178                          detail.onLockedChange(me, other, lock);
18179                        }
18180                      });
18181                    });
18182                  })])])
18183            };
18184          }
18185        });
18186      };
18187      var parts$c = constant$1([
18188        coupledPart('field1', 'field2'),
18189        coupledPart('field2', 'field1'),
18190        required({
18191          factory: Button,
18192          schema: [required$1('dom')],
18193          name: 'lock',
18194          overrides: function (detail) {
18195            return {
18196              buttonBehaviours: derive$1([Toggling.config({
18197                  selected: detail.locked,
18198                  toggleClass: detail.markers.lockClass,
18199                  aria: { mode: 'pressed' }
18200                })])
18201            };
18202          }
18203        })
18204      ]);
18206      var factory$f = function (detail, components, _spec, _externals) {
18207        return {
18208          uid: detail.uid,
18209          dom: detail.dom,
18210          components: components,
18211          behaviours: SketchBehaviours.augment(detail.coupledFieldBehaviours, [
18212            Composing.config({ find: Optional.some }),
18213            Representing.config({
18214              store: {
18215                mode: 'manual',
18216                getValue: function (comp) {
18217                  var _a;
18218                  var parts = getPartsOrDie(comp, detail, [
18219                    'field1',
18220                    'field2'
18221                  ]);
18222                  return _a = {}, _a[detail.field1Name] = Representing.getValue(parts.field1()), _a[detail.field2Name] = Representing.getValue(parts.field2()), _a;
18223                },
18224                setValue: function (comp, value) {
18225                  var parts = getPartsOrDie(comp, detail, [
18226                    'field1',
18227                    'field2'
18228                  ]);
18229                  if (hasNonNullableKey(value, detail.field1Name)) {
18230                    Representing.setValue(parts.field1(), value[detail.field1Name]);
18231                  }
18232                  if (hasNonNullableKey(value, detail.field2Name)) {
18233                    Representing.setValue(parts.field2(), value[detail.field2Name]);
18234                  }
18235                }
18236              }
18237            })
18238          ]),
18239          apis: {
18240            getField1: function (component) {
18241              return getPart(component, detail, 'field1');
18242            },
18243            getField2: function (component) {
18244              return getPart(component, detail, 'field2');
18245            },
18246            getLock: function (component) {
18247              return getPart(component, detail, 'lock');
18248            }
18249          }
18250        };
18251      };
18252      var FormCoupledInputs = composite({
18253        name: 'FormCoupledInputs',
18254        configFields: schema$h(),
18255        partFields: parts$c(),
18256        factory: factory$f,
18257        apis: {
18258          getField1: function (apis, component) {
18259            return apis.getField1(component);
18260          },
18261          getField2: function (apis, component) {
18262            return apis.getField2(component);
18263          },
18264          getLock: function (apis, component) {
18265            return apis.getLock(component);
18266          }
18267        }
18268      });
18270      var formatSize = function (size) {
18271        var unitDec = {
18272          '': 0,
18273          'px': 0,
18274          'pt': 1,
18275          'mm': 1,
18276          'pc': 2,
18277          'ex': 2,
18278          'em': 2,
18279          'ch': 2,
18280          'rem': 2,
18281          'cm': 3,
18282          'in': 4,
18283          '%': 4
18284        };
18285        var maxDecimal = function (unit) {
18286          return unit in unitDec ? unitDec[unit] : 1;
18287        };
18288        var numText = size.value.toFixed(maxDecimal(size.unit));
18289        if (numText.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
18290          numText = numText.replace(/\.?0*$/, '');
18291        }
18292        return numText + size.unit;
18293      };
18294      var parseSize = function (sizeText) {
18295        var numPattern = /^\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*(|cm|mm|in|px|pt|pc|em|ex|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|%)\s*$/;
18296        var match = numPattern.exec(sizeText);
18297        if (match !== null) {
18298          var value = parseFloat(match[1]);
18299          var unit = match[2];
18300          return Result.value({
18301            value: value,
18302            unit: unit
18303          });
18304        } else {
18305          return Result.error(sizeText);
18306        }
18307      };
18308      var convertUnit = function (size, unit) {
18309        var inInch = {
18310          '': 96,
18311          'px': 96,
18312          'pt': 72,
18313          'cm': 2.54,
18314          'pc': 12,
18315          'mm': 25.4,
18316          'in': 1
18317        };
18318        var supported = function (u) {
18319          return has$2(inInch, u);
18320        };
18321        if (size.unit === unit) {
18322          return Optional.some(size.value);
18323        } else if (supported(size.unit) && supported(unit)) {
18324          if (inInch[size.unit] === inInch[unit]) {
18325            return Optional.some(size.value);
18326          } else {
18327            return Optional.some(size.value / inInch[size.unit] * inInch[unit]);
18328          }
18329        } else {
18330          return Optional.none();
18331        }
18332      };
18333      var noSizeConversion = function (_input) {
18334        return Optional.none();
18335      };
18336      var ratioSizeConversion = function (scale, unit) {
18337        return function (size) {
18338          return convertUnit(size, unit).map(function (value) {
18339            return {
18340              value: value * scale,
18341              unit: unit
18342            };
18343          });
18344        };
18345      };
18346      var makeRatioConverter = function (currentFieldText, otherFieldText) {
18347        var cValue = parseSize(currentFieldText).toOptional();
18348        var oValue = parseSize(otherFieldText).toOptional();
18349        return lift2(cValue, oValue, function (cSize, oSize) {
18350          return convertUnit(cSize, oSize.unit).map(function (val) {
18351            return oSize.value / val;
18352          }).map(function (r) {
18353            return ratioSizeConversion(r, oSize.unit);
18354          }).getOr(noSizeConversion);
18355        }).getOr(noSizeConversion);
18356      };
18358      var renderSizeInput = function (spec, providersBackstage) {
18359        var converter = noSizeConversion;
18360        var ratioEvent = generate$6('ratio-event');
18361        var makeIcon = function (iconName) {
18362          return render$3(iconName, {
18363            tag: 'span',
18364            classes: [
18365              'tox-icon',
18366              'tox-lock-icon__' + iconName
18367            ]
18368          }, providersBackstage.icons);
18369        };
18370        var pLock = FormCoupledInputs.parts.lock({
18371          dom: {
18372            tag: 'button',
18373            classes: [
18374              'tox-lock',
18375              'tox-button',
18376              'tox-button--naked',
18377              'tox-button--icon'
18378            ],
18379            attributes: { title: providersBackstage.translate(spec.label.getOr('Constrain proportions')) }
18380          },
18381          components: [
18382            makeIcon('lock'),
18383            makeIcon('unlock')
18384          ],
18385          buttonBehaviours: derive$1([
18386            Disabling.config({
18387              disabled: function () {
18388                return spec.disabled || providersBackstage.isDisabled();
18389              }
18390            }),
18391            receivingConfig(),
18392            Tabstopping.config({})
18393          ])
18394        });
18395        var formGroup = function (components) {
18396          return {
18397            dom: {
18398              tag: 'div',
18399              classes: ['tox-form__group']
18400            },
18401            components: components
18402          };
18403        };
18404        var getFieldPart = function (isField1) {
18405          return FormField.parts.field({
18406            factory: Input,
18407            inputClasses: ['tox-textfield'],
18408            inputBehaviours: derive$1([
18409              Disabling.config({
18410                disabled: function () {
18411                  return spec.disabled || providersBackstage.isDisabled();
18412                }
18413              }),
18414              receivingConfig(),
18415              Tabstopping.config({}),
18416              config('size-input-events', [
18417                run$1(focusin(), function (component, _simulatedEvent) {
18418                  emitWith(component, ratioEvent, { isField1: isField1 });
18419                }),
18420                run$1(change(), function (component, _simulatedEvent) {
18421                  emitWith(component, formChangeEvent, { name: spec.name });
18422                })
18423              ])
18424            ]),
18425            selectOnFocus: false
18426          });
18427        };
18428        var getLabel = function (label) {
18429          return {
18430            dom: {
18431              tag: 'label',
18432              classes: ['tox-label'],
18433              innerHtml: providersBackstage.translate(label)
18434            }
18435          };
18436        };
18437        var widthField = FormCoupledInputs.parts.field1(formGroup([
18438          FormField.parts.label(getLabel('Width')),
18439          getFieldPart(true)
18440        ]));
18441        var heightField = FormCoupledInputs.parts.field2(formGroup([
18442          FormField.parts.label(getLabel('Height')),
18443          getFieldPart(false)
18444        ]));
18445        return FormCoupledInputs.sketch({
18446          dom: {
18447            tag: 'div',
18448            classes: ['tox-form__group']
18449          },
18450          components: [{
18451              dom: {
18452                tag: 'div',
18453                classes: ['tox-form__controls-h-stack']
18454              },
18455              components: [
18456                widthField,
18457                heightField,
18458                formGroup([
18459                  getLabel('&nbsp;'),
18460                  pLock
18461                ])
18462              ]
18463            }],
18464          field1Name: 'width',
18465          field2Name: 'height',
18466          locked: true,
18467          markers: { lockClass: 'tox-locked' },
18468          onLockedChange: function (current, other, _lock) {
18469            parseSize(Representing.getValue(current)).each(function (size) {
18470              converter(size).each(function (newSize) {
18471                Representing.setValue(other, formatSize(newSize));
18472              });
18473            });
18474          },
18475          coupledFieldBehaviours: derive$1([
18476            Disabling.config({
18477              disabled: function () {
18478                return spec.disabled || providersBackstage.isDisabled();
18479              },
18480              onDisabled: function (comp) {
18481                FormCoupledInputs.getField1(comp).bind(FormField.getField).each(Disabling.disable);
18482                FormCoupledInputs.getField2(comp).bind(FormField.getField).each(Disabling.disable);
18483                FormCoupledInputs.getLock(comp).each(Disabling.disable);
18484              },
18485              onEnabled: function (comp) {
18486                FormCoupledInputs.getField1(comp).bind(FormField.getField).each(Disabling.enable);
18487                FormCoupledInputs.getField2(comp).bind(FormField.getField).each(Disabling.enable);
18488                FormCoupledInputs.getLock(comp).each(Disabling.enable);
18489              }
18490            }),
18491            receivingConfig(),
18492            config('size-input-events2', [run$1(ratioEvent, function (component, simulatedEvent) {
18493                var isField1 = simulatedEvent.event.isField1;
18494                var optCurrent = isField1 ? FormCoupledInputs.getField1(component) : FormCoupledInputs.getField2(component);
18495                var optOther = isField1 ? FormCoupledInputs.getField2(component) : FormCoupledInputs.getField1(component);
18496                var value1 = optCurrent.map(Representing.getValue).getOr('');
18497                var value2 = optOther.map(Representing.getValue).getOr('');
18498                converter = makeRatioConverter(value1, value2);
18499              })])
18500          ])
18501        });
18502      };
18504      var undo = constant$1(generate$6('undo'));
18505      var redo = constant$1(generate$6('redo'));
18506      var zoom = constant$1(generate$6('zoom'));
18507      var back = constant$1(generate$6('back'));
18508      var apply = constant$1(generate$6('apply'));
18509      var swap = constant$1(generate$6('swap'));
18510      var transform$1 = constant$1(generate$6('transform'));
18511      var tempTransform = constant$1(generate$6('temp-transform'));
18512      var transformApply = constant$1(generate$6('transform-apply'));
18513      var internal = {
18514        undo: undo,
18515        redo: redo,
18516        zoom: zoom,
18517        back: back,
18518        apply: apply,
18519        swap: swap,
18520        transform: transform$1,
18521        tempTransform: tempTransform,
18522        transformApply: transformApply
18523      };
18524      var saveState = constant$1('save-state');
18525      var disable = constant$1('disable');
18526      var enable = constant$1('enable');
18527      var external = {
18528        formActionEvent: formActionEvent,
18529        saveState: saveState,
18530        disable: disable,
18531        enable: enable
18532      };
18534      var renderEditPanel = function (imagePanel, providersBackstage) {
18535        var createButton = function (text, action, disabled, primary) {
18536          return record(renderButton({
18537            name: text,
18538            text: text,
18539            disabled: disabled,
18540            primary: primary,
18541            icon: Optional.none(),
18542            borderless: false
18543          }, action, providersBackstage));
18544        };
18545        var createIconButton = function (icon, tooltip, action, disabled) {
18546          return record(renderIconButton({
18547            name: icon,
18548            icon: Optional.some(icon),
18549            tooltip: Optional.some(tooltip),
18550            disabled: disabled,
18551            primary: false,
18552            borderless: false
18553          }, action, providersBackstage));
18554        };
18555        var disableAllComponents = function (comps, eventcomp) {
18556          comps.map(function (mem) {
18557            var component = mem.get(eventcomp);
18558            if (component.hasConfigured(Disabling)) {
18559              Disabling.disable(component);
18560            }
18561          });
18562        };
18563        var enableAllComponents = function (comps, eventcomp) {
18564          comps.map(function (mem) {
18565            var component = mem.get(eventcomp);
18566            if (component.hasConfigured(Disabling)) {
18567              Disabling.enable(component);
18568            }
18569          });
18570        };
18571        var panelDom = {
18572          tag: 'div',
18573          classes: [
18574            'tox-image-tools__toolbar',
18575            'tox-image-tools-edit-panel'
18576          ]
18577        };
18578        var noop$1 = noop;
18579        var emit$1 = function (comp, event, data) {
18580          emitWith(comp, event, data);
18581        };
18582        var emitDisable = function (component) {
18583          return emit(component, external.disable());
18584        };
18585        var emitEnable = function (component) {
18586          return emit(component, external.enable());
18587        };
18588        var emitTransform = function (comp, transform) {
18589          emitDisable(comp);
18590          emit$1(comp, internal.transform(), { transform: transform });
18591          emitEnable(comp);
18592        };
18593        var emitTempTransform = function (comp, transform) {
18594          emitDisable(comp);
18595          emit$1(comp, internal.tempTransform(), { transform: transform });
18596          emitEnable(comp);
18597        };
18598        var getBackSwap = function (anyInSystem) {
18599          return function () {
18600            memContainer.getOpt(anyInSystem).each(function (container) {
18601              Replacing.set(container, [ButtonPanel]);
18602            });
18603          };
18604        };
18605        var emitTransformApply = function (comp, transform) {
18606          emitDisable(comp);
18607          emit$1(comp, internal.transformApply(), {
18608            transform: transform,
18609            swap: getBackSwap(comp)
18610          });
18611          emitEnable(comp);
18612        };
18613        var createBackButton = function () {
18614          return createButton('Back', function (button) {
18615            return emit$1(button, internal.back(), { swap: getBackSwap(button) });
18616          }, false, false);
18617        };
18618        var createSpacer = function () {
18619          return record({
18620            dom: {
18621              tag: 'div',
18622              classes: ['tox-spacer']
18623            },
18624            behaviours: derive$1([Disabling.config({})])
18625          });
18626        };
18627        var createApplyButton = function () {
18628          return createButton('Apply', function (button) {
18629            return emit$1(button, internal.apply(), { swap: getBackSwap(button) });
18630          }, true, true);
18631        };
18632        var makeCropTransform = function () {
18633          return function (ir) {
18634            var rect = imagePanel.getRect();
18635            return crop(ir, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
18636          };
18637        };
18638        var cropPanelComponents = [
18639          createBackButton(),
18640          createSpacer(),
18641          createButton('Apply', function (button) {
18642            var transform = makeCropTransform();
18643            emitTransformApply(button, transform);
18644            imagePanel.hideCrop();
18645          }, false, true)
18646        ];
18647        var CropPanel = Container.sketch({
18648          dom: panelDom,
18649          components: cropPanelComponents.map(function (mem) {
18650            return mem.asSpec();
18651          }),
18652          containerBehaviours: derive$1([config('image-tools-crop-buttons-events', [
18653              run$1(external.disable(), function (comp, _se) {
18654                disableAllComponents(cropPanelComponents, comp);
18655              }),
18656              run$1(external.enable(), function (comp, _se) {
18657                enableAllComponents(cropPanelComponents, comp);
18658              })
18659            ])])
18660        });
18661        var memSize = record(renderSizeInput({
18662          name: 'size',
18663          label: Optional.none(),
18664          constrain: true,
18665          disabled: false
18666        }, providersBackstage));
18667        var makeResizeTransform = function (width, height) {
18668          return function (ir) {
18669            return resize$1(ir, width, height);
18670          };
18671        };
18672        var resizePanelComponents = [
18673          createBackButton(),
18674          createSpacer(),
18675          memSize,
18676          createSpacer(),
18677          createButton('Apply', function (button) {
18678            memSize.getOpt(button).each(function (sizeInput) {
18679              var value = Representing.getValue(sizeInput);
18680              var width = parseInt(value.width, 10);
18681              var height = parseInt(value.height, 10);
18682              var transform = makeResizeTransform(width, height);
18683              emitTransformApply(button, transform);
18684            });
18685          }, false, true)
18686        ];
18687        var ResizePanel = Container.sketch({
18688          dom: panelDom,
18689          components: resizePanelComponents.map(function (mem) {
18690            return mem.asSpec();
18691          }),
18692          containerBehaviours: derive$1([config('image-tools-resize-buttons-events', [
18693              run$1(external.disable(), function (comp, _se) {
18694                disableAllComponents(resizePanelComponents, comp);
18695              }),
18696              run$1(external.enable(), function (comp, _se) {
18697                enableAllComponents(resizePanelComponents, comp);
18698              })
18699            ])])
18700        });
18701        var makeValueTransform = function (transform, value) {
18702          return function (ir) {
18703            return transform(ir, value);
18704          };
18705        };
18706        var horizontalFlip = makeValueTransform(flip, 'h');
18707        var verticalFlip = makeValueTransform(flip, 'v');
18708        var counterclockwiseRotate = makeValueTransform(rotate, -90);
18709        var clockwiseRotate = makeValueTransform(rotate, 90);
18710        var flipRotateOnAction = function (comp, operation) {
18711          emitTempTransform(comp, operation);
18712        };
18713        var flipRotateComponents = [
18714          createBackButton(),
18715          createSpacer(),
18716          createIconButton('flip-horizontally', 'Flip horizontally', function (button) {
18717            flipRotateOnAction(button, horizontalFlip);
18718          }, false),
18719          createIconButton('flip-vertically', 'Flip vertically', function (button) {
18720            flipRotateOnAction(button, verticalFlip);
18721          }, false),
18722          createIconButton('rotate-left', 'Rotate counterclockwise', function (button) {
18723            flipRotateOnAction(button, counterclockwiseRotate);
18724          }, false),
18725          createIconButton('rotate-right', 'Rotate clockwise', function (button) {
18726            flipRotateOnAction(button, clockwiseRotate);
18727          }, false),
18728          createSpacer(),
18729          createApplyButton()
18730        ];
18731        var FlipRotatePanel = Container.sketch({
18732          dom: panelDom,
18733          components: flipRotateComponents.map(function (mem) {
18734            return mem.asSpec();
18735          }),
18736          containerBehaviours: derive$1([config('image-tools-fliprotate-buttons-events', [
18737              run$1(external.disable(), function (comp, _se) {
18738                disableAllComponents(flipRotateComponents, comp);
18739              }),
18740              run$1(external.enable(), function (comp, _se) {
18741                enableAllComponents(flipRotateComponents, comp);
18742              })
18743            ])])
18744        });
18745        var makeSlider = function (label, onChoose, min, value, max) {
18746          var labelPart = Slider.parts.label({
18747            dom: {
18748              tag: 'label',
18749              classes: ['tox-label'],
18750              innerHtml: providersBackstage.translate(label)
18751            }
18752          });
18753          var spectrum = Slider.parts.spectrum({
18754            dom: {
18755              tag: 'div',
18756              classes: ['tox-slider__rail'],
18757              attributes: { role: 'presentation' }
18758            }
18759          });
18760          var thumb = Slider.parts.thumb({
18761            dom: {
18762              tag: 'div',
18763              classes: ['tox-slider__handle'],
18764              attributes: { role: 'presentation' }
18765            }
18766          });
18767          return record(Slider.sketch({
18768            dom: {
18769              tag: 'div',
18770              classes: ['tox-slider'],
18771              attributes: { role: 'presentation' }
18772            },
18773            model: {
18774              mode: 'x',
18775              minX: min,
18776              maxX: max,
18777              getInitialValue: constant$1({ x: value })
18778            },
18779            components: [
18780              labelPart,
18781              spectrum,
18782              thumb
18783            ],
18784            sliderBehaviours: derive$1([Focusing.config({})]),
18785            onChoose: onChoose
18786          }));
18787        };
18788        var makeVariableSlider = function (label, transform, min, value, max) {
18789          var onChoose = function (slider, _thumb, value) {
18790            var valTransform = makeValueTransform(transform, value.x / 100);
18791            emitTransform(slider, valTransform);
18792          };
18793          return makeSlider(label, onChoose, min, value, max);
18794        };
18795        var variableFilterPanelComponents = function (label, transform, min, value, max) {
18796          return [
18797            createBackButton(),
18798            makeVariableSlider(label, transform, min, value, max),
18799            createApplyButton()
18800          ];
18801        };
18802        var createVariableFilterPanel = function (label, transform, min, value, max) {
18803          var filterPanelComponents = variableFilterPanelComponents(label, transform, min, value, max);
18804          return Container.sketch({
18805            dom: panelDom,
18806            components: filterPanelComponents.map(function (mem) {
18807              return mem.asSpec();
18808            }),
18809            containerBehaviours: derive$1([config('image-tools-filter-panel-buttons-events', [
18810                run$1(external.disable(), function (comp, _se) {
18811                  disableAllComponents(filterPanelComponents, comp);
18812                }),
18813                run$1(external.enable(), function (comp, _se) {
18814                  enableAllComponents(filterPanelComponents, comp);
18815                })
18816              ])])
18817          });
18818        };
18819        var filterPanelComponents = [
18820          createBackButton(),
18821          createSpacer(),
18822          createApplyButton()
18823        ];
18824        var FilterPanel = Container.sketch({
18825          dom: panelDom,
18826          components: filterPanelComponents.map(function (mem) {
18827            return mem.asSpec();
18828          })
18829        });
18830        var BrightnessPanel = createVariableFilterPanel('Brightness', brightness, -100, 0, 100);
18831        var ContrastPanel = createVariableFilterPanel('Contrast', contrast, -100, 0, 100);
18832        var GammaPanel = createVariableFilterPanel('Gamma', gamma, -100, 0, 100);
18833        var makeColorTransform = function (red, green, blue) {
18834          return function (ir) {
18835            return colorize(ir, red, green, blue);
18836          };
18837        };
18838        var makeColorSlider = function (label) {
18839          var onChoose = function (slider, _thumb, _value) {
18840            var redOpt = memRed.getOpt(slider);
18841            var blueOpt = memBlue.getOpt(slider);
18842            var greenOpt = memGreen.getOpt(slider);
18843            redOpt.each(function (red) {
18844              blueOpt.each(function (blue) {
18845                greenOpt.each(function (green) {
18846                  var r = Representing.getValue(red).x / 100;
18847                  var g = Representing.getValue(green).x / 100;
18848                  var b = Representing.getValue(blue).x / 100;
18849                  var transform = makeColorTransform(r, g, b);
18850                  emitTransform(slider, transform);
18851                });
18852              });
18853            });
18854          };
18855          return makeSlider(label, onChoose, 0, 100, 200);
18856        };
18857        var memRed = makeColorSlider('R');
18858        var memGreen = makeColorSlider('G');
18859        var memBlue = makeColorSlider('B');
18860        var colorizePanelComponents = [
18861          createBackButton(),
18862          memRed,
18863          memGreen,
18864          memBlue,
18865          createApplyButton()
18866        ];
18867        var ColorizePanel = Container.sketch({
18868          dom: panelDom,
18869          components: colorizePanelComponents.map(function (mem) {
18870            return mem.asSpec();
18871          })
18872        });
18873        var getTransformPanelEvent = function (panel, transform, update) {
18874          return function (button) {
18875            var swap = function () {
18876              memContainer.getOpt(button).each(function (container) {
18877                Replacing.set(container, [panel]);
18878                update(container);
18879              });
18880            };
18881            emit$1(button, internal.swap(), {
18882              transform: transform,
18883              swap: swap
18884            });
18885          };
18886        };
18887        var cropPanelUpdate = function (_anyInSystem) {
18888          imagePanel.showCrop();
18889        };
18890        var resizePanelUpdate = function (anyInSystem) {
18891          memSize.getOpt(anyInSystem).each(function (sizeInput) {
18892            var measurements = imagePanel.getMeasurements();
18893            var width = measurements.width;
18894            var height = measurements.height;
18895            Representing.setValue(sizeInput, {
18896              width: width,
18897              height: height
18898            });
18899          });
18900        };
18901        var sharpenTransform = Optional.some(sharpen);
18902        var invertTransform = Optional.some(invert);
18903        var buttonPanelComponents = [
18904          createIconButton('crop', 'Crop', getTransformPanelEvent(CropPanel, Optional.none(), cropPanelUpdate), false),
18905          createIconButton('resize', 'Resize', getTransformPanelEvent(ResizePanel, Optional.none(), resizePanelUpdate), false),
18906          createIconButton('orientation', 'Orientation', getTransformPanelEvent(FlipRotatePanel, Optional.none(), noop$1), false),
18907          createIconButton('brightness', 'Brightness', getTransformPanelEvent(BrightnessPanel, Optional.none(), noop$1), false),
18908          createIconButton('sharpen', 'Sharpen', getTransformPanelEvent(FilterPanel, sharpenTransform, noop$1), false),
18909          createIconButton('contrast', 'Contrast', getTransformPanelEvent(ContrastPanel, Optional.none(), noop$1), false),
18910          createIconButton('color-levels', 'Color levels', getTransformPanelEvent(ColorizePanel, Optional.none(), noop$1), false),
18911          createIconButton('gamma', 'Gamma', getTransformPanelEvent(GammaPanel, Optional.none(), noop$1), false),
18912          createIconButton('invert', 'Invert', getTransformPanelEvent(FilterPanel, invertTransform, noop$1), false)
18913        ];
18914        var ButtonPanel = Container.sketch({
18915          dom: panelDom,
18916          components: buttonPanelComponents.map(function (mem) {
18917            return mem.asSpec();
18918          })
18919        });
18920        var container = Container.sketch({
18921          dom: { tag: 'div' },
18922          components: [ButtonPanel],
18923          containerBehaviours: derive$1([Replacing.config({})])
18924        });
18925        var memContainer = record(container);
18926        var getApplyButton = function (anyInSystem) {
18927          return memContainer.getOpt(anyInSystem).map(function (container) {
18928            var panel = container.components()[0];
18929            return panel.components()[panel.components().length - 1];
18930          });
18931        };
18932        return {
18933          memContainer: memContainer,
18934          getApplyButton: getApplyButton
18935        };
18936      };
18938      var global$4 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.geom.Rect');
18940      var global$3 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.Observable');
18942      var global$2 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.VK');
18944      var getDocumentSize = function (doc) {
18945        var max = Math.max;
18946        var documentElement = doc.documentElement;
18947        var body = doc.body;
18948        var scrollWidth = max(documentElement.scrollWidth, body.scrollWidth);
18949        var clientWidth = max(documentElement.clientWidth, body.clientWidth);
18950        var offsetWidth = max(documentElement.offsetWidth, body.offsetWidth);
18951        var scrollHeight = max(documentElement.scrollHeight, body.scrollHeight);
18952        var clientHeight = max(documentElement.clientHeight, body.clientHeight);
18953        var offsetHeight = max(documentElement.offsetHeight, body.offsetHeight);
18954        return {
18955          width: scrollWidth < offsetWidth ? clientWidth : scrollWidth,
18956          height: scrollHeight < offsetHeight ? clientHeight : scrollHeight
18957        };
18958      };
18959      var isTouchEvent$1 = function (e) {
18960        return isNonNullable(e.changedTouches);
18961      };
18962      var updateWithTouchData = function (e) {
18963        if (isTouchEvent$1(e)) {
18964          var keys = 'screenX screenY pageX pageY clientX clientY'.split(' ');
18965          for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
18966            e[keys[i]] = e.changedTouches[0][keys[i]];
18967          }
18968        }
18969      };
18970      function DragHelper (id, settings) {
18971        var _a, _b, _c;
18972        var eventOverlay;
18973        var handleEvents = [];
18974        var overlayEvents = [];
18975        var doc = (_a = settings.document) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : document;
18976        var root = (_b = settings.root) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : doc;
18977        var sugarDoc = SugarElement.fromDom(doc);
18978        var downButton;
18979        var startX;
18980        var startY;
18981        var handleElement = SugarElement.fromDom(root.getElementById((_c = settings.handle) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : id));
18982        var start = function (e) {
18983          var rawEvent = e.raw;
18984          var docSize = getDocumentSize(doc);
18985          updateWithTouchData(rawEvent);
18986          e.prevent();
18987          downButton = rawEvent.button;
18988          startX = rawEvent.screenX;
18989          startY = rawEvent.screenY;
18990          var cursor = get$c(handleElement, 'cursor');
18991          eventOverlay = SugarElement.fromTag('div', doc);
18992          setAll(eventOverlay, {
18993            'position': 'absolute',
18994            'top': '0',
18995            'left': '0',
18996            'width': docSize.width + 'px',
18997            'height': docSize.height + 'px',
18998            'z-index': 2147483647 + '',
18999            'opacity': '0.0001',
19000            cursor: cursor
19001          });
19002          append$2(getBody(sugarDoc), eventOverlay);
19003          overlayEvents.push(bind(sugarDoc, 'mousemove', drag), bind(sugarDoc, 'touchmove', drag), bind(sugarDoc, 'mouseup', stop), bind(sugarDoc, 'touchend', stop));
19004          settings.start(rawEvent);
19005        };
19006        var drag = function (e) {
19007          var rawEvent = e.raw;
19008          updateWithTouchData(rawEvent);
19009          if (rawEvent.button !== downButton) {
19010            return stop(e);
19011          }
19012          rawEvent.deltaX = rawEvent.screenX - startX;
19013          rawEvent.deltaY = rawEvent.screenY - startY;
19014          e.prevent();
19015          settings.drag(rawEvent);
19016        };
19017        var stop = function (e) {
19018          updateWithTouchData(e.raw);
19019          each$1(overlayEvents, function (e) {
19020            return e.unbind();
19021          });
19022          overlayEvents = [];
19023          remove$5(eventOverlay);
19024          if (settings.stop) {
19025            settings.stop(e.raw);
19026          }
19027        };
19028        var destroy = function () {
19029          each$1(overlayEvents.concat(handleEvents), function (e) {
19030            return e.unbind();
19031          });
19032          overlayEvents = [];
19033          handleEvents = [];
19034          if (isNonNullable(eventOverlay)) {
19035            remove$5(eventOverlay);
19036          }
19037        };
19038        handleEvents.push(bind(handleElement, 'mousedown', start), bind(handleElement, 'touchstart', start));
19039        return { destroy: destroy };
19040      }
19042      var count = 0;
19043      var create$1 = function (currentRect, viewPortRect, clampRect, containerElm, action) {
19044        var dragHelpers;
19045        var events = [];
19046        var prefix = 'tox-';
19047        var id = prefix + 'crid-' + count++;
19048        var container = SugarElement.fromDom(containerElm);
19049        var handles = [
19050          {
19051            name: 'move',
19052            xMul: 0,
19053            yMul: 0,
19054            deltaX: 1,
19055            deltaY: 1,
19056            deltaW: 0,
19057            deltaH: 0,
19058            label: 'Crop Mask'
19059          },
19060          {
19061            name: 'nw',
19062            xMul: 0,
19063            yMul: 0,
19064            deltaX: 1,
19065            deltaY: 1,
19066            deltaW: -1,
19067            deltaH: -1,
19068            label: 'Top Left Crop Handle'
19069          },
19070          {
19071            name: 'ne',
19072            xMul: 1,
19073            yMul: 0,
19074            deltaX: 0,
19075            deltaY: 1,
19076            deltaW: 1,
19077            deltaH: -1,
19078            label: 'Top Right Crop Handle'
19079          },
19080          {
19081            name: 'sw',
19082            xMul: 0,
19083            yMul: 1,
19084            deltaX: 1,
19085            deltaY: 0,
19086            deltaW: -1,
19087            deltaH: 1,
19088            label: 'Bottom Left Crop Handle'
19089          },
19090          {
19091            name: 'se',
19092            xMul: 1,
19093            yMul: 1,
19094            deltaX: 0,
19095            deltaY: 0,
19096            deltaW: 1,
19097            deltaH: 1,
19098            label: 'Bottom Right Crop Handle'
19099          }
19100        ];
19101        var blockers = [
19102          'top',
19103          'right',
19104          'bottom',
19105          'left'
19106        ];
19107        var getAbsoluteRect = function (outerRect, relativeRect) {
19108          return {
19109            x: relativeRect.x + outerRect.x,
19110            y: relativeRect.y + outerRect.y,
19111            w: relativeRect.w,
19112            h: relativeRect.h
19113          };
19114        };
19115        var getRelativeRect = function (outerRect, innerRect) {
19116          return {
19117            x: innerRect.x - outerRect.x,
19118            y: innerRect.y - outerRect.y,
19119            w: innerRect.w,
19120            h: innerRect.h
19121          };
19122        };
19123        var getInnerRect = function () {
19124          return getRelativeRect(clampRect, currentRect);
19125        };
19126        var moveRect = function (handle, startRect, deltaX, deltaY) {
19127          var x = startRect.x + deltaX * handle.deltaX;
19128          var y = startRect.y + deltaY * handle.deltaY;
19129          var w = Math.max(20, startRect.w + deltaX * handle.deltaW);
19130          var h = Math.max(20, startRect.h + deltaY * handle.deltaH);
19131          var rect = currentRect = global$4.clamp({
19132            x: x,
19133            y: y,
19134            w: w,
19135            h: h
19136          }, clampRect, handle.name === 'move');
19137          rect = getRelativeRect(clampRect, rect);
19138          instance.fire('updateRect', { rect: rect });
19139          setInnerRect(rect);
19140        };
19141        var render = function () {
19142          var createDragHelper = function (handle) {
19143            var startRect;
19144            return DragHelper(id, {
19145              document: containerElm.ownerDocument,
19146              root: getRootNode(container).dom,
19147              handle: id + '-' + handle.name,
19148              start: function () {
19149                startRect = currentRect;
19150              },
19151              drag: function (e) {
19152                moveRect(handle, startRect, e.deltaX, e.deltaY);
19153              }
19154            });
19155          };
19156          var cropContainer = SugarElement.fromTag('div');
19157          setAll$1(cropContainer, {
19158            id: id,
19159            'class': prefix + 'croprect-container',
19160            'role': 'grid',
19161            'aria-dropeffect': 'execute'
19162          });
19163          append$2(container, cropContainer);
19164          each$1(blockers, function (blocker) {
19165            descendant(container, '#' + id).each(function (blockerElm) {
19166              var cropBlocker = SugarElement.fromTag('div');
19167              setAll$1(cropBlocker, {
19168                'id': id + '-' + blocker,
19169                'class': prefix + 'croprect-block',
19170                'data-mce-bogus': 'all'
19171              });
19172              set$7(cropBlocker, 'display', 'none');
19173              append$2(blockerElm, cropBlocker);
19174            });
19175          });
19176          each$1(handles, function (handle) {
19177            descendant(container, '#' + id).each(function (handleElm) {
19178              var cropHandle = SugarElement.fromTag('div');
19179              setAll$1(cropHandle, {
19180                'id': id + '-' + handle.name,
19181                'aria-label': handle.label,
19182                'aria-grabbed': 'false',
19183                'data-mce-bogus': 'all',
19184                'role': 'gridcell',
19185                'tabindex': '-1',
19186                'title': handle.label
19187              });
19188              add$1(cropHandle, [
19189                prefix + 'croprect-handle',
19190                prefix + 'croprect-handle-' + handle.name
19191              ]);
19192              set$7(cropHandle, 'display', 'none');
19193              append$2(handleElm, cropHandle);
19194            });
19195          });
19196          dragHelpers = map$2(handles, createDragHelper);
19197          repaint(currentRect);
19198          var handleFocus = function (e) {
19199            set$8(e.target, 'aria-grabbed', e.raw.type === 'focus' ? 'true' : 'false');
19200          };
19201          var handleKeydown = function (e) {
19202            var activeHandle;
19203            each$1(handles, function (handle) {
19204              if (get$d(e.target, 'id') === id + '-' + handle.name) {
19205                activeHandle = handle;
19206                return false;
19207              }
19208            });
19209            var moveAndBlock = function (evt, handle, startRect, deltaX, deltaY) {
19210              evt.stopPropagation();
19211              evt.preventDefault();
19212              moveRect(activeHandle, startRect, deltaX, deltaY);
19213            };
19214            switch (e.raw.keyCode) {
19215            case global$2.LEFT:
19216              moveAndBlock(e, activeHandle, currentRect, -10, 0);
19217              break;
19218            case global$2.RIGHT:
19219              moveAndBlock(e, activeHandle, currentRect, 10, 0);
19220              break;
19221            case global$2.UP:
19222              moveAndBlock(e, activeHandle, currentRect, 0, -10);
19223              break;
19224            case global$2.DOWN:
19225              moveAndBlock(e, activeHandle, currentRect, 0, 10);
19226              break;
19227            case global$2.ENTER:
19228            case global$2.SPACEBAR:
19229              e.prevent();
19230              action();
19231              break;
19232            }
19233          };
19234          events.push(bind(container, 'focusin', handleFocus), bind(container, 'focusout', handleFocus), bind(container, 'keydown', handleKeydown));
19235        };
19236        var toggleVisibility = function (state) {
19237          var selectors = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], map$2(handles, function (handle) {
19238            return '#' + id + '-' + handle.name;
19239          }), true), map$2(blockers, function (blocker) {
19240            return '#' + id + '-' + blocker;
19241          }), true).join(',');
19242          var elems = descendants(container, selectors);
19243          if (state) {
19244            each$1(elems, function (elm) {
19245              return remove$6(elm, 'display');
19246            });
19247          } else {
19248            each$1(elems, function (elm) {
19249              return set$7(elm, 'display', 'none');
19250            });
19251          }
19252        };
19253        var repaint = function (rect) {
19254          var updateElementRect = function (name, newRect) {
19255            descendant(container, '#' + id + '-' + name).each(function (elm) {
19256              setAll(elm, {
19257                left: newRect.x + 'px',
19258                top: newRect.y + 'px',
19259                width: Math.max(0, newRect.w) + 'px',
19260                height: Math.max(0, newRect.h) + 'px'
19261              });
19262            });
19263          };
19264          each$1(handles, function (handle) {
19265            descendant(container, '#' + id + '-' + handle.name).each(function (elm) {
19266              setAll(elm, {
19267                left: rect.w * handle.xMul + rect.x + 'px',
19268                top: rect.h * handle.yMul + rect.y + 'px'
19269              });
19270            });
19271          });
19272          updateElementRect('top', {
19273            x: viewPortRect.x,
19274            y: viewPortRect.y,
19275            w: viewPortRect.w,
19276            h: rect.y - viewPortRect.y
19277          });
19278          updateElementRect('right', {
19279            x: rect.x + rect.w,
19280            y: rect.y,
19281            w: viewPortRect.w - rect.x - rect.w + viewPortRect.x,
19282            h: rect.h
19283          });
19284          updateElementRect('bottom', {
19285            x: viewPortRect.x,
19286            y: rect.y + rect.h,
19287            w: viewPortRect.w,
19288            h: viewPortRect.h - rect.y - rect.h + viewPortRect.y
19289          });
19290          updateElementRect('left', {
19291            x: viewPortRect.x,
19292            y: rect.y,
19293            w: rect.x - viewPortRect.x,
19294            h: rect.h
19295          });
19296          updateElementRect('move', rect);
19297        };
19298        var setRect = function (rect) {
19299          currentRect = rect;
19300          repaint(currentRect);
19301        };
19302        var setViewPortRect = function (rect) {
19303          viewPortRect = rect;
19304          repaint(currentRect);
19305        };
19306        var setInnerRect = function (rect) {
19307          setRect(getAbsoluteRect(clampRect, rect));
19308        };
19309        var setClampRect = function (rect) {
19310          clampRect = rect;
19311          repaint(currentRect);
19312        };
19313        var destroy = function () {
19314          each$1(dragHelpers, function (helper) {
19315            return helper.destroy();
19316          });
19317          dragHelpers = [];
19318          each$1(events, function (e) {
19319            return e.unbind();
19320          });
19321          events = [];
19322        };
19323        render();
19324        var instance = __assign(__assign({}, global$3), {
19325          toggleVisibility: toggleVisibility,
19326          setClampRect: setClampRect,
19327          setRect: setRect,
19328          getInnerRect: getInnerRect,
19329          setInnerRect: setInnerRect,
19330          setViewPortRect: setViewPortRect,
19331          destroy: destroy
19332        });
19333        return instance;
19334      };
19335      var CropRect = { create: create$1 };
19337      var loadImage = function (image) {
19338        return new global$c(function (resolve) {
19339          var loaded = function () {
19340            image.removeEventListener('load', loaded);
19341            resolve(image);
19342          };
19343          if (image.complete) {
19344            resolve(image);
19345          } else {
19346            image.addEventListener('load', loaded);
19347          }
19348        });
19349      };
19350      var renderImagePanel = function (initialUrl) {
19351        var memBg = record({
19352          dom: {
19353            tag: 'div',
19354            classes: ['tox-image-tools__image-bg'],
19355            attributes: { role: 'presentation' }
19356          }
19357        });
19358        var zoomState = Cell(1);
19359        var cropRect = api$1();
19360        var rectState = Cell({
19361          x: 0,
19362          y: 0,
19363          w: 1,
19364          h: 1
19365        });
19366        var viewRectState = Cell({
19367          x: 0,
19368          y: 0,
19369          w: 1,
19370          h: 1
19371        });
19372        var repaintImg = function (anyInSystem, img) {
19373          memContainer.getOpt(anyInSystem).each(function (panel) {
19374            var zoom = zoomState.get();
19375            var panelW = get$a(panel.element);
19376            var panelH = get$b(panel.element);
19377            var width = img.dom.naturalWidth * zoom;
19378            var height = img.dom.naturalHeight * zoom;
19379            var left = Math.max(0, panelW / 2 - width / 2);
19380            var top = Math.max(0, panelH / 2 - height / 2);
19381            var css = {
19382              left: left.toString() + 'px',
19383              top: top.toString() + 'px',
19384              width: width.toString() + 'px',
19385              height: height.toString() + 'px',
19386              position: 'absolute'
19387            };
19388            setAll(img, css);
19389            memBg.getOpt(panel).each(function (bg) {
19390              setAll(bg.element, css);
19391            });
19392            cropRect.run(function (cRect) {
19393              var rect = rectState.get();
19394              cRect.setRect({
19395                x: rect.x * zoom + left,
19396                y: rect.y * zoom + top,
19397                w: rect.w * zoom,
19398                h: rect.h * zoom
19399              });
19400              cRect.setClampRect({
19401                x: left,
19402                y: top,
19403                w: width,
19404                h: height
19405              });
19406              cRect.setViewPortRect({
19407                x: 0,
19408                y: 0,
19409                w: panelW,
19410                h: panelH
19411              });
19412            });
19413          });
19414        };
19415        var zoomFit = function (anyInSystem, img) {
19416          memContainer.getOpt(anyInSystem).each(function (panel) {
19417            var panelW = get$a(panel.element);
19418            var panelH = get$b(panel.element);
19419            var width = img.dom.naturalWidth;
19420            var height = img.dom.naturalHeight;
19421            var zoom = Math.min(panelW / width, panelH / height);
19422            if (zoom >= 1) {
19423              zoomState.set(1);
19424            } else {
19425              zoomState.set(zoom);
19426            }
19427          });
19428        };
19429        var updateSrc = function (anyInSystem, url) {
19430          var img = SugarElement.fromTag('img');
19431          set$8(img, 'src', url);
19432          return loadImage(img.dom).then(function () {
19433            if (anyInSystem.getSystem().isConnected()) {
19434              memContainer.getOpt(anyInSystem).map(function (panel) {
19435                var aImg = external$2({ element: img });
19436                Replacing.replaceAt(panel, 1, Optional.some(aImg));
19437                var lastViewRect = viewRectState.get();
19438                var viewRect = {
19439                  x: 0,
19440                  y: 0,
19441                  w: img.dom.naturalWidth,
19442                  h: img.dom.naturalHeight
19443                };
19444                viewRectState.set(viewRect);
19445                var rect = global$4.inflate(viewRect, -20, -20);
19446                rectState.set(rect);
19447                if (lastViewRect.w !== viewRect.w || lastViewRect.h !== viewRect.h) {
19448                  zoomFit(panel, img);
19449                }
19450                repaintImg(panel, img);
19451              });
19452            }
19453          });
19454        };
19455        var zoom = function (anyInSystem, direction) {
19456          var currentZoom = zoomState.get();
19457          var newZoom = direction > 0 ? Math.min(2, currentZoom + 0.1) : Math.max(0.1, currentZoom - 0.1);
19458          zoomState.set(newZoom);
19459          memContainer.getOpt(anyInSystem).each(function (panel) {
19460            var img = panel.components()[1].element;
19461            repaintImg(panel, img);
19462          });
19463        };
19464        var showCrop = function () {
19465          cropRect.run(function (cRect) {
19466            cRect.toggleVisibility(true);
19467          });
19468        };
19469        var hideCrop = function () {
19470          cropRect.run(function (cRect) {
19471            cRect.toggleVisibility(false);
19472          });
19473        };
19474        var getRect = function () {
19475          return rectState.get();
19476        };
19477        var container = Container.sketch({
19478          dom: {
19479            tag: 'div',
19480            classes: ['tox-image-tools__image']
19481          },
19482          components: [
19483            memBg.asSpec(),
19484            {
19485              dom: {
19486                tag: 'img',
19487                attributes: { src: initialUrl }
19488              }
19489            },
19490            {
19491              dom: { tag: 'div' },
19492              behaviours: derive$1([config('image-panel-crop-events', [
19493                  runOnAttached(function (comp) {
19494                    memContainer.getOpt(comp).each(function (container) {
19495                      var el = container.element.dom;
19496                      var cRect = CropRect.create({
19497                        x: 10,
19498                        y: 10,
19499                        w: 100,
19500                        h: 100
19501                      }, {
19502                        x: 0,
19503                        y: 0,
19504                        w: 200,
19505                        h: 200
19506                      }, {
19507                        x: 0,
19508                        y: 0,
19509                        w: 200,
19510                        h: 200
19511                      }, el, noop);
19512                      cRect.toggleVisibility(false);
19513                      cRect.on('updateRect', function (e) {
19514                        var rect = e.rect;
19515                        var zoom = zoomState.get();
19516                        var newRect = {
19517                          x: Math.round(rect.x / zoom),
19518                          y: Math.round(rect.y / zoom),
19519                          w: Math.round(rect.w / zoom),
19520                          h: Math.round(rect.h / zoom)
19521                        };
19522                        rectState.set(newRect);
19523                      });
19524                      cropRect.set(cRect);
19525                    });
19526                  }),
19527                  runOnDetached(function () {
19528                    cropRect.clear();
19529                  })
19530                ])])
19531            }
19532          ],
19533          containerBehaviours: derive$1([
19534            Replacing.config({}),
19535            config('image-panel-events', [runOnAttached(function (comp) {
19536                updateSrc(comp, initialUrl);
19537              })])
19538          ])
19539        });
19540        var memContainer = record(container);
19541        var getMeasurements = function () {
19542          var viewRect = viewRectState.get();
19543          return {
19544            width: viewRect.w,
19545            height: viewRect.h
19546          };
19547        };
19548        return {
19549          memContainer: memContainer,
19550          updateSrc: updateSrc,
19551          zoom: zoom,
19552          showCrop: showCrop,
19553          hideCrop: hideCrop,
19554          getRect: getRect,
19555          getMeasurements: getMeasurements
19556        };
19557      };
19559      var createButton = function (innerHtml, icon, disabled, action, providersBackstage) {
19560        return renderIconButton({
19561          name: innerHtml,
19562          icon: Optional.some(icon),
19563          disabled: disabled,
19564          tooltip: Optional.some(innerHtml),
19565          primary: false,
19566          borderless: false
19567        }, action, providersBackstage);
19568      };
19569      var setButtonEnabled = function (button, enabled) {
19570        if (enabled) {
19571          Disabling.enable(button);
19572        } else {
19573          Disabling.disable(button);
19574        }
19575      };
19576      var renderSideBar = function (providersBackstage) {
19577        var updateButtonUndoStates = function (anyInSystem, undoEnabled, redoEnabled) {
19578          memUndo.getOpt(anyInSystem).each(function (undo) {
19579            setButtonEnabled(undo, undoEnabled);
19580          });
19581          memRedo.getOpt(anyInSystem).each(function (redo) {
19582            setButtonEnabled(redo, redoEnabled);
19583          });
19584        };
19585        var memUndo = record(createButton('Undo', 'undo', true, function (button) {
19586          emitWith(button, internal.undo(), { direction: 1 });
19587        }, providersBackstage));
19588        var memRedo = record(createButton('Redo', 'redo', true, function (button) {
19589          emitWith(button, internal.redo(), { direction: 1 });
19590        }, providersBackstage));
19591        var container = Container.sketch({
19592          dom: {
19593            tag: 'div',
19594            classes: [
19595              'tox-image-tools__toolbar',
19596              'tox-image-tools__sidebar'
19597            ]
19598          },
19599          components: [
19600            memUndo.asSpec(),
19601            memRedo.asSpec(),
19602            createButton('Zoom in', 'zoom-in', false, function (button) {
19603              emitWith(button, internal.zoom(), { direction: 1 });
19604            }, providersBackstage),
19605            createButton('Zoom out', 'zoom-out', false, function (button) {
19606              emitWith(button, internal.zoom(), { direction: -1 });
19607            }, providersBackstage)
19608          ]
19609        });
19610        return {
19611          container: container,
19612          updateButtonUndoStates: updateButtonUndoStates
19613        };
19614      };
19616      function UndoStack () {
19617        var data = [];
19618        var index = -1;
19619        var add = function (state) {
19620          var removed = data.splice(++index);
19621          data.push(state);
19622          return {
19623            state: state,
19624            removed: removed
19625          };
19626        };
19627        var undo = function () {
19628          if (canUndo()) {
19629            return data[--index];
19630          }
19631        };
19632        var redo = function () {
19633          if (canRedo()) {
19634            return data[++index];
19635          }
19636        };
19637        var canUndo = function () {
19638          return index > 0;
19639        };
19640        var canRedo = function () {
19641          return index !== -1 && index < data.length - 1;
19642        };
19643        return {
19644          data: data,
19645          add: add,
19646          undo: undo,
19647          redo: redo,
19648          canUndo: canUndo,
19649          canRedo: canRedo
19650        };
19651      }
19653      var makeState = function (initialState) {
19654        var blobState = Cell(initialState);
19655        var tempState = value$1();
19656        var undoStack = UndoStack();
19657        undoStack.add(initialState);
19658        var getBlobState = function () {
19659          return blobState.get();
19660        };
19661        var setBlobState = function (state) {
19662          blobState.set(state);
19663        };
19664        var getTempState = function () {
19665          return tempState.get().getOrThunk(blobState.get);
19666        };
19667        var updateTempState = function (blob) {
19668          var newTempState = createState(blob);
19669          destroyTempState();
19670          tempState.set(newTempState);
19671          return newTempState.url;
19672        };
19673        var createState = function (blob) {
19674          return {
19675            blob: blob,
19676            url: URL.createObjectURL(blob)
19677          };
19678        };
19679        var destroyState = function (state) {
19680          URL.revokeObjectURL(state.url);
19681        };
19682        var destroyStates = function (states) {
19683          global$5.each(states, destroyState);
19684        };
19685        var destroyTempState = function () {
19686          tempState.on(destroyState);
19687          tempState.clear();
19688        };
19689        var addBlobState = function (blob) {
19690          var newState = createState(blob);
19691          setBlobState(newState);
19692          var removed = undoStack.add(newState).removed;
19693          destroyStates(removed);
19694          return newState.url;
19695        };
19696        var addTempState = function (blob) {
19697          var newState = createState(blob);
19698          tempState.set(newState);
19699          return newState.url;
19700        };
19701        var applyTempState = function (postApply) {
19702          return tempState.get().fold(noop, function (temp) {
19703            addBlobState(temp.blob);
19704            postApply();
19705          });
19706        };
19707        var undo = function () {
19708          var currentState = undoStack.undo();
19709          setBlobState(currentState);
19710          return currentState.url;
19711        };
19712        var redo = function () {
19713          var currentState = undoStack.redo();
19714          setBlobState(currentState);
19715          return currentState.url;
19716        };
19717        var getHistoryStates = function () {
19718          var undoEnabled = undoStack.canUndo();
19719          var redoEnabled = undoStack.canRedo();
19720          return {
19721            undoEnabled: undoEnabled,
19722            redoEnabled: redoEnabled
19723          };
19724        };
19725        return {
19726          getBlobState: getBlobState,
19727          setBlobState: setBlobState,
19728          addBlobState: addBlobState,
19729          getTempState: getTempState,
19730          updateTempState: updateTempState,
19731          addTempState: addTempState,
19732          applyTempState: applyTempState,
19733          destroyTempState: destroyTempState,
19734          undo: undo,
19735          redo: redo,
19736          getHistoryStates: getHistoryStates
19737        };
19738      };
19740      var renderImageTools = function (detail, providersBackstage) {
19741        var state = makeState(detail.currentState);
19742        var zoom = function (anyInSystem, simulatedEvent) {
19743          var direction = simulatedEvent.event.direction;
19744          imagePanel.zoom(anyInSystem, direction);
19745        };
19746        var updateButtonUndoStates = function (anyInSystem) {
19747          var historyStates = state.getHistoryStates();
19748          sideBar.updateButtonUndoStates(anyInSystem, historyStates.undoEnabled, historyStates.redoEnabled);
19749          emitWith(anyInSystem, external.formActionEvent, {
19750            name: external.saveState(),
19751            value: historyStates.undoEnabled
19752          });
19753        };
19754        var disableUndoRedo = function (anyInSystem) {
19755          sideBar.updateButtonUndoStates(anyInSystem, false, false);
19756        };
19757        var undo = function (anyInSystem, _simulatedEvent) {
19758          var url = state.undo();
19759          updateSrc(anyInSystem, url).then(function (_oImg) {
19760            unblock(anyInSystem);
19761            updateButtonUndoStates(anyInSystem);
19762          });
19763        };
19764        var redo = function (anyInSystem, _simulatedEvent) {
19765          var url = state.redo();
19766          updateSrc(anyInSystem, url).then(function (_oImg) {
19767            unblock(anyInSystem);
19768            updateButtonUndoStates(anyInSystem);
19769          });
19770        };
19771        var imageResultToBlob = function (ir) {
19772          return ir.toBlob();
19773        };
19774        var block = function (anyInSystem) {
19775          emitWith(anyInSystem, external.formActionEvent, {
19776            name: external.disable(),
19777            value: {}
19778          });
19779        };
19780        var unblock = function (anyInSystem) {
19781          editPanel.getApplyButton(anyInSystem).each(function (applyButton) {
19782            Disabling.enable(applyButton);
19783          });
19784          emitWith(anyInSystem, external.formActionEvent, {
19785            name: external.enable(),
19786            value: {}
19787          });
19788        };
19789        var updateSrc = function (anyInSystem, src) {
19790          block(anyInSystem);
19791          return imagePanel.updateSrc(anyInSystem, src);
19792        };
19793        var blobManipulate = function (anyInSystem, blob, filter, action, swap) {
19794          block(anyInSystem);
19795          blobToImageResult(blob).then(filter).then(imageResultToBlob).then(action).then(function (url) {
19796            return updateSrc(anyInSystem, url);
19797          }).then(function () {
19798            updateButtonUndoStates(anyInSystem);
19799            swap();
19800            unblock(anyInSystem);
19801          }).catch(function (err) {
19802            console.log(err);
19803            if (anyInSystem.getSystem().isConnected()) {
19804              unblock(anyInSystem);
19805            }
19806          });
19807        };
19808        var manipulate = function (anyInSystem, filter, swap) {
19809          var blob = state.getBlobState().blob;
19810          var action = function (blob) {
19811            return state.updateTempState(blob);
19812          };
19813          blobManipulate(anyInSystem, blob, filter, action, swap);
19814        };
19815        var tempManipulate = function (anyInSystem, filter) {
19816          var blob = state.getTempState().blob;
19817          var action = function (blob) {
19818            return state.addTempState(blob);
19819          };
19820          blobManipulate(anyInSystem, blob, filter, action, noop);
19821        };
19822        var manipulateApply = function (anyInSystem, filter, swap) {
19823          var blob = state.getBlobState().blob;
19824          var action = function (blob) {
19825            var url = state.addBlobState(blob);
19826            destroyTempState(anyInSystem);
19827            return url;
19828          };
19829          blobManipulate(anyInSystem, blob, filter, action, swap);
19830        };
19831        var apply = function (anyInSystem, simulatedEvent) {
19832          var postApply = function () {
19833            destroyTempState(anyInSystem);
19834            var swap = simulatedEvent.event.swap;
19835            swap();
19836          };
19837          state.applyTempState(postApply);
19838        };
19839        var destroyTempState = function (anyInSystem) {
19840          var currentUrl = state.getBlobState().url;
19841          state.destroyTempState();
19842          updateButtonUndoStates(anyInSystem);
19843          return currentUrl;
19844        };
19845        var cancel = function (anyInSystem) {
19846          var currentUrl = destroyTempState(anyInSystem);
19847          updateSrc(anyInSystem, currentUrl).then(function (_oImg) {
19848            unblock(anyInSystem);
19849          });
19850        };
19851        var back = function (anyInSystem, simulatedEvent) {
19852          cancel(anyInSystem);
19853          var swap = simulatedEvent.event.swap;
19854          swap();
19855          imagePanel.hideCrop();
19856        };
19857        var transform = function (anyInSystem, simulatedEvent) {
19858          return manipulate(anyInSystem, simulatedEvent.event.transform, noop);
19859        };
19860        var tempTransform = function (anyInSystem, simulatedEvent) {
19861          return tempManipulate(anyInSystem, simulatedEvent.event.transform);
19862        };
19863        var transformApply = function (anyInSystem, simulatedEvent) {
19864          return manipulateApply(anyInSystem, simulatedEvent.event.transform, simulatedEvent.event.swap);
19865        };
19866        var imagePanel = renderImagePanel(detail.currentState.url);
19867        var sideBar = renderSideBar(providersBackstage);
19868        var editPanel = renderEditPanel(imagePanel, providersBackstage);
19869        var swap = function (anyInSystem, simulatedEvent) {
19870          disableUndoRedo(anyInSystem);
19871          var transform = simulatedEvent.event.transform;
19872          var swap = simulatedEvent.event.swap;
19873          transform.fold(function () {
19874            swap();
19875          }, function (transform) {
19876            manipulate(anyInSystem, transform, swap);
19877          });
19878        };
19879        return {
19880          dom: {
19881            tag: 'div',
19882            attributes: { role: 'presentation' }
19883          },
19884          components: [
19885            editPanel.memContainer.asSpec(),
19886            imagePanel.memContainer.asSpec(),
19887            sideBar.container
19888          ],
19889          behaviours: derive$1([
19890            Representing.config({
19891              store: {
19892                mode: 'manual',
19893                getValue: function () {
19894                  return state.getBlobState();
19895                }
19896              }
19897            }),
19898            config('image-tools-events', [
19899              run$1(internal.undo(), undo),
19900              run$1(internal.redo(), redo),
19901              run$1(internal.zoom(), zoom),
19902              run$1(internal.back(), back),
19903              run$1(internal.apply(), apply),
19904              run$1(internal.transform(), transform),
19905              run$1(internal.tempTransform(), tempTransform),
19906              run$1(internal.transformApply(), transformApply),
19907              run$1(internal.swap(), swap)
19908            ]),
19909            ComposingConfigs.self()
19910          ])
19911        };
19912      };
19914      var renderLabel = function (spec, backstageShared) {
19915        var label = {
19916          dom: {
19917            tag: 'label',
19918            innerHtml: backstageShared.providers.translate(spec.label),
19919            classes: ['tox-label']
19920          }
19921        };
19922        var comps = map$2(spec.items, backstageShared.interpreter);
19923        return {
19924          dom: {
19925            tag: 'div',
19926            classes: ['tox-form__group']
19927          },
19928          components: [label].concat(comps),
19929          behaviours: derive$1([
19930            ComposingConfigs.self(),
19931            Replacing.config({}),
19932            RepresentingConfigs.domHtml(Optional.none()),
19933            Keying.config({ mode: 'acyclic' })
19934          ])
19935        };
19936      };
19938      var isSingleListItem = function (item) {
19939        return !has$2(item, 'items');
19940      };
19941      var dataAttribute = 'data-value';
19942      var fetchItems = function (dropdownComp, name, items, selectedValue) {
19943        return map$2(items, function (item) {
19944          if (!isSingleListItem(item)) {
19945            return {
19946              type: 'nestedmenuitem',
19947              text: item.text,
19948              getSubmenuItems: function () {
19949                return fetchItems(dropdownComp, name, item.items, selectedValue);
19950              }
19951            };
19952          } else {
19953            return {
19954              type: 'togglemenuitem',
19955              text: item.text,
19956              value: item.value,
19957              active: item.value === selectedValue,
19958              onAction: function () {
19959                Representing.setValue(dropdownComp, item.value);
19960                emitWith(dropdownComp, formChangeEvent, { name: name });
19961                Focusing.focus(dropdownComp);
19962              }
19963            };
19964          }
19965        });
19966      };
19967      var findItemByValue = function (items, value) {
19968        return findMap(items, function (item) {
19969          if (!isSingleListItem(item)) {
19970            return findItemByValue(item.items, value);
19971          } else {
19972            return someIf(item.value === value, item);
19973          }
19974        });
19975      };
19976      var renderListBox = function (spec, backstage) {
19977        var providersBackstage = backstage.shared.providers;
19978        var initialItem = head(spec.items).filter(isSingleListItem);
19979        var pLabel = spec.label.map(function (label) {
19980          return renderLabel$2(label, providersBackstage);
19981        });
19982        var pField = FormField.parts.field({
19983          dom: {},
19984          factory: {
19985            sketch: function (sketchSpec) {
19986              return renderCommonDropdown({
19987                uid: sketchSpec.uid,
19988                text: initialItem.map(function (item) {
19989                  return item.text;
19990                }),
19991                icon: Optional.none(),
19992                tooltip: spec.label,
19993                role: Optional.none(),
19994                fetch: function (comp, callback) {
19995                  var items = fetchItems(comp, spec.name, spec.items, Representing.getValue(comp));
19996                  callback(build(items, ItemResponse$1.CLOSE_ON_EXECUTE, backstage, false));
19997                },
19998                onSetup: constant$1(noop),
19999                getApi: constant$1({}),
20000                columns: 1,
20001                presets: 'normal',
20002                classes: [],
20003                dropdownBehaviours: [
20004                  Tabstopping.config({}),
20005                  Representing.config({
20006                    store: {
20007                      mode: 'manual',
20008                      initialValue: initialItem.map(function (item) {
20009                        return item.value;
20010                      }).getOr(''),
20011                      getValue: function (comp) {
20012                        return get$d(comp.element, dataAttribute);
20013                      },
20014                      setValue: function (comp, data) {
20015                        findItemByValue(spec.items, data).each(function (item) {
20016                          set$8(comp.element, dataAttribute, item.value);
20017                          emitWith(comp, updateMenuText, { text: item.text });
20018                        });
20019                      }
20020                    }
20021                  })
20022                ]
20023              }, 'tox-listbox', backstage.shared);
20024            }
20025          }
20026        });
20027        var listBoxWrap = {
20028          dom: {
20029            tag: 'div',
20030            classes: ['tox-listboxfield']
20031          },
20032          components: [pField]
20033        };
20034        return FormField.sketch({
20035          dom: {
20036            tag: 'div',
20037            classes: ['tox-form__group']
20038          },
20039          components: flatten([
20040            pLabel.toArray(),
20041            [listBoxWrap]
20042          ]),
20043          fieldBehaviours: derive$1([Disabling.config({
20044              disabled: constant$1(spec.disabled),
20045              onDisabled: function (comp) {
20046                FormField.getField(comp).each(Disabling.disable);
20047              },
20048              onEnabled: function (comp) {
20049                FormField.getField(comp).each(Disabling.enable);
20050              }
20051            })])
20052        });
20053      };
20055      var renderPanel = function (spec, backstage) {
20056        return {
20057          dom: {
20058            tag: 'div',
20059            classes: spec.classes
20060          },
20061          components: map$2(spec.items, backstage.shared.interpreter)
20062        };
20063      };
20065      var factory$e = function (detail, _spec) {
20066        var options = map$2(detail.options, function (option) {
20067          return {
20068            dom: {
20069              tag: 'option',
20070              value: option.value,
20071              innerHtml: option.text
20072            }
20073          };
20074        });
20075        var initialValues = detail.data.map(function (v) {
20076          return wrap$1('initialValue', v);
20077        }).getOr({});
20078        return {
20079          uid: detail.uid,
20080          dom: {
20081            tag: 'select',
20082            classes: detail.selectClasses,
20083            attributes: detail.selectAttributes
20084          },
20085          components: options,
20086          behaviours: augment(detail.selectBehaviours, [
20087            Focusing.config({}),
20088            Representing.config({
20089              store: __assign({
20090                mode: 'manual',
20091                getValue: function (select) {
20092                  return get$5(select.element);
20093                },
20094                setValue: function (select, newValue) {
20095                  var found = find$5(detail.options, function (opt) {
20096                    return opt.value === newValue;
20097                  });
20098                  if (found.isSome()) {
20099                    set$4(select.element, newValue);
20100                  }
20101                }
20102              }, initialValues)
20103            })
20104          ])
20105        };
20106      };
20107      var HtmlSelect = single({
20108        name: 'HtmlSelect',
20109        configFields: [
20110          required$1('options'),
20111          field('selectBehaviours', [
20112            Focusing,
20113            Representing
20114          ]),
20115          defaulted('selectClasses', []),
20116          defaulted('selectAttributes', {}),
20117          option('data')
20118        ],
20119        factory: factory$e
20120      });
20122      var renderSelectBox = function (spec, providersBackstage) {
20123        var translatedOptions = map$2(spec.items, function (item) {
20124          return {
20125            text: providersBackstage.translate(item.text),
20126            value: item.value
20127          };
20128        });
20129        var pLabel = spec.label.map(function (label) {
20130          return renderLabel$2(label, providersBackstage);
20131        });
20132        var pField = FormField.parts.field({
20133          dom: {},
20134          selectAttributes: { size: spec.size },
20135          options: translatedOptions,
20136          factory: HtmlSelect,
20137          selectBehaviours: derive$1([
20138            Disabling.config({
20139              disabled: function () {
20140                return spec.disabled || providersBackstage.isDisabled();
20141              }
20142            }),
20143            Tabstopping.config({}),
20144            config('selectbox-change', [run$1(change(), function (component, _) {
20145                emitWith(component, formChangeEvent, { name: spec.name });
20146              })])
20147          ])
20148        });
20149        var chevron = spec.size > 1 ? Optional.none() : Optional.some(render$3('chevron-down', {
20150          tag: 'div',
20151          classes: ['tox-selectfield__icon-js']
20152        }, providersBackstage.icons));
20153        var selectWrap = {
20154          dom: {
20155            tag: 'div',
20156            classes: ['tox-selectfield']
20157          },
20158          components: flatten([
20159            [pField],
20160            chevron.toArray()
20161          ])
20162        };
20163        return FormField.sketch({
20164          dom: {
20165            tag: 'div',
20166            classes: ['tox-form__group']
20167          },
20168          components: flatten([
20169            pLabel.toArray(),
20170            [selectWrap]
20171          ]),
20172          fieldBehaviours: derive$1([
20173            Disabling.config({
20174              disabled: function () {
20175                return spec.disabled || providersBackstage.isDisabled();
20176              },
20177              onDisabled: function (comp) {
20178                FormField.getField(comp).each(Disabling.disable);
20179              },
20180              onEnabled: function (comp) {
20181                FormField.getField(comp).each(Disabling.enable);
20182              }
20183            }),
20184            receivingConfig()
20185          ])
20186        });
20187      };
20189      var renderTable = function (spec, providersBackstage) {
20190        var renderTh = function (text) {
20191          return {
20192            dom: {
20193              tag: 'th',
20194              innerHtml: providersBackstage.translate(text)
20195            }
20196          };
20197        };
20198        var renderHeader = function (header) {
20199          return {
20200            dom: { tag: 'thead' },
20201            components: [{
20202                dom: { tag: 'tr' },
20203                components: map$2(header, renderTh)
20204              }]
20205          };
20206        };
20207        var renderTd = function (text) {
20208          return {
20209            dom: {
20210              tag: 'td',
20211              innerHtml: providersBackstage.translate(text)
20212            }
20213          };
20214        };
20215        var renderTr = function (row) {
20216          return {
20217            dom: { tag: 'tr' },
20218            components: map$2(row, renderTd)
20219          };
20220        };
20221        var renderRows = function (rows) {
20222          return {
20223            dom: { tag: 'tbody' },
20224            components: map$2(rows, renderTr)
20225          };
20226        };
20227        return {
20228          dom: {
20229            tag: 'table',
20230            classes: ['tox-dialog__table']
20231          },
20232          components: [
20233            renderHeader(spec.header),
20234            renderRows(spec.cells)
20235          ],
20236          behaviours: derive$1([
20237            Tabstopping.config({}),
20238            Focusing.config({})
20239          ])
20240        };
20241      };
20243      var renderTextField = function (spec, providersBackstage) {
20244        var pLabel = spec.label.map(function (label) {
20245          return renderLabel$2(label, providersBackstage);
20246        });
20247        var baseInputBehaviours = [
20248          Disabling.config({
20249            disabled: function () {
20250              return spec.disabled || providersBackstage.isDisabled();
20251            }
20252          }),
20253          receivingConfig(),
20254          Keying.config({
20255            mode: 'execution',
20256            useEnter: spec.multiline !== true,
20257            useControlEnter: spec.multiline === true,
20258            execute: function (comp) {
20259              emit(comp, formSubmitEvent);
20260              return Optional.some(true);
20261            }
20262          }),
20263          config('textfield-change', [
20264            run$1(input(), function (component, _) {
20265              emitWith(component, formChangeEvent, { name: spec.name });
20266            }),
20267            run$1(postPaste(), function (component, _) {
20268              emitWith(component, formChangeEvent, { name: spec.name });
20269            })
20270          ]),
20271          Tabstopping.config({})
20272        ];
20273        var validatingBehaviours = spec.validation.map(function (vl) {
20274          return Invalidating.config({
20275            getRoot: function (input) {
20276              return parent(input.element);
20277            },
20278            invalidClass: 'tox-invalid',
20279            validator: {
20280              validate: function (input) {
20281                var v = Representing.getValue(input);
20282                var result = vl.validator(v);
20283                return Future.pure(result === true ? Result.value(v) : Result.error(result));
20284              },
20285              validateOnLoad: vl.validateOnLoad
20286            }
20287          });
20288        }).toArray();
20289        var placeholder = spec.placeholder.fold(constant$1({}), function (p) {
20290          return { placeholder: providersBackstage.translate(p) };
20291        });
20292        var inputMode = spec.inputMode.fold(constant$1({}), function (mode) {
20293          return { inputmode: mode };
20294        });
20295        var inputAttributes = __assign(__assign({}, placeholder), inputMode);
20296        var pField = FormField.parts.field({
20297          tag: spec.multiline === true ? 'textarea' : 'input',
20298          inputAttributes: inputAttributes,
20299          inputClasses: [spec.classname],
20300          inputBehaviours: derive$1(flatten([
20301            baseInputBehaviours,
20302            validatingBehaviours
20303          ])),
20304          selectOnFocus: false,
20305          factory: Input
20306        });
20307        var extraClasses = spec.flex ? ['tox-form__group--stretched'] : [];
20308        var extraClasses2 = extraClasses.concat(spec.maximized ? ['tox-form-group--maximize'] : []);
20309        var extraBehaviours = [
20310          Disabling.config({
20311            disabled: function () {
20312              return spec.disabled || providersBackstage.isDisabled();
20313            },
20314            onDisabled: function (comp) {
20315              FormField.getField(comp).each(Disabling.disable);
20316            },
20317            onEnabled: function (comp) {
20318              FormField.getField(comp).each(Disabling.enable);
20319            }
20320          }),
20321          receivingConfig()
20322        ];
20323        return renderFormFieldWith(pLabel, pField, extraClasses2, extraBehaviours);
20324      };
20325      var renderInput = function (spec, providersBackstage) {
20326        return renderTextField({
20327          name: spec.name,
20328          multiline: false,
20329          label: spec.label,
20330          inputMode: spec.inputMode,
20331          placeholder: spec.placeholder,
20332          flex: false,
20333          disabled: spec.disabled,
20334          classname: 'tox-textfield',
20335          validation: Optional.none(),
20336          maximized: spec.maximized
20337        }, providersBackstage);
20338      };
20339      var renderTextarea = function (spec, providersBackstage) {
20340        return renderTextField({
20341          name: spec.name,
20342          multiline: true,
20343          label: spec.label,
20344          inputMode: Optional.none(),
20345          placeholder: spec.placeholder,
20346          flex: true,
20347          disabled: spec.disabled,
20348          classname: 'tox-textarea',
20349          validation: Optional.none(),
20350          maximized: spec.maximized
20351        }, providersBackstage);
20352      };
20354      var events$6 = function (streamConfig, streamState) {
20355        var streams = streamConfig.stream.streams;
20356        var processor = streams.setup(streamConfig, streamState);
20357        return derive$2([
20358          run$1(streamConfig.event, processor),
20359          runOnDetached(function () {
20360            return streamState.cancel();
20361          })
20362        ].concat(streamConfig.cancelEvent.map(function (e) {
20363          return [run$1(e, function () {
20364              return streamState.cancel();
20365            })];
20366        }).getOr([])));
20367      };
20369      var ActiveStreaming = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
20370          __proto__: null,
20371          events: events$6
20372      });
20374      var throttle = function (_config) {
20375        var state = Cell(null);
20376        var readState = function () {
20377          return { timer: state.get() !== null ? 'set' : 'unset' };
20378        };
20379        var setTimer = function (t) {
20380          state.set(t);
20381        };
20382        var cancel = function () {
20383          var t = state.get();
20384          if (t !== null) {
20385            t.cancel();
20386          }
20387        };
20388        return nu$8({
20389          readState: readState,
20390          setTimer: setTimer,
20391          cancel: cancel
20392        });
20393      };
20394      var init$9 = function (spec) {
20395        return spec.stream.streams.state(spec);
20396      };
20398      var StreamingState = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
20399          __proto__: null,
20400          throttle: throttle,
20401          init: init$9
20402      });
20404      var setup$c = function (streamInfo, streamState) {
20405        var sInfo = streamInfo.stream;
20406        var throttler = last(streamInfo.onStream, sInfo.delay);
20407        streamState.setTimer(throttler);
20408        return function (component, simulatedEvent) {
20409          throttler.throttle(component, simulatedEvent);
20410          if (sInfo.stopEvent) {
20411            simulatedEvent.stop();
20412          }
20413        };
20414      };
20415      var StreamingSchema = [
20416        requiredOf('stream', choose$1('mode', {
20417          throttle: [
20418            required$1('delay'),
20419            defaulted('stopEvent', true),
20420            output$1('streams', {
20421              setup: setup$c,
20422              state: throttle
20423            })
20424          ]
20425        })),
20426        defaulted('event', 'input'),
20427        option('cancelEvent'),
20428        onStrictHandler('onStream')
20429      ];
20431      var Streaming = create$7({
20432        fields: StreamingSchema,
20433        name: 'streaming',
20434        active: ActiveStreaming,
20435        state: StreamingState
20436      });
20438      var setValueFromItem = function (model, input, item) {
20439        var itemData = Representing.getValue(item);
20440        Representing.setValue(input, itemData);
20441        setCursorAtEnd(input);
20442      };
20443      var setSelectionOn = function (input, f) {
20444        var el = input.element;
20445        var value = get$5(el);
20446        var node = el.dom;
20447        if (get$d(el, 'type') !== 'number') {
20448          f(node, value);
20449        }
20450      };
20451      var setCursorAtEnd = function (input) {
20452        setSelectionOn(input, function (node, value) {
20453          return node.setSelectionRange(value.length, value.length);
20454        });
20455      };
20456      var setSelectionToEnd = function (input, startOffset) {
20457        setSelectionOn(input, function (node, value) {
20458          return node.setSelectionRange(startOffset, value.length);
20459        });
20460      };
20461      var attemptSelectOver = function (model, input, item) {
20462        if (!model.selectsOver) {
20463          return Optional.none();
20464        } else {
20465          var currentValue = Representing.getValue(input);
20466          var inputDisplay_1 = model.getDisplayText(currentValue);
20467          var itemValue = Representing.getValue(item);
20468          var itemDisplay = model.getDisplayText(itemValue);
20469          return itemDisplay.indexOf(inputDisplay_1) === 0 ? Optional.some(function () {
20470            setValueFromItem(model, input, item);
20471            setSelectionToEnd(input, inputDisplay_1.length);
20472          }) : Optional.none();
20473        }
20474      };
20476      var itemExecute = constant$1('alloy.typeahead.itemexecute');
20478      var make$3 = function (detail, components, spec, externals) {
20479        var navigateList = function (comp, simulatedEvent, highlighter) {
20480          detail.previewing.set(false);
20481          var sandbox = Coupling.getCoupled(comp, 'sandbox');
20482          if (Sandboxing.isOpen(sandbox)) {
20483            Composing.getCurrent(sandbox).each(function (menu) {
20484              Highlighting.getHighlighted(menu).fold(function () {
20485                highlighter(menu);
20486              }, function () {
20487                dispatchEvent(sandbox, menu.element, 'keydown', simulatedEvent);
20488              });
20489            });
20490          } else {
20491            var onOpenSync = function (sandbox) {
20492              Composing.getCurrent(sandbox).each(highlighter);
20493            };
20494            open(detail, mapFetch(comp), comp, sandbox, externals, onOpenSync, HighlightOnOpen.HighlightFirst).get(noop);
20495          }
20496        };
20497        var focusBehaviours$1 = focusBehaviours(detail);
20498        var mapFetch = function (comp) {
20499          return function (tdata) {
20500            return tdata.map(function (data) {
20501              var menus = values(data.menus);
20502              var items = bind$3(menus, function (menu) {
20503                return filter$2(menu.items, function (item) {
20504                  return item.type === 'item';
20505                });
20506              });
20507              var repState = Representing.getState(comp);
20508              repState.update(map$2(items, function (item) {
20509                return item.data;
20510              }));
20511              return data;
20512            });
20513          };
20514        };
20515        var behaviours = [
20516          Focusing.config({}),
20517          Representing.config({
20518            onSetValue: detail.onSetValue,
20519            store: __assign({
20520              mode: 'dataset',
20521              getDataKey: function (comp) {
20522                return get$5(comp.element);
20523              },
20524              getFallbackEntry: function (itemString) {
20525                return {
20526                  value: itemString,
20527                  meta: {}
20528                };
20529              },
20530              setValue: function (comp, data) {
20531                set$4(comp.element, detail.model.getDisplayText(data));
20532              }
20533            }, detail.initialData.map(function (d) {
20534              return wrap$1('initialValue', d);
20535            }).getOr({}))
20536          }),
20537          Streaming.config({
20538            stream: {
20539              mode: 'throttle',
20540              delay: detail.responseTime,
20541              stopEvent: false
20542            },
20543            onStream: function (component, _simulatedEvent) {
20544              var sandbox = Coupling.getCoupled(component, 'sandbox');
20545              var focusInInput = Focusing.isFocused(component);
20546              if (focusInInput) {
20547                if (get$5(component.element).length >= detail.minChars) {
20548                  var previousValue_1 = Composing.getCurrent(sandbox).bind(function (menu) {
20549                    return Highlighting.getHighlighted(menu).map(Representing.getValue);
20550                  });
20551                  detail.previewing.set(true);
20552                  var onOpenSync = function (_sandbox) {
20553                    Composing.getCurrent(sandbox).each(function (menu) {
20554                      previousValue_1.fold(function () {
20555                        if (detail.model.selectsOver) {
20556                          Highlighting.highlightFirst(menu);
20557                        }
20558                      }, function (pv) {
20559                        Highlighting.highlightBy(menu, function (item) {
20560                          var itemData = Representing.getValue(item);
20561                          return itemData.value === pv.value;
20562                        });
20563                        Highlighting.getHighlighted(menu).orThunk(function () {
20564                          Highlighting.highlightFirst(menu);
20565                          return Optional.none();
20566                        });
20567                      });
20568                    });
20569                  };
20570                  open(detail, mapFetch(component), component, sandbox, externals, onOpenSync, HighlightOnOpen.HighlightFirst).get(noop);
20571                }
20572              }
20573            },
20574            cancelEvent: typeaheadCancel()
20575          }),
20576          Keying.config({
20577            mode: 'special',
20578            onDown: function (comp, simulatedEvent) {
20579              navigateList(comp, simulatedEvent, Highlighting.highlightFirst);
20580              return Optional.some(true);
20581            },
20582            onEscape: function (comp) {
20583              var sandbox = Coupling.getCoupled(comp, 'sandbox');
20584              if (Sandboxing.isOpen(sandbox)) {
20585                Sandboxing.close(sandbox);
20586                return Optional.some(true);
20587              }
20588              return Optional.none();
20589            },
20590            onUp: function (comp, simulatedEvent) {
20591              navigateList(comp, simulatedEvent, Highlighting.highlightLast);
20592              return Optional.some(true);
20593            },
20594            onEnter: function (comp) {
20595              var sandbox = Coupling.getCoupled(comp, 'sandbox');
20596              var sandboxIsOpen = Sandboxing.isOpen(sandbox);
20597              if (sandboxIsOpen && !detail.previewing.get()) {
20598                return Composing.getCurrent(sandbox).bind(function (menu) {
20599                  return Highlighting.getHighlighted(menu);
20600                }).map(function (item) {
20601                  emitWith(comp, itemExecute(), { item: item });
20602                  return true;
20603                });
20604              } else {
20605                var currentValue = Representing.getValue(comp);
20606                emit(comp, typeaheadCancel());
20607                detail.onExecute(sandbox, comp, currentValue);
20608                if (sandboxIsOpen) {
20609                  Sandboxing.close(sandbox);
20610                }
20611                return Optional.some(true);
20612              }
20613            }
20614          }),
20615          Toggling.config({
20616            toggleClass: detail.markers.openClass,
20617            aria: { mode: 'expanded' }
20618          }),
20619          Coupling.config({
20620            others: {
20621              sandbox: function (hotspot) {
20622                return makeSandbox$1(detail, hotspot, {
20623                  onOpen: function () {
20624                    return Toggling.on(hotspot);
20625                  },
20626                  onClose: function () {
20627                    return Toggling.off(hotspot);
20628                  }
20629                });
20630              }
20631            }
20632          }),
20633          config('typeaheadevents', [
20634            runOnExecute$1(function (comp) {
20635              var onOpenSync = noop;
20636              togglePopup(detail, mapFetch(comp), comp, externals, onOpenSync, HighlightOnOpen.HighlightFirst).get(noop);
20637            }),
20638            run$1(itemExecute(), function (comp, se) {
20639              var sandbox = Coupling.getCoupled(comp, 'sandbox');
20640              setValueFromItem(detail.model, comp, se.event.item);
20641              emit(comp, typeaheadCancel());
20642              detail.onItemExecute(comp, sandbox, se.event.item, Representing.getValue(comp));
20643              Sandboxing.close(sandbox);
20644              setCursorAtEnd(comp);
20645            })
20646          ].concat(detail.dismissOnBlur ? [run$1(postBlur(), function (typeahead) {
20647              var sandbox = Coupling.getCoupled(typeahead, 'sandbox');
20648              if (search(sandbox.element).isNone()) {
20649                Sandboxing.close(sandbox);
20650              }
20651            })] : []))
20652        ];
20653        return {
20654          uid: detail.uid,
20655          dom: dom(deepMerge(detail, {
20656            inputAttributes: {
20657              'role': 'combobox',
20658              'aria-autocomplete': 'list',
20659              'aria-haspopup': 'true'
20660            }
20661          })),
20662          behaviours: __assign(__assign({}, focusBehaviours$1), augment(detail.typeaheadBehaviours, behaviours)),
20663          eventOrder: detail.eventOrder
20664        };
20665      };
20667      var schema$g = constant$1([
20668        option('lazySink'),
20669        required$1('fetch'),
20670        defaulted('minChars', 5),
20671        defaulted('responseTime', 1000),
20672        onHandler('onOpen'),
20673        defaulted('getHotspot', Optional.some),
20674        defaulted('getAnchorOverrides', constant$1({})),
20675        defaulted('layouts', Optional.none()),
20676        defaulted('eventOrder', {}),
20677        defaultedObjOf('model', {}, [
20678          defaulted('getDisplayText', function (itemData) {
20679            return itemData.meta !== undefined && itemData.meta.text !== undefined ? itemData.meta.text : itemData.value;
20680          }),
20681          defaulted('selectsOver', true),
20682          defaulted('populateFromBrowse', true)
20683        ]),
20684        onHandler('onSetValue'),
20685        onKeyboardHandler('onExecute'),
20686        onHandler('onItemExecute'),
20687        defaulted('inputClasses', []),
20688        defaulted('inputAttributes', {}),
20689        defaulted('inputStyles', {}),
20690        defaulted('matchWidth', true),
20691        defaulted('useMinWidth', false),
20692        defaulted('dismissOnBlur', true),
20693        markers$1(['openClass']),
20694        option('initialData'),
20695        field('typeaheadBehaviours', [
20696          Focusing,
20697          Representing,
20698          Streaming,
20699          Keying,
20700          Toggling,
20701          Coupling
20702        ]),
20703        customField('previewing', function () {
20704          return Cell(true);
20705        })
20706      ].concat(schema$k()).concat(sandboxFields()));
20707      var parts$b = constant$1([external$1({
20708          schema: [tieredMenuMarkers()],
20709          name: 'menu',
20710          overrides: function (detail) {
20711            return {
20712              fakeFocus: true,
20713              onHighlight: function (menu, item) {
20714                if (!detail.previewing.get()) {
20715                  menu.getSystem().getByUid(detail.uid).each(function (input) {
20716                    if (detail.model.populateFromBrowse) {
20717                      setValueFromItem(detail.model, input, item);
20718                    }
20719                  });
20720                } else {
20721                  menu.getSystem().getByUid(detail.uid).each(function (input) {
20722                    attemptSelectOver(detail.model, input, item).fold(function () {
20723                      return Highlighting.dehighlight(menu, item);
20724                    }, function (fn) {
20725                      return fn();
20726                    });
20727                  });
20728                }
20729                detail.previewing.set(false);
20730              },
20731              onExecute: function (menu, item) {
20732                return menu.getSystem().getByUid(detail.uid).toOptional().map(function (typeahead) {
20733                  emitWith(typeahead, itemExecute(), { item: item });
20734                  return true;
20735                });
20736              },
20737              onHover: function (menu, item) {
20738                detail.previewing.set(false);
20739                menu.getSystem().getByUid(detail.uid).each(function (input) {
20740                  if (detail.model.populateFromBrowse) {
20741                    setValueFromItem(detail.model, input, item);
20742                  }
20743                });
20744              }
20745            };
20746          }
20747        })]);
20749      var Typeahead = composite({
20750        name: 'Typeahead',
20751        configFields: schema$g(),
20752        partFields: parts$b(),
20753        factory: make$3
20754      });
20756      var wrap = function (delegate) {
20757        var toCached = function () {
20758          return wrap(delegate.toCached());
20759        };
20760        var bindFuture = function (f) {
20761          return wrap(delegate.bind(function (resA) {
20762            return resA.fold(function (err) {
20763              return Future.pure(Result.error(err));
20764            }, function (a) {
20765              return f(a);
20766            });
20767          }));
20768        };
20769        var bindResult = function (f) {
20770          return wrap(delegate.map(function (resA) {
20771            return resA.bind(f);
20772          }));
20773        };
20774        var mapResult = function (f) {
20775          return wrap(delegate.map(function (resA) {
20776            return resA.map(f);
20777          }));
20778        };
20779        var mapError = function (f) {
20780          return wrap(delegate.map(function (resA) {
20781            return resA.mapError(f);
20782          }));
20783        };
20784        var foldResult = function (whenError, whenValue) {
20785          return delegate.map(function (res) {
20786            return res.fold(whenError, whenValue);
20787          });
20788        };
20789        var withTimeout = function (timeout, errorThunk) {
20790          return wrap(Future.nu(function (callback) {
20791            var timedOut = false;
20792            var timer = setTimeout(function () {
20793              timedOut = true;
20794              callback(Result.error(errorThunk()));
20795            }, timeout);
20796            delegate.get(function (result) {
20797              if (!timedOut) {
20798                clearTimeout(timer);
20799                callback(result);
20800              }
20801            });
20802          }));
20803        };
20804        return __assign(__assign({}, delegate), {
20805          toCached: toCached,
20806          bindFuture: bindFuture,
20807          bindResult: bindResult,
20808          mapResult: mapResult,
20809          mapError: mapError,
20810          foldResult: foldResult,
20811          withTimeout: withTimeout
20812        });
20813      };
20814      var nu$1 = function (worker) {
20815        return wrap(Future.nu(worker));
20816      };
20817      var value = function (value) {
20818        return wrap(Future.pure(Result.value(value)));
20819      };
20820      var error = function (error) {
20821        return wrap(Future.pure(Result.error(error)));
20822      };
20823      var fromResult = function (result) {
20824        return wrap(Future.pure(result));
20825      };
20826      var fromFuture = function (future) {
20827        return wrap(future.map(Result.value));
20828      };
20829      var fromPromise = function (promise) {
20830        return nu$1(function (completer) {
20831          promise.then(function (value) {
20832            completer(Result.value(value));
20833          }, function (error) {
20834            completer(Result.error(error));
20835          });
20836        });
20837      };
20838      var FutureResult = {
20839        nu: nu$1,
20840        wrap: wrap,
20841        pure: value,
20842        value: value,
20843        error: error,
20844        fromResult: fromResult,
20845        fromFuture: fromFuture,
20846        fromPromise: fromPromise
20847      };
20849      var separator$1 = { type: 'separator' };
20850      var toMenuItem = function (target) {
20851        return {
20852          type: 'menuitem',
20853          value: target.url,
20854          text: target.title,
20855          meta: { attach: target.attach },
20856          onAction: noop
20857        };
20858      };
20859      var staticMenuItem = function (title, url) {
20860        return {
20861          type: 'menuitem',
20862          value: url,
20863          text: title,
20864          meta: { attach: undefined },
20865          onAction: noop
20866        };
20867      };
20868      var toMenuItems = function (targets) {
20869        return map$2(targets, toMenuItem);
20870      };
20871      var filterLinkTargets = function (type, targets) {
20872        return filter$2(targets, function (target) {
20873          return target.type === type;
20874        });
20875      };
20876      var filteredTargets = function (type, targets) {
20877        return toMenuItems(filterLinkTargets(type, targets));
20878      };
20879      var headerTargets = function (linkInfo) {
20880        return filteredTargets('header', linkInfo.targets);
20881      };
20882      var anchorTargets = function (linkInfo) {
20883        return filteredTargets('anchor', linkInfo.targets);
20884      };
20885      var anchorTargetTop = function (linkInfo) {
20886        return Optional.from(linkInfo.anchorTop).map(function (url) {
20887          return staticMenuItem('<top>', url);
20888        }).toArray();
20889      };
20890      var anchorTargetBottom = function (linkInfo) {
20891        return Optional.from(linkInfo.anchorBottom).map(function (url) {
20892          return staticMenuItem('<bottom>', url);
20893        }).toArray();
20894      };
20895      var historyTargets = function (history) {
20896        return map$2(history, function (url) {
20897          return staticMenuItem(url, url);
20898        });
20899      };
20900      var joinMenuLists = function (items) {
20901        return foldl(items, function (a, b) {
20902          var bothEmpty = a.length === 0 || b.length === 0;
20903          return bothEmpty ? a.concat(b) : a.concat(separator$1, b);
20904        }, []);
20905      };
20906      var filterByQuery = function (term, menuItems) {
20907        var lowerCaseTerm = term.toLowerCase();
20908        return filter$2(menuItems, function (item) {
20909          var text = item.meta !== undefined && item.meta.text !== undefined ? item.meta.text : item.text;
20910          return contains$1(text.toLowerCase(), lowerCaseTerm) || contains$1(item.value.toLowerCase(), lowerCaseTerm);
20911        });
20912      };
20914      var getItems = function (fileType, input, urlBackstage) {
20915        var urlInputValue = Representing.getValue(input);
20916        var term = urlInputValue.meta.text !== undefined ? urlInputValue.meta.text : urlInputValue.value;
20917        var info = urlBackstage.getLinkInformation();
20918        return info.fold(function () {
20919          return [];
20920        }, function (linkInfo) {
20921          var history = filterByQuery(term, historyTargets(urlBackstage.getHistory(fileType)));
20922          return fileType === 'file' ? joinMenuLists([
20923            history,
20924            filterByQuery(term, headerTargets(linkInfo)),
20925            filterByQuery(term, flatten([
20926              anchorTargetTop(linkInfo),
20927              anchorTargets(linkInfo),
20928              anchorTargetBottom(linkInfo)
20929            ]))
20930          ]) : history;
20931        });
20932      };
20933      var errorId = generate$6('aria-invalid');
20934      var renderUrlInput = function (spec, backstage, urlBackstage) {
20935        var _a;
20936        var providersBackstage = backstage.shared.providers;
20937        var updateHistory = function (component) {
20938          var urlEntry = Representing.getValue(component);
20939          urlBackstage.addToHistory(urlEntry.value, spec.filetype);
20940        };
20941        var pField = FormField.parts.field({
20942          factory: Typeahead,
20943          dismissOnBlur: true,
20944          inputClasses: ['tox-textfield'],
20945          sandboxClasses: ['tox-dialog__popups'],
20946          inputAttributes: {
20947            'aria-errormessage': errorId,
20948            'type': 'url'
20949          },
20950          minChars: 0,
20951          responseTime: 0,
20952          fetch: function (input) {
20953            var items = getItems(spec.filetype, input, urlBackstage);
20954            var tdata = build(items, ItemResponse$1.BUBBLE_TO_SANDBOX, backstage, false);
20955            return Future.pure(tdata);
20956          },
20957          getHotspot: function (comp) {
20958            return memUrlBox.getOpt(comp);
20959          },
20960          onSetValue: function (comp, _newValue) {
20961            if (comp.hasConfigured(Invalidating)) {
20962              Invalidating.run(comp).get(noop);
20963            }
20964          },
20965          typeaheadBehaviours: derive$1(flatten([
20966            urlBackstage.getValidationHandler().map(function (handler) {
20967              return Invalidating.config({
20968                getRoot: function (comp) {
20969                  return parent(comp.element);
20970                },
20971                invalidClass: 'tox-control-wrap--status-invalid',
20972                notify: {
20973                  onInvalid: function (comp, err) {
20974                    memInvalidIcon.getOpt(comp).each(function (invalidComp) {
20975                      set$8(invalidComp.element, 'title', providersBackstage.translate(err));
20976                    });
20977                  }
20978                },
20979                validator: {
20980                  validate: function (input) {
20981                    var urlEntry = Representing.getValue(input);
20982                    return FutureResult.nu(function (completer) {
20983                      handler({
20984                        type: spec.filetype,
20985                        url: urlEntry.value
20986                      }, function (validation) {
20987                        if (validation.status === 'invalid') {
20988                          var err = Result.error(validation.message);
20989                          completer(err);
20990                        } else {
20991                          var val = Result.value(validation.message);
20992                          completer(val);
20993                        }
20994                      });
20995                    });
20996                  },
20997                  validateOnLoad: false
20998                }
20999              });
21000            }).toArray(),
21001            [
21002              Disabling.config({
21003                disabled: function () {
21004                  return spec.disabled || providersBackstage.isDisabled();
21005                }
21006              }),
21007              Tabstopping.config({}),
21008              config('urlinput-events', flatten([
21009                spec.filetype === 'file' ? [run$1(input(), function (comp) {
21010                    emitWith(comp, formChangeEvent, { name: spec.name });
21011                  })] : [],
21012                [
21013                  run$1(change(), function (comp) {
21014                    emitWith(comp, formChangeEvent, { name: spec.name });
21015                    updateHistory(comp);
21016                  }),
21017                  run$1(postPaste(), function (comp) {
21018                    emitWith(comp, formChangeEvent, { name: spec.name });
21019                    updateHistory(comp);
21020                  })
21021                ]
21022              ]))
21023            ]
21024          ])),
21025          eventOrder: (_a = {}, _a[input()] = [
21026            'streaming',
21027            'urlinput-events',
21028            'invalidating'
21029          ], _a),
21030          model: {
21031            getDisplayText: function (itemData) {
21032              return itemData.value;
21033            },
21034            selectsOver: false,
21035            populateFromBrowse: false
21036          },
21037          markers: { openClass: 'tox-textfield--popup-open' },
21038          lazySink: backstage.shared.getSink,
21039          parts: { menu: part(false, 1, 'normal') },
21040          onExecute: function (_menu, component, _entry) {
21041            emitWith(component, formSubmitEvent, {});
21042          },
21043          onItemExecute: function (typeahead, _sandbox, _item, _value) {
21044            updateHistory(typeahead);
21045            emitWith(typeahead, formChangeEvent, { name: spec.name });
21046          }
21047        });
21048        var pLabel = spec.label.map(function (label) {
21049          return renderLabel$2(label, providersBackstage);
21050        });
21051        var makeIcon = function (name, errId, icon, label) {
21052          if (icon === void 0) {
21053            icon = name;
21054          }
21055          if (label === void 0) {
21056            label = name;
21057          }
21058          return render$3(icon, {
21059            tag: 'div',
21060            classes: [
21061              'tox-icon',
21062              'tox-control-wrap__status-icon-' + name
21063            ],
21064            attributes: __assign({
21065              'title': providersBackstage.translate(label),
21066              'aria-live': 'polite'
21067            }, errId.fold(function () {
21068              return {};
21069            }, function (id) {
21070              return { id: id };
21071            }))
21072          }, providersBackstage.icons);
21073        };
21074        var memInvalidIcon = record(makeIcon('invalid', Optional.some(errorId), 'warning'));
21075        var memStatus = record({
21076          dom: {
21077            tag: 'div',
21078            classes: ['tox-control-wrap__status-icon-wrap']
21079          },
21080          components: [memInvalidIcon.asSpec()]
21081        });
21082        var optUrlPicker = urlBackstage.getUrlPicker(spec.filetype);
21083        var browseUrlEvent = generate$6('browser.url.event');
21084        var memUrlBox = record({
21085          dom: {
21086            tag: 'div',
21087            classes: ['tox-control-wrap']
21088          },
21089          components: [
21090            pField,
21091            memStatus.asSpec()
21092          ],
21093          behaviours: derive$1([Disabling.config({
21094              disabled: function () {
21095                return spec.disabled || providersBackstage.isDisabled();
21096              }
21097            })])
21098        });
21099        var memUrlPickerButton = record(renderButton({
21100          name: spec.name,
21101          icon: Optional.some('browse'),
21102          text: spec.label.getOr(''),
21103          disabled: spec.disabled,
21104          primary: false,
21105          borderless: true
21106        }, function (component) {
21107          return emit(component, browseUrlEvent);
21108        }, providersBackstage, [], ['tox-browse-url']));
21109        var controlHWrapper = function () {
21110          return {
21111            dom: {
21112              tag: 'div',
21113              classes: ['tox-form__controls-h-stack']
21114            },
21115            components: flatten([
21116              [memUrlBox.asSpec()],
21117              optUrlPicker.map(function () {
21118                return memUrlPickerButton.asSpec();
21119              }).toArray()
21120            ])
21121          };
21122        };
21123        var openUrlPicker = function (comp) {
21124          Composing.getCurrent(comp).each(function (field) {
21125            var componentData = Representing.getValue(field);
21126            var urlData = __assign({ fieldname: spec.name }, componentData);
21127            optUrlPicker.each(function (picker) {
21128              picker(urlData).get(function (chosenData) {
21129                Representing.setValue(field, chosenData);
21130                emitWith(comp, formChangeEvent, { name: spec.name });
21131              });
21132            });
21133          });
21134        };
21135        return FormField.sketch({
21136          dom: renderFormFieldDom(),
21137          components: pLabel.toArray().concat([controlHWrapper()]),
21138          fieldBehaviours: derive$1([
21139            Disabling.config({
21140              disabled: function () {
21141                return spec.disabled || providersBackstage.isDisabled();
21142              },
21143              onDisabled: function (comp) {
21144                FormField.getField(comp).each(Disabling.disable);
21145                memUrlPickerButton.getOpt(comp).each(Disabling.disable);
21146              },
21147              onEnabled: function (comp) {
21148                FormField.getField(comp).each(Disabling.enable);
21149                memUrlPickerButton.getOpt(comp).each(Disabling.enable);
21150              }
21151            }),
21152            receivingConfig(),
21153            config('url-input-events', [run$1(browseUrlEvent, openUrlPicker)])
21154          ])
21155        });
21156      };
21158      var renderAlertBanner = function (spec, providersBackstage) {
21159        return Container.sketch({
21160          dom: {
21161            tag: 'div',
21162            attributes: { role: 'alert' },
21163            classes: [
21164              'tox-notification',
21165              'tox-notification--in',
21166              'tox-notification--' + spec.level
21167            ]
21168          },
21169          components: [
21170            {
21171              dom: {
21172                tag: 'div',
21173                classes: ['tox-notification__icon']
21174              },
21175              components: [Button.sketch({
21176                  dom: {
21177                    tag: 'button',
21178                    classes: [
21179                      'tox-button',
21180                      'tox-button--naked',
21181                      'tox-button--icon'
21182                    ],
21183                    innerHtml: get$1(spec.icon, providersBackstage.icons),
21184                    attributes: { title: providersBackstage.translate(spec.iconTooltip) }
21185                  },
21186                  action: function (comp) {
21187                    emitWith(comp, formActionEvent, {
21188                      name: 'alert-banner',
21189                      value: spec.url
21190                    });
21191                  },
21192                  buttonBehaviours: derive$1([addFocusableBehaviour()])
21193                })]
21194            },
21195            {
21196              dom: {
21197                tag: 'div',
21198                classes: ['tox-notification__body'],
21199                innerHtml: providersBackstage.translate(spec.text)
21200              }
21201            }
21202          ]
21203        });
21204      };
21206      var renderCheckbox = function (spec, providerBackstage) {
21207        var repBehaviour = Representing.config({
21208          store: {
21209            mode: 'manual',
21210            getValue: function (comp) {
21211              var el = comp.element.dom;
21212              return el.checked;
21213            },
21214            setValue: function (comp, value) {
21215              var el = comp.element.dom;
21216              el.checked = value;
21217            }
21218          }
21219        });
21220        var toggleCheckboxHandler = function (comp) {
21221          comp.element.dom.click();
21222          return Optional.some(true);
21223        };
21224        var pField = FormField.parts.field({
21225          factory: { sketch: identity$1 },
21226          dom: {
21227            tag: 'input',
21228            classes: ['tox-checkbox__input'],
21229            attributes: { type: 'checkbox' }
21230          },
21231          behaviours: derive$1([
21232            ComposingConfigs.self(),
21233            Disabling.config({
21234              disabled: function () {
21235                return spec.disabled || providerBackstage.isDisabled();
21236              }
21237            }),
21238            Tabstopping.config({}),
21239            Focusing.config({}),
21240            repBehaviour,
21241            Keying.config({
21242              mode: 'special',
21243              onEnter: toggleCheckboxHandler,
21244              onSpace: toggleCheckboxHandler,
21245              stopSpaceKeyup: true
21246            }),
21247            config('checkbox-events', [run$1(change(), function (component, _) {
21248                emitWith(component, formChangeEvent, { name: spec.name });
21249              })])
21250          ])
21251        });
21252        var pLabel = FormField.parts.label({
21253          dom: {
21254            tag: 'span',
21255            classes: ['tox-checkbox__label'],
21256            innerHtml: providerBackstage.translate(spec.label)
21257          },
21258          behaviours: derive$1([Unselecting.config({})])
21259        });
21260        var makeIcon = function (className) {
21261          var iconName = className === 'checked' ? 'selected' : 'unselected';
21262          return render$3(iconName, {
21263            tag: 'span',
21264            classes: [
21265              'tox-icon',
21266              'tox-checkbox-icon__' + className
21267            ]
21268          }, providerBackstage.icons);
21269        };
21270        var memIcons = record({
21271          dom: {
21272            tag: 'div',
21273            classes: ['tox-checkbox__icons']
21274          },
21275          components: [
21276            makeIcon('checked'),
21277            makeIcon('unchecked')
21278          ]
21279        });
21280        return FormField.sketch({
21281          dom: {
21282            tag: 'label',
21283            classes: ['tox-checkbox']
21284          },
21285          components: [
21286            pField,
21287            memIcons.asSpec(),
21288            pLabel
21289          ],
21290          fieldBehaviours: derive$1([
21291            Disabling.config({
21292              disabled: function () {
21293                return spec.disabled || providerBackstage.isDisabled();
21294              },
21295              disableClass: 'tox-checkbox--disabled',
21296              onDisabled: function (comp) {
21297                FormField.getField(comp).each(Disabling.disable);
21298              },
21299              onEnabled: function (comp) {
21300                FormField.getField(comp).each(Disabling.enable);
21301              }
21302            }),
21303            receivingConfig()
21304          ])
21305        });
21306      };
21308      var renderHtmlPanel = function (spec) {
21309        if (spec.presets === 'presentation') {
21310          return Container.sketch({
21311            dom: {
21312              tag: 'div',
21313              classes: ['tox-form__group'],
21314              innerHtml: spec.html
21315            }
21316          });
21317        } else {
21318          return Container.sketch({
21319            dom: {
21320              tag: 'div',
21321              classes: ['tox-form__group'],
21322              innerHtml: spec.html,
21323              attributes: { role: 'document' }
21324            },
21325            containerBehaviours: derive$1([
21326              Tabstopping.config({}),
21327              Focusing.config({})
21328            ])
21329          });
21330        }
21331      };
21333      var make$2 = function (render) {
21334        return function (parts, spec, backstage) {
21335          return get$e(spec, 'name').fold(function () {
21336            return render(spec, backstage);
21337          }, function (fieldName) {
21338            return parts.field(fieldName, render(spec, backstage));
21339          });
21340        };
21341      };
21342      var makeIframe = function (render) {
21343        return function (parts, spec, backstage) {
21344          var iframeSpec = deepMerge(spec, { source: 'dynamic' });
21345          return make$2(render)(parts, iframeSpec, backstage);
21346        };
21347      };
21348      var factories = {
21349        bar: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21350          return renderBar(spec, backstage.shared);
21351        }),
21352        collection: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21353          return renderCollection(spec, backstage.shared.providers);
21354        }),
21355        alertbanner: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21356          return renderAlertBanner(spec, backstage.shared.providers);
21357        }),
21358        input: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21359          return renderInput(spec, backstage.shared.providers);
21360        }),
21361        textarea: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21362          return renderTextarea(spec, backstage.shared.providers);
21363        }),
21364        label: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21365          return renderLabel(spec, backstage.shared);
21366        }),
21367        iframe: makeIframe(function (spec, backstage) {
21368          return renderIFrame(spec, backstage.shared.providers);
21369        }),
21370        button: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21371          return renderDialogButton(spec, backstage.shared.providers);
21372        }),
21373        checkbox: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21374          return renderCheckbox(spec, backstage.shared.providers);
21375        }),
21376        colorinput: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21377          return renderColorInput(spec, backstage.shared, backstage.colorinput);
21378        }),
21379        colorpicker: make$2(renderColorPicker),
21380        dropzone: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21381          return renderDropZone(spec, backstage.shared.providers);
21382        }),
21383        grid: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21384          return renderGrid(spec, backstage.shared);
21385        }),
21386        listbox: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21387          return renderListBox(spec, backstage);
21388        }),
21389        selectbox: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21390          return renderSelectBox(spec, backstage.shared.providers);
21391        }),
21392        sizeinput: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21393          return renderSizeInput(spec, backstage.shared.providers);
21394        }),
21395        urlinput: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21396          return renderUrlInput(spec, backstage, backstage.urlinput);
21397        }),
21398        customeditor: make$2(renderCustomEditor),
21399        htmlpanel: make$2(renderHtmlPanel),
21400        imagetools: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21401          return renderImageTools(spec, backstage.shared.providers);
21402        }),
21403        table: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21404          return renderTable(spec, backstage.shared.providers);
21405        }),
21406        panel: make$2(function (spec, backstage) {
21407          return renderPanel(spec, backstage);
21408        })
21409      };
21410      var noFormParts = {
21411        field: function (_name, spec) {
21412          return spec;
21413        }
21414      };
21415      var interpretInForm = function (parts, spec, oldBackstage) {
21416        var newBackstage = deepMerge(oldBackstage, {
21417          shared: {
21418            interpreter: function (childSpec) {
21419              return interpretParts(parts, childSpec, newBackstage);
21420            }
21421          }
21422        });
21423        return interpretParts(parts, spec, newBackstage);
21424      };
21425      var interpretParts = function (parts, spec, backstage) {
21426        return get$e(factories, spec.type).fold(function () {
21427          console.error('Unknown factory type "' + spec.type + '", defaulting to container: ', spec);
21428          return spec;
21429        }, function (factory) {
21430          return factory(parts, spec, backstage);
21431        });
21432      };
21433      var interpretWithoutForm = function (spec, backstage) {
21434        var parts = noFormParts;
21435        return interpretParts(parts, spec, backstage);
21436      };
21438      var bubbleAlignments$2 = {
21439        valignCentre: [],
21440        alignCentre: [],
21441        alignLeft: [],
21442        alignRight: [],
21443        right: [],
21444        left: [],
21445        bottom: [],
21446        top: []
21447      };
21448      var getInlineDialogAnchor = function (contentAreaElement, lazyAnchorbar, lazyUseEditableAreaAnchor) {
21449        var bubbleSize = 12;
21450        var overrides = { maxHeightFunction: expandable$1() };
21451        var editableAreaAnchor = function () {
21452          return {
21453            type: 'node',
21454            root: getContentContainer(contentAreaElement()),
21455            node: Optional.from(contentAreaElement()),
21456            bubble: nu$5(bubbleSize, bubbleSize, bubbleAlignments$2),
21457            layouts: {
21458              onRtl: function () {
21459                return [northeast];
21460              },
21461              onLtr: function () {
21462                return [northwest];
21463              }
21464            },
21465            overrides: overrides
21466          };
21467        };
21468        var standardAnchor = function () {
21469          return {
21470            type: 'hotspot',
21471            hotspot: lazyAnchorbar(),
21472            bubble: nu$5(-bubbleSize, bubbleSize, bubbleAlignments$2),
21473            layouts: {
21474              onRtl: function () {
21475                return [southeast$2];
21476              },
21477              onLtr: function () {
21478                return [southwest$2];
21479              }
21480            },
21481            overrides: overrides
21482          };
21483        };
21484        return function () {
21485          return lazyUseEditableAreaAnchor() ? editableAreaAnchor() : standardAnchor();
21486        };
21487      };
21488      var getBannerAnchor = function (contentAreaElement, lazyAnchorbar, lazyUseEditableAreaAnchor) {
21489        var editableAreaAnchor = function () {
21490          return {
21491            type: 'node',
21492            root: getContentContainer(contentAreaElement()),
21493            node: Optional.from(contentAreaElement()),
21494            layouts: {
21495              onRtl: function () {
21496                return [north];
21497              },
21498              onLtr: function () {
21499                return [north];
21500              }
21501            }
21502          };
21503        };
21504        var standardAnchor = function () {
21505          return {
21506            type: 'hotspot',
21507            hotspot: lazyAnchorbar(),
21508            layouts: {
21509              onRtl: function () {
21510                return [south$2];
21511              },
21512              onLtr: function () {
21513                return [south$2];
21514              }
21515            }
21516          };
21517        };
21518        return function () {
21519          return lazyUseEditableAreaAnchor() ? editableAreaAnchor() : standardAnchor();
21520        };
21521      };
21522      var getCursorAnchor = function (editor, bodyElement) {
21523        return function () {
21524          return {
21525            type: 'selection',
21526            root: bodyElement(),
21527            getSelection: function () {
21528              var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
21529              return Optional.some(SimSelection.range(SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer), rng.startOffset, SugarElement.fromDom(rng.endContainer), rng.endOffset));
21530            }
21531          };
21532        };
21533      };
21534      var getNodeAnchor$1 = function (bodyElement) {
21535        return function (element) {
21536          return {
21537            type: 'node',
21538            root: bodyElement(),
21539            node: element
21540          };
21541        };
21542      };
21543      var getAnchors = function (editor, lazyAnchorbar, isToolbarTop) {
21544        var useFixedToolbarContainer = useFixedContainer(editor);
21545        var bodyElement = function () {
21546          return SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
21547        };
21548        var contentAreaElement = function () {
21549          return SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getContentAreaContainer());
21550        };
21551        var lazyUseEditableAreaAnchor = function () {
21552          return useFixedToolbarContainer || !isToolbarTop();
21553        };
21554        return {
21555          inlineDialog: getInlineDialogAnchor(contentAreaElement, lazyAnchorbar, lazyUseEditableAreaAnchor),
21556          banner: getBannerAnchor(contentAreaElement, lazyAnchorbar, lazyUseEditableAreaAnchor),
21557          cursor: getCursorAnchor(editor, bodyElement),
21558          node: getNodeAnchor$1(bodyElement)
21559        };
21560      };
21562      var colorPicker = function (editor) {
21563        return function (callback, value) {
21564          var dialog = colorPickerDialog(editor);
21565          dialog(callback, value);
21566        };
21567      };
21568      var hasCustomColors = function (editor) {
21569        return function () {
21570          return hasCustomColors$1(editor);
21571        };
21572      };
21573      var getColors = function (editor) {
21574        return function () {
21575          return getColors$2(editor);
21576        };
21577      };
21578      var getColorCols = function (editor) {
21579        return function () {
21580          return getColorCols$1(editor);
21581        };
21582      };
21583      var ColorInputBackstage = function (editor) {
21584        return {
21585          colorPicker: colorPicker(editor),
21586          hasCustomColors: hasCustomColors(editor),
21587          getColors: getColors(editor),
21588          getColorCols: getColorCols(editor)
21589        };
21590      };
21592      var isDraggableModal = function (editor) {
21593        return function () {
21594          return isDraggableModal$1(editor);
21595        };
21596      };
21597      var DialogBackstage = function (editor) {
21598        return { isDraggableModal: isDraggableModal(editor) };
21599      };
21601      var HeaderBackstage = function (editor) {
21602        var mode = Cell(isToolbarLocationBottom(editor) ? 'bottom' : 'top');
21603        return {
21604          isPositionedAtTop: function () {
21605            return mode.get() === 'top';
21606          },
21607          getDockingMode: mode.get,
21608          setDockingMode: mode.set
21609        };
21610      };
21612      var defaultStyleFormats = [
21613        {
21614          title: 'Headings',
21615          items: [
21616            {
21617              title: 'Heading 1',
21618              format: 'h1'
21619            },
21620            {
21621              title: 'Heading 2',
21622              format: 'h2'
21623            },
21624            {
21625              title: 'Heading 3',
21626              format: 'h3'
21627            },
21628            {
21629              title: 'Heading 4',
21630              format: 'h4'
21631            },
21632            {
21633              title: 'Heading 5',
21634              format: 'h5'
21635            },
21636            {
21637              title: 'Heading 6',
21638              format: 'h6'
21639            }
21640          ]
21641        },
21642        {
21643          title: 'Inline',
21644          items: [
21645            {
21646              title: 'Bold',
21647              format: 'bold'
21648            },
21649            {
21650              title: 'Italic',
21651              format: 'italic'
21652            },
21653            {
21654              title: 'Underline',
21655              format: 'underline'
21656            },
21657            {
21658              title: 'Strikethrough',
21659              format: 'strikethrough'
21660            },
21661            {
21662              title: 'Superscript',
21663              format: 'superscript'
21664            },
21665            {
21666              title: 'Subscript',
21667              format: 'subscript'
21668            },
21669            {
21670              title: 'Code',
21671              format: 'code'
21672            }
21673          ]
21674        },
21675        {
21676          title: 'Blocks',
21677          items: [
21678            {
21679              title: 'Paragraph',
21680              format: 'p'
21681            },
21682            {
21683              title: 'Blockquote',
21684              format: 'blockquote'
21685            },
21686            {
21687              title: 'Div',
21688              format: 'div'
21689            },
21690            {
21691              title: 'Pre',
21692              format: 'pre'
21693            }
21694          ]
21695        },
21696        {
21697          title: 'Align',
21698          items: [
21699            {
21700              title: 'Left',
21701              format: 'alignleft'
21702            },
21703            {
21704              title: 'Center',
21705              format: 'aligncenter'
21706            },
21707            {
21708              title: 'Right',
21709              format: 'alignright'
21710            },
21711            {
21712              title: 'Justify',
21713              format: 'alignjustify'
21714            }
21715          ]
21716        }
21717      ];
21718      var isNestedFormat = function (format) {
21719        return has$2(format, 'items');
21720      };
21721      var isBlockFormat = function (format) {
21722        return has$2(format, 'block');
21723      };
21724      var isInlineFormat = function (format) {
21725        return has$2(format, 'inline');
21726      };
21727      var isSelectorFormat = function (format) {
21728        return has$2(format, 'selector');
21729      };
21730      var mapFormats = function (userFormats) {
21731        return foldl(userFormats, function (acc, fmt) {
21732          if (isNestedFormat(fmt)) {
21733            var result = mapFormats(fmt.items);
21734            return {
21735              customFormats: acc.customFormats.concat(result.customFormats),
21736              formats: acc.formats.concat([{
21737                  title: fmt.title,
21738                  items: result.formats
21739                }])
21740            };
21741          } else if (isInlineFormat(fmt) || isBlockFormat(fmt) || isSelectorFormat(fmt)) {
21742            var formatName = isString(fmt.name) ? fmt.name : fmt.title.toLowerCase();
21743            var formatNameWithPrefix = 'custom-' + formatName;
21744            return {
21745              customFormats: acc.customFormats.concat([{
21746                  name: formatNameWithPrefix,
21747                  format: fmt
21748                }]),
21749              formats: acc.formats.concat([{
21750                  title: fmt.title,
21751                  format: formatNameWithPrefix,
21752                  icon: fmt.icon
21753                }])
21754            };
21755          } else {
21756            return __assign(__assign({}, acc), { formats: acc.formats.concat(fmt) });
21757          }
21758        }, {
21759          customFormats: [],
21760          formats: []
21761        });
21762      };
21763      var registerCustomFormats = function (editor, userFormats) {
21764        var result = mapFormats(userFormats);
21765        var registerFormats = function (customFormats) {
21766          each$1(customFormats, function (fmt) {
21767            if (!editor.formatter.has(fmt.name)) {
21768              editor.formatter.register(fmt.name, fmt.format);
21769            }
21770          });
21771        };
21772        if (editor.formatter) {
21773          registerFormats(result.customFormats);
21774        } else {
21775          editor.on('init', function () {
21776            registerFormats(result.customFormats);
21777          });
21778        }
21779        return result.formats;
21780      };
21781      var getStyleFormats = function (editor) {
21782        return getUserStyleFormats(editor).map(function (userFormats) {
21783          var registeredUserFormats = registerCustomFormats(editor, userFormats);
21784          return isMergeStyleFormats(editor) ? defaultStyleFormats.concat(registeredUserFormats) : registeredUserFormats;
21785        }).getOr(defaultStyleFormats);
21786      };
21788      var processBasic = function (item, isSelectedFor, getPreviewFor) {
21789        var formatterSpec = {
21790          type: 'formatter',
21791          isSelected: isSelectedFor(item.format),
21792          getStylePreview: getPreviewFor(item.format)
21793        };
21794        return deepMerge(item, formatterSpec);
21795      };
21796      var register$8 = function (editor, formats, isSelectedFor, getPreviewFor) {
21797        var enrichSupported = function (item) {
21798          return processBasic(item, isSelectedFor, getPreviewFor);
21799        };
21800        var enrichMenu = function (item) {
21801          var submenuSpec = { type: 'submenu' };
21802          return deepMerge(item, submenuSpec);
21803        };
21804        var enrichCustom = function (item) {
21805          var formatName = isString(item.name) ? item.name : generate$6(item.title);
21806          var formatNameWithPrefix = 'custom-' + formatName;
21807          var customSpec = {
21808            type: 'formatter',
21809            format: formatNameWithPrefix,
21810            isSelected: isSelectedFor(formatNameWithPrefix),
21811            getStylePreview: getPreviewFor(formatNameWithPrefix)
21812          };
21813          var newItem = deepMerge(item, customSpec);
21814          editor.formatter.register(formatName, newItem);
21815          return newItem;
21816        };
21817        var doEnrich = function (items) {
21818          return map$2(items, function (item) {
21819            var keys$1 = keys(item);
21820            if (hasNonNullableKey(item, 'items')) {
21821              var newItems = doEnrich(item.items);
21822              return deepMerge(enrichMenu(item), { getStyleItems: constant$1(newItems) });
21823            } else if (hasNonNullableKey(item, 'format')) {
21824              return enrichSupported(item);
21825            } else if (keys$1.length === 1 && contains$2(keys$1, 'title')) {
21826              return deepMerge(item, { type: 'separator' });
21827            } else {
21828              return enrichCustom(item);
21829            }
21830          });
21831        };
21832        return doEnrich(formats);
21833      };
21835      var init$8 = function (editor) {
21836        var isSelectedFor = function (format) {
21837          return function () {
21838            return editor.formatter.match(format);
21839          };
21840        };
21841        var getPreviewFor = function (format) {
21842          return function () {
21843            var fmt = editor.formatter.get(format);
21844            return fmt !== undefined ? Optional.some({
21845              tag: fmt.length > 0 ? fmt[0].inline || fmt[0].block || 'div' : 'div',
21846              styles: editor.dom.parseStyle(editor.formatter.getCssText(format))
21847            }) : Optional.none();
21848          };
21849        };
21850        var flatten = function (fmt) {
21851          var subs = fmt.items;
21852          return subs !== undefined && subs.length > 0 ? bind$3(subs, flatten) : [fmt.format];
21853        };
21854        var settingsFormats = Cell([]);
21855        var settingsFlattenedFormats = Cell([]);
21856        var eventsFormats = Cell([]);
21857        var eventsFlattenedFormats = Cell([]);
21858        var replaceSettings = Cell(false);
21859        editor.on('PreInit', function (_e) {
21860          var formats = getStyleFormats(editor);
21861          var enriched = register$8(editor, formats, isSelectedFor, getPreviewFor);
21862          settingsFormats.set(enriched);
21863          settingsFlattenedFormats.set(bind$3(enriched, flatten));
21864        });
21865        editor.on('addStyleModifications', function (e) {
21866          var modifications = register$8(editor, e.items, isSelectedFor, getPreviewFor);
21867          eventsFormats.set(modifications);
21868          replaceSettings.set(e.replace);
21869          eventsFlattenedFormats.set(bind$3(modifications, flatten));
21870        });
21871        var getData = function () {
21872          var fromSettings = replaceSettings.get() ? [] : settingsFormats.get();
21873          var fromEvents = eventsFormats.get();
21874          return fromSettings.concat(fromEvents);
21875        };
21876        var getFlattenedKeys = function () {
21877          var fromSettings = replaceSettings.get() ? [] : settingsFlattenedFormats.get();
21878          var fromEvents = eventsFlattenedFormats.get();
21879          return fromSettings.concat(fromEvents);
21880        };
21881        return {
21882          getData: getData,
21883          getFlattenedKeys: getFlattenedKeys
21884        };
21885      };
21887      var isElement = function (node) {
21888        return isNonNullable(node) && node.nodeType === 1;
21889      };
21890      var trim = global$5.trim;
21891      var hasContentEditableState = function (value) {
21892        return function (node) {
21893          if (isElement(node)) {
21894            if (node.contentEditable === value) {
21895              return true;
21896            }
21897            if (node.getAttribute('data-mce-contenteditable') === value) {
21898              return true;
21899            }
21900          }
21901          return false;
21902        };
21903      };
21904      var isContentEditableTrue = hasContentEditableState('true');
21905      var isContentEditableFalse = hasContentEditableState('false');
21906      var create = function (type, title, url, level, attach) {
21907        return {
21908          type: type,
21909          title: title,
21910          url: url,
21911          level: level,
21912          attach: attach
21913        };
21914      };
21915      var isChildOfContentEditableTrue = function (node) {
21916        while (node = node.parentNode) {
21917          var value = node.contentEditable;
21918          if (value && value !== 'inherit') {
21919            return isContentEditableTrue(node);
21920          }
21921        }
21922        return false;
21923      };
21924      var select = function (selector, root) {
21925        return map$2(descendants(SugarElement.fromDom(root), selector), function (element) {
21926          return element.dom;
21927        });
21928      };
21929      var getElementText = function (elm) {
21930        return elm.innerText || elm.textContent;
21931      };
21932      var getOrGenerateId = function (elm) {
21933        return elm.id ? elm.id : generate$6('h');
21934      };
21935      var isAnchor = function (elm) {
21936        return elm && elm.nodeName === 'A' && (elm.id || elm.name) !== undefined;
21937      };
21938      var isValidAnchor = function (elm) {
21939        return isAnchor(elm) && isEditable(elm);
21940      };
21941      var isHeader = function (elm) {
21942        return elm && /^(H[1-6])$/.test(elm.nodeName);
21943      };
21944      var isEditable = function (elm) {
21945        return isChildOfContentEditableTrue(elm) && !isContentEditableFalse(elm);
21946      };
21947      var isValidHeader = function (elm) {
21948        return isHeader(elm) && isEditable(elm);
21949      };
21950      var getLevel = function (elm) {
21951        return isHeader(elm) ? parseInt(elm.nodeName.substr(1), 10) : 0;
21952      };
21953      var headerTarget = function (elm) {
21954        var headerId = getOrGenerateId(elm);
21955        var attach = function () {
21956          elm.id = headerId;
21957        };
21958        return create('header', getElementText(elm), '#' + headerId, getLevel(elm), attach);
21959      };
21960      var anchorTarget = function (elm) {
21961        var anchorId = elm.id || elm.name;
21962        var anchorText = getElementText(elm);
21963        return create('anchor', anchorText ? anchorText : '#' + anchorId, '#' + anchorId, 0, noop);
21964      };
21965      var getHeaderTargets = function (elms) {
21966        return map$2(filter$2(elms, isValidHeader), headerTarget);
21967      };
21968      var getAnchorTargets = function (elms) {
21969        return map$2(filter$2(elms, isValidAnchor), anchorTarget);
21970      };
21971      var getTargetElements = function (elm) {
21972        var elms = select('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,a:not([href])', elm);
21973        return elms;
21974      };
21975      var hasTitle = function (target) {
21976        return trim(target.title).length > 0;
21977      };
21978      var find = function (elm) {
21979        var elms = getTargetElements(elm);
21980        return filter$2(getHeaderTargets(elms).concat(getAnchorTargets(elms)), hasTitle);
21981      };
21982      var LinkTargets = { find: find };
21984      var STORAGE_KEY = 'tinymce-url-history';
21985      var HISTORY_LENGTH = 5;
21986      var isHttpUrl = function (url) {
21987        return isString(url) && /^https?/.test(url);
21988      };
21989      var isArrayOfUrl = function (a) {
21990        return isArray(a) && a.length <= HISTORY_LENGTH && forall(a, isHttpUrl);
21991      };
21992      var isRecordOfUrlArray = function (r) {
21993        return isObject(r) && find$4(r, function (value) {
21994          return !isArrayOfUrl(value);
21995        }).isNone();
21996      };
21997      var getAllHistory = function () {
21998        var unparsedHistory = global$8.getItem(STORAGE_KEY);
21999        if (unparsedHistory === null) {
22000          return {};
22001        }
22002        var history;
22003        try {
22004          history = JSON.parse(unparsedHistory);
22005        } catch (e) {
22006          if (e instanceof SyntaxError) {
22007            console.log('Local storage ' + STORAGE_KEY + ' was not valid JSON', e);
22008            return {};
22009          }
22010          throw e;
22011        }
22012        if (!isRecordOfUrlArray(history)) {
22013          console.log('Local storage ' + STORAGE_KEY + ' was not valid format', history);
22014          return {};
22015        }
22016        return history;
22017      };
22018      var setAllHistory = function (history) {
22019        if (!isRecordOfUrlArray(history)) {
22020          throw new Error('Bad format for history:\n' + JSON.stringify(history));
22021        }
22022        global$8.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(history));
22023      };
22024      var getHistory = function (fileType) {
22025        var history = getAllHistory();
22026        return get$e(history, fileType).getOr([]);
22027      };
22028      var addToHistory = function (url, fileType) {
22029        if (!isHttpUrl(url)) {
22030          return;
22031        }
22032        var history = getAllHistory();
22033        var items = get$e(history, fileType).getOr([]);
22034        var itemsWithoutUrl = filter$2(items, function (item) {
22035          return item !== url;
22036        });
22037        history[fileType] = [url].concat(itemsWithoutUrl).slice(0, HISTORY_LENGTH);
22038        setAllHistory(history);
22039      };
22041      var isTruthy = function (value) {
22042        return !!value;
22043      };
22044      var makeMap = function (value) {
22045        return map$1(global$5.makeMap(value, /[, ]/), isTruthy);
22046      };
22047      var getPicker = function (editor) {
22048        return Optional.from(getFilePickerCallback(editor)).filter(isFunction);
22049      };
22050      var getPickerTypes = function (editor) {
22051        var optFileTypes = Optional.some(getFilePickerTypes(editor)).filter(isTruthy);
22052        var optLegacyTypes = Optional.some(getFileBrowserCallbackTypes(editor)).filter(isTruthy);
22053        var optTypes = optFileTypes.or(optLegacyTypes).map(makeMap);
22054        return getPicker(editor).fold(never, function (_picker) {
22055          return optTypes.fold(always, function (types) {
22056            return keys(types).length > 0 ? types : false;
22057          });
22058        });
22059      };
22060      var getPickerSetting = function (editor, filetype) {
22061        var pickerTypes = getPickerTypes(editor);
22062        if (isBoolean(pickerTypes)) {
22063          return pickerTypes ? getPicker(editor) : Optional.none();
22064        } else {
22065          return pickerTypes[filetype] ? getPicker(editor) : Optional.none();
22066        }
22067      };
22068      var getUrlPicker = function (editor, filetype) {
22069        return getPickerSetting(editor, filetype).map(function (picker) {
22070          return function (entry) {
22071            return Future.nu(function (completer) {
22072              var handler = function (value, meta) {
22073                if (!isString(value)) {
22074                  throw new Error('Expected value to be string');
22075                }
22076                if (meta !== undefined && !isObject(meta)) {
22077                  throw new Error('Expected meta to be a object');
22078                }
22079                var r = {
22080                  value: value,
22081                  meta: meta
22082                };
22083                completer(r);
22084              };
22085              var meta = __assign({
22086                filetype: filetype,
22087                fieldname: entry.fieldname
22088              }, Optional.from(entry.meta).getOr({}));
22089              picker.call(editor, handler, entry.value, meta);
22090            });
22091          };
22092        });
22093      };
22094      var getTextSetting = function (value) {
22095        return Optional.from(value).filter(isString).getOrUndefined();
22096      };
22097      var getLinkInformation = function (editor) {
22098        if (noTypeaheadUrls(editor)) {
22099          return Optional.none();
22100        }
22101        return Optional.some({
22102          targets: LinkTargets.find(editor.getBody()),
22103          anchorTop: getTextSetting(getAnchorTop(editor)),
22104          anchorBottom: getTextSetting(getAnchorBottom(editor))
22105        });
22106      };
22107      var getValidationHandler = function (editor) {
22108        return Optional.from(getFilePickerValidatorHandler(editor));
22109      };
22110      var UrlInputBackstage = function (editor) {
22111        return {
22112          getHistory: getHistory,
22113          addToHistory: addToHistory,
22114          getLinkInformation: function () {
22115            return getLinkInformation(editor);
22116          },
22117          getValidationHandler: function () {
22118            return getValidationHandler(editor);
22119          },
22120          getUrlPicker: function (filetype) {
22121            return getUrlPicker(editor, filetype);
22122          }
22123        };
22124      };
22126      var init$7 = function (sink, editor, lazyAnchorbar) {
22127        var contextMenuState = Cell(false);
22128        var toolbar = HeaderBackstage(editor);
22129        var backstage = {
22130          shared: {
22131            providers: {
22132              icons: function () {
22133                return editor.ui.registry.getAll().icons;
22134              },
22135              menuItems: function () {
22136                return editor.ui.registry.getAll().menuItems;
22137              },
22138              translate: global$e.translate,
22139              isDisabled: function () {
22140                return editor.mode.isReadOnly() || editor.ui.isDisabled();
22141              },
22142              getSetting: editor.getParam.bind(editor)
22143            },
22144            interpreter: function (s) {
22145              return interpretWithoutForm(s, backstage);
22146            },
22147            anchors: getAnchors(editor, lazyAnchorbar, toolbar.isPositionedAtTop),
22148            header: toolbar,
22149            getSink: function () {
22150              return Result.value(sink);
22151            }
22152          },
22153          urlinput: UrlInputBackstage(editor),
22154          styleselect: init$8(editor),
22155          colorinput: ColorInputBackstage(editor),
22156          dialog: DialogBackstage(editor),
22157          isContextMenuOpen: function () {
22158            return contextMenuState.get();
22159          },
22160          setContextMenuState: function (state) {
22161            return contextMenuState.set(state);
22162          }
22163        };
22164        return backstage;
22165      };
22167      var setup$b = function (editor, mothership, uiMothership) {
22168        var broadcastEvent = function (name, evt) {
22169          each$1([
22170            mothership,
22171            uiMothership
22172          ], function (ship) {
22173            ship.broadcastEvent(name, evt);
22174          });
22175        };
22176        var broadcastOn = function (channel, message) {
22177          each$1([
22178            mothership,
22179            uiMothership
22180          ], function (ship) {
22181            ship.broadcastOn([channel], message);
22182          });
22183        };
22184        var fireDismissPopups = function (evt) {
22185          return broadcastOn(dismissPopups(), { target: evt.target });
22186        };
22187        var doc = getDocument();
22188        var onTouchstart = bind(doc, 'touchstart', fireDismissPopups);
22189        var onTouchmove = bind(doc, 'touchmove', function (evt) {
22190          return broadcastEvent(documentTouchmove(), evt);
22191        });
22192        var onTouchend = bind(doc, 'touchend', function (evt) {
22193          return broadcastEvent(documentTouchend(), evt);
22194        });
22195        var onMousedown = bind(doc, 'mousedown', fireDismissPopups);
22196        var onMouseup = bind(doc, 'mouseup', function (evt) {
22197          if (evt.raw.button === 0) {
22198            broadcastOn(mouseReleased(), { target: evt.target });
22199          }
22200        });
22201        var onContentClick = function (raw) {
22202          return broadcastOn(dismissPopups(), { target: SugarElement.fromDom(raw.target) });
22203        };
22204        var onContentMouseup = function (raw) {
22205          if (raw.button === 0) {
22206            broadcastOn(mouseReleased(), { target: SugarElement.fromDom(raw.target) });
22207          }
22208        };
22209        var onContentMousedown = function () {
22210          each$1(editor.editorManager.get(), function (loopEditor) {
22211            if (editor !== loopEditor) {
22212              loopEditor.fire('DismissPopups', { relatedTarget: editor });
22213            }
22214          });
22215        };
22216        var onWindowScroll = function (evt) {
22217          return broadcastEvent(windowScroll(), fromRawEvent(evt));
22218        };
22219        var onWindowResize = function (evt) {
22220          broadcastOn(repositionPopups(), {});
22221          broadcastEvent(windowResize(), fromRawEvent(evt));
22222        };
22223        var onEditorResize = function () {
22224          return broadcastOn(repositionPopups(), {});
22225        };
22226        var onEditorProgress = function (evt) {
22227          if (evt.state) {
22228            broadcastOn(dismissPopups(), { target: SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getContainer()) });
22229          }
22230        };
22231        var onDismissPopups = function (event) {
22232          broadcastOn(dismissPopups(), { target: SugarElement.fromDom(event.relatedTarget.getContainer()) });
22233        };
22234        editor.on('PostRender', function () {
22235          editor.on('click', onContentClick);
22236          editor.on('tap', onContentClick);
22237          editor.on('mouseup', onContentMouseup);
22238          editor.on('mousedown', onContentMousedown);
22239          editor.on('ScrollWindow', onWindowScroll);
22240          editor.on('ResizeWindow', onWindowResize);
22241          editor.on('ResizeEditor', onEditorResize);
22242          editor.on('AfterProgressState', onEditorProgress);
22243          editor.on('DismissPopups', onDismissPopups);
22244        });
22245        editor.on('remove', function () {
22246          editor.off('click', onContentClick);
22247          editor.off('tap', onContentClick);
22248          editor.off('mouseup', onContentMouseup);
22249          editor.off('mousedown', onContentMousedown);
22250          editor.off('ScrollWindow', onWindowScroll);
22251          editor.off('ResizeWindow', onWindowResize);
22252          editor.off('ResizeEditor', onEditorResize);
22253          editor.off('AfterProgressState', onEditorProgress);
22254          editor.off('DismissPopups', onDismissPopups);
22255          onMousedown.unbind();
22256          onTouchstart.unbind();
22257          onTouchmove.unbind();
22258          onTouchend.unbind();
22259          onMouseup.unbind();
22260        });
22261        editor.on('detach', function () {
22262          detachSystem(mothership);
22263          detachSystem(uiMothership);
22264          mothership.destroy();
22265          uiMothership.destroy();
22266        });
22267      };
22269      var parts$a = AlloyParts;
22270      var partType = PartType;
22272      var schema$f = constant$1([
22273        defaulted('shell', false),
22274        required$1('makeItem'),
22275        defaulted('setupItem', noop),
22276        SketchBehaviours.field('listBehaviours', [Replacing])
22277      ]);
22278      var customListDetail = function () {
22279        return { behaviours: derive$1([Replacing.config({})]) };
22280      };
22281      var itemsPart = optional({
22282        name: 'items',
22283        overrides: customListDetail
22284      });
22285      var parts$9 = constant$1([itemsPart]);
22286      var name = constant$1('CustomList');
22288      var factory$d = function (detail, components, _spec, _external) {
22289        var setItems = function (list, items) {
22290          getListContainer(list).fold(function () {
22291            console.error('Custom List was defined to not be a shell, but no item container was specified in components');
22292            throw new Error('Custom List was defined to not be a shell, but no item container was specified in components');
22293          }, function (container) {
22294            var itemComps = Replacing.contents(container);
22295            var numListsRequired = items.length;
22296            var numListsToAdd = numListsRequired - itemComps.length;
22297            var itemsToAdd = numListsToAdd > 0 ? range$2(numListsToAdd, function () {
22298              return detail.makeItem();
22299            }) : [];
22300            var itemsToRemove = itemComps.slice(numListsRequired);
22301            each$1(itemsToRemove, function (item) {
22302              return Replacing.remove(container, item);
22303            });
22304            each$1(itemsToAdd, function (item) {
22305              return Replacing.append(container, item);
22306            });
22307            var builtLists = Replacing.contents(container);
22308            each$1(builtLists, function (item, i) {
22309              detail.setupItem(list, item, items[i], i);
22310            });
22311          });
22312        };
22313        var extra = detail.shell ? {
22314          behaviours: [Replacing.config({})],
22315          components: []
22316        } : {
22317          behaviours: [],
22318          components: components
22319        };
22320        var getListContainer = function (component) {
22321          return detail.shell ? Optional.some(component) : getPart(component, detail, 'items');
22322        };
22323        return {
22324          uid: detail.uid,
22325          dom: detail.dom,
22326          components: extra.components,
22327          behaviours: augment(detail.listBehaviours, extra.behaviours),
22328          apis: { setItems: setItems }
22329        };
22330      };
22331      var CustomList = composite({
22332        name: name(),
22333        configFields: schema$f(),
22334        partFields: parts$9(),
22335        factory: factory$d,
22336        apis: {
22337          setItems: function (apis, list, items) {
22338            apis.setItems(list, items);
22339          }
22340        }
22341      });
22343      var schema$e = constant$1([
22344        required$1('dom'),
22345        defaulted('shell', true),
22346        field('toolbarBehaviours', [Replacing])
22347      ]);
22348      var enhanceGroups = function () {
22349        return { behaviours: derive$1([Replacing.config({})]) };
22350      };
22351      var parts$8 = constant$1([optional({
22352          name: 'groups',
22353          overrides: enhanceGroups
22354        })]);
22356      var factory$c = function (detail, components, _spec, _externals) {
22357        var setGroups = function (toolbar, groups) {
22358          getGroupContainer(toolbar).fold(function () {
22359            console.error('Toolbar was defined to not be a shell, but no groups container was specified in components');
22360            throw new Error('Toolbar was defined to not be a shell, but no groups container was specified in components');
22361          }, function (container) {
22362            Replacing.set(container, groups);
22363          });
22364        };
22365        var getGroupContainer = function (component) {
22366          return detail.shell ? Optional.some(component) : getPart(component, detail, 'groups');
22367        };
22368        var extra = detail.shell ? {
22369          behaviours: [Replacing.config({})],
22370          components: []
22371        } : {
22372          behaviours: [],
22373          components: components
22374        };
22375        return {
22376          uid: detail.uid,
22377          dom: detail.dom,
22378          components: extra.components,
22379          behaviours: augment(detail.toolbarBehaviours, extra.behaviours),
22380          apis: { setGroups: setGroups },
22381          domModification: { attributes: { role: 'group' } }
22382        };
22383      };
22384      var Toolbar = composite({
22385        name: 'Toolbar',
22386        configFields: schema$e(),
22387        partFields: parts$8(),
22388        factory: factory$c,
22389        apis: {
22390          setGroups: function (apis, toolbar, groups) {
22391            apis.setGroups(toolbar, groups);
22392          }
22393        }
22394      });
22396      var setup$a = noop;
22397      var isDocked$2 = never;
22398      var getBehaviours$1 = constant$1([]);
22400      var StaticHeader = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
22401          __proto__: null,
22402          setup: setup$a,
22403          isDocked: isDocked$2,
22404          getBehaviours: getBehaviours$1
22405      });
22407      var getOffsetParent = function (element) {
22408        var isFixed = is$1(getRaw(element, 'position'), 'fixed');
22409        var offsetParent$1 = isFixed ? Optional.none() : offsetParent(element);
22410        return offsetParent$1.orThunk(function () {
22411          var marker = SugarElement.fromTag('span');
22412          return parent(element).bind(function (parent) {
22413            append$2(parent, marker);
22414            var offsetParent$1 = offsetParent(marker);
22415            remove$5(marker);
22416            return offsetParent$1;
22417          });
22418        });
22419      };
22420      var getOrigin = function (element) {
22421        return getOffsetParent(element).map(absolute$3).getOrThunk(function () {
22422          return SugarPosition(0, 0);
22423        });
22424      };
22426      var morphAdt = Adt.generate([
22427        { static: [] },
22428        { absolute: ['positionCss'] },
22429        { fixed: ['positionCss'] }
22430      ]);
22431      var appear = function (component, contextualInfo) {
22432        var elem = component.element;
22433        add$2(elem, contextualInfo.transitionClass);
22434        remove$2(elem, contextualInfo.fadeOutClass);
22435        add$2(elem, contextualInfo.fadeInClass);
22436        contextualInfo.onShow(component);
22437      };
22438      var disappear = function (component, contextualInfo) {
22439        var elem = component.element;
22440        add$2(elem, contextualInfo.transitionClass);
22441        remove$2(elem, contextualInfo.fadeInClass);
22442        add$2(elem, contextualInfo.fadeOutClass);
22443        contextualInfo.onHide(component);
22444      };
22445      var isPartiallyVisible = function (box, viewport) {
22446        return box.y < viewport.bottom && box.bottom > viewport.y;
22447      };
22448      var isTopCompletelyVisible = function (box, viewport) {
22449        return box.y >= viewport.y;
22450      };
22451      var isBottomCompletelyVisible = function (box, viewport) {
22452        return box.bottom <= viewport.bottom;
22453      };
22454      var isVisibleForModes = function (modes, box, viewport) {
22455        return forall(modes, function (mode) {
22456          switch (mode) {
22457          case 'bottom':
22458            return isBottomCompletelyVisible(box, viewport);
22459          case 'top':
22460            return isTopCompletelyVisible(box, viewport);
22461          }
22462        });
22463      };
22464      var getPrior = function (elem, state) {
22465        return state.getInitialPos().map(function (pos) {
22466          return bounds(pos.bounds.x, pos.bounds.y, get$a(elem), get$b(elem));
22467        });
22468      };
22469      var storePrior = function (elem, box, state) {
22470        state.setInitialPos({
22471          style: getAllRaw(elem),
22472          position: get$c(elem, 'position') || 'static',
22473          bounds: box
22474        });
22475      };
22476      var revertToOriginal = function (elem, box, state) {
22477        return state.getInitialPos().bind(function (position) {
22478          state.clearInitialPos();
22479          switch (position.position) {
22480          case 'static':
22481            return Optional.some(morphAdt.static());
22482          case 'absolute':
22483            var offsetBox_1 = getOffsetParent(elem).map(box$1).getOrThunk(function () {
22484              return box$1(body());
22485            });
22486            return Optional.some(morphAdt.absolute(NuPositionCss('absolute', get$e(position.style, 'left').map(function (_left) {
22487              return box.x - offsetBox_1.x;
22488            }), get$e(position.style, 'top').map(function (_top) {
22489              return box.y - offsetBox_1.y;
22490            }), get$e(position.style, 'right').map(function (_right) {
22491              return offsetBox_1.right - box.right;
22492            }), get$e(position.style, 'bottom').map(function (_bottom) {
22493              return offsetBox_1.bottom - box.bottom;
22494            }))));
22495          default:
22496            return Optional.none();
22497          }
22498        });
22499      };
22500      var morphToOriginal = function (elem, viewport, state) {
22501        return getPrior(elem, state).filter(function (box) {
22502          return isVisibleForModes(state.getModes(), box, viewport);
22503        }).bind(function (box) {
22504          return revertToOriginal(elem, box, state);
22505        });
22506      };
22507      var morphToFixed = function (elem, viewport, state) {
22508        var box = box$1(elem);
22509        if (!isVisibleForModes(state.getModes(), box, viewport)) {
22510          storePrior(elem, box, state);
22511          var winBox = win();
22512          var left = box.x - winBox.x;
22513          var top_1 = viewport.y - winBox.y;
22514          var bottom = winBox.bottom - viewport.bottom;
22515          var isTop = box.y <= viewport.y;
22516          return Optional.some(morphAdt.fixed(NuPositionCss('fixed', Optional.some(left), isTop ? Optional.some(top_1) : Optional.none(), Optional.none(), !isTop ? Optional.some(bottom) : Optional.none())));
22517        } else {
22518          return Optional.none();
22519        }
22520      };
22521      var getMorph = function (component, viewport, state) {
22522        var elem = component.element;
22523        var isDocked = is$1(getRaw(elem, 'position'), 'fixed');
22524        return isDocked ? morphToOriginal(elem, viewport, state) : morphToFixed(elem, viewport, state);
22525      };
22526      var getMorphToOriginal = function (component, state) {
22527        var elem = component.element;
22528        return getPrior(elem, state).bind(function (box) {
22529          return revertToOriginal(elem, box, state);
22530        });
22531      };
22533      var morphToStatic = function (component, config, state) {
22534        state.setDocked(false);
22535        each$1([
22536          'left',
22537          'right',
22538          'top',
22539          'bottom',
22540          'position'
22541        ], function (prop) {
22542          return remove$6(component.element, prop);
22543        });
22544        config.onUndocked(component);
22545      };
22546      var morphToCoord = function (component, config, state, position) {
22547        var isDocked = position.position === 'fixed';
22548        state.setDocked(isDocked);
22549        applyPositionCss(component.element, position);
22550        var method = isDocked ? config.onDocked : config.onUndocked;
22551        method(component);
22552      };
22553      var updateVisibility = function (component, config, state, viewport, morphToDocked) {
22554        if (morphToDocked === void 0) {
22555          morphToDocked = false;
22556        }
22557        config.contextual.each(function (contextInfo) {
22558          contextInfo.lazyContext(component).each(function (box) {
22559            var isVisible = isPartiallyVisible(box, viewport);
22560            if (isVisible !== state.isVisible()) {
22561              state.setVisible(isVisible);
22562              if (morphToDocked && !isVisible) {
22563                add$1(component.element, [contextInfo.fadeOutClass]);
22564                contextInfo.onHide(component);
22565              } else {
22566                var method = isVisible ? appear : disappear;
22567                method(component, contextInfo);
22568              }
22569            }
22570          });
22571        });
22572      };
22573      var refreshInternal = function (component, config, state) {
22574        var viewport = config.lazyViewport(component);
22575        var isDocked = state.isDocked();
22576        if (isDocked) {
22577          updateVisibility(component, config, state, viewport);
22578        }
22579        getMorph(component, viewport, state).each(function (morph) {
22580          morph.fold(function () {
22581            return morphToStatic(component, config, state);
22582          }, function (position) {
22583            return morphToCoord(component, config, state, position);
22584          }, function (position) {
22585            updateVisibility(component, config, state, viewport, true);
22586            morphToCoord(component, config, state, position);
22587          });
22588        });
22589      };
22590      var resetInternal = function (component, config, state) {
22591        var elem = component.element;
22592        state.setDocked(false);
22593        getMorphToOriginal(component, state).each(function (morph) {
22594          morph.fold(function () {
22595            return morphToStatic(component, config, state);
22596          }, function (position) {
22597            return morphToCoord(component, config, state, position);
22598          }, noop);
22599        });
22600        state.setVisible(true);
22601        config.contextual.each(function (contextInfo) {
22602          remove$1(elem, [
22603            contextInfo.fadeInClass,
22604            contextInfo.fadeOutClass,
22605            contextInfo.transitionClass
22606          ]);
22607          contextInfo.onShow(component);
22608        });
22609        refresh$4(component, config, state);
22610      };
22611      var refresh$4 = function (component, config, state) {
22612        if (component.getSystem().isConnected()) {
22613          refreshInternal(component, config, state);
22614        }
22615      };
22616      var reset = function (component, config, state) {
22617        if (state.isDocked()) {
22618          resetInternal(component, config, state);
22619        }
22620      };
22621      var isDocked$1 = function (component, config, state) {
22622        return state.isDocked();
22623      };
22624      var setModes = function (component, config, state, modes) {
22625        return state.setModes(modes);
22626      };
22627      var getModes = function (component, config, state) {
22628        return state.getModes();
22629      };
22631      var DockingApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
22632          __proto__: null,
22633          refresh: refresh$4,
22634          reset: reset,
22635          isDocked: isDocked$1,
22636          getModes: getModes,
22637          setModes: setModes
22638      });
22640      var events$5 = function (dockInfo, dockState) {
22641        return derive$2([
22642          runOnSource(transitionend(), function (component, simulatedEvent) {
22643            dockInfo.contextual.each(function (contextInfo) {
22644              if (has(component.element, contextInfo.transitionClass)) {
22645                remove$1(component.element, [
22646                  contextInfo.transitionClass,
22647                  contextInfo.fadeInClass
22648                ]);
22649                var notify = dockState.isVisible() ? contextInfo.onShown : contextInfo.onHidden;
22650                notify(component);
22651              }
22652              simulatedEvent.stop();
22653            });
22654          }),
22655          run$1(windowScroll(), function (component, _) {
22656            refresh$4(component, dockInfo, dockState);
22657          }),
22658          run$1(windowResize(), function (component, _) {
22659            reset(component, dockInfo, dockState);
22660          })
22661        ]);
22662      };
22664      var ActiveDocking = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
22665          __proto__: null,
22666          events: events$5
22667      });
22669      var DockingSchema = [
22670        optionObjOf('contextual', [
22671          requiredString('fadeInClass'),
22672          requiredString('fadeOutClass'),
22673          requiredString('transitionClass'),
22674          requiredFunction('lazyContext'),
22675          onHandler('onShow'),
22676          onHandler('onShown'),
22677          onHandler('onHide'),
22678          onHandler('onHidden')
22679        ]),
22680        defaultedFunction('lazyViewport', win),
22681        defaultedArrayOf('modes', [
22682          'top',
22683          'bottom'
22684        ], string),
22685        onHandler('onDocked'),
22686        onHandler('onUndocked')
22687      ];
22689      var init$6 = function (spec) {
22690        var docked = Cell(false);
22691        var visible = Cell(true);
22692        var initialBounds = value$1();
22693        var modes = Cell(spec.modes);
22694        var readState = function () {
22695          return 'docked:  ' + docked.get() + ', visible: ' + visible.get() + ', modes: ' + modes.get().join(',');
22696        };
22697        return nu$8({
22698          isDocked: docked.get,
22699          setDocked: docked.set,
22700          getInitialPos: initialBounds.get,
22701          setInitialPos: initialBounds.set,
22702          clearInitialPos: initialBounds.clear,
22703          isVisible: visible.get,
22704          setVisible: visible.set,
22705          getModes: modes.get,
22706          setModes: modes.set,
22707          readState: readState
22708        });
22709      };
22711      var DockingState = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
22712          __proto__: null,
22713          init: init$6
22714      });
22716      var Docking = create$7({
22717        fields: DockingSchema,
22718        name: 'docking',
22719        active: ActiveDocking,
22720        apis: DockingApis,
22721        state: DockingState
22722      });
22724      var toolbarHeightChange = constant$1(generate$6('toolbar-height-change'));
22726      var visibility = {
22727        fadeInClass: 'tox-editor-dock-fadein',
22728        fadeOutClass: 'tox-editor-dock-fadeout',
22729        transitionClass: 'tox-editor-dock-transition'
22730      };
22731      var editorStickyOnClass = 'tox-tinymce--toolbar-sticky-on';
22732      var editorStickyOffClass = 'tox-tinymce--toolbar-sticky-off';
22733      var scrollFromBehindHeader = function (e, containerHeader) {
22734        var doc = owner$4(containerHeader);
22735        var viewHeight = doc.dom.defaultView.innerHeight;
22736        var scrollPos = get$9(doc);
22737        var markerElement = SugarElement.fromDom(e.elm);
22738        var markerPos = absolute$2(markerElement);
22739        var markerHeight = get$b(markerElement);
22740        var markerTop = markerPos.y;
22741        var markerBottom = markerTop + markerHeight;
22742        var editorHeaderPos = absolute$3(containerHeader);
22743        var editorHeaderHeight = get$b(containerHeader);
22744        var editorHeaderTop = editorHeaderPos.top;
22745        var editorHeaderBottom = editorHeaderTop + editorHeaderHeight;
22746        var editorHeaderDockedAtTop = Math.abs(editorHeaderTop - scrollPos.top) < 2;
22747        var editorHeaderDockedAtBottom = Math.abs(editorHeaderBottom - (scrollPos.top + viewHeight)) < 2;
22748        if (editorHeaderDockedAtTop && markerTop < editorHeaderBottom) {
22749          to(scrollPos.left, markerTop - editorHeaderHeight, doc);
22750        } else if (editorHeaderDockedAtBottom && markerBottom > editorHeaderTop) {
22751          var y = markerTop - viewHeight + markerHeight + editorHeaderHeight;
22752          to(scrollPos.left, y, doc);
22753        }
22754      };
22755      var isDockedMode = function (header, mode) {
22756        return contains$2(Docking.getModes(header), mode);
22757      };
22758      var updateIframeContentFlow = function (header) {
22759        var getOccupiedHeight = function (elm) {
22760          return getOuter$2(elm) + (parseInt(get$c(elm, 'margin-top'), 10) || 0) + (parseInt(get$c(elm, 'margin-bottom'), 10) || 0);
22761        };
22762        var elm = header.element;
22763        parent(elm).each(function (parentElem) {
22764          var padding = 'padding-' + Docking.getModes(header)[0];
22765          if (Docking.isDocked(header)) {
22766            var parentWidth = get$a(parentElem);
22767            set$7(elm, 'width', parentWidth + 'px');
22768            set$7(parentElem, padding, getOccupiedHeight(elm) + 'px');
22769          } else {
22770            remove$6(elm, 'width');
22771            remove$6(parentElem, padding);
22772          }
22773        });
22774      };
22775      var updateSinkVisibility = function (sinkElem, visible) {
22776        if (visible) {
22777          remove$2(sinkElem, visibility.fadeOutClass);
22778          add$1(sinkElem, [
22779            visibility.transitionClass,
22780            visibility.fadeInClass
22781          ]);
22782        } else {
22783          remove$2(sinkElem, visibility.fadeInClass);
22784          add$1(sinkElem, [
22785            visibility.fadeOutClass,
22786            visibility.transitionClass
22787          ]);
22788        }
22789      };
22790      var updateEditorClasses = function (editor, docked) {
22791        var editorContainer = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getContainer());
22792        if (docked) {
22793          add$2(editorContainer, editorStickyOnClass);
22794          remove$2(editorContainer, editorStickyOffClass);
22795        } else {
22796          add$2(editorContainer, editorStickyOffClass);
22797          remove$2(editorContainer, editorStickyOnClass);
22798        }
22799      };
22800      var restoreFocus = function (headerElem, focusedElem) {
22801        var ownerDoc = owner$4(focusedElem);
22802        active(ownerDoc).filter(function (activeElm) {
22803          return !eq(focusedElem, activeElm);
22804        }).filter(function (activeElm) {
22805          return eq(activeElm, SugarElement.fromDom(ownerDoc.dom.body)) || contains(headerElem, activeElm);
22806        }).each(function () {
22807          return focus$3(focusedElem);
22808        });
22809      };
22810      var findFocusedElem = function (rootElm, lazySink) {
22811        return search(rootElm).orThunk(function () {
22812          return lazySink().toOptional().bind(function (sink) {
22813            return search(sink.element);
22814          });
22815        });
22816      };
22817      var setup$9 = function (editor, sharedBackstage, lazyHeader) {
22818        if (!editor.inline) {
22819          if (!sharedBackstage.header.isPositionedAtTop()) {
22820            editor.on('ResizeEditor', function () {
22821              lazyHeader().each(Docking.reset);
22822            });
22823          }
22824          editor.on('ResizeWindow ResizeEditor', function () {
22825            lazyHeader().each(updateIframeContentFlow);
22826          });
22827          editor.on('SkinLoaded', function () {
22828            lazyHeader().each(function (comp) {
22829              Docking.isDocked(comp) ? Docking.reset(comp) : Docking.refresh(comp);
22830            });
22831          });
22832          editor.on('FullscreenStateChanged', function () {
22833            lazyHeader().each(Docking.reset);
22834          });
22835        }
22836        editor.on('AfterScrollIntoView', function (e) {
22837          lazyHeader().each(function (header) {
22838            Docking.refresh(header);
22839            var headerElem = header.element;
22840            if (isVisible(headerElem)) {
22841              scrollFromBehindHeader(e, headerElem);
22842            }
22843          });
22844        });
22845        editor.on('PostRender', function () {
22846          updateEditorClasses(editor, false);
22847        });
22848      };
22849      var isDocked = function (lazyHeader) {
22850        return lazyHeader().map(Docking.isDocked).getOr(false);
22851      };
22852      var getIframeBehaviours = function () {
22853        var _a;
22854        return [Receiving.config({ channels: (_a = {}, _a[toolbarHeightChange()] = { onReceive: updateIframeContentFlow }, _a) })];
22855      };
22856      var getBehaviours = function (editor, sharedBackstage) {
22857        var focusedElm = value$1();
22858        var lazySink = sharedBackstage.getSink;
22859        var runOnSinkElement = function (f) {
22860          lazySink().each(function (sink) {
22861            return f(sink.element);
22862          });
22863        };
22864        var onDockingSwitch = function (comp) {
22865          if (!editor.inline) {
22866            updateIframeContentFlow(comp);
22867          }
22868          updateEditorClasses(editor, Docking.isDocked(comp));
22869          comp.getSystem().broadcastOn([repositionPopups()], {});
22870          lazySink().each(function (sink) {
22871            return sink.getSystem().broadcastOn([repositionPopups()], {});
22872          });
22873        };
22874        var additionalBehaviours = editor.inline ? [] : getIframeBehaviours();
22875        return __spreadArray([
22876          Focusing.config({}),
22877          Docking.config({
22878            contextual: __assign({
22879              lazyContext: function (comp) {
22880                var headerHeight = getOuter$2(comp.element);
22881                var container = editor.inline ? editor.getContentAreaContainer() : editor.getContainer();
22882                var box = box$1(SugarElement.fromDom(container));
22883                var boxHeight = box.height - headerHeight;
22884                var topBound = box.y + (isDockedMode(comp, 'top') ? 0 : headerHeight);
22885                return Optional.some(bounds(box.x, topBound, box.width, boxHeight));
22886              },
22887              onShow: function () {
22888                runOnSinkElement(function (elem) {
22889                  return updateSinkVisibility(elem, true);
22890                });
22891              },
22892              onShown: function (comp) {
22893                runOnSinkElement(function (elem) {
22894                  return remove$1(elem, [
22895                    visibility.transitionClass,
22896                    visibility.fadeInClass
22897                  ]);
22898                });
22899                focusedElm.get().each(function (elem) {
22900                  restoreFocus(comp.element, elem);
22901                  focusedElm.clear();
22902                });
22903              },
22904              onHide: function (comp) {
22905                findFocusedElem(comp.element, lazySink).fold(focusedElm.clear, focusedElm.set);
22906                runOnSinkElement(function (elem) {
22907                  return updateSinkVisibility(elem, false);
22908                });
22909              },
22910              onHidden: function () {
22911                runOnSinkElement(function (elem) {
22912                  return remove$1(elem, [visibility.transitionClass]);
22913                });
22914              }
22915            }, visibility),
22916            lazyViewport: function (comp) {
22917              var win$1 = win();
22918              var offset = getStickyToolbarOffset(editor);
22919              var top = win$1.y + (isDockedMode(comp, 'top') ? offset : 0);
22920              var height = win$1.height - (isDockedMode(comp, 'bottom') ? offset : 0);
22921              return bounds(win$1.x, top, win$1.width, height);
22922            },
22923            modes: [sharedBackstage.header.getDockingMode()],
22924            onDocked: onDockingSwitch,
22925            onUndocked: onDockingSwitch
22926          })
22927        ], additionalBehaviours, true);
22928      };
22930      var StickyHeader = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
22931          __proto__: null,
22932          setup: setup$9,
22933          isDocked: isDocked,
22934          getBehaviours: getBehaviours
22935      });
22937      var renderHeader = function (spec) {
22938        var editor = spec.editor;
22939        var getBehaviours$2 = spec.sticky ? getBehaviours : getBehaviours$1;
22940        return {
22941          uid: spec.uid,
22942          dom: spec.dom,
22943          components: spec.components,
22944          behaviours: derive$1(getBehaviours$2(editor, spec.sharedBackstage))
22945        };
22946      };
22948      var groupToolbarButtonSchema = objOf([
22949        requiredString('type'),
22950        requiredOf('items', oneOf([
22951          arrOfObj([
22952            requiredString('name'),
22953            requiredArrayOf('items', string)
22954          ]),
22955          string
22956        ]))
22957      ].concat(baseToolbarButtonFields));
22958      var createGroupToolbarButton = function (spec) {
22959        return asRaw('GroupToolbarButton', groupToolbarButtonSchema, spec);
22960      };
22962      var baseMenuButtonFields = [
22963        optionString('text'),
22964        optionString('tooltip'),
22965        optionString('icon'),
22966        requiredFunction('fetch'),
22967        defaultedFunction('onSetup', function () {
22968          return noop;
22969        })
22970      ];
22972      var MenuButtonSchema = objOf(__spreadArray([requiredString('type')], baseMenuButtonFields, true));
22973      var createMenuButton = function (spec) {
22974        return asRaw('menubutton', MenuButtonSchema, spec);
22975      };
22977      var splitButtonSchema = objOf([
22978        requiredString('type'),
22979        optionString('tooltip'),
22980        optionString('icon'),
22981        optionString('text'),
22982        optionFunction('select'),
22983        requiredFunction('fetch'),
22984        defaultedFunction('onSetup', function () {
22985          return noop;
22986        }),
22987        defaultedStringEnum('presets', 'normal', [
22988          'normal',
22989          'color',
22990          'listpreview'
22991        ]),
22992        defaulted('columns', 1),
22993        requiredFunction('onAction'),
22994        requiredFunction('onItemAction')
22995      ]);
22996      var createSplitButton = function (spec) {
22997        return asRaw('SplitButton', splitButtonSchema, spec);
22998      };
23000      var factory$b = function (detail, spec) {
23001        var setMenus = function (comp, menus) {
23002          var newMenus = map$2(menus, function (m) {
23003            var buttonSpec = {
23004              type: 'menubutton',
23005              text: m.text,
23006              fetch: function (callback) {
23007                callback(m.getItems());
23008              }
23009            };
23010            var internal = createMenuButton(buttonSpec).mapError(function (errInfo) {
23011              return formatError(errInfo);
23012            }).getOrDie();
23013            return renderMenuButton(internal, 'tox-mbtn', spec.backstage, Optional.some('menuitem'));
23014          });
23015          Replacing.set(comp, newMenus);
23016        };
23017        var apis = {
23018          focus: Keying.focusIn,
23019          setMenus: setMenus
23020        };
23021        return {
23022          uid: detail.uid,
23023          dom: detail.dom,
23024          components: [],
23025          behaviours: derive$1([
23026            Replacing.config({}),
23027            config('menubar-events', [
23028              runOnAttached(function (component) {
23029                detail.onSetup(component);
23030              }),
23031              run$1(mouseover(), function (comp, se) {
23032                descendant(comp.element, '.' + 'tox-mbtn--active').each(function (activeButton) {
23033                  closest$1(se.event.target, '.' + 'tox-mbtn').each(function (hoveredButton) {
23034                    if (!eq(activeButton, hoveredButton)) {
23035                      comp.getSystem().getByDom(activeButton).each(function (activeComp) {
23036                        comp.getSystem().getByDom(hoveredButton).each(function (hoveredComp) {
23037                          Dropdown.expand(hoveredComp);
23038                          Dropdown.close(activeComp);
23039                          Focusing.focus(hoveredComp);
23040                        });
23041                      });
23042                    }
23043                  });
23044                });
23045              }),
23046              run$1(focusShifted(), function (comp, se) {
23047                se.event.prevFocus.bind(function (prev) {
23048                  return comp.getSystem().getByDom(prev).toOptional();
23049                }).each(function (prev) {
23050                  se.event.newFocus.bind(function (nu) {
23051                    return comp.getSystem().getByDom(nu).toOptional();
23052                  }).each(function (nu) {
23053                    if (Dropdown.isOpen(prev)) {
23054                      Dropdown.expand(nu);
23055                      Dropdown.close(prev);
23056                    }
23057                  });
23058                });
23059              })
23060            ]),
23061            Keying.config({
23062              mode: 'flow',
23063              selector: '.' + 'tox-mbtn',
23064              onEscape: function (comp) {
23065                detail.onEscape(comp);
23066                return Optional.some(true);
23067              }
23068            }),
23069            Tabstopping.config({})
23070          ]),
23071          apis: apis,
23072          domModification: { attributes: { role: 'menubar' } }
23073        };
23074      };
23075      var SilverMenubar = single({
23076        factory: factory$b,
23077        name: 'silver.Menubar',
23078        configFields: [
23079          required$1('dom'),
23080          required$1('uid'),
23081          required$1('onEscape'),
23082          required$1('backstage'),
23083          defaulted('onSetup', noop)
23084        ],
23085        apis: {
23086          focus: function (apis, comp) {
23087            apis.focus(comp);
23088          },
23089          setMenus: function (apis, comp, menus) {
23090            apis.setMenus(comp, menus);
23091          }
23092        }
23093      });
23095      var getAnimationRoot = function (component, slideConfig) {
23096        return slideConfig.getAnimationRoot.fold(function () {
23097          return component.element;
23098        }, function (get) {
23099          return get(component);
23100        });
23101      };
23103      var getDimensionProperty = function (slideConfig) {
23104        return slideConfig.dimension.property;
23105      };
23106      var getDimension = function (slideConfig, elem) {
23107        return slideConfig.dimension.getDimension(elem);
23108      };
23109      var disableTransitions = function (component, slideConfig) {
23110        var root = getAnimationRoot(component, slideConfig);
23111        remove$1(root, [
23112          slideConfig.shrinkingClass,
23113          slideConfig.growingClass
23114        ]);
23115      };
23116      var setShrunk = function (component, slideConfig) {
23117        remove$2(component.element, slideConfig.openClass);
23118        add$2(component.element, slideConfig.closedClass);
23119        set$7(component.element, getDimensionProperty(slideConfig), '0px');
23120        reflow(component.element);
23121      };
23122      var setGrown = function (component, slideConfig) {
23123        remove$2(component.element, slideConfig.closedClass);
23124        add$2(component.element, slideConfig.openClass);
23125        remove$6(component.element, getDimensionProperty(slideConfig));
23126      };
23127      var doImmediateShrink = function (component, slideConfig, slideState, _calculatedSize) {
23128        slideState.setCollapsed();
23129        set$7(component.element, getDimensionProperty(slideConfig), getDimension(slideConfig, component.element));
23130        reflow(component.element);
23131        disableTransitions(component, slideConfig);
23132        setShrunk(component, slideConfig);
23133        slideConfig.onStartShrink(component);
23134        slideConfig.onShrunk(component);
23135      };
23136      var doStartShrink = function (component, slideConfig, slideState, calculatedSize) {
23137        var size = calculatedSize.getOrThunk(function () {
23138          return getDimension(slideConfig, component.element);
23139        });
23140        slideState.setCollapsed();
23141        set$7(component.element, getDimensionProperty(slideConfig), size);
23142        reflow(component.element);
23143        var root = getAnimationRoot(component, slideConfig);
23144        remove$2(root, slideConfig.growingClass);
23145        add$2(root, slideConfig.shrinkingClass);
23146        setShrunk(component, slideConfig);
23147        slideConfig.onStartShrink(component);
23148      };
23149      var doStartSmartShrink = function (component, slideConfig, slideState) {
23150        var size = getDimension(slideConfig, component.element);
23151        var shrinker = size === '0px' ? doImmediateShrink : doStartShrink;
23152        shrinker(component, slideConfig, slideState, Optional.some(size));
23153      };
23154      var doStartGrow = function (component, slideConfig, slideState) {
23155        var root = getAnimationRoot(component, slideConfig);
23156        var wasShrinking = has(root, slideConfig.shrinkingClass);
23157        var beforeSize = getDimension(slideConfig, component.element);
23158        setGrown(component, slideConfig);
23159        var fullSize = getDimension(slideConfig, component.element);
23160        var startPartialGrow = function () {
23161          set$7(component.element, getDimensionProperty(slideConfig), beforeSize);
23162          reflow(component.element);
23163        };
23164        var startCompleteGrow = function () {
23165          setShrunk(component, slideConfig);
23166        };
23167        var setStartSize = wasShrinking ? startPartialGrow : startCompleteGrow;
23168        setStartSize();
23169        remove$2(root, slideConfig.shrinkingClass);
23170        add$2(root, slideConfig.growingClass);
23171        setGrown(component, slideConfig);
23172        set$7(component.element, getDimensionProperty(slideConfig), fullSize);
23173        slideState.setExpanded();
23174        slideConfig.onStartGrow(component);
23175      };
23176      var refresh$3 = function (component, slideConfig, slideState) {
23177        if (slideState.isExpanded()) {
23178          remove$6(component.element, getDimensionProperty(slideConfig));
23179          var fullSize = getDimension(slideConfig, component.element);
23180          set$7(component.element, getDimensionProperty(slideConfig), fullSize);
23181        }
23182      };
23183      var grow = function (component, slideConfig, slideState) {
23184        if (!slideState.isExpanded()) {
23185          doStartGrow(component, slideConfig, slideState);
23186        }
23187      };
23188      var shrink = function (component, slideConfig, slideState) {
23189        if (slideState.isExpanded()) {
23190          doStartSmartShrink(component, slideConfig, slideState);
23191        }
23192      };
23193      var immediateShrink = function (component, slideConfig, slideState) {
23194        if (slideState.isExpanded()) {
23195          doImmediateShrink(component, slideConfig, slideState);
23196        }
23197      };
23198      var hasGrown = function (component, slideConfig, slideState) {
23199        return slideState.isExpanded();
23200      };
23201      var hasShrunk = function (component, slideConfig, slideState) {
23202        return slideState.isCollapsed();
23203      };
23204      var isGrowing = function (component, slideConfig, _slideState) {
23205        var root = getAnimationRoot(component, slideConfig);
23206        return has(root, slideConfig.growingClass) === true;
23207      };
23208      var isShrinking = function (component, slideConfig, _slideState) {
23209        var root = getAnimationRoot(component, slideConfig);
23210        return has(root, slideConfig.shrinkingClass) === true;
23211      };
23212      var isTransitioning = function (component, slideConfig, slideState) {
23213        return isGrowing(component, slideConfig) || isShrinking(component, slideConfig);
23214      };
23215      var toggleGrow = function (component, slideConfig, slideState) {
23216        var f = slideState.isExpanded() ? doStartSmartShrink : doStartGrow;
23217        f(component, slideConfig, slideState);
23218      };
23220      var SlidingApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
23221          __proto__: null,
23222          refresh: refresh$3,
23223          grow: grow,
23224          shrink: shrink,
23225          immediateShrink: immediateShrink,
23226          hasGrown: hasGrown,
23227          hasShrunk: hasShrunk,
23228          isGrowing: isGrowing,
23229          isShrinking: isShrinking,
23230          isTransitioning: isTransitioning,
23231          toggleGrow: toggleGrow,
23232          disableTransitions: disableTransitions
23233      });
23235      var exhibit = function (base, slideConfig, _slideState) {
23236        var expanded = slideConfig.expanded;
23237        return expanded ? nu$7({
23238          classes: [slideConfig.openClass],
23239          styles: {}
23240        }) : nu$7({
23241          classes: [slideConfig.closedClass],
23242          styles: wrap$1(slideConfig.dimension.property, '0px')
23243        });
23244      };
23245      var events$4 = function (slideConfig, slideState) {
23246        return derive$2([runOnSource(transitionend(), function (component, simulatedEvent) {
23247            var raw = simulatedEvent.event.raw;
23248            if (raw.propertyName === slideConfig.dimension.property) {
23249              disableTransitions(component, slideConfig);
23250              if (slideState.isExpanded()) {
23251                remove$6(component.element, slideConfig.dimension.property);
23252              }
23253              var notify = slideState.isExpanded() ? slideConfig.onGrown : slideConfig.onShrunk;
23254              notify(component);
23255            }
23256          })]);
23257      };
23259      var ActiveSliding = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
23260          __proto__: null,
23261          exhibit: exhibit,
23262          events: events$4
23263      });
23265      var SlidingSchema = [
23266        required$1('closedClass'),
23267        required$1('openClass'),
23268        required$1('shrinkingClass'),
23269        required$1('growingClass'),
23270        option('getAnimationRoot'),
23271        onHandler('onShrunk'),
23272        onHandler('onStartShrink'),
23273        onHandler('onGrown'),
23274        onHandler('onStartGrow'),
23275        defaulted('expanded', false),
23276        requiredOf('dimension', choose$1('property', {
23277          width: [
23278            output$1('property', 'width'),
23279            output$1('getDimension', function (elem) {
23280              return get$a(elem) + 'px';
23281            })
23282          ],
23283          height: [
23284            output$1('property', 'height'),
23285            output$1('getDimension', function (elem) {
23286              return get$b(elem) + 'px';
23287            })
23288          ]
23289        }))
23290      ];
23292      var init$5 = function (spec) {
23293        var state = Cell(spec.expanded);
23294        var readState = function () {
23295          return 'expanded: ' + state.get();
23296        };
23297        return nu$8({
23298          isExpanded: function () {
23299            return state.get() === true;
23300          },
23301          isCollapsed: function () {
23302            return state.get() === false;
23303          },
23304          setCollapsed: curry(state.set, false),
23305          setExpanded: curry(state.set, true),
23306          readState: readState
23307        });
23308      };
23310      var SlidingState = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
23311          __proto__: null,
23312          init: init$5
23313      });
23315      var Sliding = create$7({
23316        fields: SlidingSchema,
23317        name: 'sliding',
23318        active: ActiveSliding,
23319        apis: SlidingApis,
23320        state: SlidingState
23321      });
23323      var owner = 'container';
23324      var schema$d = [field('slotBehaviours', [])];
23325      var getPartName = function (name) {
23326        return '<alloy.field.' + name + '>';
23327      };
23328      var sketch = function (sSpec) {
23329        var parts = function () {
23330          var record = [];
23331          var slot = function (name, config) {
23332            record.push(name);
23333            return generateOne$1(owner, getPartName(name), config);
23334          };
23335          return {
23336            slot: slot,
23337            record: constant$1(record)
23338          };
23339        }();
23340        var spec = sSpec(parts);
23341        var partNames = parts.record();
23342        var fieldParts = map$2(partNames, function (n) {
23343          return required({
23344            name: n,
23345            pname: getPartName(n)
23346          });
23347        });
23348        return composite$1(owner, schema$d, fieldParts, make$1, spec);
23349      };
23350      var make$1 = function (detail, components) {
23351        var getSlotNames = function (_) {
23352          return getAllPartNames(detail);
23353        };
23354        var getSlot = function (container, key) {
23355          return getPart(container, detail, key);
23356        };
23357        var onSlot = function (f, def) {
23358          return function (container, key) {
23359            return getPart(container, detail, key).map(function (slot) {
23360              return f(slot, key);
23361            }).getOr(def);
23362          };
23363        };
23364        var onSlots = function (f) {
23365          return function (container, keys) {
23366            each$1(keys, function (key) {
23367              return f(container, key);
23368            });
23369          };
23370        };
23371        var doShowing = function (comp, _key) {
23372          return get$d(comp.element, 'aria-hidden') !== 'true';
23373        };
23374        var doShow = function (comp, key) {
23375          if (!doShowing(comp)) {
23376            var element = comp.element;
23377            remove$6(element, 'display');
23378            remove$7(element, 'aria-hidden');
23379            emitWith(comp, slotVisibility(), {
23380              name: key,
23381              visible: true
23382            });
23383          }
23384        };
23385        var doHide = function (comp, key) {
23386          if (doShowing(comp)) {
23387            var element = comp.element;
23388            set$7(element, 'display', 'none');
23389            set$8(element, 'aria-hidden', 'true');
23390            emitWith(comp, slotVisibility(), {
23391              name: key,
23392              visible: false
23393            });
23394          }
23395        };
23396        var isShowing = onSlot(doShowing, false);
23397        var hideSlot = onSlot(doHide);
23398        var hideSlots = onSlots(hideSlot);
23399        var hideAllSlots = function (container) {
23400          return hideSlots(container, getSlotNames());
23401        };
23402        var showSlot = onSlot(doShow);
23403        var apis = {
23404          getSlotNames: getSlotNames,
23405          getSlot: getSlot,
23406          isShowing: isShowing,
23407          hideSlot: hideSlot,
23408          hideAllSlots: hideAllSlots,
23409          showSlot: showSlot
23410        };
23411        return {
23412          uid: detail.uid,
23413          dom: detail.dom,
23414          components: components,
23415          behaviours: get$2(detail.slotBehaviours),
23416          apis: apis
23417        };
23418      };
23419      var slotApis = map$1({
23420        getSlotNames: function (apis, c) {
23421          return apis.getSlotNames(c);
23422        },
23423        getSlot: function (apis, c, key) {
23424          return apis.getSlot(c, key);
23425        },
23426        isShowing: function (apis, c, key) {
23427          return apis.isShowing(c, key);
23428        },
23429        hideSlot: function (apis, c, key) {
23430          return apis.hideSlot(c, key);
23431        },
23432        hideAllSlots: function (apis, c) {
23433          return apis.hideAllSlots(c);
23434        },
23435        showSlot: function (apis, c, key) {
23436          return apis.showSlot(c, key);
23437        }
23438      }, function (value) {
23439        return makeApi(value);
23440      });
23441      var SlotContainer = __assign(__assign({}, slotApis), { sketch: sketch });
23443      var sidebarSchema = objOf([
23444        optionString('icon'),
23445        optionString('tooltip'),
23446        defaultedFunction('onShow', noop),
23447        defaultedFunction('onHide', noop),
23448        defaultedFunction('onSetup', function () {
23449          return noop;
23450        })
23451      ]);
23452      var createSidebar = function (spec) {
23453        return asRaw('sidebar', sidebarSchema, spec);
23454      };
23456      var setup$8 = function (editor) {
23457        var sidebars = editor.ui.registry.getAll().sidebars;
23458        each$1(keys(sidebars), function (name) {
23459          var spec = sidebars[name];
23460          var isActive = function () {
23461            return is$1(Optional.from(editor.queryCommandValue('ToggleSidebar')), name);
23462          };
23463          editor.ui.registry.addToggleButton(name, {
23464            icon: spec.icon,
23465            tooltip: spec.tooltip,
23466            onAction: function (buttonApi) {
23467              editor.execCommand('ToggleSidebar', false, name);
23468              buttonApi.setActive(isActive());
23469            },
23470            onSetup: function (buttonApi) {
23471              var handleToggle = function () {
23472                return buttonApi.setActive(isActive());
23473              };
23474              editor.on('ToggleSidebar', handleToggle);
23475              return function () {
23476                editor.off('ToggleSidebar', handleToggle);
23477              };
23478            }
23479          });
23480        });
23481      };
23482      var getApi = function (comp) {
23483        return {
23484          element: function () {
23485            return comp.element.dom;
23486          }
23487        };
23488      };
23489      var makePanels = function (parts, panelConfigs) {
23490        var specs = map$2(keys(panelConfigs), function (name) {
23491          var spec = panelConfigs[name];
23492          var bridged = getOrDie(createSidebar(spec));
23493          return {
23494            name: name,
23495            getApi: getApi,
23496            onSetup: bridged.onSetup,
23497            onShow: bridged.onShow,
23498            onHide: bridged.onHide
23499          };
23500        });
23501        return map$2(specs, function (spec) {
23502          var editorOffCell = Cell(noop);
23503          return parts.slot(spec.name, {
23504            dom: {
23505              tag: 'div',
23506              classes: ['tox-sidebar__pane']
23507            },
23508            behaviours: SimpleBehaviours.unnamedEvents([
23509              onControlAttached(spec, editorOffCell),
23510              onControlDetached(spec, editorOffCell),
23511              run$1(slotVisibility(), function (sidepanel, se) {
23512                var data = se.event;
23513                var optSidePanelSpec = find$5(specs, function (config) {
23514                  return config.name === data.name;
23515                });
23516                optSidePanelSpec.each(function (sidePanelSpec) {
23517                  var handler = data.visible ? sidePanelSpec.onShow : sidePanelSpec.onHide;
23518                  handler(sidePanelSpec.getApi(sidepanel));
23519                });
23520              })
23521            ])
23522          });
23523        });
23524      };
23525      var makeSidebar = function (panelConfigs) {
23526        return SlotContainer.sketch(function (parts) {
23527          return {
23528            dom: {
23529              tag: 'div',
23530              classes: ['tox-sidebar__pane-container']
23531            },
23532            components: makePanels(parts, panelConfigs),
23533            slotBehaviours: SimpleBehaviours.unnamedEvents([runOnAttached(function (slotContainer) {
23534                return SlotContainer.hideAllSlots(slotContainer);
23535              })])
23536          };
23537        });
23538      };
23539      var setSidebar = function (sidebar, panelConfigs) {
23540        var optSlider = Composing.getCurrent(sidebar);
23541        optSlider.each(function (slider) {
23542          return Replacing.set(slider, [makeSidebar(panelConfigs)]);
23543        });
23544      };
23545      var toggleSidebar = function (sidebar, name) {
23546        var optSlider = Composing.getCurrent(sidebar);
23547        optSlider.each(function (slider) {
23548          var optSlotContainer = Composing.getCurrent(slider);
23549          optSlotContainer.each(function (slotContainer) {
23550            if (Sliding.hasGrown(slider)) {
23551              if (SlotContainer.isShowing(slotContainer, name)) {
23552                Sliding.shrink(slider);
23553              } else {
23554                SlotContainer.hideAllSlots(slotContainer);
23555                SlotContainer.showSlot(slotContainer, name);
23556              }
23557            } else {
23558              SlotContainer.hideAllSlots(slotContainer);
23559              SlotContainer.showSlot(slotContainer, name);
23560              Sliding.grow(slider);
23561            }
23562          });
23563        });
23564      };
23565      var whichSidebar = function (sidebar) {
23566        var optSlider = Composing.getCurrent(sidebar);
23567        return optSlider.bind(function (slider) {
23568          var sidebarOpen = Sliding.isGrowing(slider) || Sliding.hasGrown(slider);
23569          if (sidebarOpen) {
23570            var optSlotContainer = Composing.getCurrent(slider);
23571            return optSlotContainer.bind(function (slotContainer) {
23572              return find$5(SlotContainer.getSlotNames(slotContainer), function (name) {
23573                return SlotContainer.isShowing(slotContainer, name);
23574              });
23575            });
23576          } else {
23577            return Optional.none();
23578          }
23579        });
23580      };
23581      var fixSize = generate$6('FixSizeEvent');
23582      var autoSize = generate$6('AutoSizeEvent');
23583      var renderSidebar = function (spec) {
23584        return {
23585          uid: spec.uid,
23586          dom: {
23587            tag: 'div',
23588            classes: ['tox-sidebar'],
23589            attributes: { role: 'complementary' }
23590          },
23591          components: [{
23592              dom: {
23593                tag: 'div',
23594                classes: ['tox-sidebar__slider']
23595              },
23596              components: [],
23597              behaviours: derive$1([
23598                Tabstopping.config({}),
23599                Focusing.config({}),
23600                Sliding.config({
23601                  dimension: { property: 'width' },
23602                  closedClass: 'tox-sidebar--sliding-closed',
23603                  openClass: 'tox-sidebar--sliding-open',
23604                  shrinkingClass: 'tox-sidebar--sliding-shrinking',
23605                  growingClass: 'tox-sidebar--sliding-growing',
23606                  onShrunk: function (slider) {
23607                    var optSlotContainer = Composing.getCurrent(slider);
23608                    optSlotContainer.each(SlotContainer.hideAllSlots);
23609                    emit(slider, autoSize);
23610                  },
23611                  onGrown: function (slider) {
23612                    emit(slider, autoSize);
23613                  },
23614                  onStartGrow: function (slider) {
23615                    emitWith(slider, fixSize, { width: getRaw(slider.element, 'width').getOr('') });
23616                  },
23617                  onStartShrink: function (slider) {
23618                    emitWith(slider, fixSize, { width: get$a(slider.element) + 'px' });
23619                  }
23620                }),
23621                Replacing.config({}),
23622                Composing.config({
23623                  find: function (comp) {
23624                    var children = Replacing.contents(comp);
23625                    return head(children);
23626                  }
23627                })
23628              ])
23629            }],
23630          behaviours: derive$1([
23631            ComposingConfigs.childAt(0),
23632            config('sidebar-sliding-events', [
23633              run$1(fixSize, function (comp, se) {
23634                set$7(comp.element, 'width', se.event.width);
23635              }),
23636              run$1(autoSize, function (comp, _se) {
23637                remove$6(comp.element, 'width');
23638              })
23639            ])
23640          ])
23641        };
23642      };
23644      var block = function (component, config, state, getBusySpec) {
23645        set$8(component.element, 'aria-busy', true);
23646        var root = config.getRoot(component).getOr(component);
23647        var blockerBehaviours = derive$1([
23648          Keying.config({
23649            mode: 'special',
23650            onTab: function () {
23651              return Optional.some(true);
23652            },
23653            onShiftTab: function () {
23654              return Optional.some(true);
23655            }
23656          }),
23657          Focusing.config({})
23658        ]);
23659        var blockSpec = getBusySpec(root, blockerBehaviours);
23660        var blocker = root.getSystem().build(blockSpec);
23661        Replacing.append(root, premade(blocker));
23662        if (blocker.hasConfigured(Keying) && config.focus) {
23663          Keying.focusIn(blocker);
23664        }
23665        if (!state.isBlocked()) {
23666          config.onBlock(component);
23667        }
23668        state.blockWith(function () {
23669          return Replacing.remove(root, blocker);
23670        });
23671      };
23672      var unblock = function (component, config, state) {
23673        remove$7(component.element, 'aria-busy');
23674        if (state.isBlocked()) {
23675          config.onUnblock(component);
23676        }
23677        state.clear();
23678      };
23680      var BlockingApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
23681          __proto__: null,
23682          block: block,
23683          unblock: unblock
23684      });
23686      var BlockingSchema = [
23687        defaultedFunction('getRoot', Optional.none),
23688        defaultedBoolean('focus', true),
23689        onHandler('onBlock'),
23690        onHandler('onUnblock')
23691      ];
23693      var init$4 = function () {
23694        var blocker = destroyable();
23695        var blockWith = function (destroy) {
23696          blocker.set({ destroy: destroy });
23697        };
23698        return nu$8({
23699          readState: blocker.isSet,
23700          blockWith: blockWith,
23701          clear: blocker.clear,
23702          isBlocked: blocker.isSet
23703        });
23704      };
23706      var BlockingState = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
23707          __proto__: null,
23708          init: init$4
23709      });
23711      var Blocking = create$7({
23712        fields: BlockingSchema,
23713        name: 'blocking',
23714        apis: BlockingApis,
23715        state: BlockingState
23716      });
23718      var getAttrs = function (elem) {
23719        var attributes = elem.dom.attributes !== undefined ? elem.dom.attributes : [];
23720        return foldl(attributes, function (b, attr) {
23721          var _a;
23722          if (attr.name === 'class') {
23723            return b;
23724          } else {
23725            return __assign(__assign({}, b), (_a = {}, _a[attr.name] = attr.value, _a));
23726          }
23727        }, {});
23728      };
23729      var getClasses = function (elem) {
23730        return Array.prototype.slice.call(elem.dom.classList, 0);
23731      };
23732      var fromHtml = function (html) {
23733        var elem = SugarElement.fromHtml(html);
23734        var children$1 = children(elem);
23735        var attrs = getAttrs(elem);
23736        var classes = getClasses(elem);
23737        var contents = children$1.length === 0 ? {} : { innerHtml: get$7(elem) };
23738        return __assign({
23739          tag: name$2(elem),
23740          classes: classes,
23741          attributes: attrs
23742        }, contents);
23743      };
23745      var getBusySpec$1 = function (providerBackstage) {
23746        return function (_root, _behaviours) {
23747          return {
23748            dom: {
23749              tag: 'div',
23750              attributes: {
23751                'aria-label': providerBackstage.translate('Loading...'),
23752                'tabindex': '0'
23753              },
23754              classes: ['tox-throbber__busy-spinner']
23755            },
23756            components: [{ dom: fromHtml('<div class="tox-spinner"><div></div><div></div><div></div></div>') }]
23757          };
23758        };
23759      };
23760      var focusBusyComponent = function (throbber) {
23761        return Composing.getCurrent(throbber).each(function (comp) {
23762          return focus$3(comp.element);
23763        });
23764      };
23765      var toggleEditorTabIndex = function (editor, state) {
23766        var tabIndexAttr = 'tabindex';
23767        var dataTabIndexAttr = 'data-mce-' + tabIndexAttr;
23768        Optional.from(editor.iframeElement).map(SugarElement.fromDom).each(function (iframe) {
23769          if (state) {
23770            getOpt(iframe, tabIndexAttr).each(function (tabIndex) {
23771              return set$8(iframe, dataTabIndexAttr, tabIndex);
23772            });
23773            set$8(iframe, tabIndexAttr, -1);
23774          } else {
23775            remove$7(iframe, tabIndexAttr);
23776            getOpt(iframe, dataTabIndexAttr).each(function (tabIndex) {
23777              set$8(iframe, tabIndexAttr, tabIndex);
23778              remove$7(iframe, dataTabIndexAttr);
23779            });
23780          }
23781        });
23782      };
23783      var toggleThrobber = function (editor, comp, state, providerBackstage) {
23784        var element = comp.element;
23785        toggleEditorTabIndex(editor, state);
23786        if (state) {
23787          Blocking.block(comp, getBusySpec$1(providerBackstage));
23788          remove$6(element, 'display');
23789          remove$7(element, 'aria-hidden');
23790          if (editor.hasFocus()) {
23791            focusBusyComponent(comp);
23792          }
23793        } else {
23794          var throbberFocus = Composing.getCurrent(comp).exists(function (busyComp) {
23795            return hasFocus(busyComp.element);
23796          });
23797          Blocking.unblock(comp);
23798          set$7(element, 'display', 'none');
23799          set$8(element, 'aria-hidden', 'true');
23800          if (throbberFocus) {
23801            editor.focus();
23802          }
23803        }
23804      };
23805      var renderThrobber = function (spec) {
23806        return {
23807          uid: spec.uid,
23808          dom: {
23809            tag: 'div',
23810            attributes: { 'aria-hidden': 'true' },
23811            classes: ['tox-throbber'],
23812            styles: { display: 'none' }
23813          },
23814          behaviours: derive$1([
23815            Replacing.config({}),
23816            Blocking.config({ focus: false }),
23817            Composing.config({
23818              find: function (comp) {
23819                return head(comp.components());
23820              }
23821            })
23822          ]),
23823          components: []
23824        };
23825      };
23826      var isFocusEvent = function (event) {
23827        return event.type === 'focusin';
23828      };
23829      var isPasteBinTarget = function (event) {
23830        if (isFocusEvent(event)) {
23831          var node = event.composed ? head(event.composedPath()) : Optional.from(event.target);
23832          return node.map(SugarElement.fromDom).filter(isElement$2).exists(function (targetElm) {
23833            return has(targetElm, 'mce-pastebin');
23834          });
23835        } else {
23836          return false;
23837        }
23838      };
23839      var setup$7 = function (editor, lazyThrobber, sharedBackstage) {
23840        var throbberState = Cell(false);
23841        var timer = value$1();
23842        var stealFocus = function (e) {
23843          if (throbberState.get() && !isPasteBinTarget(e)) {
23844            e.preventDefault();
23845            focusBusyComponent(lazyThrobber());
23846            editor.editorManager.setActive(editor);
23847          }
23848        };
23849        if (!editor.inline) {
23850          editor.on('PreInit', function () {
23851            editor.dom.bind(editor.getWin(), 'focusin', stealFocus);
23852            editor.on('BeforeExecCommand', function (e) {
23853              if (e.command.toLowerCase() === 'mcefocus' && e.value !== true) {
23854                stealFocus(e);
23855              }
23856            });
23857          });
23858        }
23859        var toggle = function (state) {
23860          if (state !== throbberState.get()) {
23861            throbberState.set(state);
23862            toggleThrobber(editor, lazyThrobber(), state, sharedBackstage.providers);
23863            editor.fire('AfterProgressState', { state: state });
23864          }
23865        };
23866        editor.on('ProgressState', function (e) {
23867          timer.on(global$f.clearTimeout);
23868          if (isNumber(e.time)) {
23869            var timerId = global$f.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
23870              return toggle(e.state);
23871            }, e.time);
23872            timer.set(timerId);
23873          } else {
23874            toggle(e.state);
23875            timer.clear();
23876          }
23877        });
23878      };
23880      var generate$1 = function (xs, f) {
23881        var init = {
23882          len: 0,
23883          list: []
23884        };
23885        var r = foldl(xs, function (b, a) {
23886          var value = f(a, b.len);
23887          return value.fold(constant$1(b), function (v) {
23888            return {
23889              len: v.finish,
23890              list: b.list.concat([v])
23891            };
23892          });
23893        }, init);
23894        return r.list;
23895      };
23897      var output = function (within, extra, withinWidth) {
23898        return {
23899          within: within,
23900          extra: extra,
23901          withinWidth: withinWidth
23902        };
23903      };
23904      var apportion = function (units, total, len) {
23905        var parray = generate$1(units, function (unit, current) {
23906          var width = len(unit);
23907          return Optional.some({
23908            element: unit,
23909            start: current,
23910            finish: current + width,
23911            width: width
23912          });
23913        });
23914        var within = filter$2(parray, function (unit) {
23915          return unit.finish <= total;
23916        });
23917        var withinWidth = foldr(within, function (acc, el) {
23918          return acc + el.width;
23919        }, 0);
23920        var extra = parray.slice(within.length);
23921        return {
23922          within: within,
23923          extra: extra,
23924          withinWidth: withinWidth
23925        };
23926      };
23927      var toUnit = function (parray) {
23928        return map$2(parray, function (unit) {
23929          return unit.element;
23930        });
23931      };
23932      var fitLast = function (within, extra, withinWidth) {
23933        var fits = toUnit(within.concat(extra));
23934        return output(fits, [], withinWidth);
23935      };
23936      var overflow = function (within, extra, overflower, withinWidth) {
23937        var fits = toUnit(within).concat([overflower]);
23938        return output(fits, toUnit(extra), withinWidth);
23939      };
23940      var fitAll = function (within, extra, withinWidth) {
23941        return output(toUnit(within), [], withinWidth);
23942      };
23943      var tryFit = function (total, units, len) {
23944        var divide = apportion(units, total, len);
23945        return divide.extra.length === 0 ? Optional.some(divide) : Optional.none();
23946      };
23947      var partition = function (total, units, len, overflower) {
23948        var divide = tryFit(total, units, len).getOrThunk(function () {
23949          return apportion(units, total - len(overflower), len);
23950        });
23951        var within = divide.within;
23952        var extra = divide.extra;
23953        var withinWidth = divide.withinWidth;
23954        if (extra.length === 1 && extra[0].width <= len(overflower)) {
23955          return fitLast(within, extra, withinWidth);
23956        } else if (extra.length >= 1) {
23957          return overflow(within, extra, overflower, withinWidth);
23958        } else {
23959          return fitAll(within, extra, withinWidth);
23960        }
23961      };
23963      var setGroups$1 = function (toolbar, storedGroups) {
23964        var bGroups = map$2(storedGroups, function (g) {
23965          return premade(g);
23966        });
23967        Toolbar.setGroups(toolbar, bGroups);
23968      };
23969      var findFocusedComp = function (comps) {
23970        return findMap(comps, function (comp) {
23971          return search(comp.element).bind(function (focusedElm) {
23972            return comp.getSystem().getByDom(focusedElm).toOptional();
23973          });
23974        });
23975      };
23976      var refresh$2 = function (toolbar, detail, setOverflow) {
23977        var builtGroups = detail.builtGroups.get();
23978        if (builtGroups.length === 0) {
23979          return;
23980        }
23981        var primary = getPartOrDie(toolbar, detail, 'primary');
23982        var overflowGroup = Coupling.getCoupled(toolbar, 'overflowGroup');
23983        set$7(primary.element, 'visibility', 'hidden');
23984        var groups = builtGroups.concat([overflowGroup]);
23985        var focusedComp = findFocusedComp(groups);
23986        setOverflow([]);
23987        setGroups$1(primary, groups);
23988        var availableWidth = get$a(primary.element);
23989        var overflows = partition(availableWidth, detail.builtGroups.get(), function (comp) {
23990          return get$a(comp.element);
23991        }, overflowGroup);
23992        if (overflows.extra.length === 0) {
23993          Replacing.remove(primary, overflowGroup);
23994          setOverflow([]);
23995        } else {
23996          setGroups$1(primary, overflows.within);
23997          setOverflow(overflows.extra);
23998        }
23999        remove$6(primary.element, 'visibility');
24000        reflow(primary.element);
24001        focusedComp.each(Focusing.focus);
24002      };
24004      var schema$c = constant$1([
24005        field('splitToolbarBehaviours', [Coupling]),
24006        customField('builtGroups', function () {
24007          return Cell([]);
24008        })
24009      ]);
24011      var schema$b = constant$1([
24012        markers$1(['overflowToggledClass']),
24013        optionFunction('getOverflowBounds'),
24014        required$1('lazySink'),
24015        customField('overflowGroups', function () {
24016          return Cell([]);
24017        })
24018      ].concat(schema$c()));
24019      var parts$7 = constant$1([
24020        required({
24021          factory: Toolbar,
24022          schema: schema$e(),
24023          name: 'primary'
24024        }),
24025        external$1({
24026          schema: schema$e(),
24027          name: 'overflow'
24028        }),
24029        external$1({ name: 'overflow-button' }),
24030        external$1({ name: 'overflow-group' })
24031      ]);
24033      var expandable = constant$1(function (element, available) {
24034        setMax(element, Math.floor(available));
24035      });
24037      var schema$a = constant$1([
24038        markers$1(['toggledClass']),
24039        required$1('lazySink'),
24040        requiredFunction('fetch'),
24041        optionFunction('getBounds'),
24042        optionObjOf('fireDismissalEventInstead', [defaulted('event', dismissRequested())]),
24043        schema$y()
24044      ]);
24045      var parts$6 = constant$1([
24046        external$1({
24047          name: 'button',
24048          overrides: function (detail) {
24049            return {
24050              dom: { attributes: { 'aria-haspopup': 'true' } },
24051              buttonBehaviours: derive$1([Toggling.config({
24052                  toggleClass: detail.markers.toggledClass,
24053                  aria: { mode: 'expanded' },
24054                  toggleOnExecute: false
24055                })])
24056            };
24057          }
24058        }),
24059        external$1({
24060          factory: Toolbar,
24061          schema: schema$e(),
24062          name: 'toolbar',
24063          overrides: function (detail) {
24064            return {
24065              toolbarBehaviours: derive$1([Keying.config({
24066                  mode: 'cyclic',
24067                  onEscape: function (comp) {
24068                    getPart(comp, detail, 'button').each(Focusing.focus);
24069                    return Optional.none();
24070                  }
24071                })])
24072            };
24073          }
24074        })
24075      ]);
24077      var toggle = function (button, externals) {
24078        var toolbarSandbox = Coupling.getCoupled(button, 'toolbarSandbox');
24079        if (Sandboxing.isOpen(toolbarSandbox)) {
24080          Sandboxing.close(toolbarSandbox);
24081        } else {
24082          Sandboxing.open(toolbarSandbox, externals.toolbar());
24083        }
24084      };
24085      var position = function (button, toolbar, detail, layouts) {
24086        var bounds = detail.getBounds.map(function (bounder) {
24087          return bounder();
24088        });
24089        var sink = detail.lazySink(button).getOrDie();
24090        Positioning.positionWithinBounds(sink, toolbar, {
24091          anchor: {
24092            type: 'hotspot',
24093            hotspot: button,
24094            layouts: layouts,
24095            overrides: { maxWidthFunction: expandable() }
24096          }
24097        }, bounds);
24098      };
24099      var setGroups = function (button, toolbar, detail, layouts, groups) {
24100        Toolbar.setGroups(toolbar, groups);
24101        position(button, toolbar, detail, layouts);
24102        Toggling.on(button);
24103      };
24104      var makeSandbox = function (button, spec, detail) {
24105        var ariaOwner = manager();
24106        var onOpen = function (sandbox, toolbar) {
24107          detail.fetch().get(function (groups) {
24108            setGroups(button, toolbar, detail, spec.layouts, groups);
24109            ariaOwner.link(button.element);
24110            Keying.focusIn(toolbar);
24111          });
24112        };
24113        var onClose = function () {
24114          Toggling.off(button);
24115          Focusing.focus(button);
24116          ariaOwner.unlink(button.element);
24117        };
24118        return {
24119          dom: {
24120            tag: 'div',
24121            attributes: { id: ariaOwner.id }
24122          },
24123          behaviours: derive$1([
24124            Keying.config({
24125              mode: 'special',
24126              onEscape: function (comp) {
24127                Sandboxing.close(comp);
24128                return Optional.some(true);
24129              }
24130            }),
24131            Sandboxing.config({
24132              onOpen: onOpen,
24133              onClose: onClose,
24134              isPartOf: function (container, data, queryElem) {
24135                return isPartOf$1(data, queryElem) || isPartOf$1(button, queryElem);
24136              },
24137              getAttachPoint: function () {
24138                return detail.lazySink(button).getOrDie();
24139              }
24140            }),
24141            Receiving.config({
24142              channels: __assign(__assign({}, receivingChannel$1(__assign({ isExtraPart: never }, detail.fireDismissalEventInstead.map(function (fe) {
24143                return { fireEventInstead: { event: fe.event } };
24144              }).getOr({})))), receivingChannel({
24145                doReposition: function () {
24146                  Sandboxing.getState(Coupling.getCoupled(button, 'toolbarSandbox')).each(function (toolbar) {
24147                    position(button, toolbar, detail, spec.layouts);
24148                  });
24149                }
24150              }))
24151            })
24152          ])
24153        };
24154      };
24155      var factory$a = function (detail, components, spec, externals) {
24156        return __assign(__assign({}, Button.sketch(__assign(__assign({}, externals.button()), {
24157          action: function (button) {
24158            toggle(button, externals);
24159          },
24160          buttonBehaviours: SketchBehaviours.augment({ dump: externals.button().buttonBehaviours }, [Coupling.config({
24161              others: {
24162                toolbarSandbox: function (button) {
24163                  return makeSandbox(button, spec, detail);
24164                }
24165              }
24166            })])
24167        }))), {
24168          apis: {
24169            setGroups: function (button, groups) {
24170              Sandboxing.getState(Coupling.getCoupled(button, 'toolbarSandbox')).each(function (toolbar) {
24171                setGroups(button, toolbar, detail, spec.layouts, groups);
24172              });
24173            },
24174            reposition: function (button) {
24175              Sandboxing.getState(Coupling.getCoupled(button, 'toolbarSandbox')).each(function (toolbar) {
24176                position(button, toolbar, detail, spec.layouts);
24177              });
24178            },
24179            toggle: function (button) {
24180              toggle(button, externals);
24181            },
24182            getToolbar: function (button) {
24183              return Sandboxing.getState(Coupling.getCoupled(button, 'toolbarSandbox'));
24184            },
24185            isOpen: function (button) {
24186              return Sandboxing.isOpen(Coupling.getCoupled(button, 'toolbarSandbox'));
24187            }
24188          }
24189        });
24190      };
24191      var FloatingToolbarButton = composite({
24192        name: 'FloatingToolbarButton',
24193        factory: factory$a,
24194        configFields: schema$a(),
24195        partFields: parts$6(),
24196        apis: {
24197          setGroups: function (apis, button, groups) {
24198            apis.setGroups(button, groups);
24199          },
24200          reposition: function (apis, button) {
24201            apis.reposition(button);
24202          },
24203          toggle: function (apis, button) {
24204            apis.toggle(button);
24205          },
24206          getToolbar: function (apis, button) {
24207            return apis.getToolbar(button);
24208          },
24209          isOpen: function (apis, button) {
24210            return apis.isOpen(button);
24211          }
24212        }
24213      });
24215      var schema$9 = constant$1([
24216        required$1('items'),
24217        markers$1(['itemSelector']),
24218        field('tgroupBehaviours', [Keying])
24219      ]);
24220      var parts$5 = constant$1([group({
24221          name: 'items',
24222          unit: 'item'
24223        })]);
24225      var factory$9 = function (detail, components, _spec, _externals) {
24226        return {
24227          uid: detail.uid,
24228          dom: detail.dom,
24229          components: components,
24230          behaviours: augment(detail.tgroupBehaviours, [Keying.config({
24231              mode: 'flow',
24232              selector: detail.markers.itemSelector
24233            })]),
24234          domModification: { attributes: { role: 'toolbar' } }
24235        };
24236      };
24237      var ToolbarGroup = composite({
24238        name: 'ToolbarGroup',
24239        configFields: schema$9(),
24240        partFields: parts$5(),
24241        factory: factory$9
24242      });
24244      var buildGroups = function (comps) {
24245        return map$2(comps, function (g) {
24246          return premade(g);
24247        });
24248      };
24249      var refresh$1 = function (toolbar, memFloatingToolbarButton, detail) {
24250        refresh$2(toolbar, detail, function (overflowGroups) {
24251          detail.overflowGroups.set(overflowGroups);
24252          memFloatingToolbarButton.getOpt(toolbar).each(function (floatingToolbarButton) {
24253            FloatingToolbarButton.setGroups(floatingToolbarButton, buildGroups(overflowGroups));
24254          });
24255        });
24256      };
24257      var factory$8 = function (detail, components, spec, externals) {
24258        var memFloatingToolbarButton = record(FloatingToolbarButton.sketch({
24259          fetch: function () {
24260            return Future.nu(function (resolve) {
24261              resolve(buildGroups(detail.overflowGroups.get()));
24262            });
24263          },
24264          layouts: {
24265            onLtr: function () {
24266              return [
24267                southwest$2,
24268                southeast$2
24269              ];
24270            },
24271            onRtl: function () {
24272              return [
24273                southeast$2,
24274                southwest$2
24275              ];
24276            },
24277            onBottomLtr: function () {
24278              return [
24279                northwest$2,
24280                northeast$2
24281              ];
24282            },
24283            onBottomRtl: function () {
24284              return [
24285                northeast$2,
24286                northwest$2
24287              ];
24288            }
24289          },
24290          getBounds: spec.getOverflowBounds,
24291          lazySink: detail.lazySink,
24292          fireDismissalEventInstead: {},
24293          markers: { toggledClass: detail.markers.overflowToggledClass },
24294          parts: {
24295            button: externals['overflow-button'](),
24296            toolbar: externals.overflow()
24297          }
24298        }));
24299        return {
24300          uid: detail.uid,
24301          dom: detail.dom,
24302          components: components,
24303          behaviours: augment(detail.splitToolbarBehaviours, [Coupling.config({
24304              others: {
24305                overflowGroup: function () {
24306                  return ToolbarGroup.sketch(__assign(__assign({}, externals['overflow-group']()), { items: [memFloatingToolbarButton.asSpec()] }));
24307                }
24308              }
24309            })]),
24310          apis: {
24311            setGroups: function (toolbar, groups) {
24312              detail.builtGroups.set(map$2(groups, toolbar.getSystem().build));
24313              refresh$1(toolbar, memFloatingToolbarButton, detail);
24314            },
24315            refresh: function (toolbar) {
24316              return refresh$1(toolbar, memFloatingToolbarButton, detail);
24317            },
24318            toggle: function (toolbar) {
24319              memFloatingToolbarButton.getOpt(toolbar).each(function (floatingToolbarButton) {
24320                FloatingToolbarButton.toggle(floatingToolbarButton);
24321              });
24322            },
24323            isOpen: function (toolbar) {
24324              return memFloatingToolbarButton.getOpt(toolbar).map(FloatingToolbarButton.isOpen).getOr(false);
24325            },
24326            reposition: function (toolbar) {
24327              memFloatingToolbarButton.getOpt(toolbar).each(function (floatingToolbarButton) {
24328                FloatingToolbarButton.reposition(floatingToolbarButton);
24329              });
24330            },
24331            getOverflow: function (toolbar) {
24332              return memFloatingToolbarButton.getOpt(toolbar).bind(FloatingToolbarButton.getToolbar);
24333            }
24334          },
24335          domModification: { attributes: { role: 'group' } }
24336        };
24337      };
24338      var SplitFloatingToolbar = composite({
24339        name: 'SplitFloatingToolbar',
24340        configFields: schema$b(),
24341        partFields: parts$7(),
24342        factory: factory$8,
24343        apis: {
24344          setGroups: function (apis, toolbar, groups) {
24345            apis.setGroups(toolbar, groups);
24346          },
24347          refresh: function (apis, toolbar) {
24348            apis.refresh(toolbar);
24349          },
24350          reposition: function (apis, toolbar) {
24351            apis.reposition(toolbar);
24352          },
24353          toggle: function (apis, toolbar) {
24354            apis.toggle(toolbar);
24355          },
24356          isOpen: function (apis, toolbar) {
24357            return apis.isOpen(toolbar);
24358          },
24359          getOverflow: function (apis, toolbar) {
24360            return apis.getOverflow(toolbar);
24361          }
24362        }
24363      });
24365      var schema$8 = constant$1([
24366        markers$1([
24367          'closedClass',
24368          'openClass',
24369          'shrinkingClass',
24370          'growingClass',
24371          'overflowToggledClass'
24372        ]),
24373        onHandler('onOpened'),
24374        onHandler('onClosed')
24375      ].concat(schema$c()));
24376      var parts$4 = constant$1([
24377        required({
24378          factory: Toolbar,
24379          schema: schema$e(),
24380          name: 'primary'
24381        }),
24382        required({
24383          factory: Toolbar,
24384          schema: schema$e(),
24385          name: 'overflow',
24386          overrides: function (detail) {
24387            return {
24388              toolbarBehaviours: derive$1([
24389                Sliding.config({
24390                  dimension: { property: 'height' },
24391                  closedClass: detail.markers.closedClass,
24392                  openClass: detail.markers.openClass,
24393                  shrinkingClass: detail.markers.shrinkingClass,
24394                  growingClass: detail.markers.growingClass,
24395                  onShrunk: function (comp) {
24396                    getPart(comp, detail, 'overflow-button').each(function (button) {
24397                      Toggling.off(button);
24398                      Focusing.focus(button);
24399                    });
24400                    detail.onClosed(comp);
24401                  },
24402                  onGrown: function (comp) {
24403                    Keying.focusIn(comp);
24404                    detail.onOpened(comp);
24405                  },
24406                  onStartGrow: function (comp) {
24407                    getPart(comp, detail, 'overflow-button').each(Toggling.on);
24408                  }
24409                }),
24410                Keying.config({
24411                  mode: 'acyclic',
24412                  onEscape: function (comp) {
24413                    getPart(comp, detail, 'overflow-button').each(Focusing.focus);
24414                    return Optional.some(true);
24415                  }
24416                })
24417              ])
24418            };
24419          }
24420        }),
24421        external$1({
24422          name: 'overflow-button',
24423          overrides: function (detail) {
24424            return {
24425              buttonBehaviours: derive$1([Toggling.config({
24426                  toggleClass: detail.markers.overflowToggledClass,
24427                  aria: { mode: 'pressed' },
24428                  toggleOnExecute: false
24429                })])
24430            };
24431          }
24432        }),
24433        external$1({ name: 'overflow-group' })
24434      ]);
24436      var isOpen = function (toolbar, detail) {
24437        return getPart(toolbar, detail, 'overflow').map(Sliding.hasGrown).getOr(false);
24438      };
24439      var toggleToolbar = function (toolbar, detail) {
24440        getPart(toolbar, detail, 'overflow-button').bind(function () {
24441          return getPart(toolbar, detail, 'overflow');
24442        }).each(function (overf) {
24443          refresh(toolbar, detail);
24444          Sliding.toggleGrow(overf);
24445        });
24446      };
24447      var refresh = function (toolbar, detail) {
24448        getPart(toolbar, detail, 'overflow').each(function (overflow) {
24449          refresh$2(toolbar, detail, function (groups) {
24450            var builtGroups = map$2(groups, function (g) {
24451              return premade(g);
24452            });
24453            Toolbar.setGroups(overflow, builtGroups);
24454          });
24455          getPart(toolbar, detail, 'overflow-button').each(function (button) {
24456            if (Sliding.hasGrown(overflow)) {
24457              Toggling.on(button);
24458            }
24459          });
24460          Sliding.refresh(overflow);
24461        });
24462      };
24463      var factory$7 = function (detail, components, spec, externals) {
24464        var toolbarToggleEvent = 'alloy.toolbar.toggle';
24465        var doSetGroups = function (toolbar, groups) {
24466          var built = map$2(groups, toolbar.getSystem().build);
24467          detail.builtGroups.set(built);
24468        };
24469        return {
24470          uid: detail.uid,
24471          dom: detail.dom,
24472          components: components,
24473          behaviours: augment(detail.splitToolbarBehaviours, [
24474            Coupling.config({
24475              others: {
24476                overflowGroup: function (toolbar) {
24477                  return ToolbarGroup.sketch(__assign(__assign({}, externals['overflow-group']()), {
24478                    items: [Button.sketch(__assign(__assign({}, externals['overflow-button']()), {
24479                        action: function (_button) {
24480                          emit(toolbar, toolbarToggleEvent);
24481                        }
24482                      }))]
24483                  }));
24484                }
24485              }
24486            }),
24487            config('toolbar-toggle-events', [run$1(toolbarToggleEvent, function (toolbar) {
24488                toggleToolbar(toolbar, detail);
24489              })])
24490          ]),
24491          apis: {
24492            setGroups: function (toolbar, groups) {
24493              doSetGroups(toolbar, groups);
24494              refresh(toolbar, detail);
24495            },
24496            refresh: function (toolbar) {
24497              return refresh(toolbar, detail);
24498            },
24499            toggle: function (toolbar) {
24500              return toggleToolbar(toolbar, detail);
24501            },
24502            isOpen: function (toolbar) {
24503              return isOpen(toolbar, detail);
24504            }
24505          },
24506          domModification: { attributes: { role: 'group' } }
24507        };
24508      };
24509      var SplitSlidingToolbar = composite({
24510        name: 'SplitSlidingToolbar',
24511        configFields: schema$8(),
24512        partFields: parts$4(),
24513        factory: factory$7,
24514        apis: {
24515          setGroups: function (apis, toolbar, groups) {
24516            apis.setGroups(toolbar, groups);
24517          },
24518          refresh: function (apis, toolbar) {
24519            apis.refresh(toolbar);
24520          },
24521          toggle: function (apis, toolbar) {
24522            apis.toggle(toolbar);
24523          },
24524          isOpen: function (apis, toolbar) {
24525            return apis.isOpen(toolbar);
24526          }
24527        }
24528      });
24530      var renderToolbarGroupCommon = function (toolbarGroup) {
24531        var attributes = toolbarGroup.title.fold(function () {
24532          return {};
24533        }, function (title) {
24534          return { attributes: { title: title } };
24535        });
24536        return {
24537          dom: __assign({
24538            tag: 'div',
24539            classes: ['tox-toolbar__group']
24540          }, attributes),
24541          components: [ToolbarGroup.parts.items({})],
24542          items: toolbarGroup.items,
24543          markers: { itemSelector: '*:not(.tox-split-button) > .tox-tbtn:not([disabled]), ' + '.tox-split-button:not([disabled]), ' + '.tox-toolbar-nav-js:not([disabled])' },
24544          tgroupBehaviours: derive$1([
24545            Tabstopping.config({}),
24546            Focusing.config({})
24547          ])
24548        };
24549      };
24550      var renderToolbarGroup = function (toolbarGroup) {
24551        return ToolbarGroup.sketch(renderToolbarGroupCommon(toolbarGroup));
24552      };
24553      var getToolbarbehaviours = function (toolbarSpec, modeName) {
24554        var onAttached = runOnAttached(function (component) {
24555          var groups = map$2(toolbarSpec.initGroups, renderToolbarGroup);
24556          Toolbar.setGroups(component, groups);
24557        });
24558        return derive$1([
24559          DisablingConfigs.toolbarButton(toolbarSpec.providers.isDisabled),
24560          receivingConfig(),
24561          Keying.config({
24562            mode: modeName,
24563            onEscape: toolbarSpec.onEscape,
24564            selector: '.tox-toolbar__group'
24565          }),
24566          config('toolbar-events', [onAttached])
24567        ]);
24568      };
24569      var renderMoreToolbarCommon = function (toolbarSpec) {
24570        var modeName = toolbarSpec.cyclicKeying ? 'cyclic' : 'acyclic';
24571        return {
24572          uid: toolbarSpec.uid,
24573          dom: {
24574            tag: 'div',
24575            classes: ['tox-toolbar-overlord']
24576          },
24577          parts: {
24578            'overflow-group': renderToolbarGroupCommon({
24579              title: Optional.none(),
24580              items: []
24581            }),
24582            'overflow-button': renderIconButtonSpec({
24583              name: 'more',
24584              icon: Optional.some('more-drawer'),
24585              disabled: false,
24586              tooltip: Optional.some('More...'),
24587              primary: false,
24588              borderless: false
24589            }, Optional.none(), toolbarSpec.providers)
24590          },
24591          splitToolbarBehaviours: getToolbarbehaviours(toolbarSpec, modeName)
24592        };
24593      };
24594      var renderFloatingMoreToolbar = function (toolbarSpec) {
24595        var baseSpec = renderMoreToolbarCommon(toolbarSpec);
24596        var overflowXOffset = 4;
24597        var primary = SplitFloatingToolbar.parts.primary({
24598          dom: {
24599            tag: 'div',
24600            classes: ['tox-toolbar__primary']
24601          }
24602        });
24603        return SplitFloatingToolbar.sketch(__assign(__assign({}, baseSpec), {
24604          lazySink: toolbarSpec.getSink,
24605          getOverflowBounds: function () {
24606            var headerElem = toolbarSpec.moreDrawerData.lazyHeader().element;
24607            var headerBounds = absolute$2(headerElem);
24608            var docElem = documentElement(headerElem);
24609            var docBounds = absolute$2(docElem);
24610            var height = Math.max(docElem.dom.scrollHeight, docBounds.height);
24611            return bounds(headerBounds.x + overflowXOffset, docBounds.y, headerBounds.width - overflowXOffset * 2, height);
24612          },
24613          parts: __assign(__assign({}, baseSpec.parts), {
24614            overflow: {
24615              dom: {
24616                tag: 'div',
24617                classes: ['tox-toolbar__overflow'],
24618                attributes: toolbarSpec.attributes
24619              }
24620            }
24621          }),
24622          components: [primary],
24623          markers: { overflowToggledClass: 'tox-tbtn--enabled' }
24624        }));
24625      };
24626      var renderSlidingMoreToolbar = function (toolbarSpec) {
24627        var primary = SplitSlidingToolbar.parts.primary({
24628          dom: {
24629            tag: 'div',
24630            classes: ['tox-toolbar__primary']
24631          }
24632        });
24633        var overflow = SplitSlidingToolbar.parts.overflow({
24634          dom: {
24635            tag: 'div',
24636            classes: ['tox-toolbar__overflow']
24637          }
24638        });
24639        var baseSpec = renderMoreToolbarCommon(toolbarSpec);
24640        return SplitSlidingToolbar.sketch(__assign(__assign({}, baseSpec), {
24641          components: [
24642            primary,
24643            overflow
24644          ],
24645          markers: {
24646            openClass: 'tox-toolbar__overflow--open',
24647            closedClass: 'tox-toolbar__overflow--closed',
24648            growingClass: 'tox-toolbar__overflow--growing',
24649            shrinkingClass: 'tox-toolbar__overflow--shrinking',
24650            overflowToggledClass: 'tox-tbtn--enabled'
24651          },
24652          onOpened: function (comp) {
24653            comp.getSystem().broadcastOn([toolbarHeightChange()], { type: 'opened' });
24654          },
24655          onClosed: function (comp) {
24656            comp.getSystem().broadcastOn([toolbarHeightChange()], { type: 'closed' });
24657          }
24658        }));
24659      };
24660      var renderToolbar = function (toolbarSpec) {
24661        var modeName = toolbarSpec.cyclicKeying ? 'cyclic' : 'acyclic';
24662        return Toolbar.sketch({
24663          uid: toolbarSpec.uid,
24664          dom: {
24665            tag: 'div',
24666            classes: ['tox-toolbar'].concat(toolbarSpec.type === ToolbarMode.scrolling ? ['tox-toolbar--scrolling'] : [])
24667          },
24668          components: [Toolbar.parts.groups({})],
24669          toolbarBehaviours: getToolbarbehaviours(toolbarSpec, modeName)
24670        });
24671      };
24673      var factory$6 = function (detail, components, _spec) {
24674        var apis = {
24675          getSocket: function (comp) {
24676            return parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'socket');
24677          },
24678          setSidebar: function (comp, panelConfigs) {
24679            parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'sidebar').each(function (sidebar) {
24680              return setSidebar(sidebar, panelConfigs);
24681            });
24682          },
24683          toggleSidebar: function (comp, name) {
24684            parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'sidebar').each(function (sidebar) {
24685              return toggleSidebar(sidebar, name);
24686            });
24687          },
24688          whichSidebar: function (comp) {
24689            return parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'sidebar').bind(whichSidebar).getOrNull();
24690          },
24691          getHeader: function (comp) {
24692            return parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'header');
24693          },
24694          getToolbar: function (comp) {
24695            return parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'toolbar');
24696          },
24697          setToolbar: function (comp, groups) {
24698            parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'toolbar').each(function (toolbar) {
24699              toolbar.getApis().setGroups(toolbar, groups);
24700            });
24701          },
24702          setToolbars: function (comp, toolbars) {
24703            parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'multiple-toolbar').each(function (mToolbar) {
24704              CustomList.setItems(mToolbar, toolbars);
24705            });
24706          },
24707          refreshToolbar: function (comp) {
24708            var toolbar = parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'toolbar');
24709            toolbar.each(function (toolbar) {
24710              return toolbar.getApis().refresh(toolbar);
24711            });
24712          },
24713          toggleToolbarDrawer: function (comp) {
24714            parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'toolbar').each(function (toolbar) {
24715              mapFrom(toolbar.getApis().toggle, function (toggle) {
24716                return toggle(toolbar);
24717              });
24718            });
24719          },
24720          isToolbarDrawerToggled: function (comp) {
24721            return parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'toolbar').bind(function (toolbar) {
24722              return Optional.from(toolbar.getApis().isOpen).map(function (isOpen) {
24723                return isOpen(toolbar);
24724              });
24725            }).getOr(false);
24726          },
24727          getThrobber: function (comp) {
24728            return parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'throbber');
24729          },
24730          focusToolbar: function (comp) {
24731            var optToolbar = parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'toolbar').orThunk(function () {
24732              return parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'multiple-toolbar');
24733            });
24734            optToolbar.each(function (toolbar) {
24735              Keying.focusIn(toolbar);
24736            });
24737          },
24738          setMenubar: function (comp, menus) {
24739            parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'menubar').each(function (menubar) {
24740              SilverMenubar.setMenus(menubar, menus);
24741            });
24742          },
24743          focusMenubar: function (comp) {
24744            parts$a.getPart(comp, detail, 'menubar').each(function (menubar) {
24745              SilverMenubar.focus(menubar);
24746            });
24747          }
24748        };
24749        return {
24750          uid: detail.uid,
24751          dom: detail.dom,
24752          components: components,
24753          apis: apis,
24754          behaviours: detail.behaviours
24755        };
24756      };
24757      var partMenubar = partType.optional({
24758        factory: SilverMenubar,
24759        name: 'menubar',
24760        schema: [required$1('backstage')]
24761      });
24762      var toolbarFactory = function (spec) {
24763        if (spec.type === ToolbarMode.sliding) {
24764          return renderSlidingMoreToolbar;
24765        } else if (spec.type === ToolbarMode.floating) {
24766          return renderFloatingMoreToolbar;
24767        } else {
24768          return renderToolbar;
24769        }
24770      };
24771      var partMultipleToolbar = partType.optional({
24772        factory: {
24773          sketch: function (spec) {
24774            return CustomList.sketch({
24775              uid: spec.uid,
24776              dom: spec.dom,
24777              listBehaviours: derive$1([Keying.config({
24778                  mode: 'acyclic',
24779                  selector: '.tox-toolbar'
24780                })]),
24781              makeItem: function () {
24782                return renderToolbar({
24783                  type: spec.type,
24784                  uid: generate$6('multiple-toolbar-item'),
24785                  cyclicKeying: false,
24786                  initGroups: [],
24787                  providers: spec.providers,
24788                  onEscape: function () {
24789                    spec.onEscape();
24790                    return Optional.some(true);
24791                  }
24792                });
24793              },
24794              setupItem: function (_mToolbar, tc, data, _index) {
24795                Toolbar.setGroups(tc, data);
24796              },
24797              shell: true
24798            });
24799          }
24800        },
24801        name: 'multiple-toolbar',
24802        schema: [
24803          required$1('dom'),
24804          required$1('onEscape')
24805        ]
24806      });
24807      var partToolbar = partType.optional({
24808        factory: {
24809          sketch: function (spec) {
24810            var renderer = toolbarFactory(spec);
24811            var toolbarSpec = {
24812              type: spec.type,
24813              uid: spec.uid,
24814              onEscape: function () {
24815                spec.onEscape();
24816                return Optional.some(true);
24817              },
24818              cyclicKeying: false,
24819              initGroups: [],
24820              getSink: spec.getSink,
24821              providers: spec.providers,
24822              moreDrawerData: {
24823                lazyToolbar: spec.lazyToolbar,
24824                lazyMoreButton: spec.lazyMoreButton,
24825                lazyHeader: spec.lazyHeader
24826              },
24827              attributes: spec.attributes
24828            };
24829            return renderer(toolbarSpec);
24830          }
24831        },
24832        name: 'toolbar',
24833        schema: [
24834          required$1('dom'),
24835          required$1('onEscape'),
24836          required$1('getSink')
24837        ]
24838      });
24839      var partHeader = partType.optional({
24840        factory: { sketch: renderHeader },
24841        name: 'header',
24842        schema: [required$1('dom')]
24843      });
24844      var partSocket = partType.optional({
24845        name: 'socket',
24846        schema: [required$1('dom')]
24847      });
24848      var partSidebar = partType.optional({
24849        factory: { sketch: renderSidebar },
24850        name: 'sidebar',
24851        schema: [required$1('dom')]
24852      });
24853      var partThrobber = partType.optional({
24854        factory: { sketch: renderThrobber },
24855        name: 'throbber',
24856        schema: [required$1('dom')]
24857      });
24858      var OuterContainer = composite({
24859        name: 'OuterContainer',
24860        factory: factory$6,
24861        configFields: [
24862          required$1('dom'),
24863          required$1('behaviours')
24864        ],
24865        partFields: [
24866          partHeader,
24867          partMenubar,
24868          partToolbar,
24869          partMultipleToolbar,
24870          partSocket,
24871          partSidebar,
24872          partThrobber
24873        ],
24874        apis: {
24875          getSocket: function (apis, comp) {
24876            return apis.getSocket(comp);
24877          },
24878          setSidebar: function (apis, comp, panelConfigs) {
24879            apis.setSidebar(comp, panelConfigs);
24880          },
24881          toggleSidebar: function (apis, comp, name) {
24882            apis.toggleSidebar(comp, name);
24883          },
24884          whichSidebar: function (apis, comp) {
24885            return apis.whichSidebar(comp);
24886          },
24887          getHeader: function (apis, comp) {
24888            return apis.getHeader(comp);
24889          },
24890          getToolbar: function (apis, comp) {
24891            return apis.getToolbar(comp);
24892          },
24893          setToolbar: function (apis, comp, grps) {
24894            var groups = map$2(grps, function (grp) {
24895              return renderToolbarGroup(grp);
24896            });
24897            apis.setToolbar(comp, groups);
24898          },
24899          setToolbars: function (apis, comp, ts) {
24900            var renderedToolbars = map$2(ts, function (g) {
24901              return map$2(g, renderToolbarGroup);
24902            });
24903            apis.setToolbars(comp, renderedToolbars);
24904          },
24905          refreshToolbar: function (apis, comp) {
24906            return apis.refreshToolbar(comp);
24907          },
24908          toggleToolbarDrawer: function (apis, comp) {
24909            apis.toggleToolbarDrawer(comp);
24910          },
24911          isToolbarDrawerToggled: function (apis, comp) {
24912            return apis.isToolbarDrawerToggled(comp);
24913          },
24914          getThrobber: function (apis, comp) {
24915            return apis.getThrobber(comp);
24916          },
24917          setMenubar: function (apis, comp, menus) {
24918            apis.setMenubar(comp, menus);
24919          },
24920          focusMenubar: function (apis, comp) {
24921            apis.focusMenubar(comp);
24922          },
24923          focusToolbar: function (apis, comp) {
24924            apis.focusToolbar(comp);
24925          }
24926        }
24927      });
24929      var defaultMenubar = 'file edit view insert format tools table help';
24930      var defaultMenus = {
24931        file: {
24932          title: 'File',
24933          items: 'newdocument restoredraft | preview | export print | deleteallconversations'
24934        },
24935        edit: {
24936          title: 'Edit',
24937          items: 'undo redo | cut copy paste pastetext | selectall | searchreplace'
24938        },
24939        view: {
24940          title: 'View',
24941          items: 'code | visualaid visualchars visualblocks | spellchecker | preview fullscreen | showcomments'
24942        },
24943        insert: {
24944          title: 'Insert',
24945          items: 'image link media addcomment pageembed template codesample inserttable | charmap emoticons hr | pagebreak nonbreaking anchor toc | insertdatetime'
24946        },
24947        format: {
24948          title: 'Format',
24949          items: 'bold italic underline strikethrough superscript subscript codeformat | formats blockformats fontformats fontsizes align lineheight | forecolor backcolor | language | removeformat'
24950        },
24951        tools: {
24952          title: 'Tools',
24953          items: 'spellchecker spellcheckerlanguage | a11ycheck code wordcount'
24954        },
24955        table: {
24956          title: 'Table',
24957          items: 'inserttable | cell row column | advtablesort | tableprops deletetable'
24958        },
24959        help: {
24960          title: 'Help',
24961          items: 'help'
24962        }
24963      };
24964      var make = function (menu, registry, editor) {
24965        var removedMenuItems = getRemovedMenuItems(editor).split(/[ ,]/);
24966        return {
24967          text: menu.title,
24968          getItems: function () {
24969            return bind$3(menu.items, function (i) {
24970              var itemName = i.toLowerCase();
24971              if (itemName.trim().length === 0) {
24972                return [];
24973              } else if (exists(removedMenuItems, function (removedMenuItem) {
24974                  return removedMenuItem === itemName;
24975                })) {
24976                return [];
24977              } else if (itemName === 'separator' || itemName === '|') {
24978                return [{ type: 'separator' }];
24979              } else if (registry.menuItems[itemName]) {
24980                return [registry.menuItems[itemName]];
24981              } else {
24982                return [];
24983              }
24984            });
24985          }
24986        };
24987      };
24988      var parseItemsString = function (items) {
24989        if (typeof items === 'string') {
24990          return items.split(' ');
24991        }
24992        return items;
24993      };
24994      var identifyMenus = function (editor, registry) {
24995        var rawMenuData = __assign(__assign({}, defaultMenus), registry.menus);
24996        var userDefinedMenus = keys(registry.menus).length > 0;
24997        var menubar = registry.menubar === undefined || registry.menubar === true ? parseItemsString(defaultMenubar) : parseItemsString(registry.menubar === false ? '' : registry.menubar);
24998        var validMenus = filter$2(menubar, function (menuName) {
24999          var isDefaultMenu = has$2(defaultMenus, menuName);
25000          if (userDefinedMenus) {
25001            return isDefaultMenu || get$e(registry.menus, menuName).exists(function (menu) {
25002              return has$2(menu, 'items');
25003            });
25004          } else {
25005            return isDefaultMenu;
25006          }
25007        });
25008        var menus = map$2(validMenus, function (menuName) {
25009          var menuData = rawMenuData[menuName];
25010          return make({
25011            title: menuData.title,
25012            items: parseItemsString(menuData.items)
25013          }, registry, editor);
25014        });
25015        return filter$2(menus, function (menu) {
25016          var isNotSeparator = function (item) {
25017            return item.type !== 'separator';
25018          };
25019          return menu.getItems().length > 0 && exists(menu.getItems(), isNotSeparator);
25020        });
25021      };
25023      var fireSkinLoaded = function (editor) {
25024        var done = function () {
25025          editor._skinLoaded = true;
25026          fireSkinLoaded$1(editor);
25027        };
25028        return function () {
25029          if (editor.initialized) {
25030            done();
25031          } else {
25032            editor.on('init', done);
25033          }
25034        };
25035      };
25036      var fireSkinLoadError = function (editor, err) {
25037        return function () {
25038          return fireSkinLoadError$1(editor, { message: err });
25039        };
25040      };
25042      var loadStylesheet = function (editor, stylesheetUrl, styleSheetLoader) {
25043        return new global$c(function (resolve, reject) {
25044          styleSheetLoader.load(stylesheetUrl, resolve, reject);
25045          editor.on('remove', function () {
25046            return styleSheetLoader.unload(stylesheetUrl);
25047          });
25048        });
25049      };
25050      var loadUiSkins = function (editor, skinUrl) {
25051        var skinUiCss = skinUrl + '/skin.min.css';
25052        return loadStylesheet(editor, skinUiCss, editor.ui.styleSheetLoader);
25053      };
25054      var loadShadowDomUiSkins = function (editor, skinUrl) {
25055        var isInShadowRoot$1 = isInShadowRoot(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getElement()));
25056        if (isInShadowRoot$1) {
25057          var shadowDomSkinCss = skinUrl + '/skin.shadowdom.min.css';
25058          return loadStylesheet(editor, shadowDomSkinCss, global$b.DOM.styleSheetLoader);
25059        } else {
25060          return global$c.resolve();
25061        }
25062      };
25063      var loadSkin = function (isInline, editor) {
25064        var skinUrl = getSkinUrl(editor);
25065        if (skinUrl) {
25066          editor.contentCSS.push(skinUrl + (isInline ? '/content.inline' : '/content') + '.min.css');
25067        }
25068        if (isSkinDisabled(editor) === false && isString(skinUrl)) {
25069          global$c.all([
25070            loadUiSkins(editor, skinUrl),
25071            loadShadowDomUiSkins(editor, skinUrl)
25072          ]).then(fireSkinLoaded(editor), fireSkinLoadError(editor, 'Skin could not be loaded'));
25073        } else {
25074          fireSkinLoaded(editor)();
25075        }
25076      };
25077      var iframe = curry(loadSkin, false);
25078      var inline = curry(loadSkin, true);
25080      var onSetupFormatToggle = function (editor, name) {
25081        return function (api) {
25082          var boundCallback = unbindable();
25083          var init = function () {
25084            api.setActive(editor.formatter.match(name));
25085            var binding = editor.formatter.formatChanged(name, api.setActive);
25086            boundCallback.set(binding);
25087          };
25088          editor.initialized ? init() : editor.once('init', init);
25089          return function () {
25090            editor.off('init', init);
25091            boundCallback.clear();
25092          };
25093        };
25094      };
25095      var onSetupEvent = function (editor, event, f) {
25096        return function (api) {
25097          var handleEvent = function () {
25098            return f(api);
25099          };
25100          var init = function () {
25101            f(api);
25102            editor.on(event, handleEvent);
25103          };
25104          editor.initialized ? init() : editor.once('init', init);
25105          return function () {
25106            editor.off('init', init);
25107            editor.off(event, handleEvent);
25108          };
25109        };
25110      };
25111      var onActionToggleFormat$1 = function (editor) {
25112        return function (rawItem) {
25113          return function () {
25114            editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
25115              editor.focus();
25116              editor.execCommand('mceToggleFormat', false, rawItem.format);
25117            });
25118          };
25119        };
25120      };
25121      var onActionExecCommand = function (editor, command) {
25122        return function () {
25123          return editor.execCommand(command);
25124        };
25125      };
25127      var generateSelectItems = function (_editor, backstage, spec) {
25128        var generateItem = function (rawItem, response, disabled, value) {
25129          var translatedText = backstage.shared.providers.translate(rawItem.title);
25130          if (rawItem.type === 'separator') {
25131            return Optional.some({
25132              type: 'separator',
25133              text: translatedText
25134            });
25135          } else if (rawItem.type === 'submenu') {
25136            var items = bind$3(rawItem.getStyleItems(), function (si) {
25137              return validate(si, response, value);
25138            });
25139            if (response === 0 && items.length <= 0) {
25140              return Optional.none();
25141            } else {
25142              return Optional.some({
25143                type: 'nestedmenuitem',
25144                text: translatedText,
25145                disabled: items.length <= 0,
25146                getSubmenuItems: function () {
25147                  return bind$3(rawItem.getStyleItems(), function (si) {
25148                    return validate(si, response, value);
25149                  });
25150                }
25151              });
25152            }
25153          } else {
25154            return Optional.some(__assign({
25155              type: 'togglemenuitem',
25156              text: translatedText,
25157              icon: rawItem.icon,
25158              active: rawItem.isSelected(value),
25159              disabled: disabled,
25160              onAction: spec.onAction(rawItem)
25161            }, rawItem.getStylePreview().fold(function () {
25162              return {};
25163            }, function (preview) {
25164              return { meta: { style: preview } };
25165            })));
25166          }
25167        };
25168        var validate = function (item, response, value) {
25169          var invalid = item.type === 'formatter' && spec.isInvalid(item);
25170          if (response === 0) {
25171            return invalid ? [] : generateItem(item, response, false, value).toArray();
25172          } else {
25173            return generateItem(item, response, invalid, value).toArray();
25174          }
25175        };
25176        var validateItems = function (preItems) {
25177          var value = spec.getCurrentValue();
25178          var response = spec.shouldHide ? 0 : 1;
25179          return bind$3(preItems, function (item) {
25180            return validate(item, response, value);
25181          });
25182        };
25183        var getFetch = function (backstage, getStyleItems) {
25184          return function (comp, callback) {
25185            var preItems = getStyleItems();
25186            var items = validateItems(preItems);
25187            var menu = build(items, ItemResponse$1.CLOSE_ON_EXECUTE, backstage, false);
25188            callback(menu);
25189          };
25190        };
25191        return {
25192          validateItems: validateItems,
25193          getFetch: getFetch
25194        };
25195      };
25196      var createMenuItems = function (editor, backstage, spec) {
25197        var dataset = spec.dataset;
25198        var getStyleItems = dataset.type === 'basic' ? function () {
25199          return map$2(dataset.data, function (d) {
25200            return processBasic(d, spec.isSelectedFor, spec.getPreviewFor);
25201          });
25202        } : dataset.getData;
25203        return {
25204          items: generateSelectItems(editor, backstage, spec),
25205          getStyleItems: getStyleItems
25206        };
25207      };
25208      var createSelectButton = function (editor, backstage, spec) {
25209        var _a = createMenuItems(editor, backstage, spec), items = _a.items, getStyleItems = _a.getStyleItems;
25210        var getApi = function (comp) {
25211          return { getComponent: constant$1(comp) };
25212        };
25213        var onSetup = onSetupEvent(editor, 'NodeChange', function (api) {
25214          var comp = api.getComponent();
25215          spec.updateText(comp);
25216        });
25217        return renderCommonDropdown({
25218          text: spec.icon.isSome() ? Optional.none() : spec.text,
25219          icon: spec.icon,
25220          tooltip: Optional.from(spec.tooltip),
25221          role: Optional.none(),
25222          fetch: items.getFetch(backstage, getStyleItems),
25223          onSetup: onSetup,
25224          getApi: getApi,
25225          columns: 1,
25226          presets: 'normal',
25227          classes: spec.icon.isSome() ? [] : ['bespoke'],
25228          dropdownBehaviours: []
25229        }, 'tox-tbtn', backstage.shared);
25230      };
25232      var process = function (rawFormats) {
25233        return map$2(rawFormats, function (item) {
25234          var title = item, format = item;
25235          var values = item.split('=');
25236          if (values.length > 1) {
25237            title = values[0];
25238            format = values[1];
25239          }
25240          return {
25241            title: title,
25242            format: format
25243          };
25244        });
25245      };
25246      var buildBasicStaticDataset = function (data) {
25247        return {
25248          type: 'basic',
25249          data: data
25250        };
25251      };
25252      var Delimiter;
25253      (function (Delimiter) {
25254        Delimiter[Delimiter['SemiColon'] = 0] = 'SemiColon';
25255        Delimiter[Delimiter['Space'] = 1] = 'Space';
25256      }(Delimiter || (Delimiter = {})));
25257      var split = function (rawFormats, delimiter) {
25258        if (delimiter === Delimiter.SemiColon) {
25259          return rawFormats.replace(/;$/, '').split(';');
25260        } else {
25261          return rawFormats.split(' ');
25262        }
25263      };
25264      var buildBasicSettingsDataset = function (editor, settingName, defaults, delimiter) {
25265        var rawFormats = editor.getParam(settingName, defaults, 'string');
25266        var data = process(split(rawFormats, delimiter));
25267        return {
25268          type: 'basic',
25269          data: data
25270        };
25271      };
25273      var alignMenuItems = [
25274        {
25275          title: 'Left',
25276          icon: 'align-left',
25277          format: 'alignleft',
25278          command: 'JustifyLeft'
25279        },
25280        {
25281          title: 'Center',
25282          icon: 'align-center',
25283          format: 'aligncenter',
25284          command: 'JustifyCenter'
25285        },
25286        {
25287          title: 'Right',
25288          icon: 'align-right',
25289          format: 'alignright',
25290          command: 'JustifyRight'
25291        },
25292        {
25293          title: 'Justify',
25294          icon: 'align-justify',
25295          format: 'alignjustify',
25296          command: 'JustifyFull'
25297        }
25298      ];
25299      var getSpec$4 = function (editor) {
25300        var getMatchingValue = function () {
25301          return find$5(alignMenuItems, function (item) {
25302            return editor.formatter.match(item.format);
25303          });
25304        };
25305        var isSelectedFor = function (format) {
25306          return function () {
25307            return editor.formatter.match(format);
25308          };
25309        };
25310        var getPreviewFor = function (_format) {
25311          return Optional.none;
25312        };
25313        var updateSelectMenuIcon = function (comp) {
25314          var match = getMatchingValue();
25315          var alignment = match.fold(constant$1('left'), function (item) {
25316            return item.title.toLowerCase();
25317          });
25318          emitWith(comp, updateMenuIcon, { icon: 'align-' + alignment });
25319        };
25320        var dataset = buildBasicStaticDataset(alignMenuItems);
25321        var onAction = function (rawItem) {
25322          return function () {
25323            return find$5(alignMenuItems, function (item) {
25324              return item.format === rawItem.format;
25325            }).each(function (item) {
25326              return editor.execCommand(item.command);
25327            });
25328          };
25329        };
25330        return {
25331          tooltip: 'Align',
25332          text: Optional.none(),
25333          icon: Optional.some('align-left'),
25334          isSelectedFor: isSelectedFor,
25335          getCurrentValue: Optional.none,
25336          getPreviewFor: getPreviewFor,
25337          onAction: onAction,
25338          updateText: updateSelectMenuIcon,
25339          dataset: dataset,
25340          shouldHide: false,
25341          isInvalid: function (item) {
25342            return !editor.formatter.canApply(item.format);
25343          }
25344        };
25345      };
25346      var createAlignSelect = function (editor, backstage) {
25347        return createSelectButton(editor, backstage, getSpec$4(editor));
25348      };
25349      var alignSelectMenu = function (editor, backstage) {
25350        var menuItems = createMenuItems(editor, backstage, getSpec$4(editor));
25351        editor.ui.registry.addNestedMenuItem('align', {
25352          text: backstage.shared.providers.translate('Align'),
25353          getSubmenuItems: function () {
25354            return menuItems.items.validateItems(menuItems.getStyleItems());
25355          }
25356        });
25357      };
25359      var defaultFontsFormats = 'Andale Mono=andale mono,monospace;' + 'Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif;' + 'Arial Black=arial black,sans-serif;' + 'Book Antiqua=book antiqua,palatino,serif;' + 'Comic Sans MS=comic sans ms,sans-serif;' + 'Courier New=courier new,courier,monospace;' + 'Georgia=georgia,palatino,serif;' + 'Helvetica=helvetica,arial,sans-serif;' + 'Impact=impact,sans-serif;' + 'Symbol=symbol;' + 'Tahoma=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;' + 'Terminal=terminal,monaco,monospace;' + 'Times New Roman=times new roman,times,serif;' + 'Trebuchet MS=trebuchet ms,geneva,sans-serif;' + 'Verdana=verdana,geneva,sans-serif;' + 'Webdings=webdings;' + 'Wingdings=wingdings,zapf dingbats';
25360      var systemStackFonts = [
25361        '-apple-system',
25362        'Segoe UI',
25363        'Roboto',
25364        'Helvetica Neue',
25365        'sans-serif'
25366      ];
25367      var splitFonts = function (fontFamily) {
25368        var fonts = fontFamily.split(/\s*,\s*/);
25369        return map$2(fonts, function (font) {
25370          return font.replace(/^['"]+|['"]+$/g, '');
25371        });
25372      };
25373      var isSystemFontStack = function (fontFamily) {
25374        var matchesSystemStack = function () {
25375          var fonts = splitFonts(fontFamily.toLowerCase());
25376          return forall(systemStackFonts, function (font) {
25377            return fonts.indexOf(font.toLowerCase()) > -1;
25378          });
25379        };
25380        return fontFamily.indexOf('-apple-system') === 0 && matchesSystemStack();
25381      };
25382      var getSpec$3 = function (editor) {
25383        var systemFont = 'System Font';
25384        var getMatchingValue = function () {
25385          var getFirstFont = function (fontFamily) {
25386            return fontFamily ? splitFonts(fontFamily)[0] : '';
25387          };
25388          var fontFamily = editor.queryCommandValue('FontName');
25389          var items = dataset.data;
25390          var font = fontFamily ? fontFamily.toLowerCase() : '';
25391          var matchOpt = find$5(items, function (item) {
25392            var format = item.format;
25393            return format.toLowerCase() === font || getFirstFont(format).toLowerCase() === getFirstFont(font).toLowerCase();
25394          }).orThunk(function () {
25395            return someIf(isSystemFontStack(font), {
25396              title: systemFont,
25397              format: font
25398            });
25399          });
25400          return {
25401            matchOpt: matchOpt,
25402            font: fontFamily
25403          };
25404        };
25405        var isSelectedFor = function (item) {
25406          return function (valueOpt) {
25407            return valueOpt.exists(function (value) {
25408              return value.format === item;
25409            });
25410          };
25411        };
25412        var getCurrentValue = function () {
25413          var matchOpt = getMatchingValue().matchOpt;
25414          return matchOpt;
25415        };
25416        var getPreviewFor = function (item) {
25417          return function () {
25418            return Optional.some({
25419              tag: 'div',
25420              styles: item.indexOf('dings') === -1 ? { 'font-family': item } : {}
25421            });
25422          };
25423        };
25424        var onAction = function (rawItem) {
25425          return function () {
25426            editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
25427              editor.focus();
25428              editor.execCommand('FontName', false, rawItem.format);
25429            });
25430          };
25431        };
25432        var updateSelectMenuText = function (comp) {
25433          var _a = getMatchingValue(), matchOpt = _a.matchOpt, font = _a.font;
25434          var text = matchOpt.fold(constant$1(font), function (item) {
25435            return item.title;
25436          });
25437          emitWith(comp, updateMenuText, { text: text });
25438        };
25439        var dataset = buildBasicSettingsDataset(editor, 'font_formats', defaultFontsFormats, Delimiter.SemiColon);
25440        return {
25441          tooltip: 'Fonts',
25442          text: Optional.some(systemFont),
25443          icon: Optional.none(),
25444          isSelectedFor: isSelectedFor,
25445          getCurrentValue: getCurrentValue,
25446          getPreviewFor: getPreviewFor,
25447          onAction: onAction,
25448          updateText: updateSelectMenuText,
25449          dataset: dataset,
25450          shouldHide: false,
25451          isInvalid: never
25452        };
25453      };
25454      var createFontSelect = function (editor, backstage) {
25455        return createSelectButton(editor, backstage, getSpec$3(editor));
25456      };
25457      var fontSelectMenu = function (editor, backstage) {
25458        var menuItems = createMenuItems(editor, backstage, getSpec$3(editor));
25459        editor.ui.registry.addNestedMenuItem('fontformats', {
25460          text: backstage.shared.providers.translate('Fonts'),
25461          getSubmenuItems: function () {
25462            return menuItems.items.validateItems(menuItems.getStyleItems());
25463          }
25464        });
25465      };
25467      var defaultFontsizeFormats = '8pt 10pt 12pt 14pt 18pt 24pt 36pt';
25468      var legacyFontSizes = {
25469        '8pt': '1',
25470        '10pt': '2',
25471        '12pt': '3',
25472        '14pt': '4',
25473        '18pt': '5',
25474        '24pt': '6',
25475        '36pt': '7'
25476      };
25477      var keywordFontSizes = {
25478        'xx-small': '7pt',
25479        'x-small': '8pt',
25480        'small': '10pt',
25481        'medium': '12pt',
25482        'large': '14pt',
25483        'x-large': '18pt',
25484        'xx-large': '24pt'
25485      };
25486      var round = function (number, precision) {
25487        var factor = Math.pow(10, precision);
25488        return Math.round(number * factor) / factor;
25489      };
25490      var toPt = function (fontSize, precision) {
25491        if (/[0-9.]+px$/.test(fontSize)) {
25492          return round(parseInt(fontSize, 10) * 72 / 96, precision || 0) + 'pt';
25493        } else {
25494          return get$e(keywordFontSizes, fontSize).getOr(fontSize);
25495        }
25496      };
25497      var toLegacy = function (fontSize) {
25498        return get$e(legacyFontSizes, fontSize).getOr('');
25499      };
25500      var getSpec$2 = function (editor) {
25501        var getMatchingValue = function () {
25502          var matchOpt = Optional.none();
25503          var items = dataset.data;
25504          var fontSize = editor.queryCommandValue('FontSize');
25505          if (fontSize) {
25506            var _loop_1 = function (precision) {
25507              var pt = toPt(fontSize, precision);
25508              var legacy = toLegacy(pt);
25509              matchOpt = find$5(items, function (item) {
25510                return item.format === fontSize || item.format === pt || item.format === legacy;
25511              });
25512            };
25513            for (var precision = 3; matchOpt.isNone() && precision >= 0; precision--) {
25514              _loop_1(precision);
25515            }
25516          }
25517          return {
25518            matchOpt: matchOpt,
25519            size: fontSize
25520          };
25521        };
25522        var isSelectedFor = function (item) {
25523          return function (valueOpt) {
25524            return valueOpt.exists(function (value) {
25525              return value.format === item;
25526            });
25527          };
25528        };
25529        var getCurrentValue = function () {
25530          var matchOpt = getMatchingValue().matchOpt;
25531          return matchOpt;
25532        };
25533        var getPreviewFor = constant$1(Optional.none);
25534        var onAction = function (rawItem) {
25535          return function () {
25536            editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
25537              editor.focus();
25538              editor.execCommand('FontSize', false, rawItem.format);
25539            });
25540          };
25541        };
25542        var updateSelectMenuText = function (comp) {
25543          var _a = getMatchingValue(), matchOpt = _a.matchOpt, size = _a.size;
25544          var text = matchOpt.fold(constant$1(size), function (match) {
25545            return match.title;
25546          });
25547          emitWith(comp, updateMenuText, { text: text });
25548        };
25549        var dataset = buildBasicSettingsDataset(editor, 'fontsize_formats', defaultFontsizeFormats, Delimiter.Space);
25550        return {
25551          tooltip: 'Font sizes',
25552          text: Optional.some('12pt'),
25553          icon: Optional.none(),
25554          isSelectedFor: isSelectedFor,
25555          getPreviewFor: getPreviewFor,
25556          getCurrentValue: getCurrentValue,
25557          onAction: onAction,
25558          updateText: updateSelectMenuText,
25559          dataset: dataset,
25560          shouldHide: false,
25561          isInvalid: never
25562        };
25563      };
25564      var createFontsizeSelect = function (editor, backstage) {
25565        return createSelectButton(editor, backstage, getSpec$2(editor));
25566      };
25567      var fontsizeSelectMenu = function (editor, backstage) {
25568        var menuItems = createMenuItems(editor, backstage, getSpec$2(editor));
25569        editor.ui.registry.addNestedMenuItem('fontsizes', {
25570          text: 'Font sizes',
25571          getSubmenuItems: function () {
25572            return menuItems.items.validateItems(menuItems.getStyleItems());
25573          }
25574        });
25575      };
25577      var findNearest = function (editor, getStyles) {
25578        var styles = getStyles();
25579        var formats = map$2(styles, function (style) {
25580          return style.format;
25581        });
25582        return Optional.from(editor.formatter.closest(formats)).bind(function (fmt) {
25583          return find$5(styles, function (data) {
25584            return data.format === fmt;
25585          });
25586        }).orThunk(function () {
25587          return someIf(editor.formatter.match('p'), {
25588            title: 'Paragraph',
25589            format: 'p'
25590          });
25591        });
25592      };
25594      var defaultBlocks = 'Paragraph=p;' + 'Heading 1=h1;' + 'Heading 2=h2;' + 'Heading 3=h3;' + 'Heading 4=h4;' + 'Heading 5=h5;' + 'Heading 6=h6;' + 'Preformatted=pre';
25595      var getSpec$1 = function (editor) {
25596        var fallbackFormat = 'Paragraph';
25597        var isSelectedFor = function (format) {
25598          return function () {
25599            return editor.formatter.match(format);
25600          };
25601        };
25602        var getPreviewFor = function (format) {
25603          return function () {
25604            var fmt = editor.formatter.get(format);
25605            return Optional.some({
25606              tag: fmt.length > 0 ? fmt[0].inline || fmt[0].block || 'div' : 'div',
25607              styles: editor.dom.parseStyle(editor.formatter.getCssText(format))
25608            });
25609          };
25610        };
25611        var updateSelectMenuText = function (comp) {
25612          var detectedFormat = findNearest(editor, function () {
25613            return dataset.data;
25614          });
25615          var text = detectedFormat.fold(constant$1(fallbackFormat), function (fmt) {
25616            return fmt.title;
25617          });
25618          emitWith(comp, updateMenuText, { text: text });
25619        };
25620        var dataset = buildBasicSettingsDataset(editor, 'block_formats', defaultBlocks, Delimiter.SemiColon);
25621        return {
25622          tooltip: 'Blocks',
25623          text: Optional.some(fallbackFormat),
25624          icon: Optional.none(),
25625          isSelectedFor: isSelectedFor,
25626          getCurrentValue: Optional.none,
25627          getPreviewFor: getPreviewFor,
25628          onAction: onActionToggleFormat$1(editor),
25629          updateText: updateSelectMenuText,
25630          dataset: dataset,
25631          shouldHide: false,
25632          isInvalid: function (item) {
25633            return !editor.formatter.canApply(item.format);
25634          }
25635        };
25636      };
25637      var createFormatSelect = function (editor, backstage) {
25638        return createSelectButton(editor, backstage, getSpec$1(editor));
25639      };
25640      var formatSelectMenu = function (editor, backstage) {
25641        var menuItems = createMenuItems(editor, backstage, getSpec$1(editor));
25642        editor.ui.registry.addNestedMenuItem('blockformats', {
25643          text: 'Blocks',
25644          getSubmenuItems: function () {
25645            return menuItems.items.validateItems(menuItems.getStyleItems());
25646          }
25647        });
25648      };
25650      var getSpec = function (editor, dataset) {
25651        var fallbackFormat = 'Paragraph';
25652        var isSelectedFor = function (format) {
25653          return function () {
25654            return editor.formatter.match(format);
25655          };
25656        };
25657        var getPreviewFor = function (format) {
25658          return function () {
25659            var fmt = editor.formatter.get(format);
25660            return fmt !== undefined ? Optional.some({
25661              tag: fmt.length > 0 ? fmt[0].inline || fmt[0].block || 'div' : 'div',
25662              styles: editor.dom.parseStyle(editor.formatter.getCssText(format))
25663            }) : Optional.none();
25664          };
25665        };
25666        var updateSelectMenuText = function (comp) {
25667          var getFormatItems = function (fmt) {
25668            var subs = fmt.items;
25669            return subs !== undefined && subs.length > 0 ? bind$3(subs, getFormatItems) : [{
25670                title: fmt.title,
25671                format: fmt.format
25672              }];
25673          };
25674          var flattenedItems = bind$3(getStyleFormats(editor), getFormatItems);
25675          var detectedFormat = findNearest(editor, constant$1(flattenedItems));
25676          var text = detectedFormat.fold(constant$1(fallbackFormat), function (fmt) {
25677            return fmt.title;
25678          });
25679          emitWith(comp, updateMenuText, { text: text });
25680        };
25681        return {
25682          tooltip: 'Formats',
25683          text: Optional.some(fallbackFormat),
25684          icon: Optional.none(),
25685          isSelectedFor: isSelectedFor,
25686          getCurrentValue: Optional.none,
25687          getPreviewFor: getPreviewFor,
25688          onAction: onActionToggleFormat$1(editor),
25689          updateText: updateSelectMenuText,
25690          shouldHide: editor.getParam('style_formats_autohide', false, 'boolean'),
25691          isInvalid: function (item) {
25692            return !editor.formatter.canApply(item.format);
25693          },
25694          dataset: dataset
25695        };
25696      };
25697      var createStyleSelect = function (editor, backstage) {
25698        var dataset = __assign({ type: 'advanced' }, backstage.styleselect);
25699        return createSelectButton(editor, backstage, getSpec(editor, dataset));
25700      };
25701      var styleSelectMenu = function (editor, backstage) {
25702        var dataset = __assign({ type: 'advanced' }, backstage.styleselect);
25703        var menuItems = createMenuItems(editor, backstage, getSpec(editor, dataset));
25704        editor.ui.registry.addNestedMenuItem('formats', {
25705          text: 'Formats',
25706          getSubmenuItems: function () {
25707            return menuItems.items.validateItems(menuItems.getStyleItems());
25708          }
25709        });
25710      };
25712      var events$3 = function (reflectingConfig, reflectingState) {
25713        var update = function (component, data) {
25714          reflectingConfig.updateState.each(function (updateState) {
25715            var newState = updateState(component, data);
25716            reflectingState.set(newState);
25717          });
25718          reflectingConfig.renderComponents.each(function (renderComponents) {
25719            var newComponents = renderComponents(data, reflectingState.get());
25720            var newChildren = map$2(newComponents, component.getSystem().build);
25721            replaceChildren(component, newChildren);
25722          });
25723        };
25724        return derive$2([
25725          run$1(receive(), function (component, message) {
25726            var receivingData = message;
25727            if (!receivingData.universal) {
25728              var channel = reflectingConfig.channel;
25729              if (contains$2(receivingData.channels, channel)) {
25730                update(component, receivingData.data);
25731              }
25732            }
25733          }),
25734          runOnAttached(function (comp, _se) {
25735            reflectingConfig.initialData.each(function (rawData) {
25736              update(comp, rawData);
25737            });
25738          })
25739        ]);
25740      };
25742      var ActiveReflecting = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
25743          __proto__: null,
25744          events: events$3
25745      });
25747      var getState = function (component, replaceConfig, reflectState) {
25748        return reflectState;
25749      };
25751      var ReflectingApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
25752          __proto__: null,
25753          getState: getState
25754      });
25756      var ReflectingSchema = [
25757        required$1('channel'),
25758        option('renderComponents'),
25759        option('updateState'),
25760        option('initialData')
25761      ];
25763      var init$3 = function () {
25764        var cell = Cell(Optional.none());
25765        var clear = function () {
25766          return cell.set(Optional.none());
25767        };
25768        var readState = function () {
25769          return cell.get().getOr('none');
25770        };
25771        return {
25772          readState: readState,
25773          get: cell.get,
25774          set: cell.set,
25775          clear: clear
25776        };
25777      };
25779      var ReflectingState = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
25780          __proto__: null,
25781          init: init$3
25782      });
25784      var Reflecting = create$7({
25785        fields: ReflectingSchema,
25786        name: 'reflecting',
25787        active: ActiveReflecting,
25788        apis: ReflectingApis,
25789        state: ReflectingState
25790      });
25792      var schema$7 = constant$1([
25793        required$1('toggleClass'),
25794        required$1('fetch'),
25795        onStrictHandler('onExecute'),
25796        defaulted('getHotspot', Optional.some),
25797        defaulted('getAnchorOverrides', constant$1({})),
25798        schema$y(),
25799        onStrictHandler('onItemExecute'),
25800        option('lazySink'),
25801        required$1('dom'),
25802        onHandler('onOpen'),
25803        field('splitDropdownBehaviours', [
25804          Coupling,
25805          Keying,
25806          Focusing
25807        ]),
25808        defaulted('matchWidth', false),
25809        defaulted('useMinWidth', false),
25810        defaulted('eventOrder', {}),
25811        option('role')
25812      ].concat(sandboxFields()));
25813      var arrowPart = required({
25814        factory: Button,
25815        schema: [required$1('dom')],
25816        name: 'arrow',
25817        defaults: function () {
25818          return { buttonBehaviours: derive$1([Focusing.revoke()]) };
25819        },
25820        overrides: function (detail) {
25821          return {
25822            dom: {
25823              tag: 'span',
25824              attributes: { role: 'presentation' }
25825            },
25826            action: function (arrow) {
25827              arrow.getSystem().getByUid(detail.uid).each(emitExecute);
25828            },
25829            buttonBehaviours: derive$1([Toggling.config({
25830                toggleOnExecute: false,
25831                toggleClass: detail.toggleClass
25832              })])
25833          };
25834        }
25835      });
25836      var buttonPart = required({
25837        factory: Button,
25838        schema: [required$1('dom')],
25839        name: 'button',
25840        defaults: function () {
25841          return { buttonBehaviours: derive$1([Focusing.revoke()]) };
25842        },
25843        overrides: function (detail) {
25844          return {
25845            dom: {
25846              tag: 'span',
25847              attributes: { role: 'presentation' }
25848            },
25849            action: function (btn) {
25850              btn.getSystem().getByUid(detail.uid).each(function (splitDropdown) {
25851                detail.onExecute(splitDropdown, btn);
25852              });
25853            }
25854          };
25855        }
25856      });
25857      var parts$3 = constant$1([
25858        arrowPart,
25859        buttonPart,
25860        optional({
25861          factory: {
25862            sketch: function (spec) {
25863              return {
25864                uid: spec.uid,
25865                dom: {
25866                  tag: 'span',
25867                  styles: { display: 'none' },
25868                  attributes: { 'aria-hidden': 'true' },
25869                  innerHtml: spec.text
25870                }
25871              };
25872            }
25873          },
25874          schema: [required$1('text')],
25875          name: 'aria-descriptor'
25876        }),
25877        external$1({
25878          schema: [tieredMenuMarkers()],
25879          name: 'menu',
25880          defaults: function (detail) {
25881            return {
25882              onExecute: function (tmenu, item) {
25883                tmenu.getSystem().getByUid(detail.uid).each(function (splitDropdown) {
25884                  detail.onItemExecute(splitDropdown, tmenu, item);
25885                });
25886              }
25887            };
25888          }
25889        }),
25890        partType$1()
25891      ]);
25893      var factory$5 = function (detail, components, spec, externals) {
25894        var _a;
25895        var switchToMenu = function (sandbox) {
25896          Composing.getCurrent(sandbox).each(function (current) {
25897            Highlighting.highlightFirst(current);
25898            Keying.focusIn(current);
25899          });
25900        };
25901        var action = function (component) {
25902          var onOpenSync = switchToMenu;
25903          togglePopup(detail, identity$1, component, externals, onOpenSync, HighlightOnOpen.HighlightFirst).get(noop);
25904        };
25905        var openMenu = function (comp) {
25906          action(comp);
25907          return Optional.some(true);
25908        };
25909        var executeOnButton = function (comp) {
25910          var button = getPartOrDie(comp, detail, 'button');
25911          emitExecute(button);
25912          return Optional.some(true);
25913        };
25914        var buttonEvents = __assign(__assign({}, derive$2([runOnAttached(function (component, _simulatedEvent) {
25915            var ariaDescriptor = getPart(component, detail, 'aria-descriptor');
25916            ariaDescriptor.each(function (descriptor) {
25917              var descriptorId = generate$6('aria');
25918              set$8(descriptor.element, 'id', descriptorId);
25919              set$8(component.element, 'aria-describedby', descriptorId);
25920            });
25921          })])), events$a(Optional.some(action)));
25922        var apis = {
25923          repositionMenus: function (comp) {
25924            if (Toggling.isOn(comp)) {
25925              repositionMenus(comp);
25926            }
25927          }
25928        };
25929        return {
25930          uid: detail.uid,
25931          dom: detail.dom,
25932          components: components,
25933          apis: apis,
25934          eventOrder: __assign(__assign({}, detail.eventOrder), (_a = {}, _a[execute$5()] = [
25935            'disabling',
25936            'toggling',
25937            'alloy.base.behaviour'
25938          ], _a)),
25939          events: buttonEvents,
25940          behaviours: augment(detail.splitDropdownBehaviours, [
25941            Coupling.config({
25942              others: {
25943                sandbox: function (hotspot) {
25944                  var arrow = getPartOrDie(hotspot, detail, 'arrow');
25945                  var extras = {
25946                    onOpen: function () {
25947                      Toggling.on(arrow);
25948                      Toggling.on(hotspot);
25949                    },
25950                    onClose: function () {
25951                      Toggling.off(arrow);
25952                      Toggling.off(hotspot);
25953                    }
25954                  };
25955                  return makeSandbox$1(detail, hotspot, extras);
25956                }
25957              }
25958            }),
25959            Keying.config({
25960              mode: 'special',
25961              onSpace: executeOnButton,
25962              onEnter: executeOnButton,
25963              onDown: openMenu
25964            }),
25965            Focusing.config({}),
25966            Toggling.config({
25967              toggleOnExecute: false,
25968              aria: { mode: 'expanded' }
25969            })
25970          ]),
25971          domModification: {
25972            attributes: {
25973              'role': detail.role.getOr('button'),
25974              'aria-haspopup': true
25975            }
25976          }
25977        };
25978      };
25979      var SplitDropdown = composite({
25980        name: 'SplitDropdown',
25981        configFields: schema$7(),
25982        partFields: parts$3(),
25983        factory: factory$5,
25984        apis: {
25985          repositionMenus: function (apis, comp) {
25986            return apis.repositionMenus(comp);
25987          }
25988        }
25989      });
25991      var getButtonApi = function (component) {
25992        return {
25993          isDisabled: function () {
25994            return Disabling.isDisabled(component);
25995          },
25996          setDisabled: function (state) {
25997            return Disabling.set(component, state);
25998          }
25999        };
26000      };
26001      var getToggleApi = function (component) {
26002        return {
26003          setActive: function (state) {
26004            Toggling.set(component, state);
26005          },
26006          isActive: function () {
26007            return Toggling.isOn(component);
26008          },
26009          isDisabled: function () {
26010            return Disabling.isDisabled(component);
26011          },
26012          setDisabled: function (state) {
26013            return Disabling.set(component, state);
26014          }
26015        };
26016      };
26017      var getTooltipAttributes = function (tooltip, providersBackstage) {
26018        return tooltip.map(function (tooltip) {
26019          return {
26020            'aria-label': providersBackstage.translate(tooltip),
26021            'title': providersBackstage.translate(tooltip)
26022          };
26023        }).getOr({});
26024      };
26025      var focusButtonEvent = generate$6('focus-button');
26026      var renderCommonStructure = function (icon, text, tooltip, receiver, behaviours, providersBackstage) {
26027        var _d;
26028        return {
26029          dom: {
26030            tag: 'button',
26031            classes: ['tox-tbtn'].concat(text.isSome() ? ['tox-tbtn--select'] : []),
26032            attributes: getTooltipAttributes(tooltip, providersBackstage)
26033          },
26034          components: componentRenderPipeline([
26035            icon.map(function (iconName) {
26036              return renderIconFromPack(iconName, providersBackstage.icons);
26037            }),
26038            text.map(function (text) {
26039              return renderLabel$1(text, 'tox-tbtn', providersBackstage);
26040            })
26041          ]),
26042          eventOrder: (_d = {}, _d[mousedown()] = [
26043            'focusing',
26044            'alloy.base.behaviour',
26045            'common-button-display-events'
26046          ], _d),
26047          buttonBehaviours: derive$1([
26048            DisablingConfigs.toolbarButton(providersBackstage.isDisabled),
26049            receivingConfig(),
26050            config('common-button-display-events', [run$1(mousedown(), function (button, se) {
26051                se.event.prevent();
26052                emit(button, focusButtonEvent);
26053              })])
26054          ].concat(receiver.map(function (r) {
26055            return Reflecting.config({
26056              channel: r,
26057              initialData: {
26058                icon: icon,
26059                text: text
26060              },
26061              renderComponents: function (data, _state) {
26062                return componentRenderPipeline([
26063                  data.icon.map(function (iconName) {
26064                    return renderIconFromPack(iconName, providersBackstage.icons);
26065                  }),
26066                  data.text.map(function (text) {
26067                    return renderLabel$1(text, 'tox-tbtn', providersBackstage);
26068                  })
26069                ]);
26070              }
26071            });
26072          }).toArray()).concat(behaviours.getOr([])))
26073        };
26074      };
26075      var renderFloatingToolbarButton = function (spec, backstage, identifyButtons, attributes) {
26076        var sharedBackstage = backstage.shared;
26077        return FloatingToolbarButton.sketch({
26078          lazySink: sharedBackstage.getSink,
26079          fetch: function () {
26080            return Future.nu(function (resolve) {
26081              resolve(map$2(identifyButtons(spec.items), renderToolbarGroup));
26082            });
26083          },
26084          markers: { toggledClass: 'tox-tbtn--enabled' },
26085          parts: {
26086            button: renderCommonStructure(spec.icon, spec.text, spec.tooltip, Optional.none(), Optional.none(), sharedBackstage.providers),
26087            toolbar: {
26088              dom: {
26089                tag: 'div',
26090                classes: ['tox-toolbar__overflow'],
26091                attributes: attributes
26092              }
26093            }
26094          }
26095        });
26096      };
26097      var renderCommonToolbarButton = function (spec, specialisation, providersBackstage) {
26098        var editorOffCell = Cell(noop);
26099        var structure = renderCommonStructure(spec.icon, spec.text, spec.tooltip, Optional.none(), Optional.none(), providersBackstage);
26100        return Button.sketch({
26101          dom: structure.dom,
26102          components: structure.components,
26103          eventOrder: toolbarButtonEventOrder,
26104          buttonBehaviours: derive$1([
26105            config('toolbar-button-events', [
26106              onToolbarButtonExecute({
26107                onAction: spec.onAction,
26108                getApi: specialisation.getApi
26109              }),
26110              onControlAttached(specialisation, editorOffCell),
26111              onControlDetached(specialisation, editorOffCell)
26112            ]),
26113            DisablingConfigs.toolbarButton(function () {
26114              return spec.disabled || providersBackstage.isDisabled();
26115            }),
26116            receivingConfig()
26117          ].concat(specialisation.toolbarButtonBehaviours))
26118        });
26119      };
26120      var renderToolbarButton = function (spec, providersBackstage) {
26121        return renderToolbarButtonWith(spec, providersBackstage, []);
26122      };
26123      var renderToolbarButtonWith = function (spec, providersBackstage, bonusEvents) {
26124        return renderCommonToolbarButton(spec, {
26125          toolbarButtonBehaviours: [].concat(bonusEvents.length > 0 ? [config('toolbarButtonWith', bonusEvents)] : []),
26126          getApi: getButtonApi,
26127          onSetup: spec.onSetup
26128        }, providersBackstage);
26129      };
26130      var renderToolbarToggleButton = function (spec, providersBackstage) {
26131        return renderToolbarToggleButtonWith(spec, providersBackstage, []);
26132      };
26133      var renderToolbarToggleButtonWith = function (spec, providersBackstage, bonusEvents) {
26134        return deepMerge(renderCommonToolbarButton(spec, {
26135          toolbarButtonBehaviours: [
26136            Replacing.config({}),
26137            Toggling.config({
26138              toggleClass: 'tox-tbtn--enabled',
26139              aria: { mode: 'pressed' },
26140              toggleOnExecute: false
26141            })
26142          ].concat(bonusEvents.length > 0 ? [config('toolbarToggleButtonWith', bonusEvents)] : []),
26143          getApi: getToggleApi,
26144          onSetup: spec.onSetup
26145        }, providersBackstage));
26146      };
26147      var fetchChoices = function (getApi, spec, providersBackstage) {
26148        return function (comp) {
26149          return Future.nu(function (callback) {
26150            return spec.fetch(callback);
26151          }).map(function (items) {
26152            return Optional.from(createTieredDataFrom(deepMerge(createPartialChoiceMenu(generate$6('menu-value'), items, function (value) {
26153              spec.onItemAction(getApi(comp), value);
26154            }, spec.columns, spec.presets, ItemResponse$1.CLOSE_ON_EXECUTE, spec.select.getOr(never), providersBackstage), {
26155              movement: deriveMenuMovement(spec.columns, spec.presets),
26156              menuBehaviours: SimpleBehaviours.unnamedEvents(spec.columns !== 'auto' ? [] : [runOnAttached(function (comp, _se) {
26157                  detectSize(comp, 4, classForPreset(spec.presets)).each(function (_d) {
26158                    var numRows = _d.numRows, numColumns = _d.numColumns;
26159                    Keying.setGridSize(comp, numRows, numColumns);
26160                  });
26161                })])
26162            })));
26163          });
26164        };
26165      };
26166      var renderSplitButton = function (spec, sharedBackstage) {
26167        var _d;
26168        var displayChannel = generate$6('channel-update-split-dropdown-display');
26169        var getApi = function (comp) {
26170          return {
26171            isDisabled: function () {
26172              return Disabling.isDisabled(comp);
26173            },
26174            setDisabled: function (state) {
26175              return Disabling.set(comp, state);
26176            },
26177            setIconFill: function (id, value) {
26178              descendant(comp.element, 'svg path[id="' + id + '"], rect[id="' + id + '"]').each(function (underlinePath) {
26179                set$8(underlinePath, 'fill', value);
26180              });
26181            },
26182            setIconStroke: function (id, value) {
26183              descendant(comp.element, 'svg path[id="' + id + '"], rect[id="' + id + '"]').each(function (underlinePath) {
26184                set$8(underlinePath, 'stroke', value);
26185              });
26186            },
26187            setActive: function (state) {
26188              set$8(comp.element, 'aria-pressed', state);
26189              descendant(comp.element, 'span').each(function (button) {
26190                comp.getSystem().getByDom(button).each(function (buttonComp) {
26191                  return Toggling.set(buttonComp, state);
26192                });
26193              });
26194            },
26195            isActive: function () {
26196              return descendant(comp.element, 'span').exists(function (button) {
26197                return comp.getSystem().getByDom(button).exists(Toggling.isOn);
26198              });
26199            }
26200          };
26201        };
26202        var editorOffCell = Cell(noop);
26203        var specialisation = {
26204          getApi: getApi,
26205          onSetup: spec.onSetup
26206        };
26207        return SplitDropdown.sketch({
26208          dom: {
26209            tag: 'div',
26210            classes: ['tox-split-button'],
26211            attributes: __assign({ 'aria-pressed': false }, getTooltipAttributes(spec.tooltip, sharedBackstage.providers))
26212          },
26213          onExecute: function (button) {
26214            spec.onAction(getApi(button));
26215          },
26216          onItemExecute: function (_a, _b, _c) {
26217          },
26218          splitDropdownBehaviours: derive$1([
26219            DisablingConfigs.splitButton(sharedBackstage.providers.isDisabled),
26220            receivingConfig(),
26221            config('split-dropdown-events', [
26222              run$1(focusButtonEvent, Focusing.focus),
26223              onControlAttached(specialisation, editorOffCell),
26224              onControlDetached(specialisation, editorOffCell)
26225            ]),
26226            Unselecting.config({})
26227          ]),
26228          eventOrder: (_d = {}, _d[attachedToDom()] = [
26229            'alloy.base.behaviour',
26230            'split-dropdown-events'
26231          ], _d),
26232          toggleClass: 'tox-tbtn--enabled',
26233          lazySink: sharedBackstage.getSink,
26234          fetch: fetchChoices(getApi, spec, sharedBackstage.providers),
26235          parts: { menu: part(false, spec.columns, spec.presets) },
26236          components: [
26237            SplitDropdown.parts.button(renderCommonStructure(spec.icon, spec.text, Optional.none(), Optional.some(displayChannel), Optional.some([Toggling.config({
26238                toggleClass: 'tox-tbtn--enabled',
26239                toggleOnExecute: false
26240              })]), sharedBackstage.providers)),
26241            SplitDropdown.parts.arrow({
26242              dom: {
26243                tag: 'button',
26244                classes: [
26245                  'tox-tbtn',
26246                  'tox-split-button__chevron'
26247                ],
26248                innerHtml: get$1('chevron-down', sharedBackstage.providers.icons)
26249              },
26250              buttonBehaviours: derive$1([
26251                DisablingConfigs.splitButton(sharedBackstage.providers.isDisabled),
26252                receivingConfig(),
26253                addFocusableBehaviour()
26254              ])
26255            }),
26256            SplitDropdown.parts['aria-descriptor']({ text: sharedBackstage.providers.translate('To open the popup, press Shift+Enter') })
26257          ]
26258        });
26259      };
26261      var defaultToolbar = [
26262        {
26263          name: 'history',
26264          items: [
26265            'undo',
26266            'redo'
26267          ]
26268        },
26269        {
26270          name: 'styles',
26271          items: ['styleselect']
26272        },
26273        {
26274          name: 'formatting',
26275          items: [
26276            'bold',
26277            'italic'
26278          ]
26279        },
26280        {
26281          name: 'alignment',
26282          items: [
26283            'alignleft',
26284            'aligncenter',
26285            'alignright',
26286            'alignjustify'
26287          ]
26288        },
26289        {
26290          name: 'indentation',
26291          items: [
26292            'outdent',
26293            'indent'
26294          ]
26295        },
26296        {
26297          name: 'permanent pen',
26298          items: ['permanentpen']
26299        },
26300        {
26301          name: 'comments',
26302          items: ['addcomment']
26303        }
26304      ];
26305      var renderFromBridge = function (bridgeBuilder, render) {
26306        return function (spec, extras, editor) {
26307          var internal = bridgeBuilder(spec).mapError(function (errInfo) {
26308            return formatError(errInfo);
26309          }).getOrDie();
26310          return render(internal, extras, editor);
26311        };
26312      };
26313      var types = {
26314        button: renderFromBridge(createToolbarButton, function (s, extras) {
26315          return renderToolbarButton(s, extras.backstage.shared.providers);
26316        }),
26317        togglebutton: renderFromBridge(createToggleButton, function (s, extras) {
26318          return renderToolbarToggleButton(s, extras.backstage.shared.providers);
26319        }),
26320        menubutton: renderFromBridge(createMenuButton, function (s, extras) {
26321          return renderMenuButton(s, 'tox-tbtn', extras.backstage, Optional.none());
26322        }),
26323        splitbutton: renderFromBridge(createSplitButton, function (s, extras) {
26324          return renderSplitButton(s, extras.backstage.shared);
26325        }),
26326        grouptoolbarbutton: renderFromBridge(createGroupToolbarButton, function (s, extras, editor) {
26327          var _a;
26328          var buttons = editor.ui.registry.getAll().buttons;
26329          var identify = function (toolbar) {
26330            return identifyButtons(editor, {
26331              buttons: buttons,
26332              toolbar: toolbar,
26333              allowToolbarGroups: false
26334            }, extras, Optional.none());
26335          };
26336          var attributes = (_a = {}, _a[Attribute] = extras.backstage.shared.header.isPositionedAtTop() ? AttributeValue.TopToBottom : AttributeValue.BottomToTop, _a);
26337          switch (getToolbarMode(editor)) {
26338          case ToolbarMode.floating:
26339            return renderFloatingToolbarButton(s, extras.backstage, identify, attributes);
26340          default:
26341            throw new Error('Toolbar groups are only supported when using floating toolbar mode');
26342          }
26343        }),
26344        styleSelectButton: function (editor, extras) {
26345          return createStyleSelect(editor, extras.backstage);
26346        },
26347        fontsizeSelectButton: function (editor, extras) {
26348          return createFontsizeSelect(editor, extras.backstage);
26349        },
26350        fontSelectButton: function (editor, extras) {
26351          return createFontSelect(editor, extras.backstage);
26352        },
26353        formatButton: function (editor, extras) {
26354          return createFormatSelect(editor, extras.backstage);
26355        },
26356        alignMenuButton: function (editor, extras) {
26357          return createAlignSelect(editor, extras.backstage);
26358        }
26359      };
26360      var extractFrom = function (spec, extras, editor) {
26361        return get$e(types, spec.type).fold(function () {
26362          console.error('skipping button defined by', spec);
26363          return Optional.none();
26364        }, function (render) {
26365          return Optional.some(render(spec, extras, editor));
26366        });
26367      };
26368      var bespokeButtons = {
26369        styleselect: types.styleSelectButton,
26370        fontsizeselect: types.fontsizeSelectButton,
26371        fontselect: types.fontSelectButton,
26372        formatselect: types.formatButton,
26373        align: types.alignMenuButton
26374      };
26375      var removeUnusedDefaults = function (buttons) {
26376        var filteredItemGroups = map$2(defaultToolbar, function (group) {
26377          var items = filter$2(group.items, function (subItem) {
26378            return has$2(buttons, subItem) || has$2(bespokeButtons, subItem);
26379          });
26380          return {
26381            name: group.name,
26382            items: items
26383          };
26384        });
26385        return filter$2(filteredItemGroups, function (group) {
26386          return group.items.length > 0;
26387        });
26388      };
26389      var convertStringToolbar = function (strToolbar) {
26390        var groupsStrings = strToolbar.split('|');
26391        return map$2(groupsStrings, function (g) {
26392          return { items: g.trim().split(' ') };
26393        });
26394      };
26395      var isToolbarGroupSettingArray = function (toolbar) {
26396        return isArrayOf(toolbar, function (t) {
26397          return has$2(t, 'name') && has$2(t, 'items');
26398        });
26399      };
26400      var createToolbar = function (toolbarConfig) {
26401        var toolbar = toolbarConfig.toolbar;
26402        var buttons = toolbarConfig.buttons;
26403        if (toolbar === false) {
26404          return [];
26405        } else if (toolbar === undefined || toolbar === true) {
26406          return removeUnusedDefaults(buttons);
26407        } else if (isString(toolbar)) {
26408          return convertStringToolbar(toolbar);
26409        } else if (isToolbarGroupSettingArray(toolbar)) {
26410          return toolbar;
26411        } else {
26412          console.error('Toolbar type should be string, string[], boolean or ToolbarGroup[]');
26413          return [];
26414        }
26415      };
26416      var lookupButton = function (editor, buttons, toolbarItem, allowToolbarGroups, extras, prefixes) {
26417        return get$e(buttons, toolbarItem.toLowerCase()).orThunk(function () {
26418          return prefixes.bind(function (ps) {
26419            return findMap(ps, function (prefix) {
26420              return get$e(buttons, prefix + toolbarItem.toLowerCase());
26421            });
26422          });
26423        }).fold(function () {
26424          return get$e(bespokeButtons, toolbarItem.toLowerCase()).map(function (r) {
26425            return r(editor, extras);
26426          }).orThunk(function () {
26427            return Optional.none();
26428          });
26429        }, function (spec) {
26430          if (spec.type === 'grouptoolbarbutton' && !allowToolbarGroups) {
26431            console.warn('Ignoring the \'' + toolbarItem + '\' toolbar button. Group toolbar buttons are only supported when using floating toolbar mode and cannot be nested.');
26432            return Optional.none();
26433          } else {
26434            return extractFrom(spec, extras, editor);
26435          }
26436        });
26437      };
26438      var identifyButtons = function (editor, toolbarConfig, extras, prefixes) {
26439        var toolbarGroups = createToolbar(toolbarConfig);
26440        var groups = map$2(toolbarGroups, function (group) {
26441          var items = bind$3(group.items, function (toolbarItem) {
26442            return toolbarItem.trim().length === 0 ? [] : lookupButton(editor, toolbarConfig.buttons, toolbarItem, toolbarConfig.allowToolbarGroups, extras, prefixes).toArray();
26443          });
26444          return {
26445            title: Optional.from(editor.translate(group.name)),
26446            items: items
26447          };
26448        });
26449        return filter$2(groups, function (group) {
26450          return group.items.length > 0;
26451        });
26452      };
26454      var setToolbar = function (editor, uiComponents, rawUiConfig, backstage) {
26455        var comp = uiComponents.outerContainer;
26456        var toolbarConfig = rawUiConfig.toolbar;
26457        var toolbarButtonsConfig = rawUiConfig.buttons;
26458        if (isArrayOf(toolbarConfig, isString)) {
26459          var toolbars = toolbarConfig.map(function (t) {
26460            var config = {
26461              toolbar: t,
26462              buttons: toolbarButtonsConfig,
26463              allowToolbarGroups: rawUiConfig.allowToolbarGroups
26464            };
26465            return identifyButtons(editor, config, { backstage: backstage }, Optional.none());
26466          });
26467          OuterContainer.setToolbars(comp, toolbars);
26468        } else {
26469          OuterContainer.setToolbar(comp, identifyButtons(editor, rawUiConfig, { backstage: backstage }, Optional.none()));
26470        }
26471      };
26473      var detection = detect$1();
26474      var isiOS12 = detection.os.isiOS() && detection.os.version.major <= 12;
26475      var setupEvents$1 = function (editor, uiComponents) {
26476        var dom = editor.dom;
26477        var contentWindow = editor.getWin();
26478        var initialDocEle = editor.getDoc().documentElement;
26479        var lastWindowDimensions = Cell(SugarPosition(contentWindow.innerWidth, contentWindow.innerHeight));
26480        var lastDocumentDimensions = Cell(SugarPosition(initialDocEle.offsetWidth, initialDocEle.offsetHeight));
26481        var resizeWindow = function () {
26482          var outer = lastWindowDimensions.get();
26483          if (outer.left !== contentWindow.innerWidth || outer.top !== contentWindow.innerHeight) {
26484            lastWindowDimensions.set(SugarPosition(contentWindow.innerWidth, contentWindow.innerHeight));
26485            fireResizeContent(editor);
26486          }
26487        };
26488        var resizeDocument = function () {
26489          var docEle = editor.getDoc().documentElement;
26490          var inner = lastDocumentDimensions.get();
26491          if (inner.left !== docEle.offsetWidth || inner.top !== docEle.offsetHeight) {
26492            lastDocumentDimensions.set(SugarPosition(docEle.offsetWidth, docEle.offsetHeight));
26493            fireResizeContent(editor);
26494          }
26495        };
26496        var scroll = function (e) {
26497          return fireScrollContent(editor, e);
26498        };
26499        dom.bind(contentWindow, 'resize', resizeWindow);
26500        dom.bind(contentWindow, 'scroll', scroll);
26501        var elementLoad = capture(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()), 'load', resizeDocument);
26502        var mothership = uiComponents.uiMothership.element;
26503        editor.on('hide', function () {
26504          set$7(mothership, 'display', 'none');
26505        });
26506        editor.on('show', function () {
26507          remove$6(mothership, 'display');
26508        });
26509        editor.on('NodeChange', resizeDocument);
26510        editor.on('remove', function () {
26511          elementLoad.unbind();
26512          dom.unbind(contentWindow, 'resize', resizeWindow);
26513          dom.unbind(contentWindow, 'scroll', scroll);
26514          contentWindow = null;
26515        });
26516      };
26517      var render$1 = function (editor, uiComponents, rawUiConfig, backstage, args) {
26518        var lastToolbarWidth = Cell(0);
26519        var outerContainer = uiComponents.outerContainer;
26520        iframe(editor);
26521        var eTargetNode = SugarElement.fromDom(args.targetNode);
26522        var uiRoot = getContentContainer(getRootNode(eTargetNode));
26523        attachSystemAfter(eTargetNode, uiComponents.mothership);
26524        attachSystem(uiRoot, uiComponents.uiMothership);
26525        editor.on('PostRender', function () {
26526          setToolbar(editor, uiComponents, rawUiConfig, backstage);
26527          lastToolbarWidth.set(editor.getWin().innerWidth);
26528          OuterContainer.setMenubar(outerContainer, identifyMenus(editor, rawUiConfig));
26529          OuterContainer.setSidebar(outerContainer, rawUiConfig.sidebar);
26530          setupEvents$1(editor, uiComponents);
26531        });
26532        var socket = OuterContainer.getSocket(outerContainer).getOrDie('Could not find expected socket element');
26533        if (isiOS12) {
26534          setAll(socket.element, {
26535            'overflow': 'scroll',
26536            '-webkit-overflow-scrolling': 'touch'
26537          });
26538          var limit = first(function () {
26539            editor.fire('ScrollContent');
26540          }, 20);
26541          var unbinder = bind(socket.element, 'scroll', limit.throttle);
26542          editor.on('remove', unbinder.unbind);
26543        }
26544        setupReadonlyModeSwitch(editor, uiComponents);
26545        editor.addCommand('ToggleSidebar', function (_ui, value) {
26546          OuterContainer.toggleSidebar(outerContainer, value);
26547          editor.fire('ToggleSidebar');
26548        });
26549        editor.addQueryValueHandler('ToggleSidebar', function () {
26550          return OuterContainer.whichSidebar(outerContainer);
26551        });
26552        var toolbarMode = getToolbarMode(editor);
26553        var refreshDrawer = function () {
26554          OuterContainer.refreshToolbar(uiComponents.outerContainer);
26555        };
26556        if (toolbarMode === ToolbarMode.sliding || toolbarMode === ToolbarMode.floating) {
26557          editor.on('ResizeWindow ResizeEditor ResizeContent', function () {
26558            var width = editor.getWin().innerWidth;
26559            if (width !== lastToolbarWidth.get()) {
26560              refreshDrawer();
26561              lastToolbarWidth.set(width);
26562            }
26563          });
26564        }
26565        var api = {
26566          enable: function () {
26567            broadcastReadonly(uiComponents, false);
26568          },
26569          disable: function () {
26570            broadcastReadonly(uiComponents, true);
26571          },
26572          isDisabled: function () {
26573            return Disabling.isDisabled(outerContainer);
26574          }
26575        };
26576        return {
26577          iframeContainer: socket.element.dom,
26578          editorContainer: outerContainer.element.dom,
26579          api: api
26580        };
26581      };
26583      var Iframe = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
26584          __proto__: null,
26585          render: render$1
26586      });
26588      var parseToInt = function (val) {
26589        var re = /^[0-9\.]+(|px)$/i;
26590        if (re.test('' + val)) {
26591          return Optional.some(parseInt('' + val, 10));
26592        }
26593        return Optional.none();
26594      };
26595      var numToPx = function (val) {
26596        return isNumber(val) ? val + 'px' : val;
26597      };
26598      var calcCappedSize = function (size, minSize, maxSize) {
26599        var minOverride = minSize.filter(function (min) {
26600          return size < min;
26601        });
26602        var maxOverride = maxSize.filter(function (max) {
26603          return size > max;
26604        });
26605        return minOverride.or(maxOverride).getOr(size);
26606      };
26608      var getHeight = function (editor) {
26609        var baseHeight = getHeightSetting(editor);
26610        var minHeight = getMinHeightSetting(editor);
26611        var maxHeight = getMaxHeightSetting(editor);
26612        return parseToInt(baseHeight).map(function (height) {
26613          return calcCappedSize(height, minHeight, maxHeight);
26614        });
26615      };
26616      var getHeightWithFallback = function (editor) {
26617        var height = getHeight(editor);
26618        return height.getOr(getHeightSetting(editor));
26619      };
26620      var getWidth = function (editor) {
26621        var baseWidth = getWidthSetting(editor);
26622        var minWidth = getMinWidthSetting(editor);
26623        var maxWidth = getMaxWidthSetting(editor);
26624        return parseToInt(baseWidth).map(function (width) {
26625          return calcCappedSize(width, minWidth, maxWidth);
26626        });
26627      };
26628      var getWidthWithFallback = function (editor) {
26629        var width = getWidth(editor);
26630        return width.getOr(getWidthSetting(editor));
26631      };
26633      var InlineHeader = function (editor, targetElm, uiComponents, backstage, floatContainer) {
26634        var uiMothership = uiComponents.uiMothership, outerContainer = uiComponents.outerContainer;
26635        var DOM = global$b.DOM;
26636        var useFixedToolbarContainer = useFixedContainer(editor);
26637        var isSticky = isStickyToolbar(editor);
26638        var editorMaxWidthOpt = getMaxWidthSetting(editor).or(getWidth(editor));
26639        var headerBackstage = backstage.shared.header;
26640        var isPositionedAtTop = headerBackstage.isPositionedAtTop;
26641        var toolbarMode = getToolbarMode(editor);
26642        var isSplitToolbar = toolbarMode === ToolbarMode.sliding || toolbarMode === ToolbarMode.floating;
26643        var visible = Cell(false);
26644        var isVisible = function () {
26645          return visible.get() && !editor.removed;
26646        };
26647        var calcToolbarOffset = function (toolbar) {
26648          return isSplitToolbar ? toolbar.fold(constant$1(0), function (tbar) {
26649            return tbar.components().length > 1 ? get$b(tbar.components()[1].element) : 0;
26650          }) : 0;
26651        };
26652        var calcMode = function (container) {
26653          switch (getToolbarLocation(editor)) {
26654          case ToolbarLocation.auto:
26655            var toolbar_1 = OuterContainer.getToolbar(outerContainer);
26656            var offset = calcToolbarOffset(toolbar_1);
26657            var toolbarHeight = get$b(container.element) - offset;
26658            var targetBounds = box$1(targetElm);
26659            var roomAtTop = targetBounds.y > toolbarHeight;
26660            if (roomAtTop) {
26661              return 'top';
26662            } else {
26663              var doc = documentElement(targetElm);
26664              var docHeight = Math.max(doc.dom.scrollHeight, get$b(doc));
26665              var roomAtBottom = targetBounds.bottom < docHeight - toolbarHeight;
26666              if (roomAtBottom) {
26667                return 'bottom';
26668              } else {
26669                var winBounds = win();
26670                var isRoomAtBottomViewport = winBounds.bottom < targetBounds.bottom - toolbarHeight;
26671                return isRoomAtBottomViewport ? 'bottom' : 'top';
26672              }
26673            }
26674          case ToolbarLocation.bottom:
26675            return 'bottom';
26676          case ToolbarLocation.top:
26677          default:
26678            return 'top';
26679          }
26680        };
26681        var setupMode = function (mode) {
26682          var container = floatContainer.get();
26683          Docking.setModes(container, [mode]);
26684          headerBackstage.setDockingMode(mode);
26685          var verticalDir = isPositionedAtTop() ? AttributeValue.TopToBottom : AttributeValue.BottomToTop;
26686          set$8(container.element, Attribute, verticalDir);
26687        };
26688        var updateChromeWidth = function () {
26689          var maxWidth = editorMaxWidthOpt.getOrThunk(function () {
26690            var bodyMargin = parseToInt(get$c(body(), 'margin-left')).getOr(0);
26691            return get$a(body()) - absolute$3(targetElm).left + bodyMargin;
26692          });
26693          set$7(floatContainer.get().element, 'max-width', maxWidth + 'px');
26694        };
26695        var updateChromePosition = function () {
26696          var toolbar = OuterContainer.getToolbar(outerContainer);
26697          var offset = calcToolbarOffset(toolbar);
26698          var targetBounds = box$1(targetElm);
26699          var top = isPositionedAtTop() ? Math.max(targetBounds.y - get$b(floatContainer.get().element) + offset, 0) : targetBounds.bottom;
26700          setAll(outerContainer.element, {
26701            position: 'absolute',
26702            top: Math.round(top) + 'px',
26703            left: Math.round(targetBounds.x) + 'px'
26704          });
26705        };
26706        var repositionPopups$1 = function () {
26707          uiMothership.broadcastOn([repositionPopups()], {});
26708        };
26709        var updateChromeUi = function (resetDocking) {
26710          if (resetDocking === void 0) {
26711            resetDocking = false;
26712          }
26713          if (!isVisible()) {
26714            return;
26715          }
26716          if (!useFixedToolbarContainer) {
26717            updateChromeWidth();
26718          }
26719          if (isSplitToolbar) {
26720            OuterContainer.refreshToolbar(outerContainer);
26721          }
26722          if (!useFixedToolbarContainer) {
26723            updateChromePosition();
26724          }
26725          if (isSticky) {
26726            var floatContainerComp = floatContainer.get();
26727            resetDocking ? Docking.reset(floatContainerComp) : Docking.refresh(floatContainerComp);
26728          }
26729          repositionPopups$1();
26730        };
26731        var updateMode = function (updateUi) {
26732          if (updateUi === void 0) {
26733            updateUi = true;
26734          }
26735          if (useFixedToolbarContainer || !isSticky || !isVisible()) {
26736            return;
26737          }
26738          var currentMode = headerBackstage.getDockingMode();
26739          var newMode = calcMode(floatContainer.get());
26740          if (newMode !== currentMode) {
26741            setupMode(newMode);
26742            if (updateUi) {
26743              updateChromeUi(true);
26744            }
26745          }
26746        };
26747        var show = function () {
26748          visible.set(true);
26749          set$7(outerContainer.element, 'display', 'flex');
26750          DOM.addClass(editor.getBody(), 'mce-edit-focus');
26751          remove$6(uiMothership.element, 'display');
26752          updateMode(false);
26753          updateChromeUi();
26754        };
26755        var hide = function () {
26756          visible.set(false);
26757          if (uiComponents.outerContainer) {
26758            set$7(outerContainer.element, 'display', 'none');
26759            DOM.removeClass(editor.getBody(), 'mce-edit-focus');
26760          }
26761          set$7(uiMothership.element, 'display', 'none');
26762        };
26763        return {
26764          isVisible: isVisible,
26765          isPositionedAtTop: isPositionedAtTop,
26766          show: show,
26767          hide: hide,
26768          update: updateChromeUi,
26769          updateMode: updateMode,
26770          repositionPopups: repositionPopups$1
26771        };
26772      };
26774      var getTargetPosAndBounds = function (targetElm, isToolbarTop) {
26775        var bounds = box$1(targetElm);
26776        return {
26777          pos: isToolbarTop ? bounds.y : bounds.bottom,
26778          bounds: bounds
26779        };
26780      };
26781      var setupEvents = function (editor, targetElm, ui, toolbarPersist) {
26782        var prevPosAndBounds = Cell(getTargetPosAndBounds(targetElm, ui.isPositionedAtTop()));
26783        var resizeContent = function (e) {
26784          var _a = getTargetPosAndBounds(targetElm, ui.isPositionedAtTop()), pos = _a.pos, bounds = _a.bounds;
26785          var _b = prevPosAndBounds.get(), prevPos = _b.pos, prevBounds = _b.bounds;
26786          var hasResized = bounds.height !== prevBounds.height || bounds.width !== prevBounds.width;
26787          prevPosAndBounds.set({
26788            pos: pos,
26789            bounds: bounds
26790          });
26791          if (hasResized) {
26792            fireResizeContent(editor, e);
26793          }
26794          if (ui.isVisible()) {
26795            if (prevPos !== pos) {
26796              ui.update(true);
26797            } else if (hasResized) {
26798              ui.updateMode();
26799              ui.repositionPopups();
26800            }
26801          }
26802        };
26803        if (!toolbarPersist) {
26804          editor.on('activate', ui.show);
26805          editor.on('deactivate', ui.hide);
26806        }
26807        editor.on('SkinLoaded ResizeWindow', function () {
26808          return ui.update(true);
26809        });
26810        editor.on('NodeChange keydown', function (e) {
26811          global$f.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
26812            return resizeContent(e);
26813          });
26814        });
26815        editor.on('ScrollWindow', function () {
26816          return ui.updateMode();
26817        });
26818        var elementLoad = unbindable();
26819        elementLoad.set(capture(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()), 'load', resizeContent));
26820        editor.on('remove', function () {
26821          elementLoad.clear();
26822        });
26823      };
26824      var render = function (editor, uiComponents, rawUiConfig, backstage, args) {
26825        var mothership = uiComponents.mothership, uiMothership = uiComponents.uiMothership, outerContainer = uiComponents.outerContainer;
26826        var floatContainer = Cell(null);
26827        var targetElm = SugarElement.fromDom(args.targetNode);
26828        var ui = InlineHeader(editor, targetElm, uiComponents, backstage, floatContainer);
26829        var toolbarPersist = isToolbarPersist(editor);
26830        inline(editor);
26831        var render = function () {
26832          if (floatContainer.get()) {
26833            ui.show();
26834            return;
26835          }
26836          floatContainer.set(OuterContainer.getHeader(outerContainer).getOrDie());
26837          var uiContainer = getUiContainer(editor);
26838          attachSystem(uiContainer, mothership);
26839          attachSystem(uiContainer, uiMothership);
26840          setToolbar(editor, uiComponents, rawUiConfig, backstage);
26841          OuterContainer.setMenubar(outerContainer, identifyMenus(editor, rawUiConfig));
26842          ui.show();
26843          setupEvents(editor, targetElm, ui, toolbarPersist);
26844          editor.nodeChanged();
26845        };
26846        editor.on('show', render);
26847        editor.on('hide', ui.hide);
26848        if (!toolbarPersist) {
26849          editor.on('focus', render);
26850          editor.on('blur', ui.hide);
26851        }
26852        editor.on('init', function () {
26853          if (editor.hasFocus() || toolbarPersist) {
26854            render();
26855          }
26856        });
26857        setupReadonlyModeSwitch(editor, uiComponents);
26858        var api = {
26859          show: function () {
26860            ui.show();
26861          },
26862          hide: function () {
26863            ui.hide();
26864          },
26865          enable: function () {
26866            broadcastReadonly(uiComponents, false);
26867          },
26868          disable: function () {
26869            broadcastReadonly(uiComponents, true);
26870          },
26871          isDisabled: function () {
26872            return Disabling.isDisabled(outerContainer);
26873          }
26874        };
26875        return {
26876          editorContainer: outerContainer.element.dom,
26877          api: api
26878        };
26879      };
26881      var Inline = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
26882          __proto__: null,
26883          render: render
26884      });
26886      var showContextToolbarEvent = 'contexttoolbar-show';
26887      var hideContextToolbarEvent = 'contexttoolbar-hide';
26889      var getFormApi = function (input) {
26890        return {
26891          hide: function () {
26892            return emit(input, sandboxClose());
26893          },
26894          getValue: function () {
26895            return Representing.getValue(input);
26896          }
26897        };
26898      };
26899      var runOnExecute = function (memInput, original) {
26900        return run$1(internalToolbarButtonExecute, function (comp, se) {
26901          var input = memInput.get(comp);
26902          var formApi = getFormApi(input);
26903          original.onAction(formApi, se.event.buttonApi);
26904        });
26905      };
26906      var renderContextButton = function (memInput, button, extras) {
26907        var _a = button.original; _a.primary; var rest = __rest(_a, ['primary']);
26908        var bridged = getOrDie(createToolbarButton(__assign(__assign({}, rest), {
26909          type: 'button',
26910          onAction: noop
26911        })));
26912        return renderToolbarButtonWith(bridged, extras.backstage.shared.providers, [runOnExecute(memInput, button)]);
26913      };
26914      var renderContextToggleButton = function (memInput, button, extras) {
26915        var _a = button.original; _a.primary; var rest = __rest(_a, ['primary']);
26916        var bridged = getOrDie(createToggleButton(__assign(__assign({}, rest), {
26917          type: 'togglebutton',
26918          onAction: noop
26919        })));
26920        return renderToolbarToggleButtonWith(bridged, extras.backstage.shared.providers, [runOnExecute(memInput, button)]);
26921      };
26922      var generateOne = function (memInput, button, providersBackstage) {
26923        var extras = { backstage: { shared: { providers: providersBackstage } } };
26924        if (button.type === 'contextformtogglebutton') {
26925          return renderContextToggleButton(memInput, button, extras);
26926        } else {
26927          return renderContextButton(memInput, button, extras);
26928        }
26929      };
26930      var generate = function (memInput, buttons, providersBackstage) {
26931        var mementos = map$2(buttons, function (button) {
26932          return record(generateOne(memInput, button, providersBackstage));
26933        });
26934        var asSpecs = function () {
26935          return map$2(mementos, function (mem) {
26936            return mem.asSpec();
26937          });
26938        };
26939        var findPrimary = function (compInSystem) {
26940          return findMap(buttons, function (button, i) {
26941            if (button.primary) {
26942              return Optional.from(mementos[i]).bind(function (mem) {
26943                return mem.getOpt(compInSystem);
26944              }).filter(not(Disabling.isDisabled));
26945            } else {
26946              return Optional.none();
26947            }
26948          });
26949        };
26950        return {
26951          asSpecs: asSpecs,
26952          findPrimary: findPrimary
26953        };
26954      };
26956      var buildInitGroups = function (ctx, providers) {
26957        var inputAttributes = ctx.label.fold(function () {
26958          return {};
26959        }, function (label) {
26960          return { 'aria-label': label };
26961        });
26962        var memInput = record(Input.sketch({
26963          inputClasses: [
26964            'tox-toolbar-textfield',
26965            'tox-toolbar-nav-js'
26966          ],
26967          data: ctx.initValue(),
26968          inputAttributes: inputAttributes,
26969          selectOnFocus: true,
26970          inputBehaviours: derive$1([Keying.config({
26971              mode: 'special',
26972              onEnter: function (input) {
26973                return commands.findPrimary(input).map(function (primary) {
26974                  emitExecute(primary);
26975                  return true;
26976                });
26977              },
26978              onLeft: function (comp, se) {
26979                se.cut();
26980                return Optional.none();
26981              },
26982              onRight: function (comp, se) {
26983                se.cut();
26984                return Optional.none();
26985              }
26986            })])
26987        }));
26988        var commands = generate(memInput, ctx.commands, providers);
26989        return [
26990          {
26991            title: Optional.none(),
26992            items: [memInput.asSpec()]
26993          },
26994          {
26995            title: Optional.none(),
26996            items: commands.asSpecs()
26997          }
26998        ];
26999      };
27000      var renderContextForm = function (toolbarType, ctx, providers) {
27001        return renderToolbar({
27002          type: toolbarType,
27003          uid: generate$6('context-toolbar'),
27004          initGroups: buildInitGroups(ctx, providers),
27005          onEscape: Optional.none,
27006          cyclicKeying: true,
27007          providers: providers
27008        });
27009      };
27010      var ContextForm = {
27011        renderContextForm: renderContextForm,
27012        buildInitGroups: buildInitGroups
27013      };
27015      var isVerticalOverlap = function (a, b, threshold) {
27016        if (threshold === void 0) {
27017          threshold = 0.01;
27018        }
27019        return b.bottom - a.y >= threshold && a.bottom - b.y >= threshold;
27020      };
27021      var getRangeRect = function (rng) {
27022        var rect = rng.getBoundingClientRect();
27023        if (rect.height <= 0 && rect.width <= 0) {
27024          var leaf$1 = leaf(SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer), rng.startOffset).element;
27025          var elm = isText$1(leaf$1) ? parent(leaf$1) : Optional.some(leaf$1);
27026          return elm.filter(isElement$2).map(function (e) {
27027            return e.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
27028          }).getOr(rect);
27029        } else {
27030          return rect;
27031        }
27032      };
27033      var getSelectionBounds = function (editor) {
27034        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
27035        var rect = getRangeRect(rng);
27036        if (editor.inline) {
27037          var scroll_1 = get$9();
27038          return bounds(scroll_1.left + rect.left, scroll_1.top + rect.top, rect.width, rect.height);
27039        } else {
27040          var bodyPos = absolute$2(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody()));
27041          return bounds(bodyPos.x + rect.left, bodyPos.y + rect.top, rect.width, rect.height);
27042        }
27043      };
27044      var getAnchorElementBounds = function (editor, lastElement) {
27045        return lastElement.filter(inBody).map(absolute$2).getOrThunk(function () {
27046          return getSelectionBounds(editor);
27047        });
27048      };
27049      var getHorizontalBounds = function (contentAreaBox, viewportBounds, margin) {
27050        var x = Math.max(contentAreaBox.x + margin, viewportBounds.x);
27051        var right = Math.min(contentAreaBox.right - margin, viewportBounds.right);
27052        return {
27053          x: x,
27054          width: right - x
27055        };
27056      };
27057      var getVerticalBounds = function (editor, contentAreaBox, viewportBounds, isToolbarLocationTop, toolbarType, margin) {
27058        var container = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getContainer());
27059        var header = descendant(container, '.tox-editor-header').getOr(container);
27060        var headerBox = box$1(header);
27061        var isToolbarBelowContentArea = headerBox.y >= contentAreaBox.bottom;
27062        var isToolbarAbove = isToolbarLocationTop && !isToolbarBelowContentArea;
27063        if (editor.inline && isToolbarAbove) {
27064          return {
27065            y: Math.max(headerBox.bottom + margin, viewportBounds.y),
27066            bottom: viewportBounds.bottom
27067          };
27068        }
27069        if (editor.inline && !isToolbarAbove) {
27070          return {
27071            y: viewportBounds.y,
27072            bottom: Math.min(headerBox.y - margin, viewportBounds.bottom)
27073          };
27074        }
27075        var containerBounds = toolbarType === 'line' ? box$1(container) : contentAreaBox;
27076        if (isToolbarAbove) {
27077          return {
27078            y: Math.max(headerBox.bottom + margin, viewportBounds.y),
27079            bottom: Math.min(containerBounds.bottom - margin, viewportBounds.bottom)
27080          };
27081        }
27082        return {
27083          y: Math.max(containerBounds.y + margin, viewportBounds.y),
27084          bottom: Math.min(headerBox.y - margin, viewportBounds.bottom)
27085        };
27086      };
27087      var getContextToolbarBounds = function (editor, sharedBackstage, toolbarType, margin) {
27088        if (margin === void 0) {
27089          margin = 0;
27090        }
27091        var viewportBounds = getBounds$3(window);
27092        var contentAreaBox = box$1(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getContentAreaContainer()));
27093        var toolbarOrMenubarEnabled = isMenubarEnabled(editor) || isToolbarEnabled(editor) || isMultipleToolbars(editor);
27094        var _a = getHorizontalBounds(contentAreaBox, viewportBounds, margin), x = _a.x, width = _a.width;
27095        if (editor.inline && !toolbarOrMenubarEnabled) {
27096          return bounds(x, viewportBounds.y, width, viewportBounds.height);
27097        } else {
27098          var isToolbarTop = sharedBackstage.header.isPositionedAtTop();
27099          var _b = getVerticalBounds(editor, contentAreaBox, viewportBounds, isToolbarTop, toolbarType, margin), y = _b.y, bottom = _b.bottom;
27100          return bounds(x, y, width, bottom - y);
27101        }
27102      };
27104      var bubbleSize$1 = 12;
27105      var bubbleAlignments$1 = {
27106        valignCentre: [],
27107        alignCentre: [],
27108        alignLeft: ['tox-pop--align-left'],
27109        alignRight: ['tox-pop--align-right'],
27110        right: ['tox-pop--right'],
27111        left: ['tox-pop--left'],
27112        bottom: ['tox-pop--bottom'],
27113        top: ['tox-pop--top'],
27114        inset: ['tox-pop--inset']
27115      };
27116      var anchorOverrides = {
27117        maxHeightFunction: expandable$1(),
27118        maxWidthFunction: expandable()
27119      };
27120      var isEntireElementSelected = function (editor, elem) {
27121        var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
27122        var leaf$1 = leaf(SugarElement.fromDom(rng.startContainer), rng.startOffset);
27123        return rng.startContainer === rng.endContainer && rng.startOffset === rng.endOffset - 1 && eq(leaf$1.element, elem);
27124      };
27125      var preservePosition = function (elem, position, f) {
27126        var currentPosition = getRaw(elem, 'position');
27127        set$7(elem, 'position', position);
27128        var result = f(elem);
27129        currentPosition.each(function (pos) {
27130          return set$7(elem, 'position', pos);
27131        });
27132        return result;
27133      };
27134      var shouldUseInsetLayouts = function (position) {
27135        return position === 'node';
27136      };
27137      var determineInsetLayout = function (editor, contextbar, elem, data, bounds) {
27138        var selectionBounds = getSelectionBounds(editor);
27139        var isSameAnchorElement = data.lastElement().exists(function (prev) {
27140          return eq(elem, prev);
27141        });
27142        if (isEntireElementSelected(editor, elem)) {
27143          return isSameAnchorElement ? preserve : north;
27144        } else if (isSameAnchorElement) {
27145          return preservePosition(contextbar, data.getMode(), function () {
27146            var isOverlapping = isVerticalOverlap(selectionBounds, box$1(contextbar));
27147            return isOverlapping && !data.isReposition() ? flip$2 : preserve;
27148          });
27149        } else {
27150          var yBounds = data.getMode() === 'fixed' ? bounds.y + get$9().top : bounds.y;
27151          var contextbarHeight = get$b(contextbar) + bubbleSize$1;
27152          return yBounds + contextbarHeight <= selectionBounds.y ? north : south;
27153        }
27154      };
27155      var getAnchorSpec$2 = function (editor, mobile, data, position) {
27156        var smartInsetLayout = function (elem) {
27157          return function (anchor, element, bubbles, placee, bounds) {
27158            var layout = determineInsetLayout(editor, placee, elem, data, bounds);
27159            var newAnchor = __assign(__assign({}, anchor), {
27160              y: bounds.y,
27161              height: bounds.height
27162            });
27163            return __assign(__assign({}, layout(newAnchor, element, bubbles, placee, bounds)), { alwaysFit: true });
27164          };
27165        };
27166        var getInsetLayouts = function (elem) {
27167          return shouldUseInsetLayouts(position) ? [smartInsetLayout(elem)] : [];
27168        };
27169        var desktopAnchorSpecLayouts = {
27170          onLtr: function (elem) {
27171            return [
27172              north$2,
27173              south$2,
27174              northeast$2,
27175              southeast$2,
27176              northwest$2,
27177              southwest$2
27178            ].concat(getInsetLayouts(elem));
27179          },
27180          onRtl: function (elem) {
27181            return [
27182              north$2,
27183              south$2,
27184              northwest$2,
27185              southwest$2,
27186              northeast$2,
27187              southeast$2
27188            ].concat(getInsetLayouts(elem));
27189          }
27190        };
27191        var mobileAnchorSpecLayouts = {
27192          onLtr: function (elem) {
27193            return [
27194              south$2,
27195              southeast$2,
27196              southwest$2,
27197              northeast$2,
27198              northwest$2,
27199              north$2
27200            ].concat(getInsetLayouts(elem));
27201          },
27202          onRtl: function (elem) {
27203            return [
27204              south$2,
27205              southwest$2,
27206              southeast$2,
27207              northwest$2,
27208              northeast$2,
27209              north$2
27210            ].concat(getInsetLayouts(elem));
27211          }
27212        };
27213        return mobile ? mobileAnchorSpecLayouts : desktopAnchorSpecLayouts;
27214      };
27215      var getAnchorLayout = function (editor, position, isTouch, data) {
27216        if (position === 'line') {
27217          return {
27218            bubble: nu$5(bubbleSize$1, 0, bubbleAlignments$1),
27219            layouts: {
27220              onLtr: function () {
27221                return [east$2];
27222              },
27223              onRtl: function () {
27224                return [west$2];
27225              }
27226            },
27227            overrides: anchorOverrides
27228          };
27229        } else {
27230          return {
27231            bubble: nu$5(0, bubbleSize$1, bubbleAlignments$1, 1 / bubbleSize$1),
27232            layouts: getAnchorSpec$2(editor, isTouch, data, position),
27233            overrides: anchorOverrides
27234          };
27235        }
27236      };
27238      var matchTargetWith = function (elem, candidates) {
27239        var ctxs = filter$2(candidates, function (toolbarApi) {
27240          return toolbarApi.predicate(elem.dom);
27241        });
27242        var _a = partition$3(ctxs, function (t) {
27243            return t.type === 'contexttoolbar';
27244          }), pass = _a.pass, fail = _a.fail;
27245        return {
27246          contextToolbars: pass,
27247          contextForms: fail
27248        };
27249      };
27250      var filterByPositionForStartNode = function (toolbars) {
27251        if (toolbars.length <= 1) {
27252          return toolbars;
27253        } else {
27254          var doesPositionExist = function (value) {
27255            return exists(toolbars, function (t) {
27256              return t.position === value;
27257            });
27258          };
27259          var filterToolbarsByPosition = function (value) {
27260            return filter$2(toolbars, function (t) {
27261              return t.position === value;
27262            });
27263          };
27264          var hasSelectionToolbars = doesPositionExist('selection');
27265          var hasNodeToolbars = doesPositionExist('node');
27266          if (hasSelectionToolbars || hasNodeToolbars) {
27267            if (hasNodeToolbars && hasSelectionToolbars) {
27268              var nodeToolbars = filterToolbarsByPosition('node');
27269              var selectionToolbars = map$2(filterToolbarsByPosition('selection'), function (t) {
27270                return __assign(__assign({}, t), { position: 'node' });
27271              });
27272              return nodeToolbars.concat(selectionToolbars);
27273            } else {
27274              return hasSelectionToolbars ? filterToolbarsByPosition('selection') : filterToolbarsByPosition('node');
27275            }
27276          } else {
27277            return filterToolbarsByPosition('line');
27278          }
27279        }
27280      };
27281      var filterByPositionForAncestorNode = function (toolbars) {
27282        if (toolbars.length <= 1) {
27283          return toolbars;
27284        } else {
27285          var findPosition_1 = function (value) {
27286            return find$5(toolbars, function (t) {
27287              return t.position === value;
27288            });
27289          };
27290          var basePosition = findPosition_1('selection').orThunk(function () {
27291            return findPosition_1('node');
27292          }).orThunk(function () {
27293            return findPosition_1('line');
27294          }).map(function (t) {
27295            return t.position;
27296          });
27297          return basePosition.fold(function () {
27298            return [];
27299          }, function (pos) {
27300            return filter$2(toolbars, function (t) {
27301              return t.position === pos;
27302            });
27303          });
27304        }
27305      };
27306      var matchStartNode = function (elem, nodeCandidates, editorCandidates) {
27307        var nodeMatches = matchTargetWith(elem, nodeCandidates);
27308        if (nodeMatches.contextForms.length > 0) {
27309          return Optional.some({
27310            elem: elem,
27311            toolbars: [nodeMatches.contextForms[0]]
27312          });
27313        } else {
27314          var editorMatches = matchTargetWith(elem, editorCandidates);
27315          if (editorMatches.contextForms.length > 0) {
27316            return Optional.some({
27317              elem: elem,
27318              toolbars: [editorMatches.contextForms[0]]
27319            });
27320          } else if (nodeMatches.contextToolbars.length > 0 || editorMatches.contextToolbars.length > 0) {
27321            var toolbars = filterByPositionForStartNode(nodeMatches.contextToolbars.concat(editorMatches.contextToolbars));
27322            return Optional.some({
27323              elem: elem,
27324              toolbars: toolbars
27325            });
27326          } else {
27327            return Optional.none();
27328          }
27329        }
27330      };
27331      var matchAncestor = function (isRoot, startNode, scopes) {
27332        if (isRoot(startNode)) {
27333          return Optional.none();
27334        } else {
27335          return ancestor$2(startNode, function (ancestorElem) {
27336            if (isElement$2(ancestorElem)) {
27337              var _a = matchTargetWith(ancestorElem, scopes.inNodeScope), contextToolbars = _a.contextToolbars, contextForms = _a.contextForms;
27338              var toolbars = contextForms.length > 0 ? contextForms : filterByPositionForAncestorNode(contextToolbars);
27339              return toolbars.length > 0 ? Optional.some({
27340                elem: ancestorElem,
27341                toolbars: toolbars
27342              }) : Optional.none();
27343            } else {
27344              return Optional.none();
27345            }
27346          }, isRoot);
27347        }
27348      };
27349      var lookup$1 = function (scopes, editor) {
27350        var rootElem = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody());
27351        var isRoot = function (elem) {
27352          return eq(elem, rootElem);
27353        };
27354        var isOutsideRoot = function (startNode) {
27355          return !isRoot(startNode) && !contains(rootElem, startNode);
27356        };
27357        var startNode = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.selection.getNode());
27358        if (isOutsideRoot(startNode)) {
27359          return Optional.none();
27360        }
27361        return matchStartNode(startNode, scopes.inNodeScope, scopes.inEditorScope).orThunk(function () {
27362          return matchAncestor(isRoot, startNode, scopes);
27363        });
27364      };
27366      var categorise = function (contextToolbars, navigate) {
27367        var forms = {};
27368        var inNodeScope = [];
27369        var inEditorScope = [];
27370        var formNavigators = {};
27371        var lookupTable = {};
27372        var registerForm = function (key, toolbarSpec) {
27373          var contextForm = getOrDie(createContextForm(toolbarSpec));
27374          forms[key] = contextForm;
27375          contextForm.launch.map(function (launch) {
27376            formNavigators['form:' + key + ''] = __assign(__assign({}, toolbarSpec.launch), {
27377              type: launch.type === 'contextformtogglebutton' ? 'togglebutton' : 'button',
27378              onAction: function () {
27379                navigate(contextForm);
27380              }
27381            });
27382          });
27383          if (contextForm.scope === 'editor') {
27384            inEditorScope.push(contextForm);
27385          } else {
27386            inNodeScope.push(contextForm);
27387          }
27388          lookupTable[key] = contextForm;
27389        };
27390        var registerToolbar = function (key, toolbarSpec) {
27391          createContextToolbar(toolbarSpec).each(function (contextToolbar) {
27392            if (toolbarSpec.scope === 'editor') {
27393              inEditorScope.push(contextToolbar);
27394            } else {
27395              inNodeScope.push(contextToolbar);
27396            }
27397            lookupTable[key] = contextToolbar;
27398          });
27399        };
27400        var keys$1 = keys(contextToolbars);
27401        each$1(keys$1, function (key) {
27402          var toolbarApi = contextToolbars[key];
27403          if (toolbarApi.type === 'contextform') {
27404            registerForm(key, toolbarApi);
27405          } else if (toolbarApi.type === 'contexttoolbar') {
27406            registerToolbar(key, toolbarApi);
27407          }
27408        });
27409        return {
27410          forms: forms,
27411          inNodeScope: inNodeScope,
27412          inEditorScope: inEditorScope,
27413          lookupTable: lookupTable,
27414          formNavigators: formNavigators
27415        };
27416      };
27418      var forwardSlideEvent = generate$6('forward-slide');
27419      var backSlideEvent = generate$6('backward-slide');
27420      var changeSlideEvent = generate$6('change-slide-event');
27421      var resizingClass = 'tox-pop--resizing';
27422      var renderContextToolbar = function (spec) {
27423        var stack = Cell([]);
27424        return InlineView.sketch({
27425          dom: {
27426            tag: 'div',
27427            classes: ['tox-pop']
27428          },
27429          fireDismissalEventInstead: { event: 'doNotDismissYet' },
27430          onShow: function (comp) {
27431            stack.set([]);
27432            InlineView.getContent(comp).each(function (c) {
27433              remove$6(c.element, 'visibility');
27434            });
27435            remove$2(comp.element, resizingClass);
27436            remove$6(comp.element, 'width');
27437          },
27438          inlineBehaviours: derive$1([
27439            config('context-toolbar-events', [
27440              runOnSource(transitionend(), function (comp, se) {
27441                if (se.event.raw.propertyName === 'width') {
27442                  remove$2(comp.element, resizingClass);
27443                  remove$6(comp.element, 'width');
27444                }
27445              }),
27446              run$1(changeSlideEvent, function (comp, se) {
27447                var elem = comp.element;
27448                remove$6(elem, 'width');
27449                var currentWidth = get$a(elem);
27450                InlineView.setContent(comp, se.event.contents);
27451                add$2(elem, resizingClass);
27452                var newWidth = get$a(elem);
27453                set$7(elem, 'width', currentWidth + 'px');
27454                InlineView.getContent(comp).each(function (newContents) {
27455                  se.event.focus.bind(function (f) {
27456                    focus$3(f);
27457                    return search(elem);
27458                  }).orThunk(function () {
27459                    Keying.focusIn(newContents);
27460                    return active(getRootNode(elem));
27461                  });
27462                });
27463                global$f.setTimeout(function () {
27464                  set$7(comp.element, 'width', newWidth + 'px');
27465                }, 0);
27466              }),
27467              run$1(forwardSlideEvent, function (comp, se) {
27468                InlineView.getContent(comp).each(function (oldContents) {
27469                  stack.set(stack.get().concat([{
27470                      bar: oldContents,
27471                      focus: active(getRootNode(comp.element))
27472                    }]));
27473                });
27474                emitWith(comp, changeSlideEvent, {
27475                  contents: se.event.forwardContents,
27476                  focus: Optional.none()
27477                });
27478              }),
27479              run$1(backSlideEvent, function (comp, _se) {
27480                last$2(stack.get()).each(function (last) {
27481                  stack.set(stack.get().slice(0, stack.get().length - 1));
27482                  emitWith(comp, changeSlideEvent, {
27483                    contents: premade(last.bar),
27484                    focus: last.focus
27485                  });
27486                });
27487              })
27488            ]),
27489            Keying.config({
27490              mode: 'special',
27491              onEscape: function (comp) {
27492                return last$2(stack.get()).fold(function () {
27493                  return spec.onEscape();
27494                }, function (_) {
27495                  emit(comp, backSlideEvent);
27496                  return Optional.some(true);
27497                });
27498              }
27499            })
27500          ]),
27501          lazySink: function () {
27502            return Result.value(spec.sink);
27503          }
27504        });
27505      };
27507      var transitionClass = 'tox-pop--transition';
27508      var register$7 = function (editor, registryContextToolbars, sink, extras) {
27509        var backstage = extras.backstage;
27510        var sharedBackstage = backstage.shared;
27511        var isTouch = detect$1().deviceType.isTouch;
27512        var lastElement = value$1();
27513        var lastTrigger = value$1();
27514        var lastContextPosition = value$1();
27515        var contextbar = build$1(renderContextToolbar({
27516          sink: sink,
27517          onEscape: function () {
27518            editor.focus();
27519            return Optional.some(true);
27520          }
27521        }));
27522        var getBounds = function () {
27523          var position = lastContextPosition.get().getOr('node');
27524          var margin = shouldUseInsetLayouts(position) ? 1 : 0;
27525          return getContextToolbarBounds(editor, sharedBackstage, position, margin);
27526        };
27527        var canLaunchToolbar = function () {
27528          return !editor.removed && !(isTouch() && backstage.isContextMenuOpen());
27529        };
27530        var isSameLaunchElement = function (elem) {
27531          return is$1(lift2(elem, lastElement.get(), eq), true);
27532        };
27533        var shouldContextToolbarHide = function () {
27534          if (!canLaunchToolbar()) {
27535            return true;
27536          } else {
27537            var contextToolbarBounds = getBounds();
27538            var anchorBounds = is$1(lastContextPosition.get(), 'node') ? getAnchorElementBounds(editor, lastElement.get()) : getSelectionBounds(editor);
27539            return contextToolbarBounds.height <= 0 || !isVerticalOverlap(anchorBounds, contextToolbarBounds);
27540          }
27541        };
27542        var close = function () {
27543          lastElement.clear();
27544          lastTrigger.clear();
27545          lastContextPosition.clear();
27546          InlineView.hide(contextbar);
27547        };
27548        var hideOrRepositionIfNecessary = function () {
27549          if (InlineView.isOpen(contextbar)) {
27550            var contextBarEle = contextbar.element;
27551            remove$6(contextBarEle, 'display');
27552            if (shouldContextToolbarHide()) {
27553              set$7(contextBarEle, 'display', 'none');
27554            } else {
27555              lastTrigger.set(0);
27556              InlineView.reposition(contextbar);
27557            }
27558          }
27559        };
27560        var wrapInPopDialog = function (toolbarSpec) {
27561          return {
27562            dom: {
27563              tag: 'div',
27564              classes: ['tox-pop__dialog']
27565            },
27566            components: [toolbarSpec],
27567            behaviours: derive$1([
27568              Keying.config({ mode: 'acyclic' }),
27569              config('pop-dialog-wrap-events', [
27570                runOnAttached(function (comp) {
27571                  editor.shortcuts.add('ctrl+F9', 'focus statusbar', function () {
27572                    return Keying.focusIn(comp);
27573                  });
27574                }),
27575                runOnDetached(function (_comp) {
27576                  editor.shortcuts.remove('ctrl+F9');
27577                })
27578              ])
27579            ])
27580          };
27581        };
27582        var getScopes = cached(function () {
27583          return categorise(registryContextToolbars, function (toolbarApi) {
27584            var alloySpec = buildToolbar([toolbarApi]);
27585            emitWith(contextbar, forwardSlideEvent, { forwardContents: wrapInPopDialog(alloySpec) });
27586          });
27587        });
27588        var buildContextToolbarGroups = function (allButtons, ctx) {
27589          return identifyButtons(editor, {
27590            buttons: allButtons,
27591            toolbar: ctx.items,
27592            allowToolbarGroups: false
27593          }, extras, Optional.some(['form:']));
27594        };
27595        var buildContextFormGroups = function (ctx, providers) {
27596          return ContextForm.buildInitGroups(ctx, providers);
27597        };
27598        var buildToolbar = function (toolbars) {
27599          var buttons = editor.ui.registry.getAll().buttons;
27600          var scopes = getScopes();
27601          var allButtons = __assign(__assign({}, buttons), scopes.formNavigators);
27602          var toolbarType = getToolbarMode(editor) === ToolbarMode.scrolling ? ToolbarMode.scrolling : ToolbarMode.default;
27603          var initGroups = flatten(map$2(toolbars, function (ctx) {
27604            return ctx.type === 'contexttoolbar' ? buildContextToolbarGroups(allButtons, ctx) : buildContextFormGroups(ctx, sharedBackstage.providers);
27605          }));
27606          return renderToolbar({
27607            type: toolbarType,
27608            uid: generate$6('context-toolbar'),
27609            initGroups: initGroups,
27610            onEscape: Optional.none,
27611            cyclicKeying: true,
27612            providers: sharedBackstage.providers
27613          });
27614        };
27615        var getAnchor = function (position, element) {
27616          var anchorage = position === 'node' ? sharedBackstage.anchors.node(element) : sharedBackstage.anchors.cursor();
27617          var anchorLayout = getAnchorLayout(editor, position, isTouch(), {
27618            lastElement: lastElement.get,
27619            isReposition: function () {
27620              return is$1(lastTrigger.get(), 0);
27621            },
27622            getMode: function () {
27623              return Positioning.getMode(sink);
27624            }
27625          });
27626          return deepMerge(anchorage, anchorLayout);
27627        };
27628        var launchContext = function (toolbarApi, elem) {
27629          launchContextToolbar.cancel();
27630          if (!canLaunchToolbar()) {
27631            return;
27632          }
27633          var toolbarSpec = buildToolbar(toolbarApi);
27634          var position = toolbarApi[0].position;
27635          var anchor = getAnchor(position, elem);
27636          lastContextPosition.set(position);
27637          lastTrigger.set(1);
27638          var contextBarEle = contextbar.element;
27639          remove$6(contextBarEle, 'display');
27640          if (!isSameLaunchElement(elem)) {
27641            remove$2(contextBarEle, transitionClass);
27642            Positioning.reset(sink, contextbar);
27643          }
27644          InlineView.showWithinBounds(contextbar, wrapInPopDialog(toolbarSpec), {
27645            anchor: anchor,
27646            transition: {
27647              classes: [transitionClass],
27648              mode: 'placement'
27649            }
27650          }, function () {
27651            return Optional.some(getBounds());
27652          });
27653          elem.fold(lastElement.clear, lastElement.set);
27654          if (shouldContextToolbarHide()) {
27655            set$7(contextBarEle, 'display', 'none');
27656          }
27657        };
27658        var launchContextToolbar = last(function () {
27659          if (!editor.hasFocus() || editor.removed) {
27660            return;
27661          }
27662          if (has(contextbar.element, transitionClass)) {
27663            launchContextToolbar.throttle();
27664          } else {
27665            var scopes = getScopes();
27666            lookup$1(scopes, editor).fold(close, function (info) {
27667              launchContext(info.toolbars, Optional.some(info.elem));
27668            });
27669          }
27670        }, 17);
27671        editor.on('init', function () {
27672          editor.on('remove', close);
27673          editor.on('ScrollContent ScrollWindow ObjectResized ResizeEditor longpress', hideOrRepositionIfNecessary);
27674          editor.on('click keyup focus SetContent', launchContextToolbar.throttle);
27675          editor.on(hideContextToolbarEvent, close);
27676          editor.on(showContextToolbarEvent, function (e) {
27677            var scopes = getScopes();
27678            get$e(scopes.lookupTable, e.toolbarKey).each(function (ctx) {
27679              launchContext([ctx], someIf(e.target !== editor, e.target));
27680              InlineView.getContent(contextbar).each(Keying.focusIn);
27681            });
27682          });
27683          editor.on('focusout', function (_e) {
27684            global$f.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
27685              if (search(sink.element).isNone() && search(contextbar.element).isNone()) {
27686                close();
27687              }
27688            }, 0);
27689          });
27690          editor.on('SwitchMode', function () {
27691            if (editor.mode.isReadOnly()) {
27692              close();
27693            }
27694          });
27695          editor.on('AfterProgressState', function (event) {
27696            if (event.state) {
27697              close();
27698            } else if (editor.hasFocus()) {
27699              launchContextToolbar.throttle();
27700            }
27701          });
27702          editor.on('NodeChange', function (_e) {
27703            search(contextbar.element).fold(launchContextToolbar.throttle, noop);
27704          });
27705        });
27706      };
27708      var register$6 = function (editor) {
27709        var alignToolbarButtons = [
27710          {
27711            name: 'alignleft',
27712            text: 'Align left',
27713            cmd: 'JustifyLeft',
27714            icon: 'align-left'
27715          },
27716          {
27717            name: 'aligncenter',
27718            text: 'Align center',
27719            cmd: 'JustifyCenter',
27720            icon: 'align-center'
27721          },
27722          {
27723            name: 'alignright',
27724            text: 'Align right',
27725            cmd: 'JustifyRight',
27726            icon: 'align-right'
27727          },
27728          {
27729            name: 'alignjustify',
27730            text: 'Justify',
27731            cmd: 'JustifyFull',
27732            icon: 'align-justify'
27733          }
27734        ];
27735        each$1(alignToolbarButtons, function (item) {
27736          editor.ui.registry.addToggleButton(item.name, {
27737            tooltip: item.text,
27738            icon: item.icon,
27739            onAction: onActionExecCommand(editor, item.cmd),
27740            onSetup: onSetupFormatToggle(editor, item.name)
27741          });
27742        });
27743        editor.ui.registry.addButton('alignnone', {
27744          tooltip: 'No alignment',
27745          icon: 'align-none',
27746          onAction: onActionExecCommand(editor, 'JustifyNone')
27747        });
27748      };
27750      var units = {
27751        unsupportedLength: [
27752          'em',
27753          'ex',
27754          'cap',
27755          'ch',
27756          'ic',
27757          'rem',
27758          'lh',
27759          'rlh',
27760          'vw',
27761          'vh',
27762          'vi',
27763          'vb',
27764          'vmin',
27765          'vmax',
27766          'cm',
27767          'mm',
27768          'Q',
27769          'in',
27770          'pc',
27771          'pt',
27772          'px'
27773        ],
27774        fixed: [
27775          'px',
27776          'pt'
27777        ],
27778        relative: ['%'],
27779        empty: ['']
27780      };
27781      var pattern = function () {
27782        var decimalDigits = '[0-9]+';
27783        var signedInteger = '[+-]?' + decimalDigits;
27784        var exponentPart = '[eE]' + signedInteger;
27785        var dot = '\\.';
27786        var opt = function (input) {
27787          return '(?:' + input + ')?';
27788        };
27789        var unsignedDecimalLiteral = [
27790          'Infinity',
27791          decimalDigits + dot + opt(decimalDigits) + opt(exponentPart),
27792          dot + decimalDigits + opt(exponentPart),
27793          decimalDigits + opt(exponentPart)
27794        ].join('|');
27795        var float = '[+-]?(?:' + unsignedDecimalLiteral + ')';
27796        return new RegExp('^(' + float + ')(.*)$');
27797      }();
27798      var isUnit = function (unit, accepted) {
27799        return exists(accepted, function (acc) {
27800          return exists(units[acc], function (check) {
27801            return unit === check;
27802          });
27803        });
27804      };
27805      var parse = function (input, accepted) {
27806        var match = Optional.from(pattern.exec(input));
27807        return match.bind(function (array) {
27808          var value = Number(array[1]);
27809          var unitRaw = array[2];
27810          if (isUnit(unitRaw, accepted)) {
27811            return Optional.some({
27812              value: value,
27813              unit: unitRaw
27814            });
27815          } else {
27816            return Optional.none();
27817          }
27818        });
27819      };
27820      var normalise = function (input, accepted) {
27821        return parse(input, accepted).map(function (_a) {
27822          var value = _a.value, unit = _a.unit;
27823          return value + unit;
27824        });
27825      };
27827      var registerController = function (editor, spec) {
27828        var getMenuItems = function () {
27829          var options = spec.getOptions(editor);
27830          var initial = spec.getCurrent(editor).map(spec.hash);
27831          var current = value$1();
27832          return map$2(options, function (value) {
27833            return {
27834              type: 'togglemenuitem',
27835              text: spec.display(value),
27836              onSetup: function (api) {
27837                var setActive = function (active) {
27838                  if (active) {
27839                    current.on(function (oldApi) {
27840                      return oldApi.setActive(false);
27841                    });
27842                    current.set(api);
27843                  }
27844                  api.setActive(active);
27845                };
27846                setActive(is$1(initial, spec.hash(value)));
27847                var unbindWatcher = spec.watcher(editor, value, setActive);
27848                return function () {
27849                  current.clear();
27850                  unbindWatcher();
27851                };
27852              },
27853              onAction: function () {
27854                return spec.setCurrent(editor, value);
27855              }
27856            };
27857          });
27858        };
27859        editor.ui.registry.addMenuButton(spec.name, {
27860          tooltip: spec.text,
27861          icon: spec.icon,
27862          fetch: function (callback) {
27863            return callback(getMenuItems());
27864          },
27865          onSetup: spec.onToolbarSetup
27866        });
27867        editor.ui.registry.addNestedMenuItem(spec.name, {
27868          type: 'nestedmenuitem',
27869          text: spec.text,
27870          getSubmenuItems: getMenuItems,
27871          onSetup: spec.onMenuSetup
27872        });
27873      };
27874      var lineHeightSpec = {
27875        name: 'lineheight',
27876        text: 'Line height',
27877        icon: 'line-height',
27878        getOptions: getLineHeightFormats,
27879        hash: function (input) {
27880          return normalise(input, [
27881            'fixed',
27882            'relative',
27883            'empty'
27884          ]).getOr(input);
27885        },
27886        display: identity$1,
27887        watcher: function (editor, value, callback) {
27888          return editor.formatter.formatChanged('lineheight', callback, false, { value: value }).unbind;
27889        },
27890        getCurrent: function (editor) {
27891          return Optional.from(editor.queryCommandValue('LineHeight'));
27892        },
27893        setCurrent: function (editor, value) {
27894          return editor.execCommand('LineHeight', false, value);
27895        }
27896      };
27897      var languageSpec = function (editor) {
27898        var settingsOpt = Optional.from(getContentLanguages(editor));
27899        return settingsOpt.map(function (settings) {
27900          return {
27901            name: 'language',
27902            text: 'Language',
27903            icon: 'language',
27904            getOptions: constant$1(settings),
27905            hash: function (input) {
27906              return isUndefined(input.customCode) ? input.code : input.code + '/' + input.customCode;
27907            },
27908            display: function (input) {
27909              return input.title;
27910            },
27911            watcher: function (editor, value, callback) {
27912              return editor.formatter.formatChanged('lang', callback, false, {
27913                value: value.code,
27914                customValue: value.customCode
27915              }).unbind;
27916            },
27917            getCurrent: function (editor) {
27918              var node = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.selection.getNode());
27919              return closest$4(node, function (n) {
27920                return Optional.some(n).filter(isElement$2).bind(function (ele) {
27921                  var codeOpt = getOpt(ele, 'lang');
27922                  return codeOpt.map(function (code) {
27923                    var customCode = getOpt(ele, 'data-mce-lang').getOrUndefined();
27924                    return {
27925                      code: code,
27926                      customCode: customCode,
27927                      title: ''
27928                    };
27929                  });
27930                });
27931              });
27932            },
27933            setCurrent: function (editor, lang) {
27934              return editor.execCommand('Lang', false, lang);
27935            },
27936            onToolbarSetup: function (api) {
27937              var unbinder = unbindable();
27938              api.setActive(editor.formatter.match('lang', {}, undefined, true));
27939              unbinder.set(editor.formatter.formatChanged('lang', api.setActive, true));
27940              return unbinder.clear;
27941            }
27942          };
27943        });
27944      };
27945      var register$5 = function (editor) {
27946        registerController(editor, lineHeightSpec);
27947        languageSpec(editor).each(function (spec) {
27948          return registerController(editor, spec);
27949        });
27950      };
27952      var register$4 = function (editor, backstage) {
27953        alignSelectMenu(editor, backstage);
27954        fontSelectMenu(editor, backstage);
27955        styleSelectMenu(editor, backstage);
27956        formatSelectMenu(editor, backstage);
27957        fontsizeSelectMenu(editor, backstage);
27958      };
27960      var onSetupOutdentState = function (editor) {
27961        return onSetupEvent(editor, 'NodeChange', function (api) {
27962          api.setDisabled(!editor.queryCommandState('outdent'));
27963        });
27964      };
27965      var registerButtons$2 = function (editor) {
27966        editor.ui.registry.addButton('outdent', {
27967          tooltip: 'Decrease indent',
27968          icon: 'outdent',
27969          onSetup: onSetupOutdentState(editor),
27970          onAction: onActionExecCommand(editor, 'outdent')
27971        });
27972        editor.ui.registry.addButton('indent', {
27973          tooltip: 'Increase indent',
27974          icon: 'indent',
27975          onAction: onActionExecCommand(editor, 'indent')
27976        });
27977      };
27978      var register$3 = function (editor) {
27979        registerButtons$2(editor);
27980      };
27982      var onActionToggleFormat = function (editor, fmt) {
27983        return function () {
27984          editor.execCommand('mceToggleFormat', false, fmt);
27985        };
27986      };
27987      var registerFormatButtons = function (editor) {
27988        global$5.each([
27989          {
27990            name: 'bold',
27991            text: 'Bold',
27992            icon: 'bold'
27993          },
27994          {
27995            name: 'italic',
27996            text: 'Italic',
27997            icon: 'italic'
27998          },
27999          {
28000            name: 'underline',
28001            text: 'Underline',
28002            icon: 'underline'
28003          },
28004          {
28005            name: 'strikethrough',
28006            text: 'Strikethrough',
28007            icon: 'strike-through'
28008          },
28009          {
28010            name: 'subscript',
28011            text: 'Subscript',
28012            icon: 'subscript'
28013          },
28014          {
28015            name: 'superscript',
28016            text: 'Superscript',
28017            icon: 'superscript'
28018          }
28019        ], function (btn, _idx) {
28020          editor.ui.registry.addToggleButton(btn.name, {
28021            tooltip: btn.text,
28022            icon: btn.icon,
28023            onSetup: onSetupFormatToggle(editor, btn.name),
28024            onAction: onActionToggleFormat(editor, btn.name)
28025          });
28026        });
28027        for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
28028          var name_1 = 'h' + i;
28029          editor.ui.registry.addToggleButton(name_1, {
28030            text: name_1.toUpperCase(),
28031            tooltip: 'Heading ' + i,
28032            onSetup: onSetupFormatToggle(editor, name_1),
28033            onAction: onActionToggleFormat(editor, name_1)
28034          });
28035        }
28036      };
28037      var registerCommandButtons = function (editor) {
28038        global$5.each([
28039          {
28040            name: 'cut',
28041            text: 'Cut',
28042            action: 'Cut',
28043            icon: 'cut'
28044          },
28045          {
28046            name: 'copy',
28047            text: 'Copy',
28048            action: 'Copy',
28049            icon: 'copy'
28050          },
28051          {
28052            name: 'paste',
28053            text: 'Paste',
28054            action: 'Paste',
28055            icon: 'paste'
28056          },
28057          {
28058            name: 'help',
28059            text: 'Help',
28060            action: 'mceHelp',
28061            icon: 'help'
28062          },
28063          {
28064            name: 'selectall',
28065            text: 'Select all',
28066            action: 'SelectAll',
28067            icon: 'select-all'
28068          },
28069          {
28070            name: 'newdocument',
28071            text: 'New document',
28072            action: 'mceNewDocument',
28073            icon: 'new-document'
28074          },
28075          {
28076            name: 'removeformat',
28077            text: 'Clear formatting',
28078            action: 'RemoveFormat',
28079            icon: 'remove-formatting'
28080          },
28081          {
28082            name: 'remove',
28083            text: 'Remove',
28084            action: 'Delete',
28085            icon: 'remove'
28086          }
28087        ], function (btn) {
28088          editor.ui.registry.addButton(btn.name, {
28089            tooltip: btn.text,
28090            icon: btn.icon,
28091            onAction: onActionExecCommand(editor, btn.action)
28092          });
28093        });
28094      };
28095      var registerCommandToggleButtons = function (editor) {
28096        global$5.each([{
28097            name: 'blockquote',
28098            text: 'Blockquote',
28099            action: 'mceBlockQuote',
28100            icon: 'quote'
28101          }], function (btn) {
28102          editor.ui.registry.addToggleButton(btn.name, {
28103            tooltip: btn.text,
28104            icon: btn.icon,
28105            onAction: onActionExecCommand(editor, btn.action),
28106            onSetup: onSetupFormatToggle(editor, btn.name)
28107          });
28108        });
28109      };
28110      var registerButtons$1 = function (editor) {
28111        registerFormatButtons(editor);
28112        registerCommandButtons(editor);
28113        registerCommandToggleButtons(editor);
28114      };
28115      var registerMenuItems$2 = function (editor) {
28116        global$5.each([
28117          {
28118            name: 'bold',
28119            text: 'Bold',
28120            action: 'Bold',
28121            icon: 'bold',
28122            shortcut: 'Meta+B'
28123          },
28124          {
28125            name: 'italic',
28126            text: 'Italic',
28127            action: 'Italic',
28128            icon: 'italic',
28129            shortcut: 'Meta+I'
28130          },
28131          {
28132            name: 'underline',
28133            text: 'Underline',
28134            action: 'Underline',
28135            icon: 'underline',
28136            shortcut: 'Meta+U'
28137          },
28138          {
28139            name: 'strikethrough',
28140            text: 'Strikethrough',
28141            action: 'Strikethrough',
28142            icon: 'strike-through',
28143            shortcut: ''
28144          },
28145          {
28146            name: 'subscript',
28147            text: 'Subscript',
28148            action: 'Subscript',
28149            icon: 'subscript',
28150            shortcut: ''
28151          },
28152          {
28153            name: 'superscript',
28154            text: 'Superscript',
28155            action: 'Superscript',
28156            icon: 'superscript',
28157            shortcut: ''
28158          },
28159          {
28160            name: 'removeformat',
28161            text: 'Clear formatting',
28162            action: 'RemoveFormat',
28163            icon: 'remove-formatting',
28164            shortcut: ''
28165          },
28166          {
28167            name: 'newdocument',
28168            text: 'New document',
28169            action: 'mceNewDocument',
28170            icon: 'new-document',
28171            shortcut: ''
28172          },
28173          {
28174            name: 'cut',
28175            text: 'Cut',
28176            action: 'Cut',
28177            icon: 'cut',
28178            shortcut: 'Meta+X'
28179          },
28180          {
28181            name: 'copy',
28182            text: 'Copy',
28183            action: 'Copy',
28184            icon: 'copy',
28185            shortcut: 'Meta+C'
28186          },
28187          {
28188            name: 'paste',
28189            text: 'Paste',
28190            action: 'Paste',
28191            icon: 'paste',
28192            shortcut: 'Meta+V'
28193          },
28194          {
28195            name: 'selectall',
28196            text: 'Select all',
28197            action: 'SelectAll',
28198            icon: 'select-all',
28199            shortcut: 'Meta+A'
28200          }
28201        ], function (btn) {
28202          editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem(btn.name, {
28203            text: btn.text,
28204            icon: btn.icon,
28205            shortcut: btn.shortcut,
28206            onAction: onActionExecCommand(editor, btn.action)
28207          });
28208        });
28209        editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem('codeformat', {
28210          text: 'Code',
28211          icon: 'sourcecode',
28212          onAction: onActionToggleFormat(editor, 'code')
28213        });
28214      };
28215      var register$2 = function (editor) {
28216        registerButtons$1(editor);
28217        registerMenuItems$2(editor);
28218      };
28220      var onSetupUndoRedoState = function (editor, type) {
28221        return onSetupEvent(editor, 'Undo Redo AddUndo TypingUndo ClearUndos SwitchMode', function (api) {
28222          api.setDisabled(editor.mode.isReadOnly() || !editor.undoManager[type]());
28223        });
28224      };
28225      var registerMenuItems$1 = function (editor) {
28226        editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem('undo', {
28227          text: 'Undo',
28228          icon: 'undo',
28229          shortcut: 'Meta+Z',
28230          onSetup: onSetupUndoRedoState(editor, 'hasUndo'),
28231          onAction: onActionExecCommand(editor, 'undo')
28232        });
28233        editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem('redo', {
28234          text: 'Redo',
28235          icon: 'redo',
28236          shortcut: 'Meta+Y',
28237          onSetup: onSetupUndoRedoState(editor, 'hasRedo'),
28238          onAction: onActionExecCommand(editor, 'redo')
28239        });
28240      };
28241      var registerButtons = function (editor) {
28242        editor.ui.registry.addButton('undo', {
28243          tooltip: 'Undo',
28244          icon: 'undo',
28245          disabled: true,
28246          onSetup: onSetupUndoRedoState(editor, 'hasUndo'),
28247          onAction: onActionExecCommand(editor, 'undo')
28248        });
28249        editor.ui.registry.addButton('redo', {
28250          tooltip: 'Redo',
28251          icon: 'redo',
28252          disabled: true,
28253          onSetup: onSetupUndoRedoState(editor, 'hasRedo'),
28254          onAction: onActionExecCommand(editor, 'redo')
28255        });
28256      };
28257      var register$1 = function (editor) {
28258        registerMenuItems$1(editor);
28259        registerButtons(editor);
28260      };
28262      var onSetupVisualAidState = function (editor) {
28263        return onSetupEvent(editor, 'VisualAid', function (api) {
28264          api.setActive(editor.hasVisual);
28265        });
28266      };
28267      var registerMenuItems = function (editor) {
28268        editor.ui.registry.addToggleMenuItem('visualaid', {
28269          text: 'Visual aids',
28270          onSetup: onSetupVisualAidState(editor),
28271          onAction: onActionExecCommand(editor, 'mceToggleVisualAid')
28272        });
28273      };
28274      var registerToolbarButton = function (editor) {
28275        editor.ui.registry.addButton('visualaid', {
28276          tooltip: 'Visual aids',
28277          text: 'Visual aids',
28278          onAction: onActionExecCommand(editor, 'mceToggleVisualAid')
28279        });
28280      };
28281      var register = function (editor) {
28282        registerToolbarButton(editor);
28283        registerMenuItems(editor);
28284      };
28286      var setup$6 = function (editor, backstage) {
28287        register$6(editor);
28288        register$2(editor);
28289        register$4(editor, backstage);
28290        register$1(editor);
28291        register$a(editor);
28292        register(editor);
28293        register$3(editor);
28294        register$5(editor);
28295      };
28297      var nu = function (x, y) {
28298        return {
28299          type: 'makeshift',
28300          x: x,
28301          y: y
28302        };
28303      };
28304      var transpose = function (pos, dx, dy) {
28305        return nu(pos.x + dx, pos.y + dy);
28306      };
28307      var isTouchEvent = function (e) {
28308        return e.type === 'longpress' || e.type.indexOf('touch') === 0;
28309      };
28310      var fromPageXY = function (e) {
28311        if (isTouchEvent(e)) {
28312          var touch = e.touches[0];
28313          return nu(touch.pageX, touch.pageY);
28314        } else {
28315          return nu(e.pageX, e.pageY);
28316        }
28317      };
28318      var fromClientXY = function (e) {
28319        if (isTouchEvent(e)) {
28320          var touch = e.touches[0];
28321          return nu(touch.clientX, touch.clientY);
28322        } else {
28323          return nu(e.clientX, e.clientY);
28324        }
28325      };
28326      var transposeContentAreaContainer = function (element, pos) {
28327        var containerPos = global$b.DOM.getPos(element);
28328        return transpose(pos, containerPos.x, containerPos.y);
28329      };
28330      var getPointAnchor = function (editor, e) {
28331        if (e.type === 'contextmenu' || e.type === 'longpress') {
28332          if (editor.inline) {
28333            return fromPageXY(e);
28334          } else {
28335            return transposeContentAreaContainer(editor.getContentAreaContainer(), fromClientXY(e));
28336          }
28337        } else {
28338          return getSelectionAnchor(editor);
28339        }
28340      };
28341      var getSelectionAnchor = function (editor) {
28342        return {
28343          type: 'selection',
28344          root: SugarElement.fromDom(editor.selection.getNode())
28345        };
28346      };
28347      var getNodeAnchor = function (editor) {
28348        return {
28349          type: 'node',
28350          node: Optional.some(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.selection.getNode())),
28351          root: SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody())
28352        };
28353      };
28354      var getAnchorSpec$1 = function (editor, e, anchorType) {
28355        switch (anchorType) {
28356        case 'node':
28357          return getNodeAnchor(editor);
28358        case 'point':
28359          return getPointAnchor(editor, e);
28360        case 'selection':
28361          return getSelectionAnchor(editor);
28362        }
28363      };
28365      var initAndShow$1 = function (editor, e, buildMenu, backstage, contextmenu, anchorType) {
28366        var items = buildMenu();
28367        var anchorSpec = getAnchorSpec$1(editor, e, anchorType);
28368        build(items, ItemResponse$1.CLOSE_ON_EXECUTE, backstage, false).map(function (menuData) {
28369          e.preventDefault();
28370          InlineView.showMenuAt(contextmenu, { anchor: anchorSpec }, {
28371            menu: { markers: markers('normal') },
28372            data: menuData
28373          });
28374        });
28375      };
28377      var layouts = {
28378        onLtr: function () {
28379          return [
28380            south$2,
28381            southeast$2,
28382            southwest$2,
28383            northeast$2,
28384            northwest$2,
28385            north$2,
28386            north,
28387            south,
28388            northeast,
28389            southeast,
28390            northwest,
28391            southwest
28392          ];
28393        },
28394        onRtl: function () {
28395          return [
28396            south$2,
28397            southwest$2,
28398            southeast$2,
28399            northwest$2,
28400            northeast$2,
28401            north$2,
28402            north,
28403            south,
28404            northwest,
28405            southwest,
28406            northeast,
28407            southeast
28408          ];
28409        }
28410      };
28411      var bubbleSize = 12;
28412      var bubbleAlignments = {
28413        valignCentre: [],
28414        alignCentre: [],
28415        alignLeft: ['tox-pop--align-left'],
28416        alignRight: ['tox-pop--align-right'],
28417        right: ['tox-pop--right'],
28418        left: ['tox-pop--left'],
28419        bottom: ['tox-pop--bottom'],
28420        top: ['tox-pop--top']
28421      };
28422      var isTouchWithinSelection = function (editor, e) {
28423        var selection = editor.selection;
28424        if (selection.isCollapsed() || e.touches.length < 1) {
28425          return false;
28426        } else {
28427          var touch_1 = e.touches[0];
28428          var rng = selection.getRng();
28429          var rngRectOpt = getFirstRect(editor.getWin(), SimSelection.domRange(rng));
28430          return rngRectOpt.exists(function (rngRect) {
28431            return rngRect.left <= touch_1.clientX && rngRect.right >= touch_1.clientX && rngRect.top <= touch_1.clientY && rngRect.bottom >= touch_1.clientY;
28432          });
28433        }
28434      };
28435      var setupiOSOverrides = function (editor) {
28436        var originalSelection = editor.selection.getRng();
28437        var selectionReset = function () {
28438          global$f.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
28439            editor.selection.setRng(originalSelection);
28440          }, 10);
28441          unbindEventListeners();
28442        };
28443        editor.once('touchend', selectionReset);
28444        var preventMousedown = function (e) {
28445          e.preventDefault();
28446          e.stopImmediatePropagation();
28447        };
28448        editor.on('mousedown', preventMousedown, true);
28449        var clearSelectionReset = function () {
28450          return unbindEventListeners();
28451        };
28452        editor.once('longpresscancel', clearSelectionReset);
28453        var unbindEventListeners = function () {
28454          editor.off('touchend', selectionReset);
28455          editor.off('longpresscancel', clearSelectionReset);
28456          editor.off('mousedown', preventMousedown);
28457        };
28458      };
28459      var getAnchorSpec = function (editor, e, anchorType) {
28460        var anchorSpec = getAnchorSpec$1(editor, e, anchorType);
28461        var bubbleYOffset = anchorType === 'point' ? bubbleSize : 0;
28462        return __assign({
28463          bubble: nu$5(0, bubbleYOffset, bubbleAlignments),
28464          layouts: layouts,
28465          overrides: {
28466            maxWidthFunction: expandable(),
28467            maxHeightFunction: expandable$1()
28468          }
28469        }, anchorSpec);
28470      };
28471      var show = function (editor, e, items, backstage, contextmenu, anchorType, highlightImmediately) {
28472        var anchorSpec = getAnchorSpec(editor, e, anchorType);
28473        build(items, ItemResponse$1.CLOSE_ON_EXECUTE, backstage, true).map(function (menuData) {
28474          e.preventDefault();
28475          InlineView.showMenuWithinBounds(contextmenu, { anchor: anchorSpec }, {
28476            menu: {
28477              markers: markers('normal'),
28478              highlightImmediately: highlightImmediately
28479            },
28480            data: menuData,
28481            type: 'horizontal'
28482          }, function () {
28483            return Optional.some(getContextToolbarBounds(editor, backstage.shared, anchorType === 'node' ? 'node' : 'selection'));
28484          });
28485          editor.fire(hideContextToolbarEvent);
28486        });
28487      };
28488      var initAndShow = function (editor, e, buildMenu, backstage, contextmenu, anchorType) {
28489        var detection = detect$1();
28490        var isiOS = detection.os.isiOS();
28491        var isOSX = detection.os.isOSX();
28492        var isAndroid = detection.os.isAndroid();
28493        var isTouch = detection.deviceType.isTouch();
28494        var shouldHighlightImmediately = function () {
28495          return !(isAndroid || isiOS || isOSX && isTouch);
28496        };
28497        var open = function () {
28498          var items = buildMenu();
28499          show(editor, e, items, backstage, contextmenu, anchorType, shouldHighlightImmediately());
28500        };
28501        if ((isOSX || isiOS) && anchorType !== 'node') {
28502          var openiOS_1 = function () {
28503            setupiOSOverrides(editor);
28504            open();
28505          };
28506          if (isTouchWithinSelection(editor, e)) {
28507            openiOS_1();
28508          } else {
28509            editor.once('selectionchange', openiOS_1);
28510            editor.once('touchend', function () {
28511              return editor.off('selectionchange', openiOS_1);
28512            });
28513          }
28514        } else {
28515          open();
28516        }
28517      };
28519      var patchPipeConfig = function (config) {
28520        return typeof config === 'string' ? config.split(/[ ,]/) : config;
28521      };
28522      var shouldNeverUseNative = function (editor) {
28523        return editor.getParam('contextmenu_never_use_native', false, 'boolean');
28524      };
28525      var getMenuItems = function (editor, name, defaultItems) {
28526        var contextMenus = editor.ui.registry.getAll().contextMenus;
28527        return Optional.from(editor.getParam(name)).map(patchPipeConfig).getOrThunk(function () {
28528          return filter$2(patchPipeConfig(defaultItems), function (item) {
28529            return has$2(contextMenus, item);
28530          });
28531        });
28532      };
28533      var isContextMenuDisabled = function (editor) {
28534        return editor.getParam('contextmenu') === false;
28535      };
28536      var getContextMenu = function (editor) {
28537        return getMenuItems(editor, 'contextmenu', 'link linkchecker image imagetools table spellchecker configurepermanentpen');
28538      };
28539      var getAvoidOverlapSelector = function (editor) {
28540        return editor.getParam('contextmenu_avoid_overlap', '', 'string');
28541      };
28543      var isSeparator = function (item) {
28544        return isString(item) ? item === '|' : item.type === 'separator';
28545      };
28546      var separator = { type: 'separator' };
28547      var makeContextItem = function (item) {
28548        var commonMenuItem = function (item) {
28549          return {
28550            text: item.text,
28551            icon: item.icon,
28552            disabled: item.disabled,
28553            shortcut: item.shortcut
28554          };
28555        };
28556        if (isString(item)) {
28557          return item;
28558        } else {
28559          switch (item.type) {
28560          case 'separator':
28561            return separator;
28562          case 'submenu':
28563            return __assign(__assign({ type: 'nestedmenuitem' }, commonMenuItem(item)), {
28564              getSubmenuItems: function () {
28565                var items = item.getSubmenuItems();
28566                if (isString(items)) {
28567                  return items;
28568                } else {
28569                  return map$2(items, makeContextItem);
28570                }
28571              }
28572            });
28573          default:
28574            return __assign(__assign({ type: 'menuitem' }, commonMenuItem(item)), { onAction: noarg(item.onAction) });
28575          }
28576        }
28577      };
28578      var addContextMenuGroup = function (xs, groupItems) {
28579        if (groupItems.length === 0) {
28580          return xs;
28581        }
28582        var lastMenuItem = last$2(xs).filter(function (item) {
28583          return !isSeparator(item);
28584        });
28585        var before = lastMenuItem.fold(function () {
28586          return [];
28587        }, function (_) {
28588          return [separator];
28589        });
28590        return xs.concat(before).concat(groupItems).concat([separator]);
28591      };
28592      var generateContextMenu = function (contextMenus, menuConfig, selectedElement) {
28593        var sections = foldl(menuConfig, function (acc, name) {
28594          return get$e(contextMenus, name.toLowerCase()).map(function (menu) {
28595            var items = menu.update(selectedElement);
28596            if (isString(items)) {
28597              return addContextMenuGroup(acc, items.split(' '));
28598            } else if (items.length > 0) {
28599              var allItems = map$2(items, makeContextItem);
28600              return addContextMenuGroup(acc, allItems);
28601            } else {
28602              return acc;
28603            }
28604          }).getOrThunk(function () {
28605            return acc.concat([name]);
28606          });
28607        }, []);
28608        if (sections.length > 0 && isSeparator(sections[sections.length - 1])) {
28609          sections.pop();
28610        }
28611        return sections;
28612      };
28613      var isNativeOverrideKeyEvent = function (editor, e) {
28614        return e.ctrlKey && !shouldNeverUseNative(editor);
28615      };
28616      var isTriggeredByKeyboard = function (editor, e) {
28617        return e.type !== 'longpress' && (e.button !== 2 || e.target === editor.getBody() && e.pointerType === '');
28618      };
28619      var getSelectedElement = function (editor, e) {
28620        return isTriggeredByKeyboard(editor, e) ? editor.selection.getStart(true) : e.target;
28621      };
28622      var getAnchorType = function (editor, e) {
28623        var selector = getAvoidOverlapSelector(editor);
28624        var anchorType = isTriggeredByKeyboard(editor, e) ? 'selection' : 'point';
28625        if (isNotEmpty(selector)) {
28626          var target = getSelectedElement(editor, e);
28627          var selectorExists = closest(SugarElement.fromDom(target), selector);
28628          return selectorExists ? 'node' : anchorType;
28629        } else {
28630          return anchorType;
28631        }
28632      };
28633      var setup$5 = function (editor, lazySink, backstage) {
28634        var detection = detect$1();
28635        var isTouch = detection.deviceType.isTouch;
28636        var contextmenu = build$1(InlineView.sketch({
28637          dom: { tag: 'div' },
28638          lazySink: lazySink,
28639          onEscape: function () {
28640            return editor.focus();
28641          },
28642          onShow: function () {
28643            return backstage.setContextMenuState(true);
28644          },
28645          onHide: function () {
28646            return backstage.setContextMenuState(false);
28647          },
28648          fireDismissalEventInstead: {},
28649          inlineBehaviours: derive$1([config('dismissContextMenu', [run$1(dismissRequested(), function (comp, _se) {
28650                Sandboxing.close(comp);
28651                editor.focus();
28652              })])])
28653        }));
28654        var hideContextMenu = function (_e) {
28655          return InlineView.hide(contextmenu);
28656        };
28657        var showContextMenu = function (e) {
28658          if (shouldNeverUseNative(editor)) {
28659            e.preventDefault();
28660          }
28661          if (isNativeOverrideKeyEvent(editor, e) || isContextMenuDisabled(editor)) {
28662            return;
28663          }
28664          var anchorType = getAnchorType(editor, e);
28665          var buildMenu = function () {
28666            var selectedElement = getSelectedElement(editor, e);
28667            var registry = editor.ui.registry.getAll();
28668            var menuConfig = getContextMenu(editor);
28669            return generateContextMenu(registry.contextMenus, menuConfig, selectedElement);
28670          };
28671          var initAndShow$2 = isTouch() ? initAndShow : initAndShow$1;
28672          initAndShow$2(editor, e, buildMenu, backstage, contextmenu, anchorType);
28673        };
28674        editor.on('init', function () {
28675          var hideEvents = 'ResizeEditor ScrollContent ScrollWindow longpresscancel' + (isTouch() ? '' : ' ResizeWindow');
28676          editor.on(hideEvents, hideContextMenu);
28677          editor.on('longpress contextmenu', showContextMenu);
28678        });
28679      };
28681      var adt = Adt.generate([
28682        {
28683          offset: [
28684            'x',
28685            'y'
28686          ]
28687        },
28688        {
28689          absolute: [
28690            'x',
28691            'y'
28692          ]
28693        },
28694        {
28695          fixed: [
28696            'x',
28697            'y'
28698          ]
28699        }
28700      ]);
28701      var subtract = function (change) {
28702        return function (point) {
28703          return point.translate(-change.left, -change.top);
28704        };
28705      };
28706      var add = function (change) {
28707        return function (point) {
28708          return point.translate(change.left, change.top);
28709        };
28710      };
28711      var transform = function (changes) {
28712        return function (x, y) {
28713          return foldl(changes, function (rest, f) {
28714            return f(rest);
28715          }, SugarPosition(x, y));
28716        };
28717      };
28718      var asFixed = function (coord, scroll, origin) {
28719        return coord.fold(transform([
28720          add(origin),
28721          subtract(scroll)
28722        ]), transform([subtract(scroll)]), transform([]));
28723      };
28724      var asAbsolute = function (coord, scroll, origin) {
28725        return coord.fold(transform([add(origin)]), transform([]), transform([add(scroll)]));
28726      };
28727      var asOffset = function (coord, scroll, origin) {
28728        return coord.fold(transform([]), transform([subtract(origin)]), transform([
28729          add(scroll),
28730          subtract(origin)
28731        ]));
28732      };
28733      var withinRange = function (coord1, coord2, xRange, yRange, scroll, origin) {
28734        var a1 = asAbsolute(coord1, scroll, origin);
28735        var a2 = asAbsolute(coord2, scroll, origin);
28736        return Math.abs(a1.left - a2.left) <= xRange && Math.abs(a1.top - a2.top) <= yRange;
28737      };
28738      var getDeltas = function (coord1, coord2, xRange, yRange, scroll, origin) {
28739        var a1 = asAbsolute(coord1, scroll, origin);
28740        var a2 = asAbsolute(coord2, scroll, origin);
28741        var left = Math.abs(a1.left - a2.left);
28742        var top = Math.abs(a1.top - a2.top);
28743        return SugarPosition(left, top);
28744      };
28745      var toStyles = function (coord, scroll, origin) {
28746        var stylesOpt = coord.fold(function (x, y) {
28747          return {
28748            position: Optional.some('absolute'),
28749            left: Optional.some(x + 'px'),
28750            top: Optional.some(y + 'px')
28751          };
28752        }, function (x, y) {
28753          return {
28754            position: Optional.some('absolute'),
28755            left: Optional.some(x - origin.left + 'px'),
28756            top: Optional.some(y - origin.top + 'px')
28757          };
28758        }, function (x, y) {
28759          return {
28760            position: Optional.some('fixed'),
28761            left: Optional.some(x + 'px'),
28762            top: Optional.some(y + 'px')
28763          };
28764        });
28765        return __assign({
28766          right: Optional.none(),
28767          bottom: Optional.none()
28768        }, stylesOpt);
28769      };
28770      var translate = function (coord, deltaX, deltaY) {
28771        return coord.fold(function (x, y) {
28772          return offset(x + deltaX, y + deltaY);
28773        }, function (x, y) {
28774          return absolute(x + deltaX, y + deltaY);
28775        }, function (x, y) {
28776          return fixed(x + deltaX, y + deltaY);
28777        });
28778      };
28779      var absorb = function (partialCoord, originalCoord, scroll, origin) {
28780        var absorbOne = function (stencil, nu) {
28781          return function (optX, optY) {
28782            var original = stencil(originalCoord, scroll, origin);
28783            return nu(optX.getOr(original.left), optY.getOr(original.top));
28784          };
28785        };
28786        return partialCoord.fold(absorbOne(asOffset, offset), absorbOne(asAbsolute, absolute), absorbOne(asFixed, fixed));
28787      };
28788      var offset = adt.offset;
28789      var absolute = adt.absolute;
28790      var fixed = adt.fixed;
28792      var parseAttrToInt = function (element, name) {
28793        var value = get$d(element, name);
28794        return isUndefined(value) ? NaN : parseInt(value, 10);
28795      };
28796      var get = function (component, snapsInfo) {
28797        var element = component.element;
28798        var x = parseAttrToInt(element, snapsInfo.leftAttr);
28799        var y = parseAttrToInt(element, snapsInfo.topAttr);
28800        return isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) ? Optional.none() : Optional.some(SugarPosition(x, y));
28801      };
28802      var set = function (component, snapsInfo, pt) {
28803        var element = component.element;
28804        set$8(element, snapsInfo.leftAttr, pt.left + 'px');
28805        set$8(element, snapsInfo.topAttr, pt.top + 'px');
28806      };
28807      var clear = function (component, snapsInfo) {
28808        var element = component.element;
28809        remove$7(element, snapsInfo.leftAttr);
28810        remove$7(element, snapsInfo.topAttr);
28811      };
28813      var getCoords = function (component, snapInfo, coord, delta) {
28814        return get(component, snapInfo).fold(function () {
28815          return coord;
28816        }, function (fixed$1) {
28817          return fixed(fixed$1.left + delta.left, fixed$1.top + delta.top);
28818        });
28819      };
28820      var moveOrSnap = function (component, snapInfo, coord, delta, scroll, origin) {
28821        var newCoord = getCoords(component, snapInfo, coord, delta);
28822        var snap = snapInfo.mustSnap ? findClosestSnap(component, snapInfo, newCoord, scroll, origin) : findSnap(component, snapInfo, newCoord, scroll, origin);
28823        var fixedCoord = asFixed(newCoord, scroll, origin);
28824        set(component, snapInfo, fixedCoord);
28825        return snap.fold(function () {
28826          return {
28827            coord: fixed(fixedCoord.left, fixedCoord.top),
28828            extra: Optional.none()
28829          };
28830        }, function (spanned) {
28831          return {
28832            coord: spanned.output,
28833            extra: spanned.extra
28834          };
28835        });
28836      };
28837      var stopDrag = function (component, snapInfo) {
28838        clear(component, snapInfo);
28839      };
28840      var findMatchingSnap = function (snaps, newCoord, scroll, origin) {
28841        return findMap(snaps, function (snap) {
28842          var sensor = snap.sensor;
28843          var inRange = withinRange(newCoord, sensor, snap.range.left, snap.range.top, scroll, origin);
28844          return inRange ? Optional.some({
28845            output: absorb(snap.output, newCoord, scroll, origin),
28846            extra: snap.extra
28847          }) : Optional.none();
28848        });
28849      };
28850      var findClosestSnap = function (component, snapInfo, newCoord, scroll, origin) {
28851        var snaps = snapInfo.getSnapPoints(component);
28852        var matchSnap = findMatchingSnap(snaps, newCoord, scroll, origin);
28853        return matchSnap.orThunk(function () {
28854          var bestSnap = foldl(snaps, function (acc, snap) {
28855            var sensor = snap.sensor;
28856            var deltas = getDeltas(newCoord, sensor, snap.range.left, snap.range.top, scroll, origin);
28857            return acc.deltas.fold(function () {
28858              return {
28859                deltas: Optional.some(deltas),
28860                snap: Optional.some(snap)
28861              };
28862            }, function (bestDeltas) {
28863              var currAvg = (deltas.left + deltas.top) / 2;
28864              var bestAvg = (bestDeltas.left + bestDeltas.top) / 2;
28865              if (currAvg <= bestAvg) {
28866                return {
28867                  deltas: Optional.some(deltas),
28868                  snap: Optional.some(snap)
28869                };
28870              } else {
28871                return acc;
28872              }
28873            });
28874          }, {
28875            deltas: Optional.none(),
28876            snap: Optional.none()
28877          });
28878          return bestSnap.snap.map(function (snap) {
28879            return {
28880              output: absorb(snap.output, newCoord, scroll, origin),
28881              extra: snap.extra
28882            };
28883          });
28884        });
28885      };
28886      var findSnap = function (component, snapInfo, newCoord, scroll, origin) {
28887        var snaps = snapInfo.getSnapPoints(component);
28888        return findMatchingSnap(snaps, newCoord, scroll, origin);
28889      };
28890      var snapTo$1 = function (snap, scroll, origin) {
28891        return {
28892          coord: absorb(snap.output, snap.output, scroll, origin),
28893          extra: snap.extra
28894        };
28895      };
28897      var snapTo = function (component, dragConfig, _state, snap) {
28898        var target = dragConfig.getTarget(component.element);
28899        if (dragConfig.repositionTarget) {
28900          var doc = owner$4(component.element);
28901          var scroll_1 = get$9(doc);
28902          var origin_1 = getOrigin(target);
28903          var snapPin = snapTo$1(snap, scroll_1, origin_1);
28904          var styles = toStyles(snapPin.coord, scroll_1, origin_1);
28905          setOptions(target, styles);
28906        }
28907      };
28909      var DraggingApis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
28910          __proto__: null,
28911          snapTo: snapTo
28912      });
28914      var initialAttribute = 'data-initial-z-index';
28915      var resetZIndex = function (blocker) {
28916        parent(blocker.element).filter(isElement$2).each(function (root) {
28917          getOpt(root, initialAttribute).fold(function () {
28918            return remove$6(root, 'z-index');
28919          }, function (zIndex) {
28920            return set$7(root, 'z-index', zIndex);
28921          });
28922          remove$7(root, initialAttribute);
28923        });
28924      };
28925      var changeZIndex = function (blocker) {
28926        parent(blocker.element).filter(isElement$2).each(function (root) {
28927          getRaw(root, 'z-index').each(function (zindex) {
28928            set$8(root, initialAttribute, zindex);
28929          });
28930          set$7(root, 'z-index', get$c(blocker.element, 'z-index'));
28931        });
28932      };
28933      var instigate = function (anyComponent, blocker) {
28934        anyComponent.getSystem().addToGui(blocker);
28935        changeZIndex(blocker);
28936      };
28937      var discard = function (blocker) {
28938        resetZIndex(blocker);
28939        blocker.getSystem().removeFromGui(blocker);
28940      };
28941      var createComponent = function (component, blockerClass, blockerEvents) {
28942        return component.getSystem().build(Container.sketch({
28943          dom: {
28944            styles: {
28945              'left': '0px',
28946              'top': '0px',
28947              'width': '100%',
28948              'height': '100%',
28949              'position': 'fixed',
28950              'z-index': '1000000000000000'
28951            },
28952            classes: [blockerClass]
28953          },
28954          events: blockerEvents
28955        }));
28956      };
28958      var SnapSchema = optionObjOf('snaps', [
28959        required$1('getSnapPoints'),
28960        onHandler('onSensor'),
28961        required$1('leftAttr'),
28962        required$1('topAttr'),
28963        defaulted('lazyViewport', win),
28964        defaulted('mustSnap', false)
28965      ]);
28967      var schema$6 = [
28968        defaulted('useFixed', never),
28969        required$1('blockerClass'),
28970        defaulted('getTarget', identity$1),
28971        defaulted('onDrag', noop),
28972        defaulted('repositionTarget', true),
28973        defaulted('onDrop', noop),
28974        defaultedFunction('getBounds', win),
28975        SnapSchema
28976      ];
28978      var getCurrentCoord = function (target) {
28979        return lift3(getRaw(target, 'left'), getRaw(target, 'top'), getRaw(target, 'position'), function (left, top, position) {
28980          var nu = position === 'fixed' ? fixed : offset;
28981          return nu(parseInt(left, 10), parseInt(top, 10));
28982        }).getOrThunk(function () {
28983          var location = absolute$3(target);
28984          return absolute(location.left, location.top);
28985        });
28986      };
28987      var clampCoords = function (component, coords, scroll, origin, startData) {
28988        var bounds = startData.bounds;
28989        var absoluteCoord = asAbsolute(coords, scroll, origin);
28990        var newX = clamp$1(absoluteCoord.left, bounds.x, bounds.x + bounds.width - startData.width);
28991        var newY = clamp$1(absoluteCoord.top, bounds.y, bounds.y + bounds.height - startData.height);
28992        var newCoords = absolute(newX, newY);
28993        return coords.fold(function () {
28994          var offset$1 = asOffset(newCoords, scroll, origin);
28995          return offset(offset$1.left, offset$1.top);
28996        }, constant$1(newCoords), function () {
28997          var fixed$1 = asFixed(newCoords, scroll, origin);
28998          return fixed(fixed$1.left, fixed$1.top);
28999        });
29000      };
29001      var calcNewCoord = function (component, optSnaps, currentCoord, scroll, origin, delta, startData) {
29002        var newCoord = optSnaps.fold(function () {
29003          var translated = translate(currentCoord, delta.left, delta.top);
29004          var fixedCoord = asFixed(translated, scroll, origin);
29005          return fixed(fixedCoord.left, fixedCoord.top);
29006        }, function (snapInfo) {
29007          var snapping = moveOrSnap(component, snapInfo, currentCoord, delta, scroll, origin);
29008          snapping.extra.each(function (extra) {
29009            snapInfo.onSensor(component, extra);
29010          });
29011          return snapping.coord;
29012        });
29013        return clampCoords(component, newCoord, scroll, origin, startData);
29014      };
29015      var dragBy = function (component, dragConfig, startData, delta) {
29016        var target = dragConfig.getTarget(component.element);
29017        if (dragConfig.repositionTarget) {
29018          var doc = owner$4(component.element);
29019          var scroll_1 = get$9(doc);
29020          var origin_1 = getOrigin(target);
29021          var currentCoord = getCurrentCoord(target);
29022          var newCoord = calcNewCoord(component, dragConfig.snaps, currentCoord, scroll_1, origin_1, delta, startData);
29023          var styles = toStyles(newCoord, scroll_1, origin_1);
29024          setOptions(target, styles);
29025        }
29026        dragConfig.onDrag(component, target, delta);
29027      };
29029      var calcStartData = function (dragConfig, comp) {
29030        return {
29031          bounds: dragConfig.getBounds(),
29032          height: getOuter$2(comp.element),
29033          width: getOuter$1(comp.element)
29034        };
29035      };
29036      var move = function (component, dragConfig, dragState, dragMode, event) {
29037        var delta = dragState.update(dragMode, event);
29038        var dragStartData = dragState.getStartData().getOrThunk(function () {
29039          return calcStartData(dragConfig, component);
29040        });
29041        delta.each(function (dlt) {
29042          dragBy(component, dragConfig, dragStartData, dlt);
29043        });
29044      };
29045      var stop = function (component, blocker, dragConfig, dragState) {
29046        blocker.each(discard);
29047        dragConfig.snaps.each(function (snapInfo) {
29048          stopDrag(component, snapInfo);
29049        });
29050        var target = dragConfig.getTarget(component.element);
29051        dragState.reset();
29052        dragConfig.onDrop(component, target);
29053      };
29054      var handlers = function (events) {
29055        return function (dragConfig, dragState) {
29056          var updateStartState = function (comp) {
29057            dragState.setStartData(calcStartData(dragConfig, comp));
29058          };
29059          return derive$2(__spreadArray([run$1(windowScroll(), function (comp) {
29060              dragState.getStartData().each(function () {
29061                return updateStartState(comp);
29062              });
29063            })], events(dragConfig, dragState, updateStartState), true));
29064        };
29065      };
29067      var init$2 = function (dragApi) {
29068        return derive$2([
29069          run$1(mousedown(), dragApi.forceDrop),
29070          run$1(mouseup(), dragApi.drop),
29071          run$1(mousemove(), function (comp, simulatedEvent) {
29072            dragApi.move(simulatedEvent.event);
29073          }),
29074          run$1(mouseout(), dragApi.delayDrop)
29075        ]);
29076      };
29078      var getData$1 = function (event) {
29079        return Optional.from(SugarPosition(event.x, event.y));
29080      };
29081      var getDelta$1 = function (old, nu) {
29082        return SugarPosition(nu.left - old.left, nu.top - old.top);
29083      };
29085      var MouseData = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
29086          __proto__: null,
29087          getData: getData$1,
29088          getDelta: getDelta$1
29089      });
29091      var events$2 = function (dragConfig, dragState, updateStartState) {
29092        return [run$1(mousedown(), function (component, simulatedEvent) {
29093            var raw = simulatedEvent.event.raw;
29094            if (raw.button !== 0) {
29095              return;
29096            }
29097            simulatedEvent.stop();
29098            var stop$1 = function () {
29099              return stop(component, Optional.some(blocker), dragConfig, dragState);
29100            };
29101            var delayDrop = DelayedFunction(stop$1, 200);
29102            var dragApi = {
29103              drop: stop$1,
29104              delayDrop: delayDrop.schedule,
29105              forceDrop: stop$1,
29106              move: function (event) {
29107                delayDrop.cancel();
29108                move(component, dragConfig, dragState, MouseData, event);
29109              }
29110            };
29111            var blocker = createComponent(component, dragConfig.blockerClass, init$2(dragApi));
29112            var start = function () {
29113              updateStartState(component);
29114              instigate(component, blocker);
29115            };
29116            start();
29117          })];
29118      };
29119      var schema$5 = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], schema$6, true), [output$1('dragger', { handlers: handlers(events$2) })], false);
29121      var init$1 = function (dragApi) {
29122        return derive$2([
29123          run$1(touchstart(), dragApi.forceDrop),
29124          run$1(touchend(), dragApi.drop),
29125          run$1(touchcancel(), dragApi.drop),
29126          run$1(touchmove(), function (comp, simulatedEvent) {
29127            dragApi.move(simulatedEvent.event);
29128          })
29129        ]);
29130      };
29132      var getDataFrom = function (touches) {
29133        var touch = touches[0];
29134        return Optional.some(SugarPosition(touch.clientX, touch.clientY));
29135      };
29136      var getData = function (event) {
29137        var raw = event.raw;
29138        var touches = raw.touches;
29139        return touches.length === 1 ? getDataFrom(touches) : Optional.none();
29140      };
29141      var getDelta = function (old, nu) {
29142        return SugarPosition(nu.left - old.left, nu.top - old.top);
29143      };
29145      var TouchData = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
29146          __proto__: null,
29147          getData: getData,
29148          getDelta: getDelta
29149      });
29151      var events$1 = function (dragConfig, dragState, updateStartState) {
29152        var blockerSingleton = value$1();
29153        var stopBlocking = function (component) {
29154          stop(component, blockerSingleton.get(), dragConfig, dragState);
29155          blockerSingleton.clear();
29156        };
29157        return [
29158          run$1(touchstart(), function (component, simulatedEvent) {
29159            simulatedEvent.stop();
29160            var stop = function () {
29161              return stopBlocking(component);
29162            };
29163            var dragApi = {
29164              drop: stop,
29165              delayDrop: noop,
29166              forceDrop: stop,
29167              move: function (event) {
29168                move(component, dragConfig, dragState, TouchData, event);
29169              }
29170            };
29171            var blocker = createComponent(component, dragConfig.blockerClass, init$1(dragApi));
29172            blockerSingleton.set(blocker);
29173            var start = function () {
29174              updateStartState(component);
29175              instigate(component, blocker);
29176            };
29177            start();
29178          }),
29179          run$1(touchmove(), function (component, simulatedEvent) {
29180            simulatedEvent.stop();
29181            move(component, dragConfig, dragState, TouchData, simulatedEvent.event);
29182          }),
29183          run$1(touchend(), function (component, simulatedEvent) {
29184            simulatedEvent.stop();
29185            stopBlocking(component);
29186          }),
29187          run$1(touchcancel(), stopBlocking)
29188        ];
29189      };
29190      var schema$4 = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], schema$6, true), [output$1('dragger', { handlers: handlers(events$1) })], false);
29192      var events = function (dragConfig, dragState, updateStartState) {
29193        return __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], events$2(dragConfig, dragState, updateStartState), true), events$1(dragConfig, dragState, updateStartState), true);
29194      };
29195      var schema$3 = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], schema$6, true), [output$1('dragger', { handlers: handlers(events) })], false);
29197      var mouse = schema$5;
29198      var touch = schema$4;
29199      var mouseOrTouch = schema$3;
29201      var DraggingBranches = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
29202          __proto__: null,
29203          mouse: mouse,
29204          touch: touch,
29205          mouseOrTouch: mouseOrTouch
29206      });
29208      var init = function () {
29209        var previous = Optional.none();
29210        var startData = Optional.none();
29211        var reset = function () {
29212          previous = Optional.none();
29213          startData = Optional.none();
29214        };
29215        var calculateDelta = function (mode, nu) {
29216          var result = previous.map(function (old) {
29217            return mode.getDelta(old, nu);
29218          });
29219          previous = Optional.some(nu);
29220          return result;
29221        };
29222        var update = function (mode, dragEvent) {
29223          return mode.getData(dragEvent).bind(function (nuData) {
29224            return calculateDelta(mode, nuData);
29225          });
29226        };
29227        var setStartData = function (data) {
29228          startData = Optional.some(data);
29229        };
29230        var getStartData = function () {
29231          return startData;
29232        };
29233        var readState = constant$1({});
29234        return nu$8({
29235          readState: readState,
29236          reset: reset,
29237          update: update,
29238          getStartData: getStartData,
29239          setStartData: setStartData
29240        });
29241      };
29243      var DragState = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
29244          __proto__: null,
29245          init: init
29246      });
29248      var Dragging = createModes({
29249        branchKey: 'mode',
29250        branches: DraggingBranches,
29251        name: 'dragging',
29252        active: {
29253          events: function (dragConfig, dragState) {
29254            var dragger = dragConfig.dragger;
29255            return dragger.handlers(dragConfig, dragState);
29256          }
29257        },
29258        extra: {
29259          snap: function (sConfig) {
29260            return {
29261              sensor: sConfig.sensor,
29262              range: sConfig.range,
29263              output: sConfig.output,
29264              extra: Optional.from(sConfig.extra)
29265            };
29266          }
29267        },
29268        state: DragState,
29269        apis: DraggingApis
29270      });
29272      var snapWidth = 40;
29273      var snapOffset = snapWidth / 2;
29274      var calcSnap = function (selectorOpt, td, x, y, width, height) {
29275        return selectorOpt.fold(function () {
29276          return Dragging.snap({
29277            sensor: absolute(x - snapOffset, y - snapOffset),
29278            range: SugarPosition(width, height),
29279            output: absolute(Optional.some(x), Optional.some(y)),
29280            extra: { td: td }
29281          });
29282        }, function (selectorHandle) {
29283          var sensorLeft = x - snapOffset;
29284          var sensorTop = y - snapOffset;
29285          var sensorWidth = snapWidth;
29286          var sensorHeight = snapWidth;
29287          var rect = selectorHandle.element.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
29288          return Dragging.snap({
29289            sensor: absolute(sensorLeft, sensorTop),
29290            range: SugarPosition(sensorWidth, sensorHeight),
29291            output: absolute(Optional.some(x - rect.width / 2), Optional.some(y - rect.height / 2)),
29292            extra: { td: td }
29293          });
29294        });
29295      };
29296      var getSnapsConfig = function (getSnapPoints, cell, onChange) {
29297        var isSameCell = function (cellOpt, td) {
29298          return cellOpt.exists(function (currentTd) {
29299            return eq(currentTd, td);
29300          });
29301        };
29302        return {
29303          getSnapPoints: getSnapPoints,
29304          leftAttr: 'data-drag-left',
29305          topAttr: 'data-drag-top',
29306          onSensor: function (component, extra) {
29307            var td = extra.td;
29308            if (!isSameCell(cell.get(), td)) {
29309              cell.set(td);
29310              onChange(td);
29311            }
29312          },
29313          mustSnap: true
29314        };
29315      };
29316      var createSelector = function (snaps) {
29317        return record(Button.sketch({
29318          dom: {
29319            tag: 'div',
29320            classes: ['tox-selector']
29321          },
29322          buttonBehaviours: derive$1([
29323            Dragging.config({
29324              mode: 'mouseOrTouch',
29325              blockerClass: 'blocker',
29326              snaps: snaps
29327            }),
29328            Unselecting.config({})
29329          ]),
29330          eventOrder: {
29331            mousedown: [
29332              'dragging',
29333              'alloy.base.behaviour'
29334            ],
29335            touchstart: [
29336              'dragging',
29337              'alloy.base.behaviour'
29338            ]
29339          }
29340        }));
29341      };
29342      var setup$4 = function (editor, sink) {
29343        var tlTds = Cell([]);
29344        var brTds = Cell([]);
29345        var isVisible = Cell(false);
29346        var startCell = value$1();
29347        var finishCell = value$1();
29348        var getTopLeftSnap = function (td) {
29349          var box = absolute$2(td);
29350          return calcSnap(memTopLeft.getOpt(sink), td, box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height);
29351        };
29352        var getTopLeftSnaps = function () {
29353          return map$2(tlTds.get(), function (td) {
29354            return getTopLeftSnap(td);
29355          });
29356        };
29357        var getBottomRightSnap = function (td) {
29358          var box = absolute$2(td);
29359          return calcSnap(memBottomRight.getOpt(sink), td, box.right, box.bottom, box.width, box.height);
29360        };
29361        var getBottomRightSnaps = function () {
29362          return map$2(brTds.get(), function (td) {
29363            return getBottomRightSnap(td);
29364          });
29365        };
29366        var topLeftSnaps = getSnapsConfig(getTopLeftSnaps, startCell, function (start) {
29367          finishCell.get().each(function (finish) {
29368            editor.fire('TableSelectorChange', {
29369              start: start,
29370              finish: finish
29371            });
29372          });
29373        });
29374        var bottomRightSnaps = getSnapsConfig(getBottomRightSnaps, finishCell, function (finish) {
29375          startCell.get().each(function (start) {
29376            editor.fire('TableSelectorChange', {
29377              start: start,
29378              finish: finish
29379            });
29380          });
29381        });
29382        var memTopLeft = createSelector(topLeftSnaps);
29383        var memBottomRight = createSelector(bottomRightSnaps);
29384        var topLeft = build$1(memTopLeft.asSpec());
29385        var bottomRight = build$1(memBottomRight.asSpec());
29386        var showOrHideHandle = function (selector, cell, isAbove, isBelow) {
29387          var cellRect = cell.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
29388          remove$6(selector.element, 'display');
29389          var viewportHeight = defaultView(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getBody())).dom.innerHeight;
29390          var aboveViewport = isAbove(cellRect);
29391          var belowViewport = isBelow(cellRect, viewportHeight);
29392          if (aboveViewport || belowViewport) {
29393            set$7(selector.element, 'display', 'none');
29394          }
29395        };
29396        var snapTo = function (selector, cell, getSnapConfig, pos) {
29397          var snap = getSnapConfig(cell);
29398          Dragging.snapTo(selector, snap);
29399          var isAbove = function (rect) {
29400            return rect[pos] < 0;
29401          };
29402          var isBelow = function (rect, viewportHeight) {
29403            return rect[pos] > viewportHeight;
29404          };
29405          showOrHideHandle(selector, cell, isAbove, isBelow);
29406        };
29407        var snapTopLeft = function (cell) {
29408          return snapTo(topLeft, cell, getTopLeftSnap, 'top');
29409        };
29410        var snapLastTopLeft = function () {
29411          return startCell.get().each(snapTopLeft);
29412        };
29413        var snapBottomRight = function (cell) {
29414          return snapTo(bottomRight, cell, getBottomRightSnap, 'bottom');
29415        };
29416        var snapLastBottomRight = function () {
29417          return finishCell.get().each(snapBottomRight);
29418        };
29419        if (detect$1().deviceType.isTouch()) {
29420          editor.on('TableSelectionChange', function (e) {
29421            if (!isVisible.get()) {
29422              attach(sink, topLeft);
29423              attach(sink, bottomRight);
29424              isVisible.set(true);
29425            }
29426            startCell.set(e.start);
29427            finishCell.set(e.finish);
29428            e.otherCells.each(function (otherCells) {
29429              tlTds.set(otherCells.upOrLeftCells);
29430              brTds.set(otherCells.downOrRightCells);
29431              snapTopLeft(e.start);
29432              snapBottomRight(e.finish);
29433            });
29434          });
29435          editor.on('ResizeEditor ResizeWindow ScrollContent', function () {
29436            snapLastTopLeft();
29437            snapLastBottomRight();
29438          });
29439          editor.on('TableSelectionClear', function () {
29440            if (isVisible.get()) {
29441              detach(topLeft);
29442              detach(bottomRight);
29443              isVisible.set(false);
29444            }
29445            startCell.clear();
29446            finishCell.clear();
29447          });
29448        }
29449      };
29451      var isHidden = function (elm) {
29452        if (elm.nodeType === 1) {
29453          if (elm.nodeName === 'BR' || !!elm.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) {
29454            return true;
29455          }
29456          if (elm.getAttribute('data-mce-type') === 'bookmark') {
29457            return true;
29458          }
29459        }
29460        return false;
29461      };
29462      var renderElementPath = function (editor, settings, providersBackstage) {
29463        if (!settings.delimiter) {
29464          settings.delimiter = '\xBB';
29465        }
29466        var getDataPath = function (data) {
29467          var parts = data || [];
29468          var newPathElements = map$2(parts, function (part, index) {
29469            return Button.sketch({
29470              dom: {
29471                tag: 'div',
29472                classes: ['tox-statusbar__path-item'],
29473                attributes: {
29474                  'role': 'button',
29475                  'data-index': index,
29476                  'tab-index': -1,
29477                  'aria-level': index + 1
29478                },
29479                innerHtml: part.name
29480              },
29481              action: function (_btn) {
29482                editor.focus();
29483                editor.selection.select(part.element);
29484                editor.nodeChanged();
29485              },
29486              buttonBehaviours: derive$1([
29487                DisablingConfigs.button(providersBackstage.isDisabled),
29488                receivingConfig()
29489              ])
29490            });
29491          });
29492          var divider = {
29493            dom: {
29494              tag: 'div',
29495              classes: ['tox-statusbar__path-divider'],
29496              attributes: { 'aria-hidden': true },
29497              innerHtml: ' ' + settings.delimiter + ' '
29498            }
29499          };
29500          return foldl(newPathElements.slice(1), function (acc, element) {
29501            var newAcc = acc;
29502            newAcc.push(divider);
29503            newAcc.push(element);
29504            return newAcc;
29505          }, [newPathElements[0]]);
29506        };
29507        var updatePath = function (parents) {
29508          var newPath = [];
29509          var i = parents.length;
29510          while (i-- > 0) {
29511            var parent_1 = parents[i];
29512            if (parent_1.nodeType === 1 && !isHidden(parent_1)) {
29513              var args = editor.fire('ResolveName', {
29514                name: parent_1.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
29515                target: parent_1
29516              });
29517              if (!args.isDefaultPrevented()) {
29518                newPath.push({
29519                  name: args.name,
29520                  element: parent_1
29521                });
29522              }
29523              if (args.isPropagationStopped()) {
29524                break;
29525              }
29526            }
29527          }
29528          return newPath;
29529        };
29530        return {
29531          dom: {
29532            tag: 'div',
29533            classes: ['tox-statusbar__path'],
29534            attributes: { role: 'navigation' }
29535          },
29536          behaviours: derive$1([
29537            Keying.config({
29538              mode: 'flow',
29539              selector: 'div[role=button]'
29540            }),
29541            Disabling.config({ disabled: providersBackstage.isDisabled }),
29542            receivingConfig(),
29543            Tabstopping.config({}),
29544            Replacing.config({}),
29545            config('elementPathEvents', [runOnAttached(function (comp, _e) {
29546                editor.shortcuts.add('alt+F11', 'focus statusbar elementpath', function () {
29547                  return Keying.focusIn(comp);
29548                });
29549                editor.on('NodeChange', function (e) {
29550                  var newPath = updatePath(e.parents);
29551                  if (newPath.length > 0) {
29552                    Replacing.set(comp, getDataPath(newPath));
29553                  } else {
29554                    Replacing.set(comp, []);
29555                  }
29556                });
29557              })])
29558          ]),
29559          components: []
29560        };
29561      };
29563      var ResizeTypes;
29564      (function (ResizeTypes) {
29565        ResizeTypes[ResizeTypes['None'] = 0] = 'None';
29566        ResizeTypes[ResizeTypes['Both'] = 1] = 'Both';
29567        ResizeTypes[ResizeTypes['Vertical'] = 2] = 'Vertical';
29568      }(ResizeTypes || (ResizeTypes = {})));
29569      var getDimensions = function (editor, deltas, resizeType, originalHeight, originalWidth) {
29570        var dimensions = {};
29571        dimensions.height = calcCappedSize(originalHeight + deltas.top, getMinHeightSetting(editor), getMaxHeightSetting(editor));
29572        if (resizeType === ResizeTypes.Both) {
29573          dimensions.width = calcCappedSize(originalWidth + deltas.left, getMinWidthSetting(editor), getMaxWidthSetting(editor));
29574        }
29575        return dimensions;
29576      };
29577      var resize = function (editor, deltas, resizeType) {
29578        var container = SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getContainer());
29579        var dimensions = getDimensions(editor, deltas, resizeType, get$b(container), get$a(container));
29580        each(dimensions, function (val, dim) {
29581          return set$7(container, dim, numToPx(val));
29582        });
29583        fireResizeEditor(editor);
29584      };
29586      var getResizeType = function (editor) {
29587        var fallback = !editor.hasPlugin('autoresize');
29588        var resize = editor.getParam('resize', fallback);
29589        if (resize === false) {
29590          return ResizeTypes.None;
29591        } else if (resize === 'both') {
29592          return ResizeTypes.Both;
29593        } else {
29594          return ResizeTypes.Vertical;
29595        }
29596      };
29597      var keyboardHandler = function (editor, resizeType, x, y) {
29598        var scale = 20;
29599        var delta = SugarPosition(x * scale, y * scale);
29600        resize(editor, delta, resizeType);
29601        return Optional.some(true);
29602      };
29603      var renderResizeHandler = function (editor, providersBackstage) {
29604        var resizeType = getResizeType(editor);
29605        if (resizeType === ResizeTypes.None) {
29606          return Optional.none();
29607        }
29608        return Optional.some(render$3('resize-handle', {
29609          tag: 'div',
29610          classes: ['tox-statusbar__resize-handle'],
29611          attributes: { title: providersBackstage.translate('Resize') },
29612          behaviours: [
29613            Dragging.config({
29614              mode: 'mouse',
29615              repositionTarget: false,
29616              onDrag: function (_comp, _target, delta) {
29617                return resize(editor, delta, resizeType);
29618              },
29619              blockerClass: 'tox-blocker'
29620            }),
29621            Keying.config({
29622              mode: 'special',
29623              onLeft: function () {
29624                return keyboardHandler(editor, resizeType, -1, 0);
29625              },
29626              onRight: function () {
29627                return keyboardHandler(editor, resizeType, 1, 0);
29628              },
29629              onUp: function () {
29630                return keyboardHandler(editor, resizeType, 0, -1);
29631              },
29632              onDown: function () {
29633                return keyboardHandler(editor, resizeType, 0, 1);
29634              }
29635            }),
29636            Tabstopping.config({}),
29637            Focusing.config({})
29638          ]
29639        }, providersBackstage.icons));
29640      };
29642      var renderWordCount = function (editor, providersBackstage) {
29643        var _a;
29644        var replaceCountText = function (comp, count, mode) {
29645          return Replacing.set(comp, [text(providersBackstage.translate([
29646              '{0} ' + mode,
29647              count[mode]
29648            ]))]);
29649        };
29650        return Button.sketch({
29651          dom: {
29652            tag: 'button',
29653            classes: ['tox-statusbar__wordcount']
29654          },
29655          components: [],
29656          buttonBehaviours: derive$1([
29657            DisablingConfigs.button(providersBackstage.isDisabled),
29658            receivingConfig(),
29659            Tabstopping.config({}),
29660            Replacing.config({}),
29661            Representing.config({
29662              store: {
29663                mode: 'memory',
29664                initialValue: {
29665                  mode: 'words',
29666                  count: {
29667                    words: 0,
29668                    characters: 0
29669                  }
29670                }
29671              }
29672            }),
29673            config('wordcount-events', [
29674              runOnExecute$1(function (comp) {
29675                var currentVal = Representing.getValue(comp);
29676                var newMode = currentVal.mode === 'words' ? 'characters' : 'words';
29677                Representing.setValue(comp, {
29678                  mode: newMode,
29679                  count: currentVal.count
29680                });
29681                replaceCountText(comp, currentVal.count, newMode);
29682              }),
29683              runOnAttached(function (comp) {
29684                editor.on('wordCountUpdate', function (e) {
29685                  var mode = Representing.getValue(comp).mode;
29686                  Representing.setValue(comp, {
29687                    mode: mode,
29688                    count: e.wordCount
29689                  });
29690                  replaceCountText(comp, e.wordCount, mode);
29691                });
29692              })
29693            ])
29694          ]),
29695          eventOrder: (_a = {}, _a[execute$5()] = [
29696            'disabling',
29697            'alloy.base.behaviour',
29698            'wordcount-events'
29699          ], _a)
29700        });
29701      };
29703      var renderStatusbar = function (editor, providersBackstage) {
29704        var renderBranding = function () {
29705          var label = global$e.translate([
29706            'Powered by {0}',
29707            'Tiny'
29708          ]);
29709          var linkHtml = '<a href="https://www.tiny.cloud/?utm_campaign=editor_referral&amp;utm_medium=poweredby&amp;utm_source=tinymce&amp;utm_content=v5" rel="noopener" target="_blank" tabindex="-1" aria-label="' + label + '">' + label + '</a>';
29710          return {
29711            dom: {
29712              tag: 'span',
29713              classes: ['tox-statusbar__branding'],
29714              innerHtml: linkHtml
29715            }
29716          };
29717        };
29718        var getTextComponents = function () {
29719          var components = [];
29720          if (editor.getParam('elementpath', true, 'boolean')) {
29721            components.push(renderElementPath(editor, {}, providersBackstage));
29722          }
29723          if (editor.hasPlugin('wordcount')) {
29724            components.push(renderWordCount(editor, providersBackstage));
29725          }
29726          if (editor.getParam('branding', true, 'boolean')) {
29727            components.push(renderBranding());
29728          }
29729          if (components.length > 0) {
29730            return [{
29731                dom: {
29732                  tag: 'div',
29733                  classes: ['tox-statusbar__text-container']
29734                },
29735                components: components
29736              }];
29737          }
29738          return [];
29739        };
29740        var getComponents = function () {
29741          var components = getTextComponents();
29742          var resizeHandler = renderResizeHandler(editor, providersBackstage);
29743          return components.concat(resizeHandler.toArray());
29744        };
29745        return {
29746          dom: {
29747            tag: 'div',
29748            classes: ['tox-statusbar']
29749          },
29750          components: getComponents()
29751        };
29752      };
29754      var setup$3 = function (editor) {
29755        var _a;
29756        var isInline = editor.inline;
29757        var mode = isInline ? Inline : Iframe;
29758        var header = isStickyToolbar(editor) ? StickyHeader : StaticHeader;
29759        var lazyOuterContainer = Optional.none();
29760        var platform = detect$1();
29761        var isIE = platform.browser.isIE();
29762        var platformClasses = isIE ? ['tox-platform-ie'] : [];
29763        var isTouch = platform.deviceType.isTouch();
29764        var touchPlatformClass = 'tox-platform-touch';
29765        var deviceClasses = isTouch ? [touchPlatformClass] : [];
29766        var isToolbarBottom = isToolbarLocationBottom(editor);
29767        var uiContainer = getUiContainer(editor);
29768        var dirAttributes = global$e.isRtl() ? { attributes: { dir: 'rtl' } } : {};
29769        var verticalDirAttributes = { attributes: (_a = {}, _a[Attribute] = isToolbarBottom ? AttributeValue.BottomToTop : AttributeValue.TopToBottom, _a) };
29770        var lazyHeader = function () {
29771          return lazyOuterContainer.bind(OuterContainer.getHeader);
29772        };
29773        var isHeaderDocked = function () {
29774          return header.isDocked(lazyHeader);
29775        };
29776        var resizeUiMothership = function () {
29777          set$7(uiMothership.element, 'width', document.body.clientWidth + 'px');
29778        };
29779        var makeSinkDefinition = function () {
29780          var isGridUiContainer = eq(body(), uiContainer) && get$c(uiContainer, 'display') === 'grid';
29781          var sinkSpec = {
29782            dom: __assign({
29783              tag: 'div',
29784              classes: [
29785                'tox',
29786                'tox-silver-sink',
29787                'tox-tinymce-aux'
29788              ].concat(platformClasses).concat(deviceClasses)
29789            }, dirAttributes),
29790            behaviours: derive$1([Positioning.config({
29791                useFixed: function () {
29792                  return isHeaderDocked();
29793                }
29794              })])
29795          };
29796          var reactiveWidthSpec = {
29797            dom: { styles: { width: document.body.clientWidth + 'px' } },
29798            events: derive$2([run$1(windowResize(), resizeUiMothership)])
29799          };
29800          return deepMerge(sinkSpec, isGridUiContainer ? reactiveWidthSpec : {});
29801        };
29802        var sink = build$1(makeSinkDefinition());
29803        var lazySink = function () {
29804          return Result.value(sink);
29805        };
29806        var memAnchorBar = record({
29807          dom: {
29808            tag: 'div',
29809            classes: ['tox-anchorbar']
29810          }
29811        });
29812        var lazyAnchorBar = function () {
29813          return lazyOuterContainer.bind(function (container) {
29814            return memAnchorBar.getOpt(container);
29815          }).getOrDie('Could not find a anchor bar element');
29816        };
29817        var lazyToolbar = function () {
29818          return lazyOuterContainer.bind(function (container) {
29819            return OuterContainer.getToolbar(container);
29820          }).getOrDie('Could not find more toolbar element');
29821        };
29822        var lazyThrobber = function () {
29823          return lazyOuterContainer.bind(function (container) {
29824            return OuterContainer.getThrobber(container);
29825          }).getOrDie('Could not find throbber element');
29826        };
29827        var backstage = init$7(sink, editor, lazyAnchorBar);
29828        var partMenubar = OuterContainer.parts.menubar({
29829          dom: {
29830            tag: 'div',
29831            classes: ['tox-menubar']
29832          },
29833          backstage: backstage,
29834          onEscape: function () {
29835            editor.focus();
29836          }
29837        });
29838        var toolbarMode = getToolbarMode(editor);
29839        var partToolbar = OuterContainer.parts.toolbar(__assign({
29840          dom: {
29841            tag: 'div',
29842            classes: ['tox-toolbar']
29843          },
29844          getSink: lazySink,
29845          providers: backstage.shared.providers,
29846          onEscape: function () {
29847            editor.focus();
29848          },
29849          type: toolbarMode,
29850          lazyToolbar: lazyToolbar,
29851          lazyHeader: function () {
29852            return lazyHeader().getOrDie('Could not find header element');
29853          }
29854        }, verticalDirAttributes));
29855        var partMultipleToolbar = OuterContainer.parts['multiple-toolbar']({
29856          dom: {
29857            tag: 'div',
29858            classes: ['tox-toolbar-overlord']
29859          },
29860          providers: backstage.shared.providers,
29861          onEscape: function () {
29862            editor.focus();
29863          },
29864          type: toolbarMode
29865        });
29866        var partSocket = OuterContainer.parts.socket({
29867          dom: {
29868            tag: 'div',
29869            classes: ['tox-edit-area']
29870          }
29871        });
29872        var partSidebar = OuterContainer.parts.sidebar({
29873          dom: {
29874            tag: 'div',
29875            classes: ['tox-sidebar']
29876          }
29877        });
29878        var partThrobber = OuterContainer.parts.throbber({
29879          dom: {
29880            tag: 'div',
29881            classes: ['tox-throbber']
29882          },
29883          backstage: backstage
29884        });
29885        var sb = editor.getParam('statusbar', true, 'boolean');
29886        var statusbar = sb && !isInline ? Optional.some(renderStatusbar(editor, backstage.shared.providers)) : Optional.none();
29887        var socketSidebarContainer = {
29888          dom: {
29889            tag: 'div',
29890            classes: ['tox-sidebar-wrap']
29891          },
29892          components: [
29893            partSocket,
29894            partSidebar
29895          ]
29896        };
29897        var hasMultipleToolbar = isMultipleToolbars(editor);
29898        var hasToolbar = isToolbarEnabled(editor);
29899        var hasMenubar = isMenubarEnabled(editor);
29900        var getPartToolbar = function () {
29901          if (hasMultipleToolbar) {
29902            return [partMultipleToolbar];
29903          } else if (hasToolbar) {
29904            return [partToolbar];
29905          } else {
29906            return [];
29907          }
29908        };
29909        var partHeader = OuterContainer.parts.header({
29910          dom: __assign({
29911            tag: 'div',
29912            classes: ['tox-editor-header']
29913          }, verticalDirAttributes),
29914          components: flatten([
29915            hasMenubar ? [partMenubar] : [],
29916            getPartToolbar(),
29917            useFixedContainer(editor) ? [] : [memAnchorBar.asSpec()]
29918          ]),
29919          sticky: isStickyToolbar(editor),
29920          editor: editor,
29921          sharedBackstage: backstage.shared
29922        });
29923        var editorComponents = flatten([
29924          isToolbarBottom ? [] : [partHeader],
29925          isInline ? [] : [socketSidebarContainer],
29926          isToolbarBottom ? [partHeader] : []
29927        ]);
29928        var editorContainer = {
29929          dom: {
29930            tag: 'div',
29931            classes: ['tox-editor-container']
29932          },
29933          components: editorComponents
29934        };
29935        var containerComponents = flatten([
29936          [editorContainer],
29937          isInline ? [] : statusbar.toArray(),
29938          [partThrobber]
29939        ]);
29940        var isHidden = isDistractionFree(editor);
29941        var attributes = __assign(__assign({ role: 'application' }, global$e.isRtl() ? { dir: 'rtl' } : {}), isHidden ? { 'aria-hidden': 'true' } : {});
29942        var outerContainer = build$1(OuterContainer.sketch({
29943          dom: {
29944            tag: 'div',
29945            classes: [
29946              'tox',
29947              'tox-tinymce'
29948            ].concat(isInline ? ['tox-tinymce-inline'] : []).concat(isToolbarBottom ? ['tox-tinymce--toolbar-bottom'] : []).concat(deviceClasses).concat(platformClasses),
29949            styles: __assign({ visibility: 'hidden' }, isHidden ? {
29950              opacity: '0',
29951              border: '0'
29952            } : {}),
29953            attributes: attributes
29954          },
29955          components: containerComponents,
29956          behaviours: derive$1([
29957            receivingConfig(),
29958            Disabling.config({ disableClass: 'tox-tinymce--disabled' }),
29959            Keying.config({
29960              mode: 'cyclic',
29961              selector: '.tox-menubar, .tox-toolbar, .tox-toolbar__primary, .tox-toolbar__overflow--open, .tox-sidebar__overflow--open, .tox-statusbar__path, .tox-statusbar__wordcount, .tox-statusbar__branding a, .tox-statusbar__resize-handle'
29962            })
29963          ])
29964        }));
29965        lazyOuterContainer = Optional.some(outerContainer);
29966        editor.shortcuts.add('alt+F9', 'focus menubar', function () {
29967          OuterContainer.focusMenubar(outerContainer);
29968        });
29969        editor.shortcuts.add('alt+F10', 'focus toolbar', function () {
29970          OuterContainer.focusToolbar(outerContainer);
29971        });
29972        editor.addCommand('ToggleToolbarDrawer', function () {
29973          OuterContainer.toggleToolbarDrawer(outerContainer);
29974        });
29975        editor.addQueryStateHandler('ToggleToolbarDrawer', function () {
29976          return OuterContainer.isToolbarDrawerToggled(outerContainer);
29977        });
29978        var mothership = takeover(outerContainer);
29979        var uiMothership = takeover(sink);
29980        setup$b(editor, mothership, uiMothership);
29981        var getUi = function () {
29982          var channels = {
29983            broadcastAll: uiMothership.broadcast,
29984            broadcastOn: uiMothership.broadcastOn,
29985            register: noop
29986          };
29987          return { channels: channels };
29988        };
29989        var setEditorSize = function () {
29990          var parsedHeight = numToPx(getHeightWithFallback(editor));
29991          var parsedWidth = numToPx(getWidthWithFallback(editor));
29992          if (!editor.inline) {
29993            if (isValidValue('div', 'width', parsedWidth)) {
29994              set$7(outerContainer.element, 'width', parsedWidth);
29995            }
29996            if (isValidValue('div', 'height', parsedHeight)) {
29997              set$7(outerContainer.element, 'height', parsedHeight);
29998            } else {
29999              set$7(outerContainer.element, 'height', '200px');
30000            }
30001          }
30002          return parsedHeight;
30003        };
30004        var renderUI = function () {
30005          header.setup(editor, backstage.shared, lazyHeader);
30006          setup$6(editor, backstage);
30007          setup$5(editor, lazySink, backstage);
30008          setup$8(editor);
30009          setup$7(editor, lazyThrobber, backstage.shared);
30010          map$1(getToolbarGroups(editor), function (toolbarGroupButtonConfig, name) {
30011            editor.ui.registry.addGroupToolbarButton(name, toolbarGroupButtonConfig);
30012          });
30013          var _a = editor.ui.registry.getAll(), buttons = _a.buttons, menuItems = _a.menuItems, contextToolbars = _a.contextToolbars, sidebars = _a.sidebars;
30014          var toolbarOpt = getMultipleToolbarsSetting(editor);
30015          var rawUiConfig = {
30016            menuItems: menuItems,
30017            menus: getMenus(editor),
30018            menubar: getMenubar(editor),
30019            toolbar: toolbarOpt.getOrThunk(function () {
30020              return getToolbar(editor);
30021            }),
30022            allowToolbarGroups: toolbarMode === ToolbarMode.floating,
30023            buttons: buttons,
30024            sidebar: sidebars
30025          };
30026          register$7(editor, contextToolbars, sink, { backstage: backstage });
30027          setup$4(editor, sink);
30028          var elm = editor.getElement();
30029          var height = setEditorSize();
30030          var uiComponents = {
30031            mothership: mothership,
30032            uiMothership: uiMothership,
30033            outerContainer: outerContainer
30034          };
30035          var args = {
30036            targetNode: elm,
30037            height: height
30038          };
30039          return mode.render(editor, uiComponents, rawUiConfig, backstage, args);
30040        };
30041        return {
30042          mothership: mothership,
30043          uiMothership: uiMothership,
30044          backstage: backstage,
30045          renderUI: renderUI,
30046          getUi: getUi
30047        };
30048      };
30050      var describedBy = function (describedElement, describeElement) {
30051        var describeId = Optional.from(get$d(describedElement, 'id')).fold(function () {
30052          var id = generate$6('dialog-describe');
30053          set$8(describeElement, 'id', id);
30054          return id;
30055        }, identity$1);
30056        set$8(describedElement, 'aria-describedby', describeId);
30057      };
30059      var labelledBy = function (labelledElement, labelElement) {
30060        var labelId = getOpt(labelledElement, 'id').fold(function () {
30061          var id = generate$6('dialog-label');
30062          set$8(labelElement, 'id', id);
30063          return id;
30064        }, identity$1);
30065        set$8(labelledElement, 'aria-labelledby', labelId);
30066      };
30068      var schema$2 = constant$1([
30069        required$1('lazySink'),
30070        option('dragBlockClass'),
30071        defaultedFunction('getBounds', win),
30072        defaulted('useTabstopAt', always),
30073        defaulted('eventOrder', {}),
30074        field('modalBehaviours', [Keying]),
30075        onKeyboardHandler('onExecute'),
30076        onStrictKeyboardHandler('onEscape')
30077      ]);
30078      var basic = { sketch: identity$1 };
30079      var parts$2 = constant$1([
30080        optional({
30081          name: 'draghandle',
30082          overrides: function (detail, spec) {
30083            return {
30084              behaviours: derive$1([Dragging.config({
30085                  mode: 'mouse',
30086                  getTarget: function (handle) {
30087                    return ancestor(handle, '[role="dialog"]').getOr(handle);
30088                  },
30089                  blockerClass: detail.dragBlockClass.getOrDie(new Error('The drag blocker class was not specified for a dialog with a drag handle: \n' + JSON.stringify(spec, null, 2)).message),
30090                  getBounds: detail.getDragBounds
30091                })])
30092            };
30093          }
30094        }),
30095        required({
30096          schema: [required$1('dom')],
30097          name: 'title'
30098        }),
30099        required({
30100          factory: basic,
30101          schema: [required$1('dom')],
30102          name: 'close'
30103        }),
30104        required({
30105          factory: basic,
30106          schema: [required$1('dom')],
30107          name: 'body'
30108        }),
30109        optional({
30110          factory: basic,
30111          schema: [required$1('dom')],
30112          name: 'footer'
30113        }),
30114        external$1({
30115          factory: {
30116            sketch: function (spec, detail) {
30117              return __assign(__assign({}, spec), {
30118                dom: detail.dom,
30119                components: detail.components
30120              });
30121            }
30122          },
30123          schema: [
30124            defaulted('dom', {
30125              tag: 'div',
30126              styles: {
30127                position: 'fixed',
30128                left: '0px',
30129                top: '0px',
30130                right: '0px',
30131                bottom: '0px'
30132              }
30133            }),
30134            defaulted('components', [])
30135          ],
30136          name: 'blocker'
30137        })
30138      ]);
30140      var factory$4 = function (detail, components, spec, externals) {
30141        var _a;
30142        var dialogComp = value$1();
30143        var showDialog = function (dialog) {
30144          dialogComp.set(dialog);
30145          var sink = detail.lazySink(dialog).getOrDie();
30146          var externalBlocker = externals.blocker();
30147          var blocker = sink.getSystem().build(__assign(__assign({}, externalBlocker), {
30148            components: externalBlocker.components.concat([premade(dialog)]),
30149            behaviours: derive$1([
30150              Focusing.config({}),
30151              config('dialog-blocker-events', [runOnSource(focusin(), function () {
30152                  Keying.focusIn(dialog);
30153                })])
30154            ])
30155          }));
30156          attach(sink, blocker);
30157          Keying.focusIn(dialog);
30158        };
30159        var hideDialog = function (dialog) {
30160          dialogComp.clear();
30161          parent(dialog.element).each(function (blockerDom) {
30162            dialog.getSystem().getByDom(blockerDom).each(function (blocker) {
30163              detach(blocker);
30164            });
30165          });
30166        };
30167        var getDialogBody = function (dialog) {
30168          return getPartOrDie(dialog, detail, 'body');
30169        };
30170        var getDialogFooter = function (dialog) {
30171          return getPartOrDie(dialog, detail, 'footer');
30172        };
30173        var setBusy = function (dialog, getBusySpec) {
30174          Blocking.block(dialog, getBusySpec);
30175        };
30176        var setIdle = function (dialog) {
30177          Blocking.unblock(dialog);
30178        };
30179        var modalEventsId = generate$6('modal-events');
30180        var eventOrder = __assign(__assign({}, detail.eventOrder), (_a = {}, _a[attachedToDom()] = [modalEventsId].concat(detail.eventOrder['alloy.system.attached'] || []), _a));
30181        return {
30182          uid: detail.uid,
30183          dom: detail.dom,
30184          components: components,
30185          apis: {
30186            show: showDialog,
30187            hide: hideDialog,
30188            getBody: getDialogBody,
30189            getFooter: getDialogFooter,
30190            setIdle: setIdle,
30191            setBusy: setBusy
30192          },
30193          eventOrder: eventOrder,
30194          domModification: {
30195            attributes: {
30196              'role': 'dialog',
30197              'aria-modal': 'true'
30198            }
30199          },
30200          behaviours: augment(detail.modalBehaviours, [
30201            Replacing.config({}),
30202            Keying.config({
30203              mode: 'cyclic',
30204              onEnter: detail.onExecute,
30205              onEscape: detail.onEscape,
30206              useTabstopAt: detail.useTabstopAt
30207            }),
30208            Blocking.config({ getRoot: dialogComp.get }),
30209            config(modalEventsId, [runOnAttached(function (c) {
30210                labelledBy(c.element, getPartOrDie(c, detail, 'title').element);
30211                describedBy(c.element, getPartOrDie(c, detail, 'body').element);
30212              })])
30213          ])
30214        };
30215      };
30216      var ModalDialog = composite({
30217        name: 'ModalDialog',
30218        configFields: schema$2(),
30219        partFields: parts$2(),
30220        factory: factory$4,
30221        apis: {
30222          show: function (apis, dialog) {
30223            apis.show(dialog);
30224          },
30225          hide: function (apis, dialog) {
30226            apis.hide(dialog);
30227          },
30228          getBody: function (apis, dialog) {
30229            return apis.getBody(dialog);
30230          },
30231          getFooter: function (apis, dialog) {
30232            return apis.getFooter(dialog);
30233          },
30234          setBusy: function (apis, dialog, getBusySpec) {
30235            apis.setBusy(dialog, getBusySpec);
30236          },
30237          setIdle: function (apis, dialog) {
30238            apis.setIdle(dialog);
30239          }
30240        }
30241      });
30243      var dialogToggleMenuItemSchema = objOf([
30244        requiredString('type'),
30245        requiredString('name')
30246      ].concat(commonMenuItemFields));
30247      var dialogToggleMenuItemDataProcessor = boolean;
30249      var baseFooterButtonFields = [
30250        field$1('name', 'name', defaultedThunk(function () {
30251          return generate$6('button-name');
30252        }), string),
30253        optionString('icon'),
30254        defaultedStringEnum('align', 'end', [
30255          'start',
30256          'end'
30257        ]),
30258        defaultedBoolean('primary', false),
30259        defaultedBoolean('disabled', false)
30260      ];
30261      var dialogFooterButtonFields = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], baseFooterButtonFields, true), [requiredString('text')], false);
30262      var normalFooterButtonFields = __spreadArray([requiredStringEnum('type', [
30263          'submit',
30264          'cancel',
30265          'custom'
30266        ])], dialogFooterButtonFields, true);
30267      var menuFooterButtonFields = __spreadArray([
30268        requiredStringEnum('type', ['menu']),
30269        optionString('text'),
30270        optionString('tooltip'),
30271        optionString('icon'),
30272        requiredArrayOf('items', dialogToggleMenuItemSchema)
30273      ], baseFooterButtonFields, true);
30274      var dialogFooterButtonSchema = choose$1('type', {
30275        submit: normalFooterButtonFields,
30276        cancel: normalFooterButtonFields,
30277        custom: normalFooterButtonFields,
30278        menu: menuFooterButtonFields
30279      });
30281      var alertBannerFields = [
30282        requiredString('type'),
30283        requiredString('text'),
30284        requiredStringEnum('level', [
30285          'info',
30286          'warn',
30287          'error',
30288          'success'
30289        ]),
30290        requiredString('icon'),
30291        defaulted('url', '')
30292      ];
30293      var alertBannerSchema = objOf(alertBannerFields);
30295      var createBarFields = function (itemsField) {
30296        return [
30297          requiredString('type'),
30298          itemsField
30299        ];
30300      };
30302      var buttonFields = [
30303        requiredString('type'),
30304        requiredString('text'),
30305        defaultedBoolean('disabled', false),
30306        defaultedBoolean('primary', false),
30307        field$1('name', 'name', defaultedThunk(function () {
30308          return generate$6('button-name');
30309        }), string),
30310        optionString('icon'),
30311        defaultedBoolean('borderless', false)
30312      ];
30313      var buttonSchema = objOf(buttonFields);
30315      var checkboxFields = [
30316        requiredString('type'),
30317        requiredString('name'),
30318        requiredString('label'),
30319        defaultedBoolean('disabled', false)
30320      ];
30321      var checkboxSchema = objOf(checkboxFields);
30322      var checkboxDataProcessor = boolean;
30324      var formComponentFields = [
30325        requiredString('type'),
30326        requiredString('name')
30327      ];
30328      var formComponentWithLabelFields = formComponentFields.concat([optionString('label')]);
30330      var collectionFields = formComponentWithLabelFields.concat([defaulted('columns', 'auto')]);
30331      var collectionSchema = objOf(collectionFields);
30332      var collectionDataProcessor = arrOfObj([
30333        requiredString('value'),
30334        requiredString('text'),
30335        requiredString('icon')
30336      ]);
30338      var colorInputFields = formComponentWithLabelFields;
30339      var colorInputSchema = objOf(colorInputFields);
30340      var colorInputDataProcessor = string;
30342      var colorPickerFields = formComponentWithLabelFields;
30343      var colorPickerSchema = objOf(colorPickerFields);
30344      var colorPickerDataProcessor = string;
30346      var customEditorFields = formComponentFields.concat([
30347        defaultedString('tag', 'textarea'),
30348        requiredString('scriptId'),
30349        requiredString('scriptUrl'),
30350        defaultedPostMsg('settings', undefined)
30351      ]);
30352      var customEditorFieldsOld = formComponentFields.concat([
30353        defaultedString('tag', 'textarea'),
30354        requiredFunction('init')
30355      ]);
30356      var customEditorSchema = valueOf(function (v) {
30357        return asRaw('customeditor.old', objOfOnly(customEditorFieldsOld), v).orThunk(function () {
30358          return asRaw('customeditor.new', objOfOnly(customEditorFields), v);
30359        });
30360      });
30361      var customEditorDataProcessor = string;
30363      var dropZoneFields = formComponentWithLabelFields;
30364      var dropZoneSchema = objOf(dropZoneFields);
30365      var dropZoneDataProcessor = arrOfVal();
30367      var createGridFields = function (itemsField) {
30368        return [
30369          requiredString('type'),
30370          requiredNumber('columns'),
30371          itemsField
30372        ];
30373      };
30375      var htmlPanelFields = [
30376        requiredString('type'),
30377        requiredString('html'),
30378        defaultedStringEnum('presets', 'presentation', [
30379          'presentation',
30380          'document'
30381        ])
30382      ];
30383      var htmlPanelSchema = objOf(htmlPanelFields);
30385      var iframeFields = formComponentWithLabelFields.concat([defaultedBoolean('sandboxed', true)]);
30386      var iframeSchema = objOf(iframeFields);
30387      var iframeDataProcessor = string;
30389      var imageToolsFields = formComponentWithLabelFields.concat([requiredOf('currentState', objOf([
30390          required$1('blob'),
30391          requiredString('url')
30392        ]))]);
30393      var imageToolsSchema = objOf(imageToolsFields);
30395      var inputFields = formComponentWithLabelFields.concat([
30396        optionString('inputMode'),
30397        optionString('placeholder'),
30398        defaultedBoolean('maximized', false),
30399        defaultedBoolean('disabled', false)
30400      ]);
30401      var inputSchema = objOf(inputFields);
30402      var inputDataProcessor = string;
30404      var createLabelFields = function (itemsField) {
30405        return [
30406          requiredString('type'),
30407          requiredString('label'),
30408          itemsField
30409        ];
30410      };
30412      var listBoxSingleItemFields = [
30413        requiredString('text'),
30414        requiredString('value')
30415      ];
30416      var listBoxNestedItemFields = [
30417        requiredString('text'),
30418        requiredArrayOf('items', thunkOf('items', function () {
30419          return listBoxItemSchema;
30420        }))
30421      ];
30422      var listBoxItemSchema = oneOf([
30423        objOf(listBoxSingleItemFields),
30424        objOf(listBoxNestedItemFields)
30425      ]);
30426      var listBoxFields = formComponentWithLabelFields.concat([
30427        requiredArrayOf('items', listBoxItemSchema),
30428        defaultedBoolean('disabled', false)
30429      ]);
30430      var listBoxSchema = objOf(listBoxFields);
30431      var listBoxDataProcessor = string;
30433      var selectBoxFields = formComponentWithLabelFields.concat([
30434        requiredArrayOfObj('items', [
30435          requiredString('text'),
30436          requiredString('value')
30437        ]),
30438        defaultedNumber('size', 1),
30439        defaultedBoolean('disabled', false)
30440      ]);
30441      var selectBoxSchema = objOf(selectBoxFields);
30442      var selectBoxDataProcessor = string;
30444      var sizeInputFields = formComponentWithLabelFields.concat([
30445        defaultedBoolean('constrain', true),
30446        defaultedBoolean('disabled', false)
30447      ]);
30448      var sizeInputSchema = objOf(sizeInputFields);
30449      var sizeInputDataProcessor = objOf([
30450        requiredString('width'),
30451        requiredString('height')
30452      ]);
30454      var tableFields = [
30455        requiredString('type'),
30456        requiredArrayOf('header', string),
30457        requiredArrayOf('cells', arrOf(string))
30458      ];
30459      var tableSchema = objOf(tableFields);
30461      var textAreaFields = formComponentWithLabelFields.concat([
30462        optionString('placeholder'),
30463        defaultedBoolean('maximized', false),
30464        defaultedBoolean('disabled', false)
30465      ]);
30466      var textAreaSchema = objOf(textAreaFields);
30467      var textAreaDataProcessor = string;
30469      var urlInputFields = formComponentWithLabelFields.concat([
30470        defaultedStringEnum('filetype', 'file', [
30471          'image',
30472          'media',
30473          'file'
30474        ]),
30475        defaulted('disabled', false)
30476      ]);
30477      var urlInputSchema = objOf(urlInputFields);
30478      var urlInputDataProcessor = objOf([
30479        requiredString('value'),
30480        defaulted('meta', {})
30481      ]);
30483      var createItemsField = function (name) {
30484        return field$1('items', 'items', required$2(), arrOf(valueOf(function (v) {
30485          return asRaw('Checking item of ' + name, itemSchema, v).fold(function (sErr) {
30486            return Result.error(formatError(sErr));
30487          }, function (passValue) {
30488            return Result.value(passValue);
30489          });
30490        })));
30491      };
30492      var itemSchema = valueThunk(function () {
30493        return choose$2('type', {
30494          alertbanner: alertBannerSchema,
30495          bar: objOf(createBarFields(createItemsField('bar'))),
30496          button: buttonSchema,
30497          checkbox: checkboxSchema,
30498          colorinput: colorInputSchema,
30499          colorpicker: colorPickerSchema,
30500          dropzone: dropZoneSchema,
30501          grid: objOf(createGridFields(createItemsField('grid'))),
30502          iframe: iframeSchema,
30503          input: inputSchema,
30504          listbox: listBoxSchema,
30505          selectbox: selectBoxSchema,
30506          sizeinput: sizeInputSchema,
30507          textarea: textAreaSchema,
30508          urlinput: urlInputSchema,
30509          customeditor: customEditorSchema,
30510          htmlpanel: htmlPanelSchema,
30511          imagetools: imageToolsSchema,
30512          collection: collectionSchema,
30513          label: objOf(createLabelFields(createItemsField('label'))),
30514          table: tableSchema,
30515          panel: panelSchema
30516        });
30517      });
30518      var panelFields = [
30519        requiredString('type'),
30520        defaulted('classes', []),
30521        requiredArrayOf('items', itemSchema)
30522      ];
30523      var panelSchema = objOf(panelFields);
30525      var tabFields = [
30526        field$1('name', 'name', defaultedThunk(function () {
30527          return generate$6('tab-name');
30528        }), string),
30529        requiredString('title'),
30530        requiredArrayOf('items', itemSchema)
30531      ];
30532      var tabPanelFields = [
30533        requiredString('type'),
30534        requiredArrayOfObj('tabs', tabFields)
30535      ];
30536      var tabPanelSchema = objOf(tabPanelFields);
30538      var dialogButtonFields = dialogFooterButtonFields;
30539      var dialogButtonSchema = dialogFooterButtonSchema;
30540      var dialogSchema = objOf([
30541        requiredString('title'),
30542        requiredOf('body', choose$2('type', {
30543          panel: panelSchema,
30544          tabpanel: tabPanelSchema
30545        })),
30546        defaultedString('size', 'normal'),
30547        requiredArrayOf('buttons', dialogButtonSchema),
30548        defaulted('initialData', {}),
30549        defaultedFunction('onAction', noop),
30550        defaultedFunction('onChange', noop),
30551        defaultedFunction('onSubmit', noop),
30552        defaultedFunction('onClose', noop),
30553        defaultedFunction('onCancel', noop),
30554        defaulted('onTabChange', noop)
30555      ]);
30556      var createDialog = function (spec) {
30557        return asRaw('dialog', dialogSchema, spec);
30558      };
30560      var urlDialogButtonSchema = objOf(__spreadArray([requiredStringEnum('type', [
30561          'cancel',
30562          'custom'
30563        ])], dialogButtonFields, true));
30564      var urlDialogSchema = objOf([
30565        requiredString('title'),
30566        requiredString('url'),
30567        optionNumber('height'),
30568        optionNumber('width'),
30569        optionArrayOf('buttons', urlDialogButtonSchema),
30570        defaultedFunction('onAction', noop),
30571        defaultedFunction('onCancel', noop),
30572        defaultedFunction('onClose', noop),
30573        defaultedFunction('onMessage', noop)
30574      ]);
30575      var createUrlDialog = function (spec) {
30576        return asRaw('dialog', urlDialogSchema, spec);
30577      };
30579      var getAllObjects = function (obj) {
30580        if (isObject(obj)) {
30581          return [obj].concat(bind$3(values(obj), getAllObjects));
30582        } else if (isArray(obj)) {
30583          return bind$3(obj, getAllObjects);
30584        } else {
30585          return [];
30586        }
30587      };
30589      var isNamedItem = function (obj) {
30590        return isString(obj.type) && isString(obj.name);
30591      };
30592      var dataProcessors = {
30593        checkbox: checkboxDataProcessor,
30594        colorinput: colorInputDataProcessor,
30595        colorpicker: colorPickerDataProcessor,
30596        dropzone: dropZoneDataProcessor,
30597        input: inputDataProcessor,
30598        iframe: iframeDataProcessor,
30599        sizeinput: sizeInputDataProcessor,
30600        selectbox: selectBoxDataProcessor,
30601        listbox: listBoxDataProcessor,
30602        size: sizeInputDataProcessor,
30603        textarea: textAreaDataProcessor,
30604        urlinput: urlInputDataProcessor,
30605        customeditor: customEditorDataProcessor,
30606        collection: collectionDataProcessor,
30607        togglemenuitem: dialogToggleMenuItemDataProcessor
30608      };
30609      var getDataProcessor = function (item) {
30610        return Optional.from(dataProcessors[item.type]);
30611      };
30612      var getNamedItems = function (structure) {
30613        return filter$2(getAllObjects(structure), isNamedItem);
30614      };
30616      var createDataValidator = function (structure) {
30617        var namedItems = getNamedItems(structure);
30618        var fields = bind$3(namedItems, function (item) {
30619          return getDataProcessor(item).fold(function () {
30620            return [];
30621          }, function (schema) {
30622            return [requiredOf(item.name, schema)];
30623          });
30624        });
30625        return objOf(fields);
30626      };
30628      var extract = function (structure) {
30629        var internalDialog = getOrDie(createDialog(structure));
30630        var dataValidator = createDataValidator(structure);
30631        var initialData = structure.initialData;
30632        return {
30633          internalDialog: internalDialog,
30634          dataValidator: dataValidator,
30635          initialData: initialData
30636        };
30637      };
30638      var DialogManager = {
30639        open: function (factory, structure) {
30640          var extraction = extract(structure);
30641          return factory(extraction.internalDialog, extraction.initialData, extraction.dataValidator);
30642        },
30643        openUrl: function (factory, structure) {
30644          var internalDialog = getOrDie(createUrlDialog(structure));
30645          return factory(internalDialog);
30646        },
30647        redial: function (structure) {
30648          return extract(structure);
30649        }
30650      };
30652      var toValidValues = function (values) {
30653        var errors = [];
30654        var result = {};
30655        each(values, function (value, name) {
30656          value.fold(function () {
30657            errors.push(name);
30658          }, function (v) {
30659            result[name] = v;
30660          });
30661        });
30662        return errors.length > 0 ? Result.error(errors) : Result.value(result);
30663      };
30665      var renderBodyPanel = function (spec, backstage) {
30666        var memForm = record(Form.sketch(function (parts) {
30667          return {
30668            dom: {
30669              tag: 'div',
30670              classes: ['tox-form'].concat(spec.classes)
30671            },
30672            components: map$2(spec.items, function (item) {
30673              return interpretInForm(parts, item, backstage);
30674            })
30675          };
30676        }));
30677        return {
30678          dom: {
30679            tag: 'div',
30680            classes: ['tox-dialog__body']
30681          },
30682          components: [{
30683              dom: {
30684                tag: 'div',
30685                classes: ['tox-dialog__body-content']
30686              },
30687              components: [memForm.asSpec()]
30688            }],
30689          behaviours: derive$1([
30690            Keying.config({
30691              mode: 'acyclic',
30692              useTabstopAt: not(isPseudoStop)
30693            }),
30694            ComposingConfigs.memento(memForm),
30695            RepresentingConfigs.memento(memForm, {
30696              postprocess: function (formValue) {
30697                return toValidValues(formValue).fold(function (err) {
30698                  console.error(err);
30699                  return {};
30700                }, identity$1);
30701              }
30702            })
30703          ])
30704        };
30705      };
30707      var factory$3 = function (detail, _spec) {
30708        return {
30709          uid: detail.uid,
30710          dom: detail.dom,
30711          components: detail.components,
30712          events: events$a(detail.action),
30713          behaviours: augment(detail.tabButtonBehaviours, [
30714            Focusing.config({}),
30715            Keying.config({
30716              mode: 'execution',
30717              useSpace: true,
30718              useEnter: true
30719            }),
30720            Representing.config({
30721              store: {
30722                mode: 'memory',
30723                initialValue: detail.value
30724              }
30725            })
30726          ]),
30727          domModification: detail.domModification
30728        };
30729      };
30730      var TabButton = single({
30731        name: 'TabButton',
30732        configFields: [
30733          defaulted('uid', undefined),
30734          required$1('value'),
30735          field$1('dom', 'dom', mergeWithThunk(function () {
30736            return {
30737              attributes: {
30738                'role': 'tab',
30739                'id': generate$6('aria'),
30740                'aria-selected': 'false'
30741              }
30742            };
30743          }), anyValue()),
30744          option('action'),
30745          defaulted('domModification', {}),
30746          field('tabButtonBehaviours', [
30747            Focusing,
30748            Keying,
30749            Representing
30750          ]),
30751          required$1('view')
30752        ],
30753        factory: factory$3
30754      });
30756      var schema$1 = constant$1([
30757        required$1('tabs'),
30758        required$1('dom'),
30759        defaulted('clickToDismiss', false),
30760        field('tabbarBehaviours', [
30761          Highlighting,
30762          Keying
30763        ]),
30764        markers$1([
30765          'tabClass',
30766          'selectedClass'
30767        ])
30768      ]);
30769      var tabsPart = group({
30770        factory: TabButton,
30771        name: 'tabs',
30772        unit: 'tab',
30773        overrides: function (barDetail) {
30774          var dismissTab$1 = function (tabbar, button) {
30775            Highlighting.dehighlight(tabbar, button);
30776            emitWith(tabbar, dismissTab(), {
30777              tabbar: tabbar,
30778              button: button
30779            });
30780          };
30781          var changeTab$1 = function (tabbar, button) {
30782            Highlighting.highlight(tabbar, button);
30783            emitWith(tabbar, changeTab(), {
30784              tabbar: tabbar,
30785              button: button
30786            });
30787          };
30788          return {
30789            action: function (button) {
30790              var tabbar = button.getSystem().getByUid(barDetail.uid).getOrDie();
30791              var activeButton = Highlighting.isHighlighted(tabbar, button);
30792              var response = function () {
30793                if (activeButton && barDetail.clickToDismiss) {
30794                  return dismissTab$1;
30795                } else if (!activeButton) {
30796                  return changeTab$1;
30797                } else {
30798                  return noop;
30799                }
30800              }();
30801              response(tabbar, button);
30802            },
30803            domModification: { classes: [barDetail.markers.tabClass] }
30804          };
30805        }
30806      });
30807      var parts$1 = constant$1([tabsPart]);
30809      var factory$2 = function (detail, components, _spec, _externals) {
30810        return {
30811          'uid': detail.uid,
30812          'dom': detail.dom,
30813          components: components,
30814          'debug.sketcher': 'Tabbar',
30815          'domModification': { attributes: { role: 'tablist' } },
30816          'behaviours': augment(detail.tabbarBehaviours, [
30817            Highlighting.config({
30818              highlightClass: detail.markers.selectedClass,
30819              itemClass: detail.markers.tabClass,
30820              onHighlight: function (tabbar, tab) {
30821                set$8(tab.element, 'aria-selected', 'true');
30822              },
30823              onDehighlight: function (tabbar, tab) {
30824                set$8(tab.element, 'aria-selected', 'false');
30825              }
30826            }),
30827            Keying.config({
30828              mode: 'flow',
30829              getInitial: function (tabbar) {
30830                return Highlighting.getHighlighted(tabbar).map(function (tab) {
30831                  return tab.element;
30832                });
30833              },
30834              selector: '.' + detail.markers.tabClass,
30835              executeOnMove: true
30836            })
30837          ])
30838        };
30839      };
30840      var Tabbar = composite({
30841        name: 'Tabbar',
30842        configFields: schema$1(),
30843        partFields: parts$1(),
30844        factory: factory$2
30845      });
30847      var factory$1 = function (detail, _spec) {
30848        return {
30849          uid: detail.uid,
30850          dom: detail.dom,
30851          behaviours: augment(detail.tabviewBehaviours, [Replacing.config({})]),
30852          domModification: { attributes: { role: 'tabpanel' } }
30853        };
30854      };
30855      var Tabview = single({
30856        name: 'Tabview',
30857        configFields: [field('tabviewBehaviours', [Replacing])],
30858        factory: factory$1
30859      });
30861      var schema = constant$1([
30862        defaulted('selectFirst', true),
30863        onHandler('onChangeTab'),
30864        onHandler('onDismissTab'),
30865        defaulted('tabs', []),
30866        field('tabSectionBehaviours', [])
30867      ]);
30868      var barPart = required({
30869        factory: Tabbar,
30870        schema: [
30871          required$1('dom'),
30872          requiredObjOf('markers', [
30873            required$1('tabClass'),
30874            required$1('selectedClass')
30875          ])
30876        ],
30877        name: 'tabbar',
30878        defaults: function (detail) {
30879          return { tabs: detail.tabs };
30880        }
30881      });
30882      var viewPart = required({
30883        factory: Tabview,
30884        name: 'tabview'
30885      });
30886      var parts = constant$1([
30887        barPart,
30888        viewPart
30889      ]);
30891      var factory = function (detail, components, _spec, _externals) {
30892        var changeTab$1 = function (button) {
30893          var tabValue = Representing.getValue(button);
30894          getPart(button, detail, 'tabview').each(function (tabview) {
30895            var tabWithValue = find$5(detail.tabs, function (t) {
30896              return t.value === tabValue;
30897            });
30898            tabWithValue.each(function (tabData) {
30899              var panel = tabData.view();
30900              getOpt(button.element, 'id').each(function (id) {
30901                set$8(tabview.element, 'aria-labelledby', id);
30902              });
30903              Replacing.set(tabview, panel);
30904              detail.onChangeTab(tabview, button, panel);
30905            });
30906          });
30907        };
30908        var changeTabBy = function (section, byPred) {
30909          getPart(section, detail, 'tabbar').each(function (tabbar) {
30910            byPred(tabbar).each(emitExecute);
30911          });
30912        };
30913        return {
30914          uid: detail.uid,
30915          dom: detail.dom,
30916          components: components,
30917          behaviours: get$2(detail.tabSectionBehaviours),
30918          events: derive$2(flatten([
30919            detail.selectFirst ? [runOnAttached(function (section, _simulatedEvent) {
30920                changeTabBy(section, Highlighting.getFirst);
30921              })] : [],
30922            [
30923              run$1(changeTab(), function (section, simulatedEvent) {
30924                var button = simulatedEvent.event.button;
30925                changeTab$1(button);
30926              }),
30927              run$1(dismissTab(), function (section, simulatedEvent) {
30928                var button = simulatedEvent.event.button;
30929                detail.onDismissTab(section, button);
30930              })
30931            ]
30932          ])),
30933          apis: {
30934            getViewItems: function (section) {
30935              return getPart(section, detail, 'tabview').map(function (tabview) {
30936                return Replacing.contents(tabview);
30937              }).getOr([]);
30938            },
30939            showTab: function (section, tabKey) {
30940              var getTabIfNotActive = function (tabbar) {
30941                var candidates = Highlighting.getCandidates(tabbar);
30942                var optTab = find$5(candidates, function (c) {
30943                  return Representing.getValue(c) === tabKey;
30944                });
30945                return optTab.filter(function (tab) {
30946                  return !Highlighting.isHighlighted(tabbar, tab);
30947                });
30948              };
30949              changeTabBy(section, getTabIfNotActive);
30950            }
30951          }
30952        };
30953      };
30954      var TabSection = composite({
30955        name: 'TabSection',
30956        configFields: schema(),
30957        partFields: parts(),
30958        factory: factory,
30959        apis: {
30960          getViewItems: function (apis, component) {
30961            return apis.getViewItems(component);
30962          },
30963          showTab: function (apis, component, tabKey) {
30964            apis.showTab(component, tabKey);
30965          }
30966        }
30967      });
30969      var measureHeights = function (allTabs, tabview, tabviewComp) {
30970        return map$2(allTabs, function (_tab, i) {
30971          Replacing.set(tabviewComp, allTabs[i].view());
30972          var rect = tabview.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
30973          Replacing.set(tabviewComp, []);
30974          return rect.height;
30975        });
30976      };
30977      var getMaxHeight = function (heights) {
30978        return head(sort(heights, function (a, b) {
30979          if (a > b) {
30980            return -1;
30981          } else if (a < b) {
30982            return +1;
30983          } else {
30984            return 0;
30985          }
30986        }));
30987      };
30988      var getMaxTabviewHeight = function (dialog, tabview, tablist) {
30989        var documentElement$1 = documentElement(dialog).dom;
30990        var rootElm = ancestor(dialog, '.tox-dialog-wrap').getOr(dialog);
30991        var isFixed = get$c(rootElm, 'position') === 'fixed';
30992        var maxHeight;
30993        if (isFixed) {
30994          maxHeight = Math.max(documentElement$1.clientHeight, window.innerHeight);
30995        } else {
30996          maxHeight = Math.max(documentElement$1.offsetHeight, documentElement$1.scrollHeight);
30997        }
30998        var tabviewHeight = get$b(tabview);
30999        var isTabListBeside = tabview.dom.offsetLeft >= tablist.dom.offsetLeft + get$a(tablist);
31000        var currentTabHeight = isTabListBeside ? Math.max(get$b(tablist), tabviewHeight) : tabviewHeight;
31001        var dialogTopMargin = parseInt(get$c(dialog, 'margin-top'), 10) || 0;
31002        var dialogBottomMargin = parseInt(get$c(dialog, 'margin-bottom'), 10) || 0;
31003        var dialogHeight = get$b(dialog) + dialogTopMargin + dialogBottomMargin;
31004        var chromeHeight = dialogHeight - currentTabHeight;
31005        return maxHeight - chromeHeight;
31006      };
31007      var showTab = function (allTabs, comp) {
31008        head(allTabs).each(function (tab) {
31009          return TabSection.showTab(comp, tab.value);
31010        });
31011      };
31012      var setTabviewHeight = function (tabview, height) {
31013        set$7(tabview, 'height', height + 'px');
31014        if (!detect$1().browser.isIE()) {
31015          set$7(tabview, 'flex-basis', height + 'px');
31016        } else {
31017          remove$6(tabview, 'flex-basis');
31018        }
31019      };
31020      var updateTabviewHeight = function (dialogBody, tabview, maxTabHeight) {
31021        ancestor(dialogBody, '[role="dialog"]').each(function (dialog) {
31022          descendant(dialog, '[role="tablist"]').each(function (tablist) {
31023            maxTabHeight.get().map(function (height) {
31024              set$7(tabview, 'height', '0');
31025              set$7(tabview, 'flex-basis', '0');
31026              return Math.min(height, getMaxTabviewHeight(dialog, tabview, tablist));
31027            }).each(function (height) {
31028              setTabviewHeight(tabview, height);
31029            });
31030          });
31031        });
31032      };
31033      var getTabview = function (dialog) {
31034        return descendant(dialog, '[role="tabpanel"]');
31035      };
31036      var setMode = function (allTabs) {
31037        var smartTabHeight = function () {
31038          var maxTabHeight = value$1();
31039          var extraEvents = [
31040            runOnAttached(function (comp) {
31041              var dialog = comp.element;
31042              getTabview(dialog).each(function (tabview) {
31043                set$7(tabview, 'visibility', 'hidden');
31044                comp.getSystem().getByDom(tabview).toOptional().each(function (tabviewComp) {
31045                  var heights = measureHeights(allTabs, tabview, tabviewComp);
31046                  var maxTabHeightOpt = getMaxHeight(heights);
31047                  maxTabHeightOpt.fold(maxTabHeight.clear, maxTabHeight.set);
31048                });
31049                updateTabviewHeight(dialog, tabview, maxTabHeight);
31050                remove$6(tabview, 'visibility');
31051                showTab(allTabs, comp);
31052                global$f.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
31053                  updateTabviewHeight(dialog, tabview, maxTabHeight);
31054                });
31055              });
31056            }),
31057            run$1(windowResize(), function (comp) {
31058              var dialog = comp.element;
31059              getTabview(dialog).each(function (tabview) {
31060                updateTabviewHeight(dialog, tabview, maxTabHeight);
31061              });
31062            }),
31063            run$1(formResizeEvent, function (comp, _se) {
31064              var dialog = comp.element;
31065              getTabview(dialog).each(function (tabview) {
31066                var oldFocus = active(getRootNode(tabview));
31067                set$7(tabview, 'visibility', 'hidden');
31068                var oldHeight = getRaw(tabview, 'height').map(function (h) {
31069                  return parseInt(h, 10);
31070                });
31071                remove$6(tabview, 'height');
31072                remove$6(tabview, 'flex-basis');
31073                var newHeight = tabview.dom.getBoundingClientRect().height;
31074                var hasGrown = oldHeight.forall(function (h) {
31075                  return newHeight > h;
31076                });
31077                if (hasGrown) {
31078                  maxTabHeight.set(newHeight);
31079                  updateTabviewHeight(dialog, tabview, maxTabHeight);
31080                } else {
31081                  oldHeight.each(function (h) {
31082                    setTabviewHeight(tabview, h);
31083                  });
31084                }
31085                remove$6(tabview, 'visibility');
31086                oldFocus.each(focus$3);
31087              });
31088            })
31089          ];
31090          var selectFirst = false;
31091          return {
31092            extraEvents: extraEvents,
31093            selectFirst: selectFirst
31094          };
31095        }();
31096        var naiveTabHeight = function () {
31097          var extraEvents = [];
31098          var selectFirst = true;
31099          return {
31100            extraEvents: extraEvents,
31101            selectFirst: selectFirst
31102          };
31103        }();
31104        return {
31105          smartTabHeight: smartTabHeight,
31106          naiveTabHeight: naiveTabHeight
31107        };
31108      };
31110      var SendDataToSectionChannel = 'send-data-to-section';
31111      var SendDataToViewChannel = 'send-data-to-view';
31112      var renderTabPanel = function (spec, backstage) {
31113        var storedValue = Cell({});
31114        var updateDataWithForm = function (form) {
31115          var formData = Representing.getValue(form);
31116          var validData = toValidValues(formData).getOr({});
31117          var currentData = storedValue.get();
31118          var newData = deepMerge(currentData, validData);
31119          storedValue.set(newData);
31120        };
31121        var setDataOnForm = function (form) {
31122          var tabData = storedValue.get();
31123          Representing.setValue(form, tabData);
31124        };
31125        var oldTab = Cell(null);
31126        var allTabs = map$2(spec.tabs, function (tab) {
31127          return {
31128            value: tab.name,
31129            dom: {
31130              tag: 'div',
31131              classes: ['tox-dialog__body-nav-item'],
31132              innerHtml: backstage.shared.providers.translate(tab.title)
31133            },
31134            view: function () {
31135              return [Form.sketch(function (parts) {
31136                  return {
31137                    dom: {
31138                      tag: 'div',
31139                      classes: ['tox-form']
31140                    },
31141                    components: map$2(tab.items, function (item) {
31142                      return interpretInForm(parts, item, backstage);
31143                    }),
31144                    formBehaviours: derive$1([
31145                      Keying.config({
31146                        mode: 'acyclic',
31147                        useTabstopAt: not(isPseudoStop)
31148                      }),
31149                      config('TabView.form.events', [
31150                        runOnAttached(setDataOnForm),
31151                        runOnDetached(updateDataWithForm)
31152                      ]),
31153                      Receiving.config({
31154                        channels: wrapAll([
31155                          {
31156                            key: SendDataToSectionChannel,
31157                            value: { onReceive: updateDataWithForm }
31158                          },
31159                          {
31160                            key: SendDataToViewChannel,
31161                            value: { onReceive: setDataOnForm }
31162                          }
31163                        ])
31164                      })
31165                    ])
31166                  };
31167                })];
31168            }
31169          };
31170        });
31171        var tabMode = setMode(allTabs).smartTabHeight;
31172        return TabSection.sketch({
31173          dom: {
31174            tag: 'div',
31175            classes: ['tox-dialog__body']
31176          },
31177          onChangeTab: function (section, button, _viewItems) {
31178            var name = Representing.getValue(button);
31179            emitWith(section, formTabChangeEvent, {
31180              name: name,
31181              oldName: oldTab.get()
31182            });
31183            oldTab.set(name);
31184          },
31185          tabs: allTabs,
31186          components: [
31187            TabSection.parts.tabbar({
31188              dom: {
31189                tag: 'div',
31190                classes: ['tox-dialog__body-nav']
31191              },
31192              components: [Tabbar.parts.tabs({})],
31193              markers: {
31194                tabClass: 'tox-tab',
31195                selectedClass: 'tox-dialog__body-nav-item--active'
31196              },
31197              tabbarBehaviours: derive$1([Tabstopping.config({})])
31198            }),
31199            TabSection.parts.tabview({
31200              dom: {
31201                tag: 'div',
31202                classes: ['tox-dialog__body-content']
31203              }
31204            })
31205          ],
31206          selectFirst: tabMode.selectFirst,
31207          tabSectionBehaviours: derive$1([
31208            config('tabpanel', tabMode.extraEvents),
31209            Keying.config({ mode: 'acyclic' }),
31210            Composing.config({
31211              find: function (comp) {
31212                return head(TabSection.getViewItems(comp));
31213              }
31214            }),
31215            Representing.config({
31216              store: {
31217                mode: 'manual',
31218                getValue: function (tsection) {
31219                  tsection.getSystem().broadcastOn([SendDataToSectionChannel], {});
31220                  return storedValue.get();
31221                },
31222                setValue: function (tsection, value) {
31223                  storedValue.set(value);
31224                  tsection.getSystem().broadcastOn([SendDataToViewChannel], {});
31225                }
31226              }
31227            })
31228          ])
31229        });
31230      };
31232      var dialogChannel = generate$6('update-dialog');
31233      var titleChannel = generate$6('update-title');
31234      var bodyChannel = generate$6('update-body');
31235      var footerChannel = generate$6('update-footer');
31236      var bodySendMessageChannel = generate$6('body-send-message');
31238      var renderBody = function (spec, id, backstage, ariaAttrs) {
31239        var renderComponents = function (incoming) {
31240          switch (incoming.body.type) {
31241          case 'tabpanel': {
31242              return [renderTabPanel(incoming.body, backstage)];
31243            }
31244          default: {
31245              return [renderBodyPanel(incoming.body, backstage)];
31246            }
31247          }
31248        };
31249        var updateState = function (_comp, incoming) {
31250          return Optional.some({
31251            isTabPanel: function () {
31252              return incoming.body.type === 'tabpanel';
31253            }
31254          });
31255        };
31256        var ariaAttributes = { 'aria-live': 'polite' };
31257        return {
31258          dom: {
31259            tag: 'div',
31260            classes: ['tox-dialog__content-js'],
31261            attributes: __assign(__assign({}, id.map(function (x) {
31262              return { id: x };
31263            }).getOr({})), ariaAttrs ? ariaAttributes : {})
31264          },
31265          components: [],
31266          behaviours: derive$1([
31267            ComposingConfigs.childAt(0),
31268            Reflecting.config({
31269              channel: bodyChannel,
31270              updateState: updateState,
31271              renderComponents: renderComponents,
31272              initialData: spec
31273            })
31274          ])
31275        };
31276      };
31277      var renderInlineBody = function (spec, contentId, backstage, ariaAttrs) {
31278        return renderBody(spec, Optional.some(contentId), backstage, ariaAttrs);
31279      };
31280      var renderModalBody = function (spec, backstage) {
31281        var bodySpec = renderBody(spec, Optional.none(), backstage, false);
31282        return ModalDialog.parts.body(bodySpec);
31283      };
31284      var renderIframeBody = function (spec) {
31285        var bodySpec = {
31286          dom: {
31287            tag: 'div',
31288            classes: ['tox-dialog__content-js']
31289          },
31290          components: [{
31291              dom: {
31292                tag: 'div',
31293                classes: ['tox-dialog__body-iframe']
31294              },
31295              components: [craft({
31296                  dom: {
31297                    tag: 'iframe',
31298                    attributes: { src: spec.url }
31299                  },
31300                  behaviours: derive$1([
31301                    Tabstopping.config({}),
31302                    Focusing.config({})
31303                  ])
31304                })]
31305            }],
31306          behaviours: derive$1([Keying.config({
31307              mode: 'acyclic',
31308              useTabstopAt: not(isPseudoStop)
31309            })])
31310        };
31311        return ModalDialog.parts.body(bodySpec);
31312      };
31314      var isTouch = global$9.deviceType.isTouch();
31315      var hiddenHeader = function (title, close) {
31316        return {
31317          dom: {
31318            tag: 'div',
31319            styles: { display: 'none' },
31320            classes: ['tox-dialog__header']
31321          },
31322          components: [
31323            title,
31324            close
31325          ]
31326        };
31327      };
31328      var pClose = function (onClose, providersBackstage) {
31329        return ModalDialog.parts.close(Button.sketch({
31330          dom: {
31331            tag: 'button',
31332            classes: [
31333              'tox-button',
31334              'tox-button--icon',
31335              'tox-button--naked'
31336            ],
31337            attributes: {
31338              'type': 'button',
31339              'aria-label': providersBackstage.translate('Close')
31340            }
31341          },
31342          action: onClose,
31343          buttonBehaviours: derive$1([Tabstopping.config({})])
31344        }));
31345      };
31346      var pUntitled = function () {
31347        return ModalDialog.parts.title({
31348          dom: {
31349            tag: 'div',
31350            classes: ['tox-dialog__title'],
31351            innerHtml: '',
31352            styles: { display: 'none' }
31353          }
31354        });
31355      };
31356      var pBodyMessage = function (message, providersBackstage) {
31357        return ModalDialog.parts.body({
31358          dom: {
31359            tag: 'div',
31360            classes: ['tox-dialog__body']
31361          },
31362          components: [{
31363              dom: {
31364                tag: 'div',
31365                classes: ['tox-dialog__body-content']
31366              },
31367              components: [{ dom: fromHtml('<p>' + providersBackstage.translate(message) + '</p>') }]
31368            }]
31369        });
31370      };
31371      var pFooter = function (buttons) {
31372        return ModalDialog.parts.footer({
31373          dom: {
31374            tag: 'div',
31375            classes: ['tox-dialog__footer']
31376          },
31377          components: buttons
31378        });
31379      };
31380      var pFooterGroup = function (startButtons, endButtons) {
31381        return [
31382          Container.sketch({
31383            dom: {
31384              tag: 'div',
31385              classes: ['tox-dialog__footer-start']
31386            },
31387            components: startButtons
31388          }),
31389          Container.sketch({
31390            dom: {
31391              tag: 'div',
31392              classes: ['tox-dialog__footer-end']
31393            },
31394            components: endButtons
31395          })
31396        ];
31397      };
31398      var renderDialog$1 = function (spec) {
31399        var _a;
31400        var dialogClass = 'tox-dialog';
31401        var blockerClass = dialogClass + '-wrap';
31402        var blockerBackdropClass = blockerClass + '__backdrop';
31403        var scrollLockClass = dialogClass + '__disable-scroll';
31404        return ModalDialog.sketch({
31405          lazySink: spec.lazySink,
31406          onEscape: function (comp) {
31407            spec.onEscape(comp);
31408            return Optional.some(true);
31409          },
31410          useTabstopAt: function (elem) {
31411            return !isPseudoStop(elem);
31412          },
31413          dom: {
31414            tag: 'div',
31415            classes: [dialogClass].concat(spec.extraClasses),
31416            styles: __assign({ position: 'relative' }, spec.extraStyles)
31417          },
31418          components: __spreadArray([
31419            spec.header,
31420            spec.body
31421          ], spec.footer.toArray(), true),
31422          parts: {
31423            blocker: {
31424              dom: fromHtml('<div class="' + blockerClass + '"></div>'),
31425              components: [{
31426                  dom: {
31427                    tag: 'div',
31428                    classes: isTouch ? [
31429                      blockerBackdropClass,
31430                      blockerBackdropClass + '--opaque'
31431                    ] : [blockerBackdropClass]
31432                  }
31433                }]
31434            }
31435          },
31436          dragBlockClass: blockerClass,
31437          modalBehaviours: derive$1(__spreadArray([
31438            Focusing.config({}),
31439            config('dialog-events', spec.dialogEvents.concat([runOnSource(focusin(), function (comp, _se) {
31440                Keying.focusIn(comp);
31441              })])),
31442            config('scroll-lock', [
31443              runOnAttached(function () {
31444                add$2(body(), scrollLockClass);
31445              }),
31446              runOnDetached(function () {
31447                remove$2(body(), scrollLockClass);
31448              })
31449            ])
31450          ], spec.extraBehaviours, true)),
31451          eventOrder: __assign((_a = {}, _a[execute$5()] = ['dialog-events'], _a[attachedToDom()] = [
31452            'scroll-lock',
31453            'dialog-events',
31454            'alloy.base.behaviour'
31455          ], _a[detachedFromDom()] = [
31456            'alloy.base.behaviour',
31457            'dialog-events',
31458            'scroll-lock'
31459          ], _a), spec.eventOrder)
31460        });
31461      };
31463      var renderClose = function (providersBackstage) {
31464        return Button.sketch({
31465          dom: {
31466            tag: 'button',
31467            classes: [
31468              'tox-button',
31469              'tox-button--icon',
31470              'tox-button--naked'
31471            ],
31472            attributes: {
31473              'type': 'button',
31474              'aria-label': providersBackstage.translate('Close'),
31475              'title': providersBackstage.translate('Close')
31476            }
31477          },
31478          components: [render$3('close', {
31479              tag: 'div',
31480              classes: ['tox-icon']
31481            }, providersBackstage.icons)],
31482          action: function (comp) {
31483            emit(comp, formCancelEvent);
31484          }
31485        });
31486      };
31487      var renderTitle = function (spec, id, providersBackstage) {
31488        var renderComponents = function (data) {
31489          return [text(providersBackstage.translate(data.title))];
31490        };
31491        return {
31492          dom: {
31493            tag: 'div',
31494            classes: ['tox-dialog__title'],
31495            attributes: __assign({}, id.map(function (x) {
31496              return { id: x };
31497            }).getOr({}))
31498          },
31499          components: renderComponents(spec),
31500          behaviours: derive$1([Reflecting.config({
31501              channel: titleChannel,
31502              renderComponents: renderComponents
31503            })])
31504        };
31505      };
31506      var renderDragHandle = function () {
31507        return { dom: fromHtml('<div class="tox-dialog__draghandle"></div>') };
31508      };
31509      var renderInlineHeader = function (spec, titleId, providersBackstage) {
31510        return Container.sketch({
31511          dom: fromHtml('<div class="tox-dialog__header"></div>'),
31512          components: [
31513            renderTitle(spec, Optional.some(titleId), providersBackstage),
31514            renderDragHandle(),
31515            renderClose(providersBackstage)
31516          ],
31517          containerBehaviours: derive$1([Dragging.config({
31518              mode: 'mouse',
31519              blockerClass: 'blocker',
31520              getTarget: function (handle) {
31521                return closest$1(handle, '[role="dialog"]').getOrDie();
31522              },
31523              snaps: {
31524                getSnapPoints: function () {
31525                  return [];
31526                },
31527                leftAttr: 'data-drag-left',
31528                topAttr: 'data-drag-top'
31529              }
31530            })])
31531        });
31532      };
31533      var renderModalHeader = function (spec, providersBackstage) {
31534        var pTitle = ModalDialog.parts.title(renderTitle(spec, Optional.none(), providersBackstage));
31535        var pHandle = ModalDialog.parts.draghandle(renderDragHandle());
31536        var pClose = ModalDialog.parts.close(renderClose(providersBackstage));
31537        var components = [pTitle].concat(spec.draggable ? [pHandle] : []).concat([pClose]);
31538        return Container.sketch({
31539          dom: fromHtml('<div class="tox-dialog__header"></div>'),
31540          components: components
31541        });
31542      };
31544      var getHeader = function (title, backstage) {
31545        return renderModalHeader({
31546          title: backstage.shared.providers.translate(title),
31547          draggable: backstage.dialog.isDraggableModal()
31548        }, backstage.shared.providers);
31549      };
31550      var getBusySpec = function (message, bs, providers) {
31551        return {
31552          dom: {
31553            tag: 'div',
31554            classes: ['tox-dialog__busy-spinner'],
31555            attributes: { 'aria-label': providers.translate(message) },
31556            styles: {
31557              left: '0px',
31558              right: '0px',
31559              bottom: '0px',
31560              top: '0px',
31561              position: 'absolute'
31562            }
31563          },
31564          behaviours: bs,
31565          components: [{ dom: fromHtml('<div class="tox-spinner"><div></div><div></div><div></div></div>') }]
31566        };
31567      };
31568      var getEventExtras = function (lazyDialog, providers, extra) {
31569        return {
31570          onClose: function () {
31571            return extra.closeWindow();
31572          },
31573          onBlock: function (blockEvent) {
31574            ModalDialog.setBusy(lazyDialog(), function (_comp, bs) {
31575              return getBusySpec(blockEvent.message, bs, providers);
31576            });
31577          },
31578          onUnblock: function () {
31579            ModalDialog.setIdle(lazyDialog());
31580          }
31581        };
31582      };
31583      var renderModalDialog = function (spec, initialData, dialogEvents, backstage) {
31584        var _a;
31585        var updateState = function (_comp, incoming) {
31586          return Optional.some(incoming);
31587        };
31588        return build$1(renderDialog$1(__assign(__assign({}, spec), {
31589          lazySink: backstage.shared.getSink,
31590          extraBehaviours: __spreadArray([
31591            Reflecting.config({
31592              channel: dialogChannel,
31593              updateState: updateState,
31594              initialData: initialData
31595            }),
31596            RepresentingConfigs.memory({})
31597          ], spec.extraBehaviours, true),
31598          onEscape: function (comp) {
31599            emit(comp, formCancelEvent);
31600          },
31601          dialogEvents: dialogEvents,
31602          eventOrder: (_a = {}, _a[receive()] = [
31603            Reflecting.name(),
31604            Receiving.name()
31605          ], _a[attachedToDom()] = [
31606            'scroll-lock',
31607            Reflecting.name(),
31608            'messages',
31609            'dialog-events',
31610            'alloy.base.behaviour'
31611          ], _a[detachedFromDom()] = [
31612            'alloy.base.behaviour',
31613            'dialog-events',
31614            'messages',
31615            Reflecting.name(),
31616            'scroll-lock'
31617          ], _a)
31618        })));
31619      };
31620      var mapMenuButtons = function (buttons) {
31621        var mapItems = function (button) {
31622          var items = map$2(button.items, function (item) {
31623            var cell = Cell(false);
31624            return __assign(__assign({}, item), { storage: cell });
31625          });
31626          return __assign(__assign({}, button), { items: items });
31627        };
31628        return map$2(buttons, function (button) {
31629          if (button.type === 'menu') {
31630            return mapItems(button);
31631          }
31632          return button;
31633        });
31634      };
31635      var extractCellsToObject = function (buttons) {
31636        return foldl(buttons, function (acc, button) {
31637          if (button.type === 'menu') {
31638            var menuButton = button;
31639            return foldl(menuButton.items, function (innerAcc, item) {
31640              innerAcc[item.name] = item.storage;
31641              return innerAcc;
31642            }, acc);
31643          }
31644          return acc;
31645        }, {});
31646      };
31648      var initCommonEvents = function (fireApiEvent, extras) {
31649        return [
31650          runWithTarget(focusin(), onFocus),
31651          fireApiEvent(formCloseEvent, function (_api, spec) {
31652            extras.onClose();
31653            spec.onClose();
31654          }),
31655          fireApiEvent(formCancelEvent, function (api, spec, _event, self) {
31656            spec.onCancel(api);
31657            emit(self, formCloseEvent);
31658          }),
31659          run$1(formUnblockEvent, function (_c, _se) {
31660            return extras.onUnblock();
31661          }),
31662          run$1(formBlockEvent, function (_c, se) {
31663            return extras.onBlock(se.event);
31664          })
31665        ];
31666      };
31667      var initUrlDialog = function (getInstanceApi, extras) {
31668        var fireApiEvent = function (eventName, f) {
31669          return run$1(eventName, function (c, se) {
31670            withSpec(c, function (spec, _c) {
31671              f(getInstanceApi(), spec, se.event, c);
31672            });
31673          });
31674        };
31675        var withSpec = function (c, f) {
31676          Reflecting.getState(c).get().each(function (currentDialog) {
31677            f(currentDialog, c);
31678          });
31679        };
31680        return __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], initCommonEvents(fireApiEvent, extras), true), [fireApiEvent(formActionEvent, function (api, spec, event) {
31681            spec.onAction(api, { name: event.name });
31682          })], false);
31683      };
31684      var initDialog = function (getInstanceApi, extras, getSink) {
31685        var fireApiEvent = function (eventName, f) {
31686          return run$1(eventName, function (c, se) {
31687            withSpec(c, function (spec, _c) {
31688              f(getInstanceApi(), spec, se.event, c);
31689            });
31690          });
31691        };
31692        var withSpec = function (c, f) {
31693          Reflecting.getState(c).get().each(function (currentDialogInit) {
31694            f(currentDialogInit.internalDialog, c);
31695          });
31696        };
31697        return __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], initCommonEvents(fireApiEvent, extras), true), [
31698          fireApiEvent(formSubmitEvent, function (api, spec) {
31699            return spec.onSubmit(api);
31700          }),
31701          fireApiEvent(formChangeEvent, function (api, spec, event) {
31702            spec.onChange(api, { name: event.name });
31703          }),
31704          fireApiEvent(formActionEvent, function (api, spec, event, component) {
31705            var focusIn = function () {
31706              return Keying.focusIn(component);
31707            };
31708            var isDisabled = function (focused) {
31709              return has$1(focused, 'disabled') || getOpt(focused, 'aria-disabled').exists(function (val) {
31710                return val === 'true';
31711              });
31712            };
31713            var rootNode = getRootNode(component.element);
31714            var current = active(rootNode);
31715            spec.onAction(api, {
31716              name: event.name,
31717              value: event.value
31718            });
31719            active(rootNode).fold(focusIn, function (focused) {
31720              if (isDisabled(focused)) {
31721                focusIn();
31722              } else if (current.exists(function (cur) {
31723                  return contains(focused, cur) && isDisabled(cur);
31724                })) {
31725                focusIn();
31726              } else {
31727                getSink().toOptional().filter(function (sink) {
31728                  return !contains(sink.element, focused);
31729                }).each(focusIn);
31730              }
31731            });
31732          }),
31733          fireApiEvent(formTabChangeEvent, function (api, spec, event) {
31734            spec.onTabChange(api, {
31735              newTabName: event.name,
31736              oldTabName: event.oldName
31737            });
31738          }),
31739          runOnDetached(function (component) {
31740            var api = getInstanceApi();
31741            Representing.setValue(component, api.getData());
31742          })
31743        ], false);
31744      };
31745      var SilverDialogEvents = {
31746        initUrlDialog: initUrlDialog,
31747        initDialog: initDialog
31748      };
31750      var makeButton = function (button, backstage) {
31751        return renderFooterButton(button, button.type, backstage);
31752      };
31753      var lookup = function (compInSystem, footerButtons, buttonName) {
31754        return find$5(footerButtons, function (button) {
31755          return button.name === buttonName;
31756        }).bind(function (memButton) {
31757          return memButton.memento.getOpt(compInSystem);
31758        });
31759      };
31760      var renderComponents = function (_data, state) {
31761        var footerButtons = state.map(function (s) {
31762          return s.footerButtons;
31763        }).getOr([]);
31764        var buttonGroups = partition$3(footerButtons, function (button) {
31765          return button.align === 'start';
31766        });
31767        var makeGroup = function (edge, buttons) {
31768          return Container.sketch({
31769            dom: {
31770              tag: 'div',
31771              classes: ['tox-dialog__footer-' + edge]
31772            },
31773            components: map$2(buttons, function (button) {
31774              return button.memento.asSpec();
31775            })
31776          });
31777        };
31778        var startButtons = makeGroup('start', buttonGroups.pass);
31779        var endButtons = makeGroup('end', buttonGroups.fail);
31780        return [
31781          startButtons,
31782          endButtons
31783        ];
31784      };
31785      var renderFooter = function (initSpec, backstage) {
31786        var updateState = function (_comp, data) {
31787          var footerButtons = map$2(data.buttons, function (button) {
31788            var memButton = record(makeButton(button, backstage));
31789            return {
31790              name: button.name,
31791              align: button.align,
31792              memento: memButton
31793            };
31794          });
31795          var lookupByName = function (compInSystem, buttonName) {
31796            return lookup(compInSystem, footerButtons, buttonName);
31797          };
31798          return Optional.some({
31799            lookupByName: lookupByName,
31800            footerButtons: footerButtons
31801          });
31802        };
31803        return {
31804          dom: fromHtml('<div class="tox-dialog__footer"></div>'),
31805          components: [],
31806          behaviours: derive$1([Reflecting.config({
31807              channel: footerChannel,
31808              initialData: initSpec,
31809              updateState: updateState,
31810              renderComponents: renderComponents
31811            })])
31812        };
31813      };
31814      var renderInlineFooter = function (initSpec, backstage) {
31815        return renderFooter(initSpec, backstage);
31816      };
31817      var renderModalFooter = function (initSpec, backstage) {
31818        return ModalDialog.parts.footer(renderFooter(initSpec, backstage));
31819      };
31821      var getCompByName = function (access, name) {
31822        var root = access.getRoot();
31823        if (root.getSystem().isConnected()) {
31824          var form_1 = Composing.getCurrent(access.getFormWrapper()).getOr(access.getFormWrapper());
31825          return Form.getField(form_1, name).fold(function () {
31826            var footer = access.getFooter();
31827            var footerState = Reflecting.getState(footer);
31828            return footerState.get().bind(function (f) {
31829              return f.lookupByName(form_1, name);
31830            });
31831          }, function (comp) {
31832            return Optional.some(comp);
31833          });
31834        } else {
31835          return Optional.none();
31836        }
31837      };
31838      var validateData$1 = function (access, data) {
31839        var root = access.getRoot();
31840        return Reflecting.getState(root).get().map(function (dialogState) {
31841          return getOrDie(asRaw('data', dialogState.dataValidator, data));
31842        }).getOr(data);
31843      };
31844      var getDialogApi = function (access, doRedial, menuItemStates) {
31845        var withRoot = function (f) {
31846          var root = access.getRoot();
31847          if (root.getSystem().isConnected()) {
31848            f(root);
31849          }
31850        };
31851        var getData = function () {
31852          var root = access.getRoot();
31853          var valueComp = root.getSystem().isConnected() ? access.getFormWrapper() : root;
31854          var representedValues = Representing.getValue(valueComp);
31855          var menuItemCurrentState = map$1(menuItemStates, function (cell) {
31856            return cell.get();
31857          });
31858          return __assign(__assign({}, representedValues), menuItemCurrentState);
31859        };
31860        var setData = function (newData) {
31861          withRoot(function (_) {
31862            var prevData = instanceApi.getData();
31863            var mergedData = __assign(__assign({}, prevData), newData);
31864            var newInternalData = validateData$1(access, mergedData);
31865            var form = access.getFormWrapper();
31866            Representing.setValue(form, newInternalData);
31867            each(menuItemStates, function (v, k) {
31868              if (has$2(mergedData, k)) {
31869                v.set(mergedData[k]);
31870              }
31871            });
31872          });
31873        };
31874        var disable = function (name) {
31875          getCompByName(access, name).each(Disabling.disable);
31876        };
31877        var enable = function (name) {
31878          getCompByName(access, name).each(Disabling.enable);
31879        };
31880        var focus = function (name) {
31881          getCompByName(access, name).each(Focusing.focus);
31882        };
31883        var block = function (message) {
31884          if (!isString(message)) {
31885            throw new Error('The dialogInstanceAPI.block function should be passed a blocking message of type string as an argument');
31886          }
31887          withRoot(function (root) {
31888            emitWith(root, formBlockEvent, { message: message });
31889          });
31890        };
31891        var unblock = function () {
31892          withRoot(function (root) {
31893            emit(root, formUnblockEvent);
31894          });
31895        };
31896        var showTab = function (name) {
31897          withRoot(function (_) {
31898            var body = access.getBody();
31899            var bodyState = Reflecting.getState(body);
31900            if (bodyState.get().exists(function (b) {
31901                return b.isTabPanel();
31902              })) {
31903              Composing.getCurrent(body).each(function (tabSection) {
31904                TabSection.showTab(tabSection, name);
31905              });
31906            }
31907          });
31908        };
31909        var redial = function (d) {
31910          withRoot(function (root) {
31911            var dialogInit = doRedial(d);
31912            root.getSystem().broadcastOn([dialogChannel], dialogInit);
31913            root.getSystem().broadcastOn([titleChannel], dialogInit.internalDialog);
31914            root.getSystem().broadcastOn([bodyChannel], dialogInit.internalDialog);
31915            root.getSystem().broadcastOn([footerChannel], dialogInit.internalDialog);
31916            instanceApi.setData(dialogInit.initialData);
31917          });
31918        };
31919        var close = function () {
31920          withRoot(function (root) {
31921            emit(root, formCloseEvent);
31922          });
31923        };
31924        var instanceApi = {
31925          getData: getData,
31926          setData: setData,
31927          disable: disable,
31928          enable: enable,
31929          focus: focus,
31930          block: block,
31931          unblock: unblock,
31932          showTab: showTab,
31933          redial: redial,
31934          close: close
31935        };
31936        return instanceApi;
31937      };
31939      var getDialogSizeClasses = function (size) {
31940        switch (size) {
31941        case 'large':
31942          return ['tox-dialog--width-lg'];
31943        case 'medium':
31944          return ['tox-dialog--width-md'];
31945        default:
31946          return [];
31947        }
31948      };
31949      var renderDialog = function (dialogInit, extra, backstage) {
31950        var header = getHeader(dialogInit.internalDialog.title, backstage);
31951        var body = renderModalBody({ body: dialogInit.internalDialog.body }, backstage);
31952        var storagedMenuButtons = mapMenuButtons(dialogInit.internalDialog.buttons);
31953        var objOfCells = extractCellsToObject(storagedMenuButtons);
31954        var footer = renderModalFooter({ buttons: storagedMenuButtons }, backstage);
31955        var dialogEvents = SilverDialogEvents.initDialog(function () {
31956          return instanceApi;
31957        }, getEventExtras(function () {
31958          return dialog;
31959        }, backstage.shared.providers, extra), backstage.shared.getSink);
31960        var dialogSize = getDialogSizeClasses(dialogInit.internalDialog.size);
31961        var spec = {
31962          header: header,
31963          body: body,
31964          footer: Optional.some(footer),
31965          extraClasses: dialogSize,
31966          extraBehaviours: [],
31967          extraStyles: {}
31968        };
31969        var dialog = renderModalDialog(spec, dialogInit, dialogEvents, backstage);
31970        var modalAccess = function () {
31971          var getForm = function () {
31972            var outerForm = ModalDialog.getBody(dialog);
31973            return Composing.getCurrent(outerForm).getOr(outerForm);
31974          };
31975          return {
31976            getRoot: constant$1(dialog),
31977            getBody: function () {
31978              return ModalDialog.getBody(dialog);
31979            },
31980            getFooter: function () {
31981              return ModalDialog.getFooter(dialog);
31982            },
31983            getFormWrapper: getForm
31984          };
31985        }();
31986        var instanceApi = getDialogApi(modalAccess, extra.redial, objOfCells);
31987        return {
31988          dialog: dialog,
31989          instanceApi: instanceApi
31990        };
31991      };
31993      var renderInlineDialog = function (dialogInit, extra, backstage, ariaAttrs) {
31994        var _a, _b;
31995        var dialogLabelId = generate$6('dialog-label');
31996        var dialogContentId = generate$6('dialog-content');
31997        var updateState = function (_comp, incoming) {
31998          return Optional.some(incoming);
31999        };
32000        var memHeader = record(renderInlineHeader({
32001          title: dialogInit.internalDialog.title,
32002          draggable: true
32003        }, dialogLabelId, backstage.shared.providers));
32004        var memBody = record(renderInlineBody({ body: dialogInit.internalDialog.body }, dialogContentId, backstage, ariaAttrs));
32005        var storagedMenuButtons = mapMenuButtons(dialogInit.internalDialog.buttons);
32006        var objOfCells = extractCellsToObject(storagedMenuButtons);
32007        var memFooter = record(renderInlineFooter({ buttons: storagedMenuButtons }, backstage));
32008        var dialogEvents = SilverDialogEvents.initDialog(function () {
32009          return instanceApi;
32010        }, {
32011          onBlock: function (event) {
32012            Blocking.block(dialog, function (_comp, bs) {
32013              return getBusySpec(event.message, bs, backstage.shared.providers);
32014            });
32015          },
32016          onUnblock: function () {
32017            Blocking.unblock(dialog);
32018          },
32019          onClose: function () {
32020            return extra.closeWindow();
32021          }
32022        }, backstage.shared.getSink);
32023        var dialog = build$1({
32024          dom: {
32025            tag: 'div',
32026            classes: [
32027              'tox-dialog',
32028              'tox-dialog-inline'
32029            ],
32030            attributes: (_a = { role: 'dialog' }, _a['aria-labelledby'] = dialogLabelId, _a['aria-describedby'] = dialogContentId, _a)
32031          },
32032          eventOrder: (_b = {}, _b[receive()] = [
32033            Reflecting.name(),
32034            Receiving.name()
32035          ], _b[execute$5()] = ['execute-on-form'], _b[attachedToDom()] = [
32036            'reflecting',
32037            'execute-on-form'
32038          ], _b),
32039          behaviours: derive$1([
32040            Keying.config({
32041              mode: 'cyclic',
32042              onEscape: function (c) {
32043                emit(c, formCloseEvent);
32044                return Optional.some(true);
32045              },
32046              useTabstopAt: function (elem) {
32047                return !isPseudoStop(elem) && (name$2(elem) !== 'button' || get$d(elem, 'disabled') !== 'disabled');
32048              }
32049            }),
32050            Reflecting.config({
32051              channel: dialogChannel,
32052              updateState: updateState,
32053              initialData: dialogInit
32054            }),
32055            Focusing.config({}),
32056            config('execute-on-form', dialogEvents.concat([runOnSource(focusin(), function (comp, _se) {
32057                Keying.focusIn(comp);
32058              })])),
32059            Blocking.config({
32060              getRoot: function () {
32061                return Optional.some(dialog);
32062              }
32063            }),
32064            Replacing.config({}),
32065            RepresentingConfigs.memory({})
32066          ]),
32067          components: [
32068            memHeader.asSpec(),
32069            memBody.asSpec(),
32070            memFooter.asSpec()
32071          ]
32072        });
32073        var instanceApi = getDialogApi({
32074          getRoot: constant$1(dialog),
32075          getFooter: function () {
32076            return memFooter.get(dialog);
32077          },
32078          getBody: function () {
32079            return memBody.get(dialog);
32080          },
32081          getFormWrapper: function () {
32082            var body = memBody.get(dialog);
32083            return Composing.getCurrent(body).getOr(body);
32084          }
32085        }, extra.redial, objOfCells);
32086        return {
32087          dialog: dialog,
32088          instanceApi: instanceApi
32089        };
32090      };
32092      var global$1 = tinymce.util.Tools.resolve('tinymce.util.URI');
32094      var getUrlDialogApi = function (root) {
32095        var withRoot = function (f) {
32096          if (root.getSystem().isConnected()) {
32097            f(root);
32098          }
32099        };
32100        var block = function (message) {
32101          if (!isString(message)) {
32102            throw new Error('The urlDialogInstanceAPI.block function should be passed a blocking message of type string as an argument');
32103          }
32104          withRoot(function (root) {
32105            emitWith(root, formBlockEvent, { message: message });
32106          });
32107        };
32108        var unblock = function () {
32109          withRoot(function (root) {
32110            emit(root, formUnblockEvent);
32111          });
32112        };
32113        var close = function () {
32114          withRoot(function (root) {
32115            emit(root, formCloseEvent);
32116          });
32117        };
32118        var sendMessage = function (data) {
32119          withRoot(function (root) {
32120            root.getSystem().broadcastOn([bodySendMessageChannel], data);
32121          });
32122        };
32123        return {
32124          block: block,
32125          unblock: unblock,
32126          close: close,
32127          sendMessage: sendMessage
32128        };
32129      };
32132        'insertContent',
32133        'setContent',
32134        'execCommand',
32135        'close',
32136        'block',
32137        'unblock'
32138      ];
32139      var isSupportedMessage = function (data) {
32140        return isObject(data) && SUPPORTED_MESSAGE_ACTIONS.indexOf(data.mceAction) !== -1;
32141      };
32142      var isCustomMessage = function (data) {
32143        return !isSupportedMessage(data) && isObject(data) && has$2(data, 'mceAction');
32144      };
32145      var handleMessage = function (editor, api, data) {
32146        switch (data.mceAction) {
32147        case 'insertContent':
32148          editor.insertContent(data.content);
32149          break;
32150        case 'setContent':
32151          editor.setContent(data.content);
32152          break;
32153        case 'execCommand':
32154          var ui = isBoolean(data.ui) ? data.ui : false;
32155          editor.execCommand(data.cmd, ui, data.value);
32156          break;
32157        case 'close':
32158          api.close();
32159          break;
32160        case 'block':
32161          api.block(data.message);
32162          break;
32163        case 'unblock':
32164          api.unblock();
32165          break;
32166        }
32167      };
32168      var renderUrlDialog = function (internalDialog, extra, editor, backstage) {
32169        var _a;
32170        var header = getHeader(internalDialog.title, backstage);
32171        var body = renderIframeBody(internalDialog);
32172        var footer = internalDialog.buttons.bind(function (buttons) {
32173          if (buttons.length === 0) {
32174            return Optional.none();
32175          } else {
32176            return Optional.some(renderModalFooter({ buttons: buttons }, backstage));
32177          }
32178        });
32179        var dialogEvents = SilverDialogEvents.initUrlDialog(function () {
32180          return instanceApi;
32181        }, getEventExtras(function () {
32182          return dialog;
32183        }, backstage.shared.providers, extra));
32184        var styles = __assign(__assign({}, internalDialog.height.fold(function () {
32185          return {};
32186        }, function (height) {
32187          return {
32188            'height': height + 'px',
32189            'max-height': height + 'px'
32190          };
32191        })), internalDialog.width.fold(function () {
32192          return {};
32193        }, function (width) {
32194          return {
32195            'width': width + 'px',
32196            'max-width': width + 'px'
32197          };
32198        }));
32199        var classes = internalDialog.width.isNone() && internalDialog.height.isNone() ? ['tox-dialog--width-lg'] : [];
32200        var iframeUri = new global$1(internalDialog.url, { base_uri: new global$1(window.location.href) });
32201        var iframeDomain = iframeUri.protocol + '://' + iframeUri.host + (iframeUri.port ? ':' + iframeUri.port : '');
32202        var messageHandlerUnbinder = unbindable();
32203        var extraBehaviours = [
32204          config('messages', [
32205            runOnAttached(function () {
32206              var unbind = bind(SugarElement.fromDom(window), 'message', function (e) {
32207                if (iframeUri.isSameOrigin(new global$1(e.raw.origin))) {
32208                  var data = e.raw.data;
32209                  if (isSupportedMessage(data)) {
32210                    handleMessage(editor, instanceApi, data);
32211                  } else if (isCustomMessage(data)) {
32212                    internalDialog.onMessage(instanceApi, data);
32213                  }
32214                }
32215              });
32216              messageHandlerUnbinder.set(unbind);
32217            }),
32218            runOnDetached(messageHandlerUnbinder.clear)
32219          ]),
32220          Receiving.config({
32221            channels: (_a = {}, _a[bodySendMessageChannel] = {
32222              onReceive: function (comp, data) {
32223                descendant(comp.element, 'iframe').each(function (iframeEle) {
32224                  var iframeWin = iframeEle.dom.contentWindow;
32225                  iframeWin.postMessage(data, iframeDomain);
32226                });
32227              }
32228            }, _a)
32229          })
32230        ];
32231        var spec = {
32232          header: header,
32233          body: body,
32234          footer: footer,
32235          extraClasses: classes,
32236          extraBehaviours: extraBehaviours,
32237          extraStyles: styles
32238        };
32239        var dialog = renderModalDialog(spec, internalDialog, dialogEvents, backstage);
32240        var instanceApi = getUrlDialogApi(dialog);
32241        return {
32242          dialog: dialog,
32243          instanceApi: instanceApi
32244        };
32245      };
32247      var setup$2 = function (extras) {
32248        var sharedBackstage = extras.backstage.shared;
32249        var open = function (message, callback) {
32250          var closeDialog = function () {
32251            ModalDialog.hide(alertDialog);
32252            callback();
32253          };
32254          var memFooterClose = record(renderFooterButton({
32255            name: 'close-alert',
32256            text: 'OK',
32257            primary: true,
32258            align: 'end',
32259            disabled: false,
32260            icon: Optional.none()
32261          }, 'cancel', extras.backstage));
32262          var titleSpec = pUntitled();
32263          var closeSpec = pClose(closeDialog, sharedBackstage.providers);
32264          var alertDialog = build$1(renderDialog$1({
32265            lazySink: function () {
32266              return sharedBackstage.getSink();
32267            },
32268            header: hiddenHeader(titleSpec, closeSpec),
32269            body: pBodyMessage(message, sharedBackstage.providers),
32270            footer: Optional.some(pFooter(pFooterGroup([], [memFooterClose.asSpec()]))),
32271            onEscape: closeDialog,
32272            extraClasses: ['tox-alert-dialog'],
32273            extraBehaviours: [],
32274            extraStyles: {},
32275            dialogEvents: [run$1(formCancelEvent, closeDialog)],
32276            eventOrder: {}
32277          }));
32278          ModalDialog.show(alertDialog);
32279          var footerCloseButton = memFooterClose.get(alertDialog);
32280          Focusing.focus(footerCloseButton);
32281        };
32282        return { open: open };
32283      };
32285      var setup$1 = function (extras) {
32286        var sharedBackstage = extras.backstage.shared;
32287        var open = function (message, callback) {
32288          var closeDialog = function (state) {
32289            ModalDialog.hide(confirmDialog);
32290            callback(state);
32291          };
32292          var memFooterYes = record(renderFooterButton({
32293            name: 'yes',
32294            text: 'Yes',
32295            primary: true,
32296            align: 'end',
32297            disabled: false,
32298            icon: Optional.none()
32299          }, 'submit', extras.backstage));
32300          var footerNo = renderFooterButton({
32301            name: 'no',
32302            text: 'No',
32303            primary: false,
32304            align: 'end',
32305            disabled: false,
32306            icon: Optional.none()
32307          }, 'cancel', extras.backstage);
32308          var titleSpec = pUntitled();
32309          var closeSpec = pClose(function () {
32310            return closeDialog(false);
32311          }, sharedBackstage.providers);
32312          var confirmDialog = build$1(renderDialog$1({
32313            lazySink: function () {
32314              return sharedBackstage.getSink();
32315            },
32316            header: hiddenHeader(titleSpec, closeSpec),
32317            body: pBodyMessage(message, sharedBackstage.providers),
32318            footer: Optional.some(pFooter(pFooterGroup([], [
32319              footerNo,
32320              memFooterYes.asSpec()
32321            ]))),
32322            onEscape: function () {
32323              return closeDialog(false);
32324            },
32325            extraClasses: ['tox-confirm-dialog'],
32326            extraBehaviours: [],
32327            extraStyles: {},
32328            dialogEvents: [
32329              run$1(formCancelEvent, function () {
32330                return closeDialog(false);
32331              }),
32332              run$1(formSubmitEvent, function () {
32333                return closeDialog(true);
32334              })
32335            ],
32336            eventOrder: {}
32337          }));
32338          ModalDialog.show(confirmDialog);
32339          var footerYesButton = memFooterYes.get(confirmDialog);
32340          Focusing.focus(footerYesButton);
32341        };
32342        return { open: open };
32343      };
32345      var validateData = function (data, validator) {
32346        return getOrDie(asRaw('data', validator, data));
32347      };
32348      var isAlertOrConfirmDialog = function (target) {
32349        return closest(target, '.tox-alert-dialog') || closest(target, '.tox-confirm-dialog');
32350      };
32351      var inlineAdditionalBehaviours = function (editor, isStickyToolbar, isToolbarLocationTop) {
32352        if (isStickyToolbar && isToolbarLocationTop) {
32353          return [];
32354        } else {
32355          return [Docking.config({
32356              contextual: {
32357                lazyContext: function () {
32358                  return Optional.some(box$1(SugarElement.fromDom(editor.getContentAreaContainer())));
32359                },
32360                fadeInClass: 'tox-dialog-dock-fadein',
32361                fadeOutClass: 'tox-dialog-dock-fadeout',
32362                transitionClass: 'tox-dialog-dock-transition'
32363              },
32364              modes: ['top']
32365            })];
32366        }
32367      };
32368      var setup = function (extras) {
32369        var backstage = extras.backstage;
32370        var editor = extras.editor;
32371        var isStickyToolbar$1 = isStickyToolbar(editor);
32372        var alertDialog = setup$2(extras);
32373        var confirmDialog = setup$1(extras);
32374        var open = function (config, params, closeWindow) {
32375          if (params !== undefined && params.inline === 'toolbar') {
32376            return openInlineDialog(config, backstage.shared.anchors.inlineDialog(), closeWindow, params.ariaAttrs);
32377          } else if (params !== undefined && params.inline === 'cursor') {
32378            return openInlineDialog(config, backstage.shared.anchors.cursor(), closeWindow, params.ariaAttrs);
32379          } else {
32380            return openModalDialog(config, closeWindow);
32381          }
32382        };
32383        var openUrl = function (config, closeWindow) {
32384          return openModalUrlDialog(config, closeWindow);
32385        };
32386        var openModalUrlDialog = function (config, closeWindow) {
32387          var factory = function (contents) {
32388            var dialog = renderUrlDialog(contents, {
32389              closeWindow: function () {
32390                ModalDialog.hide(dialog.dialog);
32391                closeWindow(dialog.instanceApi);
32392              }
32393            }, editor, backstage);
32394            ModalDialog.show(dialog.dialog);
32395            return dialog.instanceApi;
32396          };
32397          return DialogManager.openUrl(factory, config);
32398        };
32399        var openModalDialog = function (config, closeWindow) {
32400          var factory = function (contents, internalInitialData, dataValidator) {
32401            var initialData = internalInitialData;
32402            var dialogInit = {
32403              dataValidator: dataValidator,
32404              initialData: initialData,
32405              internalDialog: contents
32406            };
32407            var dialog = renderDialog(dialogInit, {
32408              redial: DialogManager.redial,
32409              closeWindow: function () {
32410                ModalDialog.hide(dialog.dialog);
32411                closeWindow(dialog.instanceApi);
32412              }
32413            }, backstage);
32414            ModalDialog.show(dialog.dialog);
32415            dialog.instanceApi.setData(initialData);
32416            return dialog.instanceApi;
32417          };
32418          return DialogManager.open(factory, config);
32419        };
32420        var openInlineDialog = function (config$1, anchor, closeWindow, ariaAttrs) {
32421          var factory = function (contents, internalInitialData, dataValidator) {
32422            var initialData = validateData(internalInitialData, dataValidator);
32423            var inlineDialog = value$1();
32424            var isToolbarLocationTop = backstage.shared.header.isPositionedAtTop();
32425            var dialogInit = {
32426              dataValidator: dataValidator,
32427              initialData: initialData,
32428              internalDialog: contents
32429            };
32430            var refreshDocking = function () {
32431              return inlineDialog.on(function (dialog) {
32432                InlineView.reposition(dialog);
32433                Docking.refresh(dialog);
32434              });
32435            };
32436            var dialogUi = renderInlineDialog(dialogInit, {
32437              redial: DialogManager.redial,
32438              closeWindow: function () {
32439                inlineDialog.on(InlineView.hide);
32440                editor.off('ResizeEditor', refreshDocking);
32441                inlineDialog.clear();
32442                closeWindow(dialogUi.instanceApi);
32443              }
32444            }, backstage, ariaAttrs);
32445            var inlineDialogComp = build$1(InlineView.sketch(__assign(__assign({
32446              lazySink: backstage.shared.getSink,
32447              dom: {
32448                tag: 'div',
32449                classes: []
32450              },
32451              fireDismissalEventInstead: {}
32452            }, isToolbarLocationTop ? {} : { fireRepositionEventInstead: {} }), {
32453              inlineBehaviours: derive$1(__spreadArray([config('window-manager-inline-events', [run$1(dismissRequested(), function (_comp, _se) {
32454                    emit(dialogUi.dialog, formCancelEvent);
32455                  })])], inlineAdditionalBehaviours(editor, isStickyToolbar$1, isToolbarLocationTop), true)),
32456              isExtraPart: function (_comp, target) {
32457                return isAlertOrConfirmDialog(target);
32458              }
32459            })));
32460            inlineDialog.set(inlineDialogComp);
32461            InlineView.showWithin(inlineDialogComp, premade(dialogUi.dialog), { anchor: anchor }, Optional.some(body()));
32462            if (!isStickyToolbar$1 || !isToolbarLocationTop) {
32463              Docking.refresh(inlineDialogComp);
32464              editor.on('ResizeEditor', refreshDocking);
32465            }
32466            dialogUi.instanceApi.setData(initialData);
32467            Keying.focusIn(dialogUi.dialog);
32468            return dialogUi.instanceApi;
32469          };
32470          return DialogManager.open(factory, config$1);
32471        };
32472        var confirm = function (message, callback) {
32473          confirmDialog.open(message, function (state) {
32474            callback(state);
32475          });
32476        };
32477        var alert = function (message, callback) {
32478          alertDialog.open(message, function () {
32479            callback();
32480          });
32481        };
32482        var close = function (instanceApi) {
32483          instanceApi.close();
32484        };
32485        return {
32486          open: open,
32487          openUrl: openUrl,
32488          alert: alert,
32489          close: close,
32490          confirm: confirm
32491        };
32492      };
32494      function Theme () {
32495        global$g.add('silver', function (editor) {
32496          var _a = setup$3(editor), uiMothership = _a.uiMothership, backstage = _a.backstage, renderUI = _a.renderUI, getUi = _a.getUi;
32497          Autocompleter.register(editor, backstage.shared);
32498          var windowMgr = setup({
32499            editor: editor,
32500            backstage: backstage
32501          });
32502          return {
32503            renderUI: renderUI,
32504            getWindowManagerImpl: constant$1(windowMgr),
32505            getNotificationManagerImpl: function () {
32506              return NotificationManagerImpl(editor, { backstage: backstage }, uiMothership);
32507            },
32508            ui: getUi()
32509          };
32510        });
32511      }
32513      Theme();
32515  }());

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer