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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/media/vendor/tinymce/langs/ -> ca.js (source)

   1  tinymce.addI18n('ca',{
   2  "Cut": "Retalla",
   3  "Heading 5": "Encap\u00e7alament 5",
   4  "Header 2": "Cap\u00e7alera 2",
   5  "Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X\/C\/V keyboard shortcuts instead.": "El vostre navegador no suporta l'acc\u00e9s directe al portaobjectes. Si us plau, feu servir les dreceres de teclat Ctrl+X\/C\/V.",
   6  "Heading 4": "Encap\u00e7alament 4",
   7  "Div": "Div",
   8  "Heading 2": "Encap\u00e7alament 2",
   9  "Paste": "Enganxa",
  10  "Close": "Tanca",
  11  "Font Family": "Fam\u00edlia de la font",
  12  "Pre": "Pre",
  13  "Align right": "Aliniat a la dreta",
  14  "New document": "Nou document",
  15  "Blockquote": "Cita",
  16  "Numbered list": "Llista enumerada",
  17  "Heading 1": "Encap\u00e7alament 1",
  18  "Headings": "Encap\u00e7alaments",
  19  "Increase indent": "Augmentar sagnat",
  20  "Formats": "Formats",
  21  "Headers": "Cap\u00e7aleres",
  22  "Select all": "Seleccionar-ho tot",
  23  "Header 3": "Cap\u00e7alera 3",
  24  "Blocks": "Blocs",
  25  "Undo": "Desfer",
  26  "Strikethrough": "Ratllat",
  27  "Bullet list": "Llista no ordenada",
  28  "Header 1": "Cap\u00e7alera 1",
  29  "Superscript": "Super\u00edndex",
  30  "Clear formatting": "Eliminar format",
  31  "Font Sizes": "Mides de la font",
  32  "Subscript": "Sub\u00edndex",
  33  "Header 6": "Cap\u00e7alera 6",
  34  "Redo": "Refer",
  35  "Paragraph": "Par\u00e0graf",
  36  "Ok": "Acceptar",
  37  "Bold": "Negreta",
  38  "Code": "Codi",
  39  "Italic": "Cursiva",
  40  "Align center": "Centrat",
  41  "Header 5": "Cap\u00e7alera 5",
  42  "Heading 6": "Encap\u00e7alament 6",
  43  "Heading 3": "Encap\u00e7alament 3",
  44  "Decrease indent": "Disminuir sagnat",
  45  "Header 4": "Cap\u00e7alera 4",
  46  "Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.": "Enganxar ara est\u00e0 en mode text pla. Els continguts s'enganxaran com a text pla fins que desactivis aquesta opci\u00f3. ",
  47  "Underline": "Subratllat",
  48  "Cancel": "Cancel\u00b7la",
  49  "Justify": "Justificat",
  50  "Inline": "En l\u00ednia",
  51  "Copy": "Copia",
  52  "Align left": "Aliniat a l'esquerra",
  53  "Visual aids": "Assist\u00e8ncia visual",
  54  "Lower Greek": "Grec menor",
  55  "Square": "Quadrat",
  56  "Default": "Per defecte",
  57  "Lower Alpha": "Alfa menor",
  58  "Circle": "Cercle",
  59  "Disc": "Disc",
  60  "Upper Alpha": "Alfa major",
  61  "Upper Roman": "Roman major",
  62  "Lower Roman": "Roman menor",
  63  "Name": "Nom",
  64  "Anchor": "\u00c0ncora",
  65  "You have unsaved changes are you sure you want to navigate away?": "Teniu canvis sense desar, esteu segur que voleu deixar-ho ara?",
  66  "Restore last draft": "Restaurar l'\u00faltim esborrany",
  67  "Special character": "Car\u00e0cter especial",
  68  "Source code": "Codi font",
  69  "B": "B",
  70  "R": "R",
  71  "G": "G",
  72  "Color": "Color",
  73  "Right to left": "De dreta a esquerra",
  74  "Left to right": "D'esquerra a dreta",
  75  "Emoticons": "Emoticones",
  76  "Robots": "Robots",
  77  "Document properties": "Propietats del document",
  78  "Title": "T\u00edtol",
  79  "Keywords": "Paraules clau",
  80  "Encoding": "Codificaci\u00f3",
  81  "Description": "Descripci\u00f3",
  82  "Author": "Autor",
  83  "Fullscreen": "Pantalla completa",
  84  "Horizontal line": "L\u00ednia horitzontal",
  85  "Horizontal space": "Espai horitzontal",
  86  "Insert\/edit image": "Inserir\/editar imatge",
  87  "General": "General",
  88  "Advanced": "Avan\u00e7at",
  89  "Source": "Font",
  90  "Border": "Vora",
  91  "Constrain proportions": "Mantenir proporcions",
  92  "Vertical space": "Espai vertical",
  93  "Image description": "Descripci\u00f3 de la imatge",
  94  "Style": "Estil",
  95  "Dimensions": "Dimensions",
  96  "Insert image": "Inserir imatge",
  97  "Zoom in": "Ampliar",
  98  "Contrast": "Contrast",
  99  "Back": "Tornar",
 100  "Gamma": "Gamma",
 101  "Flip horizontally": "Capgirar horitzontalment",
 102  "Resize": "Canviar mida",
 103  "Sharpen": "Remarcar vores",
 104  "Zoom out": "Empetitir",
 105  "Image options": "Opcions d'imatge",
 106  "Apply": "Aplicar",
 107  "Brightness": "Brillantor",
 108  "Rotate clockwise": "Girar a la dreta",
 109  "Rotate counterclockwise": "Girar a l'esquerra",
 110  "Edit image": "Editar imatge",
 111  "Color levels": "Nivells de color",
 112  "Crop": "Escap\u00e7ar",
 113  "Orientation": "Orientaci\u00f3",
 114  "Flip vertically": "Capgirar verticalment",
 115  "Invert": "Invertir",
 116  "Insert date\/time": "Inserir data\/hora",
 117  "Remove link": "Treure enlla\u00e7",
 118  "Url": "URL",
 119  "Text to display": "Text per mostrar",
 120  "Anchors": "\u00c0ncores",
 121  "Insert link": "Inserir enlla\u00e7",
 122  "New window": "Finestra nova",
 123  "None": "Cap",
 124  "The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:\/\/ prefix?": "L'URL que has escrit sembla un enlla\u00e7 extern. Vols afegir-li el prefix obligatori http:\/\/ ?",
 125  "Target": "Dest\u00ed",
 126  "The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "L'URL que has escrit sembla una adre\u00e7a de correu electr\u00f2nic. Vols afegir-li el prefix obligatori mailto: ?",
 127  "Insert\/edit link": "Inserir\/editar enlla\u00e7",
 128  "Insert\/edit video": "Inserir\/editar v\u00eddeo",
 129  "Poster": "P\u00f3ster",
 130  "Alternative source": "Font alternativa",
 131  "Paste your embed code below:": "Enganxau el codi a sota:",
 132  "Insert video": "Inserir v\u00eddeo",
 133  "Embed": "Incloure",
 134  "Nonbreaking space": "Espai fixe",
 135  "Page break": "Salt de p\u00e0gina",
 136  "Paste as text": "Enganxar com a text",
 137  "Preview": "Previsualitzaci\u00f3",
 138  "Print": "Imprimir",
 139  "Save": "Desa",
 140  "Could not find the specified string.": "No es pot trobar el text especificat.",
 141  "Replace": "Rempla\u00e7ar",
 142  "Next": "Seg\u00fcent",
 143  "Whole words": "Paraules senceres",
 144  "Find and replace": "Buscar i rempla\u00e7ar",
 145  "Replace with": "Rempla\u00e7ar amb",
 146  "Find": "Buscar",
 147  "Replace all": "Rempla\u00e7ar-ho tot",
 148  "Match case": "Coincidir maj\u00fascules",
 149  "Prev": "Anterior",
 150  "Spellcheck": "Comprovar ortrografia",
 151  "Finish": "Finalitzar",
 152  "Ignore all": "Ignorar tots",
 153  "Ignore": "Ignorar",
 154  "Add to Dictionary": "Afegir al diccionari",
 155  "Insert row before": "Inserir fila a sobre",
 156  "Rows": "Files",
 157  "Height": "Al\u00e7ada",
 158  "Paste row after": "Enganxar fila a sota",
 159  "Alignment": "Aliniament",
 160  "Border color": "Color de vora",
 161  "Column group": "Grup de columna",
 162  "Row": "Fila",
 163  "Insert column before": "Inserir columna abans",
 164  "Split cell": "Dividir cel\u00b7les",
 165  "Cell padding": "Marge intern",
 166  "Cell spacing": "Espai entre cel\u00b7les",
 167  "Row type": "Tipus de fila",
 168  "Insert table": "Inserir taula",
 169  "Body": "Cos",
 170  "Caption": "Encap\u00e7alament",
 171  "Footer": "Peu",
 172  "Delete row": "Esborrar fila",
 173  "Paste row before": "Enganxar fila a sobre",
 174  "Scope": "\u00c0mbit",
 175  "Delete table": "Esborrar taula",
 176  "H Align": "Al\u00edniament H",
 177  "Top": "Superior",
 178  "Header cell": "Cel\u00b7la de cap\u00e7alera",
 179  "Column": "Columna",
 180  "Row group": "Grup de fila",
 181  "Cell": "Cel\u00b7la",
 182  "Middle": "Mitj\u00e0",
 183  "Cell type": "Tipus de cel\u00b7la",
 184  "Copy row": "Copiar fila",
 185  "Row properties": "Propietats de fila",
 186  "Table properties": "Propietats de taula",
 187  "Bottom": "Inferior",
 188  "V Align": "Al\u00edniament V",
 189  "Header": "Cap\u00e7alera",
 190  "Right": "A la dreta",
 191  "Insert column after": "Inserir columna despr\u00e9s",
 192  "Cols": "Cols",
 193  "Insert row after": "Inserir fila a sota",
 194  "Width": "Amplada",
 195  "Cell properties": "Propietats de cel\u00b7la",
 196  "Left": "A l'esquerra",
 197  "Cut row": "Retallar fila",
 198  "Delete column": "Esborrar columna",
 199  "Center": "Centrat",
 200  "Merge cells": "Fusionar cel\u00b7les",
 201  "Insert template": "Inserir plantilla",
 202  "Templates": "Plantilles",
 203  "Background color": "Color del fons",
 204  "Custom...": "Personalitzar...",
 205  "Custom color": "Personalitzar el color",
 206  "No color": "Sense color",
 207  "Text color": "Color del text",
 208  "Show blocks": "Mostrar blocs",
 209  "Show invisible characters": "Mostrar car\u00e0cters invisibles",
 210  "Words: {0}": "Paraules: {0}",
 211  "Insert": "Inserir",
 212  "File": "Arxiu",
 213  "Edit": "Edici\u00f3",
 214  "Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help": "\u00c0rea de text amb format. Premeu ALT-F9 per mostrar el men\u00fa, ALT F10 per la barra d'eines i ALT-0 per ajuda.",
 215  "Tools": "Eines",
 216  "View": "Veure",
 217  "Table": "Taula",
 218  "Format": "Format"
 219  });

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer