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/media/vendor/codemirror/mode/swift/ -> swift.js (source)

   1  // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
   2  // Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/5/LICENSE
   4  // Swift mode created by Michael Kaminsky https://github.com/mkaminsky11
   6  (function(mod) {
   7    if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object")
   8      mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"))
   9    else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd)
  10      define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod)
  11    else
  12      mod(CodeMirror)
  13  })(function(CodeMirror) {
  14    "use strict"
  16    function wordSet(words) {
  17      var set = {}
  18      for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) set[words[i]] = true
  19      return set
  20    }
  22    var keywords = wordSet(["_","var","let","class","enum","extension","import","protocol","struct","func","typealias","associatedtype",
  23                            "open","public","internal","fileprivate","private","deinit","init","new","override","self","subscript","super",
  24                            "convenience","dynamic","final","indirect","lazy","required","static","unowned","unowned(safe)","unowned(unsafe)","weak","as","is",
  25                            "break","case","continue","default","else","fallthrough","for","guard","if","in","repeat","switch","where","while",
  26                            "defer","return","inout","mutating","nonmutating","catch","do","rethrows","throw","throws","try","didSet","get","set","willSet",
  27                            "assignment","associativity","infix","left","none","operator","postfix","precedence","precedencegroup","prefix","right",
  28                            "Any","AnyObject","Type","dynamicType","Self","Protocol","__COLUMN__","__FILE__","__FUNCTION__","__LINE__"])
  29    var definingKeywords = wordSet(["var","let","class","enum","extension","import","protocol","struct","func","typealias","associatedtype","for"])
  30    var atoms = wordSet(["true","false","nil","self","super","_"])
  31    var types = wordSet(["Array","Bool","Character","Dictionary","Double","Float","Int","Int8","Int16","Int32","Int64","Never","Optional","Set","String",
  32                         "UInt8","UInt16","UInt32","UInt64","Void"])
  33    var operators = "+-/*%=|&<>~^?!"
  34    var punc = ":;,.(){}[]"
  35    var binary = /^\-?0b[01][01_]*/
  36    var octal = /^\-?0o[0-7][0-7_]*/
  37    var hexadecimal = /^\-?0x[\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f_]*(?:(?:\.[\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f_]*)?[Pp]\-?\d[\d_]*)?/
  38    var decimal = /^\-?\d[\d_]*(?:\.\d[\d_]*)?(?:[Ee]\-?\d[\d_]*)?/
  39    var identifier = /^\$\d+|(`?)[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z$0-9]*\1/
  40    var property = /^\.(?:\$\d+|(`?)[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z$0-9]*\1)/
  41    var instruction = /^\#[A-Za-z]+/
  42    var attribute = /^@(?:\$\d+|(`?)[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z$0-9]*\1)/
  43    //var regexp = /^\/(?!\s)(?:\/\/)?(?:\\.|[^\/])+\//
  45    function tokenBase(stream, state, prev) {
  46      if (stream.sol()) state.indented = stream.indentation()
  47      if (stream.eatSpace()) return null
  49      var ch = stream.peek()
  50      if (ch == "/") {
  51        if (stream.match("//")) {
  52          stream.skipToEnd()
  53          return "comment"
  54        }
  55        if (stream.match("/*")) {
  56          state.tokenize.push(tokenComment)
  57          return tokenComment(stream, state)
  58        }
  59      }
  60      if (stream.match(instruction)) return "builtin"
  61      if (stream.match(attribute)) return "attribute"
  62      if (stream.match(binary)) return "number"
  63      if (stream.match(octal)) return "number"
  64      if (stream.match(hexadecimal)) return "number"
  65      if (stream.match(decimal)) return "number"
  66      if (stream.match(property)) return "property"
  67      if (operators.indexOf(ch) > -1) {
  68        stream.next()
  69        return "operator"
  70      }
  71      if (punc.indexOf(ch) > -1) {
  72        stream.next()
  73        stream.match("..")
  74        return "punctuation"
  75      }
  76      var stringMatch
  77      if (stringMatch = stream.match(/("""|"|')/)) {
  78        var tokenize = tokenString.bind(null, stringMatch[0])
  79        state.tokenize.push(tokenize)
  80        return tokenize(stream, state)
  81      }
  83      if (stream.match(identifier)) {
  84        var ident = stream.current()
  85        if (types.hasOwnProperty(ident)) return "variable-2"
  86        if (atoms.hasOwnProperty(ident)) return "atom"
  87        if (keywords.hasOwnProperty(ident)) {
  88          if (definingKeywords.hasOwnProperty(ident))
  89            state.prev = "define"
  90          return "keyword"
  91        }
  92        if (prev == "define") return "def"
  93        return "variable"
  94      }
  96      stream.next()
  97      return null
  98    }
 100    function tokenUntilClosingParen() {
 101      var depth = 0
 102      return function(stream, state, prev) {
 103        var inner = tokenBase(stream, state, prev)
 104        if (inner == "punctuation") {
 105          if (stream.current() == "(") ++depth
 106          else if (stream.current() == ")") {
 107            if (depth == 0) {
 108              stream.backUp(1)
 109              state.tokenize.pop()
 110              return state.tokenize[state.tokenize.length - 1](stream, state)
 111            }
 112            else --depth
 113          }
 114        }
 115        return inner
 116      }
 117    }
 119    function tokenString(openQuote, stream, state) {
 120      var singleLine = openQuote.length == 1
 121      var ch, escaped = false
 122      while (ch = stream.peek()) {
 123        if (escaped) {
 124          stream.next()
 125          if (ch == "(") {
 126            state.tokenize.push(tokenUntilClosingParen())
 127            return "string"
 128          }
 129          escaped = false
 130        } else if (stream.match(openQuote)) {
 131          state.tokenize.pop()
 132          return "string"
 133        } else {
 134          stream.next()
 135          escaped = ch == "\\"
 136        }
 137      }
 138      if (singleLine) {
 139        state.tokenize.pop()
 140      }
 141      return "string"
 142    }
 144    function tokenComment(stream, state) {
 145      var ch
 146      while (true) {
 147        stream.match(/^[^/*]+/, true)
 148        ch = stream.next()
 149        if (!ch) break
 150        if (ch === "/" && stream.eat("*")) {
 151          state.tokenize.push(tokenComment)
 152        } else if (ch === "*" && stream.eat("/")) {
 153          state.tokenize.pop()
 154        }
 155      }
 156      return "comment"
 157    }
 159    function Context(prev, align, indented) {
 160      this.prev = prev
 161      this.align = align
 162      this.indented = indented
 163    }
 165    function pushContext(state, stream) {
 166      var align = stream.match(/^\s*($|\/[\/\*])/, false) ? null : stream.column() + 1
 167      state.context = new Context(state.context, align, state.indented)
 168    }
 170    function popContext(state) {
 171      if (state.context) {
 172        state.indented = state.context.indented
 173        state.context = state.context.prev
 174      }
 175    }
 177    CodeMirror.defineMode("swift", function(config) {
 178      return {
 179        startState: function() {
 180          return {
 181            prev: null,
 182            context: null,
 183            indented: 0,
 184            tokenize: []
 185          }
 186        },
 188        token: function(stream, state) {
 189          var prev = state.prev
 190          state.prev = null
 191          var tokenize = state.tokenize[state.tokenize.length - 1] || tokenBase
 192          var style = tokenize(stream, state, prev)
 193          if (!style || style == "comment") state.prev = prev
 194          else if (!state.prev) state.prev = style
 196          if (style == "punctuation") {
 197            var bracket = /[\(\[\{]|([\]\)\}])/.exec(stream.current())
 198            if (bracket) (bracket[1] ? popContext : pushContext)(state, stream)
 199          }
 201          return style
 202        },
 204        indent: function(state, textAfter) {
 205          var cx = state.context
 206          if (!cx) return 0
 207          var closing = /^[\]\}\)]/.test(textAfter)
 208          if (cx.align != null) return cx.align - (closing ? 1 : 0)
 209          return cx.indented + (closing ? 0 : config.indentUnit)
 210        },
 212        electricInput: /^\s*[\)\}\]]$/,
 214        lineComment: "//",
 215        blockCommentStart: "/*",
 216        blockCommentEnd: "*/",
 217        fold: "brace",
 218        closeBrackets: "()[]{}''\"\"``"
 219      }
 220    })
 222    CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-swift","swift")
 223  });

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer