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/media/vendor/codemirror/mode/scheme/ -> scheme.js (source)

   1  // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
   2  // Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/5/LICENSE
   4  /**
   5   * Author: Koh Zi Han, based on implementation by Koh Zi Chun
   6   * Improved by: Jakub T. Jankiewicz
   7   */
   9  (function(mod) {
  10    if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
  11      mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"));
  12    else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
  13      define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
  14    else // Plain browser env
  15      mod(CodeMirror);
  16  })(function(CodeMirror) {
  17  "use strict";
  19  CodeMirror.defineMode("scheme", function () {
  20      var BUILTIN = "builtin", COMMENT = "comment", STRING = "string",
  21          SYMBOL = "symbol", ATOM = "atom", NUMBER = "number", BRACKET = "bracket";
  22      var INDENT_WORD_SKIP = 2;
  24      function makeKeywords(str) {
  25          var obj = {}, words = str.split(" ");
  26          for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) obj[words[i]] = true;
  27          return obj;
  28      }
  30      var keywords = makeKeywords("λ case-lambda call/cc class cond-expand define-class define-values exit-handler field import inherit init-field interface let*-values let-values let/ec mixin opt-lambda override protect provide public rename require require-for-syntax syntax syntax-case syntax-error unit/sig unless when with-syntax and begin call-with-current-continuation call-with-input-file call-with-output-file case cond define define-syntax define-macro defmacro delay do dynamic-wind else for-each if lambda let let* let-syntax letrec letrec-syntax map or syntax-rules abs acos angle append apply asin assoc assq assv atan boolean? caar cadr call-with-input-file call-with-output-file call-with-values car cdddar cddddr cdr ceiling char->integer char-alphabetic? char-ci<=? char-ci<? char-ci=? char-ci>=? char-ci>? char-downcase char-lower-case? char-numeric? char-ready? char-upcase char-upper-case? char-whitespace? char<=? char<? char=? char>=? char>? char? close-input-port close-output-port complex? cons cos current-input-port current-output-port denominator display eof-object? eq? equal? eqv? eval even? exact->inexact exact? exp expt #f floor force gcd imag-part inexact->exact inexact? input-port? integer->char integer? interaction-environment lcm length list list->string list->vector list-ref list-tail list? load log magnitude make-polar make-rectangular make-string make-vector max member memq memv min modulo negative? newline not null-environment null? number->string number? numerator odd? open-input-file open-output-file output-port? pair? peek-char port? positive? procedure? quasiquote quote quotient rational? rationalize read read-char real-part real? remainder reverse round scheme-report-environment set! set-car! set-cdr! sin sqrt string string->list string->number string->symbol string-append string-ci<=? string-ci<? string-ci=? string-ci>=? string-ci>? string-copy string-fill! string-length string-ref string-set! string<=? string<? string=? string>=? string>? string? substring symbol->string symbol? #t tan transcript-off transcript-on truncate values vector vector->list vector-fill! vector-length vector-ref vector-set! with-input-from-file with-output-to-file write write-char zero?");
  31      var indentKeys = makeKeywords("define let letrec let* lambda define-macro defmacro let-syntax letrec-syntax let-values let*-values define-syntax syntax-rules define-values when unless");
  33      function stateStack(indent, type, prev) { // represents a state stack object
  34          this.indent = indent;
  35          this.type = type;
  36          this.prev = prev;
  37      }
  39      function pushStack(state, indent, type) {
  40          state.indentStack = new stateStack(indent, type, state.indentStack);
  41      }
  43      function popStack(state) {
  44          state.indentStack = state.indentStack.prev;
  45      }
  47      var binaryMatcher = new RegExp(/^(?:[-+]i|[-+][01]+#*(?:\/[01]+#*)?i|[-+]?[01]+#*(?:\/[01]+#*)?@[-+]?[01]+#*(?:\/[01]+#*)?|[-+]?[01]+#*(?:\/[01]+#*)?[-+](?:[01]+#*(?:\/[01]+#*)?)?i|[-+]?[01]+#*(?:\/[01]+#*)?)(?=[()\s;"]|$)/i);
  48      var octalMatcher = new RegExp(/^(?:[-+]i|[-+][0-7]+#*(?:\/[0-7]+#*)?i|[-+]?[0-7]+#*(?:\/[0-7]+#*)?@[-+]?[0-7]+#*(?:\/[0-7]+#*)?|[-+]?[0-7]+#*(?:\/[0-7]+#*)?[-+](?:[0-7]+#*(?:\/[0-7]+#*)?)?i|[-+]?[0-7]+#*(?:\/[0-7]+#*)?)(?=[()\s;"]|$)/i);
  49      var hexMatcher = new RegExp(/^(?:[-+]i|[-+][\da-f]+#*(?:\/[\da-f]+#*)?i|[-+]?[\da-f]+#*(?:\/[\da-f]+#*)?@[-+]?[\da-f]+#*(?:\/[\da-f]+#*)?|[-+]?[\da-f]+#*(?:\/[\da-f]+#*)?[-+](?:[\da-f]+#*(?:\/[\da-f]+#*)?)?i|[-+]?[\da-f]+#*(?:\/[\da-f]+#*)?)(?=[()\s;"]|$)/i);
  50      var decimalMatcher = new RegExp(/^(?:[-+]i|[-+](?:(?:(?:\d+#+\.?#*|\d+\.\d*#*|\.\d+#*|\d+)(?:[esfdl][-+]?\d+)?)|\d+#*\/\d+#*)i|[-+]?(?:(?:(?:\d+#+\.?#*|\d+\.\d*#*|\.\d+#*|\d+)(?:[esfdl][-+]?\d+)?)|\d+#*\/\d+#*)@[-+]?(?:(?:(?:\d+#+\.?#*|\d+\.\d*#*|\.\d+#*|\d+)(?:[esfdl][-+]?\d+)?)|\d+#*\/\d+#*)|[-+]?(?:(?:(?:\d+#+\.?#*|\d+\.\d*#*|\.\d+#*|\d+)(?:[esfdl][-+]?\d+)?)|\d+#*\/\d+#*)[-+](?:(?:(?:\d+#+\.?#*|\d+\.\d*#*|\.\d+#*|\d+)(?:[esfdl][-+]?\d+)?)|\d+#*\/\d+#*)?i|(?:(?:(?:\d+#+\.?#*|\d+\.\d*#*|\.\d+#*|\d+)(?:[esfdl][-+]?\d+)?)|\d+#*\/\d+#*))(?=[()\s;"]|$)/i);
  52      function isBinaryNumber (stream) {
  53          return stream.match(binaryMatcher);
  54      }
  56      function isOctalNumber (stream) {
  57          return stream.match(octalMatcher);
  58      }
  60      function isDecimalNumber (stream, backup) {
  61          if (backup === true) {
  62              stream.backUp(1);
  63          }
  64          return stream.match(decimalMatcher);
  65      }
  67      function isHexNumber (stream) {
  68          return stream.match(hexMatcher);
  69      }
  71      function processEscapedSequence(stream, options) {
  72          var next, escaped = false;
  73          while ((next = stream.next()) != null) {
  74              if (next == options.token && !escaped) {
  76                  options.state.mode = false;
  77                  break;
  78              }
  79              escaped = !escaped && next == "\\";
  80          }
  81      }
  83      return {
  84          startState: function () {
  85              return {
  86                  indentStack: null,
  87                  indentation: 0,
  88                  mode: false,
  89                  sExprComment: false,
  90                  sExprQuote: false
  91              };
  92          },
  94          token: function (stream, state) {
  95              if (state.indentStack == null && stream.sol()) {
  96                  // update indentation, but only if indentStack is empty
  97                  state.indentation = stream.indentation();
  98              }
 100              // skip spaces
 101              if (stream.eatSpace()) {
 102                  return null;
 103              }
 104              var returnType = null;
 106              switch(state.mode){
 107                  case "string": // multi-line string parsing mode
 108                      processEscapedSequence(stream, {
 109                          token: "\"",
 110                          state: state
 111                      });
 112                      returnType = STRING; // continue on in scheme-string mode
 113                      break;
 114                  case "symbol": // escape symbol
 115                      processEscapedSequence(stream, {
 116                          token: "|",
 117                          state: state
 118                      });
 119                      returnType = SYMBOL; // continue on in scheme-symbol mode
 120                      break;
 121                  case "comment": // comment parsing mode
 122                      var next, maybeEnd = false;
 123                      while ((next = stream.next()) != null) {
 124                          if (next == "#" && maybeEnd) {
 126                              state.mode = false;
 127                              break;
 128                          }
 129                          maybeEnd = (next == "|");
 130                      }
 131                      returnType = COMMENT;
 132                      break;
 133                  case "s-expr-comment": // s-expr commenting mode
 134                      state.mode = false;
 135                      if(stream.peek() == "(" || stream.peek() == "["){
 136                          // actually start scheme s-expr commenting mode
 137                          state.sExprComment = 0;
 138                      }else{
 139                          // if not we just comment the entire of the next token
 140                          stream.eatWhile(/[^\s\(\)\[\]]/); // eat symbol atom
 141                          returnType = COMMENT;
 142                          break;
 143                      }
 144                  default: // default parsing mode
 145                      var ch = stream.next();
 147                      if (ch == "\"") {
 148                          state.mode = "string";
 149                          returnType = STRING;
 151                      } else if (ch == "'") {
 152                          if (stream.peek() == "(" || stream.peek() == "["){
 153                              if (typeof state.sExprQuote != "number") {
 154                                  state.sExprQuote = 0;
 155                              } // else already in a quoted expression
 156                              returnType = ATOM;
 157                          } else {
 158                              stream.eatWhile(/[\w_\-!$%&*+\.\/:<=>?@\^~]/);
 159                              returnType = ATOM;
 160                          }
 161                      } else if (ch == '|') {
 162                          state.mode = "symbol";
 163                          returnType = SYMBOL;
 164                      } else if (ch == '#') {
 165                          if (stream.eat("|")) {                    // Multi-line comment
 166                              state.mode = "comment"; // toggle to comment mode
 167                              returnType = COMMENT;
 168                          } else if (stream.eat(/[tf]/i)) {            // #t/#f (atom)
 169                              returnType = ATOM;
 170                          } else if (stream.eat(';')) {                // S-Expr comment
 171                              state.mode = "s-expr-comment";
 172                              returnType = COMMENT;
 173                          } else {
 174                              var numTest = null, hasExactness = false, hasRadix = true;
 175                              if (stream.eat(/[ei]/i)) {
 176                                  hasExactness = true;
 177                              } else {
 178                                  stream.backUp(1);       // must be radix specifier
 179                              }
 180                              if (stream.match(/^#b/i)) {
 181                                  numTest = isBinaryNumber;
 182                              } else if (stream.match(/^#o/i)) {
 183                                  numTest = isOctalNumber;
 184                              } else if (stream.match(/^#x/i)) {
 185                                  numTest = isHexNumber;
 186                              } else if (stream.match(/^#d/i)) {
 187                                  numTest = isDecimalNumber;
 188                              } else if (stream.match(/^[-+0-9.]/, false)) {
 189                                  hasRadix = false;
 190                                  numTest = isDecimalNumber;
 191                              // re-consume the initial # if all matches failed
 192                              } else if (!hasExactness) {
 193                                  stream.eat('#');
 194                              }
 195                              if (numTest != null) {
 196                                  if (hasRadix && !hasExactness) {
 197                                      // consume optional exactness after radix
 198                                      stream.match(/^#[ei]/i);
 199                                  }
 200                                  if (numTest(stream))
 201                                      returnType = NUMBER;
 202                              }
 203                          }
 204                      } else if (/^[-+0-9.]/.test(ch) && isDecimalNumber(stream, true)) { // match non-prefixed number, must be decimal
 205                          returnType = NUMBER;
 206                      } else if (ch == ";") { // comment
 207                          stream.skipToEnd(); // rest of the line is a comment
 208                          returnType = COMMENT;
 209                      } else if (ch == "(" || ch == "[") {
 210                        var keyWord = ''; var indentTemp = stream.column(), letter;
 211                          /**
 212                          Either
 213                          (indent-word ..
 214                          (non-indent-word ..
 215                          (;something else, bracket, etc.
 216                          */
 218                          while ((letter = stream.eat(/[^\s\(\[\;\)\]]/)) != null) {
 219                              keyWord += letter;
 220                          }
 222                          if (keyWord.length > 0 && indentKeys.propertyIsEnumerable(keyWord)) { // indent-word
 224                              pushStack(state, indentTemp + INDENT_WORD_SKIP, ch);
 225                          } else { // non-indent word
 226                              // we continue eating the spaces
 227                              stream.eatSpace();
 228                              if (stream.eol() || stream.peek() == ";") {
 229                                  // nothing significant after
 230                                  // we restart indentation 1 space after
 231                                  pushStack(state, indentTemp + 1, ch);
 232                              } else {
 233                                  pushStack(state, indentTemp + stream.current().length, ch); // else we match
 234                              }
 235                          }
 236                          stream.backUp(stream.current().length - 1); // undo all the eating
 238                          if(typeof state.sExprComment == "number") state.sExprComment++;
 239                          if(typeof state.sExprQuote == "number") state.sExprQuote++;
 241                          returnType = BRACKET;
 242                      } else if (ch == ")" || ch == "]") {
 243                          returnType = BRACKET;
 244                          if (state.indentStack != null && state.indentStack.type == (ch == ")" ? "(" : "[")) {
 245                              popStack(state);
 247                              if(typeof state.sExprComment == "number"){
 248                                  if(--state.sExprComment == 0){
 249                                      returnType = COMMENT; // final closing bracket
 250                                      state.sExprComment = false; // turn off s-expr commenting mode
 251                                  }
 252                              }
 253                              if(typeof state.sExprQuote == "number"){
 254                                  if(--state.sExprQuote == 0){
 255                                      returnType = ATOM; // final closing bracket
 256                                      state.sExprQuote = false; // turn off s-expr quote mode
 257                                  }
 258                              }
 259                          }
 260                      } else {
 261                          stream.eatWhile(/[\w_\-!$%&*+\.\/:<=>?@\^~]/);
 263                          if (keywords && keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(stream.current())) {
 264                              returnType = BUILTIN;
 265                          } else returnType = "variable";
 266                      }
 267              }
 268              return (typeof state.sExprComment == "number") ? COMMENT : ((typeof state.sExprQuote == "number") ? ATOM : returnType);
 269          },
 271          indent: function (state) {
 272              if (state.indentStack == null) return state.indentation;
 273              return state.indentStack.indent;
 274          },
 276          fold: "brace-paren",
 277          closeBrackets: {pairs: "()[]{}\"\""},
 278          lineComment: ";;"
 279      };
 280  });
 282  CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-scheme", "scheme");
 284  });

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