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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/media/vendor/codemirror/mode/r/ -> r.js (source)

   1  // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
   2  // Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/5/LICENSE
   4  (function(mod) {
   5    if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
   6      mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"));
   7    else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
   8      define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
   9    else // Plain browser env
  10      mod(CodeMirror);
  11  })(function(CodeMirror) {
  12  "use strict";
  14  CodeMirror.registerHelper("wordChars", "r", /[\w.]/);
  16  CodeMirror.defineMode("r", function(config) {
  17    function wordObj(words) {
  18      var res = {};
  19      for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) res[words[i]] = true;
  20      return res;
  21    }
  22    var commonAtoms = ["NULL", "NA", "Inf", "NaN", "NA_integer_", "NA_real_", "NA_complex_", "NA_character_", "TRUE", "FALSE"];
  23    var commonBuiltins = ["list", "quote", "bquote", "eval", "return", "call", "parse", "deparse"];
  24    var commonKeywords = ["if", "else", "repeat", "while", "function", "for", "in", "next", "break"];
  25    var commonBlockKeywords = ["if", "else", "repeat", "while", "function", "for"];
  27    CodeMirror.registerHelper("hintWords", "r", commonAtoms.concat(commonBuiltins, commonKeywords));
  29    var atoms = wordObj(commonAtoms);
  30    var builtins = wordObj(commonBuiltins);
  31    var keywords = wordObj(commonKeywords);
  32    var blockkeywords = wordObj(commonBlockKeywords);
  33    var opChars = /[+\-*\/^<>=!&|~$:]/;
  34    var curPunc;
  36    function tokenBase(stream, state) {
  37      curPunc = null;
  38      var ch = stream.next();
  39      if (ch == "#") {
  40        stream.skipToEnd();
  41        return "comment";
  42      } else if (ch == "0" && stream.eat("x")) {
  43        stream.eatWhile(/[\da-f]/i);
  44        return "number";
  45      } else if (ch == "." && stream.eat(/\d/)) {
  46        stream.match(/\d*(?:e[+\-]?\d+)?/);
  47        return "number";
  48      } else if (/\d/.test(ch)) {
  49        stream.match(/\d*(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[+\-]\d+)?L?/);
  50        return "number";
  51      } else if (ch == "'" || ch == '"') {
  52        state.tokenize = tokenString(ch);
  53        return "string";
  54      } else if (ch == "`") {
  55        stream.match(/[^`]+`/);
  56        return "variable-3";
  57      } else if (ch == "." && stream.match(/.(?:[.]|\d+)/)) {
  58        return "keyword";
  59      } else if (/[a-zA-Z\.]/.test(ch)) {
  60        stream.eatWhile(/[\w\.]/);
  61        var word = stream.current();
  62        if (atoms.propertyIsEnumerable(word)) return "atom";
  63        if (keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(word)) {
  64          // Block keywords start new blocks, except 'else if', which only starts
  65          // one new block for the 'if', no block for the 'else'.
  66          if (blockkeywords.propertyIsEnumerable(word) &&
  67              !stream.match(/\s*if(\s+|$)/, false))
  68            curPunc = "block";
  69          return "keyword";
  70        }
  71        if (builtins.propertyIsEnumerable(word)) return "builtin";
  72        return "variable";
  73      } else if (ch == "%") {
  74        if (stream.skipTo("%")) stream.next();
  75        return "operator variable-2";
  76      } else if (
  77          (ch == "<" && stream.eat("-")) ||
  78          (ch == "<" && stream.match("<-")) ||
  79          (ch == "-" && stream.match(/>>?/))
  80        ) {
  81        return "operator arrow";
  82      } else if (ch == "=" && state.ctx.argList) {
  83        return "arg-is";
  84      } else if (opChars.test(ch)) {
  85        if (ch == "$") return "operator dollar";
  86        stream.eatWhile(opChars);
  87        return "operator";
  88      } else if (/[\(\){}\[\];]/.test(ch)) {
  89        curPunc = ch;
  90        if (ch == ";") return "semi";
  91        return null;
  92      } else {
  93        return null;
  94      }
  95    }
  97    function tokenString(quote) {
  98      return function(stream, state) {
  99        if (stream.eat("\\")) {
 100          var ch = stream.next();
 101          if (ch == "x") stream.match(/^[a-f0-9]{2}/i);
 102          else if ((ch == "u" || ch == "U") && stream.eat("{") && stream.skipTo("}")) stream.next();
 103          else if (ch == "u") stream.match(/^[a-f0-9]{4}/i);
 104          else if (ch == "U") stream.match(/^[a-f0-9]{8}/i);
 105          else if (/[0-7]/.test(ch)) stream.match(/^[0-7]{1,2}/);
 106          return "string-2";
 107        } else {
 108          var next;
 109          while ((next = stream.next()) != null) {
 110            if (next == quote) { state.tokenize = tokenBase; break; }
 111            if (next == "\\") { stream.backUp(1); break; }
 112          }
 113          return "string";
 114        }
 115      };
 116    }
 118    var ALIGN_YES = 1, ALIGN_NO = 2, BRACELESS = 4
 120    function push(state, type, stream) {
 121      state.ctx = {type: type,
 122                   indent: state.indent,
 123                   flags: 0,
 124                   column: stream.column(),
 125                   prev: state.ctx};
 126    }
 127    function setFlag(state, flag) {
 128      var ctx = state.ctx
 129      state.ctx = {type: ctx.type,
 130                   indent: ctx.indent,
 131                   flags: ctx.flags | flag,
 132                   column: ctx.column,
 133                   prev: ctx.prev}
 134    }
 135    function pop(state) {
 136      state.indent = state.ctx.indent;
 137      state.ctx = state.ctx.prev;
 138    }
 140    return {
 141      startState: function() {
 142        return {tokenize: tokenBase,
 143                ctx: {type: "top",
 144                      indent: -config.indentUnit,
 145                      flags: ALIGN_NO},
 146                indent: 0,
 147                afterIdent: false};
 148      },
 150      token: function(stream, state) {
 151        if (stream.sol()) {
 152          if ((state.ctx.flags & 3) == 0) state.ctx.flags |= ALIGN_NO
 153          if (state.ctx.flags & BRACELESS) pop(state)
 154          state.indent = stream.indentation();
 155        }
 156        if (stream.eatSpace()) return null;
 157        var style = state.tokenize(stream, state);
 158        if (style != "comment" && (state.ctx.flags & ALIGN_NO) == 0) setFlag(state, ALIGN_YES)
 160        if ((curPunc == ";" || curPunc == "{" || curPunc == "}") && state.ctx.type == "block") pop(state);
 161        if (curPunc == "{") push(state, "}", stream);
 162        else if (curPunc == "(") {
 163          push(state, ")", stream);
 164          if (state.afterIdent) state.ctx.argList = true;
 165        }
 166        else if (curPunc == "[") push(state, "]", stream);
 167        else if (curPunc == "block") push(state, "block", stream);
 168        else if (curPunc == state.ctx.type) pop(state);
 169        else if (state.ctx.type == "block" && style != "comment") setFlag(state, BRACELESS)
 170        state.afterIdent = style == "variable" || style == "keyword";
 171        return style;
 172      },
 174      indent: function(state, textAfter) {
 175        if (state.tokenize != tokenBase) return 0;
 176        var firstChar = textAfter && textAfter.charAt(0), ctx = state.ctx,
 177            closing = firstChar == ctx.type;
 178        if (ctx.flags & BRACELESS) ctx = ctx.prev
 179        if (ctx.type == "block") return ctx.indent + (firstChar == "{" ? 0 : config.indentUnit);
 180        else if (ctx.flags & ALIGN_YES) return ctx.column + (closing ? 0 : 1);
 181        else return ctx.indent + (closing ? 0 : config.indentUnit);
 182      },
 184      lineComment: "#"
 185    };
 186  });
 188  CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-rsrc", "r");
 190  });

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer