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/media/vendor/codemirror/mode/commonlisp/ -> commonlisp.js (source)

   1  // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
   2  // Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/5/LICENSE
   4  (function(mod) {
   5    if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
   6      mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"));
   7    else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
   8      define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
   9    else // Plain browser env
  10      mod(CodeMirror);
  11  })(function(CodeMirror) {
  12  "use strict";
  14  CodeMirror.defineMode("commonlisp", function (config) {
  15    var specialForm = /^(block|let*|return-from|catch|load-time-value|setq|eval-when|locally|symbol-macrolet|flet|macrolet|tagbody|function|multiple-value-call|the|go|multiple-value-prog1|throw|if|progn|unwind-protect|labels|progv|let|quote)$/;
  16    var assumeBody = /^with|^def|^do|^prog|case$|^cond$|bind$|when$|unless$/;
  17    var numLiteral = /^(?:[+\-]?(?:\d+|\d*\.\d+)(?:[efd][+\-]?\d+)?|[+\-]?\d+(?:\/[+\-]?\d+)?|#b[+\-]?[01]+|#o[+\-]?[0-7]+|#x[+\-]?[\da-f]+)/;
  18    var symbol = /[^\s'`,@()\[\]";]/;
  19    var type;
  21    function readSym(stream) {
  22      var ch;
  23      while (ch = stream.next()) {
  24        if (ch == "\\") stream.next();
  25        else if (!symbol.test(ch)) { stream.backUp(1); break; }
  26      }
  27      return stream.current();
  28    }
  30    function base(stream, state) {
  31      if (stream.eatSpace()) {type = "ws"; return null;}
  32      if (stream.match(numLiteral)) return "number";
  33      var ch = stream.next();
  34      if (ch == "\\") ch = stream.next();
  36      if (ch == '"') return (state.tokenize = inString)(stream, state);
  37      else if (ch == "(") { type = "open"; return "bracket"; }
  38      else if (ch == ")" || ch == "]") { type = "close"; return "bracket"; }
  39      else if (ch == ";") { stream.skipToEnd(); type = "ws"; return "comment"; }
  40      else if (/['`,@]/.test(ch)) return null;
  41      else if (ch == "|") {
  42        if (stream.skipTo("|")) { stream.next(); return "symbol"; }
  43        else { stream.skipToEnd(); return "error"; }
  44      } else if (ch == "#") {
  45        var ch = stream.next();
  46        if (ch == "(") { type = "open"; return "bracket"; }
  47        else if (/[+\-=\.']/.test(ch)) return null;
  48        else if (/\d/.test(ch) && stream.match(/^\d*#/)) return null;
  49        else if (ch == "|") return (state.tokenize = inComment)(stream, state);
  50        else if (ch == ":") { readSym(stream); return "meta"; }
  51        else if (ch == "\\") { stream.next(); readSym(stream); return "string-2" }
  52        else return "error";
  53      } else {
  54        var name = readSym(stream);
  55        if (name == ".") return null;
  56        type = "symbol";
  57        if (name == "nil" || name == "t" || name.charAt(0) == ":") return "atom";
  58        if (state.lastType == "open" && (specialForm.test(name) || assumeBody.test(name))) return "keyword";
  59        if (name.charAt(0) == "&") return "variable-2";
  60        return "variable";
  61      }
  62    }
  64    function inString(stream, state) {
  65      var escaped = false, next;
  66      while (next = stream.next()) {
  67        if (next == '"' && !escaped) { state.tokenize = base; break; }
  68        escaped = !escaped && next == "\\";
  69      }
  70      return "string";
  71    }
  73    function inComment(stream, state) {
  74      var next, last;
  75      while (next = stream.next()) {
  76        if (next == "#" && last == "|") { state.tokenize = base; break; }
  77        last = next;
  78      }
  79      type = "ws";
  80      return "comment";
  81    }
  83    return {
  84      startState: function () {
  85        return {ctx: {prev: null, start: 0, indentTo: 0}, lastType: null, tokenize: base};
  86      },
  88      token: function (stream, state) {
  89        if (stream.sol() && typeof state.ctx.indentTo != "number")
  90          state.ctx.indentTo = state.ctx.start + 1;
  92        type = null;
  93        var style = state.tokenize(stream, state);
  94        if (type != "ws") {
  95          if (state.ctx.indentTo == null) {
  96            if (type == "symbol" && assumeBody.test(stream.current()))
  97              state.ctx.indentTo = state.ctx.start + config.indentUnit;
  98            else
  99              state.ctx.indentTo = "next";
 100          } else if (state.ctx.indentTo == "next") {
 101            state.ctx.indentTo = stream.column();
 102          }
 103          state.lastType = type;
 104        }
 105        if (type == "open") state.ctx = {prev: state.ctx, start: stream.column(), indentTo: null};
 106        else if (type == "close") state.ctx = state.ctx.prev || state.ctx;
 107        return style;
 108      },
 110      indent: function (state, _textAfter) {
 111        var i = state.ctx.indentTo;
 112        return typeof i == "number" ? i : state.ctx.start + 1;
 113      },
 115      closeBrackets: {pairs: "()[]{}\"\""},
 116      lineComment: ";;",
 117      fold: "brace-paren",
 118      blockCommentStart: "#|",
 119      blockCommentEnd: "|#"
 120    };
 121  });
 123  CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-common-lisp", "commonlisp");
 125  });

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer