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/media/vendor/codemirror/addon/selection/ -> selection-pointer.js (source)

   1  // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
   2  // Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/5/LICENSE
   4  (function(mod) {
   5    if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
   6      mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"));
   7    else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
   8      define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
   9    else // Plain browser env
  10      mod(CodeMirror);
  11  })(function(CodeMirror) {
  12    "use strict";
  14    CodeMirror.defineOption("selectionPointer", false, function(cm, val) {
  15      var data = cm.state.selectionPointer;
  16      if (data) {
  17        CodeMirror.off(cm.getWrapperElement(), "mousemove", data.mousemove);
  18        CodeMirror.off(cm.getWrapperElement(), "mouseout", data.mouseout);
  19        CodeMirror.off(window, "scroll", data.windowScroll);
  20        cm.off("cursorActivity", reset);
  21        cm.off("scroll", reset);
  22        cm.state.selectionPointer = null;
  23        cm.display.lineDiv.style.cursor = "";
  24      }
  25      if (val) {
  26        data = cm.state.selectionPointer = {
  27          value: typeof val == "string" ? val : "default",
  28          mousemove: function(event) { mousemove(cm, event); },
  29          mouseout: function(event) { mouseout(cm, event); },
  30          windowScroll: function() { reset(cm); },
  31          rects: null,
  32          mouseX: null, mouseY: null,
  33          willUpdate: false
  34        };
  35        CodeMirror.on(cm.getWrapperElement(), "mousemove", data.mousemove);
  36        CodeMirror.on(cm.getWrapperElement(), "mouseout", data.mouseout);
  37        CodeMirror.on(window, "scroll", data.windowScroll);
  38        cm.on("cursorActivity", reset);
  39        cm.on("scroll", reset);
  40      }
  41    });
  43    function mousemove(cm, event) {
  44      var data = cm.state.selectionPointer;
  45      if (event.buttons == null ? event.which : event.buttons) {
  46        data.mouseX = data.mouseY = null;
  47      } else {
  48        data.mouseX = event.clientX;
  49        data.mouseY = event.clientY;
  50      }
  51      scheduleUpdate(cm);
  52    }
  54    function mouseout(cm, event) {
  55      if (!cm.getWrapperElement().contains(event.relatedTarget)) {
  56        var data = cm.state.selectionPointer;
  57        data.mouseX = data.mouseY = null;
  58        scheduleUpdate(cm);
  59      }
  60    }
  62    function reset(cm) {
  63      cm.state.selectionPointer.rects = null;
  64      scheduleUpdate(cm);
  65    }
  67    function scheduleUpdate(cm) {
  68      if (!cm.state.selectionPointer.willUpdate) {
  69        cm.state.selectionPointer.willUpdate = true;
  70        setTimeout(function() {
  71          update(cm);
  72          cm.state.selectionPointer.willUpdate = false;
  73        }, 50);
  74      }
  75    }
  77    function update(cm) {
  78      var data = cm.state.selectionPointer;
  79      if (!data) return;
  80      if (data.rects == null && data.mouseX != null) {
  81        data.rects = [];
  82        if (cm.somethingSelected()) {
  83          for (var sel = cm.display.selectionDiv.firstChild; sel; sel = sel.nextSibling)
  84            data.rects.push(sel.getBoundingClientRect());
  85        }
  86      }
  87      var inside = false;
  88      if (data.mouseX != null) for (var i = 0; i < data.rects.length; i++) {
  89        var rect = data.rects[i];
  90        if (rect.left <= data.mouseX && rect.right >= data.mouseX &&
  91            rect.top <= data.mouseY && rect.bottom >= data.mouseY)
  92          inside = true;
  93      }
  94      var cursor = inside ? data.value : "";
  95      if (cm.display.lineDiv.style.cursor != cursor)
  96        cm.display.lineDiv.style.cursor = cursor;
  97    }
  98  });

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer