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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/media/plg_editors_tinymce/js/plugins/dragdrop/ -> plugin.js (source)

   1  (function () {
   2    'use strict';
   4    /* eslint-disable no-undef */
   5    tinymce.PluginManager.add('jdragndrop', function (editor) {
   6      var responseData; // Reset the drop area border
   8      tinyMCE.DOM.bind(document, 'dragleave', function (e) {
   9        e.stopPropagation();
  10        e.preventDefault();
  11        editor.contentAreaContainer.style.borderWidth = '1px 0 0';
  12        return false;
  13      }); // Fix for Chrome
  15      editor.on('dragenter', function (e) {
  16        e.stopPropagation();
  17        return false;
  18      }); // Notify user when file is over the drop area
  20      editor.on('dragover', function (e) {
  21        e.preventDefault();
  22        editor.contentAreaContainer.style.borderStyle = 'dashed';
  23        editor.contentAreaContainer.style.borderWidth = '5px';
  24        return false;
  25      });
  27      function uploadFile(name, content) {
  28        var _data;
  30        var url = editor.settings.uploadUri + "&path=" + editor.settings.comMediaAdapter;
  31        var data = (_data = {}, _data[editor.settings.csrfToken] = '1', _data.name = name, _data.content = content, _data.parent = editor.settings.parentUploadFolder, _data);
  32        Joomla.request({
  33          url: url,
  34          method: 'POST',
  35          data: JSON.stringify(data),
  36          headers: {
  37            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  38          },
  39          onSuccess: function onSuccess(resp) {
  40            var response;
  42            try {
  43              response = JSON.parse(resp);
  44            } catch (e) {
  45              editor.windowManager.alert(Joomla.Text._('ERROR') + ": {e}");
  46            }
  48            if (response.data && response.data.path) {
  49              responseData = response.data;
  50              var urlPath; // For local adapters use relative paths
  52              var _Joomla$getOptions = Joomla.getOptions('system.paths'),
  53              rootFull = _Joomla$getOptions.rootFull;
  54              var parts = response.data.url.split(rootFull);
  55              if (parts.length > 1) {
  56                urlPath = "" + parts[1];
  57              } else if (responseData.url) {
  58                // Absolute path for different domain
  59                urlPath = responseData.url;
  60              }
  62              var dialogClose = function dialogClose(api) {
  63                var dialogData = api.getData();
  64                var altEmpty = dialogData.altEmpty ? ' alt=""' : '';
  65                var altValue = dialogData.altText ? " alt=\"" + dialogData.altText + "\"" : altEmpty;
  66                var lazyValue = dialogData.isLazy ? ' loading="lazy"' : '';
  67                var width = dialogData.isLazy ? " width=\"" + responseData.width + "\"" : '';
  68                var height = dialogData.isLazy ? " height=\"" + responseData.height + "\"" : '';
  69                editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, "<img src=\"" + urlPath + "\"" + altValue + lazyValue + width + height + "/>");
  70              };
  72              editor.windowManager.open({
  73                title: Joomla.Text._('PLG_TINY_DND_ADDITIONALDATA'),
  74                body: {
  75                  type: 'panel',
  76                  items: [{
  77                    type: 'input',
  78                    name: 'altText',
  79                    label: Joomla.Text._('PLG_TINY_DND_ALTTEXT')
  80                  }, {
  81                    type: 'checkbox',
  82                    name: 'altEmpty',
  83                    label: Joomla.Text._('PLG_TINY_DND_EMPTY_ALT')
  84                  }, {
  85                    type: 'checkbox',
  86                    name: 'isLazy',
  87                    label: Joomla.Text._('PLG_TINY_DND_LAZYLOADED')
  88                  }]
  89                },
  90                buttons: [{
  91                  type: 'cancel',
  92                  text: 'Cancel'
  93                }, {
  94                  type: 'submit',
  95                  name: 'submitButton',
  96                  text: 'Save',
  97                  primary: true
  98                }],
  99                initialData: {
 100                  altText: '',
 101                  isLazy: true,
 102                  altEmpty: false
 103                },
 104                onSubmit: function onSubmit(api) {
 105                  dialogClose(api);
 106                  api.close();
 107                },
 108                onCancel: function onCancel(api) {
 109                  dialogClose(api);
 110                }
 111              });
 112            }
 113          },
 114          onError: function onError(xhr) {
 115            editor.windowManager.alert("Error: " + xhr.statusText);
 116          }
 117        });
 118      }
 120      function readFile(file) {
 121        // Create a new file reader instance
 122        var reader = new FileReader(); // Add the on load callback
 124        reader.onload = function (progressEvent) {
 125          var result = progressEvent.target.result;
 126          var splitIndex = result.indexOf('base64') + 7;
 127          var content = result.slice(splitIndex, result.length); // Upload the file
 129          uploadFile(file.name, content);
 130        };
 132        reader.readAsDataURL(file);
 133      } // Listeners for drag and drop
 136      if (typeof FormData !== 'undefined') {
 137        // Logic for the dropped file
 138        editor.on('drop', function (e) {
 139          e.preventDefault(); // We override only for files
 141          if (e.dataTransfer && e.dataTransfer.files && e.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) {
 142            var files = [].slice.call(e.dataTransfer.files);
 143            files.forEach(function (file) {
 144              // Only images allowed
 145              if (file.name.toLowerCase().match(/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/)) {
 146                // Upload the file(s)
 147                readFile(file);
 148              }
 149            });
 150          }
 152          editor.contentAreaContainer.style.borderWidth = '1px 0 0';
 153        });
 154      } else {
 155        Joomla.renderMessages({
 156          error: [Joomla.Text._('PLG_TINY_ERR_UNSUPPORTEDBROWSER')]
 157        });
 158        editor.on('drop', function (e) {
 159          e.preventDefault();
 160          return false;
 161        });
 162      }
 163    });
 165  }());

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer