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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/media/com_media/scss/components/ -> _media-infobar.scss (source)

   1  $jicon-css-prefix: icon;
   2  $fa-css-prefix:    fa;
   4  .media-infobar {
   5    position: absolute;
   6    top: ($toolbar-height + 1px);
   7    inset-inline-end: 0;
   8    bottom: 0;
   9    z-index: 4;
  10    float: none;
  11    width: 25%;
  12    padding: $gutter-width;
  13    overflow-y: auto;
  14    background-color: $info-bg;
  15    border-inline-start: 1px solid $border-color;
  16    h2 {
  17      padding-block-start: 8px;
  18      padding-block-end: 8px;
  19      padding-inline-start: ($gutter-width - 5px);
  20      padding-inline-end: ($gutter-width + 15px);
  21      margin: (-$gutter-width) (-$gutter-width) $gutter-width;
  22      font-weight: normal;
  23      word-wrap: break-word;
  24      background-color: $info-title-bg;
  25      border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
  26    }
  27    dl {
  28      display: flex;
  29      flex-wrap: wrap;
  30      margin-right: -($col-gutter-width * .5);
  31      margin-left: -($col-gutter-width * .5);
  32    }
  33    dt, dd {
  34      position: relative;
  35      direction: ltr;
  36      width: 100%;
  37      min-height: 1px;
  38      padding-right: $col-gutter-width * .5;
  39      padding-left: $col-gutter-width * .5;
  40      [dir=rtl] & {
  41        text-align: end;
  42      }
  43    }
  44    dt {
  45      font-weight: normal;
  46      color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .54);
  47    }
  48  }
  50  .infobar-close {
  51    position: absolute;
  52    top: 0;
  53    inset-inline-end: 0;
  54    z-index: 2;
  55    padding: 5px $gutter-width;
  56    font-size: 2.6rem;
  57    line-height: 2rem;
  58    color: $info-close-color;
  59    text-indent: 0;
  60    text-shadow: none;
  61    &:hover {
  62      color: $info-close-color-hover;
  63      cursor: pointer;
  64    }
  65  }
  67  [class^="#{$jicon-css-prefix}-"],
  68  [class*=" #{$jicon-css-prefix}-"],
  69  [class^="#{$fa-css-prefix}-"],
  70  [class*=" #{$fa-css-prefix}-"] {
  71    &.placeholder-icon {
  72      display: block;
  73      width: 4rem;
  74      height: 4rem;
  75      margin: 20px auto 15px;
  76      font-size: 2rem;
  77      line-height: calc(4rem - 4px);
  78      color: #ccc;
  79      border: 2px solid #ccc;
  80      border-radius: 50%;
  81    }
  82  }

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer