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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/media/com_joomlaupdate/js/ -> admin-update-default.js (source)

   1  /**
   2   * @copyright   (C) 2018 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org>
   3   * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
   4   */
   5  if (!Joomla) {
   6    throw new Error('Joomla API was not initialised properly');
   7  }
   9  Joomla.Update = window.Joomla.Update || {
  10    stat_total: 0,
  11    stat_files: 0,
  12    stat_inbytes: 0,
  13    stat_outbytes: 0,
  14    password: null,
  15    totalsize: 0,
  16    ajax_url: null,
  17    return_url: null,
  18    cached_instance: null,
  19    genericErrorMessage: message => {
  20      const headerDiv = document.getElementById('errorDialogLabel');
  21      const messageDiv = document.getElementById('errorDialogMessage');
  22      const progressDiv = document.getElementById('joomlaupdate-progress');
  23      const errorDiv = document.getElementById('joomlaupdate-error');
  24      headerDiv.innerHTML = Joomla.Text._('COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_ERRORMODAL_HEAD_GENERIC');
  25      messageDiv.innerHTML = message;
  27      if (message.toLowerCase() === 'invalid login') {
  28        messageDiv.innerHTML = Joomla.Text._('COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_ERRORMODAL_BODY_INVALIDLOGIN');
  29      }
  31      progressDiv.classList.add('d-none');
  32      errorDiv.classList.remove('d-none');
  33    },
  34    handleErrorResponse: xhr => {
  35      const isForbidden = xhr.status === 403;
  36      const headerDiv = document.getElementById('errorDialogLabel');
  37      const messageDiv = document.getElementById('errorDialogMessage');
  38      const progressDiv = document.getElementById('joomlaupdate-progress');
  39      const errorDiv = document.getElementById('joomlaupdate-error');
  41      if (isForbidden) {
  42        headerDiv.innerHTML = Joomla.Text._('COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_ERRORMODAL_HEAD_FORBIDDEN');
  43        messageDiv.innerHTML = Joomla.Text._('COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_ERRORMODAL_BODY_FORBIDDEN');
  44      } else {
  45        headerDiv.innerHTML = Joomla.Text._('COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_ERRORMODAL_HEAD_SERVERERROR');
  46        messageDiv.innerHTML = Joomla.Text._('COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_ERRORMODAL_BODY_SERVERERROR');
  47      }
  49      progressDiv.classList.add('d-none');
  50      errorDiv.classList.remove('d-none');
  51    },
  52    startExtract: () => {
  53      // Reset variables
  54      Joomla.Update.stat_files = 0;
  55      Joomla.Update.stat_inbytes = 0;
  56      Joomla.Update.stat_outbytes = 0;
  57      Joomla.Update.cached_instance = null;
  58      document.getElementById('extbytesin').innerText = Joomla.Update.formatBytes(Joomla.Update.stat_inbytes);
  59      document.getElementById('extbytesout').innerText = Joomla.Update.formatBytes(Joomla.Update.stat_outbytes);
  60      document.getElementById('extfiles').innerText = Joomla.Update.stat_files;
  61      const postData = new FormData();
  62      postData.append('task', 'startExtract');
  63      postData.append('password', Joomla.Update.password); // Make the initial request to the extraction script
  65      Joomla.request({
  66        url: Joomla.Update.ajax_url,
  67        data: postData,
  68        method: 'POST',
  69        perform: true,
  70        onSuccess: rawJson => {
  71          try {
  72            // If we can decode the response as JSON step through the update
  73            const data = JSON.parse(rawJson);
  74            Joomla.Update.stepExtract(data);
  75          } catch (e) {
  76            // Decoding failed; display an error
  77            Joomla.Update.genericErrorMessage(e.message);
  78          }
  79        },
  80        onError: Joomla.Update.handleErrorResponse
  81      });
  82    },
  83    stepExtract: data => {
  84      // Did we get an error from the ZIP extraction engine?
  85      if (data.status === false) {
  86        Joomla.Update.genericErrorMessage(data.message);
  87        return;
  88      }
  90      const progressDiv = document.getElementById('progress-bar');
  91      const titleDiv = document.getElementById('update-title'); // Add data to variables
  93      Joomla.Update.stat_inbytes = data.bytesIn;
  94      Joomla.Update.stat_percent = data.percent;
  95      Joomla.Update.stat_percent = Joomla.Update.stat_percent || 100 * (Joomla.Update.stat_inbytes / Joomla.Update.totalsize); // Update GUI
  97      Joomla.Update.stat_outbytes = data.bytesOut;
  98      Joomla.Update.stat_files = data.files;
 100      if (Joomla.Update.stat_percent < 100) {
 101        progressDiv.classList.remove('bg-success');
 102        progressDiv.style.width = `$Joomla.Update.stat_percent}%`;
 103        progressDiv.setAttribute('aria-valuenow', Joomla.Update.stat_percent);
 104      } else if (Joomla.Update.stat_percent >= 100) {
 105        progressDiv.classList.add('bg-success');
 106        progressDiv.style.width = '100%';
 107        progressDiv.setAttribute('aria-valuenow', 100);
 108      }
 110      progressDiv.innerText = `$Joomla.Update.stat_percent.toFixed(1)}%`;
 111      document.getElementById('extbytesin').innerText = Joomla.Update.formatBytes(Joomla.Update.stat_inbytes);
 112      document.getElementById('extbytesout').innerText = Joomla.Update.formatBytes(Joomla.Update.stat_outbytes);
 113      document.getElementById('extfiles').innerText = Joomla.Update.stat_files; // Are we done extracting?
 115      if (data.done) {
 116        progressDiv.classList.add('bg-success');
 117        progressDiv.style.width = '100%';
 118        progressDiv.setAttribute('aria-valuenow', 100);
 119        titleDiv.innerHTML = Joomla.Text._('COM_JOOMLAUPDATE_UPDATING_COMPLETE');
 120        Joomla.Update.finalizeUpdate();
 121        return;
 122      } // This is required so we can get outside the scope of the previous XHR's success handler.
 125      window.setTimeout(() => {
 126        Joomla.Update.delayedStepExtract(data.instance);
 127      }, 50);
 128    },
 129    delayedStepExtract: instance => {
 130      Joomla.Update.cached_instance = instance;
 131      const postData = new FormData();
 132      postData.append('task', 'stepExtract');
 133      postData.append('password', Joomla.Update.password);
 135      if (instance) {
 136        postData.append('instance', instance);
 137      }
 139      Joomla.request({
 140        url: Joomla.Update.ajax_url,
 141        data: postData,
 142        method: 'POST',
 143        perform: true,
 144        onSuccess: rawJson => {
 145          try {
 146            const newData = JSON.parse(rawJson);
 147            Joomla.Update.stepExtract(newData);
 148          } catch (e) {
 149            Joomla.Update.genericErrorMessage(e.message);
 150          }
 151        },
 152        onError: Joomla.Update.handleErrorResponse
 153      });
 154    },
 155    finalizeUpdate: () => {
 156      const postData = new FormData();
 157      postData.append('task', 'finalizeUpdate');
 158      postData.append('password', Joomla.Update.password);
 159      Joomla.request({
 160        url: Joomla.Update.ajax_url,
 161        data: postData,
 162        method: 'POST',
 163        perform: true,
 164        onSuccess: () => {
 165          window.location = Joomla.Update.return_url;
 166        },
 167        onError: Joomla.Update.handleErrorResponse
 168      });
 169    },
 170    formatBytes: (bytes, decimals = 2) => {
 171      if (bytes === 0) return `0 $Joomla.Text._('JLIB_SIZE_BYTES')}`;
 172      const k = 1024;
 173      const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals;
 174      const sizes = [Joomla.Text._('JLIB_SIZE_BYTES'), Joomla.Text._('JLIB_SIZE_KB'), Joomla.Text._('JLIB_SIZE_MB'), Joomla.Text._('JLIB_SIZE_GB'), Joomla.Text._('JLIB_SIZE_TB'), Joomla.Text._('JLIB_SIZE_PB'), Joomla.Text._('JLIB_SIZE_EB'), Joomla.Text._('JLIB_SIZE_ZB'), Joomla.Text._('JLIB_SIZE_YB')];
 175      const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));
 176      return `$parseFloat((bytes / k ** i).toFixed(dm))} $sizes[i]}`;
 177    },
 178    resumeButtonHandler: e => {
 179      e.preventDefault();
 180      document.getElementById('joomlaupdate-progress').classList.remove('d-none');
 181      document.getElementById('joomlaupdate-error').classList.add('d-none');
 183      if (Joomla.Update.cached_instance === false) {
 184        Joomla.Update.startExtract();
 185      } else {
 186        Joomla.Update.delayedStepExtract(Joomla.Update.cached_instance);
 187      }
 188    },
 189    restartButtonHandler: e => {
 190      e.preventDefault();
 191      document.getElementById('joomlaupdate-progress').classList.remove('d-none');
 192      document.getElementById('joomlaupdate-error').classList.add('d-none');
 193      Joomla.Update.startExtract();
 194    }
 195  }; // Add click handlers for the Resume and Restart Update buttons in the error pane.
 197  const elResume = document.getElementById('joomlaupdate-resume');
 198  const elRestart = document.getElementById('joomlaupdate-restart');
 200  if (elResume) {
 201    elResume.addEventListener('click', Joomla.Update.resumeButtonHandler);
 202  }
 204  if (elRestart) {
 205    elRestart.addEventListener('click', Joomla.Update.restartButtonHandler);
 206  } // Start the update
 209  const JoomlaUpdateOptions = Joomla.getOptions('joomlaupdate');
 211  if (JoomlaUpdateOptions && Object.keys(JoomlaUpdateOptions).length) {
 212    Joomla.Update.password = JoomlaUpdateOptions.password;
 213    Joomla.Update.totalsize = JoomlaUpdateOptions.totalsize;
 214    Joomla.Update.ajax_url = JoomlaUpdateOptions.ajax_url;
 215    Joomla.Update.return_url = JoomlaUpdateOptions.return_url;
 216    Joomla.Update.startExtract();
 217  }

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer