countSignatures()) { throw new LogicException('No signature.'); } $data = []; $this->checkPayloadEncoding($jws); if (false === $jws->isPayloadDetached()) { $data['payload'] = $jws->getEncodedPayload(); } $data['signatures'] = []; foreach ($jws->getSignatures() as $signature) { $tmp = ['signature' => Base64Url::encode($signature->getSignature())]; $values = [ 'protected' => $signature->getEncodedProtectedHeader(), 'header' => $signature->getHeader(), ]; foreach ($values as $key => $value) { if ((is_string($value) && '' !== $value) || (is_array($value) && 0 !== count($value))) { $tmp[$key] = $value; } } $data['signatures'][] = $tmp; } return JsonConverter::encode($data); } /** * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the input is not supported */ public function unserialize(string $input): JWS { $data = JsonConverter::decode($input); if (!isset($data['signatures'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported input.'); } $isPayloadEncoded = null; $rawPayload = $data['payload'] ?? null; $signatures = []; foreach ($data['signatures'] as $signature) { if (!isset($signature['signature'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported input.'); } [$encodedProtectedHeader, $protectedHeader, $header] = $this->processHeaders($signature); $signatures[] = [ 'signature' => Base64Url::decode($signature['signature']), 'protected' => $protectedHeader, 'encoded_protected' => $encodedProtectedHeader, 'header' => $header, ]; $isPayloadEncoded = $this->processIsPayloadEncoded($isPayloadEncoded, $protectedHeader); } $payload = $this->processPayload($rawPayload, $isPayloadEncoded); $jws = new JWS($payload, $rawPayload); foreach ($signatures as $signature) { $jws = $jws->addSignature( $signature['signature'], $signature['protected'], $signature['encoded_protected'], $signature['header'] ); } return $jws; } /** * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the payload encoding is invalid */ private function processIsPayloadEncoded(?bool $isPayloadEncoded, array $protectedHeader): bool { if (null === $isPayloadEncoded) { return $this->isPayloadEncoded($protectedHeader); } if ($this->isPayloadEncoded($protectedHeader) !== $isPayloadEncoded) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Foreign payload encoding detected.'); } return $isPayloadEncoded; } private function processHeaders(array $signature): array { $encodedProtectedHeader = $signature['protected'] ?? null; $protectedHeader = null === $encodedProtectedHeader ? [] : JsonConverter::decode(Base64Url::decode($encodedProtectedHeader)); $header = array_key_exists('header', $signature) ? $signature['header'] : []; return [$encodedProtectedHeader, $protectedHeader, $header]; } private function processPayload(?string $rawPayload, ?bool $isPayloadEncoded): ?string { if (null === $rawPayload) { return null; } return false === $isPayloadEncoded ? $rawPayload : Base64Url::decode($rawPayload); } // @throws LogicException if the payload encoding is invalid private function checkPayloadEncoding(JWS $jws): void { if ($jws->isPayloadDetached()) { return; } $is_encoded = null; foreach ($jws->getSignatures() as $signature) { if (null === $is_encoded) { $is_encoded = $this->isPayloadEncoded($signature->getProtectedHeader()); } if (false === $jws->isPayloadDetached()) { if ($is_encoded !== $this->isPayloadEncoded($signature->getProtectedHeader())) { throw new LogicException('Foreign payload encoding detected.'); } } } } }