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/libraries/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/ -> JWSVerifier.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

JWSVerifier:: (9 methods):

Class: JWSVerifier  - X-Ref

__construct(AlgorithmManager $signatureAlgorithmManager)   X-Ref
JWSVerifier constructor.

getSignatureAlgorithmManager()   X-Ref
Returns the algorithm manager associated to the JWSVerifier.

verifyWithKey(JWS $jws, JWK $jwk, int $signature, ?string $detachedPayload = null)   X-Ref
This method will try to verify the JWS object using the given key and for the given signature.
It returns true if the signature is verified, otherwise false.

return: bool true if the verification of the signature succeeded, else false

verifyWithKeySet(JWS $jws, JWKSet $jwkset, int $signatureIndex, ?string $detachedPayload = null, JWK &$jwk = null)   X-Ref
This method will try to verify the JWS object using the given key set and for the given signature.
It returns true if the signature is verified, otherwise false.

param: JWS         $jws             A JWS object
param: JWKSet      $jwkset          The signature will be verified using keys in the key set
param: JWK         $jwk             The key used to verify the signature in case of success
param: null|string $detachedPayload If not null, the value must be the detached payload encoded in Base64 URL safe. If the input contains a payload, throws an exception.
return: bool true if the verification of the signature succeeded, else false

verifySignature(JWS $jws, JWKSet $jwkset, Signature $signature, ?string $detachedPayload = null, JWK &$successJwk = null)   X-Ref
No description

getInputToVerify(JWS $jws, Signature $signature, ?string $detachedPayload)   X-Ref
No description

checkPayload(JWS $jws, ?string $detachedPayload = null)   X-Ref

getAlgorithm(Signature $signature)   X-Ref

return: MacAlgorithm|SignatureAlgorithm

isPayloadEmpty(?string $payload)   X-Ref
No description

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