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/libraries/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/ -> JWSLoader.php (summary)

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File Size: 124 lines (4 kb)
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Defines 1 class

JWSLoader:: (7 methods):

Class: JWSLoader  - X-Ref

__construct(JWSSerializerManager $serializerManager, JWSVerifier $jwsVerifier, ?HeaderCheckerManager $headerCheckerManager)   X-Ref
JWSLoader constructor.

getJwsVerifier()   X-Ref
Returns the JWSVerifier associated to the JWSLoader.

getHeaderCheckerManager()   X-Ref
Returns the Header Checker Manager associated to the JWSLoader.

getSerializerManager()   X-Ref
Returns the JWSSerializer associated to the JWSLoader.

loadAndVerifyWithKey(string $token, JWK $key, ?int &$signature, ?string $payload = null)   X-Ref
This method will try to load and verify the token using the given key.
It returns a JWS and will populate the $signature variable in case of success, otherwise an exception is thrown.

loadAndVerifyWithKeySet(string $token, JWKSet $keyset, ?int &$signature, ?string $payload = null)   X-Ref
This method will try to load and verify the token using the given key set.
It returns a JWS and will populate the $signature variable in case of success, otherwise an exception is thrown.

processSignature(JWS $jws, JWKSet $keyset, int $signature, ?string $payload)   X-Ref
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