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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/libraries/vendor/web-token/jwt-core/Util/ -> BigInteger.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 231 lines (5 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

BigInteger:: (19 methods):

Class: BigInteger  - X-Ref

__construct(BrickBigInteger $value)   X-Ref
Holds the BigInteger's value.

createFromBinaryString(string $value)   X-Ref

return: BigInteger

createFromDecimal(int $value)   X-Ref

return: BigInteger

createFromBigInteger(BrickBigInteger $value)   X-Ref

return: BigInteger

toBytes()   X-Ref
Converts a BigInteger to a binary string.

add(self $y)   X-Ref
Adds two BigIntegers.

param: BigInteger $y
return: BigInteger

subtract(self $y)   X-Ref
Subtracts two BigIntegers.

param: BigInteger $y
return: BigInteger

multiply(self $x)   X-Ref
Multiplies two BigIntegers.

param: BigInteger $x
return: BigInteger

divide(self $x)   X-Ref
Divides two BigIntegers.

param: BigInteger $x
return: BigInteger

modPow(self $e, self $n)   X-Ref
Performs modular exponentiation.

param: BigInteger $e
param: BigInteger $n
return: BigInteger

mod(self $d)   X-Ref
Performs modular exponentiation.

param: BigInteger $d
return: BigInteger

modInverse(BigInteger $m)   X-Ref
No description

compare(self $y)   X-Ref
Compares two numbers.

param: BigInteger $y

equals(self $y)   X-Ref

param: BigInteger $y

random(self $y)   X-Ref

param: BigInteger $y
return: BigInteger

gcd(self $y)   X-Ref

param: BigInteger $y
return: BigInteger

lowerThan(self $y)   X-Ref

param: BigInteger $y

isEven()   X-Ref
No description

get()   X-Ref
No description

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