createRequest('GET', $uri); foreach ($additionalHeaders as $k => $v) { $request = $request->withHeader($k, $v); } $response = $client->sendRequest($request); Assertion::eq(200, $response->getStatusCode(), sprintf('Unable to contact the server. Response code is %d', $response->getStatusCode())); $content = $response->getBody()->getContents(); Assertion::notEmpty($content, 'Unable to contact the server. The response has no content'); return $content; } private static function getJwsPayload(string $token): string { $jws = (new CompactSerializer())->unserialize($token); Assertion::eq(1, $jws->countSignatures(), 'Invalid response from the metadata service. Only one signature shall be present.'); $signature = $jws->getSignature(0); $payload = $jws->getPayload(); Assertion::notEmpty($payload, 'Invalid response from the metadata service. The token payload is empty.'); $header = $signature->getProtectedHeader(); Assertion::keyExists($header, 'alg', 'The "alg" parameter is missing.'); Assertion::eq($header['alg'], 'ES256', 'The expected "alg" parameter value should be "ES256".'); Assertion::keyExists($header, 'x5c', 'The "x5c" parameter is missing.'); Assertion::isArray($header['x5c'], 'The "x5c" parameter should be an array.'); $key = JWKFactory::createFromX5C($header['x5c']); $algorithm = new ES256(); $isValid = $algorithm->verify($key, $signature->getEncodedProtectedHeader().'.'.$jws->getEncodedPayload(), $signature->getSignature()); Assertion::true($isValid, 'Invalid response from the metadata service. The token signature is invalid.'); return $jws->getPayload(); } }