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/libraries/vendor/wamania/php-stemmer/src/Stemmer/ -> Spanish.php (summary)

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File Size: 348 lines (13 kb)
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Defines 1 class

Spanish:: (7 methods):

Class: Spanish  - X-Ref

stem($word)   X-Ref

step0()   X-Ref
Step 0: Attached pronoun

Search for the longest among the following suffixes
me   se   sela   selo   selas   selos   la   le   lo   las   les   los   nos

and delete it, if comes after one of
(a) iéndo   ándo   ár   ér   ír
(b) ando   iendo   ar   er   ir
(c) yendo following u

in RV. In the case of (c), yendo must lie in RV, but the preceding u can be outside it.
In the case of (a), deletion is followed by removing the acute accent (for example, haciéndola -> haciendo).

step1()   X-Ref
Step 1

step2a()   X-Ref
Step 2a: Verb suffixes beginning y

step2b()   X-Ref
Step 2b: Other verb suffixes
Search for the longest among the following suffixes in RV, and perform the action indicated.

step3()   X-Ref
Step 3: residual suffix
Search for the longest among the following suffixes in RV, and perform the action indicated.

finish()   X-Ref
And finally:
Remove acute accents

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