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/libraries/vendor/wamania/php-stemmer/src/Stemmer/ -> Russian.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

Russian:: (7 methods):

Class: Russian  - X-Ref

stem($word)   X-Ref

step1()   X-Ref
Step 1: Search for a PERFECTIVE GERUND ending. If one is found remove it, and that is then the end of step 1.
Otherwise try and remove a REFLEXIVE ending, and then search in turn for (1) an ADJECTIVAL, (2) a VERB or (3) a NOUN ending.
As soon as one of the endings (1) to (3) is found remove it, and terminate step 1.

step2()   X-Ref
Step 2: If the word ends with и (i), remove it.

step3()   X-Ref
Step 3: Search for a DERIVATIONAL ending in R2 (i.e. the entire ending must lie in R2),
and if one is found, remove it.

step4()   X-Ref
Step 4: (1) Undouble н (n), or, (2) if the word ends with a SUPERLATIVE ending, remove it
and undouble н (n), or (3) if the word ends ь (') (soft sign) remove it.

rv()   X-Ref
In any word, RV is the region after the first vowel, or the end of the word if it contains no vowel.

checkGroup1($position)   X-Ref
group 1 endings must follow а (a) or я (ia)

param: integer $position
return: boolean

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