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/libraries/vendor/voku/portable-utf8/src/voku/helper/ -> UTF8.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  declare(strict_types=1);
   5  namespace voku\helper;
   7  /**
   8   * @psalm-immutable
   9   */
  10  final class UTF8
  11  {
  12      /**
  13       * (CRLF|([ZWNJ-ZWJ]|T+|L*(LV?V+|LV|LVT)T*|L+|[^Control])[Extend]*|[Control])
  14       * This regular expression is a work around for http://bugs.exim.org/1279
  15       *
  16       * @deprecated <p>please don't use it anymore</p>
  17       */
  18      const GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_RX = "(?:\r\n|(?:[ -~\x{200C}\x{200D}]|[ᆨ-ᇹ]+|[ᄀ-ᅟ]*(?:[가개갸걔거게겨계고과괘괴교구궈궤귀규그긔기까깨꺄꺠꺼께껴꼐꼬꽈꽤꾀꾜꾸꿔꿰뀌뀨끄끠끼나내냐냬너네녀녜노놔놰뇌뇨누눠눼뉘뉴느늬니다대댜댸더데뎌뎨도돠돼되됴두둬뒈뒤듀드듸디따때땨떄떠떼뗘뗴또똬뙈뙤뚀뚜뚸뛔뛰뜌뜨띄띠라래랴럐러레려례로롸뢔뢰료루뤄뤠뤼류르릐리마매먀먜머메며몌모뫄뫠뫼묘무뭐뭬뮈뮤므믜미바배뱌뱨버베벼볘보봐봬뵈뵤부붜붸뷔뷰브븨비빠빼뺘뺴뻐뻬뼈뼤뽀뽜뽸뾔뾰뿌뿨쀄쀠쀼쁘쁴삐사새샤섀서세셔셰소솨쇄쇠쇼수숴쉐쉬슈스싀시싸쌔쌰썌써쎄쎠쎼쏘쏴쐐쐬쑈쑤쒀쒜쒸쓔쓰씌씨아애야얘어에여예오와왜외요우워웨위유으의이자재쟈쟤저제져졔조좌좨죄죠주줘줴쥐쥬즈즤지짜째쨔쨰쩌쩨쪄쪠쪼쫘쫴쬐쬬쭈쭤쮀쮜쮸쯔쯰찌차채챠챼처체쳐쳬초촤쵀최쵸추춰췌취츄츠츼치카캐캬컈커케켜켸코콰쾌쾨쿄쿠쿼퀘퀴큐크킈키타태탸턔터테텨톄토톼퇘퇴툐투퉈퉤튀튜트틔티파패퍄퍠퍼페펴폐포퐈퐤푀표푸풔풰퓌퓨프픠피하해햐햬허헤혀혜호화홰회효후훠훼휘휴흐희히]?[ᅠ-ᆢ]+|[가-힣])[ᆨ-ᇹ]*|[ᄀ-ᅟ]+|[^\p{Cc}\p{Cf}\p{Zl}\p{Zp}])[\p{Mn}\p{Me}\x{09BE}\x{09D7}\x{0B3E}\x{0B57}\x{0BBE}\x{0BD7}\x{0CC2}\x{0CD5}\x{0CD6}\x{0D3E}\x{0D57}\x{0DCF}\x{0DDF}\x{200C}\x{200D}\x{1D165}\x{1D16E}-\x{1D172}]*|[\p{Cc}\p{Cf}\p{Zl}\p{Zp}])";
  20      /**
  21       * Bom => Byte-Length
  22       *
  23       * INFO: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark
  24       *
  25       * @var array<string, int>
  26       */
  27      private static $BOM = [
  28          "\xef\xbb\xbf"     => 3, // UTF-8 BOM
  29          ''              => 6, // UTF-8 BOM as "WINDOWS-1252" (one char has [maybe] more then one byte ...)
  30          "\x00\x00\xfe\xff" => 4, // UTF-32 (BE) BOM
  31          '  þÿ'             => 6, // UTF-32 (BE) BOM as "WINDOWS-1252"
  32          "\xff\xfe\x00\x00" => 4, // UTF-32 (LE) BOM
  33          'ÿþ  '             => 6, // UTF-32 (LE) BOM as "WINDOWS-1252"
  34          "\xfe\xff"         => 2, // UTF-16 (BE) BOM
  35          'þÿ'               => 4, // UTF-16 (BE) BOM as "WINDOWS-1252"
  36          "\xff\xfe"         => 2, // UTF-16 (LE) BOM
  37          'ÿþ'               => 4, // UTF-16 (LE) BOM as "WINDOWS-1252"
  38      ];
  40      /**
  41       * Numeric code point => UTF-8 Character
  42       *
  43       * url: http://www.w3schools.com/charsets/ref_utf_punctuation.asp
  44       *
  45       * @var array<int, string>
  46       */
  47      private static $WHITESPACE = [
  48          // NULL Byte
  49          0 => "\x0",
  50          // Tab
  51          9 => "\x9",
  52          // New Line
  53          10 => "\xa",
  54          // Vertical Tab
  55          11 => "\xb",
  56          // Carriage Return
  57          13 => "\xd",
  58          // Ordinary Space
  59          32 => "\x20",
  60          // NO-BREAK SPACE
  61          160 => "\xc2\xa0",
  62          // OGHAM SPACE MARK
  63          5760 => "\xe1\x9a\x80",
  65          6158 => "\xe1\xa0\x8e",
  66          // EN QUAD
  67          8192 => "\xe2\x80\x80",
  68          // EM QUAD
  69          8193 => "\xe2\x80\x81",
  70          // EN SPACE
  71          8194 => "\xe2\x80\x82",
  72          // EM SPACE
  73          8195 => "\xe2\x80\x83",
  74          // THREE-PER-EM SPACE
  75          8196 => "\xe2\x80\x84",
  76          // FOUR-PER-EM SPACE
  77          8197 => "\xe2\x80\x85",
  78          // SIX-PER-EM SPACE
  79          8198 => "\xe2\x80\x86",
  80          // FIGURE SPACE
  81          8199 => "\xe2\x80\x87",
  82          // PUNCTUATION SPACE
  83          8200 => "\xe2\x80\x88",
  84          // THIN SPACE
  85          8201 => "\xe2\x80\x89",
  86          // HAIR SPACE
  87          8202 => "\xe2\x80\x8a",
  88          // LINE SEPARATOR
  89          8232 => "\xe2\x80\xa8",
  90          // PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR
  91          8233 => "\xe2\x80\xa9",
  92          // NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE
  93          8239 => "\xe2\x80\xaf",
  95          8287 => "\xe2\x81\x9f",
  97          65440 => "\xef\xbe\xa0",
  98          // IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
  99          12288 => "\xe3\x80\x80",
 100      ];
 102      /**
 103       * @var array<string, string>
 104       */
 105      private static $WHITESPACE_TABLE = [
 106          'SPACE'                     => "\x20",
 107          'NO-BREAK SPACE'            => "\xc2\xa0",
 108          'OGHAM SPACE MARK'          => "\xe1\x9a\x80",
 109          'EN QUAD'                   => "\xe2\x80\x80",
 110          'EM QUAD'                   => "\xe2\x80\x81",
 111          'EN SPACE'                  => "\xe2\x80\x82",
 112          'EM SPACE'                  => "\xe2\x80\x83",
 113          'THREE-PER-EM SPACE'        => "\xe2\x80\x84",
 114          'FOUR-PER-EM SPACE'         => "\xe2\x80\x85",
 115          'SIX-PER-EM SPACE'          => "\xe2\x80\x86",
 116          'FIGURE SPACE'              => "\xe2\x80\x87",
 117          'PUNCTUATION SPACE'         => "\xe2\x80\x88",
 118          'THIN SPACE'                => "\xe2\x80\x89",
 119          'HAIR SPACE'                => "\xe2\x80\x8a",
 120          'LINE SEPARATOR'            => "\xe2\x80\xa8",
 121          'PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR'       => "\xe2\x80\xa9",
 122          'ZERO WIDTH SPACE'          => "\xe2\x80\x8b",
 123          'NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE'     => "\xe2\x80\xaf",
 124          'MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE' => "\xe2\x81\x9f",
 125          'IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE'         => "\xe3\x80\x80",
 126          'HALFWIDTH HANGUL FILLER'   => "\xef\xbe\xa0",
 127      ];
 129      /**
 130       * @var array
 131       *
 132       * @phpstan-var array{upper: string[], lower: string[]}
 133       */
 134      private static $COMMON_CASE_FOLD = [
 135          'upper' => [
 136              'µ',
 137              'ſ',
 138              "\xCD\x85",
 139              'ς',
 140              'ẞ',
 141              "\xCF\x90",
 142              "\xCF\x91",
 143              "\xCF\x95",
 144              "\xCF\x96",
 145              "\xCF\xB0",
 146              "\xCF\xB1",
 147              "\xCF\xB5",
 148              "\xE1\xBA\x9B",
 149              "\xE1\xBE\xBE",
 150          ],
 151          'lower' => [
 152              'μ',
 153              's',
 154              'ι',
 155              'σ',
 156              'ß',
 157              'β',
 158              'θ',
 159              'φ',
 160              'π',
 161              'κ',
 162              'ρ',
 163              'ε',
 164              "\xE1\xB9\xA1",
 165              'ι',
 166          ],
 167      ];
 169      /**
 170       * @var array
 171       *
 172       * @phpstan-var array<string, mixed>
 173       */
 174      private static $SUPPORT = [];
 176      /**
 177       * @var string[]|null
 178       *
 179       * @phpstan-var array<string, string>|null
 180       */
 181      private static $BROKEN_UTF8_FIX;
 183      /**
 184       * @var string[]|null
 185       *
 186       * @phpstan-var array<int, string>|null
 187       */
 188      private static $WIN1252_TO_UTF8;
 190      /**
 191       * @var string[]|null
 192       *
 193       * @phpstan-var array<int ,string>|null
 194       */
 195      private static $INTL_TRANSLITERATOR_LIST;
 197      /**
 198       * @var string[]|null
 199       *
 200       * @phpstan-var array<string>|null
 201       */
 202      private static $ENCODINGS;
 204      /**
 205       * @var int[]|null
 206       *
 207       * @phpstan-var array<string ,int>|null
 208       */
 209      private static $ORD;
 211      /**
 212       * @var string[]|null
 213       *
 214       * @phpstan-var array<string, string>|null
 215       */
 216      private static $EMOJI;
 218      /**
 219       * @var string[]|null
 220       *
 221       * @phpstan-var array<string>|null
 222       */
 223      private static $EMOJI_VALUES_CACHE;
 225      /**
 226       * @var string[]|null
 227       *
 228       * @phpstan-var array<string>|null
 229       */
 230      private static $EMOJI_KEYS_CACHE;
 232      /**
 233       * @var string[]|null
 234       *
 235       * @phpstan-var array<string>|null
 236       */
 237      private static $EMOJI_KEYS_REVERSIBLE_CACHE;
 239      /**
 240       * @var string[]|null
 241       *
 242       * @phpstan-var array<int, string>|null
 243       */
 244      private static $CHR;
 246      /**
 247       * __construct()
 248       */
 249      public function __construct()
 250      {
 251      }
 253      /**
 254       * Return the character at the specified position: $str[1] like functionality.
 255       *
 256       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::access('fòô', 1); // 'ò'</code>
 257       *
 258       * @param string $str      <p>A UTF-8 string.</p>
 259       * @param int    $pos      <p>The position of character to return.</p>
 260       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
 261       *
 262       * @psalm-pure
 263       *
 264       * @return string
 265       *                <p>Single multi-byte character.</p>
 266       */
 267      public static function access(string $str, int $pos, string $encoding = 'UTF-8'): string
 268      {
 269          if ($str === '' || $pos < 0) {
 270              return '';
 271          }
 273          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
 274              return (string) \mb_substr($str, $pos, 1);
 275          }
 277          return (string) self::substr($str, $pos, 1, $encoding);
 278      }
 280      /**
 281       * Prepends UTF-8 BOM character to the string and returns the whole string.
 282       *
 283       * INFO: If BOM already existed there, the Input string is returned.
 284       *
 285       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::add_bom_to_string('fòô'); // "\xEF\xBB\xBF" . 'fòô'</code>
 286       *
 287       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
 288       *
 289       * @psalm-pure
 290       *
 291       * @return string
 292       *                <p>The output string that contains BOM.</p>
 293       */
 294      public static function add_bom_to_string(string $str): string
 295      {
 296          if (!self::string_has_bom($str)) {
 297              $str = self::bom() . $str;
 298          }
 300          return $str;
 301      }
 303      /**
 304       * Changes all keys in an array.
 305       *
 306       * @param array<string, mixed> $array    <p>The array to work on</p>
 307       * @param int                  $case     [optional] <p> Either <strong>CASE_UPPER</strong><br>
 308       *                                       or <strong>CASE_LOWER</strong> (default)</p>
 309       * @param string               $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
 310       *
 311       * @psalm-pure
 312       *
 313       * @return string[]
 314       *                  <p>An array with its keys lower- or uppercased.</p>
 315       */
 316      public static function array_change_key_case(
 317          array $array,
 318          int $case = \CASE_LOWER,
 319          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
 320      ): array {
 321          if (
 322              $case !== \CASE_LOWER
 323              &&
 324              $case !== \CASE_UPPER
 325          ) {
 326              $case = \CASE_LOWER;
 327          }
 329          $return = [];
 330          foreach ($array as $key => &$value) {
 331              $key = $case === \CASE_LOWER
 332                  ? self::strtolower((string) $key, $encoding)
 333                  : self::strtoupper((string) $key, $encoding);
 335              $return[$key] = $value;
 336          }
 338          return $return;
 339      }
 341      /**
 342       * Returns the substring between $start and $end, if found, or an empty
 343       * string. An optional offset may be supplied from which to begin the
 344       * search for the start string.
 345       *
 346       * @param string $str
 347       * @param string $start    <p>Delimiter marking the start of the substring.</p>
 348       * @param string $end      <p>Delimiter marking the end of the substring.</p>
 349       * @param int    $offset   [optional] <p>Index from which to begin the search. Default: 0</p>
 350       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
 351       *
 352       * @psalm-pure
 353       *
 354       * @return string
 355       */
 356      public static function between(
 357          string $str,
 358          string $start,
 359          string $end,
 360          int $offset = 0,
 361          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
 362      ): string {
 363          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
 364              $start_position = \mb_strpos($str, $start, $offset);
 365              if ($start_position === false) {
 366                  return '';
 367              }
 369              $substr_index = $start_position + (int) \mb_strlen($start);
 370              $end_position = \mb_strpos($str, $end, $substr_index);
 371              if (
 372                  $end_position === false
 373                  ||
 374                  $end_position === $substr_index
 375              ) {
 376                  return '';
 377              }
 379              return (string) \mb_substr($str, $substr_index, $end_position - $substr_index);
 380          }
 382          $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
 384          $start_position = self::strpos($str, $start, $offset, $encoding);
 385          if ($start_position === false) {
 386              return '';
 387          }
 389          $substr_index = $start_position + (int) self::strlen($start, $encoding);
 390          $end_position = self::strpos($str, $end, $substr_index, $encoding);
 391          if (
 392              $end_position === false
 393              ||
 394              $end_position === $substr_index
 395          ) {
 396              return '';
 397          }
 399          return (string) self::substr(
 400              $str,
 401              $substr_index,
 402              $end_position - $substr_index,
 403              $encoding
 404          );
 405      }
 407      /**
 408       * Convert binary into a string.
 409       *
 410       * INFO: opposite to UTF8::str_to_binary()
 411       *
 412       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::binary_to_str('11110000100111111001100010000011'); // '😃'</code>
 413       *
 414       * @param string $bin 1|0
 415       *
 416       * @psalm-pure
 417       *
 418       * @return string
 419       */
 420      public static function binary_to_str($bin): string
 421      {
 422          if (!isset($bin[0])) {
 423              return '';
 424          }
 426          $convert = \base_convert($bin, 2, 16);
 427          if ($convert === '0') {
 428              return '';
 429          }
 431          return \pack('H*', $convert);
 432      }
 434      /**
 435       * Returns the UTF-8 Byte Order Mark Character.
 436       *
 437       * INFO: take a look at UTF8::$bom for e.g. UTF-16 and UTF-32 BOM values
 438       *
 439       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::bom(); // "\xEF\xBB\xBF"</code>
 440       *
 441       * @psalm-pure
 442       *
 443       * @return string
 444       *                <p>UTF-8 Byte Order Mark.</p>
 445       */
 446      public static function bom(): string
 447      {
 448          return "\xef\xbb\xbf";
 449      }
 451      /**
 452       * @alias of UTF8::chr_map()
 453       *
 454       * @param callable $callback
 455       * @param string   $str
 456       *
 457       * @psalm-pure
 458       *
 459       * @return string[]
 460       *
 461       * @see   UTF8::chr_map()
 462       */
 463      public static function callback($callback, string $str): array
 464      {
 465          return self::chr_map($callback, $str);
 466      }
 468      /**
 469       * Returns the character at $index, with indexes starting at 0.
 470       *
 471       * @param string $str      <p>The input string.</p>
 472       * @param int    $index    <p>Position of the character.</p>
 473       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Default is UTF-8</p>
 474       *
 475       * @psalm-pure
 476       *
 477       * @return string
 478       *                <p>The character at $index.</p>
 479       */
 480      public static function char_at(string $str, int $index, string $encoding = 'UTF-8'): string
 481      {
 482          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
 483              return (string) \mb_substr($str, $index, 1);
 484          }
 486          return (string) self::substr($str, $index, 1, $encoding);
 487      }
 489      /**
 490       * Returns an array consisting of the characters in the string.
 491       *
 492       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
 493       *
 494       * @psalm-pure
 495       *
 496       * @return string[]
 497       *                  <p>An array of chars.</p>
 498       */
 499      public static function chars(string $str): array
 500      {
 501          /** @var string[] */
 502          return self::str_split($str);
 503      }
 505      /**
 506       * This method will auto-detect your server environment for UTF-8 support.
 507       *
 508       * @return true|null
 509       *
 510       * @internal <p>You don't need to run it manually, it will be triggered if it's needed.</p>
 511       */
 512      public static function checkForSupport()
 513      {
 514          if (!isset(self::$SUPPORT['already_checked_via_portable_utf8'])) {
 515              self::$SUPPORT['already_checked_via_portable_utf8'] = true;
 517              // http://php.net/manual/en/book.mbstring.php
 518              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] = self::mbstring_loaded();
 520              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring_func_overload'] = self::mbstring_overloaded();
 521              if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
 522                  \mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8');
 523                  /** @noinspection UnusedFunctionResultInspection */
 524                  /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
 525                  \mb_regex_encoding('UTF-8');
 526                  self::$SUPPORT['mbstring_internal_encoding'] = 'UTF-8';
 527              }
 529              // http://php.net/manual/en/book.iconv.php
 530              self::$SUPPORT['iconv'] = self::iconv_loaded();
 532              // http://php.net/manual/en/book.intl.php
 533              self::$SUPPORT['intl'] = self::intl_loaded();
 535              // http://php.net/manual/en/class.intlchar.php
 536              self::$SUPPORT['intlChar'] = self::intlChar_loaded();
 538              // http://php.net/manual/en/book.ctype.php
 539              self::$SUPPORT['ctype'] = self::ctype_loaded();
 541              // http://php.net/manual/en/class.finfo.php
 542              self::$SUPPORT['finfo'] = self::finfo_loaded();
 544              // http://php.net/manual/en/book.json.php
 545              self::$SUPPORT['json'] = self::json_loaded();
 547              // http://php.net/manual/en/book.pcre.php
 548              self::$SUPPORT['pcre_utf8'] = self::pcre_utf8_support();
 550              self::$SUPPORT['symfony_polyfill_used'] = self::symfony_polyfill_used();
 551              if (self::$SUPPORT['symfony_polyfill_used'] === true) {
 552                  \mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8');
 553                  self::$SUPPORT['mbstring_internal_encoding'] = 'UTF-8';
 554              }
 556              return true;
 557          }
 559          return null;
 560      }
 562      /**
 563       * Generates a UTF-8 encoded character from the given code point.
 564       *
 565       * INFO: opposite to UTF8::ord()
 566       *
 567       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::chr(0x2603); // '☃'</code>
 568       *
 569       * @param int    $code_point <p>The code point for which to generate a character.</p>
 570       * @param string $encoding   [optional] <p>Default is UTF-8</p>
 571       *
 572       * @psalm-pure
 573       *
 574       * @return string|null
 575       *                     <p>Multi-byte character, returns null on failure or empty input.</p>
 576       */
 577      public static function chr($code_point, string $encoding = 'UTF-8')
 578      {
 579          // init
 580          /**
 581           * @psalm-suppress ImpureStaticVariable
 582           *
 583           * @var array<string,string>
 584           */
 585          static $CHAR_CACHE = [];
 587          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
 588              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
 589          }
 591          /** @noinspection InArrayCanBeUsedInspection */
 592          if (
 593              $encoding !== 'UTF-8'
 594              &&
 595              $encoding !== 'ISO-8859-1'
 596              &&
 597              $encoding !== 'WINDOWS-1252'
 598              &&
 599              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false
 600          ) {
 601              /**
 602               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
 603               */
 604              \trigger_error('UTF8::chr() without mbstring cannot handle "' . $encoding . '" encoding', \E_USER_WARNING);
 605          }
 607          if (!\is_int($code_point) || $code_point <= 0) {
 608              return null;
 609          }
 611          $cache_key = $code_point . '_' . $encoding;
 612          if (isset($CHAR_CACHE[$cache_key])) {
 613              return $CHAR_CACHE[$cache_key];
 614          }
 616          if ($code_point <= 0x80) { // only for "simple"-chars
 618              if (self::$CHR === null) {
 619                  self::$CHR = self::getData('chr');
 620              }
 622              /**
 623               * @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullArrayAccess
 624               */
 625              $chr = self::$CHR[$code_point];
 627              if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8') {
 628                  $chr = self::encode($encoding, $chr);
 629              }
 631              return $CHAR_CACHE[$cache_key] = $chr;
 632          }
 634          //
 635          // fallback via "IntlChar"
 636          //
 638          if (self::$SUPPORT['intlChar'] === true) {
 639              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
 640              $chr = \IntlChar::chr($code_point);
 642              if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8') {
 643                  $chr = self::encode($encoding, $chr);
 644              }
 646              return $CHAR_CACHE[$cache_key] = $chr;
 647          }
 649          //
 650          // fallback via vanilla php
 651          //
 653          if (self::$CHR === null) {
 654              self::$CHR = self::getData('chr');
 655          }
 657          $code_point = (int) $code_point;
 658          if ($code_point <= 0x7FF) {
 659              /**
 660               * @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullArrayAccess
 661               */
 662              $chr = self::$CHR[($code_point >> 6) + 0xC0] .
 663                     self::$CHR[($code_point & 0x3F) + 0x80];
 664          } elseif ($code_point <= 0xFFFF) {
 665              /**
 666               * @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullArrayAccess
 667               */
 668              $chr = self::$CHR[($code_point >> 12) + 0xE0] .
 669                     self::$CHR[(($code_point >> 6) & 0x3F) + 0x80] .
 670                     self::$CHR[($code_point & 0x3F) + 0x80];
 671          } else {
 672              /**
 673               * @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullArrayAccess
 674               */
 675              $chr = self::$CHR[($code_point >> 18) + 0xF0] .
 676                     self::$CHR[(($code_point >> 12) & 0x3F) + 0x80] .
 677                     self::$CHR[(($code_point >> 6) & 0x3F) + 0x80] .
 678                     self::$CHR[($code_point & 0x3F) + 0x80];
 679          }
 681          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8') {
 682              $chr = self::encode($encoding, $chr);
 683          }
 685          return $CHAR_CACHE[$cache_key] = $chr;
 686      }
 688      /**
 689       * Applies callback to all characters of a string.
 690       *
 691       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::chr_map([UTF8::class, 'strtolower'], 'Κόσμε'); // ['κ','ό', 'σ', 'μ', 'ε']</code>
 692       *
 693       * @param callable $callback <p>The callback function.</p>
 694       * @param string   $str      <p>UTF-8 string to run callback on.</p>
 695       *
 696       * @psalm-pure
 697       *
 698       * @return string[]
 699       *                  <p>The outcome of the callback, as array.</p>
 700       */
 701      public static function chr_map($callback, string $str): array
 702      {
 703          return \array_map(
 704              $callback,
 705              self::str_split($str)
 706          );
 707      }
 709      /**
 710       * Generates an array of byte length of each character of a Unicode string.
 711       *
 712       * 1 byte => U+0000  - U+007F
 713       * 2 byte => U+0080  - U+07FF
 714       * 3 byte => U+0800  - U+FFFF
 715       * 4 byte => U+10000 - U+10FFFF
 716       *
 717       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::chr_size_list('中文空白-test'); // [3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]</code>
 718       *
 719       * @param string $str <p>The original unicode string.</p>
 720       *
 721       * @psalm-pure
 722       *
 723       * @return int[]
 724       *               <p>An array of byte lengths of each character.</p>
 725       */
 726      public static function chr_size_list(string $str): array
 727      {
 728          if ($str === '') {
 729              return [];
 730          }
 732          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring_func_overload'] === true) {
 733              return \array_map(
 734                  static function (string $data): int {
 735                      // "mb_" is available if overload is used, so use it ...
 736                      return \mb_strlen($data, 'CP850'); // 8-BIT
 737                  },
 738                  self::str_split($str)
 739              );
 740          }
 742          return \array_map('\strlen', self::str_split($str));
 743      }
 745      /**
 746       * Get a decimal code representation of a specific character.
 747       *
 748       * INFO: opposite to UTF8::decimal_to_chr()
 749       *
 750       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::chr_to_decimal('§'); // 0xa7</code>
 751       *
 752       * @param string $char <p>The input character.</p>
 753       *
 754       * @psalm-pure
 755       *
 756       * @return int
 757       */
 758      public static function chr_to_decimal(string $char): int
 759      {
 760          if (self::$SUPPORT['iconv'] === true) {
 761              $chr_tmp = \iconv('UTF-8', 'UCS-4LE', $char);
 762              if ($chr_tmp !== false) {
 763                  /** @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection */
 764                  return \unpack('V', $chr_tmp)[1];
 765              }
 766          }
 768          $code = self::ord($char[0]);
 769          $bytes = 1;
 771          if (!($code & 0x80)) {
 772              // 0xxxxxxx
 773              return $code;
 774          }
 776          if (($code & 0xe0) === 0xc0) {
 777              // 110xxxxx
 778              $bytes = 2;
 779              $code &= ~0xc0;
 780          } elseif (($code & 0xf0) === 0xe0) {
 781              // 1110xxxx
 782              $bytes = 3;
 783              $code &= ~0xe0;
 784          } elseif (($code & 0xf8) === 0xf0) {
 785              // 11110xxx
 786              $bytes = 4;
 787              $code &= ~0xf0;
 788          }
 790          for ($i = 2; $i <= $bytes; ++$i) {
 791              // 10xxxxxx
 792              $code = ($code << 6) + (self::ord($char[$i - 1]) & ~0x80);
 793          }
 795          return $code;
 796      }
 798      /**
 799       * Get hexadecimal code point (U+xxxx) of a UTF-8 encoded character.
 800       *
 801       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::chr_to_hex('§'); // U+00a7</code>
 802       *
 803       * @param int|string $char   <p>The input character</p>
 804       * @param string     $prefix [optional]
 805       *
 806       * @psalm-pure
 807       *
 808       * @return string
 809       *                <p>The code point encoded as U+xxxx.</p>
 810       */
 811      public static function chr_to_hex($char, string $prefix = 'U+'): string
 812      {
 813          if ($char === '') {
 814              return '';
 815          }
 817          if ($char === '&#0;') {
 818              $char = '';
 819          }
 821          return self::int_to_hex(self::ord((string) $char), $prefix);
 822      }
 824      /**
 825       * alias for "UTF8::chr_to_decimal()"
 826       *
 827       * @param string $chr
 828       *
 829       * @psalm-pure
 830       *
 831       * @return int
 832       *
 833       * @see        UTF8::chr_to_decimal()
 834       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::chr_to_decimal()"</p>
 835       */
 836      public static function chr_to_int(string $chr): int
 837      {
 838          return self::chr_to_decimal($chr);
 839      }
 841      /**
 842       * Splits a string into smaller chunks and multiple lines, using the specified line ending character.
 843       *
 844       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::chunk_split('ABC-ÖÄÜ-中文空白-κόσμε', 3); // "ABC\r\n-ÖÄ\r\nÜ-中\r\n文空白\r\n-κό\r\nσμε"</code>
 845       *
 846       * @param string $body         <p>The original string to be split.</p>
 847       * @param int    $chunk_length [optional] <p>The maximum character length of a chunk.</p>
 848       * @param string $end          [optional] <p>The character(s) to be inserted at the end of each chunk.</p>
 849       *
 850       * @psalm-pure
 851       *
 852       * @return string
 853       *                <p>The chunked string.</p>
 854       */
 855      public static function chunk_split(string $body, int $chunk_length = 76, string $end = "\r\n"): string
 856      {
 857          return \implode($end, self::str_split($body, $chunk_length));
 858      }
 860      /**
 861       * Accepts a string and removes all non-UTF-8 characters from it + extras if needed.
 862       *
 863       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::clean("\xEF\xBB\xBF„Abcdef\xc2\xa0\x20…” — 😃 - Düsseldorf", true, true); // '„Abcdef  …” — 😃 - Düsseldorf'</code>
 864       *
 865       * @param string $str                                     <p>The string to be sanitized.</p>
 866       * @param bool   $remove_bom                              [optional] <p>Set to true, if you need to remove
 867       *                                                        UTF-BOM.</p>
 868       * @param bool   $normalize_whitespace                    [optional] <p>Set to true, if you need to normalize the
 869       *                                                        whitespace.</p>
 870       * @param bool   $normalize_msword                        [optional] <p>Set to true, if you need to normalize MS
 871       *                                                        Word chars e.g.: "…"
 872       *                                                        => "..."</p>
 873       * @param bool   $keep_non_breaking_space                 [optional] <p>Set to true, to keep non-breaking-spaces,
 874       *                                                        in
 875       *                                                        combination with
 876       *                                                        $normalize_whitespace</p>
 877       * @param bool   $replace_diamond_question_mark           [optional] <p>Set to true, if you need to remove diamond
 878       *                                                        question mark e.g.: "�"</p>
 879       * @param bool   $remove_invisible_characters             [optional] <p>Set to false, if you not want to remove
 880       *                                                        invisible characters e.g.: "\0"</p>
 881       * @param bool   $remove_invisible_characters_url_encoded [optional] <p>Set to true, if you not want to remove
 882       *                                                        invisible url encoded characters e.g.: "%0B"<br> WARNING:
 883       *                                                        maybe contains false-positives e.g. aa%0Baa -> aaaa.
 884       *                                                        </p>
 885       *
 886       * @psalm-pure
 887       *
 888       * @return string
 889       *                <p>An clean UTF-8 encoded string.</p>
 890       *
 891       * @noinspection PhpTooManyParametersInspection
 892       */
 893      public static function clean(
 894          string $str,
 895          bool $remove_bom = false,
 896          bool $normalize_whitespace = false,
 897          bool $normalize_msword = false,
 898          bool $keep_non_breaking_space = false,
 899          bool $replace_diamond_question_mark = false,
 900          bool $remove_invisible_characters = true,
 901          bool $remove_invisible_characters_url_encoded = false
 902      ): string {
 903          // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1401317/remove-non-utf8-characters-from-string
 904          // caused connection reset problem on larger strings
 906          $regex = '/
 907            (
 908              (?: [\x00-\x7F]               # single-byte sequences   0xxxxxxx
 909              |   [\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]    # double-byte sequences   110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
 910              |   [\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # triple-byte sequences   1110xxxx 10xxxxxx * 2
 911              |   [\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF]{3} # quadruple-byte sequence 11110xxx 10xxxxxx * 3
 912              ){1,100}                      # ...one or more times
 913            )
 914          | ( [\x80-\xBF] )                 # invalid byte in range 10000000 - 10111111
 915          | ( [\xC0-\xFF] )                 # invalid byte in range 11000000 - 11111111
 916          /x';
 917          /** @noinspection NotOptimalRegularExpressionsInspection */
 918          $str = (string) \preg_replace($regex, '$1', $str);
 920          if ($replace_diamond_question_mark) {
 921              $str = self::replace_diamond_question_mark($str);
 922          }
 924          if ($remove_invisible_characters) {
 925              $str = self::remove_invisible_characters($str, $remove_invisible_characters_url_encoded);
 926          }
 928          if ($normalize_whitespace) {
 929              $str = self::normalize_whitespace($str, $keep_non_breaking_space);
 930          }
 932          if ($normalize_msword) {
 933              $str = self::normalize_msword($str);
 934          }
 936          if ($remove_bom) {
 937              $str = self::remove_bom($str);
 938          }
 940          return $str;
 941      }
 943      /**
 944       * Clean-up a string and show only printable UTF-8 chars at the end  + fix UTF-8 encoding.
 945       *
 946       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::cleanup("\xEF\xBB\xBF„Abcdef\xc2\xa0\x20…” — 😃 - Düsseldorf", true, true); // '„Abcdef  …” — 😃 - Düsseldorf'</code>
 947       *
 948       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
 949       *
 950       * @psalm-pure
 951       *
 952       * @return string
 953       */
 954      public static function cleanup($str): string
 955      {
 956          // init
 957          $str = (string) $str;
 959          if ($str === '') {
 960              return '';
 961          }
 963          // fixed ISO <-> UTF-8 Errors
 964          $str = self::fix_simple_utf8($str);
 966          // remove all none UTF-8 symbols
 967          // && remove diamond question mark (�)
 968          // && remove remove invisible characters (e.g. "\0")
 969          // && remove BOM
 970          // && normalize whitespace chars (but keep non-breaking-spaces)
 971          return self::clean(
 972              $str,
 973              true,
 974              true,
 975              false,
 976              true,
 977              true
 978          );
 979      }
 981      /**
 982       * Accepts a string or a array of strings and returns an array of Unicode code points.
 983       *
 984       * INFO: opposite to UTF8::string()
 985       *
 986       * EXAMPLE: <code>
 987       * UTF8::codepoints('κöñ'); // array(954, 246, 241)
 988       * // ... OR ...
 989       * UTF8::codepoints('κöñ', true); // array('U+03ba', 'U+00f6', 'U+00f1')
 990       * </code>
 991       *
 992       * @param string|string[] $arg         <p>A UTF-8 encoded string or an array of such strings.</p>
 993       * @param bool            $use_u_style <p>If True, will return code points in U+xxxx format,
 994       *                                     default, code points will be returned as integers.</p>
 995       *
 996       * @psalm-pure
 997       *
 998       * @return int[]|string[]
 999       *                        <p>
1000       *                        The array of code points:<br>
1001       *                        int[] for $u_style === false<br>
1002       *                        string[] for $u_style === true<br>
1003       *                        </p>
1004       */
1005      public static function codepoints($arg, bool $use_u_style = false): array
1006      {
1007          if (\is_string($arg)) {
1008              $arg = self::str_split($arg);
1009          }
1011          /**
1012           * @psalm-suppress DocblockTypeContradiction
1013           */
1014          if (!\is_array($arg)) {
1015              return [];
1016          }
1018          if ($arg === []) {
1019              return [];
1020          }
1022          $arg = \array_map(
1023              [
1024                  self::class,
1025                  'ord',
1026              ],
1027              $arg
1028          );
1030          if ($use_u_style) {
1031              $arg = \array_map(
1032                  [
1033                      self::class,
1034                      'int_to_hex',
1035                  ],
1036                  $arg
1037              );
1038          }
1040          return $arg;
1041      }
1043      /**
1044       * Trims the string and replaces consecutive whitespace characters with a
1045       * single space. This includes tabs and newline characters, as well as
1046       * multibyte whitespace such as the thin space and ideographic space.
1047       *
1048       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
1049       *
1050       * @psalm-pure
1051       *
1052       * @return string
1053       *                <p>A string with trimmed $str and condensed whitespace.</p>
1054       */
1055      public static function collapse_whitespace(string $str): string
1056      {
1057          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
1058              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
1059              return \trim((string) \mb_ereg_replace('[[:space:]]+', ' ', $str));
1060          }
1062          return \trim(self::regex_replace($str, '[[:space:]]+', ' '));
1063      }
1065      /**
1066       * Returns count of characters used in a string.
1067       *
1068       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::count_chars('κaκbκc'); // array('κ' => 3, 'a' => 1, 'b' => 1, 'c' => 1)</code>
1069       *
1070       * @param string $str                     <p>The input string.</p>
1071       * @param bool   $clean_utf8              [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
1072       * @param bool   $try_to_use_mb_functions [optional] <p>Set to false, if you don't want to use
1073       *
1074       * @psalm-pure
1075       *
1076       * @return int[]
1077       *               <p>An associative array of Character as keys and
1078       *               their count as values.</p>
1079       */
1080      public static function count_chars(
1081          string $str,
1082          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
1083          bool $try_to_use_mb_functions = true
1084      ): array {
1085          return \array_count_values(
1086              self::str_split(
1087                  $str,
1088                  1,
1089                  $clean_utf8,
1090                  $try_to_use_mb_functions
1091              )
1092          );
1093      }
1095      /**
1096       * Create a valid CSS identifier for e.g. "class"- or "id"-attributes.
1097       *
1098       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::css_identifier('123foo/bar!!!'); // _23foo-bar</code>
1099       *
1100       * copy&past from https://github.com/drupal/core/blob/8.8.x/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/Html.php#L95
1101       *
1102       * @param string   $str        <p>INFO: if no identifier is given e.g. " " or "", we will create a unique string automatically</p>
1103       * @param string[] $filter
1104       * @param bool     $strip_tags
1105       * @param bool     $strtolower
1106       *
1107       * @psalm-pure
1108       *
1109       * @return string
1110       *
1111       * @phpstan-param array<string,string> $filter
1112       */
1113      public static function css_identifier(
1114          string $str = '',
1115          array $filter = [
1116              ' ' => '-',
1117              '/' => '-',
1118              '[' => '',
1119              ']' => '',
1120          ],
1121          bool $strip_tags = false,
1122          bool $strtolower = true
1123      ): string {
1124          // We could also use strtr() here but its much slower than str_replace(). In
1125          // order to keep '__' to stay '__' we first replace it with a different
1126          // placeholder after checking that it is not defined as a filter.
1127          $double_underscore_replacements = 0;
1129          // Fallback ...
1130          if (\trim($str) === '') {
1131              $str = \uniqid('auto-generated-css-class', true);
1132          } else {
1133              $str = self::clean($str);
1134          }
1136          if ($strip_tags) {
1137              $str = \strip_tags($str);
1138          }
1140          if ($strtolower) {
1141              $str = \strtolower($str);
1142          }
1144          if (!isset($filter['__'])) {
1145              $str = \str_replace('__', '##', $str, $double_underscore_replacements);
1146          }
1148          /* @noinspection ArrayValuesMissUseInspection */
1149          $str = \str_replace(\array_keys($filter), \array_values($filter), $str);
1150          // Replace temporary placeholder '##' with '__' only if the original
1151          // $identifier contained '__'.
1152          if ($double_underscore_replacements > 0) {
1153              $str = \str_replace('##', '__', $str);
1154          }
1156          // Valid characters in a CSS identifier are:
1157          // - the hyphen (U+002D)
1158          // - a-z (U+0030 - U+0039)
1159          // - A-Z (U+0041 - U+005A)
1160          // - the underscore (U+005F)
1161          // - 0-9 (U+0061 - U+007A)
1162          // - ISO 10646 characters U+00A1 and higher
1163          // We strip out any character not in the above list.
1164          $str = (string) \preg_replace('/[^\x{002D}\x{0030}-\x{0039}\x{0041}-\x{005A}\x{005F}\x{0061}-\x{007A}\x{00A1}-\x{FFFF}]/u', '', $str);
1165          // Identifiers cannot start with a digit, two hyphens, or a hyphen followed by a digit.
1166          $str = (string) \preg_replace(['/^[0-9]/', '/^(-[0-9])|^(--)/'], ['_', '__'], $str);
1168          return \trim($str, '-');
1169      }
1171      /**
1172       * Remove css media-queries.
1173       *
1174       * @param string $str
1175       *
1176       * @psalm-pure
1177       *
1178       * @return string
1179       */
1180      public static function css_stripe_media_queries(string $str): string
1181      {
1182          return (string) \preg_replace(
1183              '#@media\\s+(?:only\\s)?(?:[\\s{(]|screen|all)\\s?[^{]+{.*}\\s*}\\s*#isumU',
1184              '',
1185              $str
1186          );
1187      }
1189      /**
1190       * Checks whether ctype is available on the server.
1191       *
1192       * @psalm-pure
1193       *
1194       * @return bool
1195       *              <p><strong>true</strong> if available, <strong>false</strong> otherwise</p>
1196       *
1197       * @internal <p>Please do not use it anymore, we will make is private in next major version.</p>
1198       */
1199      public static function ctype_loaded(): bool
1200      {
1201          return \extension_loaded('ctype');
1202      }
1204      /**
1205       * Converts an int value into a UTF-8 character.
1206       *
1207       * INFO: opposite to UTF8::string()
1208       *
1209       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::decimal_to_chr(931); // 'Σ'</code>
1210       *
1211       * @param int|string $int
1212       *
1213       * @phpstan-param int|numeric-string $int
1214       *
1215       * @psalm-pure
1216       *
1217       * @return string
1218       */
1219      public static function decimal_to_chr($int): string
1220      {
1221          return self::html_entity_decode('&#' . $int . ';', \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_HTML5);
1222      }
1224      /**
1225       * Decodes a MIME header field
1226       *
1227       * @param string $str
1228       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
1229       *
1230       * @psalm-pure
1231       *
1232       * @return false|string
1233       *                      <p>A decoded MIME field on success,
1234       *                      or false if an error occurs during the decoding.</p>
1235       */
1236      public static function decode_mimeheader($str, string $encoding = 'UTF-8')
1237      {
1238          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
1239              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
1240          }
1242          // always fallback via symfony polyfill
1243          return \iconv_mime_decode($str, \ICONV_MIME_DECODE_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR, $encoding);
1244      }
1246      /**
1247       * Convert any two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1) to the corresponding Emoji.
1248       *
1249       * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1
1250       *
1251       * @param string $country_code_iso_3166_1 <p>e.g. DE</p>
1252       *
1253       * @return string
1254       *                <p>Emoji or empty string on error.</p>
1255       */
1256      public static function emoji_from_country_code(string $country_code_iso_3166_1): string
1257      {
1258          if ($country_code_iso_3166_1 === '') {
1259              return '';
1260          }
1262          if (self::strlen($country_code_iso_3166_1) !== 2) {
1263              return '';
1264          }
1266          $country_code_iso_3166_1 = \strtoupper($country_code_iso_3166_1);
1268          $flagOffset = 0x1F1E6;
1269          $asciiOffset = 0x41;
1271          return (self::chr((self::ord($country_code_iso_3166_1[0]) - $asciiOffset + $flagOffset)) ?? '') .
1272                 (self::chr((self::ord($country_code_iso_3166_1[1]) - $asciiOffset + $flagOffset)) ?? '');
1273      }
1275      /**
1276       * Decodes a string which was encoded by "UTF8::emoji_encode()".
1277       *
1278       * INFO: opposite to UTF8::emoji_encode()
1279       *
1280       * EXAMPLE: <code>
1281       * UTF8::emoji_decode('foo CHARACTER_OGRE', false); // 'foo 👹'
1282       * //
1283       * UTF8::emoji_decode('foo _-_PORTABLE_UTF8_-_308095726_-_627590803_-_8FTU_ELBATROP_-_', true); // 'foo 👹'
1284       * </code>
1285       *
1286       * @param string $str                            <p>The input string.</p>
1287       * @param bool   $use_reversible_string_mappings [optional] <p>
1288       *                                               When <b>TRUE</b>, we se a reversible string mapping
1289       *                                               between "emoji_encode" and "emoji_decode".</p>
1290       *
1291       * @psalm-pure
1292       *
1293       * @return string
1294       */
1295      public static function emoji_decode(
1296          string $str,
1297          bool $use_reversible_string_mappings = false
1298      ): string {
1299          self::initEmojiData();
1301          if ($use_reversible_string_mappings) {
1302              return (string) \str_replace(
1303                  (array) self::$EMOJI_KEYS_REVERSIBLE_CACHE,
1304                  (array) self::$EMOJI_VALUES_CACHE,
1305                  $str
1306              );
1307          }
1309          return (string) \str_replace(
1310              (array) self::$EMOJI_KEYS_CACHE,
1311              (array) self::$EMOJI_VALUES_CACHE,
1312              $str
1313          );
1314      }
1316      /**
1317       * Encode a string with emoji chars into a non-emoji string.
1318       *
1319       * INFO: opposite to UTF8::emoji_decode()
1320       *
1321       * EXAMPLE: <code>
1322       * UTF8::emoji_encode('foo 👹', false)); // 'foo CHARACTER_OGRE'
1323       * //
1324       * UTF8::emoji_encode('foo 👹', true)); // 'foo _-_PORTABLE_UTF8_-_308095726_-_627590803_-_8FTU_ELBATROP_-_'
1325       * </code>
1326       *
1327       * @param string $str                            <p>The input string</p>
1328       * @param bool   $use_reversible_string_mappings [optional] <p>
1329       *                                               when <b>TRUE</b>, we use a reversible string mapping
1330       *                                               between "emoji_encode" and "emoji_decode"</p>
1331       *
1332       * @psalm-pure
1333       *
1334       * @return string
1335       */
1336      public static function emoji_encode(
1337          string $str,
1338          bool $use_reversible_string_mappings = false
1339      ): string {
1340          self::initEmojiData();
1342          if ($use_reversible_string_mappings) {
1343              return (string) \str_replace(
1344                  (array) self::$EMOJI_VALUES_CACHE,
1345                  (array) self::$EMOJI_KEYS_REVERSIBLE_CACHE,
1346                  $str
1347              );
1348          }
1350          return (string) \str_replace(
1351              (array) self::$EMOJI_VALUES_CACHE,
1352              (array) self::$EMOJI_KEYS_CACHE,
1353              $str
1354          );
1355      }
1357      /**
1358       * Encode a string with a new charset-encoding.
1359       *
1360       * INFO:  This function will also try to fix broken / double encoding,
1361       *        so you can call this function also on a UTF-8 string and you don't mess up the string.
1362       *
1363       * EXAMPLE: <code>
1364       * UTF8::encode('ISO-8859-1', '-ABC-中文空白-'); // '-ABC-????-'
1365       * //
1366       * UTF8::encode('UTF-8', '-ABC-中文空白-'); // '-ABC-中文空白-'
1367       * //
1368       * UTF8::encode('HTML', '-ABC-中文空白-'); // '-ABC-&#20013;&#25991;&#31354;&#30333;-'
1369       * //
1370       * UTF8::encode('BASE64', '-ABC-中文空白-'); // 'LUFCQy3kuK3mlofnqbrnmb0t'
1371       * </code>
1372       *
1373       * @param string $to_encoding                   <p>e.g. 'UTF-16', 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', etc.</p>
1374       * @param string $str                           <p>The input string</p>
1375       * @param bool   $auto_detect_the_from_encoding [optional] <p>Force the new encoding (we try to fix broken / double
1376       *                                              encoding for UTF-8)<br> otherwise we auto-detect the current
1377       *                                              string-encoding</p>
1378       * @param string $from_encoding                 [optional] <p>e.g. 'UTF-16', 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', etc.<br>
1379       *                                              A empty string will trigger the autodetect anyway.</p>
1380       *
1381       * @psalm-pure
1382       *
1383       * @return string
1384       *
1385       * @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnStatement
1386       */
1387      public static function encode(
1388          string $to_encoding,
1389          string $str,
1390          bool $auto_detect_the_from_encoding = true,
1391          string $from_encoding = ''
1392      ): string {
1393          if ($str === '' || $to_encoding === '') {
1394              return $str;
1395          }
1397          if ($to_encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $to_encoding !== 'CP850') {
1398              $to_encoding = self::normalize_encoding($to_encoding, 'UTF-8');
1399          }
1401          if ($from_encoding && $from_encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $from_encoding !== 'CP850') {
1402              $from_encoding = self::normalize_encoding($from_encoding);
1403          }
1405          if (
1406              $to_encoding
1407              &&
1408              $from_encoding
1409              &&
1410              $from_encoding === $to_encoding
1411          ) {
1412              return $str;
1413          }
1415          if ($to_encoding === 'JSON') {
1416              $return = self::json_encode($str);
1417              if ($return === false) {
1418                  throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The input string [' . $str . '] can not be used for json_encode().');
1419              }
1421              return $return;
1422          }
1423          if ($from_encoding === 'JSON') {
1424              $str = self::json_decode($str);
1425              $from_encoding = '';
1426          }
1428          if ($to_encoding === 'BASE64') {
1429              return \base64_encode($str);
1430          }
1431          if ($from_encoding === 'BASE64') {
1432              $str = \base64_decode($str, true);
1433              $from_encoding = '';
1434          }
1436          if ($to_encoding === 'HTML-ENTITIES') {
1437              return self::html_encode($str, true);
1438          }
1439          if ($from_encoding === 'HTML-ENTITIES') {
1440              $str = self::html_entity_decode($str, \ENT_COMPAT);
1441              $from_encoding = '';
1442          }
1444          $from_encoding_auto_detected = false;
1445          if (
1446              $auto_detect_the_from_encoding
1447              ||
1448              !$from_encoding
1449          ) {
1450              $from_encoding_auto_detected = self::str_detect_encoding($str);
1451          }
1453          // DEBUG
1454          //var_dump($to_encoding, $from_encoding, $from_encoding_auto_detected, $str, "\n\n");
1456          if ($from_encoding_auto_detected !== false) {
1457              /** @noinspection CallableParameterUseCaseInTypeContextInspection - FP */
1458              $from_encoding = $from_encoding_auto_detected;
1459          } elseif ($auto_detect_the_from_encoding) {
1460              // fallback for the "autodetect"-mode
1461              return self::to_utf8($str);
1462          }
1464          if (
1465              !$from_encoding
1466              ||
1467              $from_encoding === $to_encoding
1468          ) {
1469              return $str;
1470          }
1472          if (
1473              $to_encoding === 'UTF-8'
1474              &&
1475              (
1476                  $from_encoding === 'WINDOWS-1252'
1477                  ||
1478                  $from_encoding === 'ISO-8859-1'
1479              )
1480          ) {
1481              return self::to_utf8($str);
1482          }
1484          if (
1485              $to_encoding === 'ISO-8859-1'
1486              &&
1487              (
1488                  $from_encoding === 'WINDOWS-1252'
1489                  ||
1490                  $from_encoding === 'UTF-8'
1491              )
1492          ) {
1493              return self::to_iso8859($str);
1494          }
1496          /** @noinspection InArrayCanBeUsedInspection */
1497          if (
1498              $to_encoding !== 'UTF-8'
1499              &&
1500              $to_encoding !== 'ISO-8859-1'
1501              &&
1502              $to_encoding !== 'WINDOWS-1252'
1503              &&
1504              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false
1505          ) {
1506              /**
1507               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
1508               */
1509              \trigger_error('UTF8::encode() without mbstring cannot handle "' . $to_encoding . '" encoding', \E_USER_WARNING);
1510          }
1512          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
1513              // warning: do not use the symfony polyfill here
1514              $str_encoded = \mb_convert_encoding(
1515                  $str,
1516                  $to_encoding,
1517                  $from_encoding
1518              );
1520              if ($str_encoded) {
1521                  \assert(\is_string($str_encoded));
1523                  return $str_encoded;
1524              }
1525          }
1527          /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection - Detected an incomplete multibyte character in input string */
1528          $return = @\iconv($from_encoding, $to_encoding, $str);
1529          if ($return !== false) {
1530              return $return;
1531          }
1533          return $str;
1534      }
1536      /**
1537       * @param string $str
1538       * @param string $from_charset      [optional] <p>Set the input charset.</p>
1539       * @param string $to_charset        [optional] <p>Set the output charset.</p>
1540       * @param string $transfer_encoding [optional] <p>Set the transfer encoding.</p>
1541       * @param string $linefeed          [optional] <p>Set the used linefeed.</p>
1542       * @param int    $indent            [optional] <p>Set the max length indent.</p>
1543       *
1544       * @psalm-pure
1545       *
1546       * @return false|string
1547       *                      <p>An encoded MIME field on success,
1548       *                      or false if an error occurs during the encoding.</p>
1549       */
1550      public static function encode_mimeheader(
1551          string $str,
1552          string $from_charset = 'UTF-8',
1553          string $to_charset = 'UTF-8',
1554          string $transfer_encoding = 'Q',
1555          string $linefeed = "\r\n",
1556          int $indent = 76
1557      ) {
1558          if ($from_charset !== 'UTF-8' && $from_charset !== 'CP850') {
1559              $from_charset = self::normalize_encoding($from_charset, 'UTF-8');
1560          }
1562          if ($to_charset !== 'UTF-8' && $to_charset !== 'CP850') {
1563              $to_charset = self::normalize_encoding($to_charset, 'UTF-8');
1564          }
1566          // always fallback via symfony polyfill
1567          return \iconv_mime_encode(
1568              '',
1569              $str,
1570              [
1571                  'scheme'           => $transfer_encoding,
1572                  'line-length'      => $indent,
1573                  'input-charset'    => $from_charset,
1574                  'output-charset'   => $to_charset,
1575                  'line-break-chars' => $linefeed,
1576              ]
1577          );
1578      }
1580      /**
1581       * Create an extract from a sentence, so if the search-string was found, it try to centered in the output.
1582       *
1583       * @param string   $str                       <p>The input string.</p>
1584       * @param string   $search                    <p>The searched string.</p>
1585       * @param int|null $length                    [optional] <p>Default: null === text->length / 2</p>
1586       * @param string   $replacer_for_skipped_text [optional] <p>Default: …</p>
1587       * @param string   $encoding                  [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
1588       *
1589       * @psalm-pure
1590       *
1591       * @return string
1592       */
1593      public static function extract_text(
1594          string $str,
1595          string $search = '',
1596          int $length = null,
1597          string $replacer_for_skipped_text = '…',
1598          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
1599      ): string {
1600          if ($str === '') {
1601              return '';
1602          }
1604          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
1605              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
1606          }
1608          $trim_chars = "\t\r\n -_()!~?=+/*\\,.:;\"'[]{}`&";
1610          if ($length === null) {
1611              $length = (int) \round((int) self::strlen($str, $encoding) / 2);
1612          }
1614          if ($search === '') {
1615              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
1616                  if ($length > 0) {
1617                      $string_length = (int) \mb_strlen($str);
1618                      $end = ($length - 1) > $string_length ? $string_length : ($length - 1);
1619                  } else {
1620                      $end = 0;
1621                  }
1623                  $pos = (int) \min(
1624                      \mb_strpos($str, ' ', $end),
1625                      \mb_strpos($str, '.', $end)
1626                  );
1627              } else {
1628                  if ($length > 0) {
1629                      $string_length = (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding);
1630                      $end = ($length - 1) > $string_length ? $string_length : ($length - 1);
1631                  } else {
1632                      $end = 0;
1633                  }
1635                  $pos = (int) \min(
1636                      self::strpos($str, ' ', $end, $encoding),
1637                      self::strpos($str, '.', $end, $encoding)
1638                  );
1639              }
1641              if ($pos) {
1642                  if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
1643                      $str_sub = \mb_substr($str, 0, $pos);
1644                  } else {
1645                      $str_sub = self::substr($str, 0, $pos, $encoding);
1646                  }
1648                  if ($str_sub === false) {
1649                      return '';
1650                  }
1652                  return \rtrim($str_sub, $trim_chars) . $replacer_for_skipped_text;
1653              }
1655              return $str;
1656          }
1658          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
1659              $word_position = (int) \mb_stripos($str, $search);
1660              $half_side = (int) ($word_position - $length / 2 + (int) \mb_strlen($search) / 2);
1661          } else {
1662              $word_position = (int) self::stripos($str, $search, 0, $encoding);
1663              $half_side = (int) ($word_position - $length / 2 + (int) self::strlen($search, $encoding) / 2);
1664          }
1666          $pos_start = 0;
1667          if ($half_side > 0) {
1668              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
1669                  $half_text = \mb_substr($str, 0, $half_side);
1670              } else {
1671                  $half_text = self::substr($str, 0, $half_side, $encoding);
1672              }
1673              if ($half_text !== false) {
1674                  if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
1675                      $pos_start = (int) \max(
1676                          \mb_strrpos($half_text, ' '),
1677                          \mb_strrpos($half_text, '.')
1678                      );
1679                  } else {
1680                      $pos_start = (int) \max(
1681                          self::strrpos($half_text, ' ', 0, $encoding),
1682                          self::strrpos($half_text, '.', 0, $encoding)
1683                      );
1684                  }
1685              }
1686          }
1688          if ($word_position && $half_side > 0) {
1689              $offset = $pos_start + $length - 1;
1690              $real_length = (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding);
1692              if ($offset > $real_length) {
1693                  $offset = $real_length;
1694              }
1696              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
1697                  $pos_end = (int) \min(
1698                      \mb_strpos($str, ' ', $offset),
1699                      \mb_strpos($str, '.', $offset)
1700                  ) - $pos_start;
1701              } else {
1702                  $pos_end = (int) \min(
1703                      self::strpos($str, ' ', $offset, $encoding),
1704                      self::strpos($str, '.', $offset, $encoding)
1705                  ) - $pos_start;
1706              }
1708              if (!$pos_end || $pos_end <= 0) {
1709                  if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
1710                      $str_sub = \mb_substr($str, $pos_start, (int) \mb_strlen($str));
1711                  } else {
1712                      $str_sub = self::substr($str, $pos_start, (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding), $encoding);
1713                  }
1714                  if ($str_sub !== false) {
1715                      $extract = $replacer_for_skipped_text . \ltrim($str_sub, $trim_chars);
1716                  } else {
1717                      $extract = '';
1718                  }
1719              } else {
1720                  if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
1721                      $str_sub = \mb_substr($str, $pos_start, $pos_end);
1722                  } else {
1723                      $str_sub = self::substr($str, $pos_start, $pos_end, $encoding);
1724                  }
1725                  if ($str_sub !== false) {
1726                      $extract = $replacer_for_skipped_text . \trim($str_sub, $trim_chars) . $replacer_for_skipped_text;
1727                  } else {
1728                      $extract = '';
1729                  }
1730              }
1731          } else {
1732              $offset = $length - 1;
1733              $true_length = (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding);
1735              if ($offset > $true_length) {
1736                  $offset = $true_length;
1737              }
1739              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
1740                  $pos_end = (int) \min(
1741                      \mb_strpos($str, ' ', $offset),
1742                      \mb_strpos($str, '.', $offset)
1743                  );
1744              } else {
1745                  $pos_end = (int) \min(
1746                      self::strpos($str, ' ', $offset, $encoding),
1747                      self::strpos($str, '.', $offset, $encoding)
1748                  );
1749              }
1751              if ($pos_end) {
1752                  if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
1753                      $str_sub = \mb_substr($str, 0, $pos_end);
1754                  } else {
1755                      $str_sub = self::substr($str, 0, $pos_end, $encoding);
1756                  }
1757                  if ($str_sub !== false) {
1758                      $extract = \rtrim($str_sub, $trim_chars) . $replacer_for_skipped_text;
1759                  } else {
1760                      $extract = '';
1761                  }
1762              } else {
1763                  $extract = $str;
1764              }
1765          }
1767          return $extract;
1768      }
1770      /**
1771       * Reads entire file into a string.
1772       *
1773       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::file_get_contents('utf16le.txt'); // ...</code>
1774       *
1775       * WARNING: Do not use UTF-8 Option ($convert_to_utf8) for binary files (e.g.: images) !!!
1776       *
1777       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents.php
1778       *
1779       * @param string        $filename         <p>
1780       *                                        Name of the file to read.
1781       *                                        </p>
1782       * @param bool          $use_include_path [optional] <p>
1783       *                                        Prior to PHP 5, this parameter is called
1784       *                                        use_include_path and is a bool.
1785       *                                        As of PHP 5 the FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH can be used
1786       *                                        to trigger include path
1787       *                                        search.
1788       *                                        </p>
1789       * @param resource|null $context          [optional] <p>
1790       *                                        A valid context resource created with
1791       *                                        stream_context_create. If you don't need to use a
1792       *                                        custom context, you can skip this parameter by &null;.
1793       *                                        </p>
1794       * @param int|null      $offset           [optional] <p>
1795       *                                        The offset where the reading starts.
1796       *                                        </p>
1797       * @param int|null      $max_length       [optional] <p>
1798       *                                        Maximum length of data read. The default is to read until end
1799       *                                        of file is reached.
1800       *                                        </p>
1801       * @param int           $timeout          <p>The time in seconds for the timeout.</p>
1802       * @param bool          $convert_to_utf8  <strong>WARNING!!!</strong> <p>Maybe you can't use this option for
1803       *                                        some files, because they used non default utf-8 chars. Binary files
1804       *                                        like images or pdf will not be converted.</p>
1805       * @param string        $from_encoding    [optional] <p>e.g. 'UTF-16', 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', etc.<br>
1806       *                                        A empty string will trigger the autodetect anyway.</p>
1807       *
1808       * @psalm-pure
1809       *
1810       * @return false|string
1811       *                      <p>The function returns the read data as string or <b>false</b> on failure.</p>
1812       *
1813       * @noinspection PhpTooManyParametersInspection
1814       */
1815      public static function file_get_contents(
1816          string $filename,
1817          bool $use_include_path = false,
1818          $context = null,
1819          int $offset = null,
1820          int $max_length = null,
1821          int $timeout = 10,
1822          bool $convert_to_utf8 = true,
1823          string $from_encoding = ''
1824      ) {
1825          // init
1826          $filename = \filter_var($filename, \FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
1827          /** @noinspection CallableParameterUseCaseInTypeContextInspection - FP */
1828          if ($filename === false) {
1829              return false;
1830          }
1832          if ($timeout && $context === null) {
1833              $context = \stream_context_create(
1834                  [
1835                      'http' => [
1836                          'timeout' => $timeout,
1837                      ],
1838                  ]
1839              );
1840          }
1842          if ($offset === null) {
1843              $offset = 0;
1844          }
1846          if (\is_int($max_length)) {
1847              $data = \file_get_contents($filename, $use_include_path, $context, $offset, $max_length);
1848          } else {
1849              $data = \file_get_contents($filename, $use_include_path, $context, $offset);
1850          }
1852          // return false on error
1853          if ($data === false) {
1854              return false;
1855          }
1857          if ($convert_to_utf8) {
1858              if (
1859                  !self::is_binary($data, true)
1860                  ||
1861                  self::is_utf16($data, false) !== false
1862                  ||
1863                  self::is_utf32($data, false) !== false
1864              ) {
1865                  $data = self::encode('UTF-8', $data, false, $from_encoding);
1866                  $data = self::cleanup($data);
1867              }
1868          }
1870          return $data;
1871      }
1873      /**
1874       * Checks if a file starts with BOM (Byte Order Mark) character.
1875       *
1876       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::file_has_bom('utf8_with_bom.txt'); // true</code>
1877       *
1878       * @param string $file_path <p>Path to a valid file.</p>
1879       *
1880       * @throws \RuntimeException if file_get_contents() returned false
1881       *
1882       * @return bool
1883       *              <p><strong>true</strong> if the file has BOM at the start, <strong>false</strong> otherwise</p>
1884       *
1885       * @psalm-pure
1886       */
1887      public static function file_has_bom(string $file_path): bool
1888      {
1889          $file_content = \file_get_contents($file_path);
1890          if ($file_content === false) {
1891              throw new \RuntimeException('file_get_contents() returned false for:' . $file_path);
1892          }
1894          return self::string_has_bom($file_content);
1895      }
1897      /**
1898       * Normalizes to UTF-8 NFC, converting from WINDOWS-1252 when needed.
1899       *
1900       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::filter(array("\xE9", 'à', 'a')); // array('é', 'à', 'a')</code>
1901       *
1902       * @param array|object|string $var
1903       * @param int                 $normalization_form
1904       * @param string              $leading_combining
1905       *
1906       * @psalm-pure
1907       *
1908       * @return mixed
1909       *
1910       * @template TFilter
1911       * @phpstan-param TFilter $var
1912       * @phpstan-return TFilter
1913       */
1914      public static function filter(
1915          $var,
1916          int $normalization_form = \Normalizer::NFC,
1917          string $leading_combining = '◌'
1918      ) {
1919          switch (\gettype($var)) {
1920              case 'object':
1921              case 'array':
1922                  foreach ($var as $k => &$v) {
1923                      $v = self::filter($v, $normalization_form, $leading_combining);
1924                  }
1925                  unset($v);
1927                  break;
1928              case 'string':
1930                  if (\strpos($var, "\r") !== false) {
1931                      $var = self::normalize_line_ending($var);
1932                  }
1934                  if (!ASCII::is_ascii($var)) {
1935                      if (\Normalizer::isNormalized($var, $normalization_form)) {
1936                          $n = '-';
1937                      } else {
1938                          $n = \Normalizer::normalize($var, $normalization_form);
1940                          if (isset($n[0])) {
1941                              $var = $n;
1942                          } else {
1943                              $var = self::encode('UTF-8', $var);
1944                          }
1945                      }
1947                      \assert(\is_string($var));
1948                      if (
1949                          $var[0] >= "\x80"
1950                          &&
1951                          isset($n[0], $leading_combining[0])
1952                          &&
1953                          \preg_match('/^\\p{Mn}/u', $var)
1954                      ) {
1955                          // Prevent leading combining chars
1956                          // for NFC-safe concatenations.
1957                          $var = $leading_combining . $var;
1958                      }
1959                  }
1961                  break;
1962              default:
1963                  // nothing
1964          }
1966          /** @noinspection PhpSillyAssignmentInspection */
1967          /** @phpstan-var TFilter $var */
1968          $var = $var;
1970          return $var;
1971      }
1973      /**
1974       * "filter_input()"-wrapper with normalizes to UTF-8 NFC, converting from WINDOWS-1252 when needed.
1975       *
1976       * Gets a specific external variable by name and optionally filters it.
1977       *
1978       * EXAMPLE: <code>
1979       * // _GET['foo'] = 'bar';
1980       * UTF8::filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'foo', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING)); // 'bar'
1981       * </code>
1982       *
1983       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.filter-input.php
1984       *
1985       * @param int            $type          <p>
1986       *                                      One of <b>INPUT_GET</b>, <b>INPUT_POST</b>,
1987       *                                      <b>INPUT_COOKIE</b>, <b>INPUT_SERVER</b>, or
1988       *                                      <b>INPUT_ENV</b>.
1989       *                                      </p>
1990       * @param string         $variable_name <p>
1991       *                                      Name of a variable to get.
1992       *                                      </p>
1993       * @param int            $filter        [optional] <p>
1994       *                                      The ID of the filter to apply. The
1995       *                                      manual page lists the available filters.
1996       *                                      </p>
1997       * @param int|int[]|null $options       [optional] <p>
1998       *                                      Associative array of options or bitwise disjunction of flags. If filter
1999       *                                      accepts options, flags can be provided in "flags" field of array.
2000       *                                      </p>
2001       *
2002       * @psalm-pure
2003       *
2004       * @return mixed
2005       *               <p>
2006       *               Value of the requested variable on success, <b>FALSE</b> if the filter fails, or <b>NULL</b> if the
2007       *               <i>variable_name</i> variable is not set. If the flag <b>FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE</b> is used, it
2008       *               returns <b>FALSE</b> if the variable is not set and <b>NULL</b> if the filter fails.
2009       *               </p>
2010       */
2011      public static function filter_input(
2012          int $type,
2013          string $variable_name,
2014          int $filter = \FILTER_DEFAULT,
2015          $options = null
2016      ) {
2017          /**
2018           * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - we use func_num_args only for args count matching here
2019           */
2020          if ($options === null || \func_num_args() < 4) {
2021              $var = \filter_input($type, $variable_name, $filter);
2022          } else {
2023              $var = \filter_input($type, $variable_name, $filter, $options);
2024          }
2026          return self::filter($var);
2027      }
2029      /**
2030       * "filter_input_array()"-wrapper with normalizes to UTF-8 NFC, converting from WINDOWS-1252 when needed.
2031       *
2032       * Gets external variables and optionally filters them.
2033       *
2034       * EXAMPLE: <code>
2035       * // _GET['foo'] = 'bar';
2036       * UTF8::filter_input_array(INPUT_GET, array('foo' => 'FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING')); // array('bar')
2037       * </code>
2038       *
2039       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.filter-input-array.php
2040       *
2041       * @param int        $type       <p>
2042       *                               One of <b>INPUT_GET</b>, <b>INPUT_POST</b>,
2043       *                               <b>INPUT_COOKIE</b>, <b>INPUT_SERVER</b>, or
2044       *                               <b>INPUT_ENV</b>.
2045       *                               </p>
2046       * @param array|null $definition [optional] <p>
2047       *                               An array defining the arguments. A valid key is a string
2048       *                               containing a variable name and a valid value is either a filter type, or an array
2049       *                               optionally specifying the filter, flags and options. If the value is an
2050       *                               array, valid keys are filter which specifies the
2051       *                               filter type,
2052       *                               flags which specifies any flags that apply to the
2053       *                               filter, and options which specifies any options that
2054       *                               apply to the filter. See the example below for a better understanding.
2055       *                               </p>
2056       *                               <p>
2057       *                               This parameter can be also an integer holding a filter constant. Then all values in the
2058       *                               input array are filtered by this filter.
2059       *                               </p>
2060       * @param bool       $add_empty  [optional] <p>
2061       *                               Add missing keys as <b>NULL</b> to the return value.
2062       *                               </p>
2063       *
2064       * @psalm-pure
2065       *
2066       * @return mixed
2067       *               <p>
2068       *               An array containing the values of the requested variables on success, or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
2069       *               An array value will be <b>FALSE</b> if the filter fails, or <b>NULL</b> if the variable is not
2070       *               set. Or if the flag <b>FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE</b> is used, it returns <b>FALSE</b> if the variable
2071       *               is not set and <b>NULL</b> if the filter fails.
2072       *               </p>
2073       */
2074      public static function filter_input_array(
2075          int $type,
2076          $definition = null,
2077          bool $add_empty = true
2078      ) {
2079          /**
2080           * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - we use func_num_args only for args count matching here
2081           */
2082          if ($definition === null || \func_num_args() < 2) {
2083              $a = \filter_input_array($type);
2084          } else {
2085              $a = \filter_input_array($type, $definition, $add_empty);
2086          }
2088          return self::filter($a);
2089      }
2091      /**
2092       * "filter_var()"-wrapper with normalizes to UTF-8 NFC, converting from WINDOWS-1252 when needed.
2093       *
2094       * Filters a variable with a specified filter.
2095       *
2096       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::filter_var('-ABC-中文空白-', FILTER_VALIDATE_URL); // false</code>
2097       *
2098       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.filter-var.php
2099       *
2100       * @param float|int|string|null $variable <p>
2101       *                                        Value to filter.
2102       *                                        </p>
2103       * @param int                   $filter   [optional] <p>
2104       *                                        The ID of the filter to apply. The
2105       *                                        manual page lists the available filters.
2106       *                                        </p>
2107       * @param int|int[]|null        $options  [optional] <p>
2108       *                                        Associative array of options or bitwise disjunction of flags. If filter
2109       *                                        accepts options, flags can be provided in "flags" field of array. For
2110       *                                        the "callback" filter, callable type should be passed. The
2111       *                                        callback must accept one argument, the value to be filtered, and return
2112       *                                        the value after filtering/sanitizing it.
2113       *                                        </p>
2114       *                                        <p>
2115       *                                        <code>
2116       *                                        // for filters that accept options, use this format
2117       *                                        $options = array(
2118       *                                        'options' => array(
2119       *                                        'default' => 3, // value to return if the filter fails
2120       *                                        // other options here
2121       *                                        'min_range' => 0
2122       *                                        ),
2123       *                                        'flags' => FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_OCTAL,
2124       *                                        );
2125       *                                        $var = filter_var('0755', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, $options);
2126       *                                        // for filter that only accept flags, you can pass them directly
2127       *                                        $var = filter_var('oops', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE);
2128       *                                        // for filter that only accept flags, you can also pass as an array
2129       *                                        $var = filter_var('oops', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN,
2130       *                                        array('flags' => FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE));
2131       *                                        // callback validate filter
2132       *                                        function foo($value)
2133       *                                        {
2134       *                                        // Expected format: Surname, GivenNames
2135       *                                        if (strpos($value, ", ") === false) return false;
2136       *                                        list($surname, $givennames) = explode(", ", $value, 2);
2137       *                                        $empty = (empty($surname) || empty($givennames));
2138       *                                        $notstrings = (!is_string($surname) || !is_string($givennames));
2139       *                                        if ($empty || $notstrings) {
2140       *                                        return false;
2141       *                                        } else {
2142       *                                        return $value;
2143       *                                        }
2144       *                                        }
2145       *                                        $var = filter_var('Doe, Jane Sue', FILTER_CALLBACK, array('options' => 'foo'));
2146       *                                        </code>
2147       *                                        </p>
2148       *
2149       * @psalm-pure
2150       *
2151       * @return mixed
2152       *               <p>The filtered data, or <b>FALSE</b> if the filter fails.</p>
2153       */
2154      public static function filter_var(
2155          $variable,
2156          int $filter = \FILTER_DEFAULT,
2157          $options = null
2158      ) {
2159          /**
2160           * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - we use func_num_args only for args count matching here
2161           */
2162          if (\func_num_args() < 3) {
2163              $variable = \filter_var($variable, $filter);
2164          } else {
2165              $variable = \filter_var($variable, $filter, $options);
2166          }
2168          return self::filter($variable);
2169      }
2171      /**
2172       * "filter_var_array()"-wrapper with normalizes to UTF-8 NFC, converting from WINDOWS-1252 when needed.
2173       *
2174       * Gets multiple variables and optionally filters them.
2175       *
2176       * EXAMPLE: <code>
2177       * $filters = [
2178       *     'name'  => ['filter'  => FILTER_CALLBACK, 'options' => [UTF8::class, 'ucwords']],
2179       *     'age'   => ['filter'  => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 'options' => ['min_range' => 1, 'max_range' => 120]],
2180       *     'email' => FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL,
2181       * ];
2182       *
2183       * $data = [
2184       *     'name' => 'κόσμε',
2185       *     'age' => '18',
2186       *     'email' => '[email protected]'
2187       * ];
2188       *
2189       * UTF8::filter_var_array($data, $filters, true); // ['name' => 'Κόσμε', 'age' => 18, 'email' => '[email protected]']
2190       * </code>
2191       *
2192       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.filter-var-array.php
2193       *
2194       * @param array<mixed>   $data       <p>
2195       *                                   An array with string keys containing the data to filter.
2196       *                                   </p>
2197       * @param array|int|null $definition [optional] <p>
2198       *                                   An array defining the arguments. A valid key is a string
2199       *                                   containing a variable name and a valid value is either a
2200       *                                   filter type, or an
2201       *                                   array optionally specifying the filter, flags and options.
2202       *                                   If the value is an array, valid keys are filter
2203       *                                   which specifies the filter type,
2204       *                                   flags which specifies any flags that apply to the
2205       *                                   filter, and options which specifies any options that
2206       *                                   apply to the filter. See the example below for a better understanding.
2207       *                                   </p>
2208       *                                   <p>
2209       *                                   This parameter can be also an integer holding a filter constant. Then all values
2210       *                                   in the input array are filtered by this filter.
2211       *                                   </p>
2212       * @param bool           $add_empty  [optional] <p>
2213       *                                   Add missing keys as <b>NULL</b> to the return value.
2214       *                                   </p>
2215       *
2216       * @psalm-pure
2217       *
2218       * @return mixed
2219       *               <p>
2220       *               An array containing the values of the requested variables on success, or <b>FALSE</b> on failure.
2221       *               An array value will be <b>FALSE</b> if the filter fails, or <b>NULL</b> if the variable is not
2222       *               set.
2223       *               </p>
2224       */
2225      public static function filter_var_array(
2226          array $data,
2227          $definition = null,
2228          bool $add_empty = true
2229      ) {
2230          /**
2231           * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - we use func_num_args only for args count matching here
2232           */
2233          if (\func_num_args() < 2) {
2234              $a = \filter_var_array($data);
2235          } else {
2236              $a = \filter_var_array($data, $definition, $add_empty);
2237          }
2239          return self::filter($a);
2240      }
2242      /**
2243       * Checks whether finfo is available on the server.
2244       *
2245       * @psalm-pure
2246       *
2247       * @return bool
2248       *              <p><strong>true</strong> if available, <strong>false</strong> otherwise</p>
2249       *
2250       * @internal <p>Please do not use it anymore, we will make is private in next major version.</p>
2251       */
2252      public static function finfo_loaded(): bool
2253      {
2254          return \class_exists('finfo');
2255      }
2257      /**
2258       * Returns the first $n characters of the string.
2259       *
2260       * @param string $str      <p>The input string.</p>
2261       * @param int    $n        <p>Number of characters to retrieve from the start.</p>
2262       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
2263       *
2264       * @psalm-pure
2265       *
2266       * @return string
2267       */
2268      public static function first_char(
2269          string $str,
2270          int $n = 1,
2271          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
2272      ): string {
2273          if ($str === '' || $n <= 0) {
2274              return '';
2275          }
2277          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
2278              return (string) \mb_substr($str, 0, $n);
2279          }
2281          return (string) self::substr($str, 0, $n, $encoding);
2282      }
2284      /**
2285       * Check if the number of Unicode characters isn't greater than the specified integer.
2286       *
2287       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::fits_inside('κόσμε', 6); // false</code>
2288       *
2289       * @param string $str      the original string to be checked
2290       * @param int    $box_size the size in number of chars to be checked against string
2291       *
2292       * @psalm-pure
2293       *
2294       * @return bool
2295       *              <p><strong>TRUE</strong> if string is less than or equal to $box_size, <strong>FALSE</strong> otherwise.</p>
2296       */
2297      public static function fits_inside(string $str, int $box_size): bool
2298      {
2299          return (int) self::strlen($str) <= $box_size;
2300      }
2302      /**
2303       * Try to fix simple broken UTF-8 strings.
2304       *
2305       * INFO: Take a look at "UTF8::fix_utf8()" if you need a more advanced fix for broken UTF-8 strings.
2306       *
2307       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::fix_simple_utf8('Düsseldorf'); // 'Düsseldorf'</code>
2308       *
2309       * If you received an UTF-8 string that was converted from Windows-1252 as it was ISO-8859-1
2310       * (ignoring Windows-1252 chars from 80 to 9F) use this function to fix it.
2311       * See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows-1252
2312       *
2313       * @param string $str <p>The input string</p>
2314       *
2315       * @psalm-pure
2316       *
2317       * @return string
2318       */
2319      public static function fix_simple_utf8(string $str): string
2320      {
2321          if ($str === '') {
2322              return '';
2323          }
2325          /**
2326           * @psalm-suppress ImpureStaticVariable
2327           *
2328           * @var array<mixed>|null
2329           */
2330          static $BROKEN_UTF8_TO_UTF8_KEYS_CACHE = null;
2332          /**
2333           * @psalm-suppress ImpureStaticVariable
2334           *
2335           * @var array<mixed>|null
2336           */
2337          static $BROKEN_UTF8_TO_UTF8_VALUES_CACHE = null;
2339          if ($BROKEN_UTF8_TO_UTF8_KEYS_CACHE === null) {
2340              if (self::$BROKEN_UTF8_FIX === null) {
2341                  self::$BROKEN_UTF8_FIX = self::getData('utf8_fix');
2342              }
2344              $BROKEN_UTF8_TO_UTF8_KEYS_CACHE = \array_keys(self::$BROKEN_UTF8_FIX);
2345              $BROKEN_UTF8_TO_UTF8_VALUES_CACHE = self::$BROKEN_UTF8_FIX;
2346          }
2348          \assert(\is_array($BROKEN_UTF8_TO_UTF8_VALUES_CACHE));
2350          return \str_replace($BROKEN_UTF8_TO_UTF8_KEYS_CACHE, $BROKEN_UTF8_TO_UTF8_VALUES_CACHE, $str);
2351      }
2353      /**
2354       * Fix a double (or multiple) encoded UTF8 string.
2355       *
2356       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::fix_utf8('Fédération'); // 'Fédération'</code>
2357       *
2358       * @param string|string[] $str you can use a string or an array of strings
2359       *
2360       * @psalm-pure
2361       *
2362       * @return string|string[]
2363       *                         Will return the fixed input-"array" or
2364       *                         the fixed input-"string"
2365       *
2366       * @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnType
2367       */
2368      public static function fix_utf8($str)
2369      {
2370          if (\is_array($str)) {
2371              foreach ($str as $k => &$v) {
2372                  $v = self::fix_utf8($v);
2373              }
2374              unset($v);
2376              /**
2377               * @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnStatement
2378               */
2379              return $str;
2380          }
2382          $str = (string) $str;
2383          $last = '';
2384          while ($last !== $str) {
2385              $last = $str;
2386              /**
2387               * @psalm-suppress PossiblyInvalidArgument
2388               */
2389              $str = self::to_utf8(
2390                  self::utf8_decode($str, true)
2391              );
2392          }
2394          /**
2395           * @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnStatement
2396           */
2397          return $str;
2398      }
2400      /**
2401       * Get character of a specific character.
2402       *
2403       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::getCharDirection('ا'); // 'RTL'</code>
2404       *
2405       * @param string $char
2406       *
2407       * @psalm-pure
2408       *
2409       * @return string
2410       *                <p>'RTL' or 'LTR'.</p>
2411       */
2412      public static function getCharDirection(string $char): string
2413      {
2414          if (self::$SUPPORT['intlChar'] === true) {
2415              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
2416              $tmp_return = \IntlChar::charDirection($char);
2418              // from "IntlChar"-Class
2419              $char_direction = [
2420                  'RTL' => [1, 13, 14, 15, 21],
2421                  'LTR' => [0, 11, 12, 20],
2422              ];
2424              if (\in_array($tmp_return, $char_direction['LTR'], true)) {
2425                  return 'LTR';
2426              }
2428              if (\in_array($tmp_return, $char_direction['RTL'], true)) {
2429                  return 'RTL';
2430              }
2431          }
2433          $c = static::chr_to_decimal($char);
2435          if (!($c >= 0x5be && $c <= 0x10b7f)) {
2436              return 'LTR';
2437          }
2439          if ($c <= 0x85e) {
2440              if ($c === 0x5be ||
2441                  $c === 0x5c0 ||
2442                  $c === 0x5c3 ||
2443                  $c === 0x5c6 ||
2444                  ($c >= 0x5d0 && $c <= 0x5ea) ||
2445                  ($c >= 0x5f0 && $c <= 0x5f4) ||
2446                  $c === 0x608 ||
2447                  $c === 0x60b ||
2448                  $c === 0x60d ||
2449                  $c === 0x61b ||
2450                  ($c >= 0x61e && $c <= 0x64a) ||
2451                  ($c >= 0x66d && $c <= 0x66f) ||
2452                  ($c >= 0x671 && $c <= 0x6d5) ||
2453                  ($c >= 0x6e5 && $c <= 0x6e6) ||
2454                  ($c >= 0x6ee && $c <= 0x6ef) ||
2455                  ($c >= 0x6fa && $c <= 0x70d) ||
2456                  $c === 0x710 ||
2457                  ($c >= 0x712 && $c <= 0x72f) ||
2458                  ($c >= 0x74d && $c <= 0x7a5) ||
2459                  $c === 0x7b1 ||
2460                  ($c >= 0x7c0 && $c <= 0x7ea) ||
2461                  ($c >= 0x7f4 && $c <= 0x7f5) ||
2462                  $c === 0x7fa ||
2463                  ($c >= 0x800 && $c <= 0x815) ||
2464                  $c === 0x81a ||
2465                  $c === 0x824 ||
2466                  $c === 0x828 ||
2467                  ($c >= 0x830 && $c <= 0x83e) ||
2468                  ($c >= 0x840 && $c <= 0x858) ||
2469                  $c === 0x85e
2470              ) {
2471                  return 'RTL';
2472              }
2473          } elseif ($c === 0x200f) {
2474              return 'RTL';
2475          } elseif ($c >= 0xfb1d) {
2476              if ($c === 0xfb1d ||
2477                  ($c >= 0xfb1f && $c <= 0xfb28) ||
2478                  ($c >= 0xfb2a && $c <= 0xfb36) ||
2479                  ($c >= 0xfb38 && $c <= 0xfb3c) ||
2480                  $c === 0xfb3e ||
2481                  ($c >= 0xfb40 && $c <= 0xfb41) ||
2482                  ($c >= 0xfb43 && $c <= 0xfb44) ||
2483                  ($c >= 0xfb46 && $c <= 0xfbc1) ||
2484                  ($c >= 0xfbd3 && $c <= 0xfd3d) ||
2485                  ($c >= 0xfd50 && $c <= 0xfd8f) ||
2486                  ($c >= 0xfd92 && $c <= 0xfdc7) ||
2487                  ($c >= 0xfdf0 && $c <= 0xfdfc) ||
2488                  ($c >= 0xfe70 && $c <= 0xfe74) ||
2489                  ($c >= 0xfe76 && $c <= 0xfefc) ||
2490                  ($c >= 0x10800 && $c <= 0x10805) ||
2491                  $c === 0x10808 ||
2492                  ($c >= 0x1080a && $c <= 0x10835) ||
2493                  ($c >= 0x10837 && $c <= 0x10838) ||
2494                  $c === 0x1083c ||
2495                  ($c >= 0x1083f && $c <= 0x10855) ||
2496                  ($c >= 0x10857 && $c <= 0x1085f) ||
2497                  ($c >= 0x10900 && $c <= 0x1091b) ||
2498                  ($c >= 0x10920 && $c <= 0x10939) ||
2499                  $c === 0x1093f ||
2500                  $c === 0x10a00 ||
2501                  ($c >= 0x10a10 && $c <= 0x10a13) ||
2502                  ($c >= 0x10a15 && $c <= 0x10a17) ||
2503                  ($c >= 0x10a19 && $c <= 0x10a33) ||
2504                  ($c >= 0x10a40 && $c <= 0x10a47) ||
2505                  ($c >= 0x10a50 && $c <= 0x10a58) ||
2506                  ($c >= 0x10a60 && $c <= 0x10a7f) ||
2507                  ($c >= 0x10b00 && $c <= 0x10b35) ||
2508                  ($c >= 0x10b40 && $c <= 0x10b55) ||
2509                  ($c >= 0x10b58 && $c <= 0x10b72) ||
2510                  ($c >= 0x10b78 && $c <= 0x10b7f)
2511              ) {
2512                  return 'RTL';
2513              }
2514          }
2516          return 'LTR';
2517      }
2519      /**
2520       * Check for php-support.
2521       *
2522       * @param string|null $key
2523       *
2524       * @psalm-pure
2525       *
2526       * @return mixed
2527       *               Return the full support-"array", if $key === null<br>
2528       *               return bool-value, if $key is used and available<br>
2529       *               otherwise return <strong>null</strong>
2530       */
2531      public static function getSupportInfo(string $key = null)
2532      {
2533          if ($key === null) {
2534              return self::$SUPPORT;
2535          }
2537          if (self::$INTL_TRANSLITERATOR_LIST === null) {
2538              self::$INTL_TRANSLITERATOR_LIST = self::getData('transliterator_list');
2539          }
2540          // compatibility fix for old versions
2541          self::$SUPPORT['intl__transliterator_list_ids'] = self::$INTL_TRANSLITERATOR_LIST;
2543          return self::$SUPPORT[$key] ?? null;
2544      }
2546      /**
2547       * Warning: this method only works for some file-types (png, jpg)
2548       *          if you need more supported types, please use e.g. "finfo"
2549       *
2550       * @param string $str
2551       * @param array  $fallback <p>with this keys: 'ext', 'mime', 'type'
2552       *
2553       * @psalm-pure
2554       *
2555       * @return null[]|string[]
2556       *                         <p>with this keys: 'ext', 'mime', 'type'</p>
2557       *
2558       * @phpstan-param array{ext: null|string, mime: null|string, type: null|string} $fallback
2559       */
2560      public static function get_file_type(
2561          string $str,
2562          array $fallback = [
2563              'ext'  => null,
2564              'mime' => 'application/octet-stream',
2565              'type' => null,
2566          ]
2567      ): array {
2568          if ($str === '') {
2569              return $fallback;
2570          }
2572          /** @var false|string $str_info - needed for PhpStan (stubs error) */
2573          $str_info = \substr($str, 0, 2);
2574          if ($str_info === false || \strlen($str_info) !== 2) {
2575              return $fallback;
2576          }
2578          // DEBUG
2579          //var_dump($str_info);
2581          $str_info = \unpack('C2chars', $str_info);
2583          /** @noinspection PhpSillyAssignmentInspection */
2584          /** @var array|false $str_info - needed for PhpStan (stubs error) */
2585          $str_info = $str_info;
2587          if ($str_info === false) {
2588              return $fallback;
2589          }
2590          /** @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection */
2591          $type_code = (int) ($str_info['chars1'] . $str_info['chars2']);
2593          // DEBUG
2594          //var_dump($type_code);
2596          //
2597          // info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_%28programming%29#Format_indicator
2598          //
2599          switch ($type_code) {
2600              // WARNING: do not add too simple comparisons, because of false-positive results:
2601              //
2602              // 3780 => 'pdf', 7790 => 'exe', 7784 => 'midi', 8075 => 'zip',
2603              // 8297 => 'rar', 7173 => 'gif', 7373 => 'tiff' 6677 => 'bmp', ...
2604              //
2605              case 255216:
2606                  $ext = 'jpg';
2607                  $mime = 'image/jpeg';
2608                  $type = 'binary';
2610                  break;
2611              case 13780:
2612                  $ext = 'png';
2613                  $mime = 'image/png';
2614                  $type = 'binary';
2616                  break;
2617              default:
2618                  return $fallback;
2619          }
2621          return [
2622              'ext'  => $ext,
2623              'mime' => $mime,
2624              'type' => $type,
2625          ];
2626      }
2628      /**
2629       * @param int    $length         <p>Length of the random string.</p>
2630       * @param string $possible_chars [optional] <p>Characters string for the random selection.</p>
2631       * @param string $encoding       [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
2632       *
2633       * @return string
2634       */
2635      public static function get_random_string(
2636          int $length,
2637          string $possible_chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789',
2638          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
2639      ): string {
2640          // init
2641          $i = 0;
2642          $str = '';
2644          //
2645          // add random chars
2646          //
2648          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
2649              $max_length = (int) \mb_strlen($possible_chars);
2650              if ($max_length === 0) {
2651                  return '';
2652              }
2654              while ($i < $length) {
2655                  try {
2656                      $rand_int = \random_int(0, $max_length - 1);
2657                  } catch (\Exception $e) {
2658                      /** @noinspection RandomApiMigrationInspection */
2659                      $rand_int = \mt_rand(0, $max_length - 1);
2660                  }
2661                  $char = \mb_substr($possible_chars, $rand_int, 1);
2662                  if ($char !== false) {
2663                      $str .= $char;
2664                      ++$i;
2665                  }
2666              }
2667          } else {
2668              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
2670              $max_length = (int) self::strlen($possible_chars, $encoding);
2671              if ($max_length === 0) {
2672                  return '';
2673              }
2675              while ($i < $length) {
2676                  try {
2677                      $rand_int = \random_int(0, $max_length - 1);
2678                  } catch (\Exception $e) {
2679                      /** @noinspection RandomApiMigrationInspection */
2680                      $rand_int = \mt_rand(0, $max_length - 1);
2681                  }
2682                  $char = self::substr($possible_chars, $rand_int, 1, $encoding);
2683                  if ($char !== false) {
2684                      $str .= $char;
2685                      ++$i;
2686                  }
2687              }
2688          }
2690          return $str;
2691      }
2693      /**
2694       * @param int|string $extra_entropy [optional] <p>Extra entropy via a string or int value.</p>
2695       * @param bool       $use_md5       [optional] <p>Return the unique identifier as md5-hash? Default: true</p>
2696       *
2697       * @return string
2698       */
2699      public static function get_unique_string($extra_entropy = '', bool $use_md5 = true): string
2700      {
2701          try {
2702              $rand_int = \random_int(0, \mt_getrandmax());
2703          } catch (\Exception $e) {
2704              /** @noinspection RandomApiMigrationInspection */
2705              $rand_int = \mt_rand(0, \mt_getrandmax());
2706          }
2708          $unique_helper = $rand_int .
2709                           \session_id() .
2710                           ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ?? '') .
2711                           ($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ?? '') .
2712                           $extra_entropy;
2714          $unique_string = \uniqid($unique_helper, true);
2716          if ($use_md5) {
2717              $unique_string = \md5($unique_string . $unique_helper);
2718          }
2720          return $unique_string;
2721      }
2723      /**
2724       * alias for "UTF8::string_has_bom()"
2725       *
2726       * @param string $str
2727       *
2728       * @psalm-pure
2729       *
2730       * @return bool
2731       *
2732       * @see        UTF8::string_has_bom()
2733       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::string_has_bom()"</p>
2734       */
2735      public static function hasBom(string $str): bool
2736      {
2737          return self::string_has_bom($str);
2738      }
2740      /**
2741       * Returns true if the string contains a lower case char, false otherwise.
2742       *
2743       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
2744       *
2745       * @psalm-pure
2746       *
2747       * @return bool
2748       *              <p>Whether or not the string contains a lower case character.</p>
2749       */
2750      public static function has_lowercase(string $str): bool
2751      {
2752          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
2753              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
2754              return \mb_ereg_match('.*[[:lower:]]', $str);
2755          }
2757          return self::str_matches_pattern($str, '.*[[:lower:]]');
2758      }
2760      /**
2761       * Returns true if the string contains whitespace, false otherwise.
2762       *
2763       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
2764       *
2765       * @psalm-pure
2766       *
2767       * @return bool
2768       *              <p>Whether or not the string contains whitespace.</p>
2769       */
2770      public static function has_whitespace(string $str): bool
2771      {
2772          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
2773              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
2774              return \mb_ereg_match('.*[[:space:]]', $str);
2775          }
2777          return self::str_matches_pattern($str, '.*[[:space:]]');
2778      }
2780      /**
2781       * Returns true if the string contains an upper case char, false otherwise.
2782       *
2783       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
2784       *
2785       * @psalm-pure
2786       *
2787       * @return bool
2788       *              <p>Whether or not the string contains an upper case character.</p>
2789       */
2790      public static function has_uppercase(string $str): bool
2791      {
2792          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
2793              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
2794              return \mb_ereg_match('.*[[:upper:]]', $str);
2795          }
2797          return self::str_matches_pattern($str, '.*[[:upper:]]');
2798      }
2800      /**
2801       * Converts a hexadecimal value into a UTF-8 character.
2802       *
2803       * INFO: opposite to UTF8::chr_to_hex()
2804       *
2805       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::hex_to_chr('U+00a7'); // '§'</code>
2806       *
2807       * @param string $hexdec <p>The hexadecimal value.</p>
2808       *
2809       * @psalm-pure
2810       *
2811       * @return false|string one single UTF-8 character
2812       */
2813      public static function hex_to_chr(string $hexdec)
2814      {
2815          /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection - Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored */
2816          return self::decimal_to_chr((int) @\hexdec($hexdec));
2817      }
2819      /**
2820       * Converts hexadecimal U+xxxx code point representation to integer.
2821       *
2822       * INFO: opposite to UTF8::int_to_hex()
2823       *
2824       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::hex_to_int('U+00f1'); // 241</code>
2825       *
2826       * @param string $hexdec <p>The hexadecimal code point representation.</p>
2827       *
2828       * @psalm-pure
2829       *
2830       * @return false|int
2831       *                   <p>The code point, or false on failure.</p>
2832       */
2833      public static function hex_to_int($hexdec)
2834      {
2835          // init
2836          $hexdec = (string) $hexdec;
2838          if ($hexdec === '') {
2839              return false;
2840          }
2842          if (\preg_match('/^(?:\\\u|U\+|)([a-zA-Z0-9]{4,6})$/', $hexdec, $match)) {
2843              return \intval($match[1], 16);
2844          }
2846          return false;
2847      }
2849      /**
2850       * alias for "UTF8::html_entity_decode()"
2851       *
2852       * @param string   $str
2853       * @param int|null $flags
2854       * @param string   $encoding
2855       *
2856       * @psalm-pure
2857       *
2858       * @return string
2859       *
2860       * @see        UTF8::html_entity_decode()
2861       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::html_entity_decode()"</p>
2862       */
2863      public static function html_decode(
2864          string $str,
2865          int $flags = null,
2866          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
2867      ): string {
2868          return self::html_entity_decode($str, $flags, $encoding);
2869      }
2871      /**
2872       * Converts a UTF-8 string to a series of HTML numbered entities.
2873       *
2874       * INFO: opposite to UTF8::html_decode()
2875       *
2876       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::html_encode('中文空白'); // '&#20013;&#25991;&#31354;&#30333;'</code>
2877       *
2878       * @param string $str              <p>The Unicode string to be encoded as numbered entities.</p>
2879       * @param bool   $keep_ascii_chars [optional] <p>Keep ASCII chars.</p>
2880       * @param string $encoding         [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
2881       *
2882       * @psalm-pure
2883       *
2884       * @return string HTML numbered entities
2885       */
2886      public static function html_encode(
2887          string $str,
2888          bool $keep_ascii_chars = false,
2889          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
2890      ): string {
2891          if ($str === '') {
2892              return '';
2893          }
2895          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
2896              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
2897          }
2899          // INFO: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35854535/better-explanation-of-convmap-in-mb-encode-numericentity
2900          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
2901              if ($keep_ascii_chars) {
2902                  $start_code = 0x80;
2903              } else {
2904                  $start_code = 0x00;
2905              }
2907              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
2908                  /** @var false|string|null $return - needed for PhpStan (stubs error) */
2909                  $return = \mb_encode_numericentity(
2910                      $str,
2911                      [$start_code, 0xfffff, 0, 0xfffff]
2912                  );
2913                  if ($return !== null && $return !== false) {
2914                      return $return;
2915                  }
2916              }
2918              /** @var false|string|null $return - needed for PhpStan (stubs error) */
2919              $return = \mb_encode_numericentity(
2920                  $str,
2921                  [$start_code, 0xfffff, 0, 0xfffff],
2922                  $encoding
2923              );
2924              if ($return !== null && $return !== false) {
2925                  return $return;
2926              }
2927          }
2929          //
2930          // fallback via vanilla php
2931          //
2933          return \implode(
2934              '',
2935              \array_map(
2936                  static function (string $chr) use ($keep_ascii_chars, $encoding): string {
2937                      return self::single_chr_html_encode($chr, $keep_ascii_chars, $encoding);
2938                  },
2939                  self::str_split($str)
2940              )
2941          );
2942      }
2944      /**
2945       * UTF-8 version of html_entity_decode()
2946       *
2947       * The reason we are not using html_entity_decode() by itself is because
2948       * while it is not technically correct to leave out the semicolon
2949       * at the end of an entity most browsers will still interpret the entity
2950       * correctly. html_entity_decode() does not convert entities without
2951       * semicolons, so we are left with our own little solution here. Bummer.
2952       *
2953       * Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters.
2954       *
2955       * INFO: opposite to UTF8::html_encode()
2956       *
2957       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::html_entity_decode('&#20013;&#25991;&#31354;&#30333;'); // '中文空白'</code>
2958       *
2959       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.html-entity-decode.php
2960       *
2961       * @param string   $str      <p>
2962       *                           The input string.
2963       *                           </p>
2964       * @param int|null $flags    [optional] <p>
2965       *                           A bitmask of one or more of the following flags, which specify how to handle quotes
2966       *                           and which document type to use. The default is ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401.
2967       *                           <table>
2968       *                           Available <i>flags</i> constants
2969       *                           <tr valign="top">
2970       *                           <td>Constant Name</td>
2971       *                           <td>Description</td>
2972       *                           </tr>
2973       *                           <tr valign="top">
2974       *                           <td><b>ENT_COMPAT</b></td>
2975       *                           <td>Will convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone.</td>
2976       *                           </tr>
2977       *                           <tr valign="top">
2978       *                           <td><b>ENT_QUOTES</b></td>
2979       *                           <td>Will convert both double and single quotes.</td>
2980       *                           </tr>
2981       *                           <tr valign="top">
2982       *                           <td><b>ENT_NOQUOTES</b></td>
2983       *                           <td>Will leave both double and single quotes unconverted.</td>
2984       *                           </tr>
2985       *                           <tr valign="top">
2986       *                           <td><b>ENT_HTML401</b></td>
2987       *                           <td>
2988       *                           Handle code as HTML 4.01.
2989       *                           </td>
2990       *                           </tr>
2991       *                           <tr valign="top">
2992       *                           <td><b>ENT_XML1</b></td>
2993       *                           <td>
2994       *                           Handle code as XML 1.
2995       *                           </td>
2996       *                           </tr>
2997       *                           <tr valign="top">
2998       *                           <td><b>ENT_XHTML</b></td>
2999       *                           <td>
3000       *                           Handle code as XHTML.
3001       *                           </td>
3002       *                           </tr>
3003       *                           <tr valign="top">
3004       *                           <td><b>ENT_HTML5</b></td>
3005       *                           <td>
3006       *                           Handle code as HTML 5.
3007       *                           </td>
3008       *                           </tr>
3009       *                           </table>
3010       *                           </p>
3011       * @param string   $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
3012       *
3013       * @psalm-pure
3014       *
3015       * @return string the decoded string
3016       */
3017      public static function html_entity_decode(
3018          string $str,
3019          int $flags = null,
3020          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
3021      ): string {
3022          if (
3023              !isset($str[3]) // examples: &; || &x;
3024              ||
3025              \strpos($str, '&') === false // no "&"
3026          ) {
3027              return $str;
3028          }
3030          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
3031              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
3032          }
3034          if ($flags === null) {
3035              $flags = \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_HTML5;
3036          }
3038          /** @noinspection InArrayCanBeUsedInspection */
3039          if (
3040              $encoding !== 'UTF-8'
3041              &&
3042              $encoding !== 'ISO-8859-1'
3043              &&
3044              $encoding !== 'WINDOWS-1252'
3045              &&
3046              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false
3047          ) {
3048              /**
3049               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
3050               */
3051              \trigger_error('UTF8::html_entity_decode() without mbstring cannot handle "' . $encoding . '" encoding', \E_USER_WARNING);
3052          }
3054          do {
3055              $str_compare = $str;
3057              if (\strpos($str, '&') !== false) {
3058                  if (\strpos($str, '&#') !== false) {
3059                      // decode also numeric & UTF16 two byte entities
3060                      $str = (string) \preg_replace(
3061                          '/(&#(?:x0*[0-9a-fA-F]{2,6}(?![0-9a-fA-F;])|(?:0*\d{2,6}(?![0-9;]))))/S',
3062                          '$1;',
3063                          $str
3064                      );
3065                  }
3067                  $str = \html_entity_decode(
3068                      $str,
3069                      $flags,
3070                      $encoding
3071                  );
3072              }
3073          } while ($str_compare !== $str);
3075          return $str;
3076      }
3078      /**
3079       * Create a escape html version of the string via "UTF8::htmlspecialchars()".
3080       *
3081       * @param string $str
3082       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
3083       *
3084       * @psalm-pure
3085       *
3086       * @return string
3087       */
3088      public static function html_escape(string $str, string $encoding = 'UTF-8'): string
3089      {
3090          return self::htmlspecialchars(
3091              $str,
3092              \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_SUBSTITUTE,
3093              $encoding
3094          );
3095      }
3097      /**
3098       * Remove empty html-tag.
3099       *
3100       * e.g.: <pre><tag></tag></pre>
3101       *
3102       * @param string $str
3103       *
3104       * @psalm-pure
3105       *
3106       * @return string
3107       */
3108      public static function html_stripe_empty_tags(string $str): string
3109      {
3110          return (string) \preg_replace(
3111              '/<[^\\/>]*?>\\s*?<\\/[^>]*?>/u',
3112              '',
3113              $str
3114          );
3115      }
3117      /**
3118       * Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities: UTF-8 version of htmlentities().
3119       *
3120       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::htmlentities('<白-öäü>'); // '&lt;&#30333;-&ouml;&auml;&uuml;&gt;'</code>
3121       *
3122       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.htmlentities.php
3123       *
3124       * @param string $str           <p>
3125       *                              The input string.
3126       *                              </p>
3127       * @param int    $flags         [optional] <p>
3128       *                              A bitmask of one or more of the following flags, which specify how to handle
3129       *                              quotes, invalid code unit sequences and the used document type. The default is
3130       *                              ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401.
3131       *                              <table>
3132       *                              Available <i>flags</i> constants
3133       *                              <tr valign="top">
3134       *                              <td>Constant Name</td>
3135       *                              <td>Description</td>
3136       *                              </tr>
3137       *                              <tr valign="top">
3138       *                              <td><b>ENT_COMPAT</b></td>
3139       *                              <td>Will convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone.</td>
3140       *                              </tr>
3141       *                              <tr valign="top">
3142       *                              <td><b>ENT_QUOTES</b></td>
3143       *                              <td>Will convert both double and single quotes.</td>
3144       *                              </tr>
3145       *                              <tr valign="top">
3146       *                              <td><b>ENT_NOQUOTES</b></td>
3147       *                              <td>Will leave both double and single quotes unconverted.</td>
3148       *                              </tr>
3149       *                              <tr valign="top">
3150       *                              <td><b>ENT_IGNORE</b></td>
3151       *                              <td>
3152       *                              Silently discard invalid code unit sequences instead of returning
3153       *                              an empty string. Using this flag is discouraged as it
3154       *                              may have security implications.
3155       *                              </td>
3156       *                              </tr>
3157       *                              <tr valign="top">
3158       *                              <td><b>ENT_SUBSTITUTE</b></td>
3159       *                              <td>
3160       *                              Replace invalid code unit sequences with a Unicode Replacement Character
3161       *                              U+FFFD (UTF-8) or &#38;#38;#FFFD; (otherwise) instead of returning an empty
3162       *                              string.
3163       *                              </td>
3164       *                              </tr>
3165       *                              <tr valign="top">
3166       *                              <td><b>ENT_DISALLOWED</b></td>
3167       *                              <td>
3168       *                              Replace invalid code points for the given document type with a
3169       *                              Unicode Replacement Character U+FFFD (UTF-8) or &#38;#38;#FFFD;
3170       *                              (otherwise) instead of leaving them as is. This may be useful, for
3171       *                              instance, to ensure the well-formedness of XML documents with
3172       *                              embedded external content.
3173       *                              </td>
3174       *                              </tr>
3175       *                              <tr valign="top">
3176       *                              <td><b>ENT_HTML401</b></td>
3177       *                              <td>
3178       *                              Handle code as HTML 4.01.
3179       *                              </td>
3180       *                              </tr>
3181       *                              <tr valign="top">
3182       *                              <td><b>ENT_XML1</b></td>
3183       *                              <td>
3184       *                              Handle code as XML 1.
3185       *                              </td>
3186       *                              </tr>
3187       *                              <tr valign="top">
3188       *                              <td><b>ENT_XHTML</b></td>
3189       *                              <td>
3190       *                              Handle code as XHTML.
3191       *                              </td>
3192       *                              </tr>
3193       *                              <tr valign="top">
3194       *                              <td><b>ENT_HTML5</b></td>
3195       *                              <td>
3196       *                              Handle code as HTML 5.
3197       *                              </td>
3198       *                              </tr>
3199       *                              </table>
3200       *                              </p>
3201       * @param string $encoding      [optional] <p>
3202       *                              Like <b>htmlspecialchars</b>,
3203       *                              <b>htmlentities</b> takes an optional third argument
3204       *                              <i>encoding</i> which defines encoding used in
3205       *                              conversion.
3206       *                              Although this argument is technically optional, you are highly
3207       *                              encouraged to specify the correct value for your code.
3208       *                              </p>
3209       * @param bool   $double_encode [optional] <p>
3210       *                              When <i>double_encode</i> is turned off PHP will not
3211       *                              encode existing html entities. The default is to convert everything.
3212       *                              </p>
3213       *
3214       * @psalm-pure
3215       *
3216       * @return string
3217       *                <p>
3218       *                The encoded string.
3219       *                <br><br>
3220       *                If the input <i>string</i> contains an invalid code unit
3221       *                sequence within the given <i>encoding</i> an empty string
3222       *                will be returned, unless either the <b>ENT_IGNORE</b> or
3223       *                <b>ENT_SUBSTITUTE</b> flags are set.
3224       *                </p>
3225       */
3226      public static function htmlentities(
3227          string $str,
3228          int $flags = \ENT_COMPAT,
3229          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
3230          bool $double_encode = true
3231      ): string {
3232          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
3233              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
3234          }
3236          $str = \htmlentities(
3237              $str,
3238              $flags,
3239              $encoding,
3240              $double_encode
3241          );
3243          /**
3244           * PHP doesn't replace a backslash to its html entity since this is something
3245           * that's mostly used to escape characters when inserting in a database. Since
3246           * we're using a decent database layer, we don't need this shit and we're replacing
3247           * the double backslashes by its' html entity equivalent.
3248           *
3249           * https://github.com/forkcms/library/blob/master/spoon/filter/filter.php#L303
3250           */
3251          $str = \str_replace('\\', '&#92;', $str);
3253          return self::html_encode($str, true, $encoding);
3254      }
3256      /**
3257       * Convert only special characters to HTML entities: UTF-8 version of htmlspecialchars()
3258       *
3259       * INFO: Take a look at "UTF8::htmlentities()"
3260       *
3261       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::htmlspecialchars('<白-öäü>'); // '&lt;白-öäü&gt;'</code>
3262       *
3263       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.htmlspecialchars.php
3264       *
3265       * @param string $str           <p>
3266       *                              The string being converted.
3267       *                              </p>
3268       * @param int    $flags         [optional] <p>
3269       *                              A bitmask of one or more of the following flags, which specify how to handle
3270       *                              quotes, invalid code unit sequences and the used document type. The default is
3271       *                              ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401.
3272       *                              <table>
3273       *                              Available <i>flags</i> constants
3274       *                              <tr valign="top">
3275       *                              <td>Constant Name</td>
3276       *                              <td>Description</td>
3277       *                              </tr>
3278       *                              <tr valign="top">
3279       *                              <td><b>ENT_COMPAT</b></td>
3280       *                              <td>Will convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone.</td>
3281       *                              </tr>
3282       *                              <tr valign="top">
3283       *                              <td><b>ENT_QUOTES</b></td>
3284       *                              <td>Will convert both double and single quotes.</td>
3285       *                              </tr>
3286       *                              <tr valign="top">
3287       *                              <td><b>ENT_NOQUOTES</b></td>
3288       *                              <td>Will leave both double and single quotes unconverted.</td>
3289       *                              </tr>
3290       *                              <tr valign="top">
3291       *                              <td><b>ENT_IGNORE</b></td>
3292       *                              <td>
3293       *                              Silently discard invalid code unit sequences instead of returning
3294       *                              an empty string. Using this flag is discouraged as it
3295       *                              may have security implications.
3296       *                              </td>
3297       *                              </tr>
3298       *                              <tr valign="top">
3299       *                              <td><b>ENT_SUBSTITUTE</b></td>
3300       *                              <td>
3301       *                              Replace invalid code unit sequences with a Unicode Replacement Character
3302       *                              U+FFFD (UTF-8) or &#38;#38;#FFFD; (otherwise) instead of returning an empty
3303       *                              string.
3304       *                              </td>
3305       *                              </tr>
3306       *                              <tr valign="top">
3307       *                              <td><b>ENT_DISALLOWED</b></td>
3308       *                              <td>
3309       *                              Replace invalid code points for the given document type with a
3310       *                              Unicode Replacement Character U+FFFD (UTF-8) or &#38;#38;#FFFD;
3311       *                              (otherwise) instead of leaving them as is. This may be useful, for
3312       *                              instance, to ensure the well-formedness of XML documents with
3313       *                              embedded external content.
3314       *                              </td>
3315       *                              </tr>
3316       *                              <tr valign="top">
3317       *                              <td><b>ENT_HTML401</b></td>
3318       *                              <td>
3319       *                              Handle code as HTML 4.01.
3320       *                              </td>
3321       *                              </tr>
3322       *                              <tr valign="top">
3323       *                              <td><b>ENT_XML1</b></td>
3324       *                              <td>
3325       *                              Handle code as XML 1.
3326       *                              </td>
3327       *                              </tr>
3328       *                              <tr valign="top">
3329       *                              <td><b>ENT_XHTML</b></td>
3330       *                              <td>
3331       *                              Handle code as XHTML.
3332       *                              </td>
3333       *                              </tr>
3334       *                              <tr valign="top">
3335       *                              <td><b>ENT_HTML5</b></td>
3336       *                              <td>
3337       *                              Handle code as HTML 5.
3338       *                              </td>
3339       *                              </tr>
3340       *                              </table>
3341       *                              </p>
3342       * @param string $encoding      [optional] <p>
3343       *                              Defines encoding used in conversion.
3344       *                              </p>
3345       *                              <p>
3346       *                              For the purposes of this function, the encodings
3347       *                              ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15,
3348       *                              UTF-8, cp866,
3349       *                              cp1251, cp1252, and
3350       *                              KOI8-R are effectively equivalent, provided the
3351       *                              <i>string</i> itself is valid for the encoding, as
3352       *                              the characters affected by <b>htmlspecialchars</b> occupy
3353       *                              the same positions in all of these encodings.
3354       *                              </p>
3355       * @param bool   $double_encode [optional] <p>
3356       *                              When <i>double_encode</i> is turned off PHP will not
3357       *                              encode existing html entities, the default is to convert everything.
3358       *                              </p>
3359       *
3360       * @psalm-pure
3361       *
3362       * @return string the converted string.
3363       *                </p>
3364       *                <p>
3365       *                If the input <i>string</i> contains an invalid code unit
3366       *                sequence within the given <i>encoding</i> an empty string
3367       *                will be returned, unless either the <b>ENT_IGNORE</b> or
3368       *                <b>ENT_SUBSTITUTE</b> flags are set
3369       */
3370      public static function htmlspecialchars(
3371          string $str,
3372          int $flags = \ENT_COMPAT,
3373          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
3374          bool $double_encode = true
3375      ): string {
3376          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
3377              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
3378          }
3380          return \htmlspecialchars(
3381              $str,
3382              $flags,
3383              $encoding,
3384              $double_encode
3385          );
3386      }
3388      /**
3389       * Checks whether iconv is available on the server.
3390       *
3391       * @psalm-pure
3392       *
3393       * @return bool
3394       *              <p><strong>true</strong> if available, <strong>false</strong> otherwise</p>
3395       *
3396       * @internal <p>Please do not use it anymore, we will make is private in next major version.</p>
3397       */
3398      public static function iconv_loaded(): bool
3399      {
3400          return \extension_loaded('iconv');
3401      }
3403      /**
3404       * alias for "UTF8::decimal_to_chr()"
3405       *
3406       * @param int|string $int
3407       *
3408       * @phpstan-param int|numeric-string $int
3409       *
3410       * @psalm-pure
3411       *
3412       * @return string
3413       *
3414       * @see        UTF8::decimal_to_chr()
3415       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::decimal_to_chr()"</p>
3416       */
3417      public static function int_to_chr($int): string
3418      {
3419          return self::decimal_to_chr($int);
3420      }
3422      /**
3423       * Converts Integer to hexadecimal U+xxxx code point representation.
3424       *
3425       * INFO: opposite to UTF8::hex_to_int()
3426       *
3427       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::int_to_hex(241); // 'U+00f1'</code>
3428       *
3429       * @param int    $int    <p>The integer to be converted to hexadecimal code point.</p>
3430       * @param string $prefix [optional]
3431       *
3432       * @psalm-pure
3433       *
3434       * @return string the code point, or empty string on failure
3435       */
3436      public static function int_to_hex(int $int, string $prefix = 'U+'): string
3437      {
3438          $hex = \dechex($int);
3440          $hex = (\strlen($hex) < 4 ? \substr('0000' . $hex, -4) : $hex);
3442          return $prefix . $hex . '';
3443      }
3445      /**
3446       * Checks whether intl-char is available on the server.
3447       *
3448       * @psalm-pure
3449       *
3450       * @return bool
3451       *              <p><strong>true</strong> if available, <strong>false</strong> otherwise</p>
3452       *
3453       * @internal <p>Please do not use it anymore, we will make is private in next major version.</p>
3454       */
3455      public static function intlChar_loaded(): bool
3456      {
3457          return \class_exists('IntlChar');
3458      }
3460      /**
3461       * Checks whether intl is available on the server.
3462       *
3463       * @psalm-pure
3464       *
3465       * @return bool
3466       *              <p><strong>true</strong> if available, <strong>false</strong> otherwise</p>
3467       *
3468       * @internal <p>Please do not use it anymore, we will make is private in next major version.</p>
3469       */
3470      public static function intl_loaded(): bool
3471      {
3472          return \extension_loaded('intl');
3473      }
3475      /**
3476       * alias for "UTF8::is_ascii()"
3477       *
3478       * @param string $str
3479       *
3480       * @psalm-pure
3481       *
3482       * @return bool
3483       *
3484       * @see        UTF8::is_ascii()
3485       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::is_ascii()"</p>
3486       */
3487      public static function isAscii(string $str): bool
3488      {
3489          return ASCII::is_ascii($str);
3490      }
3492      /**
3493       * alias for "UTF8::is_base64()"
3494       *
3495       * @param string $str
3496       *
3497       * @psalm-pure
3498       *
3499       * @return bool
3500       *
3501       * @see        UTF8::is_base64()
3502       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::is_base64()"</p>
3503       */
3504      public static function isBase64($str): bool
3505      {
3506          return self::is_base64($str);
3507      }
3509      /**
3510       * alias for "UTF8::is_binary()"
3511       *
3512       * @param int|string $str
3513       * @param bool       $strict
3514       *
3515       * @psalm-pure
3516       *
3517       * @return bool
3518       *
3519       * @see        UTF8::is_binary()
3520       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::is_binary()"</p>
3521       */
3522      public static function isBinary($str, bool $strict = false): bool
3523      {
3524          return self::is_binary($str, $strict);
3525      }
3527      /**
3528       * alias for "UTF8::is_bom()"
3529       *
3530       * @param string $utf8_chr
3531       *
3532       * @psalm-pure
3533       *
3534       * @return bool
3535       *
3536       * @see        UTF8::is_bom()
3537       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::is_bom()"</p>
3538       */
3539      public static function isBom(string $utf8_chr): bool
3540      {
3541          return self::is_bom($utf8_chr);
3542      }
3544      /**
3545       * alias for "UTF8::is_html()"
3546       *
3547       * @param string $str
3548       *
3549       * @psalm-pure
3550       *
3551       * @return bool
3552       *
3553       * @see        UTF8::is_html()
3554       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::is_html()"</p>
3555       */
3556      public static function isHtml(string $str): bool
3557      {
3558          return self::is_html($str);
3559      }
3561      /**
3562       * alias for "UTF8::is_json()"
3563       *
3564       * @param string $str
3565       *
3566       * @return bool
3567       *
3568       * @see        UTF8::is_json()
3569       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::is_json()"</p>
3570       */
3571      public static function isJson(string $str): bool
3572      {
3573          return self::is_json($str);
3574      }
3576      /**
3577       * alias for "UTF8::is_utf16()"
3578       *
3579       * @param string $str
3580       *
3581       * @psalm-pure
3582       *
3583       * @return false|int
3584       *                   <strong>false</strong> if is't not UTF16,<br>
3585       *                   <strong>1</strong> for UTF-16LE,<br>
3586       *                   <strong>2</strong> for UTF-16BE
3587       *
3588       * @see        UTF8::is_utf16()
3589       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::is_utf16()"</p>
3590       */
3591      public static function isUtf16($str)
3592      {
3593          return self::is_utf16($str);
3594      }
3596      /**
3597       * alias for "UTF8::is_utf32()"
3598       *
3599       * @param string $str
3600       *
3601       * @psalm-pure
3602       *
3603       * @return false|int
3604       *                   <strong>false</strong> if is't not UTF16,
3605       *                   <strong>1</strong> for UTF-32LE,
3606       *                   <strong>2</strong> for UTF-32BE
3607       *
3608       * @see        UTF8::is_utf32()
3609       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::is_utf32()"</p>
3610       */
3611      public static function isUtf32($str)
3612      {
3613          return self::is_utf32($str);
3614      }
3616      /**
3617       * alias for "UTF8::is_utf8()"
3618       *
3619       * @param string $str
3620       * @param bool   $strict
3621       *
3622       * @psalm-pure
3623       *
3624       * @return bool
3625       *
3626       * @see        UTF8::is_utf8()
3627       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::is_utf8()"</p>
3628       */
3629      public static function isUtf8($str, bool $strict = false): bool
3630      {
3631          return self::is_utf8($str, $strict);
3632      }
3634      /**
3635       * Returns true if the string contains only alphabetic chars, false otherwise.
3636       *
3637       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
3638       *
3639       * @psalm-pure
3640       *
3641       * @return bool
3642       *              <p>Whether or not $str contains only alphabetic chars.</p>
3643       */
3644      public static function is_alpha(string $str): bool
3645      {
3646          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
3647              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
3648              return \mb_ereg_match('^[[:alpha:]]*$', $str);
3649          }
3651          return self::str_matches_pattern($str, '^[[:alpha:]]*$');
3652      }
3654      /**
3655       * Returns true if the string contains only alphabetic and numeric chars, false otherwise.
3656       *
3657       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
3658       *
3659       * @psalm-pure
3660       *
3661       * @return bool
3662       *              <p>Whether or not $str contains only alphanumeric chars.</p>
3663       */
3664      public static function is_alphanumeric(string $str): bool
3665      {
3666          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
3667              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
3668              return \mb_ereg_match('^[[:alnum:]]*$', $str);
3669          }
3671          return self::str_matches_pattern($str, '^[[:alnum:]]*$');
3672      }
3674      /**
3675       * Returns true if the string contains only punctuation chars, false otherwise.
3676       *
3677       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
3678       *
3679       * @psalm-pure
3680       *
3681       * @return bool
3682       *              <p>Whether or not $str contains only punctuation chars.</p>
3683       */
3684      public static function is_punctuation(string $str): bool
3685      {
3686          return self::str_matches_pattern($str, '^[[:punct:]]*$');
3687      }
3689      /**
3690       * Returns true if the string contains only printable (non-invisible) chars, false otherwise.
3691       *
3692       * @param string $str                       <p>The input string.</p>
3693       * @param bool   $ignore_control_characters [optional] <p>Ignore control characters like [LRM] or [LSEP].</p>
3694       *
3695       * @psalm-pure
3696       *
3697       * @return bool
3698       *              <p>Whether or not $str contains only printable (non-invisible) chars.</p>
3699       */
3700      public static function is_printable(string $str, bool $ignore_control_characters = false): bool
3701      {
3702          return self::remove_invisible_characters($str, false, '', $ignore_control_characters) === $str;
3703      }
3705      /**
3706       * Checks if a string is 7 bit ASCII.
3707       *
3708       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::is_ascii('白'); // false</code>
3709       *
3710       * @param string $str <p>The string to check.</p>
3711       *
3712       * @psalm-pure
3713       *
3714       * @return bool
3715       *              <p>
3716       *              <strong>true</strong> if it is ASCII<br>
3717       *              <strong>false</strong> otherwise
3718       *              </p>
3719       */
3720      public static function is_ascii(string $str): bool
3721      {
3722          return ASCII::is_ascii($str);
3723      }
3725      /**
3726       * Returns true if the string is base64 encoded, false otherwise.
3727       *
3728       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::is_base64('4KSu4KWL4KSo4KS/4KSa'); // true</code>
3729       *
3730       * @param string|null $str                   <p>The input string.</p>
3731       * @param bool        $empty_string_is_valid [optional] <p>Is an empty string valid base64 or not?</p>
3732       *
3733       * @psalm-pure
3734       *
3735       * @return bool
3736       *              <p>Whether or not $str is base64 encoded.</p>
3737       */
3738      public static function is_base64($str, bool $empty_string_is_valid = false): bool
3739      {
3740          if (
3741              !$empty_string_is_valid
3742              &&
3743              $str === ''
3744          ) {
3745              return false;
3746          }
3748          if (!\is_string($str)) {
3749              return false;
3750          }
3752          $base64String = \base64_decode($str, true);
3754          return $base64String !== false && \base64_encode($base64String) === $str;
3755      }
3757      /**
3758       * Check if the input is binary... (is look like a hack).
3759       *
3760       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::is_binary(01); // true</code>
3761       *
3762       * @param int|string $input
3763       * @param bool       $strict
3764       *
3765       * @psalm-pure
3766       *
3767       * @return bool
3768       */
3769      public static function is_binary($input, bool $strict = false): bool
3770      {
3771          $input = (string) $input;
3772          if ($input === '') {
3773              return false;
3774          }
3776          if (\preg_match('~^[01]+$~', $input)) {
3777              return true;
3778          }
3780          $ext = self::get_file_type($input);
3781          if ($ext['type'] === 'binary') {
3782              return true;
3783          }
3785          $test_length = \strlen($input);
3786          $test_null_counting = \substr_count($input, "\x0", 0, $test_length);
3787          if (($test_null_counting / $test_length) > 0.25) {
3788              return true;
3789          }
3791          if ($strict) {
3792              if (self::$SUPPORT['finfo'] === false) {
3793                  throw new \RuntimeException('ext-fileinfo: is not installed');
3794              }
3796              /**
3797               * @noinspection   PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection
3798               * @psalm-suppress ImpureMethodCall - it will return the same result for the same file ...
3799               */
3800              $finfo_encoding = (new \finfo(\FILEINFO_MIME_ENCODING))->buffer($input);
3801              if ($finfo_encoding && $finfo_encoding === 'binary') {
3802                  return true;
3803              }
3804          }
3806          return false;
3807      }
3809      /**
3810       * Check if the file is binary.
3811       *
3812       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::is_binary('./utf32.txt'); // true</code>
3813       *
3814       * @param string $file
3815       *
3816       * @return bool
3817       */
3818      public static function is_binary_file($file): bool
3819      {
3820          // init
3821          $block = '';
3823          $fp = \fopen($file, 'rb');
3824          if (\is_resource($fp)) {
3825              $block = \fread($fp, 512);
3826              \fclose($fp);
3827          }
3829          if ($block === '' || $block === false) {
3830              return false;
3831          }
3833          return self::is_binary($block, true);
3834      }
3836      /**
3837       * Returns true if the string contains only whitespace chars, false otherwise.
3838       *
3839       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
3840       *
3841       * @psalm-pure
3842       *
3843       * @return bool
3844       *              <p>Whether or not $str contains only whitespace characters.</p>
3845       */
3846      public static function is_blank(string $str): bool
3847      {
3848          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
3849              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
3850              return \mb_ereg_match('^[[:space:]]*$', $str);
3851          }
3853          return self::str_matches_pattern($str, '^[[:space:]]*$');
3854      }
3856      /**
3857       * Checks if the given string is equal to any "Byte Order Mark".
3858       *
3859       * WARNING: Use "UTF8::string_has_bom()" if you will check BOM in a string.
3860       *
3861       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::is_bom("\xef\xbb\xbf"); // true</code>
3862       *
3863       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
3864       *
3865       * @psalm-pure
3866       *
3867       * @return bool
3868       *              <p><strong>true</strong> if the $utf8_chr is Byte Order Mark, <strong>false</strong> otherwise.</p>
3869       */
3870      public static function is_bom($str): bool
3871      {
3872          /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
3873          foreach (self::$BOM as $bom_string => &$bom_byte_length) {
3874              if ($str === $bom_string) {
3875                  return true;
3876              }
3877          }
3879          return false;
3880      }
3882      /**
3883       * Determine whether the string is considered to be empty.
3884       *
3885       * A variable is considered empty if it does not exist or if its value equals FALSE.
3886       * empty() does not generate a warning if the variable does not exist.
3887       *
3888       * @param array|float|int|string $str
3889       *
3890       * @psalm-pure
3891       *
3892       * @return bool
3893       *              <p>Whether or not $str is empty().</p>
3894       */
3895      public static function is_empty($str): bool
3896      {
3897          return empty($str);
3898      }
3900      /**
3901       * Returns true if the string contains only hexadecimal chars, false otherwise.
3902       *
3903       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
3904       *
3905       * @psalm-pure
3906       *
3907       * @return bool
3908       *              <p>Whether or not $str contains only hexadecimal chars.</p>
3909       */
3910      public static function is_hexadecimal(string $str): bool
3911      {
3912          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
3913              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
3914              return \mb_ereg_match('^[[:xdigit:]]*$', $str);
3915          }
3917          return self::str_matches_pattern($str, '^[[:xdigit:]]*$');
3918      }
3920      /**
3921       * Check if the string contains any HTML tags.
3922       *
3923       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::is_html('<b>lall</b>'); // true</code>
3924       *
3925       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
3926       *
3927       * @psalm-pure
3928       *
3929       * @return bool
3930       *              <p>Whether or not $str contains html elements.</p>
3931       */
3932      public static function is_html(string $str): bool
3933      {
3934          if ($str === '') {
3935              return false;
3936          }
3938          // init
3939          $matches = [];
3941          $str = self::emoji_encode($str); // hack for emoji support :/
3943          \preg_match("/<\\/?\\w+(?:(?:\\s+\\w+(?:\\s*=\\s*(?:\".*?\"|'.*?'|[^'\">\\s]+))?)*\\s*|\\s*)\\/?>/u", $str, $matches);
3945          return $matches !== [];
3946      }
3948      /**
3949       * Check if $url is an correct url.
3950       *
3951       * @param string $url
3952       * @param bool   $disallow_localhost
3953       *
3954       * @psalm-pure
3955       *
3956       * @return bool
3957       */
3958      public static function is_url(string $url, bool $disallow_localhost = false): bool
3959      {
3960          if ($url === '') {
3961              return false;
3962          }
3964          // WARNING: keep this as hack protection
3965          if (!self::str_istarts_with_any($url, ['http://', 'https://'])) {
3966              return false;
3967          }
3969          // e.g. -> the server itself connect to "https://foo.localhost/phpmyadmin/...
3970          if ($disallow_localhost) {
3971              if (self::str_istarts_with_any(
3972                  $url,
3973                  [
3974                      'http://localhost',
3975                      'https://localhost',
3976                      '',
3977                      '',
3978                      'http://::1',
3979                      'https://::1',
3980                  ]
3981              )) {
3982                  return false;
3983              }
3985              $regex = '/^(?:http(?:s)?:\/\/).*?(?:\.localhost)/iu';
3986              /** @noinspection BypassedUrlValidationInspection */
3987              if (\preg_match($regex, $url)) {
3988                  return false;
3989              }
3990          }
3992          // INFO: this is needed for e.g. "http://müller.de/" (internationalized domain names) and non ASCII-parameters
3993          /** @noinspection SuspiciousAssignmentsInspection - false-positive - https://github.com/kalessil/phpinspectionsea/issues/1500 */
3994          $regex = '/^(?:http(?:s)?:\\/\\/)(?:[\p{L}0-9][\p{L}0-9_-]*(?:\\.[\p{L}0-9][\p{L}0-9_-]*))(?:\\d+)?(?:\\/\\.*)?/iu';
3995          /** @noinspection BypassedUrlValidationInspection */
3996          if (\preg_match($regex, $url)) {
3997              return true;
3998          }
4000          /** @noinspection BypassedUrlValidationInspection */
4001          return \filter_var($url, \FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false;
4002      }
4004      /**
4005       * Try to check if "$str" is a JSON-string.
4006       *
4007       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::is_json('{"array":[1,"¥","ä"]}'); // true</code>
4008       *
4009       * @param string $str                                    <p>The input string.</p>
4010       * @param bool   $only_array_or_object_results_are_valid [optional] <p>Only array and objects are valid json
4011       *                                                       results.</p>
4012       *
4013       * @return bool
4014       *              <p>Whether or not the $str is in JSON format.</p>
4015       */
4016      public static function is_json(string $str, bool $only_array_or_object_results_are_valid = true): bool
4017      {
4018          if ($str === '') {
4019              return false;
4020          }
4022          if (self::$SUPPORT['json'] === false) {
4023              throw new \RuntimeException('ext-json: is not installed');
4024          }
4026          $jsonOrNull = self::json_decode($str);
4027          if ($jsonOrNull === null && \strtoupper($str) !== 'NULL') {
4028              return false;
4029          }
4031          if (
4032              $only_array_or_object_results_are_valid
4033              &&
4034              !\is_object($jsonOrNull)
4035              &&
4036              !\is_array($jsonOrNull)
4037          ) {
4038              return false;
4039          }
4041          /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
4042          return \json_last_error() === \JSON_ERROR_NONE;
4043      }
4045      /**
4046       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
4047       *
4048       * @psalm-pure
4049       *
4050       * @return bool
4051       *              <p>Whether or not $str contains only lowercase chars.</p>
4052       */
4053      public static function is_lowercase(string $str): bool
4054      {
4055          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
4056              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
4057              return \mb_ereg_match('^[[:lower:]]*$', $str);
4058          }
4060          return self::str_matches_pattern($str, '^[[:lower:]]*$');
4061      }
4063      /**
4064       * Returns true if the string is serialized, false otherwise.
4065       *
4066       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
4067       *
4068       * @psalm-pure
4069       *
4070       * @return bool
4071       *              <p>Whether or not $str is serialized.</p>
4072       */
4073      public static function is_serialized(string $str): bool
4074      {
4075          if ($str === '') {
4076              return false;
4077          }
4079          /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection */
4080          /** @noinspection UnserializeExploitsInspection */
4081          return $str === 'b:0;'
4082                 ||
4083                 @\unserialize($str) !== false;
4084      }
4086      /**
4087       * Returns true if the string contains only lower case chars, false
4088       * otherwise.
4089       *
4090       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
4091       *
4092       * @psalm-pure
4093       *
4094       * @return bool
4095       *              <p>Whether or not $str contains only lower case characters.</p>
4096       */
4097      public static function is_uppercase(string $str): bool
4098      {
4099          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
4100              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
4101              return \mb_ereg_match('^[[:upper:]]*$', $str);
4102          }
4104          return self::str_matches_pattern($str, '^[[:upper:]]*$');
4105      }
4107      /**
4108       * Check if the string is UTF-16.
4109       *
4110       * EXAMPLE: <code>
4111       * UTF8::is_utf16(file_get_contents('utf-16-le.txt')); // 1
4112       * //
4113       * UTF8::is_utf16(file_get_contents('utf-16-be.txt')); // 2
4114       * //
4115       * UTF8::is_utf16(file_get_contents('utf-8.txt')); // false
4116       * </code>
4117       *
4118       * @param string $str                       <p>The input string.</p>
4119       * @param bool   $check_if_string_is_binary
4120       *
4121       * @psalm-pure
4122       *
4123       * @return false|int
4124       *                   <strong>false</strong> if is't not UTF-16,<br>
4125       *                   <strong>1</strong> for UTF-16LE,<br>
4126       *                   <strong>2</strong> for UTF-16BE
4127       */
4128      public static function is_utf16($str, bool $check_if_string_is_binary = true)
4129      {
4130          // init
4131          $str = (string) $str;
4132          $str_chars = [];
4134          if (
4135              $check_if_string_is_binary
4136              &&
4137              !self::is_binary($str, true)
4138          ) {
4139              return false;
4140          }
4142          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false) {
4143              /**
4144               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
4145               */
4146              \trigger_error('UTF8::is_utf16() without mbstring may did not work correctly', \E_USER_WARNING);
4147          }
4149          $str = self::remove_bom($str);
4151          $maybe_utf16le = 0;
4152          $test = \mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE');
4153          if ($test) {
4154              $test2 = \mb_convert_encoding($test, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
4155              $test3 = \mb_convert_encoding($test2, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE');
4156              if ($test3 === $test) {
4157                  /**
4158                   * @psalm-suppress RedundantCondition
4159                   */
4160                  if ($str_chars === []) {
4161                      $str_chars = self::count_chars($str, true, false);
4162                  }
4163                  foreach (self::count_chars($test3) as $test3char => &$test3charEmpty) {
4164                      if (\in_array($test3char, $str_chars, true)) {
4165                          ++$maybe_utf16le;
4166                      }
4167                  }
4168                  unset($test3charEmpty);
4169              }
4170          }
4172          $maybe_utf16be = 0;
4173          $test = \mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE');
4174          if ($test) {
4175              $test2 = \mb_convert_encoding($test, 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-8');
4176              $test3 = \mb_convert_encoding($test2, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE');
4177              if ($test3 === $test) {
4178                  if ($str_chars === []) {
4179                      $str_chars = self::count_chars($str, true, false);
4180                  }
4181                  foreach (self::count_chars($test3) as $test3char => &$test3charEmpty) {
4182                      if (\in_array($test3char, $str_chars, true)) {
4183                          ++$maybe_utf16be;
4184                      }
4185                  }
4186                  unset($test3charEmpty);
4187              }
4188          }
4190          if ($maybe_utf16be !== $maybe_utf16le) {
4191              if ($maybe_utf16le > $maybe_utf16be) {
4192                  return 1;
4193              }
4195              return 2;
4196          }
4198          return false;
4199      }
4201      /**
4202       * Check if the string is UTF-32.
4203       *
4204       * EXAMPLE: <code>
4205       * UTF8::is_utf32(file_get_contents('utf-32-le.txt')); // 1
4206       * //
4207       * UTF8::is_utf32(file_get_contents('utf-32-be.txt')); // 2
4208       * //
4209       * UTF8::is_utf32(file_get_contents('utf-8.txt')); // false
4210       * </code>
4211       *
4212       * @param string $str                       <p>The input string.</p>
4213       * @param bool   $check_if_string_is_binary
4214       *
4215       * @psalm-pure
4216       *
4217       * @return false|int
4218       *                   <strong>false</strong> if is't not UTF-32,<br>
4219       *                   <strong>1</strong> for UTF-32LE,<br>
4220       *                   <strong>2</strong> for UTF-32BE
4221       */
4222      public static function is_utf32($str, bool $check_if_string_is_binary = true)
4223      {
4224          // init
4225          $str = (string) $str;
4226          $str_chars = [];
4228          if (
4229              $check_if_string_is_binary
4230              &&
4231              !self::is_binary($str, true)
4232          ) {
4233              return false;
4234          }
4236          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false) {
4237              /**
4238               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
4239               */
4240              \trigger_error('UTF8::is_utf32() without mbstring may did not work correctly', \E_USER_WARNING);
4241          }
4243          $str = self::remove_bom($str);
4245          $maybe_utf32le = 0;
4246          $test = \mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-32LE');
4247          if ($test) {
4248              $test2 = \mb_convert_encoding($test, 'UTF-32LE', 'UTF-8');
4249              $test3 = \mb_convert_encoding($test2, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-32LE');
4250              if ($test3 === $test) {
4251                  /**
4252                   * @psalm-suppress RedundantCondition
4253                   */
4254                  if ($str_chars === []) {
4255                      $str_chars = self::count_chars($str, true, false);
4256                  }
4257                  foreach (self::count_chars($test3) as $test3char => &$test3charEmpty) {
4258                      if (\in_array($test3char, $str_chars, true)) {
4259                          ++$maybe_utf32le;
4260                      }
4261                  }
4262                  unset($test3charEmpty);
4263              }
4264          }
4266          $maybe_utf32be = 0;
4267          $test = \mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-32BE');
4268          if ($test) {
4269              $test2 = \mb_convert_encoding($test, 'UTF-32BE', 'UTF-8');
4270              $test3 = \mb_convert_encoding($test2, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-32BE');
4271              if ($test3 === $test) {
4272                  if ($str_chars === []) {
4273                      $str_chars = self::count_chars($str, true, false);
4274                  }
4275                  foreach (self::count_chars($test3) as $test3char => &$test3charEmpty) {
4276                      if (\in_array($test3char, $str_chars, true)) {
4277                          ++$maybe_utf32be;
4278                      }
4279                  }
4280                  unset($test3charEmpty);
4281              }
4282          }
4284          if ($maybe_utf32be !== $maybe_utf32le) {
4285              if ($maybe_utf32le > $maybe_utf32be) {
4286                  return 1;
4287              }
4289              return 2;
4290          }
4292          return false;
4293      }
4295      /**
4296       * Checks whether the passed input contains only byte sequences that appear valid UTF-8.
4297       *
4298       * EXAMPLE: <code>
4299       * UTF8::is_utf8(['Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn', 'foo']); // true
4300       * //
4301       * UTF8::is_utf8(["Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn\xA0\xA1", 'bar']); // false
4302       * </code>
4303       *
4304       * @param int|string|string[]|null $str    <p>The input to be checked.</p>
4305       * @param bool                     $strict <p>Check also if the string is not UTF-16 or UTF-32.</p>
4306       *
4307       * @psalm-pure
4308       *
4309       * @return bool
4310       */
4311      public static function is_utf8($str, bool $strict = false): bool
4312      {
4313          if (\is_array($str)) {
4314              foreach ($str as &$v) {
4315                  if (!self::is_utf8($v, $strict)) {
4316                      return false;
4317                  }
4318              }
4320              return true;
4321          }
4323          return self::is_utf8_string((string) $str, $strict);
4324      }
4326      /**
4327       * (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.2.0, PECL json &gt;= 1.2.0)<br/>
4328       * Decodes a JSON string
4329       *
4330       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::json_decode('[1,"\u00a5","\u00e4"]'); // array(1, '¥', 'ä')</code>
4331       *
4332       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-decode.php
4333       *
4334       * @param string $json    <p>
4335       *                        The <i>json</i> string being decoded.
4336       *                        </p>
4337       *                        <p>
4338       *                        This function only works with UTF-8 encoded strings.
4339       *                        </p>
4340       *                        <p>PHP implements a superset of
4341       *                        JSON - it will also encode and decode scalar types and <b>NULL</b>. The JSON standard
4342       *                        only supports these values when they are nested inside an array or an object.
4343       *                        </p>
4344       * @param bool   $assoc   [optional] <p>
4345       *                        When <b>TRUE</b>, returned objects will be converted into
4346       *                        associative arrays.
4347       *                        </p>
4348       * @param int    $depth   [optional] <p>
4349       *                        User specified recursion depth.
4350       *                        </p>
4351       * @param int    $options [optional] <p>
4352       *                        Bitmask of JSON decode options. Currently only
4353       *                        <b>JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING</b>
4354       *                        is supported (default is to cast large integers as floats)
4355       *                        </p>
4356       *
4357       * @psalm-pure
4358       *
4359       * @return mixed
4360       *               <p>The value encoded in <i>json</i> in appropriate PHP type. Values true, false and
4361       *               null (case-insensitive) are returned as <b>TRUE</b>, <b>FALSE</b> and <b>NULL</b> respectively.
4362       *               <b>NULL</b> is returned if the <i>json</i> cannot be decoded or if the encoded data
4363       *               is deeper than the recursion limit.</p>
4364       */
4365      public static function json_decode(
4366          string $json,
4367          bool $assoc = false,
4368          int $depth = 512,
4369          int $options = 0
4370      ) {
4371          $json = self::filter($json);
4373          if (self::$SUPPORT['json'] === false) {
4374              throw new \RuntimeException('ext-json: is not installed');
4375          }
4377          /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
4378          return \json_decode($json, $assoc, $depth, $options);
4379      }
4381      /**
4382       * (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.2.0, PECL json &gt;= 1.2.0)<br/>
4383       * Returns the JSON representation of a value.
4384       *
4385       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::json_enocde(array(1, '¥', 'ä')); // '[1,"\u00a5","\u00e4"]'</code>
4386       *
4387       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-encode.php
4388       *
4389       * @param mixed $value   <p>
4390       *                       The <i>value</i> being encoded. Can be any type except
4391       *                       a resource.
4392       *                       </p>
4393       *                       <p>
4394       *                       All string data must be UTF-8 encoded.
4395       *                       </p>
4396       *                       <p>PHP implements a superset of
4397       *                       JSON - it will also encode and decode scalar types and <b>NULL</b>. The JSON standard
4398       *                       only supports these values when they are nested inside an array or an object.
4399       *                       </p>
4400       * @param int   $options [optional] <p>
4401       *                       Bitmask consisting of <b>JSON_HEX_QUOT</b>,
4402       *                       <b>JSON_HEX_TAG</b>,
4403       *                       <b>JSON_HEX_AMP</b>,
4404       *                       <b>JSON_HEX_APOS</b>,
4405       *                       <b>JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK</b>,
4406       *                       <b>JSON_PRETTY_PRINT</b>,
4407       *                       <b>JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES</b>,
4408       *                       <b>JSON_FORCE_OBJECT</b>,
4409       *                       <b>JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE</b>. The behaviour of these
4410       *                       constants is described on
4411       *                       the JSON constants page.
4412       *                       </p>
4413       * @param int   $depth   [optional] <p>
4414       *                       Set the maximum depth. Must be greater than zero.
4415       *                       </p>
4416       *
4417       * @psalm-pure
4418       *
4419       * @return false|string
4420       *                      A JSON encoded <strong>string</strong> on success or<br>
4421       *                      <strong>FALSE</strong> on failure
4422       */
4423      public static function json_encode($value, int $options = 0, int $depth = 512)
4424      {
4425          $value = self::filter($value);
4427          if (self::$SUPPORT['json'] === false) {
4428              throw new \RuntimeException('ext-json: is not installed');
4429          }
4431          /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
4432          return \json_encode($value, $options, $depth);
4433      }
4435      /**
4436       * Checks whether JSON is available on the server.
4437       *
4438       * @psalm-pure
4439       *
4440       * @return bool
4441       *              <p><strong>true</strong> if available, <strong>false</strong> otherwise</p>
4442       *
4443       * @internal <p>Please do not use it anymore, we will make is private in next major version.</p>
4444       */
4445      public static function json_loaded(): bool
4446      {
4447          return \function_exists('json_decode');
4448      }
4450      /**
4451       * Makes string's first char lowercase.
4452       *
4453       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::lcfirst('ÑTËRNÂTIÔNÀLIZÆTIØN'); // ñTËRNÂTIÔNÀLIZÆTIØN</code>
4454       *
4455       * @param string      $str                           <p>The input string</p>
4456       * @param string      $encoding                      [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
4457       * @param bool        $clean_utf8                    [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
4458       * @param string|null $lang                          [optional] <p>Set the language for special cases: az, el, lt,
4459       *                                                   tr</p>
4460       * @param bool        $try_to_keep_the_string_length [optional] <p>true === try to keep the string length: e.g. ẞ
4461       *                                                   -> ß</p>
4462       *
4463       * @psalm-pure
4464       *
4465       * @return string the resulting string
4466       */
4467      public static function lcfirst(
4468          string $str,
4469          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
4470          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
4471          string $lang = null,
4472          bool $try_to_keep_the_string_length = false
4473      ): string {
4474          if ($clean_utf8) {
4475              $str = self::clean($str);
4476          }
4478          $use_mb_functions = ($lang === null && !$try_to_keep_the_string_length);
4480          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
4481              $str_part_two = (string) \mb_substr($str, 1);
4483              if ($use_mb_functions) {
4484                  $str_part_one = \mb_strtolower(
4485                      (string) \mb_substr($str, 0, 1)
4486                  );
4487              } else {
4488                  $str_part_one = self::strtolower(
4489                      (string) \mb_substr($str, 0, 1),
4490                      $encoding,
4491                      false,
4492                      $lang,
4493                      $try_to_keep_the_string_length
4494                  );
4495              }
4496          } else {
4497              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
4499              $str_part_two = (string) self::substr($str, 1, null, $encoding);
4501              $str_part_one = self::strtolower(
4502                  (string) self::substr($str, 0, 1, $encoding),
4503                  $encoding,
4504                  false,
4505                  $lang,
4506                  $try_to_keep_the_string_length
4507              );
4508          }
4510          return $str_part_one . $str_part_two;
4511      }
4513      /**
4514       * alias for "UTF8::lcfirst()"
4515       *
4516       * @param string      $str
4517       * @param string      $encoding
4518       * @param bool        $clean_utf8
4519       * @param string|null $lang
4520       * @param bool        $try_to_keep_the_string_length
4521       *
4522       * @psalm-pure
4523       *
4524       * @return string
4525       *
4526       * @see        UTF8::lcfirst()
4527       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::lcfirst()"</p>
4528       */
4529      public static function lcword(
4530          string $str,
4531          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
4532          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
4533          string $lang = null,
4534          bool $try_to_keep_the_string_length = false
4535      ): string {
4536          return self::lcfirst(
4537              $str,
4538              $encoding,
4539              $clean_utf8,
4540              $lang,
4541              $try_to_keep_the_string_length
4542          );
4543      }
4545      /**
4546       * Lowercase for all words in the string.
4547       *
4548       * @param string      $str                           <p>The input string.</p>
4549       * @param string[]    $exceptions                    [optional] <p>Exclusion for some words.</p>
4550       * @param string      $char_list                     [optional] <p>Additional chars that contains to words and do
4551       *                                                   not start a new word.</p>
4552       * @param string      $encoding                      [optional] <p>Set the charset.</p>
4553       * @param bool        $clean_utf8                    [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
4554       * @param string|null $lang                          [optional] <p>Set the language for special cases: az, el, lt,
4555       *                                                   tr</p>
4556       * @param bool        $try_to_keep_the_string_length [optional] <p>true === try to keep the string length: e.g. ẞ
4557       *                                                   -> ß</p>
4558       *
4559       * @psalm-pure
4560       *
4561       * @return string
4562       */
4563      public static function lcwords(
4564          string $str,
4565          array $exceptions = [],
4566          string $char_list = '',
4567          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
4568          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
4569          string $lang = null,
4570          bool $try_to_keep_the_string_length = false
4571      ): string {
4572          if (!$str) {
4573              return '';
4574          }
4576          $words = self::str_to_words($str, $char_list);
4577          $use_exceptions = $exceptions !== [];
4579          $words_str = '';
4580          foreach ($words as &$word) {
4581              if (!$word) {
4582                  continue;
4583              }
4585              if (
4586                  !$use_exceptions
4587                  ||
4588                  !\in_array($word, $exceptions, true)
4589              ) {
4590                  $words_str .= self::lcfirst($word, $encoding, $clean_utf8, $lang, $try_to_keep_the_string_length);
4591              } else {
4592                  $words_str .= $word;
4593              }
4594          }
4596          return $words_str;
4597      }
4599      /**
4600       * alias for "UTF8::lcfirst()"
4601       *
4602       * @param string      $str
4603       * @param string      $encoding
4604       * @param bool        $clean_utf8
4605       * @param string|null $lang
4606       * @param bool        $try_to_keep_the_string_length
4607       *
4608       * @psalm-pure
4609       *
4610       * @return string
4611       *
4612       * @see        UTF8::lcfirst()
4613       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::lcfirst()"</p>
4614       */
4615      public static function lowerCaseFirst(
4616          string $str,
4617          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
4618          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
4619          string $lang = null,
4620          bool $try_to_keep_the_string_length = false
4621      ): string {
4622          return self::lcfirst(
4623              $str,
4624              $encoding,
4625              $clean_utf8,
4626              $lang,
4627              $try_to_keep_the_string_length
4628          );
4629      }
4631      /**
4632       * Strip whitespace or other characters from the beginning of a UTF-8 string.
4633       *
4634       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::ltrim(' 中文空白  '); // '中文空白  '</code>
4635       *
4636       * @param string      $str   <p>The string to be trimmed</p>
4637       * @param string|null $chars <p>Optional characters to be stripped</p>
4638       *
4639       * @psalm-pure
4640       *
4641       * @return string the string with unwanted characters stripped from the left
4642       */
4643      public static function ltrim(string $str = '', string $chars = null): string
4644      {
4645          if ($str === '') {
4646              return '';
4647          }
4649          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
4650              if ($chars !== null) {
4651                  /** @noinspection PregQuoteUsageInspection */
4652                  $chars = \preg_quote($chars);
4653                  $pattern = "^[$chars}]+";
4654              } else {
4655                  $pattern = '^[\\s]+';
4656              }
4658              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
4659              return (string) \mb_ereg_replace($pattern, '', $str);
4660          }
4662          if ($chars !== null) {
4663              $chars = \preg_quote($chars, '/');
4664              $pattern = "^[$chars}]+";
4665          } else {
4666              $pattern = '^[\\s]+';
4667          }
4669          return self::regex_replace($str, $pattern, '');
4670      }
4672      /**
4673       * Returns the UTF-8 character with the maximum code point in the given data.
4674       *
4675       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::max('abc-äöü-中文空白'); // 'ø'</code>
4676       *
4677       * @param array<string>|string $arg <p>A UTF-8 encoded string or an array of such strings.</p>
4678       *
4679       * @psalm-pure
4680       *
4681       * @return string|null the character with the highest code point than others, returns null on failure or empty input
4682       */
4683      public static function max($arg)
4684      {
4685          if (\is_array($arg)) {
4686              $arg = \implode('', $arg);
4687          }
4689          $codepoints = self::codepoints($arg);
4690          if ($codepoints === []) {
4691              return null;
4692          }
4694          $codepoint_max = \max($codepoints);
4696          return self::chr((int) $codepoint_max);
4697      }
4699      /**
4700       * Calculates and returns the maximum number of bytes taken by any
4701       * UTF-8 encoded character in the given string.
4702       *
4703       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::max_chr_width('Intërnâtiônàlizætiøn'); // 2</code>
4704       *
4705       * @param string $str <p>The original Unicode string.</p>
4706       *
4707       * @psalm-pure
4708       *
4709       * @return int
4710       *             <p>Max byte lengths of the given chars.</p>
4711       */
4712      public static function max_chr_width(string $str): int
4713      {
4714          $bytes = self::chr_size_list($str);
4715          if ($bytes !== []) {
4716              return (int) \max($bytes);
4717          }
4719          return 0;
4720      }
4722      /**
4723       * Checks whether mbstring is available on the server.
4724       *
4725       * @psalm-pure
4726       *
4727       * @return bool
4728       *              <p><strong>true</strong> if available, <strong>false</strong> otherwise</p>
4729       *
4730       * @internal <p>Please do not use it anymore, we will make is private in next major version.</p>
4731       */
4732      public static function mbstring_loaded(): bool
4733      {
4734          return \extension_loaded('mbstring');
4735      }
4737      /**
4738       * Returns the UTF-8 character with the minimum code point in the given data.
4739       *
4740       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::min('abc-äöü-中文空白'); // '-'</code>
4741       *
4742       * @param string|string[] $arg <strong>A UTF-8 encoded string or an array of such strings.</strong>
4743       *
4744       * @psalm-pure
4745       *
4746       * @return string|null
4747       *                     <p>The character with the lowest code point than others, returns null on failure or empty input.</p>
4748       */
4749      public static function min($arg)
4750      {
4751          if (\is_array($arg)) {
4752              $arg = \implode('', $arg);
4753          }
4755          $codepoints = self::codepoints($arg);
4756          if ($codepoints === []) {
4757              return null;
4758          }
4760          $codepoint_min = \min($codepoints);
4762          return self::chr((int) $codepoint_min);
4763      }
4765      /**
4766       * alias for "UTF8::normalize_encoding()"
4767       *
4768       * @param mixed $encoding
4769       * @param mixed $fallback
4770       *
4771       * @psalm-pure
4772       *
4773       * @return mixed
4774       *
4775       * @see        UTF8::normalize_encoding()
4776       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::normalize_encoding()"</p>
4777       */
4778      public static function normalizeEncoding($encoding, $fallback = '')
4779      {
4780          return self::normalize_encoding($encoding, $fallback);
4781      }
4783      /**
4784       * Normalize the encoding-"name" input.
4785       *
4786       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::normalize_encoding('UTF8'); // 'UTF-8'</code>
4787       *
4788       * @param mixed $encoding <p>e.g.: ISO, UTF8, WINDOWS-1251 etc.</p>
4789       * @param mixed $fallback <p>e.g.: UTF-8</p>
4790       *
4791       * @psalm-pure
4792       *
4793       * @return mixed|string
4794       *                      <p>e.g.: ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, WINDOWS-1251 etc.<br>Will return a empty string as fallback (by default)</p>
4795       *
4796       * @template TNormalizeEncodingFallback
4797       * @phpstan-param string|TNormalizeEncodingFallback $fallback
4798       * @phpstan-return string|TNormalizeEncodingFallback
4799       */
4800      public static function normalize_encoding($encoding, $fallback = '')
4801      {
4802          /**
4803           * @psalm-suppress ImpureStaticVariable
4804           *
4805           * @var array<string,string>
4806           */
4807          static $STATIC_NORMALIZE_ENCODING_CACHE = [];
4809          // init
4810          $encoding = (string) $encoding;
4812          if (!$encoding) {
4813              return $fallback;
4814          }
4816          if (
4817              $encoding === 'UTF-8'
4818              ||
4819              $encoding === 'UTF8'
4820          ) {
4821              return 'UTF-8';
4822          }
4824          if (
4825              $encoding === '8BIT'
4826              ||
4827              $encoding === 'BINARY'
4828          ) {
4829              return 'CP850';
4830          }
4832          if (
4833              $encoding === 'HTML'
4834              ||
4835              $encoding === 'HTML-ENTITIES'
4836          ) {
4837              return 'HTML-ENTITIES';
4838          }
4840          if (
4841              $encoding === 'ISO'
4842              ||
4843              $encoding === 'ISO-8859-1'
4844          ) {
4845              return 'ISO-8859-1';
4846          }
4848          if (
4849              $encoding === '1' // only a fallback, for non "strict_types" usage ...
4850              ||
4851              $encoding === '0' // only a fallback, for non "strict_types" usage ...
4852          ) {
4853              return $fallback;
4854          }
4856          if (isset($STATIC_NORMALIZE_ENCODING_CACHE[$encoding])) {
4857              return $STATIC_NORMALIZE_ENCODING_CACHE[$encoding];
4858          }
4860          if (self::$ENCODINGS === null) {
4861              self::$ENCODINGS = self::getData('encodings');
4862          }
4864          if (\in_array($encoding, self::$ENCODINGS, true)) {
4865              $STATIC_NORMALIZE_ENCODING_CACHE[$encoding] = $encoding;
4867              return $encoding;
4868          }
4870          $encoding_original = $encoding;
4871          $encoding = \strtoupper($encoding);
4872          $encoding_upper_helper = (string) \preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/u', '', $encoding);
4874          $equivalences = [
4875              'ISO8859'     => 'ISO-8859-1',
4876              'ISO88591'    => 'ISO-8859-1',
4877              'ISO'         => 'ISO-8859-1',
4878              'LATIN'       => 'ISO-8859-1',
4879              'LATIN1'      => 'ISO-8859-1', // Western European
4880              'ISO88592'    => 'ISO-8859-2',
4881              'LATIN2'      => 'ISO-8859-2', // Central European
4882              'ISO88593'    => 'ISO-8859-3',
4883              'LATIN3'      => 'ISO-8859-3', // Southern European
4884              'ISO88594'    => 'ISO-8859-4',
4885              'LATIN4'      => 'ISO-8859-4', // Northern European
4886              'ISO88595'    => 'ISO-8859-5',
4887              'ISO88596'    => 'ISO-8859-6', // Greek
4888              'ISO88597'    => 'ISO-8859-7',
4889              'ISO88598'    => 'ISO-8859-8', // Hebrew
4890              'ISO88599'    => 'ISO-8859-9',
4891              'LATIN5'      => 'ISO-8859-9', // Turkish
4892              'ISO885911'   => 'ISO-8859-11',
4893              'TIS620'      => 'ISO-8859-11', // Thai
4894              'ISO885910'   => 'ISO-8859-10',
4895              'LATIN6'      => 'ISO-8859-10', // Nordic
4896              'ISO885913'   => 'ISO-8859-13',
4897              'LATIN7'      => 'ISO-8859-13', // Baltic
4898              'ISO885914'   => 'ISO-8859-14',
4899              'LATIN8'      => 'ISO-8859-14', // Celtic
4900              'ISO885915'   => 'ISO-8859-15',
4901              'LATIN9'      => 'ISO-8859-15', // Western European (with some extra chars e.g. €)
4902              'ISO885916'   => 'ISO-8859-16',
4903              'LATIN10'     => 'ISO-8859-16', // Southeast European
4904              'CP1250'      => 'WINDOWS-1250',
4905              'WIN1250'     => 'WINDOWS-1250',
4906              'WINDOWS1250' => 'WINDOWS-1250',
4907              'CP1251'      => 'WINDOWS-1251',
4908              'WIN1251'     => 'WINDOWS-1251',
4909              'WINDOWS1251' => 'WINDOWS-1251',
4910              'CP1252'      => 'WINDOWS-1252',
4911              'WIN1252'     => 'WINDOWS-1252',
4912              'WINDOWS1252' => 'WINDOWS-1252',
4913              'CP1253'      => 'WINDOWS-1253',
4914              'WIN1253'     => 'WINDOWS-1253',
4915              'WINDOWS1253' => 'WINDOWS-1253',
4916              'CP1254'      => 'WINDOWS-1254',
4917              'WIN1254'     => 'WINDOWS-1254',
4918              'WINDOWS1254' => 'WINDOWS-1254',
4919              'CP1255'      => 'WINDOWS-1255',
4920              'WIN1255'     => 'WINDOWS-1255',
4921              'WINDOWS1255' => 'WINDOWS-1255',
4922              'CP1256'      => 'WINDOWS-1256',
4923              'WIN1256'     => 'WINDOWS-1256',
4924              'WINDOWS1256' => 'WINDOWS-1256',
4925              'CP1257'      => 'WINDOWS-1257',
4926              'WIN1257'     => 'WINDOWS-1257',
4927              'WINDOWS1257' => 'WINDOWS-1257',
4928              'CP1258'      => 'WINDOWS-1258',
4929              'WIN1258'     => 'WINDOWS-1258',
4930              'WINDOWS1258' => 'WINDOWS-1258',
4931              'UTF16'       => 'UTF-16',
4932              'UTF32'       => 'UTF-32',
4933              'UTF8'        => 'UTF-8',
4934              'UTF'         => 'UTF-8',
4935              'UTF7'        => 'UTF-7',
4936              '8BIT'        => 'CP850',
4937              'BINARY'      => 'CP850',
4938          ];
4940          if (!empty($equivalences[$encoding_upper_helper])) {
4941              $encoding = $equivalences[$encoding_upper_helper];
4942          }
4944          $STATIC_NORMALIZE_ENCODING_CACHE[$encoding_original] = $encoding;
4946          return $encoding;
4947      }
4949      /**
4950       * Standardize line ending to unix-like.
4951       *
4952       * @param string          $str      <p>The input string.</p>
4953       * @param string|string[] $replacer <p>The replacer char e.g. "\n" (Linux) or "\r\n" (Windows). You can also use \PHP_EOL
4954       *                                  here.</p>
4955       *
4956       * @psalm-pure
4957       *
4958       * @return string
4959       *                <p>A string with normalized line ending.</p>
4960       */
4961      public static function normalize_line_ending(string $str, $replacer = "\n"): string
4962      {
4963          return \str_replace(["\r\n", "\r", "\n"], $replacer, $str);
4964      }
4966      /**
4967       * Normalize some MS Word special characters.
4968       *
4969       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::normalize_msword('„Abcdef…”'); // '"Abcdef..."'</code>
4970       *
4971       * @param string $str <p>The string to be normalized.</p>
4972       *
4973       * @psalm-pure
4974       *
4975       * @return string
4976       *                <p>A string with normalized characters for commonly used chars in Word documents.</p>
4977       */
4978      public static function normalize_msword(string $str): string
4979      {
4980          return ASCII::normalize_msword($str);
4981      }
4983      /**
4984       * Normalize the whitespace.
4985       *
4986       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::normalize_whitespace("abc-\xc2\xa0-öäü-\xe2\x80\xaf-\xE2\x80\xAC", true); // "abc-\xc2\xa0-öäü- -"</code>
4987       *
4988       * @param string $str                          <p>The string to be normalized.</p>
4989       * @param bool   $keep_non_breaking_space      [optional] <p>Set to true, to keep non-breaking-spaces.</p>
4990       * @param bool   $keep_bidi_unicode_controls   [optional] <p>Set to true, to keep non-printable (for the web)
4991       *                                             bidirectional text chars.</p>
4992       * @param bool   $normalize_control_characters [optional] <p>Set to true, to convert e.g. LINE-, PARAGRAPH-SEPARATOR with "\n" and LINE TABULATION with "\t".</p>
4993       *
4994       * @psalm-pure
4995       *
4996       * @return string
4997       *                <p>A string with normalized whitespace.</p>
4998       */
4999      public static function normalize_whitespace(
5000          string $str,
5001          bool $keep_non_breaking_space = false,
5002          bool $keep_bidi_unicode_controls = false,
5003          bool $normalize_control_characters = false
5004      ): string {
5005          return ASCII::normalize_whitespace(
5006              $str,
5007              $keep_non_breaking_space,
5008              $keep_bidi_unicode_controls,
5009              $normalize_control_characters
5010          );
5011      }
5013      /**
5014       * Calculates Unicode code point of the given UTF-8 encoded character.
5015       *
5016       * INFO: opposite to UTF8::chr()
5017       *
5018       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::ord('☃'); // 0x2603</code>
5019       *
5020       * @param string $chr      <p>The character of which to calculate code point.<p/>
5021       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
5022       *
5023       * @psalm-pure
5024       *
5025       * @return int
5026       *             <p>Unicode code point of the given character,<br>
5027       *             0 on invalid UTF-8 byte sequence</p>
5028       */
5029      public static function ord($chr, string $encoding = 'UTF-8'): int
5030      {
5031          /**
5032           * @psalm-suppress ImpureStaticVariable
5033           *
5034           * @var array<string,int>
5035           */
5036          static $CHAR_CACHE = [];
5038          // init
5039          $chr = (string) $chr;
5041          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
5042              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
5043          }
5045          $cache_key = $chr . '_' . $encoding;
5046          if (isset($CHAR_CACHE[$cache_key])) {
5047              return $CHAR_CACHE[$cache_key];
5048          }
5050          // check again, if it's still not UTF-8
5051          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8') {
5052              $chr = self::encode($encoding, $chr);
5053          }
5055          if (self::$ORD === null) {
5056              self::$ORD = self::getData('ord');
5057          }
5059          if (isset(self::$ORD[$chr])) {
5060              return $CHAR_CACHE[$cache_key] = self::$ORD[$chr];
5061          }
5063          //
5064          // fallback via "IntlChar"
5065          //
5067          if (self::$SUPPORT['intlChar'] === true) {
5068              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
5069              $code = \IntlChar::ord($chr);
5070              if ($code) {
5071                  return $CHAR_CACHE[$cache_key] = $code;
5072              }
5073          }
5075          //
5076          // fallback via vanilla php
5077          //
5079          /** @noinspection CallableParameterUseCaseInTypeContextInspection - FP */
5080          $chr = \unpack('C*', (string) \substr($chr, 0, 4));
5081          /** @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection */
5082          $code = $chr ? $chr[1] : 0;
5084          /** @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection */
5085          if ($code >= 0xF0 && isset($chr[4])) {
5086              /** @noinspection UnnecessaryCastingInspection */
5087              /** @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection */
5088              return $CHAR_CACHE[$cache_key] = (int) ((($code - 0xF0) << 18) + (($chr[2] - 0x80) << 12) + (($chr[3] - 0x80) << 6) + $chr[4] - 0x80);
5089          }
5091          /** @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection */
5092          if ($code >= 0xE0 && isset($chr[3])) {
5093              /** @noinspection UnnecessaryCastingInspection */
5094              /** @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection */
5095              return $CHAR_CACHE[$cache_key] = (int) ((($code - 0xE0) << 12) + (($chr[2] - 0x80) << 6) + $chr[3] - 0x80);
5096          }
5098          /** @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection */
5099          if ($code >= 0xC0 && isset($chr[2])) {
5100              /** @noinspection UnnecessaryCastingInspection */
5101              /** @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection */
5102              return $CHAR_CACHE[$cache_key] = (int) ((($code - 0xC0) << 6) + $chr[2] - 0x80);
5103          }
5105          return $CHAR_CACHE[$cache_key] = $code;
5106      }
5108      /**
5109       * Parses the string into an array (into the the second parameter).
5110       *
5111       * WARNING: Unlike "parse_str()", this method does not (re-)place variables in the current scope,
5112       *          if the second parameter is not set!
5113       *
5114       * EXAMPLE: <code>
5115       * UTF8::parse_str('Iñtërnâtiônéàlizætiøn=測試&arr[]=foo+測試&arr[]=ການທົດສອບ', $array);
5116       * echo $array['Iñtërnâtiônéàlizætiøn']; // '測試'
5117       * </code>
5118       *
5119       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.parse-str.php
5120       *
5121       * @param string $str        <p>The input string.</p>
5122       * @param array  $result     <p>The result will be returned into this reference parameter.</p>
5123       * @param bool   $clean_utf8 [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
5124       *
5125       * @psalm-pure
5126       *
5127       * @return bool
5128       *              <p>Will return <strong>false</strong> if php can't parse the string and we haven't any $result.</p>
5129       */
5130      public static function parse_str(string $str, &$result, bool $clean_utf8 = false): bool
5131      {
5132          if ($clean_utf8) {
5133              $str = self::clean($str);
5134          }
5136          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
5137              $return = \mb_parse_str($str, $result);
5139              return $return !== false && $result !== [];
5140          }
5142          /**
5143           * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - we use the second parameter, so we don't change variables by magic
5144           */
5145          \parse_str($str, $result);
5147          return $result !== [];
5148      }
5150      /**
5151       * Checks if \u modifier is available that enables Unicode support in PCRE.
5152       *
5153       * @psalm-pure
5154       *
5155       * @return bool
5156       *              <p>
5157       *              <strong>true</strong> if support is available,<br>
5158       *              <strong>false</strong> otherwise
5159       *              </p>
5160       */
5161      public static function pcre_utf8_support(): bool
5162      {
5163          /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection */
5164          return (bool) @\preg_match('//u', '');
5165      }
5167      /**
5168       * Create an array containing a range of UTF-8 characters.
5169       *
5170       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::range('κ', 'ζ'); // array('κ', 'ι', 'θ', 'η', 'ζ',)</code>
5171       *
5172       * @param int|string $var1      <p>Numeric or hexadecimal code points, or a UTF-8 character to start from.</p>
5173       * @param int|string $var2      <p>Numeric or hexadecimal code points, or a UTF-8 character to end at.</p>
5174       * @param bool       $use_ctype <p>use ctype to detect numeric and hexadecimal, otherwise we will use a simple
5175       *                              "is_numeric"</p>
5176       * @param string     $encoding  [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
5177       * @param float|int  $step      [optional] <p>
5178       *                              If a step value is given, it will be used as the
5179       *                              increment between elements in the sequence. step
5180       *                              should be given as a positive number. If not specified,
5181       *                              step will default to 1.
5182       *                              </p>
5183       *
5184       * @psalm-pure
5185       *
5186       * @return string[]
5187       */
5188      public static function range(
5189          $var1,
5190          $var2,
5191          bool $use_ctype = true,
5192          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
5193          $step = 1
5194      ): array {
5195          if (!$var1 || !$var2) {
5196              return [];
5197          }
5199          if ($step !== 1) {
5200              /**
5201               * @psalm-suppress RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType
5202               * @psalm-suppress DocblockTypeContradiction
5203               */
5204              if (!\is_numeric($step)) {
5205                  throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$step need to be a number, type given: ' . \gettype($step));
5206              }
5208              /**
5209               * @psalm-suppress RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType - false-positive from psalm?
5210               */
5211              if ($step <= 0) {
5212                  throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$step need to be a positive number, given: ' . $step);
5213              }
5214          }
5216          if ($use_ctype && self::$SUPPORT['ctype'] === false) {
5217              throw new \RuntimeException('ext-ctype: is not installed');
5218          }
5220          $is_digit = false;
5221          $is_xdigit = false;
5223          /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
5224          if ($use_ctype && \ctype_digit((string) $var1) && \ctype_digit((string) $var2)) {
5225              $is_digit = true;
5226              $start = (int) $var1;
5227          } /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */ elseif ($use_ctype && \ctype_xdigit($var1) && \ctype_xdigit($var2)) {
5228              $is_xdigit = true;
5229              $start = (int) self::hex_to_int((string) $var1);
5230          } elseif (!$use_ctype && \is_numeric($var1)) {
5231              $start = (int) $var1;
5232          } else {
5233              $start = self::ord((string) $var1);
5234          }
5236          if (!$start) {
5237              return [];
5238          }
5240          if ($is_digit) {
5241              $end = (int) $var2;
5242          } elseif ($is_xdigit) {
5243              $end = (int) self::hex_to_int((string) $var2);
5244          } elseif (!$use_ctype && \is_numeric($var2)) {
5245              $end = (int) $var2;
5246          } else {
5247              $end = self::ord((string) $var2);
5248          }
5250          if (!$end) {
5251              return [];
5252          }
5254          $array = [];
5255          foreach (\range($start, $end, $step) as $i) {
5256              $array[] = (string) self::chr((int) $i, $encoding);
5257          }
5259          return $array;
5260      }
5262      /**
5263       * Multi decode HTML entity + fix urlencoded-win1252-chars.
5264       *
5265       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::rawurldecode('tes%20öäü%20\u00edtest+test'); // 'tes öäü ítest+test'</code>
5266       *
5267       * e.g:
5268       * 'test+test'                     => 'test+test'
5269       * 'D&#252;sseldorf'               => 'Düsseldorf'
5270       * 'D%FCsseldorf'                  => 'Düsseldorf'
5271       * 'D&#xFC;sseldorf'               => 'Düsseldorf'
5272       * 'D%26%23xFC%3Bsseldorf'         => 'Düsseldorf'
5273       * 'Düsseldorf'                   => 'Düsseldorf'
5274       * 'D%C3%BCsseldorf'               => 'Düsseldorf'
5275       * 'D%C3%83%C2%BCsseldorf'         => 'Düsseldorf'
5276       * 'D%25C3%2583%25C2%25BCsseldorf' => 'Düsseldorf'
5277       *
5278       * @param string $str          <p>The input string.</p>
5279       * @param bool   $multi_decode <p>Decode as often as possible.</p>
5280       *
5281       * @psalm-pure
5282       *
5283       * @return string
5284       *                <p>The decoded URL, as a string.</p>
5285       */
5286      public static function rawurldecode(string $str, bool $multi_decode = true): string
5287      {
5288          if ($str === '') {
5289              return '';
5290          }
5292          $str = self::urldecode_unicode_helper($str);
5294          if ($multi_decode) {
5295              do {
5296                  $str_compare = $str;
5298                  /**
5299                   * @psalm-suppress PossiblyInvalidArgument
5300                   */
5301                  $str = \rawurldecode(
5302                      self::html_entity_decode(
5303                          self::to_utf8($str),
5304                          \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_HTML5
5305                      )
5306                  );
5307              } while ($str_compare !== $str);
5308          } else {
5309              /**
5310               * @psalm-suppress PossiblyInvalidArgument
5311               */
5312              $str = \rawurldecode(
5313                  self::html_entity_decode(
5314                      self::to_utf8($str),
5315                      \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_HTML5
5316                  )
5317              );
5318          }
5320          return self::fix_simple_utf8($str);
5321      }
5323      /**
5324       * Replaces all occurrences of $pattern in $str by $replacement.
5325       *
5326       * @param string $str         <p>The input string.</p>
5327       * @param string $pattern     <p>The regular expression pattern.</p>
5328       * @param string $replacement <p>The string to replace with.</p>
5329       * @param string $options     [optional] <p>Matching conditions to be used.</p>
5330       * @param string $delimiter   [optional] <p>Delimiter the the regex. Default: '/'</p>
5331       *
5332       * @psalm-pure
5333       *
5334       * @return string
5335       */
5336      public static function regex_replace(
5337          string $str,
5338          string $pattern,
5339          string $replacement,
5340          string $options = '',
5341          string $delimiter = '/'
5342      ): string {
5343          if ($options === 'msr') {
5344              $options = 'ms';
5345          }
5347          // fallback
5348          if (!$delimiter) {
5349              $delimiter = '/';
5350          }
5352          return (string) \preg_replace(
5353              $delimiter . $pattern . $delimiter . 'u' . $options,
5354              $replacement,
5355              $str
5356          );
5357      }
5359      /**
5360       * alias for "UTF8::remove_bom()"
5361       *
5362       * @param string $str
5363       *
5364       * @psalm-pure
5365       *
5366       * @return string
5367       *
5368       * @see        UTF8::remove_bom()
5369       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::remove_bom()"</p>
5370       */
5371      public static function removeBOM(string $str): string
5372      {
5373          return self::remove_bom($str);
5374      }
5376      /**
5377       * Remove the BOM from UTF-8 / UTF-16 / UTF-32 strings.
5378       *
5379       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::remove_bom("\xEF\xBB\xBFΜπορώ να"); // 'Μπορώ να'</code>
5380       *
5381       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
5382       *
5383       * @psalm-pure
5384       *
5385       * @return string
5386       *                <p>A string without UTF-BOM.</p>
5387       */
5388      public static function remove_bom(string $str): string
5389      {
5390          if ($str === '') {
5391              return '';
5392          }
5394          $str_length = \strlen($str);
5395          foreach (self::$BOM as $bom_string => $bom_byte_length) {
5396              if (\strncmp($str, $bom_string, $bom_byte_length) === 0) {
5397                  /** @var false|string $str_tmp - needed for PhpStan (stubs error) */
5398                  $str_tmp = \substr($str, $bom_byte_length, $str_length);
5399                  if ($str_tmp === false) {
5400                      return '';
5401                  }
5403                  $str_length -= (int) $bom_byte_length;
5405                  $str = (string) $str_tmp;
5406              }
5407          }
5409          return $str;
5410      }
5412      /**
5413       * Removes duplicate occurrences of a string in another string.
5414       *
5415       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::remove_duplicates('öäü-κόσμεκόσμε-äöü', 'κόσμε'); // 'öäü-κόσμε-äöü'</code>
5416       *
5417       * @param string          $str  <p>The base string.</p>
5418       * @param string|string[] $what <p>String to search for in the base string.</p>
5419       *
5420       * @psalm-pure
5421       *
5422       * @return string
5423       *                <p>A string with removed duplicates.</p>
5424       */
5425      public static function remove_duplicates(string $str, $what = ' '): string
5426      {
5427          if (\is_string($what)) {
5428              $what = [$what];
5429          }
5431          /**
5432           * @psalm-suppress RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType
5433           */
5434          if (\is_array($what)) {
5435              foreach ($what as $item) {
5436                  $str = (string) \preg_replace('/(' . \preg_quote($item, '/') . ')+/u', $item, $str);
5437              }
5438          }
5440          return $str;
5441      }
5443      /**
5444       * Remove html via "strip_tags()" from the string.
5445       *
5446       * @param string $str            <p>The input string.</p>
5447       * @param string $allowable_tags [optional] <p>You can use the optional second parameter to specify tags which
5448       *                               should not be stripped. Default: null
5449       *                               </p>
5450       *
5451       * @psalm-pure
5452       *
5453       * @return string
5454       *                <p>A string with without html tags.</p>
5455       */
5456      public static function remove_html(string $str, string $allowable_tags = ''): string
5457      {
5458          return \strip_tags($str, $allowable_tags);
5459      }
5461      /**
5462       * Remove all breaks [<br> | \r\n | \r | \n | ...] from the string.
5463       *
5464       * @param string $str         <p>The input string.</p>
5465       * @param string $replacement [optional] <p>Default is a empty string.</p>
5466       *
5467       * @psalm-pure
5468       *
5469       * @return string
5470       *                <p>A string without breaks.</p>
5471       */
5472      public static function remove_html_breaks(string $str, string $replacement = ''): string
5473      {
5474          return (string) \preg_replace("#/\r\n|\r|\n|<br.*/?>#isU", $replacement, $str);
5475      }
5477      /**
5478       * Remove invisible characters from a string.
5479       *
5480       * e.g.: This prevents sandwiching null characters between ascii characters, like Java\0script.
5481       *
5482       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::remove_invisible_characters("κόσ\0με"); // 'κόσμε'</code>
5483       *
5484       * copy&past from https://github.com/bcit-ci/CodeIgniter/blob/develop/system/core/Common.php
5485       *
5486       * @param string $str                           <p>The input string.</p>
5487       * @param bool   $url_encoded                   [optional] <p>
5488       *                                              Try to remove url encoded control character.
5489       *                                              WARNING: maybe contains false-positives e.g. aa%0Baa -> aaaa.
5490       *                                              <br>
5491       *                                              Default: false
5492       *                                              </p>
5493       * @param string $replacement                   [optional] <p>The replacement character.</p>
5494       * @param bool   $keep_basic_control_characters [optional] <p>Keep control characters like [LRM] or [LSEP].</p>
5495       *
5496       * @psalm-pure
5497       *
5498       * @return string
5499       *                <p>A string without invisible chars.</p>
5500       */
5501      public static function remove_invisible_characters(
5502          string $str,
5503          bool $url_encoded = false,
5504          string $replacement = '',
5505          bool $keep_basic_control_characters = true
5506      ): string {
5507          return ASCII::remove_invisible_characters(
5508              $str,
5509              $url_encoded,
5510              $replacement,
5511              $keep_basic_control_characters
5512          );
5513      }
5515      /**
5516       * Returns a new string with the prefix $substring removed, if present.
5517       *
5518       * @param string $str       <p>The input string.</p>
5519       * @param string $substring <p>The prefix to remove.</p>
5520       * @param string $encoding  [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
5521       *
5522       * @psalm-pure
5523       *
5524       * @return string
5525       *                <p>A string without the prefix $substring.</p>
5526       */
5527      public static function remove_left(
5528          string $str,
5529          string $substring,
5530          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
5531      ): string {
5532          if (
5533              $substring
5534              &&
5535              \strpos($str, $substring) === 0
5536          ) {
5537              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
5538                  return (string) \mb_substr(
5539                      $str,
5540                      (int) \mb_strlen($substring)
5541                  );
5542              }
5544              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
5546              return (string) self::substr(
5547                  $str,
5548                  (int) self::strlen($substring, $encoding),
5549                  null,
5550                  $encoding
5551              );
5552          }
5554          return $str;
5555      }
5557      /**
5558       * Returns a new string with the suffix $substring removed, if present.
5559       *
5560       * @param string $str
5561       * @param string $substring <p>The suffix to remove.</p>
5562       * @param string $encoding  [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
5563       *
5564       * @psalm-pure
5565       *
5566       * @return string
5567       *                <p>A string having a $str without the suffix $substring.</p>
5568       */
5569      public static function remove_right(
5570          string $str,
5571          string $substring,
5572          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
5573      ): string {
5574          if ($substring && \substr($str, -\strlen($substring)) === $substring) {
5575              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
5576                  return (string) \mb_substr(
5577                      $str,
5578                      0,
5579                      (int) \mb_strlen($str) - (int) \mb_strlen($substring)
5580                  );
5581              }
5583              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
5585              return (string) self::substr(
5586                  $str,
5587                  0,
5588                  (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding) - (int) self::strlen($substring, $encoding),
5589                  $encoding
5590              );
5591          }
5593          return $str;
5594      }
5596      /**
5597       * Replaces all occurrences of $search in $str by $replacement.
5598       *
5599       * @param string $str            <p>The input string.</p>
5600       * @param string $search         <p>The needle to search for.</p>
5601       * @param string $replacement    <p>The string to replace with.</p>
5602       * @param bool   $case_sensitive [optional] <p>Whether or not to enforce case-sensitivity. Default: true</p>
5603       *
5604       * @psalm-pure
5605       *
5606       * @return string
5607       *                <p>A string with replaced parts.</p>
5608       */
5609      public static function replace(
5610          string $str,
5611          string $search,
5612          string $replacement,
5613          bool $case_sensitive = true
5614      ): string {
5615          if ($case_sensitive) {
5616              return \str_replace($search, $replacement, $str);
5617          }
5619          return self::str_ireplace($search, $replacement, $str);
5620      }
5622      /**
5623       * Replaces all occurrences of $search in $str by $replacement.
5624       *
5625       * @param string       $str            <p>The input string.</p>
5626       * @param array        $search         <p>The elements to search for.</p>
5627       * @param array|string $replacement    <p>The string to replace with.</p>
5628       * @param bool         $case_sensitive [optional] <p>Whether or not to enforce case-sensitivity. Default: true</p>
5629       *
5630       * @psalm-pure
5631       *
5632       * @return string
5633       *                <p>A string with replaced parts.</p>
5634       */
5635      public static function replace_all(
5636          string $str,
5637          array $search,
5638          $replacement,
5639          bool $case_sensitive = true
5640      ): string {
5641          if ($case_sensitive) {
5642              return \str_replace($search, $replacement, $str);
5643          }
5645          return self::str_ireplace($search, $replacement, $str);
5646      }
5648      /**
5649       * Replace the diamond question mark (�) and invalid-UTF8 chars with the replacement.
5650       *
5651       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::replace_diamond_question_mark('中文空白�', ''); // '中文空白'</code>
5652       *
5653       * @param string $str                        <p>The input string</p>
5654       * @param string $replacement_char           <p>The replacement character.</p>
5655       * @param bool   $process_invalid_utf8_chars <p>Convert invalid UTF-8 chars </p>
5656       *
5657       * @psalm-pure
5658       *
5659       * @return string
5660       *                <p>A string without diamond question marks (�).</p>
5661       */
5662      public static function replace_diamond_question_mark(
5663          string $str,
5664          string $replacement_char = '',
5665          bool $process_invalid_utf8_chars = true
5666      ): string {
5667          if ($str === '') {
5668              return '';
5669          }
5671          if ($process_invalid_utf8_chars) {
5672              if ($replacement_char === '') {
5673                  $replacement_char_helper = 'none';
5674              } else {
5675                  $replacement_char_helper = \ord($replacement_char);
5676              }
5678              if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false) {
5679                  // if there is no native support for "mbstring",
5680                  // then we need to clean the string before ...
5681                  $str = self::clean($str);
5682              }
5684              /**
5685               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - we will reset the value in the next step
5686               */
5687              $save = \mb_substitute_character();
5688              /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection - ignore "Unknown character" warnings, it's working anyway */
5689              @\mb_substitute_character($replacement_char_helper);
5690              // the polyfill maybe return false, so cast to string
5691              $str = (string) \mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8');
5692              \mb_substitute_character($save);
5693          }
5695          return \str_replace(
5696              [
5697                  "\xEF\xBF\xBD",
5698                  '�',
5699              ],
5700              [
5701                  $replacement_char,
5702                  $replacement_char,
5703              ],
5704              $str
5705          );
5706      }
5708      /**
5709       * Strip whitespace or other characters from the end of a UTF-8 string.
5710       *
5711       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::rtrim('-ABC-中文空白-  '); // '-ABC-中文空白-'</code>
5712       *
5713       * @param string      $str   <p>The string to be trimmed.</p>
5714       * @param string|null $chars <p>Optional characters to be stripped.</p>
5715       *
5716       * @psalm-pure
5717       *
5718       * @return string
5719       *                <p>A string with unwanted characters stripped from the right.</p>
5720       */
5721      public static function rtrim(string $str = '', string $chars = null): string
5722      {
5723          if ($str === '') {
5724              return '';
5725          }
5727          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
5728              if ($chars !== null) {
5729                  /** @noinspection PregQuoteUsageInspection */
5730                  $chars = \preg_quote($chars);
5731                  $pattern = "[$chars}]+$";
5732              } else {
5733                  $pattern = '[\\s]+$';
5734              }
5736              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
5737              return (string) \mb_ereg_replace($pattern, '', $str);
5738          }
5740          if ($chars !== null) {
5741              $chars = \preg_quote($chars, '/');
5742              $pattern = "[$chars}]+$";
5743          } else {
5744              $pattern = '[\\s]+$';
5745          }
5747          return self::regex_replace($str, $pattern, '');
5748      }
5750      /**
5751       * WARNING: Print native UTF-8 support (libs) by default, e.g. for debugging.
5752       *
5753       * @param bool $useEcho
5754       *
5755       * @psalm-pure
5756       *
5757       * @return string|void
5758       */
5759      public static function showSupport(bool $useEcho = true)
5760      {
5761          // init
5762          $html = '';
5764          $html .= '<pre>';
5765          /** @noinspection AlterInForeachInspection */
5766          foreach (self::$SUPPORT as $key => &$value) {
5767              $html .= $key . ' - ' . \print_r($value, true) . "\n<br>";
5768          }
5769          $html .= '</pre>';
5771          if ($useEcho) {
5772              echo $html;
5773          }
5775          return $html;
5776      }
5778      /**
5779       * Converts a UTF-8 character to HTML Numbered Entity like "&#123;".
5780       *
5781       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::single_chr_html_encode('κ'); // '&#954;'</code>
5782       *
5783       * @param string $char             <p>The Unicode character to be encoded as numbered entity.</p>
5784       * @param bool   $keep_ascii_chars <p>Set to <strong>true</strong> to keep ASCII chars.</>
5785       * @param string $encoding         [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
5786       *
5787       * @psalm-pure
5788       *
5789       * @return string
5790       *                <p>The HTML numbered entity for the given character.</p>
5791       */
5792      public static function single_chr_html_encode(
5793          string $char,
5794          bool $keep_ascii_chars = false,
5795          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
5796      ): string {
5797          if ($char === '') {
5798              return '';
5799          }
5801          if (
5802              $keep_ascii_chars
5803              &&
5804              ASCII::is_ascii($char)
5805          ) {
5806              return $char;
5807          }
5809          return '&#' . self::ord($char, $encoding) . ';';
5810      }
5812      /**
5813       * @param string $str
5814       * @param int    $tab_length
5815       *
5816       * @psalm-pure
5817       *
5818       * @return string
5819       */
5820      public static function spaces_to_tabs(string $str, int $tab_length = 4): string
5821      {
5822          if ($tab_length === 4) {
5823              $tab = '    ';
5824          } elseif ($tab_length === 2) {
5825              $tab = '  ';
5826          } else {
5827              $tab = \str_repeat(' ', $tab_length);
5828          }
5830          return \str_replace($tab, "\t", $str);
5831      }
5833      /**
5834       * alias for "UTF8::str_split()"
5835       *
5836       * @param int|string $str
5837       * @param int        $length
5838       * @param bool       $clean_utf8
5839       *
5840       * @psalm-pure
5841       *
5842       * @return string[]
5843       *
5844       * @see        UTF8::str_split()
5845       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::str_split()"</p>
5846       */
5847      public static function split(
5848          $str,
5849          int $length = 1,
5850          bool $clean_utf8 = false
5851      ): array {
5852          /** @var string[] */
5853          return self::str_split($str, $length, $clean_utf8);
5854      }
5856      /**
5857       * alias for "UTF8::str_starts_with()"
5858       *
5859       * @param string $haystack
5860       * @param string $needle
5861       *
5862       * @psalm-pure
5863       *
5864       * @return bool
5865       *
5866       * @see        UTF8::str_starts_with()
5867       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::str_starts_with()"</p>
5868       */
5869      public static function str_begins(string $haystack, string $needle): bool
5870      {
5871          return self::str_starts_with($haystack, $needle);
5872      }
5874      /**
5875       * Returns a camelCase version of the string. Trims surrounding spaces,
5876       * capitalizes letters following digits, spaces, dashes and underscores,
5877       * and removes spaces, dashes, as well as underscores.
5878       *
5879       * @param string      $str                           <p>The input string.</p>
5880       * @param string      $encoding                      [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
5881       * @param bool        $clean_utf8                    [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
5882       * @param string|null $lang                          [optional] <p>Set the language for special cases: az, el, lt,
5883       *                                                   tr</p>
5884       * @param bool        $try_to_keep_the_string_length [optional] <p>true === try to keep the string length: e.g. ẞ
5885       *                                                   -> ß</p>
5886       *
5887       * @psalm-pure
5888       *
5889       * @return string
5890       */
5891      public static function str_camelize(
5892          string $str,
5893          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
5894          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
5895          string $lang = null,
5896          bool $try_to_keep_the_string_length = false
5897      ): string {
5898          if ($clean_utf8) {
5899              $str = self::clean($str);
5900          }
5902          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
5903              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
5904          }
5906          $str = self::lcfirst(
5907              \trim($str),
5908              $encoding,
5909              false,
5910              $lang,
5911              $try_to_keep_the_string_length
5912          );
5913          $str = (string) \preg_replace('/^[-_]+/', '', $str);
5915          $use_mb_functions = $lang === null && !$try_to_keep_the_string_length;
5917          $str = (string) \preg_replace_callback(
5918              '/[-_\\s]+(.)?/u',
5919              /**
5920               * @param array $match
5921               *
5922               * @psalm-pure
5923               *
5924               * @return string
5925               */
5926              static function (array $match) use ($use_mb_functions, $encoding, $lang, $try_to_keep_the_string_length): string {
5927                  if (isset($match[1])) {
5928                      if ($use_mb_functions) {
5929                          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
5930                              return \mb_strtoupper($match[1]);
5931                          }
5933                          return \mb_strtoupper($match[1], $encoding);
5934                      }
5936                      return self::strtoupper($match[1], $encoding, false, $lang, $try_to_keep_the_string_length);
5937                  }
5939                  return '';
5940              },
5941              $str
5942          );
5944          return (string) \preg_replace_callback(
5945              '/[\\p{N}]+(.)?/u',
5946              /**
5947               * @param array $match
5948               *
5949               * @psalm-pure
5950               *
5951               * @return string
5952               */
5953              static function (array $match) use ($use_mb_functions, $encoding, $clean_utf8, $lang, $try_to_keep_the_string_length): string {
5954                  if ($use_mb_functions) {
5955                      if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
5956                          return \mb_strtoupper($match[0]);
5957                      }
5959                      return \mb_strtoupper($match[0], $encoding);
5960                  }
5962                  return self::strtoupper($match[0], $encoding, $clean_utf8, $lang, $try_to_keep_the_string_length);
5963              },
5964              $str
5965          );
5966      }
5968      /**
5969       * Returns the string with the first letter of each word capitalized,
5970       * except for when the word is a name which shouldn't be capitalized.
5971       *
5972       * @param string $str
5973       *
5974       * @psalm-pure
5975       *
5976       * @return string
5977       *                <p>A string with $str capitalized.</p>
5978       */
5979      public static function str_capitalize_name(string $str): string
5980      {
5981          return self::str_capitalize_name_helper(
5982              self::str_capitalize_name_helper(
5983                  self::collapse_whitespace($str),
5984                  ' '
5985              ),
5986              '-'
5987          );
5988      }
5990      /**
5991       * Returns true if the string contains $needle, false otherwise. By default
5992       * the comparison is case-sensitive, but can be made insensitive by setting
5993       * $case_sensitive to false.
5994       *
5995       * @param string $haystack       <p>The input string.</p>
5996       * @param string $needle         <p>Substring to look for.</p>
5997       * @param bool   $case_sensitive [optional] <p>Whether or not to enforce case-sensitivity. Default: true</p>
5998       *
5999       * @psalm-pure
6000       *
6001       * @return bool
6002       *              <p>Whether or not $haystack contains $needle.</p>
6003       */
6004      public static function str_contains(
6005          string $haystack,
6006          string $needle,
6007          bool $case_sensitive = true
6008      ): bool {
6009          if ($case_sensitive) {
6010              if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {
6011                  /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line - only for PHP8 */
6012                  return \str_contains($haystack, $needle);
6013              }
6015              return \strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false;
6016          }
6018          return \mb_stripos($haystack, $needle) !== false;
6019      }
6021      /**
6022       * Returns true if the string contains all $needles, false otherwise. By
6023       * default the comparison is case-sensitive, but can be made insensitive by
6024       * setting $case_sensitive to false.
6025       *
6026       * @param string $haystack       <p>The input string.</p>
6027       * @param array  $needles        <p>SubStrings to look for.</p>
6028       * @param bool   $case_sensitive [optional] <p>Whether or not to enforce case-sensitivity. Default: true</p>
6029       *
6030       * @psalm-pure
6031       *
6032       * @return bool
6033       *              <p>Whether or not $haystack contains $needle.</p>
6034       */
6035      public static function str_contains_all(
6036          string $haystack,
6037          array $needles,
6038          bool $case_sensitive = true
6039      ): bool {
6040          if ($haystack === '' || $needles === []) {
6041              return false;
6042          }
6044          /** @noinspection LoopWhichDoesNotLoopInspection */
6045          foreach ($needles as &$needle) {
6046              if ($case_sensitive) {
6047                  /** @noinspection NestedPositiveIfStatementsInspection */
6048                  if (!$needle || \strpos($haystack, $needle) === false) {
6049                      return false;
6050                  }
6051              }
6053              if (!$needle || \mb_stripos($haystack, $needle) === false) {
6054                  return false;
6055              }
6056          }
6058          return true;
6059      }
6061      /**
6062       * Returns true if the string contains any $needles, false otherwise. By
6063       * default the comparison is case-sensitive, but can be made insensitive by
6064       * setting $case_sensitive to false.
6065       *
6066       * @param string $haystack       <p>The input string.</p>
6067       * @param array  $needles        <p>SubStrings to look for.</p>
6068       * @param bool   $case_sensitive [optional] <p>Whether or not to enforce case-sensitivity. Default: true</p>
6069       *
6070       * @psalm-pure
6071       *
6072       * @return bool
6073       *              <p>Whether or not $str contains $needle.</p>
6074       */
6075      public static function str_contains_any(
6076          string $haystack,
6077          array $needles,
6078          bool $case_sensitive = true
6079      ): bool {
6080          if ($haystack === '' || $needles === []) {
6081              return false;
6082          }
6084          /** @noinspection LoopWhichDoesNotLoopInspection */
6085          foreach ($needles as &$needle) {
6086              if (!$needle) {
6087                  continue;
6088              }
6090              if ($case_sensitive) {
6091                  if (\strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false) {
6092                      return true;
6093                  }
6095                  continue;
6096              }
6098              if (\mb_stripos($haystack, $needle) !== false) {
6099                  return true;
6100              }
6101          }
6103          return false;
6104      }
6106      /**
6107       * Returns a lowercase and trimmed string separated by dashes. Dashes are
6108       * inserted before uppercase characters (with the exception of the first
6109       * character of the string), and in place of spaces as well as underscores.
6110       *
6111       * @param string $str      <p>The input string.</p>
6112       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
6113       *
6114       * @psalm-pure
6115       *
6116       * @return string
6117       */
6118      public static function str_dasherize(string $str, string $encoding = 'UTF-8'): string
6119      {
6120          return self::str_delimit($str, '-', $encoding);
6121      }
6123      /**
6124       * Returns a lowercase and trimmed string separated by the given delimiter.
6125       * Delimiters are inserted before uppercase characters (with the exception
6126       * of the first character of the string), and in place of spaces, dashes,
6127       * and underscores. Alpha delimiters are not converted to lowercase.
6128       *
6129       * @param string      $str                           <p>The input string.</p>
6130       * @param string      $delimiter                     <p>Sequence used to separate parts of the string.</p>
6131       * @param string      $encoding                      [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
6132       * @param bool        $clean_utf8                    [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
6133       * @param string|null $lang                          [optional] <p>Set the language for special cases: az, el, lt,
6134       *                                                   tr</p>
6135       * @param bool        $try_to_keep_the_string_length [optional] <p>true === try to keep the string length: e.g. ẞ ->
6136       *                                                   ß</p>
6137       *
6138       * @psalm-pure
6139       *
6140       * @return string
6141       */
6142      public static function str_delimit(
6143          string $str,
6144          string $delimiter,
6145          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
6146          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
6147          string $lang = null,
6148          bool $try_to_keep_the_string_length = false
6149      ): string {
6150          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
6151              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
6152              $str = (string) \mb_ereg_replace('\\B(\\p{Lu})', '-\1', \trim($str));
6154              $use_mb_functions = $lang === null && !$try_to_keep_the_string_length;
6155              if ($use_mb_functions && $encoding === 'UTF-8') {
6156                  $str = \mb_strtolower($str);
6157              } else {
6158                  $str = self::strtolower($str, $encoding, $clean_utf8, $lang, $try_to_keep_the_string_length);
6159              }
6161              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
6162              return (string) \mb_ereg_replace('[\\-_\\s]+', $delimiter, $str);
6163          }
6165          $str = (string) \preg_replace('/\\B(\\p{Lu})/u', '-\1', \trim($str));
6167          $use_mb_functions = $lang === null && !$try_to_keep_the_string_length;
6168          if ($use_mb_functions && $encoding === 'UTF-8') {
6169              $str = \mb_strtolower($str);
6170          } else {
6171              $str = self::strtolower($str, $encoding, $clean_utf8, $lang, $try_to_keep_the_string_length);
6172          }
6174          return (string) \preg_replace('/[\\-_\\s]+/u', $delimiter, $str);
6175      }
6177      /**
6178       * Optimized "mb_detect_encoding()"-function -> with support for UTF-16 and UTF-32.
6179       *
6180       * EXAMPLE: <code>
6181       * UTF8::str_detect_encoding('中文空白'); // 'UTF-8'
6182       * UTF8::str_detect_encoding('Abc'); // 'ASCII'
6183       * </code>
6184       *
6185       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
6186       *
6187       * @psalm-pure
6188       *
6189       * @return false|string
6190       *                      <p>
6191       *                      The detected string-encoding e.g. UTF-8 or UTF-16BE,<br>
6192       *                      otherwise it will return false e.g. for BINARY or not detected encoding.
6193       *                      </p>
6194       */
6195      public static function str_detect_encoding($str)
6196      {
6197          // init
6198          $str = (string) $str;
6200          //
6201          // 1.) check binary strings (010001001...) like UTF-16 / UTF-32 / PDF / Images / ...
6202          //
6204          if (self::is_binary($str, true)) {
6205              $is_utf32 = self::is_utf32($str, false);
6206              if ($is_utf32 === 1) {
6207                  return 'UTF-32LE';
6208              }
6209              if ($is_utf32 === 2) {
6210                  return 'UTF-32BE';
6211              }
6213              $is_utf16 = self::is_utf16($str, false);
6214              if ($is_utf16 === 1) {
6215                  return 'UTF-16LE';
6216              }
6217              if ($is_utf16 === 2) {
6218                  return 'UTF-16BE';
6219              }
6221              // is binary but not "UTF-16" or "UTF-32"
6222              return false;
6223          }
6225          //
6226          // 2.) simple check for ASCII chars
6227          //
6229          if (ASCII::is_ascii($str)) {
6230              return 'ASCII';
6231          }
6233          //
6234          // 3.) simple check for UTF-8 chars
6235          //
6237          if (self::is_utf8_string($str)) {
6238              return 'UTF-8';
6239          }
6241          //
6242          // 4.) check via "mb_detect_encoding()"
6243          //
6244          // INFO: UTF-16, UTF-32, UCS2 and UCS4, encoding detection will fail always with "mb_detect_encoding()"
6246          $encoding_detecting_order = [
6247              'ISO-8859-1',
6248              'ISO-8859-2',
6249              'ISO-8859-3',
6250              'ISO-8859-4',
6251              'ISO-8859-5',
6252              'ISO-8859-6',
6253              'ISO-8859-7',
6254              'ISO-8859-8',
6255              'ISO-8859-9',
6256              'ISO-8859-10',
6257              'ISO-8859-13',
6258              'ISO-8859-14',
6259              'ISO-8859-15',
6260              'ISO-8859-16',
6261              'WINDOWS-1251',
6262              'WINDOWS-1252',
6263              'WINDOWS-1254',
6264              'CP932',
6265              'CP936',
6266              'CP950',
6267              'CP866',
6268              'CP850',
6269              'CP51932',
6270              'CP50220',
6271              'CP50221',
6272              'CP50222',
6273              'ISO-2022-JP',
6274              'ISO-2022-KR',
6275              'JIS',
6276              'JIS-ms',
6277              'EUC-CN',
6278              'EUC-JP',
6279          ];
6281          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
6282              // info: do not use the symfony polyfill here
6283              $encoding = \mb_detect_encoding($str, $encoding_detecting_order, true);
6284              if ($encoding) {
6285                  return $encoding;
6286              }
6287          }
6289          //
6290          // 5.) check via "iconv()"
6291          //
6293          if (self::$ENCODINGS === null) {
6294              self::$ENCODINGS = self::getData('encodings');
6295          }
6297          foreach (self::$ENCODINGS as $encoding_tmp) {
6298              // INFO: //IGNORE but still throw notice
6299              /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection */
6300              if ((string) @\iconv($encoding_tmp, $encoding_tmp . '//IGNORE', $str) === $str) {
6301                  return $encoding_tmp;
6302              }
6303          }
6305          return false;
6306      }
6308      /**
6309       * alias for "UTF8::str_ends_with()"
6310       *
6311       * @param string $haystack
6312       * @param string $needle
6313       *
6314       * @psalm-pure
6315       *
6316       * @return bool
6317       *
6318       * @see        UTF8::str_ends_with()
6319       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::str_ends_with()"</p>
6320       */
6321      public static function str_ends(string $haystack, string $needle): bool
6322      {
6323          return self::str_ends_with($haystack, $needle);
6324      }
6326      /**
6327       * Check if the string ends with the given substring.
6328       *
6329       * EXAMPLE: <code>
6330       * UTF8::str_ends_with('BeginMiddleΚόσμε', 'Κόσμε'); // true
6331       * UTF8::str_ends_with('BeginMiddleΚόσμε', 'κόσμε'); // false
6332       * </code>
6333       *
6334       * @param string $haystack <p>The string to search in.</p>
6335       * @param string $needle   <p>The substring to search for.</p>
6336       *
6337       * @psalm-pure
6338       *
6339       * @return bool
6340       */
6341      public static function str_ends_with(string $haystack, string $needle): bool
6342      {
6343          if ($needle === '') {
6344              return true;
6345          }
6347          if ($haystack === '') {
6348              return false;
6349          }
6351          if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {
6352              /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line - only for PHP8 */
6353              return \str_ends_with($haystack, $needle);
6354          }
6356          return \substr($haystack, -\strlen($needle)) === $needle;
6357      }
6359      /**
6360       * Returns true if the string ends with any of $substrings, false otherwise.
6361       *
6362       * - case-sensitive
6363       *
6364       * @param string   $str        <p>The input string.</p>
6365       * @param string[] $substrings <p>Substrings to look for.</p>
6366       *
6367       * @psalm-pure
6368       *
6369       * @return bool
6370       *              <p>Whether or not $str ends with $substring.</p>
6371       */
6372      public static function str_ends_with_any(string $str, array $substrings): bool
6373      {
6374          if ($substrings === []) {
6375              return false;
6376          }
6378          foreach ($substrings as &$substring) {
6379              if (\substr($str, -\strlen($substring)) === $substring) {
6380                  return true;
6381              }
6382          }
6384          return false;
6385      }
6387      /**
6388       * Ensures that the string begins with $substring. If it doesn't, it's
6389       * prepended.
6390       *
6391       * @param string $str       <p>The input string.</p>
6392       * @param string $substring <p>The substring to add if not present.</p>
6393       *
6394       * @psalm-pure
6395       *
6396       * @return string
6397       */
6398      public static function str_ensure_left(string $str, string $substring): string
6399      {
6400          if (
6401              $substring !== ''
6402              &&
6403              \strpos($str, $substring) === 0
6404          ) {
6405              return $str;
6406          }
6408          return $substring . $str;
6409      }
6411      /**
6412       * Ensures that the string ends with $substring. If it doesn't, it's appended.
6413       *
6414       * @param string $str       <p>The input string.</p>
6415       * @param string $substring <p>The substring to add if not present.</p>
6416       *
6417       * @psalm-pure
6418       *
6419       * @return string
6420       */
6421      public static function str_ensure_right(string $str, string $substring): string
6422      {
6423          if (
6424              $str === ''
6425              ||
6426              $substring === ''
6427              ||
6428              \substr($str, -\strlen($substring)) !== $substring
6429          ) {
6430              $str .= $substring;
6431          }
6433          return $str;
6434      }
6436      /**
6437       * Capitalizes the first word of the string, replaces underscores with
6438       * spaces, and strips '_id'.
6439       *
6440       * @param string $str
6441       *
6442       * @psalm-pure
6443       *
6444       * @return string
6445       */
6446      public static function str_humanize($str): string
6447      {
6448          $str = \str_replace(
6449              [
6450                  '_id',
6451                  '_',
6452              ],
6453              [
6454                  '',
6455                  ' ',
6456              ],
6457              $str
6458          );
6460          return self::ucfirst(\trim($str));
6461      }
6463      /**
6464       * alias for "UTF8::str_istarts_with()"
6465       *
6466       * @param string $haystack
6467       * @param string $needle
6468       *
6469       * @psalm-pure
6470       *
6471       * @return bool
6472       *
6473       * @see        UTF8::str_istarts_with()
6474       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::str_istarts_with()"</p>
6475       */
6476      public static function str_ibegins(string $haystack, string $needle): bool
6477      {
6478          return self::str_istarts_with($haystack, $needle);
6479      }
6481      /**
6482       * alias for "UTF8::str_iends_with()"
6483       *
6484       * @param string $haystack
6485       * @param string $needle
6486       *
6487       * @psalm-pure
6488       *
6489       * @return bool
6490       *
6491       * @see        UTF8::str_iends_with()
6492       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::str_iends_with()"</p>
6493       */
6494      public static function str_iends(string $haystack, string $needle): bool
6495      {
6496          return self::str_iends_with($haystack, $needle);
6497      }
6499      /**
6500       * Check if the string ends with the given substring, case-insensitive.
6501       *
6502       * EXAMPLE: <code>
6503       * UTF8::str_iends_with('BeginMiddleΚόσμε', 'Κόσμε'); // true
6504       * UTF8::str_iends_with('BeginMiddleΚόσμε', 'κόσμε'); // true
6505       * </code>
6506       *
6507       * @param string $haystack <p>The string to search in.</p>
6508       * @param string $needle   <p>The substring to search for.</p>
6509       *
6510       * @psalm-pure
6511       *
6512       * @return bool
6513       */
6514      public static function str_iends_with(string $haystack, string $needle): bool
6515      {
6516          if ($needle === '') {
6517              return true;
6518          }
6520          if ($haystack === '') {
6521              return false;
6522          }
6524          return self::strcasecmp(\substr($haystack, -\strlen($needle)), $needle) === 0;
6525      }
6527      /**
6528       * Returns true if the string ends with any of $substrings, false otherwise.
6529       *
6530       * - case-insensitive
6531       *
6532       * @param string   $str        <p>The input string.</p>
6533       * @param string[] $substrings <p>Substrings to look for.</p>
6534       *
6535       * @psalm-pure
6536       *
6537       * @return bool
6538       *              <p>Whether or not $str ends with $substring.</p>
6539       */
6540      public static function str_iends_with_any(string $str, array $substrings): bool
6541      {
6542          if ($substrings === []) {
6543              return false;
6544          }
6546          foreach ($substrings as &$substring) {
6547              if (self::str_iends_with($str, $substring)) {
6548                  return true;
6549              }
6550          }
6552          return false;
6553      }
6555      /**
6556       * Returns the index of the first occurrence of $needle in the string,
6557       * and false if not found. Accepts an optional offset from which to begin
6558       * the search.
6559       *
6560       * @param string $str      <p>The input string.</p>
6561       * @param string $needle   <p>Substring to look for.</p>
6562       * @param int    $offset   [optional] <p>Offset from which to search. Default: 0</p>
6563       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
6564       *
6565       * @psalm-pure
6566       *
6567       * @return false|int
6568       *                   <p>The occurrence's <strong>index</strong> if found, otherwise <strong>false</strong>.</p>
6569       *
6570       * @see        UTF8::stripos()
6571       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::stripos()"</p>
6572       */
6573      public static function str_iindex_first(
6574          string $str,
6575          string $needle,
6576          int $offset = 0,
6577          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
6578      ) {
6579          return self::stripos(
6580              $str,
6581              $needle,
6582              $offset,
6583              $encoding
6584          );
6585      }
6587      /**
6588       * Returns the index of the last occurrence of $needle in the string,
6589       * and false if not found. Accepts an optional offset from which to begin
6590       * the search. Offsets may be negative to count from the last character
6591       * in the string.
6592       *
6593       * @param string $str      <p>The input string.</p>
6594       * @param string $needle   <p>Substring to look for.</p>
6595       * @param int    $offset   [optional] <p>Offset from which to search. Default: 0</p>
6596       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
6597       *
6598       * @psalm-pure
6599       *
6600       * @return false|int
6601       *                   <p>The last occurrence's <strong>index</strong> if found, otherwise <strong>false</strong>.</p>
6602       *
6603       * @see        UTF8::strripos()
6604       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::strripos()"</p>
6605       */
6606      public static function str_iindex_last(
6607          string $str,
6608          string $needle,
6609          int $offset = 0,
6610          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
6611      ) {
6612          return self::strripos(
6613              $str,
6614              $needle,
6615              $offset,
6616              $encoding
6617          );
6618      }
6620      /**
6621       * Returns the index of the first occurrence of $needle in the string,
6622       * and false if not found. Accepts an optional offset from which to begin
6623       * the search.
6624       *
6625       * @param string $str      <p>The input string.</p>
6626       * @param string $needle   <p>Substring to look for.</p>
6627       * @param int    $offset   [optional] <p>Offset from which to search. Default: 0</p>
6628       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
6629       *
6630       * @psalm-pure
6631       *
6632       * @return false|int
6633       *                   <p>The occurrence's <strong>index</strong> if found, otherwise <strong>false</strong>.</p>
6634       *
6635       * @see        UTF8::strpos()
6636       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::strpos()"</p>
6637       */
6638      public static function str_index_first(
6639          string $str,
6640          string $needle,
6641          int $offset = 0,
6642          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
6643      ) {
6644          return self::strpos(
6645              $str,
6646              $needle,
6647              $offset,
6648              $encoding
6649          );
6650      }
6652      /**
6653       * Returns the index of the last occurrence of $needle in the string,
6654       * and false if not found. Accepts an optional offset from which to begin
6655       * the search. Offsets may be negative to count from the last character
6656       * in the string.
6657       *
6658       * @param string $str      <p>The input string.</p>
6659       * @param string $needle   <p>Substring to look for.</p>
6660       * @param int    $offset   [optional] <p>Offset from which to search. Default: 0</p>
6661       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
6662       *
6663       * @psalm-pure
6664       *
6665       * @return false|int
6666       *                   <p>The last occurrence's <strong>index</strong> if found, otherwise <strong>false</strong>.</p>
6667       *
6668       * @see        UTF8::strrpos()
6669       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::strrpos()"</p>
6670       */
6671      public static function str_index_last(
6672          string $str,
6673          string $needle,
6674          int $offset = 0,
6675          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
6676      ) {
6677          return self::strrpos(
6678              $str,
6679              $needle,
6680              $offset,
6681              $encoding
6682          );
6683      }
6685      /**
6686       * Inserts $substring into the string at the $index provided.
6687       *
6688       * @param string $str       <p>The input string.</p>
6689       * @param string $substring <p>String to be inserted.</p>
6690       * @param int    $index     <p>The index at which to insert the substring.</p>
6691       * @param string $encoding  [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
6692       *
6693       * @psalm-pure
6694       *
6695       * @return string
6696       */
6697      public static function str_insert(
6698          string $str,
6699          string $substring,
6700          int $index,
6701          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
6702      ): string {
6703          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
6704              $len = (int) \mb_strlen($str);
6705              if ($index > $len) {
6706                  return $str;
6707              }
6709              /** @noinspection UnnecessaryCastingInspection */
6710              return (string) \mb_substr($str, 0, $index) .
6711                     $substring .
6712                     (string) \mb_substr($str, $index, $len);
6713          }
6715          $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
6717          $len = (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding);
6718          if ($index > $len) {
6719              return $str;
6720          }
6722          return ((string) self::substr($str, 0, $index, $encoding)) .
6723                 $substring .
6724                 ((string) self::substr($str, $index, $len, $encoding));
6725      }
6727      /**
6728       * Case-insensitive and UTF-8 safe version of <function>str_replace</function>.
6729       *
6730       * EXAMPLE: <code>
6731       * UTF8::str_ireplace('lIzÆ', 'lise', 'Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn'); // 'Iñtërnâtiônàlisetiøn'
6732       * </code>
6733       *
6734       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.str-ireplace.php
6735       *
6736       * @param string|string[] $search      <p>
6737       *                                     Every replacement with search array is
6738       *                                     performed on the result of previous replacement.
6739       *                                     </p>
6740       * @param string|string[] $replacement <p>The replacement.</p>
6741       * @param string|string[] $subject     <p>
6742       *                                     If subject is an array, then the search and
6743       *                                     replace is performed with every entry of
6744       *                                     subject, and the return value is an array as
6745       *                                     well.
6746       *                                     </p>
6747       * @param int             $count       [optional] <p>
6748       *                                     The number of matched and replaced needles will
6749       *                                     be returned in count which is passed by
6750       *                                     reference.
6751       *                                     </p>
6752       *
6753       * @psalm-pure
6754       *
6755       * @return string|string[]
6756       *                         <p>A string or an array of replacements.</p>
6757       *
6758       * @template TStrIReplaceSubject
6759       * @phpstan-param TStrIReplaceSubject $subject
6760       * @phpstan-return TStrIReplaceSubject
6761       */
6762      public static function str_ireplace($search, $replacement, $subject, &$count = null)
6763      {
6764          $search = (array) $search;
6766          /** @noinspection AlterInForeachInspection */
6767          foreach ($search as &$s) {
6768              $s = (string) $s;
6769              if ($s === '') {
6770                  $s = '/^(?<=.)$/';
6771              } else {
6772                  $s = '/' . \preg_quote($s, '/') . '/ui';
6773              }
6774          }
6776          // fallback
6777          /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line - only a fallback for PHP8 */
6778          if ($replacement === null) {
6779              $replacement = '';
6780          }
6781          /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line - only a fallback for PHP8 */
6782          if ($subject === null) {
6783              $subject = '';
6784          }
6786          /**
6787           * @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullArgument
6788           * @phpstan-var TStrIReplaceSubject $subject
6789           */
6790          $subject = \preg_replace($search, $replacement, $subject, -1, $count);
6792          return $subject;
6793      }
6795      /**
6796       * Replaces $search from the beginning of string with $replacement.
6797       *
6798       * @param string $str         <p>The input string.</p>
6799       * @param string $search      <p>The string to search for.</p>
6800       * @param string $replacement <p>The replacement.</p>
6801       *
6802       * @psalm-pure
6803       *
6804       * @return string
6805       *                <p>The string after the replacement.</p>
6806       */
6807      public static function str_ireplace_beginning(string $str, string $search, string $replacement): string
6808      {
6809          if ($str === '') {
6810              if ($replacement === '') {
6811                  return '';
6812              }
6814              if ($search === '') {
6815                  return $replacement;
6816              }
6817          }
6819          if ($search === '') {
6820              return $str . $replacement;
6821          }
6823          $searchLength = \strlen($search);
6824          if (\strncasecmp($str, $search, $searchLength) === 0) {
6825              return $replacement . \substr($str, $searchLength);
6826          }
6828          return $str;
6829      }
6831      /**
6832       * Replaces $search from the ending of string with $replacement.
6833       *
6834       * @param string $str         <p>The input string.</p>
6835       * @param string $search      <p>The string to search for.</p>
6836       * @param string $replacement <p>The replacement.</p>
6837       *
6838       * @psalm-pure
6839       *
6840       * @return string
6841       *                <p>The string after the replacement.</p>
6842       */
6843      public static function str_ireplace_ending(string $str, string $search, string $replacement): string
6844      {
6845          if ($str === '') {
6846              if ($replacement === '') {
6847                  return '';
6848              }
6850              if ($search === '') {
6851                  return $replacement;
6852              }
6853          }
6855          if ($search === '') {
6856              return $str . $replacement;
6857          }
6859          if (\stripos($str, $search, \strlen($str) - \strlen($search)) !== false) {
6860              $str = \substr($str, 0, -\strlen($search)) . $replacement;
6861          }
6863          return $str;
6864      }
6866      /**
6867       * Check if the string starts with the given substring, case-insensitive.
6868       *
6869       * EXAMPLE: <code>
6870       * UTF8::str_istarts_with('ΚόσμεMiddleEnd', 'Κόσμε'); // true
6871       * UTF8::str_istarts_with('ΚόσμεMiddleEnd', 'κόσμε'); // true
6872       * </code>
6873       *
6874       * @param string $haystack <p>The string to search in.</p>
6875       * @param string $needle   <p>The substring to search for.</p>
6876       *
6877       * @psalm-pure
6878       *
6879       * @return bool
6880       */
6881      public static function str_istarts_with(string $haystack, string $needle): bool
6882      {
6883          if ($needle === '') {
6884              return true;
6885          }
6887          if ($haystack === '') {
6888              return false;
6889          }
6891          return self::stripos($haystack, $needle) === 0;
6892      }
6894      /**
6895       * Returns true if the string begins with any of $substrings, false otherwise.
6896       *
6897       * - case-insensitive
6898       *
6899       * @param string $str        <p>The input string.</p>
6900       * @param array  $substrings <p>Substrings to look for.</p>
6901       *
6902       * @psalm-pure
6903       *
6904       * @return bool
6905       *              <p>Whether or not $str starts with $substring.</p>
6906       */
6907      public static function str_istarts_with_any(string $str, array $substrings): bool
6908      {
6909          if ($str === '') {
6910              return false;
6911          }
6913          if ($substrings === []) {
6914              return false;
6915          }
6917          foreach ($substrings as &$substring) {
6918              if (self::str_istarts_with($str, $substring)) {
6919                  return true;
6920              }
6921          }
6923          return false;
6924      }
6926      /**
6927       * Gets the substring after the first occurrence of a separator.
6928       *
6929       * @param string $str       <p>The input string.</p>
6930       * @param string $separator <p>The string separator.</p>
6931       * @param string $encoding  [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
6932       *
6933       * @psalm-pure
6934       *
6935       * @return string
6936       */
6937      public static function str_isubstr_after_first_separator(
6938          string $str,
6939          string $separator,
6940          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
6941      ): string {
6942          if ($separator === '' || $str === '') {
6943              return '';
6944          }
6946          $offset = self::stripos($str, $separator);
6947          if ($offset === false) {
6948              return '';
6949          }
6951          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
6952              return (string) \mb_substr(
6953                  $str,
6954                  $offset + (int) \mb_strlen($separator)
6955              );
6956          }
6958          return (string) self::substr(
6959              $str,
6960              $offset + (int) self::strlen($separator, $encoding),
6961              null,
6962              $encoding
6963          );
6964      }
6966      /**
6967       * Gets the substring after the last occurrence of a separator.
6968       *
6969       * @param string $str       <p>The input string.</p>
6970       * @param string $separator <p>The string separator.</p>
6971       * @param string $encoding  [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
6972       *
6973       * @psalm-pure
6974       *
6975       * @return string
6976       */
6977      public static function str_isubstr_after_last_separator(
6978          string $str,
6979          string $separator,
6980          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
6981      ): string {
6982          if ($separator === '' || $str === '') {
6983              return '';
6984          }
6986          $offset = self::strripos($str, $separator);
6987          if ($offset === false) {
6988              return '';
6989          }
6991          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
6992              return (string) \mb_substr(
6993                  $str,
6994                  $offset + (int) self::strlen($separator)
6995              );
6996          }
6998          return (string) self::substr(
6999              $str,
7000              $offset + (int) self::strlen($separator, $encoding),
7001              null,
7002              $encoding
7003          );
7004      }
7006      /**
7007       * Gets the substring before the first occurrence of a separator.
7008       *
7009       * @param string $str       <p>The input string.</p>
7010       * @param string $separator <p>The string separator.</p>
7011       * @param string $encoding  [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
7012       *
7013       * @psalm-pure
7014       *
7015       * @return string
7016       */
7017      public static function str_isubstr_before_first_separator(
7018          string $str,
7019          string $separator,
7020          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
7021      ): string {
7022          if ($separator === '' || $str === '') {
7023              return '';
7024          }
7026          $offset = self::stripos($str, $separator);
7027          if ($offset === false) {
7028              return '';
7029          }
7031          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
7032              return (string) \mb_substr($str, 0, $offset);
7033          }
7035          return (string) self::substr($str, 0, $offset, $encoding);
7036      }
7038      /**
7039       * Gets the substring before the last occurrence of a separator.
7040       *
7041       * @param string $str       <p>The input string.</p>
7042       * @param string $separator <p>The string separator.</p>
7043       * @param string $encoding  [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
7044       *
7045       * @psalm-pure
7046       *
7047       * @return string
7048       */
7049      public static function str_isubstr_before_last_separator(
7050          string $str,
7051          string $separator,
7052          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
7053      ): string {
7054          if ($separator === '' || $str === '') {
7055              return '';
7056          }
7058          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
7059              $offset = \mb_strripos($str, $separator);
7060              if ($offset === false) {
7061                  return '';
7062              }
7064              return (string) \mb_substr($str, 0, $offset);
7065          }
7067          $offset = self::strripos($str, $separator, 0, $encoding);
7068          if ($offset === false) {
7069              return '';
7070          }
7072          return (string) self::substr($str, 0, $offset, $encoding);
7073      }
7075      /**
7076       * Gets the substring after (or before via "$before_needle") the first occurrence of the "$needle".
7077       *
7078       * @param string $str           <p>The input string.</p>
7079       * @param string $needle        <p>The string to look for.</p>
7080       * @param bool   $before_needle [optional] <p>Default: false</p>
7081       * @param string $encoding      [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
7082       *
7083       * @psalm-pure
7084       *
7085       * @return string
7086       */
7087      public static function str_isubstr_first(
7088          string $str,
7089          string $needle,
7090          bool $before_needle = false,
7091          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
7092      ): string {
7093          if (
7094              $needle === ''
7095              ||
7096              $str === ''
7097          ) {
7098              return '';
7099          }
7101          $part = self::stristr(
7102              $str,
7103              $needle,
7104              $before_needle,
7105              $encoding
7106          );
7107          if ($part === false) {
7108              return '';
7109          }
7111          return $part;
7112      }
7114      /**
7115       * Gets the substring after (or before via "$before_needle") the last occurrence of the "$needle".
7116       *
7117       * @param string $str           <p>The input string.</p>
7118       * @param string $needle        <p>The string to look for.</p>
7119       * @param bool   $before_needle [optional] <p>Default: false</p>
7120       * @param string $encoding      [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
7121       *
7122       * @psalm-pure
7123       *
7124       * @return string
7125       */
7126      public static function str_isubstr_last(
7127          string $str,
7128          string $needle,
7129          bool $before_needle = false,
7130          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
7131      ): string {
7132          if (
7133              $needle === ''
7134              ||
7135              $str === ''
7136          ) {
7137              return '';
7138          }
7140          $part = self::strrichr(
7141              $str,
7142              $needle,
7143              $before_needle,
7144              $encoding
7145          );
7146          if ($part === false) {
7147              return '';
7148          }
7150          return $part;
7151      }
7153      /**
7154       * Returns the last $n characters of the string.
7155       *
7156       * @param string $str      <p>The input string.</p>
7157       * @param int    $n        <p>Number of characters to retrieve from the end.</p>
7158       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
7159       *
7160       * @psalm-pure
7161       *
7162       * @return string
7163       */
7164      public static function str_last_char(
7165          string $str,
7166          int $n = 1,
7167          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
7168      ): string {
7169          if ($str === '' || $n <= 0) {
7170              return '';
7171          }
7173          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
7174              return (string) \mb_substr($str, -$n);
7175          }
7177          $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
7179          return (string) self::substr($str, -$n, null, $encoding);
7180      }
7182      /**
7183       * Limit the number of characters in a string.
7184       *
7185       * @param string $str        <p>The input string.</p>
7186       * @param int    $length     [optional] <p>Default: 100</p>
7187       * @param string $str_add_on [optional] <p>Default: …</p>
7188       * @param string $encoding   [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
7189       *
7190       * @psalm-pure
7191       *
7192       * @return string
7193       */
7194      public static function str_limit(
7195          string $str,
7196          int $length = 100,
7197          string $str_add_on = '…',
7198          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
7199      ): string {
7200          if ($str === '' || $length <= 0) {
7201              return '';
7202          }
7204          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
7205              if ((int) \mb_strlen($str) <= $length) {
7206                  return $str;
7207              }
7209              /** @noinspection UnnecessaryCastingInspection */
7210              return (string) \mb_substr($str, 0, $length - (int) self::strlen($str_add_on)) . $str_add_on;
7211          }
7213          $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
7215          if ((int) self::strlen($str, $encoding) <= $length) {
7216              return $str;
7217          }
7219          return ((string) self::substr($str, 0, $length - (int) self::strlen($str_add_on), $encoding)) . $str_add_on;
7220      }
7222      /**
7223       * Limit the number of characters in a string, but also after the next word.
7224       *
7225       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::str_limit_after_word('fòô bàř fòô', 8, ''); // 'fòô bàř'</code>
7226       *
7227       * @param string $str        <p>The input string.</p>
7228       * @param int    $length     [optional] <p>Default: 100</p>
7229       * @param string $str_add_on [optional] <p>Default: …</p>
7230       * @param string $encoding   [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
7231       *
7232       * @psalm-pure
7233       *
7234       * @return string
7235       */
7236      public static function str_limit_after_word(
7237          string $str,
7238          int $length = 100,
7239          string $str_add_on = '…',
7240          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
7241      ): string {
7242          if ($str === '' || $length <= 0) {
7243              return '';
7244          }
7246          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
7247              /** @noinspection UnnecessaryCastingInspection */
7248              if ((int) \mb_strlen($str) <= $length) {
7249                  return $str;
7250              }
7252              if (\mb_substr($str, $length - 1, 1) === ' ') {
7253                  return ((string) \mb_substr($str, 0, $length - 1)) . $str_add_on;
7254              }
7256              $str = \mb_substr($str, 0, $length);
7258              $array = \explode(' ', $str, -1);
7259              $new_str = \implode(' ', $array);
7261              if ($new_str === '') {
7262                  return ((string) \mb_substr($str, 0, $length - 1)) . $str_add_on;
7263              }
7264          } else {
7265              if ((int) self::strlen($str, $encoding) <= $length) {
7266                  return $str;
7267              }
7269              if (self::substr($str, $length - 1, 1, $encoding) === ' ') {
7270                  return ((string) self::substr($str, 0, $length - 1, $encoding)) . $str_add_on;
7271              }
7273              /** @noinspection CallableParameterUseCaseInTypeContextInspection - FP */
7274              $str = self::substr($str, 0, $length, $encoding);
7275              /** @noinspection CallableParameterUseCaseInTypeContextInspection - FP */
7276              if ($str === false) {
7277                  return '' . $str_add_on;
7278              }
7280              $array = \explode(' ', $str, -1);
7281              $new_str = \implode(' ', $array);
7283              if ($new_str === '') {
7284                  return ((string) self::substr($str, 0, $length - 1, $encoding)) . $str_add_on;
7285              }
7286          }
7288          return $new_str . $str_add_on;
7289      }
7291      /**
7292       * Returns the longest common prefix between the $str1 and $str2.
7293       *
7294       * @param string $str1     <p>The input sting.</p>
7295       * @param string $str2     <p>Second string for comparison.</p>
7296       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
7297       *
7298       * @psalm-pure
7299       *
7300       * @return string
7301       */
7302      public static function str_longest_common_prefix(
7303          string $str1,
7304          string $str2,
7305          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
7306      ): string {
7307          // init
7308          $longest_common_prefix = '';
7310          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
7311              $max_length = (int) \min(
7312                  \mb_strlen($str1),
7313                  \mb_strlen($str2)
7314              );
7316              for ($i = 0; $i < $max_length; ++$i) {
7317                  $char = \mb_substr($str1, $i, 1);
7319                  if (
7320                      $char !== false
7321                      &&
7322                      $char === \mb_substr($str2, $i, 1)
7323                  ) {
7324                      $longest_common_prefix .= $char;
7325                  } else {
7326                      break;
7327                  }
7328              }
7329          } else {
7330              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
7332              $max_length = (int) \min(
7333                  self::strlen($str1, $encoding),
7334                  self::strlen($str2, $encoding)
7335              );
7337              for ($i = 0; $i < $max_length; ++$i) {
7338                  $char = self::substr($str1, $i, 1, $encoding);
7340                  if (
7341                      $char !== false
7342                      &&
7343                      $char === self::substr($str2, $i, 1, $encoding)
7344                  ) {
7345                      $longest_common_prefix .= $char;
7346                  } else {
7347                      break;
7348                  }
7349              }
7350          }
7352          return $longest_common_prefix;
7353      }
7355      /**
7356       * Returns the longest common substring between the $str1 and $str2.
7357       * In the case of ties, it returns that which occurs first.
7358       *
7359       * @param string $str1
7360       * @param string $str2     <p>Second string for comparison.</p>
7361       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
7362       *
7363       * @psalm-pure
7364       *
7365       * @return string
7366       *                <p>A string with its $str being the longest common substring.</p>
7367       */
7368      public static function str_longest_common_substring(
7369          string $str1,
7370          string $str2,
7371          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
7372      ): string {
7373          if ($str1 === '' || $str2 === '') {
7374              return '';
7375          }
7377          // Uses dynamic programming to solve
7378          // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_common_substring_problem
7380          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
7381              $str_length = (int) \mb_strlen($str1);
7382              $other_length = (int) \mb_strlen($str2);
7383          } else {
7384              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
7386              $str_length = (int) self::strlen($str1, $encoding);
7387              $other_length = (int) self::strlen($str2, $encoding);
7388          }
7390          // Return if either string is empty
7391          if ($str_length === 0 || $other_length === 0) {
7392              return '';
7393          }
7395          $len = 0;
7396          $end = 0;
7397          $table = \array_fill(
7398              0,
7399              $str_length + 1,
7400              \array_fill(0, $other_length + 1, 0)
7401          );
7403          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
7404              for ($i = 1; $i <= $str_length; ++$i) {
7405                  for ($j = 1; $j <= $other_length; ++$j) {
7406                      $str_char = \mb_substr($str1, $i - 1, 1);
7407                      $other_char = \mb_substr($str2, $j - 1, 1);
7409                      if ($str_char === $other_char) {
7410                          $table[$i][$j] = $table[$i - 1][$j - 1] + 1;
7411                          if ($table[$i][$j] > $len) {
7412                              $len = $table[$i][$j];
7413                              $end = $i;
7414                          }
7415                      } else {
7416                          $table[$i][$j] = 0;
7417                      }
7418                  }
7419              }
7420          } else {
7421              for ($i = 1; $i <= $str_length; ++$i) {
7422                  for ($j = 1; $j <= $other_length; ++$j) {
7423                      $str_char = self::substr($str1, $i - 1, 1, $encoding);
7424                      $other_char = self::substr($str2, $j - 1, 1, $encoding);
7426                      if ($str_char === $other_char) {
7427                          $table[$i][$j] = $table[$i - 1][$j - 1] + 1;
7428                          if ($table[$i][$j] > $len) {
7429                              $len = $table[$i][$j];
7430                              $end = $i;
7431                          }
7432                      } else {
7433                          $table[$i][$j] = 0;
7434                      }
7435                  }
7436              }
7437          }
7439          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
7440              return (string) \mb_substr($str1, $end - $len, $len);
7441          }
7443          return (string) self::substr($str1, $end - $len, $len, $encoding);
7444      }
7446      /**
7447       * Returns the longest common suffix between the $str1 and $str2.
7448       *
7449       * @param string $str1
7450       * @param string $str2     <p>Second string for comparison.</p>
7451       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
7452       *
7453       * @psalm-pure
7454       *
7455       * @return string
7456       */
7457      public static function str_longest_common_suffix(
7458          string $str1,
7459          string $str2,
7460          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
7461      ): string {
7462          if ($str1 === '' || $str2 === '') {
7463              return '';
7464          }
7466          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
7467              $max_length = (int) \min(
7468                  \mb_strlen($str1, $encoding),
7469                  \mb_strlen($str2, $encoding)
7470              );
7472              $longest_common_suffix = '';
7473              for ($i = 1; $i <= $max_length; ++$i) {
7474                  $char = \mb_substr($str1, -$i, 1);
7476                  if (
7477                      $char !== false
7478                      &&
7479                      $char === \mb_substr($str2, -$i, 1)
7480                  ) {
7481                      $longest_common_suffix = $char . $longest_common_suffix;
7482                  } else {
7483                      break;
7484                  }
7485              }
7486          } else {
7487              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
7489              $max_length = (int) \min(
7490                  self::strlen($str1, $encoding),
7491                  self::strlen($str2, $encoding)
7492              );
7494              $longest_common_suffix = '';
7495              for ($i = 1; $i <= $max_length; ++$i) {
7496                  $char = self::substr($str1, -$i, 1, $encoding);
7498                  if (
7499                      $char !== false
7500                      &&
7501                      $char === self::substr($str2, -$i, 1, $encoding)
7502                  ) {
7503                      $longest_common_suffix = $char . $longest_common_suffix;
7504                  } else {
7505                      break;
7506                  }
7507              }
7508          }
7510          return $longest_common_suffix;
7511      }
7513      /**
7514       * Returns true if $str matches the supplied pattern, false otherwise.
7515       *
7516       * @param string $str     <p>The input string.</p>
7517       * @param string $pattern <p>Regex pattern to match against.</p>
7518       *
7519       * @psalm-pure
7520       *
7521       * @return bool
7522       *              <p>Whether or not $str matches the pattern.</p>
7523       */
7524      public static function str_matches_pattern(string $str, string $pattern): bool
7525      {
7526          return (bool) \preg_match('/' . $pattern . '/u', $str);
7527      }
7529      /**
7530       * Returns whether or not a character exists at an index. Offsets may be
7531       * negative to count from the last character in the string. Implements
7532       * part of the ArrayAccess interface.
7533       *
7534       * @param string $str      <p>The input string.</p>
7535       * @param int    $offset   <p>The index to check.</p>
7536       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
7537       *
7538       * @psalm-pure
7539       *
7540       * @return bool
7541       *              <p>Whether or not the index exists.</p>
7542       */
7543      public static function str_offset_exists(string $str, int $offset, string $encoding = 'UTF-8'): bool
7544      {
7545          // init
7546          $length = (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding);
7548          if ($offset >= 0) {
7549              return $length > $offset;
7550          }
7552          return $length >= \abs($offset);
7553      }
7555      /**
7556       * Returns the character at the given index. Offsets may be negative to
7557       * count from the last character in the string. Implements part of the
7558       * ArrayAccess interface, and throws an OutOfBoundsException if the index
7559       * does not exist.
7560       *
7561       * @param string $str      <p>The input string.</p>
7562       * @param int    $index    <p>The <strong>index</strong> from which to retrieve the char.</p>
7563       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
7564       *
7565       * @throws \OutOfBoundsException if the positive or negative offset does not exist
7566       *
7567       * @return string
7568       *                <p>The character at the specified index.</p>
7569       *
7570       * @psalm-pure
7571       */
7572      public static function str_offset_get(string $str, int $index, string $encoding = 'UTF-8'): string
7573      {
7574          // init
7575          $length = (int) self::strlen($str);
7577          if (
7578              ($index >= 0 && $length <= $index)
7579              ||
7580              $length < \abs($index)
7581          ) {
7582              throw new \OutOfBoundsException('No character exists at the index');
7583          }
7585          return self::char_at($str, $index, $encoding);
7586      }
7588      /**
7589       * Pad a UTF-8 string to a given length with another string.
7590       *
7591       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::str_pad('中文空白', 10, '_', STR_PAD_BOTH); // '___中文空白___'</code>
7592       *
7593       * @param string     $str        <p>The input string.</p>
7594       * @param int        $pad_length <p>The length of return string.</p>
7595       * @param string     $pad_string [optional] <p>String to use for padding the input string.</p>
7596       * @param int|string $pad_type   [optional] <p>
7597       *                               Can be <strong>STR_PAD_RIGHT</strong> (default), [or string "right"]<br>
7598       *                               <strong>STR_PAD_LEFT</strong> [or string "left"] or<br>
7599       *                               <strong>STR_PAD_BOTH</strong> [or string "both"]
7600       *                               </p>
7601       * @param string     $encoding   [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
7602       *
7603       * @psalm-pure
7604       *
7605       * @return string
7606       *                <p>Returns the padded string.</p>
7607       */
7608      public static function str_pad(
7609          string $str,
7610          int $pad_length,
7611          string $pad_string = ' ',
7612          $pad_type = \STR_PAD_RIGHT,
7613          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
7614      ): string {
7615          if ($pad_length === 0 || $pad_string === '') {
7616              return $str;
7617          }
7619          if ($pad_type !== (int) $pad_type) {
7620              if ($pad_type === 'left') {
7621                  $pad_type = \STR_PAD_LEFT;
7622              } elseif ($pad_type === 'right') {
7623                  $pad_type = \STR_PAD_RIGHT;
7624              } elseif ($pad_type === 'both') {
7625                  $pad_type = \STR_PAD_BOTH;
7626              } else {
7627                  throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
7628                      'Pad expects $pad_type to be "STR_PAD_*" or ' . "to be one of 'left', 'right' or 'both'"
7629                  );
7630              }
7631          }
7633          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
7634              $str_length = (int) \mb_strlen($str);
7636              if ($pad_length >= $str_length) {
7637                  switch ($pad_type) {
7638                      case \STR_PAD_LEFT:
7639                          $ps_length = (int) \mb_strlen($pad_string);
7641                          $diff = ($pad_length - $str_length);
7643                          $pre = (string) \mb_substr(
7644                              \str_repeat($pad_string, (int) \ceil($diff / $ps_length)),
7645                              0,
7646                              $diff
7647                          );
7648                          $post = '';
7650                          break;
7652                      case \STR_PAD_BOTH:
7653                          $diff = ($pad_length - $str_length);
7655                          $ps_length_left = (int) \floor($diff / 2);
7657                          $ps_length_right = (int) \ceil($diff / 2);
7659                          $pre = (string) \mb_substr(
7660                              \str_repeat($pad_string, $ps_length_left),
7661                              0,
7662                              $ps_length_left
7663                          );
7664                          $post = (string) \mb_substr(
7665                              \str_repeat($pad_string, $ps_length_right),
7666                              0,
7667                              $ps_length_right
7668                          );
7670                          break;
7672                      case \STR_PAD_RIGHT:
7673                      default:
7674                          $ps_length = (int) \mb_strlen($pad_string);
7676                          $diff = ($pad_length - $str_length);
7678                          $post = (string) \mb_substr(
7679                              \str_repeat($pad_string, (int) \ceil($diff / $ps_length)),
7680                              0,
7681                              $diff
7682                          );
7683                          $pre = '';
7684                  }
7686                  return $pre . $str . $post;
7687              }
7689              return $str;
7690          }
7692          $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
7694          $str_length = (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding);
7696          if ($pad_length >= $str_length) {
7697              switch ($pad_type) {
7698                  case \STR_PAD_LEFT:
7699                      $ps_length = (int) self::strlen($pad_string, $encoding);
7701                      $diff = ($pad_length - $str_length);
7703                      $pre = (string) self::substr(
7704                          \str_repeat($pad_string, (int) \ceil($diff / $ps_length)),
7705                          0,
7706                          $diff,
7707                          $encoding
7708                      );
7709                      $post = '';
7711                      break;
7713                  case \STR_PAD_BOTH:
7714                      $diff = ($pad_length - $str_length);
7716                      $ps_length_left = (int) \floor($diff / 2);
7718                      $ps_length_right = (int) \ceil($diff / 2);
7720                      $pre = (string) self::substr(
7721                          \str_repeat($pad_string, $ps_length_left),
7722                          0,
7723                          $ps_length_left,
7724                          $encoding
7725                      );
7726                      $post = (string) self::substr(
7727                          \str_repeat($pad_string, $ps_length_right),
7728                          0,
7729                          $ps_length_right,
7730                          $encoding
7731                      );
7733                      break;
7735                  case \STR_PAD_RIGHT:
7736                  default:
7737                      $ps_length = (int) self::strlen($pad_string, $encoding);
7739                      $diff = ($pad_length - $str_length);
7741                      $post = (string) self::substr(
7742                          \str_repeat($pad_string, (int) \ceil($diff / $ps_length)),
7743                          0,
7744                          $diff,
7745                          $encoding
7746                      );
7747                      $pre = '';
7748              }
7750              return $pre . $str . $post;
7751          }
7753          return $str;
7754      }
7756      /**
7757       * Returns a new string of a given length such that both sides of the
7758       * string are padded. Alias for "UTF8::str_pad()" with a $pad_type of 'both'.
7759       *
7760       * @param string $str
7761       * @param int    $length   <p>Desired string length after padding.</p>
7762       * @param string $pad_str  [optional] <p>String used to pad, defaults to space. Default: ' '</p>
7763       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
7764       *
7765       * @psalm-pure
7766       *
7767       * @return string
7768       *                <p>The string with padding applied.</p>
7769       */
7770      public static function str_pad_both(
7771          string $str,
7772          int $length,
7773          string $pad_str = ' ',
7774          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
7775      ): string {
7776          return self::str_pad(
7777              $str,
7778              $length,
7779              $pad_str,
7780              \STR_PAD_BOTH,
7781              $encoding
7782          );
7783      }
7785      /**
7786       * Returns a new string of a given length such that the beginning of the
7787       * string is padded. Alias for "UTF8::str_pad()" with a $pad_type of 'left'.
7788       *
7789       * @param string $str
7790       * @param int    $length   <p>Desired string length after padding.</p>
7791       * @param string $pad_str  [optional] <p>String used to pad, defaults to space. Default: ' '</p>
7792       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
7793       *
7794       * @psalm-pure
7795       *
7796       * @return string
7797       *                <p>The string with left padding.</p>
7798       */
7799      public static function str_pad_left(
7800          string $str,
7801          int $length,
7802          string $pad_str = ' ',
7803          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
7804      ): string {
7805          return self::str_pad(
7806              $str,
7807              $length,
7808              $pad_str,
7809              \STR_PAD_LEFT,
7810              $encoding
7811          );
7812      }
7814      /**
7815       * Returns a new string of a given length such that the end of the string
7816       * is padded. Alias for "UTF8::str_pad()" with a $pad_type of 'right'.
7817       *
7818       * @param string $str
7819       * @param int    $length   <p>Desired string length after padding.</p>
7820       * @param string $pad_str  [optional] <p>String used to pad, defaults to space. Default: ' '</p>
7821       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
7822       *
7823       * @psalm-pure
7824       *
7825       * @return string
7826       *                <p>The string with right padding.</p>
7827       */
7828      public static function str_pad_right(
7829          string $str,
7830          int $length,
7831          string $pad_str = ' ',
7832          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
7833      ): string {
7834          return self::str_pad(
7835              $str,
7836              $length,
7837              $pad_str,
7838              \STR_PAD_RIGHT,
7839              $encoding
7840          );
7841      }
7843      /**
7844       * Repeat a string.
7845       *
7846       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::str_repeat("°~\xf0\x90\x28\xbc", 2); // '°~ð(¼°~ð(¼'</code>
7847       *
7848       * @param string $str        <p>
7849       *                           The string to be repeated.
7850       *                           </p>
7851       * @param int    $multiplier <p>
7852       *                           Number of time the input string should be
7853       *                           repeated.
7854       *                           </p>
7855       *                           <p>
7856       *                           multiplier has to be greater than or equal to 0.
7857       *                           If the multiplier is set to 0, the function
7858       *                           will return an empty string.
7859       *                           </p>
7860       *
7861       * @psalm-pure
7862       *
7863       * @return string
7864       *                <p>The repeated string.</p>
7865       */
7866      public static function str_repeat(string $str, int $multiplier): string
7867      {
7868          $str = self::filter($str);
7870          return \str_repeat($str, $multiplier);
7871      }
7873      /**
7874       * INFO: This is only a wrapper for "str_replace()"  -> the original functions is already UTF-8 safe.
7875       *
7876       * Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string
7877       *
7878       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.str-replace.php
7879       *
7880       * @param string|string[] $search  <p>
7881       *                                 The value being searched for, otherwise known as the needle.
7882       *                                 An array may be used to designate multiple needles.
7883       *                                 </p>
7884       * @param string|string[] $replace <p>
7885       *                                 The replacement value that replaces found search
7886       *                                 values. An array may be used to designate multiple replacements.
7887       *                                 </p>
7888       * @param string|string[] $subject <p>
7889       *                                 The string or array of strings being searched and replaced on,
7890       *                                 otherwise known as the haystack.
7891       *                                 </p>
7892       *                                 <p>
7893       *                                 If subject is an array, then the search and
7894       *                                 replace is performed with every entry of
7895       *                                 subject, and the return value is an array as
7896       *                                 well.
7897       *                                 </p>
7898       * @param int|null        $count   [optional] <p>
7899       *                                 If passed, this will hold the number of matched and replaced needles.
7900       *                                 </p>
7901       *
7902       * @psalm-pure
7903       *
7904       * @return string|string[]
7905       *                         <p>This function returns a string or an array with the replaced values.</p>
7906       *
7907       * @template TStrReplaceSubject
7908       * @phpstan-param TStrReplaceSubject $subject
7909       * @phpstan-return TStrReplaceSubject
7910       *
7911       * @deprecated please use \str_replace() instead
7912       */
7913      public static function str_replace(
7914          $search,
7915          $replace,
7916          $subject,
7917          int &$count = null
7918      ) {
7919          /**
7920           * @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullArgument
7921           * @phpstan-var TStrReplaceSubject $return;
7922           */
7923          $return = \str_replace(
7924              $search,
7925              $replace,
7926              $subject,
7927              $count
7928          );
7930          return $return;
7931      }
7933      /**
7934       * Replaces $search from the beginning of string with $replacement.
7935       *
7936       * @param string $str         <p>The input string.</p>
7937       * @param string $search      <p>The string to search for.</p>
7938       * @param string $replacement <p>The replacement.</p>
7939       *
7940       * @psalm-pure
7941       *
7942       * @return string
7943       *                <p>A string after the replacements.</p>
7944       */
7945      public static function str_replace_beginning(
7946          string $str,
7947          string $search,
7948          string $replacement
7949      ): string {
7950          if ($str === '') {
7951              if ($replacement === '') {
7952                  return '';
7953              }
7955              if ($search === '') {
7956                  return $replacement;
7957              }
7958          }
7960          if ($search === '') {
7961              return $str . $replacement;
7962          }
7964          $searchLength = \strlen($search);
7965          if (\strncmp($str, $search, $searchLength) === 0) {
7966              return $replacement . \substr($str, $searchLength);
7967          }
7969          return $str;
7970      }
7972      /**
7973       * Replaces $search from the ending of string with $replacement.
7974       *
7975       * @param string $str         <p>The input string.</p>
7976       * @param string $search      <p>The string to search for.</p>
7977       * @param string $replacement <p>The replacement.</p>
7978       *
7979       * @psalm-pure
7980       *
7981       * @return string
7982       *                <p>A string after the replacements.</p>
7983       */
7984      public static function str_replace_ending(
7985          string $str,
7986          string $search,
7987          string $replacement
7988      ): string {
7989          if ($str === '') {
7990              if ($replacement === '') {
7991                  return '';
7992              }
7994              if ($search === '') {
7995                  return $replacement;
7996              }
7997          }
7999          if ($search === '') {
8000              return $str . $replacement;
8001          }
8003          if (\strpos($str, $search, \strlen($str) - \strlen($search)) !== false) {
8004              $str = \substr($str, 0, -\strlen($search)) . $replacement;
8005          }
8007          return $str;
8008      }
8010      /**
8011       * Replace the first "$search"-term with the "$replace"-term.
8012       *
8013       * @param string $search
8014       * @param string $replace
8015       * @param string $subject
8016       *
8017       * @psalm-pure
8018       *
8019       * @return string
8020       *
8021       * @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnType
8022       */
8023      public static function str_replace_first(
8024          string $search,
8025          string $replace,
8026          string $subject
8027      ): string {
8028          $pos = self::strpos($subject, $search);
8030          if ($pos !== false) {
8031              /**
8032               * @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnStatement
8033               */
8034              return self::substr_replace(
8035                  $subject,
8036                  $replace,
8037                  $pos,
8038                  (int) self::strlen($search)
8039              );
8040          }
8042          return $subject;
8043      }
8045      /**
8046       * Replace the last "$search"-term with the "$replace"-term.
8047       *
8048       * @param string $search
8049       * @param string $replace
8050       * @param string $subject
8051       *
8052       * @psalm-pure
8053       *
8054       * @return string
8055       *
8056       * @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnType
8057       */
8058      public static function str_replace_last(
8059          string $search,
8060          string $replace,
8061          string $subject
8062      ): string {
8063          $pos = self::strrpos($subject, $search);
8064          if ($pos !== false) {
8065              /**
8066               * @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnStatement
8067               */
8068              return self::substr_replace(
8069                  $subject,
8070                  $replace,
8071                  $pos,
8072                  (int) self::strlen($search)
8073              );
8074          }
8076          return $subject;
8077      }
8079      /**
8080       * Shuffles all the characters in the string.
8081       *
8082       * INFO: uses random algorithm which is weak for cryptography purposes
8083       *
8084       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::str_shuffle('fòô bàř fòô'); // 'àòôřb ffòô '</code>
8085       *
8086       * @param string $str      <p>The input string</p>
8087       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
8088       *
8089       * @return string
8090       *                <p>The shuffled string.</p>
8091       */
8092      public static function str_shuffle(string $str, string $encoding = 'UTF-8'): string
8093      {
8094          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
8095              $indexes = \range(0, (int) \mb_strlen($str) - 1);
8096              /** @noinspection NonSecureShuffleUsageInspection */
8097              \shuffle($indexes);
8099              // init
8100              $shuffled_str = '';
8102              foreach ($indexes as &$i) {
8103                  $tmp_sub_str = \mb_substr($str, $i, 1);
8104                  if ($tmp_sub_str !== false) {
8105                      $shuffled_str .= $tmp_sub_str;
8106                  }
8107              }
8108          } else {
8109              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
8111              $indexes = \range(0, (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding) - 1);
8112              /** @noinspection NonSecureShuffleUsageInspection */
8113              \shuffle($indexes);
8115              // init
8116              $shuffled_str = '';
8118              foreach ($indexes as &$i) {
8119                  $tmp_sub_str = self::substr($str, $i, 1, $encoding);
8120                  if ($tmp_sub_str !== false) {
8121                      $shuffled_str .= $tmp_sub_str;
8122                  }
8123              }
8124          }
8126          return $shuffled_str;
8127      }
8129      /**
8130       * Returns the substring beginning at $start, and up to, but not including
8131       * the index specified by $end. If $end is omitted, the function extracts
8132       * the remaining string. If $end is negative, it is computed from the end
8133       * of the string.
8134       *
8135       * @param string   $str
8136       * @param int      $start    <p>Initial index from which to begin extraction.</p>
8137       * @param int|null $end      [optional] <p>Index at which to end extraction. Default: null</p>
8138       * @param string   $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
8139       *
8140       * @psalm-pure
8141       *
8142       * @return false|string
8143       *                      <p>The extracted substring.</p><p>If <i>str</i> is shorter than <i>start</i>
8144       *                      characters long, <b>FALSE</b> will be returned.
8145       */
8146      public static function str_slice(
8147          string $str,
8148          int $start,
8149          int $end = null,
8150          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
8151      ) {
8152          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
8153              if ($end === null) {
8154                  $length = (int) \mb_strlen($str);
8155              } elseif ($end >= 0 && $end <= $start) {
8156                  return '';
8157              } elseif ($end < 0) {
8158                  $length = (int) \mb_strlen($str) + $end - $start;
8159              } else {
8160                  $length = $end - $start;
8161              }
8163              return \mb_substr($str, $start, $length);
8164          }
8166          $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
8168          if ($end === null) {
8169              $length = (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding);
8170          } elseif ($end >= 0 && $end <= $start) {
8171              return '';
8172          } elseif ($end < 0) {
8173              $length = (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding) + $end - $start;
8174          } else {
8175              $length = $end - $start;
8176          }
8178          return self::substr($str, $start, $length, $encoding);
8179      }
8181      /**
8182       * Convert a string to e.g.: "snake_case"
8183       *
8184       * @param string $str
8185       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
8186       *
8187       * @psalm-pure
8188       *
8189       * @return string
8190       *                <p>A string in snake_case.</p>
8191       */
8192      public static function str_snakeize(string $str, string $encoding = 'UTF-8'): string
8193      {
8194          if ($str === '') {
8195              return '';
8196          }
8198          $str = \str_replace(
8199              '-',
8200              '_',
8201              self::normalize_whitespace($str)
8202          );
8204          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
8205              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
8206          }
8208          $str = (string) \preg_replace_callback(
8209              '/([\\p{N}|\\p{Lu}])/u',
8210              /**
8211               * @param string[] $matches
8212               *
8213               * @psalm-pure
8214               *
8215               * @return string
8216               */
8217              static function (array $matches) use ($encoding): string {
8218                  $match = $matches[1];
8219                  $match_int = (int) $match;
8221                  if ((string) $match_int === $match) {
8222                      return '_' . $match . '_';
8223                  }
8225                  if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
8226                      return '_' . \mb_strtolower($match);
8227                  }
8229                  return '_' . self::strtolower($match, $encoding);
8230              },
8231              $str
8232          );
8234          $str = (string) \preg_replace(
8235              [
8236                  '/\\s+/u',           // convert spaces to "_"
8237                  '/^\\s+|\\s+$/u', // trim leading & trailing spaces
8238                  '/_+/',                 // remove double "_"
8239              ],
8240              [
8241                  '_',
8242                  '',
8243                  '_',
8244              ],
8245              $str
8246          );
8248          return \trim(\trim($str, '_')); // trim leading & trailing "_" + whitespace
8249      }
8251      /**
8252       * Sort all characters according to code points.
8253       *
8254       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::str_sort('  -ABC-中文空白-  '); // '    ---ABC中文白空'</code>
8255       *
8256       * @param string $str    <p>A UTF-8 string.</p>
8257       * @param bool   $unique <p>Sort unique. If <strong>true</strong>, repeated characters are ignored.</p>
8258       * @param bool   $desc   <p>If <strong>true</strong>, will sort characters in reverse code point order.</p>
8259       *
8260       * @psalm-pure
8261       *
8262       * @return string
8263       *                <p>A string of sorted characters.</p>
8264       */
8265      public static function str_sort(string $str, bool $unique = false, bool $desc = false): string
8266      {
8267          $array = self::codepoints($str);
8269          if ($unique) {
8270              $array = \array_flip(\array_flip($array));
8271          }
8273          if ($desc) {
8274              \arsort($array);
8275          } else {
8276              \asort($array);
8277          }
8279          return self::string($array);
8280      }
8282      /**
8283       * Convert a string to an array of Unicode characters.
8284       *
8285       * EXAMPLE: <code>
8286       * UTF8::str_split_array(['中文空白', 'test'], 2); // [['中文', '空白'], ['te', 'st']]
8287       * </code>
8288       *
8289       * @param int[]|string[] $input                   <p>The string[] or int[] to split into array.</p>
8290       * @param int            $length                  [optional] <p>Max character length of each array
8291       *                                                lement.</p>
8292       * @param bool           $clean_utf8              [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the
8293       *                                                string.</p>
8294       * @param bool           $try_to_use_mb_functions [optional] <p>Set to false, if you don't want to use
8295       *                                                "mb_substr"</p>
8296       *
8297       * @psalm-pure
8298       *
8299       * @return string[][]
8300       *                    <p>An array containing chunks of the input.</p>
8301       */
8302      public static function str_split_array(
8303          array $input,
8304          int $length = 1,
8305          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
8306          bool $try_to_use_mb_functions = true
8307      ): array {
8308          foreach ($input as $k => &$v) {
8309              $v = self::str_split(
8310                  $v,
8311                  $length,
8312                  $clean_utf8,
8313                  $try_to_use_mb_functions
8314              );
8315          }
8317          /** @var string[][] $input */
8318          return $input;
8319      }
8321      /**
8322       * Convert a string to an array of unicode characters.
8323       *
8324       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::str_split('中文空白'); // array('中', '文', '空', '白')</code>
8325       *
8326       * @param int|string $input                   <p>The string or int to split into array.</p>
8327       * @param int        $length                  [optional] <p>Max character length of each array
8328       *                                            element.</p>
8329       * @param bool       $clean_utf8              [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the
8330       *                                            string.</p>
8331       * @param bool       $try_to_use_mb_functions [optional] <p>Set to false, if you don't want to use
8332       *                                            "mb_substr"</p>
8333       *
8334       * @psalm-pure
8335       *
8336       * @return string[]
8337       *                  <p>An array containing chunks of chars from the input.</p>
8338       *
8339       * @noinspection SuspiciousBinaryOperationInspection
8340       * @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection
8341       */
8342      public static function str_split(
8343          $input,
8344          int $length = 1,
8345          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
8346          bool $try_to_use_mb_functions = true
8347      ): array {
8348          if ($length <= 0) {
8349              return [];
8350          }
8352          // this is only an old fallback
8353          /** @noinspection PhpSillyAssignmentInspection - hack for phpstan */
8354          /** @var int|int[]|string|string[] $input */
8355          $input = $input;
8356          if (\is_array($input)) {
8357              /**
8358               * @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnStatement
8359               */
8360              return self::str_split_array(
8361                  $input,
8362                  $length,
8363                  $clean_utf8,
8364                  $try_to_use_mb_functions
8365              );
8366          }
8368          // init
8369          $input = (string) $input;
8371          if ($input === '') {
8372              return [];
8373          }
8375          if ($clean_utf8) {
8376              $input = self::clean($input);
8377          }
8379          if (
8380              $try_to_use_mb_functions
8381              &&
8382              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true
8383          ) {
8384              if (\function_exists('mb_str_split')) {
8385                  /**
8386                   * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - why?
8387                   */
8388                  $return = \mb_str_split($input, $length);
8389                  if ($return !== false) {
8390                      return $return;
8391                  }
8392              }
8394              $i_max = \mb_strlen($input);
8395              if ($i_max <= 127) {
8396                  $ret = [];
8397                  for ($i = 0; $i < $i_max; ++$i) {
8398                      $ret[] = \mb_substr($input, $i, 1);
8399                  }
8400              } else {
8401                  $return_array = [];
8402                  \preg_match_all('/./us', $input, $return_array);
8403                  $ret = $return_array[0] ?? [];
8404              }
8405          } elseif (self::$SUPPORT['pcre_utf8'] === true) {
8406              $return_array = [];
8407              \preg_match_all('/./us', $input, $return_array);
8408              $ret = $return_array[0] ?? [];
8409          } else {
8411              // fallback
8413              $ret = [];
8414              $len = \strlen($input);
8416              /** @noinspection ForeachInvariantsInspection */
8417              for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
8418                  if (($input[$i] & "\x80") === "\x00") {
8419                      $ret[] = $input[$i];
8420                  } elseif (
8421                      isset($input[$i + 1])
8422                      &&
8423                      ($input[$i] & "\xE0") === "\xC0"
8424                  ) {
8425                      if (($input[$i + 1] & "\xC0") === "\x80") {
8426                          $ret[] = $input[$i] . $input[$i + 1];
8428                          ++$i;
8429                      }
8430                  } elseif (
8431                      isset($input[$i + 2])
8432                      &&
8433                      ($input[$i] & "\xF0") === "\xE0"
8434                  ) {
8435                      if (
8436                          ($input[$i + 1] & "\xC0") === "\x80"
8437                          &&
8438                          ($input[$i + 2] & "\xC0") === "\x80"
8439                      ) {
8440                          $ret[] = $input[$i] . $input[$i + 1] . $input[$i + 2];
8442                          $i += 2;
8443                      }
8444                  } elseif (
8445                      isset($input[$i + 3])
8446                      &&
8447                      ($input[$i] & "\xF8") === "\xF0"
8448                  ) {
8449                      if (
8450                          ($input[$i + 1] & "\xC0") === "\x80"
8451                          &&
8452                          ($input[$i + 2] & "\xC0") === "\x80"
8453                          &&
8454                          ($input[$i + 3] & "\xC0") === "\x80"
8455                      ) {
8456                          $ret[] = $input[$i] . $input[$i + 1] . $input[$i + 2] . $input[$i + 3];
8458                          $i += 3;
8459                      }
8460                  }
8461              }
8462          }
8464          if ($length > 1) {
8465              $ret = \array_chunk($ret, $length);
8467              return \array_map(
8468                  static function (array $item): string {
8469                      return \implode('', $item);
8470                  },
8471                  $ret
8472              );
8473          }
8475          if (isset($ret[0]) && $ret[0] === '') {
8476              return [];
8477          }
8479          return $ret;
8480      }
8482      /**
8483       * Splits the string with the provided regular expression, returning an
8484       * array of strings. An optional integer $limit will truncate the
8485       * results.
8486       *
8487       * @param string $str
8488       * @param string $pattern <p>The regex with which to split the string.</p>
8489       * @param int    $limit   [optional] <p>Maximum number of results to return. Default: -1 === no limit</p>
8490       *
8491       * @psalm-pure
8492       *
8493       * @return string[]
8494       *                  <p>An array of strings.</p>
8495       */
8496      public static function str_split_pattern(string $str, string $pattern, int $limit = -1): array
8497      {
8498          if ($limit === 0) {
8499              return [];
8500          }
8502          if ($pattern === '') {
8503              return [$str];
8504          }
8506          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
8507              if ($limit >= 0) {
8508                  /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
8509                  $result_tmp = \mb_split($pattern, $str);
8511                  $result = [];
8512                  foreach ($result_tmp as $item_tmp) {
8513                      if ($limit === 0) {
8514                          break;
8515                      }
8516                      --$limit;
8518                      $result[] = $item_tmp;
8519                  }
8521                  return $result;
8522              }
8524              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
8525              return \mb_split($pattern, $str);
8526          }
8528          if ($limit > 0) {
8529              ++$limit;
8530          } else {
8531              $limit = -1;
8532          }
8534          $array = \preg_split('/' . \preg_quote($pattern, '/') . '/u', $str, $limit);
8536          if ($array === false) {
8537              return [];
8538          }
8540          if ($limit > 0 && \count($array) === $limit) {
8541              \array_pop($array);
8542          }
8544          return $array;
8545      }
8547      /**
8548       * Check if the string starts with the given substring.
8549       *
8550       * EXAMPLE: <code>
8551       * UTF8::str_starts_with('ΚόσμεMiddleEnd', 'Κόσμε'); // true
8552       * UTF8::str_starts_with('ΚόσμεMiddleEnd', 'κόσμε'); // false
8553       * </code>
8554       *
8555       * @param string $haystack <p>The string to search in.</p>
8556       * @param string $needle   <p>The substring to search for.</p>
8557       *
8558       * @psalm-pure
8559       *
8560       * @return bool
8561       */
8562      public static function str_starts_with(string $haystack, string $needle): bool
8563      {
8564          if ($needle === '') {
8565              return true;
8566          }
8568          if ($haystack === '') {
8569              return false;
8570          }
8572          if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {
8573              /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line - only for PHP8 */
8574              return \str_starts_with($haystack, $needle);
8575          }
8577          return \strncmp($haystack, $needle, \strlen($needle)) === 0;
8578      }
8580      /**
8581       * Returns true if the string begins with any of $substrings, false otherwise.
8582       *
8583       * - case-sensitive
8584       *
8585       * @param string $str        <p>The input string.</p>
8586       * @param array  $substrings <p>Substrings to look for.</p>
8587       *
8588       * @psalm-pure
8589       *
8590       * @return bool
8591       *              <p>Whether or not $str starts with $substring.</p>
8592       */
8593      public static function str_starts_with_any(string $str, array $substrings): bool
8594      {
8595          if ($str === '') {
8596              return false;
8597          }
8599          if ($substrings === []) {
8600              return false;
8601          }
8603          foreach ($substrings as &$substring) {
8604              if (self::str_starts_with($str, $substring)) {
8605                  return true;
8606              }
8607          }
8609          return false;
8610      }
8612      /**
8613       * Gets the substring after the first occurrence of a separator.
8614       *
8615       * @param string $str       <p>The input string.</p>
8616       * @param string $separator <p>The string separator.</p>
8617       * @param string $encoding  [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
8618       *
8619       * @psalm-pure
8620       *
8621       * @return string
8622       */
8623      public static function str_substr_after_first_separator(string $str, string $separator, string $encoding = 'UTF-8'): string
8624      {
8625          if ($separator === '' || $str === '') {
8626              return '';
8627          }
8629          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
8630              $offset = \mb_strpos($str, $separator);
8631              if ($offset === false) {
8632                  return '';
8633              }
8635              return (string) \mb_substr(
8636                  $str,
8637                  $offset + (int) \mb_strlen($separator)
8638              );
8639          }
8641          $offset = self::strpos($str, $separator, 0, $encoding);
8642          if ($offset === false) {
8643              return '';
8644          }
8646          return (string) \mb_substr(
8647              $str,
8648              $offset + (int) self::strlen($separator, $encoding),
8649              null,
8650              $encoding
8651          );
8652      }
8654      /**
8655       * Gets the substring after the last occurrence of a separator.
8656       *
8657       * @param string $str       <p>The input string.</p>
8658       * @param string $separator <p>The string separator.</p>
8659       * @param string $encoding  [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
8660       *
8661       * @psalm-pure
8662       *
8663       * @return string
8664       */
8665      public static function str_substr_after_last_separator(
8666          string $str,
8667          string $separator,
8668          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
8669      ): string {
8670          if ($separator === '' || $str === '') {
8671              return '';
8672          }
8674          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
8675              $offset = \mb_strrpos($str, $separator);
8676              if ($offset === false) {
8677                  return '';
8678              }
8680              return (string) \mb_substr(
8681                  $str,
8682                  $offset + (int) \mb_strlen($separator)
8683              );
8684          }
8686          $offset = self::strrpos($str, $separator, 0, $encoding);
8687          if ($offset === false) {
8688              return '';
8689          }
8691          return (string) self::substr(
8692              $str,
8693              $offset + (int) self::strlen($separator, $encoding),
8694              null,
8695              $encoding
8696          );
8697      }
8699      /**
8700       * Gets the substring before the first occurrence of a separator.
8701       *
8702       * @param string $str       <p>The input string.</p>
8703       * @param string $separator <p>The string separator.</p>
8704       * @param string $encoding  [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
8705       *
8706       * @psalm-pure
8707       *
8708       * @return string
8709       */
8710      public static function str_substr_before_first_separator(
8711          string $str,
8712          string $separator,
8713          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
8714      ): string {
8715          if ($separator === '' || $str === '') {
8716              return '';
8717          }
8719          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
8720              $offset = \mb_strpos($str, $separator);
8721              if ($offset === false) {
8722                  return '';
8723              }
8725              return (string) \mb_substr(
8726                  $str,
8727                  0,
8728                  $offset
8729              );
8730          }
8732          $offset = self::strpos($str, $separator, 0, $encoding);
8733          if ($offset === false) {
8734              return '';
8735          }
8737          return (string) self::substr(
8738              $str,
8739              0,
8740              $offset,
8741              $encoding
8742          );
8743      }
8745      /**
8746       * Gets the substring before the last occurrence of a separator.
8747       *
8748       * @param string $str       <p>The input string.</p>
8749       * @param string $separator <p>The string separator.</p>
8750       * @param string $encoding  [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
8751       *
8752       * @psalm-pure
8753       *
8754       * @return string
8755       */
8756      public static function str_substr_before_last_separator(string $str, string $separator, string $encoding = 'UTF-8'): string
8757      {
8758          if ($separator === '' || $str === '') {
8759              return '';
8760          }
8762          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
8763              $offset = \mb_strrpos($str, $separator);
8764              if ($offset === false) {
8765                  return '';
8766              }
8768              return (string) \mb_substr(
8769                  $str,
8770                  0,
8771                  $offset
8772              );
8773          }
8775          $offset = self::strrpos($str, $separator, 0, $encoding);
8776          if ($offset === false) {
8777              return '';
8778          }
8780          $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
8782          return (string) self::substr(
8783              $str,
8784              0,
8785              $offset,
8786              $encoding
8787          );
8788      }
8790      /**
8791       * Gets the substring after (or before via "$before_needle") the first occurrence of the "$needle".
8792       *
8793       * @param string $str           <p>The input string.</p>
8794       * @param string $needle        <p>The string to look for.</p>
8795       * @param bool   $before_needle [optional] <p>Default: false</p>
8796       * @param string $encoding      [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
8797       *
8798       * @psalm-pure
8799       *
8800       * @return string
8801       */
8802      public static function str_substr_first(
8803          string $str,
8804          string $needle,
8805          bool $before_needle = false,
8806          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
8807      ): string {
8808          if ($str === '' || $needle === '') {
8809              return '';
8810          }
8812          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
8813              if ($before_needle) {
8814                  $part = \mb_strstr(
8815                      $str,
8816                      $needle,
8817                      $before_needle
8818                  );
8819              } else {
8820                  $part = \mb_strstr(
8821                      $str,
8822                      $needle
8823                  );
8824              }
8825          } else {
8826              $part = self::strstr(
8827                  $str,
8828                  $needle,
8829                  $before_needle,
8830                  $encoding
8831              );
8832          }
8834          return $part === false ? '' : $part;
8835      }
8837      /**
8838       * Gets the substring after (or before via "$before_needle") the last occurrence of the "$needle".
8839       *
8840       * @param string $str           <p>The input string.</p>
8841       * @param string $needle        <p>The string to look for.</p>
8842       * @param bool   $before_needle [optional] <p>Default: false</p>
8843       * @param string $encoding      [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
8844       *
8845       * @psalm-pure
8846       *
8847       * @return string
8848       */
8849      public static function str_substr_last(
8850          string $str,
8851          string $needle,
8852          bool $before_needle = false,
8853          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
8854      ): string {
8855          if ($str === '' || $needle === '') {
8856              return '';
8857          }
8859          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
8860              if ($before_needle) {
8861                  $part = \mb_strrchr(
8862                      $str,
8863                      $needle,
8864                      $before_needle
8865                  );
8866              } else {
8867                  $part = \mb_strrchr(
8868                      $str,
8869                      $needle
8870                  );
8871              }
8872          } else {
8873              $part = self::strrchr(
8874                  $str,
8875                  $needle,
8876                  $before_needle,
8877                  $encoding
8878              );
8879          }
8881          return $part === false ? '' : $part;
8882      }
8884      /**
8885       * Surrounds $str with the given substring.
8886       *
8887       * @param string $str
8888       * @param string $substring <p>The substring to add to both sides.</p>
8889       *
8890       * @psalm-pure
8891       *
8892       * @return string
8893       *                <p>A string with the substring both prepended and appended.</p>
8894       */
8895      public static function str_surround(string $str, string $substring): string
8896      {
8897          return $substring . $str . $substring;
8898      }
8900      /**
8901       * Returns a trimmed string with the first letter of each word capitalized.
8902       * Also accepts an array, $ignore, allowing you to list words not to be
8903       * capitalized.
8904       *
8905       * @param string              $str
8906       * @param array|string[]|null $ignore                        [optional] <p>An array of words not to capitalize or
8907       *                                                           null. Default: null</p>
8908       * @param string              $encoding                      [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
8909       * @param bool                $clean_utf8                    [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the
8910       *                                                           string.</p>
8911       * @param string|null         $lang                          [optional] <p>Set the language for special cases: az,
8912       *                                                           el, lt, tr</p>
8913       * @param bool                $try_to_keep_the_string_length [optional] <p>true === try to keep the string length:
8914       *                                                           e.g. ẞ -> ß</p>
8915       * @param bool                $use_trim_first                [optional] <p>true === trim the input string,
8916       *                                                           first</p>
8917       * @param string|null         $word_define_chars             [optional] <p>An string of chars that will be used as
8918       *                                                           whitespace separator === words.</p>
8919       *
8920       * @psalm-pure
8921       *
8922       * @return string
8923       *                <p>The titleized string.</p>
8924       *
8925       * @noinspection PhpTooManyParametersInspection
8926       */
8927      public static function str_titleize(
8928          string $str,
8929          array $ignore = null,
8930          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
8931          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
8932          string $lang = null,
8933          bool $try_to_keep_the_string_length = false,
8934          bool $use_trim_first = true,
8935          string $word_define_chars = null
8936      ): string {
8937          if ($str === '') {
8938              return '';
8939          }
8941          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
8942              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
8943          }
8945          if ($use_trim_first) {
8946              $str = \trim($str);
8947          }
8949          if ($clean_utf8) {
8950              $str = self::clean($str);
8951          }
8953          $use_mb_functions = $lang === null && !$try_to_keep_the_string_length;
8955          if ($word_define_chars) {
8956              $word_define_chars = \preg_quote($word_define_chars, '/');
8957          } else {
8958              $word_define_chars = '';
8959          }
8961          $str = (string) \preg_replace_callback(
8962              '/([^\\s' . $word_define_chars . ']+)/u',
8963              static function (array $match) use ($try_to_keep_the_string_length, $lang, $ignore, $use_mb_functions, $encoding): string {
8964                  if ($ignore !== null && \in_array($match[0], $ignore, true)) {
8965                      return $match[0];
8966                  }
8968                  if ($use_mb_functions) {
8969                      if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
8970                          return \mb_strtoupper(\mb_substr($match[0], 0, 1))
8971                                 . \mb_strtolower(\mb_substr($match[0], 1));
8972                      }
8974                      return \mb_strtoupper(\mb_substr($match[0], 0, 1, $encoding), $encoding)
8975                             . \mb_strtolower(\mb_substr($match[0], 1, null, $encoding), $encoding);
8976                  }
8978                  return self::ucfirst(
8979                      self::strtolower(
8980                          $match[0],
8981                          $encoding,
8982                          false,
8983                          $lang,
8984                          $try_to_keep_the_string_length
8985                      ),
8986                      $encoding,
8987                      false,
8988                      $lang,
8989                      $try_to_keep_the_string_length
8990                  );
8991              },
8992              $str
8993          );
8995          return $str;
8996      }
8998      /**
8999       * Convert a string into a obfuscate string.
9000       *
9001       * EXAMPLE: <code>
9002       *
9003       * UTF8::str_obfuscate('[email protected]', 0.5, '*', ['@', '.']); // e.g. "l***@m**lleke*.*r*"
9004       * </code>
9005       *
9006       * @param string   $str
9007       * @param float    $percent
9008       * @param string   $obfuscateChar
9009       * @param string[] $keepChars
9010       *
9011       * @psalm-pure
9012       *
9013       * @return string
9014       *                <p>The obfuscate string.</p>
9015       */
9016      public static function str_obfuscate(
9017          string $str,
9018          float $percent = 0.5,
9019          string $obfuscateChar = '*',
9020          array $keepChars = []
9021      ): string {
9022          $obfuscateCharHelper = "\u{2603}";
9023          $str = \str_replace($obfuscateChar, $obfuscateCharHelper, $str);
9025          $chars = self::chars($str);
9026          $charsMax = \count($chars);
9027          $charsMaxChange = \round($charsMax * $percent);
9028          $charsCounter = 0;
9029          $charKeyDone = [];
9031          while ($charsCounter < $charsMaxChange) {
9032              foreach ($chars as $charKey => $char) {
9033                  if (isset($charKeyDone[$charKey])) {
9034                      continue;
9035                  }
9037                  if (\random_int(0, 100) > 50) {
9038                      continue;
9039                  }
9041                  if ($char === $obfuscateChar) {
9042                      continue;
9043                  }
9045                  ++$charsCounter;
9046                  $charKeyDone[$charKey] = true;
9048                  if ($charsCounter > $charsMaxChange) {
9049                      break;
9050                  }
9052                  if (\in_array($char, $keepChars, true)) {
9053                      continue;
9054                  }
9056                  $chars[$charKey] = $obfuscateChar;
9057              }
9058          }
9060          $str = \implode('', $chars);
9062          return \str_replace($obfuscateCharHelper, $obfuscateChar, $str);
9063      }
9065      /**
9066       * Returns a trimmed string in proper title case.
9067       *
9068       * Also accepts an array, $ignore, allowing you to list words not to be
9069       * capitalized.
9070       *
9071       * Adapted from John Gruber's script.
9072       *
9073       * @see https://gist.github.com/gruber/9f9e8650d68b13ce4d78
9074       *
9075       * @param string $str
9076       * @param array  $ignore   <p>An array of words not to capitalize.</p>
9077       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
9078       *
9079       * @psalm-pure
9080       *
9081       * @return string
9082       *                <p>The titleized string.</p>
9083       */
9084      public static function str_titleize_for_humans(
9085          string $str,
9086          array $ignore = [],
9087          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
9088      ): string {
9089          if ($str === '') {
9090              return '';
9091          }
9093          $small_words = [
9094              '(?<!q&)a',
9095              'an',
9096              'and',
9097              'as',
9098              'at(?!&t)',
9099              'but',
9100              'by',
9101              'en',
9102              'for',
9103              'if',
9104              'in',
9105              'of',
9106              'on',
9107              'or',
9108              'the',
9109              'to',
9110              'v[.]?',
9111              'via',
9112              'vs[.]?',
9113          ];
9115          if ($ignore !== []) {
9116              $small_words = \array_merge($small_words, $ignore);
9117          }
9119          $small_words_rx = \implode('|', $small_words);
9120          $apostrophe_rx = '(?x: [\'’] [[:lower:]]* )?';
9122          $str = \trim($str);
9124          if (!self::has_lowercase($str)) {
9125              $str = self::strtolower($str, $encoding);
9126          }
9128          // the main substitutions
9129          /** @noinspection RegExpDuplicateAlternationBranch - false-positive - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-51002 */
9130          $str = (string) \preg_replace_callback(
9131              '~\\b (_*) (?:                                                           # 1. Leading underscore and
9132                          ( (?<=[ ][/\\\\]) [[:alpha:]]+ [-_[:alpha:]/\\\\]+ |                # 2. file path or 
9133                            [-_[:alpha:]]+ [@.:] [-_[:alpha:]@.:/]+ ' . $apostrophe_rx . ' )  #    URL, domain, or email
9134                          |
9135                          ( (?i: ' . $small_words_rx . ' ) ' . $apostrophe_rx . ' )           # 3. or small word (case-insensitive)
9136                          |
9137                          ( [[:alpha:]] [[:lower:]\'’()\[\]{}]* ' . $apostrophe_rx . ' )     # 4. or word w/o internal caps
9138                          |
9139                          ( [[:alpha:]] [[:alpha:]\'’()\[\]{}]* ' . $apostrophe_rx . ' )     # 5. or some other word
9140                        ) (_*) \\b                                                          # 6. With trailing underscore
9141                      ~ux',
9142              /**
9143               * @param string[] $matches
9144               *
9145               * @psalm-pure
9146               *
9147               * @return string
9148               */
9149              static function (array $matches) use ($encoding): string {
9150                  // preserve leading underscore
9151                  $str = $matches[1];
9152                  if ($matches[2]) {
9153                      // preserve URLs, domains, emails and file paths
9154                      $str .= $matches[2];
9155                  } elseif ($matches[3]) {
9156                      // lower-case small words
9157                      $str .= self::strtolower($matches[3], $encoding);
9158                  } elseif ($matches[4]) {
9159                      // capitalize word w/o internal caps
9160                      $str .= static::ucfirst($matches[4], $encoding);
9161                  } else {
9162                      // preserve other kinds of word (iPhone)
9163                      $str .= $matches[5];
9164                  }
9165                  // preserve trailing underscore
9166                  $str .= $matches[6];
9168                  return $str;
9169              },
9170              $str
9171          );
9173          // Exceptions for small words: capitalize at start of title...
9174          $str = (string) \preg_replace_callback(
9175              '~(  \\A [[:punct:]]*            # start of title...
9176                        |  [:.;?!][ ]+                # or of subsentence...
9177                        |  [ ][\'"“‘(\[][ ]* )        # or of inserted subphrase...
9178                        ( ' . $small_words_rx . ' ) \\b # ...followed by small word
9179                       ~uxi',
9180              /**
9181               * @param string[] $matches
9182               *
9183               * @psalm-pure
9184               *
9185               * @return string
9186               */
9187              static function (array $matches) use ($encoding): string {
9188                  return $matches[1] . static::ucfirst($matches[2], $encoding);
9189              },
9190              $str
9191          );
9193          // ...and end of title
9194          $str = (string) \preg_replace_callback(
9195              '~\\b ( ' . $small_words_rx . ' ) # small word...
9196                        (?= [[:punct:]]* \Z          # ...at the end of the title...
9197                        |   [\'"’”)\]] [ ] )         # ...or of an inserted subphrase?
9198                       ~uxi',
9199              /**
9200               * @param string[] $matches
9201               *
9202               * @psalm-pure
9203               *
9204               * @return string
9205               */
9206              static function (array $matches) use ($encoding): string {
9207                  return static::ucfirst($matches[1], $encoding);
9208              },
9209              $str
9210          );
9212          // Exceptions for small words in hyphenated compound words.
9213          // e.g. "in-flight" -> In-Flight
9214          $str = (string) \preg_replace_callback(
9215              '~\\b
9216                          (?<! -)                   # Negative lookbehind for a hyphen; we do not want to match man-in-the-middle but do want (in-flight)
9217                          ( ' . $small_words_rx . ' )
9218                          (?= -[[:alpha:]]+)        # lookahead for "-someword"
9219                         ~uxi',
9220              /**
9221               * @param string[] $matches
9222               *
9223               * @psalm-pure
9224               *
9225               * @return string
9226               */
9227              static function (array $matches) use ($encoding): string {
9228                  return static::ucfirst($matches[1], $encoding);
9229              },
9230              $str
9231          );
9233          // e.g. "Stand-in" -> "Stand-In" (Stand is already capped at this point)
9234          $str = (string) \preg_replace_callback(
9235              '~\\b
9236                        (?<!…)                    # Negative lookbehind for a hyphen; we do not want to match man-in-the-middle but do want (stand-in)
9237                        ( [[:alpha:]]+- )         # $1 = first word and hyphen, should already be properly capped
9238                        ( ' . $small_words_rx . ' ) # ...followed by small word
9239                        (?!    - )                 # Negative lookahead for another -
9240                       ~uxi',
9241              /**
9242               * @param string[] $matches
9243               *
9244               * @psalm-pure
9245               *
9246               * @return string
9247               */
9248              static function (array $matches) use ($encoding): string {
9249                  return $matches[1] . static::ucfirst($matches[2], $encoding);
9250              },
9251              $str
9252          );
9254          return $str;
9255      }
9257      /**
9258       * Get a binary representation of a specific string.
9259       *
9260       * EXAPLE: <code>UTF8::str_to_binary('😃'); // '11110000100111111001100010000011'</code>
9261       *
9262       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
9263       *
9264       * @psalm-pure
9265       *
9266       * @return false|string
9267       *                      <p>false on error</p>
9268       */
9269      public static function str_to_binary(string $str)
9270      {
9271          /** @var array|false $value - needed for PhpStan (stubs error) */
9272          $value = \unpack('H*', $str);
9273          if ($value === false) {
9274              return false;
9275          }
9277          /** @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection */
9278          return \base_convert($value[1], 16, 2);
9279      }
9281      /**
9282       * @param string   $str
9283       * @param bool     $remove_empty_values <p>Remove empty values.</p>
9284       * @param int|null $remove_short_values <p>The min. string length or null to disable</p>
9285       *
9286       * @psalm-pure
9287       *
9288       * @return string[]
9289       */
9290      public static function str_to_lines(string $str, bool $remove_empty_values = false, int $remove_short_values = null): array
9291      {
9292          if ($str === '') {
9293              return $remove_empty_values ? [] : [''];
9294          }
9296          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
9297              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
9298              $return = \mb_split("[\r\n]{1,2}", $str);
9299          } else {
9300              $return = \preg_split("/[\r\n]{1,2}/u", $str);
9301          }
9303          if ($return === false) {
9304              return $remove_empty_values ? [] : [''];
9305          }
9307          if (
9308              $remove_short_values === null
9309              &&
9310              !$remove_empty_values
9311          ) {
9312              return $return;
9313          }
9315          return self::reduce_string_array(
9316              $return,
9317              $remove_empty_values,
9318              $remove_short_values
9319          );
9320      }
9322      /**
9323       * Convert a string into an array of words.
9324       *
9325       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::str_to_words('中文空白 oöäü#s', '#') // array('', '中文空白', ' ', 'oöäü#s', '')</code>
9326       *
9327       * @param string   $str
9328       * @param string   $char_list           <p>Additional chars for the definition of "words".</p>
9329       * @param bool     $remove_empty_values <p>Remove empty values.</p>
9330       * @param int|null $remove_short_values <p>The min. string length or null to disable</p>
9331       *
9332       * @psalm-pure
9333       *
9334       * @return string[]
9335       */
9336      public static function str_to_words(
9337          string $str,
9338          string $char_list = '',
9339          bool $remove_empty_values = false,
9340          int $remove_short_values = null
9341      ): array {
9342          if ($str === '') {
9343              return $remove_empty_values ? [] : [''];
9344          }
9346          $char_list = self::rxClass($char_list, '\pL');
9348          $return = \preg_split("/({$char_list}+(?:[\p{Pd}’']{$char_list}+)*)/u", $str, -1, \PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
9349          if ($return === false) {
9350              return $remove_empty_values ? [] : [''];
9351          }
9353          if (
9354              $remove_short_values === null
9355              &&
9356              !$remove_empty_values
9357          ) {
9358              return $return;
9359          }
9361          $tmp_return = self::reduce_string_array(
9362              $return,
9363              $remove_empty_values,
9364              $remove_short_values
9365          );
9367          foreach ($tmp_return as &$item) {
9368              $item = (string) $item;
9369          }
9371          return $tmp_return;
9372      }
9374      /**
9375       * alias for "UTF8::to_ascii()"
9376       *
9377       * @param string $str
9378       * @param string $unknown
9379       * @param bool   $strict
9380       *
9381       * @psalm-pure
9382       *
9383       * @return string
9384       *
9385       * @see        UTF8::to_ascii()
9386       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::to_ascii()"</p>
9387       */
9388      public static function str_transliterate(
9389          string $str,
9390          string $unknown = '?',
9391          bool $strict = false
9392      ): string {
9393          return self::to_ascii($str, $unknown, $strict);
9394      }
9396      /**
9397       * Truncates the string to a given length. If $substring is provided, and
9398       * truncating occurs, the string is further truncated so that the substring
9399       * may be appended without exceeding the desired length.
9400       *
9401       * @param string $str
9402       * @param int    $length    <p>Desired length of the truncated string.</p>
9403       * @param string $substring [optional] <p>The substring to append if it can fit. Default: ''</p>
9404       * @param string $encoding  [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
9405       *
9406       * @psalm-pure
9407       *
9408       * @return string
9409       *                <p>A string after truncating.</p>
9410       */
9411      public static function str_truncate(
9412          string $str,
9413          int $length,
9414          string $substring = '',
9415          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
9416      ): string {
9417          if ($str === '') {
9418              return '';
9419          }
9421          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
9422              if ($length >= (int) \mb_strlen($str)) {
9423                  return $str;
9424              }
9426              if ($substring !== '') {
9427                  $length -= (int) \mb_strlen($substring);
9429                  /** @noinspection UnnecessaryCastingInspection */
9430                  return (string) \mb_substr($str, 0, $length) . $substring;
9431              }
9433              /** @noinspection UnnecessaryCastingInspection */
9434              return (string) \mb_substr($str, 0, $length);
9435          }
9437          $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
9439          if ($length >= (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding)) {
9440              return $str;
9441          }
9443          if ($substring !== '') {
9444              $length -= (int) self::strlen($substring, $encoding);
9445          }
9447          return (
9448                 (string) self::substr(
9449                     $str,
9450                     0,
9451                     $length,
9452                     $encoding
9453                 )
9454                 ) . $substring;
9455      }
9457      /**
9458       * Truncates the string to a given length, while ensuring that it does not
9459       * split words. If $substring is provided, and truncating occurs, the
9460       * string is further truncated so that the substring may be appended without
9461       * exceeding the desired length.
9462       *
9463       * @param string $str
9464       * @param int    $length                                 <p>Desired length of the truncated string.</p>
9465       * @param string $substring                              [optional] <p>The substring to append if it can fit.
9466       *                                                       Default:
9467       *                                                       ''</p>
9468       * @param string $encoding                               [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
9469       * @param bool   $ignore_do_not_split_words_for_one_word [optional] <p>Default: false</p>
9470       *
9471       * @psalm-pure
9472       *
9473       * @return string
9474       *                <p>A string after truncating.</p>
9475       */
9476      public static function str_truncate_safe(
9477          string $str,
9478          int $length,
9479          string $substring = '',
9480          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
9481          bool $ignore_do_not_split_words_for_one_word = false
9482      ): string {
9483          if ($str === '' || $length <= 0) {
9484              return $substring;
9485          }
9487          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
9488              if ($length >= (int) \mb_strlen($str)) {
9489                  return $str;
9490              }
9492              // need to further trim the string so we can append the substring
9493              $length -= (int) \mb_strlen($substring);
9494              if ($length <= 0) {
9495                  return $substring;
9496              }
9498              /** @var false|string $truncated - needed for PhpStan (stubs error) */
9499              $truncated = \mb_substr($str, 0, $length);
9500              if ($truncated === false) {
9501                  return '';
9502              }
9504              // if the last word was truncated
9505              $space_position = \mb_strpos($str, ' ', $length - 1);
9506              if ($space_position !== $length) {
9507                  // find pos of the last occurrence of a space, get up to that
9508                  $last_position = \mb_strrpos($truncated, ' ', 0);
9510                  if (
9511                      $last_position !== false
9512                      ||
9513                      (
9514                          $space_position !== false
9515                          &&
9516                          !$ignore_do_not_split_words_for_one_word
9517                      )
9518                  ) {
9519                      $truncated = (string) \mb_substr($truncated, 0, (int) $last_position);
9520                  }
9521              }
9522          } else {
9523              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
9525              if ($length >= (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding)) {
9526                  return $str;
9527              }
9529              // need to further trim the string so we can append the substring
9530              $length -= (int) self::strlen($substring, $encoding);
9531              if ($length <= 0) {
9532                  return $substring;
9533              }
9535              $truncated = self::substr($str, 0, $length, $encoding);
9537              if ($truncated === false) {
9538                  return '';
9539              }
9541              // if the last word was truncated
9542              $space_position = self::strpos($str, ' ', $length - 1, $encoding);
9543              if ($space_position !== $length) {
9544                  // find pos of the last occurrence of a space, get up to that
9545                  $last_position = self::strrpos($truncated, ' ', 0, $encoding);
9547                  if (
9548                      $last_position !== false
9549                      ||
9550                      (
9551                          $space_position !== false
9552                          &&
9553                          !$ignore_do_not_split_words_for_one_word
9554                      )
9555                  ) {
9556                      $truncated = (string) self::substr($truncated, 0, (int) $last_position, $encoding);
9557                  }
9558              }
9559          }
9561          return $truncated . $substring;
9562      }
9564      /**
9565       * Returns a lowercase and trimmed string separated by underscores.
9566       * Underscores are inserted before uppercase characters (with the exception
9567       * of the first character of the string), and in place of spaces as well as
9568       * dashes.
9569       *
9570       * @param string $str
9571       *
9572       * @psalm-pure
9573       *
9574       * @return string
9575       *                <p>The underscored string.</p>
9576       */
9577      public static function str_underscored(string $str): string
9578      {
9579          return self::str_delimit($str, '_');
9580      }
9582      /**
9583       * Returns an UpperCamelCase version of the supplied string. It trims
9584       * surrounding spaces, capitalizes letters following digits, spaces, dashes
9585       * and underscores, and removes spaces, dashes, underscores.
9586       *
9587       * @param string      $str                           <p>The input string.</p>
9588       * @param string      $encoding                      [optional] <p>Default: 'UTF-8'</p>
9589       * @param bool        $clean_utf8                    [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
9590       * @param string|null $lang                          [optional] <p>Set the language for special cases: az, el, lt,
9591       *                                                   tr</p>
9592       * @param bool        $try_to_keep_the_string_length [optional] <p>true === try to keep the string length: e.g. ẞ
9593       *                                                   -> ß</p>
9594       *
9595       * @psalm-pure
9596       *
9597       * @return string
9598       *                <p>A string in UpperCamelCase.</p>
9599       */
9600      public static function str_upper_camelize(
9601          string $str,
9602          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
9603          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
9604          string $lang = null,
9605          bool $try_to_keep_the_string_length = false
9606      ): string {
9607          return self::ucfirst(self::str_camelize($str, $encoding), $encoding, $clean_utf8, $lang, $try_to_keep_the_string_length);
9608      }
9610      /**
9611       * alias for "UTF8::ucfirst()"
9612       *
9613       * @param string      $str
9614       * @param string      $encoding
9615       * @param bool        $clean_utf8
9616       * @param string|null $lang
9617       * @param bool        $try_to_keep_the_string_length
9618       *
9619       * @psalm-pure
9620       *
9621       * @return string
9622       *
9623       * @see        UTF8::ucfirst()
9624       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::ucfirst()"</p>
9625       */
9626      public static function str_upper_first(
9627          string $str,
9628          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
9629          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
9630          string $lang = null,
9631          bool $try_to_keep_the_string_length = false
9632      ): string {
9633          return self::ucfirst(
9634              $str,
9635              $encoding,
9636              $clean_utf8,
9637              $lang,
9638              $try_to_keep_the_string_length
9639          );
9640      }
9642      /**
9643       * Get the number of words in a specific string.
9644       *
9645       * EXAMPLES: <code>
9646       * // format: 0 -> return only word count (int)
9647       * //
9648       * UTF8::str_word_count('中文空白 öäü abc#c'); // 4
9649       * UTF8::str_word_count('中文空白 öäü abc#c', 0, '#'); // 3
9650       *
9651       * // format: 1 -> return words (array)
9652       * //
9653       * UTF8::str_word_count('中文空白 öäü abc#c', 1); // array('中文空白', 'öäü', 'abc', 'c')
9654       * UTF8::str_word_count('中文空白 öäü abc#c', 1, '#'); // array('中文空白', 'öäü', 'abc#c')
9655       *
9656       * // format: 2 -> return words with offset (array)
9657       * //
9658       * UTF8::str_word_count('中文空白 öäü ab#c', 2); // array(0 => '中文空白', 5 => 'öäü', 9 => 'abc', 13 => 'c')
9659       * UTF8::str_word_count('中文空白 öäü ab#c', 2, '#'); // array(0 => '中文空白', 5 => 'öäü', 9 => 'abc#c')
9660       * </code>
9661       *
9662       * @param string $str       <p>The input string.</p>
9663       * @param int    $format    [optional] <p>
9664       *                          <strong>0</strong> => return a number of words (default)<br>
9665       *                          <strong>1</strong> => return an array of words<br>
9666       *                          <strong>2</strong> => return an array of words with word-offset as key
9667       *                          </p>
9668       * @param string $char_list [optional] <p>Additional chars that contains to words and do not start a new word.</p>
9669       *
9670       * @psalm-pure
9671       *
9672       * @return int|string[]
9673       *                      <p>The number of words in the string.</p>
9674       */
9675      public static function str_word_count(string $str, int $format = 0, string $char_list = '')
9676      {
9677          $str_parts = self::str_to_words($str, $char_list);
9679          $len = \count($str_parts);
9681          if ($format === 1) {
9682              $number_of_words = [];
9683              for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i += 2) {
9684                  $number_of_words[] = $str_parts[$i];
9685              }
9686          } elseif ($format === 2) {
9687              $number_of_words = [];
9688              $offset = (int) self::strlen($str_parts[0]);
9689              for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i += 2) {
9690                  $number_of_words[$offset] = $str_parts[$i];
9691                  $offset += (int) self::strlen($str_parts[$i]) + (int) self::strlen($str_parts[$i + 1]);
9692              }
9693          } else {
9694              $number_of_words = (int) (($len - 1) / 2);
9695          }
9697          return $number_of_words;
9698      }
9700      /**
9701       * Case-insensitive string comparison.
9702       *
9703       * INFO: Case-insensitive version of UTF8::strcmp()
9704       *
9705       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strcasecmp("iñtërnâtiôn\nàlizætiøn", "Iñtërnâtiôn\nàlizætiøn"); // 0</code>
9706       *
9707       * @param string $str1     <p>The first string.</p>
9708       * @param string $str2     <p>The second string.</p>
9709       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
9710       *
9711       * @psalm-pure
9712       *
9713       * @return int
9714       *             <strong>&lt; 0</strong> if str1 is less than str2;<br>
9715       *             <strong>&gt; 0</strong> if str1 is greater than str2,<br>
9716       *             <strong>0</strong> if they are equal
9717       */
9718      public static function strcasecmp(
9719          string $str1,
9720          string $str2,
9721          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
9722      ): int {
9723          return self::strcmp(
9724              self::strtocasefold(
9725                  $str1,
9726                  true,
9727                  false,
9728                  $encoding,
9729                  null,
9730                  false
9731              ),
9732              self::strtocasefold(
9733                  $str2,
9734                  true,
9735                  false,
9736                  $encoding,
9737                  null,
9738                  false
9739              )
9740          );
9741      }
9743      /**
9744       * alias for "UTF8::strstr()"
9745       *
9746       * @param string $haystack
9747       * @param string $needle
9748       * @param bool   $before_needle
9749       * @param string $encoding
9750       * @param bool   $clean_utf8
9751       *
9752       * @psalm-pure
9753       *
9754       * @return false|string
9755       *
9756       * @see        UTF8::strstr()
9757       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::strstr()"</p>
9758       */
9759      public static function strchr(
9760          string $haystack,
9761          string $needle,
9762          bool $before_needle = false,
9763          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
9764          bool $clean_utf8 = false
9765      ) {
9766          return self::strstr(
9767              $haystack,
9768              $needle,
9769              $before_needle,
9770              $encoding,
9771              $clean_utf8
9772          );
9773      }
9775      /**
9776       * Case-sensitive string comparison.
9777       *
9778       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strcmp("iñtërnâtiôn\nàlizætiøn", "iñtërnâtiôn\nàlizætiøn"); // 0</code>
9779       *
9780       * @param string $str1 <p>The first string.</p>
9781       * @param string $str2 <p>The second string.</p>
9782       *
9783       * @psalm-pure
9784       *
9785       * @return int
9786       *             <strong>&lt; 0</strong> if str1 is less than str2<br>
9787       *             <strong>&gt; 0</strong> if str1 is greater than str2<br>
9788       *             <strong>0</strong> if they are equal
9789       */
9790      public static function strcmp(string $str1, string $str2): int
9791      {
9792          if ($str1 === $str2) {
9793              return 0;
9794          }
9796          return \strcmp(
9797              \Normalizer::normalize($str1, \Normalizer::NFD),
9798              \Normalizer::normalize($str2, \Normalizer::NFD)
9799          );
9800      }
9802      /**
9803       * Find length of initial segment not matching mask.
9804       *
9805       * @param string   $str
9806       * @param string   $char_list
9807       * @param int      $offset
9808       * @param int|null $length
9809       * @param string   $encoding  [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
9810       *
9811       * @psalm-pure
9812       *
9813       * @return int
9814       */
9815      public static function strcspn(
9816          string $str,
9817          string $char_list,
9818          int $offset = 0,
9819          int $length = null,
9820          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
9821      ): int {
9822          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
9823              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
9824          }
9826          if ($char_list === '') {
9827              return (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding);
9828          }
9830          if ($offset || $length !== null) {
9831              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
9832                  if ($length === null) {
9833                      $str_tmp = \mb_substr($str, $offset);
9834                  } else {
9835                      $str_tmp = \mb_substr($str, $offset, $length);
9836                  }
9837              } else {
9838                  $str_tmp = self::substr($str, $offset, $length, $encoding);
9839              }
9841              if ($str_tmp === false) {
9842                  return 0;
9843              }
9845              /** @noinspection CallableParameterUseCaseInTypeContextInspection - FP */
9846              $str = $str_tmp;
9847          }
9849          if ($str === '') {
9850              return 0;
9851          }
9853          $matches = [];
9854          if (\preg_match('/^(.*?)' . self::rxClass($char_list) . '/us', $str, $matches)) {
9855              $return = self::strlen($matches[1], $encoding);
9856              if ($return === false) {
9857                  return 0;
9858              }
9860              return $return;
9861          }
9863          return (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding);
9864      }
9866      /**
9867       * alias for "UTF8::stristr()"
9868       *
9869       * @param string $haystack
9870       * @param string $needle
9871       * @param bool   $before_needle
9872       * @param string $encoding
9873       * @param bool   $clean_utf8
9874       *
9875       * @psalm-pure
9876       *
9877       * @return false|string
9878       *
9879       * @see        UTF8::stristr()
9880       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::stristr()"</p>
9881       */
9882      public static function strichr(
9883          string $haystack,
9884          string $needle,
9885          bool $before_needle = false,
9886          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
9887          bool $clean_utf8 = false
9888      ) {
9889          return self::stristr(
9890              $haystack,
9891              $needle,
9892              $before_needle,
9893              $encoding,
9894              $clean_utf8
9895          );
9896      }
9898      /**
9899       * Create a UTF-8 string from code points.
9900       *
9901       * INFO: opposite to UTF8::codepoints()
9902       *
9903       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::string(array(246, 228, 252)); // 'öäü'</code>
9904       *
9905       * @param int|int[]|string|string[] $intOrHex <p>Integer or Hexadecimal codepoints.</p>
9906       *
9907       * @phpstan-param int[]|numeric-string[]|int|numeric-string $intOrHex
9908       *
9909       * @psalm-pure
9910       *
9911       * @return string
9912       *                <p>A UTF-8 encoded string.</p>
9913       */
9914      public static function string($intOrHex): string
9915      {
9916          if ($intOrHex === []) {
9917              return '';
9918          }
9920          if (!\is_array($intOrHex)) {
9921              $intOrHex = [$intOrHex];
9922          }
9924          $str = '';
9925          foreach ($intOrHex as $strPart) {
9926              $str .= '&#' . (int) $strPart . ';';
9927          }
9929          return self::html_entity_decode($str, \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_HTML5);
9930      }
9932      /**
9933       * Checks if string starts with "BOM" (Byte Order Mark Character) character.
9934       *
9935       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::string_has_bom("\xef\xbb\xbf foobar"); // true</code>
9936       *
9937       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
9938       *
9939       * @psalm-pure
9940       *
9941       * @return bool
9942       *              <p>
9943       *              <strong>true</strong> if the string has BOM at the start,<br>
9944       *              <strong>false</strong> otherwise
9945       *              </p>
9946       */
9947      public static function string_has_bom(string $str): bool
9948      {
9949          /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
9950          foreach (self::$BOM as $bom_string => &$bom_byte_length) {
9951              if (\strncmp($str, $bom_string, $bom_byte_length) === 0) {
9952                  return true;
9953              }
9954          }
9956          return false;
9957      }
9959      /**
9960       * Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string + clean invalid UTF-8.
9961       *
9962       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strip_tags("<span>κόσμε\xa0\xa1</span>"); // 'κόσμε'</code>
9963       *
9964       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.strip-tags.php
9965       *
9966       * @param string      $str            <p>
9967       *                                    The input string.
9968       *                                    </p>
9969       * @param string|null $allowable_tags [optional] <p>
9970       *                                    You can use the optional second parameter to specify tags which should
9971       *                                    not be stripped.
9972       *                                    </p>
9973       *                                    <p>
9974       *                                    HTML comments and PHP tags are also stripped. This is hardcoded and
9975       *                                    can not be changed with allowable_tags.
9976       *                                    </p>
9977       * @param bool        $clean_utf8     [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
9978       *
9979       * @psalm-pure
9980       *
9981       * @return string
9982       *                <p>The stripped string.</p>
9983       */
9984      public static function strip_tags(
9985          string $str,
9986          string $allowable_tags = null,
9987          bool $clean_utf8 = false
9988      ): string {
9989          if ($str === '') {
9990              return '';
9991          }
9993          if ($clean_utf8) {
9994              $str = self::clean($str);
9995          }
9997          if ($allowable_tags === null) {
9998              return \strip_tags($str);
9999          }
10001          return \strip_tags($str, $allowable_tags);
10002      }
10004      /**
10005       * Strip all whitespace characters. This includes tabs and newline
10006       * characters, as well as multibyte whitespace such as the thin space
10007       * and ideographic space.
10008       *
10009       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strip_whitespace('   Ο     συγγραφέας  '); // 'Οσυγγραφέας'</code>
10010       *
10011       * @param string $str
10012       *
10013       * @psalm-pure
10014       *
10015       * @return string
10016       */
10017      public static function strip_whitespace(string $str): string
10018      {
10019          if ($str === '') {
10020              return '';
10021          }
10023          return (string) \preg_replace('/[[:space:]]+/u', '', $str);
10024      }
10026      /**
10027       * Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string, case-insensitive.
10028       *
10029       * INFO: use UTF8::stripos_in_byte() for the byte-length
10030       *
10031       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::stripos('aσσb', 'ΣΣ'); // 1</code> (σσ == ΣΣ)
10032       *
10033       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.mb-stripos.php
10034       *
10035       * @param string $haystack   <p>The string from which to get the position of the first occurrence of needle.</p>
10036       * @param string $needle     <p>The string to find in haystack.</p>
10037       * @param int    $offset     [optional] <p>The position in haystack to start searching.</p>
10038       * @param string $encoding   [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
10039       * @param bool   $clean_utf8 [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
10040       *
10041       * @psalm-pure
10042       *
10043       * @return false|int
10044       *                   Return the <strong>(int)</strong> numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in the
10045       *                   haystack string,<br> or <strong>false</strong> if needle is not found
10046       */
10047      public static function stripos(
10048          string $haystack,
10049          string $needle,
10050          int $offset = 0,
10051          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
10052          bool $clean_utf8 = false
10053      ) {
10054          if ($haystack === '') {
10055              if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000 && $needle === '') {
10056                  return 0;
10057              }
10059              return false;
10060          }
10062          if ($needle === '' && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) {
10063              return false;
10064          }
10066          if ($clean_utf8) {
10067              // "mb_strpos()" and "iconv_strpos()" returns wrong position,
10068              // if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle
10069              $haystack = self::clean($haystack);
10070              $needle = self::clean($needle);
10071          }
10073          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
10074              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
10075                  return \mb_stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
10076              }
10078              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
10080              return \mb_stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding);
10081          }
10083          $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
10085          if (
10086              $encoding === 'UTF-8' // INFO: "grapheme_stripos()" can't handle other encodings
10087              &&
10088              $offset >= 0 // grapheme_stripos() can't handle negative offset
10089              &&
10090              self::$SUPPORT['intl'] === true
10091          ) {
10092              $return_tmp = \grapheme_stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
10093              if ($return_tmp !== false) {
10094                  return $return_tmp;
10095              }
10096          }
10098          //
10099          // fallback for ascii only
10100          //
10102          if (ASCII::is_ascii($haystack . $needle)) {
10103              return \stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
10104          }
10106          //
10107          // fallback via vanilla php
10108          //
10110          $haystack = self::strtocasefold($haystack, true, false, $encoding, null, false);
10111          $needle = self::strtocasefold($needle, true, false, $encoding, null, false);
10113          return self::strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding);
10114      }
10116      /**
10117       * Returns all of haystack starting from and including the first occurrence of needle to the end.
10118       *
10119       * EXAMPLE: <code>
10120       * $str = 'iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn';
10121       * $search = 'NÂT';
10122       *
10123       * UTF8::stristr($str, $search)); // 'nâtiônàlizætiøn'
10124       * UTF8::stristr($str, $search, true)); // 'iñtër'
10125       * </code>
10126       *
10127       * @param string $haystack      <p>The input string. Must be valid UTF-8.</p>
10128       * @param string $needle        <p>The string to look for. Must be valid UTF-8.</p>
10129       * @param bool   $before_needle [optional] <p>
10130       *                              If <b>TRUE</b>, it returns the part of the
10131       *                              haystack before the first occurrence of the needle (excluding the needle).
10132       *                              </p>
10133       * @param string $encoding      [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
10134       * @param bool   $clean_utf8    [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
10135       *
10136       * @psalm-pure
10137       *
10138       * @return false|string
10139       *                      <p>A sub-string,<br>or <strong>false</strong> if needle is not found.</p>
10140       */
10141      public static function stristr(
10142          string $haystack,
10143          string $needle,
10144          bool $before_needle = false,
10145          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
10146          bool $clean_utf8 = false
10147      ) {
10148          if ($haystack === '') {
10149              if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000 && $needle === '') {
10150                  return '';
10151              }
10153              return false;
10154          }
10156          if ($clean_utf8) {
10157              // "mb_strpos()" and "iconv_strpos()" returns wrong position,
10158              // if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle
10159              $needle = self::clean($needle);
10160              $haystack = self::clean($haystack);
10161          }
10163          if ($needle === '') {
10164              if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {
10165                  return $haystack;
10166              }
10168              return false;
10169          }
10171          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
10172              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
10173                  return \mb_stristr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle);
10174              }
10176              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
10178              return \mb_stristr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle, $encoding);
10179          }
10181          $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
10183          if (
10184              $encoding !== 'UTF-8'
10185              &&
10186              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false
10187          ) {
10188              /**
10189               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
10190               */
10191              \trigger_error('UTF8::stristr() without mbstring cannot handle "' . $encoding . '" encoding', \E_USER_WARNING);
10192          }
10194          if (
10195              $encoding === 'UTF-8' // INFO: "grapheme_stristr()" can't handle other encodings
10196              &&
10197              self::$SUPPORT['intl'] === true
10198          ) {
10199              $return_tmp = \grapheme_stristr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle);
10200              if ($return_tmp !== false) {
10201                  return $return_tmp;
10202              }
10203          }
10205          if (ASCII::is_ascii($needle . $haystack)) {
10206              return \stristr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle);
10207          }
10209          \preg_match('/^(.*?)' . \preg_quote($needle, '/') . '/usi', $haystack, $match);
10211          if (!isset($match[1])) {
10212              return false;
10213          }
10215          if ($before_needle) {
10216              return $match[1];
10217          }
10219          return self::substr($haystack, (int) self::strlen($match[1], $encoding), null, $encoding);
10220      }
10222      /**
10223       * Get the string length, not the byte-length!
10224       *
10225       * INFO: use UTF8::strwidth() for the char-length
10226       *
10227       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strlen("Iñtërnâtiôn\xE9àlizætiøn")); // 20</code>
10228       *
10229       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.mb-strlen.php
10230       *
10231       * @param string $str        <p>The string being checked for length.</p>
10232       * @param string $encoding   [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
10233       * @param bool   $clean_utf8 [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
10234       *
10235       * @psalm-pure
10236       *
10237       * @return false|int
10238       *                   <p>
10239       *                   The number <strong>(int)</strong> of characters in the string $str having character encoding
10240       *                   $encoding.
10241       *                   (One multi-byte character counted as +1).
10242       *                   <br>
10243       *                   Can return <strong>false</strong>, if e.g. mbstring is not installed and we process invalid
10244       *                   chars.
10245       *                   </p>
10246       */
10247      public static function strlen(
10248          string $str,
10249          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
10250          bool $clean_utf8 = false
10251      ) {
10252          if ($str === '') {
10253              return 0;
10254          }
10256          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
10257              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
10258          }
10260          if ($clean_utf8) {
10261              // "mb_strlen" and "\iconv_strlen" returns wrong length,
10262              // if invalid characters are found in $str
10263              $str = self::clean($str);
10264          }
10266          //
10267          // fallback via mbstring
10268          //
10270          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
10271              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
10272                  /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection - ignore warnings, it's working anyway */
10273                  return @\mb_strlen($str);
10274              }
10276              /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection - ignore warnings, it's working anyway */
10277              return @\mb_strlen($str, $encoding);
10278          }
10280          //
10281          // fallback for binary || ascii only
10282          //
10284          if (
10285              $encoding === 'CP850'
10286              ||
10287              $encoding === 'ASCII'
10288          ) {
10289              return \strlen($str);
10290          }
10292          if (
10293              $encoding !== 'UTF-8'
10294              &&
10295              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false
10296              &&
10297              self::$SUPPORT['iconv'] === false
10298          ) {
10299              /**
10300               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
10301               */
10302              \trigger_error('UTF8::strlen() without mbstring / iconv cannot handle "' . $encoding . '" encoding', \E_USER_WARNING);
10303          }
10305          //
10306          // fallback via iconv
10307          //
10309          if (self::$SUPPORT['iconv'] === true) {
10310              $return_tmp = \iconv_strlen($str, $encoding);
10311              if ($return_tmp !== false) {
10312                  return $return_tmp;
10313              }
10314          }
10316          //
10317          // fallback via intl
10318          //
10320          if (
10321              $encoding === 'UTF-8' // INFO: "grapheme_strlen()" can't handle other encodings
10322              &&
10323              self::$SUPPORT['intl'] === true
10324          ) {
10325              $return_tmp = \grapheme_strlen($str);
10326              if ($return_tmp !== null) {
10327                  return $return_tmp;
10328              }
10329          }
10331          //
10332          // fallback for ascii only
10333          //
10335          if (ASCII::is_ascii($str)) {
10336              return \strlen($str);
10337          }
10339          //
10340          // fallback via vanilla php
10341          //
10343          \preg_match_all('/./us', $str, $parts);
10345          $return_tmp = \count($parts[0]);
10346          if ($return_tmp === 0) {
10347              return false;
10348          }
10350          return $return_tmp;
10351      }
10353      /**
10354       * Get string length in byte.
10355       *
10356       * @param string $str
10357       *
10358       * @psalm-pure
10359       *
10360       * @return int
10361       */
10362      public static function strlen_in_byte(string $str): int
10363      {
10364          if ($str === '') {
10365              return 0;
10366          }
10368          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring_func_overload'] === true) {
10369              // "mb_" is available if overload is used, so use it ...
10370              return \mb_strlen($str, 'CP850'); // 8-BIT
10371          }
10373          return \strlen($str);
10374      }
10376      /**
10377       * Case-insensitive string comparisons using a "natural order" algorithm.
10378       *
10379       * INFO: natural order version of UTF8::strcasecmp()
10380       *
10381       * EXAMPLES: <code>
10382       * UTF8::strnatcasecmp('2', '10Hello WORLD 中文空白!'); // -1
10383       * UTF8::strcasecmp('2Hello world 中文空白!', '10Hello WORLD 中文空白!'); // 1
10384       *
10385       * UTF8::strnatcasecmp('10Hello world 中文空白!', '2Hello WORLD 中文空白!'); // 1
10386       * UTF8::strcasecmp('10Hello world 中文空白!', '2Hello WORLD 中文空白!'); // -1
10387       * </code>
10388       *
10389       * @param string $str1     <p>The first string.</p>
10390       * @param string $str2     <p>The second string.</p>
10391       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
10392       *
10393       * @psalm-pure
10394       *
10395       * @return int
10396       *             <strong>&lt; 0</strong> if str1 is less than str2<br>
10397       *             <strong>&gt; 0</strong> if str1 is greater than str2<br>
10398       *             <strong>0</strong> if they are equal
10399       */
10400      public static function strnatcasecmp(string $str1, string $str2, string $encoding = 'UTF-8'): int
10401      {
10402          return self::strnatcmp(
10403              self::strtocasefold($str1, true, false, $encoding, null, false),
10404              self::strtocasefold($str2, true, false, $encoding, null, false)
10405          );
10406      }
10408      /**
10409       * String comparisons using a "natural order" algorithm
10410       *
10411       * INFO: natural order version of UTF8::strcmp()
10412       *
10413       * EXAMPLES: <code>
10414       * UTF8::strnatcmp('2Hello world 中文空白!', '10Hello WORLD 中文空白!'); // -1
10415       * UTF8::strcmp('2Hello world 中文空白!', '10Hello WORLD 中文空白!'); // 1
10416       *
10417       * UTF8::strnatcmp('10Hello world 中文空白!', '2Hello WORLD 中文空白!'); // 1
10418       * UTF8::strcmp('10Hello world 中文空白!', '2Hello WORLD 中文空白!'); // -1
10419       * </code>
10420       *
10421       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.strnatcmp.php
10422       *
10423       * @param string $str1 <p>The first string.</p>
10424       * @param string $str2 <p>The second string.</p>
10425       *
10426       * @psalm-pure
10427       *
10428       * @return int
10429       *             <strong>&lt; 0</strong> if str1 is less than str2;<br>
10430       *             <strong>&gt; 0</strong> if str1 is greater than str2;<br>
10431       *             <strong>0</strong> if they are equal
10432       */
10433      public static function strnatcmp(string $str1, string $str2): int
10434      {
10435          if ($str1 === $str2) {
10436              return 0;
10437          }
10439          return \strnatcmp(
10440              (string) self::strtonatfold($str1),
10441              (string) self::strtonatfold($str2)
10442          );
10443      }
10445      /**
10446       * Case-insensitive string comparison of the first n characters.
10447       *
10448       * EXAMPLE: <code>
10449       * UTF8::strcasecmp("iñtërnâtiôn\nàlizætiøn321", "iñtërnâtiôn\nàlizætiøn123", 5); // 0
10450       * </code>
10451       *
10452       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.strncasecmp.php
10453       *
10454       * @param string $str1     <p>The first string.</p>
10455       * @param string $str2     <p>The second string.</p>
10456       * @param int    $len      <p>The length of strings to be used in the comparison.</p>
10457       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
10458       *
10459       * @psalm-pure
10460       *
10461       * @return int
10462       *             <strong>&lt; 0</strong> if <i>str1</i> is less than <i>str2</i>;<br>
10463       *             <strong>&gt; 0</strong> if <i>str1</i> is greater than <i>str2</i>;<br>
10464       *             <strong>0</strong> if they are equal
10465       */
10466      public static function strncasecmp(
10467          string $str1,
10468          string $str2,
10469          int $len,
10470          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
10471      ): int {
10472          return self::strncmp(
10473              self::strtocasefold($str1, true, false, $encoding, null, false),
10474              self::strtocasefold($str2, true, false, $encoding, null, false),
10475              $len
10476          );
10477      }
10479      /**
10480       * String comparison of the first n characters.
10481       *
10482       * EXAMPLE: <code>
10483       * UTF8::strncmp("Iñtërnâtiôn\nàlizætiøn321", "Iñtërnâtiôn\nàlizætiøn123", 5); // 0
10484       * </code>
10485       *
10486       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.strncmp.php
10487       *
10488       * @param string $str1     <p>The first string.</p>
10489       * @param string $str2     <p>The second string.</p>
10490       * @param int    $len      <p>Number of characters to use in the comparison.</p>
10491       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
10492       *
10493       * @psalm-pure
10494       *
10495       * @return int
10496       *             <strong>&lt; 0</strong> if <i>str1</i> is less than <i>str2</i>;<br>
10497       *             <strong>&gt; 0</strong> if <i>str1</i> is greater than <i>str2</i>;<br>
10498       *             <strong>0</strong> if they are equal
10499       */
10500      public static function strncmp(
10501          string $str1,
10502          string $str2,
10503          int $len,
10504          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
10505      ): int {
10506          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
10507              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
10508          }
10510          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
10511              $str1 = (string) \mb_substr($str1, 0, $len);
10512              $str2 = (string) \mb_substr($str2, 0, $len);
10513          } else {
10514              $str1 = (string) self::substr($str1, 0, $len, $encoding);
10515              $str2 = (string) self::substr($str2, 0, $len, $encoding);
10516          }
10518          return self::strcmp($str1, $str2);
10519      }
10521      /**
10522       * Search a string for any of a set of characters.
10523       *
10524       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strpbrk('-中文空白-', '白'); // '白-'</code>
10525       *
10526       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.strpbrk.php
10527       *
10528       * @param string $haystack  <p>The string where char_list is looked for.</p>
10529       * @param string $char_list <p>This parameter is case-sensitive.</p>
10530       *
10531       * @psalm-pure
10532       *
10533       * @return false|string
10534       *                      <p>The string starting from the character found, or false if it is not found.</p>
10535       */
10536      public static function strpbrk(string $haystack, string $char_list)
10537      {
10538          if ($haystack === '' || $char_list === '') {
10539              return false;
10540          }
10542          if (\preg_match('/' . self::rxClass($char_list) . '/us', $haystack, $m)) {
10543              return \substr($haystack, (int) \strpos($haystack, $m[0]));
10544          }
10546          return false;
10547      }
10549      /**
10550       * Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string.
10551       *
10552       * INFO: use UTF8::strpos_in_byte() for the byte-length
10553       *
10554       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strpos('ABC-ÖÄÜ-中文空白-中文空白', '中'); // 8</code>
10555       *
10556       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.mb-strpos.php
10557       *
10558       * @param string     $haystack   <p>The string from which to get the position of the first occurrence of needle.</p>
10559       * @param int|string $needle     <p>The string to find in haystack.<br>Or a code point as int.</p>
10560       * @param int        $offset     [optional] <p>The search offset. If it is not specified, 0 is used.</p>
10561       * @param string     $encoding   [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
10562       * @param bool       $clean_utf8 [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
10563       *
10564       * @psalm-pure
10565       *
10566       * @return false|int
10567       *                   The <strong>(int)</strong> numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in the haystack
10568       *                   string.<br> If needle is not found it returns false.
10569       */
10570      public static function strpos(
10571          string $haystack,
10572          $needle,
10573          int $offset = 0,
10574          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
10575          bool $clean_utf8 = false
10576      ) {
10577          if ($haystack === '') {
10578              if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {
10579                  if ($needle === '') {
10580                      return 0;
10581                  }
10582              } else {
10583                  return false;
10584              }
10585          }
10587          // iconv and mbstring do not support integer $needle
10588          if ((int) $needle === $needle) {
10589              $needle = (string) self::chr($needle);
10590          }
10591          $needle = (string) $needle;
10593          if ($haystack === '') {
10594              if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000 && $needle === '') {
10595                  return 0;
10596              }
10598              return false;
10599          }
10601          if ($needle === '' && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) {
10602              return false;
10603          }
10605          if ($clean_utf8) {
10606              // "mb_strpos()" and "iconv_strpos()" returns wrong position,
10607              // if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle
10608              $needle = self::clean($needle);
10609              $haystack = self::clean($haystack);
10610          }
10612          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
10613              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
10614          }
10616          //
10617          // fallback via mbstring
10618          //
10620          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
10621              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
10622                  /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection - Offset not contained in string */
10623                  return @\mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
10624              }
10626              /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection - Offset not contained in string */
10627              return @\mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding);
10628          }
10630          //
10631          // fallback for binary || ascii only
10632          //
10633          if (
10634              $encoding === 'CP850'
10635              ||
10636              $encoding === 'ASCII'
10637          ) {
10638              return \strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
10639          }
10641          if (
10642              $encoding !== 'UTF-8'
10643              &&
10644              self::$SUPPORT['iconv'] === false
10645              &&
10646              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false
10647          ) {
10648              /**
10649               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
10650               */
10651              \trigger_error('UTF8::strpos() without mbstring / iconv cannot handle "' . $encoding . '" encoding', \E_USER_WARNING);
10652          }
10654          //
10655          // fallback via intl
10656          //
10658          if (
10659              $encoding === 'UTF-8' // INFO: "grapheme_strpos()" can't handle other encodings
10660              &&
10661              $offset >= 0 // grapheme_strpos() can't handle negative offset
10662              &&
10663              self::$SUPPORT['intl'] === true
10664          ) {
10665              $return_tmp = \grapheme_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
10666              if ($return_tmp !== false) {
10667                  return $return_tmp;
10668              }
10669          }
10671          //
10672          // fallback via iconv
10673          //
10675          if (
10676              $offset >= 0 // iconv_strpos() can't handle negative offset
10677              &&
10678              self::$SUPPORT['iconv'] === true
10679          ) {
10680              // ignore invalid negative offset to keep compatibility
10681              // with php < 5.5.35, < 5.6.21, < 7.0.6
10682              $return_tmp = \iconv_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset > 0 ? $offset : 0, $encoding);
10683              if ($return_tmp !== false) {
10684                  return $return_tmp;
10685              }
10686          }
10688          //
10689          // fallback for ascii only
10690          //
10692          if (ASCII::is_ascii($haystack . $needle)) {
10693              /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection - Offset not contained in string */
10694              return @\strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
10695          }
10697          //
10698          // fallback via vanilla php
10699          //
10701          $haystack_tmp = self::substr($haystack, $offset, null, $encoding);
10702          if ($haystack_tmp === false) {
10703              $haystack_tmp = '';
10704          }
10705          $haystack = (string) $haystack_tmp;
10707          if ($offset < 0) {
10708              $offset = 0;
10709          }
10711          $pos = \strpos($haystack, $needle);
10712          if ($pos === false) {
10713              return false;
10714          }
10716          if ($pos) {
10717              return $offset + (int) self::strlen(\substr($haystack, 0, $pos), $encoding);
10718          }
10720          return $offset + 0;
10721      }
10723      /**
10724       * Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string.
10725       *
10726       * @param string $haystack <p>
10727       *                         The string being checked.
10728       *                         </p>
10729       * @param string $needle   <p>
10730       *                         The position counted from the beginning of haystack.
10731       *                         </p>
10732       * @param int    $offset   [optional] <p>
10733       *                         The search offset. If it is not specified, 0 is used.
10734       *                         </p>
10735       *
10736       * @psalm-pure
10737       *
10738       * @return false|int
10739       *                   <p>The numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in the
10740       *                   haystack string. If needle is not found, it returns false.</p>
10741       */
10742      public static function strpos_in_byte(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0)
10743      {
10744          if ($haystack === '' || $needle === '') {
10745              return false;
10746          }
10748          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring_func_overload'] === true) {
10749              // "mb_" is available if overload is used, so use it ...
10750              return \mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset, 'CP850'); // 8-BIT
10751          }
10753          return \strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
10754      }
10756      /**
10757       * Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string, case-insensitive.
10758       *
10759       * @param string $haystack <p>
10760       *                         The string being checked.
10761       *                         </p>
10762       * @param string $needle   <p>
10763       *                         The position counted from the beginning of haystack.
10764       *                         </p>
10765       * @param int    $offset   [optional] <p>
10766       *                         The search offset. If it is not specified, 0 is used.
10767       *                         </p>
10768       *
10769       * @psalm-pure
10770       *
10771       * @return false|int
10772       *                   <p>The numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in the
10773       *                   haystack string. If needle is not found, it returns false.</p>
10774       */
10775      public static function stripos_in_byte(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0)
10776      {
10777          if ($haystack === '' || $needle === '') {
10778              return false;
10779          }
10781          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring_func_overload'] === true) {
10782              // "mb_" is available if overload is used, so use it ...
10783              return \mb_stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset, 'CP850'); // 8-BIT
10784          }
10786          return \stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
10787      }
10789      /**
10790       * Find the last occurrence of a character in a string within another.
10791       *
10792       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strrchr('κόσμεκόσμε-äöü', 'κόσμε'); // 'κόσμε-äöü'</code>
10793       *
10794       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.mb-strrchr.php
10795       *
10796       * @param string $haystack      <p>The string from which to get the last occurrence of needle.</p>
10797       * @param string $needle        <p>The string to find in haystack</p>
10798       * @param bool   $before_needle [optional] <p>
10799       *                              Determines which portion of haystack
10800       *                              this function returns.
10801       *                              If set to true, it returns all of haystack
10802       *                              from the beginning to the last occurrence of needle.
10803       *                              If set to false, it returns all of haystack
10804       *                              from the last occurrence of needle to the end,
10805       *                              </p>
10806       * @param string $encoding      [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
10807       * @param bool   $clean_utf8    [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
10808       *
10809       * @psalm-pure
10810       *
10811       * @return false|string
10812       *                      <p>The portion of haystack or false if needle is not found.</p>
10813       */
10814      public static function strrchr(
10815          string $haystack,
10816          string $needle,
10817          bool $before_needle = false,
10818          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
10819          bool $clean_utf8 = false
10820      ) {
10821          if ($haystack === '' || $needle === '') {
10822              return false;
10823          }
10825          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
10826              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
10827          }
10829          if ($clean_utf8) {
10830              // "mb_strpos()" and "iconv_strpos()" returns wrong position,
10831              // if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle
10832              $needle = self::clean($needle);
10833              $haystack = self::clean($haystack);
10834          }
10836          //
10837          // fallback via mbstring
10838          //
10840          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
10841              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
10842                  return \mb_strrchr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle);
10843              }
10845              return \mb_strrchr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle, $encoding);
10846          }
10848          //
10849          // fallback for binary || ascii only
10850          //
10852          if (
10853              !$before_needle
10854              &&
10855              (
10856                  $encoding === 'CP850'
10857                  ||
10858                  $encoding === 'ASCII'
10859              )
10860          ) {
10861              return \strrchr($haystack, $needle);
10862          }
10864          if (
10865              $encoding !== 'UTF-8'
10866              &&
10867              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false
10868          ) {
10869              /**
10870               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
10871               */
10872              \trigger_error('UTF8::strrchr() without mbstring cannot handle "' . $encoding . '" encoding', \E_USER_WARNING);
10873          }
10875          //
10876          // fallback via iconv
10877          //
10879          if (self::$SUPPORT['iconv'] === true) {
10880              $needle_tmp = self::substr($needle, 0, 1, $encoding);
10881              if ($needle_tmp === false) {
10882                  return false;
10883              }
10884              $needle = (string) $needle_tmp;
10886              $pos = \iconv_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $encoding);
10887              if ($pos === false) {
10888                  return false;
10889              }
10891              if ($before_needle) {
10892                  return self::substr($haystack, 0, $pos, $encoding);
10893              }
10895              return self::substr($haystack, $pos, null, $encoding);
10896          }
10898          //
10899          // fallback via vanilla php
10900          //
10902          $needle_tmp = self::substr($needle, 0, 1, $encoding);
10903          if ($needle_tmp === false) {
10904              return false;
10905          }
10906          $needle = (string) $needle_tmp;
10908          $pos = self::strrpos($haystack, $needle, 0, $encoding);
10909          if ($pos === false) {
10910              return false;
10911          }
10913          if ($before_needle) {
10914              return self::substr($haystack, 0, $pos, $encoding);
10915          }
10917          return self::substr($haystack, $pos, null, $encoding);
10918      }
10920      /**
10921       * Reverses characters order in the string.
10922       *
10923       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strrev('κ-öäü'); // 'üäö-κ'</code>
10924       *
10925       * @param string $str      <p>The input string.</p>
10926       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
10927       *
10928       * @psalm-pure
10929       *
10930       * @return string
10931       *                <p>The string with characters in the reverse sequence.</p>
10932       */
10933      public static function strrev(string $str, string $encoding = 'UTF-8'): string
10934      {
10935          if ($str === '') {
10936              return '';
10937          }
10939          // init
10940          $reversed = '';
10942          $str = self::emoji_encode($str, true);
10944          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
10945              if (self::$SUPPORT['intl'] === true) {
10946                  // try "grapheme" first: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17496493/strrev-dosent-support-utf-8
10947                  $i = (int) \grapheme_strlen($str);
10948                  while ($i--) {
10949                      $reversed_tmp = \grapheme_substr($str, $i, 1);
10950                      if ($reversed_tmp !== false) {
10951                          $reversed .= $reversed_tmp;
10952                      }
10953                  }
10954              } else {
10955                  $i = (int) \mb_strlen($str);
10956                  while ($i--) {
10957                      $reversed_tmp = \mb_substr($str, $i, 1);
10958                      if ($reversed_tmp !== false) {
10959                          $reversed .= $reversed_tmp;
10960                      }
10961                  }
10962              }
10963          } else {
10964              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
10966              $i = (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding);
10967              while ($i--) {
10968                  $reversed_tmp = self::substr($str, $i, 1, $encoding);
10969                  if ($reversed_tmp !== false) {
10970                      $reversed .= $reversed_tmp;
10971                  }
10972              }
10973          }
10975          return self::emoji_decode($reversed, true);
10976      }
10978      /**
10979       * Find the last occurrence of a character in a string within another, case-insensitive.
10980       *
10981       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strrichr('Aκόσμεκόσμε-äöü', 'aκόσμε'); // 'Aκόσμεκόσμε-äöü'</code>
10982       *
10983       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.mb-strrichr.php
10984       *
10985       * @param string $haystack      <p>The string from which to get the last occurrence of needle.</p>
10986       * @param string $needle        <p>The string to find in haystack.</p>
10987       * @param bool   $before_needle [optional] <p>
10988       *                              Determines which portion of haystack
10989       *                              this function returns.
10990       *                              If set to true, it returns all of haystack
10991       *                              from the beginning to the last occurrence of needle.
10992       *                              If set to false, it returns all of haystack
10993       *                              from the last occurrence of needle to the end,
10994       *                              </p>
10995       * @param string $encoding      [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
10996       * @param bool   $clean_utf8    [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
10997       *
10998       * @psalm-pure
10999       *
11000       * @return false|string
11001       *                      <p>The portion of haystack or<br>false if needle is not found.</p>
11002       */
11003      public static function strrichr(
11004          string $haystack,
11005          string $needle,
11006          bool $before_needle = false,
11007          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
11008          bool $clean_utf8 = false
11009      ) {
11010          if ($haystack === '' || $needle === '') {
11011              return false;
11012          }
11014          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
11015              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
11016          }
11018          if ($clean_utf8) {
11019              // "mb_strpos()" and "iconv_strpos()" returns wrong position,
11020              // if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle
11021              $needle = self::clean($needle);
11022              $haystack = self::clean($haystack);
11023          }
11025          //
11026          // fallback via mbstring
11027          //
11029          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
11030              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
11031                  return \mb_strrichr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle);
11032              }
11034              return \mb_strrichr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle, $encoding);
11035          }
11037          //
11038          // fallback via vanilla php
11039          //
11041          $needle_tmp = self::substr($needle, 0, 1, $encoding);
11042          if ($needle_tmp === false) {
11043              return false;
11044          }
11045          $needle = (string) $needle_tmp;
11047          $pos = self::strripos($haystack, $needle, 0, $encoding);
11048          if ($pos === false) {
11049              return false;
11050          }
11052          if ($before_needle) {
11053              return self::substr($haystack, 0, $pos, $encoding);
11054          }
11056          return self::substr($haystack, $pos, null, $encoding);
11057      }
11059      /**
11060       * Find the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string, case-insensitive.
11061       *
11062       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strripos('ABC-ÖÄÜ-中文空白-中文空白', '中'); // 13</code>
11063       *
11064       * @param string     $haystack   <p>The string to look in.</p>
11065       * @param int|string $needle     <p>The string to look for.</p>
11066       * @param int        $offset     [optional] <p>Number of characters to ignore in the beginning or end.</p>
11067       * @param string     $encoding   [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
11068       * @param bool       $clean_utf8 [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
11069       *
11070       * @psalm-pure
11071       *
11072       * @return false|int
11073       *                   <p>The <strong>(int)</strong> numeric position of the last occurrence of needle in the haystack
11074       *                   string.<br>If needle is not found, it returns false.</p>
11075       */
11076      public static function strripos(
11077          string $haystack,
11078          $needle,
11079          int $offset = 0,
11080          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
11081          bool $clean_utf8 = false
11082      ) {
11083          if ($haystack === '') {
11084              if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {
11085                  if ($needle === '') {
11086                      return 0;
11087                  }
11088              } else {
11089                  return false;
11090              }
11091          }
11093          // iconv and mbstring do not support integer $needle
11094          if ((int) $needle === $needle && $needle >= 0) {
11095              $needle = (string) self::chr($needle);
11096          }
11097          $needle = (string) $needle;
11099          if ($haystack === '') {
11100              if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000 && $needle === '') {
11101                  return 0;
11102              }
11104              return false;
11105          }
11107          if ($needle === '' && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) {
11108              return false;
11109          }
11111          if ($clean_utf8) {
11112              // mb_strripos() && iconv_strripos() is not tolerant to invalid characters
11113              $needle = self::clean($needle);
11114              $haystack = self::clean($haystack);
11115          }
11117          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
11118              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
11119          }
11121          //
11122          // fallback via mbstrig
11123          //
11125          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
11126              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
11127                  return \mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
11128              }
11130              return \mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding);
11131          }
11133          //
11134          // fallback for binary || ascii only
11135          //
11137          if (
11138              $encoding === 'CP850'
11139              ||
11140              $encoding === 'ASCII'
11141          ) {
11142              return \strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
11143          }
11145          if (
11146              $encoding !== 'UTF-8'
11147              &&
11148              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false
11149          ) {
11150              /**
11151               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
11152               */
11153              \trigger_error('UTF8::strripos() without mbstring cannot handle "' . $encoding . '" encoding', \E_USER_WARNING);
11154          }
11156          //
11157          // fallback via intl
11158          //
11160          if (
11161              $encoding === 'UTF-8' // INFO: "grapheme_strripos()" can't handle other encodings
11162              &&
11163              $offset >= 0 // grapheme_strripos() can't handle negative offset
11164              &&
11165              self::$SUPPORT['intl'] === true
11166          ) {
11167              $return_tmp = \grapheme_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
11168              if ($return_tmp !== false) {
11169                  return $return_tmp;
11170              }
11171          }
11173          //
11174          // fallback for ascii only
11175          //
11177          if (ASCII::is_ascii($haystack . $needle)) {
11178              return \strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
11179          }
11181          //
11182          // fallback via vanilla php
11183          //
11185          $haystack = self::strtocasefold($haystack, true, false, $encoding);
11186          $needle = self::strtocasefold($needle, true, false, $encoding);
11188          return self::strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding, $clean_utf8);
11189      }
11191      /**
11192       * Finds position of last occurrence of a string within another, case-insensitive.
11193       *
11194       * @param string $haystack <p>
11195       *                         The string from which to get the position of the last occurrence
11196       *                         of needle.
11197       *                         </p>
11198       * @param string $needle   <p>
11199       *                         The string to find in haystack.
11200       *                         </p>
11201       * @param int    $offset   [optional] <p>
11202       *                         The position in haystack
11203       *                         to start searching.
11204       *                         </p>
11205       *
11206       * @psalm-pure
11207       *
11208       * @return false|int
11209       *                   <p>eturn the numeric position of the last occurrence of needle in the
11210       *                   haystack string, or false if needle is not found.</p>
11211       */
11212      public static function strripos_in_byte(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0)
11213      {
11214          if ($haystack === '' || $needle === '') {
11215              return false;
11216          }
11218          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring_func_overload'] === true) {
11219              // "mb_" is available if overload is used, so use it ...
11220              return \mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset, 'CP850'); // 8-BIT
11221          }
11223          return \strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
11224      }
11226      /**
11227       * Find the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string.
11228       *
11229       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strrpos('ABC-ÖÄÜ-中文空白-中文空白', '中'); // 13</code>
11230       *
11231       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.mb-strrpos.php
11232       *
11233       * @param string     $haystack   <p>The string being checked, for the last occurrence of needle</p>
11234       * @param int|string $needle     <p>The string to find in haystack.<br>Or a code point as int.</p>
11235       * @param int        $offset     [optional] <p>May be specified to begin searching an arbitrary number of characters
11236       *                               into the string. Negative values will stop searching at an arbitrary point prior to
11237       *                               the end of the string.
11238       *                               </p>
11239       * @param string     $encoding   [optional] <p>Set the charset.</p>
11240       * @param bool       $clean_utf8 [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
11241       *
11242       * @psalm-pure
11243       *
11244       * @return false|int
11245       *                   <p>The <strong>(int)</strong> numeric position of the last occurrence of needle in the haystack
11246       *                   string.<br>If needle is not found, it returns false.</p>
11247       */
11248      public static function strrpos(
11249          string $haystack,
11250          $needle,
11251          int $offset = 0,
11252          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
11253          bool $clean_utf8 = false
11254      ) {
11255          if ($haystack === '') {
11256              if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {
11257                  if ($needle === '') {
11258                      return 0;
11259                  }
11260              } else {
11261                  return false;
11262              }
11263          }
11265          // iconv and mbstring do not support integer $needle
11266          if ((int) $needle === $needle && $needle >= 0) {
11267              $needle = (string) self::chr($needle);
11268          }
11269          $needle = (string) $needle;
11271          if ($haystack === '') {
11272              if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000 && $needle === '') {
11273                  return 0;
11274              }
11276              return false;
11277          }
11279          if ($needle === '' && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) {
11280              return false;
11281          }
11283          if ($clean_utf8) {
11284              // mb_strrpos && iconv_strrpos is not tolerant to invalid characters
11285              $needle = self::clean($needle);
11286              $haystack = self::clean($haystack);
11287          }
11289          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
11290              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
11291          }
11293          //
11294          // fallback via mbstring
11295          //
11297          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
11298              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
11299                  return \mb_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
11300              }
11302              return \mb_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset, $encoding);
11303          }
11305          //
11306          // fallback for binary || ascii only
11307          //
11309          if (
11310              $encoding === 'CP850'
11311              ||
11312              $encoding === 'ASCII'
11313          ) {
11314              return \strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
11315          }
11317          if (
11318              $encoding !== 'UTF-8'
11319              &&
11320              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false
11321          ) {
11322              /**
11323               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
11324               */
11325              \trigger_error('UTF8::strrpos() without mbstring cannot handle "' . $encoding . '" encoding', \E_USER_WARNING);
11326          }
11328          //
11329          // fallback via intl
11330          //
11332          if (
11333              $offset >= 0 // grapheme_strrpos() can't handle negative offset
11334              &&
11335              $encoding === 'UTF-8' // INFO: "grapheme_strrpos()" can't handle other encodings
11336              &&
11337              self::$SUPPORT['intl'] === true
11338          ) {
11339              $return_tmp = \grapheme_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
11340              if ($return_tmp !== false) {
11341                  return $return_tmp;
11342              }
11343          }
11345          //
11346          // fallback for ascii only
11347          //
11349          if (ASCII::is_ascii($haystack . $needle)) {
11350              return \strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
11351          }
11353          //
11354          // fallback via vanilla php
11355          //
11357          $haystack_tmp = null;
11358          if ($offset > 0) {
11359              $haystack_tmp = self::substr($haystack, $offset);
11360          } elseif ($offset < 0) {
11361              $haystack_tmp = self::substr($haystack, 0, $offset);
11362              $offset = 0;
11363          }
11365          if ($haystack_tmp !== null) {
11366              if ($haystack_tmp === false) {
11367                  $haystack_tmp = '';
11368              }
11369              $haystack = (string) $haystack_tmp;
11370          }
11372          $pos = \strrpos($haystack, $needle);
11373          if ($pos === false) {
11374              return false;
11375          }
11377          /** @var false|string $str_tmp - needed for PhpStan (stubs error) */
11378          $str_tmp = \substr($haystack, 0, $pos);
11379          if ($str_tmp === false) {
11380              return false;
11381          }
11383          return $offset + (int) self::strlen($str_tmp);
11384      }
11386      /**
11387       * Find the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string.
11388       *
11389       * @param string $haystack <p>
11390       *                         The string being checked, for the last occurrence
11391       *                         of needle.
11392       *                         </p>
11393       * @param string $needle   <p>
11394       *                         The string to find in haystack.
11395       *                         </p>
11396       * @param int    $offset   [optional] <p>May be specified to begin searching an arbitrary number of characters into
11397       *                         the string. Negative values will stop searching at an arbitrary point
11398       *                         prior to the end of the string.
11399       *                         </p>
11400       *
11401       * @psalm-pure
11402       *
11403       * @return false|int
11404       *                   <p>The numeric position of the last occurrence of needle in the
11405       *                   haystack string. If needle is not found, it returns false.</p>
11406       */
11407      public static function strrpos_in_byte(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0)
11408      {
11409          if ($haystack === '' || $needle === '') {
11410              return false;
11411          }
11413          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring_func_overload'] === true) {
11414              // "mb_" is available if overload is used, so use it ...
11415              return \mb_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset, 'CP850'); // 8-BIT
11416          }
11418          return \strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
11419      }
11421      /**
11422       * Finds the length of the initial segment of a string consisting entirely of characters contained within a given
11423       * mask.
11424       *
11425       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strspn('iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn', 'itñ'); // '3'</code>
11426       *
11427       * @param string   $str      <p>The input string.</p>
11428       * @param string   $mask     <p>The mask of chars</p>
11429       * @param int      $offset   [optional]
11430       * @param int|null $length   [optional]
11431       * @param string   $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset.</p>
11432       *
11433       * @psalm-pure
11434       *
11435       * @return false|int
11436       */
11437      public static function strspn(
11438          string $str,
11439          string $mask,
11440          int $offset = 0,
11441          int $length = null,
11442          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
11443      ) {
11444          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
11445              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
11446          }
11448          if ($offset || $length !== null) {
11449              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
11450                  if ($length === null) {
11451                      $str = (string) \mb_substr($str, $offset);
11452                  } else {
11453                      $str = (string) \mb_substr($str, $offset, $length);
11454                  }
11455              } else {
11456                  $str = (string) self::substr($str, $offset, $length, $encoding);
11457              }
11458          }
11460          if ($str === '' || $mask === '') {
11461              return 0;
11462          }
11464          $matches = [];
11466          return \preg_match('/^' . self::rxClass($mask) . '+/u', $str, $matches) ? (int) self::strlen($matches[0], $encoding) : 0;
11467      }
11469      /**
11470       * Returns part of haystack string from the first occurrence of needle to the end of haystack.
11471       *
11472       * EXAMPLE: <code>
11473       * $str = 'iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn';
11474       * $search = 'nât';
11475       *
11476       * UTF8::strstr($str, $search)); // 'nâtiônàlizætiøn'
11477       * UTF8::strstr($str, $search, true)); // 'iñtër'
11478       * </code>
11479       *
11480       * @param string $haystack      <p>The input string. Must be valid UTF-8.</p>
11481       * @param string $needle        <p>The string to look for. Must be valid UTF-8.</p>
11482       * @param bool   $before_needle [optional] <p>
11483       *                              If <b>TRUE</b>, strstr() returns the part of the
11484       *                              haystack before the first occurrence of the needle (excluding the needle).
11485       *                              </p>
11486       * @param string $encoding      [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
11487       * @param bool   $clean_utf8    [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
11488       *
11489       * @psalm-pure
11490       *
11491       * @return false|string
11492       *                      <p>A sub-string,<br>or <strong>false</strong> if needle is not found.</p>
11493       */
11494      public static function strstr(
11495          string $haystack,
11496          string $needle,
11497          bool $before_needle = false,
11498          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
11499          bool $clean_utf8 = false
11500      ) {
11501          if ($haystack === '') {
11502              if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000 && $needle === '') {
11503                  return '';
11504              }
11506              return false;
11507          }
11509          if ($clean_utf8) {
11510              // "mb_strpos()" and "iconv_strpos()" returns wrong position,
11511              // if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle
11512              $needle = self::clean($needle);
11513              $haystack = self::clean($haystack);
11514          }
11516          if ($needle === '') {
11517              if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {
11518                  return $haystack;
11519              }
11521              return false;
11522          }
11524          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
11525              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
11526          }
11528          //
11529          // fallback via mbstring
11530          //
11532          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
11533              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
11534                  return \mb_strstr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle);
11535              }
11537              return \mb_strstr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle, $encoding);
11538          }
11540          //
11541          // fallback for binary || ascii only
11542          //
11544          if (
11545              $encoding === 'CP850'
11546              ||
11547              $encoding === 'ASCII'
11548          ) {
11549              return \strstr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle);
11550          }
11552          if (
11553              $encoding !== 'UTF-8'
11554              &&
11555              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false
11556          ) {
11557              /**
11558               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
11559               */
11560              \trigger_error('UTF8::strstr() without mbstring cannot handle "' . $encoding . '" encoding', \E_USER_WARNING);
11561          }
11563          //
11564          // fallback via intl
11565          //
11567          if (
11568              $encoding === 'UTF-8' // INFO: "grapheme_strstr()" can't handle other encodings
11569              &&
11570              self::$SUPPORT['intl'] === true
11571          ) {
11572              $return_tmp = \grapheme_strstr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle);
11573              if ($return_tmp !== false) {
11574                  return $return_tmp;
11575              }
11576          }
11578          //
11579          // fallback for ascii only
11580          //
11582          if (ASCII::is_ascii($haystack . $needle)) {
11583              return \strstr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle);
11584          }
11586          //
11587          // fallback via vanilla php
11588          //
11590          \preg_match('/^(.*?)' . \preg_quote($needle, '/') . '/us', $haystack, $match);
11592          if (!isset($match[1])) {
11593              return false;
11594          }
11596          if ($before_needle) {
11597              return $match[1];
11598          }
11600          return self::substr($haystack, (int) self::strlen($match[1]));
11601      }
11603      /**
11604       * Finds first occurrence of a string within another.
11605       *
11606       * @param string $haystack      <p>
11607       *                              The string from which to get the first occurrence
11608       *                              of needle.
11609       *                              </p>
11610       * @param string $needle        <p>
11611       *                              The string to find in haystack.
11612       *                              </p>
11613       * @param bool   $before_needle [optional] <p>
11614       *                              Determines which portion of haystack
11615       *                              this function returns.
11616       *                              If set to true, it returns all of haystack
11617       *                              from the beginning to the first occurrence of needle.
11618       *                              If set to false, it returns all of haystack
11619       *                              from the first occurrence of needle to the end,
11620       *                              </p>
11621       *
11622       * @psalm-pure
11623       *
11624       * @return false|string
11625       *                      <p>The portion of haystack,
11626       *                      or false if needle is not found.</p>
11627       */
11628      public static function strstr_in_byte(
11629          string $haystack,
11630          string $needle,
11631          bool $before_needle = false
11632      ) {
11633          if ($haystack === '' || $needle === '') {
11634              return false;
11635          }
11637          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring_func_overload'] === true) {
11638              // "mb_" is available if overload is used, so use it ...
11639              return \mb_strstr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle, 'CP850'); // 8-BIT
11640          }
11642          return \strstr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle);
11643      }
11645      /**
11646       * Unicode transformation for case-less matching.
11647       *
11648       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strtocasefold('ǰ◌̱'); // 'ǰ◌̱'</code>
11649       *
11650       * @see http://unicode.org/reports/tr21/tr21-5.html
11651       *
11652       * @param string      $str        <p>The input string.</p>
11653       * @param bool        $full       [optional] <p>
11654       *                                <b>true</b>, replace full case folding chars (default)<br>
11655       *                                <b>false</b>, use only limited static array [UTF8::$COMMON_CASE_FOLD]
11656       *                                </p>
11657       * @param bool        $clean_utf8 [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
11658       * @param string      $encoding   [optional] <p>Set the charset.</p>
11659       * @param string|null $lang       [optional] <p>Set the language for special cases: az, el, lt, tr</p>
11660       * @param bool        $lower      [optional] <p>Use lowercase string, otherwise use uppercase string. PS: uppercase
11661       *                                is for some languages better ...</p>
11662       *
11663       * @psalm-pure
11664       *
11665       * @return string
11666       */
11667      public static function strtocasefold(
11668          string $str,
11669          bool $full = true,
11670          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
11671          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
11672          string $lang = null,
11673          bool $lower = true
11674      ): string {
11675          if ($str === '') {
11676              return '';
11677          }
11679          if ($clean_utf8) {
11680              // "mb_strpos()" and "iconv_strpos()" returns wrong position,
11681              // if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle
11682              $str = self::clean($str);
11683          }
11685          $str = self::fixStrCaseHelper($str, $lower, $full);
11687          if ($lang === null && $encoding === 'UTF-8') {
11688              if ($lower) {
11689                  return \mb_strtolower($str);
11690              }
11692              return \mb_strtoupper($str);
11693          }
11695          if ($lower) {
11696              return self::strtolower($str, $encoding, false, $lang);
11697          }
11699          return self::strtoupper($str, $encoding, false, $lang);
11700      }
11702      /**
11703       * Make a string lowercase.
11704       *
11705       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strtolower('DÉJÀ Σσς Iıİi'); // 'déjà σσς iıii'</code>
11706       *
11707       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.mb-strtolower.php
11708       *
11709       * @param string      $str                           <p>The string being lowercased.</p>
11710       * @param string      $encoding                      [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
11711       * @param bool        $clean_utf8                    [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
11712       * @param string|null $lang                          [optional] <p>Set the language for special cases: az, el, lt,
11713       *                                                   tr</p>
11714       * @param bool        $try_to_keep_the_string_length [optional] <p>true === try to keep the string length: e.g. ẞ
11715       *                                                   -> ß</p>
11716       *
11717       * @psalm-pure
11718       *
11719       * @return string
11720       *                <p>String with all alphabetic characters converted to lowercase.</p>
11721       */
11722      public static function strtolower(
11723          $str,
11724          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
11725          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
11726          string $lang = null,
11727          bool $try_to_keep_the_string_length = false
11728      ): string {
11729          // init
11730          $str = (string) $str;
11732          if ($str === '') {
11733              return '';
11734          }
11736          if ($clean_utf8) {
11737              // "mb_strpos()" and "iconv_strpos()" returns wrong position,
11738              // if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle
11739              $str = self::clean($str);
11740          }
11742          // hack for old php version or for the polyfill ...
11743          if ($try_to_keep_the_string_length) {
11744              $str = self::fixStrCaseHelper($str, true);
11745          }
11747          if ($lang === null && $encoding === 'UTF-8') {
11748              return \mb_strtolower($str);
11749          }
11751          $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
11753          if ($lang !== null) {
11754              if (self::$SUPPORT['intl'] === true) {
11755                  if (self::$INTL_TRANSLITERATOR_LIST === null) {
11756                      self::$INTL_TRANSLITERATOR_LIST = self::getData('transliterator_list');
11757                  }
11759                  $language_code = $lang . '-Lower';
11760                  if (!\in_array($language_code, self::$INTL_TRANSLITERATOR_LIST, true)) {
11761                      /**
11762                       * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
11763                       */
11764                      \trigger_error('UTF8::strtolower() cannot handle special language: ' . $lang . ' | supported: ' . \print_r(self::$INTL_TRANSLITERATOR_LIST, true), \E_USER_WARNING);
11766                      $language_code = 'Any-Lower';
11767                  }
11769                  /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
11770                  /** @noinspection UnnecessaryCastingInspection */
11771                  return (string) \transliterator_transliterate($language_code, $str);
11772              }
11774              /**
11775               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
11776               */
11777              \trigger_error('UTF8::strtolower() without intl cannot handle the "lang" parameter: ' . $lang, \E_USER_WARNING);
11778          }
11780          // always fallback via symfony polyfill
11781          return \mb_strtolower($str, $encoding);
11782      }
11784      /**
11785       * Make a string uppercase.
11786       *
11787       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strtoupper('Déjà Σσς Iıİi'); // 'DÉJÀ ΣΣΣ IIİI'</code>
11788       *
11789       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.mb-strtoupper.php
11790       *
11791       * @param string      $str                           <p>The string being uppercased.</p>
11792       * @param string      $encoding                      [optional] <p>Set the charset.</p>
11793       * @param bool        $clean_utf8                    [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
11794       * @param string|null $lang                          [optional] <p>Set the language for special cases: az, el, lt,
11795       *                                                   tr</p>
11796       * @param bool        $try_to_keep_the_string_length [optional] <p>true === try to keep the string length: e.g. ẞ
11797       *                                                   -> ß</p>
11798       *
11799       * @psalm-pure
11800       *
11801       * @return string
11802       *                <p>String with all alphabetic characters converted to uppercase.</p>
11803       */
11804      public static function strtoupper(
11805          $str,
11806          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
11807          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
11808          string $lang = null,
11809          bool $try_to_keep_the_string_length = false
11810      ): string {
11811          // init
11812          $str = (string) $str;
11814          if ($str === '') {
11815              return '';
11816          }
11818          if ($clean_utf8) {
11819              // "mb_strpos()" and "iconv_strpos()" returns wrong position,
11820              // if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle
11821              $str = self::clean($str);
11822          }
11824          // hack for old php version or for the polyfill ...
11825          if ($try_to_keep_the_string_length) {
11826              $str = self::fixStrCaseHelper($str);
11827          }
11829          if ($lang === null && $encoding === 'UTF-8') {
11830              return \mb_strtoupper($str);
11831          }
11833          $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
11835          if ($lang !== null) {
11836              if (self::$SUPPORT['intl'] === true) {
11837                  if (self::$INTL_TRANSLITERATOR_LIST === null) {
11838                      self::$INTL_TRANSLITERATOR_LIST = self::getData('transliterator_list');
11839                  }
11841                  $language_code = $lang . '-Upper';
11842                  if (!\in_array($language_code, self::$INTL_TRANSLITERATOR_LIST, true)) {
11843                      /**
11844                       * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
11845                       */
11846                      \trigger_error('UTF8::strtoupper() without intl for special language: ' . $lang, \E_USER_WARNING);
11848                      $language_code = 'Any-Upper';
11849                  }
11851                  /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
11852                  /** @noinspection UnnecessaryCastingInspection */
11853                  return (string) \transliterator_transliterate($language_code, $str);
11854              }
11856              /**
11857               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
11858               */
11859              \trigger_error('UTF8::strtolower() without intl cannot handle the "lang"-parameter: ' . $lang, \E_USER_WARNING);
11860          }
11862          // always fallback via symfony polyfill
11863          return \mb_strtoupper($str, $encoding);
11864      }
11866      /**
11867       * Translate characters or replace sub-strings.
11868       *
11869       * EXAMPLE:
11870       * <code>
11871       * $array = [
11872       *     'Hello'   => '○●◎',
11873       *     '中文空白' => 'earth',
11874       * ];
11875       * UTF8::strtr('Hello 中文空白', $array); // '○●◎ earth'
11876       * </code>
11877       *
11878       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.strtr.php
11879       *
11880       * @param string          $str  <p>The string being translated.</p>
11881       * @param string|string[] $from <p>The string replacing from.</p>
11882       * @param string|string[] $to   [optional] <p>The string being translated to to.</p>
11883       *
11884       * @psalm-pure
11885       *
11886       * @return string
11887       *                <p>This function returns a copy of str, translating all occurrences of each character in "from"
11888       *                to the corresponding character in "to".</p>
11889       */
11890      public static function strtr(string $str, $from, $to = ''): string
11891      {
11892          if ($str === '') {
11893              return '';
11894          }
11896          if ($from === $to) {
11897              return $str;
11898          }
11900          if ($to !== '') {
11901              if (!\is_array($from)) {
11902                  $from = self::str_split($from);
11903              }
11905              if (!\is_array($to)) {
11906                  $to = self::str_split($to);
11907              }
11909              $count_from = \count($from);
11910              $count_to = \count($to);
11912              if ($count_from !== $count_to) {
11913                  if ($count_from > $count_to) {
11914                      $from = \array_slice($from, 0, $count_to);
11915                  } elseif ($count_from < $count_to) {
11916                      $to = \array_slice($to, 0, $count_from);
11917                  }
11918              }
11920              $from = \array_combine($from, $to);
11921              /** @noinspection CallableParameterUseCaseInTypeContextInspection - FP */
11922              if ($from === false) {
11923                  throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The number of elements for each array isn\'t equal or the arrays are empty: (from: ' . \print_r($from, true) . ' | to: ' . \print_r($to, true) . ')');
11924              }
11925          }
11927          if (\is_string($from)) {
11928              return \str_replace($from, $to, $str);
11929          }
11931          return \strtr($str, $from);
11932      }
11934      /**
11935       * Return the width of a string.
11936       *
11937       * INFO: use UTF8::strlen() for the byte-length
11938       *
11939       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::strwidth("Iñtërnâtiôn\xE9àlizætiøn")); // 21</code>
11940       *
11941       * @param string $str        <p>The input string.</p>
11942       * @param string $encoding   [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
11943       * @param bool   $clean_utf8 [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
11944       *
11945       * @psalm-pure
11946       *
11947       * @return int
11948       */
11949      public static function strwidth(
11950          string $str,
11951          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
11952          bool $clean_utf8 = false
11953      ): int {
11954          if ($str === '') {
11955              return 0;
11956          }
11958          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
11959              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
11960          }
11962          if ($clean_utf8) {
11963              // iconv and mbstring are not tolerant to invalid encoding
11964              // further, their behaviour is inconsistent with that of PHP's substr
11965              $str = self::clean($str);
11966          }
11968          //
11969          // fallback via mbstring
11970          //
11972          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
11973              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
11974                  return \mb_strwidth($str);
11975              }
11977              return \mb_strwidth($str, $encoding);
11978          }
11980          //
11981          // fallback via vanilla php
11982          //
11984          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8') {
11985              $str = self::encode('UTF-8', $str, false, $encoding);
11986          }
11988          $wide = 0;
11989          $str = (string) \preg_replace('/[\x{1100}-\x{115F}\x{2329}\x{232A}\x{2E80}-\x{303E}\x{3040}-\x{A4CF}\x{AC00}-\x{D7A3}\x{F900}-\x{FAFF}\x{FE10}-\x{FE19}\x{FE30}-\x{FE6F}\x{FF00}-\x{FF60}\x{FFE0}-\x{FFE6}\x{20000}-\x{2FFFD}\x{30000}-\x{3FFFD}]/u', '', $str, -1, $wide);
11991          return ($wide << 1) + (int) self::strlen($str);
11992      }
11994      /**
11995       * Get part of a string.
11996       *
11997       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::substr('中文空白', 1, 2); // '文空'</code>
11998       *
11999       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.mb-substr.php
12000       *
12001       * @param string   $str        <p>The string being checked.</p>
12002       * @param int      $offset     <p>The first position used in str.</p>
12003       * @param int|null $length     [optional] <p>The maximum length of the returned string.</p>
12004       * @param string   $encoding   [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
12005       * @param bool     $clean_utf8 [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
12006       *
12007       * @psalm-pure
12008       *
12009       * @return false|string
12010       *                      The portion of <i>str</i> specified by the <i>offset</i> and
12011       *                      <i>length</i> parameters.</p><p>If <i>str</i> is shorter than <i>offset</i>
12012       *                      characters long, <b>FALSE</b> will be returned.
12013       */
12014      public static function substr(
12015          string $str,
12016          int $offset = 0,
12017          int $length = null,
12018          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
12019          bool $clean_utf8 = false
12020      ) {
12021          // empty string
12022          if ($str === '' || $length === 0) {
12023              return '';
12024          }
12026          if ($clean_utf8) {
12027              // iconv and mbstring are not tolerant to invalid encoding
12028              // further, their behaviour is inconsistent with that of PHP's substr
12029              $str = self::clean($str);
12030          }
12032          // whole string
12033          if (!$offset && $length === null) {
12034              return $str;
12035          }
12037          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
12038              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
12039          }
12041          //
12042          // fallback via mbstring
12043          //
12045          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true && $encoding === 'UTF-8') {
12046              if ($length === null) {
12047                  return \mb_substr($str, $offset);
12048              }
12050              return \mb_substr($str, $offset, $length);
12051          }
12053          //
12054          // fallback for binary || ascii only
12055          //
12057          if (
12058              $encoding === 'CP850'
12059              ||
12060              $encoding === 'ASCII'
12061          ) {
12062              if ($length === null) {
12063                  return \substr($str, $offset);
12064              }
12066              return \substr($str, $offset, $length);
12067          }
12069          // otherwise we need the string-length
12070          $str_length = 0;
12071          if ($offset || $length === null) {
12072              $str_length = self::strlen($str, $encoding);
12073          }
12075          // e.g.: invalid chars + mbstring not installed
12076          if ($str_length === false) {
12077              return false;
12078          }
12080          // empty string
12081          if ($offset === $str_length && !$length) {
12082              return '';
12083          }
12085          // impossible
12086          if ($offset && $offset > $str_length) {
12087              return '';
12088          }
12090          $length = $length ?? (int) $str_length;
12092          if (
12093              $encoding !== 'UTF-8'
12094              &&
12095              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false
12096          ) {
12097              /**
12098               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
12099               */
12100              \trigger_error('UTF8::substr() without mbstring cannot handle "' . $encoding . '" encoding', \E_USER_WARNING);
12101          }
12103          //
12104          // fallback via intl
12105          //
12107          if (
12108              $encoding === 'UTF-8' // INFO: "grapheme_substr()" can't handle other encodings
12109              &&
12110              $offset >= 0 // grapheme_substr() can't handle negative offset
12111              &&
12112              self::$SUPPORT['intl'] === true
12113          ) {
12114              $return_tmp = \grapheme_substr($str, $offset, $length);
12115              if ($return_tmp !== false) {
12116                  return $return_tmp;
12117              }
12118          }
12120          //
12121          // fallback via iconv
12122          //
12124          if (
12125              $length >= 0 // "iconv_substr()" can't handle negative length
12126              &&
12127              self::$SUPPORT['iconv'] === true
12128          ) {
12129              $return_tmp = \iconv_substr($str, $offset, $length);
12130              if ($return_tmp !== false) {
12131                  return $return_tmp;
12132              }
12133          }
12135          //
12136          // fallback for ascii only
12137          //
12139          if (ASCII::is_ascii($str)) {
12140              return \substr($str, $offset, $length);
12141          }
12143          //
12144          // fallback via vanilla php
12145          //
12147          // split to array, and remove invalid characters
12148          $array = self::str_split($str);
12150          // extract relevant part, and join to make sting again
12151          return \implode('', \array_slice($array, $offset, $length));
12152      }
12154      /**
12155       * Binary-safe comparison of two strings from an offset, up to a length of characters.
12156       *
12157       * EXAMPLE: <code>
12158       * UTF8::substr_compare("○●◎\r", '●◎', 0, 2); // -1
12159       * UTF8::substr_compare("○●◎\r", '◎●', 1, 2); // 1
12160       * UTF8::substr_compare("○●◎\r", '●◎', 1, 2); // 0
12161       * </code>
12162       *
12163       * @param string   $str1               <p>The main string being compared.</p>
12164       * @param string   $str2               <p>The secondary string being compared.</p>
12165       * @param int      $offset             [optional] <p>The start position for the comparison. If negative, it starts
12166       *                                     counting from the end of the string.</p>
12167       * @param int|null $length             [optional] <p>The length of the comparison. The default value is the largest
12168       *                                     of the length of the str compared to the length of main_str less the
12169       *                                     offset.</p>
12170       * @param bool     $case_insensitivity [optional] <p>If case_insensitivity is TRUE, comparison is case
12171       *                                     insensitive.</p>
12172       * @param string   $encoding           [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
12173       *
12174       * @psalm-pure
12175       *
12176       * @return int
12177       *             <strong>&lt; 0</strong> if str1 is less than str2;<br>
12178       *             <strong>&gt; 0</strong> if str1 is greater than str2,<br>
12179       *             <strong>0</strong> if they are equal
12180       */
12181      public static function substr_compare(
12182          string $str1,
12183          string $str2,
12184          int $offset = 0,
12185          int $length = null,
12186          bool $case_insensitivity = false,
12187          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
12188      ): int {
12189          if (
12190              $offset !== 0
12191              ||
12192              $length !== null
12193          ) {
12194              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
12195                  if ($length === null) {
12196                      $str1 = (string) \mb_substr($str1, $offset);
12197                  } else {
12198                      $str1 = (string) \mb_substr($str1, $offset, $length);
12199                  }
12200                  $str2 = (string) \mb_substr($str2, 0, (int) self::strlen($str1));
12201              } else {
12202                  $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
12204                  $str1 = (string) self::substr($str1, $offset, $length, $encoding);
12205                  $str2 = (string) self::substr($str2, 0, (int) self::strlen($str1), $encoding);
12206              }
12207          }
12209          if ($case_insensitivity) {
12210              return self::strcasecmp($str1, $str2, $encoding);
12211          }
12213          return self::strcmp($str1, $str2);
12214      }
12216      /**
12217       * Count the number of substring occurrences.
12218       *
12219       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::substr_count('中文空白', '文空', 1, 2); // 1</code>
12220       *
12221       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.substr-count.php
12222       *
12223       * @param string   $haystack   <p>The string to search in.</p>
12224       * @param string   $needle     <p>The substring to search for.</p>
12225       * @param int      $offset     [optional] <p>The offset where to start counting.</p>
12226       * @param int|null $length     [optional] <p>
12227       *                             The maximum length after the specified offset to search for the
12228       *                             substring. It outputs a warning if the offset plus the length is
12229       *                             greater than the haystack length.
12230       *                             </p>
12231       * @param string   $encoding   [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
12232       * @param bool     $clean_utf8 [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
12233       *
12234       * @psalm-pure
12235       *
12236       * @return false|int
12237       *                   <p>This functions returns an integer or false if there isn't a string.</p>
12238       */
12239      public static function substr_count(
12240          string $haystack,
12241          string $needle,
12242          int $offset = 0,
12243          int $length = null,
12244          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
12245          bool $clean_utf8 = false
12246      ) {
12247          if ($needle === '') {
12248              return false;
12249          }
12251          if ($haystack === '') {
12252              if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {
12253                  return 0;
12254              }
12256              return 0;
12257          }
12259          if ($length === 0) {
12260              return 0;
12261          }
12263          if ($encoding !== 'UTF-8' && $encoding !== 'CP850') {
12264              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
12265          }
12267          if ($clean_utf8) {
12268              // "mb_strpos()" and "iconv_strpos()" returns wrong position,
12269              // if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle
12270              $needle = self::clean($needle);
12271              $haystack = self::clean($haystack);
12272          }
12274          if ($offset || $length > 0) {
12275              if ($length === null) {
12276                  $length_tmp = self::strlen($haystack, $encoding);
12277                  if ($length_tmp === false) {
12278                      return false;
12279                  }
12280                  $length = (int) $length_tmp;
12281              }
12283              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
12284                  $haystack = (string) \mb_substr($haystack, $offset, $length);
12285              } else {
12286                  $haystack = (string) \mb_substr($haystack, $offset, $length, $encoding);
12287              }
12288          }
12290          if (
12291              $encoding !== 'UTF-8'
12292              &&
12293              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === false
12294          ) {
12295              /**
12296               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - is is only a warning
12297               */
12298              \trigger_error('UTF8::substr_count() without mbstring cannot handle "' . $encoding . '" encoding', \E_USER_WARNING);
12299          }
12301          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
12302              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
12303                  return \mb_substr_count($haystack, $needle);
12304              }
12306              return \mb_substr_count($haystack, $needle, $encoding);
12307          }
12309          \preg_match_all('/' . \preg_quote($needle, '/') . '/us', $haystack, $matches, \PREG_SET_ORDER);
12311          return \count($matches);
12312      }
12314      /**
12315       * Count the number of substring occurrences.
12316       *
12317       * @param string   $haystack <p>
12318       *                           The string being checked.
12319       *                           </p>
12320       * @param string   $needle   <p>
12321       *                           The string being found.
12322       *                           </p>
12323       * @param int      $offset   [optional] <p>
12324       *                           The offset where to start counting
12325       *                           </p>
12326       * @param int|null $length   [optional] <p>
12327       *                           The maximum length after the specified offset to search for the
12328       *                           substring. It outputs a warning if the offset plus the length is
12329       *                           greater than the haystack length.
12330       *                           </p>
12331       *
12332       * @psalm-pure
12333       *
12334       * @return false|int
12335       *                   <p>The number of times the
12336       *                   needle substring occurs in the
12337       *                   haystack string.</p>
12338       */
12339      public static function substr_count_in_byte(
12340          string $haystack,
12341          string $needle,
12342          int $offset = 0,
12343          int $length = null
12344      ) {
12345          if ($haystack === '' || $needle === '') {
12346              return 0;
12347          }
12349          if (
12350              ($offset || $length !== null)
12351              &&
12352              self::$SUPPORT['mbstring_func_overload'] === true
12353          ) {
12354              if ($length === null) {
12355                  $length_tmp = self::strlen($haystack);
12356                  if ($length_tmp === false) {
12357                      return false;
12358                  }
12359                  $length = (int) $length_tmp;
12360              }
12362              if (
12363                  (
12364                      $length !== 0
12365                      &&
12366                      $offset !== 0
12367                  )
12368                  &&
12369                  ($length + $offset) <= 0
12370                  &&
12371                  \PHP_VERSION_ID < 71000 // output from "substr_count()" have changed in PHP 7.1
12372              ) {
12373                  return false;
12374              }
12376              /** @var false|string $haystack_tmp - needed for PhpStan (stubs error) */
12377              $haystack_tmp = \substr($haystack, $offset, $length);
12378              if ($haystack_tmp === false) {
12379                  $haystack_tmp = '';
12380              }
12381              $haystack = (string) $haystack_tmp;
12382          }
12384          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring_func_overload'] === true) {
12385              // "mb_" is available if overload is used, so use it ...
12386              return \mb_substr_count($haystack, $needle, 'CP850'); // 8-BIT
12387          }
12389          if ($length === null) {
12390              return \substr_count($haystack, $needle, $offset);
12391          }
12393          return \substr_count($haystack, $needle, $offset, $length);
12394      }
12396      /**
12397       * Returns the number of occurrences of $substring in the given string.
12398       * By default, the comparison is case-sensitive, but can be made insensitive
12399       * by setting $case_sensitive to false.
12400       *
12401       * @param string $str            <p>The input string.</p>
12402       * @param string $substring      <p>The substring to search for.</p>
12403       * @param bool   $case_sensitive [optional] <p>Whether or not to enforce case-sensitivity. Default: true</p>
12404       * @param string $encoding       [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
12405       *
12406       * @psalm-pure
12407       *
12408       * @return int
12409       */
12410      public static function substr_count_simple(
12411          string $str,
12412          string $substring,
12413          bool $case_sensitive = true,
12414          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
12415      ): int {
12416          if ($str === '' || $substring === '') {
12417              return 0;
12418          }
12420          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
12421              if ($case_sensitive) {
12422                  return (int) \mb_substr_count($str, $substring);
12423              }
12425              return (int) \mb_substr_count(
12426                  \mb_strtoupper($str),
12427                  \mb_strtoupper($substring)
12428              );
12429          }
12431          $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
12433          if ($case_sensitive) {
12434              return (int) \mb_substr_count($str, $substring, $encoding);
12435          }
12437          return (int) \mb_substr_count(
12438              self::strtocasefold($str, true, false, $encoding, null, false),
12439              self::strtocasefold($substring, true, false, $encoding, null, false),
12440              $encoding
12441          );
12442      }
12444      /**
12445       * Removes a prefix ($needle) from the beginning of the string ($haystack), case-insensitive.
12446       *
12447       * EXMAPLE: <code>
12448       * UTF8::substr_ileft('ΚόσμεMiddleEnd', 'Κόσμε'); // 'MiddleEnd'
12449       * UTF8::substr_ileft('ΚόσμεMiddleEnd', 'κόσμε'); // 'MiddleEnd'
12450       * </code>
12451       *
12452       * @param string $haystack <p>The string to search in.</p>
12453       * @param string $needle   <p>The substring to search for.</p>
12454       *
12455       * @psalm-pure
12456       *
12457       * @return string
12458       *                <p>Return the sub-string.</p>
12459       */
12460      public static function substr_ileft(string $haystack, string $needle): string
12461      {
12462          if ($haystack === '') {
12463              return '';
12464          }
12466          if ($needle === '') {
12467              return $haystack;
12468          }
12470          if (self::str_istarts_with($haystack, $needle)) {
12471              $haystack = (string) \mb_substr($haystack, (int) self::strlen($needle));
12472          }
12474          return $haystack;
12475      }
12477      /**
12478       * Get part of a string process in bytes.
12479       *
12480       * @param string   $str    <p>The string being checked.</p>
12481       * @param int      $offset <p>The first position used in str.</p>
12482       * @param int|null $length [optional] <p>The maximum length of the returned string.</p>
12483       *
12484       * @psalm-pure
12485       *
12486       * @return false|string
12487       *                      The portion of <i>str</i> specified by the <i>offset</i> and
12488       *                      <i>length</i> parameters.</p><p>If <i>str</i> is shorter than <i>offset</i>
12489       *                      characters long, <b>FALSE</b> will be returned.
12490       */
12491      public static function substr_in_byte(string $str, int $offset = 0, int $length = null)
12492      {
12493          // empty string
12494          if ($str === '' || $length === 0) {
12495              return '';
12496          }
12498          // whole string
12499          if (!$offset && $length === null) {
12500              return $str;
12501          }
12503          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring_func_overload'] === true) {
12504              // "mb_" is available if overload is used, so use it ...
12505              return \mb_substr($str, $offset, $length, 'CP850'); // 8-BIT
12506          }
12508          return \substr($str, $offset, $length ?? 2147483647);
12509      }
12511      /**
12512       * Removes a suffix ($needle) from the end of the string ($haystack), case-insensitive.
12513       *
12514       * EXAMPLE: <code>
12515       * UTF8::substr_iright('BeginMiddleΚόσμε', 'Κόσμε'); // 'BeginMiddle'
12516       * UTF8::substr_iright('BeginMiddleΚόσμε', 'κόσμε'); // 'BeginMiddle'
12517       * </code>
12518       *
12519       * @param string $haystack <p>The string to search in.</p>
12520       * @param string $needle   <p>The substring to search for.</p>
12521       *
12522       * @psalm-pure
12523       *
12524       * @return string
12525       *                <p>Return the sub-string.<p>
12526       */
12527      public static function substr_iright(string $haystack, string $needle): string
12528      {
12529          if ($haystack === '') {
12530              return '';
12531          }
12533          if ($needle === '') {
12534              return $haystack;
12535          }
12537          if (self::str_iends_with($haystack, $needle)) {
12538              $haystack = (string) \mb_substr($haystack, 0, (int) self::strlen($haystack) - (int) self::strlen($needle));
12539          }
12541          return $haystack;
12542      }
12544      /**
12545       * Removes a prefix ($needle) from the beginning of the string ($haystack).
12546       *
12547       * EXAMPLE: <code>
12548       * UTF8::substr_left('ΚόσμεMiddleEnd', 'Κόσμε'); // 'MiddleEnd'
12549       * UTF8::substr_left('ΚόσμεMiddleEnd', 'κόσμε'); // 'ΚόσμεMiddleEnd'
12550       * </code>
12551       *
12552       * @param string $haystack <p>The string to search in.</p>
12553       * @param string $needle   <p>The substring to search for.</p>
12554       *
12555       * @psalm-pure
12556       *
12557       * @return string
12558       *                <p>Return the sub-string.</p>
12559       */
12560      public static function substr_left(string $haystack, string $needle): string
12561      {
12562          if ($haystack === '') {
12563              return '';
12564          }
12566          if ($needle === '') {
12567              return $haystack;
12568          }
12570          if (self::str_starts_with($haystack, $needle)) {
12571              $haystack = (string) \mb_substr($haystack, (int) self::strlen($needle));
12572          }
12574          return $haystack;
12575      }
12577      /**
12578       * Replace text within a portion of a string.
12579       *
12580       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::substr_replace(array('Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn', 'foo'), 'æ', 1); // array('Iæñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn', 'fæoo')</code>
12581       *
12582       * source: https://gist.github.com/stemar/8287074
12583       *
12584       * @param string|string[] $str         <p>The input string or an array of stings.</p>
12585       * @param string|string[] $replacement <p>The replacement string or an array of stings.</p>
12586       * @param int|int[]       $offset      <p>
12587       *                                     If start is positive, the replacing will begin at the start'th offset
12588       *                                     into string.
12589       *                                     <br><br>
12590       *                                     If start is negative, the replacing will begin at the start'th character
12591       *                                     from the end of string.
12592       *                                     </p>
12593       * @param int|int[]|null  $length      [optional] <p>If given and is positive, it represents the length of the
12594       *                                     portion of string which is to be replaced. If it is negative, it
12595       *                                     represents the number of characters from the end of string at which to
12596       *                                     stop replacing. If it is not given, then it will default to strlen(
12597       *                                     string ); i.e. end the replacing at the end of string. Of course, if
12598       *                                     length is zero then this function will have the effect of inserting
12599       *                                     replacement into string at the given start offset.</p>
12600       * @param string          $encoding    [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
12601       *
12602       * @psalm-pure
12603       *
12604       * @return string|string[]
12605       *                         <p>The result string is returned. If string is an array then array is returned.</p>
12606       */
12607      public static function substr_replace(
12608          $str,
12609          $replacement,
12610          $offset,
12611          $length = null,
12612          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
12613      ) {
12614          if (\is_array($str)) {
12615              $num = \count($str);
12617              // the replacement
12618              if (\is_array($replacement)) {
12619                  $replacement = \array_slice($replacement, 0, $num);
12620              } else {
12621                  $replacement = \array_pad([$replacement], $num, $replacement);
12622              }
12624              // the offset
12625              if (\is_array($offset)) {
12626                  $offset = \array_slice($offset, 0, $num);
12627                  foreach ($offset as &$value_tmp) {
12628                      $value_tmp = (int) $value_tmp === $value_tmp ? $value_tmp : 0;
12629                  }
12630                  unset($value_tmp);
12631              } else {
12632                  $offset = \array_pad([$offset], $num, $offset);
12633              }
12635              // the length
12636              if ($length === null) {
12637                  $length = \array_fill(0, $num, 0);
12638              } elseif (\is_array($length)) {
12639                  $length = \array_slice($length, 0, $num);
12640                  foreach ($length as &$value_tmp_V2) {
12641                      $value_tmp_V2 = (int) $value_tmp_V2 === $value_tmp_V2 ? $value_tmp_V2 : $num;
12642                  }
12643                  unset($value_tmp_V2);
12644              } else {
12645                  $length = \array_pad([$length], $num, $length);
12646              }
12648              // recursive call
12649              return \array_map([self::class, 'substr_replace'], $str, $replacement, $offset, $length);
12650          }
12652          if (\is_array($replacement)) {
12653              if ($replacement !== []) {
12654                  $replacement = $replacement[0];
12655              } else {
12656                  $replacement = '';
12657              }
12658          }
12660          // init
12661          $str = (string) $str;
12662          $replacement = (string) $replacement;
12664          if (\is_array($length)) {
12665              throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "$length" can only be an array, if "$str" is also an array.');
12666          }
12668          if (\is_array($offset)) {
12669              throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Parameter "$offset" can only be an array, if "$str" is also an array.');
12670          }
12672          if ($str === '') {
12673              return $replacement;
12674          }
12676          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
12677              $string_length = (int) self::strlen($str, $encoding);
12679              if ($offset < 0) {
12680                  $offset = (int) \max(0, $string_length + $offset);
12681              } elseif ($offset > $string_length) {
12682                  $offset = $string_length;
12683              }
12685              if ($length !== null && $length < 0) {
12686                  $length = (int) \max(0, $string_length - $offset + $length);
12687              } elseif ($length === null || $length > $string_length) {
12688                  $length = $string_length;
12689              }
12691              /** @noinspection AdditionOperationOnArraysInspection */
12692              if (($offset + $length) > $string_length) {
12693                  $length = $string_length - $offset;
12694              }
12696              /** @noinspection AdditionOperationOnArraysInspection */
12697              return ((string) \mb_substr($str, 0, $offset, $encoding)) .
12698                     $replacement .
12699                     ((string) \mb_substr($str, $offset + $length, $string_length - $offset - $length, $encoding));
12700          }
12702          //
12703          // fallback for ascii only
12704          //
12706          if (ASCII::is_ascii($str)) {
12707              return ($length === null) ?
12708                  \substr_replace($str, $replacement, $offset) :
12709                  \substr_replace($str, $replacement, $offset, $length);
12710          }
12712          //
12713          // fallback via vanilla php
12714          //
12716          \preg_match_all('/./us', $str, $str_matches);
12717          \preg_match_all('/./us', $replacement, $replacement_matches);
12719          if ($length === null) {
12720              $length_tmp = self::strlen($str, $encoding);
12721              if ($length_tmp === false) {
12722                  // e.g.: non mbstring support + invalid chars
12723                  return '';
12724              }
12725              $length = (int) $length_tmp;
12726          }
12728          \array_splice($str_matches[0], $offset, $length, $replacement_matches[0]);
12730          return \implode('', $str_matches[0]);
12731      }
12733      /**
12734       * Removes a suffix ($needle) from the end of the string ($haystack).
12735       *
12736       * EXAMPLE: <code>
12737       * UTF8::substr_right('BeginMiddleΚόσμε', 'Κόσμε'); // 'BeginMiddle'
12738       * UTF8::substr_right('BeginMiddleΚόσμε', 'κόσμε'); // 'BeginMiddleΚόσμε'
12739       * </code>
12740       *
12741       * @param string $haystack <p>The string to search in.</p>
12742       * @param string $needle   <p>The substring to search for.</p>
12743       * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
12744       *
12745       * @psalm-pure
12746       *
12747       * @return string
12748       *                <p>Return the sub-string.</p>
12749       */
12750      public static function substr_right(
12751          string $haystack,
12752          string $needle,
12753          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
12754      ): string {
12755          if ($haystack === '') {
12756              return '';
12757          }
12759          if ($needle === '') {
12760              return $haystack;
12761          }
12763          if (
12764              $encoding === 'UTF-8'
12765              &&
12766              \substr($haystack, -\strlen($needle)) === $needle
12767          ) {
12768              return (string) \mb_substr($haystack, 0, (int) \mb_strlen($haystack) - (int) \mb_strlen($needle));
12769          }
12771          if (\substr($haystack, -\strlen($needle)) === $needle) {
12772              return (string) self::substr(
12773                  $haystack,
12774                  0,
12775                  (int) self::strlen($haystack, $encoding) - (int) self::strlen($needle, $encoding),
12776                  $encoding
12777              );
12778          }
12780          return $haystack;
12781      }
12783      /**
12784       * Returns a case swapped version of the string.
12785       *
12786       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::swapCase('déJÀ σσς iıII'); // 'DÉjà ΣΣΣ IIii'</code>
12787       *
12788       * @param string $str        <p>The input string.</p>
12789       * @param string $encoding   [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
12790       * @param bool   $clean_utf8 [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
12791       *
12792       * @psalm-pure
12793       *
12794       * @return string
12795       *                <p>Each character's case swapped.</p>
12796       */
12797      public static function swapCase(string $str, string $encoding = 'UTF-8', bool $clean_utf8 = false): string
12798      {
12799          if ($str === '') {
12800              return '';
12801          }
12803          if ($clean_utf8) {
12804              // "mb_strpos()" and "iconv_strpos()" returns wrong position,
12805              // if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle
12806              $str = self::clean($str);
12807          }
12809          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
12810              return (string) (\mb_strtolower($str) ^ \mb_strtoupper($str) ^ $str);
12811          }
12813          return (string) (self::strtolower($str, $encoding) ^ self::strtoupper($str, $encoding) ^ $str);
12814      }
12816      /**
12817       * Checks whether symfony-polyfills are used.
12818       *
12819       * @psalm-pure
12820       *
12821       * @return bool
12822       *              <p><strong>true</strong> if in use, <strong>false</strong> otherwise</p>
12823       *
12824       * @internal <p>Please do not use it anymore, we will make is private in next major version.</p>
12825       */
12826      public static function symfony_polyfill_used(): bool
12827      {
12828          // init
12829          $return = false;
12831          $return_tmp = \extension_loaded('mbstring');
12832          if (!$return_tmp && \function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
12833              $return = true;
12834          }
12836          $return_tmp = \extension_loaded('iconv');
12837          if (!$return_tmp && \function_exists('iconv')) {
12838              $return = true;
12839          }
12841          return $return;
12842      }
12844      /**
12845       * @param string $str
12846       * @param int    $tab_length
12847       *
12848       * @psalm-pure
12849       *
12850       * @return string
12851       */
12852      public static function tabs_to_spaces(string $str, int $tab_length = 4): string
12853      {
12854          if ($tab_length === 4) {
12855              $spaces = '    ';
12856          } elseif ($tab_length === 2) {
12857              $spaces = '  ';
12858          } else {
12859              $spaces = \str_repeat(' ', $tab_length);
12860          }
12862          return \str_replace("\t", $spaces, $str);
12863      }
12865      /**
12866       * Converts the first character of each word in the string to uppercase
12867       * and all other chars to lowercase.
12868       *
12869       * @param string      $str                           <p>The input string.</p>
12870       * @param string      $encoding                      [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
12871       * @param bool        $clean_utf8                    [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
12872       * @param string|null $lang                          [optional] <p>Set the language for special cases: az, el, lt,
12873       *                                                   tr</p>
12874       * @param bool        $try_to_keep_the_string_length [optional] <p>true === try to keep the string length: e.g. ẞ
12875       *                                                   -> ß</p>
12876       *
12877       * @psalm-pure
12878       *
12879       * @return string
12880       *                <p>A string with all characters of $str being title-cased.</p>
12881       */
12882      public static function titlecase(
12883          string $str,
12884          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
12885          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
12886          string $lang = null,
12887          bool $try_to_keep_the_string_length = false
12888      ): string {
12889          if ($clean_utf8) {
12890              // "mb_strpos()" and "iconv_strpos()" returns wrong position,
12891              // if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle
12892              $str = self::clean($str);
12893          }
12895          if (
12896              $lang === null
12897              &&
12898              !$try_to_keep_the_string_length
12899          ) {
12900              if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
12901                  return \mb_convert_case($str, \MB_CASE_TITLE);
12902              }
12904              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
12906              return \mb_convert_case($str, \MB_CASE_TITLE, $encoding);
12907          }
12909          return self::str_titleize(
12910              $str,
12911              null,
12912              $encoding,
12913              false,
12914              $lang,
12915              $try_to_keep_the_string_length,
12916              false
12917          );
12918      }
12920      /**
12921       * alias for "UTF8::to_ascii()"
12922       *
12923       * @param string $str
12924       * @param string $subst_chr
12925       * @param bool   $strict
12926       *
12927       * @psalm-pure
12928       *
12929       * @return string
12930       *
12931       * @see        UTF8::to_ascii()
12932       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::to_ascii()"</p>
12933       */
12934      public static function toAscii(
12935          string $str,
12936          string $subst_chr = '?',
12937          bool $strict = false
12938      ): string {
12939          return self::to_ascii($str, $subst_chr, $strict);
12940      }
12942      /**
12943       * alias for "UTF8::to_iso8859()"
12944       *
12945       * @param string|string[] $str
12946       *
12947       * @psalm-pure
12948       *
12949       * @return string|string[]
12950       *
12951       * @see        UTF8::to_iso8859()
12952       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::to_iso8859()"</p>
12953       */
12954      public static function toIso8859($str)
12955      {
12956          return self::to_iso8859($str);
12957      }
12959      /**
12960       * alias for "UTF8::to_latin1()"
12961       *
12962       * @param string|string[] $str
12963       *
12964       * @psalm-pure
12965       *
12966       * @return string|string[]
12967       *
12968       * @see        UTF8::to_iso8859()
12969       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::to_iso8859()"</p>
12970       */
12971      public static function toLatin1($str)
12972      {
12973          return self::to_iso8859($str);
12974      }
12976      /**
12977       * alias for "UTF8::to_utf8()"
12978       *
12979       * @param string|string[] $str
12980       *
12981       * @psalm-pure
12982       *
12983       * @return string|string[]
12984       *
12985       * @see        UTF8::to_utf8()
12986       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::to_utf8()"</p>
12987       */
12988      public static function toUTF8($str)
12989      {
12990          return self::to_utf8($str);
12991      }
12993      /**
12994       * Convert a string into ASCII.
12995       *
12996       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::to_ascii('déjà σσς iıii'); // 'deja sss iiii'</code>
12997       *
12998       * @param string $str     <p>The input string.</p>
12999       * @param string $unknown [optional] <p>Character use if character unknown. (default is ?)</p>
13000       * @param bool   $strict  [optional] <p>Use "transliterator_transliterate()" from PHP-Intl | WARNING: bad
13001       *                        performance</p>
13002       *
13003       * @psalm-pure
13004       *
13005       * @return string
13006       */
13007      public static function to_ascii(
13008          string $str,
13009          string $unknown = '?',
13010          bool $strict = false
13011      ): string {
13012          return ASCII::to_transliterate($str, $unknown, $strict);
13013      }
13015      /**
13016       * @param bool|int|float|string $str
13017       *
13018       * @psalm-pure
13019       *
13020       * @return bool
13021       */
13022      public static function to_boolean($str): bool
13023      {
13024          // init
13025          $str = (string) $str;
13027          if ($str === '') {
13028              return false;
13029          }
13031          // Info: http://php.net/manual/en/filter.filters.validate.php
13032          $map = [
13033              'true'  => true,
13034              '1'     => true,
13035              'on'    => true,
13036              'yes'   => true,
13037              'false' => false,
13038              '0'     => false,
13039              'off'   => false,
13040              'no'    => false,
13041          ];
13043          if (isset($map[$str])) {
13044              return $map[$str];
13045          }
13047          $key = \strtolower($str);
13048          if (isset($map[$key])) {
13049              return $map[$key];
13050          }
13052          if (\is_numeric($str)) {
13053              return ((float) $str + 0) > 0;
13054          }
13056          return (bool) \trim($str);
13057      }
13059      /**
13060       * Convert given string to safe filename (and keep string case).
13061       *
13062       * @param string $str
13063       * @param bool   $use_transliterate No transliteration, conversion etc. is done by default - unsafe characters are
13064       *                                  simply replaced with hyphen.
13065       * @param string $fallback_char
13066       *
13067       * @psalm-pure
13068       *
13069       * @return string
13070       */
13071      public static function to_filename(
13072          string $str,
13073          bool $use_transliterate = false,
13074          string $fallback_char = '-'
13075      ): string {
13076          return ASCII::to_filename(
13077              $str,
13078              $use_transliterate,
13079              $fallback_char
13080          );
13081      }
13083      /**
13084       * Convert a string into "ISO-8859"-encoding (Latin-1).
13085       *
13086       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::to_utf8(UTF8::to_iso8859('  -ABC-中文空白-  ')); // '  -ABC-????-  '</code>
13087       *
13088       * @param string|string[] $str
13089       *
13090       * @psalm-pure
13091       *
13092       * @return string|string[]
13093       */
13094      public static function to_iso8859($str)
13095      {
13096          if (\is_array($str)) {
13097              foreach ($str as $k => &$v) {
13098                  $v = self::to_iso8859($v);
13099              }
13101              return $str;
13102          }
13104          $str = (string) $str;
13105          if ($str === '') {
13106              return '';
13107          }
13109          return self::utf8_decode($str);
13110      }
13112      /**
13113       * alias for "UTF8::to_iso8859()"
13114       *
13115       * @param string|string[] $str
13116       *
13117       * @psalm-pure
13118       *
13119       * @return string|string[]
13120       *
13121       * @see        UTF8::to_iso8859()
13122       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::to_iso8859()"</p>
13123       */
13124      public static function to_latin1($str)
13125      {
13126          return self::to_iso8859($str);
13127      }
13129      /**
13130       * This function leaves UTF-8 characters alone, while converting almost all non-UTF8 to UTF8.
13131       *
13132       * <ul>
13133       * <li>It decode UTF-8 codepoints and Unicode escape sequences.</li>
13134       * <li>It assumes that the encoding of the original string is either WINDOWS-1252 or ISO-8859.</li>
13135       * <li>WARNING: It does not remove invalid UTF-8 characters, so you maybe need to use "UTF8::clean()" for this
13136       * case.</li>
13137       * </ul>
13138       *
13139       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::to_utf8(["\u0063\u0061\u0074"]); // array('cat')</code>
13140       *
13141       * @param string|string[] $str                        <p>Any string or array of strings.</p>
13142       * @param bool            $decode_html_entity_to_utf8 <p>Set to true, if you need to decode html-entities.</p>
13143       *
13144       * @psalm-pure
13145       *
13146       * @return string|string[]
13147       *                         <p>The UTF-8 encoded string</p>
13148       *
13149       * @template TToUtf8
13150       * @phpstan-param TToUtf8 $str
13151       * @phpstan-return TToUtf8
13152       *
13153       * @noinspection SuspiciousBinaryOperationInspection
13154       */
13155      public static function to_utf8($str, bool $decode_html_entity_to_utf8 = false)
13156      {
13157          if (\is_array($str)) {
13158              foreach ($str as $k => &$v) {
13159                  $v = self::to_utf8_string($v, $decode_html_entity_to_utf8);
13160              }
13162              return $str;
13163          }
13165          /** @phpstan-var TToUtf8 $str */
13166          $str = self::to_utf8_string($str, $decode_html_entity_to_utf8);
13168          return $str;
13169      }
13171      /**
13172       * This function leaves UTF-8 characters alone, while converting almost all non-UTF8 to UTF8.
13173       *
13174       * <ul>
13175       * <li>It decode UTF-8 codepoints and Unicode escape sequences.</li>
13176       * <li>It assumes that the encoding of the original string is either WINDOWS-1252 or ISO-8859.</li>
13177       * <li>WARNING: It does not remove invalid UTF-8 characters, so you maybe need to use "UTF8::clean()" for this
13178       * case.</li>
13179       * </ul>
13180       *
13181       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::to_utf8_string("\u0063\u0061\u0074"); // 'cat'</code>
13182       *
13183       * @param string $str                        <p>Any string.</p>
13184       * @param bool   $decode_html_entity_to_utf8 <p>Set to true, if you need to decode html-entities.</p>
13185       *
13186       * @psalm-pure
13187       *
13188       * @return string
13189       *                <p>The UTF-8 encoded string</p>
13190       *
13191       * @noinspection SuspiciousBinaryOperationInspection
13192       */
13193      public static function to_utf8_string(string $str, bool $decode_html_entity_to_utf8 = false): string
13194      {
13195          if ($str === '') {
13196              return $str;
13197          }
13199          $max = \strlen($str);
13200          $buf = '';
13202          for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
13203              $c1 = $str[$i];
13205              if ($c1 >= "\xC0") { // should be converted to UTF8, if it's not UTF8 already
13207                  if ($c1 <= "\xDF") { // looks like 2 bytes UTF8
13209                      $c2 = $i + 1 >= $max ? "\x00" : $str[$i + 1];
13211                      if ($c2 >= "\x80" && $c2 <= "\xBF") { // yeah, almost sure it's UTF8 already
13212                          $buf .= $c1 . $c2;
13213                          ++$i;
13214                      } else { // not valid UTF8 - convert it
13215                          $buf .= self::to_utf8_convert_helper($c1);
13216                      }
13217                  } elseif ($c1 >= "\xE0" && $c1 <= "\xEF") { // looks like 3 bytes UTF8
13219                      $c2 = $i + 1 >= $max ? "\x00" : $str[$i + 1];
13220                      $c3 = $i + 2 >= $max ? "\x00" : $str[$i + 2];
13222                      if ($c2 >= "\x80" && $c2 <= "\xBF" && $c3 >= "\x80" && $c3 <= "\xBF") { // yeah, almost sure it's UTF8 already
13223                          $buf .= $c1 . $c2 . $c3;
13224                          $i += 2;
13225                      } else { // not valid UTF8 - convert it
13226                          $buf .= self::to_utf8_convert_helper($c1);
13227                      }
13228                  } elseif ($c1 >= "\xF0" && $c1 <= "\xF7") { // looks like 4 bytes UTF8
13230                      $c2 = $i + 1 >= $max ? "\x00" : $str[$i + 1];
13231                      $c3 = $i + 2 >= $max ? "\x00" : $str[$i + 2];
13232                      $c4 = $i + 3 >= $max ? "\x00" : $str[$i + 3];
13234                      if ($c2 >= "\x80" && $c2 <= "\xBF" && $c3 >= "\x80" && $c3 <= "\xBF" && $c4 >= "\x80" && $c4 <= "\xBF") { // yeah, almost sure it's UTF8 already
13235                          $buf .= $c1 . $c2 . $c3 . $c4;
13236                          $i += 3;
13237                      } else { // not valid UTF8 - convert it
13238                          $buf .= self::to_utf8_convert_helper($c1);
13239                      }
13240                  } else { // doesn't look like UTF8, but should be converted
13242                      $buf .= self::to_utf8_convert_helper($c1);
13243                  }
13244              } elseif (($c1 & "\xC0") === "\x80") { // needs conversion
13246                  $buf .= self::to_utf8_convert_helper($c1);
13247              } else { // it doesn't need conversion
13249                  $buf .= $c1;
13250              }
13251          }
13253          // decode unicode escape sequences + unicode surrogate pairs
13254          $buf = \preg_replace_callback(
13255              '/\\\\u([dD][89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{2})\\\\u([dD][cdefCDEF][\da-fA-F]{2})|\\\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/',
13256              /**
13257               * @param array $matches
13258               *
13259               * @psalm-pure
13260               *
13261               * @return string
13262               */
13263              static function (array $matches): string {
13264                  if (isset($matches[3])) {
13265                      $cp = (int) \hexdec($matches[3]);
13266                  } else {
13267                      // http://unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#utf16-4
13268                      $cp = ((int) \hexdec($matches[1]) << 10)
13269                            + (int) \hexdec($matches[2])
13270                            + 0x10000
13271                            - (0xD800 << 10)
13272                            - 0xDC00;
13273                  }
13275                  // https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/php-7.3.2/ext/standard/html.c#L471
13276                  //
13277                  // php_utf32_utf8(unsigned char *buf, unsigned k)
13279                  if ($cp < 0x80) {
13280                      return (string) self::chr($cp);
13281                  }
13283                  if ($cp < 0xA0) {
13284                      /** @noinspection UnnecessaryCastingInspection */
13285                      return (string) self::chr(0xC0 | $cp >> 6) . (string) self::chr(0x80 | $cp & 0x3F);
13286                  }
13288                  return self::decimal_to_chr($cp);
13289              },
13290              $buf
13291          );
13293          if ($buf === null) {
13294              return '';
13295          }
13297          // decode UTF-8 codepoints
13298          if ($decode_html_entity_to_utf8) {
13299              $buf = self::html_entity_decode($buf);
13300          }
13302          return $buf;
13303      }
13305      /**
13306       * Returns the given string as an integer, or null if the string isn't numeric.
13307       *
13308       * @param string $str
13309       *
13310       * @psalm-pure
13311       *
13312       * @return int|null
13313       *                  <p>null if the string isn't numeric</p>
13314       */
13315      public static function to_int(string $str)
13316      {
13317          if (\is_numeric($str)) {
13318              return (int) $str;
13319          }
13321          return null;
13322      }
13324      /**
13325       * Returns the given input as string, or null if the input isn't int|float|string
13326       * and do not implement the "__toString()" method.
13327       *
13328       * @param float|int|object|string|null $input
13329       *
13330       * @psalm-pure
13331       *
13332       * @return string|null
13333       *                     <p>null if the input isn't int|float|string and has no "__toString()" method</p>
13334       */
13335      public static function to_string($input)
13336      {
13337          if ($input === null) {
13338              return null;
13339          }
13341          /** @var string $input_type - hack for psalm */
13342          $input_type = \gettype($input);
13344          if (
13345              $input_type === 'string'
13346              ||
13347              $input_type === 'integer'
13348              ||
13349              $input_type === 'float'
13350              ||
13351              $input_type === 'double'
13352          ) {
13353              return (string) $input;
13354          }
13356          if ($input_type === 'object') {
13357              /** @noinspection PhpSillyAssignmentInspection */
13358              /** @var object $input - hack for psalm / phpstan */
13359              $input = $input;
13360              /** @noinspection NestedPositiveIfStatementsInspection */
13361              /** @noinspection MissingOrEmptyGroupStatementInspection */
13362              if (\method_exists($input, '__toString')) {
13363                  return (string) $input;
13364              }
13365          }
13367          return null;
13368      }
13370      /**
13371       * Strip whitespace or other characters from the beginning and end of a UTF-8 string.
13372       *
13373       * INFO: This is slower then "trim()"
13374       *
13375       * We can only use the original-function, if we use <= 7-Bit in the string / chars
13376       * but the check for ASCII (7-Bit) cost more time, then we can safe here.
13377       *
13378       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::trim('   -ABC-中文空白-  '); // '-ABC-中文空白-'</code>
13379       *
13380       * @param string      $str   <p>The string to be trimmed</p>
13381       * @param string|null $chars [optional] <p>Optional characters to be stripped</p>
13382       *
13383       * @psalm-pure
13384       *
13385       * @return string
13386       *                <p>The trimmed string.</p>
13387       */
13388      public static function trim(string $str = '', string $chars = null): string
13389      {
13390          if ($str === '') {
13391              return '';
13392          }
13394          if (self::$SUPPORT['mbstring'] === true) {
13395              if ($chars !== null) {
13396                  /** @noinspection PregQuoteUsageInspection */
13397                  $chars = \preg_quote($chars);
13398                  $pattern = "^[$chars}]+|[$chars}]+\$";
13399              } else {
13400                  $pattern = '^[\\s]+|[\\s]+$';
13401              }
13403              /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
13404              return (string) \mb_ereg_replace($pattern, '', $str);
13405          }
13407          if ($chars !== null) {
13408              $chars = \preg_quote($chars, '/');
13409              $pattern = "^[$chars}]+|[$chars}]+\$";
13410          } else {
13411              $pattern = '^[\\s]+|[\\s]+$';
13412          }
13414          return self::regex_replace($str, $pattern, '');
13415      }
13417      /**
13418       * Makes string's first char uppercase.
13419       *
13420       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::ucfirst('ñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn foo'); // 'Ñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn foo'</code>
13421       *
13422       * @param string      $str                           <p>The input string.</p>
13423       * @param string      $encoding                      [optional] <p>Set the charset for e.g. "mb_" function</p>
13424       * @param bool        $clean_utf8                    [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
13425       * @param string|null $lang                          [optional] <p>Set the language for special cases: az, el, lt,
13426       *                                                   tr</p>
13427       * @param bool        $try_to_keep_the_string_length [optional] <p>true === try to keep the string length: e.g. ẞ
13428       *                                                   -> ß</p>
13429       *
13430       * @psalm-pure
13431       *
13432       * @return string
13433       *                <p>The resulting string with with char uppercase.</p>
13434       */
13435      public static function ucfirst(
13436          string $str,
13437          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
13438          bool $clean_utf8 = false,
13439          string $lang = null,
13440          bool $try_to_keep_the_string_length = false
13441      ): string {
13442          if ($str === '') {
13443              return '';
13444          }
13446          if ($clean_utf8) {
13447              // "mb_strpos()" and "iconv_strpos()" returns wrong position,
13448              // if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle
13449              $str = self::clean($str);
13450          }
13452          $use_mb_functions = $lang === null && !$try_to_keep_the_string_length;
13454          if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
13455              $str_part_two = (string) \mb_substr($str, 1);
13457              if ($use_mb_functions) {
13458                  $str_part_one = \mb_strtoupper(
13459                      (string) \mb_substr($str, 0, 1)
13460                  );
13461              } else {
13462                  $str_part_one = self::strtoupper(
13463                      (string) \mb_substr($str, 0, 1),
13464                      $encoding,
13465                      false,
13466                      $lang,
13467                      $try_to_keep_the_string_length
13468                  );
13469              }
13470          } else {
13471              $encoding = self::normalize_encoding($encoding, 'UTF-8');
13473              $str_part_two = (string) self::substr($str, 1, null, $encoding);
13475              if ($use_mb_functions) {
13476                  $str_part_one = \mb_strtoupper(
13477                      (string) \mb_substr($str, 0, 1, $encoding),
13478                      $encoding
13479                  );
13480              } else {
13481                  $str_part_one = self::strtoupper(
13482                      (string) self::substr($str, 0, 1, $encoding),
13483                      $encoding,
13484                      false,
13485                      $lang,
13486                      $try_to_keep_the_string_length
13487                  );
13488              }
13489          }
13491          return $str_part_one . $str_part_two;
13492      }
13494      /**
13495       * alias for "UTF8::ucfirst()"
13496       *
13497       * @param string $str
13498       * @param string $encoding
13499       * @param bool   $clean_utf8
13500       *
13501       * @psalm-pure
13502       *
13503       * @return string
13504       *
13505       * @see        UTF8::ucfirst()
13506       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::ucfirst()"</p>
13507       */
13508      public static function ucword(
13509          string $str,
13510          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
13511          bool $clean_utf8 = false
13512      ): string {
13513          return self::ucfirst($str, $encoding, $clean_utf8);
13514      }
13516      /**
13517       * Uppercase for all words in the string.
13518       *
13519       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::ucwords('iñt ërn âTi ônà liz æti øn'); // 'Iñt Ërn ÂTi Ônà Liz Æti Øn'</code>
13520       *
13521       * @param string   $str        <p>The input string.</p>
13522       * @param string[] $exceptions [optional] <p>Exclusion for some words.</p>
13523       * @param string   $char_list  [optional] <p>Additional chars that contains to words and do not start a new
13524       *                             word.</p>
13525       * @param string   $encoding   [optional] <p>Set the charset.</p>
13526       * @param bool     $clean_utf8 [optional] <p>Remove non UTF-8 chars from the string.</p>
13527       *
13528       * @psalm-pure
13529       *
13530       * @return string
13531       */
13532      public static function ucwords(
13533          string $str,
13534          array $exceptions = [],
13535          string $char_list = '',
13536          string $encoding = 'UTF-8',
13537          bool $clean_utf8 = false
13538      ): string {
13539          if (!$str) {
13540              return '';
13541          }
13543          // INFO: mb_convert_case($str, MB_CASE_TITLE);
13544          // -> MB_CASE_TITLE didn't only uppercase the first letter, it also lowercase all other letters
13546          if ($clean_utf8) {
13547              // "mb_strpos()" and "iconv_strpos()" returns wrong position,
13548              // if invalid characters are found in $haystack before $needle
13549              $str = self::clean($str);
13550          }
13552          $use_php_default_functions = !(bool) ($char_list . \implode('', $exceptions));
13554          if (
13555              $use_php_default_functions
13556              &&
13557              ASCII::is_ascii($str)
13558          ) {
13559              return \ucwords($str);
13560          }
13562          $words = self::str_to_words($str, $char_list);
13563          $use_exceptions = $exceptions !== [];
13565          $words_str = '';
13566          foreach ($words as &$word) {
13567              if (!$word) {
13568                  continue;
13569              }
13571              if (
13572                  !$use_exceptions
13573                  ||
13574                  !\in_array($word, $exceptions, true)
13575              ) {
13576                  $words_str .= self::ucfirst($word, $encoding);
13577              } else {
13578                  $words_str .= $word;
13579              }
13580          }
13582          return $words_str;
13583      }
13585      /**
13586       * Multi decode HTML entity + fix urlencoded-win1252-chars.
13587       *
13588       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::urldecode('tes%20öäü%20\u00edtest+test'); // 'tes öäü ítest test'</code>
13589       *
13590       * e.g:
13591       * 'test+test'                     => 'test test'
13592       * 'D&#252;sseldorf'               => 'Düsseldorf'
13593       * 'D%FCsseldorf'                  => 'Düsseldorf'
13594       * 'D&#xFC;sseldorf'               => 'Düsseldorf'
13595       * 'D%26%23xFC%3Bsseldorf'         => 'Düsseldorf'
13596       * 'Düsseldorf'                   => 'Düsseldorf'
13597       * 'D%C3%BCsseldorf'               => 'Düsseldorf'
13598       * 'D%C3%83%C2%BCsseldorf'         => 'Düsseldorf'
13599       * 'D%25C3%2583%25C2%25BCsseldorf' => 'Düsseldorf'
13600       *
13601       * @param string $str          <p>The input string.</p>
13602       * @param bool   $multi_decode <p>Decode as often as possible.</p>
13603       *
13604       * @psalm-pure
13605       *
13606       * @return string
13607       */
13608      public static function urldecode(string $str, bool $multi_decode = true): string
13609      {
13610          if ($str === '') {
13611              return '';
13612          }
13614          $str = self::urldecode_unicode_helper($str);
13616          if ($multi_decode) {
13617              do {
13618                  $str_compare = $str;
13620                  /**
13621                   * @psalm-suppress PossiblyInvalidArgument
13622                   */
13623                  $str = \urldecode(
13624                      self::html_entity_decode(
13625                          self::to_utf8($str),
13626                          \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_HTML5
13627                      )
13628                  );
13629              } while ($str_compare !== $str);
13630          } else {
13631              /**
13632               * @psalm-suppress PossiblyInvalidArgument
13633               */
13634              $str = \urldecode(
13635                  self::html_entity_decode(
13636                      self::to_utf8($str),
13637                      \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_HTML5
13638                  )
13639              );
13640          }
13642          return self::fix_simple_utf8($str);
13643      }
13645      /**
13646       * Return a array with "urlencoded"-win1252 -> UTF-8
13647       *
13648       * @psalm-pure
13649       *
13650       * @return string[]
13651       *
13652       * @deprecated <p>please use the "UTF8::urldecode()" function to decode a string</p>
13653       */
13654      public static function urldecode_fix_win1252_chars(): array
13655      {
13656          return [
13657              '%20' => ' ',
13658              '%21' => '!',
13659              '%22' => '"',
13660              '%23' => '#',
13661              '%24' => '$',
13662              '%25' => '%',
13663              '%26' => '&',
13664              '%27' => "'",
13665              '%28' => '(',
13666              '%29' => ')',
13667              '%2A' => '*',
13668              '%2B' => '+',
13669              '%2C' => ',',
13670              '%2D' => '-',
13671              '%2E' => '.',
13672              '%2F' => '/',
13673              '%30' => '0',
13674              '%31' => '1',
13675              '%32' => '2',
13676              '%33' => '3',
13677              '%34' => '4',
13678              '%35' => '5',
13679              '%36' => '6',
13680              '%37' => '7',
13681              '%38' => '8',
13682              '%39' => '9',
13683              '%3A' => ':',
13684              '%3B' => ';',
13685              '%3C' => '<',
13686              '%3D' => '=',
13687              '%3E' => '>',
13688              '%3F' => '?',
13689              '%40' => '@',
13690              '%41' => 'A',
13691              '%42' => 'B',
13692              '%43' => 'C',
13693              '%44' => 'D',
13694              '%45' => 'E',
13695              '%46' => 'F',
13696              '%47' => 'G',
13697              '%48' => 'H',
13698              '%49' => 'I',
13699              '%4A' => 'J',
13700              '%4B' => 'K',
13701              '%4C' => 'L',
13702              '%4D' => 'M',
13703              '%4E' => 'N',
13704              '%4F' => 'O',
13705              '%50' => 'P',
13706              '%51' => 'Q',
13707              '%52' => 'R',
13708              '%53' => 'S',
13709              '%54' => 'T',
13710              '%55' => 'U',
13711              '%56' => 'V',
13712              '%57' => 'W',
13713              '%58' => 'X',
13714              '%59' => 'Y',
13715              '%5A' => 'Z',
13716              '%5B' => '[',
13717              '%5C' => '\\',
13718              '%5D' => ']',
13719              '%5E' => '^',
13720              '%5F' => '_',
13721              '%60' => '`',
13722              '%61' => 'a',
13723              '%62' => 'b',
13724              '%63' => 'c',
13725              '%64' => 'd',
13726              '%65' => 'e',
13727              '%66' => 'f',
13728              '%67' => 'g',
13729              '%68' => 'h',
13730              '%69' => 'i',
13731              '%6A' => 'j',
13732              '%6B' => 'k',
13733              '%6C' => 'l',
13734              '%6D' => 'm',
13735              '%6E' => 'n',
13736              '%6F' => 'o',
13737              '%70' => 'p',
13738              '%71' => 'q',
13739              '%72' => 'r',
13740              '%73' => 's',
13741              '%74' => 't',
13742              '%75' => 'u',
13743              '%76' => 'v',
13744              '%77' => 'w',
13745              '%78' => 'x',
13746              '%79' => 'y',
13747              '%7A' => 'z',
13748              '%7B' => '{',
13749              '%7C' => '|',
13750              '%7D' => '}',
13751              '%7E' => '~',
13752              '%7F' => '',
13753              '%80' => '`',
13754              '%81' => '',
13755              '%82' => '‚',
13756              '%83' => 'ƒ',
13757              '%84' => '„',
13758              '%85' => '…',
13759              '%86' => '†',
13760              '%87' => '‡',
13761              '%88' => 'ˆ',
13762              '%89' => '‰',
13763              '%8A' => 'Š',
13764              '%8B' => '‹',
13765              '%8C' => 'Œ',
13766              '%8D' => '',
13767              '%8E' => 'Ž',
13768              '%8F' => '',
13769              '%90' => '',
13770              '%91' => '‘',
13771              '%92' => '’',
13772              '%93' => '“',
13773              '%94' => '”',
13774              '%95' => '•',
13775              '%96' => '–',
13776              '%97' => '—',
13777              '%98' => '˜',
13778              '%99' => '™',
13779              '%9A' => 'š',
13780              '%9B' => '›',
13781              '%9C' => 'œ',
13782              '%9D' => '',
13783              '%9E' => 'ž',
13784              '%9F' => 'Ÿ',
13785              '%A0' => '',
13786              '%A1' => '¡',
13787              '%A2' => '¢',
13788              '%A3' => '£',
13789              '%A4' => '¤',
13790              '%A5' => '¥',
13791              '%A6' => '¦',
13792              '%A7' => '§',
13793              '%A8' => '¨',
13794              '%A9' => '©',
13795              '%AA' => 'ª',
13796              '%AB' => '«',
13797              '%AC' => '¬',
13798              '%AD' => '',
13799              '%AE' => '®',
13800              '%AF' => '¯',
13801              '%B0' => '°',
13802              '%B1' => '±',
13803              '%B2' => '²',
13804              '%B3' => '³',
13805              '%B4' => '´',
13806              '%B5' => 'µ',
13807              '%B6' => '¶',
13808              '%B7' => '·',
13809              '%B8' => '¸',
13810              '%B9' => '¹',
13811              '%BA' => 'º',
13812              '%BB' => '»',
13813              '%BC' => '¼',
13814              '%BD' => '½',
13815              '%BE' => '¾',
13816              '%BF' => '¿',
13817              '%C0' => 'À',
13818              '%C1' => 'Á',
13819              '%C2' => 'Â',
13820              '%C3' => 'Ã',
13821              '%C4' => 'Ä',
13822              '%C5' => 'Å',
13823              '%C6' => 'Æ',
13824              '%C7' => 'Ç',
13825              '%C8' => 'È',
13826              '%C9' => 'É',
13827              '%CA' => 'Ê',
13828              '%CB' => 'Ë',
13829              '%CC' => 'Ì',
13830              '%CD' => 'Í',
13831              '%CE' => 'Î',
13832              '%CF' => 'Ï',
13833              '%D0' => 'Ð',
13834              '%D1' => 'Ñ',
13835              '%D2' => 'Ò',
13836              '%D3' => 'Ó',
13837              '%D4' => 'Ô',
13838              '%D5' => 'Õ',
13839              '%D6' => 'Ö',
13840              '%D7' => '×',
13841              '%D8' => 'Ø',
13842              '%D9' => 'Ù',
13843              '%DA' => 'Ú',
13844              '%DB' => 'Û',
13845              '%DC' => 'Ü',
13846              '%DD' => 'Ý',
13847              '%DE' => 'Þ',
13848              '%DF' => 'ß',
13849              '%E0' => 'à',
13850              '%E1' => 'á',
13851              '%E2' => 'â',
13852              '%E3' => 'ã',
13853              '%E4' => 'ä',
13854              '%E5' => 'å',
13855              '%E6' => 'æ',
13856              '%E7' => 'ç',
13857              '%E8' => 'è',
13858              '%E9' => 'é',
13859              '%EA' => 'ê',
13860              '%EB' => 'ë',
13861              '%EC' => 'ì',
13862              '%ED' => 'í',
13863              '%EE' => 'î',
13864              '%EF' => 'ï',
13865              '%F0' => 'ð',
13866              '%F1' => 'ñ',
13867              '%F2' => 'ò',
13868              '%F3' => 'ó',
13869              '%F4' => 'ô',
13870              '%F5' => 'õ',
13871              '%F6' => 'ö',
13872              '%F7' => '÷',
13873              '%F8' => 'ø',
13874              '%F9' => 'ù',
13875              '%FA' => 'ú',
13876              '%FB' => 'û',
13877              '%FC' => 'ü',
13878              '%FD' => 'ý',
13879              '%FE' => 'þ',
13880              '%FF' => 'ÿ',
13881          ];
13882      }
13884      /**
13885       * Decodes a UTF-8 string to ISO-8859-1.
13886       *
13887       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::encode('UTF-8', UTF8::utf8_decode('-ABC-中文空白-')); // '-ABC-????-'</code>
13888       *
13889       * @param string $str             <p>The input string.</p>
13890       * @param bool   $keep_utf8_chars
13891       *
13892       * @psalm-pure
13893       *
13894       * @return string
13895       *
13896       * @noinspection SuspiciousBinaryOperationInspection
13897       */
13898      public static function utf8_decode(string $str, bool $keep_utf8_chars = false): string
13899      {
13900          if ($str === '') {
13901              return '';
13902          }
13904          // save for later comparision
13905          $str_backup = $str;
13906          $len = \strlen($str);
13908          if (self::$ORD === null) {
13909              self::$ORD = self::getData('ord');
13910          }
13912          if (self::$CHR === null) {
13913              self::$CHR = self::getData('chr');
13914          }
13916          $no_char_found = '?';
13917          /** @noinspection ForeachInvariantsInspection */
13918          for ($i = 0, $j = 0; $i < $len; ++$i, ++$j) {
13919              switch ($str[$i] & "\xF0") {
13920                  case "\xC0":
13921                  case "\xD0":
13922                      $c = (self::$ORD[$str[$i] & "\x1F"] << 6) | self::$ORD[$str[++$i] & "\x3F"];
13923                      $str[$j] = $c < 256 ? self::$CHR[$c] : $no_char_found;
13925                      break;
13927                  /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */
13928                  case "\xF0":
13929                      ++$i;
13931                  // no break
13933                  case "\xE0":
13934                      $str[$j] = $no_char_found;
13935                      $i += 2;
13937                      break;
13939                  default:
13940                      $str[$j] = $str[$i];
13941              }
13942          }
13944          /** @var false|string $return - needed for PhpStan (stubs error) */
13945          $return = \substr($str, 0, $j);
13946          if ($return === false) {
13947              $return = '';
13948          }
13950          if (
13951              $keep_utf8_chars
13952              &&
13953              (int) self::strlen($return) >= (int) self::strlen($str_backup)
13954          ) {
13955              return $str_backup;
13956          }
13958          return $return;
13959      }
13961      /**
13962       * Encodes an ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8.
13963       *
13964       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::utf8_decode(UTF8::utf8_encode('-ABC-中文空白-')); // '-ABC-中文空白-'</code>
13965       *
13966       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
13967       *
13968       * @psalm-pure
13969       *
13970       * @return string
13971       */
13972      public static function utf8_encode(string $str): string
13973      {
13974          if ($str === '') {
13975              return '';
13976          }
13978          /** @var false|string $str - the polyfill maybe return false */
13979          $str = \utf8_encode($str);
13981          /** @noinspection CallableParameterUseCaseInTypeContextInspection */
13982          /** @psalm-suppress TypeDoesNotContainType */
13983          if ($str === false) {
13984              return '';
13985          }
13987          return $str;
13988      }
13990      /**
13991       * fix -> utf8-win1252 chars
13992       *
13993       * @param string $str <p>The input string.</p>
13994       *
13995       * @psalm-pure
13996       *
13997       * @return string
13998       *
13999       * @deprecated <p>please use "UTF8::fix_simple_utf8()"</p>
14000       */
14001      public static function utf8_fix_win1252_chars(string $str): string
14002      {
14003          return self::fix_simple_utf8($str);
14004      }
14006      /**
14007       * Returns an array with all utf8 whitespace characters.
14008       *
14009       * @see http://www.bogofilter.org/pipermail/bogofilter/2003-March/001889.html
14010       *
14011       * @psalm-pure
14012       *
14013       * @return string[]
14014       *                  An array with all known whitespace characters as values and the type of whitespace as keys
14015       *                  as defined in above URL
14016       */
14017      public static function whitespace_table(): array
14018      {
14019          return self::$WHITESPACE_TABLE;
14020      }
14022      /**
14023       * Limit the number of words in a string.
14024       *
14025       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::words_limit('fòô bàř fòô', 2, ''); // 'fòô bàř'</code>
14026       *
14027       * @param string $str        <p>The input string.</p>
14028       * @param int    $limit      <p>The limit of words as integer.</p>
14029       * @param string $str_add_on <p>Replacement for the striped string.</p>
14030       *
14031       * @psalm-pure
14032       *
14033       * @return string
14034       */
14035      public static function words_limit(
14036          string $str,
14037          int $limit = 100,
14038          string $str_add_on = '…'
14039      ): string {
14040          if ($str === '' || $limit < 1) {
14041              return '';
14042          }
14044          \preg_match('/^\\s*+(?:[^\\s]++\\s*+){1,' . $limit . '}/u', $str, $matches);
14046          if (
14047              !isset($matches[0])
14048              ||
14049              \mb_strlen($str) === (int) \mb_strlen($matches[0])
14050          ) {
14051              return $str;
14052          }
14054          return \rtrim($matches[0]) . $str_add_on;
14055      }
14057      /**
14058       * Wraps a string to a given number of characters
14059       *
14060       * EXAMPLE: <code>UTF8::wordwrap('Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn', 2, '<br>', true)); // 'Iñ<br>të<br>rn<br>ât<br>iô<br>nà<br>li<br>zæ<br>ti<br>øn'</code>
14061       *
14062       * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.wordwrap.php
14063       *
14064       * @param string $str   <p>The input string.</p>
14065       * @param int    $width [optional] <p>The column width.</p>
14066       * @param string $break [optional] <p>The line is broken using the optional break parameter.</p>
14067       * @param bool   $cut   [optional] <p>
14068       *                      If the cut is set to true, the string is
14069       *                      always wrapped at or before the specified width. So if you have
14070       *                      a word that is larger than the given width, it is broken apart.
14071       *                      </p>
14072       *
14073       * @psalm-pure
14074       *
14075       * @return string
14076       *                <p>The given string wrapped at the specified column.</p>
14077       */
14078      public static function wordwrap(
14079          string $str,
14080          int $width = 75,
14081          string $break = "\n",
14082          bool $cut = false
14083      ): string {
14084          if ($str === '' || $break === '') {
14085              return '';
14086          }
14088          $str_split = \explode($break, $str);
14089          if ($str_split === false) {
14090              return '';
14091          }
14093          /** @var string[] $charsArray */
14094          $charsArray = [];
14095          $word_split = '';
14096          foreach ($str_split as $i => $i_value) {
14097              if ($i) {
14098                  $charsArray[] = $break;
14099                  $word_split .= '#';
14100              }
14102              foreach (self::str_split($i_value) as $c) {
14103                  $charsArray[] = $c;
14104                  if ($c === ' ') {
14105                      $word_split .= ' ';
14106                  } else {
14107                      $word_split .= '?';
14108                  }
14109              }
14110          }
14112          $str_return = '';
14113          $j = 0;
14114          $b = -1;
14115          $i = -1;
14116          $word_split = \wordwrap($word_split, $width, '#', $cut);
14118          $max = \mb_strlen($word_split);
14119          while (($b = \mb_strpos($word_split, '#', $b + 1)) !== false) {
14120              for (++$i; $i < $b; ++$i) {
14121                  if (isset($charsArray[$j])) {
14122                      $str_return .= $charsArray[$j];
14123                      unset($charsArray[$j]);
14124                  }
14125                  ++$j;
14127                  // prevent endless loop, e.g. if there is a error in the "mb_*" polyfill
14128                  if ($i > $max) {
14129                      break 2;
14130                  }
14131              }
14133              if (
14134                  $break === $charsArray[$j]
14135                  ||
14136                  $charsArray[$j] === ' '
14137              ) {
14138                  unset($charsArray[$j++]);
14139              }
14141              $str_return .= $break;
14143              // prevent endless loop, e.g. if there is a error in the "mb_*" polyfill
14144              if ($b > $max) {
14145                  break;
14146              }
14147          }
14149          return $str_return . \implode('', $charsArray);
14150      }
14152      /**
14153       * Line-Wrap the string after $limit, but split the string by "$delimiter" before ...
14154       *    ... so that we wrap the per line.
14155       *
14156       * @param string      $str             <p>The input string.</p>
14157       * @param int         $width           [optional] <p>The column width.</p>
14158       * @param string      $break           [optional] <p>The line is broken using the optional break parameter.</p>
14159       * @param bool        $cut             [optional] <p>
14160       *                                     If the cut is set to true, the string is
14161       *                                     always wrapped at or before the specified width. So if you have
14162       *                                     a word that is larger than the given width, it is broken apart.
14163       *                                     </p>
14164       * @param bool        $add_final_break [optional] <p>
14165       *                                     If this flag is true, then the method will add a $break at the end
14166       *                                     of the result string.
14167       *                                     </p>
14168       * @param string|null $delimiter       [optional] <p>
14169       *                                     You can change the default behavior, where we split the string by newline.
14170       *                                     </p>
14171       *
14172       * @psalm-pure
14173       *
14174       * @return string
14175       */
14176      public static function wordwrap_per_line(
14177          string $str,
14178          int $width = 75,
14179          string $break = "\n",
14180          bool $cut = false,
14181          bool $add_final_break = true,
14182          string $delimiter = null
14183      ): string {
14184          if ($delimiter === null) {
14185              $strings = \preg_split('/\\r\\n|\\r|\\n/', $str);
14186          } else {
14187              $strings = \explode($delimiter, $str);
14188          }
14190          $string_helper_array = [];
14191          if ($strings !== false) {
14192              foreach ($strings as $value) {
14193                  $string_helper_array[] = self::wordwrap($value, $width, $break, $cut);
14194              }
14195          }
14197          if ($add_final_break) {
14198              $final_break = $break;
14199          } else {
14200              $final_break = '';
14201          }
14203          return \implode($delimiter ?? "\n", $string_helper_array) . $final_break;
14204      }
14206      /**
14207       * Returns an array of Unicode White Space characters.
14208       *
14209       * @psalm-pure
14210       *
14211       * @return string[]
14212       *                  <p>An array with numeric code point as key and White Space Character as value.</p>
14213       */
14214      public static function ws(): array
14215      {
14216          return self::$WHITESPACE;
14217      }
14219      /**
14220       * Checks whether the passed string contains only byte sequences that are valid UTF-8 characters.
14221       *
14222       * EXAMPLE: <code>
14223       * UTF8::is_utf8_string('Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn']); // true
14224       * //
14225       * UTF8::is_utf8_string("Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn\xA0\xA1"); // false
14226       * </code>
14227       *
14228       * @see          http://hsivonen.iki.fi/php-utf8/
14229       *
14230       * @param string $str    <p>The string to be checked.</p>
14231       * @param bool   $strict <p>Check also if the string is not UTF-16 or UTF-32.</p>
14232       *
14233       * @psalm-pure
14234       *
14235       * @return bool
14236       *
14237       * @noinspection ReturnTypeCanBeDeclaredInspection
14238       */
14239      private static function is_utf8_string(string $str, bool $strict = false)
14240      {
14241          if ($str === '') {
14242              return true;
14243          }
14245          if ($strict) {
14246              $is_binary = self::is_binary($str, true);
14248              if ($is_binary && self::is_utf16($str, false) !== false) {
14249                  return false;
14250              }
14252              if ($is_binary && self::is_utf32($str, false) !== false) {
14253                  return false;
14254              }
14255          }
14257          if (self::$SUPPORT['pcre_utf8']) {
14258              // If even just the first character can be matched, when the /u
14259              // modifier is used, then it's valid UTF-8. If the UTF-8 is somehow
14260              // invalid, nothing at all will match, even if the string contains
14261              // some valid sequences
14262              return \preg_match('/^./us', $str) === 1;
14263          }
14265          $mState = 0; // cached expected number of octets after the current octet
14266          // until the beginning of the next UTF8 character sequence
14267          $mUcs4 = 0; // cached Unicode character
14268          $mBytes = 1; // cached expected number of octets in the current sequence
14270          if (self::$ORD === null) {
14271              self::$ORD = self::getData('ord');
14272          }
14274          $len = \strlen($str);
14275          /** @noinspection ForeachInvariantsInspection */
14276          for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
14277              $in = self::$ORD[$str[$i]];
14279              if ($mState === 0) {
14280                  // When mState is zero we expect either a US-ASCII character or a
14281                  // multi-octet sequence.
14282                  if ((0x80 & $in) === 0) {
14283                      // US-ASCII, pass straight through.
14284                      $mBytes = 1;
14285                  } elseif ((0xE0 & $in) === 0xC0) {
14286                      // First octet of 2 octet sequence.
14287                      $mUcs4 = $in;
14288                      $mUcs4 = ($mUcs4 & 0x1F) << 6;
14289                      $mState = 1;
14290                      $mBytes = 2;
14291                  } elseif ((0xF0 & $in) === 0xE0) {
14292                      // First octet of 3 octet sequence.
14293                      $mUcs4 = $in;
14294                      $mUcs4 = ($mUcs4 & 0x0F) << 12;
14295                      $mState = 2;
14296                      $mBytes = 3;
14297                  } elseif ((0xF8 & $in) === 0xF0) {
14298                      // First octet of 4 octet sequence.
14299                      $mUcs4 = $in;
14300                      $mUcs4 = ($mUcs4 & 0x07) << 18;
14301                      $mState = 3;
14302                      $mBytes = 4;
14303                  } elseif ((0xFC & $in) === 0xF8) {
14304                      /* First octet of 5 octet sequence.
14305                       *
14306                       * This is illegal because the encoded codepoint must be either
14307                       * (a) not the shortest form or
14308                       * (b) outside the Unicode range of 0-0x10FFFF.
14309                       * Rather than trying to resynchronize, we will carry on until the end
14310                       * of the sequence and let the later error handling code catch it.
14311                       */
14312                      $mUcs4 = $in;
14313                      $mUcs4 = ($mUcs4 & 0x03) << 24;
14314                      $mState = 4;
14315                      $mBytes = 5;
14316                  } elseif ((0xFE & $in) === 0xFC) {
14317                      // First octet of 6 octet sequence, see comments for 5 octet sequence.
14318                      $mUcs4 = $in;
14319                      $mUcs4 = ($mUcs4 & 1) << 30;
14320                      $mState = 5;
14321                      $mBytes = 6;
14322                  } else {
14323                      // Current octet is neither in the US-ASCII range nor a legal first
14324                      // octet of a multi-octet sequence.
14325                      return false;
14326                  }
14327              } elseif ((0xC0 & $in) === 0x80) {
14329                  // When mState is non-zero, we expect a continuation of the multi-octet
14330                  // sequence
14332                  // Legal continuation.
14333                  $shift = ($mState - 1) * 6;
14334                  $tmp = $in;
14335                  $tmp = ($tmp & 0x0000003F) << $shift;
14336                  $mUcs4 |= $tmp;
14337                  // Prefix: End of the multi-octet sequence. mUcs4 now contains the final
14338                  // Unicode code point to be output.
14339                  if (--$mState === 0) {
14340                      // Check for illegal sequences and code points.
14341                      //
14342                      // From Unicode 3.1, non-shortest form is illegal
14343                      if (
14344                          ($mBytes === 2 && $mUcs4 < 0x0080)
14345                          ||
14346                          ($mBytes === 3 && $mUcs4 < 0x0800)
14347                          ||
14348                          ($mBytes === 4 && $mUcs4 < 0x10000)
14349                          ||
14350                          ($mBytes > 4)
14351                          ||
14352                          // From Unicode 3.2, surrogate characters are illegal.
14353                          (($mUcs4 & 0xFFFFF800) === 0xD800)
14354                          ||
14355                          // Code points outside the Unicode range are illegal.
14356                          ($mUcs4 > 0x10FFFF)
14357                      ) {
14358                          return false;
14359                      }
14360                      // initialize UTF8 cache
14361                      $mState = 0;
14362                      $mUcs4 = 0;
14363                      $mBytes = 1;
14364                  }
14365              } else {
14366                  // ((0xC0 & (*in) != 0x80) && (mState != 0))
14367                  // Incomplete multi-octet sequence.
14368                  return false;
14369              }
14370          }
14372          return $mState === 0;
14373      }
14375      /**
14376       * @param string $str
14377       * @param bool   $use_lowercase      <p>Use uppercase by default, otherwise use lowercase.</p>
14378       * @param bool   $use_full_case_fold <p>Convert not only common cases.</p>
14379       *
14380       * @psalm-pure
14381       *
14382       * @return string
14383       *
14384       * @noinspection ReturnTypeCanBeDeclaredInspection
14385       */
14386      private static function fixStrCaseHelper(
14387          string $str,
14388          bool $use_lowercase = false,
14389          bool $use_full_case_fold = false
14390      ) {
14391          $upper = self::$COMMON_CASE_FOLD['upper'];
14392          $lower = self::$COMMON_CASE_FOLD['lower'];
14394          if ($use_lowercase) {
14395              $str = \str_replace(
14396                  $upper,
14397                  $lower,
14398                  $str
14399              );
14400          } else {
14401              $str = \str_replace(
14402                  $lower,
14403                  $upper,
14404                  $str
14405              );
14406          }
14408          if ($use_full_case_fold) {
14409              /**
14410               * @psalm-suppress ImpureStaticVariable
14411               *
14412               * @var array<mixed>|null
14413               */
14414              static $FULL_CASE_FOLD = null;
14415              if ($FULL_CASE_FOLD === null) {
14416                  $FULL_CASE_FOLD = self::getData('caseFolding_full');
14417              }
14419              if ($use_lowercase) {
14420                  $str = \str_replace($FULL_CASE_FOLD[0], $FULL_CASE_FOLD[1], $str);
14421              } else {
14422                  $str = \str_replace($FULL_CASE_FOLD[1], $FULL_CASE_FOLD[0], $str);
14423              }
14424          }
14426          return $str;
14427      }
14429      /**
14430       * get data from "/data/*.php"
14431       *
14432       * @param string $file
14433       *
14434       * @psalm-pure
14435       *
14436       * @return array
14437       *
14438       * @noinspection ReturnTypeCanBeDeclaredInspection
14439       */
14440      private static function getData(string $file)
14441      {
14442          /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */
14443          /** @noinspection UsingInclusionReturnValueInspection */
14444          /** @psalm-suppress UnresolvableInclude */
14445          return include __DIR__ . '/data/' . $file . '.php';
14446      }
14448      /**
14449       * @psalm-pure
14450       *
14451       * @return true|null
14452       */
14453      private static function initEmojiData()
14454      {
14455          if (self::$EMOJI_KEYS_CACHE === null) {
14456              if (self::$EMOJI === null) {
14457                  self::$EMOJI = self::getData('emoji');
14458              }
14460              /**
14461               * @psalm-suppress ImpureFunctionCall - static sort function is used
14462               */
14463              \uksort(
14464                  self::$EMOJI,
14465                  static function (string $a, string $b): int {
14466                      return \strlen($b) <=> \strlen($a);
14467                  }
14468              );
14470              self::$EMOJI_KEYS_CACHE = \array_keys(self::$EMOJI);
14471              self::$EMOJI_VALUES_CACHE = self::$EMOJI;
14473              foreach (self::$EMOJI_KEYS_CACHE as $key) {
14474                  $tmp_key = \crc32($key);
14475                  self::$EMOJI_KEYS_REVERSIBLE_CACHE[] = '_-_PORTABLE_UTF8_-_' . $tmp_key . '_-_' . \strrev((string) $tmp_key) . '_-_8FTU_ELBATROP_-_';
14476              }
14478              return true;
14479          }
14481          return null;
14482      }
14484      /**
14485       * Checks whether mbstring "overloaded" is active on the server.
14486       *
14487       * @psalm-pure
14488       *
14489       * @return bool
14490       *
14491       * @noinspection ReturnTypeCanBeDeclaredInspection
14492       */
14493      private static function mbstring_overloaded()
14494      {
14495          /**
14496           * INI directive 'mbstring.func_overload' is deprecated since PHP 7.2
14497           */
14499          /** @noinspection PhpComposerExtensionStubsInspection */
14500          /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection */
14501          return \defined('MB_OVERLOAD_STRING')
14502                 &&
14503                 ((int) @\ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & \MB_OVERLOAD_STRING);
14504      }
14506      /**
14507       * @param array    $strings
14508       * @param bool     $remove_empty_values
14509       * @param int|null $remove_short_values
14510       *
14511       * @psalm-pure
14512       *
14513       * @return array
14514       *
14515       * @noinspection ReturnTypeCanBeDeclaredInspection
14516       */
14517      private static function reduce_string_array(
14518          array $strings,
14519          bool $remove_empty_values,
14520          int $remove_short_values = null
14521      ) {
14522          // init
14523          $return = [];
14525          foreach ($strings as &$str) {
14526              if (
14527                  $remove_short_values !== null
14528                  &&
14529                  \mb_strlen($str) <= $remove_short_values
14530              ) {
14531                  continue;
14532              }
14534              if (
14535                  $remove_empty_values
14536                  &&
14537                  \trim($str) === ''
14538              ) {
14539                  continue;
14540              }
14542              $return[] = $str;
14543          }
14545          return $return;
14546      }
14548      /**
14549       * rxClass
14550       *
14551       * @param string $s
14552       * @param string $class
14553       *
14554       * @psalm-pure
14555       *
14556       * @return string
14557       *
14558       * @noinspection ReturnTypeCanBeDeclaredInspection
14559       */
14560      private static function rxClass(string $s, string $class = '')
14561      {
14562          /**
14563           * @psalm-suppress ImpureStaticVariable
14564           *
14565           * @var array<string,string>
14566           */
14567          static $RX_CLASS_CACHE = [];
14569          $cache_key = $s . '_' . $class;
14571          if (isset($RX_CLASS_CACHE[$cache_key])) {
14572              return $RX_CLASS_CACHE[$cache_key];
14573          }
14575          /** @var string[] $class_array */
14576          $class_array[] = $class;
14578          /** @noinspection SuspiciousLoopInspection */
14579          /** @noinspection AlterInForeachInspection */
14580          foreach (self::str_split($s) as &$s) {
14581              if ($s === '-') {
14582                  $class_array[0] = '-' . $class_array[0];
14583              } elseif (!isset($s[2])) {
14584                  $class_array[0] .= \preg_quote($s, '/');
14585              } elseif (self::strlen($s) === 1) {
14586                  $class_array[0] .= $s;
14587              } else {
14588                  $class_array[] = $s;
14589              }
14590          }
14592          if ($class_array[0]) {
14593              $class_array[0] = '[' . $class_array[0] . ']';
14594          }
14596          if (\count($class_array) === 1) {
14597              $return = $class_array[0];
14598          } else {
14599              $return = '(?:' . \implode('|', $class_array) . ')';
14600          }
14602          $RX_CLASS_CACHE[$cache_key] = $return;
14604          return $return;
14605      }
14607      /**
14608       * Personal names such as "Marcus Aurelius" are sometimes typed incorrectly using lowercase ("marcus aurelius").
14609       *
14610       * @param string $names
14611       * @param string $delimiter
14612       * @param string $encoding
14613       *
14614       * @psalm-pure
14615       *
14616       * @return string
14617       *
14618       * @noinspection ReturnTypeCanBeDeclaredInspection
14619       */
14620      private static function str_capitalize_name_helper(
14621          string $names,
14622          string $delimiter,
14623          string $encoding = 'UTF-8'
14624      ) {
14625          // init
14626          $name_helper_array = \explode($delimiter, $names);
14627          if ($name_helper_array === false) {
14628              return '';
14629          }
14631          $special_cases = [
14632              'names' => [
14633                  'ab',
14634                  'af',
14635                  'al',
14636                  'and',
14637                  'ap',
14638                  'bint',
14639                  'binte',
14640                  'da',
14641                  'de',
14642                  'del',
14643                  'den',
14644                  'der',
14645                  'di',
14646                  'dit',
14647                  'ibn',
14648                  'la',
14649                  'mac',
14650                  'nic',
14651                  'of',
14652                  'ter',
14653                  'the',
14654                  'und',
14655                  'van',
14656                  'von',
14657                  'y',
14658                  'zu',
14659              ],
14660              'prefixes' => [
14661                  'al-',
14662                  "d'",
14663                  'ff',
14664                  "l'",
14665                  'mac',
14666                  'mc',
14667                  'nic',
14668              ],
14669          ];
14671          foreach ($name_helper_array as &$name) {
14672              if (\in_array($name, $special_cases['names'], true)) {
14673                  continue;
14674              }
14676              $continue = false;
14678              if ($delimiter === '-') {
14679                  /** @noinspection AlterInForeachInspection */
14680                  foreach ((array) $special_cases['names'] as &$beginning) {
14681                      if (\strncmp($name, $beginning, \strlen($beginning)) === 0) {
14682                          $continue = true;
14684                          break;
14685                      }
14686                  }
14687              }
14689              /** @noinspection AlterInForeachInspection */
14690              foreach ((array) $special_cases['prefixes'] as &$beginning) {
14691                  if (\strncmp($name, $beginning, \strlen($beginning)) === 0) {
14692                      $continue = true;
14694                      break;
14695                  }
14696              }
14698              if ($continue) {
14699                  continue;
14700              }
14702              $name = self::ucfirst($name);
14703          }
14705          return \implode($delimiter, $name_helper_array);
14706      }
14708      /**
14709       * Generic case-sensitive transformation for collation matching.
14710       *
14711       * @param string $str <p>The input string</p>
14712       *
14713       * @psalm-pure
14714       *
14715       * @return string|null
14716       */
14717      private static function strtonatfold(string $str)
14718      {
14719          $str = \Normalizer::normalize($str, \Normalizer::NFD);
14720          /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line - https://github.com/JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs/pull/949 */
14721          if ($str === false) {
14722              return '';
14723          }
14725          /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */
14726          return \preg_replace(
14727              '/\p{Mn}+/u',
14728              '',
14729              $str
14730          );
14731      }
14733      /**
14734       * @param int|string $input
14735       *
14736       * @psalm-pure
14737       *
14738       * @return string
14739       *
14740       * @noinspection ReturnTypeCanBeDeclaredInspection
14741       * @noinspection SuspiciousBinaryOperationInspection
14742       */
14743      private static function to_utf8_convert_helper($input)
14744      {
14745          // init
14746          $buf = '';
14748          if (self::$ORD === null) {
14749              self::$ORD = self::getData('ord');
14750          }
14752          if (self::$CHR === null) {
14753              self::$CHR = self::getData('chr');
14754          }
14756          if (self::$WIN1252_TO_UTF8 === null) {
14757              self::$WIN1252_TO_UTF8 = self::getData('win1252_to_utf8');
14758          }
14760          $ordC1 = self::$ORD[$input];
14761          if (isset(self::$WIN1252_TO_UTF8[$ordC1])) { // found in Windows-1252 special cases
14762              $buf .= self::$WIN1252_TO_UTF8[$ordC1];
14763          } else {
14764              /** @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection */
14765              $cc1 = self::$CHR[$ordC1 / 64] | "\xC0";
14766              $cc2 = ((string) $input & "\x3F") | "\x80";
14767              $buf .= $cc1 . $cc2;
14768          }
14770          return $buf;
14771      }
14773      /**
14774       * @param string $str
14775       *
14776       * @psalm-pure
14777       *
14778       * @return string
14779       *
14780       * @noinspection ReturnTypeCanBeDeclaredInspection
14781       */
14782      private static function urldecode_unicode_helper(string $str)
14783      {
14784          if (\strpos($str, '%u') === false) {
14785              return $str;
14786          }
14788          $pattern = '/%u([0-9a-fA-F]{3,4})/';
14789          if (\preg_match($pattern, $str)) {
14790              $str = (string) \preg_replace($pattern, '&#x\\1;', $str);
14791          }
14793          return $str;
14794      }
14795  }

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