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/libraries/vendor/symfony/yaml/ -> Inline.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

Inline:: (16 methods):

Class: Inline  - X-Ref

Inline implements a YAML parser/dumper for the YAML inline syntax.

initialize(int $flags, int $parsedLineNumber = null, string $parsedFilename = null)   X-Ref
No description

parse(string $value = null, int $flags = 0, array &$references = [])   X-Ref
Converts a YAML string to a PHP value.

param: string $value      A YAML string
param: int    $flags      A bit field of PARSE_* constants to customize the YAML parser behavior
param: array  $references Mapping of variable names to values
return: mixed

dump($value, int $flags = 0)   X-Ref
Dumps a given PHP variable to a YAML string.

param: mixed $value The PHP variable to convert
param: int   $flags A bit field of Yaml::DUMP_* constants to customize the dumped YAML string

isHash($value)   X-Ref
Check if given array is hash or just normal indexed array.

param: array|\ArrayObject|\stdClass $value The PHP array or array-like object to check

dumpArray(array $value, int $flags)   X-Ref
Dumps a PHP array to a YAML string.

param: array $value The PHP array to dump
param: int   $flags A bit field of Yaml::DUMP_* constants to customize the dumped YAML string

dumpNull(int $flags)   X-Ref
No description

parseScalar(string $scalar, int $flags = 0, array $delimiters = null, int &$i = 0, bool $evaluate = true, array &$references = [], bool &$isQuoted = null)   X-Ref
Parses a YAML scalar.

return: mixed

parseQuotedScalar(string $scalar, int &$i = 0)   X-Ref
Parses a YAML quoted scalar.

parseSequence(string $sequence, int $flags, int &$i = 0, array &$references = [])   X-Ref
Parses a YAML sequence.

parseMapping(string $mapping, int $flags, int &$i = 0, array &$references = [])   X-Ref
Parses a YAML mapping.

return: array|\stdClass

evaluateScalar(string $scalar, int $flags, array &$references = [], bool &$isQuotedString = null)   X-Ref
Evaluates scalars and replaces magic values.

return: mixed

parseTag(string $value, int &$i, int $flags)   X-Ref
No description

evaluateBinaryScalar(string $scalar)   X-Ref
No description

isBinaryString(string $value)   X-Ref
No description

getTimestampRegex()   X-Ref
Gets a regex that matches a YAML date.

getHexRegex()   X-Ref
Gets a regex that matches a YAML number in hexadecimal notation.

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