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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/libraries/vendor/symfony/yaml/Exception/ -> ParseException.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 132 lines (3 kb)
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Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

ParseException:: (8 methods):

Class: ParseException  - X-Ref

Exception class thrown when an error occurs during parsing.

__construct(string $message, int $parsedLine = -1, string $snippet = null, string $parsedFile = null, \Throwable $previous = null)   X-Ref

param: string      $message    The error message
param: int         $parsedLine The line where the error occurred
param: string|null $snippet    The snippet of code near the problem
param: string|null $parsedFile The file name where the error occurred

getSnippet()   X-Ref
Gets the snippet of code near the error.

return: string

setSnippet(string $snippet)   X-Ref
Sets the snippet of code near the error.

getParsedFile()   X-Ref
Gets the filename where the error occurred.

This method returns null if a string is parsed.

return: string

setParsedFile(string $parsedFile)   X-Ref
Sets the filename where the error occurred.

getParsedLine()   X-Ref
Gets the line where the error occurred.

return: int

setParsedLine(int $parsedLine)   X-Ref
Sets the line where the error occurred.

updateRepr()   X-Ref
No description

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