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/libraries/vendor/symfony/ldap/Adapter/ExtLdap/ -> ConnectionOptions.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /*
   4   * This file is part of the Symfony package.
   5   *
   6   * (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
   7   *
   8   * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
   9   * file that was distributed with this source code.
  10   */
  12  namespace Symfony\Component\Ldap\Adapter\ExtLdap;
  14  use Symfony\Component\Ldap\Exception\LdapException;
  16  /**
  17   * A class representing the Ldap extension's options, which can be used with
  18   * ldap_set_option or ldap_get_option.
  19   *
  20   * @author Charles Sarrazin <[email protected]>
  21   *
  22   * @internal
  23   */
  24  final class ConnectionOptions
  25  {
  26      public const API_INFO = 0x00;
  27      public const DEREF = 0x02;
  28      public const SIZELIMIT = 0x03;
  29      public const TIMELIMIT = 0x04;
  30      public const REFERRALS = 0x08;
  31      public const RESTART = 0x09;
  32      public const PROTOCOL_VERSION = 0x11;
  33      public const SERVER_CONTROLS = 0x12;
  34      public const CLIENT_CONTROLS = 0x13;
  35      public const API_FEATURE_INFO = 0x15;
  36      public const HOST_NAME = 0x30;
  37      public const ERROR_NUMBER = 0x31;
  38      public const ERROR_STRING = 0x32;
  39      public const MATCHED_DN = 0x33;
  40      public const DEBUG_LEVEL = 0x5001;
  41      public const TIMEOUT = 0x5002;
  42      public const NETWORK_TIMEOUT = 0x5005;
  43      public const X_TLS_CACERTDIR = 0x6003;
  44      public const X_TLS_CERTFILE = 0x6004;
  45      public const X_TLS_CRL_ALL = 0x02;
  46      public const X_TLS_CRL_NONE = 0x00;
  47      public const X_TLS_CRL_PEER = 0x01;
  48      public const X_TLS_KEYFILE = 0x6005;
  49      public const X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT = 0x6006;
  50      public const X_TLS_PROTOCOL_MIN = 0x6007;
  51      public const X_TLS_CIPHER_SUITE = 0x6008;
  52      public const X_TLS_RANDOM_FILE = 0x6009;
  53      public const X_TLS_CRLFILE = 0x6010;
  54      public const X_TLS_PACKAGE = 0x6011;
  55      public const X_TLS_CRLCHECK = 0x600B;
  56      public const X_TLS_DHFILE = 0x600E;
  57      public const X_SASL_MECH = 0x6100;
  58      public const X_SASL_REALM = 0x6101;
  59      public const X_SASL_AUTHCID = 0x6102;
  60      public const X_SASL_AUTHZID = 0x6103;
  61      public const X_KEEPALIVE_IDLE = 0x6300;
  62      public const X_KEEPALIVE_PROBES = 0x6301;
  63      public const X_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL = 0x6302;
  65      public static function getOptionName(string $name): string
  66      {
  67          return sprintf('%s::%s', self::class, strtoupper($name));
  68      }
  70      /**
  71       * Fetches an option's corresponding constant value from an option name.
  72       * The option name can either be in snake or camel case.
  73       *
  74       * @throws LdapException
  75       */
  76      public static function getOption(string $name): int
  77      {
  78          // Convert
  79          $constantName = self::getOptionName($name);
  81          if (!\defined($constantName)) {
  82              throw new LdapException(sprintf('Unknown option "%s".', $name));
  83          }
  85          return \constant($constantName);
  86      }
  88      public static function isOption(string $name): bool
  89      {
  90          return \defined(self::getOptionName($name));
  91      }
  92  }

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