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/libraries/vendor/symfony/console/Helper/ -> Table.php (summary)

(no description)

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Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Table:: (38 methods):

Class: Table  - X-Ref

Provides helpers to display a table.

__construct(OutputInterface $output)   X-Ref

setStyleDefinition(string $name, TableStyle $style)   X-Ref
Sets a style definition.

getStyleDefinition(string $name)   X-Ref
Gets a style definition by name.

return: TableStyle

setStyle($name)   X-Ref
Sets table style.

param: TableStyle|string $name The style name or a TableStyle instance
return: $this

getStyle()   X-Ref
Gets the current table style.

return: TableStyle

setColumnStyle(int $columnIndex, $name)   X-Ref
Sets table column style.

param: TableStyle|string $name The style name or a TableStyle instance
return: $this

getColumnStyle(int $columnIndex)   X-Ref
Gets the current style for a column.

If style was not set, it returns the global table style.

return: TableStyle

setColumnWidth(int $columnIndex, int $width)   X-Ref
Sets the minimum width of a column.

return: $this

setColumnWidths(array $widths)   X-Ref
Sets the minimum width of all columns.

return: $this

setColumnMaxWidth(int $columnIndex, int $width)   X-Ref
Sets the maximum width of a column.

Any cell within this column which contents exceeds the specified width will be wrapped into multiple lines, while
formatted strings are preserved.

return: $this

setHeaders(array $headers)   X-Ref

return: $this

setRows(array $rows)   X-Ref
No description

addRows(array $rows)   X-Ref

return: $this

addRow($row)   X-Ref

return: $this

appendRow($row)   X-Ref
Adds a row to the table, and re-renders the table.

return: $this

setRow($column, array $row)   X-Ref

return: $this

setHeaderTitle(?string $title)   X-Ref

return: $this

setFooterTitle(?string $title)   X-Ref

return: $this

setHorizontal(bool $horizontal = true)   X-Ref

return: $this

render()   X-Ref
Renders table to output.


| ISBN          | Title                 | Author           |
| 99921-58-10-7 | Divine Comedy         | Dante Alighieri  |
| 9971-5-0210-0 | A Tale of Two Cities  | Charles Dickens  |
| 960-425-059-0 | The Lord of the Rings | J. R. R. Tolkien |

renderRowSeparator(int $type = self::SEPARATOR_MID, string $title = null, string $titleFormat = null)   X-Ref
Renders horizontal header separator.



renderColumnSeparator(int $type = self::BORDER_OUTSIDE)   X-Ref
Renders vertical column separator.

renderRow(array $row, string $cellFormat, string $firstCellFormat = null)   X-Ref
Renders table row.


| 9971-5-0210-0 | A Tale of Two Cities  | Charles Dickens  |

renderCell(array $row, int $column, string $cellFormat)   X-Ref
Renders table cell with padding.

calculateNumberOfColumns(array $rows)   X-Ref
Calculate number of columns for this table.

buildTableRows(array $rows)   X-Ref
No description

calculateRowCount()   X-Ref
No description

fillNextRows(array $rows, int $line)   X-Ref
fill rows that contains rowspan > 1.

fillCells(iterable $row)   X-Ref
fill cells for a row that contains colspan > 1.

copyRow(array $rows, int $line)   X-Ref
No description

getNumberOfColumns(array $row)   X-Ref
Gets number of columns by row.

getRowColumns(array $row)   X-Ref
Gets list of columns for the given row.

calculateColumnsWidth(iterable $rows)   X-Ref
Calculates columns widths.

getColumnSeparatorWidth()   X-Ref
No description

getCellWidth(array $row, int $column)   X-Ref
No description

cleanup()   X-Ref
Called after rendering to cleanup cache data.

initStyles()   X-Ref

return: array<string, TableStyle>

resolveStyle($name)   X-Ref
No description

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