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/libraries/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Common/Functions/ -> Strings.php (summary)

Common String Functions PHP version 5

Author: Jim Wigginton <[email protected]>
Copyright: 2016 Jim Wigginton
License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License
File Size: 428 lines (14 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 10 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

shift(&$string, $index = 1)   X-Ref
String Shift

Inspired by array_shift

param: string $string
param: int $index
return: string

pop(&$string, $index = 1)   X-Ref
String Pop

Inspired by array_pop

param: string $string
param: int $index
return: string

unpackSSH2($format, &$data)   X-Ref
Parse SSH2-style string

Returns either an array or a boolean if $data is malformed.

Valid characters for $format are as follows:

C = byte
b = boolean (true/false)
N = uint32
Q = uint64
s = string
i = mpint
L = name-list

uint64 is not supported.

param: string $format
param: string $data
return: mixed

packSSH2($format, ...$elements)   X-Ref
Create SSH2-style string

param: string $format
param: string|int|float|array|bool ...$elements
return: string

formatPack($format)   X-Ref
Expand a pack string

Converts C5 to CCCCC, for example.

param: string $format
return: string

bits2bin($x)   X-Ref
Convert binary data into bits

bin2hex / hex2bin refer to base-256 encoded data as binary, whilst
decbin / bindec refer to base-2 encoded data as binary. For the purposes
of this function, bin refers to base-256 encoded data whilst bits refers
to base-2 encoded data

param: string $x
return: string

bin2bits($x, $trim = true)   X-Ref
Convert bits to binary data

param: string $x
return: string

switchEndianness($x)   X-Ref
Switch Endianness Bit Order

param: string $x
return: string

increment_str(&$var)   X-Ref
Increment the current string

param: string $var
return: string

is_stringable($var)   X-Ref
Find whether the type of a variable is string (or could be converted to one)

param: mixed $var
return: bool

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