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/libraries/vendor/phpseclib/bcmath_compat/src/ -> BCMath.php (summary)

BCMath Emulation Class PHP version 5 and 7

Author: Jim Wigginton <[email protected]>
Copyright: 2019 Jim Wigginton
License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License
File Size: 494 lines (14 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 13 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

scale($scale = null)   X-Ref
Set or get default scale parameter for all bc math functions

Uses the PHP 7.3+ behavior

format($x, $scale, $pad)   X-Ref
Formats numbers

Places the decimal place at the appropriate place, adds trailing 0's as appropriate, etc

isNegative($x)   X-Ref
Negativity Test

add($x, $y, $scale, $pad)   X-Ref
Add two arbitrary precision numbers

sub($x, $y, $scale, $pad)   X-Ref
Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another

mul($x, $y, $scale, $pad)   X-Ref
Multiply two arbitrary precision numbers

div($x, $y, $scale, $pad)   X-Ref
Divide two arbitrary precision numbers

mod($x, $y, $scale, $pad)   X-Ref
Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number

Uses the PHP 7.2+ behavior

comp($x, $y, $scale, $pad)   X-Ref
Compare two arbitrary precision numbers

pow($x, $y, $scale, $pad)   X-Ref
Raise an arbitrary precision number to another

Uses the PHP 7.2+ behavior

powmod($x, $e, $n, $scale, $pad)   X-Ref
Raise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus

sqrt($n, $scale, $pad)   X-Ref
Get the square root of an arbitrary precision number

__callStatic($name, $arguments)   X-Ref
__callStatic Magic Method

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