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/libraries/vendor/maximebf/debugbar/src/DebugBar/ -> JavascriptRenderer.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

JavascriptRenderer:: (61 methods):

Class: JavascriptRenderer  - X-Ref

Renders the debug bar using the client side javascript implementation

Generates all the needed initialization code of controls
__construct(DebugBar $debugBar, $baseUrl = null, $basePath = null)   X-Ref

param: \DebugBar\DebugBar $debugBar
param: string $baseUrl
param: string $basePath

setOptions(array $options)   X-Ref
Sets options from an array

- base_path
- base_url
- include_vendors
- javascript_class
- variable_name
- initialization
- enable_jquery_noconflict
- controls
- disable_controls
- ignore_collectors
- ajax_handler_classname
- ajax_handler_bind_to_jquery
- ajax_handler_auto_show
- open_handler_classname
- open_handler_url

param: array $options [description]

setBasePath($path)   X-Ref
Sets the path which assets are relative to

param: string $path

getBasePath()   X-Ref
Returns the path which assets are relative to

return: string

setBaseUrl($url)   X-Ref
Sets the base URL from which assets will be served

param: string $url

getBaseUrl()   X-Ref
Returns the base URL from which assets will be served

return: string

setIncludeVendors($enabled = true)   X-Ref
Whether to include vendor assets

You can only include js or css vendors using
setIncludeVendors('css') or setIncludeVendors('js')

param: boolean $enabled

areVendorsIncluded()   X-Ref
Checks if vendors assets are included

return: boolean

disableVendor($name)   X-Ref
Disable a specific vendor's assets.

param: string $name "jquery", "fontawesome", "highlightjs"
return: void

setJavascriptClass($className)   X-Ref
Sets the javascript class name

param: string $className

getJavascriptClass()   X-Ref
Returns the javascript class name

return: string

setVariableName($name)   X-Ref
Sets the variable name of the class instance

param: string $name

getVariableName()   X-Ref
Returns the variable name of the class instance

return: string

setInitialization($init)   X-Ref
Sets what should be initialized

- INITIALIZE_CONSTRUCTOR: only initializes the instance
- INITIALIZE_CONTROLS: initializes the controls and data mapping
- INITIALIZE_CONSTRUCTOR | INITIALIZE_CONTROLS: initialize everything (default)

param: integer $init

getInitialization()   X-Ref
Returns what should be initialized

return: integer

setEnableJqueryNoConflict($enabled = true)   X-Ref
Sets whether to call jQuery.noConflict()

param: boolean $enabled

isJqueryNoConflictEnabled()   X-Ref
Checks if jQuery.noConflict() will be called

return: boolean

setUseRequireJs($enabled = true)   X-Ref
Sets whether to use RequireJS or not

param: boolean $enabled
return: $this

isRequireJsUsed()   X-Ref
Checks if RequireJS is used

return: boolean

addControl($name, array $options)   X-Ref
Adds a control to initialize

Possible options:
- icon: icon name
- tooltip: string
- widget: widget class name
- title: tab title
- map: a property name from the data to map the control to
- default: a js string, default value of the data map

"icon" or "widget" are at least needed

param: string $name
param: array $options

disableControl($name)   X-Ref
Disables a control

param: string $name

getControls()   X-Ref
Returns the list of controls

This does not include controls provided by collectors

return: array

ignoreCollector($name)   X-Ref
Ignores widgets provided by a collector

param: string $name

getIgnoredCollectors()   X-Ref
Returns the list of ignored collectors

return: array

setAjaxHandlerClass($className)   X-Ref
Sets the class name of the ajax handler

Set to false to disable

param: string $className

getAjaxHandlerClass()   X-Ref
Returns the class name of the ajax handler

return: string

setBindAjaxHandlerToFetch($bind = true)   X-Ref
Sets whether to call bindToFetch() on the ajax handler

param: boolean $bind

isAjaxHandlerBoundToFetch()   X-Ref
Checks whether bindToFetch() will be called on the ajax handler

return: boolean

setBindAjaxHandlerToJquery($bind = true)   X-Ref
Sets whether to call bindToJquery() on the ajax handler

param: boolean $bind

isAjaxHandlerBoundToJquery()   X-Ref
Checks whether bindToJquery() will be called on the ajax handler

return: boolean

setBindAjaxHandlerToXHR($bind = true)   X-Ref
Sets whether to call bindToXHR() on the ajax handler

param: boolean $bind

isAjaxHandlerBoundToXHR()   X-Ref
Checks whether bindToXHR() will be called on the ajax handler

return: boolean

setAjaxHandlerAutoShow($autoShow = true)   X-Ref
Sets whether new ajax debug data will be immediately shown.  Setting to false could be useful
if there are a lot of tracking events cluttering things.

param: boolean $autoShow

isAjaxHandlerAutoShow()   X-Ref
Checks whether the ajax handler will immediately show new ajax requests.

return: boolean

setOpenHandlerClass($className)   X-Ref
Sets the class name of the js open handler

param: string $className

getOpenHandlerClass()   X-Ref
Returns the class name of the js open handler

return: string

setOpenHandlerUrl($url)   X-Ref
Sets the url of the open handler

param: string $url

getOpenHandlerUrl()   X-Ref
Returns the url for the open handler

return: string

setCspNonce($nonce = null)   X-Ref
Sets the CSP Nonce (or remove it by setting to null)

param: string|null $nonce
return: $this

getCspNonce()   X-Ref
Get the CSP Nonce

return: string|null

addAssets($cssFiles, $jsFiles, $basePath = null, $baseUrl = null)   X-Ref
Add assets stored in files to render in the head

param: array $cssFiles An array of filenames
param: array $jsFiles  An array of filenames
param: string $basePath Base path of those files
param: string $baseUrl  Base url of those files
return: $this

addInlineAssets($inlineCss, $inlineJs, $inlineHead)   X-Ref
Add inline assets to render inline in the head.  Ideally, you should store static assets in
files that you add with the addAssets function.  However, adding inline assets is useful when
integrating with 3rd-party libraries that require static assets that are only available in an
inline format.

The inline content arrays require special string array keys:  they are used to deduplicate
content.  This is particularly useful if multiple instances of the same asset end up being
added.  Inline assets from all collectors are merged together into the same array, so these
content IDs effectively deduplicate the inline assets.

param: array $inlineCss  An array map of content ID to inline CSS content (not including <style> tag)
param: array $inlineJs   An array map of content ID to inline JS content (not including <script> tag)
param: array $inlineHead An array map of content ID to arbitrary inline HTML content (typically
return: $this

getAssets($type = null, $relativeTo = self::RELATIVE_PATH)   X-Ref
Returns the list of asset files

param: string $type 'css', 'js', 'inline_css', 'inline_js', 'inline_head', or null for all
param: string $relativeTo The type of path to which filenames must be relative (path, url or null)
return: array

getRelativeRoot($relativeTo, $basePath, $baseUrl)   X-Ref
Returns the correct base according to the type

param: string $relativeTo
param: string $basePath
param: string $baseUrl
return: string

makeUriRelativeTo($uri, $root)   X-Ref
Makes a URI relative to another

param: string|array $uri
param: string $root
return: string

filterAssetArray($array, $type = '')   X-Ref
Filters a tuple of (css, js, inline_css, inline_js, inline_head) assets according to $type

param: array $array
param: string $type 'css', 'js', 'inline_css', 'inline_js', 'inline_head', or null for all
return: array

getAsseticCollection($type = null)   X-Ref
Returns an array where all items are Assetic AssetCollection:
- The first one contains the CSS files
- The second one contains the JS files
- The third one contains arbitrary inline HTML (typically composed of <script>/<style>
elements); it must be embedded within the <head> element

param: string $type Optionally return only 'css', 'js', or 'inline_head' collection
return: array|\Assetic\Asset\AssetCollection

createAsseticCollection($files = null, $content = null)   X-Ref
Create an Assetic AssetCollection with the given content.
Filenames will be converted to absolute path using
the base path.

param: array|null $files Array of asset filenames.
param: array|null $content Array of inline asset content.
return: \Assetic\Asset\AssetCollection

dumpCssAssets($targetFilename = null)   X-Ref
Write all CSS assets to standard output or in a file

param: string $targetFilename

dumpJsAssets($targetFilename = null)   X-Ref
Write all JS assets to standard output or in a file

param: string $targetFilename

dumpHeadAssets($targetFilename = null)   X-Ref
Write all inline HTML header assets to standard output or in a file (only returns assets not
already returned by dumpCssAssets or dumpJsAssets)

param: string $targetFilename

dumpAssets($files = null, $content = null, $targetFilename = null, $useRequireJs = false)   X-Ref
Write assets to standard output or in a file

param: array|null $files Filenames containing assets
param: array|null $content Inline content to dump
param: string $targetFilename
param: bool $useRequireJs

renderHead()   X-Ref
Renders the html to include needed assets

Only useful if Assetic is not used

return: string

renderOnShutdown($here = true, $initialize = true, $renderStackedData = true, $head = false)   X-Ref
Register shutdown to display the debug bar

param: boolean $here Set position of HTML. True if is to current position or false for end file
param: boolean $initialize Whether to render the de bug bar initialization code
param: bool $renderStackedData
param: bool $head
return: string Return "{--DEBUGBAR_OB_START_REPLACE_ME--}" or return an empty string if $here == false

renderOnShutdownWithHead($here = true, $initialize = true, $renderStackedData = true)   X-Ref
Same as renderOnShutdown() with $head = true

param: boolean $here
param: boolean $initialize
param: boolean $renderStackedData
return: string

replaceTagInBuffer($here = true, $initialize = true, $renderStackedData = true, $head = false)   X-Ref
Is callback function for register_shutdown_function(...)

param: boolean $here Set position of HTML. True if is to current position or false for end file
param: boolean $initialize Whether to render the de bug bar initialization code
param: bool $renderStackedData
param: bool $head

render($initialize = true, $renderStackedData = true)   X-Ref
Returns the code needed to display the debug bar

AJAX request should not render the initialization code.

param: boolean $initialize Whether or not to render the debug bar initialization code
param: boolean $renderStackedData Whether or not to render the stacked data
return: string

getJsInitializationCode()   X-Ref
Returns the js code needed to initialize the debug bar

return: string

getJsControlsDefinitionCode($varname)   X-Ref
Returns the js code needed to initialized the controls and data mapping of the debug bar

Controls can be defined by collectors themselves or using {@see addControl()}

param: string $varname Debug bar's variable name
return: string

getAddDatasetCode($requestId, $data, $suffix = null)   X-Ref
Returns the js code needed to add a dataset

param: string $requestId
param: array $data
param: mixed $suffix
return: string

getNonceAttribute()   X-Ref
If a nonce it set, create the correct attribute

return: string

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer