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/libraries/vendor/laminas/laminas-diactoros/src/ -> Uri.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

Uri:: (30 methods):

Class: Uri  - X-Ref

Implementation of Psr\Http\UriInterface.

Provides a value object representing a URI for HTTP requests.

Instances of this class  are considered immutable; all methods that
might change state are implemented such that they retain the internal
state of the current instance and return a new instance that contains the
changed state.
__construct(string $uri = '')   X-Ref
generated uri string cache

__clone()   X-Ref
Operations to perform on clone.

Since cloning usually is for purposes of mutation, we reset the
$uriString property so it will be re-calculated.

__toString()   X-Ref

getScheme()   X-Ref

getAuthority()   X-Ref

getUserInfo()   X-Ref
Retrieve the user-info part of the URI.

This value is percent-encoded, per RFC 3986 Section 3.2.1.


getHost()   X-Ref

getPort()   X-Ref

getPath()   X-Ref

getQuery()   X-Ref

getFragment()   X-Ref

withScheme($scheme)   X-Ref

withUserInfo($user, $password = null)   X-Ref
Create and return a new instance containing the provided user credentials.

The value will be percent-encoded in the new instance, but with measures
taken to prevent double-encoding.


withHost($host)   X-Ref

withPort($port)   X-Ref

withPath($path)   X-Ref

withQuery($query)   X-Ref

withFragment($fragment)   X-Ref

parseUri(string $uri)   X-Ref
Parse a URI into its parts, and set the properties

createUriString(string $scheme,string $authority,string $path,string $query,string $fragment)   X-Ref
Create a URI string from its various parts

isNonStandardPort(string $scheme, string $host, ?int $port)   X-Ref
Is a given port non-standard for the current scheme?

filterScheme(string $scheme)   X-Ref
Filters the scheme to ensure it is a valid scheme.

param: string $scheme Scheme name.
return: string Filtered scheme.

filterUserInfoPart(string $part)   X-Ref
Filters a part of user info in a URI to ensure it is properly encoded.

param: string $part
return: string

filterPath(string $path)   X-Ref
Filters the path of a URI to ensure it is properly encoded.

filterInvalidUtf8(string $string)   X-Ref
Encode invalid UTF-8 characters in given string. All other characters are unchanged.

filterQuery(string $query)   X-Ref
Filter a query string to ensure it is propertly encoded.

Ensures that the values in the query string are properly urlencoded.

splitQueryValue(string $value)   X-Ref
Split a query value into a key/value tuple.

param: string $value
return: array A value with exactly two elements, key and value

filterFragment(string $fragment)   X-Ref
Filter a fragment value to ensure it is properly encoded.

filterQueryOrFragment(string $value)   X-Ref
Filter a query string key or value, or a fragment.

urlEncodeChar(array $matches)   X-Ref
URL encode a character returned by a regex.

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