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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/libraries/vendor/joomla/uri/src/ -> AbstractUri.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * Part of the Joomla Framework Uri Package
   4   *
   5   * @copyright  Copyright (C) 2005 - 2022 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
   6   * @license    GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
   7   */
   9  namespace Joomla\Uri;
  11  /**
  12   * Base Joomla Uri Class
  13   *
  14   * @since  1.0
  15   */
  16  abstract class AbstractUri implements UriInterface
  17  {
  18      /**
  19       * Original URI
  20       *
  21       * @var    string
  22       * @since  1.0
  23       */
  24      protected $uri;
  26      /**
  27       * Protocol
  28       *
  29       * @var    string
  30       * @since  1.0
  31       */
  32      protected $scheme;
  34      /**
  35       * Host
  36       *
  37       * @var    string
  38       * @since  1.0
  39       */
  40      protected $host;
  42      /**
  43       * Port
  44       *
  45       * @var    integer
  46       * @since  1.0
  47       */
  48      protected $port;
  50      /**
  51       * Username
  52       *
  53       * @var    string
  54       * @since  1.0
  55       */
  56      protected $user;
  58      /**
  59       * Password
  60       *
  61       * @var    string
  62       * @since  1.0
  63       */
  64      protected $pass;
  66      /**
  67       * Path
  68       *
  69       * @var    string
  70       * @since  1.0
  71       */
  72      protected $path;
  74      /**
  75       * Query
  76       *
  77       * @var    string
  78       * @since  1.0
  79       */
  80      protected $query;
  82      /**
  83       * Anchor
  84       *
  85       * @var    string
  86       * @since  1.0
  87       */
  88      protected $fragment;
  90      /**
  91       * Query variable hash
  92       *
  93       * @var    array
  94       * @since  1.0
  95       */
  96      protected $vars = [];
  98      /**
  99       * Constructor.
 100       *
 101       * You can pass a URI string to the constructor to initialise a specific URI.
 102       *
 103       * @param   string  $uri  The optional URI string
 104       *
 105       * @since   1.0
 106       */
 107  	public function __construct($uri = null)
 108      {
 109          if ($uri !== null)
 110          {
 111              $this->parse($uri);
 112          }
 113      }
 115      /**
 116       * Magic method to get the string representation of the UriInterface object.
 117       *
 118       * @return  string
 119       *
 120       * @since   1.0
 121       */
 122  	public function __toString()
 123      {
 124          return $this->toString();
 125      }
 127      /**
 128       * Returns full URI string.
 129       *
 130       * @param   array  $parts  An array of strings specifying the parts to render.
 131       *
 132       * @return  string  The rendered URI string.
 133       *
 134       * @since   1.0
 135       */
 136  	public function toString($parts = ['scheme', 'user', 'pass', 'host', 'port', 'path', 'query', 'fragment'])
 137      {
 138          $bitmask = 0;
 140          foreach ($parts as $part)
 141          {
 142              $const = 'static::' . strtoupper($part);
 144              if (\defined($const))
 145              {
 146                  $bitmask |= \constant($const);
 147              }
 148          }
 150          return $this->render($bitmask);
 151      }
 153      /**
 154       * Returns full uri string.
 155       *
 156       * @param   integer  $parts  A bitmask specifying the parts to render.
 157       *
 158       * @return  string  The rendered URI string.
 159       *
 160       * @since   1.2.0
 161       */
 162  	public function render($parts = self::ALL)
 163      {
 164          // Make sure the query is created
 165          $query = $this->getQuery();
 167          $uri = '';
 168          $uri .= $parts & static::SCHEME ? (!empty($this->scheme) ? $this->scheme . '://' : '') : '';
 169          $uri .= $parts & static::USER ? $this->user : '';
 170          $uri .= $parts & static::PASS ? (!empty($this->pass) ? ':' : '') . $this->pass . (!empty($this->user) ? '@' : '') : '';
 171          $uri .= $parts & static::HOST ? $this->host : '';
 172          $uri .= $parts & static::PORT ? (!empty($this->port) ? ':' : '') . $this->port : '';
 173          $uri .= $parts & static::PATH ? $this->path : '';
 174          $uri .= $parts & static::QUERY ? (!empty($query) ? '?' . $query : '') : '';
 175          $uri .= $parts & static::FRAGMENT ? (!empty($this->fragment) ? '#' . $this->fragment : '') : '';
 177          return $uri;
 178      }
 180      /**
 181       * Checks if variable exists.
 182       *
 183       * @param   string  $name  Name of the query variable to check.
 184       *
 185       * @return  boolean  True if the variable exists.
 186       *
 187       * @since   1.0
 188       */
 189  	public function hasVar($name)
 190      {
 191          return array_key_exists($name, $this->vars);
 192      }
 194      /**
 195       * Returns a query variable by name.
 196       *
 197       * @param   string  $name     Name of the query variable to get.
 198       * @param   string  $default  Default value to return if the variable is not set.
 199       *
 200       * @return  mixed   Requested query variable if present otherwise the default value.
 201       *
 202       * @since   1.0
 203       */
 204  	public function getVar($name, $default = null)
 205      {
 206          if (array_key_exists($name, $this->vars))
 207          {
 208              return $this->vars[$name];
 209          }
 211          return $default;
 212      }
 214      /**
 215       * Returns flat query string.
 216       *
 217       * @param   boolean  $toArray  True to return the query as a key => value pair array.
 218       *
 219       * @return  string|array   Query string or Array of parts in query string depending on the function param
 220       *
 221       * @since   1.0
 222       */
 223  	public function getQuery($toArray = false)
 224      {
 225          if ($toArray)
 226          {
 227              return $this->vars;
 228          }
 230          // If the query is empty build it first
 231          if ($this->query === null)
 232          {
 233              $this->query = static::buildQuery($this->vars);
 234          }
 236          return $this->query;
 237      }
 239      /**
 240       * Get the URI scheme (protocol)
 241       *
 242       * @return  string  The URI scheme.
 243       *
 244       * @since   1.0
 245       */
 246  	public function getScheme()
 247      {
 248          return $this->scheme;
 249      }
 251      /**
 252       * Get the URI username
 253       *
 254       * @return  string  The username, or null if no username was specified.
 255       *
 256       * @since   1.0
 257       */
 258  	public function getUser()
 259      {
 260          return $this->user;
 261      }
 263      /**
 264       * Get the URI password
 265       *
 266       * @return  string  The password, or null if no password was specified.
 267       *
 268       * @since   1.0
 269       */
 270  	public function getPass()
 271      {
 272          return $this->pass;
 273      }
 275      /**
 276       * Get the URI host
 277       *
 278       * @return  string  The hostname/IP or null if no hostname/IP was specified.
 279       *
 280       * @since   1.0
 281       */
 282  	public function getHost()
 283      {
 284          return $this->host;
 285      }
 287      /**
 288       * Get the URI port
 289       *
 290       * @return  integer  The port number, or null if no port was specified.
 291       *
 292       * @since   1.0
 293       */
 294  	public function getPort()
 295      {
 296          return $this->port;
 297      }
 299      /**
 300       * Gets the URI path string
 301       *
 302       * @return  string  The URI path string.
 303       *
 304       * @since   1.0
 305       */
 306  	public function getPath()
 307      {
 308          return $this->path;
 309      }
 311      /**
 312       * Get the URI anchor string
 313       *
 314       * @return  string  The URI anchor string.
 315       *
 316       * @since   1.0
 317       */
 318  	public function getFragment()
 319      {
 320          return $this->fragment;
 321      }
 323      /**
 324       * Checks whether the current URI is using HTTPS.
 325       *
 326       * @return  boolean  True if using SSL via HTTPS.
 327       *
 328       * @since   1.0
 329       */
 330  	public function isSsl()
 331      {
 332          return strtolower($this->getScheme()) === 'https';
 333      }
 335      /**
 336       * Build a query from an array (reverse of the PHP parse_str()).
 337       *
 338       * @param   array  $params  The array of key => value pairs to return as a query string.
 339       *
 340       * @return  string  The resulting query string.
 341       *
 342       * @see     parse_str()
 343       * @since   1.0
 344       */
 345  	protected static function buildQuery(array $params)
 346      {
 347          return urldecode(http_build_query($params, '', '&'));
 348      }
 350      /**
 351       * Parse a given URI and populate the class fields.
 352       *
 353       * @param   string  $uri  The URI string to parse.
 354       *
 355       * @return  boolean  True on success.
 356       *
 357       * @since   1.0
 358       */
 359  	protected function parse($uri)
 360      {
 361          // Set the original URI to fall back on
 362          $this->uri = $uri;
 364          /*
 365           * Parse the URI and populate the object fields. If URI is parsed properly,
 366           * set method return value to true.
 367           */
 369          $parts = UriHelper::parse_url($uri);
 371          if ($parts === false)
 372          {
 373              throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not parse the requested URI %s', $uri));
 374          }
 376          $retval = ($parts) ? true : false;
 378          // We need to replace &amp; with & for parse_str to work right...
 379          if (isset($parts['query']) && strpos($parts['query'], '&amp;') !== false)
 380          {
 381              $parts['query'] = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $parts['query']);
 382          }
 384          foreach ($parts as $key => $value)
 385          {
 386              $this->$key = $value;
 387          }
 389          // Parse the query
 390          if (isset($parts['query']))
 391          {
 392              parse_str($parts['query'], $this->vars);
 393          }
 395          return $retval;
 396      }
 398      /**
 399       * Resolves //, ../ and ./ from a path and returns the result.
 400       *
 401       * For example:
 402       * /foo/bar/../boo.php    => /foo/boo.php
 403       * /foo/bar/../../boo.php => /boo.php
 404       * /foo/bar/.././/boo.php => /foo/boo.php
 405       *
 406       * @param   string  $path  The URI path to clean.
 407       *
 408       * @return  string  Cleaned and resolved URI path.
 409       *
 410       * @since   1.0
 411       */
 412  	protected function cleanPath($path)
 413      {
 414          $path = explode('/', preg_replace('#(/+)#', '/', $path));
 416          for ($i = 0, $n = \count($path); $i < $n; $i++)
 417          {
 418              if ($path[$i] == '.' || $path[$i] == '..')
 419              {
 420                  if (($path[$i] == '.') || ($path[$i] == '..' && $i == 1 && $path[0] == ''))
 421                  {
 422                      unset($path[$i]);
 423                      $path = array_values($path);
 424                      $i--;
 425                      $n--;
 426                  }
 427                  elseif ($path[$i] == '..' && ($i > 1 || ($i == 1 && $path[0] != '')))
 428                  {
 429                      unset($path[$i], $path[$i - 1]);
 431                      $path = array_values($path);
 432                      $i -= 2;
 433                      $n -= 2;
 434                  }
 435              }
 436          }
 438          return implode('/', $path);
 439      }
 440  }

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