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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/libraries/vendor/joomla/string/src/phputf8/utils/ -> position.php (summary)

Locate a byte index given a UTF-8 character index

File Size: 168 lines (5 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 3 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

utf8_byte_position()   X-Ref
Given a string and a character index in the string, in
terms of the UTF-8 character position, returns the byte
index of that character. Can be useful when you want to
PHP's native string functions but we warned, locating
the byte can be expensive
Takes variable number of parameters - first must be
the search string then 1 to n UTF-8 character positions
to obtain byte indexes for - it is more efficient to search
the string for multiple characters at once, than make
repeated calls to this function

author: Chris Smith<[email protected]>
param: string string to locate index in
param: int (n times)
return: mixed - int if only one input int, array if more
return: boolean TRUE if it's all ASCII

utf8_locate_current_chr( &$str, $idx )   X-Ref
Given a string and any byte index, returns the byte index
of the start of the current UTF-8 character, relative to supplied
position. If the current character begins at the same place as the
supplied byte index, that byte index will be returned. Otherwise
this function will step backwards, looking for the index where
current UTF-8 character begins

author: Chris Smith<[email protected]>
param: string
param: int byte index in the string
return: int byte index of start of next UTF-8 character

utf8_locate_next_chr( &$str, $idx )   X-Ref
Given a string and any byte index, returns the byte index
of the start of the next UTF-8 character, relative to supplied
position. If the next character begins at the same place as the
supplied byte index, that byte index will be returned.

author: Chris Smith<[email protected]>
param: string
param: int byte index in the string
return: int byte index of start of next UTF-8 character

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer