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/libraries/vendor/joomla/string/src/phputf8/utils/ -> ascii.php (summary)

Tools to help with ASCII in UTF-8

File Size: 214 lines (8 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 6 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

utf8_is_ascii($str)   X-Ref
Tests whether a string contains only 7bit ASCII bytes.
You might use this to conditionally check whether a string
needs handling as UTF-8 or not, potentially offering performance
benefits by using the native PHP equivalent if it's just ASCII e.g.;

if ( utf8_is_ascii($someString) ) {
// It's just ASCII - use the native PHP version
$someString = strtolower($someString);
} else {
$someString = utf8_strtolower($someString);

param: string
return: boolean TRUE if it's all ASCII

utf8_is_ascii_ctrl($str)   X-Ref
Tests whether a string contains only 7bit ASCII bytes with device
control codes omitted. The device control codes can be found on the
second table here: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_ascii.asp

param: string
return: boolean TRUE if it's all ASCII without device control codes

utf8_strip_non_ascii($str)   X-Ref
Strip out all non-7bit ASCII bytes
If you need to transmit a string to system which you know can only
support 7bit ASCII, you could use this function.

param: string
return: string with non ASCII bytes removed

utf8_strip_ascii_ctrl($str)   X-Ref
Strip out device control codes in the ASCII range
which are not permitted in XML. Note that this leaves
multi-byte characters untouched - it only removes device
control codes

param: string
return: string control codes removed

utf8_strip_non_ascii_ctrl($str)   X-Ref
Strip out all non 7bit ASCII bytes and ASCII device control codes.
For a list of ASCII device control codes see the 2nd table here:

param: string
return: boolean TRUE if it's all ASCII

utf8_accents_to_ascii( $str, $case=0 )   X-Ref
Replace accented UTF-8 characters by unaccented ASCII-7 "equivalents".
The purpose of this function is to replace characters commonly found in Latin
alphabets with something more or less equivalent from the ASCII range. This can
be useful for converting a UTF-8 to something ready for a filename, for example.
Following the use of this function, you would probably also pass the string
through utf8_strip_non_ascii to clean out any other non-ASCII chars
Use the optional parameter to just deaccent lower ($case = -1) or upper ($case = 1)
letters. Default is to deaccent both cases ($case = 0)

For a more complete implementation of transliteration, see the utf8_to_ascii package
available from the phputf8 project downloads:

author: Andreas Gohr <[email protected]>
param: string UTF-8 string
param: int (optional) -1 lowercase only, +1 uppercase only, 1 both cases
param: string UTF-8 with accented characters replaced by ASCII chars
return: string accented chars replaced with ascii equivalents

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