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/libraries/vendor/joomla/di/src/ -> Container.php (summary)

Part of the Joomla Framework DI Package

Copyright: Copyright (C) 2013 - 2018 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
File Size: 782 lines (19 kb)
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Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Container:: (23 methods):

Class: Container  - X-Ref

The Container class.

__construct(?ContainerInterface $parent = null)   X-Ref
Constructor for the DI Container

param: ContainerInterface|null  $parent  Parent for hierarchical containers.

get($resourceName)   X-Ref
Retrieve a resource

param: string  $resourceName  Name of the resource to get.
return: mixed  The requested resource

has($resourceName)   X-Ref
Check if specified resource exists.

param: string  $resourceName  Name of the resource to check.
return: boolean  true if key is defined, false otherwise

exists($key)   X-Ref
Method to check if specified dataStore key exists.

param: string  $key  Name of the dataStore key to check.
return: boolean  True for success

alias($alias, $key)   X-Ref
Create an alias for a given key for easy access.

param: string  $alias  The alias name
param: string  $key    The key to alias
return: $this

resolveAlias($resourceName)   X-Ref
Resolve a resource name.

If the resource name is an alias, the corresponding key is returned.
If the resource name is not an alias, the resource name is returned unchanged.

param: string  $resourceName  The key to search for.
return: string

isShared(string $resourceName)   X-Ref
Check whether a resource is shared

param: string  $resourceName  Name of the resource to check.
return: boolean

isProtected(string $resourceName)   X-Ref
Check whether a resource is protected

param: string  $resourceName  Name of the resource to check.
return: boolean

hasFlag(string $resourceName, string $method, bool $default = true)   X-Ref
Check whether a flag (i.e., one of 'shared' or 'protected') is set

param: string   $resourceName  Name of the resource to check.
param: string   $method        Method to delegate to
param: boolean  $default       Default return value
return: boolean

tag($tag, array $keys)   X-Ref
Assign a tag to services.

param: string  $tag   The tag name
param: array   $keys  The service keys to tag
return: $this

getTagged($tag)   X-Ref
Fetch all services registered to the given tag.

param: string  $tag  The tag name
return: array  The resolved services for the given tag

buildObject($resourceName, $shared = false)   X-Ref
Build an object of the requested class

Creates an instance of the class specified by $resourceName with all dependencies injected.
If the dependencies cannot be completely resolved, a DependencyResolutionException is thrown.

param: string   $resourceName  The class name to build.
param: boolean  $shared        True to create a shared resource.
return: object|false  Instance of class specified by $resourceName with all dependencies injected.

buildSharedObject($resourceName)   X-Ref
Convenience method for building a shared object.

param: string  $resourceName  The class name to build.
return: object|false  Instance of class specified by $resourceName with all dependencies injected.

createChild()   X-Ref
Create a child Container with a new property scope that has the ability to access the parent scope when resolving.

return: Container  A new container with the current as a parent

extend($resourceName, callable $callable)   X-Ref
Extend a defined service Closure by wrapping the existing one with a new callable function.

This works very similar to a decorator pattern.  Note that this only works on service Closures
that have been defined in the current container, not parent containers.

param: string    $resourceName  The unique identifier for the Closure or property.
param: callable  $callable      A callable to wrap the original service Closure.
return: void

getMethodArgs(\ReflectionMethod $method)   X-Ref
Build an array of method arguments.

param: \ReflectionMethod  $method  Method for which to build the argument array.
return: array  Array of arguments to pass to the method.

set($key, $value, $shared = false, $protected = false)   X-Ref
Set a resource to the container. If the value is null the resource is removed.

param: string   $key        Name of resources key to set.
param: mixed    $value      Callable function to run or string to retrive when requesting the specified $key.
param: boolean  $shared     True to create and store a shared instance.
param: boolean  $protected  True to protect this item from being overwritten. Useful for services.
return: $this

protect($key, $value, $shared = false)   X-Ref
Shortcut method for creating protected keys.

param: string   $key     Name of dataStore key to set.
param: mixed    $value   Callable function to run or string to retrive when requesting the specified $key.
param: boolean  $shared  True to create and store a shared instance.
return: $this

share($key, $value, $protected = false)   X-Ref
Shortcut method for creating shared keys.

param: string   $key        Name of dataStore key to set.
param: mixed    $value      Callable function to run or string to retrive when requesting the specified $key.
param: boolean  $protected  True to protect this item from being overwritten. Useful for services.
return: $this

getResource(string $key, bool $bail = false)   X-Ref
Get the raw data assigned to a key.

param: string   $key   The key for which to get the stored item.
param: boolean  $bail  Throw an exception, if the key is not found
return: ContainerResource|null  The resource if present, or null if instructed to not bail

getNewInstance($key)   X-Ref
Method to force the container to return a new instance of the results of the callback for requested $key.

param: string  $key  Name of the resources key to get.
return: mixed   Results of running the callback for the specified key.

registerServiceProvider(ServiceProviderInterface $provider)   X-Ref
Register a service provider to the container.

param: ServiceProviderInterface  $provider  The service provider to register.
return: $this

getKeys()   X-Ref
Retrieve the keys for services assigned to this container.

return: array

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