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/libraries/vendor/joomla/database/src/ -> QueryInterface.php (summary)

Part of the Joomla Framework Database Package

Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005 - 2021 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
File Size: 699 lines (19 kb)
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Defines 1 class

QueryInterface:: (44 methods):

Interface: QueryInterface  - X-Ref

Joomla Framework Query Building Interface.

__toString()   X-Ref
Convert the query object to a string.

return: string

call($columns)   X-Ref
Add a single column, or array of columns to the CALL clause of the query.

$query->call(array('a.*', 'b.id'));

param: array|string  $columns  A string or an array of field names.
return: $this

castAs(string $type, string $value, ?string $length = null)   X-Ref
Casts a value to a specified type.

Ensure that the value is properly quoted before passing to the method.

$query->select($query->castAs('CHAR', 'a'));

param: string  $type    The type of string to cast as.
param: string  $value   The value to cast as a char.
param: string  $length  Optionally specify the length of the field (if the type supports it otherwise
return: string  SQL statement to cast the value as a char type.

charLength($field, $operator = null, $condition = null)   X-Ref
Gets the number of characters in a string.

Note, use 'length' to find the number of bytes in a string.


param: string       $field      A value.
param: string|null  $operator   Comparison operator between charLength integer value and $condition
param: string|null  $condition  Integer value to compare charLength with.
return: string  SQL statement to get the length of a character.

clear($clause = null)   X-Ref
Clear data from the query or a specific clause of the query.

param: string  $clause  Optionally, the name of the clause to clear, or nothing to clear the whole query.
return: $this

columns($columns)   X-Ref
Adds a column, or array of column names that would be used for an INSERT INTO statement.

param: array|string  $columns  A column name, or array of column names.
return: $this

concatenate($values, $separator = null)   X-Ref
Concatenates an array of column names or values.

$query->select($query->concatenate(array('a', 'b')));

param: string[]     $values     An array of values to concatenate.
param: string|null  $separator  As separator to place between each value.
return: string  SQL statement representing the concatenated values.

currentTimestamp()   X-Ref
Gets the current date and time.

$query->where('published_up < '.$query->currentTimestamp());

return: string  SQL statement to get the current timestamp.

delete($table = null)   X-Ref
Add a table name to the DELETE clause of the query.

$query->delete('#__a')->where('id = 1');

param: string  $table  The name of the table to delete from.
return: $this

exec($columns)   X-Ref
Add a single column, or array of columns to the EXEC clause of the query.

$query->exec(array('a.*', 'b.id'));

param: array|string  $columns  A string or an array of field names.
return: $this

findInSet($value, $set)   X-Ref
Find a value in a varchar used like a set.

Ensure that the value is an integer before passing to the method.

$query->findInSet((int) $parent->id, 'a.assigned_cat_ids')

param: string  $value  The value to search for.
param: string  $set    The set of values.
return: string  A representation of the MySQL find_in_set() function for the driver.

from($table)   X-Ref
Add a table to the FROM clause of the query.


param: string|QueryInterface  $table  The name of the table or a QueryInterface object (or a child of it) with alias set.
return: $this

alias($alias)   X-Ref
Add alias for current query.


param: string  $alias  Alias used for a JDatabaseQuery.
return: $this

year($date)   X-Ref
Used to get a string to extract year from date column.


param: string  $date  Date column containing year to be extracted.
return: string  SQL statement to get the year from a date value.

month($date)   X-Ref
Used to get a string to extract month from date column.


param: string  $date  Date column containing month to be extracted.
return: string  SQL statement to get the month from a date value.

day($date)   X-Ref
Used to get a string to extract day from date column.


param: string  $date  Date column containing day to be extracted.
return: string  SQL statement to get the day from a date value.

hour($date)   X-Ref
Used to get a string to extract hour from date column.


param: string  $date  Date column containing hour to be extracted.
return: string  SQL statement to get the hour from a date/time value.

minute($date)   X-Ref
Used to get a string to extract minute from date column.


param: string  $date  Date column containing minute to be extracted.
return: string  SQL statement to get the minute from a date/time value.

second($date)   X-Ref
Used to get a string to extract seconds from date column.


param: string  $date  Date column containing second to be extracted.
return: string  SQL statement to get the second from a date/time value.

group($columns)   X-Ref
Add a grouping column to the GROUP clause of the query.


param: array|string  $columns  A string or array of ordering columns.
return: $this

groupConcat($expression, $separator = ',')   X-Ref
Aggregate function to get input values concatenated into a string, separated by delimiter

$query->groupConcat('id', ',');

param: string  $expression  The expression to apply concatenation to, this may be a column name or complex SQL statement.
param: string  $separator   The delimiter of each concatenated value
return: string  Input values concatenated into a string, separated by delimiter

having($conditions, $glue = 'AND')   X-Ref
A conditions to the HAVING clause of the query.

$query->group('id')->having('COUNT(id) > 5');

param: array|string  $conditions  A string or array of columns.
param: string        $glue        The glue by which to join the conditions. Defaults to AND.
return: $this

insert($table, $incrementField = false)   X-Ref
Add a table name to the INSERT clause of the query.

$query->insert('#__a')->set('id = 1');
$query->insert('#__a')->columns('id, title')->values('1,2')->values('3,4');
$query->insert('#__a')->columns('id, title')->values(array('1,2', '3,4'));

param: string   $table           The name of the table to insert data into.
param: boolean  $incrementField  The name of the field to auto increment.
return: $this

join($type, $table, $condition = null)   X-Ref
Add a JOIN clause to the query.

$query->join('INNER', 'b', 'b.id = a.id);

param: string  $type       The type of join. This string is prepended to the JOIN keyword.
param: string  $table      The name of table.
param: string  $condition  The join condition.
return: $this

length($value)   X-Ref
Get the length of a string in bytes.

Note, use 'charLength' to find the number of characters in a string.

query->where($query->length('a').' > 3');

param: string  $value  The string to measure.
return: integer

nullDate($quoted = true)   X-Ref
Get the null or zero representation of a timestamp for the database driver.

This method is provided for use where the query object is passed to a function for modification.
If you have direct access to the database object, it is recommended you use the nullDate method directly.

$query->where('modified_date <> '.$query->nullDate());

param: boolean  $quoted  Optionally wraps the null date in database quotes (true by default).
return: string  Null or zero representation of a timestamp.

isNullDatetime($column)   X-Ref
Generate a SQL statement to check if column represents a zero or null datetime.


param: string  $column  A column name.
return: string

order($columns)   X-Ref
Add an ordering column to the ORDER clause of the query.


param: array|string  $columns  A string or array of ordering columns.
return: $this

rand()   X-Ref
Get the function to return a random floating-point value


return: string

regexp($value)   X-Ref
Get the regular expression operator

$query->where('field ' . $query->regexp($search));

param: string  $value  The regex pattern.
return: string

select($columns)   X-Ref
Add a single column, or array of columns to the SELECT clause of the query.

$query->select(array('a.*', 'b.id'));

param: array|string  $columns  A string or an array of field names.
return: $this

selectRowNumber($orderBy, $orderColumnAlias)   X-Ref
Return the number of the current row.

$query->selectRowNumber('ordering,publish_up DESC', 'new_ordering');

param: string  $orderBy           An expression of ordering for window function.
param: string  $orderColumnAlias  An alias for new ordering column.
return: $this

set($conditions, $glue = ',')   X-Ref
Add a single condition string, or an array of strings to the SET clause of the query.

$query->set('a = 1')->set('b = 2');
$query->set(array('a = 1', 'b = 2');

param: array|string  $conditions  A string or array of string conditions.
param: string        $glue        The glue by which to join the condition strings. Defaults to `,`.
return: $this

update($table)   X-Ref
Add a table name to the UPDATE clause of the query.


param: string  $table  A table to update.
return: $this

values($values)   X-Ref
Adds a tuple, or array of tuples that would be used as values for an INSERT INTO statement.

$query->values(array('1,2,3', '4,5,6'));

param: array|string  $values  A single tuple, or array of tuples.
return: $this

where($conditions, $glue = 'AND')   X-Ref
Add a single condition, or an array of conditions to the WHERE clause of the query.

$query->where('a = 1')->where('b = 2');
$query->where(array('a = 1', 'b = 2'));

param: array|string  $conditions  A string or array of where conditions.
param: string        $glue        The glue by which to join the conditions. Defaults to AND.
return: $this

whereIn(string $keyName, array $keyValues, $dataType = ParameterType::INTEGER)   X-Ref
Add a WHERE IN statement to the query.

Note that all values must be the same data type.

$query->whereIn('id', [1, 2, 3]);

param: string        $keyName    Key name for the where clause
param: array         $keyValues  Array of values to be matched
param: array|string  $dataType   Constant corresponding to a SQL datatype. It can be an array, in this case it
return: $this

whereNotIn(string $keyName, array $keyValues, $dataType = ParameterType::INTEGER)   X-Ref
Add a WHERE NOT IN statement to the query.

Note that all values must be the same data type.

$query->whereNotIn('id', [1, 2, 3]);

param: string        $keyName    Key name for the where clause
param: array         $keyValues  Array of values to be matched
param: array|string  $dataType   Constant corresponding to a SQL datatype. It can be an array, in this case it
return: $this

extendWhere($outerGlue, $conditions, $innerGlue = 'AND')   X-Ref
Extend the WHERE clause with a single condition or an array of conditions, with a potentially different logical operator from the one in the
current WHERE clause.

$query->where(array('a = 1', 'b = 2'))->extendWhere('XOR', array('c = 3', 'd = 4'));
will produce: WHERE ((a = 1 AND b = 2) XOR (c = 3 AND d = 4)

param: string  $outerGlue   The glue by which to join the conditions to the current WHERE conditions.
param: mixed   $conditions  A string or array of WHERE conditions.
param: string  $innerGlue   The glue by which to join the conditions. Defaults to AND.
return: $this

bindArray(array $values, $dataType = ParameterType::INTEGER)   X-Ref
Binds an array of values and returns an array of prepared parameter names.

Note that all values must be the same data type.

$query->whereIn('column in (' . implode(',', $query->bindArray($keyValues, $dataType)) . ')');

param: array         $values    Values to bind
param: array|string  $dataType  Constant corresponding to a SQL datatype. It can be an array, in this case it
return: array   An array with parameter names

union($query, $distinct = true)   X-Ref
Add a query to UNION with the current query.

$query->union('SELECT name FROM  #__foo')
$query->union('SELECT name FROM  #__foo', true)

param: DatabaseQuery|string  $query     The DatabaseQuery object or string to union.
param: boolean               $distinct  True to only return distinct rows from the union.
return: $this

unionAll($query)   X-Ref
Add a query to UNION ALL with the current query.

$query->unionAll('SELECT name FROM  #__foo')

param: DatabaseQuery|string  $query  The DatabaseQuery object or string to union.
return: $this

querySet($query)   X-Ref
Set a single query to the query set.
On this type of DatabaseQuery you can use union(), unionAll(), order() and setLimit()

$query->querySet($query2->select('name')->from('#__foo')->order('id DESC')->setLimit(1))

param: DatabaseQuery|string  $query  The DatabaseQuery object or string.
return: $this

toQuerySet()   X-Ref
Create a DatabaseQuery object of type querySet from current query.

$query->select('name')->from('#__foo')->order('id DESC')->setLimit(1)

return: DatabaseQuery  A new object of the DatabaseQuery.

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