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/libraries/vendor/joomla/database/src/Pgsql/ -> PgsqlDriver.php (summary)

Part of the Joomla Framework Database Package

Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005 - 2021 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
File Size: 1128 lines (29 kb)
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Defines 1 class

PgsqlDriver:: (33 methods):

Class: PgsqlDriver  - X-Ref

PostgreSQL PDO Database Driver

__construct($options)   X-Ref
Database object constructor

param: array  $options  List of options used to configure the connection

connect()   X-Ref
Connects to the database if needed.

return: void

getCollation()   X-Ref
Method to get the database collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database.

return: string|boolean  The collation in use by the database or boolean false if not supported.

getConnectionCollation()   X-Ref
Method to get the database connection collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database.

return: string|boolean  The collation in use by the database connection (string) or boolean false if not supported.

getConnectionEncryption()   X-Ref
Method to get the database encryption details (cipher and protocol) in use.

return: string  The database encryption details.

isConnectionEncryptionSupported()   X-Ref
Method to test if the database TLS connections encryption are supported.

return: boolean  Whether the database supports TLS connections encryption.

getDefaultSchema()   X-Ref
Internal function to get the name of the default schema for the current PostgreSQL connection.
That is the schema where tables are created by Joomla.

return: string

getTableCreate($tables)   X-Ref
Shows the table CREATE statement that creates the given tables.

This is unsupported by PostgreSQL.

param: mixed  $tables  A table name or a list of table names.
return: string  An empty string because this function is not supported by PostgreSQL.

getTableColumns($table, $typeOnly = true)   X-Ref
Retrieves field information about a given table.

param: string   $table     The name of the database table.
param: boolean  $typeOnly  True to only return field types.
return: array  An array of fields for the database table.

getTableKeys($table)   X-Ref
Get the details list of keys for a table.

param: string  $table  The name of the table.
return: array  An array of the column specification for the table.

getNamesKey($table, $indKey)   X-Ref
Get the list of column names this index indexes.

param: string  $table   The name of the table.
param: string  $indKey  The list of column numbers for the table
return: string  A list of the column names for the table.

getTableList()   X-Ref
Method to get an array of all tables in the database.

return: array  An array of all the tables in the database.

getTableSequences($table)   X-Ref
Get the details list of sequences for a table.

param: string  $table  The name of the table.
return: array  An array of sequences specification for the table.

getSequenceLastValue($sequence)   X-Ref
Method to get the last value of a sequence in the database.

param: string  $sequence  The name of the sequence.
return: integer  The last value of the sequence.

getSequenceIsCalled($sequence)   X-Ref
Method to get the is_called attribute of a sequence.

param: string  $sequence  The name of the sequence.
return: boolean  The is_called attribute of the sequence.

lockTable($tableName)   X-Ref
Locks a table in the database.

param: string  $tableName  The name of the table to unlock.
return: $this

renameTable($oldTable, $newTable, $backup = null, $prefix = null)   X-Ref
Renames a table in the database.

param: string  $oldTable  The name of the table to be renamed
param: string  $newTable  The new name for the table.
param: string  $backup    Not used by PostgreSQL.
param: string  $prefix    Not used by PostgreSQL.
return: $this

sqlValue($columns, $fieldName, $fieldValue)   X-Ref
This function return a field value as a prepared string to be used in a SQL statement.

param: array   $columns     Array of table's column returned by ::getTableColumns.
param: string  $fieldName   The table field's name.
param: string  $fieldValue  The variable value to quote and return.
return: string  The quoted string.

transactionCommit($toSavepoint = false)   X-Ref
Method to commit a transaction.

param: boolean  $toSavepoint  If true, commit to the last savepoint.
return: void

transactionRollback($toSavepoint = false)   X-Ref
Method to roll back a transaction.

param: boolean  $toSavepoint  If true, rollback to the last savepoint.
return: void

transactionStart($asSavepoint = false)   X-Ref
Method to initialize a transaction.

param: boolean  $asSavepoint  If true and a transaction is already active, a savepoint will be created.
return: void

insertObject($table, &$object, $key = null)   X-Ref
Inserts a row into a table based on an object's properties.

param: string  $table   The name of the database table to insert into.
param: object  $object  A reference to an object whose public properties match the table fields.
param: string  $key     The name of the primary key. If provided the object property is updated.
return: boolean    True on success.

isSupported()   X-Ref
Test to see if the PostgreSQL connector is available.

return: boolean  True on success, false otherwise.

showTables()   X-Ref
Returns an array containing database's table list.

return: array  The database's table list.

getStringPositionSql($substring, $string)   X-Ref
Get the substring position inside a string

param: string  $substring  The string being sought
param: string  $string     The string/column being searched
return: integer  The position of $substring in $string

getRandom()   X-Ref
Generate a random value

return: float  The random generated number

getAlterDbCharacterSet($dbName)   X-Ref
Get the query string to alter the database character set.

param: string  $dbName  The database name
return: string  The query that alter the database query string

getCreateDbQuery($options, $utf)   X-Ref
Get the query string to create new Database in correct PostgreSQL syntax.

param: object   $options  object coming from "initialise" function to pass user and database name to database driver.
param: boolean  $utf      True if the database supports the UTF-8 character set, not used in PostgreSQL "CREATE DATABASE" query.
return: string    The query that creates database, owned by $options['user']

replacePrefix($sql, $prefix = ')   X-Ref
This function replaces a string identifier with the configured table prefix.

param: string  $sql     The SQL statement to prepare.
param: string  $prefix  The table prefix.
return: string  The processed SQL statement.

unlockTables()   X-Ref
Unlocks tables in the database, this command does not exist in PostgreSQL, it is automatically done on commit or rollback.

return: $this

updateObject($table, &$object, $key, $nulls = false)   X-Ref
Updates a row in a table based on an object's properties.

param: string        $table   The name of the database table to update.
param: object        $object  A reference to an object whose public properties match the table fields.
param: array|string  $key     The name of the primary key.
param: boolean       $nulls   True to update null fields or false to ignore them.
return: boolean

quoteBinary($data)   X-Ref
Quotes a binary string to database requirements for use in database queries.

param: string  $data  A binary string to quote.
return: string  The binary quoted input string.

decodeBinary($data)   X-Ref
Replace special placeholder representing binary field with the original string.

param: string|resource  $data  Encoded string or resource.
return: string  The original string.

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