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/libraries/vendor/joomla/database/src/Mysql/ -> MysqlDriver.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * Part of the Joomla Framework Database Package
   4   *
   5   * @copyright  Copyright (C) 2005 - 2021 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
   6   * @license    GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
   7   */
   9  namespace Joomla\Database\Mysql;
  11  use Joomla\Database\Exception\ConnectionFailureException;
  12  use Joomla\Database\Pdo\PdoDriver;
  13  use Joomla\Database\UTF8MB4SupportInterface;
  15  /**
  16   * MySQL database driver supporting PDO based connections
  17   *
  18   * @link   https://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-mysql.php
  19   * @since  1.0
  20   */
  21  class MysqlDriver extends PdoDriver implements UTF8MB4SupportInterface
  22  {
  23      /**
  24       * The name of the database driver.
  25       *
  26       * @var    string
  27       * @since  1.0
  28       */
  29      public $name = 'mysql';
  31      /**
  32       * The character(s) used to quote SQL statement names such as table names or field names, etc.
  33       *
  34       * If a single character string the same character is used for both sides of the quoted name, else the first character will be used for the
  35       * opening quote and the second for the closing quote.
  36       *
  37       * @var    string
  38       * @since  1.0
  39       */
  40      protected $nameQuote = '`';
  42      /**
  43       * The null or zero representation of a timestamp for the database driver.
  44       *
  45       * @var    string
  46       * @since  1.0
  47       */
  48      protected $nullDate = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
  50      /**
  51       * True if the database engine supports UTF-8 Multibyte (utf8mb4) character encoding.
  52       *
  53       * @var    boolean
  54       * @since  1.4.0
  55       */
  56      protected $utf8mb4 = false;
  58      /**
  59       * True if the database engine is MariaDB.
  60       *
  61       * @var    boolean
  62       * @since  2.0.0
  63       */
  64      protected $mariadb = false;
  66      /**
  67       * The minimum supported database version.
  68       *
  69       * @var    string
  70       * @since  1.0
  71       */
  72      protected static $dbMinimum = '5.6';
  74      /**
  75       * The minimum supported MariaDB database version.
  76       *
  77       * @var    string
  78       * @since  2.0.0
  79       */
  80      protected static $dbMinMariadb = '10.0';
  82      /**
  83       * The default cipher suite for TLS connections.
  84       *
  85       * @var    array
  86       * @since  2.0.0
  87       */
  88      protected static $defaultCipherSuite = [
  89          'AES128-GCM-SHA256',
  90          'AES256-GCM-SHA384',
  91          'AES128-CBC-SHA256',
  92          'AES256-CBC-SHA384',
  93          'DES-CBC3-SHA',
  94      ];
  96      /**
  97       * Constructor.
  98       *
  99       * @param   array  $options  Array of database options with keys: host, user, password, database, select.
 100       *
 101       * @since   1.0
 102       */
 103  	public function __construct(array $options)
 104      {
 105          /**
 106           * sql_mode to MySql 5.7.8+ default strict mode minus ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
 107           *
 108           * @link https://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/mysql/5.7/en/news-5-7-8.html#mysqld-5-7-8-sql-mode
 109           */
 110          $sqlModes = [
 111              'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES',
 112              'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO',
 113              'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION',
 114          ];
 116          // Get some basic values from the options.
 117          $options['driver']   = 'mysql';
 118          $options['charset']  = $options['charset'] ?? 'utf8';
 119          $options['sqlModes'] = isset($options['sqlModes']) ? (array) $options['sqlModes'] : $sqlModes;
 121          $this->charset = $options['charset'];
 123          /*
 124           * Pre-populate the UTF-8 Multibyte compatibility flag. Unfortunately PDO won't report the server version unless we're connected to it,
 125           * and we cannot connect to it unless we know if it supports utf8mb4, which requires us knowing the server version. Because of this
 126           * chicken and egg issue, we _assume_ it's supported and we'll just catch any problems at connection time.
 127           */
 128          $this->utf8mb4 = $options['charset'] === 'utf8mb4';
 130          // Finalize initialisation.
 131          parent::__construct($options);
 132      }
 134      /**
 135       * Connects to the database if needed.
 136       *
 137       * @return  void  Returns void if the database connected successfully.
 138       *
 139       * @since   1.0
 140       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 141       */
 142  	public function connect()
 143      {
 144          if ($this->getConnection())
 145          {
 146              return;
 147          }
 149          // For SSL/TLS connection encryption.
 150          if ($this->options['ssl'] !== [] && $this->options['ssl']['enable'] === true)
 151          {
 152              $sslContextIsNull = true;
 154              // If customised, add cipher suite, ca file path, ca path, private key file path and certificate file path to PDO driver options.
 155              foreach (['cipher', 'ca', 'capath', 'key', 'cert'] as $key => $value)
 156              {
 157                  if ($this->options['ssl'][$value] !== null)
 158                  {
 159                      $this->options['driverOptions'][constant('\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_' . strtoupper($value))] = $this->options['ssl'][$value];
 160                      $sslContextIsNull                                                                       = false;
 161                  }
 162              }
 164              // PDO, if no cipher, ca, capath, cert and key are set, can't start TLS one-way connection, set a common ciphers suite to force it.
 165              if ($sslContextIsNull === true)
 166              {
 167                  $this->options['driverOptions'][\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CIPHER] = implode(':', static::$defaultCipherSuite);
 168              }
 170              // If customised, for capable systems (PHP 7.0.14+ and 7.1.4+) verify certificate chain and Common Name to driver options.
 171              if ($this->options['ssl']['verify_server_cert'] !== null && defined('\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT'))
 172              {
 173                  $this->options['driverOptions'][\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT] = $this->options['ssl']['verify_server_cert'];
 174              }
 175          }
 177          try
 178          {
 179              // Try to connect to MySQL
 180              parent::connect();
 181          }
 182          catch (ConnectionFailureException $e)
 183          {
 184              // If the connection failed, but not because of the wrong character set, then bubble up the exception.
 185              if (!$this->utf8mb4)
 186              {
 187                  throw $e;
 188              }
 190              /*
 191               * Otherwise, try connecting again without using utf8mb4 and see if maybe that was the problem. If the connection succeeds, then we
 192               * will have learned that the client end of the connection does not support utf8mb4.
 193                 */
 194              $this->utf8mb4            = false;
 195              $this->options['charset'] = 'utf8';
 197              parent::connect();
 198          }
 200          $serverVersion = $this->getVersion();
 202          $this->mariadb = stripos($serverVersion, 'mariadb') !== false;
 204          if ($this->utf8mb4)
 205          {
 206              // At this point we know the client supports utf8mb4.  Now we must check if the server supports utf8mb4 as well.
 207              $this->utf8mb4 = version_compare($serverVersion, '5.5.3', '>=');
 209              if ($this->mariadb && version_compare($serverVersion, '10.0.0', '<'))
 210              {
 211                  $this->utf8mb4 = false;
 212              }
 214              if (!$this->utf8mb4)
 215              {
 216                  // Reconnect with the utf8 character set.
 217                  parent::disconnect();
 218                  $this->options['charset'] = 'utf8';
 219                  parent::connect();
 220              }
 221          }
 223          // If needed, set the sql modes.
 224          if ($this->options['sqlModes'] !== [])
 225          {
 226              $this->connection->query('SET @@SESSION.sql_mode = \'' . implode(',', $this->options['sqlModes']) . '\';');
 227          }
 229          $this->setOption(\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true);
 230      }
 232      /**
 233       * Automatically downgrade a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE query from utf8mb4 (UTF-8 Multibyte) to plain utf8.
 234       *
 235       * Used when the server doesn't support UTF-8 Multibyte.
 236       *
 237       * @param   string  $query  The query to convert
 238       *
 239       * @return  string  The converted query
 240       *
 241       * @since   1.4.0
 242       */
 243  	public function convertUtf8mb4QueryToUtf8($query)
 244      {
 245          if ($this->hasUTF8mb4Support())
 246          {
 247              return $query;
 248          }
 250          // If it's not an ALTER TABLE or CREATE TABLE command there's nothing to convert
 251          $beginningOfQuery = substr($query, 0, 12);
 252          $beginningOfQuery = strtoupper($beginningOfQuery);
 254          if (!\in_array($beginningOfQuery, ['ALTER TABLE ', 'CREATE TABLE'], true))
 255          {
 256              return $query;
 257          }
 259          // Replace utf8mb4 with utf8
 260          return str_replace('utf8mb4', 'utf8', $query);
 261      }
 263      /**
 264       * Test to see if the MySQL connector is available.
 265       *
 266       * @return  boolean  True on success, false otherwise.
 267       *
 268       * @since   1.0
 269       */
 270  	public static function isSupported()
 271      {
 272          return class_exists('\\PDO') && \in_array('mysql', \PDO::getAvailableDrivers(), true);
 273      }
 275      /**
 276       * Select a database for use.
 277       *
 278       * @param   string  $database  The name of the database to select for use.
 279       *
 280       * @return  boolean
 281       *
 282       * @since   1.0
 283       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 284       */
 285  	public function select($database)
 286      {
 287          $this->connect();
 289          $this->setQuery('USE ' . $this->quoteName($database))
 290              ->execute();
 292          return true;
 293      }
 295      /**
 296       * Return the query string to alter the database character set.
 297       *
 298       * @param   string  $dbName  The database name
 299       *
 300       * @return  string  The query that alter the database query string
 301       *
 302       * @since   2.0.0
 303       */
 304  	public function getAlterDbCharacterSet($dbName)
 305      {
 306          $charset = $this->utf8mb4 ? 'utf8mb4' : 'utf8';
 308          return 'ALTER DATABASE ' . $this->quoteName($dbName) . ' CHARACTER SET `' . $charset . '`';
 309      }
 311      /**
 312       * Method to get the database collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database.
 313       *
 314       * @return  string|boolean  The collation in use by the database (string) or boolean false if not supported.
 315       *
 316       * @since   1.0
 317       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 318       */
 319  	public function getCollation()
 320      {
 321          $this->connect();
 323          return $this->setQuery('SELECT @@collation_database;')->loadResult();
 324      }
 326      /**
 327       * Method to get the database connection collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database.
 328       *
 329       * @return  string|boolean  The collation in use by the database connection (string) or boolean false if not supported.
 330       *
 331       * @since   1.6.0
 332       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 333       */
 334  	public function getConnectionCollation()
 335      {
 336          $this->connect();
 338          return $this->setQuery('SELECT @@collation_connection;')->loadResult();
 339      }
 341      /**
 342       * Method to get the database encryption details (cipher and protocol) in use.
 343       *
 344       * @return  string  The database encryption details.
 345       *
 346       * @since   2.0.0
 347       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 348       */
 349  	public function getConnectionEncryption(): string
 350      {
 351          $this->connect();
 353          $variables = $this->setQuery('SHOW SESSION STATUS WHERE `Variable_name` IN (\'Ssl_version\', \'Ssl_cipher\')')
 354              ->loadObjectList('Variable_name');
 356          if (!empty($variables['Ssl_cipher']->Value))
 357          {
 358              return $variables['Ssl_version']->Value . ' (' . $variables['Ssl_cipher']->Value . ')';
 359          }
 361          return '';
 362      }
 364      /**
 365       * Method to test if the database TLS connections encryption are supported.
 366       *
 367       * @return  boolean  Whether the database supports TLS connections encryption.
 368       *
 369       * @since   2.0.0
 370       */
 371  	public function isConnectionEncryptionSupported(): bool
 372      {
 373          $this->connect();
 375          $variables = $this->setQuery('SHOW SESSION VARIABLES WHERE `Variable_name` IN (\'have_ssl\')')->loadObjectList('Variable_name');
 377          return !empty($variables['have_ssl']->Value) && $variables['have_ssl']->Value === 'YES';
 378      }
 380      /**
 381       * Return the query string to create new Database.
 382       *
 383       * @param   stdClass  $options  Object used to pass user and database name to database driver. This object must have "db_name" and "db_user" set.
 384       * @param   boolean   $utf      True if the database supports the UTF-8 character set.
 385       *
 386       * @return  string  The query that creates database
 387       *
 388       * @since   2.0.0
 389       */
 390  	protected function getCreateDatabaseQuery($options, $utf)
 391      {
 392          if ($utf)
 393          {
 394              $charset   = $this->utf8mb4 ? 'utf8mb4' : 'utf8';
 395              $collation = $charset . '_unicode_ci';
 397              return 'CREATE DATABASE ' . $this->quoteName($options->db_name) . ' CHARACTER SET `' . $charset . '` COLLATE `' . $collation . '`';
 398          }
 400          return 'CREATE DATABASE ' . $this->quoteName($options->db_name);
 401      }
 403      /**
 404       * Shows the table CREATE statement that creates the given tables.
 405       *
 406       * @param   array|string  $tables  A table name or a list of table names.
 407       *
 408       * @return  array  A list of the create SQL for the tables.
 409       *
 410       * @since   1.0
 411       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 412       */
 413  	public function getTableCreate($tables)
 414      {
 415          $this->connect();
 417          // Initialise variables.
 418          $result = [];
 420          // Sanitize input to an array and iterate over the list.
 421          $tables = (array) $tables;
 423          foreach ($tables as $table)
 424          {
 425              $row = $this->setQuery('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $this->quoteName($table))->loadRow();
 427              // Populate the result array based on the create statements.
 428              $result[$table] = $row[1];
 429          }
 431          return $result;
 432      }
 434      /**
 435       * Retrieves field information about a given table.
 436       *
 437       * @param   string   $table     The name of the database table.
 438       * @param   boolean  $typeOnly  True to only return field types.
 439       *
 440       * @return  array  An array of fields for the database table.
 441       *
 442       * @since   1.0
 443       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 444       */
 445  	public function getTableColumns($table, $typeOnly = true)
 446      {
 447          $this->connect();
 449          $result = [];
 451          // Set the query to get the table fields statement.
 452          $fields = $this->setQuery('SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM ' . $this->quoteName($table))->loadObjectList();
 454          // If we only want the type as the value add just that to the list.
 455          if ($typeOnly)
 456          {
 457              foreach ($fields as $field)
 458              {
 459                  $result[$field->Field] = preg_replace('/[(0-9)]/', '', $field->Type);
 460              }
 461          }
 462          // If we want the whole field data object add that to the list.
 463          else
 464          {
 465              foreach ($fields as $field)
 466              {
 467                  $result[$field->Field] = $field;
 468              }
 469          }
 471          return $result;
 472      }
 474      /**
 475       * Get the details list of keys for a table.
 476       *
 477       * @param   string  $table  The name of the table.
 478       *
 479       * @return  array  An array of the column specification for the table.
 480       *
 481       * @since   1.0
 482       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 483       */
 484  	public function getTableKeys($table)
 485      {
 486          $this->connect();
 488          // Get the details columns information.
 489          return $this->setQuery('SHOW KEYS FROM ' . $this->quoteName($table))->loadObjectList();
 490      }
 492      /**
 493       * Method to get an array of all tables in the database.
 494       *
 495       * @return  array  An array of all the tables in the database.
 496       *
 497       * @since   1.0
 498       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 499       */
 500  	public function getTableList()
 501      {
 502          $this->connect();
 504          // Set the query to get the tables statement.
 505          return $this->setQuery('SHOW TABLES')->loadColumn();
 506      }
 508      /**
 509       * Get the version of the database connector.
 510       *
 511       * @return  string  The database connector version.
 512       *
 513       * @since   2.0.0
 514       */
 515  	public function getVersion()
 516      {
 517          $this->connect();
 519          $version = $this->getOption(\PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION);
 521          if (stripos($version, 'mariadb') !== false)
 522          {
 523              // MariaDB: Strip off any leading '5.5.5-', if present
 524              return preg_replace('/^5\.5\.5-/', '', $version);
 525          }
 527          return $version;
 528      }
 530      /**
 531       * Get the minimum supported database version.
 532       *
 533       * @return  string
 534       *
 535       * @since   2.0.0
 536       */
 537  	public function getMinimum()
 538      {
 539          return $this->mariadb ? static::$dbMinMariadb : static::$dbMinimum;
 540      }
 542      /**
 543       * Get the null or zero representation of a timestamp for the database driver.
 544       *
 545       * @return  string
 546       *
 547       * @since   2.0.0
 548       */
 549  	public function getNullDate()
 550      {
 551          // Check the session sql mode;
 552          if (\in_array('NO_ZERO_DATE', $this->options['sqlModes']) !== false)
 553          {
 554              $this->nullDate = '1000-01-01 00:00:00';
 555          }
 557          return $this->nullDate;
 558      }
 560      /**
 561       * Determine whether the database engine support the UTF-8 Multibyte (utf8mb4) character encoding.
 562       *
 563       * @return  boolean  True if the database engine supports UTF-8 Multibyte.
 564       *
 565       * @since   2.0.0
 566       */
 567  	public function hasUTF8mb4Support()
 568      {
 569          return $this->utf8mb4;
 570      }
 572      /**
 573       * Determine if the database engine is MariaDB.
 574       *
 575       * @return  boolean
 576       *
 577       * @since   2.0.0
 578       */
 579  	public function isMariaDb(): bool
 580      {
 581          $this->connect();
 583          return $this->mariadb;
 584      }
 586      /**
 587       * Locks a table in the database.
 588       *
 589       * @param   string  $table  The name of the table to unlock.
 590       *
 591       * @return  $this
 592       *
 593       * @since   1.0
 594       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 595       */
 596  	public function lockTable($table)
 597      {
 598          $this->setQuery('LOCK TABLES ' . $this->quoteName($table) . ' WRITE')
 599              ->execute();
 601          return $this;
 602      }
 604      /**
 605       * Renames a table in the database.
 606       *
 607       * @param   string  $oldTable  The name of the table to be renamed
 608       * @param   string  $newTable  The new name for the table.
 609       * @param   string  $backup    Not used by MySQL.
 610       * @param   string  $prefix    Not used by MySQL.
 611       *
 612       * @return  $this
 613       *
 614       * @since   1.0
 615       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 616       */
 617  	public function renameTable($oldTable, $newTable, $backup = null, $prefix = null)
 618      {
 619          $this->setQuery('RENAME TABLE ' . $this->quoteName($oldTable) . ' TO ' . $this->quoteName($newTable))
 620              ->execute();
 622          return $this;
 623      }
 625      /**
 626       * Inserts a row into a table based on an object's properties.
 627       *
 628       * @param   string  $table   The name of the database table to insert into.
 629       * @param   object  $object  A reference to an object whose public properties match the table fields.
 630       * @param   string  $key     The name of the primary key. If provided the object property is updated.
 631       *
 632       * @return  boolean
 633       *
 634       * @since   2.0.0
 635       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 636       */
 637  	public function insertObject($table, &$object, $key = null)
 638      {
 639          $fields       = [];
 640          $values       = [];
 641          $tableColumns = $this->getTableColumns($table);
 643          // Iterate over the object variables to build the query fields and values.
 644          foreach (get_object_vars($object) as $k => $v)
 645          {
 646              // Skip columns that don't exist in the table.
 647              if (!array_key_exists($k, $tableColumns))
 648              {
 649                  continue;
 650              }
 652              // Only process non-null scalars.
 653              if (\is_array($v) || \is_object($v) || $v === null)
 654              {
 655                  continue;
 656              }
 658              // Ignore any internal fields.
 659              if ($k[0] === '_')
 660              {
 661                  continue;
 662              }
 664              // Ignore null datetime fields.
 665              if ($tableColumns[$k] === 'datetime' && empty($v))
 666              {
 667                  continue;
 668              }
 670              // Ignore null integer fields.
 671              if (stristr($tableColumns[$k], 'int') !== false && $v === '')
 672              {
 673                  continue;
 674              }
 676              // Prepare and sanitize the fields and values for the database query.
 677              $fields[] = $this->quoteName($k);
 678              $values[] = $this->quote($v);
 679          }
 681          // Create the base insert statement.
 682          $query = $this->getQuery(true)
 683              ->insert($this->quoteName($table))
 684              ->columns($fields)
 685              ->values(implode(',', $values));
 687          // Set the query and execute the insert.
 688          $this->setQuery($query)->execute();
 690          // Update the primary key if it exists.
 691          $id = $this->insertid();
 693          if ($key && $id && \is_string($key))
 694          {
 695              $object->$key = $id;
 696          }
 698          return true;
 699      }
 701      /**
 702       * Method to escape a string for usage in an SQL statement.
 703       *
 704       * Oracle escaping reference:
 705       * http://www.orafaq.com/wiki/SQL_FAQ#How_does_one_escape_special_characters_when_writing_SQL_queries.3F
 706       *
 707       * SQLite escaping notes:
 708       * http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q14
 709       *
 710       * Method body is as implemented by the Zend Framework
 711       *
 712       * Note: Using query objects with bound variables is preferable to the below.
 713       *
 714       * @param   string   $text   The string to be escaped.
 715       * @param   boolean  $extra  Unused optional parameter to provide extra escaping.
 716       *
 717       * @return  string  The escaped string.
 718       *
 719       * @since   1.0
 720       */
 721  	public function escape($text, $extra = false)
 722      {
 723          if (\is_int($text))
 724          {
 725              return $text;
 726          }
 728          if (\is_float($text))
 729          {
 730              // Force the dot as a decimal point.
 731              return str_replace(',', '.', (string) $text);
 732          }
 734          $this->connect();
 736          $result = substr($this->connection->quote($text), 1, -1);
 738          if ($extra)
 739          {
 740              $result = addcslashes($result, '%_');
 741          }
 743          return $result;
 744      }
 746      /**
 747       * Unlocks tables in the database.
 748       *
 749       * @return  $this
 750       *
 751       * @since   1.0
 752       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 753       */
 754  	public function unlockTables()
 755      {
 756          $this->setQuery('UNLOCK TABLES')
 757              ->execute();
 759          return $this;
 760      }
 762      /**
 763       * Method to commit a transaction.
 764       *
 765       * @param   boolean  $toSavepoint  If true, commit to the last savepoint.
 766       *
 767       * @return  void
 768       *
 769       * @since   1.0
 770       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 771       */
 772  	public function transactionCommit($toSavepoint = false)
 773      {
 774          $this->connect();
 776          if (!$toSavepoint || $this->transactionDepth <= 1)
 777          {
 778              parent::transactionCommit($toSavepoint);
 779          }
 780          else
 781          {
 782              $this->transactionDepth--;
 783          }
 784      }
 786      /**
 787       * Method to roll back a transaction.
 788       *
 789       * @param   boolean  $toSavepoint  If true, rollback to the last savepoint.
 790       *
 791       * @return  void
 792       *
 793       * @since   1.0
 794       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 795       */
 796  	public function transactionRollback($toSavepoint = false)
 797      {
 798          $this->connect();
 800          if (!$toSavepoint || $this->transactionDepth <= 1)
 801          {
 802              parent::transactionRollback($toSavepoint);
 803          }
 804          else
 805          {
 806              $savepoint = 'SP_' . ($this->transactionDepth - 1);
 807              $this->setQuery('ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT ' . $this->quoteName($savepoint));
 809              if ($this->execute())
 810              {
 811                  $this->transactionDepth--;
 812              }
 813          }
 814      }
 816      /**
 817       * Method to initialize a transaction.
 818       *
 819       * @param   boolean  $asSavepoint  If true and a transaction is already active, a savepoint will be created.
 820       *
 821       * @return  void
 822       *
 823       * @since   1.0
 824       * @throws  \RuntimeException
 825       */
 826  	public function transactionStart($asSavepoint = false)
 827      {
 828          $this->connect();
 830          if (!$asSavepoint || !$this->transactionDepth)
 831          {
 832              parent::transactionStart($asSavepoint);
 833          }
 834          else
 835          {
 836              $savepoint = 'SP_' . $this->transactionDepth;
 837              $this->setQuery('SAVEPOINT ' . $this->quoteName($savepoint));
 839              if ($this->execute())
 840              {
 841                  $this->transactionDepth++;
 842              }
 843          }
 844      }
 845  }

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