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/libraries/vendor/joomla/console/src/Command/ -> AbstractCommand.php (summary)

Part of the Joomla Framework Console Package

Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005 - 2021 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
File Size: 591 lines (13 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 27 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

__construct(?string $name = null)   X-Ref
Command constructor.

param: string|null  $name  The name of the command; if the name is empty and no default is set, a name must be set in the configure() method

addArgument(string $name, ?int $mode = null, string $description = '', $default = null)   X-Ref
Adds an argument to the input definition.

param: string   $name         The argument name
param: integer  $mode         The argument mode: InputArgument::REQUIRED or InputArgument::OPTIONAL
param: string   $description  A description text
param: mixed    $default      The default value (for InputArgument::OPTIONAL mode only)
return: $this

addOption(string $name, $shortcut = null, ?int $mode = null, $description = '', $default = null)   X-Ref
Adds an option to the input definition.

param: string        $name         The option name
param: string|array  $shortcut     The shortcuts, can be null, a string of shortcuts delimited by | or an array of shortcuts
param: integer       $mode         The option mode: One of the VALUE_* constants
param: string        $description  A description text
param: mixed         $default      The default value (must be null for InputOption::VALUE_NONE)
return: $this

configure()   X-Ref
Configure the command.

return: void

execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)   X-Ref
Executes the command.

param: InputInterface   $input   The input to inject into the command.
param: OutputInterface  $output  The output to inject into the command.
return: integer  The command exit code

getAliases()   X-Ref
Get the command's aliases.

return: string[]

getApplication()   X-Ref
Get the application object.

return: Application  The application object.

getDefaultName()   X-Ref
Get the default command name for this class.

This allows a command name to defined and referenced without instantiating the full command class.

return: string|null

getDefinition()   X-Ref
Gets the InputDefinition attached to this command.

return: InputDefinition

getDescription()   X-Ref
Get the command's description.

return: string

getHelp()   X-Ref
Get the command's help.

return: string

getHelperSet()   X-Ref
Get the command's input helper set.

return: HelperSet|null

getName()   X-Ref
Get the command's name.

return: string|null

getProcessedHelp()   X-Ref
Returns the processed help for the command.

This method is used to replace placeholders in commands with the real values.
By default, this supports `%command.name%` and `%command.full_name`.

return: string

getSynopsis(bool $short = false)   X-Ref
Get the command's synopsis.

param: boolean  $short  Flag indicating whether the short or long version of the synopsis should be returned
return: string

initialise(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)   X-Ref
Internal hook to initialise the command after the input has been bound and before the input is validated.

param: InputInterface   $input   The input to inject into the command.
param: OutputInterface  $output  The output to inject into the command.
return: void

isEnabled()   X-Ref
Check if the command is enabled in this environment.

return: boolean

isHidden()   X-Ref
Check if the command is hidden from the command listing.

return: boolean

mergeApplicationDefinition(bool $mergeArgs = true)   X-Ref
Merges the application definition with the command definition.

param: boolean  $mergeArgs  Flag indicating whether the application's definition arguments should be merged
return: void

setAliases(array $aliases)   X-Ref
Set the command's aliases.

param: string[]  $aliases  The command aliases
return: void

setApplication(?Application $application = null)   X-Ref
Set the command's application.

param: Application  $application  The command's application
return: void

setDefinition($definition)   X-Ref
Sets the input definition for the command.

param: array|InputDefinition  $definition  Either an InputDefinition object or an array of objects to write to the definition.
return: void

setDescription(string $description)   X-Ref
Sets the description for the command.

param: string  $description  The description for the command
return: void

setHelp(string $help)   X-Ref
Sets the help for the command.

param: string  $help  The help for the command
return: void

setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet)   X-Ref
Set the command's input helper set.

param: HelperSet  $helperSet  The helper set.
return: void

setHidden(bool $hidden)   X-Ref
Set whether this command is hidden from the command listing.

param: boolean  $hidden  Flag if this command is hidden.
return: void

setName(string $name)   X-Ref
Set the command's name.

param: string  $name  The command name
return: void

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