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/libraries/vendor/google/recaptcha/src/ReCaptcha/ -> ReCaptcha.php (summary)

This is a PHP library that handles calling reCAPTCHA. BSD 3-Clause License

Copyright: (c) 2019, Google Inc.
File Size: 269 lines (9 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

ReCaptcha:: (7 methods):

Class: ReCaptcha  - X-Ref

reCAPTCHA client.

__construct($secret, RequestMethod $requestMethod = null)   X-Ref
Create a configured instance to use the reCAPTCHA service.

param: string $secret The shared key between your site and reCAPTCHA.
param: RequestMethod $requestMethod method used to send the request. Defaults to POST.

verify($response, $remoteIp = null)   X-Ref
Calls the reCAPTCHA siteverify API to verify whether the user passes
CAPTCHA test and additionally runs any specified additional checks

param: string $response The user response token provided by reCAPTCHA, verifying the user on your site.
param: string $remoteIp The end user's IP address.
return: Response Response from the service.

setExpectedHostname($hostname)   X-Ref
Provide a hostname to match against in verify()
This should be without a protocol or trailing slash, e.g. www.google.com

param: string $hostname Expected hostname
return: ReCaptcha Current instance for fluent interface

setExpectedApkPackageName($apkPackageName)   X-Ref
Provide an APK package name to match against in verify()

param: string $apkPackageName Expected APK package name
return: ReCaptcha Current instance for fluent interface

setExpectedAction($action)   X-Ref
Provide an action to match against in verify()
This should be set per page.

param: string $action Expected action
return: ReCaptcha Current instance for fluent interface

setScoreThreshold($threshold)   X-Ref
Provide a threshold to meet or exceed in verify()
Threshold should be a float between 0 and 1 which will be tested as response >= threshold.

param: float $threshold Expected threshold
return: ReCaptcha Current instance for fluent interface

setChallengeTimeout($timeoutSeconds)   X-Ref
Provide a timeout in seconds to test against the challenge timestamp in verify()

param: int $timeoutSeconds Expected hostname
return: ReCaptcha Current instance for fluent interface

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