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/libraries/vendor/dragonmantank/cron-expression/src/Cron/ -> CronExpression.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

CronExpression:: (19 methods):

Class: CronExpression  - X-Ref

CRON expression parser that can determine whether or not a CRON expression is
due to run, the next run date and previous run date of a CRON expression.
The determinations made by this class are accurate if checked run once per
minute (seconds are dropped from date time comparisons).

Schedule parts must map to:
minute [0-59], hour [0-23], day of month, month [1-12|JAN-DEC], day of week
[1-7|MON-SUN], and an optional year.

registerAlias(string $alias, string $expression)   X-Ref
Registered a user defined CRON Expression Alias.

unregisterAlias(string $alias)   X-Ref
Unregistered a user defined CRON Expression Alias.

supportsAlias(string $alias)   X-Ref
Tells whether a CRON Expression alias is registered.

getAliases()   X-Ref
Returns all registered aliases as an associated array where the aliases are the key
and their associated expressions are the values.

return: array<string, string>

factory(string $expression, FieldFactoryInterface $fieldFactory = null)   X-Ref

isValidExpression(string $expression)   X-Ref
Validate a CronExpression.

param: string $expression the CRON expression to validate
return: bool True if a valid CRON expression was passed. False if not.

__construct(string $expression, FieldFactoryInterface $fieldFactory = null)   X-Ref
Parse a CRON expression.

param: string $expression CRON expression (e.g. '8 * * * *')
param: null|FieldFactoryInterface $fieldFactory Factory to create cron fields

setExpression(string $value)   X-Ref
Set or change the CRON expression.

param: string $value CRON expression (e.g. 8 * * * *)
return: CronExpression

setPart(int $position, string $value)   X-Ref
Set part of the CRON expression.

param: int $position The position of the CRON expression to set
param: string $value The value to set
return: CronExpression

setMaxIterationCount(int $maxIterationCount)   X-Ref
Set max iteration count for searching next run dates.

param: int $maxIterationCount Max iteration count when searching for next run date
return: CronExpression

getNextRunDate($currentTime = 'now', int $nth = 0, bool $allowCurrentDate = false, $timeZone = null)   X-Ref
Get a next run date relative to the current date or a specific date

param: string|\DateTimeInterface $currentTime      Relative calculation date
param: int                       $nth              Number of matches to skip before returning a
param: bool                      $allowCurrentDate Set to TRUE to return the current date if
param: null|string               $timeZone         TimeZone to use instead of the system default
return: \DateTime

getPreviousRunDate($currentTime = 'now', int $nth = 0, bool $allowCurrentDate = false, $timeZone = null)   X-Ref
Get a previous run date relative to the current date or a specific date.

param: string|\DateTimeInterface $currentTime      Relative calculation date
param: int                       $nth              Number of matches to skip before returning
param: bool                      $allowCurrentDate Set to TRUE to return the
param: null|string               $timeZone         TimeZone to use instead of the system default
return: \DateTime

getMultipleRunDates(int $total, $currentTime = 'now', bool $invert = false, bool $allowCurrentDate = false, $timeZone = null)   X-Ref
Get multiple run dates starting at the current date or a specific date.

param: int $total Set the total number of dates to calculate
param: string|\DateTimeInterface|null $currentTime Relative calculation date
param: bool $invert Set to TRUE to retrieve previous dates
param: bool $allowCurrentDate Set to TRUE to return the
param: null|string $timeZone TimeZone to use instead of the system default
return: \DateTime[] Returns an array of run dates

getExpression($part = null)   X-Ref
Get all or part of the CRON expression.

param: int|string|null $part specify the part to retrieve or NULL to get the full
return: null|string Returns the CRON expression, a part of the

getParts()   X-Ref
Gets the parts of the cron expression as an array.

return: string[]

__toString()   X-Ref
Helper method to output the full expression.

return: string Full CRON expression

isDue($currentTime = 'now', $timeZone = null)   X-Ref
Determine if the cron is due to run based on the current date or a
specific date.  This method assumes that the current number of
seconds are irrelevant, and should be called once per minute.

param: string|\DateTimeInterface $currentTime Relative calculation date
param: null|string               $timeZone    TimeZone to use instead of the system default
return: bool Returns TRUE if the cron is due to run or FALSE if not

getRunDate($currentTime = null, int $nth = 0, bool $invert = false, bool $allowCurrentDate = false, $timeZone = null)   X-Ref
Get the next or previous run date of the expression relative to a date.

param: string|\DateTimeInterface|null $currentTime Relative calculation date
param: int $nth Number of matches to skip before returning
param: bool $invert Set to TRUE to go backwards in time
param: bool $allowCurrentDate Set to TRUE to return the
param: string|null $timeZone  TimeZone to use instead of the system default
return: \DateTime

determineTimeZone($currentTime, ?string $timeZone)   X-Ref
Workout what timeZone should be used.

param: string|\DateTimeInterface|null $currentTime Relative calculation date
param: string|null $timeZone TimeZone to use instead of the system default
return: string

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