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/libraries/vendor/defuse/php-encryption/src/ -> Crypto.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

Crypto:: (10 methods):

Class: Crypto  - X-Ref

encrypt($plaintext, $key, $raw_binary = false)   X-Ref
Encrypts a string with a Key.

param: string $plaintext
param: Key    $key
param: bool   $raw_binary
return: string

encryptWithPassword($plaintext, $password, $raw_binary = false)   X-Ref
Encrypts a string with a password, using a slow key derivation function
to make password cracking more expensive.

param: string $plaintext
param: string $password
param: bool   $raw_binary
return: string

decrypt($ciphertext, $key, $raw_binary = false)   X-Ref
Decrypts a ciphertext to a string with a Key.

param: string $ciphertext
param: Key    $key
param: bool   $raw_binary
return: string

decryptWithPassword($ciphertext, $password, $raw_binary = false)   X-Ref
Decrypts a ciphertext to a string with a password, using a slow key
derivation function to make password cracking more expensive.

param: string $ciphertext
param: string $password
param: bool   $raw_binary
return: string

legacyDecrypt($ciphertext, $key)   X-Ref
Decrypts a legacy ciphertext produced by version 1 of this library.

param: string $ciphertext
param: string $key
return: string

encryptInternal($plaintext, KeyOrPassword $secret, $raw_binary)   X-Ref
Encrypts a string with either a key or a password.

param: string        $plaintext
param: KeyOrPassword $secret
param: bool          $raw_binary
return: string

decryptInternal($ciphertext, KeyOrPassword $secret, $raw_binary)   X-Ref
Decrypts a ciphertext to a string with either a key or a password.

param: string        $ciphertext
param: KeyOrPassword $secret
param: bool          $raw_binary
return: string

plainEncrypt($plaintext, $key, $iv)   X-Ref
Raw unauthenticated encryption (insecure on its own).

param: string $plaintext
param: string $key
param: string $iv
return: string

plainDecrypt($ciphertext, $key, $iv, $cipherMethod)   X-Ref
Raw unauthenticated decryption (insecure on its own).

param: string $ciphertext
param: string $key
param: string $iv
param: string $cipherMethod
return: string

verifyHMAC($expected_hmac, $message, $key)   X-Ref
Verifies an HMAC without leaking information through side-channels.

param: string $expected_hmac
param: string $message
param: string $key
return: bool

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