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/libraries/vendor/brick/math/src/Internal/ -> Calculator.php (summary)

Performs basic operations on arbitrary size integers. Unless otherwise specified, all parameters must be validated as non-empty strings of digits, without leading zero, and with an optional leading minus sign if the number is not zero.

File Size: 756 lines (21 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 23 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

set(?Calculator $calculator)   X-Ref
Sets the Calculator instance to use.

An instance is typically set only in unit tests: the autodetect is usually the best option.

param: Calculator|null $calculator The calculator instance, or NULL to revert to autodetect.
return: void

get()   X-Ref
Returns the Calculator instance to use.

If none has been explicitly set, the fastest available implementation will be returned.

return: Calculator

detect()   X-Ref
Returns the fastest available Calculator implementation.

return: Calculator

init(string $a, string $b)   X-Ref
Extracts the sign & digits of the operands.

param: string $a The first operand.
param: string $b The second operand.
return: array{0: bool, 1: bool, 2: string, 3: string} Whether $a and $b are negative, followed by their digits.

abs(string $n)   X-Ref
Returns the absolute value of a number.

param: string $n The number.
return: string The absolute value.

neg(string $n)   X-Ref
Negates a number.

param: string $n The number.
return: string The negated value.

cmp(string $a, string $b)   X-Ref
Compares two numbers.

param: string $a The first number.
param: string $b The second number.
return: int [-1, 0, 1] If the first number is less than, equal to, or greater than the second number.

mod(string $a, string $b)   X-Ref

param: string $a
param: string $b The modulus; must not be zero.
return: string

modInverse(string $x, string $m)   X-Ref
Returns the modular multiplicative inverse of $x modulo $m.

If $x has no multiplicative inverse mod m, this method must return null.

This method can be overridden by the concrete implementation if the underlying library has built-in support.

param: string $x
param: string $m The modulus; must not be negative or zero.
return: string|null

gcd(string $a, string $b)   X-Ref
Returns the greatest common divisor of the two numbers.

This method can be overridden by the concrete implementation if the underlying library
has built-in support for GCD calculations.

param: string $a The first number.
param: string $b The second number.
return: string The GCD, always positive, or zero if both arguments are zero.

gcdExtended(string $a, string $b, string &$x, string &$y)   X-Ref
No description

fromBase(string $number, int $base)   X-Ref
Converts a number from an arbitrary base.

This method can be overridden by the concrete implementation if the underlying library
has built-in support for base conversion.

param: string $number The number, positive or zero, non-empty, case-insensitively validated for the given base.
param: int    $base   The base of the number, validated from 2 to 36.
return: string The converted number, following the Calculator conventions.

toBase(string $number, int $base)   X-Ref
Converts a number to an arbitrary base.

This method can be overridden by the concrete implementation if the underlying library
has built-in support for base conversion.

param: string $number The number to convert, following the Calculator conventions.
param: int    $base   The base to convert to, validated from 2 to 36.
return: string The converted number, lowercase.

fromArbitraryBase(string $number, string $alphabet, int $base)   X-Ref
Converts a non-negative number in an arbitrary base using a custom alphabet, to base 10.

param: string $number   The number to convert, validated as a non-empty string,
param: string $alphabet The alphabet that contains every digit, validated as 2 chars minimum.
param: int    $base     The base of the number, validated from 2 to alphabet length.
return: string The number in base 10, following the Calculator conventions.

toArbitraryBase(string $number, string $alphabet, int $base)   X-Ref
Converts a non-negative number to an arbitrary base using a custom alphabet.

param: string $number   The number to convert, positive or zero, following the Calculator conventions.
param: string $alphabet The alphabet that contains every digit, validated as 2 chars minimum.
param: int    $base     The base to convert to, validated from 2 to alphabet length.
return: string The converted number in the given alphabet.

divRound(string $a, string $b, int $roundingMode)   X-Ref
Performs a rounded division.

Rounding is performed when the remainder of the division is not zero.

param: string $a            The dividend.
param: string $b            The divisor.
param: int    $roundingMode The rounding mode.
return: string

and(string $a, string $b)   X-Ref
Calculates bitwise AND of two numbers.

This method can be overridden by the concrete implementation if the underlying library
has built-in support for bitwise operations.

param: string $a
param: string $b
return: string

or(string $a, string $b)   X-Ref
Calculates bitwise OR of two numbers.

This method can be overridden by the concrete implementation if the underlying library
has built-in support for bitwise operations.

param: string $a
param: string $b
return: string

xor(string $a, string $b)   X-Ref
Calculates bitwise XOR of two numbers.

This method can be overridden by the concrete implementation if the underlying library
has built-in support for bitwise operations.

param: string $a
param: string $b
return: string

bitwise(string $operator, string $a, string $b)   X-Ref
Performs a bitwise operation on a decimal number.

param: string $operator The operator to use, must be "and", "or" or "xor".
param: string $a        The left operand.
param: string $b        The right operand.
return: string

twosComplement(string $number)   X-Ref

param: string $number A positive, binary number.
return: string

toBinary(string $number)   X-Ref
Converts a decimal number to a binary string.

param: string $number The number to convert, positive or zero, only digits.
return: string

toDecimal(string $bytes)   X-Ref
Returns the positive decimal representation of a binary number.

param: string $bytes The bytes representing the number.
return: string

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