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/libraries/vendor/brick/math/src/ -> BigRational.php (summary)

An arbitrarily large rational number. This class is immutable.

File Size: 479 lines (13 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 31 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

__construct(BigInteger $numerator, BigInteger $denominator, bool $checkDenominator)   X-Ref
Protected constructor. Use a factory method to obtain an instance.

param: BigInteger $numerator        The numerator.
param: BigInteger $denominator      The denominator.
param: bool       $checkDenominator Whether to check the denominator for negative and zero.

of($value)   X-Ref
Creates a BigRational of the given value.

param: BigNumber|int|float|string $value
return: BigRational

nd($numerator, $denominator)   X-Ref
Creates a BigRational out of a numerator and a denominator.

If the denominator is negative, the signs of both the numerator and the denominator
will be inverted to ensure that the denominator is always positive.

param: BigNumber|int|float|string $numerator   The numerator. Must be convertible to a BigInteger.
param: BigNumber|int|float|string $denominator The denominator. Must be convertible to a BigInteger.
return: BigRational

zero()   X-Ref
Returns a BigRational representing zero.

return: BigRational

one()   X-Ref
Returns a BigRational representing one.

return: BigRational

ten()   X-Ref
Returns a BigRational representing ten.

return: BigRational

getNumerator()   X-Ref

return: BigInteger

getDenominator()   X-Ref

return: BigInteger

quotient()   X-Ref
Returns the quotient of the division of the numerator by the denominator.

return: BigInteger

remainder()   X-Ref
Returns the remainder of the division of the numerator by the denominator.

return: BigInteger

quotientAndRemainder()   X-Ref
Returns the quotient and remainder of the division of the numerator by the denominator.

return: BigInteger[]

plus($that)   X-Ref
Returns the sum of this number and the given one.

param: BigNumber|int|float|string $that The number to add.
return: BigRational The result.

minus($that)   X-Ref
Returns the difference of this number and the given one.

param: BigNumber|int|float|string $that The number to subtract.
return: BigRational The result.

multipliedBy($that)   X-Ref
Returns the product of this number and the given one.

param: BigNumber|int|float|string $that The multiplier.
return: BigRational The result.

dividedBy($that)   X-Ref
Returns the result of the division of this number by the given one.

param: BigNumber|int|float|string $that The divisor.
return: BigRational The result.

power(int $exponent)   X-Ref
Returns this number exponentiated to the given value.

param: int $exponent The exponent.
return: BigRational The result.

reciprocal()   X-Ref
Returns the reciprocal of this BigRational.

The reciprocal has the numerator and denominator swapped.

return: BigRational

abs()   X-Ref
Returns the absolute value of this BigRational.

return: BigRational

negated()   X-Ref
Returns the negated value of this BigRational.

return: BigRational

simplified()   X-Ref
Returns the simplified value of this BigRational.

return: BigRational

compareTo($that)   X-Ref

getSign()   X-Ref

toBigInteger()   X-Ref

toBigDecimal()   X-Ref

toBigRational()   X-Ref

toScale(int $scale, int $roundingMode = RoundingMode::UNNECESSARY)   X-Ref

toInt()   X-Ref

toFloat()   X-Ref

__toString()   X-Ref

serialize()   X-Ref
This method is required by interface Serializable and SHOULD NOT be accessed directly.

return: string

unserialize($value)   X-Ref
This method is only here to implement interface Serializable and cannot be accessed directly.

param: string $value
return: void

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