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/libraries/src/Utility/ -> BufferStreamHandler.php (summary)

Joomla! Content Management System

Copyright: (C) 2007 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 254 lines (6 kb)
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Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

BufferStreamHandler:: (10 methods):

Class: BufferStreamHandler  - X-Ref

Generic Buffer stream handler

This class provides a generic buffer stream.  It can be used to store/retrieve/manipulate
string buffers with the standard PHP filesystem I/O methods.

stream_register()   X-Ref
Function to register the stream wrapper

return: void

stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$openedPath)   X-Ref
Function to open file or url

param: string   $path         The URL that was passed
param: string   $mode         Mode used to open the file @see fopen
param: integer  $options      Flags used by the API, may be STREAM_USE_PATH and
param: string   &$openedPath  Full path of the resource. Used with STREAM_USE_PATH option
return: boolean

stream_read($count)   X-Ref
Read stream

param: integer  $count  How many bytes of data from the current position should be returned.
return: mixed    The data from the stream up to the specified number of bytes (all data if

stream_write($data)   X-Ref
Write stream

param: string  $data  The data to write to the stream.
return: integer

stream_tell()   X-Ref
Function to get the current position of the stream

return: integer

stream_eof()   X-Ref
Function to test for end of file pointer

return: boolean  True if the pointer is at the end of the stream

stream_seek($offset, $whence)   X-Ref
The read write position updates in response to $offset and $whence

param: integer  $offset  The offset in bytes
param: integer  $whence  Position the offset is added to
return: boolean  True if updated

seek_set($offset)   X-Ref
Set the position to the offset

param: integer  $offset  The offset in bytes
return: boolean

seek_cur($offset)   X-Ref
Adds the offset to current position

param: integer  $offset  The offset in bytes
return: boolean

seek_end($offset)   X-Ref
Sets the position to the end of the current buffer + offset

param: integer  $offset  The offset in bytes
return: boolean

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